Mike MacDonald Marty Gallagher

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Mike MacDonald | Marty Gallagher

16–20 minutes

The pleasant looking young man in the photo is Mike MacDonald.

He is 28 years old, stands 5′9″ inches and weighed 195 pounds at
the time this photo was shot in 1978. Later that same day he bench
pressed 560 pounds, raw, paused, in official competition. “Mac,”
like John Kuc, defied strength reality; he was an iron bumblebee, in
that physicists have determined with great certainty that, from a
structural and engineering standpoint, the bumblebee is physically
incapable of flight – or should be, based upon intense analysis and
factoring in all the known laws of aerodynamics and
thermodynamics – yet fly the portly bumblebee does, defying
science and logic and seemingly in defiance of Nature herself.

Mike in 1978: “Mac looked like Jane, lifted like Tarzan.”

To watch Mac bench press was to witness the impossible. Mike
MacDonald was the iron equivalent of the humble bumblebee; he
was a muscle-less, bench press grand maestro that lifted incredible
poundage using a completely unorthodox Old School training
approach that still makes modernists cringe and rant hysterically
about the “inapplicability” and “nonsensical” nature of Mac’s training
approach. Mike was a rebel: he liked to bench press and he bench
pressed often; he lived on a steady diet of single-rep bench
presses. He used a meager four exercises to build one of the most
awesome bench press resumes in history. Never in the history of
strength sports did one small man get so much out of so little.

The bench press is the most practiced of all free-weight progressive

resistance exercises, and has been since the 1960s, when the
bench press overtook the overhead press as the most practiced lift,
the yardstick/benchmark, for real men training in real gyms. A large
part of the bench press’s overwhelming popularity was (and is) due
to the amazing upper body benefits the properly performed bench
press bestows upon its dedicated practitioners.

A cursory glance at the bench press superstars of yesteryear

reveals an across-the-board commonality: big-ass muscles. The
Kings of the Bench Press are muscular giants: heavily developed in
the upper and lower pecs, front delts, triceps and even the lats – an
elite bench presser uses the flexed lats as a braking mechanism
while lowering massive poundage; they will also use the contracted
lats as a foundational launch pad for the concentric push phase.
Indeed, one need only reexamine photos of the bench greats at
their respective peaks to verify our contention that, though they
might vary in height and structure, big benchers had lots of muscle!

There have been a slim few “muscle-less” bench press wonders,

men with very little (relatively speaking) muscle that have held
world bench press records. The two supreme and outstanding
examples are Ric Weil circa 1985 and Mike MacDonald circa 1979.
Ric was as unimposing as Mac; imagine, Weil, a man so slight that
with extended fingers he could not touch the edges of a five pound
plate (try it!) Ric broke a dozen world bench press records and this
slim 5′5″ man eventually raw bench pressed an astounding 551
pounds weighing 180. No one has come close to that mark in the
28 years since it was set. Ric was diminutive, yet ungodly strong in
the bench press, for some inexplicable reason.

The unlikeliest of all bench press world record holders was, is, and
likely forever shall be, Mike MacDonald. Mike started setting world
records when he was skinny as a basketball point guard on an
Indiana high school team. The then 179 pound string-bean of a
man bench pressed 484 pounds in the 181 pound class for his first
world record. Mike eventually pushed his 181 pound class WR up
to 522 pounds – with 15.5 inch arms. MacDonald was the first man
to set world record bench presses in four different weight classes.
In addition to having no muscle, he also was further disadvantaged
in that he was extremely light boned: his wrists measured a
miniscule 6.75 inches, whereas 8-inch + wrists were and are the
norm for bench press monster men. Heavy, thick bones, dense as
forged steel, are ideal for moving massive weight; the ideal bench
presser has the structure of a rhino, not a gazelle. Mac was a
gazelle amongst rhinos.

Over his decade-long career, MacDonald pushed his bodyweight

up and down, setting world records at all stops along the way; he
went as low as 175 pounds in bodyweight and as high as 232
pounds. Weighing 232 pounds Mike bench pressed an astounding
625 pounds, paused. While Mike looked gaunt and anemic at 180
pounds, he looked trim and athletic at 195. At 230 pounds he
looked dumpy, frumpy, non-athletic and chubby. When he was
heavy, Mike looked more like an out-of-shape accountant at H&R
Block than the greatest bench presser in the world. At every
bodyweight he was phenomenal; Mike was a strength riddle tucked
inside an enigma wrapped in a paradox. Anyone that ever saw the
Minnesota native in action, benching some ungodly poundage, all
had the same reaction, “How in the hell does he do that?! How can
such a normal looking dude bench press so much?” Everything
about Mike McDonald seemed impossible; he was in obvious
defiance of Nature and science and logic.

Mike was a Vietnam veteran that came home and began competing
in the then new sport of powerlifting. Mike came out of the
Minnesota power scene that has produced a veritable parade of all-
star strength greats, including Don Reinhoudt, Mel Hennessey, Don
Cundy (the first man to deadlift 800 officially), the Gillingham Boys
and the late great Jerry Jones. Add Mike MacDonald’s name to that
long list of Minnesota strongmen. McDonald had always been
freaky strong in the bench press. While still in high school at age 17
he bench pressed 320 weighing 160 pounds, this done sporting a
pipsqueak pair of 14.5 inch arms. I stood next to an old time power
man as we watched MacDonald set a world record at 181 in
Pennsylvania. “Mac looks like Jane but lifts like Tarzan.” It was the
first time I’d ever heard that particular strength cliché used.

McDonald, when he was young and light, looked like a blond frat
boy. Later in life he looked like someone’s dad watching their 10-
year-old daughter at a youth soccer game. You would not even
think the guy trained. Then he would lie down on the bench and
nonchalantly (he would often wear his penny loafer street shoes)
work up to 600 + pounds, without a liftoff or a spotter.

In the top photo of young Mike, he is shown standing behind his

patented “cambered bar.” The cambered bar was all the rage in
power and strength circles for a short while. Mike invented it
because he could no longer perform dumbbell bench presses, his
favorite barbell bench press assistance exercise. He was such a
strong bench presser, even by hardcore standards, that the
heaviest dumbbells were now insufficiently heavy for Mike. He
pondered and thought and eventually visualized a bent barbell that
would replicate the deep, below-the-chest pre-stretch effect he got
using heavy dumbbells. Giant dumbbells are awkward and
somewhat dangerous to get into place. They are equally dangerous
when the set is done and it is time to be shed of the twin monsters.

The cambered bar died for a couple of reasons: its unyielding

nature caused a lot of shoulder problems for an unacceptably large
percentage of users. Dumbbells, as they are lowered and raised,
allow for hand shifts, adjustments and wrist rotation. Mike’s
cambered bar locked the arms and shoulders into place and for
many lifters caused undue shoulder and wrist stress. Mere mortals
that seek to replicate Mike’s approach can continue to use
dumbbells. To mimic Mike’s cambered bar effect, use dumbbells
and allow them to sink below the level of the chest at the bottom of
each bench press. To make the tough tougher, Mike used
excruciatingly long pauses – 5 seconds per rep!

Mike would bench press three times per week. His pre-competition
tactic was to concentrate on strict, single-rep lifts using his 32-inch
grip width, and hit max poundage three times a week. This was a
competition bench pressing that stressed explosiveness. Mike used
a grand total of four exercises for his entire upper body training
program: the competition-style bench press, usually done for single
reps sets. This was augmented in the same training session with
partial-rep barbell lockouts followed by the cambered bar paused
reps and finally the standing overhead tricep behind the head
press. That was it.

Mike McDonald training session

At his heaviest bodyweight Mike performed this workout:

• Bench Press: 135x5, 2 sets; 325x1, 3 sets; 425x1; 525x1; 625x1

• Sticking Point Lockouts: 475 x 3, 475 x 3 (75% of max)

• Cambered bar paused bench presses: 435 x 3 for three sets (each
rep paused for 5 seconds; 70%)

• Overhead tricep press: 205x6, 255x6, 305x6, 255x6

At his peak Mike MacDonald bench pressed three times per week:
that’s no typo. In the 1970s, when Mac was peaking, bodybuilders
such as Arnold, Robbie, Sergio and Franco were all training body
parts thrice weekly. Nowadays three times weekly for a body part is
considered sacrilegious and a surefire way to become “over-
trained.” One genius motto of that simpler era was, “There is no
such thing as over-training – only under-eating.” To compound his
sacrilegious and heretical frequency, MacDonald worked up to a
maximum single three times a week. He liked to do single-rep max
benches, and he got damned good at them.

He made it work (single reps/thrice weekly benching) by cutting

way back on “normal” bench assistance work, eschewing
completely certain muscles and muscle groups. MacDonald did no
bicep work, no lat work, no shoulder work, no incline presses, no
overhead pressing, and he used one tricep exercise. His purposeful
paucity of exercises enabled him to train the bench often and max
out frequently. MacDonald would blow off a session if there was any
residual soreness from the previous session. If he detected any
pec/delt/tricep/lat/trap soreness he would skip the session. If he felt
“off” psychologically, he would adjust the max single for that
particular session.

The lone MacDonald exercise that wasn’t some type of flat bench
press was his unique tricep press that was done standing. This
movement resembled a close grip press-behind-the-neck and
allowed MacDonald to blast his triceps with big poundage. He
would set up inside a power rack, setting the pins at eyeball height.
He would take a thumb-less grip, his hands about 12-15 inches
apart, and push the first rep to arm’s length overhead. He would
then lower the barbell down and back, like a behind the neck press,
to a point about two inches behind the back of his head. He would
then press the barbell straight up to complete lockout. He was bull
strong in this exercise and could press 305 pounds for 6 strict reps.

Trainees should substitute long-pause (5 seconds per rep)

dumbbell bench presses for Mike’s cambered bar bench presses.
Mike was a big fan of Texas bench press king Ronnie Ray, and one
of Ronnie’s favored tactics for finishing one of his marathon bench
press sessions was to perform a final single rep, paused on the
chest for 30 seconds – with 405 pounds. You can see how Ray
influenced Mac’s thinking; MacDonald would perform three sets of
three reps with five-second pauses on each rep – Mac could use
435 pounds. When he used his cambered bar, Mike wanted to feel
“burning and stretching.” MacDonald felt that driving up the
cambered bar poundage resulted in proportional increase in his
regular bench press.

Here are Mike’s bench maximums in the differing weight


• 181 pound class 522

• 198 pound class 562

• 220 pound class 603

• 242 pound class 635 (weighing 232)

Mike’s best official lift was 608 made in 1977. It took 29 years for
someone to break this raw bench record mark, set by a man that
looked like a clerk at Home Depot. Mike won the second most
prestigious national powerlifting in 1977 when he won the Junior
National Powerlifting Championships. Mike set a new world bench
press record with a 539 pound effort. Mike also squatted 655,
deadlifted 640 and totaled 1,835 as a 198-pound lifter. He won his
weight class and also won the overall Best Lifter trophy.
No tricks or contortions, Mike benches 600 weighing 230 with a 17
inch arm.

How to Bench Like Mike

So what lessons can an intermediate student of the bench press,

looking to up his bench press game, learn from Mac? The workout
snapshot provides one of many strategies McDonald would use
over the course of his training year. Still, it is illustrative of how the
best in the world benched prior to a major competition. Like Mark
Chaillet, Mac was not afraid of single-rep lifts done in training. He
obviously felt that a period of single-rep bench pressing,
immediately before a competition, made for an excellent
competitive dress rehearsal. Here is a hypothetical five-week
competition peaking template; this is for a 170-pound man with a
300-pound bench press (1.77 times bodyweight) looking to become
a far more muscular 180 pound man with a 330 bench press (1.80
times bodyweight.)

McDonald viewed the single-rep bench press as an opportunity to

work on his bench press technique. So should you. He benched
explosively and felt that explosiveness in a single-rep context was a
learned skill that should be practiced in the single-rep format. Mike
backed up his explosive paused singles with long-pause cambered
bar benches: The expert use of dumbbells replicates the results
derived front Mike’s cambered bar. Dumbbells allow for shifting
wrist position on both raising and lowering; this lessens shoulder

I would strongly recommend doing any partial-rep bench pressing

in a power rack; set the pins just below elbow height. Take the
bench off the support pins and lower down until the barbell hovers
just over top of the pins; push upward to full and compete lockout
for all three reps. Here is how a hypothetical 170 pound man with a
300 pound competitive bench press would drive upward to the next
level in a five week timeframe: use 4 weeks to prep for a new max
attempt in week 5. Each week drive the bodyweight upward by two
pounds. This is predicated on starting off this 5-week peak cycle
lean and light and in top physical condition. The best way to add
quality bodyweight is start off a mass building phase coming off of a
lean-out phase. Adding quality bodyweight is critical for making this
type of routine work.

Five Week Peak, McDonald style:

Week bench dumbbell paused lockout bodyweight

press bench bench press

1 280 x 1 70-pound bells, 3 235 for 2 sets 172

sets of 3 of 3

2 295 x 1 80-pound bells, 3 245 for 2 sets 174

sets of 3 of 3

3 310 x 1 90-pound bells, 3 255 for 2 sets 176

sets of 3 of 3
4 325 x 1 95-pound bells, 3 265 for 2 sets 178
sets of 3 of 3

Competition 335 @ 180

The single rep top sets illustrated in the chart would be performed
after a through warm-up.

Week 1 135x10, 185x3, 225x1, 255x1 then 280x1

Week 2 135x10, 195x3, 235x1, 265x1 then 295x1

Week 3 135x10, 195x3, 235x1, 275x1, then 310x1

Week 4 135x10, 205x3, 245x1, 275x1, 305x1 then 325x1

Competition: 1st attempt, 300; second attempt, 320; 3rd attempt,


We start off this five week mini-cycle at 10% under capacity and
end up at 10% over and above capacity. In addition we add
bodyweight; 6% in five weeks. This requires a serious commitment
to eating. This is another reason why it is important to come into
this cycle lean and light and existing on a low-calorie (relatively
speaking) diet. This way, when the hypothetical trainee swings into
this low volume, low rep, power peaking routine, by having a low
caloric ceiling, adding back in calories should make the requisite
two pound per week weight gain relatively effortless, at least for the
first three weeks. By the middle of week three the athlete will have
to pay attention to the scale and do what is necessary to hit the
weekly bodyweight goals.

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