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Regd. Office: Block No7, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482008
CIN: U40109 MP 2002 SGC 015120
CGM (RDSS), COF Block, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur
Phone No. 0761–2997707, 2702478, 2702450, Fax No. 0761-2666080
(E-mail: mpez.rrrdss@gmail.com; Website: www.mpez.co.in)

No. CGM/RDSS/EZ/FSP-Pkg-08/NIT/563 Jabalpur, dtd: 21/10/2022

Notice Inviting Tender

Online tenders are invited for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 11 KV Lines,
LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting works such as DPs,
TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs in Satna circle area of
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur under Revamped – Reforms – Based and Results – Linked Distribution
Sector Scheme (RDSS) as per tender specifications. The Bids will be received online on the
portal https://mptenders.gov.in up to date & time as per key dates. The tender will be opened in
the office of undersigned as mentioned in tender time schedule (key dates) in presence of bidders
duly authorized representative who may like to be present at the time of opening of tender: -

S. TS No. Name of Work Tender Value Tender Fee EMD Key Dates
No. (For E-Tendering) (Rs. in Lakhs) (in Rs) (in Lakh)
Discom-EZ/RDSS (Including GST)
Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of 11 KV Pre-Bid meeting on
TS No. - Lines, LT Line on AB cable, 04.11.2022
EZ/CGM/RDSS Distribution Transformer
/FSP/TS/PKG- Substation and Supporting
Due date for
08 works such as DPs, TPs, 25,000/- Submission
Crossing etc. for separation of + 21/11/2022 upto
1 25946.56 500
11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix 4500/- 1500 Hr.
E-Tender No.- DTRs in Satna circle (Package (GST)
E-TS- – 08) area of MPPKVVCL,
2022_PKVVC_ Jabalpur under Revamped – Bid Opening date
228995 Reforms – Based and Results – 22/11/2022 at 1530
Linked Distribution Sector Hr.
Scheme (RDSS).

* For updated / extended due dates for opening of tender (EMD & Tender fees in Envelope-A,
Techno-commercial bid in Envelope–B & Price Schedule in Envelope-C) please refer to the
online key dates.


(1) Other details can be seen in the complete tender documents available on E-portal

(2) Tender Documents can be downloaded from main portal https://mptenders.gov.in free
of cost. However, for participation in the tender, the bidder shall have to pay non-
refundable tender fee. In case, the tender is dropped without opening, the tender fees shall
Regd. Office: Block No7, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482008
CIN: U40109 MP 2002 SGC 015120
CGM (RDSS), COF Block, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur
Phone No. 0761–2997707, 2702478, 2702450, Fax No. 0761-2666080
(E-mail: mpez.rrrdss@gmail.com; Website: www.mpez.co.in)

be refunded after deduction of necessary portal charges.

(3) The Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) of Madhya Pradesh registered with District
Industries Centre (DIC)/Khadi &Village Industries Commission (KVIC)/ Khadi &
Village Industries Board (KVIB)/Coir Board/NSIC/Directorate of Handicraft and
Handlooms / Udyog Aadhar Memorandum (UAM)/ Udyam or with any other body
specified by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises on the date of opening of
tender. The SSI units of MP registered with DIC shall be exempted from payment of
EMD on production of valid competency certificate. In support of above the bidders shall
be required to upload the requisite documents along with bid, failing which their techno
commercial bid shall not be considered for opening.

(4) Startup as recognized by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
(DPIIT) under Start-up India and established & registered under the startup policy of
Madhya Pradesh h, then the Bidder will be exempted from depositing the EMD. The
necessary documentary evidence (Valid Start up India certificate recognized by
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion/ DPIIT and proof regarding registration &
establishment in the State of Madhya Pradesh) shall be submitted by the Bidder along
with the bid. In case the Bidder fails to submit the valid supporting documents then the
bid will be treated as non-responsive.

(5) The bid data should be filled in and the bid seals of all envelops and documents which are
to be uploaded by the bidders should be submitted online only as per time schedule (Key

(6) The relevant portion of tender which tenderers have to fill online would be available on
above website on date mentioned against the tender. The company reserves the right to
reject any or all the tenders or accept any tender in full or part as considered
advantageous to the company, whether it is lowest or not, without assigning any reason
whatsoever it may be.

(7) Since the bidders are required to sign their bids online using class III – Digital
Certificates only, hence they are advised to obtain the same at the earliest. For further
information, bidders are requested to contact Madhya Pradesh State Electronic
Development Corporation Ltd, State IT Centre, 2nd Floor, 47-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal-
462011, Telephone No. 0120-4001002/ 4200462/ 4001005, E-mail: support-

(8) Bidders intending to participate in the Tender are required to get themselves trained on
the e-Procurement System.

(9) The required amount of EMD and tender fees shall be accepted through online payment

(10) The Bidders are required to invariably upload the valid documentary evidence of
submission of online tender Fees and EMD (or EMD Exemption Certificate if applicable)
Regd. Office: Block No7, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482008
CIN: U40109 MP 2002 SGC 015120
CGM (RDSS), COF Block, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur
Phone No. 0761–2997707, 2702478, 2702450, Fax No. 0761-2666080
(E-mail: mpez.rrrdss@gmail.com; Website: www.mpez.co.in)

in Envelope -A without which online offer i.e., Envelope -B & C shall not be opened.

(11) No offer will be accepted without valid Earnest Money Deposit, unless exempted by the
Company. If on opening of tender, it is revealed that EMD amount is inadequate / any
other discrepancy is noticed, the tender shall be rejected.

(12) The corrigendum or addendum to the Bidding Documents, if any, as well as any change
in due date(s) of opening of tender will be published on the website
https://mptenders.gov.in & also Company’s website www.mpez.co.in but will not be
published in newspaper. Hence participant bidders are advised to regularly visit the
websites until the bid opening. The Company shall not be responsible in any way for any
ignorance of the bidders about the corrigendum or addendum or change in the due

(13) Last date for submission of Online Bid documents shall be as per online key dates. The
same shall be opened as per key dates. The date of opening of EMD and Tender Fees i.e.
Envelope –A & Techno commercial bid i.e. Envelope-B shall be the date of opening of
tender for all the purpose and date of opening of price schedule i.e. Envelope-C will be
informed later separately.

(14) The pre bid meeting against the tender TS No. EZ/CGM/RDSS/FSP/TS/PKG-08,
E-Tender No. 2022_PKVVC_228995 is scheduled on dated 04.11.2022 at 12:30 Hrs.

(15) The tender document will be available on portal https://mptenders.gov.in. The

interested bidders are advised to regularly visit the portal for the purpose.

(16) Only online bids will be considered as valid.

-Sd -
Chief General Manager (RDSS)
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur


Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by SANJAY BHAGWATKAR
Date: 2022.10.22 17:24:17 IST
Location: Madhya Pradesh-MP

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