Inglés Técnico para Negocios Facilitador: Carlos E. de León James
Inglés Técnico para Negocios Facilitador: Carlos E. de León James
Inglés Técnico para Negocios Facilitador: Carlos E. de León James
Unidad 5. Actividad 2.
An expert in the field gives us the most important questions that can be presented when
applying for a position as a manager or supervisor in a company. It also gives us the points
we should focus on.
1. Tell me about yourself and why you would make a good Senior
Manager/Director for our company?
Tips: Focus entirely on job skills, being a visionary, and how your primary goal is to
move the company forward and achieve the employer's strategic goals.
Successful managers and directors have one thing in common: they can motivate and
inspire their employees to believe in their vision and act on it.
First, I have experience in achieving company goals and my only goal in working for
you is to work hard to achieve my goals. I am someone who is extremely passionate about
my work and I understand that the only way to be successful in this role is to put in the
hours, work smart and lead my team to the end goal.
I am a strong visionary leader and leader who can motivate and inspire my team to be
their best, while keeping the strategic goals of the organization in mind.
When you hire me as a General Manager/Director, please believe that you are investing
in a reliable, trustworthy, hardworking and professional leader who can solve complex
problems and remain calm under pressure while being a positive role model and
representative for his organization .
6. How important is company culture to you and what steps would you take to
maintain your desired culture?
Tips: company culture is an essential part of a productive, happy and skilled workforce.
There are many different elements that can all have a positive impact on creating a strong
culture in any organization. Use them in your answer to this interview question.
It is recommended that you tell the panel that you will spend
weeks observing and evaluating the current culture of the organization before making
the necessary changes according to the culture you want to see in the company.
Example: Company culture is very important to me and I believe it is absolutely essential
to helping senior executives and managers achieve organizational goals. When you create
a strong and positive culture within your organization, not only will your employees be
more productive and happier in their roles, but you'll also encourage innovation, ingenuity
and engagement.
There are many ways to develop a strong culture, including openness, commitment to
employees, encouraging innovation, involving all team members in the decision-making
process, focusing on quality, providing open and honest feedback, identifying and
developing talent, and also engaging. . to continuous improvement.
If I am successful in the interview today, I will spend about
weeks assessing and observing the current culture of the organization before making and
implementing the necessary changes. This approach allows me to develop and maintain
a strong and positive culture so that we can all successfully achieve the goals of the
7. What are your long term goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
Tips: At this senior management level, you are either at or near the top of your career.
Therefore, your answer should be based on stability and longevity in the job you are
interviewing for. The interview panel wants someone who can take their organization
forward, and of course that takes time. If you plan to leave soon, you will not get a seat.
So base your answer entirely on their business and the long term success of the
organization. When it comes to how you plan to achieve long-term success, focus on
developing a strong culture and building a team around you who are all capable of striving
to achieve the organization's goals.