Traffic Management and Accident Investigation-SMU
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation-SMU
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation-SMU
Some Inventions that led to modern land Management it refers to the skillful use of
transportation: means to accomplish an objective.
Traffic (French trafique/Italian traffico) which
A. Wheel it was invented in Western Asia. It was means to carry on trade, of uncertain origin. It
used in crude carts and wagons. It enabled to refers to the movement of persons, goods or
transport burdens beyond the power of man or vehicles, either powered by combustion system
animals to carry or drag. or animal drawn, from one place to another for
1. Solid wheels on fixed axle it is made up to the purpose of travel.
single piece of wood rotated on single axle. Traffic Way refers to the entire width between
2. Sumerian chariot with flank wheels - this boundary lines of every way or place of which
chariot, of 2400 BC, had solid wheels built up any part is open to the use of public purposes of
of three pieces. vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.
3. Spoked wheel wheel with spokes, in Greek Roadway Part of a traffic way where motor
quadrica vehicles pass.
4. Roman Carpentum a closed two-wheeled Shoulder Part of a traffic way along the
cart roadway.
5. Italian cocchio a travelling wagon in which Island – Those structures on the road separate
the passangers were protected by a covering that serve as guide to road users.
of leather or cloth fixed over a wooden Pedestrian Island An elevated island usually
framework. along the road intended for pedestrian use.
Cross walk/ pedestrian lane Traffic lanes
B. Wheeled Vehicles - requires wider roads for the intended for pedestrian crossing the road.
Major Causes of Traffic Congestions:
C. The Invention of Bicycles Hobby Horse (19th 1. Physical Inadequacy
Century) was one of the modern ancestors of 2. Poor Control Measures
modern bicycles. The wheels were made of 3. Human Errors
wood, with tire of iron and riders push themselves 4. Poor Maintenance
along with their feet on the ground.
D. Pneumatic Tires inlated by air (by John Boyd
Dunlop 19th Cenutury) 1. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING - The science of
measuring traffic and travel the study of the basic
E. Motor Vehicle the first transportation laws relative to the traffic law and generation. It
1. Etienne Lenoir (1860) motorized carriage, refers to the professional practice of planning,
Internal combustion engine. deciding, and operating traffic system to achieve
2. Nicolaus Otto and Gotlieb Daimer safe and efficient transportation of persons and
pioneered gas engine goods.
3. Rudolf Diesel developed internal Functions:
combustion engine similar with gasoline fact-finding, survey
engine but does not require electrical ignition supervision and maintenance
which uses diesel fuel; planning of traffic regulation
4. Henry Ford (1908) introduced the Model T
5. Felix Wankel developed an advance type of 2. TRAFFIC EDUCATION - It is the process of
engine that operates very differently from gas giving training and practice in the actual
and diesel engines. It is started by a moving application of traffic safety knowledge.
6. Presently, the introduction of the light rail 3. TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT - This pillar deals
transit, the metro rails, fly over and other with the enforcement or implementation of traffic
modern traffic ways contributed to the laws, rules and regulations.
expeditious movement of traffic users. Agencies Responsible:
LTO ( licensing, registration and inspection)
Legislative bodies
Police Traffic Enforcement
-criminator_budz// [jonathan r. budaden]
Saint Marys University_Criminology Review Center 3
Subject: Traffic Management & Accident Investigation
3. In case of vehicle on a highway within business signals are used to control traffic at junctions and
or residential district, its driver shall yield right also to stop traffic to provide safe crossing points for
of way to pedestrians crossing the highway pedestrians.
within a crosswalk, except at intersections Steady Red - STOP at the designated line
where traffic is regulated by a peace officer or a Steady Green - GO. Vehicles going straight
traffic signal have the right of way
Steady Yellow - PREPARE TO STOP. Do not
Exception to Right of Way beat a yellow light.
1. A vehicle entering from a private road shall Flashing Red - Bringing vehicle to STOP at the
always yiled right of way to vehicles utilizing designated line and proceed only when clear.
the highway Flashing Yellow - Yield sign. Proceed through
2. The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall the intersection with caution..
yield the right of way to police or fire Flashing Green - Vehicles facing this signal are
department vehicles and ambulances when permitted to turn left or go through while
such vehicles are operated on official opposing traffic faces red signal..
8. The Philosophy of a Pinoy Driver (Rotonda 10. E.O. 202 LTFRB Law
Rule or First come first served) 11. E.O. 248 LTO to supervise Driving School
9. On Pedestrians keep off roadway. Wait ,
embark and alight at bus or jeepney stop
10. Remember the International Safety Reminder