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486__ Industrial Pharmacy: A Comprehensive Approach Natural Convection Type (Hot Air Oven) For dry heat sterilization hot air oven can be used. Hot air oven may be of two types ~ natural convection type and forced convection type. These are batch sterilizers. Ordinary laboratory hot air oven is an example of natural convection type within which consists of the following: ‘+ An insulated chamber surrounded by an outer case containing electric heaters, © Afan, © Shelves, ‘+ Thermocouples, ‘© Temperature sensor, and ‘+ Door locking controls. The electric heaters heat up the air inside the chamber. As a result a current of air (circulation of air) is created and through hot air heat is distributed into different shelves. When the oven is loaded with sterilizing articles (load), the circulation of hot air is blocked by the load on the shelves. This affects the distribution of heat around each Unit of the load on the shelves and results the temperature differences among different shelf areas. The temperature differences can be more than 20 °C'*. Hence, use of natural convection type cannot ensure complete sterilization of load. Forced-Convection Type Oven ‘A forced convection type oven contains a blower which forces the hot air to circulate regularly and heat is distributed uniformly around each area of the shelves. The load on the shelves cannot block the flow of hot air around each unit of the load. This results a minimum temperature difference of about 1°C among different location of the shelves. Since the circulation of hot air is improved, the heat up time is reduced and ultimately the sterilization cycle time is reduced. Industrial sterilizer contains two doors. One door faces the sterile area and used for unloading. Other door is used for loading. The air pressure inside the chamber is properly adjusted, so that itis slightly more than that in the loading (nonsterile) area and little less than that in the sterile area. The oven is made of stainless steel and properly insulated with suitable insulating. material. The Fig. 13.3 shows the construction of a typical dry heat sterilizer (forced convection type), the main components of such sterilizer are: * Air-circulation fan, Cooled-water circulation system for reducing cooling time, HEPA filter for fltered-air circulation, Recovery bulkheads, © Trolley forload,

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