1. It is a negotiable instrument signed by the depositor 9. A form used by the bank notifying the depositor that
ordering the bank to pay a sum of money to a person or his account cash balance is increased which may due to
entity interest earned on the depositor or collection made by
the bank in favor of the depositor.
A. Payee B. Drawer
A. Error B. Bank Debit Memo
C. Promissory Note D. Check
C. Bank Credit Memo D. Bank Serv Charge
2. Checks paid by the bank that were deducted from the
depositor's account and returned together with the 10. A form used by the bank notifying the depositor
monthly bank statement. that his account cash balance is decreased due to bank
service charge balance.
A. Crossed check B. Stale check
A. Error B. Bank Debit Memo
C. Certified check D. Cancelled check
C. Bank Credit Memo D. Bank Serv Charge
3. A check not accepted for deposit or not honored for
payment due to some defects in the check (e.g. no 11. This refer to the mistake committed by one or both
signature, with erasures, the words do not tally with the parties (the bank and the depositor)
figure, unauthorized signature/s etc.)
A. Error B. Bank Debit Memo
A. Post Dated check B. Dishonored check
C. Bank Credit Memo D. Bank Serv Charge
C. Cancelled check D. Crossed Check
4. A Check which cannot be encashed by the payee and 12. The burden of taxation should be proportionate to
can only be deposited in his account. the ability of the taxpayer to pay it.
26. Income derived within the Philippines by 40. What is the primary purpose of taxation?
nonresident citizen. TAXABLE
To collect revenues (tax) that will
27. Income derived within the Philippines by Resident be use by the government to pay its
Foreign Corporation. TAXABLE expenses/projects.