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Performing Computer

Computer System Servicing Grade 7/8
Quarter 1 Module 2


Department of Education • Schools Division of Benguet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Benguet
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by:
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System


Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that:

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condition the payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories,
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This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12
Curriculum through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)—Learning
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division

particularly the Learning Resource Management and Development Section,
Department of Education, Schools Division of Benguet, Cordillera Administrative
Region which is in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education-CID,

Schools Division of Benguet. It aims to improve students’ performance specially in
Technology and Livelihood Education – Computer System Servicing.
The learning competency for this module was identified as a competency that
can be done alone or needing less or little supervision from parents or guardians.

Date of Development : September 2020
Resource Location : Division of Benguet, La Trinidad
Learning Area : TLE – Computer System Servicing
Grade Level : Grade 7/8
Learning Resource Type : Learning Material
Language : English
Quarter/Week : First Quarter, Week 2
Competencies and Codes : Perform Computer Operations (PCO)


The developer would like to express her profound gratitude to the following
who have made significant contributions and inputs for the creation and improvement
of this module:
The School Principal of Benguet National High School-Main, Nestor O. Dalay-
on, Ph.D.; Assistant Principal II, Madison B. Kiong; SPA-ICT Coordinator/Master
Teacher I, Imelda D. Espiritu; co-teachers and personnel of Benguet National High
School-Main; Sir Samuel S. Ayangdan, Education Program Supervisor for TLE; and
the Division Learning Resource Management and Development System Staff and
the Consultants.

           To my family, friends, and relatives, who prayed and inspired me to continue
to finish this module. 

   And most especially to our Creator for His guidance, wisdom, courage and
strength He bestowed to the developer in order to finish this module;


Melvin L. Alfredo Antionette D. Sacyang

Librarian II Project Development Officer II

Sonia D. Dupagan, EdD,

Education Program Supervisor– Learning Resource


Samuel S. Ayangdan
Education Program Supervisor– TLE

Rizalyn A. Guznian, Ed.D

Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Samuel T. Egsaen Jr., Ed.D

OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Benilda M. Daytaca, EdD, CESO VI,

OIC, Schools Division Superintendent



What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the computer operations. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. transfer files and data between compatible systems using computer software,
hardware/peripheral devices;
2. follow steps in launching browser and loading search engine;
3. implement basic computer maintenance procedures in line with the standards
operating procedures;
4. appreciate the importance of basic computer maintenance.

What I Know


Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read the sentences carefully then choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on your CSS activity sheet.
1. It is the markup or format language for the web.
a. HTML b. URL c. HTTP d. WWW
2. A kind of “address” that is unique and used to identify to each resource on
the web. It is also commonly called a URL.
a. HTML b. URL c. HTTP d. WWW
3. This allows for the retrieval of linked resources from across the web.
a. HTML b. URL c. HTTP d. WWW
4. It is a wireless technology that allows the exchange of data between
devices in short distances. a. Wi-Fi b. ShareIt c. Bluetooth d. USB
5. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. flash drive b. iCloud c. Dropbox d. OneDrive
6. It is an application use to share files between cellphones when only the
Bluetooth is on. a. Wi-Fi b. ShareIt c. Bluetooth d. USB
7. Which is an example of online storage?
a. One Drive b. Google c. Twitter d. Disk Drive
8. What does it mean by WWW?
a. Word Wide Web c. World Wide Web
b. Word Web Wide d. Wide World Web
9. A popular browser for both desktop and mobile devices.
a. Google Chrome c. UC Browser
b. Mozilla Firefox d. Safari Forest
10. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Google Chrome c. Microsoft Edge
b. Mozilla Firefox d. Safari Forest
11. It is a process in which you create a copy of your computer files.
a. System Update c. Virus Scan
b. Data Backup d. All of the Above
12. What will happen if you avoid computer updates?
a. slows down computer system b. gives a disk clean up
c. speeds up computer system d. nothing happens
13. To install updates manually, click on Start , _______________.
a. select All Programs and then Windows Updates.
b. Click start and windows update
c. Click Windows Update
d. Click programs and select Windows update
14. It is a product from software giant Microsoft and the most commonly used
browser in the universe.
a. Google chrome b. Internet Explorer (IE) c. Safari d. Opera

15. This web browser is developed by Google and its beta version was first
released on September 2, 2008 for Microsoft Windows.
a. Google chrome b. Internet Explorer (IE) c. Safari d. Opera
What’s In

For the review and introduction to this lesson, answer the following questions:
 What are the different input and output devices?
 What devices will you use in transferring data from one device to another?
 How is data transferred from one device to another done

What’s New

Direction. Write your answers in your CSS Activity sheet.

A. Identify five (5) hardware or software that are commonly used to

transfer data. Write answers inside each shape below.

B. List five (5) browsers in the World Wide Web you are familiar with.
Write answers inside each balloon below.

What it is

How Files and Data Works

There are several ways on how to transfer files and data between compatible
systems using computer software, hardware and peripherals devices. You need to
know the following:

1. Files such as documents, pictures, music and email, and

2. Peripherals or hardware this is where you can transfer from one device to
another just like computer to flash disk or vice versa, cellphone to cellphone,
computer to computer and so on.
Ways to Transfer Files and Data

1. Computer to Computer
In this way, you will use a local
connection or router either wired or
wireless connections where the
computers are connected to the same
network to meet and can transfer files to
each other.
2. Computer to External Storage
Here, you need of course an external
storage just like flash disk or memory
card where you can transfer files from
computer to external storage or vice
3. Mobile Phone to Mobile Phone
In these two same devices, Bluetooth
connection should be turned on in order
to transfer files from each other. Others
prefer to use the ShareIt (third party
software) applications because it is very
fast and easy to install.
4. Computer, Cellphone, Laptop to
Online Storage
You can transfer files from computers
and cellphones or vice versa easily
using cloud storage services like
OneDrive, Dropbox or Google drive.
When transferring files from different
devices to online storage, make sure
you are connected to the internet.
Applications are available to download
and install for easy access of the online

World Wide Web Browser

Web Browsers are software installed on your PC. On the Web, when you navigate
through pages of information, this is commonly known as web browsing or web

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist. He invented the World Wide Web
in October 1990. He wrote the first web page editor/browser which is
WorldWideWeb.app and the first server which https. The first web page was served
on the open internet by the end of 1990.
It was in the year 1993 that CERN, a European Organization for Nuclear Research,
where Sir Tim was working, to announced the global wave of creativity, collaboration
and innovation.
In 1994, Sir Tim moved to Massachusetts Institute of Technology to found the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international community devoted to developing
open web standards. He remains the Director of W3C to this day.

Parts of Web Browser

• HyperText Markup Language (HTML) - This is the markup or format

language for the web.
• Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) - A kind of “address” that is unique and
used to identify to each resource on the web. It is also commonly called a URL.
• Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - Allows for the retrieval of linked
resources from across the web.

List of Top Web Browsers Online

Google Chrome
This web browser is developed by Google and its beta
version was first released on September 2, 2008 for
Microsoft Windows. Today, chrome is known to be one
of the most popular web browser with its global share
of more than 50%.
Microsoft Edge is a cross-platform web browser
developed by Microsoft. It was first released for
Windows 10 and Xbox One in 2015, then for Android
and iOS in 2017, and for macOS in 2019.
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox is a new browser derived from Mozilla. It was
released in 2004 and has grown to be the second most
popular browser on the Internet.
Opera is smaller and faster than most other browsers,
yet it is full- featured. Fast, user-friendly, with keyboard
interface, multiple windows, zoom functions, and more.
Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and
included in Mac OS X. It was first released as a public
beta in January 2003. Safari has very good support for

latest technologies like XHTML, CSS2 etc.
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer (IE) is a product from software giant
Microsoft. This is the most commonly used browser in
the universe. This was introduced in 1995 along with
Windows 95 launch and it has passed Netscape
popularity in 1998.
Slimjet Browser
Slimjet is a powerful and one of the best browsers
around. It has in built extensions to ease internet
browsing. Powered by Blink Engine, Slimjet supports
all Chrome Apps plus a bundle of more extensive build
in apps.
A fast browser with a lot of features and reliable user
interface. Powered by Maxthon Cloud Engine, it offers
seamless browsing and downloads. Works on all
Slim Browser
A popular choice for users who like speed and security.
It is based on Internet Explorer's Trident Engine and is
a robust and powerful browser. It flaunts better usability
features and speed compared to internet explorer
Netscape Browser
Originally published by AOL, Netscape browser has
released latest version based on Mozilla Firefox. It is
fast, secure and is a choice of many users online.
UC Browser
A popular browser for both desktop and mobile
devices. Tabbed browsing and fast startup make it a
popular choice for thousands of users. Full download
manager and full screen browsing ads on nicely.

Basic Computer Maintenance Tips for PC Users

Although computers still tend to intimidate many people, and the idea of fixing
them on their own is even worse, learning some simple computer maintenance
things can make life a lot simpler. Sometimes a computer may need the services of a
qualified technician, but sometimes a simple fix or regular maintenance is all it
needs. Here are 5 basic computer maintenance tips for PC users.

1. Uninstall Programs No Longer Used

An average computer user keeps a computer at least three years. In that time, a lot
of programs get put on the computer. These programs may have been used only a
couple of times, but they still sit on the computer taking up space and often using up
memory if they’re running in the background. They’re also making the computer’s
processor work harder than is necessary. Getting rid of old programs will not only
allow more room for new programs but can speed up the computer. To uninstall
programs, go to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall Programs.

2. Delete Temporary Files

Many PC users don’t realize that every time they go to a site online the computer
stores that information so the page loads faster next time the page is visited from
that computer. While this all sounds good, storing all those unnecessary files can
really slow down the computer and the time it takes to load other applications.
Deleting temporary files regularly can free up a lot of the computer’s memory.

3. Clean Computer and Keyboard

The computer and keyboard may seem like they’re external parts that wouldn’t affect
the performance of the system, but they can if they’re not kept clean. Imagine all the
dust that would accumulate if a house was never dusted, and this is what the inside
of a computer looks like if it’s never cleaned. Dust and dirt can slow down the
computer and even ruin the fan. Cans of compressed air work great for dusting all
parts of the computer and keyboard, including the cooling fan and vents.

4. Scan for Viruses and Spyware

Running conventional anti-virus and spyware detection software is probably the
easiest and best way PC users can protect their computers. Viruses and malware
can do a lot of damage to a computer and all its contents. Most programs will run
softly in the background as users continue doing what they’re doing. Heavy
computer users should run their virus software at least once a week. While anti-virus
software offers users the choice of different scans, running a full scan offers the most

5. Install Current Operating System Updates

Many computer users don’t understand the importance of keeping their operating
system up-to-date with the latest software and patches. Every day new computer
and cyber threats come out. If the system isn’t current with all the necessary
software and patches, it becomes vulnerable to threats. To install updates manually,
click on Start, select All Programs and then Windows Updates. If there are updates
that need to be installed, they will show up there. Mac users can click on the Apple

menu, select About This Mac and then select Software Update. Both systems give
the option to Install Updates Automatically. This option will ensure the updates get
installed automatically.

What’s More

Activity 1: Write Me

Write a detailed procedure in any one of the ways you can transfer your files. Write
the answer on a short bond paper. The rating criteria is shown below.

Relevance and Content 70%

Creativity 30%
Total 100%

Assessment 1

Direction: Identify the following images of the hardware/peripherals that is used to

transfer files from the computer system to other peripherals. Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.

Hardware Name of the hardware/software

Activity 2: Browse Me Answer Me

Direction: Perform the following procedures and answer the questions that
1. Use a web browser to locate any of your social media accounts: Facebook
Account, Email Account, Twitter Account and You Tube Account.
2. Locate information on the topic” Parts of Web browser”.

1. What browser did you use in locating your social media account?
2. What browser did you use in locating the information on the parts of web
a. What website location did you click? What is the URL of the site?
b. Copy one paragraph about web browser on the site that you visited.

Assessment 2:

Direction: Identify the owner or company of the following browser logo

images. Choose your answers from the WORD BANK. Write your answer in CSS
activity sheets.



Slim Browser


UC Browser

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Opera Browser

Slimjet Browser

Safari Browser

Internet Explorer

Activity 3: List Me

Direction: List down the five Basic Computer Maintenance. Write your answer
in your TLE-CSS activity sheets.


Assessment 3:

Direction: Write an essay about the importance of computer maintenance. Relate your
statements to skills you learned in the lesson. Give also your own title for the essay
(minimum of 400 words). Write it in a short size bond paper. The rating criteria is shown

Relevance and Content 70%

Creativity 30%
Total 100%

What I Have Learned

Direction: Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentences. Write your answers
on your CSS activity sheet.

1. Web Browsers are ___________ installed on your PC. On the Web, when
you navigate through pages of information, this is commonly known as
_____________ or web surfing.

2. There are several ways on how to transfer files and data between
compatible systems using computer _________, _________ and
___________ devices.
3. Performing ___________ routine maintenance may also ________ a
computer from crashing and leaving the user without a computer. By
remembering these computer maintenance tips, users can learn to
_________ basic PC maintenance and add life to an older computer.

What I Can Do

Let’s Do It:

A. Transfer any file from your mobile phone/computer to other mobile

phone phone/computer using available software/peripherals at home.

B. Prepare a matrix on Plan preparation in maintaining a computer.

Write it in your CSS activity sheet.



Let’s Check!

Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read the sentences carefully then choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on your CSS activity sheet.
1. It is the markup or format language for the web.
a. HTML b. URL c. HTTP d. WWW

2. A kind of “address” that is unique and used to identify to each resource on
the web. It is also commonly called a URL.
a. HTML b. URL c. HTTP d. WWW
3. This allows for the retrieval of linked resources from across the web.
a. HTML b. URL c. HTTP d. WWW
4. It is a wireless technology that allows the exchange of data between
devices in short distances. a. Wi-Fi b. Share It c. Bluetooth d. USB
5. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. flash drive b. iCloud c. Dropbox d. OneDrive
6. It is an application use to share files between cellphones when only the
Bluetooth is on. a. Wi-Fi b. Share It c. Bluetooth d. USB
7. Which is an example of online storage?
a. One Drive b. Google c. Twitter d. Disk Drive
8. What does it mean by WWW?
a. Word Wide Web c. World Wide Web
b. Word Web Wide d. Wide World Web
9. A popular browser for both desktop and mobile devices.
a. Google Chrome c. UC Browser
b. Mozilla Firefox d. Safari Forest
10. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Google Chrome c. Microsoft Edge
b. Mozilla Firefox d. Safari Forest
11. It is a process in which you create a copy of your computer files.
a. System Update c. Virus Scan
b. Data Backup d. All of the Above
12. What will happen if you avoid computer updates?
a. slows down computer system b. gives a disk clean up
c. speeds up computer system d. nothing happens
13. To install updates manually, Click on Start, _______________.
a. Select All Programs and then Windows Updates.
b. Click start and windows update
c. Click Windows Update
d. Click programs and select Windows update
14. It is a product from software giant Microsoft and the most commonly used
browser in the universe.
a. Google chrome b. Internet Explorer (IE) c. Safari d. Opera
15. This web browser is developed by Google and its beta version was first
released on September 2, 2008 for Microsoft Windows.
a. Google chrome b. Internet Explorer (IE) c. Safari d. Opera

Let's Do More

Direction: Answer the riddle about computer below. Write the answer in your
CSS activity sheet.

1. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?


2. I have keys but no locks. I have a space but no room. You can enter, but can't
go outside. What am I?

3. What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a computer?


4. I come in square package but I am round. I contain lots of information for your
computer. Handle me carefully. What am I?


Key Answers
What I Know Assessment 3
1. A Answer vary
2. B
What I have learned
3. C
4. C 1. Software, web browsing
5. A 2. Software, hardware, and
6. B peripherals
7. A 3. Computer, prevent, perform
8. C
9. C Post Assessment
10. D
11. B 1. A
12. B 2. B
13. A 3. C
14. B 4. C
15. A 5. A
6. B
What”s In
7. A
Answer vary 8. C
9. C
What’s New
10. D
Answer vary 11. B
12. B
What’s More 13. A
Assessment 1 14. B
1. Flash drive 15. A
2. ShareIt
3. Bluetooth
4. External hard drive

Assessment 2
1. Google Chrome
2. Mozilla Firefox
3. Opera
4. Safari
5. Internet Explorer
6. Slimjet
7. Maxthon
8. Slim Browser
9. Netscape
10. UC Browser


Louelyn M. Lajot, TLE – ICT – Computer System Servicing – Grade 7 Alternative

Mode Quarter 0 – Module 2: Performing Computer Operations First Edition, 2020,
Negros oriental Region VII
Patkar, Mihir. (November 26, 2019). “5 Ways to Transfer Files from One Computer to
Another”. makeuseof.com. Accessed August 11, 2020.
Pequiro, Chemby Mae S. and Sam Uriel U. Reyes. Computer System Servicing
1 – Module 3: Performing Computer Operations Part 3 Module. 1st Edition.
Cagayan de Oro: DepEd, Division of Cagayan de Oro City, 2020
Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J. (June 8, 2020). “Best Cloud Services in 2020”.
Accessed August 12, 2020.
Ramilo, Rosalie P. Lujero and Ronaldo V. 2013. Computer Hardware Servicing
Learning Material-Grade 7 and 8
tips- for-pc-users/

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Benguet

Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Telephone: 074 422 2001 

Email Address: benguet@deped.gov.ph


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