Communication Aid For The Deaf
Communication Aid For The Deaf
Communication Aid For The Deaf
A Project Report
Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Of Makerere University
MADAM ROSE NAKIBUULE, +256-701116829
We, Kateregga Alex, Ssemakula Jonathan, Noowe Charlotte and Kabba Joseph Timothy
hereby declare that this report, written in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree at Makerere University, is our very own
authentic work and the content of this document has never been submitted to any institution.
Note however, that Citations, Quotations and References to other people's work or sources of
information where used, have been duly made.
KATEREGGA 19/U/16571/PS 1900716571
SSEMAKULA 19/U/0557 1900700557
KABBA 19/U/16467/EVE 1900716467
NOOWE 19/U/17693/PS 1900717693
I, Rose Nakibuule, have been working with this group as their direct supervisor on this
“Communication aid for the deaf and mute” final year project and I am confident that the work
presented here is credible and worthy of a computer science final year project.
The team has exhibited excellent research and implementation skills as expected of a competent
computer science student. I therefore give this project my full supervisory approval to proceed to
the next stage of evaluation.
Signature………………………………………. Date………………………………………
We dedicate this Project and this report to our Parents, Guardians, Mastercard foundation
Scholar’s program and lecturers that have made it possible for us to reach this level of University
Education by selflessly providing for all our needs, financially, emotionally and in other forms.
May God Bless You Abundantly.
First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge the Almighty God who has guided us throughout
the three years of the degree programme.
A heartfelt appreciation goes to our parents, Mastercard foundation scholars’ program and
guardians for their consistent support during the pursuit of our Bachelor’s Degree.
We are grateful to our academic supervisor, Madam Nakibuule Rose, for the professional guidance
and direction rendered to us whenever we needed it and for being available to us regardless of her
busy schedule. You made this entire project run more smoothly than we could have ever imagined.
We are also very thankful to the members of Makerere University Disability Students’ Association
(MUDSA) who gracelessly participated in our research studies and provided us with the necessary
information for our project. Thank you for bearing with our demands even when you there were
other things that you rather have spent time doing.
Finally, we are very grateful to each of the team members for the spirit of teamwork and
consistency that was exhibited throughout the course of this project. Thank you for encouraging
and bring out the best in each other
Although many gadgets have been developed for easy communication, communication is still a
challenge for impaired people like the deaf and mute. This is because most of the gadgets and
applications work online and some gadgets are too expensive and yet the majority cannot afford
This project investigates how an offline communication aid, with a high level of usability can be
designed to solve the problem. This system translates English speech to text and text to speech.
The research process consisted of a literature study for gathering all the requirements for such a
system and the development of a prototype, whose usability has been evaluated, as well as the
willingness of people to adopt this innovation using observational methods such as questionnaire
survey method. Results are presented in this report and conclusions are drawn. The study shows
that most of the respondents are willing to adopt this product.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 4
1.3 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................... 4
1.4 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE ................................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 5
2.1 REVIEWED SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 CAMERA-BASED SYSTEMS..................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 OTHER SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 TRAINED MODELS ................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY/ RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................. 9
3.2 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................10
3. 3.1 RESEARCH PROCESS ...........................................................................................10
3.3.2 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ......................................................................11
3.4 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY .................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 15
RESULTS/ FINDINGS ................................................................................................................ 15
4.1 DATA COLLECTION ..................................................................................................15
4.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM ................................................................................................21
4.2.1Hardware components ...............................................................................................21
4.2.2 Software Requirements .............................................................................................25
Re training of the deepspeech-tflite model .........................................................................27
4.3 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................28
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 29
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS/ FINDINGS .................................................................................. 29
5.1 RESULTS FROM THE SURVEY .....................................................................................29
5.1.1 CHALLENGES FACED DURING RESEARCH..........................................................29
5.2 LIMITATION OF THE SYSTEM .......................................................................................30
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 31
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER SEVEN ...................................................................................................................... 32
RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................. 32
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 33
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 37
APPENDIX A .........................................................................................................................37
APPENDIX B .........................................................................................................................38
AI Artificial intelligence
ARM Advanced RISC Machine
CDC Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
CRPD Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Govt Government
MDAs Ministries Departments and Agencies
NCD National Council for Disability
NDP National Development Plan
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics
UML Unified Modelling Language
UN United Nations
UNAD Uganda National Association of the Deaf
UNASLI Uganda National Association of Sign Language Interpreters
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
DBMS Database Management System
MUDSA Makerere University Disability Students’ Association
IDE Integrated Development Environment
OS Operating System
In this chapter, we describe the problems encountered by the deaf and mute when
communicating with other people while at home, school, workplaces and other environments,
objective of the study and why it is important to solve these problems.
With advances in information technologies, mobile communication devices have become
important tools to connect with people and these have simplified the communication among the
people, bringing them closer to each other. Unfortunately, communication among the disabled is
lagging behind despite the improvements in technology.
According to National Centre on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centre for
Disease Control and Prevention (2020), Disability is any condition of the body or mind
(impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities
(activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions). There
are many types of disabilities, such as those that affect a person’s:
• Vision
• Movement
• Thinking
• Remembering
• Learning
• Communicating
• Hearing
• Mental health
• Social relationships
Although “people with disabilities” sometimes refers to a single population, this is actually a
diverse group of people with a wide range of needs. Two people with the same type of disability
can be affected in very different ways. Some disabilities may be hidden or not easy to see.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2001), disability has three dimensions:
1. Impairment in a person’s body structure or function, or mental functioning. Examples of
impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss.
2. Activity limitation, such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving.
3. Participation restrictions in normal daily activities, such as working, engaging in social
and recreational activities, and obtaining health care and preventive services.
Persons with Disabilities are still among the most neglected groups in the policy domain as well
as in the private sphere. The majority of these persons face enormous economic, political, and
social barriers that have an adverse impact on their physical, economic, social and intellectual
development and well-being. Many of them do not have access to basic needs such as health,
education, experience multiple deprivations even within their family and are invisible in the
national policy agenda.
The disability status report-Uganda 2019 by National Council for Disability(NCD, 2019),
highlights the contributions made by the Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and
other development partners to promote national objectives and articles on inclusion and non-
discrimination as provided in the national and international legal framework: For example, the
provisions enshrined in the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)(Centre for Human Rights, 1995;
Uganda, 2016); the National Policy on Disability in Uganda (2006) among others.
In Uganda, the 2014 population and housing census report (UBOS, 2016) indicated that 12.4%
of the Ugandan population lives with some form of disability hence making it a development
concern. This nearly correlated with the World Health Organisation Report of 2010(WHO, 2010)
which put the global disability prevalence rate at 15%. Disability is currently recognized as a
development concern that requires inclusion as noted in the Sustainable development Goals
(SDGs); National Development Plan (NDP II) 2015/16 – 2019/20(Uganda Govt, 2015) and; the
Social Development Sector Plan (SDSP1) 2015/16– 2019/20(NDP, 2015; Ministry of Gender
Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD), 2016) among others.
According to World Health Organisation estimates (2005), 278 million people worldwide have
moderate to profound hearing loss in both ears. In Uganda, more than 1,080,000 people are Deaf
(UBOS, 2014). 90 % of deaf people in East and Central Uganda have never been to school. They
live in absolute poverty, powerless, isolated and voiceless. As a result, they are not employed,
have no access to information and limited access to social and economic services (UNAD, 2012).
Uganda is currently ranked 159 out of 189 in the 2019 UN Human Development report (UNDP,
2019) and is a signatory to both Education for All and the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities. Whilst huge strides were made towards reaching the MDGs in education, the
pace of progress was not sufficient to enable all Ugandan children to enrol and complete a full
primary education. For children with special education needs the situation is worse. It is
estimated that around 65% of deaf children fail to access primary education, and hearing children
are statistically still four times more likely to attend school than deaf children (Sign Health
Uganda, 2018).
There are interventions that have been made to help deaf and dumb communicate for example
there are human interpreter who help to interpret for the dumb and deaf and normal person but
this has not been effective because the number of available interpreters is few compared to
population of the deaf and dumb, another concern is the interpreter’s efficiency regarding
privacy and whether or not information is altered and the cost of training new interpreters is
high. Mobile applications and handheld devices have been developed to aid but these systems are
online and some of these devices are bulky. Camera-based systems to help in text reading frame
to help visually impaired people read text labels, sign language recognition system and speech
recognition technology that help the deaf and dumb communicate with the normal people have
been developed but these systems are online systems that require data connection and in a
country like Uganda where there’s poor network coverage, this becomes a problem. This means
that the deaf and mute in areas without internet coverage and those that cannot afford to pay the
internet service providers are at a disadvantage and will not be able to operate the online system.
Currently, the deaf and mute do not have an offline system in place to use to communicate to
people that do not understand sign language. The common medium used to communicate to
others is through a human interpreter and use of online interpretation systems. This raises
concerns with the fee required by the interpreters and according to UNASLI and Pay Lab (2008),
the average monthly salary for a sign language interpreter is 1.7 million of which very few
families can afford to pay this per month. This has therefore affected the deaf and mute right
from their childhood in many ways including no access to education, unemployment,
marginalization and discrimination in societies, and lack of privacy since they have to be with
middlemen for effective communication.
Therefore, we intend to investigate the current communication aid systems for the deaf and dumb
so as to pinpoint the setbacks that could be causing such a communication gap and thereafter
develop a system that would promise to bridge the communication gap between the deaf, mute
and normal people.
Despite the various technologies such as mobile gadgets and mobile applications that have been
developed to aid hearing impaired individuals in communicating with each other and with people
without disabilities, communication is still a challenge among the deaf and mute. This is because
most of the systems do not support offline usage and some systems are bulky. In addition to that,
the systems are costly, and most of them are mobile based applications and these systems cannot
work in areas where people do not have smart phones and for this reason very few can afford
thereby leaving a big communication gap.
The scope of this project is to develop an offline English text to speech and speech to text
The system would ensure easy communication among the deaf and dumb in the schools and
community at large which in the long run will improve their livelihood.
This system would help the impaired people to have communication with each other and also
with the normal person.
This system would help eliminate the costs paid to internet service providers since it works
During the Literature Review, we reviewed articles and systems developed by different people to
address the same problem we intend to solve.
Aditi and N.S. (2013) proposed a system based on a static hand gesture which consists of
gestures captured using web camera processing, processing edges and peak detection and
recognition image. With the help of a webcam, an image is captured and stored in a DCR file
(Digital Camera Raw). The image is then converted from RGB (Red Green Blue) to grayscale.
Unfortunately, it was found that grayscale was less instructive for edge detection so it was
replaced with a canny edge algorithm. After detecting the edges, the Wavelet family method is
used to detect the tips of fingers. As soon as fingers are detected, the gesture is matched with
those in the database using a fuzzy set. Six alphabets are considered i.e., alphabet A, D, J, O, P,
and Q. Time recognition for the alphabet is A= 1.52, D=1.50, J=1.61, 0=1.50, p=1.57.
and vice versa through planned methodologies. This system overcomes the time limit of people
with speech impairments and improves behaviour. This system converts audio signals into
speech signals that can be easily comprehended by others. The speech of the normal person in
the voice form is converted into the gesture of the text and the hand.
further in future dedicated voice output are becoming to be produced a bit like the text and thus
the gesture images captured.
• deepspeech-gpu
• deepspeech-tflite
• deepspeech-pdm
This model only works with machines that have Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) or Graphic
cards. We installed our program on a machine that had a GPU and we found that the program
worked best with this model. We analysed the model and found that it performed at a 0.9564
score rate which is about a 95% success rate. The problem we faced is that the model could not
be installed on a Raspberry Pi computer since its GPU is too weak to run the model.
This model could not work on a GPU so we installed it on a machine that had a Central
Processing Unit (CPU) that is based on intel architecture. The model performed well with a score
rate of 0.9455, which is a 94% success rate. Although this model performed well. It was not
recommended by Mozilla to be installed on a Raspberry Pi, since the CPU of a Raspberry Pi is
based on ARM architecture. Nevertheless, we managed to run our program using this model on a
Raspberry. The model performed with a score rate of 0.4782. The program couldn’t recognize
the audio input properly so we did not move forward with it.
This model performed the best on a Raspberry Pi since the model was trained by Mozilla to
specifically run-on ARM based architecture, which the Raspberry Pi’s CPU was built on. The
model performed with a score rate of 0.8658 which is an 87% success rate. We found that out of
all the three models this one yielded the best results on a Raspberry Pi. This is the model we
selected to run with our program. This model could not detect speech in real-time. This is the
main issue we found with the model. To overcome this challenge, we decided to train the model
Per the above survey, we decided to use the deepspeech-tflite in our program and it was found
that the solutions for deaf and dumb are not contained in a single device, some systems are bulky
and expensive to use and require technical skills to operate, not forgetting that most of them are
online systems. In this proposed system, the Communication Aid for the Deaf and Mute, these
impairments are addressed into a single device.
Our project is an experimental research, different prototypes were designed and tested by the
users and feedback from the user was used to improve the prototypes.
Using different forms of data collection such as random sampling of literature, desk review of
relevant literature, journals, and books surveys and observation of the deaf and mute, different
sources of relevant data and existing systems were reviewed. This helped us to identify the needs
and requirements of the users for the development of the Communication Aid. This also further
facilitated the design of components of the system to come up with a system block diagram. The
system was later on evaluated by making use of feedback and reports from the representative
Through observation research methods, the requirements for the system and the loop-holes in the
existing systems were identified and on-site observational study was conducted to evaluate the
usability of the system.
A systematic literature study was used to identify and study all relevant evidence. This included
systematic literature review which was used in finding existing evidence and systematic mapping
which was used to categorise the existing systems in order to show the gaps in the systems. The
study sampled all willing participants around Makerere and its peripheries.
1. Literature study - At first, a literature study was made in order to gather information
about how the deaf and mute communicate with the normal people and to get an
overview of the functionalities of communication Aids for the deaf and mute. The choice
of sources was mainly articles on the subject as well as relevant papers in databases such
as International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,
ScienceDirect and ResearchGate. The search words among others were: communication
aid for the deaf and mute, communication aid for deaf and normal people,
communication between impaired people and normal people, communication aid for the
mute. The credibility of these sources was checked through a comparison of other
materials and inspected to see if there was any biased or outdated information on the
sites. The primary results of the literature study are presented in Chapter 2 (literature
2. Determine functionality - Secondly, a decision on the required functionalities of the
system was made. A list of functions was produced from the reviewed systems. These
functions were the foundation for the prototype.
3. Select usability evaluation parameters - In order to evaluate the usability of these
functions, evaluation parameters were selected. The selected parameters were the ISO
9241-11:2018 standard parameters for usability: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and
4. Create a prototype - The user interfaces of the prototype have been created following
Schneiderman’s eight golden rules and Nielsen’s ten heuristics. And the overall design of
the system was inspired from the reviewed systems in the literature review.
5. Define a test group - Thereafter, a test group was constructed. The selection of this
group is described in Section 3.3.2.
6. Choose evaluation methods - After the test group was constructed, the usability of the
prototype was evaluated through user-based evaluation. The usability evaluation methods
we chose were post-test interviews and a combination of performance measurement and
questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to collect performance data regarding user
satisfaction. We observed the test subjects performing each task, having them comment
during testing and measured a set of measurements. For example, the time and speed to
produce output and accuracy of the output. At the end of the test, the subjects rated their
satisfaction of the interaction with the prototype.
7. Design questionnaire and interview - Based on our research objectives we developed
questions for our questionnaire. The interview was to be conducted individually with
each test subject in a quiet setting.
8. Capture data - To capture data, participants' answers, expressions and comments were
noted on paper during interviews. Performance data such as time, speed and accuracy
were noted on paper. The user interactions with the prototype as well as errors made were
recorded. The questionnaire was filled out online by the participants using kobo collect.
9. Analyse data - The data from the study were both quantitative and qualitative.
Qualitative data (such as the content of comments and expressions and the types of errors
made) were more difficult to analyse than the quantitative data. The number of negative,
neutral, and positive comments were counted. The median value of the performance
measurements was calculated. The quantitative data was used to measure the level of
usability of the prototype and the participants’ opinion in regard to communication aids in
general. While the qualitative data was used to find areas of improvement.
10. Critique UI to suggest improvements - After the data was analysed, suggested
improvements were based on the qualitative data as well as the quantitative data.
11. Interpret and report - make sense of the numerical and qualitative data that has been
collected, analysed and presented. Record our findings in a report, and associate
interpretations to justify our conclusions and recommendations.
• Through the observation method, we were able to observe how the deaf and dumb
communicate with each and how they are interacting with the existing communication
aids. The findings were analysed and reported.
An embedded system design process, in line with the Agile methodology, was used in the
development of the proposed communication aid system. This method allowed team members to
involve users and make continual adjustments and improvements as we develop the system.
The team leader acted as a project manager to oversee the system design process and ensured
that work was meeting the product development timeline. This ensured that the project is
completed in a timely manner.
The following steps were followed under this system design process.
• Determine overall requirements. Based on the data collected through observation, surveys
and random sampling, data was analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social
Sciences) and Microsoft Excel. It was used to determine the requirements of the system
such as size, weight and cost limits as well as the specific hardware the product will use.
It also helped decide whether or not the product needed a user display and if needed, the
kind of display and graphical user interface that would be implemented.
• Document detailed technical specifications. The team created this report detailing the
technical specifications of the system which also include functions the system must
complete, environmental conditions and manufacturing requirements, among others.
• Develop prototypes. Using Proteus and Microsoft Visio, we designed basic prototypes to
assess the hardware, identify necessary components and determine how they would work
together. These prototypes were used during system analysis, optimising, debugging, and
• Design system architecture. Raspberry Pi and other peripheral devices such as
microphones, speakers and all other modules were used to develop the system
• Select the operating system. We decided to use Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) as a real-
time operating system.
• Choose the development platform. We used Python as the programming language to
develop the AI for the communication aid. This decision was based on the analysis of the
system requirements, strength, ease of development, expressive power, longevity,
runtime efficiency, ease of maintenance, module availability, connectivity support and
developer community.
• We used GitHub as our Version Control System to manage the project.
• Emulators such as Proteus were used to emulate the communication aid so as to test and
validate the system prototype.
• After the development process, the team tested the system using observation methods and
a development survey was conducted on a random sample of users. Feedback was
collected, analysed and evaluated so as to make the necessary improvements to the
• Ongoing maintenance and updates will be carried out as the team continually monitors
how the system works, make necessary adjustments and provide updates to fix problems.
In order to achieve our research objectives, we chose research methods that are well known and
scientifically used in the field of Information System Development and Computer Science. To
get valid results from the study, it was important to not interrupt or affect the participants in any
manner that would coerce their answers. Ethical principles were observed throughout the course
of this research.
The sample size (number of participants) may affect the validity of the results. Since we used
several independent test subjects for the evaluation of our prototype, we estimate that our study
is reliable.
Through the data collected and analysed during the study, we were able to gather the different
requirements of the system, analyse the system’s stakeholder’s opinion regarding benefits and
obstacles of the Communication Aid, and assess the usability of our prototype.
We conducted a survey using questionnaire in order to examine the existing means of
communication for the deaf and mute and their challenges and find out the need for our proposed
system. The results were used to draw function requirements for our proposed system.
This survey was carried out online also to examine the communication challenges among the
deaf and how they are able to cop up despite the above challenges, Student leaders for persons
with Disabilities from Makerere and Kyambogo universities were reached to who helped us
reach to the deaf around Makerere and Kyambogo Universities. Since the study was around these
two universities, most of the respondents were students or old students from these two
institutions or the surrounding institutions.
Due to lack of funds to hire a sign language interpreter, a WhatsApp group was created where I
briefed the deaf about the project, and also got feedback from them. This as well eased
distribution of the online Survey tools so as to ease the data collection process.
However, out of the 30 deaf in the WhatsApp group, only 20 managed to fill up the survey since
others were offline and couldn’t fill the survey in time.
From the people interviewed, 80% were between 19 to 25, 10% were between 26 to 30 whereas
the remaining 10% were above 30 years.
Since the survey was spearheaded by student leaders of the persons with Disabilities, 10% of the
people interviewed were students in Advanced Level (A ‘level), 70% were Undergraduate
students whereas the 20% were students in Vocational institutions.
Since the study was carried out around Makerere which is located in Kampala District, we
needed to find out the home districts for the deaf we interviewed. From the survey, 50% were
from Kampala district whereas the 50% were equally distributed in the districts of Lira, Gomba,
Pakwach, Jinja and Amolatar.
From the survey respondents, 60% have no care takers, and only 40% have care takers. It was
also noted that all those who have care takers, it’s the Parents acting as their care takers, thus no
other external care taker since the parents are low-income earners who cannot afford hiring a
care taker.
80% of the people who filled up the survey were completely deaf but could talk (Deaf but not
mute), 10% were completely deaf and could not talk (Deaf and Mute) whereas the 10% had
hearing impairment (Could slightly hear).
Means of Communication
60% of the deaf who filled up the survey use sign language interpreters, whereas the 40% find
their own way of communicating. In this survey, none of the deaf interviewed use a
communication device.
For those who use sign language interpreters as their means of communication, 50% pay the
interpreter on Monthly basis, 17% pay them on daily basis whereas the 33% pay them per
Based on the survey we conducted, we propose a communication Aid for the deaf and dumb that
can translate text to speech (for the mute or dumb) and speech to text (for the deaf) to help them
in their communication.
Figure 12 shows the architectural diagram of the proposed system. The system has microphone,
Display/screen which might be embedded with the case or standalone monitor of the raspberry
pi, speaker and SD card.
4.2.1Hardware components
Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that connects to a computer monitor or TV and uses
input devices like keyboard, speaker, microphone and mouse.
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is the latest product in the popular Raspberry Pi range of computers. It
offers ground-breaking increases in processor speed, multimedia performance, memory, and
connectivity compared to the prior-generation Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, while retaining
backwards compatibility and similar power consumption. For the end user, Raspberry Pi 4
Model B provides desktop performance comparable to entry-level x86 PC systems.
This product’s key features (figure 13) include a high-performance 64-bit quad-core processor,
dual-display support at resolutions up to 4K via a pair of micro-HDMI ports, hardware video
decode at up to 4Kp60, up to 4GB of RAM, dual-band 2.4/5.0 GHz wireless LAN, Bluetooth
5.0, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0, and PoE capability (via a separate PoE HAT add-on).
The dual-band wireless LAN and Bluetooth have modular compliance certification, allowing the
board to be designed into end products with significantly reduced compliance testing, improving
both cost and time to market.
2. SD card
It is a type of memory card typically used in digital cameras and other portable devices.
SD card is an ultra-small flash memory card designed to provide high-capability memory
in a small size.
Our system is using a 32 GB SD card and this is where the operating system and the code for the
system are stored.
3. Speaker
5. Microphone
The system was coded in python version 3.7 and trained machine learning model which converts
speech to text and text to speech. We used Python because python is a high-level, interpreted,
interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It
uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer
syntactical constructions than other languages.
In this project we used visual studio code as our IDE because it had all the tools we needed to
develop the software.
4.2.3 Machine learning model
During our survey, we found different speech to text models but many were not performing as
expected. So, we decided to settle down with three models to be the best performing out of all
the models we found. These models were developed, trained and open sourced by Mozilla. The
models were developed on Google’s tensor flow machine learning framework. The models are: -
• deepspeech-gpu
• deepspeech-tflite
• deepspeech-pdm
This model only works with machines that have Graphical Processing Units (GPUs)/ Graphic
cards. We installed our program on a machine that had a GPU and we found that the program
worked best with this model. We analysed the model and found that it performed at a 0.9564
score rate which is about a 95% success rate.
Limitations of Deepspeech-gpu.
The problem we faced is that the model couldn’t be installed on a Raspberry Pi computer since
its GPU is too weak to run the model.
This model couldn’t work on a GPU so we installed it on a machine that had a Central
Processing Unit (CPU) that is based on intel architecture. The model performed well with a score
rate of 0.9455, which is a 94% success rate.
Limitations of Deepspeech-pdm
Although this model performed well. It was not recommended by Mozilla to be installed on a
Raspberry Pi, since the CPU of a Raspberry Pi is based on ARM architecture. Nevertheless, we
managed to run our program using this model on a Raspberry. The model performed with a score
rate of 0.4782. The program couldn’t recognize the audio input properly so we did not move
forward with it.
This model performed the best on a Raspberry Pi since the model was trained by Mozilla to
specifically run-on ARM based architecture, which the Raspberry Pi’s CPU was built on. The
model performed with a score rate of 0.8658 which is an 87% success rate. We found that out of
all the three models this one yielded the best results on a Raspberry Pi. This is the model we
selected to run with our program.
Limitations of Deepspeech-tflite
This model couldn’t detect speech in real-time. This is the main issue we found with the model.
To overcome this challenge, we decided to train the model again, but this did not yield good
results because of the limited time we had to train the model.
Despite its challenges, we decided to use the deepspeech-tflite in our program because it
compatible with our raspberry Pi.
Re training of the deepspeech-tflite model
We installed the machine learning model on the Raspberry Pi and found that the model didn’t
work as expected. The reason is because the model was trained on audio datasets with accents
from individuals of American ethnicity.
We retrained the model with our own accents as well as other recorded accents from volunteers.
This increased the accuracy of the model by 5%. This is because the model was being trained on
hardware with insufficient resources like Random Access Memory(RAM).
Figure 19 output for speech to text (for the deaf)
Figure 19 shows what happens when the user (the dumb) speaks the message and at the same
time the system allows text input. The message is sent to the monitor or screen as text.
The source code for this prototype plus additional files have been stored and shared through
GitHub. All files can be found at
The major problems addressed by the respondents which are associated with Sign language
Interpreters include high cost of paying them since they are paid huge amounts of money, they
are very rare and hard to get, additional costs paid to sign language interpreters as well as lack of
On the other hand, the problems faced by the respondents during communication
(Communication challenges) as addressed in the survey include;
Attitude and Stigmatism, many people do not understand sign language especially the hearing
ones, failure to get what others are talking, Lack of privacy especially when using an interpreter
and difficulty in understanding the communication because of no interpreter.
While at school, they face a challenge of discrimination by fellow students, failure to understand
what is being taught especially those who have no sign language interpreter, and to those who
have sign language interpreters said that sometimes interpreters miss-interpret information.
Failure to communicate with staff members is also a big issue among the deaf while trying their
best to acquire education.
• Very few people were willing to take part in the survey.
• More work needs to be done in fine-tuning the system to recognise local languages.
• Noise cancellation and normalization techniques are need in training the system to reduce
the channel and the environment effects because noise affects the accuracy of the system.
• The system should be retrained more using African accents.
• More research should be done on optimization of the speed of the system so that it can
produce output in the fastest way possible.
In conclusion, the team has worked around the clock to have a prototype to a solution
proposition that would solve a real-world problem. And it has been quite a journey with lots
of lessons and challenges. But notably, we were able to put in practice many of the concepts
we had learnt throughout our stay at Makerere University.
The main purpose of this project is to aid the communication of the deaf and dumb so that they
can easily communicate with each other and with a normal person.
This system is portable and less costly as compared to the existing systems. It works offline and
thus it can be used in remote areas where there is no internet connection. The system can be used
by the deaf, mute and a normal person since it translates text to speech and speech to text. It is
therefore against such a background that the need to hire sign interpreters is erased and
communication characterized by privacy accelerated.
The system has been carefully developed through thorough research and a complex degree of
team work accompanied by close supervision and guidance by our supervisor. It is at this point
therefore that it ought to be noted that the system perfectly translates text to speech and speech to
text however there exists room for improvement in regards to further research and study
We recommend further research in training the model to run in real-time as well as recognising
speech from different ethnicities and accents.
Noise is really a big deal; it can increase the error rate of speech identification system. So, use of
noise cancellation and normalization techniques to reduce the channel and the environment
effects is recommended. Also, voice activity detection should be done. All of these can improve
the recognition accuracy.
We also recommend further research to be done on optimization of the speed of the system so
that it can produce output in the fastest way possible.
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No. Item/Activity Quantity Price Price
» Demography Information
surname and first name
Age Bracket
Primary Level
Working class
Location (District) 1/5
Specify 2/5
Do you think there are future health implications associated with using the device?
What do you think are future the health implications of the device?
Specify 3/5
Lack of privacy
Are you interested in a communication aid system which will work the same way as a sign language interpreter?
Still studying 4/5
How do you / did you cop up with education despite the communication challenges?
In case of any additional comments or problems you face, feel free to provide them 5/5