Welcome To Canada: A Perfect Crime?

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a perfect crime
... ¿?


A Witness - A Revolt - A Writ


Auger-Hollingsworth, Carolyn Dawn Baglole, Robert N. Beaudoin, Laura Bowerman,

Ashley Burke, Judith Alison Campbell, Catana Reporting Services, The Children's
Aide Society of Ottawa, Jennifer Delia, Adriana Doyle, Durham Regional Police,
Danielle Bari Dworsky, Denise Fenlon, Marie T. Fortier, Gatineau-Hull Scq. Police,
Charles Jacques Genest, Virve Tuulikki Georgeson, Joseph William Lyall Griffiths,
Mikolaj Grodzki, Brenda Lynn Hollingsworth, Sarah Jarvis, Ramona Kerr, Stanley J.
Kershman, Lisa Marie Kristen Langevin, Patricia Alexandra Lawson, Legal Aide
Society, Calum U. C. MacLeod, Lise Maisonneuve, Shaikh Masum, McCague-Borlack,
Todd Joseph McCarthy, James E. McNamara, Tyler McPhee, Meloche Monnex
Financial Services, Timothy P. Minnema, Wayne Nunes, Ontario Provincial Police,
Ottawa Police Service, Cherivic Paculaba, Lynn Parker, Chris Potoczek, Primmum
Insurance Company, Quinn-Thiele-Mineault-Grodzki, Delia Ravindran, Giovanna
Toscano Roccamo, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, James Russell, Kelly Santini,
Security National Insurance Company, Anastasia Simos, John T. Sloan, John Robert
J. Smith, Nancy Stobbs, Sergeant Colin Stokes, Darlene L. Summers, TD General
Insurance Company, TD Home and Auto Insurance Company, TD Meloche Monnex
Group, Kevin Michael Temple, Michael Karl Edgar Thiele, Toronto Police Service,
Trevor Watson, Gregory Miles Watts, West-End Legal Services of Ottawa, Meagan
Whittaker, and Heather J. Williams.

"Surround thee not with dishonesty; embrace truth in thine Place of Judgement."

Tired Donkey's
Poor-Rotten Hoof
P-R. H.

To Educate Is to Liberate
(Xué Xí Shì Zì Yóu)

to know that it is right, and to not do that which is right, lies the greatest cornerstone of fault

take not a penny from the hat of the weak, rather place your hand of quarters therein

share your tear with another, so that you may live life together

the arm is strong - yet, the mind more powerful

live your life in peace; life is short

Outlined Path

A Light May Be a Sight p. 1
A Beginner's Journey to Write p. 12
A Victim Statement as Advice for Freedom p. 18
Blog: hipkissology.blogspot.com
Going Public Is Speech's Exercise of Liberty p. 61
A Donkey's Privilege
Honour Rests on a Bed of Truth: David's Denial p. 88
Rebut the Rebuttal
David's Denial from an Altered Mind p. 109
Curriculum Vitae of Paul-Robert
The Truth Is All That Remains p. 152
Web: abi-1.xyz
A Building Block for Transparency & Austerity p. 165
Dear Bobby, ...
Lessons Never Learnt? p. 172
Egalitarianism at Its Roots
A Necessity for Life to Be Lived Justly p. 185
Chief Justice of Ontario
Why Not in Canada, eh? p. 188
Colleges and One Law Society
A Word Dealt, Yet to Be Heard? p. 196
Abrupt Notes for Memory
Missing Keys for Detectors p. 219
Thank You
Tata Cards of Glee and a Letter of Freedom p. 271
Unnatural Loss Is Naturally Uncivilised p. 276
A Light May Be a Sight

A written word can become knowledge.

A minute experience can become a person's wisdom.
So, go spread the word with your best pinky toe forward.

To Educate Is to Liberate

A writ 'bout philosophies? Injunctions of a troll's life: the intrigue to learn about fear - the
greatest of which may be human loss. Say what? How about a worldwide awareness of such loss,
that began not so long ago, the greatest bewilderment being that of a subliminal death, which in
turn has made mortality much feared by the loss itself. Spirits have run amuck, indeed. But,
understand that fear itself is what is feared. Conquer It! That's survival. That is life. No joke.
Fear not. Rather, teach your soul in disbelief that life or death are never to be feared, for a person's
existence is too short, so valuable. It is! Live life preciously. Worry no longer. Fear conquered.
A fulfillment gained. A life lived without fear. Have no regrets. Own your life, yours not others.
Live and then pass. We all must, someway or somehow. Worry not! I had lost Paul-Robert. And
now, I have found Hipkiss. Yet, there appears to be much left still to do. I breath. I drink water.
Life is beautiful. So, there's nothing really to fear. Alright! Hello. Onward, I go...


all forms of emotion are part of human life. one must never deny one's self of any form of
emotion. it is human. nothing more. nothing less. to deal with each one in kind and in jest
is actually most honourable. all things in moderation. beware however. there is one practice
that is least favoured. it is hatred itself. not likeness. not admiration. not love. hatred alone.
perhaps this is why it is commonly understood as a radical and heinous form of emotion. the
reason being is that hate can breed violence and death. or at best. some extreme custom of
anger. many people end up suffering as a result. let alone the despicable acts of assault or
abuse. none the lesser or wiser. all around suffering consequences to say the least. nothing
but degradation and heartache. honour diminished. achievements denied. dreams terminated.
nothing positive at all. therefore. hate has nothing to give a person who wishes honour.
release the hatred. garner honour for a life well lived. this must be the endeavoured emotion.


"Allow spirits to be awaken. Take a-new from that which you may read. I hope."

And now, a discovery of truth being so immense in the truest of understandings, let alone
the task of documenting them, especially that of the criminal folly that occurred to children - my
once beloved boys in Ontario. Yes, Canada - for years - a decade and more, by persons thought
of as defenders, advocates, and magistrates of justice and law. Herein, you will learn how
unprofessional persons were down right lawbreakers. Yes, you are about to read an expository of
how lawyers and judges never truly practised the law the way it is written in Canada, rather an
illegal culture became the preferred exercise, a culture that perpetuates systemic sexism against
men and women at the harm and detriment of children. Without further ado, however, I hope that
you will read through this expository of various legal submissions that had been served to the
Superior Court of Justice of Ontario in that, you will gain knowledge as to what happens to children
in a community like Ottawa, la capitale nationale, when embroiled in adversarial conflicts, all
perpetuated by an unlawful, illegal culture of extortion - right here in Canada. You will not believe
what you will read, I am sure. Hipkiss truly witnessed what happened. The truth is truthfully
herein. Let me merely say that, after a lengthy period of legal battles and adversarial conflicts, a
child no longer retains positive loving memories of a parent - the greatest crime that was witnessed.
Sincerely true. Systemic sexism, the problem is. A feeling of sorrow for the loss of the children
ought to be bestowed here - a repulsive practice of law in Canada is to blame. Trust now has
become the issue of law. This, too, may have been the seed that was given to the children. I pray,
not. Thus, a man was denied justice, and children were denied justice - they most of all; therefore,
this writ, this expository must be brought forward. No human being can change the world, but a
person can say something about what was experienced or witnessed - freedom. Peace.

Straightforwardly though, it is really hard to know where to start. Is it because there are no
photographs or documents immediately in front of me? This would help with remembrance, that
which was wished to be written in the first place, kind of like what I wanted to do on Hallowe'en
at the courthouse in 2019. This "Curtain" however, may not be the same like the first piece that
was handed into the courthouse, my Victim Statement that is to say, which had to be done via
Voice-to-Text. Oh, I'm remembering now... Oh, somehow the brain has hit a wall right now...
Bang! Memory gone, nothing to recall. Nothing known - anything at all for at least now - merely
to type things as they come to my mind with no real concentration concerning even a resemblance
of a topic, an explanation, or an introduction. What is there to be known about anything to write?
Darn! Why? To teach English and then not know how to write? Okay, panic not! "Organise,
Hipkiss." must be my current thoughts. Perhaps, an outlined draft as a guide and maybe as a trigger
for memory sake. Yes, that is exactly what must I do. Isn't that what everybody else does when
sitting down to write? Brain Injury is a slow affair, but not a stupid one. It can be done. "Slow
down. Organise. Hipkiss." I must think. That way a greater ability to focus will emerge, as it
were. Enough with the passive voice - I shall no longer be passive. Crimes were committed. I
just have to remember them. So please hold on... It's coming... I shall...

Alas. I got it. Eureka, for you my kind reader.

The present argument for this written expository immediately concerns systemic sexism
against men in Canada - misandry, in other words. Yes, you read it right. It is misandrist for a
man to have to prove that he loves his children, yet a woman does not - a sincere clue to female
homicides in Canada. I really cannot know, however, only from Statistics Canada's very own data
do I lean toward this concern of mine: sexism against men exists in courtrooms in Canada, and as
such can be a very dangerous affair even life threatening, which must be thwarted within the
unconscious actions of the judiciary's members. Why? I have searched for an answer and am still
bewildered, despite being familiar with the effects of sexism against me, a man, for the past many
years. Perhaps, the fear of discrimination affects a man, in that he must've been what lawyers and
judges portrayed him to be, yet he was not that person. Then again, I cannot know. Regardless
though, I shall never admonish the courage of discontent for violence, never mind an act against
it; au contraire, with this expository, I hope to bring about an awareness of a greater understanding
of the need for a better, more equality driven judiciary, a protective approach for all, especially
that of the child - the most important of all. Every citizen must take part in lowering any form of
homicide rate in any country, let alone in Canada. In the end yet not least for sure, I hope you will
understand how this misandry that Paul-Robert & ABI-1 experienced actually metamorphosed into
misogyny against the mother of Hipkiss' boys as well because in reality a person cannot be sexist
against one sex and not the other. Yes, misandry equals misogyny. Yin-yang.

I shall be in your heart, soul, and mind; I shall raise you to your greatest height; I shall protect
your every being; I shall mystify your dreams; and, I shall die for you: ideals to which most men
adhere when building networks, associations, friends, and family. In fact, Canadian society
teaches boys from a very young age to be strong and defensive of family and loved ones when
they become men because Canada is inherently discriminative - girls on the other hand are not
taught this ideology. Since when is a woman taught to die for a man, even the one she loves - very
seldom if at all. Men are taught to die for the ones they love. Case in point, approximately 156
Canadian male soldiers died in Afghanistan during Canada's involvement with the Afghan War of
10 years, yet only 3 female soldiers died. The numbers do not equal one another. Who is
protecting whose home, whose freedom, or whose life? Men! And a few women. Thank you.
Take away what a man has built, yet more importantly what he innocently loves and expect to die
for; try to destroy a man who defends what he was raised to defend since childhood, then you can
expect mayhem and even death. History as well as statistics teach us this, folks. Scary, but true.

Perchance, all of this is purely innate for a man. Is he continuously destined to build
fortresses in order to shield his kin, his kind, or his community? Maybe he is. Does he commit
for not? Maybe he does. Or, is man inept, ignorant, and defunct? He at times engages in misogyny,
a useless commission to say the least. This we all know. However, he can at times be very willing
to reveal his arm. So, what is it about man? He comes from many orientations, cultures, positions,
and classes. Yet deep down, he may be willing to tool his stone if need be for the sake of kinship
and love of family, even against family at times. He is the ass but not the "Donkey." No. He is
tame. He is civil. He is just. He is homo sapiens, however. Understand him as you perchance
know not him to be, then you will conquer any complicated tale of woe that you may harbour
against him. Yes. Understand him for what he is - a man - and not with a gynocentric desire or

I am human. You are human. It is your right to be called human. It is my right to have
Fundamental Human Rights and you, too. The right of humanity is yours and mine. It is our right
to be human. That's why we have Human Rights, equal to all human beings.

The forthcoming criminal charges are examples of how not to be human. Certainly, it
involves a Car Crash. Yes. However, the most alarming consequences had involved systemic
misandry, experiences that were felt by none other than me - the Victim, but further lived by my
children, family, friends, and a wife. They all suffered. They all lost. My boys are now men.
Children grow up so fast. And then the broader examination that no lawyer helped or stood up for
the children and their victimised Dad - seven years plus almost. Imagine. No lawyer, judge, or
Children's Aide came to the kids' rescue for support. Why? Because I am a man, for if I were a
woman, many so-called professionals would have jumped through donoughts and hoops to help
me and my children. But, I am a man. Yes, and as a result, they and I too will have scares for the
rest of our lives due to a systemic, discriminative judiciary in Ontario, Canada. Believe it or not.
Indeed. A man cannot get equal justice within the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario. Equal
Opportunity to Justice does not exist in Canada. Period. The evidence is the loss of P-R. H.!

A Troll's Timeline

Children Kidnapped - April 15th, 2013

Family Court's Sexist Deliberation - October 29th, 2014
Pedestrian Car Crash's "Sleepover" Announcement - October 29th, 2014
A Victim's Statement: Warning - December 10th, 2019
Insurance Court's Unconstitutional Settlement Denial - March 15th, 2021
The Fight for Freedom in Canada - May 24th, 2022
Attack a Victim's Liberty - January 31st, 2023

Despite being initiated by the absconding my boys, the loss of my previous life, that once
was known not only to me but many others as well, is further living proof of another consequence
of misandry - a huge one - all due to a reckless driver who struck me from behind while crossing
a crosswalk within a school-zone, my boy's school. I wanted to tell one of my boys that we could
have a "sleepover" after having been kidnapped on April 15th, 2013 and denied for two years their
Fundamental Human Right to associate with me - a serious unconstitutional criminal act; hence,
the importance that was placed upon the "sleepover" itself. In fact, to abscond a child under the
age of 16 without cause or fear of violence and to deny the same child his or her Fundamental
Rights is the serious crime. The absconding would not have been criminal had it not been for the
infringement of the children's Right to Association. It's also called malfeasance or unprofessional
conduct, never mind kidnapping or absconding. I had to walk for kilometres to be with them in
secret once I had found them, through trenches and bogs in seek of a "sleepover" under a golden
rainbow, our new home, the apartment. Not for I, for them. Harassed to do so? Always! Abused?
Just traumatised! Why? Because I am a man. I am not human. I cannot feel. I cannot love. I
was not a woman with children. I was a man with children. So, I had to defend, protect, and guard
my boys' rights in the face of a blindfolded "Lady of Malfeasant Justice" called lawyer Judith
Alison Campbell, who was supported by lawyer Danielle Bari Dworsky and the Children's Aide
Society of Ottawa case worker Laura Bowerman. There was no court order for Temporary
Custody, Campbell. There was no violence according to a letter written by Bowerman. Dworsky
did not know all of this as well? I must think again. So, the kidnapping of my boys forced me to
counter the heinous offence that I had just experienced, and thereafter to further protect my
children's freedom, their right to be with me, their Dad. Initially, I had to find them myself because
no police officer, lawyer, or C.A.S. Worker would tell me where my boys were. It took me 5 days
to find my boys myself, alone! 5 DAYS! No-one would tell me where they were! This crime
became in reality the cornerstone of the next ten years, unfortunately. Then, however, even though
it was only I who found them, I shocked the hell out of everyone because I never followed their
unprofessional hidden practise of absconding a child to equate to a divorce - a divorce is between
spouse, not parent and child, Laura Bowerman. I was further denied to associate with them
because I followed my own Fundamental Freedoms according to law. I no longer associated with
Children's Aide or Barristers. I associated with my beloved kin directly myself because, like
everyone else, I should not have been forced to ask Martha just to see George. I had to oblige
myself and ask George. And if George wished to meet with me, then, that perhaps could have been
the beginning of a wonderous Fundamental Right of Association. Yet, I had to see my young ones
myself for two years outside the scope of lawyers who were attempting to get me to shut up about
what just took place via some unconstitutional settlement offers and mediation - a gag-clause, I
call it all. But, I spoke to no-one. They even tried to deny me a trial with a hearing to distinguish
purpose and intent for trial. And as a result of all that disassociation of parent and child, no-one
went to jail not even for the kidnapping, or as they call it - the absconding of a child. I could not
protect my boys other than to try to be with them physically whenever I could in private away
from the eyes of justice. I had no arm to battle a misandrist judiciary. Sergeant Colin Stokes of
the Ottawa Police Services would not even tell me where my children were, yet he knew where
they were, or at least he should have known. That was delinquent, too. He wouldn't tell me when
I spoke to him over the phone just after April 15th, 2013. In the end, I lost my boys even more
because of Judge Stanley J. Kershman's sexist final court order that only allowed the boys access
to me not "Their Right to Me." We were denied equal, "Joint-Parenting." I could no longer help
them with their schools, family doctors, and travels - stuff that I used to do for them before the
courts' involvement. I could assist, however, international students but not my own children. Go
figure, eh? No equality in Canada exists, I found out. Sexism against men, on the other hand,
does exist Canada. 5 days to find my boys, and no-one went to jail for that? Plus, 2 years of
Parental Alienation by lawyers and judges that stemmed from the kidnapping of my children in
the first place just to force me into a practised potential of an unconstitutional settlement to be
reached, to be signed, and thus for me to shut up - clear signs of sexism in my books. Was what I
experienced one of the many reasons why women are man slaughtered in Ontario? Is it because
of alienation between father and child? Wow. Who am I to know? Coming from persons that are
supposed to know. Systemic problem in Canada, I must say. And if so, shouldn't Canadians start
figuring out the core reasons why? Perhaps, the judiciary itself is to blame or the practice of law.
Look what happened to me and my boys. I think that I might have nailed something on the wall
here, but it ain't me. Who am I to say? Welcome to Canada, folks. I wish it weren't that way.
But, it's true. Honest.

Then, Car Crash!!!

Thence forward, all the incidents that followed the Car Crash were not from a script that I
had written decades prior. Rather, I adopted an attitude of writing and taking notes as a form of
rehabilitation that was denied me. And despite further denial of any appeal attempt against Judge
Stanley's sexist understanding of the Rule of Law, the post-crash events became more similar to a
chronological fact collecting expedition in search of illegal practices. The outcome though, ended
up giving me a chance to gain some well needed linguistic therapy that I had demanded as
rehabilitation. I guess I had to do it all on my own just like I had to find my kids on my own.
Consequently, yet without malice, the first Expository turned into my Letters by Hand, a regard of
a victim's communication with an insurer like TD Insurance, Meloche Monnex, Security National
Insurance Company, and Primmum Insurance Company. The insurers demanded of me to have
different assessments completed such as physical, neurological, and psychiatric ones - just to
mention a few - and so, I was forced hither and thither with scoliosis times two, the first in my
lumbar area and the other in my thoracic area, all for assessments about medical jargon that was
already at hospital. On top of that, I used to have problems with transportation at a time when I
did not know who I was, where I was, what I was, or why I was involved in such a discriminative
process to begin with, let along trying to figure out how to get help. Who was responsible for the
consequences of the Car Crash, TD? I did not need to go anywhere. I demanded people to assess
me at my apartment. My back and brain couldn't handle it anymore. Still. So, I kept on writing
to inform not only insurers but also lawyers such as Patricia Alexandra Lawson, Carolyn Dawn
Baglole, Charles Jacques Genest, and Brenda Lynn Hollingsworth about my situation. That's all.
I further tried to garner financial assistance for rehabilitation purposes such as boarding a train,
flying in a plane, sailing in a boat, teaching in a classroom, and playing my musical instruments,
of course to no avail. Paul-Robert used to do these things. This is the land of Canada after all -
an elitist country. Victims are not important. Paul-Robert wasn't. Thus, I ended up getting
engulfed into a criminal non-rehabilitative practice: "Burn Factor." I got just about nothing but
anguish. The insurers still haven't fixed my teeth. I had to fight for an iPad, a bed, a recliner, and
even a bathroom stool. Yet, everyone else made money. Wth... Imagine the mental torture placed
upon a Victim fighting just to get help, let alone acknowledgement of his or her child. It's criminal
negligence, I tell you. Why in my case? Because I was labelled a "Vagrant-Single-Man."
My next Expository became my Victim Statement. I had to use a Voice-to-Text programme
in order to get what I needed to say in writing and on paper for the courts. I couldn't even write;
hence Voice-to-Text came in handy. I still cannot spell. I depend heavily on my computer's
"Grammatik" and "Spellcheck" now-a-days unlike before as an English teacher. Anyhow, by 2019,
four years plus after the Car Crash, I had had enough of unprofessional persons attempting to
dictate to me who I was, who I am, or who I may be in the future, whence all I knew was that
incompetent individuals were only interested in an insurer's wallet rather than a Victim or his boys.
I had experienced so much sexism, discrimination, misleading of justice, and out-right crimes by
this time, I knew in my soul of souls that my experience was worthy of some kind of case law in
Ontario, for I was more than willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of freedom, my
Fundamental Human Right to Speech and also the exposition of a judiciary that practises the
infringement of the Fundamental Human Right of Association. So, I had to make sure that
everyone knew my displeasure and my intent, and I mean lawyers and judicators in particular.
And thus, with an Affidavit of Service to boot, I submitted my Victim Statement. By this point,
everyone became knowledgeable that I would never sign an unconstitutional settlement that would
infringe upon my right to speak out loud, emphatically, and vehemently against the corruption that
I had witnessed not only upon myself, yet more importantly upon my children in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. I had to let lawyers, Joseph Griffiths and Mikolay Grodzki, know that I was planning for
a trial, and that much preparation was required on both their part vis-à-vis documents, evidence,
and witnesses. Because if such malfeasance happened to me, then thousands of others who are
more deeply wounded are experiencing perhaps the same malfeasance or maybe even worse and
yet never with a voice to be heard. I had to take a stand - the beginning of my end for me.

I later took the liberty of including an Expository of my Blog that I had created on the Internet.
The site is located at https://hipkissology.blogspot.com. It is predominately indicative of how I
further attempted to let barristers and justices understand who I was before the Crash and what
were some of the consequences of the Crash itself; however, as I had witnessed, not even retired
judge and now litigator Giovanna Toscano Roccamo wanted to read my employment history, let
alone my injury records that I had posted on my online blog. Her refusal took place during one of
many mediations that I was catapulted to engage. Neither did TD's lawyer Kevin Temple want to
know, nor did Todd McCarthy, who were both present at a time. Roccamo, who was the leading
litigator, rejected me in front of my boys and in front of Grodzki and Syrmo, and others perhaps
on Zoom too in September of 2020. No wonder Roccamo never pushed TD et al. for an increase
of lost wages. She never demanded that the insurers support me better, or my children. Roccamo
knew of the boys from Family Court proceedings of years past. In Insurance Court, however, she
further got to see the boys in person at Pre-Trial 1, and yet did nothing to bring forth greater
financial aide package for the children during the second time she got to see them at mediation,
but third time she knew of them. Am I to believe that Justice has no power to insist upon an insurer
to observe the "best interest of a child," especially of a once beloved disabled father? Thank
goodness I recorded that mediation process because it was all in favour of increasing lawyers'
pockets and wallets and not that of a common man and his children. Does she know what it is like
to have children? I shall never forget her immoral behaviour that day, her lack of empathy, and
her unprofessionalism - most of all her sexism. Malfeasance is a crime according to the Criminal
Code of Canada.

My preparation for the Car Crash Trial revealed itself to me as an Expository of David's
Denials. The planning was how all of the misconducts and corruptions of the past many years
against me and my boys began, yet never got dealt with by authorities. I wanted to state many
facts under Oath at the automobile insurance trial, especially the connections of my misandrist
experiences between Family Court and Insurance Court. The crime began with Bowerman,
Campbell, and my wife. I'm sure. Simple. My car ownership had been forged and then the car
sold. Who did that? I was in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia teaching English. And more of the
same happened when I never saw the disbursements of a Civil Court proceeding my wife and I
had won a while back. What lawyer pocketed from that one? Who cashed the fifteen thousand
dollars from the settlement? I shall never know. Was it also an unconstitutional document?
Someone signed my name, didn't they? To this date, I have never seen that settlement in its
completely signed form with all concerned lawyers' signatures therein as well as their witnesses'
signatures. Was my signature copied and pasted because all I can remember is that I was in fact
overseas teaching. Later on, my land at Beachburg, Ontario, Canada got sold right from
underneath my feet. My wife and I were supposed to place the land up for sale while I was in
Saudi Arabia, so that we could figure out the correct value of the land for property tax purposes,
that's all. Whitewater Region of Renfrew County had way over valued the property at Beachburg.
I had intended to obtain a market value of the land with the assistance of Re/Max Pembroke Realty
Limited while overseas. Once completed, I was to attach the Re/Max written proof of my cancelled
hypothetical non-sale of the value of the land with my appeal to Whitewater Region for a more
correct tax assessment. That is to say, a proof of offer would have been evidence enough for the
correct value of my 2 acres at Beachburg. However, the Agreement of Purchase of Sale had been
forged while I was en route to Basic Training for Deployment to Iraq at Fort Benning, Georgia,
the United States of America. So, who signed it? Who signed my name and forced an illegal
direction of sale? Lawyer Sloan knew, didn't he? I was in Saudi Arabia. What a despicable,
lawless judiciary in Canada, eh? Follow the money to find the crime, I too think now. Not one
judge or lawyer wished to involve the Crown Attorney's Office or the Ottawa Police Services.
Why? Easy: Sexism - I'm a man. April 15th, 2013 had to become a constant covered up throughout.

David's Denials developed into many courses, but in reality, my suffering had enlightened
me to a deeper miracle of all lies in courts, and I mean serious distortions of truth. People lie about
money, I guess. Yet, in the beginning, I did not understand why I kept telling people that the Car
Crash was in fact a miracle. Everybody knew this of me, how I constantly was uttering the word
miracle. It obviously made people curious, most that I knew personally; I kept on repeating this
word, miracle. Of course, I was hit by a car from behind. I was at hospital. What had happened
to me was catastrophic to say the least; however, it was not until the cold winter of 2015-2016 that
I began to understand the miracle myself. I found my boys. I found my Jeep, or Boot as many of
us called it. Then, I used to tell my boys as well as my wife to involve a family lawyer, so that we
all could go against TD et al. for better financial support, not to mention Child Support. I texted
people about this grave concern of mine. Nothing was done. And, that's when it hit me. I realised
that miracles are never about money. They are about promoting the glory of humanity by
achieving better practices in honouring and respecting one another as a species; in other words,
the miracle came about via the Ministry of Justice's illegal practices of not adhering to the greatest
principal of the practice of law - for God, King, and Country (Me) - and in that order, too. Justice
was never obeyed, the Miracle revealed.

God: Where were judges and lawyers for the Children and the Victim?
Where were medical doctors and registered nurses for a Patient?
Where were the boys sleeping and eating while seeing their injured Dad?

King: Why can no-one demand that the King's Keeper be paid back in full?
Why must a judge have to pay the total hospital bill and not an insurer?
Why must a lawyer pay the bill through taxes when TD et al. are obliged?

Me: When will TD et al. accept my demands for Liberty?

When will TD et al. provide me with health and rehabilitation?
When will everybody understand that its TD's onus, not the mine?

So, miracles do happen. I became a witness. I became the Miracle to tell the tragic,
criminal story I witnessed. So, I fought and documented how I had been terminated from many
associations throughout the past countless years, which all in all would prove that sexism
existences within many other different ministries in Canada: Law & Justice, Social Services, Child
Aide & Support, Public Affairs and Housing, Children and Community, Labour & Taxation,
Health Care, and Insurance Claims - perpetuations of one, single court order. Thanks, Judge
Kershman. In fact, I kept on asking so-called professionals throughout for assistance concerning
my own injuries and for much help as a father. The vulnerable and children as I had thought were
always considered that of primary importance with Canadian society, yet everyone that surrounded
me constantly used a deceitful legal tactics by appointing me as a non-earner and even worse, a
Vagrant-Single-Man - nowhere near fatherhood. I did not care too much about not teaching
English anymore due to my injuries; however, I became determined to catch criminal lawyers and
judicators who kept on labelling me as a non-father. This fact, I was not. I was a loving father.
That was the needle that broke my camel's back. I hate sexism, too, my kind reader. And lastly,
like a cherry on top of a cake, Campbell enters the fold after 7 years of doing nothing for the boys,
not even one Motion for Change within 7 years. Actions speak louder than words. Lawyers like
she never cared about the law that states: the courts must always have "the best interest of the
child." It's the law. Nothing for 7 years was her act, a perfect crime of unprofessional conduct
against children, no? Follow the money to find the crime. She never wanted to spend money to
make money because a Motion for Change in Family Court would have cost her some up-front
coin. But no, Campbell wished to sit on her fanny for 7 years, then collect whatever she could
gather at the end, or what she had thought, and from a disabled victim to boot. This in fact did
happen. And that's why I had another reason to do what I just did - expose by way of the written
word. It wasn't easy. But, I did it. Thank you, Campbell. You, yourself, became two bookends
for my boys in your community - nothing in the beginning and nothing at the end, whilst nothing
in the middle - just perfect. Every little thing I had hoped to prepare for my insurance trial became
inflamed with rot - the Miracle's Full Circle, alas! Thank you.

If I were treated like a Vagrant-Single-Man and I wasn't, then who was I? I had more to
include like my Curriculum Vitae of my previous self and most of my professional experiences at
least, which herein turned into an Expository of Paul-Robert Hipkiss. Yes. Fortunately, I had
found many documents and degrees as it were and thought to include them for everyone to judge.
I had held my C.V. in preparation for the Car Crash Trial. I further wanted to show some pictures
of my career from my blog in the form of an introduction to Paul-Robert Hipkiss. But, I never
even got my trial, or any other chance for that matter to show lawyers and judges. No wonder
though because Roccamo during Mediation 2 didn't even want to recognise Paul-Robert as a
teacher in Iraq during the war, as well as in many other countries. Nonetheless, the C.V. is an
elaborate example of all of P-R.'s accomplishments and achievements, which in truth reveals a
person who loved to live life. I hope that many readers will discover through Paul-Robert's
numerous endeavours that life is filled with interesting experiences. It can, however, be over on a
drop of a dime - or crash. So, please live life to its fullest as he did.

I also thought to include herein copies of my webpage in an Expository for the purpose of
Public Austerity and Transparency. I initially created my web site as a memory tool, but I realised
quickly that it could also serve as a public awareness tool. Nonetheless, my web site's address is
https://abi-1.xyz. Yes, I am ABI-1 [Kânøbï]. I considered my web site to be very important,
mainly as an illustration of the scope of exposure on my part. I am a primary source after all. My
community needs to know what nurses, doctors, lawyers, judges, and insurers do to victims in
Ontario. It was a nightmare for me. It's my right to write about it all. At least, I shall try.

After realising the unconstitutionality of settlements within Canada, and as such, one
offered to me in the amount of approximately $2,000,000.00, despite my cautious warnings of not
to provide me with such an unconstitutional piece of rubbish, I had no choice but to deny. So, I
had to complain to a higher level - a watch dog for the dogs. So, I thought to include that here in
the form of my Letters to police, plus my Complaints to different Colleges of Physicians, Nurses,
and Occupational Therapists and the Law Society of Ontario. I also wrote to Mme Maisonneuve,
the Chief Justice of Ontario concerning the sexist, inhuman treatment of judges that I had received
during the proceedings of court cases #12-2738 & #16-69137 and all their relative, associative
interests or improprieties therein. I further focused as well on no court order for trial given by
Roccamo during Pre-Trial 1 on March 29th, 2019 despite her challenge for everyone to "regroup"
for Hallowe'en that same year of 2019. The Law Society also had to be informed of Roccamo's
unprofessional "None-Order." Both courts turned out to be examples of systemic sexism in
Canada for at least in my life, never mind the 150 years of discrimination that started since the
Dominion of Canada's inception with Macdonald. Everyone knows what he had said about the
best interest of a child. The discrimination of the legal system in Ontario was even present when
my father was getting his divorce with my mother half a century ago. Obviously, nothing has
changed even with the celebration of the sesquicentennial. Ha! Welcome to Canada, eh? Kids
need both father and mother equally with Equal Opportunity; so that both parents may obtain
equally whatever a government can provide, and Joint-Parenting is the only way to eliminate the
discrimination from perpetuating itself into different other ministries in Canada because parents
need to represent their children equally for the interests of their children. Anything else is not is
not parenting a child according to law. I guess - just a thought - that Judge Stanley never thought
that Paul-Robert Hipkiss would get hit by a car. His sexism ended up getting ballooned!

Surprisingly, I found a lot of Notes which then had to be included as well - more proof of
my aguish - an Expository worthy of the making. The find became my mind's missing key,
nevertheless. Imagine. A worthy investigation, nevertheless.

Of course, after writing all of my complaints and letters, I had to calm my nerves from all
of the anxiety of writing because a lot of tension had been built up over the years. Putting pen to
paper, however, allowed me a venue to develop some form of assistance in releasing stored up
emotions of revenge - the cornerstone of any judiciary to quash yet denied me. I had no choice
though. I had demanded to be heard. So, rather than seeing a psycho babbler, so-called
professional MD, I took it upon myself to create my own Zen of Change and Peace of Mind. In
the end, I sent out Post Cards & Thank You Cards and even a Thank You Letter to Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II, three weeks before she died, for giving me the passion to write freely. What
a Miracle, eh? I couldn't believe it. Still, and importantly enough, there were many people along
my journey of partial recovery who had helped me tremendously, and I merely wanted to thank
them as well, so it turned out to be a positive thing for me, too.

Basically, I tried to conclude with a hopeful expression of a Sunset concerning the

understanding of what I think wholeheartedly to be the best interest of a child, what I witnessed to
be in the best interest of a victim, and what I hope to be in the best interest of a just society. We
are all members of our community. We are all citizens. We are all human. We cannot change the
word. We only can pierce the hearts, minds, and souls of those with whom we come in contact.
That's what is at the core of human progress. Life is short. Make a difference. You count. Peace.

A Beginner's Journey to Write

2015 was not a good year at all. I had an Occupational Therapist by the
name of Shelley Stephenson from Function Ability Rehabilitation Services.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars were given to her by TD et al., but
not nearly as much to me. I used to only get a tiny, measly cheque
comprised of peanuts, that's to say: $370.00. The children could have had
a better upbringing had the insurers supported me as a father - sexist TD
Insurance et al. Nevertheless, Stephenson wanted me to go hither and
thither around the city for different assessments. I think that she did not
read correctly my hospital file, for she would have realised that I had
acquired scoliosis times two (lumbar & thoracic) as a result of the Car
Crash. She like others did not have my medical file from hospital; otherwise, she would have
insisted that assessments take place at my abode and not for me to travel much with a broken back.
She got much money, yes. She did not have my back though. You know what I mean? Because
many times, I didn't even know where I was going, nor what time I had to be where I was supposed
to be. She did not organise my scheduling properly. Thus, I ended up firing her for unprofessional
conduct or malfeasance as some Canadian lawyers call it. Then, I began to insist directly to TD et
al. to assess me at my apartment, 1002-340 Gloucester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It took
Toronto Dominion Insurance a year to assess me despite the fact that I followed the Insurance Act
by communicating with insurance adjusters in writing through mail. It's the law after all, eh? That
is what I read in the Insurance Act. However, TD et al. did not act expeditiously. Is it not a
criminal act to thwart legal fiduciary responsibilities of a Victim in Canada? I do not know. Do
you? This is what I had read in the Criminal Code of Canada under section 219.1, it read: Criminal
Negligence - "Every one is criminally negligent who (a) in doing anything, or (b) in omitting to
do anything that it is his duty to do, shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of
other persons." What am I supposed to think about this after reading it? To do nothing is not a
crime? Of course, it is. That's what is written. That's what Hipkiss thinks.

Even still, I knew that no-one would do anything because I had been considered by the lot
to be... Any guesses? You got it: a Vagrant-Single-Man. "Throw him under the Party Bus!" said
the Troll. So, I just had to prove that many individuals only wanted the insurers' money, and not
the better treatment of a Victim in a more professional, legal manner however. So, I began the
journey. That's all. I wrote to TD et al. knowing full well and in advance. Just to make sure that
no-one could claim that he or she did not receive my letters, I decided to send most of them by
registered mail via Canada Post. Hurray, Hipkiss.
Please take note of my constant incorrect spelling of English as well - my brain injury at
its most confusing - phonetics. I had to improve all by myself without outside help. A linguist in
me reborn. I did, however, ask for help with my writing disability, like auditing a couple of
Carleton University courses, so I could practise my communication skills that I had lost - but to
no avail. Vagrancy is very cheap in Canada. The course I had wished, the insurer became. The
journey was hard and grave. Here lies the beginning.


I) (To TD et al.) Remeberance Day 21015 - Novembre 11 2015

My asessment (05:55 hrs)
I waited for you all day You didn't come.
You dont folow me Next time obay please.
You must arive at 05:55 hundred haurs no
soon. You will wach me shower. You will watch
me brush teeth & hair You will watch me
make brekfast and eat. You will go with me to
the stor to buy milk bred, and butler You will
wach me crash/nap. You will wathc me exercise.
You will leeve. I have brain injary I am not
a tester I am not a examinor. I don't sign I
dont remember I dont do exams. I finish univercity
a long time ago. My assesment > of me > about
me > to me > with me > BY ME
Come any time to observ my life that you
created Obeve MY ASSESSMENT!
Hipkiss (A year later, TD et al. came to assess my Tired Donkey.)

II) Novembre 17 2015

You are fired
Send me my file Copy evreything about of
for to with from or conserning me and
the send it to 1002-340 Gloucester Street
Ottawa ON K1R 1A8
Onse again "Your fired!
Hipkiss (No teeth. No spine. No thanks. Bye.)

III) October 31, 2016

To Helen Tagiannis (ODSP worker)
Take me off O. D. S. P. Thank you.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss (Was I TD's responsibility or the taxpayer's?)

IV) Nov 30, 2016

To Helen (ODSP worker)
Can you please not take me off O. D. S. P.? Reopen thank you.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss (No. I was the taxpayer's responsibility!)
V) 29-01-2016
Hi Kerr (adjuster)
You are more welcome to my home. You
must tell doctors and terapist and anyone
this Peter Juge +
Welome to my home for asessment.
Thank you
Hipkiss (I could drive easier than I could walk. Come here.)

VI) May 14th, 2019

Dear Delia Ravindran (adjuster),
Can you help me with my teeth
please? Thank you.
I hope you can send a cheque
of $730.00. Thank you.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss (Car Crash related: more preparation for trial.)

VII) June 13th, 2019

Dear Delia Ravindran (adjuster),
I use to teach English. Can
you help me get an Tempur-Pedic
chair. A ergonomic desk and a
computer. I include a quote from
Staples. Please send me a cheque
in the amount of $2,552.35. I
wish to rehabilitate myself. Thank
you in advance.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss (Therapy was not TD et al.'s legal interest?)


And of course, throughout all of this, my first lawyer team couldn't even pay my ambulance
bill. Brenda Hollingsworth and Charles Genest, then a stint with Carolyn Baglole, were
representing me during 2015 and 2016. I honestly do not know to this date if the ambulance bill
ever got paid, never mind all of the other fees that it cost just to have me at hospital. Collections
though were after me and everything. "Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent
means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or
any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any
service," is what the Criminal Code states under the malfeasance section of 380. Who committed
this crime? Why didn't anyone stand up for me and the Crown's Privy Purse? No-one cared about
me, let alone my ambulance bill. Why couldn't they have paid it? I also tried to get Genest to
hook me up with the reckless driver, Gaetan Comeau, who hit me as well as the police officers that
had attended the crash scene on October 29th, 2014. I was told that Constable Jennifer Delia
would be found at the precinct between shifts. Which precinct, Genest? Like, you cannot organise
a meeting for me, Hollingsworth? They did not think that information concerning a Crash for a
Victim would be pertinent, in order to know what happened, eh? Perhaps these lawyers have not
read law concerning a victim's legal right to information. I should ask, eh? I still do not know
what exactly happened. I shall never know. The reckless driver, Gaetan, is dead. He died
approximately 2 years after the Car Crash from unrelated causes perhaps. I do not know. I was
never informed even of that. No-one expected that such information would be important evidence
to pass onward to doctors, nurses, and therapist, for another example. The impact and its details
would have helped me and my health care team because, if I had known, I would have been
positioned in a better place to advise my health care team in figuring out how, what, and where
exactly I've been in constant pain. But, no. Because of no knowledge as to what really happened
during the Car Crash, conversations with doctors became mere hit and misses as to the precise
causation of my pain. I couldn't even get therapy that counted where it counted the most. I was
never told what counted or what mattered or what happened. What criminals, eh? People will
grab whatever they can from an insurer and never pay attention to a Victim. Welcome to Canada.

The part that really bothered me was the Ontario Disability Support Programme versus the
Toronto Dominion Insurance Programme. I had gone to ODSP and requested support for my boys
as they were sleeping over at the apartment very muchly, but on the floor. Once again, I thought
of this would be an opportunity to show the boys what the Children's Aide Society of Ottawa and
lawyer Campbell did to them. I knew that ODSP would not support me, for they too discriminate
against fathers. I am after all a Vagrant-Single-Man according to ODSP as well because of sexist
Judge Stanley's unequal court order. But, in the interim, the boys had to be hungry while visiting
me due to a lack of support from TD et al. Yet, ODSP in the end denied me and my boys as
expected. Go figure once again, eh? Finally, for the first time in this entire process, the boys could
fully grasp the issue, the systemic sexism that is. And it worked. The boys eventually had no
choice but to curtail it back to their mother's residence because she had more support and a
foundation that could support the boys. I wanted them to stay with me, however, as much as they
wished - wholeheartedly. They were somewhat aware of what had happened to them because of
the Children's Aide Society's infringement on our freedom to associate with one another. In the
end, I had no choice but to kick out my own children from my tiny, little apartment, a very small
apartment for four people. Plus, I just got hit by a reckless driver and needed peace of mind. So,
where were lawyers Genest, Campbell, Dworsky, Lawson, Griffiths, Thiele, and later on Grodzki?
Where were they for all those years? Is that not criminal negligence? No family court motion for
a change of recollection, change of direction, or change period of anything. Children can eat you
out of house and home. Do they not have children? I have never met so many dishonest lawyers
in my life; only about their own money were their interests and not that of me or my boys.
Nevertheless, as it were, the state could not help me and my boys, so as it turned out, I naïvely
thought that Toronto Dominion et al. would be my sole supporter. Thus, I terminated my affiliative
dependency on ODSP, so that TD et al. would take care of my medical matters, my needs as a
Victim, and my responsibilities as a father. Of course, to the contrary, I witnessed another fact
that neither the state nor the insurer would support us. Alas: systemic sexist attitudes toward men
within other ministries, that of social service and insurance, all because of the Ministry of Justice's
very own inherent discrimination towards men, does exist. At least all of the frustration was worth
it - some proof at hand - more evidence to show a judge at trial. I had to believe, right? I did tell
a lot of people to go to hell for their sexist behaviour, and I left it at that. I am happy I did. I
thanked a few social workers for their demonstration of discrimination. Sexist people deserve to
be talked about anyhow, doesn't everybody think so? No support here, for such is not human.

I made every attempt possible to prove that the insurance industry and all of its affiliates
from either side were operating deceitfully, yet for some reason I felt that I had not enough
evidence. By 2019, with lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki's illegal non-attempt to set up Pre-Trial 2 with
a trial co-ordinator for October 31st, 2019, I was convinced surely that I had enough evidence to
prove criminality. But, my gut told me to document more in order to gather more proof, so I
soldiered onward and wrote more letters to TD Insurance from Toronto. I wrote asking for my
teeth to be fixed that were a direct loss from the Car Crash because, believe it or not, I had only
one bone fracture in my entire body as a result of the Car Crash, and that was my Zygomatic bone,
which is located slightly above my top right molars. 9 teeth had to be taken out. Yet, I knew TD
Insurance wouldn't support me. I just had to get it in writing for trial purposes. To this date,
Meloche Monnex and TD et al. have not fixed my mouth. Why? Criminal Negligence. To not
fulfil a legal duty is a crime, lawyer Griffiths. Follow the law in the Criminal Code of Canada
under section 219 please. It is written: "Every one is criminally negligent who a) in doing anything,
or b) in omitting to do anything that it is his duty to do, shows wanton or reckless disregard for the
lives or safety of other persons." Is this not related to my case of being denied dental replacements,
implants, and surgery? Certainly, it does in my humble opinion. Were crimes not committed by
lawyers Griffiths and Lawson? Think again please, would be my submission. Whatever an injury
may be, as a result of pedestrian motor vehicle disaster or otherwise, an insurer and its contractual
lawyers are bound by law to assist and rehabilitate the Victim - full stop. Not to do so is in fact
the crime. That's why they all want victims to shut up with their unconstitutional settlements, right?
It's not about money or any amount that they wish to mask. It's about the wrongdoings committed
by unprofessional persons that wish to hide their corruption. "Follow the money..." I say.

It felt like I was on a roll once I got a letter from TD et al. stating that they had denied me
assistance for my dental care. Still, I decided to write more, this time asking for support with my
"scoliosis x2" or bad back in contrast with who I was - an English Teacher with the US Military.
I made sure that I would never ask for anything privileged or out of the ordinary - just Car Crash
injury related. Accordingly, I asked in writing for Toronto Dominion's financial support in helping
me get an ergonomic chair, an ergonomic desk, and an ergonomic keyboard plus a computer, so
that I could practise and exercise my writing and my injured brain. I knew they wouldn't though.
But, I had to get the proof. The insurer like in most cases thought that I would shut up once an
unconstitutional settlement was reached. Little did they know that I was never prepared to
relinquish my Fundamental Human Right to Speech. They did not sense it? They were about to
read my Victim Statement. All they wanted to do was to keep on arguing that I was not who I was,
yet a Vagrant-Single-Man, a psychological pressure tactic for me to sign and shut up out of pity
and impoverishment - such bastardry. That's like what some unprofessional persons did in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But, who am I to say? And behold, they sent me a letter denying me
support despite the fact that they knew I had "scoliosis x2" and was in fact an English teacher
before the Car Crash, but they had preferred not to recognise who I really was - crooks. So, in the
end, it was worth the effort because once again, I got to prove another crime without jail time. It's
perfect for lawyers as long as they can get you to shut up. Thank you, my unthoughtful persons
Lawson & Griffiths for your teachings; one thing is for sure, as I had learnt form she and he of
McCague-Borlack of Toronto is that I shall never buy Toronto Dominion Life Insurance ever in
my life. Period. Why would I wish to depend on such illegal behaviour? Sorry, not I.
A Victim Statement as Advice for Freedom

I had hoped to say more, but my present became my great maiden journey. I had to think
and write at the same time. Like a virgin! I had "to articulate for the very first time." was the
constant melody in my altered brain, all the while under the pressure of anxiety for not getting my
Pre-Trial 2, that should have been co-ordinated between lawyers and the courthouse for October
31st, 2019. Why did lawyers, Griffiths & Grodzki, not plan for Hallowe'en? Why? But, despite
the anger, I had to write. Big problema, signora! Un gran problema! I panicked. Thank goodness,
I began to remember some of my pupils and how they learnt how to write as well as the difficulties
with the process of writing itself, for I had found myself in a similar situation but in reverse
somehow. The teacher becometh the pupil. I panicked more, seriously. However, my very last
student, Mike Harper, taught me without even knowing it how to write by using a computer via
voice transcription rather than a traditional method of typing. His computer became his pen - an
easier strategy for him to get his stories out on paper. He, too, had succumb to a disability yet
never without a fight. I felt that I had to follow him. I spent much of the taxpayer's money, ODSP,
and bought programmes to transcribe my voice suitable for script. I now thank Mike for teaching
me how to be a messenger, still with a disability but a new set of skills for writing the written word.
Thank you.

I grabbed a Voice-to-Text application from Apple Inc.'s App. Store. The programme was
from Denivip Group, Milan, Italy called ""Transcribe - Speech to Text." It was the most difficult
task I had ever experienced in my life, concerning writing of course. I finally got most of my ideas
transcribed, and then I submitted it to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario down on Elgin Street,
Ottawa with an additional Affidavit of Service to the following lawyers: Joseph Griffiths, Mikolaj
Grodzki, Patricia Lawson, and Michael Thiele. On December 10th, 2019 - the anniversary of the
United Nation's Human Rights Charter - I handed it in. The defendant was served. But for this
piece herein, I took the liberty of editing the Voice-to-Text's original version that was submitted
in court, for I wished to make it more legible and a little more fluid. The first version was filled
with incomplete sentences. I mean the computer could only do so much. But anyhow, I had to
stay true to myself and myself alone; so, I followed the path of university written etiquette. I
mainly changed the syntax, and then I further went and altered some punctuation because the
programme only recognised full-stops as its primary function for punctuation and not other forms
- a slight limitation - all of this done with the use of the bracket. I then took the liberty of
identifying Criminal Code of Canada sections in order to bear inquiries in my reader's mind as to
their relevancy in my situation. In this manner, I felt able to obtain legal authenticity of my
message as well as its purpose without being altered in any misleading manner - truth matters - the
message is now within the realm of the public. The plot thickens, it surely does - from courts to
you, my kind reader.

The Victim Statement is not an ease read, this I admit. However, I felt uncomfortable in
some respects for changing some parts just to create a deeper, more fluid version. I had to stay
true, however. Please read with patience of understanding. Thank you.

A message will always find a voice.
Truth can never be hidden.
Fear not fear itself.

ABI-1 Vic/State Complete Text via Google Docs

“Transcribe - Speech to Text” by DENIVIP Group, 2019

a - TestHipkiss' iPhone 5S.m4a

Testing. Testing. 1-2-3. iPhone 5S Plus. Voice recording app. Testing. Testing. 1-2-3.

b - Hipkiss Auto-Ped VicStatement.m4a

05:55 hundred hours, approximately, November 11th, 2019: I am Paul-Robert Hipkiss. I

have Acquired Brain Injury because of a man who drove recklessly and caused bodily harm to me
on October 29th, 2014 at approximately 18:00 hundred hours while I was crossing a crosswalk at
a school zone, Long Gate and Earl Mulligan, Barrhaven, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

c - Freedom of Speech.m4a

I find it very difficult to understand why I have to fight. I have to stand up somehow, get
my thoughts somehow organised, and fight for my freedom in your country, Canada. I just don't
get that. My Freedom of Speech. Why do you demand it to be taken away? Just so that you can
help me? I need your help. Yet, I demand also that you stand with me, and not only to protect my
Freedom of Speech, but all those others too like me with Acquired Brain Injury. This Fundamental
Human Right is very important and very dear to me. Words do matter. Words do matter. I've
taught thousands of them to thousands of pupils. Words do matter.

d - Gag Clause in Settlements.m4a

It is a legal duty for all members of Her Majesty’s bar to protect what she had bequeathed to
all those who enter Her borders. In this case my right to speech. After all, it is my victim statement.
I am a primary example. A primary source. Why? Because I have Acquired Brain Injury. I don't
know everything, especially now, but I know what I have experienced - more like trauma than
anything else, harassment indeed and harassing events [and] incidences. Those are the things that
I remember the most. And from time to time, how each one kind of made me progress with this
new life that was given to me on that day and that nano-second - a primary source.

And to all those [to] who I taught so many words, too. To read and to write. All the
universities I've been to recently. I found a lot of my university essays. Boy did I ever wake up.
I'm still reading them. Trying to learn who I was. Some of my ideas that I used to have. But, they
in themselves made me realise, especially now. I can’t write like that again. Never mind teach
people how to write like that. Ah, it's very difficult to articulate. To formulate ideas and
argumentations and hypotheses, and then put them all together in written format in the form of an
essay or an argumentative document. Wow. Good luck. Hopefully these voice recordings will
be transcribed because words do matter. I'm a Primary Source. I remember in university, I would
always get an A if I wrote a lot of primary sources in my bibliography. I’d get more like Bs,
sometimes even a C here and there if I had a lot of secondary sources. Don’t professionals
understand that? Didn’t they go to school? Isn’t that what they teach still? I don't know - it's been
a while ago. I hope so. Cause now I find myself as a primary source, and how dare anyone take
away my Freedom of Speech. How will you learn?

You can only learn through experiencing what I've experienced, and what I'm still
experiencing. I just hope that doesn't happen. Or, by reading it. Yes granted, you get secondary
sources, some pretty eloquent in their hypotheses. This or that. From [where?] So-called
professionals? People with maybe what? 1 year or 3 years more university than me. Wow. Well
granted, they studied a lot of neurology and psychology and stuff, a lot more than I have anyway,
and a lot more probably than what I've experienced? Yet, that does not negate the necessity of the
primary source - the most primary of all - that of an Acquired Brain Injury person and all his or
her experiences thereof, and so. How is it then with this legal rigmarole, juxtapositions, people in
their argumentations and debates, so-called settlements? I don't even know why they use that word
even. What's there to settle? Thank you very much. Nevertheless, in these so-called settlements,
there is always the "gag-clause" attached to them. Whack on your head! Now, here's some money!
Here! Take care of that! And now be quiet! Fermé la bouche! [NEVER!]

How are you going to learn when you muzzle the most primary source? Why? What's your
motive? Money? Follow the money in order to find the crime.

e - A Man's Finger in His Tigger.m4a

Nevertheless, and so here I am. How did I get this far? All because of a man's finger in his
trigger. Unreal how that was, no more than 5 seconds: 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000. I saw a
man with his finger in his trigger right at my front door. I think it was the end of August [of 2019]
just before Labour Day. Must have been Labour Day - just before Labour Day - maybe Thursday,
Wednesday. There’s gotta be a police record for that anyway. It was the police. Must have been
some kind of S.W.A.T. team or something. All within in 5 seconds, I saw that and everything else.
Boom. Boom. Bada-Boom. He was wearing a helmet - kinda like the one that I used to wear in
Iraq. He was also wearing an armored vest, slightly thinner than the one I wore, probably because
the bullets over there are different than here. And, there was another man. He had something of
a..., a pole to break down a door or something. I forget the actual name of that thing. There is a
word for it. Yet, all that within what? 5 Seconds? My immediate neighbour came out, too. And
I remember it now. It was 5 seconds after that. Boom. We were in her living room. I couldn’t stop
crying. I’m in a freaky war right in my front yard - my front door. Jeez! Maybe this does not
mean anything to most people. Sure, I can gather that. But, when you see a man's finger in his
trigger: EVAC - ASAP - Friendly Fire! It must have been literally no more than 5 seconds. [I did
not evacuate immediately. I put my life at risk due to my Brain Injury's Information Overload and
Working Memory problems; thus, I could not react fast enough, nor remember what to do in a
case of emergency involving a gun. Jeez! Welcome to my ABI-1 World.]

I kept on telling people for years. It's not a place for me. Granted, [I'm] very grateful, on
the other hand [for] a roof over my head in the winter, especially in this country. But, I need like
I've been telling people for years; I need a place with a security guard downstairs. And, so that
moment brought me here - 9 to 11 weeks later. Unreal. I had such a panic attack, I was literally
beside myself, and it was all for this: to realise one of the biggest losses of this Car Crash - my
ability to write. [That's why I had no choice but to use a voice recorder for transcription.]

I remember little, but what I do remember that day - I must have gained my composure
slightly - I said goodbye to her, my immediate neighbour, and went into my place. And, all I could
think about was to gather my things. I kept on crying again. Get all my paperwork. I'm in a war.
Gotta polish my weapons, my bullets. So, I phoned my boys. Shortly after. Crying. Help me.
Help me take all of this stuff to Nanna's. And, they came. And, we packed. We put things that
were valuable in the Jeep - all the paperwork. Everything that happened to me. One of my boys
drove us all to their Nanna’s. And there, I left it for a while. [I] couldn’t stop crying right in front
of my boys all because of that man's finger in his trigger. Yet, I am grateful in a way. It really
woke me up.

And so, the polishing had to begin. I was in a safer [place]. Still in a panic; took me days
to stop crying. I was in a safer place, my [biological father's] old place. And, I went through all
these [hospital] files. There's so many of them. Half of it I couldn’t even understand, let alone try
to articulate. But, the ones that I did, I thought that [they] would remind me. Shortly thereafter
discovering the ones that I felt important, [I thought they] would help me to write just like I did in
university: go to the library, take some notes, make sure you had the publisher, the author, [and]
the date. Then, all of a sudden just like in university. Oops. My essay is due tomorrow. Start
writing. I just thought, okay. I got all of this information now. I kept on collecting it. Where's
my file? Where's my file? Give me my file! Give me my file! It’s my right! Little did I realise,
after I kind of figured it out slightly, this might be important, that might be important - okay - let's
write about it. [That's what I would do in university.] But now, I can't write. I can't write! I just
can't write!

But, thank goodness [for] my last pupil, a writer with at least 3 publications, my last pupil:
Together, Yet Alone [by Michael Harper]. I learnt so much. Little did I realise it then how
important it would become. The teacher who becometh the pupil. Wicked. Totally Wicked. To
teach me how there's another way to write. Wow. Voice-to-Text: having a programme, a
technological program on computer that assists people with mental challenges and physical
challenges to get their ideas, their thoughts expressed [via] the written word - on the written page.
Sorry. Together, Yet Alone. And so, through this realisation, initially I thought okay. I had maybe
a gut feeling that I wasn't able, but I just did it like university. Collect all the data first. And maybe,
my gut feeling was saying, "You gotta take a stand." (Perhaps my gut was also telling me that I
couldn't write like I used to be able.] "You gotta take the stand." [It would have been easier for
me to have been under oath at the courthouse.] I was hoping to see this judge again. Maybe that's
why. This really is one of my greatest disabilities, that I have now to come to terms with just
because of a man's finger is his trigger. [I am not a teacher of writing any longer.]

But just like this. Sometimes it's incumbent upon all of us to understand the difficulties of
life and how they shape us. And now, I'm here. This is my only recourse to protecting my Freedom
of Speech [Voice-to-Text]. Perhaps like being on the stand, I suppose [Speak and to be listened].
My wish dashed somehow. [And now,] I'm going to go through some of these pages that I handed
into the courts [in and around October 31, 2019; the same things that I wanted to talk about in
front of Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, but she never ordered a Pre-Trial 2 for Hallowe'en. What
a criminal, eh? And coming from a judge of Ontario. Wow!] And with these recordings, hopefully,
I [shall] remember some of the things that have been bothering me since this Car Crash, and some
of it before, somehow intertwined. Thank you in advance for giving me this opportunity to
experience Equal Opportunity to Justice, [my kind pupil - Mr Harper]. Thank you again.

f - To Educate Is to Liberate.m4a

To educate is to liberate...

g - Affidavit of Service.m4a

Affidavit of Service. November 1st, 2019. Thank you, Sheriff Steve, and especially to you
my little Giraffe Jen. Thank you for being at my side on Hallowe’en Day at the Superior Court
[of Justice] of Ontario, Ottawa, [Ontario, Canada].

h - Outline.m4a

So, as I look at these things, [pages upon pages], there's kind of a category [that I created]
if you will. Best I could do after looking at that mountain of paperwork, literally a huge mountain,
I only took little snippets here and there, whatever was left, whatever I could understand; so,
basically and a little bit, sorry, a little bit of an outline - Identification: Number One. Number One:
Identification; who am I? Ask this guy. He used to know me. Number Two: kind of a journey's
end. Things that I worked up towards and tried to do. I can't do that stuff anymore. Number
Three: unified moat; kind of what led up to the day that changed my life, October 29, 2014. Never
forget that day. Number Four: Is in and around the same time of that mysterious date. One second,
one minute, one hour, one day, one month, one year. Plus, or minus. Number Five: Number Five
[is] the nucleus of cause-effect, really. That's the nucleus, right there, the hospital file. The file
from hospital. The grandiose files of all files. Totally photocopied. Somewhere there, somewhere.
I just took a little bit here and there. Seriously, what I could understand from it? Number Six: It’s
kind of like, it matches the, the year almost of 2016. Number Six: I don’t know how that worked
out. Jeez. I could have never planned that one. But that's the way it is, 6. Okay more like my
Dearest Majesty. What a privilege it [was] to finally to have met you. Well, [Number] Seven?
Jeez. Dark shadows in number Seven - those who stand up all go to heaven. Out with the hounds
- all the wolves and vagabonds. Jeez. Number Eight: I keep on remembering when see [the
paperwork]. [I've tried] to look at some of these things. I remember a song, long time ago, lack
of communication. Lack of communication. Number Nine: without further ado - my peace
offering. Hopefully there will be peace at the end of this torment of terror, harassment, [and]
criminal behaviour. Peace is really what I seek. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Perhaps, more thereafter,
conclusions and so on. Who knows? I shall try my best to go through this outline. Try to
remember whatever I can. But in a nutshell, that's what I hope to achieve. Minimum. To expunge
all that I can remember from this outline.

i - Identification.m4a

Identification, ID... Who are you? I don’t know. Call Santa. He’ll tell you. One of the
biggest problems I've had [since] the beginning. Ever since that day is really how I kept on feeling.
Like I had to tell people who I was. What I could remember [as to] who I was. Of course, in the
beginning, not much if anything, didn't even know I had my boys, didn't even know I had a Jeep.
I gradually saw or found, I should say, some pictures of me in different places, and yah, big shock.
Lots of tears. So, my ID was kind of pretty important. Not to mention [the] fact that I was [treated
to be] less than a number [for lawyers and judges].

I wasn't even a number. I don't even know if it was paid even to this day - the
ambulance. Who [paid] that? They used to send me... I found all this stuff. I don't know, during
my zombie years [20]15 and [20]16 - someone didn't pay my ambulance bill. They charged me,
too. I didn't even call [the ambulance]. Someone else called them obviously. Then, a collection
agency [came] after me for an ambulance bill. Wow. Who am I? What am I? [An it: cousin it.]

So, of course, at some point, [I] can't really remember when I [started] remembering another
barrister; how we communicated when I was overseas. "How's it going? I'm on a camel." [were
some jokes of greeting we shared.] That was funny. Even he remembered [them.] He knows I'm
disabled. Yah. [This is in reference to lawyer Michael Thiele who use to know me in the past as
a foreign English teacher.] So, this whole identity thing became very important. Repetition.
Repetition. Repetition. Always trying to remember who the heck was I, first of all. I couldn't
even remember half of that, let alone most of it. And then, trying to tell people, "Hey, you know?
This is who is was!" Why can't I try to do this instead of that? Being involved in all these legal
proceedings. "Holy Moly!" I thought. Okay. I need a barrister who used to know me. [Hence,
the reason why I fired lawyer Charles Genest in order to go to lawyer Michael Thiele.]

If they don't trust me, they might trust him more even than me. So, I had to get an old
barrister that I knew; I had already previously; I was engaged [in] a Minutes, or engaged in a
Minutes of Settlement. I was sued three quarters of a million dollars with my wife. Holy Cow!
The settlement was justified? I don't know what happened after that with the money or whatever.
I was in a foreign country "on a camel." But, the importance was [that] he knew me. This barrister
new me. That was the driving force. Once I figured [it] out, hey, I already had a lawyer once upon
a time, beats trying to have to meet all these new people. That in itself for Brain Injury is not good,
especially mine. A whole bunch of new people. New things. New ideals. New processes. Holy
Cow! I can't deal with that anymore. And so, it was very important, I think I was somewhere,
maybe near the museum [at the] Central [Police] Precinct, Ottawa. Probably came across his office,
and so there, I think there, began the true understanding of what I [had] lost.
j - A Journey's Ended, I.m4a

A Journey’s End - how indeed! Attikis - Canadian School - L'École, Erythrae. My

[biological father] had a school in Greece. He was a teacher, too. I'll never forget how my journey
started [there]. "Take this little book and go in there and read. And then, talk about what you just
read. Let me know how it went." [my biological father once said to me.] So, I did. Don't
remember the book. Wish I had it. That's one thing I wish I did have. Wow. I got a stamp
[though]. Kept that. That was the seed that was planted. That was so fun. That's basically what
I remember. Going in there and just reading a little bit and chit-chatting with everybody. They
were roughly [a] little bit younger than I was, maybe by three or four grades [younger]. The seed
was planted.

I, too, began a desire for teaching that day. Goodness gracious, I must have been 14 - 13
maybe - quite a while ago, mid seventies maybe. But, I always love[d] languages. I started out in
a French school in Toronto - Kindergarten, French Kindergarten. That was I think, late sixties.
And from there, I went to L'École du Sacré-Coeur on Sherbourne [Street, Toronto], Sherbourne
and Carleton, or in between Carleton and Wesley. We lived a block away on Homewood, three
blocks away from the Maple Leaf Gardens. We used to play shinny [there]. It was a parking lot
[back then], oh a long time ago. He shoots. He scores. Wow. Those were the days. Good luck
skating now. I can barely keep my balance without skates. Someone called it. What did they call
it? Vertigo: the only way I remembered it - "like a vertigo, dizzy for the very first time." And
then, of course on Sundays, I used to go to L'Église du Sacré-Coeur. That's smack right at the
corner of Carlton and Sherbourne. I used to go to the Don Valley. I used to walk there with my
toboggan in the winter. They had a zoo there just past Parliament [Street]. I’d walk down to City
Hall. My aunt was [at] Simpsons. I used to love how they used to make doughnuts [at] Bay and
Queen. [My biological father] used to be in Teachers' College. Sometimes he’d take me there.
We’d just walk down Carleton to University. There it was.

It was amazing later on with Hamilton’s sesquicentennial. Much later in the 90s. They made
me a member of Ontario Archives for some of their research and stuff. I’m like okay. D-Block.
C-Block. Whatever! That’s my old neighbourhood. Staying out at Allan Gardens? Wouldn’t
want to send your kids there now. Don’t think it is a safe neighbourhood now. But, that's where
things started [for me].

French Elementary in the heart of an English town; no wonder a lot of this stuff is way
different. I'm looking at, kind of you know, some of the paperwork. And, it’s like, wow! You
did that? You did this? It started out weird. A French elementary school - downtown [in an]
English town [Toronto.] And from there, I went to... I finished my English. Oh yah, they had to
put me in an English elementary [afterward in Victoria.] I think for my last grade or two. Jeez.
That’s a long time ago in Victoria, British Columbia. For the life of me, I can't understand why
the Superior Court of Ontario did not keep me within its own jurisdiction [Toronto.] That's where
some other terrors began in my life. Just thinking about how my education changed. My life
changed, too. Where was my Mum? My biological Mum? Where was the Superior Court of
Ontario? It was a different era then? [In] the SIXTIES obviously, that's when the Maple Leaf
Gardens had a parking lot, the same kind of sexism existed back then. It was against women back
then. My little bit of understanding: sometimes women were encouraged to give their children up
for adoption just so they could get married. Maybe that was a forties and fifties ideology passed
down by their parents. Thank goodness we're out of that. So, in a sense it was against motherhood.
Now in the 21st century, we just flip-flopped to something against fatherhood. Hopefully someday
the pendulum will shift the other way and find its equilibrium. Who knows? So much I have learnt.
Let alone the documents that I see before me.

And then for some reason, I guess the Superior Court of British Columbia didn't [want to]
keep me in its jurisdiction either. I ended up going to Greece. Yet it all - it’s negativities. There
was a lot of positivity as well. Sometimes in life you have to take things with a grain of salt, pick
up the pieces, and move on. [As a child though?] Then, I went to a Greek [high] school,
Gymnasium - high school equivalent kind of thing.

Came back to Ottawa. I'll never forget that day - February 3rd, 1981. I was wearing a jean
jacket. I got off at Mirabel [Montréal.] I think they called it Mirabel. I don't know if it still exists,
Mirabel Airport. In the dead of Canadian winter with a jean jacket, [so I] had to go down to [old]
Vieux-Montréal. There was a hostel there of some sort. I slept there and then took the bus down
[to] Toronto the next day. I’ll never forget how frozen I was. Welcome to Canada.

And, that's when I did some [High School] credit[s]. They had some OAC [Ontario
Academic Credits] kind of equivalency thing, Pre-U stuff. My own country wouldn't recognise
my diploma from Greece. Anyhow, I entered Ottawa U. I always liked French [because it was
taken away from me, I guess.] And from my... After I think... Yah, after my first year at Ottawa
U, that spring and summer, I went to Université de Nice, France; studied French there. That was
awesome. I bicycled all the way there. I had to train a little bit, of course a whole year really. Did
some excursions around Kemptville [and] Rideau Provincial Park; camped there. Did work with
the [French] Embassy in trying to locate the campgrounds [in France]. Bought every tool for my
bike: spares and so on, all my gear. Arnprior: a little jolt out there. Had to prepare for it. Pearson
Airport to Gatwick. Pumped my tires all the way to London. [Then,] to Folkestone. To Calais.
To Paris. Versailles. Chartes. Orléans. Nîmes. Marseille. Cannes. Nice. It was a big journey.
On the way back, a train to Luxembourg, and from there by bike [ride] to Brussels, and then the
ferry to Folk..., Dover sorry, not Folkestone - Dover. And [then, I] biked to Gatwick, plain to
Pearson Airport. By that time, I was... I guess I was pooped. I didn’t want to bike back to Ottawa.
I took a bus.

So, I guess the beginning of my educational journey turned out to be the corner store of my
post secondary. And of course, with no post secondary, you have to work [harder]. Tuition was
expensive even back then. Probably still is for inflation is what it is. Worked with senior centers.
[Different] casual help sometimes. Hands on painting. Entertainment. Maintenance. Staging.
Even played guitar for a lot of seniors. Oh wow. You know, all the while trying to get through
Algonquin. Get my pre-Us done. Then Ottawa U. Université de Nice, France. And of course,
after Nice, I came back to Ottawa.

Then [I] decided, well, maybe I'll change universities. And, I decided to go to Mickey-Mac
[McMaster University;] and luckily for me, while at Mickey-Mac, [I] managed to gain some posts
with some pretty neat companies, worldwide known companies, down on Burlington [Street].
Steel Town - Break It Down. Burlington Street, Hamilton. Lucky in the sense that it helped me
pay off my tuition. Was making. Sorry. I was making way above the average minimum wage or
something. I don't know. Can't remember what it was back then, but anyway. And it helped me
find a lot of other things - my sailing endeavours. I ended up getting my sailing license, too in
Hamilton. That was special. And of course, with that, I think it was the Minister of Industry or
something, a federal ministry, they gave me my operator's license. Some pretty good achievements
down there, the Harbour, Lake Ontario.

And then of course, you know, usually all good things come to an end somehow. It's how
we adjust to them. [I] got involved with the Hamilton’s 150th Birthday, 1996. How is that? A
great journey in itself. They hooked me up with the Grey Cup. They hooked me up with Archives.
They wanted to know who was born a hundred and fifty years ago, a hundred years ago, and fifty
years ago. So then, I had to research that through [Ontario] Archives down in Toronto. They’d
foot the bill and all that. And [so,] I got the research for them. Had to find grandsons at first.
Grandchild, I guess. Daughters. 50 years was easy. Of course, a hundred and a hundred fifty,
that was impossible, but I found some people [like relatives]. [The City] invited them all to their
big celebration down [at] their City Hall in Hamilton. I [was] so honoured that I could actually
contribute in that way, to their sesquicentennial. And of course, [by] meeting a lot of people, you
get to do other things as well. Worked with Alzheimer's funding. And, but, the library kind of
really set [things] off. I was about to graduate. [The] Hamilton Public Library took me on. I was
teaching [English to] immigrants.

I even [had] taught a few of my colleagues at Ottawa U from Greece, especially my first
year. But, that was more private and stuff like that. But here now with the Hamilton Public Library,
[which] I would greatly appreciate much later when I went to Saudi [Arabia,] and [where I would
look at] oil pebbles on beaches, [my teaching skills definitively took flight at the library.]

Back in Hamilton, I got involved with planting trees for youngsters, [too.] It was very
tickling. Getting the youngsters in[to] a 500 mL jug of milk. Planting their seed. Watching it
grow in their classrooms. I was very happy and honoured to contribute in many different ways. It
was kind of like, I guess, the flowering of seed[s] that [were] planted with my biological father’s
school in Greece - Erythrae.

Yes, maybe a little bit of pruning here in there with Algonquin, Université de Nice, L'École
du Sacré-Coeur and all that, Sir James Douglas, the 9th Gymnasium, Ottawa U; but in Hamilton,
the way I remember, the way I feel about it now, the way I look at some of these degrees and stuff,
it was there that Paul-Robert Hipkiss’ flower bloomed. Thank you, Hamilton.

k - A Journey's Ended, II.m4a

My tuition was already paid. Thanks to the networks that I met along the way in Hamilton
and in Ottawa. I had achieved my goal. Came back [to Canada]. [I tried] to hook up with family
that I had lost. Somehow you never get back what was stolen - in tatters sometimes, usually never
the same, not completely anyway. And so, the past became the past, and now I was about the
flourish a little [brighter.] A lot of different experiences along the way. With France, I desire[d]
to relearn my French language, let alone coming back to Canada. I had to relearn my English
language, [too.]. One of my cousins joked with me a lot, "You speak like a foreigner." Well, after
living in Greece for 5 years who wouldn't, especially come puberty. And French was an important
issue for me. Hence the Université de Nice, France. That was not cheap. But, I mean, I started
with L'École du Sacré-Coeur, and all of a sudden that was taken away from me - my own
[biological] mother['s] tongue? Things became cyclical, I guess, maybe that's why I wanted my
children to be in [French] Immersion. I signed them up for French Immersion. Still, always
continue... Now even more so... It’s really hard. [It's] hard focusing on English, one language let
alone all the others that I've learnt [along the way]. But, that's the way it was, yah, I think innately,
what the [old] Superior Courts took away. I just wanted in my journey to figure out if I could
regain [my French and English], I guess.

Yet, the flower did bloom within days or weeks of convocation from McMaster University.
I was teaching in the Republic of Korea [next month.] I'll never forget that place. How can I? A
beautiful wife and three lovely boys. And not to mention of course, there's always a tickle here
and there, all the children that I had the great honour of teaching while I was in Korea - [really]
changed my life. I remember that now. And I'm glad that I was able to retain that. A great feeling
of achievement. Piercing the hearts and minds all those kids I came across. Wow. They even put
me on Pusan Cable Television. That was funny. They had me singing along - from Seniors to
libraries to now children. Wow. And just their approach to teachers, what a big eye opener, it
was. All the money that I saved. Plus, I got married there. We saved much. We did much. Of
course, I had to reach out to my community as usual, I guess, quite evident here now. Must had
been involved with [a] church. Now I remember. Saint Zion Church. I think it was a Presbyterian
Church if I remember correctly, with teenagers and so on. Ah, it was just a lot of fun. Totally.
Other companies gave me business cards. Like wow! And then, Love. For the third time in my
life - all good things come in threes.

The greatest thing in life - love. I met my wife. And, we had our first baby - our second
baby and our third baby. Thereafter, of course. And so maybe some, man, life is really - maybe
some[thing] previous... [With Acquired Brain Injury, I tend to forget about things and what they
are even when I look at them very intently. Sorry for the confusing read at times. Welcome to my
ABI-World.] You know, goals or whatever, I did want to go to maybe Thailand, maybe Singapore,
somewhere around there - teach there - maybe India, Greece - go back there again - tuition paid:
time to go spread my wings. But, without regrets at all. 0 [Zero.] I get to witness my first born
with my wife. It was difficult coming back [to Canada]. We had no choice. We had to come
back. I remember the hospital charging me close to..., I think it was 5 [to] $6,000. Just so that my
son could be born on Canadian soil. "Welcome to Canada!" they say. I thought I was Canadian.
Well, you got to pay. Okay. I learnt right off the bat what residency really means. We had to
bring our first born to be born here on Canadian soil in a somewhat of a hurried fashion. My own
Embassy told me that, if he [were] born in the Republic of Korea, he [would] have gone to the
Korean Military when he turned 18. Say what? We’re out of here. Fast air fares, plus. Airlines
have policies. If you’re past 5 months, they don’t fly you. 5 months pregnancy that is. Or pregnant,
I mean. So that in itself, it cost me a lot of money. But, I have no regrets. 0 [Zero] at all. We had
the money, thank goodness you know. Boom. Bada-Boom. Done. Done.

From the beginning you know, there was a little struggle. I ended up going to Québec City
to continue teaching English. [It was] very interesting actually [to teach] people from Revenue
Québec. I was quite optimistic. There was a lot of people. [My] market is different, right? I
mean, the niche: a lot more people want to learn English in Québec than Toronto or Ottawa. Of
course, I knew after graduation that my niece, "My Niche" - sorry, would be overseas. It just
happened that way, and we had a newborn. We gotta put food on the table. I went to Québec.
Didn't last long, of course. I was going to move my family up there, but they told me, I think it
was the Ministry of Education over there, they told me that I couldn’t insist that my son go to an
English elementary school rather than a French elementary school because I didn't have a French
high school diploma nor did my wife. [I, too, didn't] have an English high school diploma, not
[even a] French [one] - nor did my wife have an English high school diploma. I had a Greek high
school diploma. My wife had a Korean high school diploma. And based on that, despite what my
passport says, I couldn't get my boy to go to an English elementary school in the capital city of the
French province of my country. That was a big eye opener. So, I decided to make a go of things
in Ottawa. Came back [and] started a [private tutoring business.]

From Québec, I started Interactive English. Opened up a company. It was fun. That was
a... one negativity that turned into a positive. That ended up being a good thing, really. The
business branched out into more..., like not just tutoring English [yet also] preparing them to
understand how to graduate from high school. These were my pupils within my business. But
also, [I had] to make sure that they had housing accommodations, meals and so on, [and] meetings
with Principals, Vice-Principals, Guidance Counselors, and Teachers on behalf of the parents [who]
were overseas; taking them on different excursions, so that they can get more acquainted [with
Ottawa;] kind of like being a tourist guide; and then of course, you know, I would always take
them. One thing I loved about it, we would..., we would go to the National Art Centre for [our
annual] Shakespearean play. They had to learn some Shakespeare in order to graduate from grade
12. "Interactive English." [That's why I called it that. Cool, eh?] And as things went along, you
know, I started to teach other ethnic groups or minorities in the city, some Arabs, Koreans, Chinese,
and then I branched out again with (different) business[es] - different banks across the river in
[Hull] Gatineau.

And, I also did my best to supplement [my] income here and there with different companies,
schools, linguistic language schools, English language schools around the city of Ottawa and also
the city of Gatineau and Hull. I had many pupils at the Ministry of Archives in Gatineau [and] the
Ministry of Taxation in Hull. I did that plus my tutoring [business.] Tutoring was my jam though.
It was more all inclusive, more interactive as I always used to put it. And like with everything,
always a rocky start. Things started to really boom in 2001 for me. Had a little more money to
spend, I guess, in trying to nurture the tutoring business. So, I had to go for my first time to Saudi.

Black is gold. I didn't mind. [No] regrets. My, our second boy was just born and a... [I had
to] take off very quickly. I did two scholastic semesters - a scholastic year with oil riggers. That's
one thing I loved about teaching at all these different places. I had to learn a lot of things every
time. Everywhere I went. Mechanics. Electronics for oil rigging. My first time [in] Saudi.
Taxation lingo... Archives lingo... Children... Idiomatic expressions... It was always a learning
thing with teaching. Good luck learning [with Brain Injury.] New things? I can barely remember
my new date with my doctor, people's names, [and] new names. I guess that's why I really liked
it. There was always a sense of learning even when teaching. I would always go back to some
kind of school to learn more not for the certification, really just to learn.
[I] wanted to go back to Algonquin. Learn a little more about adult learning. Of course, it
was just picture perfect really: tutoring business - could make my own hours, adjust them slightly
when needed. Had enough money. Went to Carleton University. Got my Teacher’s Certificate
at the School of Linguistics. That was fun.

And through it all, I would always, you know, get involved with my music. All of my music
would always follow me. Always [brought] my guitar [into] my classroom. That in itself was I
thought so helpful, so many lyrics and so many words to learn - syntax just from learning a song.
Camaraderie. Chung with the pupils; creating that lovely atmosphere for learning, of course along
the way. My own! Got seven or eight of them: my own songs. Somehow [I] got involved with
the St. John the Apostle Parish. [I] was the guitarist for this Children's Choir for a good five years
at least over in Nepean.

Roughly at the same time, I was sued 3/4 of a million dollars. Had a good Barrister then.
But, also around that time, you known, sing along with children, tutoring, going to Carlton, and
expanding my business and everything, I dipped into more of my music. Started to certify at least
one of them. I got, kind of got, left on the back burner; [yet, we created] a song of intellectual
property, mine and a dear friend. It was all interesting making way above minimum wage with
my two boys and then a third. And then there was three.

That was a great great stepping stone for sure, all of it, right from French elementary to
Greek, to English universities - colleges. Great Road. [I was] still to continue in different ways
with different means, with different intent, [and] with different objectives. But still, the show must
go on. And my desire to teach was always there. Then comes the economic crisis of 2008.
Kaboom. How am I going to feed these people? [My children] depend on me. We may suffer
slightly, but we'll get through it. Once again, "Black is Gold." I along with many others had to
cut corners - family income, family dividends, and all that stuff. What does a family do? Maybe
no hockey this year. No baseball. Okay, we can't afford the tutor. [Me...] "Black is Gold." I had
to seek a different avenue. I had but one or two students left. Now, I was on the hunt. I had to
put food on the table for my wife and boys.

l - A Journey's Ended, III.m4a

The Rub’ al Khali presented itself with some new opportunities; however, I think the hottest
desert on the planet - used to get [to] plus 55 - 60 easy - Degrees Celsius. Unbelievable. It was
hot. But, it was majestic. It was really nice. And, the people I met too, Bedouins and their tents,
[such] beautiful places. Everything was taken care of, roof over your head, all paid for. All the
money you made was basically savings. Even food, yah most of the time. You know. If you
wanted fast food or a shawarma or something, rice, [and] all that - for the taking. Even
transportation, to and from - no need to have [the] burden of cost - just love your pupils and teach
them as much as you can. Pierce [their] hearts and minds. Prep-work was fun. Had some lovely
students there, Qassim University. And then, Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud [University] - future
Imams of this world - Sheikhs. [Things were] really starting to open up for me. Wages were great,
Saudi Riyals. Met some really nice people, colleagues, different professors, different walks of life,
Aussies, Newsies, English, Scottish, Irish, [and] South African. People from... I think there was
a teacher from Belize somewhere that I met up with, literally, from most English countries around
the world.

Very unlike the Orient, granted, a lot of students from universities here in Canada. They, a
lot of them, not all them, a lot tend to go to the Orient - and very admirable. My hat’s off to them.
My goodness. They go to the Orient to maybe teach, you know, - a year or two - to pay off their
tuition. Come back. There's a network of us, [however.] We just do [teaching] because we love
doing it. It’s our life. We get to interact with many different kinds of walks of life - just the way
it is. Yah. You think about the money, but in those kinds of jobs, money comes. Always did. All
kinds of people, even presidents [and] professors of different universities around the world from
the United States, Canada - different deans from different other institutions; it was just a
phenomenal experience: very, very interesting. The one bad thing about it was, really, a lot of
these places overseas, they just don't, you know, act the same way in a sense - 9/10ths or 8/10ths
of the time. [I] couldn't even get proper visas many times even from the university. They are not
like us, obviously. But, I always made it through a scholastic semester [or year.] It was about my
students. More important, all the red tape and paperwork, well, that was just administrative. As
long as we had a roof over our head and a place where we could pierce hearts and minds - like I
said, the paperwork was just paperwork. But you know, that's why I used to go there. The niche
was never in Canada. The niche was always overseas. Saudi Riyals - American Dollars or Korean
Won. Didn't matter, even the Greek Drachma was great. It was just an extension.

[I] really took a liking to Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University. That was a nice
one. Very different walks of life - big eye opener for me. Anyway, that's what I loved about
this. Not only learning about, you know, different words in dictionaries for different terms, for
different things that I had to teach, but Culture, Language, Environment - all these different things
that I had to learn in order to survive even; but, it was all part of the parcel. It was one big happy
learning fest. How am I going to do that again? I can barely get to Chinatown. Is it cold outside?
Should I wear my boots? My goodness. What is there to eat today?

But anyways, while I was there, [I] found different opportunities - had already much security
clearance and stuff from Korea and the RCMP, Records Checks from Ottawa’s finest - I get this
job offer from Oxford to go to Benghazi, Libya. And within days, I get another job offer to go to
Iraq. Little did I know how I was cheating death. I'm glad I didn't go to Benghazi. I sure am. So,
I got accepted to Iraq with the US Military. Best career choice I ever made in my life. Truly. The
climax of my English teaching career. The request, I think was sometime in September, I had to
do some pre-med work, [then] en route to Fort Benning, Georgia for Basic Training for
Deployment. While I was in Saudi, I did a lot of that prep work. A lot of things were happening
back then. En route to a war. Basically, all I can remember, there was lots on my mind, getting
all that medical stuff organised; so, I guess in a nutshell - so, I can get all of my ducks in order.

And any issues about Whitewater Region - about my land - they were taxing me too much.
So, worked out with my wife to put it up for sale, fictitiously somehow, just so we could get a
correct evaluation on the price of the land. I didn’t care. I was willing to pay the 500 bucks. I
just wanted a price. So, I go to Whitewater Region: say, "Yoh. You are taxing me too much here."
I don't know. I was en route to a war. [I had to] get in touch with this Real Estate agent for some
reason? I don't know. And, I had to argue with him about residency. Oh, my goodness. If I had
started arguing about that stuff, what the heck would happen here? I'm going to be in a lawsuit,
or a court case, or something? What's going on? I don't know, I'm en route to a war. No insurance
company is going to actually ensure me to be deployable. And that means, I will never be
deployable if there's outstanding cases [with my name on it.] Okay, whatever your argument is?
Here you go. Take it. Whatever. Honey, do whatever. Feed the kids! I don't know what's going
on. I'm off to war.

And so, I'm in Fort Benning, Georgia. Y'all come back now. I just knew that I had to make
more money. And those kids were growing up. Someone had to feed them. I was sending money
while I was in Saudi. I really didn't care as long as they were fed. Things will come out in the

The training was pretty cool, that's for sure - Fort Benning. But the majority of the training,
trust me, the war taught us the majority of that. I guess [a] war has a habit of teaching you different
things. Initially, what you went there for? I had all these things I had to do. Vaccines. Anthrax.
Holy Cow! Doctors even know? What the heck did you get Anthrax for? I never wanted to go
back to tell you the truth. I came back for my... for my R&R. Rest and relaxation. R&R. More
like decompose. Things were really not too good. I mean, we were on lockdown for a long time.
And so, I told my boss, Colonel McEvoy, Richard McEvoy, that I would go back under a different
mission. I wrote him an e-mail. And my mission was simple. The R&R kind of taught me how I
had to develop a new mission. So, I wrote it to him. I said that I just want[ed] to pierce the hearts
and minds of my students, and be the best Canadian Ambassador, for I knew in my heart of hearts
that I was probably the first Caucasian, Western person they've ever met in their lives. If I was
ever going [to contribute,] that's what it would be about. And not to dispute it all - different
colleagues and different tactical advantages, RECON, and all that stuff. Yah, the money was good
- very good - everything was paid for: Armoured Humvees, Armoured Rhinos, Blackhawks,
Chinooks, and C-160 personnel carriers. All that money just to transport me from work and back,
plus 60 to 70,000 dollars waiting in my bank account. Despite the fact that I [had] breach [the]
contract, [I] could not remain in good physical health due to a parasitic worm. I did want to pierce
the hearts and minds of all my pupils. [Yet] onward, and [with] my boss, Colonel McEvoy, he
was my boss. He ended up working later on after he retired from the military with DynCorp. "So,
don't worry about this parasite. We won’t put it on record." [he used to tell me.] "Just contact me
when you're okay, and we'll see if we can get you to Afghanistan." [were beautiful words for me.] I
wouldn’t have been deployable if I had a medical condition. He understood what I wanted to do.
What an honorable man. Yah. Again, even with the US military, never mind the Orient or Saudi
Arabia - everywhere, Greece - they just have a way with their paperwork. He's dead now. He was
gunned down in Afghanistan. I cheated death once more. Lost the biggest connection in getting
to Afghanistan. And maybe it was for a reason. Darn parasite - maybe for a reason. [But, my Car
Crash had put a stop to that dream way before Dick died.]

Took about a month or so, maybe close to two - they had to EVAC me. Took about... Yah.
A month and a half. Close to two maybe. Ottawa-Carleton Hospital and other places had a hard
time trying to figure out what was in me. Ended up in the medical history books. I was
Quarantined. My own home. I remember the black cruisers that were always circling around
making sure the kids wouldn't go anywhere. Wicked. Totally Wicked. All that for what? Piercing
the hearts and minds of others? At least somebody enjoyed the money, [eh?] The kids and I did
somehow as well. Once I came back I took them to... and [I] got better obviously... summer of
2012; the whole winter, the whole fall and winter was like Bah; I could barely keep any food down
but managed to get on my two feet. [Then,] I took the kids all the way to see the Vikings in
Newfoundland. Wow. That was awesome.

People accused me of having PTS-W-D from a war. Yah? Really? Okay. Dad takes them
all the way down to the Lady of the Mist, Niagara Falls. And then later on, all the way up to see
Vikings, and that’s a man who has PTS-W-D? Yes sir, Bob! Wow. I feel sorry for a lot of people
here. Be nice to live out this crazy world - a lot.

What’s it like to have...? Did it affect you? To do this? Or that? Hello! Do you wanna
know about a war? Just go to one. Period. Go to war. Why are you asking me? It's kind of an
unwritten [code.] Most people who go to a war only speak about it to other people that have been
to one. We don’t talk to other people [about war.] It is kind of like Las Vegas, you know, what
happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. Jeez. How did I remember that one? What happens
in a war, stays in a war. People don't understand it anyway. Go to one, you'll figure it all out. I'll
guarantee you. Once you come back, you will completely understand the true meaning of the
sanctity of life. And I didn't even have to be a teacher in a classroom to learn it.

Anyway. And then after that year, Boom, [20]12, I get this application for divorce from my
wife. Wow. Superior Court of Ontario revisits [me once] more. But, maybe that was just destiny
waiting to happen. I was away for awhile, but I always made sure that the kids had food [and]
clothing. There was always money.

Somehow, in the end, I guess it was with this injury now and everything, never mind
environment. How about tactical? All that stuff? Holy Cow. We're going to issue you a
bulletproof vest. There, Mr Hipkiss. How do I wear that? Do I get it right? Am I wearing it
backwards? Ah, what's going on? Jeez. On top of environmental and linguistic and all that stuff,
Holy Cow. [Now with the injury,] I can barely make it to the courthouse.

But how this Mount Everest in my life - this peak - and all my achievements relate very
significantly for what I fight for today. And I've been fighting for people to understand this main
concept of this war, and have been accused so viciously: you got shellshock or PTS[D] or
something? I don't have any venereal diseases. Okay. Leave me alone. So, I kind of understood
in a very difficult way why people don't understand the connection because they were not teachers
[in a war like me, so why would they understand. Only those who had been there truly understand.]

So, I'm forced to try my best to teach you. Now, L1 [First Language], L2 [Second Language],
Linguistic Acquisition, it’s quite standard. L1, L2. Let's just say. We are in this Northern
Hemisphere now. It's Christmas time. You got a little baby playing with his dinky cars. Christmas
tree [is] up. You got a Dad playing around with some bulbs and different things. He kind of
hollers out, "Honey! Can you get the Christmas lights for me please?" And baby, kinda...
"Honey?" That's what Dadda calls Mummy. Oh get? Get the toy... Get the car... Oh, Mummy is
coming with something maybe. Hum. /Whistmas Wight/ What? What’s that? What’s she getting?
[The baby] doesn't understand the word /Christmas Lights/ - the words I mean. Christmas Lights.
/Whistmas Wight/ You see? [The baby] hears some kind of phonetic mumble jumble. [The baby]
kind of gets the tones - DotDotDot - but, [the baby] still can’t make it out. So, it goes about playing
[with dinky] cars and stuff. And Mummy comes with the Christmas Lights. [The baby] looks.
Wow. What is that? A bunch of string - all knotted up and everything. Dad. Daddio tinkers away
and unravels everything. Now he’s about to put it in the wall. What’s he doing? Oh, that's not a
good idea. Mummy doesn't like it when I do that. All of a sudden, the Christmas Lights light up.
Boom. "Hon! The Christmas Lights are working." [The Baby translates,] Hon! /Whistmas Wight/
working. /Krismas/ is Christmas Lights! The child just learnt the words "Christmas Lights"
because of [baby's] environment - the event, the people interacting with the language in L1 - a
child in and around 2 years of age, right at the cusp of learning language. L2. Second Language.
L2 is, you know, similar to L3, L4, [and] L5. They're all similar in a sense, even L1 to L2.
[Acquisition: Listen, Speak, Read, and Write.]

Of course, in the war we had the American Language Institute. It's curriculum. We had to
teach that. You had to know what a staff sergeant was and so on, so forth - Chinook versus C-160.
Hopefully you knew what an M9 and M14 was anyway. Where to put your magazines? But all
these words and all this syntax and semantics, diction and everything that you put on the board, to
follow the curriculum and everything else, that was necessary, that got you there in the first place,
[but] you had to come up with topics and themes; otherwise, how do you practise what you got on
the board as a teacher; how do you do that? You can’t. Come on everybody. Let's Yakety Yak
and make sure you don't come back because I know you're not going to like this lesson. [Ha!] So,
you have to have a theme, a topic, a thesis or something, where you can engage the students to
kind of interact with what you want them to focus on, which is up on the board, that you placed

So, in many of our debriefings, you know, I had to write reports, analysis and stuff. One
particular time, we [were were] an international group of teachers from all the way [from] God
knows where? But, uhm, you know, we had to follow their curriculum, you know, it was
American led. They were asking us to read [to our students,] you know, the 14 Amendments, the
Bill of Rights, [and] their Constitution, so on and so forth. But, because of the international
contingency of the teachers, we were also, you know, allowed to bring in maybe some of our own
ideas of laws from our own homeland, our culture and so on, different topics, different themes.
So, we [could] incorporate it. Alright. I remember one time, at a debriefing, I’d like to talk about
my own Constitution Act, My British North American Act, just to make things spicy a little bit. I
would also include the Magna Carta. So many died to have the right to own land. And these
people were fighting over land? I was just trying to be comical though with the Captains and the
Colonels. They appreciated it once in a while, here in there. So, did I. One of my many themes
that I used to teach, to pierce the hearts and minds of all my students that, no matter what happens,
we are here to learn.

And this, we shall practice learning through interacting in our own words, trying to learn
new words all the while: "If you have any grievance. You lay down your arm. And you go to a
local judicator, an Imam, [or] a Sheik. And there, you pick up another Arm called The Law of
Your Land. Then, you polish all [of] your [bullets], all the evidence that you can muster. Then,
you Arm your other arm in front of your peers where the law will allow you to be heard - and your
grievances met."
I dare anyone tell me I was wrong!

m - The Unified Moat.m4a

So down from the coal mines of Sydney, the battlefields of Lewisburg, the bald eagles at
Prince Edward Island National Park, Acadia, Gros Morne, all the way up there - thundering Jeez
me - even further up to the Vikings, back down, the old capital city of Labrador - Battle Harbour,
off to Labrador City, to Baie-Comeau, down to [Le petit Champlain] Québec, and home - Plunket
Court, [Ottawa.]

It was twelve all right, 2012. That was a good year. Mostly, [I got] rid of that worm. And
in the winter, [I] start eating better. And then, Boom: come back home; send my wife to see her
family; gave her enough money or whatever, I thought. Oh well, [My] Land was gone. Somehow,
you’re still my wife. Go visit your [kin]? If you want to divorce, that’s where we got married.
Get a divorce where we got married. It’s too easy. December that year, she pulls me into the
Superior Court of Ontario. Welcome to Canada. Never got married here. I had to see like seven
judges, or all these people. Holy Cow! Children's lawyer office? [I] had a few people from
Children's Aid Society. Yah. [They] handed down "The Writ" in December 2012.

And then [20]13 obviously turned a little messy. Filed a police report [for the kidnapping
of my children.] The only time in my life I ever called the police: Missing Persons #139424. [I
came] home after dropping off one of the boys [at school.] One of them didn't want to go with the
school bus. And, okay, oh well, Jeez! I took the other or whatever. [I] came back later that day;
my door was locked. That day I can't forget. In and around April 15th, 2013. April! Wow, oh,
and they tried to argue, oh, it's not kidnapping. I say, "Hello!" English teachers in the war were
great catches for kidnappers. We were trained about kidnapping, galore. In theater and [beyond],
kidnapping only occurs in three ways people: A) The Gun, The Knife - whatever violence you
want to [use] - no, that didn't occur, thank goodness; B) Trickery or Lure. "Here, I got some candy
for you. Come on and jump in the car." - no, that didn't happen; C) Trickery [or] lies - yes, indeed
[this is what happened]. "Oh, don't worry. You'll see your father soon." Almost two years later,
they were kidnapped on that day. Not by the gun, not by lure, albeit perhaps slightly, but definitely
by trickery, and so I had to fight just to see my boys, just so my boys could see me, never mind the
father [or] the mother - the children. So, the children could have access to their parent. So that
the children could exercise their Fundamental Freedom of Association, the most important their
kin - [their] parent.

For what? For what? No fingerprints. No charges. No. There was nothing - a bunch of
hearsay. Yakety Yak. And don't come back. Just so members of Her Majesty’s Bar could
juxtaposition themselves for more money. Is that what you call the best interest of a child? For
almost 2 years?

I'm not asking. I'm not at the point of asking anymore. No. There's... No! You don't like
what I [am]? What you’re hearing? What you're reading? Whatever you're doing? That’s tough.
You can't do this to children. You say, oh Boo Humbug, he's a little bit sexist, little bit perturbed
about the divorce. Hello, Barristers! Read the law! The law is very clear. A divorce is between
spouse, not parent and child. Applicant? Very simple, very simple logic, I've lived with it all my
life. I was a child. And you [did] this to [my] mother? I'm an adult [now.] You do this to father's
children, the child's father. Where's the sexism [from] me? None? Zero? Where's the racism?
An Oriental [wife] versus a Mediterranean [wife]? And I'm the only Caucasian. [My ex-wife was
Greek and my wife is Korean.] Where's the ageism? It happened to me as a child. It happened to
my own children as an adult. No ageism. No sexism from me. Nothing. [Parental Alienation
occurred to my mother in the 1960s, and Parental Alienation occurred to me as a man in the
2010s.] And you do this continuously to children just to juxtaposition yourselves for more money
[to placed in your pockets] - the motive [is] money. And so, what happen[ed] to me on that day
of October 29th, 2014: long fight[s] in courts [again over sexist lawyers and judges that did not
obey law and support me as a father of three lovely boys while brain injured;] so that my children
could have access to their father. Why? What happened that day at approximately 13:00 hundred
hours [was] The Proclamation [by Judge Stanley.] The draft of the [judge's] order might have
been a day before..., so on, whatever, couple of days - the day of Proclamation was October 29th,
[2014,] approximately 13:00 hundred hours. [2 years of being denied by Bowerman, Campbell,
and Dworsky; thus, the sexism of the courts against men was executed in a consecutive manner,
and toward the same children consecutively since they were kidnapped and including TD's
involvement - thanks to other lawyers like Lawson, Genest, Hollingsworth, Thiele, Grodzki,
Temple, and Griffiths - just to mention a few.]

That same day, approximately 18:00 hours, broad daylight, I went up [to] tell my boy, all of
them, as many as I could find, all three of them [that we won.] I found one, the youngest. I told
him. "We can have sleepovers now. Yes. You can have a sleepover. It's over. You won." And
he told me, "We should tell the other guys." "Of course, where's... Where's the other guys?" "Oh,
one’s playing hockey at Nepean Sportsplex." "Okay, I'll go there. You can go with your mum.
And, I'll take the bus." So, I started walking to the bus stop from the park right next to the school
in [that] School Zone to tell my other son that he could sleep over. Bang!

You destroyed our lives, [Bowerman & Campbell et a.]. So, if you're thinking: boo, humbug,
poor guy - that’s kind of wicked what happened - poor kids. If you have an ounce of humanity in
you, you will have an ounce of disdain just like I did for those two years. [20]12. [20]13. [20]14.
[On] October 29th, you took my right to appeal away from me as their father [due to no support.]
You took my 30 day right to appeal. And that is [the] link to all this sexism, [not only the day
itself and the continued sexism with Insurance Court; thus, proof] that [it] exists in the Superior
Court of Ontario [throughout.]

[I would have never been in Barrhaven if it weren't for you ignorant criminals that abscond
children for personal gain.]

And I'm back at it again, the same day. You took my right away from me as their Dad. You
don't think so? What? Pay the $1,000 for the transcript, write the dissertation, the semi-
dissertation, whatever, send it off to Queen and University - my hometown - Appeal Court. File
in all the applications for Barrister review. Probably by the time that takes place, maybe a year
later, year and a half later again - the Wheels of Justice are slow, I could have been in Afghanistan
[and back.] At least I [would have] got one hump off my back. I was never going to give up. It
wasn't about anger, never has been. You took my right to appeal - their fatherhood - never mind
It's been about a child's right to a parent.

n - 1Sec1Min1Hr1Day[1Wk]1Mth1Seasn1Yr[1Dec].m4a

All the while trying to prove how much I love[d] my children, I hated all the sexism that
existed within the Superior Court - proving how I tried to support my children, and try to send
money. Whenever I can. Could, I mean. [There were] different means and money transfers, and
all that stuff. And...

Why does a man have to prove that he loves his children, yet a woman doesn't? Sexism

Meanwhile, [I] get kicked out of my home. Don’t know where half of my things are; where
my children are. I told Ottawa's Finest to find my kids. And, tell me where they are. They
obviously knew. But, they wouldn't tell me. Within 24 hours [of me calling Sgt. Colin Stokes to
warn him of telling me where my children where,] I [had find] them myself. Which I did! [What]
the heck with these people trying to break my association with my own children - very important
one indeed - the most important in my life. I started texting. Thank goodness, I bought them all
iPods the Christmas before. Texted them or whatever. And [I] found where they were. And okay,
never mind these people. Call me. Text me. I'll be here. On a drop of a dime, [they were
kidnapped and taken] all the way to Barrhaven. I mean, it is very simple people. You know?
"There's the door, applicant. There’s the door. Don't disturb the children. There's the door. Want
a divorce? The door can be opened by you. There you go. Let me know when you get settled
because [the] children will miss [you.] I guarantee you. And, they’ll want you to come everyday.
We don't even think about it. Just let me know when you get settled." No. [Kidnap] the children.
Lock the door. You people are crazy, [criminals]. And I say this with Valour. I'm a mirror for all
of you to look at yourselves. What you did, the lot of you, [is] one of the major reasons why
women are murdered in my country. I don’t care about yours - but not in mine [- Canada.]

Indigenous Studies, McMaster University: I remember it too clearly now. Women [are] the
givers of life; men are the takers of life. Boy. Did she ever open my eyes? Beautiful guest speaker
from Six Nations. If you don't believe her. Read a textbook. Read something. Read a history
book. Why do you still allow this behaviour to exist in my Queen’s Court? Against children?

And, you think the insurer is not involved here. The insurer is perpetuating the same sexism,
for if I were a woman with three boys, I would not be getting 300 little bags of peanuts. No. No.
No. I probably get caviar and all its droppings. Sexist [TD!] Sure. Hide. "But, you don't have
custody?" you argue. You perpetuate the same sexism. And, you denied me the right to appeal
[through lack of support.] What's there to appeal now? My boys are men. Why don't you appeal
to your sense of humanity? And bow in front of them, on your knees, and beg for their forgiveness?
Not mine! Theirs! The children's! Mine perhaps [when] y'all did it to me as a child; despite all
this, still I have hopes, despite One Second, One Day, One Week, One month, One Season, even
One Year.
I didn't get much from the Dole. That was very advantageous. [Yet,] it was a privilege. For
them to support me with my inhalers, the ones I couldn’t access because my lock was changed;
nevertheless, they also further wanted to assist me with reapplying for my TESL Certifications
with [TESL] Ontario. They were going to help me with that. They weren’t giving me much other
than that - a drug card, and maybe $50 something - whatever. I was with other companies to try
to make ends meet, [too.]

I was lined up with the Queensway Carleton Hospital. Actually, if I had to stay in Canada
and couldn't get it right away to Afghanistan or somewhere, okay, maybe I had a back-up plan,
maybe do something in the kitchen like I did at senior centres. Maybe now at the hospital or
increase my knowledge in construction a little bit, get better wages or whatever. Doing things
while waiting for the Wheels of Justice to roll along, as slow as they come. Always keeping an
eye on, obviously, opportunities. Trying to create some. An offer to proctor at Carlton was given
to me. Even got my B license [Temporary]. So, if [I] couldn't get anything back in Saudi, maybe,
a little bit of a B license, a little bit of construction, maybe some hours here and there at the hospital
in the kitchen - hey, but of course, always had my heart on Afghanistan. I knew I could count on
[Colonel] McEvoy. Little bit here - doing my own. Reading about chords. Studying a little bit.
Dipping into my linguistics again. Together, Yet Alone - my last pupil - "Together, Yet Alone."

o - The Nucleus of Cause-Effect.m4a

Perhaps I'll need a decade [or] even more, a century. What's next? Never mind one second,
one minute, [or] one hour, just understand this: [there's a] huge medical file, the most important
file ever. I just don't get it. My barrister has [some of] this file. I ordered it. I gave it [some of it
around town because people only had access to a synopsis of my health through my OHIP card.]
Why does the respondent, [defendant,] not have this most important file, the file from hospital? I
can't believe that. If I go to the hospital and ask for a list [of] my information, I have every right
to go to the hospital and ask for a list of who asked for a complete photo copy of my file, my gut
is telling me "Only you, Mr Hipkiss." they would say. I don't remember anyone asking me to
release my medical file from the hospital. I don't remember seeing any judge ordering me to
relinquish my privacy. Duly sought. Duly warranted. Whatever? What have you? I don't
remember anyone asking me for the most important file in this entire [insurance] court case - the
file from hospital: the x-rays, radiologist comments, doctors, nurses' comments, [and] notes - right
from the beginning, right from October [20]14. [My] right zygoma fraction cannot be excluded,
[nor can my] haematoma, hematoma (sorry), small yet present, enlarged mucosa L5 disc space,
right side scoliosis, shoulder joint swelling, intraventricular bleed, flax, slightly hyperdense, [or]
premolar, and molar teeth on the right. My goodness. Head injury. Case 14286987 - October 29,
2014 - Constable Delia - right in the hospital file. [That's the Prima Facie!]

I can barely understand some of this. It’s quite thick. It sure is. Trust me. I can barely
understand most of it. Weird part is they got me on living [or] residing at Plunkett Court, [Ottawa].
[I] got this hospital file. And yet it concerns me. That day in question. And a little bit thereafter,
that week, those months. I think [I] was three months in hospital. It was a pretty thick file.
Probably the width, I guess, the [width] of my hand maybe. I don’t know right now. It was pretty
big - even [for] the doctors [of the] day in question. And there's [always] an excuse, eh? Why do
you put victims through this? I can't get it. I just can't get it. What's your motive? It's money,
rather than relying on the police report from Delia.

You rely on this doctor that can't read the 24:00 hundred clock, mon dieu. He writes 8 p.m.
When it should’ve read 18:00 hundred hours. And all the insurers, barristers just went wild with
that one, didn’t they? Yakety Yak, and please don't come back.

The biggest thing that I just cannot accept. I just can’t. I just can't. It's very hard for me to
accept this: Law Society/Ombudsman's Office - oh boy, let's rock and roll! To not have all this
information from day one? Concerns about the ability to manage ADL, visual, [or] shoulder pain?
To not have all this from day one? To not have asked for it? To not have ordered it? To not have
demanded it? Like? You received this Writ somehow as a member of Her Majesty's bar; you
received this application; you did this; and look at what this guy [was - he] did that; and his vehicle
was this and that; and look what happened to this person; this is what we're claiming you of; this
and that; and you don't even order the most important file? Like? You received this big thick
application for a court trial... And like? Who is this guy? What’s happening? Wow! Where’s
his file? I don’t know where you people come from, but I've been taught by some highly
professional people: this constitutes unprofessional conduct [committed by lawyers Lawson &
Griffiths.] It's a crime. You're not worthy of being a member of my Queen’s Bar. Had you known
all of my disabilities, here in this file, perhaps you would have come sooner to the table of
acceptance before I can [even think of the beginning of] my acceptance, my loss. But, no! Your
motive? Money! [Legal absence is criminal, is my sincere thought and opinion.]

Yes, it was difficult. I can see from these partial extractions from the complete medical file,
a sense of just a slither. Yes, of course like you maybe... I don't... I don't quite understand all this
medical jargon. Wow. And [lawyers,] too. Couldn't [they] have hired a doctor to decipher it for
[them]? [I] see also that, yes, for the first time - now I've got some real concrete evidence - oh
PTSD from a car crash, not from a war. The Ministry of Health is involved. I threatened to fight
people not before the war, not before the injury - after the crash. Oh, [lawyers] would have realised
that, rather than trying to juxtaposition [themselves?] Oh, he's got PTSD from a war? He’s wacko?
Unprofessional conduct is a crime. And yes, I tried to exit. I tried to leave. I try to find some way
to get out. Why? Here's that link again. What have you done to me? [On] November 11th, 2014
I tried to sign myself out [of hospital] - leaving hospital - contrary to advice: I was en route to
advise my boys, that they could finally have a "sleepover." And all I could remember was just
that. And as soon as I could be able to walk slightly, [we organised our] first sleepover with my
boy that night. It was he, thereafter as usual with homework, my attempt to assist, made me realise
[how I lost my ability to spell or write.] Wow. This is more than just pain in my body. I can't
even spell. Thank goodness I was given a business card. I sure did collect them like gold thereafter
[the Crash.] Let me tell you, I contacted that OT from hospital. "There's something wrong with
my brain." I told her. [They] got me in ASAP into the Rehabilitation Centre. There, I started to
see more doctors and nurses. And there, they understood some episodes, me searching for words
and diction, my tolerance for reading, [and] my difficulties with remembering what I've read. I
had a neuro-linguist. I think they prescribed terazosin. A speech pathologist, but she studied
linguistics as well. And, she knew that I needed to have: input, input, input! No input? No output?
She knew that [was not rehabilitative.] She knew that my processing speed, my memory, and all
my strategies were way below what I should have had as an English teacher. And of course,
alongside that, physiotherapy's discovery of Vertigo, epileptic seizure, more rib pain, so much pain,
vision problems, balancing, walking, dizziness, sensory issues, overload, dire need of dentistry,
[and] bizarre behaviour, [ of which none were addressed by TD Insurance et al. when released
from hospital]. One thing I'll never forget is that doctor [who] brought me into the nursing station.
I begged him, "Show me the x-ray." What happened? I’m having a hard time articulating. What's
going on? Show it to me. I'll never forget that day. That was a shocker. That... That was a
turning point. The biggest turning point. I could finally understand why I was having problems
with my own life. Of course, I just... Couldn't accept it. Couldn't understand it. Completely!
Until that man's finger in his trigger. Obviously, I can’t even write. But, that was the first turning
point. It was almost 3D, the x-ray [that is.] [The doctor] would show me other different images.
It’s where that Toonie-Size-Hole [was,] that was put in your brain with all that blood explo[ding].
And he kind of did something, like 2eme CEGEP, geometry or something, and it was right in line,
on the other side of my head, right in line with my Broca's area. No wonder I'm dyslexic now, at
least a form thereof. I have problems with spoonerisms. I make up my own coins [and] blends.
All these issues. Jeez. I know it's hard, but they... What can I do? I have no choice but to try to
move on. My total disdain is how [they] never acted professionally. This current journey of trying
to get all this stuff recorded, so I can [use the] voice-to-text programming - whatever? God. No
wonder it says and marked - fatigue. I've lost so much weight, decreased visual attention,
processing speed, right sided hearing loss, fight or flight, on top of the three months, 1 year as an
outpatient - and my kids - now I get it. If she has a stroke herself? She’s taking care of me? Thank
God she was there? Breathing... Pacing... Finally? Always people... They just don't get it even
they themselves. I wanted desperately... I kind of had an idea that... My goodness, maybe that
was one of the other driving forces of why I wanted to write all of this stuff down, but no, obviously
couldn’t. But, I had this driving force. How are people going to know what I am now? Give me
an ID card or something. That’s why I got this letter. Paul-Robert Hipkiss suffered an Acquired
Brain Injury on October 29th, 2014 due to a pedestrian versus motor vehicle accident from the
Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre. I knew. I needed it. I could show people, you know, "Can
you read this?" I have a little bit of proof. I do have Acquired Brain Injury. Can you help me?
You wouldn't believe how much attention [the hospital letter] grabs. Maybe this is something I
can push for later. I'm dealing with [these] people right now, lawyers all that time [with the
dreadful] hypo-bipolar - exacerbations: no file from hospital. [Criminals...]

p - My Dearest Majesty.m4a

And finally! I mean, soon I get to see a representative of Her Majesty the Queen in Her
Majesty's Court. Finally! In 2016. But, I just don't get this? Ha, I still don't get that. I don't get
a lot of this. I’ve got so many questions. I know. What on earth has happened here? My sons,
their Nanna, my stepmother, my Ma: Guardians? What was this Barrister thinking? [A] person
who just turns 18 in May and all of a sudden... What? June sometime... July... Can't remember.
Just turned 18? And then, his Nanna just had a stroke. I don't understand how people just get
away with that, and do it. And just... What's... What's the cause there? What's up? Some people
told me, well, I was pretty whacked out. Yah, [20]16. That’s part of my zombie years: 15 and 16
are my zombie years. Who are you? I donno. Call the Queen. She’ll tell you. Is that the reason
why? At least, maybe, my voice will be heard and fatherhood restored for the children. For the
children not by me, not for me, maybe because of me, but for the children. I demand your
support. I do not ask. I'm not a vagabond. Your legal fiduciary duties, is what I command. They
would have looked up to me as a beacon, [my children.] You will restore it. Out of my suffering,
they still must earn their recompense as I would have supported them. You will support me. And
making sure that their post-secondary education is taken care of, by you, Insurer - the essence of
the Writ in [20]16.

q - Out with the Hounds, I.m4a

Keys. Lock door. Phone. Wallet. Turn off everything. After a whole year or a bit, maybe
then some, here and there, thereafter, maybe for the rest of my life. [I] sure do feel like it. I was
an outpatient to begin with. They didn't even want me to live [at the apartment] on my own. Don't
blame them in a way. [20]15 was definitely my zombie year, so was [20]16. They kind of overlap,
you know. [20]17 was "Who am I? Now what?" [20]18: got to get better. And now [20]19? The
beginning of the end - a voice heard? Hopefully! So much happened. How can I remember it all?
Even a sane person could have...? Probably...? A difficult time remembering it, and yet, I got a
few things [that] I can gaze at here, in front of me - hopefully, I’ll remember. I’m looking at this
one thing. Lock the door. Gonna leave my door open? Not a good idea. I need a security guard
downstairs in order to do that. Jeez.

I had all these post-it notes. I had people coming from the hospital to check on me. I had
all these post-it notes. Don't forget to brush your teeth. Your underwear. Your socks. Boy. I
remember now about my socks. I’d go take a shower. And, still to this day, I have to remember
to prepare [differently] just for the shower. It's like a routine now. I know everybody might think.
Yah. You prepare for a shower. Sure, you do. To this day, I have to have all my clothes that I'm
going to wear after a shower in the bathroom - no tippy toeing for me. [Someone] reorganise[d]
the bathroom for me - put some bars, stools - all these different post it-notes - turn off everything.
I'm grateful that they told me that.

Anyhow, meantime I guess, sometime that year I decided to figure out what on earth had
happened. There’s gotta be a police report somewhere. I struggled just to get to [the Ottawa
Police's] Central Precinct. And there it was. They told me - 18:40 hours. The report was written.
It takes roughly 10 minutes for the ambulance to come, close to 20 minutes - half an hour for the
police to interview, whatever, question some people; [therefore,] it was daylight - 18:00 hours

r - Out with the Hounds, II.m4a

Yet somewhere [it] must have been, I can barely remember it, but maybe a day after, but it
must’ve been the same day - I can barely walk - must’ve been the same day from the [Ottawa
Police's Central] Precinct, I saw this sign - and oh, some lawyers - I recognised it maybe from
some advertisement, or something I know. And that's where this first [lawyer] team started their
development. They call it team. I don’t know, client? Words Matter. I'm a patient to this day for
the rest of my life.

And now, I just didn't know, I mean, I wanted to see the constable and that fell apart. And,
all these people? Jeez. Didn't they know? And then later on, I must have been, maybe... Who
knows really, who knows? But, maybe [20]16-ish. I just came across a whole bunch of different
paper, and like, these people couldn't even pay my ambulance bill! How [did] I get that bill in the
first place? I don't know. I never call[ed] the ambulance to begin with. The hospital charge[d]
me. And this so-called team couldn’t even pay that? Then I got a collection agency after me for
a hospital bill.

Anyhow, getting in touch with the kids was important. And transportation was really, really
bad. Despite some of the things that I might have learnt, you know, from different physiotherapists
and stuff - lift my leg up, and [the] use [of] plastic bands for different things, different exercises,
almost like yoga, but then, they just kept on getting worse, just little things, like boots. Was that
hard? Can you help me with boots? Where do I go? Get? Buy? Where do I go to get boots?
Where do I buy boots? Where? Wow. Hello. I’ve got brain injury. [20]15, [20]16 were my
zombie years. And then everybody, oh my goodness, so many people wanted to come in. I think,
Okay. We'll fix the buzzer. You know. Fix. Do something, you know. I got to meet everybody
downstairs? I remember that part. That really was, wow!

[I] tried to get a what? A $600 recliner or something. It just helps me with my back, my
hip, my shoulders, [and] my ribs. And what? I found out... Can’t remember where I was, but, I
was in a... in a chair, [a] comfortable chair, still to this day, but more so then obviously, I’d just
pass out. But in a chair somehow, I kind of realised, maybe just naturally, you don't want to sleep
in a chair. You['d] rather have your head on a pillow somewhere. So, I kept on asking "Can I get
a recliner?" Wow.

Anyhow, I ended up passing out a lot. I was sleeping at least 16 hours a day, easy. They
tell me, okay, "Well you have this doctor." Where? Who? What? Who's that? [I] don't
understand people? I think this is part [of] what [people] really don't understand. Is that... I was
all over the world. I had doctors in many places. And then, all of a sudden, you throw this person
at me, you call family doctor, just some kind of general health practitioner, to do what? To do
how? To...? Wow. My goodness. Who are you? Okay? Where was my old general practitioner?
I had one when I had the boys. That will always be a big question. I think someone tried to help
me with that, but [it] didn't go anywhere. [Dr Whitehead] was in a very different hospital, maybe
a different clinic or whatever. Well, that didn't really bother me too much. And oh well. The kids
had grown up, you know, they are now teenagers 15, 13, and 9, or something like that. But you
know, tt's just like... Ah, how can I say? I just asked for some small things. You know, I also
asked... That's okay. It’s nothing. It’s a trigger. I asked for... Just to go to Carleton to take a
neuro-linguistic course. I didn't want a degree or nothing or whatever. I just want[ed] to audit a
course or two, just so I could be there, get reacquainted with some different diction - plain and
simple. And, people were saying "Oh, there’s not enough money." And, What? There’s like $20
some odd thousand left. I mean even if you don't have insurance, this was common knowledge
back then. Most people, I guess, never read the Insurance Act when they bought the insurance.
Their own insurance, I mean, but hey, somewhere in there - around $50,000 or something - the
government will guarantee. Yah. All these [unprofessional] people, $20,000 something left. What
happened to $30,000? Wow. And I can't even get to go to a school [or] have comfortable chair.
And they're talking about their concerns with funds. Holy Macaroni. I'm sorry people. I'm looking
at this again and remembering the shock and the trauma - I was less than a number. Or, perhaps
the greatest number for them.
And of course, I had to get a new OT. That's it. Can't even help me fix my teeth. You know
that I lost five to seven teeth. Transportation again? Booking appointments? One of them, I don't
know where the heck I was. All I can remember is that I could see Dunton Tower from the distance.
And then, I remember just screaming under that bridge - must’ve been under the Queensway
somewhere - all the problems with all these people's booking appointments [that had gone wrong.]
And, I remember another time now. I just... Jeez. I just remember now. I was somewhere. I
remember Meadowlands. Wow. Are they going to pick me up or what? I felt like I was worse
than a number [that day, too.]

[A] numeric did play a part each time when they didn't jive for lack of a better word. I just
couldn’t get it. Everybody knew about my short-term memory. And, I needed another person? I
can’t remember when that one was... I think it was last year. I remember I had to walk there. All
the way to Hull. That was difficult that time. Thank goodness it wasn't... The weather wasn't that
bad. And yet, long time ago, yah, [I was told that I had] short-term memory, ha! I needed someone
else to tell me! "You have short term memory loss." [said the quack.] So, well, I have dementia,
a form of dementia - memory. Short-term. Long-term. Whippy-term. I don't care what term.
Dementia! [Period!] It [doesn’t] slide anymore - pertaining to mental memory.

And the vision part, I mean, I did. Now I remember to you, too. I don't know what's going
on there. Obviously, I [got] traumatised. Someone told me about information - image delay. And
I guess, they put me on this viewfinder. I guess that was at Meadowlands, [Uptown.] And, I
[found] in my periphery on my right side, [as a] result of the crash [development], I don't know
what they call it, but something about [my] periphery vision - in layman's terms - outside normal
limits! And colour? And, we also figured out that colour, oh Jeez, and then, bright light as well,
[all] to this day. And so... That's when reality kick[ed] in. You try to avoid it. I do all the time.
And I know a lot of triggers and stuff, but once in awhile, you know, too often, they hit [me] where
[I] least expect it. I can go out today. Bright sunlight. Reflection on the snow. Bright light.
Bright light. I know it happens to an average person. For me, [it] just blinds me. I have to stop
right in my tracks. And many times, often I can't... I have [to go] back inside and grabbed my
spectacles, otherwise it's a no go for me.

To this day, people come. It's also about the brain, the information and the vision - must be.
I remember that one doctor told me "You can see, but you have problems processing it." Hum.
Interesting. And yah. I just couldn't, couldn't handle all these different people. I, I [thought...]
they weren’t taking care of me. I went back to the Rehab [to try and] see if I could get help there.
I didn’t seem [to get] it when I was there. So, or, maybe, I just gravitated back there. Help me!

I mean, even the different companies, you know, one was saying, yah, "We should send [him]
to Carlton [University.]" No. No money. What do you mean? No money? I never did have
access from the get go. And, yet everybody knew what disabilities, maybe some different tacks,
to improve something, and then, they wonder why they got fired. I couldn't believe it. And, they
were just throwing me to the wolves, to the taxpayer. It’s like who let the dogs out? Here come
the hounds. I'm serious. The taxpayers? They want me to go to a local recreation [centre.] They
can’t put me half a block away - an Ottawa City, Public, Recreational, Gym, Stuff, Pool? They
can't do it a block away. They got a hard time with transportation. I got to relearn how to walk.
We’ll go hither and thither - all over the place? It’s kind of the way it happened. And so, half a
block away: I got everything here - Doctors, Dentists, [and] Therapists - [Minto Place.]

I'm just telling people, you know, hey, you guys are really unprofessional. Return all that
money [to the insurer.] Can't even help me with my phone bill? Then, I tried another. It was the
same. People are more, were more interested in a driving ticket? And not the oxygen chamber?
And now, now I remember, yah, and to tell me that there's an oxygen chamber over [at] the hospital.
[But only, to] really focus on a driving ticket? Priorities? Why? Is it just easier? Is that the
professionalism I am supposed to associate with? I know I say it again, but it's just basic stuff.
Imagine what they would do with a million. If only $20,000 out of $50,000 is left. And, here is
the thing that really, really, really gets my goat - Are you my dad? I didn't know. It shocked me.
I learnt it from a judge. I asked my barrister. What does that mean? The first time I saw [a] judge,
I learnt the biggest thing that I fought against: "The Burn-Factor Is Rot with Fraud!"

s - Out with the Hounds, III.m4a

And now, am [I] to be judged in defending my enemy’s, enemy’s money. [The] Burn-Factor
must be recalculated in honour and jest. With all this, where do I turn to? Okay? There must be
some kind of Duty Counsel in this country. And, okay, go over there and maybe get some ideas,
or whatever. Maybe they can show me to another lawyer. Whatever. I don't know. Jeez. Just
okay, there’s got to be a courthouse there somewhere. They couldn't even help me, my own
government. Oh, you can't drive that thing? If you don't have insurance? Oh. No. No. That's
the law. Yes, sir. That's the law. You cannot drive - own a vehicle? Get a license plate. You
need insurance. Thank goodness this man stopped. That’s all I got to say about that. But, what
happened after, sorry - the onus is [mine?] So, you can't drive without insurance. But. No.
No. The government doesn't want to tell the insurance company. Hey. No. No. [It must be
understood] in a professional manner, that [for Hipkiss] you are legally responsible? Oh okay,
you can drag it on for as [long as] you want. We won't force you, but, we’ll force you to have
insurance. Welcome to Canada. Is that the guilt? But, it was [20]16 [that I] found out I had a
Jeep. Didn’t even know I had a Jeep. Wow. I ended up going to one of these community centres.
That was the best thing out of that whole 2 years or 3. Or, whatever it was - my zombie years.

Was with like minded people - Brain Injury. I learnt more from them than I did [with] some
a therapist. Well, I don’t know. We’ll have to have more assessments. Yah. You're just ready to
claw back at an insurance company just like the rest of them. Why don’t you tell me now? You
can't you tell? You can't you read? Or, you don't have the hospital file either? Oh, my goodness.
Where does it end with this unprofessional conduct? But, I found some solace with a community
reach programme, a centre - a block away.

Then, it was [he] - they told me - my roommate died. Trood. We used to call him Trood.
Nice chap. They couldn't find [him]. Even CBC contacted me. I can't believe it. What's going
on? That [was] my roommate for about a month, maybe a month and a half at the Rehabilitation
Centre. I kept on telling everybody. You’ll find his body down the river. But, I... Late [during
the] winter, I think, sometime around [then,] there was a lot of ice. I told many people. You’ll
find his body down the river. And they did. I guess after the thaw, or whatever, they found him -
my own room at [the] Acquired Brain Injury [Unit.] [This] is real. It is terrorising. It is [very]
depressing - all those things that people talk about. But, with honour, in his name: Acquired Brain
Injury Is Suicidal!

The primary objective every psychologist and psychiatrist from a Brain Injury Unit is to
figure out whether or not, you are a danger to the community, or a danger to yourself. And so,
[Trood] reminded me of different things in life, in my own life and the things that happened maybe
around different other cities and communities; but, within the same time frame of my own life, I
remember a cousin - his leg - almost off. It dangled. All I remember is his leg way up and in the
ceiling. When I went to visit my aunt, they put bars in [his leg.] Boom. Boom. He walked with
a cane until he died? My other cousin, we had cottages up in Parry Sound area, off with his finger.
Had problems with that. But, he was a mechanic. Wow. Lung transplants. Just recently from
someone in Québec. Liver. Kidney. Okay. Put a man on the Time Magazine, off with his penis
and call him "Woman of the Year." But, you cannot transplant a brain. So, you get all these
professionals [for what?] Is that what we're supposed to call them? Professionals? Oh, okay?
Trying to understand the mind? With [psychos having] a dismal record to begin with and further
proof in my own life, thank you Trood. Thank you. Because in reality. I have Acquired Brain
Injury. They all know. Fatigue. Dizziness. Nausea. Auditory. Visual. Tinnitus. Pain. Even
sleep. Everybody knows. What do I want? My old life back. The ability to just jump in the
shower. Oops. Forgot my underwear. I got my socks. Oh well. Run over to the bedroom. And
just... Jump into my underwear. Oh no! Where is that? Where did I put that? Oh, Jeez? I might
as well lie down now. Oh God, so obviously news changes everything... Perspectives... Maybe
a different focus... A life can do that... Then the same... Same time frame... It was like wicked...
All bad things come in threes, don’t they? My Ma. Her stroke. In and around... And my boy?
He went to a Rehab. Obviously, all this rubbish, right from day one for him. [I] tried to ask my
family doctor? "What's wrong with him?" [I questioned.] "Can't give [me] that information?" [I
argued.] "You don't have joint parenting." they said. What? That was kind of the last straw there.
And, I got thrown around again. Different people?

[And then, I received from] the insurer [a] cheque that bounced. They [froze] my bank
account. Had to readjust that. Unbelievable. I couldn't believe what was happening. Had to go
see some doctors back at the hospital, everybody trying to call me. Missing appointments. I just
couldn't handle it. Ah, still to this day. I can't handle it. All these people. Wow. This is one of
the biggest problems I have too with my injury. It is information overload. I got all this
information. I'm trying to make sense of it. And sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. And
for people to make 9 thousand, 11 thousand, $7,000 [and] like, you can't figure out a half decent
oxygen chamber? Or, maybe a pool? And a gym trainer? Whatever? A block away? But, you
got to use the [taxpayer's money.] What [does] the taxpayer have to do with all this stuff? Why
do you people to attack my Queen's privy purse? Why? I just don't get that. And then again, the
same time frame, something about Autumn, something about this October 29th. It comes around.
And it just freaks me out. There's no closure. I’m trying to figure out. And... Who am I? In
[20]16, you know, what happened to me? Who's responsible for me? Okay. I don't want to be on
ODSP. There is supposed to be an insurance company. They are the ones that are supposed to
take care of me. I don’t know. Jeez. Obviously, that didn't work out well. Had to reassign myself
or whatever, however they called it. I just didn't know who was responsible, and like a year and a
half later. So, the insurers finally want to assess me? Didn't they get that? I used to send them a
letter or two, or three, or four. I don't know how many. Okay. Come and assess me. Boom.
Here’s where I live. You know where I live. Why? It’s advantageous for them not to do it?
Maybe okay. Stall. Stall. Stall. Maybe, the guy, [me], will walk away. Oh, the hell with this
then! We can get our money back. The motive? Money! Let's not forget that. The motive?

No wonder... Sometimes the phone [would] ringing off the hook, then, all of a sudden, I
decided to leave my own phone home, at home many times. I lose them. Trying to get people to
help me with programming and stuff - just a nightmare. Asking people, okay well, you know, I
had to go see this person, that person, and you know, maybe I’ll give them a little credit, I guess,
maybe a quarter of the time was interesting, I could learn something, maybe from them, but then,
I would ask them - okay - "Can you give me that file?" Oh, no. We don’t give you that file. Hello.
The province gives you a license to practise. Give me my file - more negativity with everyone.
What? Nobody wants to follow the actual law. People with brain injury do not have the right to
stand up against this nonsense? It’s... Uhm things, obviously, I had to relearn. I needed help.
Despite it all, I tried to grab it here and there - wherever I could - basic menus and stuff. Glad I
kept all that, [so that I could learn] how to adjust. I was going through so much negativity. Unreal.
How to adjust with all the negativity instead of me lashing out? Man, I'm so glad nobody's dead!
Everything, everything I had to learn, how to pee and poo, walk backwards - thank goodness we
don't walk sideways - everything. I had to carry an extra bag, still do, [with] an extra diaper, [or
pair of underwear.] It's not a diaper, a brief - countless times. [I] don't know if it's a fart or a poop,
everything that was so innate. [Damn!] Everything I had to relearn, everything. Even... Even
trying to associate with some normal people out in the community, 1 on 1, everything. Trying to
maybe hook up with a friendlier or a significant other - not. Good luck there. And then, all the
while, people are trying to prepare me for this examination of discovery. How? Oh, my goodness,
how on earth do [lawyers and judges] purport that [they] prepare someone with working memory,
image delay, [and] information delay? What? You’re going to prepare me! What is this from,
members of Her Majesty’s Bar? Oh no! No! No! No! You don't prepare people that have
Acquired Brain Injury. You get what you get. That’s it. Start to learn from that, otherwise, that's
unprofessional conduct. You just can’t prepare [an ABI-1.] So, things didn't go well there either.

I asked for a new general health practitioner. I demanded a male. Not to say anything against
a male general health practitioner or female. I'm a male. There're somethings that I would like to
discuss with my general practitioner in a different way, to a male [rather] than a female. And to
this day, I still can't find one, except at a local clinic that’s a block away. They don't necessarily
accept, I think, permanent or no... whatever... patients. But, that's where I go for my doctor.
There are two male doctors there that I see. And, the rest is with my other doctors. Sleep. Not
sleep. My Chiro: I have two doctors, another two there. I'm trying to remember this now. It's
difficult. Yes. Those are the two doctors that I have, and of course, throughout this journey, I've
seen a million others. It was definitely a bad year. Every time I had to ask for something. I always
had to provide quotes to people. Nobody would want to fill out the forms for me. So, I’d ask
either one of my boys or my Ma, or someone - a friend or whatever. Hey, drive me over there. I
got to get a quote for these people. Of course, I got my two doctors, my two Chiropractic Doctors
because I went there [on my own] knocking on their door - a block away. I wasn't getting the help
I thought I needed [elsewhere.] And, I didn't want anything. I [just] wanted my life back. What
I needed, and what I still need, and so on. I've been just knocking on people's doors. [However, I
couldn't find] a dentist that could deal directly with TD et al., but the insurance company don’t
[support that.] No. They don't realise that. Because oh well, they are unprofessional. They’re
not even interested in my rehabilitation, let alone therapy or health.

I've been all over the world, most places anyways. I wanted to see if I can take a boat. Take
a ship. I want to see if I can take a train. A plane. Glad my boys took me to Montréal. I realised
another thing by going there. "Your life has changed, Hipkiss." [I kept on thinking.] It’s changed,
never my [whole] life. I [had gone] to [many] places where I [didn't have] to book a hotel. That
might sound strange to a lot of [people.] Places I've been? They hired me to get me there; other
places, every airport, every Seaport has people, salesman, and stuff for Hotels or Motels. [But,
this time was different getting to Québec.] I get to the [train station] in Montréal, and I thought
okay, this will be a great thing cause the Queen Elizabeth II Hotel is just above us. Boom. We go
there - rent it. Don't care how much it [may] cost. Boom. We'll get it. We went at the same time
as the {Rogers'] Tennis Tournament, the well renowned Tennis Tournament in Montréal -
everything [was] booked. Unreal! Panic attack! Boom! Now I'm all messed up, [but thank
goodness] I had one of my big guns [my boy]. But, then I [had] my little one with me, [too.] I told
my older boy [to] call some of these numbers [that I had in phone book.] I know people there.
"Just called. They’ll help us. Somebody [should be] home." [I told my boy.] Like I was right.
Got help from an old friend. Got a hotel somewhere [on Catherine Street.] But [now, what I had
learnt,] if I ever go anywhere, I have to have things booked. The train: I passed out on the train -
so [many] trees flying by [me] like - twang. Ha. Speaking of information overload. I’m not
supposed to travel that fast. "Oh, it’s us." [I had to realise.] That's my new reality. All because
of that... that experience in Montréal. It's kind of like with this rehabilitation that I'm seeking, it's
also teaching me. Yes, some things I really have to adjust to, some things, okay, I can't do anymore.
But the problem, that [unprofessional persons] prescribed to is this wicked, useless, benchmark.
Perhaps, I call benchmark. I used to be a professional teacher. Every profession has a benchmark
of some sort. I'm not part of this benchmark. I've been all over the place. What? Does [their]
benchmark include armoured personnel carriers? Come on. I need to know if I can fly. I don't
even know if I can fly. I’ve flown all over. I'm not asking. But, I'm demanding Rehabilitation.
That is your fiduciary duty.

t - Out with the Hounds, IV.m4a

2016 somehow was filled with a bang as well. [I] managed to get to the [Ottawa] Police
Service again: filed a harassment complaint - #1687668 - three sixes - mark of the devil. Ah, if
you believe in that kind of stuff. Anyhow, Anywho? More of the same until I started knocking
on doors. And, I started to see if I can get this hearing thing. I understand a little bit better anyway.
Realised my high pitch - lost some of those. No wonder I hate that vacuum, different other things,
too. Garbage trucks. Fire trucks. Wow. Lick a pick axe. Right through my brain. Well. At least
those therapists helped me understand it anyways - hearing specialist. It was paid by the taxpayer,
[yes you, my kind reader.] Holy cow. I mean... Wow. That... That... is the worst thing ever! I...
I never promoted this. Never! Why does a judge have to pay [for] my injury, a judge? Yes.
Taxpayers? Her Majesty's [privy] purse? I mean, what? I got to see these other different people.
"Oh Yah, you need this; you need that; you need some different therapy?" Hello. Everybody
knew that. It's the left [hand of lawyers] shaking the right [hand of other lawyers.] I got actually
to go see a general health practitioner. We already knew that I needed Physio. We already knew
that and [that I need] a Chiro. I found one. Boom. There you go. I found all kinds of things a
block away. Just knocking on people's doors. And, everybody was helpful. Everybody could see,
okay, he does have Brain Injury. People helped me with my scheduling, and my, my calendar with
all my doctors and therapists, even beyond. And then I hook up with a barrister I once knew before.
I was, obvious[ly] wasn't getting anywhere. The driving force, I guess was knocking on people's
doors. Okay, and the other one is... Well, okay... These people that I had before just didn't really
understand me. So, I needed someone that knew me kind of; okay, I need some help and this and
that. But there again, but at least this time around, I kind of understood, kind of like a battle
between therapist and adjuster and the patient is still on the counter, never mind the back burner,
[TD et al. finally] approved the stove guard. They approved everything? And it’s like... Wow,
okay? Where is all this stuff? Okay, stove don't work, so get a new stove. Like, eh? Basic
Necessities of Life. In most countries that’s a crime - [in Canada, too.] I just wanted an iPad to
take, you know, to help my mind. Finally get that three years later. I think, "Holy Cow!" Anyways,
thanks a million. Really. Sincerely. Finally got it. But, it's indicative of the insurer. The actions
are of that of the insurer. You don’t think? A proper chair would be great to sit on. You don't
think that? What am I asking for? Things that I can prove that are [rehabilitative.] My Rehab...
Ha... Bi... Liberation! And Health! Health! Medical! Dental! Health! Physical! Chiro!
Acupuncture! Health! Health! Health! [I'm not after any fancy] logo, I don’t know, something
about popsicles or ice cream - no logo - Ford, Lamborghini, Porsche - just Rehabilitation and
Health. [No, that's was too hard for them to understand.]

So, I finally started to get some orthotics. That was important. Personal Support Workers
of which I still need. With this man and [his] finger's trigger just blew my mind, this place is filthy,
everything is in totes. Valuables are at Nanna’s.

But, trying to figure out, okay, which door can I knock on, and stuff like that? Well, I did
learn the hard way. And really, Holy Cow, to my horror, I was affiliated with the March of Dimes
in Hamilton. Yah, I couldn't go there because they won't accept people with automobile insurance
issues. Say what? Ha. And yet still, okay, a new team - same thing - lots of money for them.
Kind of... kind of dumb in many ways, even the hospital, I mean, I had a nurse tell me "Oh, Well.
The hospital offers the oxygen chamber." Well Hello! Not to me. It’s on all of these people’s
websites. I mean, sure, [people's] OHIP can do a few things here and there. When there is an
insurer, you can't get even [get] Duty Counsel, let alone Public Health - except maybe a general
health practitioner? That's about it. Unreal. [They've] created a two-tier medical system. And
[they] threw the patient under the bus. My Ontario Health Insurance Plan is darn, well, near useless
because I thought that the Toronto Dominion Health Insurance Plan would work. Not. You have
a person from Toronto, who's committed the crime of unprofessional conduct, and all the
contractual barristers around that as well, otherwise, what? [The criminals here are Toronto
Dominion Insurance, Meloche Monnex, Premium Insurance, and Security National Insurance.
Thus, I would never, ever buy insurance from these companies. Would you, my reader?]

They would have known, eh? Hello. Didn't [they] know that I used to teach during the war
in Iraq? Didn’t [they] know that I used to teach in the Orient? Didn't [they] know I used to teach
in the Middle East? Greece? And Québec? Hamilton? Ottawa? Didn't [they] know that? Didn't
anyone tell [them?] Okay? [Of course, they knew!] That might be a little bit of a difference there,
okay maybe. Ah ha, that's why I chose someone who knew m, [Lawyer Michael Thiele.] But the
medical? The most important file. And, I have to mediate with? For this? Oh, mediate? You
want me to settle? Ah? What’s there to settle here? I have to settle? I have to accept? Crimes
that were committed? Wow. No. No. No. No. Nope. I mean, I do that and everything that I
tried to achieve in my previous life is gone out the window. It's worth nothing. Zero. What honour
will I have? If I do not stand up in my own homeland, for all the things that I believed in and
promoted, [then, I shall become a hypocrite like lawyers and judges. I am not!]

I need an attendant care. I can't remember how many times I've heard [an] attended care tell
me to my face, trying to, I don't know, maybe scheduling, "Hey. Can I put you [on this date?]"
Instead of, you know, Friday or whatever. "Oh, I don't have that time available." Months later...
"Ah, I have that time available now." What? Wow. Jesus. Why? I thought you had somebody
[else] then. "Oh well, they got a settlement." And now, they don't... What? If you need attendant
care, you need attendant care. This man's finger in his trigger woke me up to realise many different
things. [No wonder everyone asked me when I would get a settlement because they all thought
based on past experiences that their "patients/clients" would cancel any contract needed for
support after receiving an unconstitutional settlement. Say what? This means to me that most
unprofessional persons abuse the 'Burn-Factor' (fraud), which in fact should have been indented
for the patient, but everyone criminally abuses it - that's insurance law. This is why, too, why
lawyers and judges demand an unconstitutional settlement themselves because judges and lawyers
want to hide their crimes by getting the victim to Shut Up! It's not about money as they criminally
and purportedly wish for its citizenry to believe. Bull Shit, eh? A bunch of criminals exist in the
Superior Court of 'Injustice' of Ontario, Canada. Trust me. I witnessed it. When that man's finger
in his trigger came to my view right in front of my apartment, I had to reside elsewhere because I
no longer felt safe, but my attended care was cancelled because I didn't feel safe to reside at my
apartment. Things subsided after months upon months, and then I went back to the apartment.]

And of course, you have some ups and downs. You know, some people, but realistically
things that I try to do even on my own and stuff, well, I haven't [got] to the cooking stage yet, plus
my... I hardly have any teeth left to eat anyways. I eat out now a lot. It's just they also do a very
wonderful thing. I try, you know, yah, but hey remind me. Oh, it's Wednesday? Oh, got to do
[the] laundry today. So, I try to tinker as well as [get] help. Other days? I don’t even remember.
Oh, there’s the hamper. But, through it all was [that] most of these therapists [that] I would always
have to show like quotes. Okay, come on. Can you fill out the form? This is a repeat after [another]
repeat. [Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied.]

Perhaps it's innate. Perhaps most people just don't want to put in the effort. Why work for
$20 an hour lifting 20 kg when you can work for $20 an hour and lift 2 kilograms? I don't know.
Or is it a credit? How do you use that word? Accreditation? Wow, in fear of that adjuster, [who]
will not approve [a form or two?] They receive perhaps different rewards or accreditations, or
whatever, citations or whatever, maybe even for a next job, maybe that's an interview question?
Who knows? I'm not in that field. I'm looking out, from the outside in. Yet, I’m inside. But, you
know, everybody was more interested in different citations and stuff, and different... Ha... I called
them dissertations. They already know this stuff. Don't they know that I scored 2 out of 8; 1 out
of 2; 2 out of 5; 0 out of 3 - Memory - Cognitive... Holy jumping! They already know that.

I mean, [another] thing too is like... introduced to all these different places, like, when was
that? Food! Food kitchen or something, like, wait a minute. Whose responsibility? Am I here?
I'm a dependent! Holy Cow! Always had to argue again. I had to prove... More quotations. I
had to ask family and friends... drive me up there, man. I need to get a [quote] even for the oxygen
chamber. Everybody still thinks, well that's in the hospital. No. No. No. No. No. It's a two-tier
medical system. Get it through your thick skulls. Even the insurer is trying to attack the Privy
Purse. No wonder your medical systems is going bankrupt in your country. But, the doors I
knocked on seemed to help me [Ottawa Chiropractic Health Clinic and Physiotherapy.] Oh, I
just... After all this now... Just hope that the few people in the past, if they all accept my atonement,
and one nurse in particular, she helped me. She was somewhat reluctant with the application or
whatever. But, at least I wanted to write [TD] a letter. I should have known then in [20]18. I
should have known then. That I couldn't write. Yet, she was one of the best people [that at least
wrote a letter.] I hope she'll forgive me. She wrote the letter for me, with honour, despite any
potential fall backs on her own for doing so - I don't know how it works, just guessing. It was still
a tough time. I was trying to get better. Trying to... What? I finally got that oxygen chamber
after I handed in some quotes and stuff. And, um, that helped my physio, my masseur, and
everybody. My chiro helped move [me] with adjustments and everything. And it helped me
understand a little more, my myoclonus, hyperreflexia - whatever they call it.

And then, they took my license away. And that just kind of threw me for a loop. It sure did
because it wasn't necessarily about the license. I mean, Holy Cow, like, I still have my license in
Saudi [Arabia] - maybe Greece and Korea, too. Could always get an international license. I don’t
know. Oh, I still... I've got so many licenses. I got a boom license, a forklift license, [and] a
sailor's license. Holy Cow. So, it wasn't about the license. It was about everybody's... like right
from the beginning, I used to tell doctors and nurses this, "I say. Yoh. You get somebody in the
Brain Injury Unit, you red flag their licenses right away!" Why did it take 4 years? Or, 3 years?
Oh. Oh. Numeric again. Why so long? And even still, these people never saw me drive! And it
was weird. Why didn't they do that? Someone asked me, "Is driving important to you?" Oh no!
I got to learn how to walk first. Why would driving be [of any interest to me in the beginning of
my rehabilitative journey?] And, I didn't even know I had a Jeep. So? Wow. Weird. Totally
weird. And, it was like a real conspiracy theory or something. I don't know what the heck it was.
I was just trying to, you know, I felt in my gut that, hey, this has to be solved here. Yah. Guess
what insurer? I didn't want anybody else, let alone my own boys, have to suffer through this
rubbish. Well, okay, if I hit somebody [while driving,] they are going to have to go through the
same rubbish [as I.] Shouldn’t we have a clear understanding? Can I drive? Should I drive? The
Ministry of Transportation, I went up there. Can I get a test or something like that? Oh no. No.
There’s no test. You got to wait 3 years. What the heck is going on here? Again, my government
can’t help me. Oh no. They say, "You can’t drive. You got your license suspended." Whatever!
You can’t drive. Okay. Well, let me write the test. No. No. "You got to wait 3 years. We’re
not going to give you the test now." And so now, I'm forced to go to this school at the hospital.
Who's clawing who here when my own government throws me under the bus, and forces me to go
[through] the insurer’s route? And yet, [unprofessional persons do] not force the insurer to fulfill
their legal duties. So once again, my life is destroyed even further - another realisation. Thank
you, MD, for [not]witnessing my driving. I'm pretty sure your hearsay is not ringing in your ears
as much as it is [in] mine. You get [that?] Yah. All those things from the Ministry of
Transportation. Holy Jumping. And yet, all I did was... when I found my Boot, we call it Boot -
got my Iraqi boot tag [in it,] my US Military boot tags. I [had] put them [in] the Jeep. That's why
we nicknamed it the "Boot." Neck tag on my neck, mostly, sometimes not, but my boot tag was
always in the Boot. And okay, [I] realised, okay. I got to take it easy. Got to, you know, maybe
on a Sunday, downtown is a ghost town. Who are you going to hit? Casper? And, I tried, you
know, downtown of course - the boys are uptown. And slowly, [I] tried to see if I can get there.
Oh, unreal. All the pupils that I've had around town made me very, very familiar [with the roads.]
The odd time when I’d come back from the Middle East or whatever, I’d help a friend with his
flowers, [to] deliver them. More, I mean... I knew, I know this city like the back of my hands -
most of it. I used to... much better anyways. And so, I tried to figure [stuff] out. Okay. Well,
how can I get up there? Don’t want to take the highway. Don't want to take major roads. Luckily
for me with all that experience, I took the back roads. Had one little strip on Merivale and that
was it. And I did it, you know, before hours, never rush hour - none of that stuff. Yah. I just [did
it] like to know if I can drive. I really would like to know. And I don't know who's responsible
for that. They told me the hospital will help me with [driving, but TD et al. didn't wish to support
me.] Most of them don’t get it. They would help me with a... maybe a course or something like
that. I don't know, but bloody expensive anyway. I can’t afford that. But, the worst part was,
okay, well here's what they really don't get, okay. I kind of get a few things. Things are a little
better. But, you know, I could maybe improve here and there or whatever. But, I'd like to do this
[driving thingy] - My Boot - My Jeep. I kind of tinkered with another car, and it’s like, oh man, I
got to relearn everything. No. No. No. Let's see how I can drive in my own Jeep. I don’t have
to relearn everything, [another thing] or whatever. Right! And [the standard 6-Speed Jeep] [made]
me focus, you know, just on the driving part rather than relearning stuff. It’s... That... I relearnt
it. Trying to avoid the triggers. Right! And, oh well, we got to put a break in there for the
passenger or the inspector, or whatever - [due to the driving instructor's requirement as a result of
my Brain Injury.] And you know, well okay, you’re going to put a break in there. Oh, my goodness,
[these unprofessional, defunct individuals] are going to drill holes [in my Jeep?] What happens if
I fail [the test?] "Well, we'll take the break out.' [one nurse said to me.] Well, aren’t you going to
fix the Jeep? No. No. No. What? Throw the victim under the bus again? So basically, what?
If I fail, I get major holes now all over the bottom of the Jeep. That'll be a rust bucket in a year or
two. Most people think that the victim does not come first! That's what I’ve learnt from [this.]
But, I also learnt. I remember it now, ah, this really, really, really stupendous idea in [Canada] on
how driving is a privilege? Correction! It is an "Earnt Right". A privilege would [be to have a]
coffee with Madam Justice. That would have been a privilege. And no, people have argued many
times, like what are you talking about? There are Natural Rights. If you can breathe, you have
the right to drink water. [Then,] there are Human Rights, Civil Rights. You know, you have the
Fundamental Human Right of blah, blah, blah. Okay, and then, there are Earnt Rights. Why are
you bringing this bulldozer here? I built this house. Well, we will expropriate your land. And,
we will pay for it, handsomely. Okay then! And if I accuse some member of Her Majesty's Bar
of some improprieties or [sexual pedophilia?] I have to go to the Law Society, some different
office, and make complaints to have [lawyer] disbarred. What? Are you comparing 2 years to 3
years? Three years of Law School! G-1: You go through a little achievement course - Driving
Course. And then, the second year, you get [your] normal G. You do your second test. [In] 2
years, you get [the full] G license. Driving is not a privilege! It is an Earnt Right. And so, they
can’t honour this Earnt Right. And so, they take it away. Okay, they might have a hypothesis,
here and there, and duly so, no problem; but, there will be no recompense for any destruction [on
me owning and driving my Jeep?] No. No. No. That's illegal. I know it's illegal. You can't
damage my property, [or ownership.] But, that's the way it is. Welcome to Canada. We’ll do this
for you. [Lawyers will commit the crime for personal advantage.] And we’ll let you suffer for it.
How's that?

On top of things, I'm getting notices - eviction notices. Holy Cow. Again. And again. I
have to prove with [quotes] even to get an iPad. And my gym? More [quotes.] Stove guards?
All these different [quotes.] Like somethings get approved. And some things don’t. And... And
people wanting to test me. Can you cook? Yah. Sure. Let’s cook. Yes, fake [persons.] What’s
that? Well, [we’ll] show you. Do you have a recipe? No. No. No. It's somewhere upstairs.
We’ll get it done. No problem. Just make sure you help me turn off the stove. Want to teach me
how to cook? Oh my God, my kid’s Nanna was head cook for 25 years. You don't think I learnt
how to cook? Thank goodness [recipes are] still there, [in my brain.] I just can't remember [to
turn off the stove.] When I'm done the cooking. Well, it takes some time to actually do the cooking.
And [I] just [stir] and all that stuff. That's all easy. [I] mix all the stuff that [I] need. Blah. Blah.
Blah. That's the fun part. But then, now [I] got to let it simmer - cook or whatever. Right? Oh!
Oh! Something smells. Oh man! Fire! I had too many of them. I don't use the stove [anymore.]
Zero. I do not have access to basic necessities of life. I must rely on frozen food - for 5 years.
Frozen. Food. Criminals...

So again, trying to see other people. I wanted this male manager to help me out with different
things. Nothing became of that. So, I just kind of focused on physical therapy. It was a matter of
dislocation - bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, [and] whatever. It's more about relocation, which
kind of made me realise: a battle I must constantly brew. And your hospitals, MDs not willing to
share power and [control of] the Privy Purse [or] whatever they can get - the government should
cull that somehow - no-one will ever convince me that, had there been chiropractors at hospital,
that they wouldn't have figured out that I had all these dislocations [but most of all scoliosis.] At
hospital, bar maybe the MD while I was on the table in the neurosurgery unit that magical day,
that magical night - and the day after, so on, whatever - sure! Maybe! And they cut all of my
clothes off. So, maybe that day. Yes. An MD did touch my body. But, I don't remember anyone
else touching my body to make me realise where I was in pain. There was one [DC who] much,
much later, not from hospital, and yet a chiropractor [touched my] body. A chiropractor [would]
know where the dislocation is! So, why the power struggle [at hospitals?] To not have
chiropractic doctors at hospital like they do in other countries? Thank goodness, I found this team.
I asked if they could help me. And with glee. Sure. Come on in. I hope. I meet more of them
just like that. Despite the cost to the Insurer [or the government.]

u - Lack of Communication.m4a

Words Matter. They certainly do. Even the Insurance Act knows that. Put everything in
writing. That's what you gotta do to correspond. I mean, at least I remembered that. I had the
decency to [do so.]. My spelling is terrible, but I tried. Come and assess me. Come to my place.
I'm here. You know where I live. I am even inviting you. I don't want to have to go hither and
thither. You come here. You know where I live. Time and time again.

And these other people and what? A year later? Ah, okay. Sure. We’ll come on over. Plus,
we want you to see this other guy. Oh, yah. Sure. Okay. Provide the transportation! Finally!
Two years later! It's like you get off your keister. And you finally say, "Okay your catastrophic."
And yet still, even after that - okay, well? Okay? Can you help me out? Uhm... You know,
maybe I can I get my teeth cleaned and x-rayed, so we'll know what's going on and what needs to
be done. Well, that's not a part of the car crash - what? Not part of the vehicle crash? What kind
of people you got running there? Again, even when I try to communicate with you, one on one,
you still act very unprofessionally... [criminals, eh?]

Maybe a little Rehabilitation? Can I get a desk? I don't know, maybe I can type. I have no
idea. I used to type. I used to be a teacher. Wow. You people are having a hard time
communicating with yourselves, let alone with me. Why? Nobody has the files? Or, are you
trying to evade your legal duties? Once again? To do so is also crime. To watch somebody dying
and to not help them. How immoral. All the while, defending you. What I saw were claw-backs.
And very, very little - more stress, more negativity - because of that almighty file, the file from
hospital with the refusal to accept. How must I begin to accept anything? When you, yourself
can't help me [or accept my disabilities?] Nor, are willing to accept what you are responsible for?
Why? Money? That's why? The next time, I file a complaint with the Ottawa Police Service, will
be criminal harassment for the crimes you've already committed; otherwise, there can only be one
peace offering - and as such, I shall give it to you out of Honour, not out of money.

v - Peace Offering.m4a

I bring you my peace about everything, concerning everything, about everything - peace. It
is what I seek through all this mayhem, this folly. Who's going to help me? Ontario Disability?
Insurer’s Disability? Does that exist? I need help. I need some guidance? And who was I? I’m
relearning. First is foremost. [I'm making] every attempt to put this rubbish to bed. [I was left] to
be in a big garbage bag. Ha. Maybe not a bed, a garbage bag. Just leave it there. My peace begins
with understanding one major value, somehow, I don't know how, I kept that value: I'm not a
vagabond - I do not want your money - I want my life back. Each day, I realise that how distant
that becomes. I need your help. So, I begin with Life Expectancy, the most innate, Life
Expectancy 75. I don't know. I picked a number. I did study it long time ago, sociology courses
or whatever. But, I just picked a number - 75. It’s not about money from me. It's about you
coming to [the] acceptance table. Accepting what went wrong? What are the faults? Coming to
the plate of accepting whatever it was. It was what it was. And now, talking about substantial
issues, taking care of a human being - me. Following the law. [Have] some sense of normalcy.
Some sense of equilibrium. To seek that which lies within humanity.

What’s a numeric for me anymore? Numeric: dates, times, schedules, money - a hamburger
costs $5.99, whatever. Something miniscule. Really. The Ministry of Taxation says I owe them
[because of a stupid judge by the name of McLeod - what an idiot who does not read law, eh? I
made my money overseas not in Canada. That stupid judge does not read tax law.] Double.
What's that? Double digit? No? Whatever they say. Sure. Okay. Some past debts. I don't know.
Help me erase them. And help me live a simple life. Maybe, I can make some kind of contribution,
maybe some things I can [do like] outlines. I can get maybe a... an invitation to be a guest speaker
at Law School’s [at] Ottawa-U, School of Linguistics [at] Carleton. But, I'm not going to worry
about [any] numeric. [It's called Loss of Wages from the US Military.] I'll see if I can expend my
energy and make people aware, teach the young, pierce the hearts and minds of the young - the ills
that we see, we must pass on to the young. And yet, through all this, I want to acknowledge the
penalties, in my own way, it's not about money from me. You will audit the hospital, the cost for
hospital - inpatient - outpatient - security guard - cook - cleaner - CAT Scans, and you will pay it
back. What you owe to my Queen. I don't want your money.

I want Justice. I want justifiable recompense. I want my life back. You will lay a foundation
for my new life for all my pain and suffering as that of every government worldwide. You will
protect my Safety and Security for I cannot. You will put a roof over my head with a security
guard downstairs. I do not care how much it will cost. It will be there that you will retrain me. It
will be there that you will take measurements. You will help me build my new life. I will need
an attendant care. I will need a nurse. They will have to train me. How to use these machines.
They have as well degrees or diplomas. Whatever, help me. Together, I have to relearn new linen,
washing machines. I don't know. It'll take time. I'm sure. And then, who knows? As I grow
older, will things get worse? I'm imagining in the beginning, I will need a lot of help to readjust,
and to really plant myself - to have a footing - whatever panics and anxieties - whatever I may
encounter. And I do a lot. I will have a Place of Zen to go to and even children, friends, or
whatever - I need my own room. This is where the basic necessities of life begin from me. And,
I remember it. Long time ago, most people, like I said, they don't read the fine print, they just
press... next... next... next... next... next... next. Ka-boom. 1990. Insurance Act in 1990. [A
person] could [have bought] a bungalow in Alta Vista, [Ottawa.] Good luck today. This is not
about a numeric. This is about the Sanctity of Life. The common sense of human decency and
morality, the honour of human dignity, yes, it will cost you for what happened. And again, I don't
want your money. I need your help.

I have a blue book. I called [it] "My Happy Book." I had a lot of people write to me what
makes them happy. It turned into this amazing thing over the years. I'm going to publish it. Not
with people's names just their ideas of what makes [them] happy. I want [the insurer] to publish
it. And if with the approval Trood’s parents, a date of his passing, or October 29th - [dedicated in]
his name, not mine: the things that make people happy. And if other people, you know, want to
donate. Help me create a Trust Fund in his name, an annual publication to be donated by [the
insurer] every October 29th. Or, if his parents [agree], in his honour with his name, and if those
loved ones of people with Brain Injury at the Rehabilitation Centre wish to make donations into
the Trust Fund, they can do so. And maybe slowly, year by year, the Trust Fund will make or will
have enough money, sorry, that it can republish itself in lieu. About how Acquired Brain Injury
is above all - suicidal. In order to understand this, we have to make people aware of this horrifying
fact [of] his honour. And everyone else that died. Wow. Getting this book finished... Initially, it
will cost something. Peanuts really... If [the insurer] considers... Or, factor something in... To
everything else, but it's indicative of how you come to the plate, how you accept. How am I to
accept if you cannot accept? And on the backs of each one. It’s just one box [of books.] One.
One publication is [what] I think. What? I think it’s a... the cheapest you can get is 250 books or
something [with the first publication.] So, one box every October 29th, or a date of Trood’s parents
choosing. If they don't. Okay. [People can] donate anonymously. And everything would be
anonymous in there. It's just an acknowledgement. Your seat at the table of acceptance.

And so, Medical Care. That's tied up with the hospital audit! [The insurer is] going to have
to take care of that - the medical and without further ado. Of course, there is just basic social needs
- society needs. Kind of... I’m not saying it right. But, Mobility! I have a roof over my head. I
can retrain now. I can have. I have to walk. Thank goodness I can. I've [got] better. Therapists
and so on. Dentists. All of that stuff. Close by. Not too, too far. My life has completely changed.
Creating this foundation. And of course, you know, there’s telephone bills and all that stuff - basic
stuff, basic society kind of stuff. Retrain to Drive. Who knows? Oh, my goodness, that's a big
one. Internet. Grooming, all those basic stuff - basic things, I mean. And another one, Refer to
Previous Debts, whatever, sure - double digit that - sure. I can't walk around with money even
though I walk better now. I have vertigo. Sometimes, I'm pretty sure I've seen people, yah, I've
seen people kind of walk to the side, yah; and so, that's nice of them in a way, but I mean, it made
me realise a lot of times, okay, you can’t walk around. [I'm] a walking target. [I] can’t walk
around with money. And all that... I don't carry my phone with me. Very rarely, do I. Unless I
meet the boys or somebody. New generation, they like to text you. "Are you coming?" So, I... I
can't really do that. And that's why I had that big panic attack at the bank. Had the same name as
the Insurer - [TD.] Wow. Jeez. And they put me through a four way. Six-way. Who knows what
way? Ha. And, I just... I don’t know. Information - all that stuff. What was happening?
Questions... Wow. I just wanted to open a bank account that was right next door, a block away.
Of course, everybody knows, or most people should know. You have a bank account. You have
to have a certain amount of money in there. Otherwise, they charge you fees. This fee and that
fee. Okay. So, I’ve got a Brain Injury. There is the same company logo. Ha. Excuse me. Can
you help me? Just give me a Visa Card. And you know, or a MasterCard. Or, whatever you got.
So, I go [cha-ching] over there, and I don't have to carry money on me. That was hard back then
for people to understand. And maybe, me too, to articulate it. I don't know. I panicked. Wow. I
got to get out of here. I mean, I did have a lot of Visas. No. Maybe not. MasterCard. I can't
remember. I did have some credit cards. So, I mean, I’d like to revisit that again. You need to
help me. You also need to help me. This is also how you are going to help me protect myself with
this New Life with his New Brain. Plain and simple? Some Plastique? Where I can, okay, wow,
I don't want to be mugged or whatever. But if I do, okay, there's nothing there. So, that's kind of
like. What... What needs to be done there. And I don’t know? There? I might have incurred a
debt with the MasterCard. I don't know. That's a shell of [a] peanut. What? What is that? That's
kind of taking care of me. Right? Roof over My Head. Getting some justice. Recognising.
Accepting some of the faults. And so on. I’m gonna... I Am the Victim. And that, obviously,
should come first. Medical! I... I mean... I'm not going to provide you with quotes from people
that have Logos like popsicles or ice cream. Okay? Health. Medical. Dental. That door has to
open, my ladies, my gentlemen. And with a contract with a nurse, you know, for a little bit. You
know, maybe a year, 2 years. Okay? Oh, the University Berkeley’s got something. Hey. The
Insurer Can Help Me Figure Out If I Can Fly. Maybe I can. Oh. Maybe I can’t. Okay. Maybe I
shouldn’t go to Berkeley. But, I can still get there by train. Who knows? But, I am not making
this look like a journey. The point is, if there are extra new medical, or health, or therapeutic, [or]
health practices: why not? Yes. I'll take another half percent or 1% [of my health back.] Give it
to me. I’ll... I’ll see what I can get back in my brain. That is my journey. That is all that I know
how to do now. I do not know how to do anything else. It is my main focus. That's all I have is
trying to figure out this new me and how to better this new me. It's difficult. And who knows? If
I die. Keep [the money.] But, you will no longer prevent me from anything that pertains to health.
That is your legal fiduciary duty. You must without [a] doubt.

And you will try to help me figure out whether or not, I don't know, I need to know how can
I accept the fact that - okay, okay - I’m never going anywhere. How? [TD et al.] Will Hire a
Mercenary? To tell me to my face, "No. He’s not deployable. Forget it." Or, maybe I am. A
capable professional mercenary that is well equipped and trained to go to Afghanistan. How am I
supposed to accept m losses if I can't confront them and figure out that maybe [I can do them,] yes?

The horse? My children? My lovely children? Do I? Do I? Do I loathe this? This Superior

Court? No! I loathe the understanding of practice - [lawyers & judges.] Yes. I'm asking for your
help. Help me. Please help me. Not for me. Really. But, if you help me, you help them. I
remember studying, long time ago, we were doing research on adolescence and stuff. It was quite
interesting. I... I really dug deep into that one. The cornerstone of all criminal behaviour,
worldwide, is anti-establishment. We will give them back their ideals of Fatherhood. I would
have attended their care. They are men now. Life has changed. [The Children's] Post Secondary
Education, [the Insurer] Will Support. I do not want your money. [It] can be carrots. Yet, [it will]
also be sticks. Roughly three digits... Comma... How much for post secondary, at minimum a
three-year degree, or a three-year diploma, or a three-year apprenticeship? At the onus [of] each
[child], annually, biannually - you decide. Failure [for the children] to provide receipts [for their
scholastic endeavours] - I’m talking - lodgings, transportation, books, [and] whatever; if it does
not coincide with education - let's just say a hundred thousand each - 300,000 - total, [then, deny
the children the balance.] How you juxtaposition your numeric [is up to the Insurer?]
Psychological to Medical Care, I don't know. Who cares? I would have attended them. However,
you decide your numeric. And please don't tell me. No. "We can't do that." [TD] Can’t Create a
Trust Fund [for educational purposes?] Where they can actually take [it], you know.? They need,
I don't know, tuition, maybe $10,000 per scholastic year. Who knows? I can’t figure it out, maybe
a little apartment. Whatever? It's the Superior Court of Ontario. So, we'll just say it’s for Ontario,
not the University of British Columbia - only universities or colleges, or whatever, private colleges
whatever - 3 years private college - 3 years [in Ontario.] Okay? Some programmes are 2 + 1. One.
Zero. Zero. Comma. Zero. Zero. Zero. Period. Zero. Zero. Per child in a Trust Fund. And if
they don't bring back those receipts, or all those quotes or whatever pertaining to education, you
keep the money - keep the money. For, their father would have taught them that money is always
earnt. You will give them that Beacon [of Fatherhood.] I don't want your money. And, upon
completion, sure, why not? 3 years. They can get 20% to get them started of whatever is leftover.
20% of whatever's leftover. You can't put that into a clause. I get 20% of whatever's left over,
and at age 30, they get the balance. It is for them for all the pain and suffering that they had to
endure because of [TD Insurance, Premium, and Security National.] Okay. "It's teaching them:
the antithesis of the cornerstone of anti-establishment." They will have a beacon for them to look
and think. "Yes. There is justice. I did earn this. My Dad made it so." Will you come? To the
plate of Honour? And hopefully, things will go well for them. But, they have to earn it. And it’s
a... you know, they are adults now. They need to have access to this, so that they can continue
with the things - that basic beginnings [to] begin with, [with] which I would have helped them.
Okay? It's not about money for me. I don't want money. Keep your money. Did I not say that
I'm Not a Vagabond?

And of course, I would like you to help me fulfil a promise to my boys. It’s kind of
something that happened to me, long, long time ago. Maybe that's why I remember it. My father
took me from Toronto all the way to St. John's, Newfoundland and by train all the way to
Vancouver. Thereafter, we lived in Victoria for 3 years. With my boys, much later obviously, we
had this thing... They... They told me... We were watching some TV programmes or whatever.
Of course, there was a commercial about Newfoundland and the Vikings. And I asked them, "Hey.
What do you want to do this summer? Want to go camping or whatever?" They said, "Oh. Let’s
go [see] the Vikings." And that’s where it kind of sprouted, this idea. And it reminded me of my
childhood. "Yah. Okay. Sure. Let's go to the East Coast." [I answered.] I took them [to]
Charlottetown. Confederation. I took them to the Sydney Mines. I took them everywhere. All
the way up there and back. And, I thought "Okay." [I shall] get this little divorce over with. I'll
come back, you know, summer after or next summer, or whatever, [then,] we’ll go up to
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories. It’s about the only way to get up there by Jeep. And, I
[already] had planned it all. You have to be up there sometime around [the] last week of July.
But, to travel, you know with the boys - see the fort in Thunder Bay - Winnipeg - go to the Calgary
Stampede - spend a few days there. And then all the way up to Dawson Creek. And, they have a
nice place up there. They have cabins. It's for tourists, really. But, they have cabins. And so, you
can pan some gold in a nearby [creek] and stuff. And if you find a nugget, you get to keep it. So,
it was kind of like... more of like a journey. And then, of course, [there are] a few river crossings.
Once you get up [to] Yukon and you cross the river just like crossing the Ottawa River with that
boat, you know. And so, then you get up to Tuktoyaktuk. And that’s the ocean. The beginning
of the Arctic Ocean. And for me, it would have been really cool. Because that was... It’s only
ocean I haven’t swam in. And to do that with the boys, a continuation of what we did it out East
[in Newfoundland,] to get up there and not to drive anyone crazy, you know. [We'll] have a pit
stop at the Stampedes, and [we'll] have another pit stop panning for gold, and then [we'll] get up
there, and then the journey back, just a little kitty corner to Prince Rupert, Pacific Ocean. I
promised them: "Coast to Coast to Coast." My Dad took me from coast to coast. But, I wanted to
add the other coast. Seeing that this would be a lifetime achievement, I just went to [go] the Arctic
Ocean. Wow. That was just a little bit for me, but it was more of the promise to them. [The
Insurer Is] Going to Put to Bed My Old Life and My Promises to My Boys. I've got Acquired
Brain Injury now. So, it has to be like a convoy. My older boys. My men. My top guns. Ha.
They know how to drive. They got their licenses. Bla. Bla. Bla. But, I'm going to need a
physiotherapist to get me up there and back, different things, different movements - Crack, Crack.
Oh, I just pulled this. Okay. If I have some kind of seizure or whatever. I might need a hand.
Okay? But, I will die first before I give up trying to get there. I am an earthling. I've been to
thousands of places on this planet. You will fulfill my promise to my boys. And realistically, it
won't be that expensive. I'm talking about just your act of humanity and human dignity. This is
who I was. These were some of my promises. We need to put these to bed. I would admire you
to come and lend a hand.

In the same vein - My Music [&] My Essays. I have found through this journey of 11 weeks
countless group session work [and] essays. Wow. I... [The Insurers] are going to put them to bed.
But, first My Blue Book or My Happy Book. With the approval. And [TD's] logo will be [on] the
back [if the Insurer wishes.] Sponsored by...

And even the last part - the nitty gritty - the... the Hot Potato: I don't want your money. I
want the money that I could have made. That I lost. I don’t want your money. You lost this
gamble. Legalised gambling. Oh, give us $600 a year. Well, if you do hit someone? Well, we
will help you out - evaders. My Peace Is My Loss of Income until Age 67. Because my promises
are peanuts. Your acceptance, [huge!!!] To help me with basic necessities, with [a] roof over my
head, hum. A little nurse here and there for guidance. Attendant Care, will [I] get worse? Wow.
I need your help. My lost income is included. And yet, your acceptance is only what I demand -
your faults and everything else about me, and what you took away from me, one nanosecond can
never compare to 5 years of hell.

w - I Love You.m4a

Of course, my family, my friends, and all those that I’ve associated with - pupils and so on.
All I loved. I loved you. I recorded this kind of... like a backyard garage band recording. But, it
was kind of neat playing with the Children's Choir with my boys. Going to the School of
Music. That’s why I call it hummingbird [tinnitus]!

And of course, I got my essays. I mean, I found a whole bunch of those, too: Greek Influence
in Roman Architecture. American Attitudes towards the Indians. Sexuality: Seniors’ Needs and
Rights. The Assassination of Pierre Laporte. Women in the Middle Ages. Ben & Jerry's Ice
Cream. Lying in Business. Mark and John. Workfare. Women in the Workplace. Modern
Medical Culture. Employment in a Global Market. A Matter of Treaty. Final Exam. Second
Language Learners. Reading One Article for Information. Comparison of Two Interlanguage
Texts - FINALLY - Interactive English. Ironic. That's what I called my last business - Interactive

All the music and all the people I met. The weird part is about all these essays. And all this
music. It's like I'm getting reacquainted with my old me. Reading some of this stuff. The[re]
were some of my favourite essays. Who has kept all their [university & college] essays? Do you
know anyone from university [that has done that?] Ha. I did [it.] These are my favourite ones.
The ones that meant [something] to me. I just want to put them to bed now. It is interesting that
I'm relearning some of my old ideas. It’s like... Wow. This guy was pretty cool. Yah. That's all
I want to do. Hopefully with any luck, that might be a little foundation for me to continue to pierce
the hearts and minds of others, maybe not overseas, but here.

Hey. There [are] 5 universities here in this city [of Ottawa,] or surrounding area, multiple
campuses, Université, [&] colleges. Wow. That's kind of it. And, putting my best foot forward -
there. Mark... Trying to mark my truth and honour. That's it. Basically, pierce the hearts and
minds of others. I hope to continue that.

x - The Mint.m4a

It's amazing what images can teach [me,] even with Brain Injury. As if I could have written
this script? Unreal. My eyes are hard to come by when concerning Brain Injury, for sure yah,
unreal. Well yah see. I started collecting these base coins [from the] Mint... Canadian Mint - $3
base coins. 999 silver. And the first one was given to me. [The] 150th Anniversary for Canada’s
Sesquicentennial - 2017. [It] was kind of ironic because that’s when I started to figure out a little
about me. So, I started collecting them, you know, here and there. And people actually gave me
a few, here and there. Interesting. The 2014 $3 coin has an image of "Wait for Me, Daddy."
Seriously, that's what happened to me in 2014. Kids were probably thinking, "Wait for Me,
Daddy." I don't know where I'm going, man. These images? These depictions here on the coins
are just like exactly how this whole Brain Injury journey happened. Unreal. Or maybe, it's just
my new brain [that's interpreting them differently.] I’m associating these coins with something
that happened in my life. I have no idea. My brain is funny. Hum. Yah. "Wait for Me, Daddy."
[I was] off to War - Legal Battles in this [court] case. Not really knowing what they're getting
themselves into, hopefully [their] honour will prevail. "Wait for Me. Daddy." 2014. Of course,
my zombie year. Oh, just like the depiction again. The base coin $3 coin. Unreal. How "Cartier
Lost His Compass". That's the image on the coin. He lost his compass near Cobalt. Jeez. I lost
my compass, [too in] 2015 - Zombie Year. What a zombie [I] was. Where's my compass? I don't
know. Where's North? It’s over there. Really? Jumping Jack. It sure wasn't a gas, gas, gas. It's
interesting how the Mint... Did they know what I was going through? It’s funny. And in [20]16,
another zombie year, what the heck is going on? But, I knew I had to speak to someone very
professional [to] get something started. And "Her Majesty's Rose": [20]16 was another zombie
year. But somehow, I got a legal court case going. Someday, I'll meet a representative of my
Queen. Hey Mint, how did you know I was going to file a legal lawsuit that year? And that I
might meet someone, a representative, some representative, sorry, of my Queen. But those zombie
years? Don't remember much. Anyhow, bits and pieces, here and there. But [20]17 was really
more like rediscovering who I was. And yet this coin was all these symbols: Moose, Canoe,
Lighthouses, Bears, [and] Peace Tower. Wow. Yah. Yah. I [might be] Canadian. I think, eh?
Maybe that’s who I am. Okay. Then [20]18. Well [20]18, I Started Walking. I had my Anxiety
Bridge. "Not the Way to Die." Couldn’t understand why all these cars were going underneath me
[at] the Veteran's Bridge at Bells Corners, [Ontario.] That was the beginning. Like the Caribou,
I started walking. Walking and walking and walking until my Walk-ABI-Thon. My goodness, all
because of that Anxiety Bridge. That bridge definitely reminded me of Trood. "Brain Injury Is
Suicidal." But, you have to be able to control it. In order not to commit it. And, I had to walk as
far as I could just to understand that. In [20]18 just like the coin. Oh, those caribou, they walk all
over the place. And [20]19, what are they com[ing] up with? Like, did they have serious ESP or
something? Or, telepathy or whatever? Holy Cow. Juno - the Beginning of the End. Could that
be? Now? Holy Jumping. The Mint? How on earth did the Mint know? This might be, like,
what Hipkiss might be experiencing - [an end.] So, let's put this on the coin right now. I don't
think so. It's just fate. Freak of Nature.

But, then even to this day, sorry, even to this day, I look at these coins altogether: there’s
a... 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. So, [they] say $3 - like roughly 20 bucks [in total.] [Like,] I [can] go to
the store and buy some milk [with that money.] But the [true] value? Wow? [These coins are in
fact like 20 bucks each instead of their face value of a total of $20.] That's like 100 bucks, right
there. I could buy more than just milk. But, even with these images, and all put together - very
indicative of the Insurer - [Chump Change versus My True Value!] Thank you, Mint. Thank you.
Thank you. I have access to this money - but, I don't.

y - In the Courts.m4a

Thus. Therefore. And in conclusion. This man's finger in his trigger - literally brought
me to this point. My Voice Was Heard. My Statement Read. My Freedom of Speech Protected.
That's what this man’s finger in his trigger forced me to do. I thank the stars above for helping
me. I will submit this to the courts - verbatim, for now you can judge me. If I have to submit this
again, each person's name will be mentioned for the crimes committed.
I hope not.
z - Thank You.m4a

I’d like to thank all of those, first and foremost my boys, yet all of you as well, especially
those who have gone through this journey with me - This Current Journey of Protecting My
Freedom. It was so dear to me. Like a flash of lightning before my eyes. Realistically. It's... It
was such an eye opener. Thank you for enduring this journey. Thank you for now listening, for
reading, [and] for participating. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

"Voice-to-Text" court submission on December 10th, 2019

UN Human Rights Charter's Anniversary

I hope my spelling and grammar gets better. I have surely lost a lot of my English syntax
and even semantics, but I soldier onward in hope that one day I maybe able to
teach some lovely pupils again. Good luck to "The New Me" because Paul-
Robert Hipkiss obviously had passed.

Nevertheless, the oddest thing about my Victim Statement, when I finally

finished it, was that everybody had become bewildered by it. How queer, eh?
It's like, I allowed some cat to come out of its bag or something. I felt as if individuals were
startled that I would have the audacity to demand the submission of my very own words about
what I thought I had experienced as a result of the Car Crash and the Kidnapping of My Boys that
started all of the illegal treatment of me and them. And then, it dawned on me. In Canada, the
judiciary recognises Victim Statements within criminal proceedings; however, the same Superior
Courts are not accustomed to Victim Statements from victims of automobile crashes within civil
proceedings. Thus, in Canada the judiciary is extremely defunct because there are in fact more
lives destroyed due to a crash from a vehicle than by a gun or knife from a person. This is to say
that, it's okay to be heard if you are in a criminal proceeding but not in a civil proceeding. Yah!
Eh? What a bunch of dysfunctional hypocrites that work as judges and lawyers at the Superior
Court of Justice of Ontario. Yah! Eh? And perhaps, I need to add here that it's the politicians that
pass the laws in the first place. Politicians are mostly lawyers creating laws for other lawyers who
become judges to judge recent graduates of Law Schools. Yah! Eh? Don't forget please. Judges
who fail at practising law as lawyers do try their luck with a Judge's Association to become judges
because the qualification for that is a Law School Degree - lawyers judging lawyers - all because
of their inability to become successful sole proprietors with a law firm. Yah! Eh? What a criminal
institution, we have in Canada. Who's rubbing whose back? Yah! Eh? As more people's lives
are destroyed in Canada by a vehicle than by a gun, people need to wake up and change - Victim
Statements are extremely important in that they teach the general populace as to what happens
during an auto-insurance court claim proceeding. Victims from automobile crashes have the right
to be heard. So, I went ahead and did just that anyway. I had to raise the spinnaker, apparently.
At least the Victim Statement warned and cautioned lawyers and judges that Hipkiss was
not willing to relinquish his Fundamental Right of Speech, or any other right for that matter. I said
so in my section called "c - Freedom of Speech.m4a," for it queries: "Why do I have to fight for
my freedom in Canada?" Never! And also, in another section called "d - Gag Clause in
Settlements.m4a," I clearly warned everyone to avoid an inclusion of any sort that would force me
to relinquish my rights to sue TD et al. or its associates because to sue is also to practise the right
to speech. People do not flip burgers in a court room, rather they articulate using speech on how
a law may or may not be applicable to an event. Period. I had always feared that my health would
get worse as a result of my injuries due to the crash, and perhaps I would need further support,
otherwise what right would I have by accepting an unconstitutional settlement? None! Then, with
hope, I thanked everyone for helping me protect my freedom in the last section, but not least, called
" z - Thank You.m4a." With the completion of my Victim Statement of 2019, I naïvely felt
confident that judges and lawyers would obey the law and follow my demand for protection, which
I further had hoped that it in itself would place everyone on high alert and start preparing for a
legal trial. But, ...
Things, unfortunately, got worse.
Blog: hipkissology.blogspot.com
Going Public Is Speech's Exercise of Liberty

I started my little blog in 2018. I actually began focusing much more seriously on my blog
during 2020's "Pandemic Scare of COVID-19" because so much had happened with adjusters,
insurers, judges, and lawyers. I had asked nurse Shelly Stephenson in 2015 and 2016 for an iPad,
so I could practise my spelling and my mind. Nothing. By 2017, I had asked my other nurse
Connie Coburn and still nothing. They were not interested in my rehabilitative mental health.
They were not interested in Paul-Robert Hipkiss - only Hipkiss as a Vagrant-Single-Man, were
they firmly involved. They were much more interested in the money they could get from TD
Insurance et al... But finally, and many years later, I asked my last nurse, Natalie Luimes - alas, I
got an iPad in 2018, 4 years after the Crash. It took Natalie Luimes many moons as well - many
thousands of dollars later for an iPad to be in my hands that cost about $400 or maybe a little more.
Why did it take so many years for a rehabilitative device to be approved, or even its need
acknowledged? That's it. "Throw a victim under a party bus to see how much money can be
garnered." is what I say happened. In reality, no-one recognised me as a former English teacher
needing to practise what he had taught to thousands of people - English. I even had to argue and
argue with Natalie Luimes and lawyer Michael Thiele for it because they kept on telling me that
TD would not support such a thing due to me being labelled as a Vagrant-Single-Man, but in the
end, I did get the iPad. Thanks, Justice Stanley Kershman for the sexism that you had perpetuated
with your Deliberation on October 29th, 2014. It was his vagrancy that he gave me. Nonetheless,
for all of them to reject me so, and for everybody else to think this way, an iPad denial was a clear
indication to me that I was being discriminated by my own team of nurses, doctors, and lawyers.
That's why I kept asking for the same thing, and iPad. Simple - an excellent method of proving
systematic discrimination. I needed the constant proof that I had been thrust under a fraudulent
party bus. After getting it, of course, I had much to say in convincing insurers that I was not a
Vagrant-Single-Man, nor a vagabond, nor a hobo. Their misleading of justice, malfeasance, and
cognitive harassment however would continue, and continued it did.

The most scandalous event from so-called Insurance Court was on September 22nd, 2020
which was supposed to be another mediation, even though we already had one on July 18th, 2018
at lawyers Kelly Santini's Office - 2 years prior. All the effort by Mikolaj Grodzki et al. for the
preparations needed for Mediation 2 should have been expended for the preparations needed for
Trial. But, lawyers do not like trials. The outcome is not in their hands, rather at the discretion of
a judge. That's like lawyers acting as judges in Canada - mediation, mediation, and more mediation:
not Mediation, Pre-Trial, and then finally Trial as the law dictates. Nevertheless, what really
happened in 2020 was that the litigator/lawyer, also known as Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, the
mediator in this case, never even wanted to view parts of my blog, so that I could tell everyone
who I was. She said so in front of everyone at Mediation 2. I had created my blog, so that I could
remember things as well, and thence describe to other lawyers what I did for a living, and how
most of my money was made overseas whilst continually promoting everything that Canadians
loved about their lives and their Rule of Law, here back at home to complete strangers - my dear
pupils. But, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo wanted nothing of it. A mediator or litigator/lawyer
must listen to a Victim. It's the law, Roccamo. Perfect example of malfeasance, eh? Was that not
a crime in progress in front of my 3 boys and Syrmo, or what? To not wish to understand the
Victim and who he was in order to mediate professionally, is not illegal conduct? Thank goodness
I had recorded the proceeding; otherwise, I would have had no proof of her incompetent conduct
as a litigator/lawyer. One must record criminals that operate at the Superior Court because most
of the time, they don't even record anything for transcript purposes. Yah! Eh? They are bound
by law to provide a record, a written transcript of serious proceedings for both the Defendant and
the Plaintiff, but they do not most of the time, at least in my case. That's why they demand that
you sign an unconstitutional settlement, so that a Victim is forced to shut up and mention nothing.
It's not about money. It's about crimes committed by lawyers and judges. That's the reason why
politicians who used to be lawyers do not want to pass laws to abolish the use "non-disclosure" in
unconstitutional settlements. But without speech, what shall we never learn? I shall never forget
that criminal day of Mediation 2, and no-one went to jail. It was never about a victim's lost income.
It was solely about how much money lawyers could put in their own pockets. Welcome to Canada:
a perfect crime... ¿?

On my blog, I had also posted many pictures of my injury and my physical disabilities, all
as a result of the Crash. I also included many pictures of Paul-Robert Hipkiss' achievements. I
did not include them herein; however, anyone can visit the site for complete viewing. Please do...

1st Test
This is a test.
[Picture of the Constitution Act, 1982 - Charter of Rights and Freedoms]
Thank you

ABI-1 x-Ray
My Brain...
(Paul-Robert Hipkiss)
An X-ray taken at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa.
Sometime after my Car Crash (Police Report #2014-286487) on October 29, 2014 at
approximately 18:30. (Please ask Investigative Officer, Jennifer Delia.)
I am not a neurologist. I am not a radiologist.
No. Of course not.
I am a victim.
Yet in this picture you will see a hole. Or at least patches of holes.
To the left.
In total, the hole is approximately 35 mm.
I think that is 3.5 cm.
The Canadian dollar coin is 26.5 mm in diameter.
Do the centimetres if you will, please. Thank you.
The Toonie is 28 mm.
Please help me with the numeric.
I do suffer in this area due to the Crash.
I'm trying my best.
A coin's thickness is usually 2 mm.
That's pretty big for a brain.
So, does anyone think realistically?
A hole that size in one's brain through acquisition would have a healthy outcome?
Guess again... (The perfect example of "La Prima Facie" which criminal lawyers do not have.)
I now have Acquired Brain Injury.
Ever since that nano-second in time.
I shall have this form of mental illnesses for the rest of my life.
Why has TD, Meloche Monnex, or Security National Insurance Company taken so long
in accepting this fact? (Money does lead to much crime by lawyers.)
I cannot remember anyone asking me for my signature.
For the most important file, the hospital file.
Or, ever demanding me to see a judge in search for an order (to release my file.) Nothing.
I am the only one who has ordered it - the (exact) day I left hospital.
My barrister has it, too? I gave (Grodzki some of) it. My barrister, is I?
It's been 5 long years. Yes, (David) Bowie.
Still no conclusion yet. What? Five? That's Criminal Harassment? Isn't it?
All the negativity, negativity, plus negativity. Wow.
Positivity required.
What's related? What's not?
I am.
Yes. I am the victim. That's all.
My entire body. Not my alternator, (nor my body.)
That's what is related.
I would have been placed at the scrap yard had I been a vehicle.
No. I am human. Stop.
A victim is forced to make application to Her Majesty's Court (#16-69137) within 2 years of
(initial) claim. Yes.
2-Year Statutory Limitation... That's why.
An Insurer is forced to Settle within 2 years of Claim? No.
No 2-Year Statutory Limitation... That's why.
Equal Opportunity to Justice does not exist in Canada. I experienced this fact. Justice only exists
for the upper-class, elite population of the country - as I imagine. Just ask Margaret Joan Trudeau
on how she beat a criminal charge of drinking and driving in 2008.
The primary objective of the Ministry of Justice is to provide Equal Opportunity to Justice.
The benefit of the Insurer is the weeding out of non-victims.
2-Year: financial protection! Yes!
The benefit of the Victim is nil... if anything.
2-Year: financial protection? Not!
How about a trial within 2 years?
Equal Justice for one.
Equal Justice for all.
Where is my equal right?
I am a victim.
Bloody Hoody
I guess...
Scissors came out...
At the ER...
My Queen?
Those doctors surely were.
They did a complete physical.
They cut up my clothes to access my body.
They must have...
I do not remember.
I don't recall.
I think I do not know anything at all.
Why did Gaetan (Comeau) not see me?
I shall never know.
Blood on My Hoody
All I got left.
All I got left.
All I got left.
Much testing...
Wires here and wires there?
Poke Poke Poke
From x-Rays to Cat Scans?
Radiate Radiate Radiate
Neurosurgery Unit
Rehabilitation Centre
Inpatient & Outpatient
So, I demand further...
An account be performed...
A tally to be totalled...
A total cost of costs... (I had asked the hospital for a total account - thousands of dollars.)
Of Hospital - By Hospital - About Hospital
And paid back to my Queen! (A judge has to pay via taxes for the cost to have me at hospital?)
I am standing up for my place of birth.
Yes, you too. The tax payer!
Not for Corporate Oligarchs to prey upon the Ministry of Taxation.
Or, the Ministry of Health. (A great reason why Health Care in Canada is going bankrupt.)
Or, the Ministry of Justice. (Is this why no-one trusts the judiciary of Canada?)
Or, ...
My Canada would be otherwise.
Thank you
No DCs - Chiropractors @ Hospital
MDs vs. DCs
Power Struggle over the Queen's Privy Purse
(Medical Doctors do not wish to share the money that they have at their disposal.)

Gaetan J. Comeau put me in a coma.
Coma in the Oxford Dictionary means "a deep unconscious state."
Coma comes from Greek (κώµα) meaning "deep sleep."
I do not remember being hit by a car.
I do not remember being in an ambulance.
I do not remember my brain bleeding [on] of my head.
I do not remember being on a neurosurgery table.
I do not remember all the x-Rays.
I do not remember the doctors and nurses.
I have no memory of the immediate seconds, minutes, and hours thereafter the Car Crash.
I was in a coma - κώµα.
I was in a coma - κώµα.
I was in a coma - κώµα.
Nothing Makes Sense!
Now, I have brain injury for the rest of my life.
Reckless driver!
May God have mercy on my soul.
May the stars above guide me.
Jehovah, too.
Allah? For sure...
Let's not forget Jesus or Buddha.
The Turtle, the Eagle?
Of course, ...

Safety & Security
Man’s Trigger Finger
I can remember his finger in his trigger.
I froze.
The worst thing to do...
Friendly Fire...
Was not my reaction.
I froze. I froze.
I failed.
I froze.
A SWAT team broke down the door of an immediate neighbour of mine. It panicked me to no
end. I cried, cried, and cried. I couldn't believe that lawyers wanted me to stay at a crack cocaine
apartment, for I suppose that's what the police were after - hence, the SWAT team with their guns.
But, I just stood there frozen in time. This is not what a person must do when witnessing fire arms
- EVAC, ASAP, and Friendly Fire is the appropriate thought and action to take. Yet, I froze.
Stupid me. Brain Injury: information overload.
I found this pamphlet.
I cannot remember where, but of recent days.
It shocked me.
The price of houses has gone up so much.
Money, money, money...
In 1990, things were different.
One perhaps could have bought a bungalow for $150,000 in 1990.
Approximately, of course.
These days, it's three times that amount.
Yet, the Insurance Act and/or the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act of Ontario, Canada have
not changed, have they?
At least not for a brain injured victim.
I remember the distant past better than the recent past. (Working Memory - Dementia)
It was always $250,000 that I used to sign for as part of "Pain & Suffering."
[That] numeric [has] not changed.
To TD's benefit... not the victim.
The cost of living has gone up. A continues...
Not even the $1,000,000 Medical Care has changed (since 1990. So, why not a change in law?)
How much did it cost to have me in a hospital?
Three months or so at the Civic/General of Ottawa & a year as an outpatient.
Never mind the million dollars for Attendant Care...
Where did that go? Why perhaps the elimination?
Ah yes, to appease the Insurer!
So, what is it about [the] numeric that interest me the most?
The least?
However, the numeric juxtaposition themselves is irrelevant?
I have Acquired Brain Injury.
I cannot protect my own safety.
I cannot guarantee my own security.
My life has changed.
I must fight for just that? No.
I must demand that the Law protect me.
It's not about money for me.
It's not about which roof is better than another.
I am in dire need of a roof over my head with a security guard downstairs.
My last living place where one day I may lay my head to rest in peace.
Not Being Able to Protect Myself Is STRESS
...negativity is not conducive to brain injury...
Not being able to teach...
Not being able to earn my way...
Not being able to shelter the ones I love...
Not being able to have ownership of my own identity...

Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech.m4a

I wrote this again to show lawyers & judges in the event that they did not read my court submitted
Victim Statement; in other words, a second warning of never to contemplate taking away my
Fundamental Freedom of Speech. Of course, litigator Giovanna Toscano Roccamo wanted
nothing to do with my blog.
I find it very difficult to understand why I have to fight.
I have to stand up somehow.
Gather my thoughts.
Somehow organise them.
And then, fight for my freedom in your country, Canada.
I just don't get that.
My Freedom of Speech.
Why do you demand it to be taken away?
Just so that you can help me.
Yet, I need your help.
But, I demand also that you stand with me.
Not only to protect my Freedom of Speech, but all those others, too, like me with Acquired Brain
This Fundamental Human Right is very important and very dear to me.
Words do matter.
Words do matter.
I've taught thousands of them to thousands of pupils.
Words do matter.
No matter where I have been.
I sometimes have expressed my thoughts to a point of fault perhaps.
I am guilty.
With my actions plus my words, I might just be able to affect some change.
Words do matter.
Now I remember.
I was teaching English in Saudi Arabia.
I brought a flag from my homeland.
The ambassadorial thing to do.
I asked a colleague if I could borrow her hijab.
No problem.
I asked to use eyeliner.
No problem.
I later asked my colleague to photograph me.
She did. I thanked her. Tata...
Much later, I e-mailed this photo to other colleagues at Qassim University.
Some were taken aback.
I attempted to illustrate the lack of need for a hijab in the 21st Century.
Male or Female. Transgender, too.
Expect to be in a dessert storm. Been there.
And I am not joking.
Words Do Matter
The viewer gets appalled.
A man wearing a hijab.
Not a woman wearing a hijab.
Not about religion.
Criticism towards a man wearing a religious garment.
Thus, a protection for the religion emerges within the viewer.
So, why no criticism if a woman were wearing the same?
Or, maybe criticism of the religion for only intended purpose.
To criticise a religion concerning only one sex?
The viewer becomes sexist.
Reverse Psychology
Words Do Matter
Freedom at work again.
Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Gas Mask issue...
What destruction?
I debated it all the time.
Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Yet Words Do Matter.
Yes, they do.
We were a bunch of English teachers.
Operation New Dawn
Words Do Matter.
...Children’s Aide Society...
Fundamental Human Right to Association
I kept on telling unprofessional people...
No-one can tell me I cannot see my boys.
No man has the right to tell another man whom he must associate with or not.
Not on this planet...
Straightly & frankly, to the point...
I loved my boys.
So now, I guess I have to pick up the pieces.
Without cloak nor shield...
Not even a veil for bravery...
Bare naked...
To face the unknown.
I shall take the challenge.
I shall be vocal.
I shall speak.
As best I can.
To make others understand.
What it is like.
To have brain injury.
The ups and downs...
The comedy of it all and the sadness, too.
To accept or not to accept? An important question.
My experiences plus whatever I remember...
To find hope again in my life.
Yet to pass onward that same hope.

Evidence Act:
Does it not mention the word full-cognisance? Shall I forget?
Shall I remember?
Filling in the blanks because of some assumption is now perjury?
Under Oath?
I see images. I remember some things.
Sometimes questions work. Sometimes not.
Yet, a question about the Car Crash will be dangerous for me.
What happens if somebody asks me?
Oh oh...
Perhaps I shall be forced to sign a non-disclosure clause within a settlement?
A Minutes of Settlement will shut me up!
Oh oh...
And if I forget?
My support will be denied - withheld?
A charge against me for disclosure?
I have brain injury.
Forgive me in advance if I casually mention your names or companies.
Many times, I forget.
Mental Health?
However, I expect my Fundamental Human Right to Speech will take precedence over my failures.
Thank you.
Perhaps a re-identification may in order.

No wonder I've chocked to death so many times since the Car Crash. The only fracture I sustained
as a result was my right side zygomatic.
That A-Bomb to my head came with inner-head-shrapnel, you know. My entire mouth gone!
A toonie-sized hole in my brain, 7+ teeth immediately lost (9?), cervical dislocations, hyoid bone,
and my epiglottis...
Not to mention the countless other problems I have, somehow neither greater nor lesser.
The teeth I lost have not helped me chew my food properly in order to give my epiglottis an easier
time. But, TD thinks that such sustained injuries are not related to the Car Crash.
How defunct is that? What about the Necessities of Life in Canada?
Is this in your Criminal Code in your country?
Why can't Toronto Dominion or their contractual barristers follow the Law of their country?
How am I to live with difficulties chewing food and then swallowing it?
Thanks a lot...
Fix my entire mouth, TD et al.! Please...
It would be nice. Actually, it would be human. To eat some nutritious meals without pain. To
eat and swallow with better ease and not life threatening. This would be very nice.
To enjoy the comfort of family & friends over a dinner in celebration of a birthday. To not worry.
To feel secure within such an event. To feel okay in that others are not worrying if I'm going to
chock to death.
I miss those days...
TD Response
Toute Ma Bouche
Shut Yours
S'il vous plaît
How does an adjuster think that work on my mouth will begin?
Someone from Toronto Dominion, all the way down in Yorkyville, Tkaranto? Not Ottawa?
First a cleaning...
Then, some x-Rays...
An assessment will follow...
Otherwise, how will a dentist know where to begin?

Written Lessons
The teacher becometh the student.
I remember now...
Something of a different purpose...
My pupils in the Republic of Korea wrote...
Many used one sentence per line.
I always encouraged my students...
To continue their next sentence on the same line.
When possible...
Like the beginning of an English paragraph.
Simple, eh?
Yet, odd enough, and once again...
The teacher becometh the student.
Maybe with some of their customary approaches to written communication.
A sentence per line...
I too may find this method easier now.
Irony. Why?
My Dementia, working memory...
Prevents me from being focused on the message.
Yes. At least for me...
Rather than the articulation, the formulation, the structure, the syntax, the semantics, and so on...
Simple forms of expression are what I must do.
In order to achieve my goal.
The protection of my speech.
More to it than that.
My speech comes from my ideas.
My experiences actually form my ideas.
My ideas about Acquired Brain Injury will teach others.
The teacher becometh the student.
I shall communicate in short form for the sake of my message.
Thank you Koryõ 고려.
Thank you

To Educate Is to Liberate
Awareness comes from knowledge.
To know is to have learnt.
Education comes in many forms.
Go forth and multiply what is known.
Knowing ends the bondage.
The shackles of discrimination...
Awareness is freedom.
I am glad I found you.
I totally forgot about you.
Your purpose.
Your mission.
And, now that you are here.
My forefront...
I begin to remember.
You taught me so much.
You helped me understand me.
The New Me.
Thank you, Una Wallace.
The ABI Identity Card.
How will the community learn?
The ABI Identity Card.
Much more to do, I have.
It will help.
To teach others.
#InformationOverload #ImageDelay
#WorkingMemory #EpilepticSeizures
#Claustrophobia #Hypothermia
#AnxietyAttacks #PanicAttacks
#HypoBipolar #Trauma #Myoclonus
I think I am missing a few.
Yet, thank you.
I think I wrote - Homework.
Maybe - Spelling.
The rest was written by therapists.
Trying to guide me in identifying my new me. Thank you all.
I still get confused. It's true.
Yes. My fear. I don't understand.
It pushes me into panic, anxiety, or even seizures.
Working memory comes into play as well.
Then, my greatest fear of all.
The risk of hypo-bipolar turning into full fledged bipolar.
The result is only one out two, fight or flight!
It's all part of the record from hospital.
So, why?
The hospital knew.
MDs, nurses, and therapists wrote about it at hospital.
So, why have three (plus) barristers been my trigger at two separate Discoveries (I & II)?
Patricia Lawson - Joseph Griffiths - Charles Genest - Mikolaj Grodzki
Isn't it called unprofessional conduct!!!
That's what they would've called it in the military. I think.
You'd probably be in the brig for something like that.
Law Society of Ontario's Rules of Professional Conduct.
In Canada?
Is unprofessional conduct referred to as malfeasance or misfeasance? Donno! (YES!)
Perhaps, a Breach of Public Trust? Donno! (YES!)
Closet Room #122...
Is it called Criminal Negligence? Donno! (YES!)
Closet Room #219...
All I Know Is That It's Not Good.
Criminal Harassment?
What has been done to me?
What has been allowed to continue?
Discovery 1?
It must've been 2016, or +/-.
I was foaming from the mouth.
A seizure in front of three witnesses.
A Crown clerk and (two) lawyers (Charles Genest & Patricia Lawson).
One was mine once upon a time.
Questions in mountain formats flew through.
Plus, a swamp of information.
Never mind memory blanks.
Then, the Family Court's Writ questions...
This is the Writ about which I always talked.
A miracle.
Proof I was in the Superior Court of Ontario the same day of Car Crash.
A miracle.
My disability of not articulating information quickly.
A miracle.
All of which added to the ultimate trigger, the werewolf-seizure.
I was breathing frantically.
Dripping saliva constantly.
Foaming from the mouth.
It felt like hours but probably no more than 5 minutes.
Lawyer Patricia Lawson at Discover 1.
She was my "seizure's trigger."
Why couldn't P. Lawson help me understand?
Why the trigger?
I don't remember much after that or before...
Other than the nice food that was available for lunch.
Yet, I couldn't eat much.
Due to all of my teeth missing as a result of the Car Crash.
No blender was there.
I think.
Triggers end up turning into loops in my brain.
They don't go away until they are addressed.
That's why I remember them more than anything else.
And that's to say if I'm lucky to remember anything at all.
So why?
(Patricia Lawson did not care about a victim - more interested in criminal malfeasance.)
(Brenda Hollingsworth did not care as well.)
I mean. If they did not know...
Not everybody knows everything. I don't.
Why didn't they hire a doctor?
For Interrogation Prep?
Or, Discovery Prep?
A doctor may have advised them.
How to approach a person with brain injury during questioning.
Perhaps traditional approaches may not apply.
What happened to Equal Opportunity to Justice? (That does not exist in Canada!)
...treat me differently...
For My Sake, First and Foremost.
Yet, for the Sake of Others as Well.
My Crown's Clerk.
My Crown's Judge.
To Educate Is to Liberate.
Learn More about Acquired Brain Injury.
It's in Everybody's Interest.
Pre-Trial Conference?
29th day of the month of March in the year of our Lord 2019... ha! (Or, 22-7-1440?)
Discovery 2?
Early 2020 sometime. (Or, 5780? Yes, let's stick with the Oriental Calendar, shall we? It is
much more precise than the idiotic Gregorian/Christian one.) [January 7th, 2020]
Same place but different faces bar one. Me. The victim.
Another clerk of the Crown, a contractual lawyer, and my (supposed) barrister.
It was paid by the Respondent (Defendant) et al. Not by me or my barrister.
Hire security if you must.
I've been advising so-called professionals for years.
File It Please
"From Head to Toe"
... right side ...
Hallux - Arch - Heal - Knee Cap
Hips - Pelvis - Testicle - Sacrum
Femoral Sciatic - Lumbar
Thoracic - Ribs - Scapula
Clavicle - Sternum Cervical
Zygomatic - Teeth & Brain
My Crown
(I'm sure I missed much. "Hospital File Please")
(Imagine the nerves, muscles, tendons, & ligaments.)
(My left side was also affected due to my right injuries.)
(If I were a vehicle, I would have been placed in the scrap yard.)
Patricia Lawson & Joseph Griffiths:
Did you ask a Judge for the hospital file?
Did you get my permission to access my file?
Have you infringed upon my Right to Privacy?
You both have my permission as of April 4th, 2020. (No-one went to Hospital to get it, but me.)

When Will They Learn?
We can transplant a kidney.
Metal bars in my cousin's leg at one time.
A new liver - no problem.
Heart & Lungs are transplantable, eh...
Gender corrections or manipulations anyone?
Yet, no-one can transplant a brain.
When you can...
Call me please...
+1 (613) 366-8600
I need a new one!
In memory of...
"Trood" (Mathieu Trudel)
The primary objective of psychiatric and psychological departments from hospital rehabilitation
centres' brain injury units is to determine whether or not a victimised patient is a threat to the
community at large or a threat to himself or herself personally.
Failure is not a good option.
"Anxiety's Bridge"
Cars under me?
Not the way to die!
I Love You
I can't remember exactly.
It probably was sometime after my Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber.
I guess during autumn of 2018.
I was off to see one of my boys play a nice Nepean Hockey game at Bell Arena.
The hospital taught me how to take the bus when I was an inpatient and an outpatient.
As long as I look inside the bus and not outside.
I shan't get dizzy and pass out.
Thank you.
So off I went.
Got me an OC day-pass.
And next thing I know.
I'm watching a game.
The walk was nice through the park.
Tough getting up the hill though.
He shoots, he scores.
Nice game.
The problem was the way back.
I missed my bus.
So, I started walking more toward the next bus stop.
Only to miss the bus again.
By this time, I was near Richmond Bridge at Veteran Memorial Highway.
I walked some more.
I started to cross the bridge. Then... All of a sudden...
I want OFF this bridge!!!
Why are so many cars beneath my feet frantically going from thither to hither and then beyond?
I'm going to JUMP!!!
I thought of...
" Mawt Trood "
"Not the way to die!"
So, I walked some more.
As quickly as I could.
I walked. I walked. I walked.
I ended at IKEA.
I found a bus finally.
Got to the apartment...
Yet, I got better.
I was in so much pain though.
Really... Truthfully... Sincerely...
All I could do was focus on getting a block away.
To my Place of Zen, the Ottawa Chiropractic Heath Clinic & Physiotherapy.
I would be in good hands. I always have been.
Because for 5 days I was practically bed-ridden.
eat... sleep... potty... sleep... eat
Yet, I began to walk more.
Things were moving differently.
So, I planned more walks.
As if to train...
Block by block...
Journey by journey...
Like the old-days...
Bicycling through France...
My "Walk-ABI-Thon" Was Born!
thank you

Justice Denied
I'll never know.
I shall never know.
I am never going to know.
He'll never know.
He will never know.
He is never going to know.
Gaetan J. Comeau is dead.
He was the driver who crashed into me.

I Bring You My Peace About everything.
Concerning everything.
Even those things in between everything.
Yah, peace...
It is a wonder, no?
Without it... There is no calm in life.
I am not a beggar. I am not a vagabond. I am not a hobo. I may be in fact a gypsy thanks to my
archaeologic father. Yet, I also am not a Non-Earner nor a Single Man!
My Peace
My Promise to My Boys
$100,000 Each Child in separate Trust Funds (Educational Purposes Only)
Annual-Audit per Child...
If they cannot prove to [the] Insurer that said funds were not expended [for] educational purposes,
then, deny them any further support: this is a beacon from their father - to earn their way.
The balance, after completion of a minimum of a 3-year post-secondary - private, public, or
apprenticeship - [the balance] may be dispensed to each individual dependant.
I would have attended them.
You [TD et al.] will attend me know due to my disabilities, thus, they in turn and in just.
Tuktoyaktuk, N-W. T.
I took my boys to see the Vikings, L'Anse aux meadows, NL. +
Acadia, Charlottetown, Louisbourg, Sydney, Gros Morne, Battle Harbour, Labrador City, Québec
City, Ottawa
!!!Tuktoyaktuk & Prince Rupert!!!
I promised to take them: coast to coast to coast...
Approximately $50,000. No more...
Convoy of two Jeeps (Rentals).
My three boys & I.
Me, Myself, & I
My Essays...
My Poems...
My "Happy-Book"
I used to be a teacher.
Help me publish them. Thank you.
Approx. $25,000
My Music...
My boys studied for years at Nepean Music Academy and/or Hummingbird Music.
There, I can get help to publish my 9 songs.
One of which is already copyright.
No wonder I've been calling my Tinnitus, Hummingbird.
Approx. $25,000
~ Hipkiss to Bed ~
My Lost Wages, Not Yours
I was supposed to go to Afghanistan.
I was supposed to achieve great heights.
I was supposed to reach my Ὦξος (Oxus) River!
I was supposed to gain more security clearance - USA.
I was supposed to promote your way of life to my pupils.
I was supposed to promote your freedom to your enemies.
$10,000 x 16 years = $1,920,000
(If I die before age 67, keep the rest.)
$1,000,000 (Att. Care) + $1,000,000 (Med. Care) + $250,000 (P&S)
You smart barristers do the math - juxtaposition your numeric.
+ I demand a Nurse & Attendant Care until I Die!
Pain & Suffering:
In 1991 CE, the value of pain and suffering according to the Insurance Act in Ontario was listed
at $250,000. This is 2020 CE. There's a 333‰ inflation mark-up for the 21st Century.
Your calculations of Pain & Suffering used to only include from the waist down, what is visible
to the naked eye. You must also consider the neck up.
Otherwise, ...
Fuck Off!!!
I want my life back!

My [Kh]arona (*)
I was so happy when COVID-19 came out because I knew that it would finally expose so-called
unprofessional lawyers, judges, medical doctors, psychologists, and nurses; in particular, how they
criminally treated me for almost a decade - 5, 7, and 9 YEARS! Finally!!! Thanks, Allah.
Oh, my goodness...
Panic. Anxiety. Confusion. Overload.
Isolation. Avoidance. Distancing.
Me? Am I okay?
The world over is in panic. "Worldwide Anxiety"
Is everybody okay?
Yah? You...
"Welcome to My ABI-World"
I think doctors, nurses, lawyers, and judges will understand finally what I have been going
through for the past 5 years since my Car Crash. Almost the same... A world's fear over Covid-
19? A brain's fear over ABI-1!
"I Am a Mirror"
"Imagine My Brain"
Your Covid-19 +
My ABI-World =
Your COV-World
Your Missed Events = My Missed Appointments
Your Cancellations = My Deletions
Your Wages = My Children
Your World Has Changed = My Life Lost
Confusion sets in. I know. Yah, people just don't get it. I mean your identity, your worth. Yes, I
know. I live with it everyday. It sets you off in directions your mind never even dreamt, let alone
the regret. Terrible thing, it is.
Information overload is where it's at. Or, a delay occurs in trying to organise the information.
Been there. Done that. Even at the corner store in fact. I'm sure. If I remember correctly. Too
many occurrences. Kaboom. Yack. Zap. The best thing is to own up and try to make others
understand. It's not my fault. Not your fault. That rests with the reckless driver who messed up
my brain. It is what it is. (It's My [Kh]orona!)
I have cried more than the Ottawa River, more like many Amazons galore. Suicide definitely
becomes an issue. Anger comes next. Lashing out. Always in disgust. Then, tears. More tears.
Darn. It seems that the uncertainty is a major factor. Concerts, surgeries, court cases, and even
life itself all have some form of conclusion. So, why not Car Crash claims? Why not Covid-19?
Why the limbo? It's depressing to no end. Literally. (Welcome to my ABI-World/your COVID.)
Polar - bi or tri? (How about quattro?)
For as long as I shall be alive, bears will roam. I think.
In other words, extreme distant behaviour, polar apart without warning - a must to detect, analyse,
and terminate. Yes. In my mind's mind. I know how to read your sexton, my Corona Victim.
Now, with the c-virus, the world has begun a new search - the West Pole versus the East Pole.
Normal. Yes.
I've had to re-navigate ever since the Crash, and continue. Like looking for a new compass. Yah.
Okay. Corona? What? Wow. Fear. Why? Because of death? Panic. Anxiety. I know it all too
I know what isolation is. What alienation is. What distancing is. Avoidance. These things are
normal, very normal. (The ABI-COVID within.)
Adjust - Adapt
If you breathe, please drink water.
Bless U
Or, ...
Hypo or Psycho?
How about Octo-Polar?
Fight or Flight!
Flight is better, much better.
Maybe that's why I started walking a lot.
Darn ice though...
The river... Where? Over there!
Not... Not.... Not...
Do you understand?
Not... Not... Not...
Did you here me?
Not... Not... Not...
There! I said it.
This Too Shall Pass... Hope!
Anarchy May Follow.
"Welcome to My ABI-World"
My [Kh]arona (*) Virus
Now I remember...
(?) NORMAL (?)
A War. A Car Crash. A Death.
Isolation. Parasite. Alienation.
~ Self-Quarantine/No Problem ~
Medical Officer of Health's History Books
"Cyclospora Cayatenensis Oocysts"
Parasite from Iraq. EVAC - ASAP - Liability
@ Home Lock Down - Bowl of Rice per Day
Straws for Excrement - Both Ways
Black Unmarked Cars in Surveillance MOH?
Many Demands, Orders, & Months Later... WoW!
And Now Brain Injury + Now COVID-19
This is all too familiar. Adaptation, again I must confront.
A doctorate by the name of Joncas. What an understanding gentle man, he was to me.
I did not care. I could not fathom. I was void of logic. Lacking cognizance. He, my witness.
I knew not to pay my bills. I knew not my care. I knew not my guard. I knew not... Anything.
Panic. Anxiety. Anger. Fright. Overload. Memory. Security. Health. Responsibility. Loss.
The results of many...
Throw me out.
Lock the gate.
Turn your head.
Look that way.
Who cares?
I don't...
Never mind me...
"Freedom's Nirvana"
° Bunker-Tunnel @ Hill °
Safely Clean - Way to Be - Light!
I didn't have one care in the world, not even my own being. I had lost everything because I couldn't
understand anything. I didn't even know I had children, never mind My Boot. Who was I? What
happened? Donno...
Yet, little did I know that my anxiety was based on fear. Fear of the unknown and not being able
to understand what it is that I must know. What is unknown if I don't know it? Wow! Donno...
My anxieties push me in wanting to know more. What is the fear? What is it, itself?
To Conquer it, I must begin by understanding it. Oh, my goodness. It just taught me. It in itself
is my therapy. Little did I know... Maybe. Donno...
It Is Fear That Is Feared!
So, Understand It!
The Way to Win!
I could not help but notice a lot of sanitised items laying about Parliament's parking lot.
Could they have been a discarded sanitizer's sanitised gloves?
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
~A Reaper's Metamorphosis~
Just some throw-a-way...
Adults playing Hide & Seek...
Oh, oh...
Egoism May Kill I.
Rubbish & Person
Exercise @ Home
Bunker Up!
Clean Up!
Be Safe!
Cleanse with passion, my April.
The Wall
Knip Dyolf
I love you!
Yes, you!
May the 15th Be with You
A neighbourhood mall opened up recently (15:51).
At ease!
Dress Up
Wash Up
Clean Up
You Never Know
Be Safe

Misandry in Canada
Yes. Indeed. Unfortunately.
“To grasp the plight of men is to understand the suffering of women.”
(Yin-Yang = Misandry vs. Misogyny)
(Can you believe it?)
(Hand in Hand)

Mīnę Prétžeł
Head-to-Toe? Nah!
Toe-to-Head? Yah!
18:00, 29-10-2014
Everything about that hour turned my life completely upside down.
A body that has become a walking pretzel. Realistically. Yes. A walking pretzel that always has
the bad habit of falling apart while in motion: standing, walking, bending, twisting, & siting -
upward, downward, forward, & backward. Was sideways mentioned? Try it. Get into a Car
Crash. And then, start moving. Try it. But, before that, things that will be needed may include
morphine, anti-inflammatories, plus cans of Tylenol. Good luck!
All I know is that I've been in pain every day since the Crash.
...off in search of stuff.
...of the physical.
Mīnę Toe:
Even my big-toe on my right.
I think I took [a] picture shortly after the Crash. Actually, I can't remember when I took it - shortly
after the Crash. Anywho... I think I took it in 2015. But, there it is. That's what happened as well.
The nail started pealing off, and then it had to be taken off manually at Somerset-West. The biggest
problem other than the pain is that, the nail developed a different form so as to obstruct its natural
growth prior to clipping - an ingrown to the right of sorts. The other major issue is my spine,
somewhat unrelated yet seriously impacting. I have to this day a very, very hard time cutting my
toe-nails. I can only bend over for short periods of time. Usually, it takes me about an hour and a
half to two hours, depending on the pain and my energy level. I do have to shower prior so my
nails can soften before I attempt to cut them. And that in itself takes a lot of energy - an hour or
two depending. I know, eh? Just to cut my nails. But, I have to cut them. My chiro & physio
need access to my foot. Mum & Dad taught me to be clean for health practitioners. Just another
struggle, I guess.
Mīnę Foot:
Yes. (Abductor & Cuboid)
My abductor took flight alright. That's for sure.
Now the abductor damaged my cuboid.
My cuboid ended up getting dislocated.
It got swollen.
All because of my dislocated sacrum.
Up or down? Next floor...
Mīnę Knee:
Yes. (Kneecap off to the right with signatory indent. Yah...)
Then, from the toe to the foot, now the knee.
It's like, Superman must've had a hell of a time.
My kneecap went right on me for some reason.
Perhaps during flight after the bumper hit me from behind.
Who knows?
I don't know. Do you?
Or, maybe it happened when I landed on the ground after being catapulted to the sky.
"Look mummy, I can fly." On the other hand, ...
Mīnę Pelvis:
(Emergency Room.)
Reporting Period:
29-10-2014 CE to 19-01-2016 CE
Attending Physician:
M. Yeung
El-Khodary + Mohamed
“narrowing of L5-S1”
“lumbar right-side scoliosis”
(This was about the first time that I had read the fact that, from the hospital medical files, I had
(Not one medical doctor told me that I had developed scoliosis due to the Crash. Very
professional, eh? Not even a hint, "Hipkiss, you have to posture better. Didn't you know that
you have scoliosis? Yes, that's it. Now, sit better. Good job. NOTHING! NOT A WORD!)
Not even Doctor Shawn Marshall from the Rehabilitation Centre.
What kind of doctor is he?
3 months at hospital and no-one told me.
My hip ended up getting dislocated.
I ended up with a big bulge on my right psoas. (HERNIA)
T-12 & L-1
How can I cross the road when there's no Junction?
Bloody Mīnę:
Blood in my semen.
Luckily, I found out.
My psoas linked itself to my testicle.
Not a comfortable position.
Not to say the least...
Time to sit in the shade. Ischium...
Mīnę Arm:
(Cuts and Bruises)
I guess I had to land somewhere.
Why not on my elbow, eh?
(Broken Right Baby-Finger?)
Mīnę Xiphoid:
Reporting Period:
29-10-2014 CE ~ 19-01-2016 CE
Attending Physician:
J. Leppard
Adnan Mohammad
“swelling overlying shoulder joint.”
My Xiphoid got pulled upward
because my sternum had dislocated to the right.
Mīnę Oxy-Chamber:
(Where therapy began in depth.)
Very good therapy.
It seemed like my muscles got loosened.
Oxygen Is Love.
I couldn't get enough of it.
I ended up developing claustrophobia though.
The hospital had a better set of chambers - bigger - but I wasn't allowed to be placed on the
waiting list with my OHIP card.
Professionals kept on telling that it was because there was an Insurer.
2-Tier-2 Medical System
Mīnę Fit:
Fit-Bit - So, I kept on walking.
The truly way to get better.
If you can move, walk!
Mīnę Hummingbird:
A Case of Tinnitus
A constant sound in the ear.
But, it's not in the ear.
It's in the head.
The brain is all messed up.
The body is all messed up.
The shoulder is all messed up.
The spine is all messed up.
The chest is all messed up.
The hip is all messed up.
The pelvis is all messed up.
The foot is all messed up.
The toe is all messed up.
No wonder the sounds in my brain are all messed up.
My nerves have been shot.
You're plucking too hard!!!
You're plucking...
Too hard!!!
Mīnę Ground-0:
(Approximately 9 teeth+ went missing as a result of the Crash.)
So many years later - 7SEVEN7 - and still TD couldn't help me.
I must be a vagrant according to they.
Mīnę 76.1 kg:
I lost approximately 25 kg. I went from XL (extra-large) to L (large) to M (medium). I am now
a medium build. I hope I don't get to S (small).
"OFF with the HEAD"

Happy Birthday!
Born: 18:30, 29-10-2014 CE
Place: The Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, the Dominion of Canada, the Americas, Earth.
(45°N, 75°W)

I left out the "Paul-Robert Hipkiss" page from my blog. It is more or less a Résumé. I had
to do it. [My complete Curriculum Vitae is included herein a little bit later. I tried not to create a
duplication.] Insurance hired lawyers Joseph Griffiths and Patricia Lawson kept on interrogating
me during their separate meets with their individualistic yet systematic unprofessional legal tactics
of trying to "Trip Up a Victim" for all to witness. Yahoo! Eh? As a result of too many seizures
that they had triggered me to go through, I demanded upon myself to let everyone know at the time
as to who I was professionally - a teacher. At the end of completing "Paul-Robert Hipkiss" on my
blog, I cried, I cried, and I cried because it was then that I truly realised what achievements I had
lost. It took me much time to research myself through paperwork, diplomas, and degrees - but I
found me. I cried some more. It was the first time since the Crash that I had an idea as to who I
was, or at least who P-R was. Again, I cried.
What was worse though was the fact that no litigator, lawyer, or Retired Judge wanted to
view my blog. Please visit the following site of Paul-Robert at the "Hipkissology" blog at
https://hipkissology.blogspot.com/2020/02/paul-robert-hipkiss.html. There are a lot of lovely
pictures of the old me teaching English. They tell a thousand words.

Thanks for nothing, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo. However, what she did in fact by not
supporting my loss of income in a professional manner was to engage all others into a misogynistic
behaviour of the practise of law. Go figure, eh? How one single denial of not bringing all parties
to recognise Paul-Robert Hipkiss through a blog viewing during Mediation 2, in fact precluded by
law and the Child Support Guide for my wife's lawyer, Judith Alison Campbell, to fight for her
own financial support from TD Insurance et al. - no loss income equals no child support
calculations according to the guide that the province of Ontario follows - misogyny right back at
yah, Roccamo. All because of greed. Believe it or not. And ignorance... Like, did she not
understand why Judge Kershman ordered $3.00 per month as support? Because during the time of
the Family Court proceedings and my fight to associate with my boys, I ended up getting placed
into precarious labour-intensive work for two years, as well as a top off with the City of Ottawa's
dole here and there - the fight in courts for a man. Wow. I had to eat, too. I wanted to see my
boys. I had to find them first. I did. But then, I had to fight for their freedom. In the meantime,
I wasn't prepared to go job hunting for a teaching job in Ottawa like many had hinted to me as to
why I should stay in Canada, when I had many professional opportunities overseas just waiting for
Family Court to end. These persons destroyed my life and they didn't even want to know whose
life they destroyed. Welcome...
A Donkey's Privilege
Honour Rests on a Bed of Truth: David's Denial

Court: #12-2738-1
Superior Court of Justice of Ontario
(Events of Extortion, Misandry, and Injustice)


It goes to the nucleus of intent. I tried to prepare a somewhat factual account

of improprieties for Insurance Court, not Family Court after all such matters
did involve "Adversarial Conflicts" or "Legal Battles" in that they themselves
provided evidence of cover-up, denial, and sexism. My attempt was to make
this awareness at Insurance Trial for my Car Crash Case while under the
Sanctity of Oath and all of its protections provided under the Evidence Act. As I had known prior
to documentation, however, and with some honour, many reparations required under law due to
the improprieties committed had long been expired; thus, the real intent was in fact the revelation
of the discrimination, not the petty crime. Yet, more importantly, the emergence of systemic
inequality and its metamorphosis within other factions of government and its own society, how
observation became the focal point of my mission throughout my horrific journey of exposition
that would follow in the year 2022 with all of my formal, legal complaints - a voice that was
suppose to be heard. [I also contributed to fluency herein with the use of brackets.]

1. March 7th, 1997: In and around Independence Movement Day of the Republic of Korea,
I met [my girlfriend] at a bookstore near a Lotteria at Nam Po Dong, Bu San Shi.
2. My girlfriend obtained an ultrasound of our first child on September 22nd, 1997.
3. October 3rd, 1997: My girlfriend and I performed an Engagement Celebration at the
Banquet Hall of the YMCA, Bu San Shi, The Republic of Korea.
4. My fiancée and I swore at the Consular Section of the Canadian Embassy before Consul
W. McEachern an Affidavit of Eligibility of Marriage on November 28th, 1997.
5. December 3rd, 1997: My wife and I married civilly at Yeong Do Gu District Hall, Bu
San Shi, the Republic of Korea. The witness for me was Jin Kuk Baek. The witness for my
wife was Nan Joo Lee. [So, how on earth can a judge in Ontario proceed with a divorce of a
marriage that took place beyond Ontario's jurisdiction - The Republic of Korea. Perhaps more
Michaels need to be kidnapped by the Chinese Government or other governments around the
world in order for judges in Ontario, Canada to understand finally that a Canadian judge
cannot and must not adjudicate beyond the jurisdiction of the courts of Canada, perhaps no?
Otherwise, when or how will they finally understand their accountable authority of enforcing
law? Usually, yet pathetically, it's changes like the Michaels that should wake us all up - our
decisions do affect our citizens everywhere they may be.]
6. December 9th, 1997: My wife and I submitted to Consul W. McEachern an Acceptance
Notification from Dae Seok Park, Mayor of the Special City of Se Oul Shi, that a marriage
between my wife and I took place on December 3rd, 1997 in Bu San Shi, the Republic of Korea
- a unique international notarisation process. [Judge Stanley Kershman didn't know this date?
I never did show him our Korean Marriage License because I knew that it was none of his
business, which it wasn't. This is why he wrote the wrong date of marriage on his defunct court
order for divorce.]
7. December 23rd, 1997: My wife obtained an ultrasound of our first child.
8. January 14th, 1998: Official D. Parlee of IFS Canada authenticated the fingerprint
identification of my wife for the purposes of Immigration Canada. [At this time, I felt as if I
had two children preparing to get ready for birth, a child in the womb and a guided my wife in
becoming a Landed Immigrant - tonnes of applications - with honour, nevertheless on both
9. My wife applied for a Criminal Records Check from the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, the United States of America on March 4th, 1998.
10. May 7th, 1998: Our first child was born.
11. Overall, by the end of July of 1998, approximately $4,000.00 had to be spent immediately
for a quick flight back to Canada. Plus, the Civic Hospital had charged me approximately
$5,000.00 just so our first could be born on Canadian soil. I didn't believe what I was
experiencing at the time as a Canadian in Canada, all because my wife was an international yet
my first born was not. [And I, who was I - a man? This was 1998.] But, our first born became
covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Programme as soon as he was born. My wife was not
covered by OHIP. I had to pay for my child to be born in Canada? I didn't care. I had made
money overseas and my wife brought back money, too. We just didn't want our new born to
be faced with the possibility of military conscription in the Republic of Korea, just by being
born on Korean soil. Everything was worth it. It sure was.
12. December 24th, 1998: Our first child was baptised at the Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic
Community of Saint Theresa, Ottawa by priest Father Tony. The Godparents were Peter Lee
and Rosaria Lee. [I had hoped for a strong spiritual connection.]
13. June 14th, 1999: My wife received a letter from Canada Immigration Centre, Ottawa that
she further required a medical. [My wife was even threatened to be deported by Immigration
Canada, all because she did not apply for immigration status overseas, but the biggest issue
was our infant son. "Anybody hear of breast milk?" were many comments I would make to
officials. "How on earth can my son be breast fed if his mother is in the Republic of Korea?" I
constantly queried. Many immigration officials' denials surrounded the idea of the mother
taking the child with her back overseas to her birth place, but the child was born a Canadian
on Canadian soil. That was a horrific experience of my own government wanting to separate
and disassociate me from my child, my son. What a racist, discriminative country, eh? Why?
Because my wife was born in the Republic of Korea who accidently fell in love with a Canadian?
Wow. And to think, I would have suffered, my son would have suffered as well as my wife if
Immigration Canada had gone ahead with its original deportation plans. Fight for What Is
14. November 2nd, 1999: An ultrasound of our second child, my wife received.
15. Another added expense for Citizenship and Immigration Canada due to a Minor Violation
and Employment Authorization according to the Act in the amount of $350.00 on November
6th, 1999. [Welcome to Canada. Nothing like kicking down a newly wed couple with kids just
starting out, eh?]
16. February 6th, 2000: Our second child was born.
17. With the help of Paul Calieri, I transferred funds from AGR, a trust fund for our oldest
boy's education, to my wife's new trust fund on February 14th, 2003. [I had started an
educational fund sometime after having our first born and it just continued for our second born,
too. I wanted it all kept under one umbrella - my wife.]
18. April 4th, 2000: Father Tony blessed our marriage from the Republic of Korea. [Saint
Theresa does not have a marriage license number in their registry for our blessing service
because it really was not a marriage, otherwise they would have. My wife and I already got
married in Korea. But, what Father Tony wanted, which we all obliged, was to bless our
Korean marriage for the Catholic Pathway of Baptismal for the boys - yah, sure, no problem!
Thank you, Father Tony.]
19. Our second child was baptised at the Holy Korean Martyrs Catholic Community of Saint
Theresa, Ottawa by priest Father Tony on April 23rd, 2000. The Godparents were Peter Lee
and Rosaria Lee.
20. My wife finally received her Employment Authorisation from Citizenship and
Immigration Canada. Yes! [It took a long while but everyone was happy on June 11th, 2000.]
21. August 26th, 2002: I bought my wife a piano from Lauzon Music Centre, Ottawa for our
fifth wooden wedding anniversary of December 3rd, 1997. [It became the best $3,295.00
uninterrupted concert that I've ever been.]
22. My wife opened a Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce chequing account. It was
always funny teaching her how to write a cheque book, for back home such a financial custom
did not exist - touching to say the least, the building blocks. November 4th, 2002 [helped me
understand her need for support in becoming her "new person in a new land" just as
immigration officials had advised me. Been there, done that many times, so I kind of knew how
it would be to adjust - and much more as well - not easy.]
23. We obtained an ultrasound of our third child on August 3rd, 2003.
24. [I don't know why, but I came across a] letter from the Korean Community about my
[family, I guess, but it was] in Korean, [so I] don't know?
25. January 13th, 2004: Financial Advisor, John McRae, from Professional Investments,
Ottawa update on account, an AIC Diversified Fund totally a value of $1,682.54.
26. March 5th, 2004: Our third child was born.
27. May 14th, 2004: I purchased for $5,500.00 Lot 9, Smith Street, Beachburg, Whitewater
Region, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1C0 without the assistance of a real-estate lawyer. In the end,
my wife admitted to me that she only wished for the purchase of land to be a showcase for her
parents - that she achieved progress in life - perhaps an admirable cultural identity with honour.
However, I, on the other hand, had full intentions of cutting timber, grading the land, and
building a home. I fell short.
28. Human Resources Development Canada [was nice to send a] cheque stub of $390.00 on
the 7th of March, 2004.
29. June 30th, 2004: We received an AIC Portfolio of $2,024.01 [that I never knew about.]
30. In August of 2004, [the 17th day to be exact,] Citizenship and Immigration Canada sent
a receipt in the amount of $200.00. [I guess it pays somewhat to come into Canada, as we
31. February 12th, 2005: Our third child was baptised at Saint Theresa's Church, Ottawa by
priest Father Gerry. The Godparents were Peter Lee and Rosaria Lee.
32. I received a letter from James McCracken, Director of Education of the Ottawa-Carleton
Catholic School Board on July 8th, 2005 concerning my complaint against Principal Gail
Taillon [Dragon Lady] of Pope John XXIII Elementary for sexual discrimination of my oldest
boy [who was only in first grade.] The case was referred to Marcello Bottiglia, Superintendent
of Schools.
33. July 11th, 2005: I received a letter from Marcello Bottiglia, Superintendent of Schools.
He wrote, "This matter will not be dealt with until September." Sexual Discrimination was not
an important issue for the Superintendent due to forthcoming summer vacations?
34. Statement received on July 13th, 2005 from USC Education Savings Plans in the amount
of $1,101.75.
35. The Children's Aide Society of Ottawa sent me an unsigned letter on July 20th, 2005
stating that they did "not have jurisdiction, authority, or a mandate to intervene" in sexual
discrimination against children in Catholic schools in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I wondered
what was within their jurisdiction. If it were sexual discrimination against Gail Taillon, would
that not have been within their mandate to intervene? If it were I, would they have intervened?
[When I asked the CAS for assistance as a man, I could not receive help for the accusations
against my child by a sexist Principal. If I were of the opposite sex with the same complaint
and counter accusations, would the Principal be earnestly addressed? Hum... I think so.]
36. [I was grateful to see] my wife apply around August 26th to Human Resources and Skills
Development Canada for an extension of her maternity leave support, so that she could go to
Algonquin College's Early Childhood Programme. I had hoped for her that she would
compliment, here in Canada, her completed university degree from the Republic of Korea. My
idea was to watch and guide her in achieving her independent identity in Canada as best as she
could. [2005 was a great year.]
37. December 12th, 2005: Marcello Bottiglia, Superintendent of Schools of the Ottawa-
Carleton Catholic School Board sent me a letter stating that he had accused me of "inappropriate
language" toward a sexually discriminative principal, Taillon. Are you polite to sexist people?
Not I, and with valour.
38. June 29th, 2006: $9,000.20 were in my Scotiabank Savings Account; ready for building
the foundation at Beachburg. Contractors were at the ready like MacGregor Concrete Products,
Beachburg, Ontario, Canada. [MacGregor had agreed to lay the foundation and then cap it. I
had a little bit more to save up yet. My house plans still needed to be fully completed, plus
some more trees had to be cleared to make way for the septic tank - all in the right direction.]
39. August 25th, 2006: I received a letter from Jacques Benoit, Chief Building Official, of
the Township of Whitewater Region that I had seven more deficiencies to correct on my
preliminary design of my house that I had architecturally completed myself - temporarily off to
the drawing board once more, no problem. Thank you, Jacques, for your guidance.
40. My wife's having a great year in 2007 with $10,148.00.
41. Plus, an extra $970.00 wasn't bad for my wife in January 2007 due to a Tuition Education
and Textbook Amounts Certificate from Canada Revenue Agency. [Things are looking up for
us all.]
42. February 9th, 2007: My wife received a Client Portfolio from Professional Investments
in the amount of $4,488.59.
43. March 14th, 2007: I received a receipt for tax purposes from the Nepean School of Music
in the amount of $1,259.40 for the boys to learn how to play musical instruments. They were
at that school for many years; music was all in the family.
44. Then, my wife opened a chequing account with President's Choice Financial [sometime
around] March 22nd, 2007. I never knew why she wanted so many bank accounts - too many.
[Is it like purses for the ladies - too many?]
45. March 26th, 2007: Sales representative, Larry Moi of USC Education Savings Plans, sent
a plan summary of all three boys. The total amount of contributions was $1,564.26. [It was
nice to see it grow for their education.]
46. John McRae of AIC Limited sent on January 8th, 2008 an Activity Summary totally
47. My wife is cleared on August 11th, 2008 the Vulnerable Sector as a Volunteer by the
Ottawa Police Service. I used to tell her that she shouldn't do that. I always advised her to have
her given name legally changed according to law. [Besides, Immigration Canada knew her by
her Korean Given Name.] I tried to tell her that a spouse can change a surname by adopting
the other spouse's surname, somehow [this sexism in Canada is] perpetuated mostly upon
women in Canada, a sexist culture [indeed;] however, this is not permissible for Given Names.
A legal name change is required for Given Names. There is a legal process for that. Having a
police check requires above board standards. Take honour in that. Nevertheless, I guess my
heeds were never taken seriously, not even by the police, for who had the check? [Change of
Name Act, 1990; Obtaining change of name by fraud, etc. 12 (1) A person who obtains a change
of name under this Act by fraud or misrepresentation is guilty of an offence and on conviction
is liable to a fine of not more than $2,000. I hope things worked out. But, what I don't
understand is the fact that the Ottawa Police really do not know who they cleared for the
Vulnerable Sector. Welcome to Canada.]
48. General health practitioner, Kristine Whitehead, general health practitioner of Somerset-
West Community Health Centre, wrote on August 19th, 2008 a letter supporting my wife's
application for subsidised housing because of stress and financial problems. [This was the time
of the Worldwide Economic Crisis.]
49. On May 2nd, 2009 I found a Birthday Party Receipt from the Pinecrest Recreation
Complex, City of Ottawa, Nepean, Ontario, Canada. $25.98 of nothing but fun.
50. By May 8th, 2009 my wife's "gross monthly earnings [was] approximately $1,588.00,"
[as acknowledged by] Algonquin College Early Learning Centre. She now knows how to
survive in Canada. Welcome, my dear lady. It was a well earnt road working at coffee shops.
51. The Sacraments of Christian Initiation [Confirmation] for my two older boys were
performed May 10th, 2009 at Saint John the Apostle Parish, Ottawa by Father Francis.
52. [For some reason,] Angelo's Service Limited billed me $100.57 on May 12th, 2009 for
repairs to my Ford Taurus. What? How did that happen?
53. May 25th, 2009: Angelo's Service Limited billed me $605.49 for repairs to my Ford
Taurus. I finally got my boat fixed. Then, it was sold. Who signed my Ontario Sale of
Ownership? I was in Buraydah, Qassim Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [Criminal
Code of Canada, Section 366 (1) Every one commits forgery who makes a false document,
knowing it to be false, with intent (a) that it should in any way be used or acted on as genuine,
to the prejudice of any one whether within Canada? So, how does the criminal code section
relate to this incidence and this evidence?]
54. The College of Early Childhood Educators sent my wife a letter on June 2nd, 2009
requiring her a copy of her Canada Citizenship card. They also sent another letter the same day
stating that they had required a guarantor to sign her Diploma from Algonquin.
55. Algonquin College on June 12th, 2009 sent my wife a $688.48 pay statement.
56. June 30th, 2009: Professional Investments sent my wife an account summary totalling
57. Andrews Brothers Construction Ottawa Ltd. forced [my] three boys, my wife, and I to
evacuate by way of extortion vis-à-vis a lawsuit [08-CV-42357] within the Ontario Superior
Court of Justice in the amount of $750,000.00, way above the maximum allowed at the
Landlord and Tenant Board which was $10,000.00. Way to go, Andrews! You had to sue my
wife and I on July 1st, 2009 for hundred of thousands of dollars just to evict three children. It
is criminal to exercise your financial wealth for power to evict [tenants.] 3/4s of a million
dollars? The boys were always scared. Susan Benger of the Landlord and Tenant Board knew.
Everybody knew. I was very thankful for Mary Garret's involvement and assistance as a
Community Legal Worker. She and her team at West End Legal Services of Ottawa were
instrumental in allowing the envelop to be pushed to the maximum. Thank you. Mary Garret
recommended my wife and I to engage lawyer Michael Thiele. We did. So much had to be
done with Anu Singh, Community Developer of the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community
Resource Centre. Laura Mayer was very helpful, too, albeit another time. Meghann Darroch
and Nancy Currie of Housing Loss Prevention were instrumental in [their effort to affect]
change. Thank you. I was especially honoured to have Ontario Provincial Constable, M.N.
Ron Rahim from Toronto involved to witness the changes needed. Thank you, sir. Constable
Joel Demore of the Ottawa Police Service was [influential] as well. Thank you, sir. Positive
change for Forest Ridge and Andrews' Community also came from John Engelberts,
Maintenance Co-ordinator of the City of Ottawa. And Georges Monrose, Energy Conservation
Specialist of Certified Energy Advisor [help us understand deeper problems within the
community's heating conservation problems.] Thank you. Back and forth with Bouchard
Group of Companies for processing services, Andrews had no choice to cut the head [of the
snake as it were,] our heads. It was my wife and I who created a Tenants' Association at Forest
Ridge. We gathered much membership. Galore, I'd say. That's why we were the only ones
who got sued. My wife pleaded with me to sign a settlement on behave of the children's safety.
Yet, just because you have money, Andrews, and the ability to hire Rasmussen, Starr, & Ruddy
as your legal team does not give you the right to bully democratic Freedom of Association and
Speech within your community. That's criminal? In the end, the settlement was approximately
$15,000.00. I never saw the money. Nor have I ever seen the fully signed and dated Minutes
of Settlement by all parties. Why? [Criminal Code of Canada, Section 380(1) Every one who,
by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the
meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any
property, money or valuable security or any service; Section 346, (1) Every one commits
"extortion" who, without reasonable justification or excuse and with intent to obtain anything,
by threats, accusations, menaces or violence induces or attempts to induce any person, whether
or not he is the person threatened, accused or menaced or to whom violence is shown, to do
anything or cause anything to be done. Saving (2) "A threat to institute civil proceedings is not
a threat for the purposes of this section." How do these sections relate to the incident?] I ended
up in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on a camel on my spare time as an English teacher. Ask
Michael [Thiele.] He'll tell you. [How come I've never seen an original of the settlement that
would have everyone's signatures, dates, and witnesses on it - all together on one page? How
come? Who's hiding what and why? Please ask lawyers Rasmussen, Starr, & Ruddy. They'll
tell you.] All I know is that my wife and I stood up and fought tooth and nail for the betterment
of our community. The best thing for me was, when I saw as a passerby [many years later] the
beautiful changes all of us had [created.] Thank you all. It was sad, however, how Gary
Phomin's son got involved in a violent attack initiated by one of Andrew's employees. I hope
everything turned out for the better [for son and father.]
58. September 25th, 2009: Professional Investments' diversified CDA totalling $2,200.00.
59. I had advised my wife to file for bankruptcy just about December 14th, 2009. [I never
knew that tonnes of money were stashed away in different accounts and various investments,
but I began around this time to understand why my wife wanted so many purses. Damn, I was
stupid. I thought that the family was struggling. That's why I kept on trying to support my
family from overseas.] I was in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the time, so I had no choice
even though I had been sending her money, of which [my] barrister, Virve Georgeson, later
handed this evidence into Family Court in 2013. I did not know that my wife had money.
60. December 1st, 2009: A Royal Bank Credit Line Statement for my wife and I stated that
we had $12,000.00 available in credit. [Really?]
61. December 22nd, 2009: My wife convinced senior citizen, Syrmo, to open a President's
Choice No-Fee Account. [Criminal Code of Canada, Section 423 (1) Every one is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty
of an offence punishable on summary conviction who, wrongfully and without lawful authority,
for the purpose of compelling another person to abstain from doing anything that he or she has
a lawful right to do, or to do anything that he or she has a lawful right to abstain from doing,
Is this criminal code section relative to this case?]
62. [I found a] T1 GENERAL [from] Canada Revenue Agency [in the court's garbage
mound] for the year of 2009, [which] stated that my wife was married to me. Did she declare
the Beachburg Land-Sale that [she forced me to sell?] She forged and profited, [did she not,]
after the proceeds of a crime? [Criminal Code of Canada, Fraud Section 380 (a) is guilty of
an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where
the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter
of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars?]
63. [My] T1 GENERAL [from] Canada Revenue Agency for the year of 2009 stated that I
was married to my wife. [Who forged my signature? Who availed himself or herself from the
forced profits? Who is culpable?]
64. [I was so happy, however, to read a] USC Education Savings Plan Statement on January
1st, 2010 [announcing that our total savings] for our third boy [was in the amount of] $1,101.75.
65. [I was always delighted of my wife when she received her] Algonquin College Pay
Statement, [most times] amounting to $710.00 on January 8th, 2010.
66. [The glee kept on coming with Algonquin College Pay Statement's for my wife
amounting to $1,037.03. [You rock, babe. "Now things were on the up." I used to believe.]
67. February 5th, 2010: My wife engaged in a Personal Property Security Agreement with
the Bank of Nova Scotia of Calgary and Hamilton. [I was in the dark obviously.]
68. February 6th, 2010: My wife sent me an e-mail asking if I had left anything with my
signature on it. She further wrote that Michael [Thiele had] suggested [her] to copy my
signature. "What?" I thought. "A lawyer demanded a copy of my signature? That's a crime."
kept on ringing in my head. [Criminal Code of Canada, Section 462 Talks at various times
throughout the section about Profiting from the Proceeds of Crime. Is this relative to the event?]
Because the only Michaels I knew were my cousin and Michael Thiele of Quinn Thiele
Mineault Grodski LLP, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I haven't seen my cousin in years, yet I knew
Michael Thiele during Andrews Brothers' Extortion via the Superior Justice of Ontario. [My
wife's] e-mail was later submitted into Family Court on March 4th, 2013 as an exhibit by [my
lawyer] Virve Georgeson. [I had to hire a lawyer because no-one would believe all the
paperwork that I had found, but to my own shock, not one judge believed one of their own either.
So, that's when I realised that I was dealing with cover-up criminals disguised as judges and
lawyers. Nice country, eh?]
69. March 25th, 2010: My wife sent me an e-mail asking if I would give her permission "to
do [my] taxes." What? This fact was later submitted into Family Court on March 4th, 2013 by
Barrister Virve Georgeson.
70. $997.07 [from a] Algonquin College Pay Statement on April 1st, 2010, [thank you.]
71. [On] April 17th, 2010 my wife wrote a letter, [a first draft, then a sent-edited version] for
assistance [from] the Max Keeping Foundation for the older boys to play hockey for the Nepean
Minor Hockey Association.
72. [Although I shall perhaps never know, for I was overseas at the time,] on the back of my
wife's first draft was [an] illegitimate practice of my signature, by whom?!? [Criminal Code
of Canada, Section 374: Every one who (a) with intent to defraud and without lawful authority
makes, executes, draws, signs, accepts or endorses a document in the name or on the account
of another person by procuration or otherwise? Does this section apply here?]
73. [We had our share of expenses, and what parent doesn't. Really of no mention but pride
in seeing the boys go to] Ottawa/Kanata Music Academy [with] Angel Recorder Case [in hand.
Who cares about May 5th, 2010's $12.16 fee? Well worth them all.] It was always nice to get
discounts [from] the music academy. [I think as well that my] wife used to work there.
74. [We loved] Algonquin College, [especially on days like May 28th, 2010 for sending us]
75. [On] July 29th, 2010 my wife received an invoice from Hyundai, Dilawri Bank Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for a new Hyundai Elantra 2009. [Is this why?]
76. My wife had taken notes in writing on August 19th, 2010 that she was "so, very sorry for
leaving [me sleep] on the floor." Perhaps she had admitted to herself that her screams were
abusive, yet never to me? Pride? This abuse continued for years because I was always afraid
she would take my children away from me. No-one would believe a man - the nucleus of
77. [And now I'm off to a foreign land and on] August 30th, 2010 my wife received a welfare
cheque in the amount of $852.38.
78. [On] August 30th, 2010 the Ottawa Police Service cleared my wife for the Vulnerable
Sector as an Early Childhood Educator with the Ottawa District School Board. I hope she had
performed her legal duty to change her given name at the Registry. I never did find out.
79. The City of Ottawa's welfare programme gave my wife a cheque for $58.50 on September
1st, 2010 [ - which appeared funny when found.]
80. September 1st, 2010: My wife received an invoice from Haqopian TV Centre in the
amount of $271.20.
81. Another City of Ottawa cheque for $553.00.
82. [On] September 13, 2010 the Co-operators associated with my wife and her employer
Lynwood School to place our oldest boy as beneficiary for Basic Life [in the amount of]
$25,000.00? [I wonder...]
83. [Then,] my wife wrote to Citizenship Canada on September 16th, 2010 and asked the
government to "update [her] last name on [her] citizenship card.
84. The City of Ottawa gave a cheque for $1,152.38 on October 1st, 2010. Wow.
85. October 15th, 2010: The Co-operators associated with my wife and her employer
Lynwood School, Ottawa to place our oldest boy as beneficiary for Basic Life of $25,000.00.
86. October 28th, 2010: The City of Ottawa's welfare programme gave my wife a $829.10
cheque. [I could never understand, I guess because I never knew that I was a fool.]
87. November 2nd, 2010: Did my wife forges my signature on an "Agreement of Purchase
and Sale" [OREA] with Re/Max Pembroke Realty Ltd. for my property [Lot 9, Smith Street,
Beachburg, Ontario, Canada K0J 1C0] in the amount of $24,900.00? (Criminal Code of
Canada, Section 374 - Section 380 talks about Fraud, [no?] Wasn't the signing of my signature
and the sale of my land fraudulent? I've now become a Canuck who cannot portage due to
trespassing. During those days, however,] Whitewater Region was charging me more property
taxes than they should have. So, before leaving for the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia, I told my
wife that "I was willing to pay some nominal real-estate fee" for the land to be listed for sale in
order to discover the land's true market value. I was working. I was able to afford it. Besides,
my wife and I were supposed to submit, thereafter, to Whitewater Region the true market value
with appropriate real-estate documentation for proper evaluation of the property taxes by the
Region's political body because the Region in fact overvalued the land in their Property Tax
Calculation Assessment. It was simple: "Market Value Equals Justifiable Taxation" But,
[someone] had other plans? [Who] forced the sale? [Was it my wife? Was it one of her friends,
one of her associates? I mean, who signed the Sale Agreement?]
88. [On] November 4th, 2010 my wife sent me an e-mail and wrote the following: "I just
spoke to your mum and I told [her] everything about the land and how I had to copy your
signature. She didn't want to have anything to do with me." My "mum" always had been my
biological mother. My "ma" always had been my step-mother. This e-mail had been submitted
to the courts on March 4th, 2013 by my then-barrister, Virve Georgeson. Was my wife talking
to Janet Irene Guerin or Syrmo Yerou? In any event, is it any surprise that people would not
take lightly such attempts to conspire and profit over forgery?
89. Ian Vincent, Office Manager of Re/Max Pembroke Realty Ltd., charged my wife
$2,490.00 on November 7th, 2010 for commission for the sale of Lot 9 on Smith Street,
Beachburg. John Sloan & Associates of Ottawa were involved as well. Thus, there were many
people who knew that I was in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or did they? Did you not tell
90. My wife [began a different path albeit unknown to me on] November 8th, 2010 requested
written assistance from Somerset West Community Health Centre, Ottawa with helping her
change her surname.
91. November 13th, 2010: I had to be examined by a radiologist for Pulmonary TB (negative)
from the Al-Mulhim Dispensary, Al-Ahsa, Al-Hofuf, Eastern Province, the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia in preparation for Basic Training for Deployment to Operation New Dawn (Iraq) at Fort
Benning, Georgia, the United States of America.
92. The Taylor Group of Companies sent my wife and I on November 24th, 2010 a Tenant
Insurance Renewal Policy.
93. November 26th, 2010: Ottawa Catholic Child Care Corporation sent a pay stub
amounting to $917.18.
94. The City of Ottawa gave a $463.01 cheque [on] December 7th, 2010.
95. December 7th, 2010: President's Choice Master Card statement [indicated] a balance of
$1,069.09 of a $5,000.00 credit limit. [Wow. I didn't know I had so much credit during the
war in Iraq.]
96. December 13th, 2010: Even though I had fought with lawyer John Sloan of Ottawa that
I was not a resident of Ontario, Canada, my final attempt to exterminate the forged sale, I felt
and became extorted by John Sloan with countless charges with respect to residency and even
forgery more importantly. Because having outstanding legal issues in Canada, despite being
coerced or not, and the legal argumentations or ramifications therein that would have emerged,
all of which would not have boded well with the United States Military let alone the FBI or
CIA for deployment clearance purposes. I felt like I was being extorted. Really! By a lawyer?
"Okay, mon dieu! Where do I sign? I'm off to a war. I've got bigger fish to fry." I kept on
thinking to myself. (Criminal Code of Canada, Section 346, Saving 2: Talks about how
"extortion is legally permissible" for Civil Proceedings. It is what lawyers use to threaten
clients into submission. Politicians who used to be lawyers, passing laws that assist lawyers to
extort you and I.) I signed. Yet, I still had hope of recouping the sale profits. Not! I never
saw a dime!
97. Direction of Funds for the sale of Lot 9 on Smith Street, Beachburg by lawyer John Sloan
in the amount of $24,658.57 was performed on December 17th, 2010. To whom? I never knew.
Damn! I wrote an e-mail to my wife and Sandra Davidson, Real-Estate Law Clerk of lawyer
John Sloan, that "this sale will not go through, ..." Yet, they did it anyhow. Who orders
98. The Township of Whitewater Region sent a receipt on December 20th, 2010 - to whom
however, I never knew and even to this day - for $355.62.
99. December 21st, 2010: The City of Ottawa requested income information from my wife.
I wonder... Did they know I was overseas sending money? Donno.
100. December 21st, 2010: I had to send an e-mail from Iraq concerning the sale of Lot 9
Smith Street, Beachburg stating to lawyer John Sloan that my wife "[had] control. She's the
boss-lady." Everybody just dying for my signature, even at a war. Criminals for money? I had
no choice, [my] blood already had been shed. [I had much bigger problems - death.]
101. [On] January 6th, 2011 PC Choice Master Card owed by my wife $1,236.94. [I wonder
if she got it. I shall never know.]
102. January 7th, 2011: My wife signed the "Direction" prepared by lawyer John Sloan.
103. January 10th, 2011: My wife made a deposit of $20,747.53 into her RBC Financial account.
[Doesn't the Criminal Code of Canada in Section 380 write about Deceit, Falsehood, and
Fraud? Could one of these be applicable here in this case, perhaps?] This fact was later placed
as a submission into the Superior Court of Justice in 2013.
104. The City of Ottawa sent on January 14th 2011 $1,024.97 - all this money.
105. January 19th, 2011: An $8,974.01 payment was made from the Royal Bank Credit Line
of my wife and I to whom? How? I'll never knew. I was in Camp Taji, Iraq at that time and
during Operation New Dawn - visas or master cards did not work. So, how did I make a
payment? I did not. [Check out the Criminal Code of Canada under Section 380 for a deeper
understanding of Fraud. Thank you.]
106. January 28th, 2011: The City of Ottawa sent $376.63.
107. A Nepean Housing Employment Verification Form was filled out by my wife on February
2nd, 2011 indicating an annual income of $22,711.00 per year. Did the tax man know anything
about a land-sale, Mutual Funds, Trust Funds, welfare, housing, and employment? Why were
there so many bank accounts? Where's the jib? [Would Revenue Canada tax me who never
saw anything? I didn't want to pay taxes for some money I could not access.]
108. The Ottawa Catholic Child Care Corporation on February 4th, 2011 [sent] $1,002.32.
109. February 12th, 2013: My wife and lawyer Judith Alison Campbell submitted into Family
Court that I, the Respondent, used to send my wife, the Applicant, money from the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia, such as: $2,744.32 on December 7th, 2009 - $2,727.64 on January 4th, 2010 -
$2,758.86 on February 3rd, 2010 - $1,477.59 on March 3rd, 2010 - $1,460.97 on April 5th,
2010 - $975.00 on May 3rd, 2010 - $1,075.00 on June 4th, 2010. Total: $13,219.38. Did
Revenue Canada know about this? Did Nepean Housing know? Did the City of Ottawa know,
too? I did not know. Did you? [Criminal Code of Canada, Section 380: who or which
department or ministry must know? Must I pay the taxes for this? Whose income? Mine from
a foreign land?]
110. My wife sent me a Happy Valentine's Day e-mail on February 13th, 2011.
111 A new welfare case worker, #410 Amran Ali, was assigned on February 14th, 2011.
112. February 16th, 2011: Enbridge gave a credit of $17.90 CR.
113. The City of Ottawa sent $285.59 on February 25th, 2011.
114. March 4th, 2011: My wife received a Manulife Financial Tax Receipt for RRSP
Contributions amounting to $356.40.
115. My wife received her Master Card balance on March 9th 2011. She had many chequing
accounts, too: Royal Bank Centrepointe Branch - Royal Bank Riverside Branch - PC Financial.
116. [Then, on] March 15th, 2011 a $344.25 Loan Payment was made via CIBC. [Holly cow!]
117. March 17th, 2011: Enbridge sent a bill for $9.10 to the residency of 23 Plunket Court,
118. March 22nd, 2011: My wife received a Hyundai Bank Street's Request with Loan Info
Card stipulating an amount loaned of $18,946.46.
119. The City of Ottawa gave a $310.12 cheque on March 31st, 2011.
120. The Royal Bank Account Statement on April 5th, 2011 indicated that $223.25 was
received as well as $2,408.10 and $940.72 at other times in April 2011.
121. PC Choice indicated on April 6th, 2011 that an interaction [had taken place] at Hampton
Inn Webster, New York, USA for $265.70. Piña Colada?
123. April 6th, 2011: I received an Immunization Record of my oldest boy's Hepatitis B shot.
124. Canada Revenue Agency's Notice of Assessment for the tax year of 2010 totalling [an]
income [of] $24,180.00 [was sent on] April 18th, 2011. Was everything declared? Where did
my $25,000.00 Beachburg land go? [Criminal Code of Canada, Section 380? More of the
same perhaps - fraud or forgery?]
125. April 29th, 2011: I came back to Ottawa for my first R&R from Iraq. [I know because I
kept] a parking receipt from the War Museum. I took the boys to see the museum. I also took
them to Wheelers Maple Pancake House & Sugar Camp near Perth, Ontario - much fun was
had by me and the boys.
126. [For] a Blue Jays game and other trips around May 25th, 2011 a PC Master Card payment
of $1,369.92 [had to be] acted upon.
127. Ottawa Catholic Child Care pay of $935.51 on May 27th, 2011.
128. June 20th, 2011: An RBC Account Statement was sent indicating $940.98 and $335.00
deposits from other sources.
129. Ottawa Catholic Child Care's [love of] $1,002.32.
130. July 1st, 2011: My wife received a summary of $1,704.69 from a Royal Bank Tax-Free
Savings Account with me as Beneficiary Information.
131. July 7th, 2011: I went to Imperial Gems at Kathmandu, Nepal and bought a precious
stoned diamond ring. [Aside: Soon after this time, and upon my arrival to Ottawa, I bought a
ticket for my wife to go to the Republic of Korea to see her parents and family. She hadn't seen
them in a while. I sent her. I paid for it from the US Military. She used to be always angry, so
I proposed to her while she was in the Republic of Korea to get a divorce there if she wanted.
After all, it was there that we got married. But, no. Was she planning to hide the jib or the
genoa, or just maybe she intended to lower the main all along?] The ring's purpose was to
lessen the blow, I guess - the ticket for social. Oh, well...
132. PC Financial "Low-Cost Borrowing Account" on July 31st, 2011 indicated a balance of
133. September 8th, 2011: I communicated to our youngest boy's elementary school of his
need to listen to his iPod music while on the school bus due to motion sickness.
134. October 6th, 2011: Carol Sherman, Collection Officer of the City of Ottawa's welfare
programme, sent my wife a Reminder Notice for Overpayment of Ontario Works with balance
of $1,431.31. [The Criminal Code of Canada in Section 380 echoes an understanding of 3rd
Party Fraud, does it not? Please read for further appreciation. Thank you, my kind reader.]
135. [On] October 28th, 2011 I purchased a Jeep Wrangler, 2008 for $17,276.99. Thank you,
Iraq. Dan O'Dumoulin, Sales Manager of Dilawri Ottawa, was very helpful, too. "Off to be
with the Lady of the Mist and then to see the Vikings at L'Anse aux Meadows with the boys."
[were all my thoughts since buying the Jeep.] I tried around this time to purchase some land
with James LaFleur of Re/Max at Shawville, Québec. I missed Beachburg, I guess.
Nevertheless, the boys and I loved the Jeep and the places it took us. We nicknamed it "The
Boot" because it always had my boot-tag from Iraq hanging off the rear-view mirror. Even the
License Plate that was given to me by default by the Ministry of Transportation was fitting for
the Jeep, especially for the places my boys and I were planning to go: BMYJ 301 [Be My Jeep:
3/Children, 0/Wife, 1/Dad = BMYJ 301.] Ha! Yahoo! And, we're off...
136. The PC Financial Low-Cost Borrowing Account [was] pegged at $3,184.13 on October
31st, 2011.
137. [I found a] Manulife Investment worth $2,173.34 for November 3rd, 2011. The boys and
I were beneficiaries. I am still the beneficiary?
138. November 28th, 2011: Taylor Group of Companies sent my wife and I a letter for a
Tenant Renewal Policy for [an] existing policy.
139. December 8th, 2011: The Economical Insurance Group sent coverage for house and auto
to both my wife and I.
140. My wife gave to Rogers Ltd. a Minolta Mini Mobile Phone for $129.94 on December
22nd, 2011.
141. [On] December 31st, 2011 my wife declared to the Canada Revenue Agency that she was
separated [from] me. [Things were obviously in the works way before the revilement of the
defunct divorce application.]
142. Mutual Funds sent on January 1st, 2012 a Report on Investments totalling value of
143. January 1st to December 31st, 2012: Automobile Insurance from Lester & McLennan
Brokers Ltd. was sent for my wife and I for the 2009 Hyundai. How did this vehicle get bought?
With the settlement's or the land's money? [No wonder I ain't shuttin' up! And, what about an
insurance plan for my Car Crash if I were part of the policy even though the automobile crash
happened in 2014? Was I ever under any of my wife's insurance plans during 2014? I can't
find the answer.]
144. February 28th, 2012: My wife's RBC Rewards Visa Gold sent a new balance of $1,100.45
due to trips in New York, the United States of America.
145. I persuaded my youngest boy to open an account with his mother with a deposited balance
of $1,200.06 on March 9th, 2012. I was hoping to send more while in Iraq, Saudi, or
Afghanistan. I did the same with the older boys, too. I tried to make sure that they had accounts
themselves for later as I worked overseas. I know the 2008 World Economic Crisis hit us hard,
too, but I always knew, as a financial back-up, that "Black Was Gold," so I had no choice but
to go to the Middle East again to make enough money to support my boys. Meanwhile, I had
to make sure that different channels were open for my boys, vis-à-vis me, not only through the
Internet but also financial means as well, [i.e., banks.]
146. March 26th, 2012: My wife received a prescription from Dr Kristine Whitehead for
Lorazepam for her hereditary anxiety disorder.
147. The RBC Joint Credit Line informed my wife and I of a $200.00 balance on April 30,
148. [On] May 22nd, 2012 I paid $270.12 to Hydro Ottawa for 23 Plunket Court, Ottawa.
149. June 30th, 2012: The RBC Tax-Free Account was valued at $5,344.25.
150. The boys and I were all aboard the Highlanders at 20:26 at Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia.
Off to Port-aux-Basques on July 1st, 2012. Grab your berth, mates!
151. July 3rd, 2012: The boys and I were elated to have had the chance at witnessing a real
wonder, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland. I had hoped to convince my wife to meet
us at Saint Pierre. I had always promised to take her to France. Perhaps we all could have gone
to Gros Morne. I had proposed to fly her there before the journey began so we could all meet,
yet, the Vikings won us all over.
152. [On] July 4th, 2012: An Enbridge Bill of Accounts for my wife and I arrived at 23
Plunkett Court with a credit of $36.00. It was always interesting how sometimes different
institutions recognised us a couple yet others did not. I never bothered with such intricacies,
for I was more interested in getting my life back after contracting a parasitic worm in Iraq. I
had begun to get better, and lastly, made a heartful journey with my boys throughout the Eastern
Coast of Canada before hoping to head toward Afghanistan or the Middle East for more money.
153. The three boys and I found ourselves at Baei-Comeau, Québec on July 11th, 2012. Marc-
André Hickey of Motel Manic, Baei-Comeau was very helpful as well as Suzie Gagnon of
Vision: Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep. Thank you. [Yet,] how we all ended up [in Eastern Canada]
was nice as well. [Along the entire journey,] we had the great fortunes of meeting Vicky
Arsenault of Super 8 at Caraquet, New Brunswick. She started us off on a journey of journeys.
Hamid Sanayie of S&H Consortium at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Islands was very
generous and kind to the boys. We also stopped and had a big lunch and supper at the Fortress
of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia. The Grubstake Restaurant and their cod was something else. We
also had the chance to go and see Sheldon McNeil [of] the Miners Cape Breton Museum at
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. Saint Anthony, Newfoundland and Battle Harbour, Labrador were
places that we shall never forget, I'm sure. And in the end, the trip home proved even splendid
at Le Petit Champlain, Québec for its beautiful "icing-on-the-cake" of our journey east, not to
mention the kind people of Motel Joanne: Christine Poulin and Jacques Gagné at Sainte-Anne-
de-Beaupré - the children's church. Thanks always to the US Military [for the Boot.]
154. The RBC's Centrepointe Branch acknowledged my wife's friend Anita Murray as
beneficiary to her account on July 26th, 2012. What were my wife's plans before December [of
2012] when she applied to the Superior Court of Justice? [I, for one, never knew.]
155. My wife deposited $5,000.00 into her tax-free account on July 26th, 2012. I used to give
her lots of money. She used to hide lots of money. I learnt in the end that she was always very
crafty with the deception of money.
156. August 20th, 2012: Deposited funds [into one] Bank AIC and [another] closed with
Professional Investments/Manulife.
157. My WHMIS [Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System] got updated on
August 20th, 2012 by Labour Ready. Thank you.
158. My wife invested $100.00 into a RBC Registered Plans/Investment Account on August
31st, 2012.
159. Instructor Jeff Turney of Battlefield CAT, Ottawa certified me on September 11th, 2012
as Lift & Boom Operator.
160. September 25th, 2012: $305.00 for our oldest boy's Martial Art Programme at Florin's
Ultimate Martial Arts & Fitness Centre, Kanata, Ontario. The entire martial thing for my boy
reminded me of my Kong Fu days as a youngster at L'École du Sacré-Coeur, Toronto.
161. [On] December 4th, 2012 my wife texted me stating that "I'm not his f... g friend." ["He"
meaning my son.] I tried my best to convince her to be friendlier to our oldest boy. Maybe not
be his friend per say, yet with less screaming. Our oldest kept on punching holes into walls.
He and my wife did not get along during this period. And all I tried to do was help by trying to
associate with my boy.
162. December 5th, 2012: A Family Court Case (#FC-12-2738) at the Superior Court of
Justice, Family Court Branch, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada started on this date by my wife as
applicant and Judith Alison Campbell as lawyer. I'm pretty sure. I never really paid attention
to a divorce proceeding from a court that had no jurisdiction over my marriage anyhow. It was
around this date - don't know - just like I used to never file much anyhow - don't know.
163. December 31st, 2012: I had to see Natalie Hanna of Duty Counsel, Family Court, Ottawa
for advice on "Equal Parenting." I never believed that I would be treated equally anyhow, but
I thought of participating in the beginning; otherwise, I would've not been able to prove I was
right. Canada is a misandrist country after all - Statistics Canada proved that one long ago.
164. I made application (Form 17A: Case Conference Brief) on January 7th, 2013 for the boys
to have a barrister for #FC-12-2738, [Dannielle Dworsky.] If memory serves me well, it was
in fact the only application I had ever made during that entire court case [2012 - 2014,] nor
debriefings, nor a trial brief - just for a "Barrister of the Child" application. Barrister Virve
Georgeson did [represent me] once on my behalf in 2013. I'm sure, that's it. As a man in
Canada, why should I fully participate in a "Misandrist Institution" of any kind let alone a court
process? Not I. I live and breath the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
thank you. [To my knowledge, Dworsky did nothing for the boys except aggravate them as to
why they had to see her and not their Dad. Imagine. They mostly ended up rejecting her.]
165. January 11th, 2013: The City of Ottawa terminated their assistance. I was thankful for
the health card assistance due to my [so-called] Asthma and Disk Degenerative Disease [DDD.]
Nevertheless, I was working with Labour Ready as well, and not to mention my involvement
with Labor Tek, Handyman Personnel, and the YMCA-YWCA. I had also networked with
Ashoka Patel, Employer Liaison, as well as Idil Hersi and Alice Mitchell, Intake Workers, just
to build connections if I could not find a teaching job in Afghanistan once the Superior Court
of Justice rendered its judgement. When? All I knew is that a Respondent "has the Right to
Trial" according to law. "Justice versus Time" Its wheels do not move slowly, rather it is the
lawyers that grind it ever so slowly. I expected for it to take some time.
166. January 16th, 2013: Master, [okay - like Judge] Calum MacLeod of the Superior Court
of Justice, Ottawa ordered me to file my income taxes for the years of 2010 and 2011. It became
obvious that this man did not know law. Snow Birds [seniors] lose their OHIP if they go down
south for more than 6 months because of a residency factor in law. A person does not have to
file income taxes in Canada if he or she is not a resident, MacLeod. I was in a war, my kind
[Master-Judge.] I told you this fact. My Master Card wouldn't even work there, let alone an
application for non-residency to the Ministry of Taxation [Revenue Canada.] If you read ten
books in university, Judge MacLeod, you'll read a thousand in your career. That's an English
teacher speaking, master. We do not need people like this on the [King's] Bench. [An idiot?]
167. Michelle Lamonde, Case Co-ordinator for Ontario Works at 100 Constellation Crescent,
Ottawa wrote me a letter on January 23rd, 2013 indicating that a single man with 3 dependent
children would rate: $350.00 for Basic Needs and $695.00 for Shelter, a total of $1,045.00.
Around this same time, I asked Kevin Smith, Eligibility Review Officer and Angella
Thompson-Mark, Case Co-ordinator, as well as Hannah London, Supervisor for an update and
review of any account on January 23rd, 2013 [seeing that I had recovered from a parasite and
just catapulted in a defunct divorce.] I never was given a copy of their review despite my
168. [On] January 30th, 2013 I made every attempt to communicate with Valerie Merner, legal
assistant of lawyer Alison Campbell, for I had full awareness of my boys' need to play hockey.
I had Syrmo witness my approval for the boys to play even in New York, the United States of
America. If I knew where exactly and when exactly would they be coming back, I was okay
with that. Kids love activities. My wife was a born Korean-National, however. The United
States of America is the gateway to the world. I demanded to know. My biological father [a
grade-5 teacher] kept me away from my biological mother [a legal secretary] by way of
international boarders due to the ineptitude of the Superior Court of Justice's inability to keep
me as a child within its own jurisdiction. Thus, with my wife and my childhood experience
with the Superior Court, I demanded to know where my boys would always be while in a foreign
country. Period. How stupid was that demand? Honourable, that's all. [Does the COVID-19
international boarder issue between Canada & the U.S. bring to mind what I used to argue
about years ago? I bet it does now. It is imperative for the Superior Court to keep a child
within its boarders. Period.]
169. Laura Bowerman, Children's Aide worker of Ottawa, wrote me a letter on February 11th,
2013 stating that "My Boys Were Never at Risk of Physical Harm." She was obviously sexist
in her constant support of a mother of three rather than a father of three. I asked Laura
Bowerman to assign a male case worker. She introduced me to Sarah Jarvis, Child Protection
Services. Are there no men at the Children's Aide Society of Ottawa? Sexism is discrimination.
Discrimination breeds crime. I have advised this reality all my adult life.
170. I had received a math test from my youngest boy on February 20th, 2013. He'd always
quiz me. Field Trips with schools were always fun, too, with all my boys.
171. I made a deposit of $1,000.00 to Barrister Virve Georgeson on February 27th, 2013. She
later returned my deposit once Legal Aide got involved. Thank you. She was the only honest
barrister I ever met.
172. March 2013 was important, for a choice of dates for our youngest boy's First Communion
had to be made [April 6th, 13th, or 14th at Saint John the Apostle Parish, Ottawa.] Lay Pastoral
Associate, Klara Kinahan, had advised us to do so. It was nice to see lawyer Judith Alison
Campbell's son also receive First Communion with my youngest boy, too, or at least I thought
it was [him.] Solemn times were had by all, nevertheless.
173 Legal Aide Ontario approved me on March 4th, 2013 for 4 hours as First Case or a
Settlement Conference and 12 hours for Tariffs.
174 [On] March 8th, 2013 I received an "Endorsement" from the Superior Court of Justice,
Family Court Branch, [but] from whom? [It] was hand written [with] no judge's name legible.
Nice courts, eh?
175. Carolyn Pim, Associate Medical Officer of Health of Ottawa Public Health made an
Order on March 26th, 2013 for Suspension our oldest boy from April 3rd, 2013 to April 30th,
2013 because of Diphtheria and Tetanus.
176. [On] April 4th, 2013 I wrote to Saint Catherines Tax Service Office attempting to
understand the declaration of Andrews Brothers Limited's Settlement with lawyer Michael
Thiele and the sale of Beachburg's [land] with lawyer John Sloan. I still do not know. I had
submitted my same inquiry to the Children's Aide Society of Ottawa and Legal Aide Ontario.
[Has anyone read the Criminal Code of Canada's Section 380? Do I wish to be charged by
Revenue Canada for not filing the sale of the land or the unconstitutional settlement with
Andrews Brothers LTD.? Or, should my wife be charged for not filling, for she did profit from
both and not I?]
177. Dentist Chumak started with one of my boy's braces programme on April 11th, 2013. I
told my boy to begin with the money I had deposited into his account. I was happy to see him
begin his journey to a better smile.
178. Saint Paul High School of Ottawa on April 11th, 2013 suspended my oldest boy from
April 12th, 2013 to April 15th, 2013.
179. April 15th, 2013: "My Boys Are KIDNAPPED!" I kept on screaming. [Criminal Code of
Canada, Section 280: Abduction of person under age of 16; (1) Every person who, without
lawful authority, takes or causes to be taken a person under the age of 16 years out of the
possession of and against the will of the parent or guardian of that person or of any other
person who has the lawful care or charge of that person is guilty of (a) an indictable offence
and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years - the Constitution Act, 1982
guarantees Fundamental Right to Association? The most important freedom know to human
kind is that of the association of kin.] I later filed a Missing Persons Report #13-94204 with the
Ottawa Police Service. Nobody told me where they were, not even lawyer Judith A. Campbell,
lawyer D. Dworsky, or case worker L. Bowerman. It took me approximately 5 days to find my
boys. I found my boys myself. No-one would tell me where they were. Since this date, many
police officers had become involved: Sergeant Stokes #5806, Constable Coldwell, Officer
Mann #2067, and Sergeant Hayes #1319. Where were you for the children and me? Statistics
Canada clearly has indicated in countless reports that such an action of kidnapping or
absconding of children by another partner or another associate is the leading cause of spousal
violence, even homicide. Way to go Judith Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, and Laura
Bowerman. Criminals! And no-one went to jail? Welcome to Canada, a perfect crime? [Read
law: even if I think of a divorce in this case and all of its stupidities in relation to Korea, Canada,
and I, a divorce according to Ontario's laws is actually between "spouse" not "parent and
child." Obey it, please lawyers! Welcome to Canada!]
179. [On] April 15th, 2013 I had to hire Nir's Lock's Incorporated (613-282-5358) to "Unlock
My Door" at 23 Plunket Court. They charged me $56.50, including taxes just for the receipt. I
thought of calling the Victim/Witness Assistance Programme from the Ministry of the Attorney
General, but I somehow thought that would not help - Family Courts are misandrist courts. Jail
time for no-one? [Not likely in Canada, Welcome!]
180. The Registry of Social Housing of Ottawa approved my wife's status as Special Priority
on April 16th, 2013. The Registry was okay with a father of three children to be placed on the
curb? The father was not placed immediately on Special Priority. [Why?] Misandry!!!
181. [On] April 17th, 2013 I applied to the Landlord and Tenant Board with an application for
consideration [for] Nepean Housing Corporation to allow me and live at 23 Plunket Court, or
at least further collect my belongings - I was denied. The misandry of courts affects [other]
social ministries, so much so for the children if you're a father - discrimination, that's all.
182. I had to go to the Civic Campus' Emergency Unit of the Ottawa Hospital on April 20th,
2013 for a Ventolin Inhaler, for I could not find my old one due to my constant search for my
kidnapped, absconded boys - endangering my life now. Welcome to Canada!
183. [On] April 24th, 2013 my oldest boy threatened me when I found my youngest boy and
his older brother, "Give [him] back to mum. I'll fuck u up." [What did they do to my boy?]
My youngest boys told me where my oldest boy was, too, thereafter. I just wanted to know if
they were all okay. I knew in my gut that, once they were kidnapped, I would never be their
father. [Every lawyer, cop, or judge would cover-up.] I cried. No-one volunteered to provide
me with information concerning their whereabouts or their health. I had to find them on my
own. And people kept on telling me that I shouldn't use the word "kidnap." "It's not good."
CAS et al. used to reiterate to me. It is exactly what happened: all individuals under 16 years
of age, [Bowerman.] One never gets back that which was stolen. Campbell, Dworsky, and
Bowerman infringed upon the most Fundamental Human Right known to human kind: The
Fundamental Human Right to Association. To Whom are you going to talk? To a tree? And,
in this case, the right to associate with kin, the most important the Father [and Mother.] This
is the greatest crime against children, an act without just cause, [and there was none in
Campbell's or Bowerman's case against me.] They thought that they would tap into my heart
strings and force me into a settlement during some bargain mediation process. Not I. I do not
negotiate with criminals. I learnt that from the US government, thank goodness. And, no-one
goes to jail? Welcome to Canada!
184. A Hearing was held at the Landlord and Tenant Tribunal on April 24th, 2013. Lawyer
Michael Thiele represented the Nepean Housing Corporation. I had asked Mike Schingh,
Director of Property, and Susan Shea, Accounts Receivable Co-ordinator, both of which were
from Nepean Housing Corporation, for a copy of the lease at 23 Plunkett Court, yet to not avail.
I received in the end a Notice of Trespass. I never even committed a crime, and I'm kicked out
of my own home. I guess I loved too much. Criminals, eh? And, no-one goes to jail? Welcome
to Canada!
185. Approximately around this time, my oldest boy texted me stating, "I wanna kill myself."
What did you people do? [I think it was on April 25th, 2013. What did the Children's Aide
Society and those two lawyers do to my little boys? No Temporary Custody Order either!]
186. [On] May 1st, 2013 the Social Housing Registry of Ottawa received my application for
subsidy. I was granted Special Priority as well only after I screamed out loud that they were
sexist for not wanting to place me on a Priority List in the first place. Why did it take me so
long but not for my wife? Thank goodness that Intake Worker, Christine Varley, listened to
my cries. She was one of the few that was the least sexist for at least she was willing to place
me immediately on the Special Priority List. I ended up being privileged to be given a one-
bedroom. Thank you. I had hoped for at least a two-bedroom seeing that I had many children,
yet I had also thought of not being so naïve. Thanks again.
187. The City of Ottawa on May 7th, 2013 confirmed that I would not receive Shelter Benefits.
Christine Langlois was the Verification Specialist.
188. The City of Ottawa gave me a cheque for $108.71 on May 30th, 2013.
189. [On] June 2nd, 2013 my youngest boy and I went to the Canada Aviation and Space
Museum to see Darth Vader. No man can tell another man whom he must associate with or not.
We often used to go to Kitchissippi Beach. I used to walk him to his elementary school. We
always met at the Blue Park. He followed his heart. His frontal lob had not been fully
developed yet. He hadn't hit puberty. He wasn't prone to external illogical influences and lies
that the kidnapping perpetuated. The others on the other hand gave up, too, on all the Children's
Aide workers and associated lawyers despite their attempts to influence them that the court
matters would be over shortly, thinking that they would negotiate with me and my heart strings.
Not I. [They lied to the boys for two years. That's the "Trickery!"] The older boys didn't even
want to talk to them [anymore.] In the end, they were all heroes for standing up against a foe
that wanted to disassociate them from their Dadda. We tried.
190. I became a new member of Emploi Ontario by June 10th, 2013. Around this time, Tish
Belanger and Dan Whetung of the City of Ottawa ended up helping me enormously. Dan
Whetung even wanted to help me with reinstating my TESL Ontario Certification. Thank you.
191. June 18th, 2013: [Judge] Timothy Minnema of the Superior Court of Justice, Family
Branch, Ottawa wrote an Order.
192. Labour Ready Limited gave me on June 18th, 2013 a summary of my employment record.
On average, I made $60.00 for part of the day.
193. Siobhan Kearns, Manager of Ottawa Public Health, granted me on June 20th, 2013 a
"Food Handler Certificate." Thank you. More back-up in case I had to stay in Ottawa due to
the Superior Court.
194. July 25th, 2013: [Judge] James McNamara of the Superior Court of Justice at Ottawa
ordered that "I shall execute all documents..." Was he thinking about some execution of
documents before my three boys were kidnapped by lawyers Judith Alison Campbell, Danielle
Dworsky, and Laura Bowerman or after the kidnapping? Because after the kidnapping, I barely
found my tooth brush let alone documents, there [Judge] McNamara. I guess the mother did
not tell [him] that she had changed the lock, and that I had to relocate my place of residency,
eh? Was that misleading of justice or was that just an oops? [The Criminal Code of Canada
in Section 137 writes about Fabricating Evidence - Every one who, with intent to mislead,
fabricates anything with intent that it shall be used as evidence in a judicial proceeding, existing
or proposed, by any means other than perjury or incitement to perjury is guilty of an indictable
offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years? How is it that
"cover-ups" of the absconding of children without just cause are not misleading? Not!]
195. Lawyer Tom Richard of Legal Aide Ontario sent me a letter of acknowledgement for
Change of Lawyer on June 27th, 2013.
196. July 18th, 2013: Danielle Dworsky, Children's Lawyer, wrote an e-mail to Judith Alison
Campbell which stated that my oldest boy had presented them with concerns. They knew and
did nothing! They had abducted the children! That's why! You can't do that to a child and
expect positive results. They were in their care since April 15th, 2013. I used to be with them
like a hawk, making Hot-Chocolate at Out-Door-Rinks, trying my dumbness to skateboard just
so I could keep an eye on my older boys, and who they were hanging out with more importantly.
That and other techniques that I used to use to monitor [them as a parent] had been taken away
from them. [That was] Unprofessional Conduct [Criminal Code of Canada, Section
22 (1) Where a person counsels another person to be a party to an offence and that other person
is afterwards a party to that offence, the person who counselled is a party to that offence,
notwithstanding that the offence was committed in a way different from that which was
counselled; Constitution Act, 1982? To know and do nothing is a crime, no?]
197. My oldest boy threatened to kill me via text on August 7th, 2013. "Parental Alienation"
had taken its tole. Where is justice? Disassociation is the cornerstone of anti-establishment.
Who will be held responsible? It was never his fault. No-one goes to jail for [what] they did
to him? Welcome to Canada!
198. Virve Georgeson faxed Judith A. Campbell on October 17th, 2013 that she was no longer
my Barrister.
199. November 5th, 2013: [Judge] Giovanna Toscano Roccamo wrote an Order for I to
execute all documents to the Family Branch, Superior Court of Justice. I remember her asking
me once, "Do you know who I am?" I said nothing to her. I was silent. I was going to tell her
that she was a civil servant poised to judicate a case that was before her on behalf of her Queen;
however, I did not think that she would have liked that, especially in front of her peers. You're
200. [On] November 13th, 2013 Legal Aide Ontario sent me a Notice of Intention to Cancel
with lawyer Virve Georgeson.
201. The City of Ottawa suspended [support] sometime around December 20th, 2013.
202. January 10th, 2014: [Judge] Robert Smith of the Superior Court of Justice, Family
Branch, wrote an Order for Supervised Visitations. People are not meant to be in a "Fish-Bowl"
for observation, Smith. People associate with one another in public and are observed naturally
by the public, especially with children like in parks, outdoor rinks, festivals, libraries, malls, or
homes with friends and family - not in a bowl. Never. Dream on, please...
203. January 15, 2014: $1,000.00 payment to dentist Len Chumak for our boys' braces.
204 My wife et al. finally realised on June 13th, 2014 that her crime of kidnapping and
keeping that grip on me was over; she capitulated by sending me a note that my youngest boy
can go with me to a BBQ. To deny a child access for so long is in effect a crime: Criminal
Harassment against Children. Other people call it Parental Alienation. Personally, I called it a
crime. They even tried to get the school not to allow me to pick up my boy. I used to pick up
my boys all the time from school and take them home. Did anyone say "sorry" to the boys?
205 [On] July 8th, 2014 Maureen MacGillivray, Family Trial Co-ordinator of the Superior
Court of Justice sent me a Notice for a Trial Scheduled for Friday, August 29th, 2014 [in order]
to set a Trial Date for October of 2014.
206. [On the] 29th of October, 2014: [Judge] Stanley Kershman of the Superior Court of
Justice of Ottawa [FC #12-2738] announced his "Deliberation" of our "Certificate of Divorce."
Sexist Kershman had stated in the order that the marriage between my wife and I took place on
December 27th, 1997. Wrong, Kershman. It was December 3rd, 1997. And, my name is not
Paul Robert. [It's Paul-Robert, thank you.] By the way, Kershman, my wife's name is? And,
I forgot. I was married to my wife in Bu San Shi, the Republic of Korea that is way beyond
your jurisdiction of Ontario, my kind gentleman, Kershman. [How would you know her name,
thus?] Many criticised me then for saying such a thing. Perhaps now, people can ask how
Meng Wanz Hou of "Hua Wei" felt concerning Canada's legal jurisdictional issues, let alone
[what I went through.]
207. [On the] 29th of October, 2014 [when Judge] Stanley Kershman of the Superior Court
of Justice of Ottawa [FC #12-2738] announced his "Deliberation" dated approximately on the
23-10-2014, custody of the boys went to my wife. Misandry! The Order granted access for the
children to their father, their Fundamental Human Right to Association restored! Criminals:
Campbell, Dworsky, and Bowerman? $3.00 per month Child Support payable to the Family
Responsibility Office [a.k.a.: The Office of Child Support?] was ordered, too. Access to the
boys every Tuesday, Thursday, every other weekend, Christmas morns, summer camps, Easter
hunts, and other holidays. Where were you, Campbell?

NOTHING for 7 (seven) YEARS

Not one attempt for a "Motion to Change?"
To compel TD Insurance et al. into "Urgently Supporting" a Dad of 3 boys?
Not for a Single-Man as TD et al. have done for seven years!
This is how Judith Alison Campbell et al. have treated three children in your community.
By doing nothing!
My boys are now men with your scares!

208. February 25th, 2021: My wife gave "Authorisation and Direction" to lawyer Judith Alison
Campbell to communicate with lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki "with respect to the family law issues
that relate to [Hipkiss'] settlement claim." I am assuming right now that my wife and Campbell
were referring to my Car Crash illegal foibles [#16-69137.] I am now involved in further
negative adversarial conflicts, a.k.a.: Family Court - all over $3.00 [per child per month for 7
years?] Nevertheless, please take heed, when you see a man with a hat on the street, do not
take the penny in his hat, rather throw him a crown. Queen Elizabeth II would have taught me
this, I am sure had I ever had the privilege of meeting Her.
209. March 29th, 2021: Judith A. Campbell and my wife apply to the Superior Court of Justice
for a "Motion to Change."
210. April 28th, 2021: First Court Date at 09:00 with instructions from the Ministry of the
Attorney General's "First Appearance Hearing Information Package" to call 1-866-633-1033
and then enter Passcode: 9191464#. I guess I must go to a pay-phone at the gate of China Town,
or at Preston & Elm Streets, Ottawa. Oh, my goodness. I guess both offered dates April 22nd,
2021 and April 28th, 2021 as offered by Awadia Shailina, Trial Co-ordinator of the Superior
Court of Justice, Ottawa is when and what I must do. I hope I do not get COVID-19. I hope
they postpone everything until Ontario's third wave subsides. This is not Justice. It's suicide.
I used to teach my boys that, if one does not wish to catch a virus, one must be selective with
whom one sleeps. Similarly, if one does not wish to catch a coronavirus, one must be selective
with whom one associates in public. The Superior Court of Justice is forcing me to associate
with the public in public during a World Pandemic. They went without me instead?
Malfeasance is a crime in Canada, especially to people with Acquired Brain Injury. Welcome.
211. Where were you, Campbell, all these years? Your inaction is your complicity. Your
complicity is your guilt. You never did have the "best interests of the children." It's the law.
You only wanted money. You never followed the greatest law - the child. [And again, on
January 31st, 2023, we shall meet - never mind the spat of August 27th, 2021 in front of Judge
Summers, yet for another stab at misleading justice to get your cashless peanuts, Campbell.
Treat people equally. You must be disbarred!]

Is there anything else I could have written about? Perhaps so, but for now, I think I got
shocked enough already by merely writing what I could recollect. Thank goodness I found all that
paperwork though. I wouldn't have been able to remember it all at court, otherwise, for sure. But
anyhow, I hope this expository really brings to light the systematic "cover-up" and "sexism" by
lawyers and judges of Ontario to the point of potential, irreparable harm to children or a woman
for that matter, for the only purpose of not getting convicted of committing the crimes of
absconding/kidnapping, fraud, and forgery. Children are neither shields for legal gain within
Canada as much as they are neither shields in war. Such "Legal Battle Tactics" are malfeasant,
unprofessional conduct coming from any member of His Majesty's Bar. The only way to nip this
criminality in the bud is to make examples of litigators et al. who commit such heinous acts
concerning children. The family unity is the nucleus of society. Understanding what is in the best
interest of a child is paramount for a flourishing country, let alone community or province, to exist.
Please understand that a child needs both parents in order to achieve an earnest knowledge of
egalitarianism, let alone life. Tata...
Rebut the Rebuttal
David's Denial from an Altered Mind

Court File Number: #16-69137

Superior Court of Justice
David's Denial
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
(Events of a Criminal Automobile Insurance Industry)


Before reading this [denial,] you need to ask yourself this following question: "What man
does not sign a Settlement worth millions of dollars?" Then please pause and think seriously about
the answer. Now then, please read my "Formula One Affidavit" as I call it, a tad more carefully.
I have faith that you will discriminate against illegalities while plowing through to the finish line
in your read of this Rebuttal, with quiet endeavour to find a shadow of light between the darkness
of the words created by the "Ass' Mint" which are now laid out on a rug's dye, bled to be hung.

But, I sincerely hope that a deeper understanding of "Justifiable Recompense" will emerge
from this read. It surely did I because, the valour of the day and all of its tender is the acceptance
that, no matter the claim of injustice, be it a flooded basement or a "Poor-Rotten Hoof" as well as
a banged-up automobile, justice may never be served nor obtained without the practice of the Rule
of Law. That's how the disbursements of justice become justifiable through legal procedure, most
of all its adherence. What is most import throughout any charge, however, is the utmost priority
of "Human Life" versus any "Tin Can." The Human Is the Subject of Justice, Not the Object.


1. A Car Crash at 18:30 on October 29th, 2014 changed my life. Automobile Insurers,
lawyers, mediators, court clerks, litigators, judges, and adjusters - all within 7 Years - destroyed
my life forever.
2. Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following
lawyers of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Dawn Baglole, McCague-Borlack, Alison
Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, Charles Genest, Virve Georgeson, Joseph Griffiths,
Auger-Hollingsworth, Mikolaj Grodzki, Lisa Langevin, Patricia Lawson, Todd McCarthy,
Kevin Temple, and Michael Thiele. [Lawyers, and then some.]
3. Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following
Honourable Justices of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Robert Beaudoin, Adriana Doyle,
Stanley Kershman, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, and Heather Williams. [Judges plus.]
4. Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following
Insurers: Meloche Monnex Financial Services, Primmum Insurance Company, Security
National Insurance Company, TD General Insurance Company, TD Home and Auto Insurance
Company, and TD Meloche Monnex Group. [3 Insurers only?]
5. Since and including October 29th, 2014, I have had to associate with the following
Associate Adjusters and Claims Specialists: Denise Fenlon, Ramona Kerr, Shaikh Masum,
Wayne Nunes, Cherivic Paculaba, Lynn Parker, Chris Potoczek, Delia Ravindran, Anastasia
Simos, Nancy Stobbs, and Meagan Whittaker. [11 Adjuster-Specialists & a Tired Donkey]
6. How can a victim receive proper, positive rehabilitation when placed constantly in
adversarial conflicts for seven years plus, legal or otherwise, concerning financial support for
health, safety, and rehabilitation? I wasn't able...

Days in Question:

7. At approximately 13:00 on October 29th, 2014, Judge Stanley Kershman delivered his
misandrist deliberation in Writ concerning Family Court proceedings of #12-2738. His order
seriously reflected his unprofessional conduct of obeying the law let alone acknowledging it,
for the abduction of children under the age of 14 even by a parent is against the Criminal Code
of Canada under Section 282, for it states: "Every one who, being the parent, guardian or person
having the lawful care or charge of a child under the age of 14 years, takes, entices away,
conceals, detains, receives or harbours that child, in contravention of a custody order or a
parenting order made by a court anywhere in Canada, with intent to deprive a parent or guardian,
or any other person who has the lawful care or charge of that child, of the possession of that
child is guilty of: a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
ten years...". Yes, Stanley Kershman. My three boys were kidnapped on April 15th, 2013.
Who kidnapped them? I demand to know. It's my right. I never saw them for approximately
5 days until I found them myself. I even filed a Missing Persons Report with the Ottawa Police
Services [#13-94204.] Complicity is your crime, Stanley Kershman. In the end, the order did
put a pause on the 2 Years of Systemic Sexism that was perpetuated by the Superior Court of
Justice et al.; in that he granted my three boys' access to their loving father at least; however,
he exacerbated his misandrist beliefs via his practice of having not granted "Shared Parenting"
to both respondent and applicant, father and mother. He further thought he had the audacious
authority to pass judgement concerning a marriage that never existed within his jurisdiction.
He made a defunct order all around which was well worth an Appeal, regardless of and prior to
Gaetan Comeau, the reckless driver. Nonetheless, all were witness that 29th day including
Judith Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, my wife, and I - Stanley Kershman and his Crown
Clerk, too. In a way, it was a gratifying moment for me. Alas, my three boys finally won back
their fundamental right, their Freedom to Associate with their kin - their father. Yet, without
further ado, Campbell conned Stanley Kershman through persuasion into letting her abuse the
Family Responsibility Office [Office of Child Support] as her own collection agency for court
costs, hence the $7,500 that is owed on record still to this date, in addition to an outstanding
$3.00 per month in direct child support. The Family Responsibility Office has turned into a
Lawyer Support Office, pre-lawyer-judicators supporting lawyers in Ontario, Canada. But, I
wasn't interested in their defunct criminal "pat-on-the-back" practise of jurisprudence because
my boys gained their right to "sleepovers." I didn't care about anything else. I was so happy.
So, right after the Court House, I hurried off to the apartment at 340 Gloucester Street, Ottawa.
I had to prepare some snacks,[of course,] especially for my youngest boy, yet always a little
something for my other guys as well. I [went] to meet my little gentleman as usual after school
in Barrhaven. This time, however, I was off on a mission to spread the good news: "We can
have 'sleepovers,' guys!" [2 Years of Court Sexism against Men]
8. I caught up with my youngest after school that 29th day, and we were so happy. We kept
on planning out loud what we were going to do during our "sleepover," like watch a movie or
play a game maybe. Our smiles were from ear to ear. No sooner however, I asked my young
lad where his brothers were, so we could tell them, too. He told me that one was about to play
hockey at the Nepean Sportsplex [on] Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean. That was splendid. I
instructed my youngest to tag along with his mum, who was evidently going to go as well, and
that I would meet him at the rink to plan our "sleepover" some more. I proceeded at a time,
which was approximately the beginning of sunset. It was sometime around 18:15 hundred
hours. I could see the sky let alone my nose. Then, ...? Bang! "A Pedestrian Car Crash"

9. At approximately 18:30 on October 29th, 2014, a driver by the name of Gaetan J.

Comeau recklessly drove [approximately] 40 km/hr and hit me [from behind on my right side.]
I remember nothing after the Car Crash. Nevertheless, he was not criminally charged.
Welcome to Canada: The Perfect Crime? A "small fine" was paid according to a testimony by
Ms Lawson at Catana Reporting Services, Ottawa. Marc Comeau was the owner covered by
Security National Insurance Company according to the Motor Vehicle Accident Report written
by Constable Jennifer Delia. I was crossing a crosswalk at Long Gate Court and Earl Mulligan
Drive, Barrhaven, Upper Ottawa, [roughly 12 kilometres away from my place of residency.] I
was about a block away from my youngest boy's school, Saint Luke Catholic School. School
Zones' speed limits in Ottawa are mostly 30 km/hr, are they not? Police officers Constable
Jennifer Delia and Constable Tyler McPhee began their reports at almost 18:40 hundred hours.
They must have [arrived] shortly after the Crash and [wrote] the report thereafter. [A
professional must write the time of writ once her or his pen hits the paper, not before or after,
nor any other idea of some hypothetical "guess-timication" - pen to paper, simply.] I trust them.
Thus, the actual Crash was likely 18:15 if Delia wrote 18:40 [in her report.] How long does it
take for an ambulance and a cruiser to arrive at a crime scene? I think 5 to 15 minutes. [Lawyer]
Joseph Griffiths of McCague Borlack at Toronto advised the courts, during a March 29th, 2019
[Pre-Trial] Mediation Conference at the Court House of Ottawa, that I got hit during the dark.
Joseph Griffiths misled justice to [Judge] Giovanna Toscano Roccamo who was [the presiding
Justice.] He had argued that it was dark and that's why the driver, Gaetan Comeau, couldn't see
me crossing the crosswalk when in fact it was daylight. Google it, Joseph Griffiths. It was
daylight. It is a criminal offense to Mislead Justice according to Section 137 of the Criminal
Code of Canada, [for it writes: "Every one who, with intent to mislead, fabricates anything with
intent that it shall be used as evidence in a judicial proceeding, existing or proposed, by any
means other than perjury or incitement to perjury is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years."] According to notes taken by police, I
was struck from behind while walking in a westerly direction. The crash was "life threatening."
Paramedics Masse, Arcand, & Lefebvre arrived with ambulance and noted that I had been
traumatised, and that I had symptoms of Acute Confusion, Head/Brain Injury, and back pain.
Blood was also noticed on the ground. Their reports were written at approximately 18:37. I
suspect that I was rushed thereafter to the Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Ottawa. At 20:00,
radiologist Rafael Glikstein stated that I had a "questionable linear hypodensity on the right
zygoma, a minimal nondisplaced fracture cannot be excluded." He further commented that "a
small subdural hematoma cannot be entirely excluded." And that there was an "intraventricular
bleed" present. In my brain? What? Yes, indeed. Vlad the Impaler had cometh. According
to a nurse's note from hospital at approximately 22:40 on October 30th, 2014, "blood [was]
noted on right side of face and on pillow case." In other words, my brain was still bleeding
even after a day later of the Car Crash. [These are] in fact the events and days that must be
calculated by all professionals whence considering possible, futuristic, or probable outcomes
because of this Crash. Look at my x-Ray from my file at Hospital - a 300 Millimetre Gap was
created in my brain on the front-right side of my head. That is almost the size of a Canadian
$2.00 coin. How would you fare after having a Toonie ($2) placed into your brain? Does a
man have to die before a reckless driver gets criminally charged in Barrhaven? Does a man
have to become a complete vegetable before getting help from TD Insurance, Meloche Monnex,
or Security National? Answer me, Joseph Griffiths. Perhaps the spilling of human blood was
not convincing enough? Answer me, Patricia Lawson, Partner Associate of Borlack-McCague.
10. On October 30th, 2014 radiologist Mohamed El-Khodary commented on the fact that I
had developed a form of "right-sided scoliosis." Not one nurse, medical doctor, occupational
therapist, lawyer, or judge told me of this extremely important fact of my physical injury until
the Ottawa Chiropractic Health Clinic and Physiotherapy of Ottawa helped me figure this out
many years after the Crash, [starting from 2017 until the present.] I was so glad that I found
the health clinic. My thanks to them. El-Khodary also mentioned "shoulder joint" issues. In
any event, I'm happy that at least he noticed it from the start of the Crash. [So,] where were
lawyers Charles Genest, Michael Thiele, or Mikolaj Grodzki? For 12 lawyers not to have my
medical file from Hospital is Unprofessional Conduct. The Law Society of Ontario condemns
lawyers that know of illegal acts or unprofessional conduct performed by other lawyers and not
report them to the society, does it not? Not one person has told the Society that no-one has
ordered my hospital file [to this date?] How come? How does anyone expect to judge anything
that is [unknown?] This is criminal. [Negligence]


11. I obviously do not remember much as an inpatient at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa
Hospital, except for some traumatising and shocking moments that trigger my current memory.
And, when I see various medical documents, I [then] tend to remember more such as with the
creation of [these assertions.] Just because I have memory loss does not mean that I am stupid.
For example, I wished to take the stand and be placed under Oath on March 29th, 2019 during
the Pre-Trial Conference; however, I was denied the Freedom to Speak. I wished merely to
look at some documents that help with my memory. I was deprived of Equal Opportunity to
Justice. I brought the same documents to many Mediations, Hearings, and Psycho-Assessments.
No-one wanted ever to hear what I had to say or even what I could remember. So, without
further ado, I shall make every attempt to reflect on my experience at hospital based on my own
medical file from hospital that I had demanded a full copy once I departed, something that [no
other person] has but me.
12. My Ontario Health Insurance Plan only produces for medical doctors a general synopsis
of my medical records and not that of the entire medical file such as [the one] at hospital. I am
the only person who has everything. For example, I have nurses' notes, photocopies, x-ray
photos, scans, and therapists' notes just to mention a few. I further have medical records from
Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea). No-one else does. I also have medical records
from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I similarly have medical records from the United States of
America's military. Most of my records are not included in an electronic version of my
[artificial,] medical file that general health practitioners can obtain by swiping my OHIP card
upon visit. For my complete medical file concerning this Car Crash, people must go to the
accounts department located on the basement floor of the Ottawa General Hospital and ask for
it. They will not give it to you without my permission or a [judge's] order. I have it because
it's mine. Normally, most people do not do this. I learnt this behaviour of demanding my
personal files because I have lived in 7 different countries. I do not release files, never.
13. A nurse wrote at 05:40 on October 31st, 2014 "Why do I hurt?" I am guessing that I was
the one asking her/he this question. She/he had to remind me why I was admitted to hospital.
She/he further wrote, "more leaking on pillow after gauze placed on right ear."
Blood 2 Days Later - Happy Hallowe'en, Borlack.
14. As [noted] by physician Da Silva on November 7th, 2014, the discovery of a "fracture of
right zygoma" [arose,] as well as other medical notes like: amnesia, recollection, cuing,
dizziness, vertigo, vision, management, supervision, and very poor verbal reasoning.
15. On November 8th, 2014 physician Prakash Babani filed a complaint with the Ontario
Ministry of Health based on a Serious Harm Test, which stated that I had "threatened to fight."
Who? Perhaps Casper. I do not know. And as such, I was deemed to have caused "another
person to fear bodily harm." Thus, it begins here McCague. I mean your unprofessional
conduct. Yours too, Borlack. There is no excuse for you. My mind had been altered because
of Comeau. Therefore, you have to treat me differently, especially during interrogation. Your
interrogatives must be shaped differently to allow me time to recollect or remember. The lack
thereof, [once at Discovery 2,] became a major brain trigger for me, especially [due my
developing] hypo-bipolar [after] the Car Crash, never mind all the other stuff. [Why? Because
of lawyer Griffiths and his unprofessional interrogation.] Yes, with valour however, you seek
the truth? There are a lot of criminals out there? Protect your wallet. It is your right. However,
I have a Toonie ($2) in [my] brain. It doesn't mean that I am stupid. My neuro-pathways in
my brain had been shattered. As I discover more things about who I was, either through
personal effort or inquiry, my brain recreates new neuro-pathways in my brain, and these are
what I call "ZAPs!" [They hurt!] It is as if an ice-pick is being driven through my head by an
assailant. To stave off this personal threat however, I have fight it, run from it, or pass out due
to some seizure. I am extremely slow at many things. With a lot of extra problems that I
constantly have, [I must] be on guard for my protection. You never treated me equally [during
both Discoveries, chiefly by not understanding my disability but rather focusing only on your
ability.] I demand Equal Opportunity to Justice. You badgered me with interrogation. You
harassed me with misleading intent, not once but twice under Oath. You abused me. That's
Criminal Harassment to interrogate an altered mind in such a manner. To have done so to a
person that had a toonie in his brain? You are a criminal, [are you not?]
16. On Remembrance Day, November 11th, 2014, I signed out of the Civic Campus. I had
cried so much when I discovered that I had children while at hospital. Only one came with his
mothers. Both had cried as well I. That I do remember. I never understood why my wife
complained about me so much in the past when she cried profusely in front of her child while I
was on a hospital bed. What an emotional wreck of [a wife,] she must have become. I didn't
care at the time. I longed for a reunion with my boys - a "sleepover," of course.
17. I was so blessed that Myka Riopel from the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus [because she
had given] me her card as I left. One of my boys taught me during a stay together that I had a
bigger problem than I had initially thought [during our first "sleepover."] As usual, I attempted
to help my boy with his homework, and suddenly I realised that I could not spell. So, I called
Myka Riopel on November 28th, 2014 and [asked her] "when [I could go] to rehab." It was
more than my hip or shoulder; it was my brain, I thought. [I couldn't spell.] I was so happy
[though] that she got me in as quick as she could. She also was the first one who gave me the
Police Report Number #14-286487 of the Car Crash, and further told me that one of the
attending police officers was Constable Jennifer Delia of the Ottawa Police Service. Thank you
for your understanding, Myka.
18. I think I entered the Brain Injury Unit of the Rehabilitation Centre of the Ottawa Hospital
on December 3rd, 2014. They gave me a Patient Health Questionnaire. Why? For no personal
reason is the answer. Psychos et al. kept on asking me to fill one out. I remember that I told
psychologist Claire Chapdelaine at the Rehabilitation Centre to stop handing out questionnaires.
"I am human. Talk to me. Understand my mind so that you all can figure out what may be
wrong or not. Communicate instinctively through oracy not literacy." I kept on telling her. An
assumed altered mind requires innate simplicity. Go figure...
19. December 3rd, 2014 - [a busy day] - neurologist John Brooks had commented that I "was
euthymic but exceptionally slowed in terms of [my] vocalisations and responses with frequent
episodes of searching for words." He further noted that I had "severe deficits in memory and
processing speed." He too helped me understand my linguistic disability. Yet, what I remember
the most from this man is that, he unlike other health practitioners allowed me to see the x-rays
of my brain, so that I could really learn what happened to me. Why after all did I go to the
Brain Injury Unit of the Rehabilitation Centre? I demanded to know. He brought me into a
health station as it were and showed me computer images of my brain. For the first time, I got
to see the Toonie ($2) in my head. No-one else showed me not even Shawn Marshall of the
Rehabilitation Centre. That put me on a mission to get more copies [of my file] from hospital.
Thank you. If the mountain won't come to Moses, then he will go to the mountain.
20. On the 31st of December, 2014 I received a statement from Accounts Receivable of the
Ottawa Hospital. I was invoiced for $45.00 because of an ambulance fee. Every month,
invoices like this would come until July 31st, 2015 - continuously for 7 months. Then, a
collection agency [called] Credit Bureau of Canada Collections came after me and consequently
destroyed my credit even further. Good luck to me getting my credit rating reinstated now.
Has it been paid? No-one has told me to this date. This was unprofessional conduct committed
by Charles Genest. In other words, he couldn't even help me with my ambulance bill? Charles
Genest could have paid this fee with his own Visa Card. And, he calls himself a lawyer. That
was [wrong.] Under the Bus, Gus!
21. Sometime [from] December 10th, 2014 to January 26th, 2015 a speech-language
pathologist by the name of Sharon Liska taught me to read in more detail to retrieve more
immediate memory, immediate and past. I had developed difficulty with figural reasoning.
[Her methods] helped me with the function of words and how syntax became articulated for
logical discourse. True, it was. She brought it to my awareness again whence I had studied it
before at Carleton University's School of Linguistic and Applied Languages. It was not just the
words that mattered. It was also the logic behind them. I really appreciated her help, for words
always had been of interest to me. Words did matter, Liska. Even my spelling mattered despite
my inability to teach them [anymore.] Thank you.
22. January 27th, 2015: Shawn Marshall [from Rehab.] had stated that I had "bizarre
behaviour with clang associations and echolalia" linked perhaps to anxiety that go "beyond
hypomania," an "underlying bipolar disorder" of Luciferian Imaginations - a manic episode he
had claimed [for to have had.] Reality check! I was listening to AC/DC music at the
Rehabilitation Centre, and Shawn Marshall asked me how I was doing. I told him that I
experiencing the devil, Lucifer. He really thought I was crazy. Little did he know that I was
listening to rock 'n roll. He obviously missed my "Reverse-Psychology." Shawn Marshall was
always asleep at the wheel. He would dose off when I spoke to him. He reminded me of
psychiatrist John Dimock, a crazy practitioner who was suspended for professional misconduct
and ordered to take anger management courses. He was even stated "labelling one of his
patients a terrorist" by Reporter Andrew Duffy of the Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa. He had Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It's just that these people think they can identify something
of the brain and its function therein with great clarity. Yet, they cannot. Practitioners label
things with colourful diction merely to elevate their superiority of the knowledge of the brain
compared to an innocent patient's disabled inferiority. As in all cases that I have experienced,
practitioners admit with their clear inaction, that it is they who really do not know the brain.
Hypocrisy abounds. So, I used to take great efforts to illustrate this fact to each practitioner of
psychiatry or psychology. The methodology of the usage of a language is the tool that
practitioners use to hide inadequate incompetency. This confuses and awes the patient. Right
back atcha, doctors. Anyone remember "Reverse Psychology" during first year university
readings? I always have used it with psychos, and always will. After all, the practise of
lobotomy was [fading] by 1975 in Canada according to P. Flor-Henry, M.D.'s Review of
Psychiatric Surgery in the Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal. I was born in 1963. Do
the math. Imagine if I had had a lobotomy for some seizure or something back in 1974. I guess
I wouldn't have had to fight insurers and lawyers, who [would have been] only after their money
and not the patients' needs or health, as things did unfold for me in the years that followed 2014
as well. Please read more. So, that's why I never did trust quacks or psychos, other than what
I could extrapolate from them for my own understanding of "The New Me!" - a big reason why
I always have demanded a trial, too. It's hard to judge something unknown. Truth was
continually what I sought. Truth can only come out at a trial.
23. [I ended up getting] a Reacher, Theramoist Heating Pad, Tub-Rail, and Bath Seat from
Conval-Aid Health Care Specialists, Ottawa on January 27th, 2015. Thank you, Function
Ability Rehabilitation Services. I also had been guided by around this time to file for the
Ontario Disability Support Programme. Nancy McCormick, Social Worker of the Ottawa
Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre filed my ODSP application. [Thank you.]
24. [Sometime around] January 29th, 2015 psychiatrists Kiran Rabheru, Lyndal Petit, and
Mark Kaluzienski interviewed me. At first, I had approximately 4 women that demanded to
interview me. I said okay. One appeared to be merely a student. It is always pleasant for me
to witness a student learn. Yet, right from the start, I accused all the women of knowing nothing
about a man. They had no rebuttal. They were unable to assessment me. So, later of course, I
had approximately 4 men from the same department, of the same cloak as the women who had
demanded to interview me prior. My nurse Merilyn Church was present, too. So, the [male
doctors started interviewing me.] However, when Kiran Rabheru began his interview, I told
him that he was performing a sacrilegious act according to Islam. I said, "What you are doing
is Haram." He did not have a rebuttal. He as well as others could not assess me. It ended
quickly. It's amazing what happens to hypocrites when called upon their very own hypocrisy.
Or, perhaps I guess, they thought that I was not a threat to myself or to the community? I
wonder if they interviewed Mathieu Trudel in the same way, too. He was my roommate at the
Rehabilitation Centre. I should ask neuro-psychologist Laura Rees perhaps as to what she
thought. This must be the primary objective of psychiatry: will you kill somebody or will you
kill yourself? However, their methods for discovery are defunct. People are people. Engage
the person, not the text book. My nurse Marilyn Church knew that. She knew my stance on
psychiatrist. I thanked her with tears for her empathy. To put a victim through such psychiatric
harassment is [immoral] because it is based on the misleading by producing hypothesis and
never concrete facts of which honesty depends. [Psychiatry] is a scam. Read every psych-
report or medical doctor report and therein will be indicated always at the bottom: "Further
assessments are required." Hogwash! They just want to milk an insurer for something they
really do not know. It is an escape for psychologists and psychiatrists to bleed and profit from
a victim. This is criminal. Until they can transplant my brain, then, they may assess me. Yet,
I do have Brain Injury and my life has completely changed. Ask anybody who had known me.
Engage, [psycho.] I got better help from those with Brain Injury like John Laplante [who was
an] ABI Educator/Advocate for the Rehabilitation Centre. Never trust a psychiatrist! They
can't even protect you from yourself. Ask Mathieu Trudel. Or, ask Reporter Ashley Burke of
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporaration - CBC, Ottawa. She had informed me about "Mawt
Trood." Poor guy. I feel sorry for his family.
25. A neuropsychologist by the name of Laura Rees wrote January 29th, 2015 that my "words
were incorrect or unusual considering the context in which they were used." Verbal memory
was noted, too. "I shall never teach English again." is what I [kept on thinking.]
26. Physiotherapist Joan Heard noticed, as stated in her report dated January 30th, 2015 that
I needed to correct my posture, increase my motion of right shoulder, practise my gaze
stabilisation, exercise vertical and horizontal transfers of my head for my vertigo, and walk for
progression and stamina. It continues to be a tall mountain to climb every day, but I'm still
doing it, Joan. Thank you. It was further my honour to have had Cindy Deslauriers as my
swimming coach. Thank you. If it were not for Katie Kirkwood and Margaret-Ann Nicol as
well, I do not know how I would have got through all of which they taught me: daily
responsibilities, chores, laundry, and even socialising with other patients. Thank you.


27. [Someday about] February 29th, 2015, [I felt as if] leaving hospital was very difficult and
sad, but before I left, I went to Patsy McNamara, Manager, Acquired Brain Injury Care Stream
of the Ottawa Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre. I demanded an account as to how much it costed
the taxpayer to place me at hospital for three months. She electronically mailed me her findings.
It's in the thousands upon thousands of dollars. [I have demanded this for 7 years plus. I still
demand a full account.] In addition, from the spring of March of 2015 to June of 2015, I was
encouraged by Shelley Stephenson, registered occupational therapist, to enrol into Jack Purcell
Recreation, Ottawa. The City of Ottawa greatly sponsored J.P.R. I was introduced to Jason
Tudor-Roberts, Programme Co-ordinator of Jack Purcell Community Centre. I went once,
twice, or thrice perhaps. I showed Shelly Stephenson a membership list from Minto's Pool &
Fitness Centre of Ottawa which was only one block away from my abode. "Purcell is much
further away." I used to tell her. Besides, the Ontario Disability Support Programme was not
responsible for my fees and services. TD Insurance was the one responsible for my
rehabilitation, and only TD et al. Why should the taxpayer have to pay for my rehabilitation?
Or, was it because I was a Single-Vagrant-Man? Do not rob from the Queen's Purse, my lady
Stephenson. It is unprofessional conduct to do so. It is criminal not to pay back the taxman.
Why should a judge have to pay for the Hospital's bill through his or her taxes? Is this why
Canada's health care system has been on a downward spiral for years? If the taxpayer is not
paid back, then that is a [corruption.] I had demanded this ideal before any post Covid-19
movements and their justifiable enlightened causes. What about my cause for the past 7 Years
Plus? The Corona Virus must teach everyone the importance to hold rich corporate oligarchs
[to account, and therefore] to pay that which is owed to the Canadian taxpayer. Otherwise,
Canada deserves a Bankrupt Health Care. Pay back the King, TD et al.! [It's the 21 Century!]
28. Physiotherapist Eric Finstad taught me on March 23rd, 2015 the importance of targeting
my vision toward an object like an "X" mark on the right side of a wall to assist me with my
vertigo. And then, move my head slowly to another "X" mark on the left side of a wall - back
and forth. Then, repeat. I still do this today. Thank you. My vertigo had improved somewhat,
however, I continue to get dizzy with unknown objects, twists, or spaces. "Like a Vertigo,
dizzy for the very first time!"
29. Speech pathologist Debbie Lessard from TRAC Group received $3,782.66 around May
19th, 2015. There was more for TRAC Group, for sure. She did support me and my efforts to
convince TD Insurance and Shelley Stephenson to send me to Carleton University's School of
Linguistics and Applied Languages, so that I could "Audit a Course" or two merely to immerse
myself into language and discourse at a level to which I had been accustomed, [but] to no avail.
TD Insurance et al. thought that a non-earner or a Single-Vagrant-Man does not graduate from
two universities and one college, nor teach in another two universities around the world. How
discriminative are you, Cherivic Paculaba? You discriminate! You engaged in Classism
without a factual foundation for justification. This was criminal [because your take of me
greatly affected three children in your province, Paculaba.] You never knew Paul-Robert
30. A registration clerk of OC Transpo, Hélène Armstrong, sent me a letter on 29th stating
that I had been approved for Para Transpo. Was this another taxpayer debt, lawyer Kevin
Temple? It is unprofessional for a lawyer, Temple, to allow the misappropriation of finances
from the Ministry of Taxation (Revenue Canada), or to even be a third-party. OC Transpo also
gave me a year-pass around this time. Thank you. More tax money spent by a Clawing Insurers.
Nevertheless, I remembered how thankful I also was to Rehabilitation Therapist Milica Laftovic
for introducing me to OC Transpo, yet more importantly how she taught me to concentrate my
focus within the bus and not outside [in order] to mitigate vertigo. It has worked much well,
Milica. Thank you.
31. [On] March 30th, 2015 I received a letter from Somerset West Community Health Centre
of Ottawa indicating that I had missed an appointment with general health practitioner, Mellisa
Vyvey. They were unable to reach me. Melisa Vyvey was involved in my life by force. All I
was looking for was general health practitioner Kristine Whitehead, who apparently jumped
ship from Somerset West Community Health Centre. I never wanted Melisa Vyvey. I thought
"Okay. I can find another practitioner." Cannot a person choose a general health practitioner
in Ontario, Canada? Angela Cassell, Physician Assistant, helped me with my request for [my]
Complete Medical File, [in the end.] Everybody was confused as to why I demanded my
medical file. I couldn't find Kristine Whitehead and Mellisa Vyvey couldn't tell anything about
my boys' health, let alone my own, so I had to search for a competent general health practitioner,
and as such [I] needed my file. Why were they so shocked? Paula Day, Registered Nurse of
Somerset West Community Health Centre was completely stunned, as it appeared to me at the
time. People are not accustomed to a patient's demand [for] file, yet it is [my] right. It must be
a psychological phenomenon of empowered superiority amongst general health practitioners
and nurses toward patients. "Why do you need the file?" "Because it's mine." Besides, I always
had demanded my med-files due to living in 7 countries.
32. In 2015, on April 29th [to be exact,] I received a Treatment and Assessment Plan or OFC-
18 approval for $4,013.30 from adjuster Cherivic Paculaba. It was for Shelly Stephenson. I
used to get a lot of these approvals for Shelly Stephenson. She used to get her "documentation
support" charges paid straight from TD, too. Tonnes of money, she got. Yet, she never
mentioned to me or wrote about the fact that I had scoliosis. Shawn Marshall never told me
either. No-one in 2014 or 2015 did. Unprofessional Conduct is when a person gets paid for
reading documents yet never [does.] That's why no-one told me. How professional is that? To
top things off, I asked Shelly Stephenson for a recliner. It took 3 years to get it. That's a crime,
no? She took me to the Brick at Nepean on April 30th. I found a recliner that was suitable.
But, nothing was done in the end. She was more interested in her money and what she could
grab from TD et al., just for herself and Function Ability of Ottawa. She knew I had three boys,
so did Cherivic Paculaba of TD [Insurance.] I remember that I also used to ask her about Family
Court matters, and helping me with lawyer Charles Genest in filing a Family Court Motion for
more financial support, residence, and food so the boys could have better access to their father.
I thought the Courts always considered the best interest of the child; however, I knew that [I
would get blind sided by] the legal procedures that I had been thrusted into [by] an Automobile
Insurance Court Case irrespective of Family Court [issues I may had had,] so that's why I kept
on asking Stephenson & Genest about a Motion in Family Court. Nothing. Shelly Stephenson,
Cherivic Paculaba, and Charles Genest did not care about three boys in their community.
33. Eric Finstad taught me some external rotations and balancing with all kinds of diagrams
for my delay and dementia [working memory.] He drew them himself on May 1st, 2015. Thank
you. In the end, it was sad to hear from Killens Reid Physiotherapy Clinic of Ottawa, where
Eric practised his physiotherapy, that they no longer dealt with patients [who] had automobile
insurance claims. Maybe such claims are more difficult to process due to Denials from Insurers.
Welcome to Canada's two-tier medical system! I needed some Bowen Therapy, not to mention
tonnes of other [stuff,] but I could not [get much] due to a Two-Tier Health Care System in
Ontario, Canada. I fired Shelly Stephenson eventually because she [was pilfering] TD
Insurance's money and not taking care of my needs [but hers,] and then [the Killens Reid
Physiotherapy Clinic denies me therapy due to issues with TD Insurance.] That's wrong for TD
Insurance to deny a patient therapy and rehabilitation either directly or indirect, [or maybe I
was panicking.]
34. On June 15th, 2015, neuro-ophthalmologist Danny Lelli stated that my Goldmann Visual
Field had a "slowed response time," which not only affected my "visual perspective" but also
my "more general cognitive perspective." He also commented on how my speech was slow,
and how difficult it was for me to grasp what was fully in my peripheral vision. My stuttering
had presented a problem, too, according to Danny Lelli but that was a non-ophthalmologist
issue. Anyhow, I can see, [but] it was my brain's wholistic clarity of my right eye's vision;
more importantly, it was what I understood mentally rather what I saw - my delay presented the
problem. Thank you, Danny Lelli. However, my further query in addition to my health is that,
who paid Danny Lelli? Did TD Insurance pay? Did Queen Elizabeth II pay? [Perchance, King
Charles III may pay the dividend now as a result, yes? I shan't collect hither any longer.] Or,
perhaps [Judge] Robert Beaudoin paid through his taxes that year? I need an answer, lawyer
Joseph Griffiths.
35. June 30th, 2015: Shelley Stephenson electronically mailed a "health team of sorts" that
I was having difficulties tracking my appointments. I didn't want their unprofessional
36. Shelly Stephenson wrote in her notes on July 6th, 2015 that I had transportation issues,
pick ups and drop offs. Meals on Wheels' frozen food were delivered. [Try surviving on frozen
food for 4 years.] And, dentist Frank Lee from Family Dental Care knew of my zygomatic
fracture, and the fact that so many other teeth had to be taken out of my mouth because of the
Crash. So, it was not that TD Insurance et al. did not know about how my entire mouth needing
to be fixed. [No help from TD Insurance to this date.] I further associated with health
specialists like periodontist Cameron Jones from GumDocs of Periodontics and Implant
Dentistry for example knew how the Car Crash affected my entire mouth. Frank Lee did as
well. Why did TD et al. not help me with my oral health? That's criminal. And, it is not like
people did not know that I had three boys. I used to get frozen food that I could barely eat due
to my mouth and countless teeth extractions, but what about my boys? I gave [them] everything
I had. I sacrificed my own nutritional health. I used to fit in XL clothing. Now, I'm a Medium.
Literally, I went from XL to L to M in 7 years. I still have no mouth [with which I] can chew
properly. This is very criminal what TD Insurance has done. Failure to provide the Necessities
of Life is a crime in Canada. It says so in Section 215 of the Code. [215, 1, c, ii: Every one is
under a legal duty to provide the necessaries of life to a person under his charge if that person
is unable to provide himself with necessaries of life. Is this worth a tinker or two by the Crown?]
No excuse... And I still suffer. And I am supposed to suffer more? Welcome to Canada, eh?
[A Provincial Act cannot supersede the Criminal Code of Canada.] Never to be the less, I shall
forever be indebted to Hung Ha of Lou Fast Food and Nachiket Amin of Subway at Minto Place
for feeding me with lovely foods. Merci. If it were not for they and their like, I'd be dead.
Thank you.
37. I lost my Virgin Mobile plan of unlimited worldwide texting on July 10th, 2015. I could
not get help with paying accounts receivable, my bill. Thanks Shelly Stephenson for not
helping me. Is this professional management?
38. Neuro-ophthalmologist Danny Lelli recommended "vision therapy" on July 12th, 2015.
He had noted to me from a Visual Field Analysis Test that my GHT [Glaucoma Hemifield Test]
was "outside normal limits." His analysis afterward became clear to me on how my peripheral
vision on my far-right side of my right eye had been affected. I did lose some vision according
to Sarah of Merivale Vision Care at the Merivale Optometric Centre. This combined with my
information delay lead to my increased myoclonus as well - a sudden jerk of confusion or
confused information. Vision aside, what was very bad was when I had to get picked up from
Merivale Vision Care via [TD's] insured transportation, [but] no-one did. It is permissible in
Canada to abandon the vulnerable. I had to call a friend. Thank goodness, [I saved for a new
phone.] But, I even had to fix my own glasses and my private backpack, [which were a little
banged-up from the Crash, too.] I ended up having to go to Vezina Opticians at Lincoln Fields
Shopping Centre for my glasses to be fixed. The Car Crash threw my backpack in the air.
[And,] no-one really had the professionalism to tell me, in fact. The only witness at the Crash
died, not during the Crash itself, but way after [of an unrelated cause.] Still don't know why or
how? I shall never know. [I am a Victim. I must never know, eh?] Anyhow, I was lucky in a
way to find Vieslaw Wasilewski and Valeri Sosnov at Lincoln Fields' Shoe Repair, for they
truly helped fix my beloved backpack. My youngest boy had given me his Senior Kindergarten
school bag before I had left for Iraq. That bag was what needed to be fixed, my coveted raggedy
bag. Thank you, gentlemen.
39. [On] July 31, 2015 the Ministry of Taxation [Canada Revenue Agency] sent me a letter
stating that I owed $12,732.66 for income tax arrears: 2010 & 2011. Ignorant [Judge] MacLeod
of the Superior Court of Justice had ordered me during the year of 2013 to file my income taxes
for the years 2010 & 2011. This would have been normal legal procedure; however, I told
Master MacLeod that I had been in Iraq during those years. I was not a resident of Canada
during 2010 & 2011, therefore, according to law did not have to file income tax forms for those
years. I was in a war, I told him. Did he not ever read law in his career? Does he not know
that Canadian seniors lose their OHIP if they stay for more than six months in Florida, the
United States of America? They lose their OHIP because they no longer retain residency.
Revenue Canada has the same law, [Justice] MacLeod. So, now the Tax Court of Canada on
Kent Street, Ottawa and I will be in court over MacLeod. There are many irresponsible people
that work at the Superior Court of Justice [and] MacLeod was one of them, [I had experienced.]
40. Two of my boys and I took a train to Montréal, Québec on August 8th, 2015. I wanted
to know if I could take a train. [Period.] Why wasn't TD Insurance et al. willing to make every
attempt to rehabilitate me? They did not wish? I paid for everything thanks to the Ontario
Disability Support Programme. Could it have been Charles Genest that didn't think I was
worthy of support? Or, maybe Shelly Stephenson? I do not know. Someone is guilty of not
wishing to support me. All I figured out is that I had lived in [so many] different countries in
my life. I had taken so many trains all over the world. I had flown in armoured personal carriers.
I had sailed in many ships. I demanded to know if I could do some of the things that I used to
do in my life. And so, I found out to my horror [at Montréal's Panic Episode] that travelling
for me had to change dramatically. For example, I cannot just go to a foreign country without
extensive preparation and planning. I never had to do this before. Everywhere I went, people
would pick me up - jobs, old colleagues, friends, or family. I knew people in almost every
hemisphere on this planet. Yet, Montréal proved to me that I just couldn't do things the same
way. The boys and I landed at La gare centrale du Montréal just below the Queen Elizabeth
Hotel. I passed out during the journey from Ottawa and woke up at the station. Everything
was booked at the Queen Elizabeth. We had arrived during the Rogers Cup, little did I know
at the time. I had a panic attack. I had two boys. No place to sleep. Luckily, I brought my old
phone book. I called an old friend for help. My boys and I got help in locating suitable hotel
accommodations at Best Western, Hôtel Europa. Thank goodness. Serious lesson learnt.
Acceptance accepted. I must serious plan when going to a foreign place, city, or territory.
Period. Should I have thanked TD for not helping me with this acceptance? Telling a judicator
would have been nice. Lawyers do not wish for me to talk about their unprofessional conduct.
41. Eric Finstad receive an OCF-18 approval for $1,942.00 on August 10th, 2015. There
were more of course. He deserved even more money.
42. I had to go to the Eye Institute for a Diagnostic Test [at] the Goldmann Perimeter on
August 10th, 2015. People did not inform me about this, however.] People were interested in
their own financial gain and not a victim's eye injury. Is someone prepared to tell me that this
is not deserving of [investigation by] the Superintendent's Office of the Superior Court of
Justice of Ontario [for] all improprieties according to the law of the Insurance Act, 1990 [Unfair
Practices, it connotes not.]
43. Chiropractor Dr Ward Bourgaize of Fisher Heights Chiropractic Clinic received an OFC-
18 approval for $2,184.45 on August 11th, 2015. I chose him because he knew me as a doctor
in the past with my Disc Degenerative Disease (D.D.D.) diagnosis. He knew I was banged-up
the minute he saw me. I could sense it in my pons. He adjusted me several times. I thanked
him. However, I found the drive that year to be too far away. I had to find a chiropractor closer
by to the apartment. At least TD Insurance tried here, but why did they stop later?
44. Psychologist Kimberley Payne got $1,700.00 at one time and $2,200.00 for another yet
both for an incomplete psychological assessment [in and around August 11th, 2015.] I
electronically mailed her to return the money to TD Insurance et al. for failing to complete a
professionally assessment. Kimberley Payne, the Ottawa Psychology Group had another
session or two remaining with me for the completion of the assessment that she was paid to do.
So, I told her to return [TD's money] via subtraction of the total financial funds that were
allocated to her [Paid Incomplete Sessions.] She did not. Kimberley Payne committed fraud.
[Criminal Code of Canada, Section 380 - Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other
fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds
the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable
security or any service, a - is guilty of an indictable offence... How does this work?] Everybody
knew that I never did, do, will do any form of psych-assessment. Didn't Kimberley Payne read
this fact about me from the file at hospital? All a person must do to understand the reason why
I do not do psych-assessments is to read Section 15 of the Mental Health Act of Ontario: all
that is needed to put you in a mental asylum in Ontario is one (1) doctor [Practitioner/MD.]
This knowledge is notorious. Nevertheless, around this time as well, I used to ask nurses and
occupational therapists [if I could] see neurologist Andrew Frank of Vincent Hospital, Ottawa
or [Bruyère,] which was only three blocks away from the apartment. Nothing close by to help
a victim? I found a place [of health] one block away from the Bronson Centre. So, I couldn't
even understand why they wanted me to see another psychologist by the name of Peter W.
Judge. I never wanted to see him either. I wanted to start with a neurologist.
45. August 22nd, 2015: My retired U.S. Colonel, Richard (Dick) McEvoy, died in Kabul,
Afghanistan. Now, I may never get to the Oxus River.
46. Debbie Lessard wrote on August 27th, 2015 in her notes that I could have benefited from
getting an Apple iPad, so that I could have practised my diction, reading, writing, and other
brain injury activities since the Crash. By this time, there were approximately $25,000 left out
of the initial $50,000 that was awarded to me since the Crash. Others burnt up the money during
those fraudulent "Burn-Factor-Scams." Nothing for the victim, eh?
47. Ontario Works places my file on hold on August 28th, 2015. I spoke with Dan Whetung,
Case Co-ordinator with the City of Ottawa at Catherine Street, Ottawa. I really had wished we
had completed what he had started, the completion of my TESL Ontario Membership
Certification. No-one ever helped me with this endeavour, [afterwards.] At least he showed
me what was important. Thank you, sir.
48. Kathy Watt from the Children's Aide Society called me on September 4th, 2015. Thus,
everybody knew that I had three boys. Where were you lawyer [Judith] Alison Campbell and
Charles Genest? No Family Court motion for the "best [interest] of the child." No-one took
me to family court, not even later with lawyers Mikolaj Grodzki or Michael Thiele in 2017 [and
beyond.] I prayed that someone would however, so that the children could have access to their
father as according to [Judge] Stanley Kershman's court order. Not one lawyer thought of the
boys. Not one lawyer obeyed the court order. It is illegal not to follow a court order, especially
for a lawyer. Where were you, Danielle Dworsky? Laura Bowerman of the C.A.S. of Ottawa
did not care about the children's access to their father - very unprofessional people. No wonder
so many people are murdered in Canada. Men must prove that they love their children, women
do not. Men are never treated equally in Civil Courts. It's uncivilised. I am a mirror for
everyone at which to look. 7 years [plus] of this auto-insurance court case and its sexism, plus
another 2 years in family courts just before but ending on the same day that this started, nor the
boys afforded justice throughout, all and I never to be treated equally by governmental health
and social institutions due to their perpetuated sexism, discriminating against me [by labelling
me as] a bona fide Single-Man - then I wonder... What is a person supposed to do when
awaiting the following 9 years of his or her life? Let's stop this stupidity of not understand the
root cause to misogyny, misandry it is. Understand the mirror that is before you. Do people
believe that I learnt [about] burgers and French-Fries in Iraq? With honour I state: Everybody
feels alright. And, I am happy for this fact. I am with glee. Yet, the Ministry of Statistics
clearly indicates that more women abuse children than men. Thus, if I had a set of labia with
three boys, the unprofessional people that I had to encounter would not have treated me the way
they did for the past 9 years or so - sexist Stanley Kershman et al.
49. My Canadian Tire Master Card became due on September 8th, 2015. I owed on this day
$1,529.09. TD's Borlack et al. lawyers are responsible for everything concerning Paul-Robert
Hipkiss. No-one helped.
50. September 10th, 2015 [was a day that] I went to the Court House on Elgin Street. I hoped
Law Help Ontario [duty council] could enlighten me concerning my claim. They told me that
they could not assist me because there was an insurance company involved. So, my own duty
council, an extended arm of the Ministry of Justice of Ontario, could not support a citizen and
resident who happened to be a victim? And to think that TD Insurance did not pay back the
taxpayer for being at hospital. Between the Burn-Factor and this, I became convinced that this
was a fraudulent industry. But, I needed help.
51. Shawn Marshall wrote on the 17th of September, 2015 that I had exhibited "elements of
bipolar" perhaps precipitated by Cymbalta. Why did he increase the Cymbalta? He never told
52. On October 1st, 2015 I went back to the Ottawa Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre. I
demanded to see physiatrist Shawn Marshall, [MD.] I knew him when I was at hospital.
Although I did not have any respect for his racist attitudes toward aboriginal peoples, I had to
go see him with Syrmo. I wanted to know why I was in so much pain. "Less pain, more brain."
I kept on thinking. "Better brain, better mood gain." would be another thought. So, I wanted
to understand the cause of my immense pain. Shawn Marshall saw me at least. Nothing
happened. He never told me about my scoliosis. Read. Then, tell me. A pill is not always the
answer, Shawn Marshall, sometimes it takes research. I learnt that in universities.
53. Rehabilitation nurse, Connie Coburn of Swanson & Associates began to associate with
me in and around October 16th, 2015 or at least starting then. I began immediately to demand
for Oxygen Chamber Therapy [or] Hypebaric Oxygen Therapy. She kept on arguing with me
that such therapy is provided at hospital, another unprofessional that was willing to extort the
taxpayer, when in fact it was offered in the private sector for TD Insurance to [pay.] Besides,
the hospital had strict rules about who they admitted and insurance carriers were not one of
them - what a Two-Tier Medical System.
54. I received a Notice to End Tenancy from Ottawa Community Housing for rent arrears in
the amount of $757.00 on October 29th, 2015. Nevertheless, despite all the problems with the
Landlord and Tenant Board and no-one helping me. I was so glad that I had the privilege of
meeting Christine Varley, Emergency Intake Worker of the Social Housing Registry of Ottawa.
At least, she was the least sexist of all in the past 9 years [or so,] for had she not been [there,] I
would not have had the roof that exists over my head to this date despite [it] being a place for
a Single-Vagrant=Man occupancy and not that of a tenancy suited for a father of three boys.
[At least,] I had a roof for Canadian winters. Thank you, Christine. Sexism against men
abounds throughout Canada, yet she for one saw through it all. Thanks again.
55. I sent a registered letter to TD Insurance's Shaikh Maslim on November 11th, 2015
demanding to have all assessments done at 340 Gloucester Street, Apartment 1002, Ottawa. I
was bewildered to say the least. I demanded not to be taken hither and thither, of which half of
the time not even being provided with dependable and fully insurable transportation. You must
transport doctors and nurses to see me, the victim and the patient. I do not need to [go to] them.
56. [On] November 17th, 2015 I sent a registered letter to lawyer Charles Genest and wrote,
"You're fired."
57. I found out that I had a Jeep Wrangler, so I went and got a new battery on November 18th,
2015 from Canadian Tire. The Jeep had been parked at a friend's house, Paul Whitaker, because
I always thought of keeping it there for when I would return from Afghanistan. It was nice that
he allowed me to do that. I paid him to park the Jeep at his place. Yet, I had forgotten all of
that and even the Jeep itself. If it were not for one of my boys asking me about the Jeep because
of being cold during one of our walks in the [winter] that triggered my memory. And as I got
the Jeep working and paperwork organised, I tried my best to drive my Jeep. I had to take
neighbourhood streets rather than major arteries, for I feared that my driving would not be up
to standard. I used to practise driving downtown Ottawa at 05:00 on weekends. Downtown is
always a parking lot during that time, a little like the traffic during a shutdown during Covid-
19. So, I felt safe, especially for others. I'd venture eventually even further, even up to Nepean
and eventually to Barrhaven, always through the back roads. It was nice to go to Ashbrook
Collectibles at Nepean once and a while and bump into numismatist, Dana Scott. I love coins.
The drives brought back memories merely by passing through old, familiar avenues. Amazing,
it was.
58. Sometime around December 1st, 2015 Reliance Home Comfort imposed a water heater
charge upon me without my approval. An account was created without me being privy. I have
been receiving monthly charges ever since then. I told lawyer Charles Genest. I even told
Michael Thiele, much later nevertheless, whom I thought was supposed to be my lawyer in the
end, but realised that I was lied [to about it.] An applicant's barrister is held with the cost to
pursue justice on behalf of a victim in the hope that some day a judge will grant him or her
justifiable recompense. Welcome to Canada, my dear victim. If you are not a rich victim, you
get nothing. I should have read the writing on the wall. That's why they want you to shut up,
[gag clause.]
59. December 25th, 2015: I sent a registered letter to general health practitioner Melissa
Vyvey that she was not my doctor and to hand over my entire file. I had reached my end of her
unprofessional conduct. She could not even tell me about my boys' health because I did not
have Joint Parenting. I was never a father since they were kidnapped, abducted by Judith
Alison Campbell et al. I told everyone. Thank you, Melissa Vyvey, for teaching me how the
systemic sexism that exists in the Ministry of Justice [and how it] permeates right through into
the Ministry of Health. Thanks again for the lesson. Nonetheless, I did get some help at
Somerset West Community Health Centre in the likes of Lisa Schmitz, my Foot Nurse. My
right hallux's nail, big toe, turned black and blue. The nail eventually had to be removed. As
the new nail grew, it had to be continuously couched with floss, so that it would not grow as an
ingrown-nail. It took months, but it did get better. Thank you, Lisa Schmitz. I hope TD et al.
paid her wages. She deserves a higher one, too - chip chip cheerio.
60. I sent a registered letter to TD Insurance on December 25th, 2015. I demanded that they
all - medical staff, nurses, and therapists - assess me at 340 Gloucester Street, Apartment 1002,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 1A8. I demanded that TD et al. assess 'how I lived my life' which was
in fact [to assess what] they became responsible.
61. December 28th, 2015: Ottawa Community Housing gave me a Notice to End Tenancy
for $85.00 in arrears. No help on that front [from who was helping me again?]
62. Around this period, I used to eat a lot of frozen food from Meals on Wheels. Thank you.
However, I am now half the man I used to be. Yet, thanks again to all the staff at Meals on
Wheels. Interesting enough, they were located at the Good Companions Senior Centre where
I had worked while going to Algonquin College and later Ottawa University. It was nice to see
some familiar faces and the old building, too. Thank you.
63. The year 2016 proved to be another very difficult year. However, Una Wallace from the
Rehabilitation Centre was with me throughout that time. Ordinarily, she would visit me once
a week in a somewhat outpatient fashion. She helped me with distractive versus negative
thoughts, fight or flight issues, to do lists, post-it reminders, and focused breathing techniques.
She taught me different ways on how to remember basics, sometimes innate things like brush
my teeth, turn off the burner, nutrition and food, the microwave, or even to bring my apartment
keys with me when I left. She gave me the best head start. Thank you. She also assisted me
with neurologist Tilak Mendi of Russell's Medical Building because I had a problem with him.
I had to see [neurologist] Tilak Mendis twice because he would not give me my file and his
assessment report. In the end, he felt very uncomfortable with Una Wallace present. His report
was inconclusive due to the fact that other assessments were incomplete. I do not allow
assessments. I thwart them.
64. T5007 Statement of Benefits did not get filed with the Ministry of Taxation for the year
65. Sherry Mosher Taillefer, an occupational therapist, performed an assessment on me with
a security guard at 1002-340 Gloucester Street, Ottawa on January 5th, 2016. It was insisted
upon by Delia Ravindran of Security National Insurance. It took them long enough to come to
the apartment. They did not stay long. At least they had security. They must've read the file
from hospital, [eh?]
66. January 13th, 2016: Canadian Tire Credit Card bill came in and did not get paid:
[$1,615.65.] No-one wished to help me cover this as a disabled person.
67. Una Wallace visited me at the apartment on January 25th, 2016.
68. I sent a registered letter to Ramona Kerr of TD et al. [adjuster] on January 29th, 2016
demanding that assessments be done at [my] apartment.
69. Again, I went to the Law Help Ontario at the Court House in Ottawa, [this time on]
February 1st, 2016. My naïvety shown through, for they once more could not "assist [me] with
[my] personal injury case." The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario cannot help [me.]
70. March 1st, 2016: Ottawa Community Housing accepted my boys to reside at the
apartment. "Sleepovers!" Around this time, and in 2015 too, I kept on having problems with
transportation. Stephenson was not helpful, as became Coburn as well. At first, I had Capital
Taxi, West-Way, Rapid City Transportation, Able Transport Limited, AutoLux Limited, and
then finally, J.M.B Transportation Incorporated of Ottawa, who became instrumental in my
transportation needs. Thank you all. I should have had them right from the beginning in 2014,
at least until I had a chance to readjust my abilities to drive my Jeep, and that didn't fully mature
until 2018. Some help [lawyer] Genest was. And then, when I finally realised who must
transport myself and my boys because of proper professionalism and insurance to transport the
vulnerable of the community, J.M.B. Transportation Inc. became the [number] one choice for
[my] transportation [needs.] My boys had created a fanciful bond with Jean Guy Blondeau
because of his kindness. Thus, I felt comfortable, too. Unfortunately, however, after calling
them on my own without Charles Genest, Marlene Chartrand from J.M.B. told me that they no
longer dealt with [passengers with] auto-insurance claims. I wondered, "Why?" Was it because
that most if not all insurers are reluctant to pay what they are legally bound to pay? In the end,
I and the boys were so grateful for their punctuality and understanding, no matter how short. I
had hoped wrongfully of TD et al. It is hard to rely on lawbreakers.
71. Mathieu Trudel went missing on March 2nd, 2016. He was my roommate at the Ottawa
Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre, Brain Injury Unit. Reporter Ashley Burk of C.B.C. contacted
me asking about his whereabouts. I told everybody at the Ottawa Brain Injury Association of
the Ottawa Valley including the President, Wendy Charbonneau, and of course Una Wallace
that Matt Trood's body would be found down the Ottawa River. "Poor guy." I kept on thinking.
Then, eventually they did find his body at Petrie Island, Orléans once the snow melted. Poor
guy. Hospital Psychiatry could not help me. Yet, I knew him as his "new he!" Did he die
because of nurses and occupational therapists who took his $50,000.00 that was guaranteed by
the government [because of his case didn't involve any] insurance? Did they do the same thing
that they did to me: no recliner, no iPad, no audit-course at university, but $25,000.00 from my
$50,000.00 [got] stolen from my nurse and occupational therapist? [How did that money go
missing when it was supposed to be for me?] One thing, however, [is that] Matt Trood probably
died the way I told him, but he died because of you, I'm sure. Crooks. Life is expendable in
Canada. Trood and I are examples.
72. TD Insurance Meloche Monnex sent me a letter on March 18th, 2016 stating that they
had sent me a void cheque [4114143] in the amount of $1,110.00. I had already cashed it at PC
Financial, however. As a result, my bank froze my account for an NSF deposit. If I had sent a
fraudulent cheque, I would have been criminally charged. Why wasn't Anastasia Simos, claims
adjuster, or TD Insurance Meloche Monnex charged with issuing a fraudulent cheque [to me?]
73. Charles Genest sent me a letter on April 15th, 2016 stating that he was aware of me going
to the police about his treatment of me and how it was criminal harassment.
74. Chris Potoczek of Security National Insurance Company advised me that I had "two (2)
years" to file a claim. [He did this to me on] April 29th, 2016. Didn't they know that I did not
wish for a court case? Everybody knew, even Una Wallace and psychologist Steve Joncas.
Syrmo knew as well. That's why lawyer Genest had to place a young boy who just turned 18
years of age, my older boy, and a woman who just had a stroke, Syrmo, as Guardians for this
Court Claim #16-69137. What a deceitful man, Charles Genest was. What an illegitimate
[barrister,] for sure.
75. I received a letter from Helene Richardson of the Ontario Brain Injury Association on
May 18th, 2016 to join as a "Peer Support Programme Mentor." I wished I could but I did not
have any extra money to spend. 3 boys and their visits became costly without support, without
complaint however. The vulnerable are classless in Canada. Unessential individuals, both child
and victim, [equal the wonderous] fate [of classlessness that seniors had] during Covid-19.
76. On June 8th, 2016, I saw psychologist Steve Joncas and Una Wallace. I was hoping to
learn more about why I was in so much pain. That was my primary concern. I also hoped for
some help reconnecting with general health practitioner Kristine Whitehead. She had known
me decades before the Crash, so I naturally thought that she would be a better suited practitioner
to assess the differences that the Crash had caused to my body & mind; besides, I hadn't seen
her since I left for Saudi and Iraq. She had started a new practice, however. My effort was for
not. [Nevertheless,] I think that everyone at that time also wanted me to file a court application
or proceeding. Every nano-second, people would harass me about this. [Unprofessional MDs,
Lawyers, & the] "Two-Tier-Health-Care System" were the ones that always wanted me to file
with the courts. As such, a big meeting was organised for just that at the hospital. My Ontario
Health Insurance Plan [OHIP] became useless from that moment onward. Nevertheless, I do
remember more vividly what Joncas taught me, the word "acceptance." I must learn how to
accept my disabilities because of the Crash - words matter, my life, my losses - so much to
accept. Yet, an adversarial conflict must had not been one of them [I wanted to] accept. I never
did need to accept a "Legal Battle, [especially] when one had brewed in my mind's mind
77. [On] June 21st, 2016 I had an appointment with [an eye doctor called] Daniel Lelli for
my eyes. Around that time as well, I met Andrejs Mazpolis, Life Skills Counsellor, from the
Robin Easey Centre in Ottawa. I was told later that perhaps I should see Johanne Larente as
well, another counsellor. Thank you but no thank you anyhow. I did not need a lesson on Life
Skills. I learnt that in Iraq. I needed help getting access to funds for health and rehabilitation.
Oh well, maybe next time, [next life.]
78. I received my Canadian Tire Master Card bill in the amount of $1,724.71 on June 21st,
2016. No-one has helped me.
79. [Oh, oh,] I received a Red-Light Camera System Offence Notice - $325.00 fine because
I illegally had driven and crossed through a red light at the intersection of Fisher Avenue &
Meadowlands Drive, Ottawa on 23rd day of July, 2016. I was guilty.
80. June 29th, 2016: Brenda Hollingsworth filed at the Superior Court of Justice at Ottawa a
Statement of Claim between Paul-Robert Hipkiss, my younger boy and my youngest boy by
their litigation guardian Syrmo and my oldest boy as Plaintiffs and Gaetan Comeau and Marc
Comeau as Defendants. The claim was stamped by the court house. The trial was
recommended to be held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I was the obvious reason. I always
thought, however, that Charles Genest was my lawyer. It was Brenda Hollingsworth all that
time. It was her name on the Statement of Claim. She even sent me a Christmas card. Thank
you? Yet, I never saw her once, not one time in approximately two years [before seeking help
from lawyer Thiele instead of her. But,] I ended up seeing lawyer Dawn Baglole later for
Discovery 1 preparations, as if I needed prepping. Nevertheless, [key in point,] I never have
seen Brenda Hollingsworth, never! And who is Auger? They never cared about me. They
never came to see me. No wonder my ambulance bill never [got] paid. She never knew me.
And she wanted to run in 2019 to become Leader of the Liberal Party of Ontario, Canada? If
she couldn't even help me with my ambulance bill, then, how would she have been able to pay
the Liberal Party's bills? So, was Charles Genest really my lawyer, and she was merely a title
for show? [Signed by no-one from the copy that I was given.] The stern has flooded, mate.
Lower the jib.
81. June 29th, 2016: Syrmo as Litigation Guardian for Paul-Robert Hipkiss submitted her
Affidavit into the Superior Court of Justice at Ottawa - signed by Syrmo, sealed by the court
house, and commissioned by lawyer Charles Genest.
82. Charles Genest finally released me from his grip on August 18th, 2017. He sent a letter
to TD Insurance's Denise Fenlon notifying her that he "no longer represent[ed]" me. It took
almost a year to get rid of this guy. I tried to contact Constable Delia for information concerning
the Crash through lawyer Charles Genest; of course, to no avail - no meeting materialised. He
told me to go to the police's Central Station, yet Constable Delia was stationed at the Nepean
Station. Charles Genest couldn't even help me find a police officer that was at the scene of the
Crash. I wanted to know what happened to me on that frightful day. Plus, I shall never
understand why he insisted on a court application with a guardian who just came out of a stroke
and another who just turned 18 years of age. Did he need back up guardians in case his case
collapsed? A stroke does not present a person with full cognisance to become a guardian.
Nevertheless, perhaps he wished to secure his money. I hope that next time, he pays closer
attention to his clients and their children's needs, safety, and food. No court motion in family
division was submitted by him or Brenda Hollingsworth - nothing for the other children. I had
accused Charles Genest of Harassment. I went to the Ottawa Police Services on Elgin Street,
Ottawa and had spoken to Constable Senecal about it. I filed a police report [#16-87668.]
Charles Genest also wanted to charge me more than a thousand dollars for a will because I
thought I may need one in the event I died very prematurely due to brain injury. In the end,
after two years with Auger's Charles Genest, I never once saw a judge - unprofessional conduct
that was. But, I did get a Christmas card from [Brenda] Hollingsworth. [Thank you.]
83. The plot got thicker with another Notice to End Tenancy from Ottawa Community
Housing for $123.00 in arrears August 30th, 2016.
84. Passport Canada issued me another passport, #HN310203, on August 31, 2016. Thank
goodness for Sooter's, the Photography Professionals. I received a lot of help with my passport
photo and other things concerning photography, for I used to love cameras and taking pictures.
[They helped me with relearning geographic dimension and other stuff perhaps unrelated yet
imperative in my journey of rehabilitation.] Thank you.
85. [On] September 6th, 2016 neuropsychiatrist Tilak Mendis attempted to assess my vertigo
in just a half an hour. Una Wallace was present. I had to go all the way to Saint Laurent
Boulevard to associate with this man - "Round 2." [Tilak Mendis, to this date, hasn't sent me
his report.] How many times do I have to tell people that I do not do assessments? I wanted
help because I needed it, and what I needed was linguistic help. I found that help at hospital,
yet I was denied it. Why do you have O.H.I.P.?
86. Shawn Marshall finally wrote me a letter with Ottawa Hospital letterhead on October 4th,
2016 stating that I had brain injury. [I had always asked him for this letter,] so that I could
show people in my community. It is hard for people to understand brain injury. I get that. I've
experienced this issue countless times. I begged most health practitioners at hospital to give
me an "ID Card" stating that I had brain injury, to no avail however. It took 2 Years of rebuttals
with this monotonous man. Yet, in the end, I at least got a letter. I show it many times to this
date. People believe me quicker with the letter, rather than experiencing my disabilities first
hand, which can take a long time to fully understand. A letter became a faster influencer.
Companies especially have helped me in a kinder manner because of reading Shawn Marshall's
letter. I still believe that the community needs an "ID Card" for all mental challenges for the
betterment of the community's understanding as well as the ease it gives a sufferer.
87. Steve Joncas and Una Wallace wrote a letter with Ottawa Hospital letterhead on October
14th, 2016 stating that I had acquire brain injury. They further wrote about my right zygoma
fracture, ankle, ribs, and other injuries, too. My "processing-of-information" difficulties was
also addressed - more of this "Brain-ID" concept that I had purported.
88. TD Insurance, Meloche Monnex sent me a Standard Benefit Statement on October 20th,
2016 indicating that my "Medical and Rehabilitation Policy Limit" was $50,000.00 and the
"Total Paid since accident" was $30,061.96 and the "Total amount of Medical & Rehabilitation
benefits remaining under policy" was $20,713.04. So, in other words, by October of 2016, TD
Insurance et al. could not afford to help me with an iPad and an Audit Course at Carleton
University? But, TD Insurance was more than willing to pay an occupational therapist and a
nurse. Or, was it the adjuster, and the person associating with the adjuster? To misappropriate
funds that are intended to be distributed elsewhere is a crime. Some big fraud went on
[somewhere,] Stephenson, or at least some other mean unprofessional conduct by someone else.
Is this why Trood wanted to die? He perhaps confronted evil from many angles with the little
that he had or that was offered. The "Burn-Factor" is very fraudulent.
89. [On] October 31st, 2016 I wrote a register letter to Helen Tagiannis, my disability social
worker with ODSP. I asked to be taken off ODSP. I thought TD Insurance was responsible for
me. Amongst many others at Ontario's Disability Intake Centre, I had the chance to associate
with Betty Bulman and Brigitte Mackenzie, [all] ODSP Caseworkers. It appears that culturally,
it was acceptable for an insurance oligarchy not to have been financially responsible to the
taxpayer. [Oh, did I hit a nerve?]
90. November 16th, 2016: TD Insurance Meloche Monnex wrote that they had come to some
term that I had "sustained a Catastrophic Impairment" because of the Car Crash on October
29th, 2014. Really? [From 2014 to 2016, well that amounts to a "2-Year Loss." And the Law
places a "Two-Year-Statutory-Limitation" on me - the Victim - to sue TD et al.; otherwise, I
get no help; but, it takes 2-Years and 3 Weeks to figure out that I'm disabled due to the Crash.
"Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied" Equal Opportunity to Justice was not practised in my case.
It wasn't even thought of, so it couldn't have had a chance from the get go anyhow.]
91. [My] conviction date for Disobeying a Red Light [Camera] on 23-07-2016 [was given to
me on] November 16th, 2016. I had to pay $325.00.
92. 17-11-2016: My Canadian Tire Master Card became due. I owed $1,825.59.
93. 21-11-2016: Somehow, I became an organ donor according to a letter I received from
Service Ontario. I do not know how that happened. I do not wish it.
94. I wrote a letter to Helen Tagiannis on November 30th, 2016 to put me back on ODSP
when I finally realised that I was the taxpayer's responsibility and not TD Insurance.
95. Denise Fenlon and TD et al. approved $9,452.28 for my nurse Connie Coburn on
December 20th, 2016.
96. I received a Notice to End Tenancy on December 30th, 2016 from Ottawa Community
Housing for arrears of $167.00.
97. 2017 turned out to be a discovery year personally.
98. [I received a] T5007 from the Ministry of Taxation for the taxation year 2016.
99. January 3rd 2017: Auger & Hollingsworth sent me a letter on how to prepare for
Discovery and notices of two meetings with them on 16-01-2117 and 10-03-2017 for
preparation. People, you must not prepare a person with brain injury. This is criminal. Read
the Evidence Act. Understand what it means to swear under oath with or without full
cognisance. And, to push a victim into the possibility of perjury due to the lack of remembrance,
and thus due to the lack of full cognition is not a crime? Think again please. And, what would
have made a lawyer professional, in my court case at least, would have been to have had "La
Prima Facie a Hopital." [They] would have understood who I was [due to the Crash.] Then,
the preparations in jest for a true Discovery could have been performed in a more rightful
fashion to accommodate a challenged man. I am not the same as you. I shall not remember
your intent for your preparation, nor most, if not all of what you had prepared for me. Read the
documents. Be professional. This did not mean that I was stupid. I may not be able to
remember. Personal historic remembrance or lack thereof does not mean that guardianship
must be required either. So, why the preparation? Seriously. [Walk] towards the beacon,
Equal Opportunity to Justice.
100. Ottawa Community Housing sent me a letter on January 13th, 2017 warning me not to
disable the fire alarm. The constant noise during testing extremely bothered my tinnitus - like
a zap in my brain. But, no-one cared, nor did I have concerns for the letter.
101. [On] January 26th, 2017 Ottawa Community Housing made an "Application to Evict a
Tenant for Non-payment of Rent." I had been in arrears for $484.00.
102. Adjuster Denise Fenlon approved $1,984.42 for occupational therapist Chantal Légère of
Swanson & Associates of Ottawa on February 16th, 2017.

103. "Discovery 1" at Catana Reporting at 10:00 took place on March 9th, 2017. Patricia
Lawson, Charles Genest, and I [were] present. I brought a Parker Pen wrapped up as a gift for
Gaetan Comeau because I thought that he was going to be at the Discovery. He was not. I had
hoped. I also brought a gift for Patricia Lawson, an essay I wrote at McMaster University in
1996 about "Women in the Workplace." I gave that to her. She appeared thankful. Then, a
little way into the interrogation, I had a "SEIZURE" in front of 2 lawyers and 1 Crown Clerk
all because of $7,500.00. Lawyer Patricia Lawson had interrogated me concerning how she
thought that $7,500.00 was owed by me to the Family Responsibility Office [Child Support
Office,] when only $3.00 per month for 3 boys, multiplied by 12 months within a year,
multiplied by 3 years, [just $108 would have been the total. So, it never added up to me, this
unprofessional lawyer's take or claim that Child Support was in arrears in the amount of
$7,500.00.] Why did she not [ready the] order, Stanley Kershman's Court Order?
"$3/Child/Month" She is unprofessional. [The Crown Clerk's Office will be able to tell me how
many people paid their fee to obtain the Order.] It's criminal to Mislead Justice, [Section 137
of the Criminal Code of Canada because "everyone who, with intent to mislead" is guilty,
especially when "it shall be used as evidence in a judicial proceeding," Patricia Lawson. [Only
$108 was owed approximately.] This act of misleading, interrogative unprofessional tactic on
my altered mind was the trigger to my "SEIZURE." And then, to make matters more criminal
for that day, both lawyers Charles Genest and Patricia Lawson forced me to continue with the
Discovery despite having had a "SEIZURE." No mention of perhaps postponing the Discovery
for another day, especially after witnessing a man foam from his mouth. No. Nothing. Both
were criminals of harassment.
104. [My] Canadian Tire Master Card became due amounting to $1,926.46 on April 13th, 2017.
105. Sometime during the summer of 2017, Apple Incorporated at Bayshore Shopping Center
gave me a quote for an iPad Mini, so that I could show my nurse. I had to push nurses and
occupational therapists just to ask for help by providing them with concrete evidence of a quote
for their OFC-18 Forms, as if they couldn't have done it [themselves.] Why do I have to prove
what I need or how to activate learning and cognition. Perhaps I was a teacher, [and they
106. I went to see dentist Frank Lee on June 28th, 2017. He recommended some root-canals,
maybe a bridge or two, and new implanted teeth. I ended up getting a cleaning, nothing more
after that. He did not wish to file TD Insurance's OCF-18 Form or other [ones like it, as] I
understood. Thank you, Frank for your help [anyhow.]
107. I walked into Ottawa Chiropractic Health Clinic & Physiotherapy at 407 Laurier Avenue
West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on August 22nd, 2017. I merely was walking about. I was
trying to find perhaps my own therapy and health help, or perhaps a professional doctor who
would be willing to help me and fill out insurance forms for support. So, I walked through their
door. "Can you help me?" I asked a kind empathetic administrative personnel. "Why certainly.
Come on in." was the reply I heard. These words were the most welcoming since my Car Crash.
Everybody was so helpful to me. For the first time, I felt like I could trust people to help me.
I shall always be grateful for those words. The clinic became my "Place of Zen," thank you all.
Dr Andréanne Côté, DC brought me back to better health. She became my rock and my pillar.
Thank you. Dr Karim Ali, DC was also instrumental in straightening my spine better from
scoliosis issues. Thank you. Physiotherapist Pierre-Luc Couturier taught me how to walk, how
to sit, how to handle seizures and hypothermic panics, how to listen to my body, how to slow
down, and how to accept the challenges of getting better. Thank you. Dr Gabrielle Pomerleau,
DC was so professional in coming to my aide as well. She gave me [a greater] abilitiy to breathe.
I am further eternally grateful for the care that Ryan Murray, Meghan Leadbeater, and Carolyn
Aitken gave me. I was privileged [to be] under their professional Registered Massage Therapy.
Thank you. I do not know what I would have done without them all. They had changed my
life for the better by making me healthier. From basic social interactions with kind folk to
detailed positive therapy, the gamut of assistance was heartwarming. I cannot thank them
enough. Thank you. They transformed me. I cry. Thank you. There must be Doctors of
Chiropractic, Physio Therapists, and Massage Therapists at hospital!
108. [On] August 24th, 2017 I went to Sleep Country on Bank Street, Ottawa to get a quote
for a bed, so that my nurse could help me get funding from TD Insurance. Why did I have to
go myself and not she? Or, she could've surfed the Internet, [eh?] [She] didn't everyone know
I had scoliosis? Did they not read the documents? They got paid to do so - unprofessional
conduct - yes indeed. Throw a patient under a party-bus. Later, I did not understand why
Natalie Luimes and Michael Thiele insisted on probing my handling of the thousands of dollars
that it took to buy the bed. I was trying to build trust by doing things myself - something foreign
to them perhaps? TD et al. sent me a large cheque in the end. I had to go and see Christina
Kargakos, Senior Financial Services Representative of CIBC on Sparks Street, Ottawa. She
was extremely helpful in cashing the cheque for me. Thank you. I was so glad I had known
her before the Crash from the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church in Ottawa. [My bank would
have put a hold on such an amount, but Christina was able to cash it.] Thank you. I was so
pleased that I had known quite a bit of people from the Hellenic Community. If it were not for
Syrmo, I do not think I would have had the privilege of having [met] Dr Michael Vassilyadi,
neurosurgeon from the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario [CHEO, when he] came and paid
me a visit at my bedside while I was at the Ottawa Hospital's Rehabilitation Centre in 2014. He
encouraged me to think that the greatest therapy was "out there" in real life. He was right.
Thank you, doctor. Anyhow, once I [got] my bed, sleep became a little more manageable. I
used to sleep at least 16 hours a day in 2015, mostly because of confessional fatigue. [The bed]
sure did encourage me to walk more from a good night sleep. [So now,] I could go to Fine
Flowers at Minto Place to see some friendly people, perhaps have a coffee - a little more
rediscovery. I additionally tried around this time to venture further such as Bayshore Shopping
Centre - a bus away from downtown. I saw Graham Hilton, Senior Manager of Apple
Incorporated at Bayshore Shopping Centre. I received a quote from him concerning a [potential
purchase of] an iPad. He was very helpful in the past. I showed him my [Acquired] Brain
Injury "ID-Letter from Hospital," and he had been more than willing to help. I further did the
same with Adrian Bryn Laney, Technology Sales Area Representative of Staples on Bank Street,
Ottawa for an Apple desktop computer. Thank you, gentlemen. Yet, the most interesting was
Georgie not wanting to leave and fly away; my little Canary that flew inside my apartment, and
then given the gracious opportunity to fly away and be free, he decided to stay in [his] cage.
Perhaps Georgie did not want to fly back to the Canary Islands. Ah, I was off for a mouse to
the Pet Circus on Bank Street, Ottawa. [My boys would get jealous of me having a pet, so I
thought to get one for them, too]
109. I dropped off some documents at Michael Thiele's office at O'Connor Street, Ottawa on
August 28th, 2017.
110. Connect Hearing diagnosed me on September 6th, 2017 with having normal hearing
except for ranges 6000 Hz to 8000 Hz. So, high pitches became an issue. No wonder I began
to hate vacuums and fire trucks. Yet, who paid for that assessment? The taxpayer did because
ODSP paid for it. "God! King! And, Country!" Pay the Queen back, lawyer Patricia Lawson.
I had been well treated by Connect Hearing, [however.]
111. I met up with Michael Thiele on September 8th, 2017.
112. September 19th, 2017: I entered into a "Contingency Fee Retainer Agreement" with
Michael Thiele, [I think, eh?] The agreement for his fee was "30%" of the total client recovery.
Jennifer Pilgrim was the witness. I had gone to see lawyer Michael Thiele with Syrmo. I was
introduced to Mikolaj Grodzki by Michael Thiele. I specifically asked Michael Thiele three
things and why I needed him: 1) Health, 2) Rehabilitation, and 3) a Trial. I agreed to these
three principles for hire, as well as Syrmo, with lawyer Michael Thiele. He later visited me
regularly at [my tiny apartment.] I do not remember much of Mikolaj Grodzki until July 18th,
2018 [Mediation 1] and nothing much again until March 29th, 2019 [Pre-Trial 1.] He was
always absent. It was Michael who knew the boys. It was Michael who saw them role up their
sleeping bags on the floor. It was always Michael Thiele. Where was my barrister? "A Team?"
they say. "Well, I am the Captain!" Where is my lawyer?
113. I always had Parking Registration problems with Ottawa Community Housing from
Chapel Street, Ottawa concerning a handicap spot for the Jeep. I told Michael Thiele about it
and other problems about Community Housing [sometime around] October 5th, 2017. The
water heater was another example. But, he did not take me to the Landlord and Tenant Board,
which I thought he would have known how to help. Oh well, nothing. Unprofessional
[perhaps?] Approximately around this period, I also had to see [both] Jaime Bowen, Housing
Administrator, and Sandie Campagna, Housing Administrator, for the same parking problems
and eventually a new handicap parking spot was allotted to me for the Jeep. After that, at some
point, the Jeep was also brocken into [Report Number: #18-16592.] It was as if my gut was
telling me something about my Jeep. Perhaps, Denise Dupuy, Director of Operations of Ottawa
Community Housing [could help me.] Thank you. I guess I did not need lawyer Michael Thiele.
114. I saw general health practitioner Lara Kent at the Centretown Community Health Centre
on October 13th, 2017. I never wanted her as a doctor of medicine. I demanded Ontario Health
Care Connect to find me a male general health practitioner or Kristine Whitehead who knew
me long, long time ago. Are there no males out there? Where's Kristine? Don't know. Don't
care anymore? The only thing positive for me that came out of the Centretown Community
Health Centre was Natasha Beaudin, Health Promoter. She greatly assisted me with stopping
my smoking cessation. Omega Laser from Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa was helpful as well,
yet all these adversarial conflicts and surrounding battles for legal financial support merely had
been not the time to stop smoking, perhaps when a calmer time may come. The mind must be
at peace to accept change. Besides, I had quit smoking for 5 years before my Car Crash. I was
due. Nevertheless, John Piché, founder of Omega Laser Stop Smoking Incorporated, was very
understanding. Thank you.
115. Adjuster Delia Ravindran of TD Insurance et al. approved $6,512.40 for registered nurse
Natalie Luimes on October 19th, 2017. Thus, a nurse and her assistant plus a lawyer and his
partner lawyer, whom all had the privacy of knowledge and information that there were three
children involved in this court case, did nothing to bring a motion into Family Court to convince
a judicator and TD Insurance et al. for better conditions for my boys and their visitation rights
to their father, I. Unprofessional y'all, [no?]
116. On November 15th, 2017 I asked Natalie and Angela for a stool, iPad, and Stove Guard.
117. Audiologist Emilie Alary from Connect Hearing recommended follow up on November
28, 2017. In the meantime, I tried to walk more, so I went places up and down Bank Street,
Ottawa like to Microplay to see if I could buy a game or two for the boys. I also went to IGO
Cyber House for some help with my old MacBook Pro. Michael Thiele advised me to put up
again all of my music on YouTube. I did but my computer crashed. It wasn't easy either
transferring from Virgin Mobile to Wind Mobile then to Freedom Mobile - [my brain.] That
was crazier than a yo-yo. In the end, I surely was with glee when I bought an Ibanez Acoustic
from Steve McGrath at Steve's Music Store on Rideau Street, Ottawa. Time to relearn how to
play guitar - ouch! I had hoped that TD Insurance would help me with Hummingbird Music &
Pebble Studios in Nepean, but I was stupid to think that they truly wished to help rehabilitate
me. "Happenstance-Non-Earners" and "Vagrant-Single-Men" are never treated equally in
Canada. Thank goodness [that] I accepted [this] reality, in the end.
118. [On] November 29, 2017 I had to open a Simplii Financial bank account.
119. General health practitioner Lara Kent ordered me to the Ottawa Hospital for an ultrasound
of the abdomen on December 5th, 2017. She had been concerned about my cholesterol. [Wth...]
Heart attack is the best way to die, Lara Kent! Did you not study that at Medical School? The
brain was more important then [for me. We were obviously not on the same page.]
120. [On the 20th of] December, 2017 [was when I decided that] I never wanted to see general
health practitioner Lara Kent.
121. A T5007 Statement of Benefits for the tax year of 2018 came in the mail from the Ministry
of Taxation. I shall continue to wonder if the backburner will work.
122. Judy Romanchuck, a personal care worker from Home Instead in Kanata wrote on
January 5th, 2018 that "Hipkiss was very sick today." I coughed for 11 days! I had to go to the
Centretown Community Health Centre. All health care providers must take their [bi-annual] or
annual flu-shots. I had wished I had Zahra Hussein from [Home Instead] again. I missed her.
She was understanding. Still, I began searching for a new personal support worker and perhaps
with Qualicare, Family Homecare. I cannot remember if I also saw Michelle Barrett, Health
Promoter, for I certainly was sicker than sick for many weeks, yet perhaps at some point I did.
Anyhow, a big loop will never exit my brain because of Judy. Why did she refuse to get an
annual flu vaccine? [Doesn't] the government regular a mandatory flu vaccination programme
for all personal support workers in Ontario? If you deal with the vulnerable sector, you must
be vaccinated annually. My boys had to be vaccinated just to go to school. Why shouldn't
Personal Support Workers have to take the shot? Complicity is a crime, you know. I regularly
had a good rapport with Judy Romanchuck. We talk about my journey to Israel and her
interesting Hebrew roots. Our chats were a pleasure, so why? Personal belief perhaps...
Freedom of Choice, I guess. [It was at my suffering, nevertheless.]
123. TD Insurance's Delia Ravindran granted Angela Van Hofwegen $6,047.44 on January
24th, 2018. I was forced to associate with another therapist despite having argued for only one
person right from the beginning.
124. For the Brick's recliner, I had to produce to my nurse a quote on January 26th, 2018, so
that there would be no delay in sending an OCF-18 form to TD Insurance to support me for it.
I never had owned a recliner; however, while at hospital, I found out they were perfect for a
[split second nappy.] But, every time I would try to ask for something, nurses and occupational
therapists would always delay. I had to provide quotes that Syrmo would help me obtain. The
"Burn-Factor" is rot with fraud. It's harassing to beg for help when you are obliged to help.
125. Adjuster Delia Ravindran of TD et al. approved neuropsychologist Charles Leclerc
[$2,200.00] on March 1st, 2018. Despite various inconsequential trinkets either from the
University of Kentucky or the University of Illinois that he used, he did tell me to my face that
I had "working-memory issues" - a form of Dementia, I concluded. So, I am forgetful in other
words. Thank goodness I'm not stupid. "Now, was that supposed to be the jib, lad? Maybe we
should go with the spinnaker, mate! Okay, eh? Off to starboard..." I asked Charles Leclerc of
Psychologues Consutants Y2|Y2, 127 at Gatineau, Québec to return the rest of the money that
he was awarded from TD Insurance because we had not completed our sessions [together.] This
was just like what I had insisted another psych, Kimberly Payne, to do. I doubt he did, however.
I further asked Charles Leclerc to send me at least his report and findings. To this date, I have
received nothing from this unprofessional man. And to think, I had to go see this person to
understand something I already knew - of course, I'm forgetful.
126. General health practitioner Lara Kent ordered me to the Ottawa Hospital for an ultrasound
to my abdomen by the Radiology Department, Riverside Hospital, Ottawa on March 6th, 2018
at 08:40. What? Who cares? My linguistic abilities never got addressed by her!
127. Ottawa Community Housing sent me a Notice to End Tenancy for $76.00 in arrears on
March 28, 2018. [But, no-one really cared about how much all of these threats to evict would
have on my changed, altered mind, or did they yet refused?]
128. Occupational therapist Heather MacGregor of TRAC Group of Ottawa was awarded
$10,427.15 on April 10th, 2018 from TD's Delia Ravindran. I asked Heather MacGregor if she
could help me get a computer. As a teacher, I always had a computer. I showed her a computer
at Staples Canada Incorporated on Bank Street, Ottawa one day. Nothing came out of it.
"Vagrant-Single-Man, Non-Earner" always came up with her. "TD Insurance will not sponsor
a computer." she always said. I had got depressed with all the frozen food. Meals on Wheels
was what the doctor ordered back in the beginning and in 2015. I didn't mind. I knew some
people there because they operated at the Good Companions Senior Centre. Syrmo was the
head cook there for decades. Even I worked there for years. But most of all, Meals on Wheels
kept me alive. Thank you. I was not going to survive just on frozen meals, however, so I started
to eat out a lot, not only during this time when I was hoping to get a functional stove and guard
with Heather MacGregor, but in general, too. I ate out. Besides, there was never enough frozen
food for three growing boys. I used to text my wife, the mother, "Get a family lawyer involved
to force TD to support us all more." I did not hear back from my wife or her lawyer Judith
Alison Campbell. I did not wish for Heather MacGregor to teach me how to make Pasticcio or
Spanakopita. I [would teach] her. She needed a recipe book. I never had one in my life. Syrmo
taught me how to cook. I needed a computer, MacGregor. But most of all, I needed help from
[her] to argue for the boys against TD Insurance. [She] saw the boys sleep on the floor.
Unprofessionalism, [eh?]
129. Dr Andréanne Côté got me some custom orthotics for my right foot from The Orthotic
Group on April 13th, 2018.
130. May 10th, 2018: Lara Kent, general health practitioner, filled out a TRAC Group form
indicating that I needed "24-Hour Supervision," never mind suspending my driver's license.
This person knows nothing about brain injury, not a practitioner that I needed.
131. [On] May 11th, 2018 I got a quote from Dr Xiaobin Li Terapia of Ottawa Hyperbaric
Oxygen Therapy Incorporated. I knew I had to get another kind of quote in advance of telling
my nurse, due to past experiences with others, just so my nurse would act faster and not stall
the OCF-18 form to TD Insurance. Imagine what a victim must do to get help in Ontario,
Canada. "Burn-Factor-Fraud." [Stall! Collect! Stall! Collect! Repeat When Finished!]
132. General health practitioner Lara Kent, Natalie Luimes (my nurse), and I had a meeting
on June 5th, 2018. "Lara Kent Suspended My Driver's License." She never saw me drive nor
did my nurse. Natalie Luimes left a note in my 'patient's file' which wrote: "Please do not
disclose the source who informed you of Mr Hipkiss' driver's license/driving concerns - this
would significantly damage the therapeutic relationship and role with Mr Hipkiss. Thank you.
RN" Conspiracy to prove that I cannot drive? Conspiracy is a crime, [is it not?] Did lawyers
Michael Thiele and Mikolaj Grodzki conspire with nurse Natalie Luimes to take my driver's
licence away from me, so that they could increase their share from TD Insurance? Why take
away my licence 4 years after my Car Crash? [Goofy thing is: "I can drive just fine!"]
133. Delia Ravindran of TD et al. awarded Natalie Luimes $7,609.24 on June 12th, 2018.
134. My recliner issue became finally solved on June 13, 2018. Thank you, Joseph from the
Brick - great customer service from a kind Sales Consultant at Nepean.
135. The Ottawa Community Housing on June 21st, 2018 gave me a Notice of Rent Change,
but not TD et al. [Why doesn't TD take care of its legal duties and responsibilities?]
136. Social worker, Nathan Woodruff of TRAC Group, was awarded $4,445.20 from TD
Insurance on July 8th, 2018 to help me figure out what to do with the Ministry of Taxation. We
concluded that the Ministry of Taxation must take me to court or file endless forms based
passionate grounds. I am not going to beg for forgiveness because [of] a stupid [judge] like
Macleod who shouldn't have ordered me to file for 2010-11 when I was at war [in the first
137. Phil, [my professional] Hyperbaric Chamber Technician, started me with "Terapia:
Ottawa Hyperbaric Therapy" on July 11th, 2018. Thank goodness for Megan, too, [my most
important] Hyperbaric Chamber Operator. She had to pull me out of the chamber one time due
to a [slight myoclonus SEIZURE] of mine that was attempting to gain a stronghold [while in
Chamber of all places - not good, for it takes approximately 3 minutes to decompress the
pressure to permit the opening of the gate or door. 3-Minutes with a seizure?] Thank you for
saving me, Megan. [Your chats that I shall never remember kept my mind off my panic attack
that my myoclonus was creating, and in turn gave me a different focus of being patient with my
breathing in order to finally get out of my claustrophobic situation. Thank you for wiping my
tears, in the end.]
138. I received some quotes from Rich Childs, Senior Team Lead of Minto's Pool and Fitness
Centre on July 13th, 2018. I handed the quotes to my nurse. I always had to wait long periods
for TD Insurance et al. to help me with rehabilitation. A claw here, a claw there - I became sick
of it. Thank you, Rich Childs for your help with the push, and to all staff, mighty obliged.
[Less I forget, too,] I was similarly grateful to have been associated with Alex Brown-Theriault
from Minto Properties.
139. Someone pushed me into associating with Shawn Marshall again on July 16th, 2018. I
think it was registered nurse Natalie Luimes or general health practitioner Lara Kent, perhaps
both; nevertheless, for the life of me, I could not understand why I had to see this racist man
who in the beginning could not figure out or at least tell me that I had a huge problem with my
body and my spine - scoliosis. I got nothing out of that day but aggravation. No info. No
progress. Who paid for that? The taxpayer? "Four years later, TD Insurance, and you still
couldn't accept my disability." I thought. Everyone knew I had myoclonus or hypo-bipolar, and
so on and so on. "Drag a victim under a bus why don't you?" [I would draconianly whisper into
my thoughts.] And who paid for Shawn Marshall, the Queen's [son, King Charles III] or TD?
140. July 18th, 2018: "Mandatory Mediation 1" at Kelly Santini's Office on Elgin Street,
Ottawa. Lawyer Lisa Langevin was the Mediator. Michael Thiele had written a letter notifying
me of the mediation on January 2nd, 2018. At mediation, I showed lawyers a map of the world
where I had placed lots of pictures of me around the world. I asked lawyers if they could help
me figure out if I'll get to Afghanistan, for I had been already to Iraq to teach. I suggested that
they Hire a Private American Mercenary from Halliburton, Texas or Blackwater from Virginia,
USA. I also asked them to inquire about a Mercenary with DynCorp International from Fort
Worth, Texas, USA to come to Ottawa and assess if I could be deployable or not. How was
able to accept my loss, without trying first [to learn if I can or cannot,] from those that took me
to that neck of woods in the first place, [Iraq?] I also asked if I could get some help with
publishing my 'old essays' with General Store Publishing House of Renfrew. My last student,
Michael Harper published 3 books from there, too. It would have helped me with typing and
writing, [and as an] encouragement of rewriting my old pieces of work. I told them that I was
a different person than what they had thought originally. I was not a Vagrant-Single-Man nor
was I a Non-Earner. Lastly, I asked lawyers if they could help support me play and record my
playing of guitar, bass, violin, harmonica, and piano with Hummingbird Music Limited at
Pebble Studios in Barrhaven. My boys used to go there. I had been to two conservatories
around the world. I loved music and lost much of it [due to the Crash.] Nothing; nothing over
the months and years ahead - no rehabilitation, no help. Joseph Griffiths, Patricia Lawson,
Michael Thiele, & Mikolaj Grodzki are not lawyers. They are illegitimate sole proprietors.
129. At Fitzroy Provincial Park, Ontario with the boys was hard for me. Camping was not the
same as it used to be. We took a ferry to Quyon, Québec [around] August 6th, 2018.
130. Natalie Luimes wrote a letter for me to send to TD et al. for rehabilitative funding on
August 8th, 2018. I had hoped to understand if I could fly just as I had wished to understand if
I could ride a train [to Montréal] and then handle a boat [across the Ottawa River.] I wanted to
know if I could handle the decompression and altitude of an aeroplane. How else was I going
to accept that maybe I [will never] go to Afghanistan to teach English?
131. Natalie Luimes got $6,399.78 from TD Insurance et al. on August 8th, 2018.
132. I saw, on August 15th, 2018, Heather Macgregor of TRAC Group.
132. [On] August 24th, 2018 I got my bed from Sleep Country Canada. Thank you.
133. I saw Nathan Woodruff of TRAC Group on August 28th, 2018. It was nice that he used
to come to [the apartment.] He knew that my tax files had to be dealt with at the Tax Court of
Canada on Kent Street, Ottawa. At least he was honest. [Nothing became of nothing, however.]
We cancelled thereafter our association. I had three more sessions left concerning Nathan's
field of Social Work, but TRAC Group most likely never refunded TD Insurance et al. - another
crime of not returning money owed? Follow the money. Protect your wallet. [I know. I'm
psycho. I'm protecting TD's money. Freeze Me Please!]
134. I went to the Canada Revenue Agency on Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa on September
20th, 2018 to see if I could solve the taxman issues both mine and TD Insurance's. No-one
wished to speak to me. I also attempted to go to the Revenue Canada office near Billings Bridge,
up Heron Road, Ottawa. I found that civil servants do not wish to talk to citizens, odd but true
in my experience. They have telephones everywhere. I wondered about the counters and their
personnel. Welcome to Canada: [21st Century Ghost Town before "My Khonrona-19."]
135. I had to go associate with neuropsychologist Charles Leclerc from Y2|Y2 Consulting
Psychologists at Hull, Québec on September 25th, 2018. I saw him no more than an hour, more
like waiting for no-one. I further told him to refund TD Insurance et al., part of the funds that
he had mustered from them, for we still had many hours left on our assessment schedule, and
[he] never completed. I advised him to return the balance. Who paid him by the way, lawyer
Mikolaj Grodzki or TD Insurance? Follow the money to find the crime. We were scheduled
from 09:00 to 15:00 at one point with a lunch break. And, no lunch was offered for me to go
all that way by foot. I never completed that appointment or any other. He was just like psycho
Kimberly Payne. I merely wished to protect an insurer's wallet. Criminals, eh? [TD was
supposed to protect me, and yet here I was protecting it. Maybe I am stupid.]
136. I had to go and demand my Personal Medical Profile plus my entire file from general
health practitioner, Lara Kent on October 2nd, 2018. Why does a person have to fight for his
or her medical file in Canada? Don't doctors know that it is a right of a patient? Medical doctors
think that they have superiority over a patient in Canada. Attitudes must change.
137. No more Rogers Cable TV. Back to Rabbit-Ears on October 19th, 2018! Lots of money
for everyone else, but the victim got plugged with "Bunny-Ears!"
138. I got my inhaler from my pharmacist, Mr. Manteza, at Shoppers Drug Mart on Bank
Street, Ottawa on October 28th, 2018. General health practitioner Peter Baranick of Apple
Medical Centre from Slater Street, Ottawa had prescribed my inhaler. What I remember the
most about Dr Peter Baranick is when [he] questioned my driver's licence suspension. "Why
did practitioner Lara Kent suspend it after so long?" he asked me. "I know." I said. He further
asked me, "Can you drive?" I quickly responded, "Yes!" The only thing I asked my nurse, my
lawyer, and my doctor was that, if I did hit anyone in an accident or crash like anyone could do
with a valid licence, would my Intact Automobile Insurance from Toronto cover the injured
person or would he or she have to suffer criminal harassment and denials for health and therapy
from the insurer like I [have had?] I never did get a response from anyone, rather a suspension
of my driver's license for questioning such a thing was all that I got, when in fact, I can drive
just fine. These court proceedings and all the adversarial conflicts that they perpetuate on a
victim like myself has taken me away from any attempt to reinstate my license soon. Perhaps,
I shall have to rewrite the test during the summer of 2021. Or, I can always get my Saudi license
reissued and [then get them to] send to me, so that I can qualify for an International License
here in Ontario, that's if the Ministry of Transportation will not lift my Saudi Licence for some
odd international suspension. I had also seen general health practitioner Aneel Kaushik from
Appletree Medical Group at some point as well during my visits. [He thinks I'm okay, doesn't
he, too?] They thought the same as Dr Peter Baranick, [I'm sure I remember.]
139. Adjuster Nancy Stobbs of TD Insurance Meloche Monnex started her service [of
assistance perhaps] on November 8th, 2018. "We're here to help." she wrote.
140. November 11th, 2018: My "Walk-ABI-Thon" - Stittsville to Orléans - 42.7 km - 17 hrs
for "My Boys Who Were Struggling." Huntmar Drive, Hazeldean Road, Robertson Road,
Baseline Road, Heron Road, Riverside Drive, Tremblay Road, Belfast Road, Ogilvie Road,
Montréal Road, and Saint Joseph Boulevard were all mine for a day. Never give up, boys! A
moment in time never to forget, this I shall. My "Anxiety Bridge" will be with me until death.
Thank you, Trood. It was not a day to die at the Veterans' Bridge that dreadful day while back,
yet I got through it, Matt. Thank you.
141. It was turkey time at last with Paul Whittaker and family on December 22nd, 2018.
142. December 31st, 2018: The boys and I had to go to Montfort Hospital of Ottawa because
Syrmo had been placed at hospital for knee surgery. We went to support her many times
thereafter as well. Bless her.

Confused Hope:

143. The Ministry of Taxation sent me a T5007 for 2019. I wonder if I should deal with Patrice
Lavoie of the Tax Court of Canada on Kent Street, Ottawa? He knew all too well, and
personally about my circumstance with [Judge] MacLeod's defunct insistence on my 2010 &
2011 returns. "Perhaps not?" [I say not.] I have bigger fish to fry. I can always deal with a
court case with Revenue Canada later. I've got criminals to catch.
144. In the beginning of 2019, I tried to reach out to Vista Centre's Brain Injury Services [at
the] Bronson Centre, Ottawa which was 3 blocks away from the apartment. I thought I could
ask someone like Scott Vernon, with whom I got along [with] at the Ottawa Brain Injury
Association of the Ottawa Valley, for help with forms from insurers and such. I used to go to
"The Valley" for Open House on Wednesdays for three years just to learn about Brain Injury.
I learnt more from groups of people with brain injury than with practitioners of medicine.
Perhaps it is because they did not read about brain injury, whereas medical doctors have to read
about it. While there, however, I further found it interesting to have had the privilege of
associating with Carla Thoms, Support Services Specialist of Ontario Brain Injury Association,
from Thorold, Ontario. Carla Thoms' patient-oriented-programmes enlightened me on some
of the difficulties brain injury poses in achieving wholistic rehabilitation, even from a glimpse
and not as a member myself. So, I found out through my associations at the Bronson Centre,
that Scott Vernon was involved in Personal Support and Independence. I needed to concentrate
on my spine [scoliosis,] and perhaps find someone like him that could help me with tonnes of
forms [in order] to garner financial support from TD Insurance et al. for positive therapy and
rehabilitation. I did not want or need someone to manage my life. I needed to include my three
boys more, thus perhaps, I knew I needed [him] to assist me. But, I needed not to have been so
surprised, for everyone had proven that help would be difficult due to cultural systemic sexism
issues in Ontario. It was what it was. [In addition,] I never expected OHIP to be proven useless
by the inability of the Hospital to provide me with a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber, [all] because
there was an Insurer (TD et al.) involved in my life - [can't mix tea with coffee, or public vs.
private health insurance.] I was ordered to seek assistance in the private sector and not in the
public sector, but the private sector never stood up to the plate to pay the public sector the
financial retribution bound by law. In conclusion, I cut up my OHIP card. TD et al. have
created a "2-Tier Medical System" at the command of an adjuster and not the public's health
insurance plan, OHIP. That's why I had to go to Bank Medical Centre's Terapia, Ottawa for
therapy instead of the Ottawa Hospital, General Campus. [Over] there they have chambers, too,
and more comprehensively bigger chambers - useless OHIP due to an Insurer! "Oh, my
goodness, the fish suddenly got bigger." became my haunted dream. Pulled to the side, however,
I got rapped up into preparations for an upcoming Civil Pre-Trial Conference with a judge.
Maybe he or she will finally listen to how people were treating me.
145. [On] February 4th, 2019 my oldest boy gave me a letter from the Dave Smith Youth
Treatment Centre on Scotch Corners Road at Carleton Place, Ontario that was written by Sue
Seath, Intake Coordinator. She wrote that my boy had attended a "male residential programme
from 01-03-2016 to 12-04-2016." He obviously was under a lot of stress with his parents'
separation and father's Car Crash. Where were you lawyer Judith Alison Campbell? My boy
was still under 18. He was born in 1998. I could not get any information about my boy from
general health practitioner Melissa Vyvey thanks to sexist [Justice] Stanley Kershman. My
"Walk-ABI-Thon" was especially for him and my other boys to follow as well. I used to go
with my boys to out door rinks just so that I could keep an eye on them. Thanks to lawyers, I
was not longer able. Who gave my boy garbage that landed him in a rehab centre? Answer me,
Campbell. Since they were kidnapped, I have not been able to keep an eye on who they come
across. That's why it's a crime, Campbell. When a person infringes upon another person's
Fundamental Human Rights, then, that increases the absconding of a child to a level of
kidnapping - thanks to my US Military Basic Training. I was an English teacher during a war,
thus, I was an extremely vulnerable target for kidnapping by the enemy, for I would have been
a bigger prize - hence, the training. The boys on April 15th, 2013 became your responsibility,
lawyer [Judith Alison] Campbell. You are guilty. Their scars are your guilt. [You must be put
in prison, or at least be disbarred from such criminal practice of kidnapping children ever to
happen again by you or anyone else like you in the Courts of Justice of Ontario - off to the
gallows - a divorce is between "SpouSe" not 'parent and child.' Read the law, Campbell.]
146. TD Insurance et al. had problems paying for my Gym & Pool membership at Minto Place,
Ottawa. I had to ask Richard Child and Dr Côté for help on February 4th, 2019.
147. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Disability Adjudication Unit
(ODSP) wrote me a letter on February 11th, 2019 notifying me that my "medical condition
would be reviewed at a future date."
148. Ottawa Community Housing wrote me a letter on February 19th, 2019 stating that I was
in arrears of $36.00.
149. A Pre-Trial Conference Brief of the Defendants was submitted by lawyer Joseph W. L.
Griffiths to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario under Court File Number: 16-69137 on
March 20th, 2019. [Lawyer] Joseph Griffiths signed his brief. He wrote, "Trial is scheduled
for 5 weeks starting March 1, 2021." The Pre-Trial with Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, [judge,]
was to take place at the court house on March 29th, 2019. To have preplanned a judicial
procedure by scheduling a trial date nine days prior to the appearance of an impartial judge to
weigh the debate for setting the actual date for trial in the first place let alone the date itself, is
"a crime of judicial influence," in other words, not allowing impartiality through judicial
procedure. Was anyone else involved, Joseph Griffiths? Was lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki involved,
too? I do not know. No wonder Honourable Justice Madame Giovanna Toscano Roccamo
wished not to make an order. She had to be presented as impartial [from] all the preplanned
folly. She had to protect herself. That's why there was no seal, no order that day, nor a transcript
I had asked for, [yet never] received to this date. [Of course not, there isn't one to be had!]
150. March 29th, 2019: I had a [Pre-Trial Conference, Number #Uno-1] with Justice Giovanna
Toscano Roccamo, civil judicator at the Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa. Joseph Griffiths,
Michael Thiele, Mikolaj Grodzki, Syrmo, my three boys, and I were present. It appeared that
there was a three-way teleconference device that was powered and another person on the other
end listening. I was not privy to who may had been on the other line. A Crown Clerk was also
present, but I did not see her record the Pre-Trial Conference. For the first time, I learnt that
the man who hit me had died. I could not stop crying. Now, I shall never, ever know what
happened that nanosecond in time. He was the only other true witness. Why did I not get to
see him before he died? If I had only been able to see him at the Discovery. I did not care if
he screamed at me or cried with me. I just demanded to hear him tell me his side of the story.
[And yet still,] judge [Giovanna] told everyone, [lawyers, people on the other line,] my family
and I, that there would be a Pre-Trial 2 on October 31st, 2019 - [Hallowe'en Day!] No Court
Order, however. That's why I could never get an order when I always went to the Court House.
Am I supposed to say thank you, Giovanna?
151. I sent a registered letter to Delia Ravindran of TD Insurance on May 14th, 2019 asking
for help with my teeth. I needed $730.00 as quoted to me by Trillium Dental at Minto Place,
[just] to start the process of fixing my teeth and mouth that was damaged from the Crash. I felt
further assured that perhaps Tony El-Khoury of Care Plus Transpo would transport me if needed
from wherever needed to have my teeth fixed. I used to like to dream. I had hoped to have
dentist Demetrius Dalios. I had showed Mikolaj Grodzki the dental clinic at Minto Place during
a walk that I had with him - to show him purposefully. I wish I could have had my teeth fixed,
so I could eat better. In addition, at some point in 2019, as memory serves me, I ended up being
forced to go and see dentist Mohamed Abdelrahman from Vista Dental & Denture Clinic, [way
up at] Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa due to lack of financial help from TD Insurance because one of
my teeth was ready to fall out. I just wished I could have got someone close to home and
support, [of course.] But, I was thankful for Care Plus Transpo for driving me there and back.
Thank you.
152. May 22nd, 2019: TD Insurance Meloche Monnex wrote back to inform me that I "[had]
been denied" medical assistance despite of the Car Crash. To deny treatment, therapy, or
medical is a crime, is it not?
153. I tried to reorganise my schedule for the gym and chiro clinic [in and around] June 4th,
2019. Suddenly my sternum shifted to the right [at the gym one time.] I became bedridden for
weeks. The only place I went to thereafter was my "Place of Zen." I could barely breathe.
154. I was getting more frozen food from Meals on Wheels around June 11th, 2019.
155. [On] June 13th, 2019 I sent a registered letter to Delia Ravindran of TD Insurance asking
for help with obtaining an ergonomic chair and desk as well as a computer. I've had many
before as a teacher. I was hoping to sit straight and type more. Rehabilitation was what I sought.
I did not have expectations by this point of TD Insurance ever helping me with rehabilitation.
So, as in the past, I continued onward by treating these [crooks as villains.] I constantly
gathered evidence and information, most of the time so I wouldn't forget, yet hoping to give to
my lawyer eventually for the preparation of a trial. I really wanted a trial to nail these criminals
and get a court order potentially for the recommendation of the "Crown Attorney's Office" to
become involved as well as the "Superintendent's Office" - I had naïve hopes. [I was silly to
believe in genuine honesty.]
156. I called Ottawa Community Housing Security for noise on June 14th, 2019.
157. I called Ottawa Community Housing Security for noise on June 15th, 2019.
158. [On] June 16th, 2019 I had a meeting with Una Wallace. I just had to tell her about how
I had sent Gaetan Comeau three white roses even though I did not know that he [had died.]
Plus, I told Una Wallace that I had forgiven him because, although it may be natural to want to
subdue someone who had harmed you, which is even in the Criminal Code of Canada, I did
want to kill him for what he did to me. I forgave him however, before I found out that he had
died. R.I.P., Comeau. And, I discovered this spirit of forgiveness during my attack in the
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber with Meagan. What an angel she was for saving me, then and
beyond for ever more.
159. I called Ottawa Community Housing Security for noise at 17:00.
160. TD Insurance, Meloche Monnex wrote on June 18th, 2019 back to inform me that I "[had]
been denied" rehabilitative assistance. They never wanted to help me bar the bare minimum,
and they never wanted to know who I really was let alone acknowledge. How much more proof
161. June 19th, 2019: I realised I lost friends and family. People warned me. It's true.
162. I called Ottawa Community Housing Security on June 19th, 2019 for noise at 17: 50.
163. Canadian Tire Master Card sent me another debt notice of $2,507.87 on 14-08-2019.
164. It was nice to see my youngest boy swim another long course toward achieving his "Life
Guarding Goals" at Pinecrest Recreational Centre, Ottawa on August 14th, 2019,
165. I met lawyer Michael Thiele on August 16th, 2019. I complained about his lack of
preparation concerning [the upcoming] Pre-Trial 2 on October 31, 2019, and for the treatment
of my boys.
166. I had a series of x-Rays performed at Kent Street Imaging, Ottawa on August 22nd, 2019
for my sternum dislocation and xiphoid process, plus my right ribs - all Car Crash related. I
had to pay for these x-Rays out of my pocket. OHIP would not cover it, nor TD Insurance.
167. Neuro/Psych/Eco Assessment As if...? Neuropsychologist Francine Sarazin of Ricci &
Associates, 955 Green Valley Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. As if...? She assessed me
as if I were a Single-Man and a Non-Earner on August 23rd, 2019. I kept on telling her that
she would never be able to assess me due to her own narrow outlook on me, obviously
perpetuated by [sexist Justice] Stanley Kershman. I further continued my contradictions toward
her in that she, too, would always pre-assess me with sexist exclamations or undertones in her
report, for I knew that she would never make a recommendation for a Family Court proceeding
to commence immediately by either Michael Thiele or Mikolaj Grodzki. No. Of course not.
That would be an expensive onus placed upon a plaintiff's barrister, [all] due to financial
procurements never being a guarantee from a judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario.
So, in other words, that assessment was a great, fictitious benchmark of who I was not, just as
I had expected even with a shifted sternum. The beautiful thing was that it was all down in
front of a lawyer who had been privy to a prior crime with my wife. Perfect. Here I'm fighting
for my life because of my sternum, which everybody knew, and I am getting another
opportunity to prove how everyone was never interested in me. Besides, no-one wanted to look
over my contracts overseas. All they wanted to do was assess me as a Vagrant-Single-Man. I
might've seen other people as well concerning more assessments on August 19th, 2019 but it
never mattered to me. I always knew the outcome. My "Place of Zen" helped me breathe by
caring for my sternum. These people must not have [read about] my privacy then, 5 years or
2 years later is not professional. Medical doctors should have known that I never associate with
psychologist or psychiatrist. Everyone saw with their own two eyes that I struggle. Everyone
heard with their own two ears that I struggle. Everyone sensed that I struggle. So, why should
I have to associate with a man or woman about something he or she really has no grasp at yet,
[mon] brain. Never! I'm not a Guinea Pig! Sorry. Peace be with you.
168. August 30th, 2019: I had to pay cash for the x-Rays. No help from TD or OHIP.
Welcome to Canada.
169. I called Ottawa Community Housing Security for noise at 09:17 and 11:31 on August
31st, 2019.
170. Either on 31-08-2019 or 01-09-2019 - A MAN'S FINGER IN HIS TRIGER APPEARED:
The Event That Changed this Automobile Insurance Claim's Court Case. The Ottawa Police
Services have a report, I am certain. I heard a bang. I opened my door. A man with a gun and
with his finger in his trigger busted out of the elevator in front of my view. I was not able to
stop looking at his finger and not the gun or the man, not even the other man. This changed my
Brain Injury experience because now I knew I could no longer protect my own security. If
[anyone is to see] a finger is in a trigger: "EVAC, ASAP, Friendly-Fire!" I did not obey the
rule. I became fixated on the finger and not me, my safety. My immediate neighbour pulled
me into her apartment. I cried. I called my older boys. They came immediately. They picked
up all the court papers and things, as well as some clothes for me. They drove me to Syrmo's
place. I stayed there. She was in Greece. I was so scared. I cried for weeks and weeks and
weeks. I started to read all the paper work and documents. I was already in a war! I didn't
need to go to Afghanistan! That man, a police officer, woke me up right in front of me!
171. I had problems with TD et al. on October 6th, 2019 in helping me with the appropriate
financing that was required for my membership at Minto Place's Gym & Pool. Again?
172. I started to read all the files and paper work that I had collected and demanded. I did not
go back to the apartment for months. It was this time when I [seriously] read that I had scoliosis.
Why didn't [MDs] Vyvey, Kent, or Marshall tell me? I read more. I discovered more. I also
tried to get ready for Pre-Trial 2. I stayed at Syrmo's house until she arrived from Greece. I
could never figure out why TD's correspondences went to her address and not to my apartment.
I only stayed there for a few months. The jig was up again? Anyhow, I went around this time
for a break to MegaCity Promotions at Nepean and saw Steve Bradford to buy a Nepean Hockey
Association jacket. I had lost a lot of weight and went down in size from XL to L. I guess I
had to get new clothes. I asked for help, but I couldn't get it [from TD.]
173. October 31st, 2019: I went to the Court House at Elgin Street, Ottawa. The day was
Hallowe'en. Jen, my Giraffe, from the Sherriff's Office or the Clerk's Office, one or the other,
greeted me crying profusely. I told her I had a "Pre-Trial 2" to go to at the Court House, but I
couldn't find the Court Room. She helped me. She went behind the counter. Looked up my
court file. She had noticed that there was "No Court Order for October 31st, 2019." However,
the judge of March 29th, 2019, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, hinted [in the court's computer
system] that a "Pre-Trial 2" should be considered, yet not No Order [was given.] Right then, I
knew that the jig was up! I brought documents with me [that day, which I submitted into the
court house the next day after an Affidavit of Service.] Mikolaj Grodzki didn't even file the
appropriate paper work for Pre-Trial 2. He never even got in touch with the Trial Co-ordinator.
I demanded to take the stand, so that I could look at my documents and speak about them to tell
my story. I demanded people to hear what happened to me after the Crash. I demanded people
to listen. Then, I knew I had to attempt [what I wanted to say in] writing. Afterward, I went
and saw Mikolaj Grodzki. I demanded a Discovery 2. I wanted to know what was going on
with my case. I also wanted to know what happened to me that day on October 29th, 2014
because no-one had told me [even up to the day of Hallowe'en or] the Pre-Trial 2 that was
supposed to be. Delinquents! However, he organised the Discovery 2 for January 7th, 2020.
So now in preparation, I had to write what I wanted to say. Yet, I couldn't. Then, I found a
way because of a student of mine, "Voice-to-Text." It was all because of memory. Thinking
of an idea is one thing, but remembering it and putting it down on paper is a different thing.
Memory. The idea of "Voice-to-Text" could help with memory pushed me forward.
174. December 10th, 2019: AFFIDAVIT: "A Pedestrian's Victim Statement from a Pedestrian
Car Crash" - I handed in my victim statement to Steve from the Court House along with my
Affidavit of Service, with which Law Help Ontario helped me. Steve filed my Affidavit into my
court file [#16-69137] for every lawyer and judge to read. Listen to my Voice-to-Text
"Freedom of Speech." Please read it, too. Thank you in advance. I knew I had to warn
everybody about my stance concerning Settlements with Gag-Clauses and infringements on my
Freedom of Speech. I made sure it was on the first page and the second page of a 40+ page
Victim Statement, just so that people could not miss it in case they fell asleep afterward while
reading. No excuse to miss [it.]
175. I received a letter from Mikolaj T. Grodzki with a "Guide to Examination for Discovery"
on December 18th, 2019. Welcome to my ABI-World. I've said "No preparations please."
176. January 7th, 2020: Discovery 2 - Joseph Griffiths, Mikolaj Grodzki, a Crown Clerk, and
I were present. I tried to ask some questions about what happened that day of the Car Crash.
No-one wanted me to ask questions. So, I had a "bipolar" attack. I was going to put my first
into Joseph Griffiths' skull via across the table. Imagine the force of such a leap. Mikolaj
Grodzki grabbed my arm. [I became bruised days later.] I was about to kill Joseph Griffiths
for 'Triggering My Acquired Brain' into much confusion concerning dates that were not even
relevant to the case. Like, how was whatever I did in 1982 relevant to 2014? Thus, as in the
case with Patricia Lawson of McCague Borlack during Discovery 1, Joseph Griffiths did the
same - "Trigger a Victim." But, what he, as she, did is place many other people in harms way,
never mind me. You are a criminal, Joseph Griffiths!
177. I went to see Jennifer Pilgrim, a legal secretary of Quinn, Thiele, Mineault, & Grodzki
on January 24th, 2020. I had to get her to photocopy my résumé, legal documents, employment
contracts, university degrees, school diplomas & certificates, and medical files for Mikolaj
Grodzki to prepare for trial. I truly needed to see if he was going to prepare. I also saw her on
the 29th of January for the same.
178. Adjuster Nancy Stobbs of TD Insurance approved $5,835.30 on January 30th, 2020 to
nurse Natalie Luimes.
179. I had hoped someday that I could deal with Canadian Tire because on 06-02-2020 my
Master Card became due: $2,627.83.
180. I had to go to dentist Tina Mai from Dental on Booth, Ottawa on February 19th, 2020. I
had asked her to get in touch with nurse Natalie Luimes and lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki, and
likewise for Natalie Luimes and Mikolaj Grodzki to call [dentist] Mai and make sure implants
and gassing were supported by TD Insurance. In the end, I could not get the help I needed, not
then or in the past. I should have known. No-one wished to pay for my health and that's why
'extortion is permissible in the end with settlement gag-clauses.' Here's some money. Now,
shut up!
181. Intact Insurance got paid up on February 22nd, 2020 for the year.
182. [On] February 27th, 2020 Natalie Luimes came to visit me and take me to TD Bank at
Minto Place. I met Kayla Smith, Personal Banking Associate of TD Canada Trust [Covid-19
was not well known in Canada at this time.] I wanted to find out if I could build a trust fund
for my boys' education. As I had thought, she said "Yes." She was in support of the idea to
support the boys. My nurse Natalie Luimes did help me around this time in getting a full-year's
prescription for my asthma inhaler from health practitioner Jeremy Levenstadt at BPM Medical,
[Minto Place, Ottawa.] Tata.
183. I had to go to Connect Hearing [Minto Place on] March 2nd, 2021 because my hearing
aide was on the brink. They helped me fix a battery and [some] cleaning issue. Thank you. I
hope TD et al. paid for that visit and service. Was it the taxpayer again? I shall be further
grateful for the help I received from Evgenia Shmigol, Yaovi Akpawu, and Noliwé Béké.
Thank you.
184. ODSP approved to support my tinnitus hearing problem on March 16th, 2020. The
taxpayer must pay for the damages and treatment thereof and not an insurer. [This is Canada.]
185. April 1st, 2020: My clinic and gym had to "Shut Down" due to COVI-19/Coronavirus.
186. I met my nurse on April 16th, 2020. I signed for her finances from TD Insurance
187. Ottawa Community Housing sent me a letter on June 23rd, 2020 stating that my account
was in arrears for $58.00.
188. [On] July 6th, 2020 adjuster Nancy Stobbs of TD et al. approved $5,674.83 to Natalie
Luimes. My nurse came for me to sign her finances from TD. It was during the first part of
the summer of Covid-19 in 2020, I realised that I had committed "third party fraud." My nurse
did help me with medication at the beginning of the pandemic in March. To try is an admission
at failure, I guess. Still, I never knew - all this time. It was like I had to beg for help all the
time. So beforehand, I had asked my nurse to meet me at [may apartment's] garage. I wished
for her to check out my spine. Due to Covid-19 and everything, I thought it would be better to
do a quick assessment in the garage, [an isolation approach away from public.] I further hoped
for a recommendation as it were. [In the meantime, that day] I got some help with laundry from
my kind Personal Support Worker, Ghislaine Duval. She was always nice to me. She was one
of the several professional health care workers I met since the Crash that understood my
forgetfulness. Thank you. Meanwhile, my nurse, [my PSW, and I met in garage and] did in
fact figure out that my spine was experiencing scoliosis. But then, she wished [immediately]
after for me to sign for her financial support from TD Insurance. "Okay." I thought. [But,]
once I signed, Pow! It hit me. My nurse handed me an OCF-18 for me to sign, and immediately
I spoke to myself, "You know you won't see her for a very, very long time and will get nothing,
yet you just gave her access to money." Third Party Fraud, did I just commit? I began to accept
that I did not need a registered nurse. I never needed a nurse all along. And then a little later
next while, she did come again with an occupational therapist this time as well. I told her many
times that I only demanded one person to help me, my nurse. She said that I needed a Nurse
Practitioner then. So, this other nurse came from Vitality Assessments Group on Riverside
Drive, Ottawa. But, she too came with an occupational therapist right in from of my boys.
Crazy! I HAD IT! I did finally realise that this Insurance Industry was nothing but criminal.
"The Right That Shakes the Left?" One person, I demanded. Too many later is what I got.
[Ah!] Not one person can tell another with whom he or she must associate. It's the law. I
realised then and there that I never had access to financial support, others did.
189. One of my boys put a change of oil into the Jeep at Oil Changers on September 9th, 2020.
190. September 15th, 2020: A Defendants' Mediation Brief was submitted by lawyer Joseph
Griffiths of McCague Borlack, who claimed that there was "no basis for Mr Hipkiss claim for
loss of income." The lawyers never planned to calculate my loss of income, yet I had given
lawyers all my contracts from overseas. Joseph Griffiths thought I still worked for my father's
English School at Erythrae, Attica, Greece. I was 13 or 14 years old, Griffiths. That's where
the seed was planted. It was in the 1970s, my father's school. Did [he] not read my "Victim
Statement" that I submitted into the Superior Court of Justice with an Affidavit of Service? To
read is to understand. You should have payed attention to "A Journey's Ended" [of my
statement.] No wonder my wages never increased during the second mediation process. No
wonder Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, retired judge, thus mediator only now, wanted the
proceeding to be private and no recorded. The lawyers tried to pawn her off as a judge. She
was retired. They all saw the boys cry again just like at the Pre-Trial Conference [where they
had cried as well.] And she had the audacity to tell me - in front of the boys - that she was not
interested in discovering who Paul-Robert Hipkiss was via a little, tiny glance at
hipkissology.blogspot.com. No-one was interested again in figuring out my Loss of Wages. It
was a mediation for lawyers and their own disbursements. It does not say in law that mediation
must be offered once, twice, or thrice. It just says once. "Canada's Legal Culture Is Criminal."
Lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki submitted a Global Mediation Brief of the Plaintiffs around this time
as well; however, there was no date included. And voila, it happened: [the mediation of
191. On September 22nd, 2020, a lot of us experienced the "Mediation 2" - Internet Zoomed
with Trish Mongeon, Tech Manager - lawyer Todd McCarthy - lawyer Joseph Griffiths -
Meagan Whittaker - Lynn Parker - lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki - Giovanna Toscano Roccamo,
Mediator. Much time was waisted on Zoom at Mikolaj Grodzki's office with Syrmo, my three
boys, and I. All that those people completed was an increase of their own wages and not mine.
Every time they would shut down Zoom or break apart to huddle in Chambers as it were, they'd
come back all together online and nothing would be increased concerning my lost wages. I was
a "Vagrant-Single-Man" with my boys in front of them! They burnt my jib. So, I got up and
told Syrmo to gather her things, for we were about to exit a [collaborated,] conspired, and
planned "Mediation # -2" for lawyers and insurers and not for a victim and his family. Thank
goodness I recorded it.
192. Ottawa Community Housing sent me on September 24th, 2020 a letter of notice that my
rent may increase to $924.00. What? I shall never afford that. Another attack.
193. [I received additional information on or about] September 29th, 2020 [concerning a]
Global Mediation with retired Giovanna Toscano Roccamo as [mediator/litigator?] Interesting!
The former judge that did not officially make an order for "Pre-Trial 2" became a
mediator/litigator wearing her judicator's thawb. I was shocked. So were the boys once I told
them who she actually was. And now another lawyer by the name of Todd McCarthy [became]
privy to my personal court case from some hinterland in Whitby, Ontario, Canada whom I have
never met or acknowledged. Obviously, Mikolaj Grodzki associates with him not I. Everyone
except my family and I were increasing the calculations. So, half way through, I told my family
to get ready and leave with me. That was the worst display of criminal, unprofessional
behaviour by a judiciary in front of three young people, our future [citizens.]
194. I ended up having so many meetings and phone texts from Mikolaj Grodzki over money.
I brought files both medical, employment, and education. He was not interested in the medical.
He became strange to me. He didn't even ask me about other family members and associates
from Ottawa and the Greater Metropolitan Area of Toronto. No mention of witnesses? What
about specialist? My Place of Zen? And where will they testify? It started to appear to me that
something bad was happening. Sure. I threw numbers [$] at him all the time. I had given up
understanding the process. Nothing was civil. No stenographer or Crown Clerk to record or
anything in the event a Defendant or a Plaintiff wished to appeal. Thank goodness I recorded
a lot of things. Everyone knows that the appeal process itself requires a transcript. Courts don't
practise [law] in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada! [I guess that's why Canada's very own citizenry
refers to its defunct judiciary as "Kangaroo Court! Cliché, what?" [I would've never thunkt it
'til I took Madame Justice's blindfold off. Maybe, I ought to put it back on, eh?]
195. Ottawa Community Housing's Debbie Dawson sent me on October 8th, 2020 a Notice of
Early Termination for Non-Payment of Rent.
196. October 29th, 2020: Notice to End Tenancy from Ottawa Community Housing for $66.00
in arrears. [Happy Birthday, Hipkiss!]
197. Reliance Home Comfort of Ottawa stated on October 30th, 2020 that I owed them
$128.95. I have never signed a contract with this company. I told Michael Thiele many times.
He could have taken the issue to the Landlord and Tenant Board to argue about the scam. The
Board on Albert Street, Ottawa [is] only four blocks away from the apartment, and he came to
my apartment for almost 2 years, yet nothing for the victim. The onus was left to the Plaintiff?
198. [On] November 3rd, 2020 I received a letter from TD Insurance, Meloche Monnex that I
had "failed or refused to provide a new Form 1." Well, TD et al., if you read your own form,
you'll discovered that you denied me. I demanded my nurse to assess my needs for Attended
Care. Once again, if you read, you'll find out that your "Form 1" allows [a nurse to be] an
Assessor [because you] require [an Assessor to have] an Assessor's Registration Number. [My
Registered] Nurse has all of that and more. You cannot force me into associations at your will!
This is my right, not yours [in this case.] Can a nurse not figure out if the stove works or not?
Does he or she not cook? Can a nurse discover whether a patient can groom? I hope so. So,
your request on June 30th, 2020 was denied by you, not I. Words Matter!
199. I went to Ottawa Community Housing on November 5th, 2020 to fill out an "Annual
Household Composition and Income Review Form" and a "Statement of Account." I tried to
give the copies to ODSP, but they did not want to photocopy them. Covid made people afraid
of me, [but more importantly, the fear of death, and they think I am death. Talking about Panic
Attacks, eh? All of Canada is under one. Been there, done that for this entire journey. Calm.]
200. By November 11th, 2020 I had spent approximately $5,736.00 on a complete medium
wardrobe and Laptop. Thank you, ODSP. Covid-19 closed a lot of shops and isolated a lot of
people; thus, I was able to save most of [my disability] money over the months. TD Insurance
did not help. [I had to eat or go to my chiro and gym, too.]
201. Friday the 13th (13-11-2020): "Walk-ABI-Bridge" - 22 km - 7 hrs for my physiotherapist,
Pierre-Luc Couturier, who taught me how to walk. I strolled from Minto Place, to the Byward
Market, over the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, along Laurier Street [in Hull,] over the Pont
Champlain, [then] along Wellington Street, [as well as a] toddled along Somerset Street back
to Minto Place. Thank you, Pierre-Luc. And, I did it with a straighter spine. Painful. But
better. Thanks.
202. Adjuster Nancy Stobbs from TD et al. approved my Minto Gym & Pool programme for
$699.00 on November 17th, 2020. [My] Gym Activity should have been [paid on a regular]
basis for therapy, especially for someone who has a broken spine. [It's all I have left.]
203. The Ottawa Community Housing increased my handicap parking spot for my Jeep to
$78.00 on November 23th, 2020. Covid made everything go up except TD Insurance's help.
204. Former Family Law barrister Virve Georgeson replied on November 30th, 2020 to my
electronic mail that I had sent her for assistance indicating to me, however sadly, that she no
longer practised law. I always had tried to involve her. I even told Shelly Stephenson about
her. [I guess unprofessional persons did not wish to step up to the plate for my boys. Who
knows, eh? Had I been a lady, would I have been treated the same?]
205. Ottawa Community Housing sent me a letter stating that my rent was in arrears for $70.00.
206. I had to meet a practising nurse, Courtney, and a therapeutic occupation specialist, Gillian,
with my two younger boys on December 9th, 2020. Everybody was at [the apartment.] I
thought that Natalie Luimes, my old RN, told me that I needed a practising nurse and not a
registered nurse. This way a PN would have more influence in reporting for financial support
from TD et al. So, I went ahead and took her advise because by this time, I really had enough
of all the misleading lies just to grab at an insurer's wallet. I just wanted all along one person
to help me bridge my access to medical and care. But, I was naïve once again. I went to Vitality
Assessments Group [the following day] to cancel a contract that I had signed with Courtney the
previous day. Courtney like Luimes are not nurses. They are the same - scratch the
occupational therapist's back. They attempted to be managers of my life, yes granted. This is
what I had been against all along, [however.] I learnt how to organise my life overseas and
underseas. I must not be forced to associate with tonnes of people from all over the place. Both
nurses never got that. That's brain injury, or at least mine. Covid-19 isolationism is great [for
me.] I love it. Get it? So, I gave up hope of ever getting access to funds for support.
207. December 12th, 2020: Apparently there was an Ontario Superior Court of Justice
"Decision" being made without my presence or my consent to my privacy. [Judge] Adriana
Doyle made an Order for me to be assessed once more. Was this motion practised on Zoom?
Why was I not privy to it? To force a person into an association without he or she present. That
is like being forced to walk the plank and not been given a chance to rebut. That's criminal.
You mean that I was not able to stand up against Joseph Griffiths and insist that he not force
me to relinquish my Fundamental Human Right. Was the jib up again? Besides, "La Prima
Facie e Hopital," not 7 years later. And to top things off, I went to be assessed again [by walking
on my own because] TD couldn't even arrange transportation for me to go all the way up Carling
Street's Hill [toward Upper Town,] Ottawa, to a place near the [Civic] Hospital called "Pro
Physio & Sport Medicine Centres." In -18 Celsius. They sure did think of ways to criminally
harass a victim [by further victimising the victim.]
208. December 21st, 2020: "DECISION" with [Judge] Adriana Doyle of the Superior Court
of Justice of Ontario. She never clarified a trial date, for she only stated that [the trial would]
commence in March of 2021. [Why?] Because there was no court order [for trial] by former
[Judge] Giovanna Toscano Roccamo. There was no beacon for [Judge] Adriana Doyle. I never
was requested to be present either [for this Hearing.] Did it take place in Ajax, Ontario or
Whitby, Ontario? Was lawyer Todd McCarthy practising law without me? Was it over Zoom?
If it were via Zoom, then, why was I not invited? "Transparency Is the Root of Austerity" I
would have had the right to demand that [Judge] Adriana Doyle not infringe upon my
Fundamental Human Right by "compelling" me to associate with other health practitioners,
especially psychos et al. because the Prima Facie Existe a Hopital. The entire file exists at the
Ottawa Hospital. OHIP supplies a synopsis of my medical record to all [medical] doctors who
[have] access to my OHIP via my ID Card. [How many times do I have to teach this fact to
such persons? My goodness, ...] OHIP does not supply my complete medical file from hospital
that would include, x-rays, Cat-Scans, graphs, or nurses' notes. Only I have [them, and the
hospital, of course.] I was the only one who ordered it from hospital. Only my name will
appear on a ["Request for File Form of La Prima Facie".] I was not given the Equal Opportunity
to Justice to make my case or defend my rights. That's a bad practice of law, Todd McCarthy
of Flaherty McCarthy of Whitby, Ontario - disbarment allegations here.
209. [On] December 21st, 2020 Melissa Chowns of AssessMed from Airport Road in
Mississauga wrote that I had to associate with neuropsychologist Paul Duhamel. An
appointment had been made by McCague Borlack, LLP. I do not know these people nor do I
care. Yet, I had to be at "Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Centre" on Parkdale, Ottawa from
09:30 to 17:30 hundred hours. Fine [would be] imposition of $2,500.00 for a missed
appointment. No transportation information for me, none written by Melissa Chowns, Referral
Department Manager of AssessMed. Did she not think of a 'pick up' or 'drop off' for a victim
to get at an assessment in the dead of winter? No. But, her company was willing to fly medical
doctors [into Ottawa from Kitchener, Ontario?] Crime Is Rooted in Greed. Follow the Money
to Find the Crime.
210. Ministry of Taxation's T5007 came in for the of 2020.
211. January 18th, 2021: I went to have a "Neuropsychological Assessment" with Paul
Duhamel. He did not wish to assess me. I went all the way up Carling Hill in -18 Celsius
because McCague-Borlack did not secure transportation for me, the victim [for nothing!] [Yet,
it was during the walk up the hill to get to the assessment,] half way up the hill, that I saw
Joseph Griffiths in a black sedan with a zoom-camera taking pictures of me as I had stopped
casually to readjust my spine to get up the hill some more - Privately Investigating a Plaintiff.
"That's highly criminal!" You need a judicator's order for that. Next, I reached the "Pro Physio"
place at Parkdale, [and once in, I] went to readjust [my back on] the doctor's table. [Paul
Duhamel] didn't like that. I had no choice. My spine had become all messed up [due to the
walk in the freezing cold weather.] Besides, I thought he was a neurologist plus a psychologist.
I thought he'd be trained to help me. My readjustments must have told him something, that I
was disabled? Then, after feeling a little better, I began to talk about what I wished to discuss.
He frantically went in and out of the assessment's "Glass-Room" to confirm with Joseph
Griffiths, who wasn't supposed to be there anyhow, and told me that he could not proceed. He
did not wish to discuss documents that I had brought with me. Thus, I went through all that
pain for nothing. Not even, "Mr Hipkiss, sit up straight. It will be better for your back." He
saw my back readjust, yet no advice - unprofessional conduct all around. That was criminal
harassment what I went through from start to finish all because no-one read the hospital file.
212. [As ordered, on January 28th, 2021 I obliged myself to attend a supposed "Psychiatric
Examination" at "ProPhysio" with psychiatrist Sujay Patel from 15:30 to 16:45 hundred hours.]
This was expected by Melissa Chowns again and McCague Borlack. Transportation was not
organised by AssessMed et al. I went to "Pro Physio" again by foot. I had to readjust on the
doctor's table [once more;] however, [psychiatrist] Sujay Patel, MD took a fit when I asked him
to take his 'coat off' the doctor's table. He refused. I was in pain. I put [his coat] on the floor
myself and began to readjust. He told me that he would call the police. I told him to go ahead.
As if he could not see that I was in extreme pain readjusting my spine on his doctor's table. Go
ahead with your psychotic abuse of power. He is unprofessional and needs to have his license
removed. And to top things off, Mikolaj Grodzki was not allowed to witness all that when I
had demanded that he be present in the first place just like with Una Wallace - [never trust
psychos that are hired by TD Insurance.] I demanded Mikolaj Grodzki witness the harassment
and abuse, despite being isolated to the lobby, yet hopeful maybe with any luck [someone]
witnessed the non-psych-interrogation itself. No luck. All of that was because I was not given
the chance to be present to [Judge] Adriana Doyle. This was criminal harassment what they
put me through just so that I can get help. Then, oh my goodness, Mikolaj Grodzki does nothing
about it. He does not inform the police. I froze that day. I was so sick. My scoliosis inflamed.
My whole body was torn. They photographed me as well. My privacy raped. Why was I not
invited to tell a judge that I demanded no longer to associate with psychos et al.? Who is this
Todd McCarthy guy in Whitby, Ontario? He was never my lawyer.
213. Intact Insurance got their $567.00 for services rendered on February 22nd, 2021. [I think
this was the last time I paid for the Jeep's insurance. Although I was not allowed to drive due
to an idiotic attempt to label me as an incompetent driver, and despite that the attempt did not
fail, I did get suspended somehow, yet I always paid the insurance and kept in the garage in
the hope that one of the boys would want "The Boot." No-one did want it, in the end. Oh,
214. TD Insurance approved my Ottawa Chiropractic Health Clinic & Physiotherapy Clinic
on February 26th, 202. I organised my new schedule with help.
215. March 1st, 2021: Supposedly, there was a "Pre-Trial 3" with [Judge] Robert Beaudoin
[because "Pre-Trial 2" got cancelled in space due to Giovanna.] It was held, [nevertheless,] at
lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki's office over Zoom's Internet Video-Conferencing Services, which was
not decoded either, thus available for anyone to download. It was not being recorded by a
stenographer or Crown Clerk for transcript purposes [as] I told [Judge] Robert Beaudoin. [It
may had been recorded by Zoom like a YouTube video would, but not for transcript purposes.]
He asked me why I wanted it to be recorded. I demanded it to be recorded in case I needed a
copy in Writ - [Transcript.] This was the same [discriminative attitude of privilege] that medical
doctors embraced when I demanded my medical files. What is wrong with this country?
Secrecy [to cover up one's buttocks!] That's what. And I knew it long ago. So, thank goodness
that I did record everything myself. I walked out. That was not a "Pre-Trial." It was a
[illegitimate] "make-shift-mediation." [Period.] Transparency is austere, Robert Beaudoin.
There was never an order for a Pre-Trial for March 1st, 2021 in the first place [because of]
Giovanna Toscano Roccamo on March 29th, 2019. [Didn't Judge Robert Beaudoin know that?]
I'm slow but not stupid. Another crime. Others that were present were Wayne Nunes of TD
Insurance, Insurer [Extraordinaire, Barrister] Kevin Temple, Alice as Clerk, Mikolaj Grodzki,
Joseph Griffiths, and Todd McCarthy - of course, I.
216. [On] March 5th, 2021 Mikolaj Grodzki gave me a photocopy of a letter [that] lawyer
Judith Alison Campbell sent to him on February 25th, 2021 - almost 2 weeks before. The letter
was an authorisation on behalf of my wife for Judith Alison Campbell to seek a "Change of
Motion" in Family Court for child support of $3.00 per month [times 3 children] that was owed
for 7 years, plus [Campbell's] court cost that she scammed from sexist [Judge] Stanley
Kershman into abusing the Family Responsibility Office [Child Support Office] as her own
collection agency. Why so late, Judith Alison Campbell? The best interest of my boys
according to the Act would have been for you and Mikolaj Grodzki to be in Family Court
fighting against TD Insurance et al. years and years ago, especially for better financial support
[concerning] food [for the boys' visitations] and an appropriate dwelling like a two-bedroom
apartment at least, so that I could go and nap if need be with my new brain while the boys were
visiting and being boys, and instead of the boys sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags [that
lawyers had witnessed in the past 7 years.] "Victim & Child Shame" is on Campbell and
Grodzki. Where was everyone 7 years ago?
217. [On] March 7th, 2021 I went to see Mikolaj Grodzki. I previously had given him medical
documents, contracts, and my portfolio. They were in 3 bags. Syrmo had helped me deliver
them. But, he had not touched them. I trusted this man. He wasn't preparing for trial. And
here, I thought we were going to make "Case Law" as he had promised me. This was a scam
all along. Criminal! [I asked Syrmo to drive me to Grodzki's office to pick up file documents
because I knew he had not read them. He didn't even call witnesses. Go figure, eh?]
218. [On] March 14th, 2021 I texted Mikolaj Grodzki asking him "What time do I have to be
at your office tomorrow to speak to a judge on zoom?" I advised him "The police will be
involved with you personally. I told you 'Bow Out' gracefully. Tell me what time!?!" No
response [from a] criminal, eh!
219. March 15th, 2021: I got up in the morning at 05:55 hundred hours. Got ready. I went for
a walk and waited for a text or a phone call from Mikolaj Grodzki as to where and when the
Trial would be located like perhaps at his office [and what time.] I did not know. I thought
that something like a "Zoom-Video-Conferencing" would be involved. But where? I got
actious! So, I walked. I walked. I walked. No response. I had texted him "What time?" I
wanted to know when and where I had to go [and what time.] Nothing. I went to the apartment
and cried. Everything behind my back... That's a crime.
220. March 15th, 2021: It became crystal clear. Mikolaj Grodzki never wanted a trial. What
lawyer never calls witnesses? [What lawyer never gets in touch with a Pre-Trial Co-ordinator?]
It dawned on me. He was supposed to request in Writ "My Witnesses to Appear for Trial" like
Anne, Christine, Elleni, Eva, George, Joanne, Kiti, Lula, Syrmo, and Wally. He did nothing!
Me as [the only] witness?
221. March 15th, 2021: [I finally got a chance to read the unconstitutional settlement after
everyone constantly harassing me. I cried. I cried. I cried. It was over. The stupid document
was everything I told everyone not do - to deny my Freedom of Speech. And then, I read more
and how] Denise Hughes of Security National Insurance Company with police number
#73825156 and claim number #018133598-03 certified a Settlement Disclosure Notice on
March 15th, 2021 for $1,000,000.00. Denise Hughes digitally signed the settlement at 10:54
on March 16th, 2021. So, this person certifies a settlement the day before this same person
signs same settlement. Conspiracy [or typo?] The jib went way up [or down?] Offer included
$0.00 for "Income Replacement," [man! I mean "ø = 0 = ø"!] I guess Iraq was in vain! $0.00 for
"Rehabilitation." These people do not wish to fulfil their Legal Duty to bring me back to
whence I was. $0.00 for a "Caregiver." No-one really wanted me to have a working stove let
alone other things, so this did not surprise me that [TD Insurance] would not want to take care
of me, [or my boys.] "Welcome to Canada, eh?" Criminals, really... I never asked for this
money... I demanded health, rehabilitation, and a trial. I warned everyone about trying to force
me to relinquish my Freedom of Speech. Why would I in the face of so many crimes? Yet,
even more criminal: $0.00 for "Death and Funeral Expenses." Are you kidding me? Health
practitioners clearly have agreed that life expectancy is likely to diminish due to [my] brain
injury. So, if I die due to an aneurism or stroke [because of] my injury, my boys will not be
able to sue Security National Insurance et al. or TD Insurance, Meloche Monnex et el.? To sue
is to practise speech. Just because I need help, and it is the law for me to demand help, I must
muzzle my vocal chords? Never! I warned everyone about this fact on December 10th, 2019
within the first page of my "Victim Statement." No-one listens to a Victim in Canada? No, I
guess. I must get my hands on that stupid settlement to prove I'm right. I'll throw out numbers.
They'll give it to me sooner or later. Then, I'll have proof. Then, I can go to the police.
222. March 16th, 2021: Mikolaj Grodzki texted [me] at 12:14 to request documents [that I
may] have that show my "ex-wife signed" [my name] on my behalf regarding the sale of the
land at Beachburg. 5 years later. I asked every lawyer for the past 7 years about Family Court
issues. Professional [what?]
223. March 22nd, 2021: Apparently, I received another motion called "Order" that was
requested by whom I shan't know perhaps, nevertheless, presiding was [Judge] Heather J.
Williams. Who else was in attendance, I do not know. Where, I do not know. Perhaps [it was
in Ajax, Ontario or] on Zoom. This is criminal not to have a Plaintiff present.
224. [On] March 26th, 2021 I had to buy my own asthma inhaler at Shoppers Drug Mart.
Luckily, I was allowed. Thank you. All because I do not have a [male] general health
practitioner thanks to Health Care Connect not being able to provide me with a male general
medical doctor.
225. April 1st, 2021: Couvrette Legal Services delivered Judith Alison Campbell's "Motion to
Change" and "First Appearance Hearing" notices for Family Court proceedings visa vie Court
File Number: #FC-12-2738 - all for $3.00. Where were you Campbell for the boys, your client,
at the beginning of the Crash? Judith Alison Campbell's unprofessional conduct mirrors all the
other lawyers, yet a blessing because "She Proved My Thesis" without a shadow of doubt!
Nothing for the boys at the beginning, yet much interest expressed at the end. Why? Money!
The courts are bound by law to consider always "the best interest of the child," not before or
after, yet always. When children are involved, children become the premier law to obey.
Lawyers for 7 years never thought of that legal action [because they had kidnapped them in the
first place, and that has always been why they wanted me to "Shut Up!"] A motion of any sort
in favour of the boy's better access to their Daddio with better food and dwelling would not
have benefitted the boys right from the beginning? [No,] rather an interest appears at the end
just for lawyer's fees and to force a Plaintiff [can ferme sa bouche. Mon Dieu. Qu'est-ce qui
se passe?] Never! The Sexism and Discrimination committed by lawyers [and judges,] which
became unprofessionally criminal, is what was witnessed by 3 lovely kids [in the community
of Ottawa, Canada's national capital!] Imagine. Perfect.


226. I hope the Police Services will investigate. Thank you in advance.
227. "Your Enemy's Enemy Is Your Friend." I must Appeal to TD Insurance, the Law Society,
and the School of Medicine.
228. I am never going to stop speaking about the crimes that I unfortunately had to witness as
a patient, client, [and] as a Victim of a Car Crash, [placed in the hands of rich corporate insurers,
[but more importantly, the sexism that exists against men in both Civil Courts and especially in
Family Courts of Ontario, Canada.]
La Prima Facie a l'hopital
...well known for years...

Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
...equal opportunity to justice...
Curriculum Vitae of Paul-Robert
The Truth Is All That Remains

Opportunity, Prosperity, and Happiness


06:45, May 11th, 1963: My Birth took place at Toronto Western Hospital, 399 Bathurst
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My father and mother were Robert Owen Hipkiss and Janet
Irene Guerin. Thank you.
June 26th, 1963: I was Baptised by Godparents Uleric Brioux, Eleanor Brioux. Father Loui
was the priest at Saint Leo's Roman Catholic Church, 277 Royal York Road, Mimico, Ontario,
September 7th, 1967 to June 20th, 1968: I had the privilege of attending the The Toronto
French School, 1375 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada as a Preschooler - Classe de Melle
Bailly, French Kindergarten, which became my first scholastic practise of the French language.
September 3rd, 1968 to June 22nd, 1973: I lived a block away from school as an
Elementary Student at a nice scholastic institution of the Commission Métropolitaine des Écoles
Séparées de Toronto called L'École du Sacré-Coeur, 444 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. I loved Sacré-Coeur. I learnt much French. Merci, Madame Euélyne, Mme Allard, and
Mlle Wood.
June 1st,1969 to July 1st, 1969: I enjoyed activities as an Adventitious Pupil at Mediolanum
Scuola Materna, 20123 Milano, Lombardia, Italia. Being a schooler in Italy allowed me to learn
some Italian, too.
August 31st, 1970 to April 11th, 1971: I was given the honour of contributing to the
Children's Choir as Chorister (choirboy) at L'Église Paroisse du Sacré-Coeur, 381 Sherbourne
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The seed of solfège had been planted.
May 24th, 1971: I had achieved a "3rd Place Ribbon" as a Backstroke Swimmer at John
Innes Community Recreation Centre Pool, 150 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The
Community Centre introduced me to being a Deliverer for flyers and newspapers as well. I loved
swimming the most, however.
June 15th, 1973: Off to see the Wizard. I was tickled when I was given a certificate as a
Hiker for having walked the Loyalist Trail, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
September 4th, 1973 to May 31st, 1976: I graduated as an Elementary Student while
dreaming of Battle Harbour, Labrador. I never shall forget my teacher, Mr Mayze, for teaching
me the love of reading in English at Sir James Douglas School, 401 Moss Street, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada.
September 21st, 1975: I had achieved my "Third Level" with Solfège and Piano at the
Victoria Conservatory of Music, 801 Esquimalt Road, Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada.
June 27th, 1975 to August 29th, 1975: I was a Busboy at The Steakhouse, 1207 Douglas
Street, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
May 1st, 1976: I was with joy when I became Chess Champion at Sir James Douglas
School, 401 Moss Street, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
September 1st, 1976 to June 30th, 1978: I became a Junior High School Student at the
Gymnasium of Erythrae, E. O. Elefsinas 190-08, Erythrae (Kriekouki), Attica, Hellas. Kriekouki
became my first, true encounter with the Greek. I had to learn a new tongue, of course. So, I
began. Yia sou. Thank goodness I had Syrmo. Thank you.
June 30th, 1977 to August 31, 1977: I was a Waiter for Kafenio-Ouzeria, Leoforos
Ethnikos Antistasis 75, Erythrae (Kriekouki), Attica, Hellas. Opa!
February 18th, 1978 to August 31st, 1978: I was an English Reader for the Canadian
School at Erythrae, Kitheronos 5, Erythrae (Kriekouki), Attica, Hellas. I began to dream of
becoming a teacher.
July 3rd, 1978 to August 31st, 1978: It was a great summer working as a Grader with a
Civil Topographer for Mornos Aqueduct, Iroon Politexniou 178, Eleysina, Attica, Hellas.
September 17th, 1979: I made it. I became a High School Graduate of the 9th Gymnasium,
Troon 2, Athena, Attica, Hellas. It was all Greek to me, the before and after parts. Great challenge
though, it was. I made it.
October 31st, 1979 to May 1st, 1980: My interest for music deepened as a Guitarist at the
National Conservatoire of Athens, Acharnon 148, Athena, Attica, Hellas. I loved performing in
front of people. Hearts to pierce.
September 1st, 1979 to January 27th, 1981: I further focussed my studies as a High School
Student at the 34th Lyceum, Troon 2, Athena, Attica, Hellas. I completed Religion, Ancient Greek,
Modern Greek, History, Civil Action, Mathematics, Geography, Physics, Biology, Gymnastics,
and English.
July 4th, 1980 to August 31st, 1980: "Become a Machinist." they said. So, I tried at
Metallourgia Attikis, Themidos 20, Athena, Attica, Hellas.
21. February 3rd, 1981: I flew solo for the first time to my homeland and arrived at approximately
13:00 at Mirabel International Airport, 12300 Rue services A-4, Mirabel, Québec, Canada. I
embarked on a fresh journey of discovery, My Roots.
May 1st, 1981 to August 31st, 1981: On weekends, I used to go to Barrie, Ontario and
become a Worm Picker at 04:00 in the morning. I loved being at Lake Simcoe Marina, 55
Lakeshore Drive, Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
May 4th, 1981 to August 31st, 1981: On May 4th, I had received a Letter of
Acknowledgement from President, Hans Koeder, of Dora Shoes Limited: Manufacturers of
Ladies' Shoes, 424 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I worked as a full-time
Hydraulic Press Cutter for Mr Koeder for the spring and summer of 1981. It was a great chance
for me to save the finances necessary to fly back to Greece.
October 9th, 1981: Certificat de Mariage de Paul-Robert Hipkiss et Marina Papageorgiou
avec Soussigné et Protonotaire Dûment Autorisé, Yvan Couture du Palais de Justice, 7, rue Laurier,
Hull, Québec, Canada.
November 11th, 1981 to July 29th, 1982: I became a Security Guard for National
Protective Service, 1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
December 29th, 1981 to June 22nd, 1983: I was lucky as a youngster to have been the
Parking Attendant at Bank Street Parking, 320 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The lot was
across the street from Barrymore's Music Hall. I managed to save money for school and see many
notable bands. Life was unique.
January 20th, 1982 to April 1st, 1983: I was a part-time Waiter at The Garden, 240 Sparks
Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
February 3rd, 1982: Ontario Class 'G' Driver's Licence (H4564-61906-30511), Ministry of
Transportation, 1570 Walkley Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
February 28th, 1982 to September 1st, 1982: I was a weekend Deliverer for Pete's Pizza,
1325 Wellington Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Time to practise driving.
September 7th, 1982 to December 22nd, 1982: I learnt Business Management at the Ottawa
Board of Education, Continuing Education (High School of Commerce), 300 Rochester Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I found that this course taught me one of the greatest things about
business - money.
September 14th, 1982 to December 16th, 1982: I got into Maintenance and was thankful
to have received a Letter of Acknowledgement from Bessy Mina, Owner of Edipsos Company
Limited, Statistics Canada, 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
July 15th, 1983 to August 31, 1985: In 1983, I started working at the Good Companions
Seniors' Centre, 670 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I loved the chance to learn how to
be a Painter, Scullion, and a Caretaker. I further was delighted in developing associations as a
Home Supporter with Home Help Services while at the Centre during the year of 1984. I also did
some Volunteer work with my music in 1985. Nevertheless, I owe much gratitude to all who
helped me, however, my main goal was to continue onward: save money.
November 3rd, 1983 to February 4th, 1985: I was very thankful to have received a Letter
of Recommendation in 1985 for being a dependable, honest Scrubber & Buffer. I was fortunate
to have worked for Louis Margiotis, President of Capital City Maintenance Limited, Ottawa
International Airport, 1000 Airport Parkway Private, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for the
extra time, Louis.
September 6th, 1983 to May 31st, 1984: I made it. I obtained a diploma of Basic Training
for Skill Development (Level IV) from Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada. Studying with professors like Cowton, Farnand, and Wong was my true benefit.
The highlight of my experience as a student at Algonquin was the opportunity that I was given as
a Photographer for the "1984 Beauty Contest" at the Colonel By Campus, 140 Main Street, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada. Chez 106.1, a popular Ottawa radio station, got involved as host. Everybody
came out a winner - the ladies, the gentlemen, and even the Honky-Tonk Radio judges.
December 3rd, 1984 to October 15th, 1985: I achieved a diploma as a Micro-Computer
System Specialist at Control Data Institute, 279 Laurier Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in
1985. Merci. I had successfully studied Data Processing Concepts, Accounting, MBasic, Data
Communications, and MS-DOS. I knew that some day computers would play a very important
role in everyday life. So, I thought to build a foundation around computer science to help me
through its evolution - my future.
May 15th, 1985 to July 11th, 1985: I received my Membership Certificate from the
Business Management Programme, ICS Canadian Limited, 7475 Sherbrooke Street West,
Montréal, Québec, Canada. The "Essentials of Business Enterprise" and "How to Succeed in
Business" became very informative.
September 3rd, 1985 to April 1st, 1988: I spent my first couple of years getting my
Bachelor of Arts at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa (#429699), 75 Laurier Avenue East,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I studied Ancient Rome, English Grammar and Composition, Oral and
Written French, Ancient Greek, Workshop in Essay Writing, Greek Antiquity, Français Langue
Seconde, Philosophy: Reasoning and Critical Thinking, "Elementare Latine e Italliae," and
Children's Literature. I was privileged to meet many intellectual professors such as Arnold, Horrall,
Nesbitt, Wells, and Welsh. I loved exploring ideas with them during office hours. The universe
became vast. It was time to read. Yet, before I transferred my credits to McMaster University, I
became privileged to have an array of my Photographs blown up and displayed at the Gallery of
the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Ottawa, 100 Laurier Street East, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. With the Faculty, I was honoured to witness a glimpse of the difficulty artists faced to
earn a living.
December 5th, 1985: Margo Borenstein, Executive Director, thanked me with a letter for
my involvement as a Greeter and Guide during the 30th Anniversary Celebrations of the Good
Companions Seniors' Centre, 670 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 14th, 1986: Lee McCarthy, Programme Co-ordinator, sent me a Letter of Thanks
for being their Musician during "Formal Tea Hour" at the Good Companions Seniors Centre, 670
Albert Street, Ottawa, Canada. The ladies loved it so much, they gave me a Purple Ribbon as a
token of thanks - touching people.
March 31st, 1986 to March 26th, 1987: I wanted to be a Cyclist Mail Carrier because I
needed to earn money and practise for my 3,000 km journey through France to study at Nice.
Thank goodness that I had that opportunity with Quick Courier Service, 55 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
January 3rd, 1987 to April 29th, 1988: I took it upon myself to practise more of my driving,
this time as a Car Jockey for Budget Rent-a-Car, 443 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario,
May 1st, 1987 to August 31st 1996: I graduated in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts from the
Faculty of Humanities (#8716799) of the University of McMaster, 12880 Main Street West,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I studied English Literature, History of Canada, US History, History
of Europe, the Roman Empire, Labour Studies, Business Ethics, Political Science, Gerontology,
Health and Healing, Modern Canada, Latin America, Modern Japan, Human Journey, Native
Studies, Indigenous People, Religious Studies, Social Welfare Policy, Canadian Children, and
Canadian Adolescence. I was privileged to meet so many intellectual professors such as Barrett,
Carter, Chambers, Coleman, Haley, Hogue, Joshi, Kaczynski, MacPherson, Matthews, McGrath,
Rafferty, Sheppard, and Westgarth-Taylor, and Wong. My "U-Years" became inspiring.
April 26th, 1987: I became a member of the Ontario Provincial Archives (#87227) as
Researcher of Archives of Ontario, 110 Wellesley Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
July 29th, 1987 to August 28th, 1987: After a great ending to a very personal "Tour de
France" achievement, I earnt a Certificat D'Assiduite, sealed by Norbert Pastor, Directeur du
Centre International d'Étudies Françaises de Nice, Université de Nice, 98 Boulevard Edouard
Herriot, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. It took almost a year to prepare. But, I did
cycle from London to Folkstone first. Then, I rode from Calais to Paris, Chartes to Lyon, Nîmes
to Marseille, Cannes to Nice where I went to school to study French. I learnt lots on the beach,
too. Afterward, I went to Luxembourg then onward to Brussels. Dover to London was the last of
the journey. All's well that ends well yet, after some French wine, I had to join the Barton Gym,
1211 Barton Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I was energised. I had planned my entire
accomplishment. Le Tour...
September 30th, 1988 to April 27th, 1990: I was happy to be given a truck to practise Sales
with Sealand Foods, 11 Laurier Road, Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada. It was nice of the
company to trust me.
January 27th, 1989: I got a "Thank You" letter in the mail for having joined the Music
Group. Pastor David Kitz of New Horizons Foursquare Gospel Church. #581, Orléans, Ontario,
Canada was kind to allow me the joy and gift of playing music that winter.
May 8th,1990 to August 24th, 1991: I was delighted to have learnt the art of Masonry for
Rod's Construction Limited, 5450 Mainway Drive, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
April 27th, 1992 to February 5th, 1993: I took the opportunity to make some serious returns.
The faster I dug, the bigger the dollar. Starward Homes, 59 Waterberry Trail, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada. Please wait for me, MAC.
March 1st, 1993 to January 26th, 1996: I was a repeat Contractor for Procter and Gamble
Incorporated, 1142 Burlington Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I was a Line Technician
that was involved in making shampoo, toothpaste, and ivory soap. Lots to learn, but I was lucky
to garner the respect and trust of my colleagues. It was truly an honour. My hard work payed off
because P. & G. placed in a position to save enough money for Mickey Mac (McMaster University).
September 28th, 1994: I was interested to acquire my Workplace Hazardous Materials
Information System from Procter & Gamble Incorporated, 1142 Burlington Street East, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada.
January 19th, 1995: I received a Letter of Recommendation from Ron Brown of Procter &
Gamble Incorporated, 1142 Burlington Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
May 17th, 1995: A Letter of Appreciation was sent to me from President Pat Crabtree for
my Voluntary Contributions to seniors of Main-Hess Senior Centre. I used to love being a Bingo
Caller: "B-7 All good boys and girls go to heaven." It was fun being there throughout the year of
June 17th, 1995: I obtained my Certificate of Participation: VHF Radio due to the efforts
of Director Glenn Lethbridge of The Hamilton Harbour Commissioners' Harbour-West Sailing
Adventures, 605 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. My hat off to you, Skipper Glen.
June 22nd, 1995: I was so elated beyond words when I received my Maritime Restricted
Operator's Certificate as part of my Certificate of Proficiency in Radio (954300849) from Industry
Canada, 390 Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I could now rent a 32-Foot Yacht at most
Royal Canadian Yacht Clubs. I became able to sail right into heaven. Lake Ontario happened to
be wonderful to sail with mates at hand, all for the love of being under the sky with the wind to
stern. Seamanship became a gift.
July 11th, 1995: I passed the VHF Restricted Radio Licence course at Mohawk College,
135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I once dreamt about sailing through the
Northwest Passage to Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada.
January 1st, 1996 to August 31tst, 1996: I was so lucky to meet so many wonderful people
during the year of 1996. A worthy Special Appreciation was given to me from Milton Lewis,
Vincenza Travale, Wanda Dzierzbicki, Carmen Rizzotto, Frank DeNardis, and Kimberly Scott of
Hamilton Sesquicentennial Celebrations Inc., 71 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
John Aziz thanked me for being a Fundraiser at many events held by the Canadian Red Cross,
Hamilton Branch, 400 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I was warmed with kind
thanks from Linda Cibulis for being a Big-Brother for her two boys. I really loved my pin sent to
me by the Big Brothers Association of Hamilton, 639 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
And the year kept on delivering. Most of all though, I learnt to give.
January 21st, 1996: I received a Letter of Recommendation from Tom Hogan, Manager of
Capital City Maintenance Limited, Ottawa International Airport, 1000 Airport Parkway Private,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 31st, 1996: Louanne McClemont, Assistant Programmer, of the Hamilton
Department of Culture and Recreation of the City of Hamilton sent me a letter to thank me for
being a Volunteer for the Main-Hess Senior Centre, 200 Jackson Street West, Hamilton, Ontario,
June 13th, 1996: Sharon Treacher, Learning Centre Manager, forwarded a letter to me with
thankful words for being an English Literacy Tutor and Musician for the Hamilton Public Library,
55 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
June 14th, 1996: Kevin Abraham applauded my efforts to help as Fundraiser for the
Alzheimer Society for Halton-Wentworth, 875 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
July 17th, 1996: On behalf of Hamilton Mayor Robert Morrow, Public Relations Director
Wanda Dzierzbicki awarded a tribute to me as Researcher for Hamilton's 150 Birthday. The
Sesqui-Babies' Summer Birthday Celebration on July 12th, 1996 was an honour for me. I had to
research birth registries of 50, 100, and 150 years in the past. City Hall Invitations were sent out
to the respected people that I found from my research. The Celebration was spectacular. The
irony was that I, too, was rediscovering my own birthplace - T. O. The experience at Ontario
Archives in Toronto was immeasurable. I was so thrilled to be part of it all.
July 23rd, 1996: Register Nurse and Director, Lynne Edwards wrote me a Reference Letter
for my contributions as Programme Assistant. I developed enthusiastic gymnastic ideas with
seniors. They taught me to be active, social, and jovial - not I, they. Nevertheless, during this year
of 1996, I was a contract with the Seniors Activation Maintenance Programme (SAM), 191 Main
Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
August 2nd, 1996: I was sincerely grateful for getting a Letter of Reference from Nancy
Davenport of Amity Goodwill Industries, 225 King William Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
November 8th, 1996: "The Tide Turned" thanks to Chancellor J. H. Taylor. I was granted
a Bachelor of Arts from the Faculty of Humanities of McMaster University, 1280 Main Street
West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I made it.
October 1st, 1996: Bev Gray, Ivory Technician was very professional to give me a
Reference Letter for my technical microbial work with Procter and Gamble Incorporated, 1142
Burlington Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
November 28th, 1996: Sharon Treacher, Literacy Manager, sent me a Reference Letter
about my work as an Adult English Literacy Tutor. I also loved being a Guitarist during special
events with the Hamilton Public Library Learning Centre, 55 York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario,
November 29th, 1996: Director Sally Lewis awarded me after having learnt Windows,
WordPerfect, and MS-DOS a Certificate of Achievement. I was so pleased to have been with
Amity Goodwill Industries, 225 King William Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
November 29th, 1996: It was a great year that came to an end with Congratulations from
Lillian Ross, Member of Provincial Parliament of Ontario (MPP), 111 Wellesley Street West,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
November 29th, 1996: David Christopherson, MPP for Hamilton Central, 346 Main Street
East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada sent me a Congratulation Letter for my community involvement
with computers.
December 5th, 1996: Programme Co-ordinator, Edward McRae, wrote me a Reference
Letter for my efforts and contributions to Trees for Life Incorporated, 2 King Street West,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I really enjoyed teaching others the importance of planting trees.
December 9th, 1996: I was happy to receive a Thank You Letter from the Canadian
Football League's Grey Cup 1996 Hamilton Incorporated. On November 24th, 1996, I was thrilled
to volunteer as a Security Guard for the 84th Grey Cup at Ivor Wynne Stadium, 75 Balsam Avenue,
North Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Toronto won the cup against Edmonton, 43-37. Did it
ever snow, too. I witnessed the yard lines plowed and brushed - memorable.
December 11th, 1996 to April 1st, 1997: I was privileged to work as an English as a Foreign
Teacher at KEC Language Institute, English Country, Won Plaza, 246 Wa Chi Ro, Dong Sam 1
Dong, Yeong Do Gu, Bu San Shi, Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea).
May 1st, 1997 to December 25th, 1997: My weekends in the Orient turned out pleasant as
well. Through networking, I had managed to teach Religious Classes to English pupils with Pastor
Young Sik Bang of The Zion Central Methodist Church, 8-276 Yeong Ju 2 Dong, Jung Gu, Bu
San Shi, Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea).
May 7th, 1997: It was so nice to get Gifts of Thanks (Pen, Notebook, and Calendar) from
Ken Roberts, Chief Librarian of the Hamilton Public Library, 55 York Boulevard, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada. To send a package that far from Hamilton was very touching.
May 29th, 1997: I became a Movie Star for Joong Bu San Cable Television Corporation,
71 1 Ga, Dae Gyo Dong, Yeong Do Gu, Bu San Shi, Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea).
It was my privilege to have had Reporter J. P. Hong display my love of teaching and music for
others to see on cable television. A special moment, it was.
June 1st 1997 to January 2nd, 1998: I became an enthusiastic English as a Foreign
Language Teacher for my Co-ordinator, Hye Ung Keun Yoon of the YMCA Language Institute,
1143 Cho Ryang 3 Dong, Dong Gu, Bu San Shi, Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea).
June 11th, 1997: Sharon Treacher awarded me with a Certificate of Appreciation on behave
of the Hamilton Public Library's Literacy and Language Programmes, 55 York Boulevard,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I was so tickled that Sharon sent my certificate.
June 25th, 1997: Paula Trudel, Volunteer Resources, was kind to send me a Thank You
Letter for being a Fundraiser for Hamilton's Community Awareness Week, which was sponsored
by the Canadian Red Cross Society, 400 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
June 30th, 1997: Always the pleasure of mine was being an English as a Foreign Language
Teacher at Dong Sam Elementary School, 610 Tae Jong Ro, Dong Sam 1 Dong, Young Do Gu,
Bu San Shi, Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea). I used to teach with a tonne of little
people (kids) once a week. It was always my highlight of the week.
December 3rd, 1997: It was beautiful of Jin Kuk Baek and Nan Joo Lee to witness the
Certificate of Marriage of my wife and I at Yeong Do Gu District Office, 423 Tae Jong Ro, Yeong
D Gu, Bu San Shi, Dae Han Min Gook (the Republic of Korea).
January 4th to January 10th, 1998: Sometime after the "Ice Storm" that hit the Upper and
Lower Canada Regions including some of the Maritimes, the Ottawa Citizen awarded me with a
Certificate of Survival.
January 11th, 1998 (Expiry Date): I was lucky to be with Crest Toothpaste, Pantene, and
Ivory Soap. I am indebted for the encouragement of obtaining my Raymond Operators Licence as
well as becoming a Power Worker and a Fork Truck Driver. The year 1993 helped steer my life
all because of Procter & Gamble Incorporated, 1142 Burlington Street East, Hamilton, Ontario,
February 14th, 1998 to August 31st, 1998: I was happy to work as Buffer for T. P.
Maintenance, 1801 Playfair Drive, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada.
February 1st, 1998 to April 28th, 1998: I was a Deliverer with Fast Flyers Company, 75
Lebreton Street North, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
September 8th, 1998 to June 30th, 1998: As an English Language Instructor, I was
appreciative to get a Letter of Acknowledgement from Jeffrey Ballennie, Director of Operations,
Anglais en Action Incorporated, 999, avenue De Bougainville, Québec, Québec, Canada. I
enjoyed travelling around the outskirts of Québec like Beauport, where I met Martin Desrosiers,
Conepteur of Corporation Steris Canada, who introduced me to many more students. I enjoyed
teaching pupils with Revenu Québec at Sainte-Foy, too. It was a great experience to be in Québec.
May 29th, 1998: I thanked Directors R. G. Kellestine and J. Robert for a Certificate of
Computers and Careers Discovery while at Compu Assist, 7 Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ontario,
April 4th, 1999: Father Tony performed a Blessing of Marriage between my wife and I at
Saint Theresa, 95 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
April 28th, 1999 to August 31, 2009: I registered my tutoring business with the government
and received an Ontario Master Business Licence for The Interactive English Academy
(#990475998) at the City Hall of Ottawa, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I
opened a business account (#0496-1002005) with the Royal Bank of Canada, 1460 Merivale Road,
Nepean, Ontario, Canada. Even Revenue Canada got involved. I designed my logo and seal with
the help of Aarkade Design & Offset Printing Incorporated, 1550 Carling Avenue, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada. I built my own web site www.keeponlearning.net so that my students could learn
English and a little bit about Ottawa upon their arrival. I was a Host, Homestay Guide as well as
School Liaison for the parents of my international students. And, of course, I was an English
Language Teacher for Academic Purposes. I loved every minute of it all. The dearest part of my
teaching programme was that my students try to attend my "Annual Theatre Meet." I prepared my
pupils for our "play-of-the-year-in-the-community" event. I bought many tickets. Then of course,
the plays themselves, the laughter, and the student gatherings afterwards were always of deep
intrinsic value to me. I just loved taking my pupils to the Theatre. Besides, most of my students
had to study Shakespeare at school to graduate. I tried to push encouragement. I had many
professional students as well. I was honoured to teach Normand Coulombe, Directeur of the
Business Development Bank of Canada, 259, boulevard Saint-Joseph, Hull, Québec, Canada. I
was always pleased to teach at Banque Nationale, 1059 boulevard Maloney ouest, Gatineau,
Québec, Canada. Busy, busy, busy, I was. It was fun.
September 7th, 1999 to April 1st, 2004: I was glad to be accepted into the School of
Linguistics and Applied Languages to become a Teacher of English as a Second Language.
Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
February 29th, 2000 to August 31st, 2000: I was lucky to have landed a teacher's post for
Hassan A. Karim Al Gahtani. I was an English Teacher for Academic Purposes with Principal
Fahad I. Al Mulhim at Saudi Aramco's Al Hasa Industrial Training Centre, 36426 Mahasin Al
Mubarraz, Al Hasa, Easter Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I enjoyed the challenge of
learning mechanical English suitable for oil riggers and the petroleum industry.
March 14th, 2000: I was awarded a complimentary Certificate of Achievement for the
"English as Second Language, Advanced Level" from The Interactive English Academy, 1405
Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 27th, 2000: I took a Teacher Aide from ICS Learning System, 9001 Avon Road,
Montréal, Québec, Canada.
June 4th, 2000 (1421/3/2): I was specified a Saudi Driver's Licence by the Ministry of
Interior and General Security, General Administration of Traffic, 32241, Dammam, Eastern
Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
June 14th, 2000: I took an Adult Learning course from Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe
Avenue, Nepean, Ontario, Canada.
October 2nd, 2000 to May 29th, 2001: I was an English as a Second Language Teacher for
Jeanne Bureau at Estrie Academy of Languages, 207 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
International students from every part of the globe really had a lot of fun at Estrie, me too.
November 22nd, 2000: I received a Letter of Acknowledgement from Victory Stook,
Acting Head Teacher of Estrie Academy of Languages, 207 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
November 28th, 2000: I received a Letter of Recommendation from teacher Maureen
Brereton while completing my "Practicum" at the Adult High School (High School of Commerce),
300 Rochester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I honestly was thrilled to be back at the school
where it all had started for me - 18 years ago.
June 26th 2001 to January 10th, 2002: I was given the opportunity to be an English as a
Second Language Teacher for Robert Pellerin's Centre de Language Internationales Charpentier,
4, rue Taschereau, Hull, Québec, Canada. Additional classes always helped.
May 14th, 2004: I purchased 1.9 Acres of Land characterised as Lot 9, Smith Street,
Beachburg, Whitewater Region, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1C0. I took satisfaction in clearing the land
and preparing it for build. Nature had its own gym for me.
June 18th, 2004: I was given an award that Volunteers Are an Invaluable Resource by Irene
Blayney, Continuing Education Officer (LBS/ESL/LINC) of the Ottawa-Carleton District School
Board, 440 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I was so happy to be there.
November 14th, 2004: Thanks to Chancellor Marc Garneau, I was granted a Certificate in
Teaching English as a Second Language from the School of Linguistics and Applied Languages,
Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I studied Adult Literacy,
Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Teaching Methodology, Major Structures of Grammar,
and Language Testing. I had to do a Practicum as well. In the end, I was honoured to have been
taught by professionals such as Currie, Cray, Darville, Fox, Laubstein, and Zobl. I made it.
September 6th, 2005 to June 22nd, 2006: A volunteer Certificate of Appreciation was given
to me by Jim Tayler, Principal, Carleton Heights Public School, 1660 Prince of Wales Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I used to love field trips.
May 15th, 2006: With great modesty, a Certificate of Registration of Copyright for musical
"Me and Ellen" was granted to Tyrone Buccione and Paul-Robert Hipkiss by Monique Laurin,
Registrar of Copyrights, Canadian Intellectual Property: An Agency of Industry Canada, 50
Victoria Street, Gatineau, Québec, Canada. "Sitting on the porch."
September 14th, 2007 to December 20th, 2007: I was happy to Teach English as a Second
Language at École de Langues Creusot, 290 boulevard Saint Joseph, Gatineau, Québec, Canada.
October 20th, 2007: I went through Basic Security Guard Training thanks to Director
James D. McBain of Canadian Institute of Security Professionals, 2720 Queensview Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 19th, 2008: I was so happy to C.O.P.E. with facilitators Aimee Chalhoub, Sue
Lawton, and Mary Taylor of Canadian Career Academy, Business and Technology, 92 Bridge
Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada.
March 15th, 2008 to August 26th, 2009: Things started to get tough in 2008. I helped as
much as I could as a Deliverer with Fines Flowers, 407 Laurier Street West, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. I also became a part-time Painter with Whittaker Paints, 360 Bell Street South, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
June 9th, 2008: I was granted a General Interest Certificate from the Ottawa-Carleton
District School Board, Continuing Education, 2597 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
July 23rd, 2008: I thought I would get my Police Records Check for Service with the
Vulnerable Sector cleared from the Ottawa Police Services, 474 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. Turned out that I was good to go anyhow.
November 24th, 2008: Certificate: French Beginner III, Ottawa-Carleton District School
Board, Continuing Education, 2597 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It was always a
treat to brush up.
November 28th, 2008 to December 22nd, 2008: I was privileged to take part in Internet
Teaching of English with Jonathan Edwards of Virtedco: Virtual Education Consulting
Incorporated, 1900 Merivale Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The World Economic Crisis hit
around this time, and therefore, I had to turn my attention again to where "Black Was Gold," the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
December 4th, 2008: I was grateful to receive a Thank You Letter for volunteering at a re-
election campaign for John Baird, Member of Parliament (M.P.), 9 Waterford Way, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
October 4th, 2009 to June 21st, 2010: Under contract with Education Experts, and kind
recommendations of Thamer Al Zeyadi, Abdullah Mansour Al Qahtani, Adrian Christopher
Pereira, and William Frawley, I was honoured to be involved in a university preparatory
programme with Dean Mohammad Al Fuhaid as an English as a Foreign Language Teacher for
Qassim University, 52571 Buraydah, Qassim Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
November 23rd, 2009: Master Ben Lauer was generous to write me a Reference Letter
from Qassim University, 52571 Buraydah, Qassim Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
November 24th, 2009: Andrew Parker was kind to write a Reference Letter for me from
Qassim University, 52571 Buraydah, Qassim Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010: I received a Certificate of Conversion to Islam by Mohammad
Al-Mushaiqeh, Director of the Islamic Centre, King Fahad Grand Mosque, 4078 King Faisal Road,
Buraydah, Qassim Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
August 34th, 2010: I was honoured to have got a Letter of Recommendation from Dean
Mohammad Bin Rashed Al Fuhaid of Qassim University, 52571 Buraydah, Qassim Province, the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
August 24th, 2010 to November 15th, 2010: I was an English as a Foreign Language
Teacher under Education Experts with Dean Abdurhamin Al Namilah and professor Abdullah
Bohaimed at Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University, 6446 Al Hasa, Al Hofuf, Eastern Province,
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I was so happy to have been part of the largest Islamic university
in the world.
November 29th, 2010: I was totally taken aback when I was set to receive a Certificate of
Appreciation plaque from all my pupils of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University, 6446 Al Hasa,
Al Hofuf, Eastern Province, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
September 12th, 2010 to July 17th, 2011: Contracting Officer, Yvonne Miles gave me
Authorization through CENTCOM to perform my duty of English Teacher for Military Purposes
for deployment to Iraq during "Operation New Dawn." I became very busy preparing for war
under orders of DynCorp International, my contractor. I was in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at
the time teaching English, so I had to do a lot of my pre-medicals while I was at the Eastern
Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Then, I had to go to Fort Benning, Georgia, the United
States of America to complete my Basic Training for Deployment. At training camp, I was issued
Dog-Tags (#903758646/O+). I guess that's why they wanted my DNA as well (9391625C). It all
started to make sense as to why I was given a hefty Rutherford International Insurance Policy
(#0413848540). First Aide techniques were always gruesome by the way. Though much that I
was shown is still classified, I found it to be a huge accomplishment every time I tried to prepare
an MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat). Hunger will teach a person just about anything. The tricky parts
were the improvised explosive devices; nevertheless, Camp Taji became my destination to teach
Iraqi Airmen how to communicate in the air with American Airmen at the Iraqi Air Force Training
School, Camp Taji, APO AE 09348, Baghdad Governorate, the Republic of Iraq. I was with the
US Air Force's 821st Expeditionary Training Squadron. But, really, there was nothing like being
in a Black Hawk with gunners at the ready. The Chinook was always a limousine ride away, too,
not to mention the Transall C-160. All that just to get to school. I was merely an English Teacher,
and so were many other teachers as well, just teachers. Our mission was to build a programme set
out by the American Language Institute of the US Military. I told Richard McEvoy, my Retired
Colonel, that I also wanted to be an ambassador to all my Military Cadets about my understanding
of freedom, especially at a war. He took it to heart. In the end, the Republic of Iraq turned out to
be my greatest career accomplishment, the pinnacle of my English teaching journey.
December 19th, 2010: There was so much information to digest with the military, it was
fitting that they would award me with a Certificate of Completion for Information Assurance
Awareness, U.S. Army, Department of Defense, U.S.A.
May 11th, 2011: Michael Ferriter, Lieutenant General of the US Army sent me a letter
wishing me a Happy Birthday while in Theatre at Camp Taji, APO AE 09348, Baghdad
Governorate, the Republic of Iraq. Yes, Sir.
July 1st, 2011: I was fortunate to get A Lifetime Award to See Mount Everest from Guna
Voyager, 44600 Alok Nagar Marg Road, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province, Nepal. I had reached the
July 4th, 2011: I received a Certificate of Appreciation at the Iraqi Air Force Training
School, Camp Taji, APO AE 09348, Baghdad Governorate, the Republic of Iraq. It was also a
special honour of recognition for the entire Teaching Team to be mentioned in The Advisor, a
monthly magazine publication of United States Forces-Iraq.
July 17th, 2011: Within 24 hours, I became placed at Queensway Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. While in Theatre, the Camp Taji's Field Hospital ordered an Emergency Evacuation
Order. I had contracted a parasite, Cyclospora Cayatenensis. Community Health and Ottawa
Public Health got seriously involved. Doctors never heard of the parasite entering Canadian
boarders. I finally got into the Book of Records. I had to be quarantined by officials.
September 14th, 2011: (Expiration Date): The United States Forces Iraq in support of
DynCorp. International had awarded me a badge to become an Escort to convoy with my pupils
on and off Camp Taji, APO AE 09348, Baghdad Governorate, the Republic of Iraq.
November 3rd, 2011: I got My Boot: Jeep Wrangler X, 2008 CE, 3.8 Liters, V-6, Two-
Door, 6-Speed Standard (1J4FA24148L634406) from Dilawri, 370 Hunt Club Road West, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
April 31st, 2012: (Expiration Date): A Taji Army Airfield Driver's Access Badge was
authorised by DynCorp International, Camp Taji, APO AE 09348, Baghdad Governorate, the
Republic of Iraq.
August 12th, 2012: Labour Ready certified me with General Health and Safety, WHMIS,
Fall Protection Awareness, and Traffic Control at 1659 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Having WHMIS allowed me to build with BLT Constructions.
August 31st, 2012: (Expiry Date): I must get my TESL Ontario Association Membership
Certification (T100336) updated at TESL Ontario, 27 Carleton Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
September 11th, 2012: I was awarded a licence to operate Personnel Lifts, Scissor Lifts,
and Articulated Booms by Battlefield CAT, 92 Alti Place, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
June 20th, 2013 to June 20th, 2018: I was lucky to have had Manager Slobhan Kearns
certify me as a Food Handler from Ottawa Public Health, Environment and Health Protection
Branch, 100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
May 31st, 2014 to August 30th, 2014: I had the privileged of being a Tutor for author
Michael Harper. His disability taught me the importance of "Voice-to-Text" programming.

October 29th, 2014: I had the misfortune of a reckless driver, Gaetan Comeau, crash
into me from behind while crossing a crosswalk at a school zone at approximately
18:30 in Barrhaven, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Long Gate Court and Earl Mulligan
Drive). I now have Acquired Brain Injury. The Ottawa Police Services' Constable
Jennifer Delia & Constable Tyler McPhee had arrived at the scene (Police Report:
#14-802). I was taken by the Ottawa Paramedic Service to the Neuro-Surgery Unit of the Ottawa
Hospital, Civic Campus; and then much later, I went onward to the Brain Injury Unit of the
Rehabilitation Centre of the Ottawa Hospital, General Campus. I was at hospital for
approximately three months in total. A Court Claim was filed against Comeau et al. and TD
Insurance et al. as Defendants and I as a "Harassed Plaintiff" (#16-69137) at the Superior Court of
Justice, 161 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Since that October, I have had to associate
with approximately 7+ judges and 13+ lawyers, not to mention the countless insurance adjusters,
claimers, doctors of medicine, doctorates, doctors of chiropractic, therapists, nurses, and specialists.
I lost the life I once knew on the 29th, yet I now have come to learn a new one: ABI-1. I was
May 7th, 2021: Many people accused me of being nothing because I knew everything, yet
others accused me of being everything because I knew nothing. I loved learning and was very
passionate about teaching English. The two were my life's journey. However, I had to work hard
and many times with my bare hands to achieve each success of mine; yet with glee, I earnt each
honourable accomplishment. My privilege was being loved by so many people. And as such, I
am so thankful for all the experiences in my life. I shall go forth and learn as much as I am able
for as long as I shall live. Life is truly beautiful. Life is short. To Educate Is to Liberate.
Thank you.

May the Force be with you!

Like, something has to give. The Ides of March have made many come to think and others
to a halt. It is Public Awareness that brings forth the light from darkness. Look over there or here
and you will see. Indeed, even its shadow had to have been, for without it, the beauty of light's
gift may not have shown. Peace.

The New Me!

Many people never knew the previous me.
Nor did I after the Car Crash.
Yet, I found out and realised why I was so illusive and secretive.
English Teachers were at risk of being kidnapped during the war - much debriefing.
Before deployment to Iraq, I was instructed to hide my public profiles on the Internet.
A hidden man no longer becomes a valuable commodity.
Insurgents were always in need of finances via abductions, a.k.a.: kidnapping.
But, now I am revealed.
The above C.V. was Paul-Robert Hipkiss.
Web: abi-1.xyz
A Building Block for Transparency & Austerity


My name is Paul-Robert Hipkiss, and I love Human Rights. I do, really!

I am ABI-1 [Kânøbï] now because I have Acquired Brain Injury.
I was hit by a car while crossing a crosswalk at a School-Zone in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
I was a loving Father, a cool English Teacher, and a nifty Musician.
T.D., my insurance to life, told me to shut up, so here is my story - my right!

A written word can become knowledge.

A minute experience can become a person's wisdom.
So, go spread the word with your best "pinky-toe" forward.
"To Educate Is to Liberate"

Life is short. Live it. Great mission, eh? True...

From a War-Zone to a Free-Zone - the who/what zone? No more monotones

please! Why? I am tired of unprofessional people asking me questions concerning an
unknown, the Brain-Zone. Yes. Not one professional really knows. So now, I have become
a mirror for a lot of people to look at themselves. Yes, that's right. 'Cause here it is. Medical
Doctors wish more to say. Really? Your assessment is not complete, sire? "To be
continued..." doctors purport continuously. I do not think so. The brain is the last frontier,
people. I need my mamma, not a psychiatrist. I ain't no guinea pig, nor am I a dollar
sign. Y'all keep on reading while I keep on talking because I'm a lot smarter when it comes
to Brain Injury than a psychologist. Yah! I'm living it! That's what I have to say. But, then
again, the Quakers do have a way with words. There's the rub. Yes, beware. Take some
advice from me, a Primary Source. Some of their defecations are nastily rank. Yes,
indeed. Stand aside and make way for better pastures ahead. Nature will lead the
way. Don't you worry. Live the sun and love the moon. Trust me. I do. Your mission to
recovery will take place each and every lovely day, just like mine. It won't be
easy. Aye. Somewhat difficult, I must say. Down right nasty at times. But, take it from
Nike as well, "Just Do It!" Because in reality, life is truly short. You gotta live it! Don't
forget, be happy. Be happy - not with things, with people. Life. Peace.

I must thank Lynda Cibulis for reaching out to me about Clinton. I knew him as a boy in
Hamilton, Ontario. He always wanted to learn more about things with me. He became a true
hero. My heart goes out to you and your family, Lynda. May you find peace. Bless you.
I must thank Ashley Burke, a Reporter with the CBC, for contacting me via Messenger to
inform me about Mawt Trood. I knew him at the the Rehabilitation Centre of Ottawa Hospital.
He used to love showing me his designs. He was a true artist. We used to talk and laugh to no
end. I'll miss him. Thank you, Trood.
Life Expectancy with ABI:
As many doctors, lawyers, and judges know (Giovanna told me.), life expectancy is shortened
with Acquired Brain Injury. Al Leaffy, bless his soul, taught me this fact as well. I am so thankful
to have met him. Peace be with him.

Health Care and Justice:

- My injured body is the responsibility of TD and not the Ontario Health

Insurance Plan. Pay back the taxman at hospital.
- Canada is bound by law to provide equal access to Health Care.
- A "Two(2)Tier" Medical System exists in Canada because TD wished for this
patient to fit in a bag and not on a doctor's table.
- Professional Health Care must never place an injured victim under
a "Party Bus" in order to claw at an Insurer's Privy Purse.
- A "2-Year" statutory limitation is placed upon a victim for a legal court proceeding
to commence at the Superior Court of Justice.
- Yet, a "2-Year" statutory limitation is not placed upon an Insurer to settle a claim with
an injured victim.
- Equal Opportunity to Justice will provide naturally Equal Access to Health
Care. Equality is a beauty. Practise it.


I don't know what I would have done without Dr Andréanne Côté and Dr Karim Ali. The Ottawa
Chiropractic Health Clinic & Physiotherapy helped me. Trust me. They brought me back from a
Car Crash. And, thanks to an educated physiotherapist and massage therapist, I was able to do
much better, let alone laugh again. Thank you. Hospitals need chiropractors and therapists.

My life's journey has taken me to many places. I am so grateful. I loved meeting so

many people along the way, too.
I loved it.

+ HELP! 7 years later...

It's one thing to get my Cs mixed up or my Bs when I sing. "Oh well... " says ABI-1. It's a
completely different thing when I cannot chew properly to get food down my aching throat. Fix
my entire mouth T.D., so that I can eat and have some dignity as a person when I shall sing to you.

Why did the Insurers treat me like a vagabond?

TD never accepted me as a teacher of English.
Why did the Insurers treat me like a barren man?
TD never accepted Paul-Robert Hipkiss.
Why did the Insurers treat me like a loser?
TD never accepted to rehabilitate my music talents.
Why did the Insurers treat me like a single man?
TD never accepted me as a teacher of writing.
Rehabilitation is to do things you used to do, TD.
Why must I trust such dereliction of duty? Not!
Victim Rights of an Altered Mind

A victim has the right to Equal Access to Health Care.

A victim has the right to the Basic Necessities of Life: shelter, food, and attire.
A victim has the right to equal opportunity to therapy.
A victim has the right to rehabilitation for the victim's future.
A victim has the right to socialisation and transportation.
A victim has the right to Personal Health Information.
A victim has the right to proper community recognised identification.
A victim has the right to be informed of the evidence of victimisation.
A victim has the right to receive a Defendant Statement.
A victim has the right to submit a Victim Statement.
A victim has the right to protection from legal adversarial prosecution.
A victim has the right to be assumed as a person with full cognisance.
A victim has the right to be under Oath without fear of retaliation.
A victim has the right to the Fundamental Human Right to Speech.
A victim has the right to be interrogated under Oath without fear of harassment.
A victim has the right to be not mislead, coerced, bullied, mistreated, or abused.
A victim has the right to Equal Opportunity to Justice.
A victim has the right to an Agreement with Fundamental Rights.
A victim has the right to Justifiable Recompense.
A victim has the right to an Egalitarian Settlement.
A victim has the right to an impartial Trial.
A victim has the right to Appeal to a higher court.

1. First Discover: I wanted to meet Gaetan Comeau, the reckless driver. I merely wished to
know what happened. I didn't care if it were bad or good. I brought a pen as a gift for him, so that
we could write our story together. Lawyer Patricia Lawson was given one of my many essays
"Women in the Workplace" as gift, too. I just wanted to know. I ended up having a seizure.
Lawyer Charles Genest and the other did not wish to halt the proceedings. They continued their
abusive interrogation on this victim. Comeau passed in the end. I shall never know what happened
that moment in time of the Crash. He was the key witness.
2. Second Discovery: Again, I just wanted to know, however, now in more
detail. Nothing. Lawyer Joseph Griffiths kept on confusing my altered mind with some witch
hunt about a job I may or may not have had in 1981? I did not care. I just wanted to know what
happened on October 29th, 2014. Nothing. He continued. I almost placed my fist into his
skull. We are all lucky. He and other lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki wished to continue their abusive
interrogation of this victim.
Victims Have the Right to Know!
Discoveries Are for Both Parties: Defendant & Plaintiff!
No Lawyer Went to Jail
+ Since 2015, I've asked a manager at the Ottawa Hospital to calculate the cost to have me at
hospital. Theft/Fraud? Nothing! Canada deserves a bankrupt health care?
Ontario Disability (ODSP) was never paid back by TD. That's a lot of money, folks. Joe and Jill
paid it all?
- But, TD was allowed to claw at the Queen's Privy Purse?
- Hold the Insurer responsible. It pays! Not all of you!
Costs to Taxpayers
3 Months Inpatient
1 Year Outpatient
TD must pay!
Basic Necessities of Life (CCC):
215 (1) Every one is under a legal duty
(c) to provide necessaries of life to a person under his charge if that person
(i) is unable, by reason of detention, age, illness, mental disorder or other cause, to withdraw
himself from that charge, and
(ii) is unable to provide himself with necessaries of life.

The Right to Subdue an Assailant in Canada (CCC):

34 (1) A person is not guilty of an offence if
(a) they believe on reasonable grounds that force is being used against them or another
person or that a threat of force is being made against them or another person;
(b) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of defending or
protecting themselves or the other person from that use or threat of force; and
(c) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances.


346. (1) Every one commits extortion who, without reasonable justification or excuse and with
intent to obtain anything, by threats, accusations, menaces or violence induces or attempts to
induce any person, whether or not he is the person threatened, accused or menaced or to whom
violence is shown, to do anything or cause anything to be done.
(2) A threat to institute civil proceedings is not a threat for the purposes of this section.

No more NSF cheques, TD!

Now ODSP pays for my therapy!
That means - YOU - the taxpayer!

CCC: 232 (1) Culpable homicide that otherwise would be murder may be reduced to manslaughter if the person
who committed it did so in the heat of passion caused by sudden provocation.
- After a person experiences his or her children kidnapped just to physically locate them
without the assistance of law enforcement or the judiciary, is this same person in the heat of
passion culpable of 1st Degree, 2nd Degree, or Manslaughter?
- A far cry from the Criminal Harassment that I had received for the past 10 years at the
behest of lawyers, judges, insurers, and adjusters.

What happened to my children on April 15th, 2013?

What should I have done?
Exactly what I did do.
I exercised the "No-Go!"
Walk away if you have to do so.

But, in the end, I fought in courts just to get hit by a car. That's what I did. Yes. As I was crossing
a crosswalk just to tell my boys that we could have our coveted "sleepovers" once again. 2-Years
of fighting to prove that I love my boys. And then, bang! Sometimes in life, one must stand up
for what one believes, love being the greatest, for righteousness is just and love is a must.

+2 Years of Family Court Hell

+7 Years of Insurance Court Hell
= 9 Years of Criminal Harassment
+1 More Year to Shut Me Up! That's 10 Years in Total! A Decade to Love!

But, I did what I could. Now, you all know what happened to me and three lovely children - of
course, yes in your community. Let's change things, eh! Let's start with an interest in Equality,
which is beautiful. Kids love it, too. They do, really.
Thank you for reading.
I hope you learnt rather than angered.
Unnatural death is never advised. Anything...
Even your gas-guzzling-car. I can't breathe. So, stop!
Understanding why may be the greatest prevention of all,
In all affairs, let alone human to human. Think please what I have written.
No ill, for life is short. Peace.

* The facts that are within this website are of matters that I had demanded to address to a judicator
or judge.
* It must be of no wonder any longer as to why I was constantly told to shut up.
* My facts were about those who practise criminal acts at the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario.

Now I understand.

I Really Think So...

On April 15th, 2013, my 3 boys were kidnapped from me. (Criminal Codes: #279-280) I had to
find them myself. I found them five days later. Don't even think it: no violence - just a river of
tears! Since then, I never got back the loving relationship that I once had with my lovely 3 boys. I
had to fight for 2 years in the courts to uphold my 3 boys' right to associate with me, their loving
father. We finally won, however, the right to our coveted "sleepover" on October 29th, 2014. So,
I hurried. I left the Superior Court of Justice at 12:00 about to tell the boys the good news. Then,
on my way to tell them, a driver hit me from behind - bang! The kidnappers were never charged,
convicted, or sentenced - nor did the reckless driver face any jail time. Yet, lawyers and case
workers took my soul and my life, and the lives of 3 boys in your community. Welcome to Canada.

And then, ...

A Car Crash at 18:30 on October 29th, 2014, on the other hand, changed my life
completely. Automobile Insurers, lawyers, mediators, judges, and adjusters within 7 Years
destroyed my life forever.
No Jail Time

2 years of having to prove to lawyers and case workers that I love my 3 boys.
7 years of having to prove to Tired Donkey et al. that I'm not a single man.
"Why?" Because of a defunct court that did not give me joint parenting.
Is this not one of the faulty causes of female homicides in Canada?
Men in Canada must prove that they love their children?
My experience has become a mirror for you all.
My experience is a case your misandry.
My experience is about your Sexism.


Thanks must be given to all the unprofessional, inept Adjusters & Insurers for not wanting me to
audit courses at Carleton University, just so that I could reacquaint myself with academic writing
and linguistics, something I've always suffered as a result of the Car Crash. I'd further like to thank
lawyer Judith Alison Campbell for giving me a "back-door" for further submissions in the Ontario
Superior Court of Justice - mission of speech protected. Alas! It all worked out in the end, didn't
it? These ignorant individuals provided me with the greatest course, this one. And now, I write
my Expository. Ha! A+ or what? Thanks again.

This is the key date to remember, and it is as follows:

- October 29th, 2014:
Liberty - Family Court's Deliberation/Order & Car Crash - SAME DAY!
In my humble opinion, to silence someone as a result of anything prohibits human
progress. I must spread the word for Words Matter. Nevertheless, the originals are
in the court house, the public domain. I have provided everyone herein with the equal
opportunity to read my so-called Affidavits. I have further taken the liberty to include
my Victim Statement of the Car Crash. Lastly, I copied and pasted some letters as
well. Thank you in advance for reading.

For 9 years, I have had to associate with the following lawyers of the Ontario Superior Court of
Justice: Dawn Baglole, McCague-Borlack, Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, Charles Genest,
Virve Georgeson, Joseph Griffiths, Auger-Hollingsworth, Mikolaj Grodzki, Lisa Langevin,
Patricia Lawson, Todd McCarthy, Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki, Kevin Temple, Michael Thiele,
and Giovanna Toscano Roccamo.
(13 Lawyers + 3 Lawyer Firms)
For 9 years, I have had to associate with the following Honourable Justices of the Ontario
Superior Court of Justice: Robert Beaudoin, Adriana Doyle, Stanley Kershman, Calum MacLeod,
James McNamara, Timothy Minnema, Robert Smith, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, and Heather
(9 Judges)
For 7 years, I have had to associate with the following Insurers: Meloche Monnex Financial
Services, Premium Insurance Company, Security National Insurance Company, TD General
Insurance Company, TD Home and Auto Insurance Company, and TD Meloche Monnex Group.
(6 Insurers)
For 7 years, I have had to associate with the following Associate Adjusters and Claims
Specialists: Denise Fenlon, Ramona Kerr, Shaikh Masum, Wayne Nunes, Cherivic Paculaba, Lynn
Parker, Chris Potoczek, Delia Ravindran, Anastasia Simos, Nancy Stobbs, and Meagan Whittaker.
(11 Adjuster-Specialists)

How can a victim receive proper, positive rehabilitation when placed constantly in
adversarial conflicts for 7 years, legal or otherwise, concerning financial support for
health, safety, and rehabilitation?

After 9 years of criminal harassment, kidnapping, parental alienation, court

proceedings, deniability, absconding, misleading of justice, theft, unprofessional
conduct, malfeasance, forgery, deprivation, fraud, adversarial conflicts,
unconstitutional practice, necessities of life, improprieties, and legal battles, a child no
longer remains a child with a loving memory of a parent.

The Child's Right?

More Importantly:
These lawyers knew that I had 3 boys.
These lawyers knew I had acquired brain injury.
These lawyers, bar a few, even saw my 3 boys.
These lawyers had no Family Motion for 7 years.
These lawyers had one motive - insurance money.
These lawyers committed the greatest crime.
The Courts must have the best interest of the child.

You can be the best, littlest Ambassador that you can possibly be for everything you do in life.

I tried my best to warn everyone about what had happened to me and who I might have
been before or after, whatever I was to be. I went as far as to create a business card of sorts and
turned into a Public Awareness card to promote my web page. I sent my cards by mail and gave
many in person at the Gym, My Place of Zen, and Shoppers Drug Mart - just some folks I
associated with and the like. I had noticed several times that people where viewing the web page.
Then, word of mouth kind of spread, and I heard that many lawyers and judges also had taken a
gander. That it in itself meant a lot to me because it told me that people were starting to read, and
therefore might listen to my recommendations for the changes needed.
Dear Bobby, ...
Lessons Never Learnt?

I knew or had a gut feeling that the police would do nothing, in that no-one would be
arrested or charged, yet it would provide me with the time I needed to finish my blog, build my
website, and polish this expository. While the police would be investigating everyone, the
unprofessional persons I told the police to investigate would panic and bustle about in order to
defend themselves, and not much focus or attention on me, but with any luck, perhaps someone
might actually understand my plight to fight for a constitutional settlement or a trial. Because if I
had argued all along about the protection of my Right to Speech, then, I had to provide proof that
I was dead serious - so here I wrote some more. I hope I proved my point. Anyone that attempts
to take it away must be jailed by law. But if they did, they'd probably die in prison; thus, there is
no such thing in Canada as Equal Opportunity to Justice. Period. Everyone's inaction just stands
as further proof of my point. But, who am I?

I. (written by hand)
June 3rd, 2021
Hello Constables Jennifer Delia & Tyler McPhee,
Thank you for saving my life.
As a result of the past nine years, I wrote an Expository of what has happened to me.
I've witnessed a lot of crimes. I hope you can help. I hope to help end one aspect of
misogyny that exists in Canada - misandry.
Thank you in advance.
Yours truly,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss

II. (written by hand)

June 3rd, 2021
Hello Staff Sergeant Colin Stokes,
As a result of the past nine years, I wrote and Expository of what has happened to me.
I've witnessed a lot of crimes, my car taken, my land taken, my boys taken, and now
my life. No-one in jail yet? I hope you can help. I hope to end one aspect of misogyny
that exists in Canada - misandry.
Thank you in advance,
Yours truly,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
III. (written by hand)
June 3rd, 2021
Hello Ashley Burke,
Thank you for your patience, but most of all, for teaching the true misunderstanding
of brain injury. I am so sorry about [my hospital roommate] "Trood", yet through you,
he taught us all.
As a result of the past 7 years to 9, I wrote an Expository of a lot of crimes related to
auto-insurance and beyond. I hope to, in the end, help end one aspect of misogyny in
Canada - misandry. Thank you in advance. I hope you can help, too.
Your truly,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss

IV. (written by hand)

June 7th, 2021
Hello again, Colin Stokes,
Who forged my signature on my
Ford Taurus' ownership card to
sell my car? I demand to know!
Who forged my signature on a
Settlement in 2009 with lawyer
Michael Thiele? I demand to
Who forged my signature on an
Agreement of Purchase and Sale
that forced the sale of my land in
Beachburg, Ontario? I demand to
"Who kidnapped my boys on April 15th, 2013?" [Were they] lawyers Judith
Alison Campbell and Danielle Bari Dworsky? I demand to know! [Because
Section 280.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada clearly states that "every person
who, without lawful authority, takes or causes to be taken a person under the
age of 16 years out of the possession of and against the will of the parent or
guardian of that person or of any other person who has the lawful care or
charge of that person is guilty of a) an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or b) an offence
punishable on summary conviction.]
How is it that a person with so many investments and/or holdings qualify for
Social Welfare? How about all the bank accounts? Why is nobody charged
with fraud? I demand to know!
The Ottawa Police do not know my wife, for they certified "my wife" as cleared
for the Vulnerable Sector, not "someone else." The Change of Name Act of
Ontario, you'll find that only surnames are allowed to be freely exchanged due
to spousal influence; however, the change of a given name must be done legally.
The Ottawa Police Services is trying to tell its community that it doesn't really
know who it is certifying to be cleared for the Vulnerable Sector? Shame on
all of you.
Forgery and fraud are Indictable Offences and not Summaries. Who profited
for the Ford Taurus, Minutes of Settlement (2009), and the Beachburg land?
$15,000 Settlement, $25,000 land sale, $5,000 car. And who illegally
absconded my boys?
If no charges are placed upon my wife, Campbell, Dworsky, or Bowerman,
then you are a criminal, Colin Stokes.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
June 11th, 2021
Dear Inspector Gregory Miles Watts,
Toronto Police Service, 42 Division, 242 Milner Avenue, Scarborough, ON M1S 5C4
I saw your post on Twitter about a special boy I once knew. Thank you for your kind
words. His name was Clinton Frank Cibulis. I used to love helping him understand
how to write better for school. I loved playing guitar with he and his brother, too.
Thank you for the memory. It's just that I remember him now and in particular his
life's tragedy. He touched me then in my life as you have moved me today.
Please, I need your kind words as well. Words do matter. I had been involved with
a very criminal insurer for the past 7 years, TD Insurance, and I need help getting true
Sometime after my Car Crash (Claim: 018133598-3) of October 29th, 2014, I was
assigned an adjuster by the name of Delia Ravindran from TD Insurance Meloche
Monnex's Security National Insurance at 3650 Victoria Park Avenue, 9th Floor, North
York, Ontario, M2H 3P7; Tel.: 1-866-681-6081, (416) 790-3338. Has Delia
Ravindran committed two crimes: Misleading of Justice (Criminal Code of Canada:
130-139) and Malfeasance (C.C.C.: 216-219), just to mention a couple? I had only
one fracture as a result of my Car Crash. The fracture was at my Zygomatic Bone
which is right above my right molars. I lost 9 teeth directly and 3 other teeth as a
consequence. So, my question here is that, how can implants not begin with the
cleaning of all teeth and an x-ray thereof as well? A dentist cannot begin without these
two main practices. She never wanted to support my rehabilitative health. It was her
legal obligation to do so. She thwarted my therapy, my health. She is a criminal, isn't
she? Please view my evidence below of which I provide. I still do not have teeth after
7 years. How many more years of pain? I can hardly eat, too, as a result. I have to
grind my food or smoothie it. I've gone from XL to M in size. I demand that she fix
my entire mouth at this juncture, even before I consider a settlement. Thank you.
Then, to make matters worst, lawyer Joseph Griffiths forces me to see Dr Paul
Duhamel on January 18th, 2021 and Dr Sujay Patel on January 28th, 2021. Joseph
Griffiths (jgriffiths@mccagueborlack.com) is associated with McCague-Borlack, 130
King Street West, The Exchange Tower, Suite 2700, Toronto, Ontario; Tel.: (416) 860-
0001. The two appointments were scheduled by Melissa Chowns of AssessMed at
5945 Airport Road, Suite 335, Mississauga, Ontario, L4V 1R9; (905) 678-2924. "Fine
imposition of $2,500.00 for missed appointment." they wrote. So, I couldn't miss it
because I had been forced onto ODSP and would not be able to afford such a steep
And just when I was trying to walk up Carling Hill in -18° Celsius on January 18th
to go see Dr P. Duhamel for an assessment, of which no-one ever did hire
transportation for me by the way, I see lawyer J. Griffiths taking pictures of me in a
black sedan with a professional zoom camera. What? Taking pictures of me? So, I
ask. Do you not need an Honourable Judge's Order to invade my privacy and take
pictures of me and follow me? My opinion is, yes. This is criminal behaviour, sir.
(Section 264 of the C.C.C.)
And to top it off, when I finally got to see Dr Sujay Patel on January 28th, 2021, I
had to readjust on his doctor's table; however, Dr Sujay Patel took a fit when I asked
him to take his coat off the doctor's table. He refused. I was in so much pain. I put it
on the floor myself and began to readjust. He told me that he would call the police. I
told him to go ahead. As if he could not see that I was in extreme pain and readjusting
my spine on his doctor's table due to my scoliosis condition of my spine. "Go ahead
with your psychotic abuse of power." I thought. Thank goodness I recorded it. It's on
Hipkissology's YouTube (https://youtu.be/m3DPPO8x49k). Dr Sujay Patel, what a
criminally abusive, unprofessional practitioner of psychiatry.
So, who is Dr Sujay Patel, and from where is he? Kitchener? Toronto? Ottawa?
Kingston? But, to pay top dollar in order to fly someone on a drop of a dime from so
far away to perform an assessment is not a conspiracy to commit an impropriety or
crime? Keep on patting my back, and I'll keep on patting yours, as the saying goes,
doesn't it? How many times McCague-Borlack, Joseph Griffiths, or TD Insurance
have been using Dr Sujay Patel for their assessments? Where is the impartiality? Why
is the assessment not done at the community level? Such oppressiveness! Such heavy-
handedness! Their records will indicate, however, this fact of alliance? My gut tells
me something. Perhaps, only a subpoena will determine that? Who's planning what?
In the end, I am forced to be presented with a Settlement that is unconstitutional. Yes,
I need help; however, I must not relinquish my fundamental human rights. I would
not have taught this to my pupils in Iraq, sorry. Thus, please help me, my kind gentle
man. We must stop this form of criminal harassment perpetually placed upon victims
of car crashes. More people's lives are destroyed by a tin-can on wheels than by a gun
in Canada. Trust me, I've seen a lot of guns in Iraq. So, let's work together and safe
guard our people from corporate dereliction of duty. I now owe money to my chiro -
no teeth, too. Please help by also demanding that they at least help me with those two
things. Thanks. I trust further that you will take matters in appropriate, legal fashion.
Thank you in advance, sir. I feel that your words and actions will touch people as they
had touched me when I read about my little buddy, Clinton. Thank you.
My prayers to those who suffer or have suffered.
Yours truly,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
June 13th, 2021
Durham Regional Police Service, Whitby Division
4060 Anderson Street, Whitby, ON L1R 2W3
To Whom It May Concern,
Please, I need your kind words. Words do matter. I had been involved with a very
criminal insurer for the past 7 years, TD Insurance, and I need help getting true justice.
Sometime after my Car Crash (Claim: 018133598-3) of October 29th, 2014, I was
assigned an adjuster by the name of Delia Ravindran from TD Insurance Meloche
Monnex's Security National Insurance at 3650 Victoria Park Avenue, 9th Floor, North
York, Ontario, M2H 3P7; Tel.: 1-866-681-6081, (416) 790-3338.
On September 22nd, 2020 a lot of us experienced the Mediation 2: Internet Zoomed
with Trish Mongeon, Tech Manager - lawyer Todd McCarthy - lawyer Joseph Griffiths
- Meagan Whittaker - Lynn Parker - lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki - Giovanna Toscano
Roccamo, Mediator - former and now retired judicator. Much time was waisted on
Zoom at Mikolaj Grodzki's office with Syrmo, my three boys, and I. All that those
people completed was an increase of their own wages and not mine. Every time they
would shut down Zoom or break apart to huddle in Chambers as it were, they'd come
back all together online and nothing would be increased concerning my lost wages. I
was a single-man with my boys in front of them? They burnt my jib. So, I got up and
told Syrmo to gather her things, for we were about to exit a conspired, planned
"Mediation 2" for lawyers and insurers and not for a victim and his family. Thank
goodness I recorded it.
But, why was Todd McCarthy present. I never did authorised Todd McCarthy to be
involved with my case. This is criminal unprofessional conduct as well as malfeasance.
Please read the Criminal Code of Canada.
On September 29th, 2020: Global Mediation with retired Giovanna Toscano
Roccamo as mediator. Interesting. The former judge that did not officially make an
order for Pre-Trial 2 became a mediator wearing her judicator's thawb. I was shocked.
So were the boys once I told them who she actually was. And now another lawyer by
the name of Todd McCarthy is privy to my personal court case from some hinterland
in Whitby, Ontario, Canada whom I have never met or acknowledged. Obviously,
Mikolaj Grodzki associates with him not I. Everyone except my family and I were
increasing in the calculations. So, half way through, I told my family to get ready and
leave with me. That was the worst display of criminal, unprofessional behaviour of a
judiciary in front of three young people, our future.
On December 21st, 2020: DECISION with judicator Adriana Doyle of the Superior
Court of Justice of Ontario. She never clarified a trial date, for she only stated that
trial commence in March of 2021 because there was no court order by former judicator
Giovanna Toscano Roccamo. There was no beacon for judicator Adriana Doyle. I
never was requested to be present either. Did it take place in Ajax, Ontario or Whitby,
Ontario? Was lawyer Todd McCarthy practising law without me? Was it over Zoom?
If it were via Zoom, then, why was I not invited? Transparency is the root of austerity.
I would have had the right to demand that judicator Adriana Doyle not infringe upon
my fundamental human right by "compelling" me to associate with other health
practitioners, especially psychos et al. because the Prima Facie Existe a Hopital. The
entire file exists at the Ottawa Hospital. OHIP supplies a synopsis of my medical
record to all doctors who access my OHIP via my ID card. OHIP does not supply my
complete medical file from hospital that will include, x-rays, cat-scans, graphs, or
nurses' notes. Only I have them. I was the only one who ordered it from hospital.
Only my name will appear on the Request for File - Prima Facie. I was not given the
Equal Opportunity to Justice - to make my case or defend my rights. That's a bad
practice of law, Todd McCarthy of Flaherty McCarthy, 132 Dundas Street West,
Whitby, Ontario, Canada - disbarment allegations here. He was not willing to have
me present. Conspiracy!
On December 21st, 2020: Melissa Chowns of AssessMed from Airport Road,
Mississauga. She wrote that I had to associate with neuropsychologist Paul Duhamel.
An appointment had been made by McCague Borlack. I do not know these people nor
do I care. Yet, I had to be at Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Centre Parkdale, Ottawa
at 09:30 to 17:30 hundred hours. Fine imposition of $2,500.00 for missed appointment.
No transportation information for me, none written by Melissa Chowns, Referral
Department Manager of AssessMed, 5945 Airport Road, Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada. Did she not think of a pick up or drop off for a victim to get at an assessment
in the dead of winter? No. But, her company was willing to fly medical doctors?
Crime Is Rooted in Greed. Follow the Money to Find the Crime.
On January 28th, 2021: As ordered Psychiatric Examination at ProPhysio with
psychiatrist Sujay Patel at 15:30 to 16:45 hundred hours. This was expected by
Melissa Chowns again and McCague Borlack. Transportation was not organised by
AssessMed et al. I went to Pro Physio again by foot. I had to readjust on the doctor's
table; however, Sujay Patel took a fit when I asked him to take his coat off the doctor's
table. He refused. I was in pain. I put it on the floor myself and began to readjust.
He told me that he would call the police. I told him to go ahead. As if he could not
see that I was in extreme pain readjusting my spine on his doctor's table. Go ahead
with your psychotic abuse of power. He is unprofessional and needs to have his license
removed. And to top things off, Mikolaj Grodzki was not allowed to witness all that
when I had demanded that he be present in the first place just like with Una Wallace.
I demanded Mikolaj Grodzki witness the harassment and abuse, despite being isolated
to the lobby, yet hopeful maybe with any luck witness the psych-interrogation itself.
No luck. All of that was because I was not given the chance to be present with judicator
Adriana Doyle. This was criminal harassment what they put me through just so that I
can get help. Then, oh my goodness, Mikolaj Grodzki does nothing about it. He does
not inform the police. I froze that day. I was so sick. My scoliosis inflamed. My
whole body was torn. They photographed me as well. My privacy raped. Why was I
not invited to tell a judicator that I demanded no longer to associate with psychos et
al.? Who is this Todd McCarthy guy in Whitby, Ontario, Canada? He was never my
On March 1st, 2021: Supposedly, there was a Pre-Trial with judicator Robert
Beaudoin. It was held at lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki's office over Zoom's Internet Video-
Conferencing Services, which was not decoded either, thus available for anyone to
download. It was not being recorded by a stenographer or Crown Clerk for transcript
purposes, so I told Robert Beaudoin. (It may had been recorded like a YouTube video
but not for transcript.) He asked me why I wanted it to be recorded. I demanded it to
be recorded in case I needed a copy in writ. This was the same discrimination that
medical doctors embraced when I demanded my medical files. What is wrong with
this country? Secrecy! That's what. And I knew it long ago. So, thank goodness that
I did record everything myself. I walked out. That was not a "Pre-Trial." It was a
make-shift mediation. Transparency is austere, Robert Beaudoin. There was never an
order for a Pre-Trial for March 1st, 2021 in the first place by Giovanna Toscano
Roccamo on March 29th, 2019. I'm slow but not stupid. Another crime. Others that
were present were Wayne Nunes of TD Insurance, Insurer Kevin Temple, Alice as
Clerk, Mikolaj Grodzki, Joseph Griffiths, and Todd McCarthy - of course, I.
In the end, I am forced to be presented with a Settlement that is unconstitutional. Yes,
I need help; however, I must not relinquish my fundamental human rights. I would
not have taught this to my pupils in Iraq, sorry. Thus, please help me, my kind ladies
and gentle men. We must stop this form of criminal harassment perpetually placed
upon victims of car crashes. More people's lives are destroyed by a tin-can on wheels
than by a gun in Canada. Trust me, I've seen a lot of guns in Iraq. So, let's work
together and safe guard our people from corporate dereliction of duty. I now owe
money to my chiro - no teeth yet, too. Please help by also demanding that they at least
help me with those two things. Thanks. I trust further that you will take matters in
appropriate, legal fashion. Thank you in advance, sir. I feel that your words and
actions will touch people as they had touched me when I read about my little buddy,
Clinton. Thank you.
I am never going to sign an unconstitutional settlement that forces me to relinquish
my fundamental human rights. To force me to sign, despite the serious fact that I do
need help, is EXTORTION and that is a serious crime.
My prayers to those who suffer or have suffered.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
You can also call Trevor Watson at (613) 236-1222, ext. 4539 to verify.
June 21st, 2021
Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.)
77 International Drive, Pembroke,
Ontario, K8A 6W5
To Whom It May Concern,
I need your help. I cannot understand
what happened on November 2nd, 2010,
the day that destroyed my life. Someone
forged my signature. Was it my wife or
someone else? I do not know who exactly
because in reality I was in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia preparing for my required
medical examinations at Al-Hofuf for deployment to the Iraqi War with the US
Military. Someone forced my signature and catapulted me into the sale of my land in
Beachburg, Ontario (Lot 9, Smith Street, Beachburg, Whitewater Region, Ontario,
Canada, K0J 1C0).
I found out through some paper work that Whitewater Region of 44 Main Street,
Cobden, ON K0J1K0 was charging me more property taxes than they should have at
the time. So, before leaving for the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia, I told my wife that I
was willing to pay some nominal real-estate fee for the land to be listed for sale in
order to discover the land's true market value. I was working. I was able to afford it.
Besides, my wife and I were supposed to submit, thereafter, to Whitewater Region the
true market value with appropriate real-estate documentation for proper evaluation of
the property taxes by the Region's political body because the Region in fact overvalued
the land in their Property Tax Calculation Assessment. It was simple: "Market Value
Equals Justifiable Taxation" But, my wife had other plans? Why did you force the
November 2nd, 2010: Did my wife forges my signature on an Agreement of Purchase
and Sale (OREA) with Re/Max Pembroke Realty Ltd. for my property in the amount
of $24,900.00? (Criminal Code of Canada, Section 374/Section 380?) Whitewater
Region was charging me more property taxes than they should have at the time. I was
supposed to submit, thereafter, to Whitewater Region the true market value with
appropriate real-estate documentation for proper evaluation of the property taxes by
the Region's political body because the Region in fact overvalued the land in their
Property Tax Calculation Assessment. Jacques Benoit, Chief Building Official, of the
Township of Whitewater Region knew of my argument concerning property taxes. For
me, it was simple: "Market Value Equals Justifiable Taxation" But, my wife had other
plans? Why did you force the sale?
November 4th, 2010: My wife sent me an e-mail while I was in Saudi and wrote the
following: "I just spoke to your mum and I told [her] everything about the land and
how I had to copy your signature. She didn't want to have anything to do with me."
My "mum" always had been my biological mother. My "ma" always had been my
step-mother. My wife lives at 2-D Letourneau Street, Barrhaven, Nepean, ON K2J
5A7; (613) 400-7672. Was she involved, too?
November 13th, 2010: I had to be examined by a radiologist for Pulmonary TB
(negative) from Al-Mulhim Dispensary, Al-Ahsa, Al-Hofuf, Eastern Province, the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in preparation for Basic Training for Deployment to
Operation New Dawn (Iraq) at Fort Benning, Georgia, the United States of America.
Ian Vincent, Office Manager of Re/Max Pembroke Realty Ltd., 10A Canadian
Forces Drive, Petawawa, ON K8H 0H4; (613) 687-2020 charged my wife $2,490.00
for commission for the sale. Was he involved, too?
December 17th, 2010: Direction of Funds for the sale of Lot 9, Smith Street,
Beachburg by lawyer John Sloan in the amount of $24,658.57 was performed. To
whom? I never knew, nor did I receive any money. Damn! I wrote an e-mail to my
wife and Sandra Davidson, Real-Estate Law Clerk of lawyer John Sloan, that "this sale
will not go through, ..." Yet, they did it anyhow. Who controls criminals? You?
[Sloan: (613) 592-5774]
I did have some issues with Whitewater Region about my land. They were taxing
me too much. So, I worked out with my wife to put it up for sale just so we could get
a correct evaluation on the price of the land. I didn’t care. I was willing to pay the
500 bucks for the true evaluation. I was willing to pay some nominal real-estate fee
for the land to be listed. I just wanted a market-value price, so that I could go to
Whitewater Region and say, "Yoh. You are taxing me too much here." And then, I
had to argue about residency with Sloan. Oh, my goodness. I thought I was going to
be involved in a lawsuit, or a court case or something? What's going on? I tried to
find the best way out of this forgery and sale. I didn't know, I was en route to a war.
No military insurance company would have actually ensured me to be deployable with
outstanding issues back in Canada, which meant that I would have never been
deployable if there had been outstanding cases under my name. No FBI would have
cleared me. Okay, whatever their argument was? Here you go! Take it! Whatever!
Do whatever! I don't know what's going on? I was off to war. Damn!
In the end, my land was sold from under me. My signature was forged. The profit
even in the end was not given to me. Who paid for the taxes? Who declared the sale
of the land in his or her tax claims for the year of 2010? Not I. I never saw any money.
This is fraud as well, let alone forgery.
Please arrest the person who forged my signature and forced the sale of my land.
Thank you,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
June 23rd, 2021
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police National Headquarters (Ottawa Detachment)
Headquarters Building, 73 Leikin Drive, Ottawa ON K1A 0R2
To Whom It May Concern, I need your help.
Joseph Griffiths of McCague Borlack, 130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada misled justice to judicator Giovanna Toscano Roccamo who was present. He
had argued that it was dark and that's why the driver, Gaetan Comeau, couldn't see me
crossing the crosswalk when in fact it was daylight. Google it, Joseph Griffiths. It
was daylight. It is a criminal offense to Mislead Justice according to Section 137 of
the Criminal Code of Canada. According to notes taken by police, I was struck from
behind while walking in a westerly direction. The crash was "life threatening."
Paramedics Masse, Arcand, & Lefebvre arrived with ambulance and noted that I had
been traumatised, and that I had symptoms of Acute Confusion, Head/Brain Injury,
and back pain. Blood was also noticed on the ground. Their reports were written at
approximately 18:37. I suspect that I was rushed thereafter to the Ottawa Hospital,
Civic Campus, 1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 20th, 2019: Pre-Trial Conference Brief of the Defendants was submitted by
lawyer Joseph W. L. Griffiths to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario under Court
File Number: 16-69137. On March 20th, 2019, Joseph Griffiths signed his brief. He
wrote, "Trial is scheduled for 5 weeks starting March 1, 2021." The Pre-Trial with
Giovanna Toscano Roccamo (judge) was to take place at the court house on March
29th, 2019. To have preplanned a judicial procedure by scheduling a trial date nine
days prior to the appearance of an impartial judge to weigh the debate for setting the
actual date for trial in the first place let alone the date itself, is a crime of judicial
influence, in other words, not allowing impartiality through judicial procedure. Was
anyone else involved, Joseph Griffiths? Was lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki involved, too?
I do not know. No wonder Honourable Justice Madame Giovanna Toscano Roccamo
wished not to make an order. She had to be presented as impartial to all the preplanned
folly. She had to protect herself. That's why there was no seal, no order that day, nor
a transcript that I had asked for or received to this date.
March 29th, 2019: I had a Pre-Trial Conference with Giovanna Toscano Roccamo,
civil judicator, at the Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Joseph
Griffiths, Michael Thiele, Mikolaj Grodzki, Syrmo, my three boys, and I were present.
It appeared that there was a three-way teleconference device that was powered and
another person on the other end listening. I was not privy to who may had been on the
other line. A Crown Clerk was also present, but I did not see her record the Pre-Trial
Conference. For the first time, I learnt that the man who hit me had died. I could not
stop crying. Now, I shall never, ever know what happened that nanosecond in time.
He was the only other true witness. Why did I not get to see him before he died? If I
had only been able to see him at the Discovery. I did not care if he screamed at me or
cried with me. I just demanded to hear him tell me his side of the story. The judicator
told everyone, my family and I, that there would be a Pre-Trial 2 on October 31st,
2019. No Court Order, however. That's why I could never get an order when I always
went to the Court House. Am I supposed to say thank you, Giovanna?
January 7th, 2020: Discovery 2 - Joseph Griffiths, Mikolaj Grodzki, a Crown Clerk,
and I were present. I tried to ask some questions about what happened that day of the
Car Crash. No-one wanted me to ask questions. So, I had a bipolar attack. I was
going to put my first into Joseph Griffiths' skull via across the table. Imagine the force
of such a leap. Mikolaj Grodzki grabbed my arm. (I became bruised days later.) I
was about to kill Joseph Griffiths for triggering my acquired brain into much confusion
concerning dates that were not even relevant to the case. Like, how was whatever I
did in 1982 relevant to 2014? Thus, as in the case with Patricia Lawson of McCague
Borlack during Discovery 1, Joseph Griffiths did the same - trigger a victim. But, what
he as she did is place many other people in harms way, never mind me. You are a
criminal, Joseph Griffiths.
December 12th, 2020: Apparently there was an Ontario Superior Court of Justice
"Decision" being made without my presence or my consent to my privacy. Adriana
Doyle, judicator, made an order for me to be assessed once more. Was this motion
practised on Zoom? Why was I not privy to it? To force a person into an association
without he or she present. That is like being forced to walk the plank and not been
given a chance to rebut. That's criminal. You mean that I was not able to stand up
against Joseph Griffiths and insist that he not force me to relinquish my fundamental
human right. Was the jib up again? Besides, La Prima Facie e Hopital, not 7 years
later. And to top things off, I went to be assessed again, but TD couldn't even arrange
transportation for me to go all the way up Carling Street Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
to a place near the Hospital called Pro Physio & Sport Medicine Centres, 1081 Carling
Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In -18 Celsius. They sure did think of ways to
criminally harass a victim.
January 18th, 2021: I went to have a Neuropsychological Assessment with Paul
Duhamel. He did not wish to assess me. I went all the way up Carling Avenue Hill in
-18 Celsius because McCague-Borlack did not secure transportation for me, the victim.
It was there, half way up the hill, that I saw Joseph Griffiths in a black sedan with a
zoom-camera taking pictures of me as I had stopped casually to readjust my spine to
get up the hill some more - privately investigating a plaintiff. "That's highly criminal."
You need a judicator's order for that. Next, I reached the Pro Physio place at Parkdale
Avenue and went to readjust at the doctor's table. He didn't like that. I had no choice.
My spine had become all messed up. Besides, I thought he was a neurologist plus a
psychologist. I thought he'd be trained to help me. My readjustments must have told
him something, that I was disabled? Then, after feeling a little better, I began to talk
about what I wished to discuss. He frantically went in and out of the assessment's
glass-room to confirm with Joseph Griffiths, who wasn't supposed to be there anyhow,
and told me that he could not proceed. He did not wish to discuss documents that I
had brought with me. Thus, I went through all that pain for nothing. Not even, "Mr
Hipkiss, sit up straight. It will be better for your back." He saw my back readjust, yet
no advice. Unprofessional conduct all around. That was criminal harassment what I
went through from start to finish all because no-one read the hospital file.
March 1st, 2021: Supposedly, there was a Pre-Trial with judicator Robert Beaudoin.
It was held at lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki's office over Zoom's Internet Video-
Conferencing Services, which was not decoded either, thus available for anyone to
download. It was not being recorded by a stenographer or Crown Clerk for transcript
purposes, so I told Robert Beaudoin. (It may had been recorded like a YouTube video
but not for transcript.) He asked me why I wanted it to be recorded. I demanded it to
be recorded in case I needed a copy in writ. This was the same discrimination that
medical doctors embraced when I demanded my medical files. What is wrong with
this country? Secrecy! That's what. And I knew it long ago. So, thank goodness that
I did record everything myself. I walked out. That was not a "Pre-Trial." It was a
make-shift mediation. Transparency is austere, Robert Beaudoin. There was never an
order for a Pre-Trial for March 1st, 2021 in the first place by Giovanna Toscano
Roccamo on March 29th, 2019. I'm slow but not stupid. Another crime. Others that
were present were Wayne Nunes of TD Insurance, Insurer Kevin Temple, Alice as
Clerk, Mikolaj Grodzki, Joseph Griffiths, and Todd McCarthy - of course, I.
March 5th, 2021: Mikolaj Grodzki gave me a photocopy of a letter lawyer Alison
Campbell sent to him on February 25th, 2021 - almost 2 weeks before. The letter was
an authorisation on behalf of my wife for Alison Campbell to seek a Change of Motion
in Family Court for child support of $3.00 per month that was owed for 7 years plus
her court cost that she scammed sexist judicator Stanley Kershman into abusing the
Family Responsibility Office (Child Support Office) as her own collection agency.
Why so late, Alison Campbell? The best interest of my boys according to the Act
would have been for you and Mikolaj Grodzki to be in Family Court fighting against
TD Insurance et al. years and years ago, especially for better financial support for food
and an appropriate dwelling like a two-bedroom apartment at least, so that I could go
and nap if need be with my new brain while the boys were visiting and being boys,
and instead of the boys sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags. Victim & Child Shame
Where was everyone 5 years ago?
March 7th, 2021: I went to see Mikolaj Grodzki. I had previously given him medical
documents, contracts, and my portfolio. They were in bags. Syrmo had helped me
deliver them. But, he had not touched them. I trusted this man. He wasn't preparing
for trial. And here I thought we were going to make case law as he had promised me.
This was a scam all along. Criminal!
March 14th, 2021: I texted Mikolaj Grodzki asking him "What time do I have to be
at your office tomorrow to speak to a judge on zoom?" I advised him "The police will
be involved with you personally. I told you 'Bow Out' gracefully. Tell me what
time!?!" No response. Criminal!
March 15th, 2021: I got up in the morning at 05:55 hundred hours. Got ready. I
went for a walk and waited for a text or a phone call from Mikolaj Grodzki as to where
and when the Trial would be located like perhaps at his office yet I did not know. I
thought that something like Zoom Video-Conferencing would be involved. But where?
I got actious. So, I walked. I walked. I walked. No response. I had texted him "What
time?" I wanted to know when and where I had to go. Nothing. I went to the
apartment and cried. Everything behind my back. That's a crime.
March 15th, 2021: It became crystal clear. Mikolaj Grodzki never wanted a trial.
What lawyer never calls witnesses? It dawned on me. He was supposed to request in
writ My Witnesses to Appear for Trial: Anne, Christine, Elleni, Eva, George, Joanne,
Kiti, Lula, Syrmo, and Wally. He did nothing! Me as witness?
March 15th, 2021: Denise Hughes of Security National Insurance Company with
police number 73825156 and claim number 018133598-03 certified a Settlement
Disclosure Notice on March 15th, 2021 for $1,000,000.00. Denise Hughes digitally
signed the settlement at 10:54 on March 16th, 2021. So, this person certifies a
settlement the day before this same person signs same settlement. Conspiracy? The
jib went way up. Offer included $0.00 for income replacement. I guess Iraq was in
vain. $0.00 for rehabilitation. These people do not wish to fulfil their legal duty to
bring me back to whence I was. $0.00 for a caregiver. No-one really wanted me to
have a working stove let alone other things, so this did not surprise me that an insurer
would not want to take care of me. Welcome to Canada. Criminals, really. I never
asked for this money. I demanded health, rehabilitation, and a trial. I warned everyone
about trying to force me to relinquish my Freedom of Speech. Why would I in the
face of so many crimes? Yet, even more criminal: $0.00 for death and funeral expenses.
Are you kidding me? Health practitioners clearly have agreed that life expectancy is
likely to diminish due to brain injury or brain trauma. So, if I die due to an aneurism
or stroke due to my injury, my boys will not be able to sue Security National Insurance
et al. or TD Insurance Meloche Monnex et el.? To sue is to practise speech. Just
because I need help and it is the law for me to demand help, I must muzzle my vocal
chords? Never! I warned everyone about this fact on December 10th, 2019 within the
first page of my Victim Statement. No-one listens to a victim in Canada? Not, I guess.
I must get my hands on that stupid settlement to prove I'm right. I'll throw out numbers.
They'll give it to me sooner or later. Then, I'll have proof. Then, I can go to the police.
Why do I have to defend my own Freedom of Speech in my own birth place, Canada?
Why will no-one stand up with me, and more importantly, for me? I am disabled. I
am slow. I am not stupid. It's called EXTORTION, my kind people. Yes, I need help,
but not at the hand of a gun - sign here and shut up! Never! I taught many people how
to speak. I shall never relinquish my own. Yet, I need help. To deny me health care,
help, and rehabilitation is a crime of malfeasance as well as the failure to provide the
necessities of life. Why? Because of my Freedom of Speech? And now, I cannot sue
for more help? It was my entire right side that was damaged as a result of the Crash,
yet now my left knee cap is seriously failing. What do you do in a court room, roll
burgers? No! You exercise your Freedom of Speech in order to articulate and argue
the practice of law. The RCMP has the duty to protect my Constitutional Rights.
I demand that you order these lawyers Joseph Griffiths (613) 751-3430 and Mikolaj
Grodzki (613) 563-1131 to protect my speech and provide me with health care support
with Dr Andréanne Côté (613) 233-8700, and for everyone to fix my mouth please.
Thank you in advance,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss
IX. (written by hand)
July 25th, 2021
Hull-Urbain Scq. Police Department in Gatineau
To Whom It May Concern,
Please. I need your kinds words. I had been involved with a very bad
neuropsychologist by the name of Charles Leclerc, and I need help getting my medical
Sometime after my Car Crash (Claim: 018133598-3) of October 29th, I was assigned
a neuropsychologist Charles Leclerc from Psychologues Consultants Y2|Y2: 125 rue
Wellington, Gatineau, QC J8X 2J1; 819-777-7744.
I saw him on March 1st and September 25th of 2018. I demanded he pay back TD
Insurance for incompletion of sessions. I also demanded my medical file. He didn't.
Please call him and demand that he sends my medical file. Thank you.
Your truly,
Paul-Robert Hipkiss

I was...
I am not...
I shall never be...

I promoted freedom and a Canadian way of life in my classrooms to people that wished me
dead. And now, people try to take my own freedom away from me in my birth place? My regret
is that I believed in Justice.
I further suspected that the police would not even inform me about any outcome of their
investigations (#21-138040), that being of course if they did investigate anything in the first place.
I assumed that they would explore my complaints to a certain degree but not to the point of serious,
legal arrest. Albeit, I have been known to be wrong. They were probably advised that nothing
ought to be worried about, for there was a lot of money on the table for lawyers to chip away at,
you know, lawyers will say anything to get away from anything. I additionally knew that money
would thwart the minds of the police in order to conduct an honest investigation - another example
of discrimination in Canada. I am just a Single-Vagrant-Man after all.
Egalitarianism at Its Roots
A Necessity for Life to Be Lived Justly

I started writing this little piece sometime after the boys started to realise what they had
lost, and I too of course. I couldn't help but teach them that what they had experienced was similar
to what I had experienced as a child, never the best interest for any child. Because it was shortly
before they were kidnapped, my little one cried out to me...

yes son.
please do not leave.
i am not going anywhere son. now come here. do not cry.
i do not want you to leave dad.
i will not leave. do not cry. it is okay son.
give me a hug. okay.
is that not better?
do not worry. i shall always be here. i love you.
now jump in the jeep. come on. let me help. there you go. let us buckle.
let us go for a drive and get some ice cream.
ok dad.
i love you.
i love you too dad.

this moment in time changed the course of my current life. to see my little boy cry so
much and somewhat uncontrollably just shook the foundation beneath my feet. he was
approximately nine years old. i shall never forget that moment, for it brought me back
to my own childhood. i too was about nine when i last knew my mum.

i ended up in milano for 6 months or so. then amsterdam plus iceland. later my dad
took me to victoria for 3 years. lastly, i found myself in greece. not once did the
superior courts of ontario decide to keep me within the jurisdiction of the courts,
wherever the first application was, my birthplace: toronto, ontario, canada. i remember
the trauma. at first i was intrigued. foreign places. tall buildings and different houses.
but i always missed my mum.

my father in the 1960s was a uniquely funny, gay man filled with the experiences of
life. i remember his life. i forgive him. his actions against my personal interests were
not his fault. it was his country - canada - that was to blame. his government. his
place of birth. he had to flee indeed. he had to kidnap me away from my mum to new
york at first, and from there to milano and so on. living his queerly distinctive life
style in toronto during the 60s & 70s would have landed him in jail. he would never
have been able to see me. a child, he loved as a father - love. all he wanted to do was
love. sexist canada. misandrist canada. no wonder i always felt kidnapped as a child,
eh? my fundamental right to association had been brocken. i forgive...

i never got to see my mum until i found her myself. i knew very little about her. i had
heard that she was a legal secretary in toronto. i could be wrong. i only knew her birth
name. she was called guerin. she had a brother. he was called guerin, too. that is all
i had. not even my family knew the whereabouts of my mum or what had become of
her. did she marry? did she change her name? did she move away from toronto? my
father also didn't know anything.

so, i came back to canada from greece in and around february of 1981. i had decided
to find my mum. it was the biggest reasons why i left greece. i had just turned 17. i
worked during that summer. saved my money. took the first plane to mirabel airport
in montréal. this time i had to do it right. i had tried to leave home from victoria once.
but i was found in a boat. years later, i was found on top of a mountain near a tiny
village in greece. i guess that i ran both times searching for a way to get to my mum.
but i failed twice. this time i would not.

i got to toronto finally. and then i was on the hunt for mum. this was not a time of
computers or the internet. very old school communication techniques. i did not have
the luxury of a google search, for example. no. all i had was a bell canada phone book.
the white pages. i called every guerin. i developed an introduction that i kept on
repeating with every call i made. i exhausted the white pages of toronto and york as
well as scarborough. nothing. no luck. i finally started calling guerins from the
mississauga white pages. and then. the jackpot. i found my uncle. the brother of my
mum. we met in a hurry. he took me to my mum in barrie, ontario. we all cried
enough to fill lake simcoe.

but after all that effort and all those tears. we never were able to regain what we had
lost. we tried. our relationship, our bond, our kinship of mother and son had been
taken away from us. we shall never get back that which was stolen from us.

i tried with time. but, i found my destiny to experience a great loss of life at the grace
hospital of ottawa - angelina wasted in 1982. i went to college, thereafter however. i
carried onward, i suppose. then it happened happened again in 1988: six months, three
weeks, 1 day, and 7 hours for nothing. i had to fight not to lose life once more. i first
had to prove that the life i was fighting for was mine. this i registered in reality. then
to adopt the leave of lose - the hardest part. so far, not once, not twice, but thrice.
again, i carried my torch of dignity up high with university. i went and taught at war.
i did. i accomplished much. yet, i carried my own beast of burden without regret. but
now since 2012, once again in life, i confronted three losses of life, that which got
abducted in 2013. my father was right. he understood canada in 1969. now in 2022,
so do i. let us practice equality in 2023 - decades in the making. but, no. i shan't...

I remember telling my boys that I no longer knew them. I told one in private and the others
together, both at different times. We cried. We teared. We panted. They too felt the same way.
They no longer knew who I was as well. 2 years of being told lies that things would be okay, and
that all would not take too long. "Don't worry. It will be over soon, and you'll see your Dad. Until
then, don't communicate with him." were more than likely the sentiments that the boys were told
during the 2 years of Parental Alienation, which in turn transformed into Parental Distain.
Criminals on the top of justice, eh? I never really got to know my boys after they were kidnapped.
And yet, no-one went to jail. Canada, eh? All because of privilege...

No to mention, Toronto Dominion Insurance. Oh, my goodness, I shall. I had been labelled
by their entire staff, lawyers, and contract barristers as a Vagrant-Single-Man for more that 7 years,
let alone a stupid useless unconstitutional settlement that never recognised me as a teacher of
English. More to the point, however, the entire process was the same, a misandrist perpetuation
of a sexist family court system against men to begin with, dipped in the blood of an insurer, Dracul
extraordinaire, duh! And people question my ethics of announcing that misandry exists in Canada?
Think again, please. It does. And, it did with me.

The sexist discrimination that I always talk about existed in my life for many decades since
I too was a child in Toronto. Yet, more interestingly however is the similarity of discrimination
that Natives also have experienced with the revelation of their children's unmarked graves in 2022.
I mean, in my experience at least, I had warned hundreds of 'White-Collar' unprofessional civil
servants to not alienate my children from me, and on the other hand, to demand their support as a
disabled man who used to be a loving father. I mean, we as a nation have not understood this
Fundamental Right yet; no matter any other understanding of life, a child must have both father
and mother. Only the child will forgive a drunken mother, not a judge. We cannot take away
children from both parents. Period. Equality is much more encouraging for a child.

Not one person is equal. A woman is not equal to a man. A child is not equal to a senior.
A senior is not equal to the mentally ill. A disabled person is not equal to an abled individual. A
six-figured income is not equal to a four-figured income. A man is not equal to a woman. Not
one person is equal. However, democratic governments must provide equal opportunity of
whatever it can provide to its citizenry. Demos means people; kratos means state - for the people,
by the people, with the people, about the people, and to the people. It's the only equality that exists.
Equal Opportunity, not equality. God bless America.
Chief Justice of Ontario
Why in Not in Canada, eh?

I had to wait 8 months for Judge Darlene L. Summers to write half a page and put it into
an Endorsement in and around April of 2022 after seeing her in August of 2021. She obviously
thought that lawyers would mediate more with me or negotiate for me to shut up. I'm sure that's
why she took so long. Who am I? And, to my enlightenment of her malpractice even further,
she writes at the end a bewildering comment as if to question me why I had never wished to sign
an unconstitutional settlement that was rot with wrongdoings, improprieties, and crimes. She
obviously does not read law; otherwise, she would have understood why. To read is to
understand. Simple, eh? The Constitution of Canada guarantees in writing that every individual
has the Fundamental Right to Speak - not when and where - but anytime, anywhere. Nowhere in
law does it state that Hipkiss must relinquish his Freedom of Speech, notwithstanding, in prison
perhaps he may have no choice justifiably. Imagine politicians drafting a law that would strip an
individual of his or her freedom - not! Thus, her understanding of the practice of law must be
based on some illegal culture that exists within the justice system of Ontario: "Here's some
money. Now muzzle it!" Then again, who am I?

So, after finally receiving the oblivious Endorsement in the first place, which only
included pebbles of coins for lawless lawyer Judith Alison Campbell's legal fees, not in any
further attempt permissible to extort a Victim's basic survival needs including pain and suffering,
I had thereafter the green light to complain to a higher level of government and some of its
authorities or associate institutions regarding all the matters that I had endured. And therefore, I
kind of started with Ontario's Chief Justice.

May 4th, 2022

Chief Justice of Ontario, Honourable Lise Maisonneuve

1 Queen Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2W5

Letter of Complaint - Re: F.C. #12-2738-1 and A.C. #16-69137, Ottawa

Dear Chief of Justice of Ontario,

I am Paul-Robert Hipkiss. I was involved in a Pedestrian Car Crash. I was

crossing a crosswalk at a school-zone in Barrhaven, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada at
approximately 18:30 on October 29th, 2014. I was that pedestrian. I was on-route to
tell one of my boys that we finally could have a sleepover after being kidnapped on
April 15, 2013 by Dishonorable Barrister Alison Campbell et al. and denied his right
to associate with me for two years, plus my other two boys as well. So now, as a result
of the Car Crash that happened on that same day of October 29th, the day of our
Justice’s Deliberation [The Handing Down of Court Order by Justice Stanley
Kershman] to freely associate with my boys, I have become this vagrant single man
who has been systemically harassed, mislead, and neglected through no fault of my
own but only yours (pl.) due to systemic criminal practices of law; thus, I now
vehemently demand that you personally for once in this debacle give me Equal
Opportunity to Justice: I’ve been insisting on a stay/dismissal in light of #16-69137’s
improprieties & crimes (Legal Infringements versus Privacy) or at least insisting on a
Trial both of which since 2019, so that my criminal allegations can be dealt with in
jest, both cases and everything else because of all of my continued, horrific witness to
crimes. With other words, I firstly lost my right to appeal my “Family Court” case #12-
2738-1 only because Justice Stanley Kershman’s order was delivered to me at the court
house on the same day of the Car Crash and for no other reason at all – very difficult
to apply for an appeal with brain injury – yet, for approximately two years, I had to try
and prove that I loved my boys in Canada. Say? What? No? Then, I was thrown into
another criminal, judicial juxtaposition match for approximately 7 years with TD
Insurance et al. – judges & lawyers galore, plus – that all in all wouldn’t recognize me
even as a father, all due to Justice Stanley Kershman’s sexist order – No Equal
Parenthood. Please understand that this misandrist sexism exists in your courts, your
jurisdiction, and your province, Ontario. Thus, without further ado, my “Accident
Trial” for #16-69137 would not only be for the “Crash” itself but also for my “Family
Appeal-of-Sorts,” a final place to voice my Speech of Injustice, but 2019 changed all
that, didn’t it? Or, did it? In the end, you are definitively my last and only hope. I
was thrown under a bus by judges’ and lawyers’ illegal practices of law. Please help
me. Thank you in advance for reading my illegal tragedy.
In actual fact, I have been a witness to judicial malfeasance for almost a decade.
What do I have to do in order to protect my Fundamental Freedom of Speech at my
birthplace of Ontario, of all places? I did that at Taji, Iraq as an English teacher during
the US/Iraq War, not here in Canada. This must not be. Stop it. I demand a Stay or a
Trial just to protect my freedom of speech. Please help…
“Justice Is Never ‘bout Money.” Justice is about relinquishing a man or a
woman’s desire for retribution – off to the gallows, you got what you deserved (a figure
of speech); otherwise, you have guns on your streets. Sometimes it takes the form of
money, especially in cases of property, yet not when it comes to human life – its
sanctity, its identity and its honor. In the end, justice can only be achieved through the
practice of the Rule of Law, no matter the district from where one comes. Without the
Rule of Law and its adherence, no legal achievement can materialize or be won, be it
positive or negative. I promoted this purpose of justice to pupils that still want us dead.
I understand better now, please let me tell you.
As in my case, however, the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario did not
achieve this key cornerstone of the practice of justice because of the malfeasance of
the following judges: Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo (29-03-2019), Justice
Adrianna Doyle (14-12-2020), Justice Robert Beaudoin (01-03-2021), Justice Heather
J. Williams (22-03-2021), and Justice Darlene Summers (14-04-2022).
I need not identify the exact sections of Acts, Rules, Guides, or Criminal Codes
to which I hope to refer herein, for I trust that the Honorable Chief of Justice of Ontario
will know many sectors of law as well as be willing to assist me in obtaining this very
equal Opportunity to Justice. Thank you.
Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo: on March 29th, 2019, I had the misfortune
of being criminally mislead by Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo. That day was
supposed to be my “Pre-Trial” for Court Claim #16-69137. But, it was not! Justice
Giovanna Toscano Roccamo was supposed to make an "Order for Trial” on that day.
But, she did not! This judge told everyone in attendance (Dishonorable Barristers
Joseph Griffiths & Mikolaj Grodzki) at the court house in Ottawa that a “Pre-Trial 2”
would take place on Hallowe’en Day: October 31, 2019. Justice Giovanna Toscano
Roccamo lied to everyone. Because, stupid me, on the 31st of October, I ended up
going to the court house just to find out from two court clerks that there had never been
an “Order for a Pre-Trial 2” let alone even for a Trial, nor any transcript available of
the first so-called “Pre-Trial” that took place on March 29, 2019. Justice Giovanna
Toscano Roccamo did not adhere to Judicial Procedure. To Mislead Justice is against
the Criminal Code of Canada as well as an infringement on Procedure. Yet, after many,
many tears at the court house and much candy from court clerks on Hallowe’en Day,
I vowed to get Justice that day through transparency and the written word. I gained
some courage and “voice-to-text” my Victim Statement, to which I handed to the court
house et al. via Affidavit of Service on December 10th, 2019. I followed procedure. I
picked that date because of the United Nation’s Human Rights Charter: December 10h,
1948. In the end, I realized that Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, let alone others
that my instinct told me would follow, never had intended to practice the Rule of Law,
so I made sure that everyone would be bound to protect my Freedom of Speech, the
last law given to my person. And, just in case Judges or Lawyers would not read my
entire statement, I made sure that my demands were on the very first page, never mind
throughout and at the end – “no gag-clause!” Because then on Hallowe’en Day, due
to Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, everything else would become a scam, a lie,
or a crime; and thus, I had to document almost everything, mostly for my working
memory issues but also as proof for all the people that may be in disbelief of my plight
at the hands of a criminally, secretive judiciary. I kept most recordings of it, too.
Please read or listen to more at my ABI-1 web site: http://abi-1.xyz/a-writ.html, or at
my Hipkissology Blog: http://hipkissology.blogspot.com/2020/02/freedom-of-
speech.html, of which Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo never wished to observe
either. Thus, I had to write. I had to speak – and I must always. I am not a hypocrite.
That’s what criminals are, no? I had to become that public awareness. If I were a
person that stood and fought for his freedom to speak or to write, then, I must be that
same person who exercises his speech and written word in order to prove to others that
his stand had been always worthy of protecting; so thus, I have… I am… and, I shall...
I am a preacher who practices what he preaches. Because I could not believe what
Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo had done to me. I was thrown under a bus. The
Rule of Law was not followed. I must let others know. Thank goodness I recorded
most it. With all due respect, she must be disbarred, at the Chief of Justice’s will of
Justice Adrianna Doyle: on the 14th day of December, 2020 – 6 years after the
Car Crash – this unprofessional judicator decided to order a Prima Facie without my
presence. I am not deserving of my own privacy in Ontario to attend a so-called
hearing, eh? I was not requested to attend a Zoom-de-la-Zoom Court Room, of which
I could have been in China for all matters concerned, yet even still, I was never asked
to be present at your 2020-Internet-Court-Zoom-Rooms. Shame? I know not. This
was unprofessional conduct. Nevertheless, not I to judge, things thickened because
even if she was in favor of a Prima Facie, what purpose would it had served? None.
No “ORDER for TRIAL” because Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo did not order
a trial. The Prima Facie would have been for what? Definitively not for a trial, yet for
an unconstitutional settlement? Was that the only purpose? Why? Because there had
not been a trial set in Order – the Writ. In the end, however, I would have argued as I
have had always about the simple fact being that the “Prima Facie et à Hopîtal.” It is
at hospital. I am the only person who has ordered my hospital records and complete
file with x-rays, doctors’ notes, and nurses’ notes. Nobody has this file but me.
Everyone has a synopsis version. That’s because not one Judge or Lawyer was
professional enough to demand it. Once again, I am the only one with this file;
however, I have said always to all concerned that I would gladly give access to you all.
I always gave permission. But, none of you have it, and still you don’t. So thus, and
therefore, no wonder there’s no court order for trial thanks to Justice Giovanna
Toscano Roccamo. Even still, there’s no purpose for the Prima Facie evidence to be
submitted in preparation for trial because there was never going to be one. No presence
of a victim at hearing. No evidence of complete incapacitation, thus capable of
attendance anywhere or anytime. Just another crime? I know... No-one in jail¿? That
is what the public must be aware, for what was Justice Adrianna Doyle preparing me?
Definitively not a trial. And so, I obliged yet myself to relinquish my Fundamental
Human Right of Association and go to meet with neurophysiologist Paul Duhamel
(18-01-2021) and neuropsychiatrist Sujay Patel (28-01-2021) in -18*C to a clinic that
is 7.2 km away from my apartment without either an order for transportation of a
person with brain injury and scoliosis, yet as Justice Adrianna Doyle ordered?
Negligence is a big crime, Justice Adrianna Doyle. And people wish for me not to
write or talk about this? I do not think so ever. This is too beautiful to pass over. Of
course, these neurology events spurred another unprofessional conduct because I am
now poised to sew these neurologists for dereliction of duty but most of all medical
malpractice. I was on both of their Doctor’s Tables for an assessment concerning my
scoliosis in particular. Nothing for the patient in pain after a long-frozen walk,
however. I was even photographed by Dishonorable Barrister Joseph Griffiths. No
avenue for me to talk to a Judge about all of this. No, not for a vagrant single man.
Not. So, no wonder my gut had demanded always to protect my rights because we do
not flip burgers in a court room but practice our Freedom of Speech in order to
articulate how a law has been discarded or infringed upon. Thus, my constant demand
not to be capitulated into an unconstitutional “gag-clause,” as mentioned in my Victim
Statement in 2019, which was never obeyed nor considered by those who are bound
to uphold the law. Welcome to Canada: a perfect crime¿? (I recorded the neurologists
who did not wish to exam me whence I went on their doctor’s table. How would I
have remembered or proven this plight, dared I? Private.)
Justice Robert Beaudoin: on March 1st, 2021, I experienced another violation
of law by a judge. This person wished to practice a “Pre-Trial 2” without an order to
do so thanks to Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo. That was the Catch-22. “Pre-
Trial 2” was cancelled on October 31st, 2019, and still, there hasn’t been even an order
for this primary judicial procedure. Secondly, when asked by me if the hearing was
recorded for the purposes of transcript for trial preparations and that of the defendant’s
rights to have one, his response was a question as to why I had even asked for a
transcript. That’s when I knew that he too was involved in the entire illegal practice
of law. I also wanted a recorded account of Dishonorable Barrister Joseph Griffiths
invading my privacy by photographing me without court order to privately investigate
me in the first place. The jib was up. I told him to order a stay or dismissal, and for
his ancestors to enter the gates of Hades. I then walked out. I recorded the entire meet.
He needs to be thrown off your queen’s bench.
Justice Heather J. Williams: once again, on March 22, 2021, I never had been
given the opportunity to attend a Zoom-de-la-Zoom Court Hearing. Yet, what is very
evident, nevertheless, is that I was never given the chance to be in front of this Judge
to demand a stay or dismissal as I had demanded from Justice Robert Beaudoin. And,
be that as it may, her lies are dumfounding: “This action was scheduled to be tried
without a jury…” & “signed consent of the plaintiff, J. …” This person must be thrown
off your queen’s bench. Why? Because there was no schedule for trial. There was
not court order for trial. Period. The court records clearly indicate this. Go to Elgin
Street, Ottawa and find out. Please. I did. You cannot have a schedule for anything
in a court proceeding without even a court order for trial, this due to a criminal by the
name of Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo. And to boot, this defunct individual,
Justice Heather J. Williams, couldn’t even get the plaintiff’s name right. I am Paul-
Robert Hipkiss not J., useless judge. What an unprofessional person – malfeasance is
an illegal act, I would still hope so.
Justice Darlene Summers (14-04-2022): this judicial expository of mine
miraculously got even better because on August 27, 2021, I had the experience of
witnessing another Judge act without understanding the main infraction of the case.
First off, I was only given 10 minutes to voice my submission as a defendant, yet the
applicant was given 20 minutes. This is not an example of equal opportunity. Why?
Because I am an a-front to your Ministry by speaking the truth about criminal actions.
But, Justice Darlene Summers made her unprofessional conduct shine even more. She
had claimed that I “did not file materials” in her Endorsement (court house access
availability). It is a crime to mislead justice in Canada. She lied. Because I did file a
“175-page Expository” on June 7, 2021 at the court on Elgin Street, Ottawa – titled:
“Welcome to Canada: a perfect crime¿?” I followed military protocol for
documentation purposes: time, people, place, event, and things – all in chronological
order. But her plot thickens. She further stated that “the parties are divorced,” which
was probably a reference to my wife and I. What a lie, the biggest yet because of how
this whole stupidity started with sexist Justice Stanley Kershman et al. in the first place.
I am still married to my [wife - not divorced.] I was married in 1997 in the Republic
of Korea and not within your jurisdiction of Ontario. You cannot make an order for
anything beyond your jurisdiction. Don’t believe me? Just ask Huawei or two people
named Michael. They’ll perhaps shed some light upon us all. Nevertheless, what is
really unfathomable is that this dysfunctional judiciary wishes to place its own female
citizens in harms way. For example, if I follow this misread of law, then, I am to
suppose the following: should my wife ever decide to remarry and thus wishes to visit
Korea for celebration with family, with all due respect, and by chance that an old flame
or any person or relative with an axe to grind against my wife, and now with the
knowledge of her second marriage, will he or she alert Korean officials and claim that
she had engaged herself in polygamy? She would be jailed because of Justice Stanley
Kershman malfeasance. Why this conduct? I, too, could have faced the same issue in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I’ve lived there for approximately three years as an
English teacher. Their government has a seriously different understanding about
misleading justice. What would they have claimed if I had stated “divorce” on my
visa, and then had found out that I was still married in Korea? Is this the risk you also
place me? A Judicature judges within its jurisdiction. By following the law, people
become safer. Nonetheless, this illegal practice further perpetuated itself into the
Ministry of Transportation. For approximately 7 years, judges and lawyers (#16-69137)
had considered me as a “Vagrant-Single-Man.” I need not remind myself about
misleading. I think not. I am still married. Onward, yet… Despite the brat ramblings,
the ill juxtapositions, and the non-accountabilities, Family Law clearly states that a
divorce is between spouse and not child. Y’all kidnapped my 3 boys on April 15, 2013.
The guiltiest is so-called barrister Judith Alison Campbell (Disbarment required here!),
yet Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo knew as well about the absconding of my boys
under the age of 16, not only when she saw them twice during the 7 years of the
automobile insurance claim, but she knew of them also during the previously defunct
family court proceeding of #12-2738-1. So, what am I to think about this person? No
wonder proceedings were never recorded for transcript purposes. No wonder Trial
was never ordered. No wonder the intensity and finance to cover up the exposer of
criminal activity. No wonder the disassociations, the attempt to force me into
unconstitutional settlements – here’s some money, now muzzle your mouth. How will
you learn about the plights of your citizens within your jurisdiction if you do not read
about them, especially from those who have the experience? They are your Primary
Source, hence, the claims of crime in these two cases that are before you, my kind
Chief of Justice of Ontario. To mussel someone is a crime in itself, no matter what the
reason. And now, Justice Daniel Summers has the audacity to be perplexed as to why
I did not appeal Justice Stanley Kershman’s order. Because I was hit by a car on the
same day of his final deliberation: October 29, 2021. (Thank goodness I recorded it.)
I did want to appeal his sexism but I couldn’t.
Is it becoming a little clearer as to why I always have demanded a Car Crash
Trial – my appeal of sorts plus the Crash and its obvious systemic sexism against men,
fathers. I shall never relinquish my Freedom of Speech; thus, I am not in “receipt of a
substantial sum of money.” Justice Daniel Summers does not understand the hierarchy
of law: no by-Law can supersede a Provincial Act, no Provincial Act can supersede a
Federal Act, no Federal Act can supersede the Royal Proclamations of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II. How dare anyone force the relinquishment of one’s rights within
Her Majesty’s boarders let alone a victim. Understand Madame Justice’s spirit. It will
guide you in your practice.
So, Chief Justice of Ontario, Honorable Lisa Maisonneuve, I still demand a
trial. Follow your Supreme Court of Canada – 5 to 7 years for civil proceedings. My
Car Crash court case commenced in 2016. Therefore, 2023 would make it 7 years.
Because if this case before you is not worthy of Case Law, then I do not know what is.
With all due respect, I have not found an example like mine, not even from your
CanLII. Now, Ontario Disability is supporting my chiropractic therapy and gym
therapy. That’s you personally. Why has no-one mentioned this? Saving: extortion
is permissible “to initiate” civil proceedings. The verb is not “to practice.” I need your
help. If you cannot, you are now involved personally in extortion because, if I cannot
be quite about all that has taken place wherever and whenever, then I cannot get help
from my own judiciary for health, rehabilitation, and therapy. I am still missing 9 teeth
from the Crash. I am slated for surgery due to my scoliosis that was created by the
Crash. I’ve included examples of for your assessment. I do have brain injury but I’m
not stupid. Where else are these things mentioned? I have not read. This has become
a big crime now with all of these extra proceedings and especially from so-called
barristers Judith Alison Campbell, Joseph Griffiths, and Mikolaj Grodski, which have
obviously in themselves produced Law Society issues.
Little did people realize, I guess. For example, doctors, therapists, and even a
couple of lawyers wanted to gain an understanding of what I might be interested in
doing in my new life with brain injury. “What do you want to do in 5 years?” they’d
ask. I always replied the same way: I want to talk about you and your malfeasance at
Law Schools, Medical Schools, and Schools of Linguistics, so that I can become
famous in piercing hearts, minds, and souls about the hidden ills of modern
professionalism. They’d usually laugh. Me, too. Little did I know. I hope to finish
my book soon, perhaps as an optional U-Read as guest speaker.
The following judges knew that I was not a Vagrant Single Man, rather an
English teacher who loved 3 boys in your community: Robert Beaudoin, Adriana
Doyle, Stanley Kershman, Calum MacLeod, James McNamara, Timothy Minnema,
Robert Smith, Darlene Summers, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, and Heather Williams.
And no-one went to jail. Please read statistics.
Lastly, please do not respond by stating that these Claims of Complaint are
matters for appeal or otherwise. Thank you, truly, for you are my appeal in the face
of such witnessed, criminal juxtapositions by judges and lawyers. Thank you in
advance. A trial will solve a lot even your Queen’s Privy Purse because for the life of
me, on top of all else, I do not understand why Judges have to pay for me being in a
hospital for three months and not an insurer like TD Insurance et al... I guess I did talk
about money after all. Oops. This case is worthy of a trial; however, should you not
be willing, then, please order a stay. Or, last but not least, eliminate all of the gag-
clauses and protect freedom, please, and by also imposing penalties for retribution
purposes because as I have stated way before Covid-19’s hysteria and discoveries: I
shall never be privy to what I witnessed because if silenced then, I shall be guilty just
as they.

I believed in Justice Giovanna Toscano Roccamo.

Pauvre moi ou pauvre toi?
Peace be with you.
Paul-Robert Hipkiss

This Complaint was sent back to me stating that my case(s) had been concluded. What a
lie, eh? Lise Maisonneuve was outright misleading justice. Obviously, Maisonneuve too is an
unprofessional lawyer, a.k.a. Chief of Justice, for had she read the complaint in the first place, she
would have realised that my court case(s) was (were) still ongoing due to Justice Darlene L.
Summers involvement on April 14th, 2022. It took D. L. Summers 8 months to write half a page,
single spaced, as an Endorsement. She could not make an order to force me to relinquish my
Fundamental Freedom of Speech; thus, the case(s) is (are) still ongoing because settlements in
Canada are unconstitutional, and I refuse not to be recognised for that or who Paul-Robert was.
Wow. What a halfwit, eh? Therefore, I had to 're-send' this Complaint with the shortest 'preamble-
of-sorts' possible in the form of a conditional sentence: "if". I wrote it with my bare hands and
signed it as well without fear. So, here is what I wrote to Lise Maisonneuve on September 13,
2022: "Dear Lise Maisonneuve. If you do not read this Complaint at least once, more women are
going to be murdered unjustly in your defunct country. Peace be with you, Paul-Robert Hipkiss."
I wrote it specifically this way in order to elicit a read, never to elicit fear - "if" is a big word. If
she read my complaint, then she became enlightened. After all, she is a woman of respect, and I
must hope that she, as most definitively I as well, would be in a frame of mind of making every
attempt to understand the depths of how to protect women and men in Canada, or anywhere else
for that matter, by understanding why such heinous acts are committed to begin with; perhaps
hence, that it may just be in fact the discriminative inability of the judiciary of Ontario to provide
Equal Opportunity to Justice as prescribed by law for its very own citizens, is what's really to
blame. A victimised, altered mind can enlighten, you know. Or, I guess perhaps that she doesn't
like the ideal of Freedom of Speech, especially when it's about her judiciary that she oversees.
Women & Men: equally! Justice cannot be blindfolded any longer. So, let's all figure why
insidiousness may occur to begin with - equal love denied maybe? Better to be in a more
professionally human position of understanding, I would not waver to think. Thank you for
reading. Your community is better. Peace be with you.
Colleges and One Law Society
A Word Dealt, Yet to Be Heard?

Essentially, my complaints to different societies and colleges were about what I wanted to
debate, argue, or challenge at Trial. Of course, I expected not much to happen due to systemic
undertones throughout Canadian society, whence the Police Services as well as the Police Review
Board think that it is okay to kidnap your kids as long as you are a woman doing so in the middle
of a separation, but I was hopeful that someone might read, and so he did with the honourable,
kind name of Dawood Nasir from the Law Society of Ontario. Thank you, sir. If I may say as I
think, "Something must have disturbed him from all of my writing in order for him to want to
investigate further. Why else would he request additional information?" Alas!

Sent via Registered Mail. Thank you, Canada Post.

Office of the Independent Police Review - Ottawa's Sergeant Colin Stokes:

With the pressure placed on J. Alison Campbell et al. by my lawyer, Virve Georgeson,
on April 15th, 2013: "My Boys Are KIDNAPPED!" I kept on screaming. (Criminal
Code of Canada, Section 280; Constitution Act, 1982) I later filed a Missing Persons
Report with the Ottawa Police Service #13-94204. Nobody told me where they were,
not even lawyer A. Campbell, lawyer D. Dworsky, or child case worker L. Bowerman.
It took me approximately 5-9 days to find my boys. I found my boys myself. Since
this date, many police officers had become involved: Sergeant Stokes #5806,
Constable Coldwell, Officer Mann #2067, and Sergeant Hayes #1319. Where were
you for the children? Statistics Canada clearly has indicated in countless reports that
such an action of kidnapping or absconding of a child(ren) by another partner and/or
another associate(s) is the leading cause of spousal violence, even homicide. Way to
go Alison Campbell, Danielle Dworsky, and Laura Bowerman. Criminals! And not
one person will be placed in jail. White-Caller-Sexism is that, I must say. "Welcome
to Canada, a perfect crime?" Who took, kidnapped my boys and denied them their most
Fundamental Freedom of Association with their beloved Dad? Who? Is this why
women are murdered in Canada? Is this what STATS/CAN warns us all about? Am
I the only man brave enough to bring this horror to light in order to better understand
why a man will kill in the first place. A man must never have to prove that he loves
his child. Women do not. Equality. And thus, people must understand what was
perpetuated by J. Alison Campbell and covered up by Colin Stokes.
I was right. The Settlement was Unconstitutional. Everything stopped. I always had
vowed to honour my right to speak and write about what I witnessed.
This is how Sergeant Colin Stokes & J. Alison Campbell et al. treated three children
in Ottawa, your community, your province, and your country.
My boys are now men with your scares!
Is this what Sergeant Colin Stokes promoted in Afghanistan? I surely did not
promote these kinds of actions or behaviours to my Iraqi Airmen students in 2010 &
11 at Camp Taji. I guess the Taliban now know that it is permissible for a mother to
abscond her children in Ontario, Canada, but not a father. I guess that's why your kin
left - perhaps a reason of many?
I had to fight for two years to prove that I loved my boys. I found them myself after
they were absconded. Then, for seven years after the Crash, I had to prove that I was
in fact a father to TD Insurance for the support of my children. We went through all
of that and all of the in between. And, no-one went to jail. If a man knows that Uncle
George kind of went through similar things and now really doesn't know his kids, and
that cousin Billy kind of went through it, too. Well, what does a man do?
Nip it in the bud;
(1 + 1+1 x 1 / 1 = 3).
Off to the gallows;
Let's stop malfeasance.

College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario - Shelley Johnston Stephenson:

The Burn-Factor is very fraudulent. Am I the 3-Party? NOT! Victimisation times

My former Family Law barrister Virve Georgeson replied to my electronic mail on
November 30th, 2020 that I had sent her for assistance indicating to me, however sadly,
that she no longer practised law. I always had tried to involve her. I even told Shelly
Stephenson about her.
Where where you Stephenson? I was not a Vagrant-Single-Man! I was a loving
father of three boys in your community and an English Teacher, who taught thousands
of pupils in many different countries. Why did you not act professionally for not only
a victim but three children?

College of Nurses of Ontario - Natalie Luimes:

July 6th, 2020: Adjuster Nancy Stobbs of TD et al. approved $5,674.83 to Natalie
Luimes. My nurse came for me to sign her finances from TD. It was during the first
part of the summer of Covid-19, 2020 that I realised I had committed third party fraud.
My nurse did help me with medication at the beginning of the pandemic in March. To
try is an admission at failure, I guess. Still, I never knew all this time. It was like I
had to beg for help all the time. So beforehand, I had asked my nurse to meet me at
the garage. I wished for her to check out my spine. Due to Covid-19 and everything,
I thought it would be better to do a quick assessment in the garage. I further hoped for
a recommendation as it were. Temporarily, I could get some help with the laundry
from my kind Personal Support Worker, Ghislaine Duval. She was always nice to me.
She was one of the several professional health care workers I met since the Crash that
understood my forgetfulness. Thank you. Meanwhile, my nurse did in fact figure out
that my spine was experiencing scoliosis. But then, she wished thereafter for me to
sign for her financial support from TD Insurance. "Okay." I thought. Once I signed,
Pow! It hit me. My nurse handed me an OCF-18 for me to sign, and immediately I
spoke to myself, "You know you won't see her for a very, very long time and will get
nothing, yet you just gave her access to money." Third Party Fraud, did I just commit?
I began to accept that I did not need a registered nurse. I never needed a nurse all
along. And then a little later next while, she did come again with an occupational
therapist this time as well. I told her many times that I only demanded one person to
help me, my nurse. She said that I needed a Nurse Practitioner then. So, this other
nurse came from Vitality Assessments Group, 2197 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. But, she too came with an occupational therapist right in from of my boys.
Crazy! I HAD IT! I did finally realise that this insurance industry was nothing but
criminal. "The right that shakes the left?" One person, I demanded. Too many later
is what I got. No-one person can tell another, with whom he or she must associate.
It's the law. I realised then and there that I never had access to financial support, others
did. Burn-Factor Fraud.
December 9th, 2020: I had to meet a practising nurse, Courtney, and a therapeutic
occupation specialist, Gillian, with my two younger boys. Everybody was at 340
Gloucester Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I thought that Natalie Luimes, my old
RN, told me that I needed a practising nurse and not a registered nurse. This way a
PN would have more influence in reporting for financial support from TD et al. So, I
went ahead and took her advise because by this time, I really had enough of all the
misleading lies just to grab at an insurer's wallet. I just wanted all along one person to
help me bridge my access to medical and care. But, I was naïve once again, not until
the following day, however, when I went to Vitality Assessments Group to cancel a
contract that I had signed with Courtney the previous day. Courtney like Luimes are
not nurses. They are the same - scratch to occupational therapist's back. They
attempted to be managers of my life, yes granted. This is what I had been against all
along. I learnt how to organise my life overseas and underseas. I must not be forced
to associate with tonnes of people from all over the place. Both nurses never got that.
That's brain injury, or at least mine. Covid-19 isolationism is great. I love it. Get it?
So, I gave up hope of ever getting access to funds for support.
Why this lack of support for a victim and his/her children in Ontario, Canada?

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario - Shawn Calder Marshall:

Many crimes were committed by Dr Shawn Calder Marshall of the Ottawa Hospital's
Rehabilitation Centre, Ottawa, Ontario. Please read.
I have MYOCLONUS because of this dysfunctional, criminal physiatrist, and by his
own admission! What he did was INCREASE MY MEDICATION without realising
how it would affect my brain and muscles (Cymbalta).
He knew that I had only one fracture and never made recommendations for implants,
nor did my teeth get cleaned. I had one fracture, my right zygomatic. I still to this
date have 9 teeth missing from the Car Crash. I must experience more pain because
of this man.
I saw Shawn Calder Marshall many times at hospital and twice thereafter, and not
once did he tell me that I had developed SCOLIOSIS as a result of the Crash. I could
have got better much faster had he told me, "Mr Hipkiss, sit up straight. You have
scoliosis, you know." NOTHING!
Shawn Marshall wrote on the 17th of September, 2015 CE that I had exhibited
"elements of bipolar" perhaps "precipitated by Cymbalta. Why did he increase the
Cymbalta? He never told me.
I started to read all the files and paper work that I had collected and demanded. I did
not go back to the apartment for months. It was this time when I read that I had
scoliosis. Why didn't Vyvey, Kent, or Marshall tell me? I read more. I discovered
more. I also tried to get ready for Pre-Trial 2. I stayed at Syrmo's house until she
arrived from Greece. I could never figure out why TD's correspondences went to her
address and not to my apartment. I only stayed there for a few months. The jig was
up again? Anyhow, I went around this time for a break to MegaCity Promotions, 810
Greenbank Road, Nepean, Ontario, Canada and saw Steve Bradford to buy a Nepean
Hockey Association jacket. I had lost a lot of weight and went down in size from XL,
L, to M. I guess I had to get new clothes. I asked for help, but I couldn't get it.
I do not sign Unconstitutional Settlements. As proven already by Judge Summers
(27-08-2021), no judge can relinquish my Fundamental Freedom of Speech.

Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario - Lara Colette Kent (Houlahan):

I started to read all the files and paper work that I had collected and demanded. I did
not go back to the apartment for months. It was this time when I read that I had
scoliosis. Why didn't Vyvey, Kent, or Marshall tell me? I read more. I discovered
more. I also tried to get ready for Pre-Trial 2. I stayed at Syrmo's house until she
arrived from Greece. I could never figure out why TD's correspondences went to her
address and not to my apartment. I only stayed there for a few months. The jig was
up again? Anyhow, I went around this time for a break to MegaCity Promotions, 810
Greenbank Road, Nepean, Ontario, Canada and saw Steve Bradford to buy a Nepean
Hockey Association jacket. I had lost a lot of weight and went down in size from XL
to L. I guess I had to get new clothes. I asked for help, but I couldn't get it.
Where was Dr Lara C. Kent when I needed her?
Why the concentration on an Ultra Sound and not x-Rays or CAR Scans for the
scoliosis times two in my back, as well as, it was written in my OHIP synopsis, let
alone the Prima Facie Hospital File in the basement of the Ottawa General Hospital?
Read, too, Dr.
Why the conspiracy to take away my driver's license away? Who benefitted from
this conspiracy? Not the patient, nor the victim - I. Because I could get around as a
good driver prior to the conspiracy. I was able to purchase groceries with much more
ease due to my scoliosis. $24,000+ Jeep with approximately 70,000 km: Gone!
Why not the demand for dental reconstruction as a result of the Car Crash? I'm still
missing 9+ teeth now. So, that means her unprofessional conduct will cost me further
pain down the road - and I ain't talking about money. Painful implants. Nothing!
I met Dr Lara Kent on October 13th, 2017. Since then, I never got along with her
unprofessional practise of health care. She had me on her table, at least unlike Dr
Sujay Patel et al.; therefore, she knew I was in tremendous pain, yet she fixated herself
on my abdomen and my spine with scoliosis. She did not know? What malpractice!
Then, another time, I brought vaccine records from my teaching overseas and the US
Military, but wasn't interested. I forced her to look and input them into my record.
She was shocked to find out that I had Anthrax (USA). All in all, her conspiracy with
Registered Nurse, Natalie Luimes, to take away my license. Because of this, I had to
sell my Jeep when it helped me immensely. These two people wanted me to take a
driving course at my expense, and then refit my Jeep to have passenger brakes for an
instructor. Say What? At my expense? Now can you see why I fired Luimes & Kent.
Not a benefit for the victim. The jib is up!
Now, I have to go through surgery at the Civic Campus, Ottawa Hospital. Welcome
to Canada: a perfect crime.
There are other complaints as you know, as well as to the Law Society of Ontario
and the College of Nurses of Ontario. Feel free to gather further info concerning me,
therein. I give all of you: Permission...

Law Society of Ontario (aka: Upper Canada) - Brenda Lynn Hollingsworth, John T.
Sloan, and Michael Karl Edgar Thiele:

I thought Michael Thiele was going to be my lawyer. People say that he was part of
a Team, a team of criminals perhaps. So, if he was part of a team, aka Mikolaj Grodzki,
then why didn't he demand of Grodzki to file a Motion for Change or Support within
Family Court of Ontario? Nothing! That's criminal negligence to watch 3 children
suffer. Misleading of Justice is against the Criminal Code of Canada.
I had demanded only 3 Things from Thiele: a) Health, b) Rehabilitation c) Trial. I
got neither nor! I had to keep it simple for my altered mind - just 3 things. In 2017,
our first meeting, Syrmo witnessed my demands. I Got Nothing! What a criminal!
They obviously acted for themselves, not sometimes, at least on paper, not in practice
for me. Did Hollingsworth, Sloan, and Thiele act for my wife. Not!
To catch lawyers committing crimes.
I never saw a dime!
I am supposed to be seeing that I am the main focus - VICTIM!
From the start, it commences: Michael Thiele, John Sloan, and Brenda Hollingsworth.
Thiele became involved with me against lawyers James L. MacGillivray (#26529F)
and Rasmussen Starr Ruddy (#19169B) of 660-1600 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario,
K1Z 1G3: 613-232-1830, ext. 206, for company Andrew Brothers Construction, 23
Rockway Crescent, Ottawa, ON K2G 0M3: 613-721-9638. There was in the end a
Minutes of Settlement, to which I still do not have an original copy with all signatures
and witnesses or date. It does not exist.
Besides, I had to be in Saudi Arabia in 2009 to teach English at Qassim University.
Where are all the signatures? Who signed it? When was it signed? And WHO
TOOK/STOLE THE $15,000 of Settlement? Criminals!
Nothing for a man who embarked on a dangerous journey to teach people about your
life, freedom, and rule of law - yet, most of all, to individuals that want you dead, and
they don't even know you, but they still want you dead. I should have promoted your
crimes and your weaknesses. Regret, I have. I gave Thiele an opportunity to come
clean. I texted him from Saudi, "Is that what you do in Canada? I gave him a choice.
He chose to commit fraud.
Just soon after this, I got wrapped up with another unprofessional lawyer by the name
of Sloan. I was en route to Fort Benning, Georgia, USA for training and deployment
to Operation New Dawn, IRAQ. I had just terminated a great teaching job with the
largest Islamic University on the planet (Imam Mohammed ibn Saud University) just
so that I could gain employment with the largest, most heavily funded Military on the
planet - to be confronted with Sloan who didn't even want to investigate the forgery of
my signature. To this date, I do not know who forged the "Agreement of Purchase and
Sale." I was in Saudi Arabia on November 1st, 2010. And then, Sloan tried to merely
figure out residency for tax purposes of sale. At that point, I knew I was screwed! The
US Military would never deploy me with outstanding legal issues at home. I was
forced to sign the Power of Attorney to him/her. Damn! I'll never forget that criminal.
I had no choice, yet I had given him a choice. He forced me to lose my 2 acres land
that I had cut hundred of trees, de-stumped, graded and ready for build, and house plan
approval from Whitewater Region near Pembroke, Ontario. I shall never forget this
3rd Party Fraudster.
Off to a war I went. I came back with a parasitic worm. I was uplifted by Black
Hawk and thrown in a C-160 military personnel carrier (July 2011) - 22 hours to
Queensway Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario. I survived obviously, yet with extreme
difficulty, whence in 2012, a year later after taking my 3 boys to see the Vikings up in
Newfoundland. I get hit by a car on October 29, 2014 which was the same day of
deliberation from Judge Kershman. I get served with a Family Court File: 12-
2738.0001 from lawyer Judith Alison Campbell. It ended on Oct 29/14 after 2 years
of being denied access; not something that is professional to do in the face of 3 children.
Nevertheless, Brenda Lynn Hollingsworth with acting lawyer Charles Genest took
upon herself to file: 16-69137. This unprofessional lawyer didn't even pay my
Ambulance Bill. It's still not paid. My credit rating is down the toilet because of her
malfeasance. and that's okay for you people? I couldn't even get a Motion for Change
in Family Court from Hollingsworth. Is this who you want to be a Member of
Parliament? She did take a stab at it. I ended up filing a criminal harassment complaint
against Charles Genest and Brenda Hollingsworth at the Ottawa Police Station. Then,
I fire them & her.
And meanwhile, Michael Thiele visits me for 2 years (2017-2019); sees my children
role up their sleeping bags from the floor, and he, too, just like Brenda Hollingsworth,
did absolutely nothing for 3 children in your community. Unprofessional Conduct
becoming of a lawyer. These are sexist lawyers against me, a man. No wonder so
many women are murdered in Canada. Sloan did not protect my rights either. Peace.
I hope that Michael Thiele will be disbarred. I still have no teeth, and he used to see
me for 2 years, plus scoliosis times 2. I further hope that John Sloan will be disbarred
as well as Brenda Hollingsworth. If not anything, heavily amounts of fines must be
imposed upon all three unprofessional lawyers. The fines, please place the amounts
into the Child Support Office, so that my wife may receive Child Support. Canadians
already know that your society is extremely sexist against men, that's why men kill.
When you discriminate against women though, men do not die as a result. Clean up
the mess. Thank you. And forgive my anxiety in advance. Peace.
Law Society of Ontario (aka: Upper Canada) - Charles Jacques Genest and Patricia
Alexandra Lawson:

Am I the only one protecting the Queen's Privy Purse?

Am I the only one standing up for women in Canada?
Why have I been the only one defending children in Canada's capital city, Ottawa?
It is obvious that Patricia Lawson knew that the Applicant/Plaintiff had 3 boys, for
she would not have asked me about child support. So, why does she never demand an
insurer like TD Insurance to support a father's lost income, so that his wife could apply
for additional support according to the court's own guide. Who is hiding from whom?
Not I!
Lawyers Patricia Lawson & Charles Genest had me experience a seizure which they
did nothing. The Plaintiff, me, was foaming at the mouth during a Discovery. No
stopping the Discovery - perhaps medical attention - nothing, just to continue their
harassing interrogation of discovery. Well, they did in fact discover a True Victim of
a Car Crash, who was a loving father in need of more detailed support, financially for
3 boys and a victim's disability as a person with Acquired Brain Injury, never mind the
fact that collection agencies are after me because lawyers were not interested in paying
the ambulance bill - not even my scoliosis care, nor my teeth. What criminals, eh?
Unprofessional Conduct is a crime in Canada. Weren't these?
I demand that these two lawyers, Patricia Lawson and Charles Genest, be
How dare we have lawyers as these who cannot stand for Women's Right to Child
Support via a Father's Lost Income. How else can Family Court go according to its
guide to determine Child Support, times three in my case. The onus had become theirs,
for they knew from the start that the victim, Paul-Robert Hipkiss (I), had many boys.
And should, or perhaps maybe, the least of the worst, FINES to the roof be placed
on both lawyers to be thence deposited into the Child Support Office of the Superior
Court of Justice, in that my wife may have access to her earnt Child Support.
Or, arrest them!

Law Society of Ontario (aka: Upper Canada) - Joseph William Lyall Griffiths:

I cannot understand how a man like Joseph Griffiths, after being told of the
involvement of threes children, could not support the concept of Child Support through
Lost Income, rather to be labelled SEXIST. Joseph Griffiths in his proposal to settle
with me had no intention of supporting my Lost Income despite having been shown
by me at First Mediation (18-07-2018). I opened a map of the world with picture of
me since I was a child up to an adult in different countries (7) where I lived and worked
as an English Teacher, and then meeting my wife with whom I had 3 boys. This
became clear. This became evident. Not only did lawyer Patricia Lawson (2017 -
Partner) know about my children the year prior, but now the lead barrister of Court
Claim #16-69137 for the Defendant, Mr Comeau and of course TD Insurance, et al.,
knew of my children and my employment history. And so, for 7+ years - NO CHILD
SUPPORT for a VICTIM of 3-BOYS! Joseph Griffiths is sexist. We definitively do
not need barristers as he at Her Majesty's Bar. His actions rank with Malfeasance and
Unprofessional Conduct that becoming of a lawyer - to not recognise that equal
opportunity to justice is equal treatment of justice. This is not only illegal, it's criminal.
Three children in your community greatly suffered from NEGLIGENCE at the behest
of Joseph Griffiths, let alone a VICTIM! Then, things get worse for me. I was engaged
in a Pre-Trial with Judge Giovanna Toscano Roccamo on March 29th, 2019. Joseph
Griffiths had predetermined a "Set-Trial-Date" before the Pre-Trial Conference even
began and of course Judge G. Toscano-Roccamo's and her Trial Co-ordinator's
determination of availability - that's up to a judge, not a lawyer. J. Griffiths aim for
power and dominance shines through here. That's not how law is practised according
to law. But, the most criminal behaviour from this man was that, during the Pre-Trial
Conference (29-03-2019), Joseph Griffiths met my 3 boys! It was right there and then
that J. Griffiths should have raised serious, professional RED FLAGS to whomever,
whatever insurer or adjuster to financially support a victim of a Car Crash of 3 children.
Kids grow up fast. Without this lawyer's professional support, the children had to sleep
on the floor in sleeping bags because it was criminally advantageous for Joseph
Griffiths to garner less financial support for a victim in order to increase his own
financial gain through contractual means with McCague/Borlack LLP, TD Insurance,
and Security National or Meloche Monnex. Welcome to Canada: sexism against
women, plus criminal negligence against children - never mind a true victim. Wow?
By the way, I still don't have 9+ teeth replaced. I lost them during the Crash. And
now, I'm criminally extorted by this man, Joseph Griffiths: if I don't sign an
Unconstitutional Settlement, I cannot replace my teeth nor fix my spine. This lawyer
obviously demanded to dictate the judicial procedure of court case #16-69137 because,
on the one hand, the 1st Discovery was performed by his colleague, Patricia Lawson,
which was paid by McCague/Borlack and not Charles Genest nor Mikolaj Grodzki (as
I have been told by Grodzki), and now a second (2nd) Discovery ordered by Joseph
Griffiths and again paid by by/through him, for what? And yet! I was NEVER allowed
to DISCOVER WHAT HAPPENED TO ME! The driver died way after the Car Crash
from unrelated causes and as such Joseph Griffiths was the only one that could have
told me what had happened on October 29th, 2014. No. He'd rather mislead justice
by claiming that I was hit by a [reckless] driver when it was dark. He claimed that it
was 8:30 pm when in fact I was hit at approximately 18:30 hundred hours according
to one arriving officer, Const. Delia. It was sunset, Joseph Griffiths. The driver could
have seen me, the victim. But, now that nobody knows what happened, I cannot even
begin to tell doctors or therapists where I was hit first, or what could have happened
to other parts of my body whence knowing anything concerning the impact. No
wonder he wanted to be in the driver's seat concerning the court case: he just misled
and then became malfeasant by not providing the courts with the greatest Prima Facie
ever: "What Happened That Day in Question?" What happened, Griffiths? And, now
I can understand why Judge Giovanna didn't want to issue an Order: she didn't want to
be privy to such crimes. So much for shaking my 3 boys' hands at the end of the Pre-
Trial Conference, J. Griffiths. How criminal is it to have known of three children
existing in a person's community of which that same person had denied their legal
support? Not at all a barrister, thank you. Yet, by this time, I thought that Joseph
Griffiths would be more professional about this demand for Child Support, so I hoped
to be heard on October 31st, 2019 for what I had thought to be the Pre-Trial #2 as what
I had thought to be ordered by Judge Giovanna - yet, none of it was. So, I go there
(the Court House) on Hallowe'en Day to be heard by Judge Giovanna, and to my horror
- no court order - no trial date ordered - nothing performed - all taken control by the
driver of the court case: Joseph Griffiths. Still I'm hopeful, in tears mind you, with the
help of court clerks, staff, and the Sheriff's Office at the Court House - I still retain to
hope so that I can find out what happened on October 29th, 2014. So, I cry out for
another Discovery just so that I could discover what happened. Thus, Discovery #2
took place in Ottawa on January 7th 2020. Again - unprofessional conduct becoming
of a lawyer - Joseph Griffiths refused to tell me what happened, nor to engage in
conversation of discovery as to what hypothesis may or may not exist with respect to
the biggest day in question, the Car Crash. But, what became more obvious to me later
was that, it was Joseph Griffiths et al. that had paid for both discoveries, I'm serious
led to believe (Not one Plaintiff's lawyer had the right to ask a question in Canada?
Discoveries are for both Plaintiff and Defendant? Illegal culture?); thus, of course, he
demanded to dictate the process of law. He was willing to find any excuse not to
support a victim of 3 boys even to the point of not having me present for questioning
during a Motion for Prima Facie (physical and mental) on December 12th, 2020 with
Judge A. Doyle. I, the victim, has no right to attend a zoom-court-room? Why did he
not query the same? More control. He wanted to trap a victim by even photographing
the victim walking toward the Physio-Psycho-Assessment in January, 2021. Stalking
a person is a crime without court order. He is a criminal. Joseph Griffiths stalked me
as I had to walk to see Dr Paul Duhamel up Carling Ave.'s Hill toward the Civic
Hopital. The Law Society can demand copies of his e-mails, for I am certain that my
photos have been transferred electronically to his colleagues in crime:
McCague/Borlack et al. and TD Insurance et al. Then, to demand that he observe me
under assessment behind a mirrored window. I am a victim, not an accused. He
couldn't even support a victim with transportation. He couldn't even get the Hospital
File of the "Day in Question," which is in fact the only Prima Facie. He couldn't even
support 3 children in your community. This guy is a criminal. Sorry. Yet, true! And
on top of everything else, I warned Joseph Griffiths with Affidavit of Service that he
must never think of infringing my Fundamental Freedom of Speech - NEVER! This
of course handed into the courts as well as all other parties involved with #16-69137
called my "Victim Statement." It was handed in on December 10th, 2019 - well in
advance of any potential of an Unconstitutional Settlement. And just to prove his
furthered criminal intent of forcing me to relinquish my Freedom of Speech via his
unconstitutional settlement offer of $2,000,000.00, I had to sue one of his (et al.)
associates, Dr Sujay Vinod Patel. It is illegal to force any person to relinquish their
freedom in a Just and Free society. I taught this to people that want me & you dead.
Joseph Griffiths is a criminal.
PS: Now Griffiths is engaged in EXTORTION! He was warned on Dec 10/2019 to
never infringe upon my Freedom of Speech, and what does he do? He provides me
with an Unconstitutional Settlement. So, if I do not shut up, I cannot get health care
for my spine, teeth, and acquired brain injury. "To Initiate" a Civil Proceeding is
permissible to extort - not "To Practise." This man, Joseph Griffiths, is a criminal.
Read law correctly please!
1) I demand that the Law Society involve the Crown Attorney's Office for
investigation and charges laid against Joseph Griffiths for the multitude of crimes
committed. Jail! The police must be involved with this unprofessional lawyer.
Negligence: no teeth, no spine, minus a brain, no body... Malfeasance: if you know
that it is right, and you do not do that which is right, there lies the cornerstone of
Unprofessional Conduct: Dereliction of Duty. Misleading of Justice: the time of the
Crash/Cause and legal duty to a victim. Illegal Activity: all Courts must consider the
best interest of a child, for it is written - it is law; and Joseph Griffiths broke that law
by not standing up for 3 children's support via an acknowledgement of a victim's Lost
Income - what a sexist man! And now due to all of this criminal behaviour, I am
faced with surgery with Dr Jacinthe Lampron at the Civic Hospital because of a Left-
Hernia that developed due to a dislocation of my S1-L5 (Lumbar Area) which was
created by vehicle impact - hence, my lower scoliosis. Thus, I am to believe that
everything that led up to this surgery was not criminal? I think not. EXTORTION
does not equal +2 Year's Interest on 2 Million.
2) Dare I propose a Disbarment, for a jail term is the just option here, nor should I
propose Suspension because I'm still adamant on Police Involvement, nor must I
contemplate a proposal of some enormous Fine for all improprieties (Pay back the
Hospital, Griffiths. Why does a Judge have to pay through his or her taxes? Is this
why our health care is going bankrupt?); yet, should you think that a Fine is okay,
then make sure it is deposited into the Office of Child Support for my children.
Because sexism of any kind must be stamped out. Women and children have rights,
criminal Joseph Griffiths.
3) What about the interest on 2 Million dollars for the past 2 years?
Your Choice, Your Power: Equal Opportunity to Justice, My Right. "To Educate
Is to Liberate"
Thank you in advance.
May Peace be with you.

Law Society of Ontario (aka: Upper Canada) - Mikolaj Grodzki:

I met Mikolaj Grodzki on or before September 19th, 2017. For 2 years, I had always
thought that his partner, Michael Thiele, was my lawyer because it was he that would
visit me and my children for the first 2-years of misleading. "Who was my lawyer?"
a constant thought for an altered mind - negligent understanding. I have Acquired
Brain Injury with many other issues. Please read the following: www.abi-1.xyz . Also,
please read the following: www.hipkissology.blogspot.com . [My web site (abi-1.xyz)
and my blog are part what I'm protecting - My Freedom of Speech. I'd be a hypocrite
if I did not write nor speak about what happened to me. I insist in advance that you
read more therein. Thank you.] Nevertheless, as my acting lawyer, I meet another
lawyer, Joseph Griffiths, at mediation on July 18th, 2018. Now everyone knew I was
not a Vagrant-Single-Man. I had been a loving father of 3 boys and an English Teacher
overseas and here in Ottawa. Maybe now I could get my 7 teeth replaced due to the
Car Crash. Nothing to this day! This is criminal negligence for sure, because as
evidence, my loss of teeth people can see, my scoliosis as a result of the Car Crash
people cannot see, nor can they see my destroyed mind. I further thought that, now
that they knew me, I could get funding to audit Carleton University courses to practise
writing and speaking with like-minded professional Linguists like what I used to be.
Nothing! It gets worse. Despite mediation, discoveries, so-called "Pre-Trials" (NO
Transcript/NO Court Order for Trial on #16-69137), not one lawyer and in particular
Mikolaj Grodzki told me what happened at the Car Crash of October 29th, 2014.
Doctor's would ask me as to what happened, where's my pain begin and so on, but I
had no answer. Then, I meet Giovanna Toscano Roccamo for a Conference. I took
place on March 29th, 2019. It was not recorded for transcript purposes, nor was an
order made for Pre-Trial 2 (Oct. 31, 2019), nor TRIAL for #16-96137. Why would a
lawyer place a judge in such a precarious post to not follow Judicial Procedure? A
lawyer, Mikolaj Grodzki, who had no intention of TRIAL! So, I had no choice but to
force a trial by demanding the protection of my right to speech. Something that can
be protected at trial and not via an unconstitutional settlement. I handed in my Victim
Statement on December 10th, 2019 via Affidavit of Service as well. Since then, there
was a mediation on September 22, 2020 for Mikolaj Grodzki's finances and not about
my loss of income, which could have been transferred to Family Court's "Income
Support Guide," so that my wife could also have got some help from TD Insurance et
al. Am I the only one standing up for women's rights? No! Nothing! I never saw
judge Heather J. Williams or Justice A. Doyle. I would have told them about all of
this. He took my rights away, my life, my justice, and now he threatens Motions.
I hope to see someone go to jail for the destruction of my life because, one nano-
second of stupidity by way of reckless driving while causing bodily harm onto a person
crossing a crosswalk at a school-zone can never equate to many years of legal,
adversarial conflicts over money and not justice, nor the sanctity of human life (mine)
by way of health and rehabilitation - off to the gallows, Mr Mikolaj Grodzki!
Or, disbarred. Period. We do not need such barristers in our community engaging
in unethical or illegal practise of law. Thank you.
Lastly, Justice is never about money. It is about relinquishing a man or a woman's
desire for revenge. At times, however, it can take the form of money. In this case, a
"Fee Retainer" between Mikolaj Grodzki and Paul-Robert Hipkiss at a value of 30%
from an unconstitutional settlement is not even worth the paper it is written on... 30%
of $2,000,000.00 is $600,000.00. Say what? I do not think so, Mr Mikolaj Grodzki.
Even if I think about the pain that I shall have to endure just to have dental implants
and chiropractic therapy et al., this barrister isn't even worth 10% at best for all the
suffering that I've endured and will continue, the unprofessional conduct of not
bringing forth a Motion from the start, like in 2017 rather than the proposed 2022.
When there are children involved, red flags must be raised. And what about my wife
and Mr Mikolaj Grodzki's lack of concern for proper, legal "Loss of Wages" because,
the $2 Million is about medical, support, and pain & suffering - no loss wages: $0.00.
Sexist against me for not fighting TD Insurance et al. to increase financial support for
5 years - no Motion. Sexist against my wife for not fighting for "Loss Income." On
top of it all, as I have demanded always from Nancy McNamara, pmcnamara@toh.ca,
the Ottawa Hospital, Brain Injury Unit (Manager in Chief) and lawyers et al. that the
cost of 3 months at hospital plus 1-year as an outpatient and all of its costs be paid
back in full by the Insurer. But. No! Mr Mikolaj Grodzki would not have supported
this at Trial. And now, for a year, I've been involved in extortion: if I don't sign and
shut up, I cannot get therapy. Welcome to Canada.
Saving: to initiate a Civil Proceeding... (extortion) - the verb is not "to practise," yet
for 1 year this has been the case.
Thank you for taking the time to read about my complaint.


On May 31st, 2022 lawyer Mikolaj T. Grodzki sent a threatening letter to Syrmo,
who once was my guardian-of-sorts especially during the immediate aftermath of the
Crash. The threat was to engage Syrmo in a "Motion to Enforce Court Order," of
which according to his threat would expose her to adverse costs "in the event a motion
is filled with the Court" and that "the outcome [would not be] in [her] favour." What
a threat, eh? This coming from a lawyer. But during this time, Syrmo had been at
hospital for hip-surgery - tonnes of stitches. Wow. To threaten someone at hospital is
not a crime? Say what? Nevertheless, Syrmo ended up sending this criminal lawyer
Mikolaj T. Grodzki a letter back of her plight and intention. Here is what she wrote.

June 12th, 2022

Hello Grodzki,
I got a letter from you from one of my neighbours. Thank you.
I am now at Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital for rehabilitation.
I had hip-surgery at the Civic.
I don't know what you need.
I am thinking about my rehab.
Thank you for your help.

Law Society of Ontario (aka: Upper Canada) - Todd Joseph McCarthy, Kevin Michael
Temple, and Giovanna Toscano Roccamo (aka: Litigator/Mediator):

Life Expectancy with ABI:

As many doctors, lawyers, and judges know (Giovanna told me.) that life expectancy
is shortened with acquired brain injury. Al Leaffy, bless his soul, taught me this fact
as well. I am so thankful to have met him.
Health Care and Justice:
- My injured body is the responsibility of TD and not the Ontario Health
Insurance Plan. Pay back the taxman at hospital.
- Canada is bound by law to provide equal access to Health Care.
- A "Two (2) Tier" Medical System exists in Canada, for TD wished for this
patient to fit in a bag and not on a doctor's table.
- Professional Health Care must never place an injured victim under
a "Party Bus" in order to claw at an Insurer's privy purse.
A 2-Year statutory limitation is placed upon a victim for a legal court proceeding
to commence at the Superior Court of Justice.
Yet, a 2Year statutory limitation is not placed upon an Insurer to settle a claim with
an injured victim.
- Equal Opportunity to Justice will provide naturally Equal Access to Health
Care. Equality is a beauty. Practise it.
Place of Zen:
- I don't know what I would have done without Dr Andréanne Côté and Dr
Karim Ali. The Ottawa Chiropractic Health Clinic & Physiotherapy helped
me. Trust me. They brought me back from a Car Crash. And, thanks to an
educated physiotherapist and massage therapist, I was able to do much better,
let alone laugh again. Thank you. Hospitals need chiropractors.
On September 22nd, 2020 a lot of us experienced the Mediation 2: Internet Zoomed
with Trish Mongeon, Tech Manager - lawyer Todd McCarthy - lawyer Joseph Griffiths
- Meagan Whittaker - Lynn Parker - lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki - Giovanna Toscano
Roccamo, Mediator - former and now retired judicator. Much time was waisted on
Zoom at Mikolaj Grodzki's office with Syrmo, my three boys, and I. All that those
people completed was an increase of their own wages and not mine. Every time they
would shut down Zoom or break apart to huddle in Chambers as it were, they'd come
back all together online and nothing would be increased concerning my lost wages. I
was a single-man with my boys in front of them? They burnt my jib. So, I got up and
told Syrmo to gather her things, for we were about to exit a conspired, planned
"Mediation 2" for lawyers and insurers and not for a victim and his family. Thank
goodness I recorded it.
Joseph Griffiths of McCague Borlack, 130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada misled justice to judicator Giovanna Toscano Roccamo who was present. He
had argued that it was dark and that's why the driver, Gaetan Comeau, couldn't see me
crossing the crosswalk when in fact it was daylight. Google it, Joseph Griffiths. It
was daylight. It is a criminal offense to Mislead Justice according to Section 137 of
the Criminal Code of Canada. According to notes taken by police, I was struck from
behind while walking in a westerly direction. The crash was "life threatening."
Paramedics Masse, Arcand, & Lefebvre arrived with ambulance and noted that I had
been traumatised, and that I had symptoms of Acute Confusion, Head/Brain Injury,
and back pain. Blood was also noticed on the ground. Their reports were written at
approximately 18:37. I suspect that I was rushed thereafter to the Ottawa Hospital,
Civic Campus, 1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
March 20th, 2019: Pre-Trial Conference Brief of the Defendants was submitted by
lawyer Joseph W. L. Griffiths to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario under Court
File Number: 16-69137. On March 20th, 2019, Joseph Griffiths signed his brief. He
wrote, "Trial is scheduled for 5 weeks starting March 1, 2021." The Pre-Trial with
Giovanna Toscano Roccamo (judge) was to take place at the court house on March
29th, 2019. To have preplanned a judicial procedure by scheduling a trial date nine
days prior to the appearance of an impartial judge to weigh the debate for setting the
actual date for trial in the first place let alone the date itself, is a crime of judicial
influence, in other words, not allowing impartiality through judicial procedure. Was
anyone else involved, Joseph Griffiths? Was lawyer Mikolaj Grodzki involved, too?
I do not know. No wonder Honourable Justice Madame Giovanna Toscano Roccamo
wished not to make an order. She had to be presented as impartial to all the preplanned
folly. She had to protect herself. That's why there was no seal, no order that day, nor
a transcript that I had asked for or received to this date.
March 29th, 2019: I had a Pre-Trial Conference with Giovanna Toscano Roccamo,
civil judicator, at the Superior Court of Justice, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Joseph
Griffiths, Michael Thiele, Mikolaj Grodzki, Syrmo, my three boys, and I were present.
It appeared that there was a three-way teleconference device that was powered and
another person on the other end listening. I was not privy to who may had been on the
other line. A Crown Clerk was also present, but I did not see her record the Pre-Trial
Conference. For the first time, I learnt that the man who hit me had died. I could not
stop crying. Now, I shall never, ever know what happened that nanosecond in time.
He was the only other true witness. Why did I not get to see him before he died? If I
had only been able to see him at the Discovery. I did not care if he screamed at me or
cried with me. I just demanded to hear him tell me his side of the story. The judicator
told everyone, my family and I, that there would be a Pre-Trial 2 on October 31st,
2019. No Court Order, however. That's why I could never get an order when I always
went to the Court House. Am I supposed to say thank you, Giovanna?

The College of Psychologists of Ontario - Steve Joncas, Charles Leclerc, Kimberley

Ann Payne, Laura Marie Rees, and Francine Fleur-Ange Sarazin:

Medical doctors should have known that I never associate with psychologist or
psychiatrist. Everyone saw with their own two eyes that I struggled. Everyone heard
with their own two ears that I struggled. Everyone sensed that I struggled. So, why
should I have to associate with a man or woman about something he or she really has
no grasp yet - the brain. Never! I'm not a Guinea Pig! Sorry. Peace be with you.
In 2016, Mathieu Trudel committed suicide. The police found his body at Petrie
Island, Orléans, Ottawa. He was my roommate for approximately a month and a half
at the Rehabilitation Centre's Brain Injury Unit of the Ottawa Hospital, General
Campus. He kept on asking me about death and how to die. He knew that I was an
English Teacher for the most heavily funded military on the planet, the United State
Air Force. He knew that I had been stationed at Camp Taji, Iraq during Operation
New Dawn. He knew that I had received Basic Training for Deployment at Fort
Benning, Georgia, USA. If kidnapped by the Iraqi Insurgency, everyone that I knew
in Iraq understood how to die and kill, all for the sake of others if need be. And,
perhaps this is why he kept on asking me about the different ways to die. I must have
told him various methods of death. I do not really remember. I didn't even know that
I had three children or a Jeep during my first two years after the Crash. Yet somehow,
I still know how to kill and die. Somehow, that never left me as a result of the Car
Crash that I had endured as a Pedestrian while crossing a crosswalk at one of my son's
school. In fact, the way he did die was very canny due to the reality that Canadians
have an excellent method of committing suicide because all one needs to do is jump
in a frozen, running river. Within seconds, a person's body will embark on extreme
hypothermia. By the time, the human brain realises that it is not breathing air yet rather
water, the human heart will engage in cardiac arrest. He died in a frozen river called
the Ottawa River. Poor roommate. Peace be upon him.
It must be stated: a psychiatrist or psychologist such as Steve Joncas, Charles Leclerc,
Kimberley Ann Payne, Laura Marie Rees, & Francine Fleur-Ange Sarazin cannot not
determine whether or not a person is a threat to him or herself, nor a threat to the
community. This is humanly impossible let alone factually unmanageable due to the
sad event that took Mathieu Trudel life. So, as a result of such malfeasance
(unprofessional conduct), hypothetical theories of which become perpetrated
psychologist and psychiatrists via Insurance Claims, a victim gets dragged through the
mill. Negligence and malfeasance are crimes in Canada. They are indictable offences.
Stop spreading lies concerning people's brains. This practice further destroys human
life. Because doctors can transplant livers, kidneys, and lungs. They can even put a
man on the Time magazine, cut his testicles, and call him "Woman of the Year." But,
doctors cannot transplant a brain. Maybe some day, they may. When that happens,
call me. I need a new brain. The mind is your last frontier. Study it like no tomorrow

Superior Court of Justice of Ontario - "Civil Law Suit" against psychiatrist Sujay
Vinod Patel:

The Negligence, Malfeasance, and Malpractice:

The Defendant, Dr Sujay Vinod Patel, did not have the complete medical file from
hospital of the Plaintiff, Paul-Robert Hipkiss. Only the Plaintiff has this entire file
with x-rays pictures, computerized tomography scan reports and notes,
electroencephalogram reports and assessments, doctors' handwritten notes, and nurses'
handwritten notes. The Defendant only had access to a minute synopsis of the
Plaintiff's medical file as offered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan's identification
licence (OHIP Card). Not one judge, lawyer, medical doctor, or nurse has ever
demanded the hospital file, and thus, do not have it in part or in its entirety.
On December 21st, 2020, Honourable J. Doyle handed down a Decision to demand
that the Plaintiff attend an Immigration Medical Exam (IME) for the purposes of a
Pima Facie, whence the only Prima Facie that the Plaintiff had allowed ever was at
hospital and not at any other time or with anybody else because there never had been
a Court Order for Trial by Honourable Giovanna Toscano Roccamo on March 29th,
2019 (Pre-Trial), or at all during the entire process of court file #16-69137. No judge
in that proceeding ever had ordered a trial. The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario
does not have any record of a Court Order for Trial. The Plaintiff knows that this is a
bonified fact; he has gone to the court house at 161 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 2K1;
he always had demanded on numerous occasions a copy of any such order from court
clerks at the court house - no court order for trial ever.
Thursday, January 28th, 2021, the Plaintiff had to go to see the Defendant, Dr Sujay
Vinod Patel, as made by AssessMed Inc. and McCague-Borlack LLP.
The Plaintiff met the Defendant at Pro Physio and Sports Medicine Center Parkdale,
1081 Carling Avenue, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G2.
The proposed assessment of the Plaintiff with the Defendant was approximately 4.2
kilometers from the Plaintiff's apartment: 1002-340 Gloucester Street, Ottawa, ON
K1R 1A8.
The average temperature on January 28th, 2021 was approximately -15 Celsius to -
18 Celsius with approximately 2.4 milometers of snow.
No transportation was offered to the Plaintiff from the Defendant, Dr Sujay Vinod
Patel, and his associates.
The Plaintiff, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, had to walk all the way to the location of the
assessment and back to his apartment, and all the while troubled with scoliosis in two
places of his spine during such extreme temperatures with brain injury. The Defendant
must have known about the Plaintiff's scoliosis.
The Plaintiff was forced to walk so far and all alone in such extreme Canadian winter
weather because the Defendant et al. would have charged the Plaintiff $2,500.00 for
any possible cancellation.
The Defendant did not insist that the disabled Plaintiff be given transportation.
The Defendant's proposed assessment was scheduled for 15:30 to 16:45 on January
28th, 2021. The Defendant rescheduled at 14:09 on January 27th, 2021, the day before
the proposed assessment, for 12:00 on January 28th, 2021. According to lawyer
Mikolaj Grodzki (LSO #54579U), the Defendant had to cancel or reschedule the
meeting due to "a flight conflict." To reschedule an aeroplane flight on a drop of a
dime is a very costly venture. It was apropos for the Defendant to spend lots of money
to reschedule a flight, but not to demand that the Plaintiff receive proper transportation
under frozen conditions. A taxi is cheaper than a rebooking of a new aeroplane ticket.
The Plaintiff, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, went to see the Dependant at 15:30 on January
28th, 2021.
The Plaintiff voice-recorded the defunct, failed assessment. It is available for all to
listen on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/D8SAZnKXauY.
Because of the walk that the Plaintiff had to endure, his back had dislocated even
further. This is typical when he has to walk far distances. The Plaintiff, thereafter,
proceeded to go on the Defendant's doctor's table to readjust himself. The Defendant
refused to help. Dr Sujay Vinod Patel did not even wish to physical touch me to
discover why I needed to readjust the Plaintiff's spine. The Defendant demanded that
the Plaintiff get off the Defendant's doctor's table. The Plaintiff could not, for only
one thing was on his mind, his spine. The Defendant became furious. The Defendant,
Dr Sujay Vinod Patel, threatened to call the police on the Plaintiff if he did not get of
the doctor's table. The Plaintiff told the Defendant that he would be more than
welcome to call the police, for it was not an offence or an infraction for the Plaintiff to
be concerned with his spine. The Defendant was extremely unprofessional to the point
of neglect. This was malpractice and malfeasance as well as what follows herein.
The Defendant, Dr Sujay Vinod Patel, terminated the assessment proceeding. He did
not want to assess the victim, the Plaintiff. The Defendant was more interested in his
own endeavours of providing his contractors with their assessment goals and not the
victim's health. The Defendant was more interested in obtaining financial gains from
TD Insurance, National Security Insurance, AssessMed Inc., or McCague-Borlack
LLP rather than a professional, medically examination of a proven victim. The
Defendant only adhered the will of TD Insurance, National Security, Meloche Monnex
et al., and TD Insurance Group et al.. An assessment as a primary objective is solely
for the patient, the "Plaintiff-Patient" in this case, and about the patient, and by the
patient, and to the patient - not for a judiciary nor for a corporation or a doctor's
oligarchic objectives. Period.
The Plaintiff walked home in the freezing cold.
Malpractice Consequences and Suffering:
Despite various adversarial conflicts that had arisen thereafter January 28th, 2021
due to the unconstitutional, illegal behaviour of the Superior Court of Justice of
Ontario and its affiliated members (Court Files: #16-69137 and #12-2738), the
Plaintiff, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, still demanded to understand why his spine was
continuously in extreme pain, for the Defendant had failed to examine the Plaintiff's
Thus, the Plaintiff went to the most professional doctor that he knew, Dr Andréanne
Côté, BSc, DC.
The Defendant, Dr Sujay Vinod Patel, had never contacted the Plaintiff's doctor of
chiropractic, Dr Andréanne Côté, another act of unprofessional conduct by the
The Plaintiff's Doctor Chiropractic assisted by recommendations to the Ottawa
Hospital for further x-rays concerning the Plaintiff's scoliosis.
On December 5th, 2021, Dr Stella Hau Ming Yiu of the Ottawa Hospital's
Emergency Unit, Civic Campus, diagnosed the Plaintiff with an "INGUINAL
HERNIA, right scoliosis." She further noted that the Plaintiff suffered from "pain in
midline and right SI joint." She also wrote that the Plaintiff was "able to walk and
slow distance slowly. Left-sided antalgic gait." The Defendant, Dr Sujay Vinod Patel,
did not wish to come to the same discovery for the benefit of the Plaintiff's health.
Dr Michael Yuan-Chu Woo of the same Emergency Unit of the Ottawa Hospital had
diagnosed the Plaintiff with a hernia as well. He further made recommendations:
"ambulatory referral to General Surgery," "ambulatory referral to Physical Medical
Rehab," and "ambulatory referral to Thoracic Surgery." The Defendant did not wish
to assess the Plaintiff in this manner. He only wished to call Ottawa Police Services
because the Plaintiff demanded to lay on his doctor's table.
On March 23rd, 2022 the Plaintiff met general surgeon, Dr Jacinthe Lampron. She
concluded and confirmed after the assessment that the Plaintiff in fact had developed
a hernia due to the Car Crash of October 29th, 2014.
On or about April 4th, 2022, Dr Jacinthe Lampron prescribed a hernia belt for the
Plaintiff while awaiting surgery. The Plaintiff is now slated for surgery at the right-
side pelvic area and also the thoracic area. The Defendant refused to assess the same.
The Plaintiff had to experience more delays, hardship, and pain while attempting to
figure out what was wrong with his spine. His intense search due to the Defendant's
ineptitude lasted for approximately one year: January of 2021 to March 2022.
The Defendant's unprofessional conduct further further contributed to the
disassociation of his kin. The Plaintiff has gone through a lot more pain as a result,
which has been very unfathomable and intolerable for the Plaintiff's family, friends,
and associates. The spin is one of the most important sections of the human body,
especially with scoliosis-times-two due to a Car Crash.
The Plaintiff's passion to teach English again has further been placed on hold, and
more than likely forever, whence he used to earn approximately $10,000.00 (US) per
month with the United States Military.

Children's Aide Society of Ottawa - Laura Bowerman:

The loss of life that once was known has become further living proof of another
consequence of misandry, all due to a reckless driver who struck me from behind while
crossing a crosswalk within a school zone. I wanted to tell one of my boys that he
could have a sleepover after being kidnapped on April 15th, 2013 and denied for two
years - an unconstitutional criminal act. I used to walk for kilometres to be with them,
through trenches and bogs in seek of a sleepover under a golden rainbow. Not for I,
for them. Harassed to do so? Always! Abused? No, just traumatised! Why? Because
I am a man. I am not human. I cannot feel. I cannot love. I am not a woman with
three children. I am a man with three children. So, I had to defend, protect, and guard
them in the face of a blindfolded Lady Justice called lawyer Alison Campbell who was
supported by lawyer Danielle Dworsky and case worker Laura Bowerman. I had to
protect their freedom, their human right to associate with me. I had to do this for two
years. No-one went to jail for it. So, I could not protect them. I had no Arms to battle
a misandrist judiciary. In the end, I lost my boys. Sexism against men does exist
Absconding of a minor without just cause is a crime in Canada. I had warned
everyone about Parental Alienation. Bowerman et al. were under the impression that
I would sign a release or a gag-clause for me to shut up. I do not bend or negotiate
with criminals. Do you? I have never had a relationship with these 3 boys since that
day. I had to find them myself after 5 days of no-one telling me where they were.
After 2 years trying to prove that I loved them; then a car crash; plus 7 years of proving
that I was a father.
I am married to this date. My wife and I got married in the Republic of Korea whence
I was there teaching English and met her. I was never married in your country. Your
courts have no authority to adjudicate matters that are beyond its jurisdiction. Yes, I
am separated. But, I am not divorced. Misleading is also a crime in Canada. I guess
more Canadians need to be jailed overseas just like the Chinese with the Two-Michaels
for you all to understand that your country cannot adjudicate beyond its boarders.
What a bunch of inept people. These et al. are sexist people. It is no wonder 87%+
women are murdered by the men they have children. Read your statistics. It is
impossible for a man to be treated equally in a court in Canada. After 9 years of
criminal absconding, negligence, and malfeasance, my biggest regret in life is that I
should have committed Manslaughter once I found them. Because now I have Brain
Injury as a result of standing my ground: my Fundamental Human Right to Association
and Speech. Read the law: a separation/divorce is between spouse, not parent and

What office?
What complaint?
What overseer is there?
The Rebuttal in Response
Not to cry, yet to stand on high

September 21st, 2022

Child and Family Services Review Board

15 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, ON M7A2G6

File Number: CA22-0105

Kidnapping/Abduction/Absconding (Criminal Code of Canada):

281) Every person who, not being the parent, guardian or person having the lawful
care or charge of a person under the age of 14 years, unlawfully takes, entices away,
conceals, detains, receives or harbours that person with intent to deprive a parent or
guardian, or any other person who has the lawful care or charge of that person, of the
possession of that person is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years...

On April 15th, 2013, my 3 boys were kidnapped.

I had to find them myself because no professional would tell me where they were.
For almost 2 years, I had to see my boy in secrecy because CAS worker Laura
Bowerman and lawyer Judith Alison Campbell were expecting me to sign an
unconstitutional settlement. Never!
This sexist misandry engrossed itself into a Car Crash "court-claim" with the
Superior Court of Justice of Ontario against McCague-Borlack LLP and TD
Insurance et al.
I had to squash the Car Crash "court-claim" and its unconstitutional settlement by
suing one of TD et al.'s associates, Dr Sujay Vinod Patel, which was definitively a
cessation of the settlements' unconstitutionality. In other words, I personally placed
$2,000,000 where the sun does not shine - the Dark Side of the Moon. Besides,
never mind the fact that I was worth ten times more, yet more importantly, freedom
has no price! Perhaps, the lot of you cannot understand this fact of freedom.


Prior to the kidnapping, I had seen two different judges on January 16th, 2013 and
March 8th, 2013. There was no court order for "Temporary Custody" according to
logistical procedure of law in Ontario. [CCC: "with intent to deprive a parent or
guardian, or any other person who has the lawful care or charge of that person..." I
was a loving father. I had natural custody of my boys. Period.]

Prior to the kidnapping, I had signed and sent to lawyer Judith Alison Campbell my
"Consent Letter for Children Travelling Abroad" on January 31st, 2013. Is this why
defunct retired judge, Giovanna Toscano Roccamo was more interested in passports,
rather than the Fundamental Human Right of Association, in this case with kinship -
my boys. I guess for her, a piece of paper was more of interest because she as well as
others had hopped that an unconstitutional settlement would have been reached. Not
I. Never!

Prior to the kidnapping, on February 11th, 2013 Laura Bowerman sent me a letter
stating that there was no "risk of physical harm... on December 25th, 2012... Also,
none of the children reported any physical violence between their parents." Hearsay
is not a practice of law in Ontario. It's actually a crime of misleading of justice. Read
the law please.

Prior to the kidnapping, I had hired lawyer Virve Georgeson between February 27th,
2013 to March 8th, 2013. I did this on purpose because I had thought that, if you all
were not going to believe a regular citizen of your country, then by all means, you
would trust one of your own at least. I was wrong, eh? Once I realised this, I had to
fire her.

Prior to the kidnapping, my wife had forged my signature in order to sell my Ford
Taurus, years before yet another indictable offence ($5,000). Furthermore, my wife
had forged my signature for an agreement that I had with a previous landlord ($15,000),
another indictable offence. Lastly, my wife had forged my signature once again in
order to sell my land at Beachburg, Ontario ($25,000), again another indictable offence.
Meanwhile, I had been teaching English in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during all
three indictable crimes, whence the last, I was en route to Fort Benning, Georgia for
basic training for deployment to the War in Iraq.

Prior to the kidnapping, on April 4th, 2013 I had informed the Ministry of Taxation,
aka Revenue Canada, that my wife had not claimed all the money that she had stolen
and the money that I used to send her from overseas, to which Laura Bowerman also
had knowledge.

Prior to the kidnapping, I had sent a letter to the Children's Aide Society of Ottawa on
April 9th, 2013. I had demanded that Laura Bowerman be replaced. I had demanded
to all that a male case worker be assigned. I knew that this would not happen, thus,
the reason for writing the letter.



After the kidnapping of my boys, I spoke to no-one. I do not negotiate with criminals.
Do you? So, as a result of exercising my Constitutional Right to Speech, which also
means that a person can say nothing - absolutely nothing - I had been labelled as not
being co-operative, constantly. Yet, since that day of kidnapping, not telling me where
my boys were, and secretly engaging in a secretive association, I refused to
communicate with criminal Laura Bowerman et al.

Finally, I get to see judge Stanley Kershman for trial in October of 2014. He was so
ignorant that he couldn't even get my marriage date correct. I am still married to my
wife. I was married on December 3rd, 1997. At this juncture, I am completely
separated for sure, but not divorced. I was married in the Republic of Korea. Do you
need more "Michaels" placed in foreign prisons because the judiciaries of Canada wish
to adjudicate beyond their jurisdictions? I say this with valour. If I were to go to the
Republic of Korea and teach English, whence therein filing my Korean Income Tax as
divorced according to you et al., and yet they would have to this date a record of me
being married, I would thus be placed in a Korean prison for "fraud." Thank you for
being so defunct, Kershman. I thought nothing much of it at the time because I knew
this and other facts would be grounds for an appeal at Osgoode, Queen Street, Toronto.
In the meantime, I would have been able to go to Afghanistan where my colonel had
been, and I could've taught English again once there. But in the meantime, all of us
had to wait for judge Kershman and his Court Order's Deliberation which took place
on October 29th, 2014. In the end, I hurried to see my boys that same day to inform
them that we could finally have a sleepover - a 2/Year Denial.


OCTOBER 29th, 2014!

For approximately 7 years thereafter, I was treated as a "Vagrant-Single-Man" by TD

Insurance, Meloche Monnex Insurance, Premium Insurance, and Security National
Insurance. Lawyers Patricia Lawson, Charles Genest, Michael Thiele, Joseph Griffiths,
Mikolaj Grodzki, and Judith Alison Campbell all treated me as a "Vagrant-Single-
Man." Not one lawyer brought forth a Motion for Change within these 7 years. The
Children's Aide Society of Ottawa was informed of my Car Crash by Occupational
Therapist Shelley Stephenson sometime in 2015. So, someone from CAS is lying to
you all. Ontario Disability Support Programme also considered me as a "Vagrant-
Single-Man." Hospital and private health employees also thought of me as a "Vagrant-
Single-Man." What was most disturbing, however, was that even judge Giovanna
Toscano Roccamo considered me as a "Vagrant-Single-Man," for she did not order the
Defendant to support my children during a Pre-Trial on March 29th, 2019. This
obviously makes absolute sense though, for she further made no court order for trial.
She didn't even follow the correct procedure of law by providing both Plaintiff and
Defendant with transcript for the purposes of potential appeal. What a criminal! She
and other judges are being investigated by Chief Justice, Lise Maisonneuve.

I filled 32 Complaints with the Law Society of Ontario (Upper Canada), College of
Nurses of Ontario, College of Psychologists, College of Surgeons and Physicians of
Ontario, Office of the Independent Police Review, Information and Privacy
Commissioner of Ontario, and the Child and Family Services Review Board (Tribunals
Ontario). I wrote them all myself. I also made a complaint to God - 33 in total. Plus,
7 police precincts are involved: Toronto, Durham Regional, Pembroke, Hull-SQ Div.,
OPP, RCMP, and the Ottawa Police. Your Chief of Justice has also received my
complaint. Please clean up your sexism.

Then in 2021, lawyer Judith Alison Campbell brought forth a Motion for Change. She
thought that I was going to sign Griffiths' and Grodzki's unconstitutional settlement
proposal. So, Judith Alison Campbell brought me in front of judge Summers in August
of 2021. Of course, judge Summers could not force me to relinquish my Fundamental
Human Right to Speech. She knew. Of course, she couldn't. It is illegal to do so,
unless I had been in prison. Not! This case, #12-2738-0001, is still on going, and
personally I welcome it all. There is not one judge in your country that can force me
to shut up. But, what appeared most interesting was that the unconstitutional
settlement offer did not include "Loss of Wages." This meant that my wife couldn't
even apply for Child Support according to the "Family Guide." Judge Summers knew
this as well, handcuffed due to your sexism against men and women. Joint-Parenting
is nil?


You cannot be sexist against one sex and not inadvertently be sexist against the other
sex. Period. Sexism kills people. Thank you for reading.

Are you all starting to see why I love freedom? Why would I give up my Freedom of
Speech when I have caught so many criminal, unprofessional people committing
offences: misleading of justice, negligence, failure to provide the necessities of life,
fraud, forgery, kidnapping, absconding of minors, and more importantly malfeasance?
There are many more, too. These past 10 years has become a dream come true. I have
written more than 300 pages concerning these crimes of people that are supposed to
uphold the law. It has now become a book. People's names are included and the
criminal code sections in relation to their activity as well, all for the common man or
woman to read and understand. It is now in foreign countries beyond your jurisdiction
awaiting my approval for publication. I am going to get my ISBN number for all to
read worldwide as to what unprofessional people do in Canada. The title is: "Welcome
to Canada, a perfect crime?" What a miracle! Thank you.

And in the end, just to make sure that no-one would ever think of coming forth with
an attack on my freedom - a victim's - I sued TD et al.'s associate - rendering any
unconstitutional settlement useless, but most of all, obsolete.

If I do not see anyone go to jail, am I to suppose that you wish for me to go to prison?

According to your own statistics, more than 87% of women are 'man-slaughtered' by
the people they have children. Were the past 10 years a perfect example of this statistic
in Canada? Do you need more children's unmarked graves such as at Kamloops,
British Columbia in order to understand that a "Child's Best Interest" is both father and
mother? Perhaps. Sexism kills, people. And I ain't the least shy to talk about it.
Nevertheless, I've seen people killed for less than what I have experienced. I,
personally, am promoting an awareness of my case, so that we all can be in a better
position of understanding why a man will kill in the first place - you et al.

As you have read, this current case before the Tribunal is warranted of a hearing. I
look forward to a Zoom-de-la-Zoom hearing as slated for October 23rd, 2022.

May peace be in your souls,

Paul-Robert Hipkiss
(Sent by Electronic Mail)

An expectation for justice at this juncture has become lessened, undoubtedly. But, I cannot
give up on hope. Perhaps someone else will read and think of my cries. I can only hope, for most
all else has been lost. I hope still.

I am now poised to have a Pre-Hearing in January of 2023 with the Ontario Tribunal and
Twinky Sukhija of the Child and Family Services Review Board. I want to figure out if Children's
Aide Society Worker, Laura Bowerman, had any authority of my 3 boys during the day of April
15th, 2013. I hope to discovery who was responsible for destroying Paul-Robert Hipkiss.
Abrupt Notes for Memory
Missing Keys for Detectors

Something was missing. But, I couldn't figure it out. I've written so much yet still,
something was missing. So, I went through my tote of legal papers and found lots of notes that I
had written during the years of 2015, 2016, and 2017. Then, I found calendars and other notes
from 2018 and 2019, plus some more in a special bag. My discovery had become a hunt for almost
anything that I had put pen to paper, so I decided afterward to copy and paste them all in one place,
here. The insight for me was that all of my notes were clear indications of how I was treated
discriminatively despite my continued stance against it all. Why? I probably will never know.

Interestingly though, I wrote many notes just to remember things that were happening
around and about me. I did the same with voice recordings and photographs. I forget like a sieve
due to all the mistreatment and injuries, so I had to find a way to remember it all. I guess that in
itself shocked me when I found them because I had an immediate funny feeling that it would shock
a lot of other people as well. Interesting how things come around in the end.

< < < WHY > > >

"Post Card" to my wife from Québec, Le Petit Champlain
July 13th, 2012:
Hi. How is it going? We're in Québec City. It's the best here. We'll see you at home.
T. Hi mum. How are you? We're in Québec City - almost home. See you soon, C. I
love you. We are almost there. Love. J. We tried to make it to Ottawa by the 12th,
but we encountered some engine difficulties. See you soon. Love Hipkiss
+Vikings in Newfoundland
e-mails: +Virve Georgeson +Danielle Dworsky (dani@dworskylaw.ca)
+Judith Alison Campbell
June 14th, 2013
July 5th, 2013
P.A.S. = Parental Alienation Syndrome
Warnings: - of psychological matters - of the seed of anti-establishment.
+ no support for a disabled father.
+ no accountability.
+ I could not make recommendations for course changes to the High School Guidance
Counselor like I used to do for hundreds of my international students - but not my own
...against 3 children!

Cst. Delia
Women Do Regret Abortion - Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Men Regret Lost Fatherhood
Nurse Marilynne Ross
I Love You
Xué Xí Shí
Zí Yóu
2017-2022: "Just a Story" is all I wanted.
Then, BANG! 2022 Witch Bang? The latter or the former? How 'bout the "All and
the End All!" Bang!
I don't know what to write nor how to write what needs to be written, let alone why
to write in the first place, or to whom I should write, for now I can hardly remember
where I am - never mind when on topic begins or ends. So, here is my story - just as
it comes to me without thought of topic or paragraph: My "ABI-1 Draft!" About me...
October 29th, 2014 - what a day it was!
~: 150 :~
I forget which day it is. I know that my "Sesqui-Day" is over... 2017! ...150...
It feels like Sunday. Everyday is a Friday, but it's never a Monday or even a
Wednesday - just another day! Why?
Purpose. Guide. Focus. But wait a minute. I've got this brain to think about.
What day is it again? I keep on thinking that it's a Sunday or something. Guess
who? Ghost" Yah, could be!
There I go with the Sundays. It's a "Loop de la Loop" for sure.
So then, how can I make any sense out of it? Part of me says that I must
organise - but, what? From beginning to start or end to finish? From idea to IKEA?
For some strange reason, I kept things like business cards - paper stuff - even
some scribbles. I don't know. Anything really as a remembrance of sorts that would
light a memory to be remembered of what happened to me.
I was a Zombie!
Now, where are they? Perhaps in the bag... It frightens me. I might find
something I don't want to find, or remember something I'd rather not. Oh, the tears
that await.
But first, I have to go to Shoppers - a drug thing. Wish I hadn't started smoking
again? Damn? Don't know. Inhaler et al.
Why does laughter throw me into an anxiety attack? How can something so
enjoyable be so violent? The attack! The shake! And the only way to stop it is by
terminating the laughter because it was the funny stuff that started the anxiety attack
in the first place. But if not, then the anxiety becomes the focus, which can only run
its course - breathing helps. Actually, it's the only exit strategy - just wish it was less.
In fact, gone all together. I don't know. And now, examine my "feminine donkey"
and how she may buck!
I am still trying. I don't know. Perplexing to say the least. New? Of course,
I go through it everyday. Maybe that's why, "I don't know." I must still try. Yet, I've
learnt. I've judged. I've assessed... me: what I have lost and how I must survive. Not
totally! One day at a time. So, I march on to try and tell you with words. This is
therapy: The Word. My diction - how much I have lost? Probably a lot. Articulation?
Reasoning? Logic? I only say this because every time I try to use a word or how to
use it, especially with one that I haven't used in a long time, I get these - ZAPS!
Yes, I'll try. Lest I forget. All these ASSESSMENTS!!! Don't they know? It
takes 5 to 10 minutes, 9 months, and 21 years to figure out a man - I know - I still have
not been able to understand him.
= "ment" is a suffix. It is about an action or a result of something. Another word
comes to mind like the word judgement.
= "ess" comes from French that depicts the feminine form of a noun, for example:
actress and seamstress.
= "ass" means DONKEY!
Thus, therefore, and in conclusion, the Psycho Departments as a result of my
pedestrian-vehicle crash wish to judge my feminine donkey!
I'm still trying. I don't know. Perplexing to say the least...
Gone with Julius Caesar and in with Augustus, the emperor!
Again, and again: Loop - Loop!
Now I forget. I thought I did. But maybe not. I know it sounds normal.
Everyday though? All the time? Too many to count. I'm not normal.
I guess I just have to move on.
I breath air.
I drink water.
Death is for the dying.
Life is for the living.
I am alive!
I find all these things. Paperwork. Files. Photographs. They actually teach me.
Who am I? Voila! Now I remember. Okay. Wow. That was cool. Oh, oh... They
shouldn't have done that... Why? What? When? Who? Where? How?
Avoid: Trying to go or do things that I used to do in the past just simply doesn't work
at times - many times - dizzy, confusion, pass-outs, bewilderment: equals WHO
KNOWS? Whatever it is, well, it merely makes me want to get sick in the end. So, I
try to remember to avoid. Next time around especially. What can I do? I don't know.
I hate, dislike them. I wish I would never experience them. But, I know I shall. So, I
try to avoid. I must some how move on. I must get back on the saddle again. I must
work at things that make me dizzy. Maybe, if I work at it enough, it might go away or
get better at least. Who knows? Medical practitioners don't really know. "Every
individual is different." they say. So, really how can I know, too? Just got to keep on
trying... This is my new journey. If I can breathe, then I must drink water.
Here comes the donkey's Ass-Ess!
Found Something: So many people over on the Day. The Sesqui-Day. Like a zoo,
visits Mr Gazoo. Yet, for me: OVERLOAD! I can't remember. It started after the
crash. Is it because of short vs. long? Short Term vs. Long Term Memory? Or,
Information Overload? Whatever the brand: the cause/effect - the conclusion is
CRASH/SLEEP. Oops. Here it comes again. Sorry. Trying to remember...
Bye for now.
"Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory Patient Form - Ready Score Answer
Document" Jennifer H. Marwiz, Ronald T. Seel, & Jeffery S. Kreutzer. (Pearson, 1999)
PsychCorp., Bloomington, MN, USA.
I had the windows open all day. And had Georgie outside on the balcony. Brought
him in. Realised that the heater was on for 3 days straight.
Look for résumé (CV) Show who I was. Bring my note book: Donkey Book, and
my Blue Book or Happy Book. Bring snacks, food, and water. (Avoid being "hangry.")
Have a good breakfast!
Enter into phone's calendar.
January 5, 2016: Home visit from O.T., Sherry Mosher-Taillefer, @ 11:30 - 13:30.
Transpo arranged with "Rapid City."
January 19, 2016: Neuropsychiatrist, Dr Mendis, @ 11:00 - 13:00
Acquired Brain Injury: "I.D." (Identification Card with Photo)
P-R Hipkiss - Oct. 29, 2014
E.g.: - Please have patience.
- Too much information at once overwhelms me.
- Sometimes I lose focus & get off track.
- I might forget, so please remind me.
- Reading and Spelling are hard.
- Please don't rush me.
- I get stuck: fear, confusion, and frustration.
- It passes. Please don't get frustrated.
(Possible Local Hospital Logo on Reverse Side for Authentication Purposes)
If you see me squint, close my eyes, or lose my balance, it means that I'm
overstimulated or overwhelmed, which all lead to overload. I'll be okay. It will pass
in a moment. Be patient with me. Thank you. Signed, Hipkiss
- Breakfast @ 8:00 AM
- Proper Diction - Research Ideas from
- iHipCal - Hospital
- Make reminder notes!
I've been trying to tell people that there is a need for personal ID Cards for Brain
Injury Victims. It's about education. People like me sometimes need help in the
community. The public is embarking on a new understanding of mental illness. Well,
they too. For ABI is somewhat a form of mental disfunction. An ID Card would help
both the public and the victim or others with some mental disability. Yet, where is the
trust? How does each party build the bridge? A professional card is needed. A card
of recognition from a hospital. Their logo attached, too. Some kind of legal ID, so
others upon demonstration may know that such a person with a hospital ID ought to
be treated with patience, a little differently perhaps.
"Water Plants & Feed Georgie"
Hipkiss To Do List:
Aug. 24, 2015
- Go to bank - Stubs from TD/Iraq - Ownership of Jeep: Who has it?
- Look for Letter from Community Housing/Rent
No-one knows.
Who are you? I don't know.
Negative Thoughts: Focus on music. Think about kids. Distract self. Go for a walk.
Make a plan to see a friend. Play guitar. Watch TV. Hang out with Georgie. Don't
look for trouble.
Canned Goods: Dairy: Frozen Meals:
baked beans ice cream fish fingers
peas milk sole
green beans cheese pizza
vegie chili yoghurt macaroni and cheese
soup Bread/Grains: Extras:
pineapple loaf nescafé
pears pita ginger ale
tomato juice shreddies ketchup
spaghetti sauce lentils mayonnaise
tuna chick peas butter
olives cake oil ~: 2016 :~
carrots pepper romaine onion cucumber tomato
banana grapes margarine strawberry orange apple
eggs pie cookies pudding tofu jam
peanuts chocolate honey peanut butter garlic salt

Physiology - May 1, 2015:

Daily Routine Includes...
1) Shoulder External Rotations with Plastic Band - Alternate Arm;
2) One Leg Standing Balance - Few Minutes -
Alternate Leg (in safe place);
3) Walk and Turn Head - Few Minutes.
Why so much Voltaren? Why so much pain? I'll try this, too. Lest I forget my
Cymbalta. Does an altered mind require mind alternating substances? How am I to
understand my disabilities or even my mind? Drug me... Drug me... Drug me... Who
am I? Yet, the pain is too much. Follow the line. Okay. Drug me, why don't you
please. Okay.
Lots of talk about the boys and sports. Basketball player's sudden death. Wow. Life
is short. Oh, my goodness.
"Muse 2" - Like headphones on CTV. Traditionally big. Good for anxiety. I have
lots of it. I wonder if TD Insurance will help?
"Just a Story"
2 Bookends 2
2012+13 to 2021+22
Eight to Ten
I phoned - times two: Alexis Plummer of the "Child and Review"
Child Processing Officer
Child and Family Services Review Board
Tribunals Ontario: Social Justice Division
Huang Eddy (Law Clerk/Officer?)
Judith Alison Campbell
Law Society Complaint Number: #2022-267954
CBC: ashley.burke@cbc.ca
OTTAWA POLICE FILES: #16-87668 #21-138040
info@ottawapolice.ca stokesc@ottawapolice.ca
#08-42357-0000 #12-2738-0001
#16-69137-0000 #22-00089308-0
...you're in a bag...
Re - Police Report Numbers: #13-217026 #13-94204
Understanding of Kidnapping: 1) Violence, duh!
2) Trickery!
3) Lure!
Absconding of a Minor: ~: 2013 :~
- No Temporary Custody Order prior to the KIDNAPPING on April 15th,2013.
- No Temp. Custody Order from Judge MacLeod.
- Nothing from the Court House's other Orders on January 16th, 2013 nor on March
8th, 2013.
- Nothing about violence from Children's Aide Society Worker's, Laura Bowerman,
letter dated February 11th, 2013.
- One Order was for passport releases which I followed.
- Another Order was for me to do my taxes despite the fact that I had earnt my income
overseas and was not legally bound to file with Revenue Canada, but Judge MacLeod
obviously did not read the tax law; nevertheless, I filed my taxes for the years that I
was in Saudi and Iraq - stupid me. Honesty does not pay when confronted with
unprofessionalism, especially a judiciary.
(A divorce according to law is between Spouse, not Parent & Child.)
TD Insurance is the University Course:
Party Bus = Fraud = 3rd Party = I, Not = ABI-1
Harassment = Negligence
I never really wanted to get involved with Automobile Insurance Court Claims. I had
a gut feeling that I was going to be dragged under a Party Bus for others to enjoy and
for me to battle for support. Because in 2015, I had asked Stephenson and Genest to
get me sponsorship to Audit a Carleton University course, so I could practise my
linguistic disabilities with likeminded people from where I had graduated as well - but,
NO! "I'm a Vagrant-Single-Man!" The boys were Co-Plaintiffs; like, how can you
have minors as Plaintiffs? Yet, I got sucked in believing that I could get better medical
help, so I signed on, but little did I know that they (TD et al.) would become the course.
Police Report Number: #18-16592
Ottawa Community Housing
Sébastien was the operator: JEEP Break-In.
Dr Kent, hey,
Dr Lara Kent -
I am Mr Hipkiss' Case Manager and am with him today at his appointment with
you. Please do not disclose the source who informed you of Mr Hipkiss' driver's
license/driver's concerns. This would significantly damage the Therapeutic
Relationship and Role with Mr Hipkiss. Thank you. Natalie Luimes, RN
August 12, 2016: Please mail me complete disclosure.
- Why was Thiele, Grodzki, and Luimes trying to take away my driver's license?
- Why? If they made me look more disabled, then there would be more money?
Red Light: #16-50230273
"Law Society of Upper Canada"
Danielle Bari Dworsky; #2022-268364; Sept. 13/22;
Brenda Hollingsworth; #2022-268202; Sept. 08/22;
Dawood Nasir (Counsel);
416-947-3300/4895; dnasir@lso.ca
John Sloan; #2022-268201; Sept. 08/22;
Dawood Nasir (Counsel)
??? (Society) #2021-254115; May 11, 2021;
Aldona-Marie Moncayo (Clerk); 416-947-3300/3426
Mikolaj Grodzki; #2022-266911; June 14/2022;
Renata Kis (Counsel); 416-947-3300/2037; rkis@lso.ca
Patricia Alexandra Lawson #2022-267428; Aug. 05/22;
Dawood Nasir (Counsel)
Charles Jacques Genest #2022-267430; Aug. 05/22;
Dawood Nasir (Counsel)
Joseph William Lyall Griffiths
#2022-267751; Aug. 19/22;
Kimberly Alexis (Clerk)
Judith Alison Campbell #2022-267954: Aug. 29/22;
Dawood Nasir (Counsel)
Michael Karl Edgar Thiele #2020-247228; Sept 29, 2022 (Nov. 11/2020);
Kimberly Alexis
Todd Joseph McCarthy #???
I sent an e-mail about the case on September 26, 2022.
Kevin Michael Temple #???
I sent an e-mail about the case on September 26, 2022.
Giovanna Toscano Roccamo #???
(613) 270-9000; info@the-carde.ca
<< WHY >>
- Why is it that, when my last batch of complaints to the Law Society of Ontario included Todd
McCarthy, Kevin Temple, and litigator Giovanna Toscano Roccamo - who used to be a judge -
the Society HALTED from giving me Complaint Numbers? Why?
- Why is it that, when I complain about Giovanna Toscano Roccamo everything all of a sudden
stopped with the Law Society? Why?
- Why is it that to this date, October 14th, 2022, I have not received Todd McCarthy's and Kevin
Temple's Complaint Numbers? Why?
- Why is it that this batch, unlike other batches of complaints, hits a WALL? Why?
- Why is it that I can get prompt Complaint Numbers for other lawyers but not for the batch that
included McCarthy, Temple, and Giovanna Toscano Roccamo.
She is a litigator/lawyer who used to be a Judge!
That's why, I wonder!
~ College of Nurses of Ontario ~
#About: NATALIE LUIMES, RN - Aug. 17/22
Stephanie Saraga
Investigator: Jordana Franklin
~ College of Surgeons and Physicians of Ontario ~
CAS-399982-C2W1K2, Aug. 17/22
Lisa Tucker (Investigator)
Tanya Tazbaz (Investigator)
416-967-2600; 516
#About: DR LARA COLETTE KENT (aka: Houlahan?)
I sent an e-mail as well about the College's
"Non-Responsiveness to my Complaint."
Received Confirmation Number on Nov. 16/22:
CAS-403525-X4N7C9 from Jessica U.
416-967-2600; 303 - 416-968-5409
~ College of Occupational Therapists ~
Complaint Number: #C22010 - Sept./22
Anne Dwytriw, Investigations & Resolutions Association
~ Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario ~
#About: UNA WALLACE, Master of Psychology
I was told by the Commissioner's Office to get my file from the Ottawa Hospital
whence I had already asked Una Wallace herself and denied, and told to seek her
notes from the Privacy Commission.
I cannot stand HYPOCRISY!

~ College of Psychologists ~
Annie Song (Investigator)
1-800-489-8388; 245
Hélène Théberge (Senior Administrator)
Annie Song (Investigator & Resolutions)
1-800-489-8388; 232
Hélène Théberge (Senior Administrator)
(Hull, Gatineau, Québec)
I sent an e-mail on 26-09-2022 about the delay of issuing a Complaint Number.
? -COM
Annie Song (Investigator & Resolutions)
1-800-489-8388; 232
Hélène Théberge (Senior Administrator)
Annie Song (Investigator & Resolutions)
1-800-489-8388; 232
Hélène Théberge (Senior Administrator)
Annie Song (Investigator & Resolutions)
1-800-489-8388; 232
Hélène Théberge (Senior Administrator)

~ Office of the Independent Police Review ~
#About: Sergeant Colin Stokes, Badge #5806
613-236-1222; 5806
Complaint Number: # 220014698
Review Director: OIPRDComplaints@ontario.ca
Police Officer: Trevor Watson
613-236-1222; 4539
Tax Court of Canada
Patrice Lavoie
(Why did Judge McCleod order me to file Income Tax forms for years that I was
working overseas for a School Year, making me no longer a resident of Ontario?)
(WHY? Patrice Lavoie left my questions unanswered.)
Not the Tax Courts issue, I.
Rehab. Brain Injury Unit Manager
Mrs. Patsy McNamara
613-737-8899; 72682
(Since 2015: How much money did it cost the taxpayer to have me at hospital for 3
months and as an outpatient for 1 year - x-Rays, CAT-Scans, therapists, janitors,
electricity, heat, nurses, and doctors? How much money? More than $400,000, I've
been hinted. No wonder the health care system in Canada appeared to be on some
verge of collapse - way before "My [Kh]orona" of 2019.)
#About - Giovanna Toscano Roccamo
#About - Adrianna Doyle
#About - Robert Beaudoin
#About - Heather J. Williams
#About - Darlene Summers
Lise Maisonneuve, Chief Justice of Ontario has my Complaint.
32 Complaints
+ 1 in Heaven
CTV dotcom@bellmedia.ca
CBC cbcnewsottawa@cbc.ca
CHCH tips@chch.com
580 CFRA news@cfra.com
Global News GlobalOttawa@globalnews.ca
Ontario Courts:
Ottawa Crown Attorney
Federal Crown
Attorney General
"Not I!" Judge.
Mesdames & Monsieurs
Je m'excuse, je ne sais pas
Quoi de dire, parce que
J' ai des difficultés avec
La memoire.
Toute ma vie a échanger.
Merci pour m' ecoutez.
Bonne journé
2022: Dr Jacinthe Lampron, MD
Surgent for HERNIA
- continue with chiro and pool, plus exercise.
- with continued effort, hernia may become manageable?
Sept. 15/22
- No Pain Equals No Gain
- Workout - Sauna - Pool - Gym
- Walk - Stop - Talk - Walk - Run
Minto Place
March 23rd: appointment w/ Dr Lampron @ 737 Parkdale on the 3rd Floor.
May 20th: McGinty & Lincoln
July 17th: Syrmo to Greece - NOT!
Hip-Surgery @ Civic Hospital + Bruyère Hospital since May.
Sept. 08/22: Queen DIED!
April 21/1926: Born...
Sept. 19/22: Queen's Burial, RIP
What a spring and summer, eh? What a year 2022 has been, eh? Wow, ...
Now my T.D. call!!!
Sept. 15, 2022; 11:41 via FONGO
Customer Relation at TD
Follow up - Conversation
902-455-7603 (left a message)
Sept. 19, 2022; 12:24 via FONGO
Same day as QEII's burial.
902-455-7603 (left a message)
Sept. 20, 2022; 14:00 via FONGO
I have not inputted this number into my account.
... need HELP???
Alexis Plummer, Case Processing Officer
Oct. 11, 2022:
Child, Youth, and Family Service Act, 2017
9:30 am ~ 5:00 pm
Video Conference via Zoom:
Children's Aide Society
Mark E. Hecht, Legal Counsel
Malcom MacFarlane (Officer Chair/Today)
- M.E. Hecht (Lawyer for Children's Aide)
- L. Bowerman (CAS Worker)
Possible Dates: Oct. 18th; 11-13/Tues.
Oct. 25th; Morn/Tues.
Nov. 4th; Morn/Fri.
To speak with Vice-Chair at one of these dates.
Possible Process: Mediation - NO!
Writ Hearing - Not Really Please!
Actual Hearing over Zoom - YES!!!
Mediation - NO!
Mediation - NO! They're unconstitutional!
- Mediation = NOT!
"Not, I!" I say.
What's there to mediate during Mediation? Here's a billion dollars, now shut
up about it! Okay! Mediation is nothing but a Hiding Contest for Crimes! Shut up!
Don't tell people that. Yah! They sure do want to protect their PRIVICY, let me tell
you. That's why lawyers prefer to mediate. Got a billion dollars? No! Then, I have
no reason to mediate. There's always a price for FREEDOM! Shut up?
Ombudsman's Office: Kevin Panton - Nov. 7/22
from 416-325-5669
416-586-3398 (Mobile)
Child & Youth Unit put me on hold... dumped me.
Twinky Sukhija, Case Processing Officer - tribunalsontario.ca
She denied me by attempting to connect with via Zoom at 10:00 am plus.
She never tried to communicate with at 9:20 according to schedule.
But, she did attempt at 10:00
What an unprofessional woman, eh?
Then, her excuse was that I wasn't on time: I waited!
Social Benefits Tribunal/Child & Family Services Review Board
Perhaps this is why men anger, or not?
To See:
Seeing Is Believing: oh, how sometimes this is true. Yet, people are seeing what? That
which they have read? Because I'm seeing double right now with a Toonie in my brain: Vertigo,
dizzy for the very first time - like a Vertigo! To see me get dizzy is one thing, and to see inside
my brain and how it struggles to organise its thoughts is a completely different matter, which
cannot be seen! No-one has seen the inside of my mind's mind - just hypothesis. What is there to
be seen when we are the beginning of understanding the mind? All I know is what I witnessed. I
saw a lot of doctors, lawyers, and judges that had no regard for the Victim, me. In the end, I
actually saw no-one lose their license to practise the same crimes committed against me, the Victim,
or others. Welcome.
"To See Is to Believe"
To Learn:
I have learnt to believe in a legal system that supports victims and their rehabilitation, NOT!
I have learnt to think that doctors place their patients' health before their own finances, NOT! I
have learnt to stand up against these ills within my community. YES! I am learning not to trust
"so-called" professionals. All is good, however, due to the reality that I am learning to learn a new
way of life. I had no choice but to learn a new way to walk, eat, and sleep! If I hadn't forced
myself to learn how to do things differently, which would have been helpful to begin with, then, I
would probably be worse off. So, now I have LEARNED to trust me, myself, and I!
"To Teach Is to Learn"
To Know:
Everyone knew right from the start. That's why it's called the "Prima Facie!" They knew
that I had Brain Injury. They knew I would not fare well as a result of the Car Crash. Not one
person did not know that I had children? Doctors and lawyers did not know of my condition and
situation? If they did not know, then, they were unprofessionally negligent, for they should have
known by obtaining my medical file from hospital (Prima Facie), of which only I have requested
from Hospital, and thus have. It was never known by professionals to have ordered my hospital
file? I believe that this in itself was well known, yet disregarded or discarded just to throw me
under a "Party Bus" of personal financial gain other than for the Victim, Paul-Robert Hipkiss, who
was a loving father of 3 boys and a professional English teacher. So, why wait 7 years? Peace.


Nano: 1 Second 1 Minute 1 Hour 1 Day 1 Week
1 Month 1 Season 1 Year 1 Decade 1 Century:
You'll be dead.
Full Stop.
Life Is Short!
Dr DaSilr[v]a... a hôpital!
- fracture of Right Zygoma
- amnesia
- Nov. 7th, 2014
- By car ~15 km/h ~ struck on Right Side Head + then landed on
- Belligerent + Confused at scene...
- Difficult Exam (Doctor): A) Shoulder
B) Spine
C) Collar
- Up to floor @ 20:15.
- Patient appeared to be nauseous.
- 10/10 pain.
- Dried BLOOD noted on Right Side of face & on pillow case.
- Pain. NURSE:
~ DAMN ~
- "Why do I hurt?"
- Reminded patient [the] reason for being admitted to hospital.
- Pain Medication.
- More LEAKING on PILLOW after gauze place on Right Ear.
- CB is within reach.
[La prima facie a hôpital.]
To Be:
I am ABI-1! I am a man with an altered mind and a dislocated body. I am Hipkiss. I was
a pedestrian hit by a car from behind whilst crossing a crosswalk at a "school-zone" by a reckless
driver that caused me bodily harm yet was never criminally arrested. I was Paul-Robert Hipkiss
before that moment, in and around 18:00 hundred hours, of October 29th, 2014. I must have been
a lovely father, as I have seen from countless pictures and videos that I had taken. It all had been
a fabulous experience, not only for me, but everyone. I must have been a funny yet dedicated
teacher as well. Anyhow, that's gone now. I hope I shall be an ABI-1 Man with a wand at the
ready to promote Public Awareness as to how Short Life Is. So, let it be and enjoy - that's what
I'll be! Hipkiss
I must be me...
To Have:
I am having a hard time remembering things on a drop of a dime - working memory, a form
of dementia. I'm constantly having difficulties even walking a complete block without pain along
my spine - scoliosis times two. I'm sick and tired of having to argue to lawyers about their fiduciary,
legal duties to take care of me, the Victim. I had a lovely life, but one man changed that, yet
lawyers & judges destroyed it. I had a car, land, children, and a life. I had it all stolen from me.
I'll never get it back. Now, I have to fight lawyers for my FREEDOM, not my care as it should
have been. I have no money - just O.D.S.P., no back, no mind, no nothing! Yet, I stand for the
sake of others. That is all that is left to me, righteousness for all is what HAS been given.
To Witness:
I am by far the greatest, most "prime-star-witness" the legal judiciary of Canada has ever
seen throughout its history to this date. Period. The other important witness, who was the reckless
driver, is DEAD and not from the Car Crash - unrelated cause way after October 29th, 2014. His
name was Gaetan Comeau. Another distant witness was a "passer-by," in a vehicle however, to
which I was never privy to knowing his name or ever invited to a Hearing or Discovery that had
been held. In fact, even though I never witnessed anything, nor do I remember that "nano-second,"
I have the best knowledge of the entire matter. He who saw the most was witnessed by Comeau.
I witnessed nothing from BEHIND, and so now, I shall never know what really happened!
The Lawyers Were Too Late!
To Study:
Why is it that I was the only one with La Prima Facie? I had no choice. No-one would tell
me what was wrong with me. I saw Dr Marshall, Dr Kent, and other, and no-one told me "Hey,
Mr Hipkiss, you need to posture better - a little straighter. There you go." Because no-one read
go to the emergency at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa to get several x-Rays to further understand my
"scoliosis x2," and that was almost a year after I saw Dr Sujay Vinod Patel for an assessment that
should have diagnosed my scoliosis, as well as the other doctors - NOT, I! Why did I have to
study my medical issues? Because doctors [MDs] did not have La Prima Facie a Hôpital. I had
to study to be the doctor of my own body.
To Speak:
I had spoken to hundreds of "so-called" professionals about my children. No-one had
spoken on my behalf about the sexist treatment I was under by TD Insurance et al. concerning
support for my children while with me. I had spoken clearly about getting help, a bigger apartment,
more food, and so on. Nothing! Now, I speak about my loss - our loss - to those who will listen,
of course. I speak of truth, for I cannot remember a lie. I do not have the mental capacity for that,
one of the beauties of Acquired Brain Injury. I speak these days of ideals such as this. I know that
I'll probably, always be speaking about FREEDOM, speaking about HUMAN RIGHTS, or
whatever, but I hope to be speaking about Brain Injury Awareness within my community.
Ping-Pong: "Speak & Listen"
- No wonder I used to just print my name: Hipkiss.
- My signature is too difficult for my new brain.
[P + al + - + R + rt + H + ip + k + ss + . + . + G + .]
- Full Stops = 13... Wow!
Is it what people copied and pasted, or what?
Is this way out of this world, or what?
Why? Oct. 1st, 2022
Patsy McNamara (2015)
Manager, Acquired Brain Injury Care System
505 Smyth Rd., Ottawa ON K1H 8M2 - 613.737.8899; 72682 -
I used to see Patsy McNamara when I was at hospital just before I left, and as an
outpatient. I demanded that she tell me how much it cost taxpayers. TAX PAYER:
Patrice Lavoie, Registered Officer (2016)
Tax Court of Canada, 200 Kent St., 4th Floor, Ottawa ON K1A 0M1
613.922.5901 - 1.800.927.5499 - 613.943.8949
I saw Patrice LaVoie for help! Revenue Canada thinks I owe them in the
thousands. Judge McCleod ordered me to file when I was in Saudi & Iraq. No, I
didn't. Sorry. But, Patrice couldn't help me in the end - not even a law suit or for my
income taxes. I stopped filing income tax until 2021 for 2022 GST Rebate.
- July 25, 2016:
Una & Eric, my physio, speak...
Priority: Dr Mendis appointment - neuropsych for Aug. 30. I don't need it. Don't
want it.
August 30, 2016; 10:30
- Dr Mendis
neuropsychological assessment
1929 Russell Road, Suite 226, Ottawa
- Una will meet me and be with me.
LIFESKILLS: "Cancelled" - Help - Healthy - Eat - No Psychos
<< WHY >>
^.^ Why will lawyers only debate private finances yet not public funds owed to
the Ministry of Health for my 3 months + stay @ hospital?
^.^ Why am I the only one standing up for the Queen's Privy Purse?
^.^ Why, yet is it I alone, that defends TD Insurance's finances due to Fraud
Examples within the BURN FACTOR?
Follow the Money
"Hand Activities"
Right Side: - hanging clothes on hangers
- reaching for coffee cups
- washing body in shower
- picking things up
- watering plants
Cymbalta, Gabapentin, Symbicort, Trazodone, Senna, Colace
Oct. 1 2015: "Rehab Note"
Help establish a routine
Create a calendar
Help improve mood: Epival Sexy Lady!
Meet Dr Joncas + Una on Oct. 5 @ 10:00
April 7th, 2015:
"Activities That Make Symptoms Worse"
- Sudden movement - quick thinking - long duration
- Too many things (dogs & people)
- 1 Activity per day if very visual or very physical
- Too much visual input - Max 2 Activities per day - bus rides
- OT: Take in preferred seating - PHOTO
- OC Transpo; next session...
Grammar Carleton U Ask/Tell Shelly
Acquisition "Vagrant-Single-Man"
Oct. 28/15:
Una stopped by @ 10:45 to "fill out papers."
I missed her by running away from her.
I didn't know if she wanted me in hospital.
Calendar from Hospital
Physio Group, Occupational Therapy (Wait in Room)
Back of my head to the wall (Friday, Dec. 5th, 2014)
Shoulder & Lumber
Dec. 8th: TINNITUS - Hummingbird, not music.
Bathing Suit Social: Leave it alone for awhile. Short Term/Long Term
Front Chest Pain Brain Train/Psycho?
Dec. 10th: SPEECH with Sharon Liska
"Function Ability"
Daniela Fisher, 613.688.9922
Tylenol: Too many calls... + assment + hara + ess
= feministic harassment for the donkey's ass
Friday, Dec. 12th, 2014:
- about problems with LANGUAGE
- Frontal Right: x-Ray "Toonie in My Brain" with NOISE
- Short Term: - hardest to remember - repetition -
- prospective memory - Audit Carleton "U"
Thank you, Jon Laplante. + Noel, Kim, & Claire
Dec. 26th:
Memory Group
Make Pizza in the kitchen with Lucie.
Ben Franklin Place for Dec. 31; take pills...
Jan. 2nd, 2015:
First 1st Time @ Apartment
Watch TV
Jan. 4th, 2015: HOSPITAL
Jan. 6th, 2015 - Tuesday: - Physio - OT - Kitchen
- Recreation Group - PSYCH with Claire
Jan. 8th: KNITTING with Ann.
sacata palousa
John Brooks, MD - Thanks for the tips.
Thank You: Rowland Liska Heard Nicol Shelly Milica Laftovic McNamara
McCormick Marilyn Church Katie Kirwood Margaret-Ann Cindy Deslauries Joan
Keith Klamn Dole
M.V.A.R.: 2014-286437
Comeau, Gaetan J., 35 Shandon Ave., Ottawa, BARF!
Comeau, Marc (brother & Co-Insurer)
Merz 2008: 220 Carry
Delia, Jennifer #1507: Police Report.
OC Transpo Travel Training: Jan-Dec/2015
@12:30; Feb. 20th, 2015: Lawyer, Charles Genest
Hanna London
Stephenson: I need swim stuff!
Jan. 16th: Changed appointment with Thérèse - POOL
Ass the - ment:
437 Gilmour the Street: 09:00 - PSYCHO NOT, I!!!
Colonoscopy, not for me.
Ottawa-Carleton Hospital didn't even have records that I had Brain Injury.
So much for communication skills within the health care system.
I freaked out at them for not knowing.
The appointment was cancelled in the end.
Angella Thompson-Mark: 613.560.0621
March 22nd, 2015: + Dr Lee
July 14th, 2015: Dentist at 10:30
Insurance License: 7M7560780A
240 Catherine/4th Floor
The dentists, lawyers, and insurers couldn't agree on how much it would cost to have
my mouth reconstructed and fixed, so everyone abandoned me and never bothered
helping even later let alone then.
"ψυχο" = soul
"λογο" = word
"WORD of the SOUL"
"ψυχο" is where the English word "psycho" comes.
So, how can anyone examine or assess my soul except God? Not one man or woman
"Function Ability" Amos
Stephanie Driver John 613.866.5015 Lisa Caldwell 613.599.8906
HOME INSTEAD Judy Daniels.
Jan 20th: FINALLY - clean, grocery, help... tata.
March 27th, 2016:
Jennifer Delia, Const.: #1507
(Thanks a lot, Genest, for not making the appointment.)
613.236.1222; 8281
M.O.T.: I have a Jeep?
Ricardo's Pizza 235.5555 on March 31, 2016.
Una will call Dr Lelli, a Neuro-ophthalmologist on Aug. 26, 2016.
Demand that lawyer Charles Genest increase Non-Earner Benefit because of many
Distributel: #1539795 - Internet
Robert Watson: robbdoo@gmail.com
Michael Thiele, 310 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Ontario; 613.482.8661
Rehab Centre
Dave Smith
Carleton Place
Jack Purcell Swimming Pool
Kathy Riley OC Transpo/Bus Pass - 613.842.3636; 2873
May 24/16: Family Doctor - Possibly Dr Whitehead (Where is she?)
J.M.B.: How many rides? Now!
Centretown Community Centre
Smoking Sensation
Lawyers NEXT VISIT UNA: Meals on Wheels vs. Groceries
May 30/16: Monthly expenses? June 1st: Bronson Centre
Grocery Store: - Strawberries - Bread - Hot Chocolate
Kayla Smith, TD Canada Trust: 180 Kent St., Ottawa
Lou FAST Food
Montréal: Centre-Ville Hôtel Europa - We tried.
My Queen
21.04.1926 - 08.09.2022
I wrote to Her Majesty on August 19, 2022 - 3 Weeks Prior to her passing. Miracles
do happen. She was a beacon for many and me. Rest in Peace.
Who would've thought? We all knew, but still - my goodness...
All I knew was that I thought of nice things to say after
finishing so many angry complaints; things like Peace,
Thank You, or Welcome. Then, of course, why not
thank the Queen for the inspiration to begin with - so,
I did. Little did I know that it would be approximately
three weeks before "Her Majesty's Passing" into the
after world. Nevertheless, I shall miss Her. Yet, once
again I am thankful to Her Majesty for giving me the
will to promote Fundamental Human Rights. Tata!
As ABI-1, I hope I'll never forget that day in 1982, a
day to remember.
Thank you, My Queen
August 19th, 2022: Why not Freedom of Speech?
... and country!
I hope I measure up to half of what I used to be.
FREEDOM: men/women
Otherwise, what I am is what I ought to be: ABI-1! I know that I am forgetful. I
suppose I am slow; if I remember. But, I'm not stupid. I'm foolish. I'm giddy. I am
"The New Me!" Whoever I was, I hope to preserve his honour, dignity, and fervour
for FREEDOM OF SPEECH. It's worth it! Hipkiss. Peace.

October 29th, 2014: My life completely changed. Good night.


Hipkissology (I can do it!)

Oct 29/14 - Report (No Name Given)
- I saw a pedestrian.
- Grey Mercedes signalled left/turn.
- I moved to right to go around him.
- He turned as pedestrian was in the middle of intersection walking towards
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8:30 - 10:30
11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00
Gym Gym Gym
13:00 - 13:30 13:00 - 13:30 13:00 - 13:30
Chiro Physio Chiro
13:30 - 14:00 13:30 - 14:00
Masseur Masseur
15:00 - 17:00
WARN ... the Advisor

No-one saw the warning signs. Everyone went about their own way, taking cues from
colleagues about how to practise law rather than reading the law itself. I had been warning
Campbell, Dworsky, and Bowerman that "you cannot disassociate a loving father from a child." I
warned Griffiths, Thiele, and Grodzki about my FREDOM OF SPEECH & FATHERHOOD - and
all that both entailed concerning my Health, my Rehabilitation, and my Trial - MY CHILDREN!
I warned everyone that "it's illegal to not take care of a Victim." I warned Genest, Lawson, and
Hollingsworth et al., directly in person or not, that they had to take care of my boys. Everyone
treated me as a Single-Vagrant-Man, and as a result, not only a Victim suffered, but 3 children in
the community of Ottawa as well. And no-one in jail for the crimes they committed though. Thus,
there is no such thing in Canada as "Equal Opportunity to Justice." That is a true fallacy. Because,
if I were a woman and treated this way in the courts and by insurers like I had been as a man for
the past decade, there'd be hell to pay. People would be in jail. People would lose their license.
But, no. I am not a woman. I am a man. And, I was treated discriminatively by lawyers and
judges because I was a man. Nice, eh? Welcome to Canada. Hence, what does a man do? Take
Flight or Fight! Kill or Die! Vanquish! It's all alarming when thinking of the best interest of a
child, Bowerman - criminal.
<< WHY >>
- Why is it that a man takes his 3 lovely children 1,000 km to see the Vikings in Newfoundland?
- Why does a man take 3 young boys to see the birthplace of the Dominion of Canada?
- Why must a man show the Fort of Louisburg to young aspiring men themselves?
- Why would a man take the ones he loves down the Pitts of Sydney, other than to illustrate that
money comes from the brow?
- Why does a man wish to share with his boys the Lady of the Mist?
- Why is a man one, who wishes to teach his young the correct path at Bon Echo?
- Why does a man wish to teach his boys that it's okay to lose, and it's okay to win?
- Why did I always have to prove that I loved my boys?
- Why?
I was not allowed to attend the hearing.
I was not allowed to present questions to the witness.
Even through Charles Genest or Brenda Hollingsworth.
<< WHY >>
- Why is it that I always have to get my files?
- Why is it that I have to go to the basement?
- Why is it that I am the only one with my files?
- Why do I always have to tell people what happened?
- Why is it that I do not know everything about Oct. 29/14?
- Why is it that I got hit by a car?
- Why is it that I am a Victim?


Oct. 29/14 Police Notes:

18:45 - McPhee, Tyler
"head injury"
"Does not know why he's @ hospital."
- Abscess on Right Cheek
- Abrasion on Head
- Care of Dr Young
18:51 - Delia, Jen
- Earl Mulligan/Long Gate
- Driver: Gaetan J. E. Comeau
- C 6335-27154-10114
- 35 Shandon Ave., Ottawa, ON K2J 4E3
- "front passenger side"
- "bumper"
- "walking west"
- Ped.: Paul-Robert Hipkiss
23 Plunkett Court., Nepean.
<< WHY >>
- Why didn't Shelly Stephenson demand that my teeth get fixed when she knew it was Crash related
because she wrote about her conversation with dentist Dr Lee? Why not insist on my behalf? Why?
- Why doesn't anyone understand the link that DENTAL has to NUTRITION? Why?
- Why was it only Speech Pathologist, Debbie Lessard, that knew the importance of Carleton U
Audits & and iPad of sorts for my cognitive rehabilitation? Why?
- Why did I have to go to so many places, uptown and son on when chiros, physios, and a gym are
right next to my residency - two blocks away? Why?
- Why doesn't anyone understand that I have scoliosis x2, lower & upper spine? Why?
- Why am I the last to know? Why?
- Why has my life completely changed?
- Why?
+ Rehab records:
+ Rehab Med. Rec.
+ Rehab Centre - upstairs
+ Images
+ Film Library
+ Basement
I can't write. I try. I try. I try.
CBC Hotline: 613.288.6000 - Ashley Burks
OTTAWA TAX SERVICES/Sept. 20th, 2018
333 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L9
875 Heron Road, Ottawa (What? Way up town? Not for my disabilities...)
- Laurier Avenue, which was the only closest one to my residence, wouldn't even open
the door and help me with my Tax Disability Forms, or any kind of Relief Form for
the illegal order for me to file from Judge McCleod. Nothing. An Intercom spoke and
told me to call. Who? Wasn't I already calling from outside Laurier Avenue's Office.
Wow. Nothing like a good old welcome, eh?
- No wonder, I gave up on the taxman. On the one hand, I fought TD Insurance et al.
to pay back the taxman for all that was spent on me at hospital, and now, on the other
hand, I find myself not even getting any help from the very taxman that I had attempted
to protect. Hypocrisy.
How much money for a massage and/or physio per session/hour?
How much more Pain?
Massage 30 min. = $64.41
Physio 30 min. = $80.00
Chiro: - consultant fee = $90.00
- 15 min. = $44.00 Senior Fee
How much money for DENTAL?
How much more Pain?
How much for Molly Maid?
Laundry? $105.00/hr.
How much money did it cost a judge for all the x-Rays, Cat-Scans, and EEGs
+ Nurses & Therapist?
How much money does a judge have to pay?
- Through his or her taxes for a victim's total medical bill
- Charged to O.H.I.P. and not TD-.-H.I.P.???
How much money will it take now for me to survive without Food Banks, yet
How much money for Gym & Practice, plus Pool?
How much money for Hummingbird Studios?
How much money to get to Tuktoyaktuk, N.-W. T.? Who drives?
Mon. Aug./2019 - Grodzki: "Life Story"

<< WHY >>
Why am I crazy?
Why am I stupid?
Why am I a defender?
Why do I protect the taxpayer?
Why do I want the hospital paid back?
Why do I halt insurance gougers?
Why am I a hater of the "BURN FACTOR?"
Why am I appalled at 3rd Party Fraud?
Why am I naïve?
Who do I detest deceivers & liars?
Why do I despise Misleaders of Justice?
Why do I not see anyone go to prison?
Why am I a witness?
Why am I not called to testify?
Why am I harassed this way?
Why do I have to Shut Up?
Why do I not get anymore help?
Why does this count as EXTORTION?
Why is it that I'm labelled "unco-operative?"
Why is it that my Freedom of Speech is always attacked?
Why is a lawyer's freedom not attacked?
Why do I have to stand up alone?
Why do I always have to hold the torch?
Why do I feel as if I carry the burden?
I was, yet now I honour HIM - Paul-Robert.
To Sing:
I used to love singing with people. Singing was in the family. If we weren't singing or
playing a musical instrument, then we were at school or playing outside. I sang at Children's
Choirs. I sang at school events. I sang with students. I have sung with seniors and children, and,
and, and. I guess I used to love music. If it could be sung, then I'd take a stab at it. I sang once in
a band "Flower Power" in Athens, Greece. I also had the privileged and sang with Rico. We sung
one of Craig Ave.'s "Me & Ellen" with Buccione, too. What a great time. But now, I find it hard
to sing because of my "working memory" & lyrics. So, I only focus on "My Own 9 Ballads." I
asked TD et al.'s lawyers for help at Hummingbird Studios in Nepean, Ottawa, but TD et al.
obviously would deny any rehabilitation to a Vagrant-Single-Man. I chose Hummingbird Studio
because my children were students there, too. But, nothing happened. I'll never buy insurance in
Canada, especially from TD et al...
"Goodbye Yellow School-Zone"
To Write:
I hope I never forget what triggered me to go back to hospital. Initially, I left hospital after
2 weeks in order to fulfill a promise of a "sleep-over" with the boys. I managed with my little one
at the time - torn, battered, ripped, lost, mistaken, and banged up galore - to have our "sleep-over."
And then, while together at the apartment, my son asks me to help him with his homework. Yah!
I used to do it all the time - well, that's what teachers usually do to their children, I think.
Nevertheless, it was "then & there" that I realised - "I CAN'T SPELL!" Since then, I began my
journey of RE-LEARNING to write. I began with notes, after small sentences, my "Voice-to-
Text," and finally this & my book - hopefully. But that moment - our first "sleep-over" - changed
my direction for Rehabilitation! I had asked TD et al. if they could sponsor me to take some
AUDIT courses at Carleton University where I had graduated, not for credit - just to practise
linguistics & short-writing again. Yet, nothing but negligence! At least we had our "sleep-over!"
α- ω
To Walk:
After many "sleep-overs" with the boys, I realised that I wasn't getting any support for them
to be with me, let alone treatment & rehabilitation for myself, so I decided to walk. The "Oxygen
Chamber" helped with my ligaments and muscles, but it wasn't until my "Anxiety Bridge" that I
began to walk more in earnest with the desire to get better by way of merely walking, for I did not
want to JUMP of the "Anxiety Bridge" that frightened me to cross with vigour. Little did I know
however, I was walking disabled because MDs couldn't tell me that I had scoliosis. I had to find
out myself by studying my very own injuries. Thank you, Dr Marshall. I shan't forget to thank
Dr Kent as well - thank you for your malpractice. Oh, how Dr Patel learns well from other doctors.
And now, I walk with extreme pain!!! Thanks for the plasticity doctors and lawyers.
What separates human kind from the "Animal Kingdom" is not the thumb or the tongue,
albethey instrumental in human evolution, rather it is the fact that throughout history, human
beings have taken care of their most weak, disabled, or injured. Imagine being a brown bear with
a broken hip. The wolves will eat you alive. Imagine being an eagle with a broken wing. The fox
will have you for supper. Dare I say more.
Sometimes, the care is not what we all had hoped. My children were vulnerable and under
age, so where was lawyer Kevin Temple? Why did lawyer Patricia Lawson not come to my
children's aide? NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING!
This is not the difference that separates the "Animal Kingdom" from "Human Civilisation"
- anything less is uncivilised or criminal. I am a man who is now further disabled through
negligence. My children & I have been traumatised for 9 years due to "No Support!" I have been
stalked by lawyer Joseph Griffiths and photographed. To witness what? My disability! I still do
not have my missing 9+ teeth - 5 directly and maybe 4 by way of shrapnel from the Car Crash.
My spine is a mess due to the bumper hitting my right hip (lower lumber's scoliosis), and then after
flight, when landing on the ground, my shoulder blade dislocated my Thoracic Vertebrae - upon
collapse: "Now kiss the pavement." someone said. (upper scoliosis) Oh, my brain, too.
Thus far, from & 'til now, these have been examples of those who support TD Insurance's
criminal negligence - their history, and not to mention Security National Insurance, or Meloche
Monnex as well. Proof that, TD et al. are part of the "Animal Kingdom" and not "Civilisation," a
criminal like a fox.
Everyday is a Sunday. I struggle just getting out of bed. I must stretch and exercise in the
fight with PLASTICITY! Then, I can have a coffee. Once I feel like passing stool, I must think
about being careful. First of all, I must hold my hernia as developed from my lumbar scoliosis
due to the Car Crash, so that I have less pain when passing. Actually, what happens is that my
stool can many times get stuck in my intestine where the hernia exists. This gets complicated, and
as a consequence, I must proceed carefully. Lastly, I must further control the excretion, so that I
do not experience greater migraine ZAPS! They really hurt. Trust me. A little wash up - comb
to canine - and I'm off to start my day. A minute can turn into hours. Good morning.
After some morning wheat and milk, I get ready for my gym and pool workout at Minto
Pool & Fitness Centre, which in itself always turns out to be a difficult venture just 2 Blocks away.
Now-a-Days, I cannot walk a block without a re-adjustment of my spine, but I make it somehow
to the pool & hot tube, my favourite. There, I usually spend an hour and a half to two hours, plus
about an hour to get ready and shower afterward. Sometimes, I'll walk an extra 2 Blocks to get
some milk, bread, and honey. By this time, I'm bushwhacked for the entire day. I head back to
the apartment. I always have to rest and lie down to completely re-adjust as properly as I can.
Crash, lights out! Nappy! Good afternoon.
Once I wake up, I have to struggle just to get out of bed - same routine. Yet really, by this
time, it's almost 15:00 or 16:00, way in the afternoon. I end up carefully cooking up some supper
due to tummy issues. Hunger. I usually will read something that I'll not remember, but just to
practise. I'll watch some news or a comedy programme - The Price Is Right! By 21:00, I've had
enough for one day and get ready for my night's bed. Good night.
I do this absolutely almost, usually every day except on the SABBATH, whence I do
~ your winged buraq shall be at your beckon ~
Where is your Crystal Ball, Giovanna? Or, perhaps we ought to wait for "when the hurly-
burly's done"? Let's dance to Zorba instead, "Opa!"
La Prima Facie quô? The Crystal Ball, it ought to have been" @ Hopîtal - that's how the
FUTURE could have been determined! Burn-Factor? Fraud! My future was always established
on the "Day in Question" and the immediate year thereafter - but, no - drag a Victim under...
Even though I shall not know what will be for breakfast tomorrow, Judge Calum MacLeod
will have to read more Tax Law, for he is indeed inept when ordering a person who doesn't work
in Canada to pay income taxes in Canada. Read law MacLeod!
I hope Bowerman will lose her license to practise the absconding of children for misleading
purposes, and Judith Campbell to be "disbarred" - this I hope the future will bring.
But, who am I to hope? I'm having a hard time tying my shoes. I'm just a Vagrant-Single-
Man. That's what King Duncan had prophesised, perhaps not? No! That's what everyone told me
anyhow, so that's what I must be: a Vagrant-Single-Man.
Naïve, I hope I shan't be; I don't expect to see someone go to prison for the destruction of
my life. If judges truthfully followed the law, many lawyers, litigators, doctors, and judges would
be faced with jail sentences for serious indictable offences that were committed against me in
Canada, and that would mean "death" for some of them because many people who may already be
in prison are there because of others like them. So, in fact, this discrimination and lack of equal
opportunity to justice is the very proof that there is no such thing in Canada as what is
hypocritically purported. The justice system in Canada is an elitist, protectionist debacle of the
Rule of Law. No wonder Canadians call it: "Kangaroo Court." Everybody is bouncing from one
idea to another about how to practise of law. Yet, all they have to do is READ the word.
Understand it, and not the stupidity of a colleague - just the word itself. Go figure, eh? Justice is
for all and must be applied to all equally. If judges and lawyers break the law, they must go to
prison like the common folk may have to do. Equal Opportunity to Justice does not exist in Canada!
Period. More Homolkas, Truckers, and Michaels will emerge. I forgot to mention canoeists like
Trudeau. Wake up please. Thank you.
But, what I can hope for is to finish and publish my book: "Welcome to Canada - a perfect
crime?" Then, maybe with some luck, I can finish recording my 9 Ballads as I had once intended,
of course a little different, nevertheless completed. "To Write & to Sing" is what I hope to put to
bed. Maybe these two will be the foundation of my attempt at becoming an Honourable Guest
Speaker at universities and colleges. I had told many people what I had hoped to be as ABI-1. I
To Love:
"The one that loves to love the one that loves love is in love." Lonely Rocker. Oh, how
true! Yet, with brain injury, one gets to understand a unique love. Yes, there are familial love and
platonic love. Who can't forget erotic love? But, having an altered mind gives one a different
perspective. With my new mind, I also appreciate deeply the "LOVE OF INNOCENTS." I really
love a lot of people whom I do not know, but I love them. They are not family. They are not
friends. They are merely people that I meet usually on a daily or weekly basis. I don't know their
phone numbers either. Yet, I can't wait to see them again. I actually long to be with them. It
appears bizarre, this I gather, but I love listening to their stories and watching them laugh. Oh,
how the sight of glee becomes so dear. I just love a lot of people that I know I'll never know.
Sweet, eh? I love you!
...rest in peace...
CBC General Hotline for Ashley Burke, Senior Reporter.
She contacted me about Trood missing.
They found his body down the Ottawa River - Petrie Island.
My roommate for about 1 month @ the Rehabilitation Centre of the Ottawa Hospital,
General @ the Brain Injury Unit. He always asked me things about Iraq. He was
interesting. He loved his technical art, and they were spectacular from my vantage.
He looked forward to work.
37 Years Old
I used to tell people at the Brain Injury Associations that they would find his body
down the river and they did. Why is that?
Missing: March 2/16
Found: May 9/19
Thank you, Mawt: if you don't believe me, Mawt Trood is a perfect example of how
defunct psychos really are!
<< Psychology's & Psychiatry's >>
Primary Objective:
a) Is the patient a threat to the community?
b) Is the patient a threat to himself or herself?
Do you?
We can transplant a kidney, a heart, a liver, a lung, and even a finger. We can put a
man on the "Time" magazine and cut off his testicles - then, call him "Woman of the
The brain is the medical field's last frontier; therefore, most experiences for a
patient are experimental at best until a full understanding of the brain has been
achieved. 21st Century medical achievements have not reached that objective of
cognition; thus, patients become guinea pigs in essence. Never trust a psychologist or
psychiatrist is my humble advice.
You I fear, my pure dove. With olive branch, I see you come from afar - perhaps as a whip
to exert control over my Arm, so that your talons will bear I the pain to surrender as Victim, your
prey. Yet, a plumage of white finery, mere feathers for flight & strike, camouflaged in whitens of
purity! Beware, I shall. Once the discovery to my eyes becomes clear; on guard is now my
attention to defend my soul, the clarity to your weakness revealed, all of your devoured, mine life
everything to gain. I unveil my shield of honour to subdue you, my predator of constraining
intention - yours to conquer and swallow - mine for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!
Thus, I be sure. I shall be positive that you are an honourable, true "Dove of Peace?" Termination,
otherwise. Off...
05:55 Hundred Hours - the Crack of Dawn! That's hopefully where you'll find me - up and
'em, uhm! No alarm, to set I, merely a sun riser in my blood; whence the rooster crows, my day
shall begin in earnest. But, first, aye, I must get out of bed - never mind my chamber to the loo.
Stretch and re-adjust the sleepy, seized joints and limbs - crack and relocate. Well, I shan't
complain to my grandfather, for he too will not listen. After all, I do breathe air, therefore, I must
get moving, so that I can drink water. And the rest, well, hopefully I'll manage. But, first a Turkish
liquid morning delight, sweetened to the liking, then a prayer to the Heavens Above for a well
deserving day. Lest I never, I shan't, forget to make my bed. I might need it again. That's if I do
not get hit by a car again while crossing a crosswalk. Although I do live one block away from
Centennial Elementary. Oh, oh, I best look behind myself. I must look above, too.
Will the grass be taller tomorrow, or perhaps I should not worry and merely "Enjoy the
Sunset" that is before my eyes for a splendidly beautiful view? Take it all in! Be grateful for an
experience of a lifetime, and how it in itself taught me the professionalism that is lacking amongst
hospital staff - doctors et al. - and the judiciary, both of my own birth place. How lawyers practise
not the law yet sole proprietorship: business men and women, not lawyers. I must be grateful for
their unprofessional teaching because now I can expose their offenses once the sun finishes setting.
Oh, what a beautiful sight indeed. The bright colours and light that illuminates all.
Maybe an appearance of loss may surface when all is gone, yet not in reality, for life still
exists; hence, the loss of life must be the last to be feared. Yet, death itself must never be feared.
All human beings must pass from a coil to remain hither; thereafter, we thither go to the unknown
in most likelihood - dust to dust! Consequently, what is there to fear? What? Fear itself, whatever
physical attribute, just fear itself? Never fear! Understand that which is feared. By grasping fright,
one enables knowledge to flourish in bettering the sense to quash the fear itself - a master and an
emperor - sovereign to protect the current mortal coil in whatever form that pleases the spirits, for
the en has not arrived, not as of yet. So thus, I shall move forward in life without fear for whatever
may come my way, for I shall be victorious in understanding how to defeat FEAR!
"Life Is Short!" Trust me... From a group of thugs who want your wallet at gun point
while in a huge crowd at the Tower of Pisa, Italy to hearing the whistles of bullets all the while in
an armoured convoy during Operation New Dawn, Iraq: "Life Is Short!" Trust me... From being
stabbed in the back by highway men in and around Chartes, France just to protect your fiancée
from being raped to experiencing a colleague murdered at Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia only because he
wanted to sunbathe: "Life Is Short!" Then, matters somehow worsen, while crossing a crosswalk
at a school-zone, a life changed in a nano-second, altered forever - physically, mentally, and
spiritually: "Life Is Short!" Trust me... All because of life's own recklessness, negligence, and
violence? No. Think again please. At times, all because of others does life become shortened.
Do not contribute either. Live life to its fullest. Now do it. It only comes once.
- January 7, 2022:
Catana Reporting Services, 170 Laurier West, Chamber 891.
Cop-Shop: Victims of Crime
Heather Wellman
... hypo-bipolar attack!!!
"WITNESS" = Possible...
Pill Organiser = Venlafaxine
Lisa Langevin: MEDIATE or Kelly Santini, LLP
2401-160 Elgin Street
Oct. 15, 2018: Distributel Internet - $68.00/00:00
CATANA (Discovery P. 1)
Witnesses - Yah!
joanne small-greenall
eva mihili
loula fairfield
kitty diffey
christine kargakos
anne jemison
TD Adjuster: Delia Ravindran dela.ravindran@tdinsurance.com
Joanne Healy & Margarette Block
Oct. 16, 2015
Expect a call from (Nurse) - Connie Coburn (Case Manager? What?) I need a nurse.
Please show her the rental paperwork.
Thanks Una, Rehab Therapist, 613.737.7350; 75688
Jan. 25/2016
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

- 219 1) Everyone is criminally negligent who
a) in doing anything, or
b) in omitting to do anything that is his duty to do, show wanton or reckless disregard
for the lives or safety of other persons.
2) For the purpose of this section, duty means duty imposed by law.
False Pretence/Statement:
(Misleading or what, eh?)
- 362 1) By false pretence, whether directly or through the medium of a contract
obtained by a false pretence, obtains anything in respect of which the offence of theft
may be committed or causes it to be delivered to another person;
b) Obtains credit by a false pretence or by fraud.
- 380 Fraud is the wrongful or criminal intended to result in financial or person gain.
"Everyone who by deceit, falsehood, or other fraudulent means, ... whether or not it is
a false pretence, ..." say what?
Keep on reading law, folks. All I know is that fraud is some kind of thievery. Period.
Abduction of a Person under Age of 16:
(Kidnapping, eh?)
- 280 1) Every person who, without lawful authority, takes or causes to be taken a
person under the age of 16 years out of the possession of and against the will of the
parent or guardian of that person or any other person who has the lawful care or charge
of that person is guilty of a) an indictable offence ... not more than 5 years ...
More about...
Intent to Defraud:
Forgery: Indictable = 10 years
Fear for Safety (Harassment, eh?) "No person shall... fear for their safety." okay. How
about my police report #16-87668?
Necessaries of Life:
"Fails to provide..." they say.
How about the patient? The 3 children? The parent, I?
Three Strikes, TD - You're Out!
I shan't belittle.
"Just a Story"
The police ought to know.
Kidnap/Abscond are synonymous.
To Belittle:
I have always found it belittling to be treated as a Vagrant-Single-Man by TD not accepting
Gum-Docs and Dr Frank Lee recommendation to fix my mouth right from the beginning to the
end - such negligence, such harassment of my identity of not only who I was, even when
concerning the Car Crash's injuries, but who I am. It has always been identified that I lost
approximately 9 teeth directly caused by the Crash. TD's actions for approximately 8 years has
been more than belittling - out right criminal! And then, to not recognise my spinal dislocations
and scoliosis has been beyond criminal. Not Human! Yet, the biggest of all was how TD et al.
treated me concerning my three boys. Lawyers Griffiths & Lawson did not want to support me
with extra food for the boys even when visiting, never mind the Victim. Shut up! Sign here! Not!
To Hoodwink:
I was deceived in believing that people would help me. By no stretch of the imagination
did I attempt to dupe anyone or anything. How could I have? I have Brain Injury. I could have
never dreamt the script for this present work. Impossible with my new brain's memory. The best
I did was to follow my gut-instinct and take notes, scribbles, letters, and complaints, not in the
form of malice, merely as responses to what was happening to me, and most of all, for my own
memory issues. Chances are: if I don't see it, I don't remember it. And then, the harassment, the
misleading, the investigating and following of my person... and so forth, as well as the lack of
professional attention to a victim's plight and health, all in all turned out to be an EXPOSITORY,
for me at least in the end. In other words, I could've written the script for whatever would have
happened to me at Carleton U while auditing some courses for the purposes of rehabilitation. Right?
I could have written about my new fellow students at university, or something like that. But, no!
I wasn't allowed to rehabilitate my writing skills. Really, I got hoodwinked by insured lawyers yet
had the gut to persevere against such a foe. Everything became about them. To Write, or Not to
Write? That's not the question. Weird how reverse psychology worked in the end, eh?
To Battle:
I have had to battle for my Fundamental Freedom of Association since my boys were
kidnapped on April 15th, 2013. And the association was with my boys: for 2 years in the beginning
just to have "sleep-overs," then after the Car Crash that happened on the same day of the Court
Deliberation of Access/Associate on October 29th, 2014, I had to engage in legal battles to gain
Child Support. Of course, for me as a father who did not just walk away but fought for two years
to see his children, but also for seven years to gain support for my wife and I, despite our separation,
because she ended up taking the brunt of the raising responsibilities due to my disability. Even
though I was a teacher overseas, I used to send money in droves because I loved my boys dearly.
And now, 2+7=9 Years still fighting for my Freedom to Expose - what a battle, eh?
To Conflict:
From conflicts with MDs on how I'm still in pain, and they never knew why, but I had to
find out myself, to conflicts with lawyers and judges on how to practise law the way it was written:
1) One Mediation, not a billion, 2) 2-Year statutory limitation placed upon a Victim to settle
unconstitutionally or place a court application within the courts for a trial, i.e.: claim; but no
statutory limitation placed upon an Insurer to settle or to be tried within 2-Years. Equal
Opportunity to Justice does not exist in Canada. Why? Not for hiding the money. No. But, rather
to hide their crimes, eh, in order to get their money? No wonder! And in the end, to make matters
worse, I have to fight the biggest conflict ever: my Freedom of Speech. They want me to shut up.
To Stand:
I am forced to take a stand against freedom. I am forced to relinquish my right to speak, a
concept that I am to stand up and embrace as my contribution to civil society. I am forced to stand
in favour of being taxed to shut up. I am not to stand down the neglect I have received at the hands
of lawyers and insurance adjusters - vagrancy is never upheld. Compelled, I am to stand down
and complain not to authorities concerning what I had witnessed - I think I may never yet. I shall
not stand down in the face of criminals within my own judiciary as I am forced to do - vagrant, I
am not. Yet, I can barely stand. I even have a hard-enough time sitting down. But, I must stand
up against all the terrible experienced foes I've had to endure; otherwise, I think I shall go insane.
I must stand up for Paul-Robert Hipkiss, who ever he was. Yes, that is my stand.
To Accept:
Nothing to accept, but my own death. I may accept a few of my losses should I witness
someone go to prison, or minimum lose his or her license. Sure. I may begin some forgiveness
journey. Perhaps, it's because of my age, and the fact that I've been darn almost everywhere, at
least lived in 7 countries. And all my diplomas or degrees, the reason why it's near impossible to
accept the loss - too much! If I were younger, perhaps I'd have more days in which to learn and
build a new life around my cognitive alterations. Maybe anew, but for sure many more new
experiences to be had than my current situation. A thought, it was purely. Still, gerontology is a
The New Me!
Acceptance Can Make Comparisons Smaller
Jennifer Pilgrim - January 24 & 29/2020
(sss) Photocopies (sss): Contracts - Employment - Witnesses
200 JAN 23-31
JAN 2020
<< Onward Warnings >>
Feb 24: Luimes, nurse.
Gigi - Tuna Pasta
April 23rd - Ryan Murray, Massage
Meal on Wheels
May4th, 2020 - Chiro - Physio
May the Force Be with You!
January 30th, 2020
Dr Mai, Dentist
June 1st: Call Community Housing
Security National Insurance Deposit
10 & 25/06/2020
August 5th: Luimes
August 18th: Luimes
Over & Out
September 24th, 2020: Grodzki - 10:00
October 24th, 2020: Grodzki - 09:00
@ Nanna's w/ boys
Same - Same - Same
Nurse with OT demanded.
December 9th, 2020
Don't need an Occupational Therapist
Gigi - "Nun-Fart"
All over the World
In/Out Bunker Up! Stay low!
Circle... Buy Rice! Tightly
"Isolate to Terminate"
Mask Up! Love Peace
Freedom of Mobility
I walk like a turtle. I drive like a donkey. I sit like a duck. What else can I say about my
mobility? I don't even have a mobile phone! I have a Scissor-Boom license though. I have a
Fork-Lift license, too. I even have a Citizen Band Radio license, which enables me to rent a nice
34-Footer Sailboat from most Yacht Clubs in Ontario. But, ignorant individuals think that I do
not know my Jib from my Genoa. I've now been stripped of my earnt right to drive a motor vehicle
on city streets within my birth place, whence I could drive in Iraq with a gunner if need be for the
sake of others. All that aside, though, for what purpose did anyone think about taking my driver's
license away from me 4 years after the Car Crash? What driving tests were performed on me to
see whether or not I could pass? None! Yes, I many not be able to walk correctly, but that doesn't
mean I can't focus on driving. I can drive better that most people because I follow the rules of the
road. Yet, now I'm a pedestrian. Go figure!
Freedom of Conscience
I am not divine. I am human. I desire revenge. I strive for retribution. I long for justifiable
recompense. I am human like any other human being. Yet, after so much neglect - years upon
years - not only of myself as a Victim, but also of my children's necessities of life. I am not
humanly able to have remorse for those who have not come forth with guilt. Am I? Justice exists
to protect Fundamental Freedoms, so what am I to forgive then whence no-one has been stripped
of license, no-one has been disbarred, no-one has been sent to prison? The past years have been
not divine only in the sense of heroism on my part to stand against it all - again and again.
Therefore, my desire for justice has hot changed. My life was destroyed; consequently, someone
must be held accountable. Then, I can forgive and regain conscience.
Freedom of Expression
My expressions somewhat have become less desirable for many due to my anxiety. My
stuttering has left me expressionless for too many times to remember. My dementia prevents me
from remembering quickly enough to retrieve the correct diction from my Broca Area in order to
formulate appropriate, logical speech; thus, I encounter hosts of issues as a result like seizures,
dizziness, and panics - all of which, no-one admires nor likes, neither do I. One of my nurses,
Natalie, asked me why I was so difficult. Perchance the answer lies in linguistics versus myoclonus.
All I know is that my message gets all jargoned up, and sometimes even I have a hard time
understanding myself, let alone the sequential jerks. I hate it. So, I guess that I must resort to the
written WORD rather than the spoken one. Maybe there, I shall find my way to express my
message of the horror I experienced, for the sake of others as has always been.
Freedom of Thought
After all of the "illegal-mal-practised-proceedings", "non-productive-mediations",
"defunct-make-shift-pre-trials," and the "so-called-non-ordered-trial-itself" - oh, plus before I
forget, the "not-what-happened-to-the-victim-discoveries" - all since December 5th, 2012 up until
October 29th, 2022 and including December 5th, 2022, am I to think of the following: recent
graduates of Law School try their luck at practising law in the courts to realise that they were
terrible sole proprietors, so they end up not practising any longer; thereafter, they try their luck at
becoming MPs just to make new laws; once they get their retirement package, they once again try
some better luck with the Association of Judges of Ontario to become judges, so that they can
judge new graduates from Law School - the Circle of Law, not the Rule of Law as lawyers and
judges would have me believe? What thought do I have left? I think that the Superior Court of
Justice of Ontario should give me a law degree.
Freedom of Association
A: The most important Fundamental Freedom known to humankind.
B: Without it, we all become extinct.
- You will not be able to propagate your very own species.
- You will not be able to convince a dandelion of what you believe.
- You will not be able!
- You will never be able to demand that a donkey be mobile when it does not want.
- You will never talk to a tree, for it will not respond.
- You will never be able to trade your berries with a polar bear because it will eat you.
- You just won't be able!
- You will not be in a position to express your need for toiletries to an orangutan.
Then Fundamental Freedom of Association is the greatest right ever! It shapes who we are as
human beings. Without it, we'd be lost in space, yet Bowerman, Dworsky, and Campbell
committed the criminal act of disassociation, the most important of which, that being of kinship.
According to the Divorce Act of Ontario, a divorce is between spouse not parent and child. That's
what the law reads. So, "Off to the Gallows!"
Stokes, too!
Freedom of Communication
I realised early on that I could not spell, nor could I speak properly let alone think about
what not to say or what in fact to say. Hence, I demanded to study at university - but anyhow -
TD Insurance would have nothing to do with rehabilitation. That's not their legal duty, is it? So,
due to everyone's negligence, I've had to become somewhat creative on my own. This notebook
is an example. I've also had to look at what I had studied in Linguistics & Applied Languages in
order to become a teacher, so that I could better understand the nuts and bolts of my language
difficulties. I've further had to focus on how my own students learnt English. I concentrated on
acquisition. All of course to regain a love of my life - English. The inability to formulate my
language gave me the greatest inability to communicate with others, absolutely, but in turn, it gave
me the strength and courage to rehabilitate. Not easy, however, for it took years upon years for
me to get half of what I used to know, and that's just to say the least. I miss you.
Freedom of Opinion
My opinions mattered not. It was my opinion or law when I told you, Judith Alison
Campbell, that you cannot tell a child that he or she cannot be picked up from school by a father.
It was my opinion or law when I warned you, Danielle Bari Dworsky, that a father has the right to
know what drug his son took that resulted him in drug rehabilitation centre while a minor under
the age of 18. It was opinion or law when I told you, Laura Bowerman of the Children's Aide
Society, that you did not have the authority or right to abscond 3 children without cause of harm
bestowed the children, nor a Temporary Court Order for Custody - that's kidnapping, Bowerman,
the greatest cause of homicide within divorce proceedings. It is my opinion, thus, therefore, and
in conclusion, that all three defunct professionals as mentioned above are the true criminals that
destroyed Paul-Robert Hipkiss' life. They have been the cause of the horrific past 9 years.
"Divorce Applicant! Yes. Do you wish a divorce? Yes. There's the door. Do not disturb the
children. It is not in the best interest of the children. Let's us all know when you settle in your
new place because the children will want to be with you, of course." is my opinion about the
unacceptable, sexist divorce proceedings that exist in Ontario, Canada. Kidnapping/Absconding
of a child from a beloved father for any purpose other than for the protection of that same child
against violence, and without court order to do so is futile, criminal, and homicidal. Haven't the
native unmarked graves in 2022 taught anyone within the judiciary of Canada about what is in the
best interest of a child? The 21st Century Children's Aide Societies or lawyers et al. can no longer
believe that to "take away children [even] from their savage parents" is not moral at all nor in the
best interest of any child. Such an action begs the question: "Then who is the savage, Judith and
Laura?" Not, I.
Freedom of Belief
What am I to believe? What? I must believe in Justice, albeit for some naïve reason because I
wholeheartedly believe that a child has the right to both parents, in all aspects of law, for parents
are what is in the best interest of a child, according to law even. I believe that anyone who
contravenes this law must be held to account and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Why?
Children. I do not need a better reason. Otherwise, my birth place will no longer be a just society,
a civilised country, or a liberal community. Otherwise, the seeds of anti-establishment will be
sown into the "Little Ones," who will be the cornerstones of the community, the future of Canada.
Otherwise, I am at a loss as to what else to believe after all the hate, abuse, and harassment that
I've had to endure for the past years, all because I wanted to love innocence. Time to regain belief,
I guess. Shall I wait more?
Freedom of Assembly
To assemble for my new brain has proven to be very difficult for me. I experience
Information Overload. I have a hard time understanding as quickly as I use to, in appreciating or
in realising my place within an assembly, and how it or I may differ from one assembly to another
one. This must've been very innate for me in the past, but now, I have a huge ordeal trying to fit
in. I many times get filled with angst and exit thereafter - fear, mainly of not knowing who I am.
Yet, it further deepens with the fact that I was treated as a Vagrant-Single-Man for so long when I
wasn't. Such a from vagrancy subdued upon any person when not can psychological harm a person.
So, who was I? Who am I? Who will I be? Who fits in? After all that I've been through in the
past, I don't think I shall ever find answers to the above questions.
Freedom of Independence
In order to gain my independence, I must rid myself of the ills that surround me, for I am
hindered in my rehabilitative progress with such negativity. Then, I must focus only on basics, for
indeed I have a new and different life. Hopefully, I shall be able to continue my pool and exercise
activities because both allow me to manage my pain better. Of course, as needed, I must perform
my daily duties of sustenance and cleanliness, not to mention the shopping details for my daily
survival. After getting tired from only that, I must focus on my mind, for it too deserves
Independence of Thought, especially the negative ones that are acquired throughout a day. So, I
shall practise my other loves, my music and writing. I'll try to tinker with song to calm my nerves,
and I'll write to release my tension.
Calendar May 2 and 9th 10:00/08:00-09:00 Luimes/MacGregor
Jan 16th 13:00 Una Wallace
Jan 18th 13:00 Thiele + Assess.
Jan 25th Thiele with Shawarma
Feb 11th: Dr Levenstadt - 12:00
March 22nd - Friday: Pool w/Pierre-Luc March 14th w/Ryan

MARCH 29th, 2019

- Promise for pre-trial 2 on October 31st, 2019
No Transcript - No Court Order
Happy Hallowe'en
- - - ) ) @ Court House, Elgin St., "My Giraffe..." a wipe.
April 26th and 30th: Gigi + Gigi
May 22th: Pat for Tulips
June 21st: T.'s Army - Queen & Bank, Downtown
- Marylynne from Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley
Denture - No! ...but... Implants - Yes!
Maintain and commute, how? Children
August 1st: Thiel + Francine Sarazin, "Neuro-Psycho"
Ass the Donkey? Non/Applicable
+ Gigi
September 1st (approx.)/August 31st, or...
+ Gigi
School Starts
Lessons of Courts
+ Gigi Now Gone!
- She can't help me from Walnut Court, Ottawa. Panic - Scared - No Help
- I don't want to live. How can I defend my own security? I can't. And no-one wishes
to help me either. Welcome to Canada.
2018: Michelle 10:00 - Centre Health - Smoking Sensation
- See Thiele before Mediation: How about a LAPTOP?
Teacher - No/Yes
EpiPen - Boy

Dec. 22nd, 2018
Paul Whittaker to pick up turkey @ Greek Com. Church. Also, pick up David's.
VISTA... next Wednesday.
Pine Grove Camp
Aug. 4-6 Site: #134 Hipkiss 1963
Dec. 31, 2018: 10:00 Nanna @ Montfort Hospital
Missed a lot of the boys. I couldn't go swimming with them much. No support.
I guess I can't go. It's too hard to travel uptown.
Hockey, Remembrance Days, Beaches, Camping, Baseball, Holidays, Travel,
- Nathan from TRAC? Who?
- MacGregor, Heather: Aug. 15, 2018
- Ali, DC - Chiro July 31/2018
- Nathan Woodruff: July 31/2018
Downstairs' Door Connection Meals on Wheels
Omega Laser Smoking Sensation - July 11th.
Back to Marshall @ Rehab. Centre


July 17-31/20129
What Great Help!
The Hypobaric Oxygen Chamber started to change the direction of my rehabilitation.
I think it loosened my muscles and ligaments.
I definitely put more oxygen in my ailing brain, something I needed.
It also taught me about my claustrophobia, which I never had.
It showed me how difficult it would be if I were in a locked plane.
I began to walk more, however.
My body was moving more.
Now, "Let the real pain begin!"
Too bad I couldn't handle any more due to claustrophobia. I asked for an
oxygen tank. Nothing came of that. I was told that oxygen is good for an injured
brain. I guess that's why doctors tell you to breathe through your nose and exhale
through your mouth. Immediate oxygen intake is extreme important for rehab
purposes. I'm glad I fought it through. I had great support. It helped.
J.M.B. Transportation
200 K for Money

Oct. 4: Qualicare
Physio + Chiro + Massage
Friday 8th Sept./17
- another meeting; yet the first was: 28th August, 2017 - MICHAEL THIELE, law
Charles Leclerc, Psychology-Something-Or-Another: Sept. 25th, 2018
- bring file/complete... say what? Me? How 'bout you find it! I got a new brain. Think
your King Tut or something. Be professional. Read.
- do same for Dr Kent: x-Rays, Rogaine, Body Cream
... Changing of the Guards!
Friday, August 23rd, 2019
10:00 Grodzki --- )) - No: Psych/Neuro
- Prior Employment Contracts
- Economic Assessment
Friday, August 16th, 2019; 11:00: Grodzki, Thiele et al. LAWYERS
August 18th/19: Nanna's basement leaked - Thompson Co-op - Monday?


... understanding how water affects me in a pool or at a beach ...
| - Not Good - |
(5) Five Near Drowns: Walter Baker, Jack Purcell, Kitchissippi, Minto Place, & Fitzroy
My myoclonus seizures have induced many sudden inhalations of water.
If I cannot stand while in the water, then I cannot be in that water. Period. The New Me!
Welcome to my ABI-World.


Yet, I have swum in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and at the mouth of the Indian
Ocean. I have swum in the Mediterranean Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Adriatic Sea, the West
Caribbean Sea, the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Gibraltar, the Aegean Sea, the Red Sea, and even the
English Channel. In addition, I have swum in Bon Echo Lake, Silver Lake, Geneva Lake, Pistolet
Lake, Simcoe Lake, Meech Lake, McKay Lake, Dow's Lake, Lac Philippe, Lake Huron, Lake Eire,
Lake Ontario, Sharbot Lake, Little Mud Lake, and Beachburg Little Lakes. Lastly, I've had the
privilege to swim in the Grand River, the Ottawa River, the Rideau River, the Niagara River, the
Madawaska River, and the Athens Mornos. And now, I can barely make it in a pool. Oh, well.
Acceptance is actually survival. My loss, however, was greater than I had originally thought. It
was more of a spiritual one. I was hoping to get to Tuktoyaktuk, North-West Territories, Canada
to swim in the Artic Ocean with the boys, my life's swimming mission, and that would have
allowed me to claim that I swam in all of the Oceans on planet Earth. But, too late now. I don't
think my spine will be able to make it although the roads are very drivable, yet the drive is more
than 5,000 km there and back from Ottawa. Unless, I go with a physiotherapist or something, I
might make it. Ah, what am I thinking? Anyhow, at least I tried. Maybe next life. But, the Artic
might have changed by then. It might become a desert, or... Oh, darn...
- cue -
- search -
Deep Breathing
10 Breaths
Pay up!
Why does my chiropractor have to wait for payment?
"TD! Hello! No threats, please. Don't extort."
"It's the law and so your legal duty."
Pay up!
- Surgeon: Dr Vito - U. of T. Hospital
Rice: 1 Cup Rice; 2 Cups Water; 20 Minutes/Timer
Fridge: Max. 32'' x Depth 25.5'' x Height 66" - Freezer below because of my back.
Breakfast: 8:00 AM - Check Calendar
Hipkiss "To Do List" - Aug. 04/15
- Go to the bank and get statement
- Stubs from TD
- May need to find ownership for Jeep: ask Paul again if he has it.
- They may ask about housing costs and utilities.
- Look for letter from Community Housing regarding Rent Increase.
I'm disabled.
Distract Self
Focus on Music
Go for a Walk
Think about Kids
Make a Plan to See a Friend
Play Guitar
Watch TV
Hang Out with Georgie
Don't Look for Trouble
Security Clearance:
Cleaners - Doctors - Nurses - Therapist - Attendant
Education for Children
Total Hospital Financial Account - Pay Back the Bill TD Insurance.
How much money did it cost to have me at hospital, TD? 3 months. 1 year/outpatient
Cat-Scans, x-Rays, E.E.G. Plus + + +
Pay it back, dudes and dudettes.

2016: - Fight or Flight:

- Weakness in muscles
- Squinting the eyes
- Adrenaline

Rapid Heart Beat ... or

Fast & Shallow Shaky Hands


- Weak Legs

Sept. 18th/Michael/2017 CE
(Pace Myself)
Energy Conservation








2015: The New Me!

Fact - Life - 75 Years

No Nurse: Affidavits
Land: Sargent Stokes
ABC Construction
Nurse's Association
Employment History
False Hope!
Const. Delia
The Law
Meals on Wheels
The Acting Company
738 Bank Street
Bowen Therapy
Injection Therapy
Toilet Paper
Leclerc on May 31, 2018
Aug. 6, 2018
Let's go... Camp... Fitzroy
2 Nights
BMYJ 301 - Jeep - Twice, too. And then, there were 3.
Lastly, the 2 only plus me.
Say what?
3rd Part Fraud = Me Not!
Discovery = For Me?
Who Am I?
What on earth happened to me on that day?
How come no-one has told me to my face?
"It's a long bridge of acceptance."
Never ending. But, it's not only a bridge for a victim of an altered mind, it's
for everyone else as well. I've noticed that, when family and friends of old had looked
at me, they had expectations of me about how I used to be, and expected to be granted
or given that which they had been accustomed because realistically that's what I would
have expected of myself, too. Likewise, I no longer have looked at others whom I
knew and loved in the same way. The loss, thus, becomes mutual but sometimes
harder for others than the victim. So, crossing the bridge is part of true acceptance of
the entire loss of person, of whom I was and once knew, and for others to accept their
own loss. Nothing like love lost, eh? Yet, the other side may offer peace of mind.
^-^ me + and You!
Temporal Pole - Oculomotor - Occipital - Zygomatic Branches - Cervical -
Laryngeal - Spinous Process - Thoracic -Femoral - Dorsal - Sacral Canal
Kent/7:00/19:00 - Dec. 20th, 2017 (x-Ray/ultra)
Feb. 27th, 2018
Feb. 16 - Thiele "Cat Out of the Bag" - 14:00 My Place
Right knee report - Dr Côté
March 6th, 2018/8:40 - Riverside Ultra Sound/Radiology
- Dr Ho: Need a Belt
- Dr Marshall Office July 12th @2:30 pm
Terri 613.737.7350; 75615
"Joseph Hospital" (Why? Why not?) - Next to my place - 3 Blocks.
Dr Andrew Frank: Neurologist -Bruyère Memory/Cambridge
DIMENSIA - ask/demand nurse
- Luimes
- MacGregor Ask/Demand New Stove Aug. 12th
- Pierre-Luc
Tinnitus for Feb. 28
Dr Daniel Lelli: Opto-Neurologist
Terapia Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
-Skyline Dental
Flour Peanut Butter Potatoes Perogies French Fries Honey Ketchup Onions Coffee
Syrup Oil (Razor)
<< Paul-Robert >>
May 1st, 2015: Daily Exercises
Include : 1) Shoulder - External Rotation w/Plastic Band
Alternate Arms
2 Sets of 15
2) 1-Leg Standing Balance
A Few Minutes
Alternating Legs (Safe Place)
3) Walk and Turn Head
A Few Minutes
In a Safe Place
1st Physio w/Eric
2014 - Ottawa Rehab Centre - 2015
McNamara McCormick Marshall Heard Liska Rowland Milica Laftovic Marilyn
Church Cindy Deslauriers Miss Katie Kerwood Margaret-Ann Nicol John Brooks
smarshall@toh.on.ca; mccormick@toh.on.ca; mchurch@toh.on.ca
Christmas Cards - Hollingsworth's Auger - Eleni Damianakos
Who Are You? One I know. Thanks,
- Dawn Baglole was her name.
- Charles Genest was his name.
Richard Auger
Brenda Hollingsworth
I never saw Brenda. (Miss Mrs Ms Madame Lady)
I never saw Richard. (Mr Sir Gent Master M)
I saw Dawn Baglole during an interview: the very first interaction and semi-
discovery for me during the Court Claim Process. I asked her if I could go and teach
in Afghanistan. She replied, "No." I also told her a lot about my boys. Asked her, I
did with tears - FOR HELP!
I saw Charles Genest several times. He pushed me and convinced me to initiate a
Legal Claim in 2016.
All that Brenda and Richard did was send me a Christmas Card, and never did pay
my Ambulance Bill, which now a collection agency is after me for the outstanding bill
itself, plus the interest. Way to go, Brenda! Great job, Dick!
<< WHY >>
... all of it ...
| why |
To Eat:
I had hoped to tell my nurse, Paula Day at Somerset-West, but I don't think she was
interested. I tried to tell my Occupational Therapist, Chantal Légère and Heather MacGregor as
well as Shelley Stephenson that the first thing to eating is cooking. Hello. I have Dementia
Working Memory. I forget to turn things off. My stove doesn't work. I've had 3 fires. They
finally got me a "Timer-Machine" that turns off the stove automatically, but the stove doesn't work
nor has it a working timer itself. How many times must this be brought to everyone's attention?
But, I guess that wasn't important. And then, to make matters more difficult, I had to grind my
food in the end because I have a hard time swallowing, to this date even. Epiglottis issues came
with the Car Crash. I also ended up getting forced into not eating meat due to my lower scoliosis
problem, which in turn gave me a terrible hernia on my front right side of my interpubic. The
hernia itself blocks stool. So, I had no choice but to soften my stool in order for it to pass more
easily. Plus, I had to change my diet, not only because I have a hard time chewing but also due to
making my stool softer. For example, I must grind my food as well as choose vegetables and fruit
more often because of their fibre content, that plus legumes make things go smoothly every
morning after coffee. No wonder I went from X-Large to Medium in about 3 years. My life
changed in so many ways that even eating became an issue of rehabilitation and change.
To Sleep:
I am thankful, however, for MacGregor getting financial assistance from TD et al. in
obtaining a solid bed for me. Tata! Dr Melissa Vyvey or Dr Lara Kent could not have
recommended a bed, I suppose. They do not know that sleep is the most important therapy, I'm
driftingly thinking. Nevertheless, I had to retrain my sleeping habits, in the end. I had to tie my
right arm to my handicap siderail, so I could open and stretch my sternum in 2019. That's the way
I was further able to train my sleeping brain to sleep on my back because sleeping on my side
became extremely painful due to my shoulder blade and ribcage dislocations from the Crash.
Being tied in as it were prevented me from rolling over in my sleep. Then, I had to place a
swimmer's "Spaghetti-Tube" along my other side as to act as a disturbance for my inner desire to
move while sleeping. Unreal what I go through, eh? And by having my right arm tied to the bed,
my sternum has been able to fight "Plasticity" on its own better - just a little help from its friend,
me. Ottawa Chiropractic Health Clinic & Physiotherapy was the only place where I could get help.
Period. Thanks, MDs. Not!
... rue lyon street ^&^ rue gloucester street ...
<< WHY >>
- Why did lawyer Judith Alison Campbell mislead justice and paint me as a bad, unloving father?
- Why didn't the Children's Aide Society of Ottawa's social worker, Laura Bowerman, stand up
against Judith Alison Campbell's alienation of a parent & 3 children, and nothing for 2 years? Why?
- Why was Laura Bowerman complaisant to the children's best interest? Why?
- Why did the children's lawyer, Danielle Bari Dworsky, do nothing to protect the children's Right
to Association? Why?
- Why would such unprofessional persons like Bowerman, Campbell, and Dworsky go to such
lengths of disassociation, just to hide what? And, why?
- What happened was that the kidnapping of my children on April 15th, 2013 without Temporary
Custody Order made everything else a crime. That's why! That's what! That's why lawyers
wanted me to sign a family court unconstitutional settlement. The Gates of Hades is warmer during
Canadian winters.
- Why no-one in jail? Why?
To Swim:
Swimming is scary! Something about my myoclonus, my working memory, and the water.
I can't quickly identify what is in the water while I'm submerged, and therefore, I get shocked
which in turn initiates the myoclonus itself - the lack of recognition. That's not good under water
because the end result is that I swallow - inhale - water. Not good. I've almost drowned 3 times,
at least from what I can remember. Enough was enough. So, now I close my eyes when I'm under
water. I still wear my goggles though. I do not open my eyes and try my best to be above water
anyhow. This way I don't know and don't have to know what's under the water. I try to foreshadow
my trigger points about the water because I also have hypothermia, and that's not good. I can't
even get into the hot-tube without shaking and trembling, never mind the limited time that I can
spend in the sauna. But, I challenge myself. If I don't, I think I'll get worse a lot faster.
To Discover:
I hope to discover the truth. Who is guilty for the destruction of Paul-Robert Hipkiss' life?
How did it all start? Was it, Bowerman? Was it, Judith? Or, was it my wife? I doubt the latter.
I brought my wife to my birth place. Yet, I demand to know. No more Capital Taxi, West-Way,
Rapid City, Able Transport, or Auto Lux to drive me here and there just to find out what happened.
I'm driving the donkey now. Plus, no more uptown dentists, doctors, chiros, pools, or gyms
because everything is downtown. Not all victims live in suburbia like many middle-classed
professionals. Distance becomes a big thing for the disabled like moi. The court house is 5 blocks
away from my apartment. Unprofessional persons wanted me to go everywhere with scoliosis x2,
whence all that was needed was an availability right in my backyard. Why? Just because persons
wanted to scratch their friend's back? Pass the buck, eh?
<< WHY >>
- Why is it that not recognising me as a father and in need of assistance not a crime in Canada?
- Why are lawyers Joseph Griffiths and Mikolaj Grodzki allowed to get away with their negligence?
- Why does a man have to prove that he loves his children in Canada? Why?
- Why are there more that 90% of Divorce Applications completed by women? Why?
- Why are more than 87% of women murdered by the people they have children? Why?
- Why are less than 0.5% of men murdered by the people they have children? Why?
- Why does a man resort to manslaughter when discriminated? Why?
- Why does a man have to fight for the love of his offspring? Why?
- Why can't a man be treated equally in Family Court, the cornerstone of a community, village,
township, city, county, province, territory, and similarly Canada? Why?
7+ Again? Wow Justice April 15th, 2013 CE
... two book ends!
Kidnapping: Police Report #13-94204
Missing Persons: 613.230.6211
April 22nd, 2021 CE:
- 1st Attempt 14:10
- Followed/1.866.633.1033
e-mailed as well

"Telephone Hearing"
"Motion to Change"
Passcode: 9191464# - 7+ Years
Master M. Fortier
vs. Judith Alison Campbell
$3.00 - $9,300 Cost - $9,300 Trust - Civil Litigation - Whatever More
In the meantime, for the entire 7 years since the Crash, I was fighting TD Insurance et al.
and lawyer Judith Alison Campbell did nothing for the boys against a rich insurance company like
a Motion to Change, yet now at the end of everything, this criminal lawyer wants the only thing
left to the victim, me: Medical Care, Attendant Care, and Pain and Suffering. What a criminal to
attack a victim, eh? I think so. I was left with no lost of income, so any lawyer can't apply no
income to the Family Court guide for even child support. It takes a terrible criminal, lower than
those who are locked up, to take advantage of a disabled man.
Versus Hipkiss (ABI-1)
No Lost Income
Nil/Void for the Guide
Gag-Clause's Stupidity
Freedom of Speech
Sexism Time 2: Men/Women
Necessities of Life for me, myself, and I.
June 18th
~ Ha, Ha, Ha ~
- Served a file, done that many times because there's lots at the court house.
- Did financial of sorts, which is part of my 175-page submission.
- Disclosure Release is not a problem for me. Go get them.
July 2021: Trial Co-ordinator
Then, to proceed.
Held in Trust theory is not positive.
Cut Off
Motion to What?
I threw the plates out. Yes indeed. I also got rid of the registration with the
Ministry of Transportation. Goodbye, Boot. So long. Sadly, it took me only a day to
sell. I had no choice. TD cut me off just like that: Extortion - if I don't shut up, I can't
get therapy. I had to pay off my chiro team in a hurry. I need therapy. This is extortion.


No-One in Jail
No Car
No Land
No Money
No Jeep
No Spine
No Therapy
No Kids
No Brain
No Life
So how was all that not a crime - sorry - crimes? I don't know why other to think
that I was considered to be someone everyone could take advantage. I tried my best
to follow the money in search for the defence needed to protect my freedom.
Unbelievable that I had to do so in Canada.
Who Are You?
August 27th, 2021: 14:00?
- Hospital Costs
- Hypocrite if I didn't write.
- My Blog and www.abi-1.xyz
- I could've taken the money long ago.
- Freedom of Speech
Justice Summers
King's Wallet - Queen's Privy Purse
No Lost Income
Criminal Lawyers: Sexism x2
No Constitutional Settlement
No Family Guide Due to No Lost Income
Thus, No Child Support
Sexist Unprofessional Lawyers
March 24th, 2022
(It took 8 months for Summers to write less than half a page.)
(About Fees Only)
I couldn't believe it. All that wait for fees and not a "Stay" or "Dismissal" as I had
Who is working for whom?
- Constable Delia, Jennifer.
- Constable McPhee, Tyler.
- Sergeant Stokes, Colin.

- Constable Watson, Trevor.

613.798.5555; 75475
M&B/Partner 'bout TD Insurance et al.
Una Wallace
Joseph Griffiths, the criminal lawyer in my humble opinion.
Past Tenants Free Association
West-End Legal
Nepean Osgoode Community Centre
M.N. (Ron) Rahim
Provincial Constable/Privacy Security
Joel Demore, Const.
613.235.1222; 6059
January the 5th: Distributel - 4th $212.88 - No Help!
- March 3rd: Grodzki - 11:30 am
- March 5th: Grodzki - 11:00 am
Gigi on the 15th & 29th.
Grodzki never even planned for a trial.
That's why there was no Court Order for Trial.
Grodzki didn't even call my witnesses to prepare for Trial.
I was had by two criminals: Joseph Griffiths & Mikolaj Grodzki - not an opinion, the
Can you believe it?
- April 6th: Events of a Criminal Automobile Insurance Industry
Cut the turkey's head after you cut the chicken's first.
- May 19th: Family Court Conference
- July 7th, 2021: Police came to the apartment and left a card.
Police Report: #21-138040
Trevor Watson
613.236.1222; 4539
Ottawa Police Service @ my door and I wasn't there.
Police Involvement again reminded me of Sgt. Colin Stokes - 613.236.1222; 5806.
April 15th, 2013
Kidnapping Report: #13-94204
Missing Person: 613.230.6211
Why not one person in jail?
Oct. 8th: Leon's Couch - Yah!
October 3rd, 2022
To Educate Is to Liberate
Freedom: the Cost
Sign up. Shut up. Not! Health, who? Care, what? Me, why?
A Place of Zen Right to the End!
... peace ...
March 2021:
March 12 12:45 pm (Dr Ali)
March 16 11:15 am (Carolyn)
12:45 pm (Dr Ali)
March 19 12:20 pm (Dr Côté)
March 23 01:15 pm (Carolyn)
02:00 pm (Dr Ali)
March 26 12:30 pm (Carolyn)
01:15 pm (Dr Ali)
Everything Just Stopped
They Think
I Am Crazy?
Paul pls. Call
Mobile Crisis Team
"Card Left @ My Door"
(These people didn't even know my first name: Paul-Robert.)
Who Are You?
... knock ...
... name ...
2022: October/November
Tonnes of Complaint Responses
Trying to connect with the Child and Family Services Review Board
Trying with the Police Review Board
Trying with the College of Occupational Therapists
- Mrs Twinky Sukhija, Case Processing Officer
Child and Family Services Board
- She doesn't invite me at the appointed time of 09:20.
- She rather invites me to join the Zoom-Hearing at 10 pm.
Sunday, November 13th, 2022 @ 10:20 am (EST)
Dr Craig Lynch
Prescription for Ventolin Inhaler
I had caught a serious bug right after I finished re-writing my notes on October 29th, 2022.
On Nov. 1st, however, I saw my Dr A. Côté after I went to the pool. I got my regular adjustment
and more. I later went to buy some milk. Then, I went to the apartment. I went to rest on my bed
and froze - some kind of bug. I couldn't breathe. I cough up Well #7. I had no choice but to keep
my spine straight so that I could breathe. Damn, that bug was tough to beat. Maybe it was that
Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or maybe Corona. I don't know. I never did see a doctor other than
the "Rocket Man." I don't have a male general health practitioner or family doctor. Welcome to
Canada. The health care system has got worse, and I warned everyone. But, who am I?
- To'z'day: 'Was' is a mystery, time at a distance.
'Tomorrow' or 'Today' - no puzzle per chance.
The gift of the moment, a 'present' reason.
With bizarre fortune, I shall pledge this Personal Statement of Affairs. An abductor has
abducted parts of my goal posts, and now my hockey net is torn. My dear beloved game, what a
becoming? Like Vader with powers that be. Slices my Sith Lord's Kranos. "Down boy!" as if to
a dog. He screams in his mind's mind. Meanwhile, Commander Payne begins the match at
Stadium "Maximus Gluteus." Open are now the gates; from over T-Rex with roar, known as the
dinosaur of dinosaurs. From under, Lucie and all her cousins jump into the thrall, disabling me
and every defensive tactic that I could have mustered, which knelt me to melancholy in the prayer
to Goddess Patelina.
Yet Health - No Teeth Yet, No - Health Yet
Here's some food. Now eat. There you go. Isn't that yummy? It's nutritious, too. Good boy.
Yet Teeth - No Health Yet, No - Teeth Yet
The End:
The end is near, all from scribbles and notes - the bits and bites of a
foundation of "White-Collar-Crime." Caught in the act, yet all had gone
unabated thus far, the crimes that were. Why? For the sake of Privacy?
Never in the face of crime. And why not? I shall fear no longer. White,
blue, or pink - no matter the colour. A "Collar Is a Collar!" The same can
be said about a "Crime Is a Crime!" Because when crimes are committed,
people end up suffering. My life was destroyed. Period. Family and friends
greatly were affected by their own loss. Yet, no-one went to jail. No-one
got disbarred nor lose their license. So, what must I do? I must soldier
onward in search of Justice. Perhaps the end is not near - much work ahead
and much awareness to be had. Now that ABI-1 is kind of "The New Me,"
I must honour Mr Paul-Robert Hipkiss, whoever he was; thereafter, I can
achieve peace of mind, for the truth be told, once my shovel hits the ground,
then I may truly find Justice. The End.
Fighting for Freedom...
Bridgette Priddle: How can you file for a Motion to Change when Judge Summers only
Judge Summer's "Endorsed" was about lawyer fees and not child support, or whatever it was at
this point? No unconstitutional settlement anyhow? Or, maybe the criminal lawyers got one.
Good luck, however, finding a judge in Ontario, or Canada as a whole, that will relinquish my
freedom to sue or write, or talk about what I had experienced - not in a free, democratic country.
So, why does Judith continually harass me with more court hearings?
I guess I have to deal with the courts, too: Awadia Shailina - again?
Don't people know that I Love Freedom?
Don't people understand what the Fundamental Freedom of Speech means?
Now I'm slated to undergo surgery for a Hernia that has developed due to the Car Crash.
Thereafter, I shall make every attempt to learn about any charges laid by the Ottawa Police
Services by going there in person to Sergeant Colin Stokes et al. Yah, hopefully in person. I shall
cross my fingers. Let's hope, yet not to be naïve and think that they would arrest one of their own,
for should they do so, he or she will be dead once he or she enters prison.
"[M]-ovember 2022"
Regrets in Life:
Should I have? No! The evidence proves contrary, but. Undeniably.
Reasons being that life behind a bar, must be the sentence; obstinately yet,
a licit practice of law statistically dictates that a slap on the wrist of an
introduction to a metal bar only consist of a two to five period in years.
Not be this service forward to the company of the Guard of Bastille.
Obviously. And so, yes. Children amok and disassociated. Deny not
please. Think. Uncle Bill hitherto suffered the same and knows not of his
kin. Cousin Billy, similarly the equal lived fate. My passion at the Gate
of Hades: meekly, I honoured life and not the demonic slaughter of life.
- Many told me that I should have stayed in Saudi Arabia, far away from Canada's
legal system, so that I could make and save my money - the hell with
the wife and kids. But, I didn't.
- Many told me that I should have left for Afghanistan because I
could've made tonnes of money and a great name for myself - forget
the children - bye. But, I didn't.
- A few had thoughts that I should've taken care of justice myself.
Damn. But, thank goodness I did not!
- These were some honest Joes and Jills queries or comments to me throughout the
decade past. Unbelievable, eh?
- I hope you look to the sky sometime because we cannot be alone - impossible.
Thank You
Tata Cards of Glee and a Letter of Freedom

At first, I started by sending postcards that consisted of a photographer's artistic take on

feminine fashion. I love satire. Some were extremely provocative, so I did not send those, but I
did send as many as I could to post. The ironic thing was that I found them on a bench in front of
Victoria's Secret, the Pink store at Centre Rideau. I presumed that they were purchased in Canada.
After that, I bought with my ODSP money many stamps from Canada Post. So, seeing that they
were purchased legally albeit not from me, and the fact that I further bought the corresponding
postage legally, I thought that they would be legal to send - and they were according to Canadian
law. Nevertheless, I became tickled by it all, in that they were very satirical in nature due to the
artistic, photographic expressionism that was displayed. So, I went ahead and sent them to various
unprofessional characters that were deserving of some satirical humour - an emulation of their
scandalous acts perpetrated upon me. The following examples are some ideas that I wrote on the
backs of the postcards. Thank you for the fun. Thank you for the release.

- To medical doctor Shawn Marshall, I wrote: "The truth does set a person free!"
- To mediator and litigator Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, I wrote: "Silence no more!
Justice, alas! Not the Ministry! You criminals..."
- To police officer Colin Stokes, I wrote: "Hypocrisy I, Not! I showed you the
difference. The white, the blue, the pink - a crime. A Perfect Crime. WE FIGHT
- To speech pathologist Debbie Lessard, I wrote: "How do you feel when you catch an
orange? Let the mind escape. Stretch the thought beyond. A sight to a word. An act
of a mirror. Peace."
- To James Russel, CEO of Toronto Dominion Insurance, I wrote: "You are involved
in extortion! That's a crime? To initiate civilly, not to practise... Sign! Shut up! NOT!
FREEDOM OF SPEECH - Ask McCague-Borlack... Peace.
- To lawyer Joseph Griffiths, I wrote: "EQUAL WORTH - Is this how you view
women? I shan't. Criminals do not value women. SEXIST MAN - Peace."
- To lawyer Judith Alison Campbell, I wrote: "TREE: KNIGHT, THE KNAVE.
Beyond the guilt, we embrace our shell of crime - pas moi. Vous êtes... Embrace the
me. 'Le criminel.' The seed is to mislead. You criminals."
- To lawyer Patricia Lawson, I wrote: "Dealt with criminals. Nah. Ye. You. Poor-
Rotten Hoof. Who are you is your right. Objectivity Never Legal? Second person -
me the plural. Peace."
- To lawyer Kevin Michael Temple, I wrote: "THE DEFICIT IS EXTORTION - Do
not excrete Malfeasance. Ranked Crimes, Are the Lot... MAGNUM P.I.! Hourglass
of you; PRIVACY about you; JUDGEMENT - for you; JUDGEMENT - since you -
W5/H - That's an obs[ur]dian mirror."
- To Chief Justice, Lise Maisonneuve, I wrote: "Please read. Let's protect FREEDOM
OF SPEECH - is most important. Let us never gag others. Complaint forthcoming...
Please read."
- To lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth, I wrote: "I shall not. I hope you have a chance to
rest. You may develop scoliosis. Some criminals told me so. Whisper. Yah. Nah.
Was it you? ALAS - Criminals. Negligence.
- To Toronto Dominion Insurance Auto Centre, I wrote: "Tired Donkey - Are you
feeling the pinch? Isn't it lovely? Ah, those criminals. Forgive me not, I. Will you?
I shall never trust TD Insurance."

The last three post cards were somewhat deep in satire, somewhat too provocative even for
a Hipkiss like me, so I sent them to some old friends. I thought that they wouldn't mind, and as
my gut told me, I was right. They actually loved them. Below is what I came up with...

- To Mr & Mrs Smith, I wrote: "You should've been there. Man, it was a hoot.
- To Mr & Mrs Smith, I wrote: "That was a kick ass show. Yaba. Daba. Doo. Peace."
- To Mr & Mrs Smith, I wrote: "It was a great bash, a big smash! Wish you were here.

Of course, I had to write "Thank You" cards as well. However, sometimes the words I
chose again were satirical in nature, yet others were very sincere, straight from my soul. Can you
decode the satire? Can you decipher the candour? Can you untangle the gratitude? Thank you.

- To Heather MacGregor, I wrote: "Thank you for the bed."

- To Shelley Stephenson, I wrote: "Thank you for the therma-heating pad."
- To Debbie Lessard, I wrote: "Thank you for the crosswords."
- To Natalie Woodruff, I wrote: "Thank you for the written letter."
- To Andrejs Mazpolis, I wrote: "Thank you for the drive."
- To Judy Daniel, I wrote: "Thank you for the 20 minutes."
- To Patsy McNamara, I wrote: "Thank you for the account."
- To Tilak Mendis, I wrote: "Thank you for the nerve."
- To Kimberley Payne, I wrote: "Thank you for the present."
- To Eric Finstad, I wrote: " Thank you for the stretch."
- To Claire Chapdelaine, I wrote: "Thank you for the comparison."
- To Sharon Liska, I wrote: "Thank you for the puzzle."
- To Una Wallace, I wrote: "Thank you for the understanding."
- To Wendy Charbonneau, I wrote: "Thank you for the coffee."
- To John Dimock, I wrote: "Thank you for the alienation."
- To Nance McCormick, I wrote: "Thank you for the push."
- To Jennifer Delia, I wrote: "Thank you for your attendance."
- To Steve Joncas, I wrote: "Thank you for the candle."
- To Melissa Vyvey, I wrote: "Thank you for the physical."
- To Frank Lee, I wrote: "Thank you for noticing."
- To Marlene Chartrand & Guy Blondeau, I wrote: "Thank you for the mobility."
- To Dawn Baglole, I wrote: "Thank you for the truth."
- To Dan Whetung, I wrote: "Thank you for you help."
- To Danny Lelli, I wrote: "Thank you for the optical difference."
- To Lisa Schmitz, I wrote: "Thank you for the polish."
- To Joan Heard, I wrote: "Thank you for the balance."
- To Meals on Wheels, I wrote: "Thank you for the nourishment."
- To Chantal Légère, I wrote: "Thank you for the demonstration."
- To Lara Kent, I wrote: "Thank you for the x-Ray.
- To Connie Coburn, I wrote: "Thank you for the application."
- To Charles Leclerc, I wrote: "Thank you for the work."
- To John Piché, I wrote: "Thank you for the laser."
- To Michelle Barrett, I wrote: "Thank you for the cues."
- To Helen Tagiannis, I wrote: "Thank you."
- To Patricia Lawson, I wrote: "Thank you et pour le trepidationum."
- To Evgenia Shmigol, I wrote: "Thank you for the hummingbird."
- To Jennifer Pilgrim, I wrote: "Thank you for your kindness."
- To Joanne LeClair, I wrote: "Thank you for how children change."
- To Bianca Pilon, I wrote: "Thank you for helping me with my anxiety."
- To Kyla Kehoe, I wrote: "Thank for being that beacon which guided me to get better."
- To Mikolaj Grodzki, I wrote: "Thank you for understanding."
- To Meghan Leadbeater, I wrote: "Thank you for helping me understand the old me."
- To McCague-Borlack, I wrote: "Thank you for understanding."
- To Talia Boulard, I wrote: "Thank you for the calligraphy."
- To Dutch Love, I wrote: "Thank you for a better world."
- To Sujay Vinod Patel, I wrote: "Thank you for the Freedom."
- To Shoppers Drug Mart, I wrote: "Thank you for thoughtful you and listening."
- To N&N Spot Plus, I wrote: "Thank you for helping me."
- To El Toro Pizza, I wrote: "Thank you for feeding us all during a pandemic."
- To Kathryn Andres, I wrote: "Thank you for the stories."
- To Dalhousie Food Cupboard, I wrote: "Thank you for feeding us all."
- To Fine's Flowers, I wrote: "Thank you for the rose."
- To Jim Watson, I wrote: "Thank you for your continued stance on Human Rights."

Now, I know that some individuals did not take lightly what I had sent them; nevertheless,
many others took great comfort in knowing that someone like me would take the time to send them
a card of thanks, especially during this 21st Century when so many of us do not receive letters or
cards in the mail. They and I both became very tickled by it all. Sometimes, pleasantries are to
be earnt and not given willy-nilly. I was so grateful for their smiles. Still however, many others
were taken aback and somewhat perturbed - not my issue, theirs only because of perhaps their
realisation of what they actually did to me. Many crooks exist in all shapes and sizes.

In the end, to all those that truly did help me - thank you from the depths of my soul. I
need not clearly identify who you were, for you already know. Thank you.

Lastly, I just had something in my gut again that propelled me into writing more "Thank
You" letters. This time it was to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Notwithstanding, I further took
the liberty to thank Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford, and Retired Minister of
Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould. All of their letters were similar in tone what
I had written to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. So, without further ado, I hope you read with
happiness my "Thank You Letter" to the Queen because she always had been my true motive and
raison d'être for denying an unconstitutional settlement worth two million dollars. Freedom
always comes at a cost. Freedom has no price. Thank you, my beloved Queen.

August 19th, 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Buckingham Palace, Westminster, London, U.K. SW1A-1AA

Dear Madam,

I would like to take this moment to thank you from the bottom of my soul. You have
become my greatest inspiration in my life. Thank you.

I saw you from a distance in April of 1982 in front of the Parliament of Canada. I
remember you with a beautiful blue bonnet. Forgive me, for that was all I could see
despite the drizzle; however, I did hear your Proclamation. I was filled with glee that
day because Fundamental Human Rights are most important for all people. I shall not
forget that important day in my life.

Somehow, 1982 catapulted me into promoting the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to
all of my pupils worldwide that I had had as an English teacher, especially in Hellas,
Saudi Arabia, Canada, and lastly Iraq during the war of Operation New Dawn in 2010.
I always was honoured to include topics and themes of Human Rights, of which you
had bequeathed me. I used to do this in order for my pupils to practise whatever I had
placed on the blackboard as part of the curriculum. I used to love seeing my pupils'
eyes light up with new concepts of Fundamental Human Rights. I usually felt like a
tiny, little Ambassador of Canada despite that I was not, yet I constantly became
tickled by it all. Thank you for giving me this gift.

Now, I have Acquired Brain Injury from a pedestrian car crash, yet I still get emotional
when talking to others about Human Rights. Medically, I cannot imagine how much
of an impression that day placed upon me. I remember you even with an altered mind.
Thank you, my Dear Queen. You have made my life worth living. Thank you.

Your Majesty's humble and obedient servant,

Paul-Robert Hipkiss

May leeward winds be always at your side. Thank you my dear, kind Queen.
God Bless You. Peace.
What I actually did was save a lot of money, too. I did not have to pay psychiatric fees
and transportation costs. Writing this letter took care of that. Peace at last? I had never thought
of it this way before until I started sending out my cards to people. My "Thanks" feasibly
released my desire for revenge. And when I finished my letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
II, I lastly was able to fit all the keys into each door that was forgotten to be locked. My desire
extinguished. "The New Me!" now born. Thank you all.
Unnatural Death Is Naturally Uncivilised

Stop destroying lives in Canada! Every person has the right to love. Stop the misandry in
order to solve the misogyny. You are the Yin, and I am the Yang. You are Yang, and I am Yin.
The two form one circle. I got it. Simple, eh? Yes, of course...
I am not dead. You are not dead. I did not kill anyone. No-one killed
me. Look, I'm typing this... Ha! So, what was this journey all about then?
Why did I have to go through it? I was a miracle! I was to show everybody.
I turned the money lenders' table upside down. Yes. Alas! I am a mirror.
Yes, a mirror. I am a mirror for all of Justice to look at itself
What was done to me and how I was treated for the past 10 years is one of the greatest
reasons why women are slayed in Canada. Stop it! Don't believe me? Sure, well I do. Or maybe,
I just do not wish to admit it. Perhaps I am not aware. Well, the Canadian Femicide Observatory
for Justice and Accountability clearly indicated in 2015 that more than 43% of "homicides
involving a female victim were committed by a spouse or other intimate partner."
(femicideincanada.ca) This statistic rings hell's bells in my ears, people. Why were my children
absconded in 2014? It wasn't because of me. Why did I have to find my boys myself after they
were kidnapped? It wasn't because of me. Why were they constantly denied to associate with
their loving father for 2 years? It wasn't because of me. What happened to my boys and I? The
answer lies with the kidnappers: Campbell, Dworsky, and Bowerman. "We Are Scarred for Life."
So, perhaps this is what men are afraid; they fear the inability to defend that which they
love - their kin - due to a judiciary that does not practice the most quintessential law of the land:
Equal Opportunity to Justice. Even Statistics Canada provides a glimpse of the problem by stating
that "in 2017, 84% of homicide victims [were] killed by an intimate partner, meaning by a current
or former legally married or common-law spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend or other intimate
relationship, were female." (150.statcan.gc.ca) This is very horrifying. Stop! Think! Am I getting
it now? And so, what about the 10 years that I went through, or the boys even - never mind me?
I see... I am a mirror!

The sloth does matter to a man with no will to mow.

Say what? "Systemic sexism against men doesn't exist." one may say. Look what TD did
to the boys and I. Their adjusters and lawyers perpetuated the same sexism that was born out of
the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario because of Family Court. Now I must readjust my
thoughts. Neither judicial venues wished to recognise me as a father of three boys for 10 years.
Vagrant-Single-Man? Yah, right! And to top it off, no one lawyer in those 10 years stood up for
my boys - no Family Court "Change of Motion" to force TD et al. to rethink things. No! How
about the nurses and occupational therapists who saw the children role up their sleeping bags after
some of their "sleepovers?" Where were they and their voices? Medical doctors knew I had
children as well. I was no-one's issue, but the dollar sign above my head - money. My boys never
existed until the end. Lawyers only after money and not the Rule of Law. What about when they
were children? They are men now. The Court Order that was delivered during Deliberation on
October 29th, 2014 - the same day of the Car Crash - destroyed me and the boys. Complicity is a
crime as well as malfeasance and unprofessionalism. No-one went to jail. My life was expendable.

And, when I fired so many unprofessional persons for not helping me with my children
and their needs, of course as well as my own, I was always blamed. I could never understand how
some people were worthy of so much money, and yet never addressing my medical issues of my
teeth, hip, foot, brain, and scoliosis to say the least, but more importantly, nothing for my boys, no
written effort that I saw from MDs or nurses. I continuously was told that the Insurer would not
assist me as a father. No Christmas Parties. No Easter Hunts. No Vacations. Yet, everybody
wanted to increase this so-called Burn-Factor, which really is the gateway for people to claw at an
Insurer for money. I kept on fighting about how it was all fraudulent. No wonder, they want me
to shut up. I am never going to shut up about what I witnessed, no I cannot.

Who took my car, my Taurus? Who took my money from my Landlord's Settlement? Who
forged my signature to force the sale of my land? Who profited from the money of the sale? Who
kidnapped my children? Which Insurance Adjuster assessed me as a Vagrant-Single-Man? I may
not have had a set of labia; however, I did have three children that I loved very dearly. The boys
are men in fact. Actions speak louder than words. Thus, after all that rubbish of 10 years, should
I have committed manslaughter back then on April 15th, 2013? Perhaps, I would have been out
of jail by now. Heat of passion, not planned - life sentence served, no? What? No. No. No. I
think not! Never! Men just want to love. Wake up, please. Remember the sloth. Doesn't
everybody want to love?

Love! Pierce hearts, minds, and souls. No matter how hard the attempt to make you fall
may be, stand up for another day's sunlight - life of breath and water. Go forth and never fear the
lion's den for love's sake. The greatest thing in life always shall be love - embrace it. Please do
not deny love. Love shall never deny you its gift of life. Love!

Let's love the child.

Let's stop the neglect of the child.
Let's create "The Right of a Child Act."

A child has the right of law. A child has the right not to be mislead, misguided, or
mistreated. A child has the right not to be harassed. A child has the right not to be violently
attacked. A child has the right to father and mother. A child has the right to kin. A child has the
right to ancestry and biological origin. A child has the right to safe social gatherings. A child has
the right to love and be loved. A child has the right to life, liberty, and security. A child has the
right to the basic necessities of life. A child has the right to a home. A child has the right to health,
education, and the pursuit to happiness. A child has the right to be free.

Love costs nothing yet priceless when received.

The guilt is mine, for I believed in justice.
I wish you peace and prosperity.

Dec. 29/22; 12:29


... The court cases that have been exposed herein, family court, automobile insurance court, and
civil court were nothing but exquisite examples of a defunct, discriminative judiciary in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada. Sexism against men, as I further found out, becomes sexism against women in an egalitarian
manner. I would've never believed it until I had to witness the entire debacle all unfold. 10 Years...
... And, once again, an attack against a Victim's Freedom - January 31st, 2023 @ Court.
... Do Canadians need more "Trucker Convoys" to understand Fundamental Human Rights?
... I shall never trust TD Insurance or its President & CEO, James Russell and his associates.
I tried to load my Tired Donkey with produce from the family farm off
the plateau of Madaurus. My 3 boys were very hungry. But, the garth
that I thought was constructed by an honest leather smith from the village
with of course a license of reputable honour kept on separating until it
eventually snapped. My produce fell to the ground. The food ended in spoil and then
eaten by vultures. The scavengers began to tear me apart, too. I scurried for shelter;
yet, my boys starved that night. They hungered for many moons. I must now reach
Gluteus Hoplite and demand he locates this despicable leather smith and teach him a
lesson of Draconian Law and the Hemlock Code. "Off to the abyss to be a Beast of
Burden at the order of fierce horror!" I do say myself.

(x + 3) (x - 3) = x2 - 9

My T. D. became my Golden Ass as it were. In other words, a negative metamorphosis

of my health and scarcity of my rehabilitation as a result of the Crash, which both came
into their own execution, that in turn catapulted me into a terrifying journey of criminal
harassment, extortion, sexism, and malfeasance - nothing but misleading and
unprofessional conduct - all committed by criminal representatives who were supposed
to assist me with my plight, spoil, and injury. I got no real justifiable retribution. Not
one person went to Prison or even into Tartarus' abyss. I shall never purchase product
from this artisan ever again. Everyone destroyed my life. Period.

Welcome to my ABI-World.


"To Educate Is to Liberate"

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
29.12.2022; 12:29

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