Military ARFF
Military ARFF
Military ARFF
“ rofessional firefighters that carry weapons” is how they Woosh, the aviation fuel on the simulator catches fire and an
describe themselves, and as firefighting goes it is difficult impressive fire engulfs the simulator, woosh goes the flames on a
to imagine a more extreme branch of the profession. separate bund, placed around 20 metres away from the aircraft
The UK’s Defence Fire Risk Management Organisation (DFRMO) sim and which is designed to act as a diversion. “It’s a visual
comprises 2,500 full time firefighters with operational stations in thing, and like a ‘rabbit-in-headlights’ it causes the student to
places as far afield as Ascension Island, Afghanistan, Cyprus, consider their options,” says Ian.
Gibraltar, Germany, and even the Falkland Islands. The RAF Within two minutes the fire crews arrive in their Carmichael
element of DFRMO comprises approx 550 personnel and it is MFV (major foam vehicle) and RIV (rapid intervention vehicle)
this element that normally deploys into operational areas. crash tenders, and the scene is set. Standing about 35 metres
DFRMO’s firefighting force may be the size of a large municipal away from the fire and the heat is palpable – even if only
brigade, but its responsibilities are at defence locations world approximately 25% of it is being radiated outwards, the rest going
wide, whether it be in naval dockyards, weapons storage facilities, up to the sky.
military offices, airports, and of course, theatres of war. The DFRMO standard target response time is two minutes to
the incident (in line with ICAO standards), and an additional
Training minute to make survivable conditions – and it appears that that
On a bright and sunny day Warrant Officer and Course Manager target is being met today.
Ian Baker and Warrant Officer Martin Trafford, Overseas The crew are directing their roof mounted monitors onto the
Operations Manager for DFRMO explain the training that is to fuselage in a bid to extinguish the fire followed by cooling jets to
take place. Today is a big day, with corporal to sergeant make an entry and begin the rescue operation. Training foam is
promotion incident command assessment exercises taking place used for all training operations, which not only has the benefit of
for a student from RAF Waddington in charge of the training, and being environmentally friendly, but “makes the guys work harder
looking relaxed in spite of having two senior training officers, a to put the fire out”.
journalist and photographer as an audience. “No pressure then,” Under the experienced eyes of Ian and Martin, eyebrows soon
Within two
says Ian, with half a smile. go up. “We don’t know why they’ve decided to make the entry to
minutes the fire
Then the radios come to life. A Lockheed C-130 Hercules the fuselage on this side.” It will all come out at the debrief later,
crews arrive in
their Carmichael military transport aircraft has collided with another aircraft on which even at this senior level is all about positive training. “We
MFV and RIV landing. Two engineers were working on the back of the look to the incident commander to justify their decisions and any
crash tenders. grounded aircraft, and there are four personnel in the C-130.
actions taken,“ remarks Martin. Bastion in November ‘09 following a four-month stint as a Watch
Most DFRMO fire stations have their own simulators, based on Commander. He was part of a RAF crew of 12, plus four attached
the types of aircraft that are used at that unit. Most sims are US Marine firefighters.
smaller than Manston’s, and in most a 200 litre fuel tank will last Camp Bastion, the largest British overseas military camp built
for six or seven fires. “Nowadays we only use what we need,” since World War II, is located northwest of Lashkar Gah, the
explains Ian. capital of Helmand Province. It is situated in a remote desert area,
RAF firefighters receive basic recruit training over 17 weeks far from populated areas and includes a field hospital. Aircraft
covering core competencies, which is then developed further to movements can be as many as 13,000 per month.
an operational standard that is dictated by the role they undertake What is it like firefighting in a place like that? “It’s alright – I
when posted on assignment. “We don’t over train, and we don’t really enjoyed it and it is very busy. Most of what we are doing is
give skills that are not going to be used where they are posted.” not our bread and butter, as we are doing lots of casualty
Military firefighters are called to incidents on a regular basis, handling. We just get on with it.” Casualty handling is one of the
many of which are – like their municipal counterparts – down to many tasks that has been taken up by firefighters. As the Afghan
false alarms. And just as community fire safety plays a big part in National Army and Coalition troops continue to face the dangers
local authorities, the same goes for military property – all military of IEDs (improvised explosive devices) and other attacks on the
staff receive fire training annually on using fire extinguishers, ground, all casualties in the province arrive at the Camp for
general fire safety awareness and location-specific training. treatment. In effect the Chinook is a flying ambulance containing
At DFTDC Manston a wide variety of
courses are taught, from structural and
aircraft (armed and unarmed), to
compartment fire behaviour training, BA
instructor courses, trauma, and first aid. Many
years ago a virtual reality fire simulator once
even lived there, before it was relinquished
as being too inflexible and costly. Today,
facilities include underground bunkers and a
hospital wing, where “it is a case of getting
recruits used to working off guidelines etc.”
says Ian.
One week’s first aid is also taught as part
of the 17 weeks basic training, and currently
there are discussions to also carry out “first
person on scene” training.
DFTDC Manston takes its environmental
responsibilities seriously, explains Ian, and
staff go out of their way to fall in line with
requirements. “We are on top of an aquifer
for the county, so you can imagine the
environmental questions we face.”
Today’s training, impressive as it is, is a far
cry from the “good old days” when
explosive charges would be set off under a
D-wing Vulcan, followed by pouring fuel on
the plane and setting it alight. “Then a half-
hour exercise might turn into a three-hour
one. One day, someone could face a
burning inferno, another, a fire that could be
put out with a powder extinguisher. Today
all students face the identical exercise.
Whatever the log for this incident, say it is a
number 15 fire, that is what it will be during
the assessment phase. The only variation
will be weather conditions,” says Ian.
Firefighting in Afghanistan
Currently UK forces are deployed in
Afghanistan in support of the UN authorised,
NATO led International Security Assistance
Force mission and as part of the US-led
Operation Enduring Freedom. UK forces
operations are being conducted under the
name Operation Herrick, and there are two
RAF firefighting stations at Camp Bastion.
Sergeant Tim Feast, a 44-year-old instructor
at DFTDC Manston, returned from Camp
Under the lance would cut through a tank, and they said that they’d cut up a
experienced eyes tank as part of one of their training courses.”
of Course Martin admits that buying equipment for RAF firefighters is not
Manager Ian straightforward. “It is all about compromises. We don’t have the
Baker and
luxury of two pumps or a rescue tender, or turning up with 15
Warrant Officer
guys and all the kit you would want. You need the smallest
Martin Trafford,
eyebrows are amount of kit that does the maximum amount of tasks and
immediately which weighs the minimum – and which cuts through armour.”
raised: “We don’t Each time an incident occurs at Camp Bastion a hot debrief
know why they’ve takes place to ensure that any lessons are identified explains
decided to make Martin. “It’s not just kit, it’s techniques. Gaining access to an
the entry to the armoured vehicle requires certain techniques and specialised
fuselage on equipment. Any learning points are passed between the crews
this side.” out there, and then a report goes back to DFRMO HQ for it to be
logged and looked at. That’s how our training progresses.”
Just because a firefighter is on the front line doesn’t mean the
training stops. Firefighters are expected to become acquainted
with all the aircraft that come through the Camp – and in Camp
Bastion this includes a wide range of fixed wing and rotary aircraft
from UK and coalition forces... So how do they do it? “A lot of
these aircraft moving in might only be on the ground for a 20-
minute window, so even if its midday you have to go in and get
training on it. If not, you have failed your crew by not providing
them with that opportunity at some point,” says Tim.
So how do firefighters relax on the front line? “Sleep, watch
DVDs, go to the gym, send emails home. It is all hard work and a
lot of it is not pleasant. But it is so rewarding you see why people
go. Although we are just a tiny part of that chain, we are still part
of it. The guys see the difference they make.”
The solution partly came from an open day held by Hampshire “There is a huge appreciation out there as to what the fire
Fire and Rescue Service (UK), where Ian saw some oxy-petro crews do, especially from the army, who haven’t had much
cutters in use to cut through steel. “We asked them if the thermal experience with the Air Force.”
Falck Emergency
Falck Fire and Safety
Falck Risc