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Kunike International School,



Read the following passage carefully and answer the question under it.
Libraries are primarily important because they are very reservoirs of knowledge. Their libraries are placed
where research is carried out. The research workers tapping and considering the knowledge made available
The world research Conjures up in the mind a picture of a laboratory with worker in while coats carefully
carrying text tube; but taking more field of knowledge into consideration, more research is done in libraries
are also powerful contributors to the spread of Education.They supplement the work of the teachers and
they educate those who have no teacher. The importance of the library in the work of Schools and Colleges
is gradually being appreciated.
1. According to this passage the main function of librarity is [a]To educate those who have no teacher
[b]to spread education [c]To Serve scientists [d] to provide materials for research work.

2. This passage suggests that all research workers [a]work inLaboratories [b]Work in Libraries [c] Study
available knowledge in their field [d]Take all field of knowledge into Consideration.

3. Libraries are useful in School because ________[a]they educate people who have no teacher [b]they
are battle than laboratories [c]they provide materials for research workers [d]the teacher's work in
Supplemented by them.

4. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?[a]Libraries help to spread
education [b] in science, more research work is done in libraries than in laboratories [c]libraries are
the most important tools of all research workers [d] Libraries contains all knowledge

5. Taking more field of knowledge into consideration, more researches are done in the
________[a]libraries[b]laboratories [c] Classroom [d]Science field
Fill in the blanks in these sentences with the best of the alternatives Offered ( from these choose the one
which is nearest in meaning to Underlined in that sentence)
6. We hope to reach Kano, by day break [a]by dawn[b]by dusk [c]When it is dark [d]by daylight
7. When the cement had set they began the next stage of the work. [a]Curdled [b]Secured [c]adjusted
8. The grammar School won the cup three years running [a]For athletics [b]quickly [c]with ease [d]in
9. Rose bought a Cottage on the fringe of the forest.[a]middle [b]outskirt [c]outside [d]bushes.
10. Michealstoop up to the bully [a] looked at [b]met [c]got up for [d]bravely faced.
11. They haven't come to a decision yet [a]Still[b]again [c]although [d]So far.
Below each of the following question are five sentences that best answer the questions.
12. You don't like fighting, do you? [a]No, I don't [b]Yes I'm not sure [c]No, I didn't [d]No, I do.
13. Did you sweep the class today? [a]Yes, I didn't [b]No, didn't [c]Yes, I did [d] No, I did.
14. Did he tell you what happen to his brother? [a]Yes, he didn't [b]No, he did [c]Yes, he has [d]Yes, he
15. What is the man doing? [a]he will eat [b] he eat well [c]he is eating [d]he has eaten
16. Whose turn is it to sweep the classroom? [a]it is I [b] It is my turn [c]I am not the one [d]It is mine
From the list of word lettered A to E Choose the one that is most nearly in opposite in meaning to the
word Underlied in each sentence.
17. The office of the headmaster was very rowdy [a] Crowded [b] order [c]noisy [d]dark.
18. Every parent hates lazy children [a]beats [b] loves [d]corrects [d]pamper [e]ignores.
19. The politician did not go out through the normal exit of the hall. [a]door [b]route [c]entrance
[d]corner [e]Channel.
20. Jerry was generous to his friends [a]proud b]wicked [c]rude [d]miserly [e]dishonest.
21. The pupils were tiredof the long lesson. [a]Not concerned with [b]Unsure of [c]Confused by [d]
Interested in.
22. The dog has vomitted its food. [a]Swallowed [b]Sniffed [c]Chewed [d]licked.
23. I met that recklessdriveragainyesterday. [a]fast [b]Careful [c]slow [d]careless.
24. Junmaidisplayed her books on the table [a] exposed [b]concealed.
25. Last year examination result were very encouraging[a]good [b]disappointing [c]annoying
Complete each of the following questions with the most appropriate option lettered A – E
26. Thomas did read it ________he? [a]hasn't [b]does [c]didn't [d]did.
27. Carter does like them _______ She? [a]does [b] Doesn't[c] did [d]isn’t.
28. You weren't ready, you? [a]weren't [b]were [c]are [d]aren't.
29. He is rich ______he ? [a]is [b]Isn't [c]has [d]hasn't.
30. She hasn't been sleeping, ______. She? [a]wasn't [b] is [c]was [d]has.
From the options lettered A-D. Choose the option that contains the selected sound.
31. /ei/ [a]bee [b]being [c]page [d]very
32. /e/ [a]many [b]hate [c]wanted [d]seek
33. /ǝu/ [a]home [b]full [c]bell [d]due
34. /i/ [a]hide [b]eei [c]bail [d]pig
35. /au/ [a]loss [b]flaunt [c]plug [d]cow.
From the options lettered A-D. Choose the option that contains the consonant sound.
36. /z/ [a]loss [b]news [c]food [d]piece
37. /ǥ/ [a]big [b]joy [c]align [d]choose
38. /t/ [a]thank [b]bell [c]motion [d]treasure
39. /b/ [a]jaw [b]daughter [c]lamb [d]better
40. /s/ [a]shoulder [b]come [c]mercy [d]growth.

COMPOSITION: Choose and write any of these

1. You have a new teacher in your school and wish to describe him/her to a colleague who left your
school last year.
2. Describe “Your last birthday party”.
Kunike International School
Comprehension Test:
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.
One day, six blind men from Indostan went to feel a tame elephant, the largest land animal in the world.
They were very anxious to know what this creature was Iike.The first felt the broad, Sturdy side of the
elephant and shouted that the animal was just like a wall. The second touched a round Smooth, sharp tusk
and concluded that the elephant resembled a spear.The third handled its squirming trunk. 'Indeed' he
declared, the elephant is like a snake! The fourth man felt the knee and argued that the creature resembled
a tree.Thefifth, who chanced to touch its ear concluded that the elephant was just like a fan. The last man
seized the swinging tail and pointed out that the animal was just like a rope.On their way home, these men
disputed loudly among one another on the shape of the elephant. Each of them strongly stuck to his
observations and would not agree with the others. Though each was right in describing the part of the
animal he had felt, none had the correct picture of an elephant.
1.. Why did the blind men go to find an elephant.? (a) They had nothing else to do (b) They wanted to
discover what kind of animal it was (c)To quarrel among themselves. (d)To stick to their observations.
2.What is the elephant Said to be?
(a)The biggest animal in the world (b)The biggest creature living on land (c)The largest Insect living (d)A very
strange shape.
3. Why was the animal's side described as a wall?(a)It was very near the wall. (b)It had the same colour as
the wall. (c)It was made of Cement or mud (d)It was so big and Solid.
4. Why was the elephant tusk described as a spear? (a)It had the same colour as a spear
(b)A spear was lying on ground (c)it was the same shape.(d)Spears are used in hunting.
5. The trunk was compared to a snake. Why? (a) It is dangerous (b)it could bite (c)it was moving like a snake
(d)Snakes were there.
Fill in the blanks in these sentences with the best of the alternatives offered.
6. I ______ Mary since January, when she went to Calabar. (a)Did not see (b)have not seen (c)am not seeing
(d)was not seeing.
7. We ______ with Udo for a few day last february. (a)are staying (b)have been staying (c) stay (d)Stayed.
8. Micheal______ busy since January, when he began Secondary School (a) was (b) is (c)will be (d)has been.
9.Father _______me a bicycle two weeks ago. · (a)bought (b)Used to buy (c)buys (d)has bought.
10. Every evening Mother cooks the vegetables, and we ______ them. (a)ate (b)will eat (c)are eating (d)eat.
11. I _______ it over and then I did as you asked. (a)thought (b)am thinking (c) have to think (d)think.
12. When Akpan had read the book, he ______ it back to the library. (a)has taken (b)will take (c)took
13. MrNwosu looked up and _______ his friend approaching. (a)was seeing (b)sees (c) Saw, (d)has seen
14. The game ______ when the storm began. (a)has ended (b)was ending (c)ends (d) is ending.
15. We'll buy mangoes if the fruit Seller _____ soon(a)Came (b)had come (c) Comes (d)was coming.
16. Okeke has decided that he should go to Lagos and ______ for work. (a)to look (b) look (c)looked
17. While we were playing in the compound, father ______ on his new house. (a) was working (b)works (c)
is working (d)will be working.
18. I ______ Joseph twice since Monday (a)meet (b)was meeting (c)should meet (d)have met.
19. Since last week, when our guests came, we ______ very busy. (a)are (b)have been (c)were being
20 Although, Adamu _______ two goals, his team was beaten. (a)Scored (b) was scoring (c)Scores (d)is
Choose from the four alternatives the best way of Completing these questions.
21. _______ good news. (a)That is (b) these is (c)those are (d)there are.
22. _______Very Sharp Sassors you've got there. (a)that is (b)these are © this is (d) those are
23. Whose chalk______ over there? (a)is this (b)are these (c)are those (d)Is that
24. ______is Coming to the game (a)The whole group (b)most of us [c]All the people (d) Some of us.
25. ______ was hurt in the accident (a)Many people (b)some people (c)Somebody (d) Anybody.
26. ______ in this class need to work harder (a) One person [b] somebody [c] Somepupils [d] Everyone
27. _____of the players were late. [a]Everybody [b]A few [c]not one [d] Only one.
28. _______else came in[a] Many people [b] Someone [c] A few people [d]anyone
29. Godwin has had many adventures. Ilike to hear about _________ [a]it [b]them [c]all [d] many
30. _____likes being kept waiting [a] few [b] Nobody [c]Not many people [d]a few people.
Choose from the options lettered A-E the one that contains the given phonetics 31 – 40.
31. /s/ [a]ache [b]beach [c]chop [d]wash
32. /ei/ [a]bear [b]fuel [c]straight [d]kite
33. /Ɵ/[a]both [b]bottle [c]clothes [d]tongue
34. /Ɔ / [a]bulk [b]cock [c]]come [d]worm
35. /u/ [a]cool [b]grew [c]look [d]soup
36. /i:/ [a]bread [b]free [c]inch [d]ift
37. /Ʒ/ [a]final [b]tank [c]join [d]knew
38. /^/ [a]lawn [b]picture [c]rule [d]touch
39. /f/ [a]laugh [b]leopard [c]shepherd [d]shiver
40. /eə/ [a]dear [b]fair [c]jewel [d]name

• Write on any of these topics
1. My favourite Subject.
2. How I celebrated the last "lleya" festivity".
Kunike International School



Section 1
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow.
Old John was blind. So, because he could not see the cars and the lorries he could not safely cross the road
alone. He needed a helper. One day he was waiting for someone to help him and waited only a few
moment when he heard a woman's voicesay, please may I cross the road with you!
"Of course" he replied,Thank you very much madam". And when they reached the other side he
began to thank her again. But he stopped him, saying "I must thank you. It is always wonderful to meet
someone who is ready to help blind people like me!
1. John wanted Someone to help him cross the road because he was____[a]afraid [b]blind [c]old
2. John Knew, that a woman, not a man was speaking to him because [a]he heard her voice [b]he had
met her before [c]he saw her face [d]She always help him.
3. John thought ___________[a]he was helping the woman [b] the woman was helping him © the
woman was not blind[d] they were helping each other.
4. The woman said she wanted to cross the road with John because she was [a]blind and she knew he
was blind [b]blind and she did not know he was blind[c] blind but she wanted to help him [d]not
blind and wanted to kelp him.
5. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage [a]both the man and the woman
were old [b]The woman asked old John to help her because she had heard his voice [c]it might be
dangerous for old John to cross the road alone[d]Old John could not cross the road at all.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate of the options lettered A – E after each number(6 – 15)
6. Does _____ of you know the correct answer?" the teacher asked all the class. [a] all [b] any [c]both
[d]either [e]none.
7. There were some pencils on my desk but I didn't like ______ of them. [a]any [b]both [c]either
[d]any. [e]neither
8. Every one of them always.... the question Correctly.[a]answer [b] answered [c]answering [d]answers
9. Your book is _______ than mine. [a]Small [b]Smaller [c] Smallest [d]very small.
10. My uncle is not quite a... as my father. [a]Kind [b]Kinder[c]Kindest [d]more kind [e]most laid.
11. Joy is the …...: of the three friends [a]tall [b] taller [c] tallest [d] too fall [e] very tall.
12. I congratulated him………. his success. [a]during [b]for [c]in [d]on [e]over
13. We have agreed......... a date for the wedding. [a]at [b]by [c]for [d]on [e]in.
14. It is right to look …………the answer [a]after [b] for [c]on [d]up [e]to.
15. It was left………... up to decide which way to go [a]at [b]by [c]for [d]to [e]with.
16. Kola takes......... his father, he is exact image. [a]after [b]from [c]in [d]of [e]over.
17. Bisiis a girl who can be relied……... [a]into [b]of [c]over [d]upon [d]though
18. His daughter is very dear ………... his heart. [a]above [b]by [c]from [d]in [e]to
19. The man kept his money………. no one could seeit. [a] were [b] what [c]when [d]where [e]whose
20. They were tired last night........... [a]aren't [b]did [c]weren't [d]didn't [e]weren't.
21. He isn't poor ________ he?[a]is[b]Isn't [c]was [d]wasn’t [e]were.
22. He is rich ______ he? [a]doesn't [b]has [c]hasn't [d]Isn't [e]is
23. It is raining, Isn't it? [a]No, it is [b]No, it doesn't [c]Yes, it is [d]Yes it isn't.
24. Do you know whether they shouted? [a] No, we do [b]No,I don't © Yes, do we [d]we don't
Use one of the options lettered A-D to join the two sentence together
25. This is the girl. I informed you about her. [a]which [b]who [c]whom [d]whose.
26. My uncle parked his car. Nobody could hit it. [a]If [b]when [c]where [d]whereas
27. keep your money. You can find it. [a]if [b]may be [c]when [d]where.
28. That is the pencil. It costs ten naira. [a] and [b]but [c] that [d]who
29. My uncle is very rich. He prefers cheap commodites. [a]and [b]because ©but [d]so.
30. Audu is a skillful player. He hardly scores a goal. [a]and [b]because [c]Since [d]though.
31. My friend recently bought a new car. It seems he is at the peak of his career. This means my
friend…… [a]has been promoted recently [b]has climbed to the top [c]has the best career around
[d]is the highest paid of all the workers.

Choose the options which is opposite in meaning to the underlined words in the following sentence (32 –
32. Bode was rude to the Old man. [a]polite [b]good [c]helpful [d]indifferent.
33. The difference is clear [a]well known [b]great [c]coloured [d]doubtful
34. Only deceitful people could have that ……………. [a]unreliable [b]clumsy [c]open minded [d]honest.
35. The school will soon move to its permanent site. [a]former [b]fixed [c]temporary [d]constant.
36. You will be punishedfor doing that…. [a]praised [b]paid [c]rewarded [d]condemned.
37. Will you remove the pencil at once. [a]seize [b]give me [c]release [d]put back
38. This water is muddy [a]pure [b]drinkable [c]bad [d]clear.
39. She is light in color. [a]heavy [b]black [c]white [d]fair.
40. The well is very deep. [a]wide [b]small [c]shallow [d]hollow.
Choose and write on any one of these.
1. Describe how you spent your last holiday
2. "My best friend"
Kunike International School



I Know a creature that is full of beauty. It walks slowly and gently with pride, displaying its beauty. It has a
beautiful crown: up, up, on its head. Many a time, its colorful long feathers are not seen but closed up, only
to be spreadout like a folding hand fan or rainbow shape whenever it's happy and fine to show the beauty
of nature and its pride to all around.

1. How does the creature walk?
2. What is on its head?
3. Are the feathers of one or many colors?
4. Is the creature ugly or beautiful?
5. What is the name of this creature?
Jump, kangaroo, dog, hops, meow, crows, owl, lion, bee, baa baa.

6. The cock.............. at 5a.m

7. The.............roars in the bush.

8. The ............. barks at the thief.

9. .................said the sheep

10.The cat cries .......... for its milk


11. My ...........are cold (feat, feet)

12. The ...........poured down heavily. (rein, rain)

13. Warm clothes are .......... in cold times. (won, worn )

14.Before john went out, he combed his .......... (hare, hair)

15.Baby-dog is called............(poppy, puppy)


Dinner, light, butter, giraffe, little, dress

16.The tallest animal is .............................

17. Amaka has a new blue ........................

18.Have you seen the traffic ...................

19.An evening meal is called ..................

20. We spread it on bread to eat..............

Kunike International School,osogbo

Mr Ade is a farmer. One day, he went into the jungle - long gun.
"Here comes a leopard", he said and ran quickly into the nearby bush, to hide. The Leopard with its long
tail walked by the bush. The hunter came out behind the animal and shot at it, Tah! A loud noise came out
of the gun and the animal ran quickly. The hunter ran after it with a second shot. The animal fell. "Oh! What
a big animal", exclaimed the hunter?
1. The name the animal is ................................

2. He killed the animal with ............ (a) a car (b) hands (c) a long gun (d)stick.

3. Who hid in the bush?.........................................

4. A ............is one who kills animals in the bush?

5. The loud noise came out of …………………

Write the plural of the following singular nouns

Singular Plural

2. BOX



5. MAN




10. BABY

My Family - Composition(Fill in the blank with correct details of yourself)

1. My family name is ...................................

2. We are.................. in number.

3. My father's name is ..................................

4. He is a .........................................................

5. My Mother's name is.................................

6. She is a .........................................

7. We are from ........................... State

8. I love my family because .........................

9. We are christians / muslims.....................

10. I see with my ............................................

Kunike International School,osogbo

To the Post Office
From our house, we walked along our street between the house gardens on our right and the open grass
field with willow trees lined up in a row to our left. So we came to the Post Office at the end of the street.
There, we met an old post-master who sold five stamps to us, and we fixed them to the letters. One of
them was written to our grandfather in the village.
Then, we turned to the right and moved along to the busy shopping street down to the big chemist's shop.
We bought two toothbrushes and a big toothpaste. The former were red and green and returned home by
the same way.
1. What were on their right as they walked to the Post Office? .........................

2. Were the willow trees in the garden? .............

3. How many stamps did they buy at the Post Office? ...........................

4. 5. Who sold the stamps to them? To whom and where was one of the letters sent? ....................

6. What did they buy at the chemist's shop? ...............

7. Name their colours?.........................

8. On their way back home, was the post office on their right or left?.......................

9. What was the position of the trees on their return trip?.........................................

10. Name three other things one can buy at the chemist's shop? ......................................
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective.
11. Ama is the ........pupil in the school.(a)clever (b)cleverest (c)cleverer
12. Joe is............... than Kwame. (a) fattest (b)fat (c)fatter.
13. Amina is.........than Abena. (a)beautiful (b) more beautiful (c) most beautiful
14. Snake is the .............animal. (a) dangerous (b)most dangerous (c) more dangerous.
15. Abdul is the........... ..in their family. (a) tall (b) taller (c) tallest

Complete the sentences with the correct verb

16. Who ............ that ball on the field? (a) kicking (b)kicked (c)has kicking

17. My sister has already ............ doing her assigment. (a) finished (b)finish (c)finishing.

18. Kofi has....... to school this morning. (a) go (b)goes (c)gone.

19. My mother always .........banku every Sunday morning. (a) cook (b)has cooked (c)cooking.

20. She is ........her school uniform (a)washing (b)wash (c)washed.

Complete the sentences using has/have.

21. Mr and MrsKorshipa ............. travelled three days ago.

22. ............. you found your stolen money?

23. Someone ............. taken my book.

24. It ............. been knocked by car.

25. The girl ...........been performing well nowadays.

Write about "Yourself".
Kunike International School,osogbo

INSTRUCTION: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.
Once upon a time, the tortoise wanted to marry a girl. He visited the girl regularly. Very soon, the tortoise
was well known to the relations of the girl as her suitor. One day, one of the girl's relations died. The
tortoise was invited to the funeral ceremony. He was expected to sing songs as the girl's fiance. This made
the tortoise unhappy because he knew he could not sing well. He had a certain defect in his mouth and
whenever he wanted to sing his voice sounded like a broken gramophone record. He therefore made up his
mind not to sing any song at the funeral, but to engages someone with a good voice to sing in his stead.
The tortoise therefore invited all animals and birds to his house. He tested them and finally selected the
crane because, she could sing well. When the tortoise and the crane got to the girl's house, the crane sang
her most beautiful song, The people were very pleased. They gave the tortoise many gift which he took to
his house
1. The tortoise became well known to the girl's relations because, he
A) Was popular in the town (b) Was hardworking (C) Paid regular visits to the girl (D) Loved the girl (E) Was
an animal
2. The tortoise was invited to the funeral ceremony (A) To dance for the girl (b) To complete with other
suitors (C) To make the dead man wake up (D) To sing songs during the funeral ceremony.
3. The tortoise decided ......... (A) To play a gramophone record (B)To use a radio-cassette player (C) Not to
go there at all (d)To ask the girl to sing for him (E) To ask someone with a good voice to sing for him
4. The tortoise invited all the Animals and birds to .............(A) Select the one with a good voice (B) Mourn
with him (C) Follow him to a marriage ceremony (D) Dance with him (e) Follow him to the burial ceremony
5.The crane was selected because, she
(A) Was a bird (B) Sang very well (C) Was tortoise's sister in-law (D) Could fly (E) Was tortoise's best friend.

Change he following direct speech to indirect speech

a. 'I have a pen,' she said.
b. 'Africa is a continent,' said the teacher
c. 'Go away,' the soldier ordered Obi.
d. 'Our father is working, the boy said.
e. the girl said, "My mother is a seamstress'.
Fill in the blanks with the correct present perfect verb form of the verbs in brackets
1. The maid .................the floor (mop)
2. I ..............my homework (complete)
3. The new neighbours in (move)
4. Bolade ....................his brother (beat)
5. We .................up our rooms (tidy)

Fill in the blanks with the correct past perfect verb form of the verbs in brackets
6. We.....................him before he became famous.(meet)

7. I washed the floor when the painter......... (go)

8. After Sofia ............her work, she went for lunch (finish)

9. Harold ..............about it for a while (know)

10. They............... before he got there (leave)

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences

a. It is very wet

b. We all listened carefully to the principal

c. The butter is neatly spread on the bread

d. The bird sings sweetly

e. We were treated nicely at Ola's birthday party

Answer one out of the following questions

1. Write a letter to your friend inviting her to your graduation party.

2. Write a letter to your grandma, informing her about your plans to spend the coming holiday with her.
Kunike International School,osogbo

Read the passage very carefully and answer the questions that follow
An earthquake is when the ground moves. Sometimes it moves only a little but at times it shakes hard
buildings collapse holes appear in the grounds. There are about 500,000 earthquakes every year. Only
about 100 of these are serious.
In Ghana, we often have serious earthquakes. However, there was one in 1939. The center of the
earthquake was in the sea, 30 kilometers from Accra but it courses a lot of damage. It killed 17 people and
injured 135 people. The worst earthquakes was 1557 in China where830,000 people died.
1. In which year was the world greatest earthquake recorded...............
(a)1939 (b)1957 (c)1557
2. Which country recorded the greatest earthquake in the world?
(a)Ghana (b)Nigeria (c) China
3. How many people were injured in an earthquake which occurred inGhana?
(a)100 (b)135 (c)17
4. According to the passage, which country earthquake is from the centre ofthe sea?
(a) China (b) Ghana (c)Nigeria
Use the following words to construct a short sentence on your own.
5. Plenty ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Big ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Powerful... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Important.. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Partners.. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Represent.. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Choose from letter A - C the one which is nearly opposite in meaning

11. Edward found the water very hot. A.boiling B.cool C.warm
12. The medicine is bitter. A. sweet B. delicious C. palatable
13. A lot of our student pass this year. A. succeed B. fail C.win
14. At the judgment day, the truth shall surely come out.A. sincerity B. faithful C. false
15. Aku realized that the surface of the mirror is very smooth.A. gentle B. neat C. rough

Choose from letter A-C the suitable to complete the sentences below
16. How did you arrive at ………………wonderful idea. A.thatB.suchC.that a such.

17. Can you recall all.......... he said at the meeting? A. what B. this C. that

18. Either the soldiers …………………… the civilian need to be praised.

19. I know that you ............a pen before you're lying?(a). has B. have C. do

20. I……………….. good at singing, A. have B.l'am C. am

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