School Uniform Positions

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School Uniforms: Pro or Con?

Dr. Rachel Williams

Should students have to wear uniforms in school? Politicians, parents, teachers, and
students all have strong opinions on this issue. There are many arguments on both sides
of this debate. We are going to go over a few of these arguments to explain both sides of
the position. Why do some people say that all schools should have uniforms, while
others say that school uniforms should be left in the past?

Those who support school uniforms believes that wearing uniforms will increase school
safety and decrease instances of bullying among students. Students wearing uniforms
create fewer discipline problems, some experts say. They believe that wearing uniforms
decreases bad and dangerous behavior such as fighting. Also, uniforms mean that it is
very easy to identify intruders and people who don’t belong and may be a danger to the

Bullying is another safety issue that experts believe can be solved by uniforms. Some
students get teased or bullied because they are not wearing new or fashionable clothing
or simply because they dress differently than the other kids. With uniforms, all students
will fit in and no one will be singled out as strange or different because of their clothes.

Supporters of school uniforms also believe that students who wear uniforms have better
academic results. Because students will be focused only on their studies and not on their
clothes, their grades will go up. They will spend less time on picking out clothes and
more on doing their homework. Wearing uniforms also makes students feel like they are
professionals: wearing official clothing puts students in the right mindset to work hard
and behave well.

School uniforms can also increase feelings of school unity and pride. When students are
all wearing the same outfit, they feel a sense of unity and group identity that can make
school spirit stronger. School spirit can set the tone for improving many aspects of the
school. Students will work harder and behave better if they are not just thinking about
themselves, but also thinking about how their actions affect the school as a whole. If
school uniforms make students feel this school pride, the overall achievement level of
the school will increase and problems will decrease.

Another reason given by those who support school uniforms is that when students wear
uniforms to school, this will decrease their feelings of being in competition with each
other. All families are different: some have more money to spend on nice clothes and
some don’t have very much. Students wearing uniforms do not feel that they need to

keep up with the clothing other students are wearing and do not feel embarrassment
about their own clothing. A uniform means all students see each other as equals and do
not judge based on whether they can afford fancy clothing.

Many supporters of school uniforms also say that school uniforms are helpful to poorer
families because they will spend less money on clothing. Buying clothing for the new
school year can be expensive, especially for families that have more than child! Parents
have to buy a variety of shirts, trousers, dresses, and skirts, in addition to shoes and
accessories to go with them all. Uniforms, many experts explain, make back-to-school
shopping less expensive because instead of buying a large amount of different clothing,
parents only have to buy a few outfits. This means that families with less money will not
have a hard time buying their children proper clothing in addition to school supplies.

On the other hand, there are many good reasons for not having uniforms in schools.
Many experts claim that school uniforms simply are not effective as a means of changing
student behavior or academic achievement. Some people claim that uniforms reduce
discipline problems and raise grades, but other experts say that this has not been proven
or is simply not true. They explain that if teachers and school officials want to make
these changes, there are other rules and policies to change that will be more effective.
Some studies even show that school uniforms can make these problems even worse.

Another reason many people are against instituting school uniforms is that students
simply do not like them. Students think that uniforms are ugly, uncomfortable, and
boring. They do not like being forced to wear clothing that they did not choose. Most
students do not want to wear uniforms and, if they could, would rather go to a school
that does not require them. This means that schools that do require uniforms could see
enrollment go down as students choose an option that they like better.

Clothing is not disruptive, many students and teachers point out, so how can it cause a
problem in school? Clothing does not make noise or stop students from learning.
Wearing their own clothes allows students to share their thoughts without interfering
with educational opportunities. Because students’ self-expression on clothing generally
does not disrupt class, uniforms are inefficient and unnecessary and require school
officials to be worried about what everyone is wearing.

One more reason to be cautious about school uniforms is that they can restrict freedom
of expression. Freedom of expression is guaranteed to all Americans in the First
Amendment of the Constitution, and some scholars think that uniforms harm the
freedom of students to express themselves. This freedom of expression is an important
value, and schools should teach students this value, not restrict it.

Self-expression is also important to students because it gives them a chance to explore

and develop their personalities. Telling students what they have to wear instead of
letting them choose will stop this, and may harm students’ as they try to figure out who
they are as they grow up. When children select their own clothing, they are able to
develop confidence and independence. Growing up is a time of self-exploration and
identity development, and school uniforms would not let students explore in this way.

Some educators and parents also point out that school uniforms can actually lead to
families having to spend more money on clothing, not less. If students do not have
uniforms, they explain, each parent can choose how much money to spend on clothing
for their children. Families with more money can spend more, and families with less
money can spend less. Uniforms, on the other hand, have one set cost, but a family with
less money to spend on clothing will still have to spend this amount, whether they can
afford it or not. This may mean they have less money to spend on other important
school supplies.

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