Sample-Template RATA

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Regional Office No. II

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Clusters _______

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the undersigned:

a. has not been issued or has not used government vehicle in the performance of her
official duties;
b. incurred representation and travelling expenses in the discharge of her official
duties and responsibilities; and
c. incurred travelling and transportation expenses on _______ 2022 per Travel Order
No. 2022-____ dated ______, 2022.
(Under letter C, please state whether you have official travels or none for the
month, by which transportation and travelling expenses were claimed from your
Audited agency)

This certification is issued to support her claim for RATA as an OIC-Audit Team
Leader of Teams _______________________ for the month of ______ 2022.

Issued this _____ day of ___ 2022.

State Auditor III
OIC - Audit Team Leader

Noted by:


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