Sustainability 13 10224 v2
Sustainability 13 10224 v2
Sustainability 13 10224 v2
A Novel Analytical Approach for Optimal Placement and
Sizing of Distributed Generations in Radial Electrical Energy
Distribution Systems
Sasan Azad 1 , Mohammad Mehdi Amiri 1 , Morteza Nazari Heris 2, * , Ali Mosallanejad 1
and Mohammad Taghi Ameli 1
1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran 0098, Iran; (S.A.); (M.M.A.); (A.M.); (M.T.A.)
2 Department of Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 16802, USA
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Considering the strong influence of distributed generation (DG) in electric distribution
systems and its impact on network voltage losses and stability, a new challenge has appeared for
such systems. In this study, a novel analytical algorithm is proposed to distinguish the optimal
location and size of DGs in radial distribution networks based on a new combined index (CI) to
reduce active power losses and improve system voltage profiles. To obtain the CI, active power losses
and voltage stability indexes were used in the proposed approach. The CI index with sensitivity
analysis was effective in decreasing power losses and improving voltage stability. Optimal DG size
was determined based on a search algorithm to reduce active power losses. The considered scheme
was examined through IEEE 12-bus and 33-bus radial distribution test systems (RDTS), and the
Citation: Azad, S.; Amiri, M.M.;
obtained results were compared and validated in comparison with other available methods. The
Heris, M.N.; Mosallanejad, A.;
results and analysis verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in reducing power losses
Ameli, M.T. A Novel Analytical
and improving the distribution system voltage profiles by determining the appropriate location and
Approach for Optimal Placement and
Sizing of Distributed Generations in optimal DG size. In IEEE 12 and 33 bus networks, the minimum voltage increased from 0.9434 p.u
Radial Electrical Energy Distribution and 0.9039 p.u to 0.9907 p.u and 0.9402 p.u, respectively. Additionally, the annual cost of energy
Systems. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224. losses decreased by 78.23% and 64.37%, respectively.
su131810224 Keywords: DG placement; voltage stability; active power losses; combined index; radial distribution
test systems
Academic Editor: Lin Li
power quality, and increase network losses [4]. Therefore, the best location and size for DG
installation should be selected for maximum and efficient DG installation utilization [5].
Numerous articles have so far examined the optimal location of DG. These articles are
generally divided into two types. The first type is articles that are based on mathematical-
based analytical methods, and the second type uses meta-innovative methods. In the
following section, different articles from both types are examined.
placement of DG. In this reference, a numerical example shows the proposed algorithm’s
superiority over the simple genetic algorithm. In [17], ant colony optimization (ACO) and
artificial bee colony (ABO) algorithms have solved locating and determining DG size. In
this paper, the problem is modeled on statistics and probabilities, and the uncertainties
in planning are taken into account. In [18], the authors suggested using the bacterial
foraging optimization (BFO) algorithm to solve the DG optimal placement problem. The
authors in [19] used quantum-inspired particle swarm optimization (Q-PSO) for the op-
timal allocation of distributed generation units. In [20], a hybrid genetic particle swarm
optimization algorithm for the optimal allocation of distributed generation was developed.
This paper aimed to reduce active and reactive power losses and voltage regulations in the
system. In [21], a new method called Harris Hawks optimization was used to optimally
locate and determine the capacity of distributed generation units in a radial distribution
network. In this method, the authors aimed to minimize lost power, and they compared
the performance of this method with similar methods of heuristic optimization. In [22], a
new hybrid method was used to locate and determine the optimal size of DG, with the aim
of reducing power losses. The combined technique was the continuous execution of both
the grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA) and the cuckoo search (CS). In this paper,
GOA optimization behavior was improved using the CS technique. In [23], modified moth
flame optimization (MMFO) was proposed to locate and determine the optimal size of DG.
The purpose of this paper was to minimize the cost of operating the entire network by
minimizing active power losses, bus voltage deviations, the cost of operating the DG, and
the cost of emissions.
The main motivation of this work is to provide a new and simple analytical method
for the optimal placement and sizing of DG. In this paper, we have tried to present a
simple but efficient method in which voltage stability and active power loss are considered
together; hence, a voltage stability index (VSI) and an active power losses index (APLI) are
presented to specify the optimal location of DG. The VSI, from a mathematical point of view,
is obtained by considering the sensitivity of the voltage to active power. The combination
of the two proposed indicators is used as a combined index (CI) to determine the optimal
location of DG, reduce active power losses, and increase network voltage stability. By
implementing the DG units in power system buses, the bus that simultaneously impacts
the system through a reduction of active power losses and an increase in network voltage
stability has the largest CI and is selected as the candidate bus. By selecting the candidate
bus, the DG size is determined by the search algorithm in order to reduce active power
losses and observe the allowable voltage range. The proposed method is tested on IEEE 12-
bus [24] and 33-bus [25] RDTSs for unity power factor (pf), 0.9 lagging, and optimal power
factor (OPF). Then, the results of the combined power loss sensitivity (CPLS) method [26],
the VSI method [6], and the index vector (IV) method [26] are compared in unity and the
0.9 lagging power factor.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, the formulation of the problem is
presented. In this section, a new analytical method is used for optimal DG placement. In
Section 3, the discussion and simulation results are reviewed, and, finally, in Section 4, the
paper’s overall conclusion is discussed.
2. Problem Formulation
2.1. Mathematical Model of the Proposal Indicators for Optimal DG Placement
Determining the optimal DG location requires methods that reduce distribution net-
work losses and costs while considering voltage stability and network security. To specify
the proper and optimal location placement of DG, two indicators of voltage stability assess-
ment and reduction of active losses are presented in the current work. From a mathematical
point of view, the voltage stability assessment index is obtained by considering the power
system’s voltage collapse characteristics and can provide a comprehensive assessment of
network voltage stability status.
2.1.1. New Voltage Stability Index (NVSI)
The mathematical model of the considered VSI for DG placement is presented in this
section. The system studied is shown in Figure 1. The proposed index is obtained using
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 4 of 17
the transmission power in lines and a quadratic voltage equation based on the ABCD pa-
rameters of the transmission line. The line capacitor increases with increasing line length
and cannot be ignored; for this reason, in addition to the impedance of lines, the line’s
capacitance is also Stability
2.1.1. New Voltage considered in the
Index ABCD parameters. Therefore, the proposed index,
considering all conditions
The mathematical of transmission
model lines,VSI
of the considered performs
for DGaplacement
voltage stability assessment.
is presented in this
The NVSI is modeled as follows:
section. The system studied is shown in Figure 1. The proposed index is obtained using
= AV R + B
the transmission power in lines andVaS quadratic voltage
IR equation based on the ABCD
parameters of the transmission line. The line capacitor increases (1)
with increasing line length
I S = CV R + DI R
and cannot be ignored; for this reason, in addition to the impedance of lines, the line’s
By representing
capacitance the above in
is also considered equations
the ABCD as aparameters.
matrix, we have:
Therefore, the proposed index,
considering all conditions of transmission lines, performs a voltage stability assessment.
The NVSI is modeled as 1+ Z
V Sfollows:
A B V R 2 V R
= I = (2)
S C D VS =
Y(1 +
) 1+
IS = CVR + DIR2 2 (1)
VS δ R 0
2 2
Figure 1.
1. The
The two-bus
two-bus system
system studied
studied for
for modeling
modeling the
the voltage
voltage stability
stability index.
Bywe have
representing the above equations as a matrix, we have:
A= A ∠ θ A
, B = B ∠ θ B, C = C YZ
∠ θ C , D = D ∠ θ
VS A B VR 1+ 2 Z VR
= = YZ YZ (2)
Additionally, C of
IS the values D 𝑉 and IR 𝑉 are equal
Y(1 +to:2 ) 1+ 2
P − jQ R equal
Additionally, the values of VIS and P − jQ
= RVR are
R = R to: R (3)
V R* V R ∠0
VS = |VS |∠δ, VR = |VR |∠0
Using (2), the voltage at the beginning of the line can be obtained as follows:
In the following, we first calculate the flow at the end of the line:
P − jQ R
V S ∠δ = A ∠θA ×V R ∠0 + B ∠θB × I R = A ∠θA ×V R ∠0 + B ∠θB × R (4)
P − jQ P − jQ R V R ∠0
IR = R ∗ R = R (3)
V V ∠0
By multiplying the sides of (8) in 𝑉 R, we have: R
Using (2), the voltage at the beginning of2the line can be obtained as follows:
VSV R ∠δ = A∠θA ×V R + B ∠θB ×( PR − jQR ) (5)
P − jQ
VS ∠δ =
Separate A∠
the × VRimaginary
θ A and
real × IRof=(5),
∠0 + B∠θ Bparts θ A ×we
A∠and ∠0 +
VRwill ∠θ B ×in RplacingR the real
beBequal (4)
VR ∠0
parts of the sides:
By multiplying the sides of (8) in VR , we have:
Separate the real and imaginary parts of (5), and we will be equal in placing the real
parts of the sides:
Voltage sensitivity to active power of the receiving side, according to (6), is equal to:
dVR −B
= cos ( ) cos(δ)
dPR θ
2VR A cos(θA) − VS cos(θ )
The condition for the system to remain stable is that (11) is negative. B is always
positive, so we have:
cos(θ A ) cos(δ)
2VR A − VS >0 (8)
cos(θ B ) cos(θ B )
Therefore, according to (8), the following inequality must always be maintained to
maintain voltage stability.
2VR A cos(θ A )
>1 (9)
VS cos(δ)
Due to (9), the voltage stability index is defined as follows:
2VR A cos(θ A )
NVSI = (2 − ) (10)
VS cos(δ)
The proposed index varies between zero, which indicates the state of no-load, and one,
which indicates the state of voltage collapse. How to get the boundary values is as follows:
δ = θA
The index’s value is obtained by placing (12) in (10), NVSI = 0, which is the lower
limit of the proposed index.
To obtain the upper limit of the proposed index, the value of the index at the point
of voltage collapse is used in a way that when we approach the point of instability on the
P − V curve, the value of dV R
dP tends to infinity, then:
=∞ (13)
cos(θ A ) cos(δ)
2VR A − VS =0 (14)
cos(θ B ) cos(θ B )
2VR A cos(θ A ) = VS cos(δ) (15)
By placing (15) in (10), the index’s value is obtained, NVSI = 1, which is the upper
limit of the proposed index. According to (10), if we show the number of lines with j, the
value of the NVSI for each line is obtained as follows:
2VRj A j cos θ Aj
NVSIj = (2 − ) (16)
VSj cos δj
j =1
ONVSIi = (17)
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 6 of 17
where ONVSIinitial is the sum of the index values of lines without DG installation.
LRi − LRmin
APLRIi = (18)
LRmax − LRmin
Buses that have higher APLI are more suitable for DG installation. This index selects
the buses that reduce network losses most by installing DG as the candidate bus.
• DG size constraint
PDG ≤ Pload
Q DG ≤ Qload
As much as half the active network load, the power is injected into the bus i
Set the bus with the largest CI as the candidate bus (j)
Iteration=Iteration+1 Store APLs, Iteration and PDG
Yes &
Cost = TAPL × EP × T
EP = EnergyPrice ($/Kwh) (24)
T = Period of Time (h)
where the coefficients of the cost function depend on the PF and are as follows:
3.1. Results of the IEEE 12-Bus RDTS Test System Based on the Proposed CI Method
For the IEEE 12-bus radial distribution test system, the losses of active and reactive
power in DG mode were 207,136 and 80,411 kW, respectively. In this case, the power
received from the upstream network was 4,553,366 and 4,130,411 kW. According to the
proposed algorithm, APLI, ONVSI, and CI were obtained first to select the candidate points
for DG installation. Figure 3 shows the values of these indicators for different buses. An
examination of Figure 3 shows that Bus 9 has the lowest ONVSI value, the highest APLI
value, and the highest CI value. Therefore, Bus 9 was the most suitable in terms of voltage
stability levels and active network losses for DG installation. By placing DG in Bus 9 and
injecting active power into the network with a step of 1% of total active load, the changes
in active power losses to the DG capacity ratio were obtained. The changes in active power
losses are shown in Figure 4 by changing the DG size for a unit power factor and 0.9
lagging. The optimal DG size for the unit power factor and 0.9 lagging is 235.3 kW and
302.33 kVA, respectively. In this case, the minimum active network losses for the unity
power factor is 10.7744 kW, and the power factor of which is 0.9 lagging, 4.4929 kW. By
installing DG with a unity power factor and 0.9 lagging, respectively, the active and reactive
power received from the upstream network is reduced to 210.0974 and 409.1256 kW as well
as 167.396 and 274.8582 kW. To observe the effect of DG injection power in the network on
bus voltage, a bus voltage profile for DG installation, with the unit power factor, variable
capacity between 0 and 235 kV, and a 5 kV step, is shown in Figure 5. As DG injection
kVA, respectively. In this case, the minimum active network losses for the unity pow
factor is 10.7744 kW, and the power factor of which is 0.9 lagging, 4.4929 kW. By installin
DG with a unity power factor and 0.9 lagging, respectively, the active and reactive pow
received from the upstream network is reduced to 210.0974 and 409.1256 kW as well
167.396 and 274.8582 kW. To observe the effect of DG injection power in the network o
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 9 of 17
bus voltage, a bus voltage profile for DG installation, with the unit power factor, variab
capacity between 0 and 235 kV, and a 5 kV step, is shown in Figure 5. As DG injectio
capacity increases to 235 kW, the voltage profile improves so that the best voltage profi
in Figure
capacity increases to5235
is for
voltageDG capacity,
profile in this
improves socase, 235best
that the kW.voltage profile in
Figure 5 is for the highest DG capacity, in this case, 235 kW.
REVIEW 1010ofof1818
Figure4. Changes ininDG-sized with active power losses in the IEEE 12-bus RDTS.
Figure 4.4.Changes
Changesin DG-sizedwith
DG-sized with active
active power
power losses
losses inin the
the IEEE
IEEE 12-bus
12-bus RDTS.
Figure5. The effect ofofDG injection power on the voltage profile.
Figure 5.5.The
effectof DGDGinjection
injection power
power onon the
the voltage
voltage profile.
modeandandDG DGwith
factor and 0.9 lagging in Figure 6. For DG with a power factor of 0.9 lagging,the
and 0.9 lagging in Figure 6. For DG with a power factor of 0.9 lagging, thevoltage
in the two modes with and without DG, with unit power factor and 0.9 phases, are 0.9434,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 10 of 17
The 12-bus voltage profile is shown in DG-installed mode and DG with a unity power
factor and 0.9 lagging in Figure 6. For DG with a power factor of 0.9 lagging, the voltage
profile phase is more desirable than with the unit power factor. The minimum grid voltage
in the two modes with and without DG, with unit power factor and 0.9 phases, are 0.9434,
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 18
0.9835, and 0.9912 p.u., respectively. The ONVSI, which was introduced as a voltage level
indicator, changed from 1 to 0.5422 and 0.2718 with the installation of DG with unit and 0.9
lagging power factors, which indicates an increase in the voltage stability level.
Figure 7. The effect of DG installation on increasing loading capacity and system voltage stability.
By installing DG, the studied network becomes an active network. In fact, by in-
stalling DG, the active and reactive power passing through the lines is reduced, increasing
voltage stability and reducing active and reactive network losses. Reducing losses de-
creases the
Figure cost ofofannual system active power lossescapacity
so thatand thesystem
cost ofvoltage
annual energy
Figure 7.7. The
The effect
effect of DG
DG installation
installation on
on increasing
increasing loading
loading capacity and system voltage stability.
losses by installing DG with a unity power factor and 0.9 lagging rises from USD 9072.6
to USD
By 4719.2
By installing and USD
DG, the 1967.2.
the By
studied comparing
network the yearly
becomes an cost
an active of energy In losses
network. Inby
fact, before
fact, by and
DG, installing
active DG,
active it and
is bereactive
reactive foundpassing
power that installing
power passing DG
throughthrough withthe
the lines a reduced,
is unity
lines ispower
increasing and 0.9
lagging stability
stability saves USDand4353.4
and reducing reducing
active 7105.4 in distribution
and network
reactive reactive network
losses. network
losses. costs,
Reducing lossesrespectively.
Reducing losses the
decreases A
creases the of the
cost DG
of simulation
annual systemresults
active is shown
power in Table
losses so 1, with
cost of annual system active power losses so that the cost of annual energy losses by the
the installation
cost of annual of DG for
the IEEE
losses by 12-bus
installing DG with RDTS.
installing DG For
a unity power
a unity
power factor
factor and and
factor aand
0.9 lagging factor
0.9 rises
lagging ofrises
from 0.9-lag,
USD from the
9072.6 minimum
to USDand
4719.2 increases
4719.2USD and by 4.2%
USD 1967.2.
1967.2. and 5%, respectively.
By comparing
By comparing Additionally,
the yearly
the yearly cost ofcost
energy the annual
of energy
losseslossescost of
and energy
after is reduced
installing isby
DG, itDG, beit47.95%
found and
that 78.32%,
is be found installing respectively.
that installing
DG with DGa unity
with apowerunity factor
powerand factor and 0.9
0.9 lagging
lagging saves USD 4353.4 and USD 7105.4 in distribution network costs, respectively. A
Table 1. The
summary ofresults
the DG ofsimulation
the IEEE 12-bus RDTS.
results is shown in Table 1, with the installation of DG for
the IEEE 12-bus RDTS. For unit power factor and a power DGfactor
PF of 0.9-lag, the minimum
Items by 4.2% and 5%,
voltage increases Base Case
respectively. Additionally, the annual cost of energy
Unit 0.9 lag
losses is reduced by 47.95% and 78.32%, respectively.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 11 of 17
saves USD 4353.4 and USD 7105.4 in distribution network costs, respectively. A summary
of the DG simulation results is shown in Table 1, with the installation of DG for the IEEE
12-bus RDTS. For unit power factor and a power factor of 0.9-lag, the minimum voltage
increases by 4.2% and 5%, respectively. Additionally, the annual cost of energy losses is
reduced by 47.95% and 78.32%, respectively.
Items Base Case
Unit 0.9 lag
Location - 9 9
Size (kVA) - 235.3 314.38
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 18
Active power losses
20.7136 10.7744 4.4929
3.2. Results of the IEEE 33-Bus RDTS Based on the Proposed CI Method Method
In the IEEE
IEEE 33-bus
33-busRDTS RDTStest testsystem
withoutDG DGimplementation,
implementation, thethe
active power
reactive powerlosses
210.58and and142.99
respectively. Additionally,
Additionally, in this case,case, the
amount of power received from the upstream network is 3922.2 and 2442.99 kW. kW. Figure
Figure 88
shows the value of ONVSI, APLI, and CI for the the 33-bus
33-bus network.
network. Bus 29 is defineddefined as as the
nominated bus
nominated busforforDGDGinstallation
installationbecausebecause it it
has has
thethe highest
highest CI CI value.
value. A study
A study of ONVSI
of ONVSI for
for Bus
Bus 29 shows
29 shows that that this has
this bus busthe haslowest
the lowest
valuevalue after30.
after Bus Bus 30. Additionally,
Additionally, in terms in
of APLI,
terms this bus
of APLI, thisisbus
oneisof onetheofmost suitable
the most suitablebuses for installing
buses for installingDG.DG.After determining
After determin-
Bus 29 as
ing Bus 29the candidate
as the candidate for for
DGDG installation,
installation, thethenext step
next is to
step is determine
to determine thethe
DG size to reduce energy loss costs. By injecting active power
ate DG size to reduce energy loss costs. By injecting active power into Bus 29 with into Bus 29 with a 1% astep
of theofnetwork’s
step the network’stotal total
active power,
active changes
power, changesin active losses
in active relative
losses to the
relative to DG
the DGsize size
are obtained with a unit
with power
a unit power factor
factorand 0.90.9
and lagging.
Figure9 9shows
network’s active
loss changes to DG size. The optimal DG size for the unity power factor is 1646.1 kW, kW, and
for the 0.9 lagging pf, 2028 kVA. kVA. The The total
total active
active network
network losses
losses for
for DG
DG with
with aa unit
unit power
factor and
and 0.9 lagging are
0.9 lagging are 1,229,849
1,229,849 and and 75,026
75,026 kW.kW. The
The active
active and reactive power
and reactive power received
from the upstream network for DG with a unit power
from the upstream network for DG with a unit power factor are 2190.1 and 2388.8 factor are 2190.1 and 2388.8 kW,kW,
and for DG with a power factor of 0.9 lagging, 1963.2 and 1474.8 kW. As shown in the
for DG with a power factor of 0.9 lagging, 1963.2 and 1474.8 kW. As shown in the
previous section,
section, the
the effect
effect of of DG
DG resizing
resizing on on the
the bus
bus voltage
voltage profile
profile of
of the
the IEEE
IEEE 33-bus
RDTS system,
system, thethe voltage
voltage profile
profile of of different
different busesbuses for
for DG
DG installation
installation with
with aa unit
unit power
factor and DG resizing from 0 to 1640 kV, with 40 kW step, is depicted in Figure 10. The
and DG resizing from 0 to 1640 kV, with 40 kW step, is depicted in Figure 10. The
best voltage
voltage profile
profile isis for
for injecting
injecting an an active
active power
power of of 1640
1640 kW.kW.
Figure 8.
Figure 8. The amount of
The amount of ONVSI,
APLI, and
and CI
CI for
for the
the IEEE
IEEE 33-bus
33-bus RDTS.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 12 of 17
Figure 8. The amount of ONVSI, APLI, and CI for the IEEE 33-bus RDTS.
Figure ChangesininDG-sized
power on
on the
the voltage
voltage profile.
The voltage
The voltageprofile
profile of
of the
the IEEE
IEEE 33-bus
33-bus RDTS
RDTS is is shown
shown for for the
the two
two modes,
modes, with
with and
without DGs,ininFigure
Figure11.11.InIn this
this case,
case, thethe installation
installation of DG
of DG withwith
a unita unit
power power
0.9 0.9 lagging
causescauses the minimum
the minimum network
network voltagevoltage to increase
to increase from from
0.90390.9039 to 0.9288
to 0.9288 and
and 0.9402
0.9402 p.u.
p.u. In thisInpaper,
this paper,
ONVSI ONVSI is defined
is defined as anas an indicator
indicator for assessing
for assessing the level
the level of
of net-
network voltage stability. The installation of DG with unity and 0.9 lagging
work voltage stability. The installation of DG with unity and 0.9 lagging pfs will cause the pfs will cause
ONVSI valuevalue to increase
to increase fromfrom 1 to 0.7094
1 to 0.7094 and and 0.7153,
0.7153, increasing
increasing the network
the network voltagevoltage
stability margin. To examine the effect of DG’s presence on increasing
bility margin. To examine the effect of DG’s presence on increasing the voltage stability the voltage stability
margin and
margin and network
network voltage
voltage stability
stability level,
level, the
the P-V
P-V diagram
diagram for for Bus
Bus 18,
18, which
which hashas the
lowest voltageamong
amongthe thevarious
buses,isis shown
shown in in Figure
Figure 12.12. Studying
Studying Figure
Figure 1212
shows the effect of reactive power on increasing network load and voltage
shows the effect of reactive power on increasing network load and voltage stability mar- stability margins.
gins. results highlight
results the importance
highlight the importanceof optimizing the DG
of optimizing thepower
DG power factor.factor.
Another issue in the discussion of DG optimization is the reduction of network energy
losses costs. With optimal DG deployment, the active and reactive power in the transmis-
sion network lines changes, and the cost of losses is reduced. With the implementation of
DG with a unit power factor and 0.9 lagging, the annual cost of casualties drops from USD
92,234 to USD 53,867 and USD 32,861. In general, with the installation of DG, USD 38,367
and USD 59,373 of energy savings are saved annually. Table 2 summarizes the results of
this section for the 33-bus RDTS. For a unit power factor and a power factor of 0.9-lag, the
minimum voltage increases by 2.6% and 4%, respectively. Additionally, the annual cost of
energy losses is reduced by 41.6% and 64.37%, respectively.
ONVSI value to increase from 1 to 0.7094 and 0.7153, increasing the network voltage sta-
bility margin. To examine the effect of DG’s presence on increasing the voltage stability
margin and network voltage stability level, the P-V diagram for Bus 18, which has the
lowest voltage among the various grid buses, is shown in Figure 12. Studying Figure 12
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 shows the effect of reactive power on increasing network load and voltage stability13mar-
of 17
gins. These results highlight the importance of optimizing the DG power factor.
Figure 12.
Figure 12. The effect of
The effect of DG
DG installation
installation on
on increasing
increasing load
load and
and voltage
voltage stability.
In Sections 3.1 and 3.2, the power factor value for DG 0.9 was assumed to be lagging,
and the losses of Networks 12 and 33 of the bus, as well as the resulting costs, were obtained.
In this section, with the help of Equation (27), the OPF for DG is obtained, and the results
are compared with the power factor of 0.9 lagging. For the 12-bus and 33-bus networks,
the OPF is 0.7319 and 0.85 lagging. Table 3 and Table 4 show the comparison of the results
for the optimal and unity pfs. An examination of the results shows a decline in the cost of
energy losses with an OPF.
Items Base Case
Unit 0.7319 lag
Location - 9 9
Size (kVA) - 235.3 314.38
Active power losses (kw) 20.7136 10.7744 3.1577
Reactive power losses (kVAr) 8.0411 4.1256 1.1093
Minimum bus voltage (p.u) 0.9434 0.9835 0.9907
Active power from the upstream (kw) 455.3366 210.0974 208.06
Reactive power from the upstream (kVAR) 413.0411 409.1256 191.88
Cost of energy losses ($) 9072.6 4719.2 1383.1
Net savings ($) - 4353.4 7689.5
%savings - 47.95 84.76
C(PDG) ($/h) - 3.5334 3.4555
C(QDG) ($/h) - - 1.602
Items Base Case
Unit 0.85 lag
Location - 29 29
Size (kVA) - 1646.1 2097.7
Active power losses (kw) 210.58 122.98 72.56
Reactive power losses (kVAr) 142.99 88.84 55.77
Minimum bus voltage (p.u) 0.9039 0.9288 0.9417
Active power from the upstream (kw) 3922.2 2190.1 1954.5
Reactive power from the upstream (kVAR) 442.99 2388.8 1418
Cost of energy losses ($) 92,234 53,867 31,781
Net savings ($) - 38,367 60,453
%savings - 41.6 65.54
C(PDG) ($/h) - 24.6205 26.746
C(QDG) ($/h) - - 8.73
Table 5. Comparing the obtained results for a unity PF (IEEE 12-bus RDTS).
Table 6. Comparing the results for a 0.9 PF lag (IEEE 33-bus RDTS).
The comparison shows that for the 12-bus RDTS, the four methods examined have
provided similar results, which could confirm the presented method’s performance. In the
33-bus RDTS, the considered method performs better than the other methods in reducing
losses. In fact, by defining the indices used in the proposed algorithm and using the CI in-
dex, the optimal location has been selected appropriately and has reduced network losses.
4. Conclusions
In the presented work, a new CI analytical method for specifying the optimal DG
location is presented. The voltage stability index is obtained from a mathematical point of
view using the voltage collapse feature, which is of great importance. Using CI to determine
the optimal DG location reduces active power losses and improves the voltage profile and
stability margin. CI index with sensitivity analysis is effective in improving the voltage
profile and reducing the distribution network’s active power losses, which determines the
optimal location for DG installation. Then, the optimal size of DG is determined with the
aim of active power loss reduction by a search algorithm. Determination of the optimal
location and size of DG for three types of DG with unit PF, 0.9 PF lag, and OPF was done.
The proposed algorithm was tested on the 12-bus and 33-bus IEEE RDTSs, and the results
were analyzed. For IEEE 12- and 33-bus networks, the optimal DG installation location
was obtained as Buses 9 and 29, respectively. Additionally, the optimal DG size for these
networks with a power factor of 0.9-lag was 314.38 and 2028 kVAr, respectively. The use
of the considered algorithm to define the suitable location and size of DG improved the
voltage profile and stability margin and reduced active power losses and the resulting
costs. Finally, the presented algorithm was compared and validated with IV, VSI, and
CPLS methods. Comparing the results shows the effectiveness of the proposed method
in reducing active power losses and the resulting costs, as well as improving the network
voltage profile. The annual cost of losses for IEEE 12- and 33-bus networks decreased by
78.23% and 64.37%, respectively, which is significant.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.A. and M.M.A.; software, S.A.; validation, A.M.,
M.T.A. and M.N.H.; formal analysis, M.M.A.; writing—original draft preparation, M.M.A.; writing—
review and editing, M.N.H., A.M. and M.T.A., visualization, S.A.; supervision, A.M., M.N.H. and
M.T.A.; project administration, M.T.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 10224 16 of 17
VS Voltage at bus S
VR Voltage at bus R
δ Phase angle difference between S and R buses
IS Current sent from bus S
IR Current received in bus R
A, B, C, D Line parameters
R Line e resistance
X Line reactance
Z Line impedance
Y Line charging
PR Active power received in bus R
QR Reactive power received in bus R
j Number of lines
i Bus number
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