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The current global situation for tuberculous meningitis:
epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and outcomes [version 1;
peer review: 2 approved]
James A Seddon 1,2, Lillian Tugume 3, Regan Solomons 4,
Kameshwar Prasad5, Nathan C Bahr 6,
Tuberculous Meningitis International Research Consortium
1Department of Infectious Diseases, Imperial College London, London, W2 1PG, UK
2Desmond Tutu TB Centre, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa
3Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
4Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa
5Department of Neurology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
6Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS, USA
Abstract Invited Reviewers
Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) results from dissemination of M. tuberculosis 1 2
to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and meninges. Ischaemia, hydrocephalus
and raised intracranial pressure frequently result, leading to extensive brain version 1
injury and neurodisability. The global burden of TBM is unclear and it is
05 Nov 2019 report report
likely that many cases are undiagnosed, with many treated cases
unreported. Untreated, TBM is uniformly fatal, and even if treated, mortality
and morbidity are high. Young age and human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) infection are potent risk factors for TBM, while Bacillus 1 Kiran T. Thakur, Columbia University Irving
Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination is protective, particularly in young Medical Center, New York City, USA
children. Diagnosis of TBM usually relies on characteristic clinical
symptoms and signs, together with consistent neuroimaging and CSF 2 Tamilarasu Kadhiravan , Jawaharlal
parameters. The ability to confirm the TBM diagnosis via CSF isolation of Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and
M. tuberculosis depends on the type of diagnostic tests available. In most Research, Puducherry, India
cases, the diagnosis remains unconfirmed. GeneXpert MTB/RIF and the
next generation Xpert Ultra offer improved sensitivity and rapid turnaround Any reports and responses or comments on the
times, and while roll-out has scaled up, availability remains limited. Many article can be found at the end of the article.
locations rely only on acid fast bacilli smear, which is insensitive. Treatment
regimens for TBM are based on evidence for pulmonary tuberculosis
treatment, with little consideration to CSF penetration or mode of drug
action required. The World Health Organization recommends a 12-month
treatment course, although data on which to base this duration is lacking.
New treatment regimens and drug dosages are under evaluation, with
much higher dosages of rifampicin and the inclusion of fluoroquinolones
and linezolid identified as promising innovations. The inclusion of
corticosteroids at the start of treatment has been demonstrated to reduce
mortality in HIV-negative individuals but whether they are universally
beneficial is unclear. Other host-directed therapies show promise but
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Wellcome Open Research 2019, 4:167 Last updated: 17 FEB 2020
beneficial is unclear. Other host-directed therapies show promise but
evidence for widespread use is lacking. Finally, the management of TBM
within health systems is sub-optimal, with drop-offs at every stage in the
care cascade.
Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Tuberculous meningitis, diagnosis, TBM
This article is included in the Tuberculous
Meningitis International Research Consortium
Corresponding author: James A Seddon (james.seddon@imperial.ac.uk)
Author roles: Seddon JA: Conceptualization, Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing; Tugume L: Conceptualization,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing; Solomons R: Conceptualization, Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing –
Review & Editing; Prasad K: Conceptualization, Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing; Bahr NC: Conceptualization,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing;
Competing interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information: This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust through funding to the Tuberculous Meningitis International Research
Consortium. JAS is supported by a Clinician Scientist Fellowship jointly funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the UK
Department for International Development (DFID) under the MRC/DFID Concordat agreement [MR/R007942/1]. RS is supported by the National
Research Foundation of South Africa [109437].
Copyright: © 2019 Seddon JA et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Seddon JA, Tugume L, Solomons R et al. The current global situation for tuberculous meningitis: epidemiology,
diagnostics, treatment and outcomes [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] Wellcome Open Research 2019, 4:167 (
First published: 05 Nov 2019, 4:167 (https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15535.1)
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Wellcome Open Research 2019, 4:167 Last updated: 17 FEB 2020
Challenges Implication
Pathogenesis Mechanism of dissemination from lungs to Possible preventative steps/interventions are unclear
CSF unclear
Incomplete market penetration of the most Late diagnosis and potentially preventable long-term
effective tests neurologic disability or mortality
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M. tuberculosis into the subarachnoid space, triggering an equator, possibly due to masking or blocking from
inflammatory cascade9. The resulting inflammatory changes environmental mycobacteria or modulation due to helminth
may explain some of the clinical features associated with TBM. infections20,22,23. Helminth infections activate a T helper type 2
First, peri-vascular inflammation, particularly of the middle and/or regulatory T cell response and may down-regulate T
cerebral artery, results in decreased perfusion and cerebral helper type 1 and T helper type 17 responses to mycobacte-
infarct. Second, extension of exudative material to the basal rial antigens, potentially decreasing BCG vaccine immuno-
cisterns and the mid-brain leads to disruption of CSF flow, genicity. Whether this is clinically important is unclear24–31.
hydrocephalus and raised intracranial pressure. Third, exudates Several epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies have
encase cranial nerves, resulting in cranial nerve palsies. Finally, demonstrated that malnutrition, a form of acquired immunode-
expanding parenchymal tubercles may form tuberculomas and, ficiency, increases susceptibility to TB. In particular, vitamin D
less frequently, brain abscesses. In contrast (or in addition) to and vitamin D receptor polymorphisms are critical for function
the Rich hypothesis, other researchers have suggested that bacilli of macrophages in the context of TBM32–34. Vitamin D deficiency
reach the CSF during miliary dissemination. Donald and was significantly more common in TBM compared to controls
colleagues have proposed a pathogenic mechanism, based on and pulmonary TB in an Indian study35.
more recent clinical, post mortem and epidemiological data,
that articulates the central role of the Rich focus but with an Strain type
additional component that includes miliary TB5. There are seven main M. tuberculosis lineages, each associ-
ated with varying degrees of proinflammatory host response.
Natural history The modern lineage x (Beijing) is associated with disseminated
The risk and severity of TBM are altered by the status of the host extra-pulmonary disease, drug resistance, and possibly poor
immune response and pathogen virulence, consistent with the treatment outcomes36–39. One plausible mechanism of Beijing
damage response framework10. Multiple host factors such as age, strain survival is a dampened IFN-γ host inflammatory response,
HIV co-infection, Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) immunisa- promoting high bacterial load.
tion, malnutrition, and helminth co-infection may lead to either
a deficient or exaggerated immune response to mycobacterial Epidemiology
infection. Our understanding of the global burden of TBM is poor. Because
of inadequate diagnostic test performance and availability, many
Age cases of TBM remain undiagnosed. Autopsy studies in adults
Several studies conducted in the pre-chemotherapy era with HIV have found high proportions of TB co-infection,
identified children who had been exposed to TB and followed commonly with extrapulmonary disease, including meningitis,
them for tuberculin skin test conversion, chest radiograph which is frequently undiagnosed and untreated prior to death40.
changes, clinical progression, and mycobacterial culture positiv- Even those cases diagnosed may not be appropriately reported
ity. Marais and colleagues reviewed these studies and proposed as individuals with TBM are usually diagnosed in hospitals,
a timetable for TB, in the absence of drug therapy11. Following which in some contexts, are less likely to be reporting units
infection with M. tuberculosis, young children are at high risk for TB41.
of progression to TB disease including disseminated forms
such as TBM. Both the risk of disease progression and risk The proportion of TBM in cohorts of TB varies dramatically by
of dissemination fall rapidly through childhood, reaching a the local TB prevalence, age, HIV prevalence, and whether the
nadir in the primary school age. In more recent cohorts of cohort is describing all or only hospitalized persons (which tend
children with TBM, the median age is between two and four to have a higher proportion of TBM cases). A population-based
years12. Marais and colleagues also found that children who estimate in a low TB-prevalence settings suggested that around
develop miliary TB or TBM generally do so from one to four 1% of TB cases were TBM42, while a paediatric hospital-based
months after exposure. cohort of confirmed TB in a high TB-burden setting suggested
that over 10% of TB cases were TBM43. Given that the World
HIV Health Organization (WHO) estimates 10.4 million new TB
HIV co-infection is the most significant risk factor for TBM in cases each year (of which 1 million are children), we suggest
adults and is believed to attenuate the host immune response that at least 100,000 individuals develop TBM develop annually,
in the CSF. The impact of HIV on the clinical presentation of but this figure may be much higher.
TBM is debated, with some studies suggesting a higher rate of
extra-meningeal disease and of TB drug resistance13–16. Other Untreated, TBM is uniformly fatal. A study from the
studies report that the clinical course of TBM is unaltered by HIV pre-chemotherapy literature in children demonstrated that the
infection17,18. median time to death was 19 and a half days44. Even if treated,
up to 20% of children will die and, of survivors, over half have
BCG, helminth infections and nutrition severe neurodevelopmental sequalae45. Mortality in HIV-infected
Neonatal BCG immunization is effective in preventing adults treated for TBM can be as high as 60% in some
childhood TB, particularly TBM and miliary TB19–21. Efficacy cohorts, dependent on degree of immunosuppression, use of
varies from as high as 80% near the poles, to <20% near the antiretroviral therapy and stage of TBM at presentation14,46. The
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total mortality impact of this condition is unclear, and likely Xpert Ultra utilizes the same instrument as Xpert with a
underestimated. software upgrade. WHO has recommended Xpert Ultra in place
of Xpert for TB meningitis based on one study of Ugandan
Morbidity in TBM survivors is heavily dependent on the HIV-infected adults with suspected TBM, which found
age at which the disease occurs and the context in which the 95% sensitivity versus a composite microbiological end
individual is living. Survivors require extensive support from point, and 70% sensitivity versus consensus research case
medical staff, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, pharmacists definitions52,62. This was as opposed to inferior sensitivities for
and dieticians. Many of these services are not widely available both Xpert and culture versus the same reference standards52,63.
in high TB-burden settings. They also require vast commit- A recent cohort reported 86% sensitivity for Xpert Ultra for
ments from family and community members, with implications definite TBM versus 36% for Xpert and 14% for culture64.
for their quality of life and economic circumstances. Given that Negative predictive values remain inadequate to ‘rule-out’
they have more potential life years ahead, children lose more TBM and the publication of additional studies of Xpert Ultra is
disability adjusted life years than older individuals. Even in required to fully evaluate this technology.
children with limited neuromotor disability following treatment,
cognitive disability, attention-deficit and behavioural problems Although there is hope that immunodiagnostics will bridge the
are more common with TBM survivors than with community gap from Ultra to a definitive diagnostic tool-kit for TBM, thus
controls47,48. far, adenosine deaminase, INF-γ release assays, and antibody
tests, among others, have not yet proven adequate adjunctive
Diagnostics tests for TBM54,65. Thus, diagnostic tests remain imperfect
TBM remains difficult to diagnose. Clinical features such as (though improving) and a low threshold to start empiric therapy
fever, headache, neck stiffness, or a ‘typical’ CSF pattern remains a key to effective management of TB meningitis.
(elevated protein, lymphocytic pleocytosis, and low glucose)
cannot reliably distinguish TBM from other forms of sub-acute Treatment
meningitis49,50. Neuroimaging is frequently unavailable in high The evidence to guide treatment in TBM is limited, based
TB burden contexts. Where characteristics features of TBM are mainly on experience with pulmonary TB66. The first treatment
present on neuroimaging, combinations of basal enhancement, option for TBM, streptomycin became available in 194667,68,
tuberculomas, infarction or hydrocephalus support (but do albeit at the cost of long, painful treatment duration and poor
not confirm) the diagnosis. Many cases of TBM, however, are survival69–75. Para-amino salicylic acid (PAS), introduced
associated with neuroimaging that does not assist with the in the early 1950s, given in combination with streptomycin
diagnosis. Traditional tests to detect bacilli include acid fast reduced resistance and mortality, even with poor CSF
bacilli (AFB) smear and culture. AFB smear is rapid and widely penetration72,76–79. Isoniazid, with low toxicity and better CNS
available but only 10–15% sensitive in most settings49,51. Culture penetration, was introduced in 1952, whereafter outcomes
is more sensitive (~50–60%) but results return too slowly to improved76,77,80–83. Rifampicin and pyrazinamide were used in
allow for clinical intervention (two-six weeks depending on the TBM treatment regimens from 1970 onwards; however, initially
media)50–53. Death frequently occurs prior to culture results if there was no significant reduction in mortality compared to
empiric therapy has not been initiated in the interim period50. regimens containing streptomycin, PAS and isoniazid76,84–87.
Culture also requires a biosafety level three laboratory, limiting use
to referral centres in many settings. Available treatment options for TBM are hampered by poor
CSF penetration and toxicity76,88. Of the first-line TB drugs,
In recent years, nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have pharmacokinetic studies have shown that isoniazid and
been utilised for TBM diagnosis. The most notable tests are pyrazinamide have the best CSF penetration88. In children,
GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) and the re-engineered GeneXpert modelling suggests that higher dosages of rifampicin may be
MTB/RIF Ultra (Xpert Ultra), though other commercial and required89, while in adults, doses up to 600mg per day increases
‘in-house’ NAATs have been used as well54. Xpert and Xpert CSF penetration88,90. Ethambutol and streptomycin both
Ultra (Cepheid, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) are cartridge-based, have poor CSF penetration. Second-line TB drugs with good
rapid, fully automated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. CSF penetration include ethionamide, the fluoroquinolones
In 2013, the WHO recommended Xpert as the initial test for (levofloxacin, moxifloxacin and ofloxacin) and terizidone88.
diagnosis of TBM based on a systematic review of 13 studies55–57. Linezolid is another potential treatment option, given excellent
Sensitivity is generally similar to culture (50–60%), but with a CSF penetration76,91. Moxifloxacin up to 800mg per day has
run-time of two hours51,53,58. Xpert and culture frequently detect demonstrated good CSF concentration with low toxicity90,92.
cases that the other modality misses and Xpert’s negative
predictive value is only 84–94%, meaning that while Xpert Current WHO treatment guidelines for TBM recommend
is helpful if positive, it cannot effectively rule out TBM51,59,60. two months of a four-drug regimen (rifampicin, isoniazid,
One way to maximise Xpert’s utility is to centrifuge larger pyrazinamide and ethambutol) in both adults and children,
volumes of CSF (>5ml), although this effect has not been followed by 7–10 months of rifampicin and isoniazid93,94. Similar
universally observed51. At present, access to Xpert is increasing dosing to pulmonary TB is advocated based on low quality
although still not adequate61. evidence (Table 2)88,95. Thus, the focus of recent TBM trials has
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Table 2. World Health Organization recommended drug dosing for adults and children
with tuberculous meningitis93,94.
been to optimize CNS penetration while minimizing toxicity chronic liver disease and renal failure. Treatment of hydrocepha-
using alternative regimens, higher doses and/or shorter lus depends on the level of CSF obstruction. Communicating
treatment. Adjunctive levofloxacin (20mg/kg per day) did not hydrocephalus, a common complication of TBM, can be suc-
demonstrate increased survival benefit among adults in one cessfully treated with one month of acetazolamide 50 mg/kg
Vietnamese randomized controlled trial96–98. Regarding dosing per day and frusemide 1 mg/kg per day112,113.
strategies, high-dose intravenous rifampicin for the first
two weeks of treatment demonstrated increased CSF drug Health systems
concentration as well as significant reduction in six-month The care cascade for TBM has not been specifically investigated.
mortality90,99,100. Similarly, a study evaluating an abbreviated For TB more generally, large gaps exist at every stage from
course (six months in HIV-uninfected and nine months in incidence to diagnosis, from diagnosis to treatment and from
HIV-infected children) of a high dose four-drug regimen treatment initiation to favourable outcome114–116. However, there
(rifampicin 20mg/kg, isoniazid 20mg/kg, pyrazinamide 40mg/kg are specific challenges for health systems in their management
and ethionamide 20mg/kg) demonstrated mortality of less of TBM, including rehabilitation following treatment conclusion,
than 5%101. that suggest gaps could be even larger than for TB as a whole.
Adjuvant immunomodulatory treatment is used in TBM to Symptoms of TBM are non-specific and community sensitisa-
ameliorate the potentially damaging host response. A 2016 tion is poor. Even where sensitisation to TB has occurred, this is
Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis found that usually to the symptoms and signs of pulmonary TB, such as
adjunctive corticosteroids reduce mortality in the short term cough, weight loss, night sweats and haemoptysis117. If indi-
but had no effect on long-term neurological disability in viduals with TBM do present for evaluation, it is commonly to
HIV-uninfected patients with TBM; however, the benefit of primary care facilities, at which staff training and experience
corticosteroids is unclear in HIV co-infected individuals102. can be limited and appropriate investigations, such as lumbar
Corticosteroids may have a differential effect dependent on puncture or cerebral imaging, are often unavailable. Multiple
leukotriene A4 hydrolase genotype, being beneficial in those presentations to healthcare workers are common and are asso-
with a hyper-inflammatory genotype but detrimental in others. ciated with delayed diagnosis and treatment initiation118,119.
Use of adjunctive aspirin has been shown to be beneficial in Referral from primary care to hospital can lead to further
adults with TBM103,104, with one recent study of high dose delays and frequently incur costs to patients and families. These
aspirin demonstrating prevention of new cerebral infarction delays can lead to clinical deterioration120.
in adults105. This effect, however, has not been demonstrated
in children and requires larger randomised trials in adults106. Even when an individual presents to a hospital for evaluation,
Currently registered clinical trials for TBM are shown in the availability of Xpert is variable globally61. Although AFB
Table 3. smear is widely available, it has limited sensitivity and culture,
if available, returns results in a timescale that is not clinically
TB mass lesions, usually in the setting of immune reconstitution useful. Although drug therapy is usually provided freely by
inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and optochisamic arachnoidi- national TB programmes and is available at peripheral care settings,
tis, are difficult to treat and often occur near vital structures in the specialist services required to appropriately manage TBM,
the brainstem and spinal cord. Thalidomide, a potent TNF-α such as paediatrics, neurology, neurosurgery and rehabilitation,
inhibitor, has demonstrated clinical benefit in both TB mass are usually only available in specialist centres in larger urban
lesions and optochiasmic arachnoiditis107,108. Reports have also areas and frequently incur costs for patients.
demonstrated a clinical role for other agents that cause TNF-α
inhibition, including infliximab and IFN-γ109–111. Prophylactic Surveillance data for TBM is limited, with cases rarely reported
pyridoxine (5–10 mg per day in children and 10 mg per day in if patients die before starting treatment. Many patients with
adults) is recommended to prevent isoniazid related peripheral TBM are cared for in hospitals for most of their illness and
neuropathy93,94. Neuropathy is more severe during pregnancy, given that many hospitals are not TB-reporting units, these
HIV co-infection, alcohol dependency, malnutrition, diabetes, cases are not reflected in regional, national or global reports.
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Table 3. Currently open and registered clinical trials in tuberculous meningitis (from the ClinicalTrials.gov and ISRCTN registries).
Trial Name Registration Countries Target Patient Group Study Arms Primary Outcome Sample
Number Recruiting Size
Optimizing Anti-tuberculosis NCT03787940 China Adults 18–65 years Standard dose vs. high dose isoniazid for Death or severe disability at 12 338 rapid
Therapy in Adults with rapid NAT2 acetylators months from enrolment acetylators
Tuberculous Meningitis
Retrospective Real-word NCT03898635 China Adults 18 years and 1. No linezolid in treatment regimen at Survival within five years n/s
Study of Linezolid for the older any point
Treatment of Tuberculous 2. Linezolid added during the
Meningitis treatment course
3. Linezolid in treatment regimen from
Linezolid, Aspirin and NCT03927313 South Africa HIV-infected adults 1. Standard of care drug regimen at Treatment related adverse events 100
Enhanced Dose Rifampicin (>18 years) standard of care dosages
in HIV-TBM (LASER-TBM) 2. Higher dosages of rifampicin and the
addition of linezolid for the first 56
days of treatment
3. Higher dosages of rifampicin and the
addition of linezolid and aspirin for
the first 56 days of treatment
Adjunctive Corticosteroids NCT03092817 Vietnam, HIV-infected adults Dexamethasone vs. placebo Survival 12 months post 520
for Tuberculous Meningitis in Indonesia (>18 years) randomisation
HIV-infected Adults (The ACT
HIV Trial)
Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase NCT03100786 Vietnam HIV-uninfected adults 1. Open label dexamethasone for all All-cause mortality or new 640
Stratified Trial of Adjunctive (>18 years) patients with TT genotype for first 6–8 neurological event by 12 months
Corticosteroids for HIV- weeks treatment post randomisation
uninfected Adults with 2. Individuals with CT or CC genotypes
Tuberculous Meningitis randomised to dexamethasone or
placebo for first 6–8 weeks treatment
Optimizing Treatment to NCT02958709 India, Children 1. High dose rifampicin in a standard Characterise the pharmacokinetic 120
Improve TBM Outcomes in Malawi drug regimen parameters of rifampicin and
Children (TBM-KIDS) 2. High dose rifampicin and levofloxacin levofloxacin and describe
instead of ethambutol outcomes and safety
3. Standard dose rifampicin in a
standard drug regimen
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Trial Name Registration Countries Target Patient Group Study Arms Primary Outcome Sample
Number Recruiting Size
Harvest trial - improving ISRCTN15668391 Uganda, Adults (>18 years) Standardly dosed regimen compared to a Six-month survival 500
outcomes from TB South Africa, standard drug regimen but with elevated
meningitis with high dose Indonesia rifampicin dosage
oral rifampicin
SURE: Short intensive ISRCTN40829906 India, Children under 15 Factorial design: First randomisation: all-cause 400
treatment for children with Uganda, years (and over 28 • First randomisation: standard drug mortality by 48 weeks
tuberculous meningitis Vietnam, days) regimen vs. drug regimen with high Second randomisation:
Zambia, dose rifampicin and substitution of neurodevelopment at 48 weeks
Zimbabwe ethambutol with levofloxacin assessed using a Modified Rankin
• Second randomisation: aspirin vs. Score
Improving diagnosis and ISRCTN42218549 Uganda Adults (>18 years) 1. Intravenous 20mg/kg/day rifampicin Pharmacokinetic parameters and 60
treatment of HIV-associated for two weeks (followed by oral safety composite endpoint
Tuberculous meningitis rifampicin 35mg/kg/day for six
2. Oral 35mg/kg/day rifampicin for eight
3. Standard of care oral rifampicin
(~10mg/kg/day) for eight weeks
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Version 1
Tamilarasu Kadhiravan
Department of Medicine, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research,
Puducherry, Puducherry, India
In this article, Seddon et al. have provided a comprehensive overview of the pathogenesis, epidemiology,
and diagnostics of tuberculous meningitis. Further, this article traces the historical progress made in the
treatment of tuberculous meningitis, and also provides a succinct summary of the recently concluded as
well as ongoing clinical trials of intensified/adjunctive treatments for tuberculous meningitis. Overall, this is
a well written article, and it provides a contextual background for the other articles in the collection.
I have two suggestions. First, one of the important barriers to early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis
could be the (incorrect) notion that tuberculous meningitis is a subacute disease process. Contrary to this
notion, nearly half the patients with tuberculous meningitis seen in many settings have less than 2 weeks
of symptoms at presentation. However, clinicians still fail to consider tuberculous meningitis in such
patients with less than 2 weeks of symptoms.
Second, I am not sure how many of the national TB control programmes worldwide provide
dexamethasone free-of-cost to tuberculous meningitis patients. My suspicion is that current health
systems are unable to reliably deliver the only effective adjunctive treatment available to treat tuberculous
Is the topic of the review discussed comprehensively in the context of the current literature?
Are the conclusions drawn appropriate in the context of the current research literature?
Page 13 of 15
Wellcome Open Research 2019, 4:167 Last updated: 17 FEB 2020
Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Reviewer Expertise: Clinical research; clinical epidemiology; randomised controlled trials; systematic
I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an appropriate level of
expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific standard.
Kiran T. Thakur
Department of Neurology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York City, NY, USA
Experts in TB and TB meningitis in the Tuberculous Meningitis International Research Consortium provide
an overview on the global situation for tuberculous meningitis and discuss current knowledge around
epidemiology, diagnostic testing and treatment for TB meningitis. The authors provide a well-written
article around the basic aspects of TBM which provides an important overview on the topic, including
knowledge gaps in our fundamental understanding of TBM pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatments.
Though much of the review of data has been previously published, authors provide important novel
aspects including implications of our lack of knowledge in key aspects of TBM, and aspects of healthcare
system infrastructure in current TBM care.
The authors discuss the debate in TBM pathogenesis including historical work by Roch and McCordock.
Additional commentary on miliary TB pathogenesis would be useful to the readership.
The natural history of TBM is discussed around host factors. The discussion focuses on risk factors
including age, HIV, BCG vaccine, helminth infections, nutrition and strain type though importantly does
not mention other causes of immunocomprised state including immunomodulatory treatments and
possible environmental factors which are of growing importance globally (overcrowding in inner city
environments, pollution, etc). A brief discussion on the immunological aspects which may children
particularly susceptible to disseminated disease would also be educational to the reader. The discussion
of strain type as a risk factor is important, though only touched upon very briefly in this article and worthy
of expansion.
The unknowns in terms of current epidemiology of TBM is also focused upon. It would be worthwhile for
authors to summarize past epidemiological data regionally, and also note ongoing studies on
epidemiology of TBM. An important milestone would be a multicenter international study on epidemiology
of TBM, and the consortium may be planning such work.
Epidemiological studies are limited by current diagnostics in TBM, and the authors importantly note the
limited availability of gene xpert and gene xpert ultra. It would be important to identify where this testing is
actually available and the barriers to implementation of such testing at the healthcare system level in
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Wellcome Open Research 2019, 4:167 Last updated: 17 FEB 2020
actually available and the barriers to implementation of such testing at the healthcare system level in
those where the testing does not exist.
The treatment discussion is nicely delineated, with a historical and current perspective discussion.
Missing from the discussion is commentary on treatment in the pediatric population and treatment
initiation of antiretroviral medications in patients with TBM, both challenges to those at the bedside
treating such patients. It would be worthwhile to expand the treatment section to include supportive care
given the importance of neurointensive care efforts including ICP monitoring, treatment of hyponatremia,
when to consider shunting etc.
The healthcare systems section of the paper is important and novel and would benefit perhaps from a
visual of the current system at the primary, secondary and tertiary care health systems levels and major
knowledge gaps/policy gaps in clinical practice.
Expansion of Table one is also important in terms of future directions beyond implications of challenges in
TBM--how do we study and fill this knowledge gap is essential in TBM.
Overall, while the article does not provide new data on TBM, the review provides an important summary
on our current state of knowledge, with an emphasis on knowledge gaps. I applaud the authors for their
work on this important disease, and look forward to further fruitful work from the consortium.
Is the topic of the review discussed comprehensively in the context of the current literature?
Are the conclusions drawn appropriate in the context of the current research literature?
Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Reviewer Expertise: Clinical research in neuroinfectious diseases, Studies on access to neurological
care in resource-limited settings
I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an appropriate level of
expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific standard.
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