Lab Sheet 16-Camote Jam
Lab Sheet 16-Camote Jam
Lab Sheet 16-Camote Jam
Laboratory Sheet 16
Packaging Material:
Empty glass jars (sterilized), sealer
Tools/Equipment: Mixing bowl/basin, carajay/wok, food tong, spoon,
wooden ladle, smasher, gas range, knife, digital
weighing scale, blower, boiler pot, food tong,
measuring spoon, measuring cup, chopping board,
hand gloves/PPE, product label
1. Perform hand washing technique. Prepare the materials needed. Wore
Personal Protective Equipment.
2. Select firm ripe ube/camote that free from bruises or blemishes.
3. Wash ube/camote to remove surface dirt.
4. Slice into halves.
5. Scoop out the flesh.
6. Mash and crush to a uniform consistency.
7. Measure crushed ube/camote into pan.
1. Wash ube/camote in running water. Peel and mash thoroughly.
2. Mix 3/4 cup sugar for every cup of flesh/pulp.
3. Cook in slow heat for 13 minutes.
4. Once it separates from sides of the carajay, remove from fire and pour
immediately to the sterilized jars.
5. Remove bubbles by inserting a knife. Seal completely, package the finished
product, and attach product label.
Assessment Method/s:
1. Demonstration
5 4 3 2
Perform all the Perform all the Perform all the Perform all the
Workmanship steps & steps & steps & steps &
(x3) procedures procedures procedures procedures
correctly and correctly and correctly and correctly but
independently independently at independently with guidance
at the given 60 minutes at 90 minutes of the instructor
estimated beyond given beyond the at 91 minutes
time. estimated time. given estimated above beyond
time. the given
estimated time.
Accuracy Select all Select most Select some Select some
(x2) appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
materials, materials, materials, materials,
equipment, equipment, tools equipment, equipment,
tools & utensils & utensils with tools & utensils tools & utensils
with correct correct with correct with few wrong
measurements measurements measurements measurements.
Work Habit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Did not exhibit
(x2) carefulness in carefulness in carefulness in carefulness in
handling handling handling handling
materials all of materials most of materials materials most
the time, and the time, and seldom, and of the time, and
follows GMP & follows GMP & follows GMP & did not follow
SOP with SOP with SOP with GMP & SOP with
complete PPE. incomplete PPE. complete PPE. incomplete PPE.
Achieve the Achieve most of Achieve some Did not achieve
standard the standard of the standard the standard
Quality of appearance, appearance, appearance, appearance,
Finished color, taste, color, taste, color, taste, color, taste,
texture, and texture, and texture, and texture, and
complete with complete with complete with without
packaging packaging and packaging and packaging and
and label. label. label. label.
Total Score: /50