Islam Revision I
Islam Revision I
Islam Revision I
36. Among the Shias the Nusais are the worst Shias prostrate over a disc called Theenah
of all.
37. Among the Khawarij the Ibadiyyah are the Khawarij believes that Ali is the best of all creation.
the group who are moderate one.
38. Ilhad is the concept that there is no any god Mulhidun, La’adriyyah and Rububiyyun are divisions
ofIlhad concept.
39. Mathurudiyyah emerged against Ashariyyahs Imam Abul Hassan al Ashaari was a Muthazilah till his age of
40 years.
40. Munafiqs appeared in the Makkan period The uncle of the Prophet (Sal) Abu Lahab died as a Mushrik
Select the odd answer of the following.
41. a. SalatulIsthiqa b. SalatulKhusufain
c. SalatulEidain d. SalatulIsthikarah
e. SalatulTaraweeh
42. a. Mursal b. Muthawathir c. Muazzaz d. Mawlu e. Muallaq
46. Among the following one which comes under Tawheed with Allah.
a. Angels b. Prophets c. Books d. Last Day e. Qadr
47. Eradication of Dengue in Islam comes under
a. Khilafath b. Ibadath c. Imarath d. Ihsan e. Jaiz
48. Among the misguided groups the one that consider all the sins as major sins.
a. WahdathulWujud b. Khawarij c. Muthazilah d. Ahmadiyyah e. Shias
49. The present terrorist group called IS which is against Islamic teaching belongs to which misguided group.
a. Jabariyyah b. Qadariyyah c. Azzariq d. Nusairi e. Murjiya
50. The Quranic verse “ There will be a prophet after and his name is Ahmed” was said by who to whom?
a. Ibrahim to Ismail b. Musa to Haroon
c. Isa to Hawariyeen d. Adam to Nuh
e. Muhammed (sal) to Sahabas
Islam- Paper II
Answer only five questions selecting two from Part I and three from Part II. Each question carries 20
Part I
1. a. What is Ilmul Aqeedah?
b. Give five reasons for emergence of different groups in Aqeedah.
c. Mentions three Imams who fought against Muthazilah sector.
d. Write four different view between Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamath and Muthazilah sector.
2. a. Mention the stages of Hereafter in the correct order.
b. Write four impacts created on human life by the belief of Hereafter.
c. Give four reasons to prove that Allah can resurrect the creation.
d. What is Shafa’ath ?
3. a. Explain the importance of Sunnah from Quran and Hadith
b. Write three methods by which Sunnah was preserved during the period of the Prophet (Sal)
c. Write causes for emergence of Mawluaath
d. Mention the methods adopted by the Muhadditheen in identifying the Mawluaath.
Part II
4. Explain the following terms of Tawheed.
a. Tawheed - Asmau Was Sifaath
b. Three Qualities of Allah with regard to creating anything.
5. Explain in detail the following terms with regard to the Quran.
a. Five living miracles of the Quran
b. Makki and Madani verses
6. Explain the following sub secondary sources of Islam
a. Types of Ijma and Qiyas
b. Uruf and Maslaha-Mursalah
7. Explain in detail about the following matters of Mazhabs
a. The reasons for different opinions in Mazhabs of Fiqh.
b. Four reasons to close the doors of Ijthihad by the Imams of Mazhabs
8. Explain the following divisions of Mujthahids
a. Four stages of Mujthahids in details
b. Five different types of Ijthihads in detail