Estimating The Potential Biomasses Energ

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Energy Procedia 00 (2015) 000–000

ATI 2015 - 70th Conference of the ATI Engineering Association

Estimating the potential biomasses energy source of forest

and agricultural residues in the Cinque Terre Italian National
D.Astiaso Garciaa, S. Sangiorgiob*, F. Rosaa
Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering (DIAEE), Sapienza University, Via Eudossiana 18, Rome 00184,
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMA), Sapienza University, Via Eudossiana 18, Rome 00184, Italy


This paper aims to evaluate the feasibility of biomasses exploitation as an alternative Energy source, in areas
characterized by high environmental, cultural and landscaping value. In particular, a methodology for assessing the
energy potential from biomass was applied in protected areas, using Geographic Information System (GIS) software
and data from European Program Corine Land Cover, jointly with other local data useful for analyzing the
topography and the biomass availability of the chosen territory, as well as for an assessment of the necessary logistics
for biomasses transportation. This methodology was applied to the Cinque Terre national park, obtaining as a result
an estimation of the potential biomasses energy source coming from forest and agricultural residues.

© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of ATI

Keywords: biomass potential, GIS (Geographic Information System), CLC (Corine Land Cover) analysis


The Italian territory under natural constraints is about 10% of the whole national surface, which
includes 24 national parks covering 1,465,681 hectares. Considering energy management, protected areas
should include clean and low impact sources for energy production [1-2], as well as adequate strategies
for reducing energy consumptions [3-7]. Exploiting biomass from protected areas means the use of
resources already available at local scale, with a zero emissions balance, generating energy for self
consumption or trade, and improving at the same time a sustainable management of the considered areas.
Protected areas can provide different types of biomass: from forests (residues resulting from pruning),

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 06 44585271;

E-mail address:
2 D. Astiaso Garcia, S. Sangiorgio, F. Rosa/ Energy Procedia 00 (2015) 000–000

from agriculture (crop residues), animal (residues from farms). So they can be used in different types of
plants and for different application. Within these considerations, the main aim of this paper is to assess the
suitable potential biomasses energy source of forest and agricultural residues and in a high environmental
value area, the Cinque Terre Italian National Park, considering the conservation of local ecosystems and
biodiversity, as well as the preservation of its typical landscape linked to its cultural heritage. Cinque
Terre is a National park in Liguria, a northwestern region of Italy, that includes coastal and mountain
ecosystems, jointly with a typical agricultural landscape due to terracing.


The bio-energy chains of any analysed area have to be realized considering the available biomass
typologies as well as the technologies to achieve the best outcomes. Therefore the following two
paragraphs give some indication about these two aspects.

1.1. Territorial data gathering for the estimation of biomasses typologies and quantification

The first step of the adopted methodology foresees a land cover analysis of the natural protected area in
examination using a GIS (Geographic Information System) software. Land cover data could be obtained
analyzing the databases realized under the Corine Land Cover (CLC) European programme which include
an inventory of land cover in 44 classes [8-9]. In this way it will be possible to identify at the outset what
are the biomass types available in the territory, pinpointing the areas with forest and agricultural
biomasses. Moreover CLC analysis allows a first classification of the forest and agricultural biomasses
typology of each highlighted area. This step is essential for the following choice of the most suitable
technology for energy production considering the biomass typologies and availability. Considering forest
residues (tops and branches) the amount of biomass from each class could be calculated by multiplying
the surface of the considered class by the corresponding residue productivity index (I) measured in t dm/ha,
where tdm are tons of dry matters. The same approach could be used for the assessment of biomasses
residues from agricultural CLC classes (straw, vegetable and fruit peels), considering the harvest indexes
of their residues as the residues production index, measured in tdm/ha; moreover, the following parameters
should be considered [10]: Residual Ratio (RR) - main product/residue; Harvest Moisture (HM)[%];
Lower Heating Value (LHV) [MJ/Kgdm]. In conclusion, the biomasses production (BP) of an analyzed
area could be calculated using equation 1.

�� = �=1 �� ∙ �� (1)

Where BP is the biomass production; Ii is the residues production index related to the i-th CLC class
and Si is the surface of the i-th CLC class. Starting from the data reported in an handbook prepared by the
partnership members within the frame of the ENER SUPPLY (ENergy Efficiency and Renewables–
SUPporting Policies in Local level for EnergY) project, it is possible to estimate residuals production of
agricultural crops and forest areas, making reference to CLC classes. After the CLC analysis, for forest
biomasses, a slope analysis is important for the estimation of the biomasses hauling distance: a study [11]
recommend a maximum hauling distance of 300 meters for slopes up to 30%, while a maximum hauling
distance of only 60 meters is recommended for slopes higher than 30%. GIS should be used also for an
angle of slope analysis, processing a ground elevation model. In addition, the extraction of forest access
roads from the topographic data was carried out. All these data have been implemented in a GIS database
for the elaboration of queried digital maps [12-16] containing the main information for evaluating the
feasibility of biomasses as local energy source. GIS is widely used in these kind of studies, and can be the
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2015) 000–000 3

basis of a decision support system for the management of biomasses, and can be an evaluation instrument
for the feasibility of bioenergy projects [17]. Then, an intervention scenario should be prepared, assessing
the real feasibility of each possible intervention, by the analysis of the following aspects: The distances
from biomasses availability and their potential use for energy production should be as short as possible;
Promotion by local authorities and associations to reduce operating and management of the supply chain;
Presence of small plants; Feasibility of cogeneration and / or trigeneration plants inside the area under
examination; Analysis of the environmental and landscaping local constraints for the conservation and
protection of the natural heritage and landscape. One of the most important barriers in increased biomass
utilization in energy supply is the cost of the respective supply chain and the technology to convert
biomass into useful forms of Energy.

1.2. Technological choice

There are numerous ongoing technological developments in the field of biomass energy conversion. A
distinction can be made between the energy carriers produced from biomass by their ability to provide
heat, electricity and engine fuels. Biomass and fossil fuels can be compared in terms of their O:C and H:C
ratios, known as a Van Krevelen diagram: the lower the respective ratios the greater the energy content of
the material. Considering the energy production using biomasses by residues, the most common
technologies are incineration, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis and gasification. According to Demirbas
[18], the technology choice should prefer ones with the lowest life cycle cost, which needs the least land
areas, and which are able to produce more power with less waste production and air or land pollution.

Results and discussions

1.3. Territorial data gathering for the estimation of biomasses typologies and quantification

Table 1 show the CLC analysis of the 5 Terre National Park, highlighting that the most) widespread
forest typology is the Broad-leaved forest, while, considering agricultural areas, vineyards are the most
commons. Tables 2 summarize residuals production of forest areas and agricultural crops for each CLC
class of the 5 Terre National Park.

Table 1: Residual values of Forest sector for each CLC class of the 5 Terre National Park

CORINE LAND COVER surfaces Hectares (ha)

2.2.1 Vineyards 334
2.4.3 Principally agriculture, with natural vegetation 306
3.1.1 Broad-leaved forest 6006
3.1.2 Coniferous forest 1892
3.1.3 Mixed Forest 2118
3.2.3 Sclerophyllus vegetation 401
3.2.4 Transitional Woodland shrubs 240
3.3.3 Sparsely vegetated areas 135
3.3.4 Burnt Areas 109

Table 2: Residual values of Forest sector for each CLC class in the 5 Terre National Park

Land use Type of Biomass �� Harvest LHV

(CLC classes) (Tdm/ha) moisture (%) (MJ/kgdm)
4 D. Astiaso Garcia, S. Sangiorgio, F. Rosa/ Energy Procedia 00 (2015) 000–000

3.1.1 Broad-leaved forest tops and branches 3 25 – 60, 40 18.5 – 19.2

3.1.2 Coniferous forest tops and branches 4 25 – 60, 40 18.8 – 19.8
3.1.3 Mixed Forest tops and branches 2 25 – 60, 40 -

Table 3: Residual values of agricultural Crops for each CLC class in the 5 Terre National park

Land use Type of Residual Ratio �� Harvest LHV

(CLC classes) Biomass (Residue/principal (Tdm/ha) moisture (%) (MJ/kgdm)
2.2.1 Vineyards Prunings 0.39 – 0.45 2.5 45 –50 18.4
2.4.3 Principally agriculture, Cereals 1 – 1.66 3 14 17.5 – 19.5
with natural vegetation

Therefore, applying Eq (1) to the Cinque Terre National Park, it is possible to estimate the biomass
production (BP) for each CLC class, as reported in Table 4.

Table 4: Estimate available forest and agricultural biomass production (BP) in the 5 Terre National Park

CORINE LAND COVER surfaces Hectares �� BP

(ha) (Tdm/ha) tdm
2.2.1 Vineyards 334 2.5 835
2.4.3 Principally agriculture, with natural vegetation 306 3 918
3.1.1 Broad-leaved forest 6006 3 18018
3.1.2 Coniferous forest 1892 4 7568
3.1.3 Mixed Forest 2118 2 4236
Total 10656 31575

In addition, analyzing the orographic data, the Cinque Terre coastal slope is very steep, so that in some
places the distance from the shoreline of the watershed is reduced even at 750-800 meters, with the top of
the ridge that still persist about 600-700 meters. The analysis of slopes using GIS has allowed to highlight
how the topography of the park of the Cinque Terre necessitates a careful evaluation of the methods of
supply of biomass given the steepness of the slopes and not easily accessible areas.

1.4. Best technological choices for the 5 Terre National Park

The land use analysis highlights that the most suitable biomass for energy production is the one
deriving from the pruning of vines. The shoots, collected and properly reduced in chips, may be used for
energy production, via different types of process or plant. This choice is only one of a set, because a lot of
types of biomass are available in the studied area. Using vine shoots is a good way to manage in a better
way all the local wine industry, with a good care of the farming and the creation of job position. After the
analysis of the anthropic characteristics of the examined areas, the use of the monorails presently utilized
by local agricultural was considered for the transportation of the biomasses localized in the more sloping
areas. The major types of large scale biomass boilers use one of the following technologies: grate
combustion systems (stationary or travelling), pulverised fuel (PF) systems or fluidised bed combustion
(FBC) systems. BIOTEC project has highlighted the BAT (Best Available Technologies) for heat
generators that use prunings of vines. The vine shoots combustion produce a high ash content, an average
of 3.85% of dry matter that influences the boiler choice.

Table 5: Prune of vines qualitative characterization

Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2015) 000–000 5

Parameters Woodchips wood

Average water content (%) 13,04 2
Ash content (% as it is) 4,11 -
Ash content (% dry matter MJ/kg) 4,73 2,1
Caloric value net (as it is MJ/kg) 15,9 -
Caloric value net (dry matter MJ/kg) 19,91 18,7

In addition, Table 6 presents experiments data carried out on generators with electrostatic fueled by
wood chips and vine shoots and wood pellets.

Table 6: emission data on generators with electrostatic fueled by wood chips and vine shoots and wood pellets

[mg/Nm3] Wood chips Vineyard Wood Vineyard Italian European

pruning chips pellet pruning limits limits
pellet legislation legislation
Electric Filter off on off on off Off
PM 37,6 9,6 131,8 96 8,9 10,4 200 150
Total Organic Carbon 2,1 1,5 6,1 2,1 1,1 1 30 -
CO 484,5 394,8 >1000 >1000 200 208,7 350 2500
NO2 213,4 294,2 376,9 443,2 86,3 77,7 500 -
SO2 8,1 13,9 41 24,7 5 2,1 200 -

The major types of large scale biomass boilers use one of the following technologies: grate combustion
systems (stationary or travelling), pulverised fuel (PF) systems or fluidised bed combustion (FBC)
systems [14]. A first distinction for choosing type generators is to evaluate the possibility that these have
to burn materials with more or less variables moisture and sizes.
More appropriate to the generator burning vine shoots or a mixture of sticks and wood chips is the
solution to moving grate. This solution reduces the problems related to the management of the ash and
slag in the combustion process. The GIS analysis has highlighted the preliminary potential energy crop
screw in the area of the park summarized in Table 7.

Table 7: estimating potential biomasses energy from GIS analisys

Vineyards (ha) 334

Pruning producibility (1.8 t/ha) 601
Energy (MJ, 19910 MJ/ton) 11969800
Equivalent diesel (litre) 332497
Dwellings (average 270 m3) 158


Biomasses are intended to be a more and more important source of energy in Europe, and every State
is trying to make them a good alternative to classic sources, even if their cost is not competitive in many
cases. There are many types of biomass, but lignocellulosic one is very widespread in lands like Italy,
which has a large amount of parks and protected areas. Their management is not always easy, and
represents a cost for the community, due to the complex features of every area and the need of security to
be maintained, so the realization of an energy supply chain contributes to the maintenance of territory, has
economic benefits, reduces risks and CO2 emissions. Analyzing data, it is possible to visualize the
characteristics of the territory and availability of biomass, and basing on seasonality of forestry biomass, it
is possible to set a supply chain from collection to energy exploitation of the resources. The obtained
results stored on a GIS database represent a useful tool for bioenergy chain managing and design.
6 D. Astiaso Garcia, S. Sangiorgio, F. Rosa/ Energy Procedia 00 (2015) 000–000


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Silvia Sangiorgio, Mechanical Engineer, Ph.D in Energetics. Her studies concern energy
efficiency and renewable, with a particular focus on biomasses and land use. Another
research area regards smart cities, and, in particular, sustainable buildings.

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