Ptiispecific - Asme Section V Art 6 2019
Ptiispecific - Asme Section V Art 6 2019
Ptiispecific - Asme Section V Art 6 2019
1. Which one of the following reference that is not used in penentrant testing ?
B. ASME SECT. V Art. 6
C. ASME SECT. V Art. 7
D. ASME SECT. V Art. 24 SE-165
2. A visible light must be used at examination surface at least :
A. 100 fc C. 10 lux
B. 10 fc D. 1000 lux
3. ]Drying oven temperature shall not be exceed provided the temperature of the surface parts :
A. 71 oC C. 1250F
B. 52 oC D. None of the Above
4. Surface preparation by grinding, machining, or other methods may be necessary where
surface irregularities could
A. Finger indication C. Lint and dirt Indication
B. Mask indications D. All of the above
5. The developer functions
A. Discontinuities, and as a contrasting background to enhance the visibility of penetrant
B. Discontinuities, and as a contrasting background to enhance the visibility of penetrant
C. To be examined and allowed to enter discontinuities
D. A and B
6. What kind of certification required of contaminant content for all liquid penetrant materials
used on nickel base alloys, austenitic or duplex stainless steels, and titanium
A. Penetrant manufacturers’ batch numbers
B. The test results obtained in accordance with Mandatory Appendix II
C. Not required
D. A and B
7. Prior to Penetrant examination, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at
least ………..shall be dry and free of all dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux and spatter, oil,
or other extraneous matter that could interfere with the examination
A. 0.5 in. (12.5 mm) C., 1.5 in. (37.5 mm)
B. 1 in. (25 mm) D. none of the above
8. How many time shall be established to ensure that the cleaning solution has evaporated prior
to application of the penetrant
A. 5 minute C. Minimum
B. 10 minute D. No specified
9. Either a color contrast (visible) penetrant or a fluorescent penetrant shall be used with one of
the following three penetrant processes
A. Water washable C. Solvent removable
B. Post-emulsifying D. All of the Above
10. Ambient temperature penetrant shall be in the range from :
A. 400F to 1250F C. 50F to 1250F
B. 50C to 520C D. A and B
Approved by: Saenal AR/level 3 page 1
11. What do you do when penetrant dwell time greater than 2 hours :
A. Continue process penetrant
B. Penetrant shall be reapplied
C. Penetrant shall be dried
D. Nothing of the all above
12. Dry developer shall be applied only to a dry surface by a ….., provided the powder is dusted
evenly over the entire surface being examined.
A. Soft brush
B. Hand powder bulb
C. Powder gun, or other means
D. All of the above
13. Excess water-washable penetrants shall be removed with a water spray. The water pressure
shall not exceed….., and the water temperature shall not exceed
A. 50 psi and 110°F C. 350 kPa and 110°F
B. 350 kPa and 43°C. D. All of the above
14. Solvent removable penetrant are removed excess penetrant with :
A. Lint free C. Obserbent toweling
B. Dry cloth D. All of the above
15. The emulsifier concentration shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations, but shall be no
A. Less than 5%. C. SAME WITH 5 %
B. Greater than 5%. D. Nothing of the all above
16. Prior to applying suspension type wet developer to the surface, the developer must be
thoroughly agitated to ensure adequate dispersion of suspended particles
A. Directly used the suspension particles
B. Wait a few minute to ensure adequate dispersion of suspended particles
C. Agitated to ensure adequate dispersion of suspended particles
D. None of the above
17. Minimum and maximum development time after dried on aqueous developer :
A. 5 minutes and 0,5 hour C. 10 minutes and 0.5 hours
B. 5 minutes and 1 hour D. 10 minutes and 1 hours
18. After emulsification applied dwell times should be kept to a minimum and shall be ……
A. At least 2 minutes
B. At 2 minutes
C. Not more than 2 min
D. More than 2 min
19. Which one of the following quality control provision have to be done weekly :
A. Black light intensity
B. Emulsifier consentration(hydrophilic)
C. Fluorescent brightness
D. All of the above
20. Developer application shall be sufficient coating because if excessive coating thickness
A. Appear nonrelevant indications
B. Appear mask indications
C. Appear releveant indications
D. Nothing of the above