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Soy milk is a high protein, ron-rich milky liquid

produced from pressing ground, cooked
soybeans. Creamy white soy mik resembles cows
mik but n tact diters from its dain counterpart in
a number of ways. Not only is it higher n protein
and iron content, but it is cholesterol-free, low
fat, and low

sodium. It s. however. ower n colcium and must

be fonted

with calcium when given to growing chidren.

Those who are

allergic to cows mik or are unable to digest

lactose, the natural sugar found in cow's mik, ind
soy mik easy to digest since it is lactose-free.

Those who ore colore.conscius con purchose

resuced tot
soy milk called life soy milk) but the s often lower
in protei as well. some do not enjoy ine taste of
orginal soy milk, so

manufacturers now offer lavored soy mix. soy

mik can be substituted for milk in nearly any

Those who merely want to boost protein intake

often add

oowdered soy mi‹ to other beverages, others find

it economical to purchase † in powder form and
then make soy

mix vnen they occ woter to ine powcer. Chioren

under one year of age should be given a formula
of soy mik specitically developed with ther
nuintional needs n mnd.

Soy milk requires only soybeans and water (and

steam) for its creation. Soy mik is nearly always
fortified with calcium, vitamins D, and certain B
vitamins. Highly concentrated flavorings, such as
vanila, carob, chocolate, and almond are often
added to the finished product.

The Manufacturing Process-

The soybean is a low acid food and as such, is a
good host for the breeding of harmful bacteria.
Thus, the manufacturing

process is "aseptic meaning that at a certain

point in its

producion. he sov miss seded orom env air

becouse it

monr infrocuce coneerous occiene no the

oroouch. me

development of successtul, attordable aseptic

production of

sow mik nas been or tremendous imporence in

the mass
production of this beverage. The initial phases or
the production of soy milk do not have to be
sealed off to air only later does thi happen.

• Procuring the raw materials

Soy milk manufacturers very often work directly
with farmers so that the kind of soy bean that
produces good soy milk is grown one
manufacturer gives the farmers the seeds for the
soybeans they requie). Generally soy mik
producers seek large soybeans called clear hylem.

Once the soybeans are harvested and brought to

the plant, the beans are cleaned in a grain
elevator or bin on or oft premises, The process
may begin with the blending together of four to
six tons of soybeans at one time.

• De-hulling
The sovbeans are steamed ond split in holt. Ins
oosens ine null
on the bean. A vacuum sucks off the hulls.

• Invalidating the indigestible enzyme

Next, soybeans must be cooked in order to

invalidate, or

counteract, a specific enzyme which makes them

indigestible to humans. This cooking occurs in
the Enzyme Invalidator, in

which the de-hulled soybeans are cooked using

high pressure.

Water, and high temperature creating very hot

live steam 1C

invalidate that enzyme.

• Rough grinding
The cooked soybeans then fall into the first
rough grinder or mill. Water is added to the
machine and the bean pieces are

roughly ground in thi frst milng.

• Finer grinding
Although they have been cround once, the
cooked soybeans

ore si roiner coose. mus. ne ine ornoer urner

ouveres the bean pellets into small particles. The
hot slumy is white in

color with minuscule particles of insoluble

soybean particles

• Extracting
A large centrifuge is then used to extract the tiny
bits of

sovbean that are nsoluble ang connot se inclused

in the finished product. These particles are
separated from the soy milk slurry usng a
centriuge. A rubber roller cresses the soy mik
slurry against the surface of a drum within the
centrifuge, forcing the liquid inside the drum
whie the libers remain on the outside of the
drum. The drum i then scraped of these fbers.

These soybean fibers are physically removed

from the production process at this time. This
waste soy fiber & called okara and it resembles
mashed potatoes. A separate process dries the
okara for use other than human consumption.
The fiber-less soy liquid is raw soy milk at this
point and is referred to in the industry as jun.

Good quality soybeans are harvested, cleaned,

hulled, and pressure cooked. Next, the cooked
soybeans are ground by a number of grnders that
transform the beans into a miky slurry.

The slurry is placed in a centrifuge that extracts

any insoluble bits of bean. The separated soy
liguid called jun is blended with vitamins,
flavorings, and sugar and then sterized and
homogenged. the hot milk i cooled and packaged
in such a way that it i never exposed .
• Blending
The jun is injected into large tanks and
flavorings, sugar, and vitamins are mixed
separately in smaller tanks. Ingredients of the
smaller tank are infused into the larger tanks,
thus blending the flavors with the raw mik.

• Aseptic sterilizing
At this point, it is essential that the jun be sealed
within the equipment unti the end of the
manufacturing process (including packaging) in
order to keep out ar and ambient

bacteric and cems mor con orow n low-ocid sov


Sterigation occurs with pressure and very hot


with a vacuum for a short period of ime.

• Homogenizing
From the steriker, the hot milk i sent to the
homogenter. This

breaks down the lat particles and prevents them

from separating from the rest of the mature. In
the homogenter, which is essentially a high-
pressure piston pump. the is blended as it is
drawn into the pump cylinder and then forced
back out in a repetitive motion.

• Cooling
Next, the hot milk is piped to the cooling tank.
Here, the hot

mik passes nex o cold doles on lower he

lemberoiure of

the soy milk to room temperature.

• Storing

The cooled mik s sent to the aseptic (sealed)

tanks and held
here in preporaton for pockoomo. here. me soy
mik s

reroerdled. oressured. and secles o ensure no


thrives in the mik.

• Packaging
A very important part of the production is the
aseptic packaging of the product. Packaging
machines have been developed for this product
that are able to mechanically package the
product without exposing it to air. The cooled
milk is sent to the packagng machne which has a
ribbon of flat packaging (cardboard) threaded
into it. As the mik runs through the machine, the
packaging surrounds the milk and a cUlter cuts
ihrougn the cardooord peckoging ond the mak,
simultaneously tolding ine package and seding
the mik within it. A machine glues a plastic spout
onto the sealed package.
• Quality Control
Quality control begins with acquring high quality
soybean for the production of soy milk. The
beans considered most desirable for the process
are called clear hylem, with a white [or colorless)
hylem on the body of the bean. While the
soybeans generally bland, the clear hem vorety is
considered more flavorful. A number of soy milk
producers market iner product as organic and
beans purchased irom

farmers for soy mik must be certied organic in

order to be uticed.

The production of soy milk must be meticulously

monitored to ensure that no bacteria grows in
the low acid medium. Thus, many tactories
include over 206 guality control checkpoints in

ins procuction. lemoeronures o woler steam. end

monitoring of pressure i essential in ins process.
In addition,

the groduct s constontiv oncivred as somole or

the product

is taken off the line every 10 minutes and

checked for ph,

tomocranure, one oaciend down meny sonoes

cultured). Because the product is sealed off from

the workers for much of the production, visual
checks occur primarily as the product comes off
the line. Here, workers check to ensure packages
are properly sealed.

• Byproducts/Waste
Unti recently. the unusable okara was a
significant waste problem for many soy mik
production plants. Okara, the insoluble fiber that
is removed from the raw soy. Now, soy milk
producers send the okara to a drying machine
which takes the moisture out of the okara,
transforming it into a high-fiber, high-protein
animal feed. The dried okara is now sold to

farmers for feed, thus eliminating a storage and

woste problem at most soy milk plants. It has
proven to be invaluable to farmers who raise
organically tea anmals because many

soy mix goducers only oke n organcely grown


Thus, the dried okard teed produced from these

beans 6 considered organic and acceptable for

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