Steam Turbine Performance Engineers Guide
Steam Turbine Performance Engineers Guide
Steam Turbine Performance Engineers Guide
Steam Turbine Performance
Engineer’s Guide
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Copyright © 2010 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following organization, under contract to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),
prepared this report:
Principal Investigator
D. H. Cioffi
EPRI acknowledges the valuable help from the following Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis,
Ltd., personnel:
This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following
Steam Turbine Performance Engineer’s Guide. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2010. 1019657.
The importance of power plant performance has been recognized recently because good
performance can reduce fuel costs and reduce CO2 emissions. The steam turbine is the
workhorse of most power plants. Its performance and reliability relate directly to the
performance and reliability of the power plant that it serves. The actions of the turbine
performance engineer are crucial to its high level of performance. However, in many cases, that
engineer is assigned many other duties and/or is an early career engineer placed into this position
without previous experience.
The Steam Turbine Performance Engineer's Guide is meant to present the steam turbine
performance engineer with the expected and important functions and responsibilities necessary
to succeed in this position that are not necessarily taught in college. The instructions and
recommendations in this guide, when properly executed, will improve the effectiveness of steam
turbine performance engineers, positively affecting both the performance and reliability of the
steam turbines under their care.
Power plants and power-generating companies with structured or active performance programs
have typically been industry leaders in reliability and performance.
To provide a description and the frequency of the performance engineer’s periodic activities
To supply technical information to serve as a reference manual
To make recommendations on steam turbine and performance-related training
In cooperation with interested EPRI members, the project team developed an outline for a
guideline describing the activities of a successful turbine performance engineer. The expertise
to develop the guide was identified in a contractor who developed draft guides based on
experience and industry standards and references. Several EPRI members reviewed these
drafts and provided recommendations for the fine-tuning needed to maximize their usefulness.
This comprehensive guide was developed by drawing on decades of industry expertise. It
contains the program structure for the coordinated actions necessary to maintain or improve
steam turbine performance and reliability. The guide provides the details for engineers serving in
this capacity to successfully and positively affect the performance and reliability of steam
EPRI Perspective
Stations with a performance program perform better than those without one. A performance
program provides the data for decision making with respect to timely maintenance. Monitoring
the performance of a steam turbine includes the trending of parameters that also describe the
performance of other plant components, providing insight and information on improving their
operation. A performance program creates a culture centered on improving plant performance.
The sharing of performance data with the entire plant staff strengthens their understanding of
how each staff member may contribute, making the improvement of plant performance a team
Through the use of this guideline, EPRI members should be able to establish and maintain a
turbine performance improvement program and ultimately improve component performance
and unit heat rate.
Heat rate
Performance engineer
Performance program
Steam turbine
Turbine performance
Turbine system engineer
The purpose of the Steam Turbine Performance Engineer’s Guide is not to review the
thermodynamics of the steam cycle—there are many textbooks available for that. Rather, the
guide is meant to present the steam turbine performance engineer with the expected and
important functions and responsibilities necessary for the job that are not necessarily taught in
college. The instructions and recommendations in this guide, when properly executed, will
improve the effectiveness of steam turbine performance engineers, positively affecting both the
performance and reliability of the steam turbines under their care.
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1
Engineering Units ..................................................................................................................1-3
Anticipate Problems Uncovered During Outages ......................................................2-59
List of Isolation Breaches...........................................................................................2-65
List of Instrumentation Problems ...............................................................................2-65
Line Up Contractors/Suppliers ...................................................................................2-65
Outage Schedule .......................................................................................................2-67
Reverse Engineering Data-Gathering Opportunities .................................................2-68
Why Consider an Upgrade or Modification? ..............................................................2-69
Understanding the Performance Effect of Upgrades and Modifications ....................2-72
Typical Outage Repairs and Their Effect on Turbine Performance ................................2-82
Grit Blasting ...............................................................................................................2-82
Chemical Analysis of Deposits...................................................................................2-83
Minor Weld Repairs ...................................................................................................2-83
Seals ..........................................................................................................................2-84
Horizontal Joints ........................................................................................................2-85
Responsibilities During a Major Turbine Overhaul .........................................................2-85
Opening Steam Path Audit ........................................................................................2-86
Cycle Isolation ...........................................................................................................2-86
Instrumentation ..........................................................................................................2-86
Photographic Record of the Steam Path ...................................................................2-87
Reverse Engineering Data-Gathering Opportunities .................................................2-87
Closing Steam Path Audit ..........................................................................................2-87
Unexpected Damage/Deterioration............................................................................2-87
Constant Communication...........................................................................................2-88
4 TRAINING...............................................................................................................................4-1
6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................6-1
E INDEX.................................................................................................................................... E-1
Figure 1-1 Typical heat-rate degradation with and without a heat-rate improvement
Figure 2-1 One outage cycle for a heat-rate improvement program ..........................................2-2
Figure 2-2 Definitions of heat rate..............................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-3 Parameters included in the heat-rate equation.........................................................2-8
Figure 2-4 HP/IP/LP turbine design efficiency locations ..........................................................2-10
Figure 2-5 Hydrogen-cooled generator....................................................................................2-14
Figure 2-6 Hydrogen seal ........................................................................................................2-15
Figure 2-7 Heater extraction pressures ...................................................................................2-21
Figure 2-8 Partial-arc and full-arc admission ...........................................................................2-22
Figure 2-9 Impulse and reaction stages...................................................................................2-23
Figure 2-10 The first stage.......................................................................................................2-24
Figure 2-11 Systematic uncertainty (S) and random uncertainty (R) .......................................2-33
Figure 2-12 Schematic for determining mass flow rate to the condenser from a leaking
Figure 2-13 Expected shape of the performance curves over the load range .........................2-42
Figure 2-14 Opposed-flow HP-IP turbine casing with instrumentation for measured IP
turbine efficiency ..............................................................................................................2-43
Figure 2-15 IP turbine internal efficiency using the temperature shift method .........................2-45
Figure 2-16 IP turbine internal efficiency using the slope over the load range method ...........2-46
Figure 2-17 HP turbine test for control-stage SPE...................................................................2-47
Figure 2-18 Corrections to test stage pressures......................................................................2-49
Figure 2-19 Expected section efficiencies with a mid casing extraction ..................................2-51
Figure 2-20 How key pressures respond to off-design conditions ...........................................2-55
Figure 2-21 Temperature measurement location affects measured casing efficiency.............2-62
Figure 2-22 Pressures responding to changes in flow and downstream resistance ................2-63
Figure 2-23 Areas where blade polishing is most beneficial....................................................2-67
Figure 2-24 Typical high-level turbine overhaul Ghant chart ...................................................2-68
Figure 2-25 Two-row and double-flow control stages ..............................................................2-70
Figure 2-26 Blade profiles........................................................................................................2-71
Figure 2-27 Velocity diagrams of twisted blades .....................................................................2-72
Figure 2-28 Mollier diagram of one-stage and two-stage expansions .....................................2-73
Figure 2-29 SPE in the control stage and first reheat stage ....................................................2-76
Figure 2-30 Steam velocity vectors through conventional seals and Vortex Shedders ...........2-78
Figure 2-31 Total exhaust loss curve.......................................................................................2-79
Figure 2-32 Sharp and rubbed steam seal tooth .....................................................................2-84
Figure 2-33 Outage organizational chart .................................................................................2-89
Figure A-1 Typical fossil heat balance ...................................................................................... A-1
Figure B-1 Typical nuclear heat balance .................................................................................. B-1
Steam turbine performance is important. When the steam turbine efficiency is high, emissions
decrease because less fuel is used for every kilowatt of power produced. Less fuel use results in
significant savings because fuel is often the largest cost of operating a power plant. Wear and
tear on the fuel handling equipment decreases, and more power per pound of steam is produced.
With less flow per kilowatt, there is less heat rejected in the condenser and corresponding heat-
rejection equipment, and ultimately the environment.
When availability and reliability are in good order, planned outages may be postponed if
performance is also in good order. The postponement of a planned outage postpones the costs of
the outage and the replacement power. Paying close attention to the turbine's thermal
performance can aid in early detection of reliability problems.
Measuring the turbine performance before and after an upgrade, modification, or other change to
the turbine will allow the owner to quantify the corresponding change in output, efficiency, fuel
consumption, throttle flow, and so on. This measurement also determines whether the turbine
passed any guaranteed performance criteria, which is often associated with bonuses and/or
liquidated damages.
Stations with a performance program perform better than those that without one. A performance
program provides the data for decision making with respect to timely maintenance. Monitoring
the performance of a steam turbine includes the trending of parameters that also describe the
performance of other plant components, providing insight and information on improving their
operation. A performance program creates a culture centered on improving plant performance.
The sharing of performance data with the entire plant staff strengthens their understanding of
how each staff member may contribute, ultimately making the improvement of plant
performance a team effort.
Figure 1-1
Typical heat-rate degradation with and without a heat-rate improvement program
The effect of decreasing heat rate can be tremendous. It can be quantified by the following
Annual Fuel Savings = %ΔHR * 8760 * CF * PWR * FC/10,000,
%ΔHR = the percentage of change in heat rate (%)
8760 = the number of hours in a year
CF = the capacity factor (%)
PWR = the rated power output (in kilowatts)
FC = the fuel cost (in dollars per one million/MMBtu)
So, for a 500-MW unit operating at 97.6% capacity with fuel costs of $3/MMBtu, and a design
heat rate of 7800 Btu/kWh, the fuel cost savings from a 1% heat-rate improvement is as follows:
Annual Fuel Savings = 0.01 * 7800 Btu/kWh * 8760 h/yr * 0.976 * 500,000 kW * $3/MMBtu
For a sustained heat-rate improvement of 1% per year over the course of five years, the annual
fuel savings is $5 million.
Following the heat-rate improvement program described in this guide can result in a heat-rate
improvement of 1% per year or more. The troubleshooting from testing and analysis of data,
inspections, changes to operation, repairs, and upgrades all are components of the overall
program that can increase power output, reduce fuel costs, and decrease emissions.
Engineering Units
English units (U.S. customary) are used for parameters in this report. The following table enables
report users to convert to Standard International (SI) units where applicable.
Table 1-1
Metric conversion table
The primary role of a steam turbine performance engineer is to improve and maintain the
efficiency and power output of the steam turbine cycle. The measurements of success are the
gross turbine heat rate (GTHR) and the gross generator output. The two go hand in hand: a plant
may be very efficient, but at the same time be deficient in power output. Conversely, a plant may
generate more power than design, yet do so inefficiently. The desired combination, as well as the
steam turbine performance engineer’s responsibility, is a turbine cycle that produces maximum
power at maximum efficiency over the long term.
Figure 2-1 shows the steps involved in a heat-rate improvement program. The process centers on
the turbine outage. There is a great deal of effort that goes into planning for the outage so that the
time spent off-line is minimized and the cost of steam path repairs is minimized. The figure
shown is but one cycle in the continuum that describes a lifetime of maintaining or improving
turbine performance.
The first step is to determine the best expected or “new and clean” performance of the unit. This
expectation is the basis for comparison during future tests. The next step is to conduct a pre-
outage test so the current condition of the turbine cycle can be compared to the best expected
performance. Some portion of the difference between the two will be normal wear and tear.
Other portions may result from atypical or acute damage to the steam path. During the pre-
outage test analysis, the condition of the steam path is estimated. Based on this estimate, plans
can be made to address problems during the outage. During this phase, replacement parts and
subcontractors are lined up for the upcoming outage. The goal is to enter an outage with a high
level of preparedness, an educated expectation of the condition of the steam path, and a plan for
restoring the steam path to as close to its new and clean condition as possible. A higher goal is to
improve it beyond its new-and-clean condition with steam path upgrades.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-1
One outage cycle for a heat-rate improvement program
Time and resources are of usually in short supply during an outage. An opening steam path audit
is conducted as the unit is disassembled to identify and quantify damage to the steam path.
Together with the repair costs, the steam path audit allows the steam turbine performance
engineer to calculate the cost/benefit ratio for specific steam path repairs or replacements. The
list of repairs can be prioritized by return on investment and used as a guide for maintenance
decisions during the outage. Typically, the repairs that result in the highest return of Btu/kWh
per dollar spent are most economical. Other times, the repairs that result in the largest absolute
savings are desirable.
A closing steam path audit is conducted after steam path repairs are complete during the turbine
reassembly process. The closing steam path audit serves two purposes: to predict the return-to-
service condition of the steam path and to serve as a quality control check on the maintenance
conducted during the outage.
Once the turbine is back on-line, a post-outage test allows the determination of the gains in
performance as a result of the maintenance conducted during the outage. The resulting analysis
shows the gains made by each casing and is used to reconcile the opening and closing steam path
audits with the pre- and post-outage tests. With this analysis come recommendations for
continued operation with high efficiency. The result of the heat-rate improvement process is to
make adjustments to operation and maintenance to maintain a high level of efficiency and power
Figure 2-1 shows that steam turbine performance can be improved both while the unit is
operating and while it is down for an overhaul or other maintenance. The responsibilities of a
steam turbine performance engineer can therefore be divided into two general categories:
operation and maintenance.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Good long-term heat-rate improvement requires understanding of the following three important
facets of the steam turbine’s operation:
The unit’s historical performance
The turbine’s current performance compared with its baseline
How operation affects performance
The first is an understanding of the unit’s historical performance. When it was first
commissioned, the unit was typically performing at its best. This new and clean condition could
be the benchmark against which all future operation is judged—or, if the unit undergoes some
sort of upgrade or modification, the post-outage test immediately after the steam path
improvement might become the new benchmark. Either way, it is important to know the unit’s
operational history as it made its way through its break-in period, shifts from base loading to
cycling and vice versa, upgrades and modifications, major overhauls, and performance problems
and their solutions. Knowledge of the unit’s history will help in anticipating problems and will
allow better prediction of the best expected condition of the unit after future overhauls. For
example, if the unit has a history of solid particle erosion (SPE) damage and nothing has changed
with the operation or maintenance of the unit since the last outage, it is reasonable to expect SPE
damage in the upcoming outage.
The second important facet of the unit’s operation is to determine the unit’s current condition so
that it may be compared with the best expected condition. As the turbine runs, its performance
naturally degrades because of normal wear and tear. Some problems might accelerate the
degradation process. An event that causes an abrupt decrease in performance might be enough to
shut the unit down for an immediate overhaul. Other times, a performance-degrading event
might be ameliorated by changing the load, startup procedure, or some other operational change
without having to shut the unit down. Either way, knowledge of the current condition and details
of unit performance can greatly aid in making an informed decision about operational changes.
Knowing the current condition aids in planning for outages when time and maintenance budgets
are limited.
The third important facet is an understanding of the effect that operation has on performance.
There are many cause-and-effect relationships between how the unit is operated and how the unit
performs. As an owner, it is undesirable to be on the wrong end of the “it’s how you operated it”
versus “it’s how you designed it” continuum when negotiating warrantee issues. Following the
operating guidelines, documenting operational practices, and understanding how operation
affects performance are key to continued high levels of performance.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Starting with the design and then the commissioning, the best expected performance of the
turbine cycle can be determined using nonproprietary information.
Design Information
The design information that the owner receives from the turbine original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) is relevant for the operation and maintenance of the turbine.
Understandably, there will be very little information that may be used in reverse engineering
parts of the turbine. There is, however, adequate information to determine the turbine’s design
performance, but the owner must recognize that there is some manufacturer margin built into the
design documentation.
Thermal Kit
The thermal kit is a collection of nonproprietary design performance information for the steam
turbine. It may contain the following information:
Extraction-stage shell pressures
Heat rate as a function of output or loading curve
First-stage shell pressure versus throttle flow
Gland or steam seal leakage
Mechanical losses
Expansion lines
Exhaust pressure correction curve
Generator losses
High-pressure turbine expansion line endpoints
Reheat turbine expansion line endpoints
High-pressure turbine internal efficiency
Reheat turbine internal efficiency
Heat balances at various loads
– Guarantee output
– Valves wide open (VWO)
– 5% over pressure (OP)
– Several part-load points corresponding to valve points
– Controlled extraction/admission flow on or off
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The thermal kit will prove essential to the steam turbine performance engineer in evaluating the
turbine’s performance. The first step in establishing a heat-rate improvement program is to
determine the design or new and clean condition of the turbine. The guarantee heat balance is a
logical and a usually readily available place to find this information (see Appendices A and B.)
The vintage of the turbine has a great influence on its maximum efficiency. Many events over
the decades have resulted in improvements in steam path design and performance.
Domestic large utility turbines built in the 1950s and 1960s were generally workhorses with
ample manufacturer margins. Although built with excess capacity, those same turbines by
today’s standards are very inefficient. Foreign manufacturers had not yet entered the U.S.
market, so most large steam turbines in the United States were supplied by either General
Electric or Westinghouse. Fuel costs were inexpensive and passed on to the consumers, and
many units were designed to be base loaded. Electrical generators were physically large but
produced relatively few megawatts because they were limited by air cooling. Power output was
limited by generator size; therefore, cross-compound units were developed to use two generators
per turbine. The first generation of supercritical units entered the market. They were relatively
small and prone to copper deposits. The first nuclear power plants were commissioned in the
mid-1950s. In the late 1960s, turbine manufacturers distributed starting and loading instructions
to owners in an effort to reduce turbine stresses. Metallurgy was not as sophisticated as it is
today, and many rotors contained bores to remove poor-quality material from which cracks could
With the improvement of materials throughout the 1960s and 1970s, steam inlet temperatures
increased, which allowed power output and efficiency to increase as well. The advent of water-
cooled generators and other improvements in generator manufacturing in the late 1960s and early
1970s allowed generator ratings to increase; therefore, new units were tandem compound instead
of cross-compound. Improvements were made in once-through boilers, and supercritical units
were placed in cycles without copper tubing in the feedwater heaters and condenser, and
supercritical turbine ratings increased. The turbine-generator units manufactured in the 1970s
still had ample margin. With the invention of the microprocessor in 1971, higher level stage
design calculations were possible. Vane profiles improved, which increased stage efficiency.
Some utilities purchased several identical units, but conducted an acceptance test on only one,
leaving many without the instrumentation ports used for routine monitoring.
In the early 1980s, there was a recession and a downturn in demand. The Three Mile Island event
in 1979 placed other pressures on the nuclear industry. Turbine owners were concerned with
replacing their aging fleet. Older Rankine-cycle plants were changing out their boilers for gas
turbines and heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) to improve overall plant efficiency.
Material science continued to improve and design inlet steam temperatures continued to rise,
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
which increased efficiency and ratings. Improvements in the resistance to SPE were made in
high-pressure (HP) and intermediate-pressure (IP) turbines. In an effort to control maintenance
costs, utilities balanced delaying outages with the risk of incurring greater damage to the steam
path. The traditional 5 year overhaul cycle was being extended to 8 years and longer. In the mid-
1980s computational fluid dynamics (CFD) allowed solution of the three-dimensional Navier-
Stokes equations, which gave designers the ability to refine blade designs to become more
efficient. Computerized control systems reduced the number of plant personnel and allowed
more efficient operation and response to dispatchers. Advances in instrumentation and software
allowed on-line and periodic monitoring for predictive maintenance programs.
In 1990 came a significant amendment to the 1970 Clean Air Act, and with that came significant
increases in auxiliary load. The 1990s also saw competition from foreign turbine manufacturers
and deregulation of the electric power industry. Demand increased from the slump in the 1980s,
and overseas demand increased in emerging markets. All these changes gave incentive to turbine
manufacturers to build competitively priced, efficient steam turbines. Gone were the days in the
1970s and 1980 when large steam turbines ran at low loads just to be ready for high demand.
Instead, units that were designed for base load were cycling to match demand. The utility modus
operandi went from “will run if it can make money” to “will not run if it cannot make money.”
With deregulation, performance came to the forefront because fuel costs were now a cost of
doing business rather than a pass-through cost. Combined cycle plants with their high efficiency
were the preferred design for new plants. Many traditional Rankine plants were updated to
combined-cycle plants. Steam turbines were being designed specifically for combined-cycle use
with single casings that could respond more quickly to temperature shifts. Demand in natural gas
to operate the many new combined-cycle plants drove up the price of natural gas. Increased
competition also brought smaller manufacturer margins and increased acceptance testing. More
units failed acceptance tests than in the past. CFD analysis and continued improvements in
material science allowed longer and more efficient last-stage blades—a significant efficiency
improvement because the last stage produces roughly 10% of the turbine’s power.
The new millennium brought with it continued competition to produce efficient steam paths.
Many new seal designs were invented and others improved on, lead time for parts decreased
significantly, OEMs placed more emphasis on service, and alternative energy came into focus,
further increasing the cycling and load after duty of the existing fleet. Combined-cycle plants
continue to make efficiency improvements. Metallurgy has improved, and rotor bores are not as
common. The current atmosphere is all about upgrades. Units are essentially “gutted” to bring
older steam paths up to today’s standards. Turbine suppliers provide parts and entire turbine
sections for other manufacturers’ turbines. It is not uncommon to see an upgraded turbine-
generator composed of parts from three different turbine manufacturers.
Heat Rate
Heat rate is the inverse of the cycle efficiency in which the purpose of the cycle is to convert the
fuel’s thermal energy into electrical energy. There are generally two categories of heat rate: net
unit heat rate (NUHR) and gross turbine heat rate (GTHR) (Figure 2-2). In cases in which there
is one unit in the plant, the NUHR is sometimes referred to as the net plant heat rate (NPHR).
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-2
Definitions of heat rate
The difference between the two heat rates is where one draws the box around the cycle
components. If the box is drawn around the entire power plant, its efficiency is the energy
delivered to the electrical grid divided by the energy of the fuel delivered to the plant. The
corresponding heat rate is its inverse, commonly referred to as the NPHR.
Now consider all the equipment that expands, condenses, pumps, and heats the steam and water
in the turbine cycle from the boiler outlet to the final feedwater location. The efficiency of this
cycle is the gross power out of the generator divided by the heat added to the final feedwater and
cold reheat steam by the boiler, superheater, and reheater. The GTHR is its inverse. As a steam
turbine performance engineer, considering the GTHR is the top priority. For actions described in
this guide, that does not include the boiler or auxiliary power.
Heat balances usually show the heat-rate equation and resulting heat rate. If not, there is
sufficient information on the heat balance to calculate it. However, because the turbine
manufacturer does not include detailed information about the boiler, the heat-rate equation
provided by the turbine manufacturer often does not include boiler blowdown and attemperating
spray flows, which may be considered essential for delivering steam to the turbine. Appendix A
shows an example of a typical heat balance with detailed explanations for many important
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Although there are many nuances in defining heat rate, a commonly accepted gross turbine cycle
heat rate is defined as follows using Figure 2-3 nomenclature:
Figure 2-3
Parameters included in the heat-rate equation
GTHR = [(Wffw − Wbdn) * (hms − hffw) + Wbdn* (hdr − hffw) + Wshatt * (hms − hshatt) + Wcrh *
(hhrh − hcrh) + Wrhatt* (hhrh − hrhatt)]/PWR
GTHR = gross turbine heat rate (Btu/kWh)
Wffw = final feedwater flow (lbm/h)
Wbdn = boiler blow down flow (lbm/h)
Wshatt = superheat attemperating spray flow (lbm/h)
Wcrh = cold reheat flow (lbm/h)
Wrhatt = reheat attemperating spray flow (lbm/h)
hms = main steam enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hffw = final feedwater enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hdr = boiler drum enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hshatt = superheat attemperating spray enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hcrh = cold reheat enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hhrh = hot reheat enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
hrhatt = reheat attemperating spray enthalpy (Btu/lbm)
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The heat balance has the manufacturer’s margin built into it. The actual heat rate will likely be
better (lower) than the heat-balance heat rate on commissioning. OEMs are typically
conservative about the performance published in the heat balance to compensate for
manufacturing tolerances, potential shipping damage, assembly problems, eventful startups, and
delays in acceptance testing. Manufacturers’ margins are typically 1% to 2%, meaning that the
actual GTHR can initially be 1% to 2% lower than that published on the guarantee heat balance.
The true margin is measured as the difference between the performance on the guarantee heat
balance and the performance obtained from an acceptance test.
In the absence of an acceptance test, the guarantee heat balance is the best indicator of a new and
clean condition of the steam turbine. It can serve as the basis for future performance comparisons
in a heat-rate improvement program.
Design casing efficiencies can be calculated from the heat balance. With any casing, it is
important to establish the starting and ending points for the efficiency calculation. Valves and
lengths of pipe can add pressure decreases that change the measured casing efficiency. Because
the purpose of calculating efficiency is to determine the thermal performance of the turbine,
eliminating efficiency changes caused by measurement locations focuses on performance of the
turbine itself. Figure 2-4 shows some common turbine configurations and the locations for
starting and ending the efficiency calculations.
HP turbine efficiency is usually taken from upstream of the main stop valve to the exit of the HP
turbine casing. Think of the plane of responsibility between the plant and the turbine
manufacturer. The plant provides main steam piping and the turbine manufacturer provides the
main stop valve, the turbine inlet valves and the turbine. Therefore, the starting point is upstream
of the main stop valve. On the exit side, the plane of responsibility is where the HP turbine
exhaust flange connects to the plant’s cold reheat piping.
The starting point for IP turbine efficiency is usually upstream of the reheat intercept valve. The
exit is less clear because the turbine manufacturer provides the crossover piping between the IP
and the low-pressure (LP) turbines. Typically, a 3% pressure decrease exists between the exit of
the IP turbine blading and the LP turbine bowl, and the exit point can be anywhere along the
crossover piping.
If the HP and IP turbines are arranged in an opposed-flow configuration, the internal IP turbine
efficiency starts in the IP turbine bowl after the mixing of the hot reheat steam and the HP
packing steam. There is typically a 2% pressure decrease across the reheat intercept valve.
The LP turbine efficiency starting point is the crossover, and the exit is the plane of
responsibility between the turbine manufacturer and the condenser manufacturer, which is where
the turbine exhaust hood flange is bolted to the condenser neck flange. The heat balance will
show the LP turbine steam exit flow, condenser pressure, and the used energy endpoint (UEEP),
on the condenser icon.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-4
HP/IP/LP turbine design efficiency locations
The heat balance shown in Appendix A is used to demonstrate the calculation of the design
casing efficiencies in the following:
HP Turbine Efficiency
ηHP = HP turbine efficiency (%)
hms = main steam enthalpy (1460.4 Btu/lbm)
hcrh = cold reheat enthalpy (1316.91 Btu/lbm)
Pms = main steam pressure (2414.7 psia)
Pcrh = cold reheat pressure (605.1 psia)
hi = isentropic enthalpy (f(Pms,hms,Pcrh) = 1290.23 1 )
IP Turbine Efficiency
The most accurate method for determining the design internal IP efficiency is to use the internal
efficiency curve provided in the thermal kit. In the absence of the thermal kit curve, the next best
resource is the Cotton et al. paper (see the section “What Should Be in Your Library”). Finally, if
these two resources are not available, the guarantee heat balance can be used to calculate IP
turbine internal efficiency. One reason that this latter method is not as reliable as the former two
Steam properties in this report are calculated using the IAPWS-IF97 formulations, which is the current
international standard adopted by the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam in 1997.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
with an opposed-flow HP/IP turbine is the value for HP packing leakage shown on the heat
balance. It often corresponds to a sealing clearance that is greater than design. The following
calculation shows how to use the heat balance information to calculate internal IP turbine
First, the energy equation is used to calculate the mixed enthalpy in the IP turbine bowl:
h hrh w hrh h L w L (1518.9 * 3,565,656 1431.7 * 33,725) 1518.1 BTU/lbm
w hrh w L (3,565,656 33,725)
hb = IP turbine bowl enthalpy
hhrh = hot reheat enthalpy = 1518.9 Btu/lbm
hL = enthalpy of the leakage flow (1431.7 Btu/lbm)
Whrh = hot reheat flow (3,565,656 lbm/h)
WL = leakage flow (33,725 lbm/h)
Next, the internal efficiency, from the bowl to the IP turbine exhaust, is calculated:
ηIP = IP turbine internal efficiency (%)
Pb = bowl pressure (533.7 psia)
PIPexh = IP turbine exhaust pressure (179.9 psia)
hIPexh = IP turbine exhaust enthalpy (1386.8 Btu/lbm)
hi = isentropic enthalpy at the IP turbine exhaust (f(Pb, hb, PIPexh) = 1366.4 Btu/lbm)
LP Turbine Efficiency
Design LP turbine efficiency is calculated from the LP turbine inlet to the UEEP (not the
expansion line endpoint). See Appendix A for a discussion of UEEP and expansion line endpoint
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
ηLP = LP turbine efficiency (%)
Px-o = LP turbine inlet pressure (179.9 psia 2 )
PLPexh = LP turbine exhaust pressure (0.737 psia)
hx-o = LP turbine inlet enthalpy (1386.8 Btu/lbm)
hLPexh = LP turbine exhaust enthalpy (UEEP) (1025.5 Btu/lbm)
hi = isentropic enthalpy at the LP turbine exhaust [f(Px-o, hx-o, PLPexh) = 959.3 Btu/lbm]
Pump Power
The heat balance does not give detailed information about the pumps. From the turbine
manufacturer’s perspective, the energy added to the water and the steam necessary to drive a
feedpump turbine both affect the GTHR. However, the relationship between the pump, driver,
and extraction steam can be calculated using the following methodology, referring to the typical
heat balance in Appendix A.
The flow and inlet and outlet water enthalpy and temperature are given for the boiler feedpump
(BFP). From here, the inlet and outlet pressures can be calculated iteratively using the steam
tables. The steam tables require a pressure and either a temperature or enthalpy. So, by assuming
a pressure for a given enthalpy, the temperature can be obtained from the steam tables. If the
temperature matches the given temperature, then the pressure is correct. If it does not, choose
another pressure and repeat until the two temperatures match. This process can be done
alternately by matching enthalpies for a given temperature. This procedure yields the pressures
Pin = 62.5 psia and Pout = 2861 psia. Note that the inlet pressure equals the deaerator pressure,
which ignores the additional suction pressure provided by the height of the column of water
between the deaerator and the pump inlet.
The next step is to obtain the specific volume of inlet water from the pressure and enthalpy using
the steam tables.
The heat balance in Appendix A shows the same pressure at the exhaust of the IP turbine and the inlet to the LP
turbine, which is an obvious error. There is a 3% pressure decrease between the exhaust of the IP turbine and the LP
turbine bowl. Therefore, one would expect about a 2% pressure decrease to the LP turbine inlet.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Finally, the power delivered to the water by the pump is calculated as follows:
Note that the heat balance diagram shows feedpump power delivered by the BFP turbine as
12,583 kW, which implies the pump efficiency is 10,486/12,583 * 100 = 83.3% at that load.
The inlet and outlet conditions at the boiler feedpump turbine are given on the heat balance and
can be used to calculate the shaft power that the feedpump turbine delivers to the pump as
Generator Losses
Generator losses are shown on the heat balance in the box representing the generator. There are
two types of losses. The fixed losses, also referred to as the mechanical losses, include the
bearing losses in the turbine and generator and the oil pump loss. The generator losses include all
mechanical and electrical losses in the generator except the generator bearing losses. The
generator output plus the fixed and generator losses equals the shaft power of the turbine. This
calculation can be checked by summing the shaft power of each turbine section, recognizing that
shaft power is the product of mass flow and enthalpy decrease:
W(h in h out )
Shaft Power in kW
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Many large generators use hydrogen cooling because of the desirable characteristics of
hydrogen: its low density, high specific heat, and high thermal conductivity. Figure 2-5 shows a
simplified diagram of the key components in a hydrogen-cooled generator. The hydrogen
circulates throughout the rotor and stator of the generator, then gives up its heat in gas-to-liquid
coolers in what is essentially a closed system. However, because the hydrogen atom is so small,
leaks occur through paths that would otherwise be airtight. The coolers, joints, flanges, and seals
provide opportunities for hydrogen leakage. As the hydrogen leaks out, the hydrogen pressure
decreases, and the reduced cooling ability of the remaining hydrogen decreases the generator
Figure 2-5
Hydrogen-cooled generator
Hydrogen purity is another important parameter. If air or oil contaminates the hydrogen, its
purity decreases. The mixture of air and hydrogen can be explosive when the hydrogen purity is
less than approximately 90%. The introduction of air increases windage losses because there is
more friction between the rotating parts and air than between the rotating parts and hydrogen.
Figure 2-6 shows a schematic of a hydrogen seal. Oil passes through the seal to the surface of the
rotor. Most of the oil travels along the rotor toward the air side where it is collected and
recirculated. A smaller portion of the oil travels along the rotor to the gas side. The seal prevents
hydrogen from leaking out into the room. Because of the small atomic size of hydrogen, some
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
hydrogen is carried away by the oil where it must be separated from the oil. This process
depletes the supply of hydrogen in the generator and will decrease its pressure if it is not
Figure 2-6
Hydrogen seal
Both hydrogen pressure and hydrogen purity affect the power output of the generator. The design
calls for rated pressure and purity. If either is off-design during a test, the power output must be
corrected for the actual test pressure and purity. The turbine manufacturer often provides
correction curves for hydrogen pressure and hydrogen purity.
Auxiliary Power
Auxiliary power is often not shown on a heat balance provided by the turbine OEM. The
auxiliary power is used by the balance of plant equipment to operate the power plant. Induced
draft fans, forced draft fans, motor-driven condensate, feed and circulating water pumps,
mechanical draft cooling towers, fuel-handling equipment, station heating and lighting, and
electrification of the station itself are all consumers of auxiliary power.
The difference between gross power output and the net power output is the auxiliary power.
Because the auxiliary power comes right off the top of the generated power, minimizing it will
increase the net power output—the product that produces revenues.
Sometimes heat-rate calculations include some auxiliary power considered necessary to produce
power. For instance, the power consumed by a motor-driven boiler feedpump might be
considered in a heat-rate calculation because, without it, there would be no power from the
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
To perform thermal performance studies on the turbine cycle, it is useful to know the
contribution from each turbine casing toward the total power generated. That way, if the
efficiency degradation is known in a given casing, the corresponding change in power output can
be calculated. This process is done only once using the guarantee or VWO heat balance. Then,
casing contributions are used in all future reconciliations of operating data to troubleshoot
performance problems. In a typical single reheat fossil plant, the HP turbine contributes 28% of
the power, the IP turbine contributes 22%, and the LP turbine contributes 50%.
The power generated by a casing is a function of its shaft power output, the generator/mechanical
efficiency, and the loss factor. The heat balance in Appendix A is used in this example to
calculate the contribution of the casings.
Generator/mechanical efficiency is taken from the heat balance. The fixed losses, the generator
losses, and the generator power add up to the shaft power: 1914 + 7897 + 591,906 =
601,717 kW. The ratio of generator power to shaft power is the generator/mechanical efficiency:
591,906/601,717 = 0.984 or 98.4%. In the absence of given information to calculate
generator/mechanical efficiency, a good value to use for most units is 98.5%.
HP Turbine Contribution
Shaft power is the product of mass flow and enthalpy decrease across the expansion. In the HP
turbine, consider two separate expansions: one across the first stage and a second across the
remainder of the stages within the HP turbine casing. The flow that passes through the HP
packing originates at the first-stage shell location (after the first-stage rotating blades and before
the second-stage stationary blades).
The mass flow through stage 1 is the main steam flow minus the above seat and below seat valve
stem leakage: 3,948,017 − 977 − 3896 = 3,943,144 lbm/h.
The enthalpy decrease across the first stage, or the used energy (UE), is the difference between
the main steam enthalpy and the HP packing enthalpy: 1460.4 − 1431.7 = 28.7 Btu/lbm.
Although shaft power is what the turbine produces, power is generally thought of as that
produced by the generator. Therefore, the generator/mechanical efficiency must be used to obtain
the stage 1 power at the generator terminals.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
W * UE 3,943,144lbm/hr * 28.7BTU/lbm
PWR 1st ηG M 0.984 32,637kW
3412 3,412BTU/kWh
W = steam flow through the stage (lbm/h)
UE = used energy or enthalpy drop (Btu/lb)
Note that the first stage produces 5.5% of the entire power of the turbine, which is more than the
average power per stage.
The power from the remaining stages in the HP turbine begins with the second stage and ends at
the HP turbine exhaust. The end-packing leakoffs at the HP turbine exhaust have passed through
the last stage in the HP turbine. The generator power from the remainder of the HP turbine is
calculated as follows:
The total power produced by the HP turbine is the sum of the first-stage power and the power
from the remaining stages: 32,637 + 129,431 = 162,068 kW. Because the total power generated
is 591,906 kW, this HP turbine produces 27.4% of the power.
IP Turbine Contribution
The contribution from the IP turbine is calculated similarly to that from the HP turbine, but in
this case, the starting point of the IP expansion is the mixed enthalpy in the IP bowl from the
incoming hot reheat flow and the HP packing leakage flow:
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Like the HP turbine, this IP turbine has two sections, but the IP sections are separated by a
feedwater heater extraction instead of seal leakage. The power produced by the expansion from
the IP bowl to the extraction midway through the IP turbine is calculated as follows:
The flow through the second section of the IP turbine is the hot reheat flow plus the HP packing
flow minus the extraction flow: 3,565,656 + 33,725 − 142,390 = 3,456,991 lbm/h. The power
output is:
W1st = steam flow through the first stage (lbm/h)
Wleak = leakage flow (lbm/h)
Whrh = hot reheat steam flow (lbm/h)
Wbowl = steam flow into the IP turbine bowl (lbm/h)
WIP2nd = steam flow to the first stage of the IP turbine (lbm/h)
hleak = specific enthalpy of the leaking steam (Btu/lb)
h1st = specific enthalpy of the steam entering the first stage (Btu/lb)
hcrh = specific enthalpy of cold reheat steam (Btu/lb)
hhrh = specific enthalpy of hot reheat steam (Btu/lb)
hbowl = specific enthalpy of steam in the IP turbine bowl (Btu/lb)
hextr = specific enthalpy of the extraction steam (Btu/lb)
hx-0 = specific enthalpy of IP turbine exhaust steam (Btu/lb)
ηG-M = generator mechanical efficiency (−)
The power out of the IP turbine is the sum of the power out of the first section and that out of the
second section: 77,749 + 56,229 = 133,978 kW. This IP turbine produces 22.6% of the power.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
LP Turbine Contribution
The LP turbine power can also be calculated from the flows and UE of each section to the UEEP.
One must account for the steam flow rate changes occurring at each of the extractions in LP
turbine, or the LP turbine power can be calculated from the difference between the total power
and the sum of the HP and IP turbines’ power: 591,906 − 162,068 − 133,978 = 295,860 kW,
which is 50.0% of the total power output.
Loss Factor
The loss factor is something that is used with the IP turbine when calculating contributions to
power loss because it is followed by another power-producing casing. The HP and LP turbines,
on the other hand, are followed by the reheater and condenser, respectively, in which no power is
produced. Losses in the steam path result in steam emerging from inefficient casings with higher
enthalpy than design. The casing that follows can use this increase in thermal energy to produce
additional power. Typically, the LP turbine can recover 50% of the losses that occur in the IP
turbine. The loss factor is therefore 0.5. Therefore, if IP turbine efficiency is down 4%, the gross
generator power output will respond as if only 2% of the IP turbine contribution is reducing
The casing contribution and the loss factor are used below in an example. Assume the IP turbine
efficiency is down 4% and the IP turbine contributes 22% of the power. How much will power
Therefore, when the IP turbine efficiency degrades 4%, the power output will decrease 0.44%,
or, in this example, heat balance, 2.6 MW. For losses in the HP and LP turbines, this equation is
also valid, but the casing contributions are different and the value of the loss factor is 1.
The thermal kit will usually contain a family of heat balances. The guarantee heat balance is
regarded as the most accurate because that represents the performance that the OEM is willing to
guarantee. It is typically at a valve position that is nearly wide open. The steam conditions are
The VWO heat balance represents the cycle when the turbine inlet valves are open as far as is
physically possible. The steam conditions are rated.
Another heat balance is the 5% OP diagram. It represents the cycle at VWO with a main steam
inlet pressure 5% greater than rated. The other steam conditions (for example, main steam and
hot reheat steam temperatures, exhaust pressure) remain at the rated levels.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
There are typically several part-load heat balances. If the unit is operated with sequential valves,
the part-load heat balances usually represent the cycle at valve points.
Mechanical Losses
Mechanical losses are shown on the heat balance in the box designating the generator. They
include friction losses associated with the bearings and couplings as well as windage losses.
Expected Leakages
Whenever there are stationary and rotating elements adjacent to one another and it is undesirable
to have metal-to-metal contact, there will be some clearance. The objective of steam-sealing
devices is not to eliminate leakage, but rather to control or minimize it. Therefore, there will be
some expected leakages throughout the expansion through the steam turbine.
In casings in which the exhaust pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure (the HP and IP
turbines), a steam seal leak will result in steam exiting the turbine and coming out into the room
(or out to the ambient in outdoor units) where the rotors emerge from casings. This situation is
both wasteful and dangerous. It is wasteful because the escaped steam is missing the opportunity
to make a contribution in some other location in the steam path such as the LP sealing system. It
is dangerous because superheated steam is invisible and can cause severe burns to passersby.
In casings in which the exhaust pressure is less than atmospheric (the LP turbine), a leak will
take the form of air leaking into the condenser. This situation will reduce the effectiveness of the
heat rejection equipment because the air in the condenser displaces what would otherwise be
steam ready to condense into water. Steam condensing into water in a fixed volume (the exhaust
hood and condenser) creates a vacuum. Air interferes with this process. The result is an increase
in condenser pressure and less energy being extracted from the steam to produce power in the
When the steam expands in the turbine through the saturation line, moisture droplets begin to
appear in the steam. In a condensing unit, this two-phase flow begins in the latter part of the LP
turbine. The water droplets start out small, but combine to form larger droplets as the expansion
continues to downstream stages. As the steam travels through the stages, it is subjected to the
centrifugal force from the rotating blades, which causes the water droplets to migrate outward
toward the tips of the blading. Water droplets are undesirable in a steam turbine because they
move slowly (relative to the steam), which changes their entry angle into the rotating blading,
producing turbulence. They also cause impact damage on the blading. Water droplets essentially
act like foreign objects in the steam path. Nuclear cycles often have moisture removal stages in
the LP turbine to remove water from the turbine and send it off to the feedwater heaters. A fossil
unit’s feedwater heater extractions do that also, but to a lesser degree because of the geometry of
the turbine casing.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The effectiveness with which the moisture is removed is a function of the stage pressure. The
lower the pressure, the more effective is moisture removal. Thus, the L-0 and L-1 stages have
more effective moisture removal than the L-2 and L-3 stages. The LP turbine blade rows are
labeled from the exhaust toward the inlet. L-0 is the last stage, L-1 is the second to last, and
so on.
Heat balances have extraction pressures at the turbine and at the heaters (Figure 2-7). Although
the enthalpy remains constant in the extraction piping, there is typically a 3% to 8% decrease in
pressure along the extraction line to the heater. The extraction pressures at the turbine are
typically the pressure at the extraction line flange (the line of responsibility between the turbine
manufacturer and the plant), but not always. It is not necessarily clear from looking at the heat
balance which pressure is designated. Just because the pressure is typed inside the turbine icon
does not mean that it is a stage pressure, such as what is shown in Figure A-1 in Appendix A.
There is also a 1% to 3% pressure decrease between the stage pressure and the extraction line
flange pressure.
Figure 2-7
Heater extraction pressures
One way to determine whether the heat balance pressures are at the stage or at the flange is to
draw or calculate an expansion line from the pressures and enthalpies on the heat balance. One
would expect a smooth expansion line. If the expansion line is jagged, the pressures are likely
flange pressures and not stage pressures.
The same concept applies to casing exhaust pressures. There is a small pressure decrease
between the exit of the last stage in a casing and the casing exhaust where it attaches to the plant
The nomenclature associated with heaters and heater extractions varies. Heaters can be named
1 through N from the lowest pressure to the highest pressure or from the highest pressure to the
lowest pressure. Heater nomenclature is usually determined by the plant’s or architect engineer’s
preference. Extractions are often referred as the Nth-stage extraction, where the Nth stage is
immediately upstream of the extraction port, but not always. Sometimes the Nth stage is
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Steam can be admitted into the turbine in a number of ways. On one end of the continuum, there
is a full-arc, single-admission mode in which all admission valves open and close simultaneously
and steam enters the 360° of the control-stage nozzles (Figure 2-8, left). On the other end of the
continuum, there is a partial-arc, sequential valve admission mode in which only one valve opens
or closes at a time and steam enters a portion of the 360° arc corresponding to each valve
(Figure 2-8, right). In between, there are hybrid operating modes in which two or more valves
operate simultaneously, and then the remaining valves open sequentially.
Figure 2-8
Partial-arc and full-arc admission
Sequential valve admission with a partial-arc first stage has the best part-load efficiency because
throttling through the valves is minimized. Over the load range only one valve is throttling at a
time while the others are either fully open or closed. Except for the first valve to open or the last
valve to close, less than 100% of the flow is passing through a throttling valve during load
Single-admission mode on a full-arc first stage, on the other hand, has poor part-load efficiency
because at any point during load changes, 100% of the flow into the turbine passes through a
valve that is throttling.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Conversely, single-admission mode with a full-arc first stage has the best full-load efficiency.
The continuous arc around the 360° without any breaks allows the efficiency to be slightly
higher than a partial-arc control stage at full load.
The terms impulse and reaction refer to the physical design of the stages. By definition, reaction
is the portion of the stage energy released on the rotating blade. All stages, whether classified as
impulse or reaction, have some reaction in them; there must be some energy decrease across both
the stationary and rotating blades, so there is no such thing as a purely impulse turbine blade or
one with 100% reaction.
Impulse refers to the force of the steam hitting the rotating blade, causing it to turn. Reaction
refers to the high-velocity steam exiting the rotating blade, causing it to turn.
Figure 2-9 shows a typical impulse stage on the left and a typical reaction stage on the right.
Impulse stages are built with a wheel-and-diaphragm design. The stationary nozzles are
contained in a diaphragm, which has a large pressure decrease across it. Adjacent stationary
partitions in a diaphragm form converging nozzles that turn and accelerate the steam. The
rotating blades are mounted on wheels and have a relatively small pressure decrease across them.
Adjacent rotating blades do not have a converging nozzle shape, but rather a curved passage with
similar inlet and outlet cross-sectional areas. The steam seals are designed appropriately for the
pressure decrease across them: many teeth for the HP decrease across the diaphragm and fewer
teeth for the small pressure decrease across the rotating blades.
Figure 2-9
Impulse and reaction stages
Reaction stages are built with a drum construction. Several rows of stationary blades are
mounted in a blade ring. The rotating blades are mounted on the rotor without the wheels that are
part of the impulse design. The shape of the stationary blades is similar to that of the impulse
design—a converging nozzle. The shape of the rotating blades is such that adjacent blades within
a stage form converging nozzles as well. In a reaction stage, the steam is turned and accelerated
roughly equally in the stationary and rotating bladings. Thus, a reaction stage really has 50%
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
reaction, whereas the stationary and rotating portions each have 50% of the stage energy across
them. The steam seals hold back similar amounts of pressure, so their construction is similar on
the stationary and rotating components.
The first-stage shell pressure is one of the key pressures for determining the flow and condition
of the HP stages. The first-stage shell location is between the exit of the first-stage rotating
blades and the entrance of the second-stage stationary blades (Figure 2-10).
Figure 2-10
The first stage
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The turbine’s first stage is often a control stage, meaning that it controls the amount of steam
entering the turbine. The control-stage stationary nozzles provide the limiting flow area when the
inlet valves are wide open. The first-stage shell pressure is the pressure immediately downstream
of the control stage and represents the highest pressure contained by the turbine’s inner casing or
First-stage shell pressure, as all stage pressures, responds to changes in flow and downstream
resistance. Thus, it is a good indicator of changes in flow to the second stage and the area of the
stages and seals downstream of the first-stage shell location. However, it is important to
recognize that stage pressure responds to both flow and downstream resistance; therefore, it is
not a reliable indicator of one or the other. For instance, if flow increased 5%, one would expect
first-stage shell pressure to increase 5% as well. But, if the stage 2 seals were severely worn,
effectively increasing the flow area of stage 2, then the worn seals would cause the first-stage
shell pressure to decrease. The net change in the first-stage shell pressure might be a small
increase or even a decrease, thereby decreasing the first-stage shell pressure credibility as a
reliable indication of flow.
Not all steam turbines have control stages and first-stage shell pressure measurements.
Combined-cycle plants, for instance, control steam turbine flow through the gas turbines and
HRSG. The first stage of a combined-cycle steam turbine looks very similar to, but slightly
smaller than, the second stage. In those cases, first-stage pressure is often the pressure upstream
of the first stage.
Flow into the control stage is governed by the general flow equation. The main steam flow is a
function of the first-stage nozzle area and the condition of the nozzle, the upstream steam
conditions (pressure and specific volume), and the pressure ratio across the first stage:
w CA
2 g P2 P2
( 1) P1 P1
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
w = mass flow (lbm/h)
C = flow coefficient
A = nozzle area (in.2)
P1 = upstream pressure (psia)
P2 = downstream pressure (psia)
v = upstream specific volume (ft3/lbm)
γ = isentropic constant
The general flow equation is an important equation for the steam turbine performance engineer.
It gives the relationship between steam conditions and the area and condition of the turbine
stages. Becoming familiar with it will allow the steam turbine performance engineer to develop
an intuitive sense of how the pressures, temperatures, and flow respond to the turbine condition.
An important piece of information about the historical performance of the turbine is its
performance at commissioning. It is this performance that describes the turbine in its new and
clean condition. Also, when comparing the commissioning test results with the guarantee heat
balance, the manufacturer’s margin can be calculated from the difference between the two.
Many steam turbines installed in the 1950s to 1970s did not have an acceptance test. The
domestic turbine manufacturers built their turbines with plenty of margin during that time.
Because the acceptance test is a cost usually borne by the owner, many owners took the risk that
the turbine would deliver the promised performance without verification. Still others tested
perhaps one out of four, five, or six identical steam turbines, assuming that they would all
perform similarly.
The test code for conducting acceptance tests was and still is the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers Performance Test Code 6 for Steam Turbines (ASME PTC 6). The Code
has been revised many times over the decades to keep abreast with advancements in
instrumentation and steam turbine design. Units commissioned in the 1950s used the
PTC 6–1949 publication. The next PTC 6 code was published in 1964, then again in 1976. The
Code specified a test providing results containing very low uncertainties, but was expensive and
time-consuming to plan and conduct.
In 1982, Betz Bornstein and Ken Cotton published a paper entitled “A Simplified ASME
Acceptance Test Procedure for Steam Turbines” in the Journal of Engineering for Power,
Transaction of ASME [1]. This paper was the catalyst for the American Society for Mechanical
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Engineers (ASME) to publish an interim test code that described a method to test steam turbines
using a technique that was easier, quicker, and less expensive than the Code test without
sacrificing test accuracy. The interim code was published in 1984 and given the designation
PTC 6.1–1984. It was and is referred to as the alternative test, whereas the original Code test is
referred to as the full-scale test.
With the power-generation industry becoming more competitive in the late 1980s and with the
advent of the alternative test, more utilities were conducting acceptance tests on their steam
Now, the current test code is the ASME PTC 6–2004. It is an update of the 1996 publication that
combined the alternative test and the full-scale test in a single code.
Usually precision test instrumentation is brought in just for the acceptance test and removed
after. Although the temporary installation of precision instrumentation is good for the quality of
the acceptance or commissioning test, removal of it increases the uncertainty when future tests
using different instrumentation are compared with the acceptance test.
With commissioning sometimes comes rough startups. Unit trips caused by high vibration while
the unit is at part load, balance-of-plant equipment malfunctions, and other starting and loading
problems can cause unfortunate wear and tear on a new turbine. When researching the historical
performance of the turbine, starting and loading events can be helpful in establishing the best
expected, new and clean condition.
There are several elements of a heat-rate improvement program. The first is to determine the best
expected performance from the given turbine. Once that performance level is established, all
future tests can be compared with it. It is often useful to think of performance changes in terms
of percentage of degradation from design. This section describes how to obtain the best expected
design performance.
Performance can be defined as heat rate, power output, steam rate, and/or casing efficiency.
There are several resources for obtaining the information to calculate the best expected
Acceptance Test Reports
The best resource for determining the new and clean condition of the turbine is the full-load
acceptance test conducted during unit commissioning. This test determines the actual
performance without any manufacturer’s margin. It is conducted using precision, test-grade
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
instrumentation and likely conforms to the procedures outlined in the ASME Performance Test
Code for Steam Turbines. Acceptance test costs are usually borne by the owner and can be quite
expensive. As a result, not every unit has a usable acceptance test.
Because acceptance tests are typically done with test-grade instrumentation brought in just for
the test, caution must be exercised when comparing recent test results with those of the
acceptance test. Sometimes the location of the current station instrument will differ from that of
the original acceptance test instrument. If so, the corrections may have to be applied to account
for pressure decreases, steam mixing, and so on between the original and current measurement
If the acceptance test heat rate is 2% lower than the heat rate on the guarantee heat balance, the
manufacturer’s margin for heat rate was 2%. If, on the other hand, the acceptance test heat rate is
2% higher than the guarantee, the unit missed its guarantee by 2% and the manufacturer’s margin
was negative. Either way, the acceptance test gives the most reliable value for the new and clean
Past Outage Reports
Past outage reports are another resource for determining new and clean condition. In the absence
of an acceptance test, the combination of an outage report and post-outage test can give a good
basis for future performance comparisons. The outage report will give as-left clearances for
sealing devices; it will document steam path problems, such as foreign object damage with
which the unit went back into service. It may contain a photographic log of the steam path so that
any surface, seal, or area that is off-design is documented. The outage report will allow the steam
turbine performance engineer to rate how representative the post-outage test is of the best
expected condition of the steam path. This process is often used after upgrades or replacements
because design changes to the steam path can render the original acceptance test obsolete.
Thermal Kit
The thermal kit contains several heat balances, one of which is usually the guarantee heat
balance. In the absence of an acceptance test, the guarantee heat balance is a resource for
determining best expected performance. However, it is important to remember that the guarantee
heat balance has a manufacturer’s margin built into it.
Turbine Instruction Manual
The turbine instruction manual is a good reference for the steam turbine performance engineer.
Limits on steam conditions and operating conditions, such as heaters out of service, are
discussed. There is likely a good diagram of the steam seal system as well as a cross section or
longitudinal drawing of all turbine casings.
Bornstein and Cotton Paper
The Bornstein and Cotton paper [1] is considered an important document because it describes
how steam turbine performance is calculated from the OEM’s perspective. Originally presented
to the ASME in 1962 and revised in 1974, it is now out of print. Although written for General
Electric turbines, its principles can be applied to 60-Hz steam turbines with superheated inlet
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
steam from other manufacturers without a significant loss of accuracy. Like the published
guarantee heat balances, the results of using the methodology in this paper also contain the
manufacturer’s margin. Heat-balance software is often based on these methods.
Once the design or new and clean condition of the turbine has been established, the next step in
the heat-rate improvement program is to determine the current performance of the turbine.
Comparing the current condition with the design condition will result in a percentage of
difference from design.
The goal is to measure current performance with as much precision as possible within the bounds
of instrumentation, operation, and economical limits. Performance can be defined in many ways,
but for the turbine performance engineer, performance will usually be defined as GTHR, casing
efficiency, and power output at a given flow (steam rate).
Piping and instrumentation drawings (P&IDs) are a very useful reference for setting up
instrumentation and isolation lists in preparation for a test. They show the locations of pressure
gauges, thermal wells, flowmeters, and so on. They show pipe diameters, valves, and balance of
plant equipment. When searching for potential isolation breaches, the P&IDs are where the
search begins with a focus on the water/steam side of the boiler, the turbine, condenser, and
feedwater heaters.
Often the P&IDs are not up to date. Changes in instrument locations, new instrument
installations, new bypass lines, elimination of obsolete instrumentation, or equipment may not be
reflected in the current set of P&IDs. It is therefore necessary to walk the plant to verify the
P&IDs. Although this process can be time-consuming, it serves dual purposes of preparing for
the upcoming test and updating the P&IDs for future reference.
The P&IDs are useful for determining which instrumentation will be used for a test and where
there might be a need for additional test points. They are also useful in developing an isolation
list. Isolation breaches are often the subject of much debate, particularly during an acceptance
test. Most isolation problems decrease the performance of the turbine. If the isolation is not
verified, an OEM can claim that their underperforming unit missed guaranteed output because of
a leak, for which they get credit to apply toward output. This scenario usually presents itself after
the test has been completed, and there is no way to verify whether the leak existed during the
A preemptive step to avoid this situation is to use the P&IDs as a basis for a plant tour where all
parties involved in an acceptance test inspect the potential isolation breaches. For routine
monitoring, maintain a list of isolation breaches during operation. Prioritize their importance and
make the necessary preparations to fix the leaky valves at the next opportunity, for example, an
unscheduled outage.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The efficiency and health of the turbine are communicated through the instruments measuring
pressure, temperature, differential pressure, and power.
The ASME PTC 6 Code for testing steam turbines has guidelines for installing instrumentation.
Following the Code results in a test with uncertainty in the 0.25% to 0.35% range. Although that
sort of precision is desirable for an acceptance test, it becomes prohibitively expensive for
routine monitoring or for tests in which there are not large liquidated damages at stake. Although
the adage “garbage in, garbage out” prevails, more casual testing can occur at a fraction of the
cost of acceptance testing without completely sacrificing accuracy if a few guidelines are met.
In general, the more influence a parameter has on the overall results, the more precise the
instrument should be. For example, if main steam pressure is 1% high, it will increase flow by
1% and will increase power nearly 1%. It is therefore necessary to have a precise instrument
measure main steam pressure because of this nearly 1%/1% influence on the final results.
Now consider an LP heater extraction pressure. If the pressure changes 1%, it will change the
shell pressure of an LP heater, which will change the temperature of the water emerging from
that heater, which will cause the next heater extraction flow to compensate for the change in
water temperature entering it. The result is a minor adjustment in the extraction flows and
resulting change in the power produced in the relevant stages. Compared with the main steam
pressure, the LP extraction steam pressure has a nearly negligible effect on power output.
Therefore, the instrumentation chosen for the LP extraction could be of lower quality and cost
without sacrificing overall test uncertainty.
In general, pressures should be taken at all locations where steam is entering or exiting the
turbine, including main steam, hot reheat steam, casing exhausts, extractions, end-packing
leakoffs, and any other steam leaving the turbine for balance of plant equipment or process.
Pressure should also be taken along the heater train: heater shell pressures, condensate pressure,
and feedwater pressure.
Similarly, temperature should be taken at all locations where single-phase flow (superheated
steam or water) is entering and exiting the turbine and feedwater heaters. The steam being
measured should have at least 25°F of superheat to guard against condensation collecting on the
steam side of the thermal well. Temperatures on lines containing two-phase flow can be used for
information, but not for establishing enthalpy. Because condensation is a constant-temperature
process, reading the temperature in wet steam will give the saturation temperature. This
information may be used to calculate saturation pressure, which could be considered a secondary
measurement to validate a primary pressure measurement taken at the same location, but it
cannot be used with the pressure to calculate enthalpy.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Differential pressure is used to measure flow in some devices. A flow nozzle in the condensate
line or the final feedwater line may have two sets of pressure taps providing a differential
pressure corresponding to the mass flow. An excellent resource for information on determining
flow is ASME’s fluid meters (see the section “What Should Be in Your Library”).
Power output, heat rate, and casing efficiencies can be extremely sensitive to some pressures,
temperatures, and flows. There are at least two sources for determining which parameters can
influence the measured performance results to such a large degree. The first source is the ASME
PTC 6 Code. In it, there are diagrams for various cycles depicting which measurements should
be taken with precision instrumentation.
Another source of this information is a heat-balance program. There are several available on the
market. A heat-balance program allows the user to model the turbine cycle and then change one
parameter at a time. The corresponding change in performance (power, heat rate, casing
efficiency, and so on) can be used to conduct a sensitivity study. The result is a list of
measurements and the corresponding precision of the instrumentation required to satisfy the
overall uncertainty limits of the test.
Steam turbine performance engineers depend on the instrumentation and controls (I&C) group
for many things. The I&C group will maintain calibrated instrumentation throughout the turbine
cycle so that performance can be established and monitored. Often times, instrumentation
problems will surface during preliminary tests, and it is the I&C group who usually corrects
these problems. Large acceptance tests often have temporary precision instrumentation installed
from other vendors, but the I&C group works with the outside vendors to familiarize them with
the plant.
Turbine performance engineers work with the I&C group to install instrumentation in locations
deemed necessary but none exists, to troubleshoot instrumentation problems when performance
results go awry, and to establish valve points, that is, the turbine admission valve locations
corresponding to minimum throttling.
Instruments do wear out, drift, break, fail, and go out of calibration. It is therefore recommended
to measure important parameters in duplicate or triplicate. This duplication does not always
result in a similar instrument within close proximity of the first. There are other ways to
duplicate measurements. For example, wet steam pressure, such as in the condenser, can be
verified by measuring the hot well temperature, which should be the saturation temperature
corresponding to the condenser pressure. Another way to verify temperature is to calculate an
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
energy balance around, for example, a desuperheating station. The exit steam temperature should
match that calculated from the desuperheating station inlet steam and attemperating spray
pressures and temperatures.
Inevitably, calibration problems will be uncovered while measuring parameters in duplicate and
triplicate. The I&C group will prove invaluable when correcting these problems.
Setting up, maintaining, and using the data acquisition system is a large part of both the turbine
performance engineer’s responsibilities and those of the I&C group. The turbine performance
engineer’s role is usually to communicate which measurements are needed to carry out the
desired steam turbine cycle testing and/or monitoring. It is here where the duplicate and triplicate
measurements can be compared easily. Data can be captured on a nearly continuous basis,
quickly filling up memory allocated for it. Data on the steam turbine performance engineer’s
instrumentation list can be downloaded to text files that can be read by spreadsheet programs for
further manipulation and calculation of results.
It is often helpful to include some redundant data in the collection process as a secondary or
tertiary check of the data collected by the automated data acquisition system. Data collected
routinely using station instrumentation and data collected from station pressure gauges and
thermometers, control room charts, and so on, can all serve as a sanity check when something
goes awry in the data acquisition system or if a primary instrument goes out of calibration or
Instrumentation Audit
Uncertainty Analysis
If the Code is followed for a full-scale test, the test uncertainty is 0.25%. If the Code is followed
for an alternative test, the test uncertainty is 0.33%. Both tests are rigorous and expensive to
conduct, primarily because of the cost of installing and dismantling a high volume of calibrated
precision instrumentation. Routine monitoring often makes use of station instrumentation, which
may be considerably less precise than that used for acceptance testing. In between these two ends
of the instrumentation continuum are an infinite number of combinations of precision and lesser
grade instrumentation. Regardless of the instrumentation used, an uncertainty analysis will be an
indicator of the quality of the test: the lower the uncertainly, the higher the quality of the test.
The uncertainty analysis reveals the contribution of each measurement to the overall test
uncertainty. Thus, the analysis serves as a useful tool for improving the quality of the test.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
There are two types of uncertainty: systematic and random. Together, they compose the total
uncertainty. Figure 2-11 illustrates the difference between the two.
Systematic uncertainty is the portion of the total measurement that remains constant in repeated
measurements. It is sometimes referred to as bias, but the Code uses the term systematic. An
example of systematic uncertainty would be the difference in the average pressure readings
between a perfect test-grade pressure gauge (Figure 2-11, left) and an uncalibrated station
pressure gage (Figure 2-11, right).
Figure 2-11
Systematic uncertainty (S) and random uncertainty (R)
Random uncertainty is the portion of the total measurement that varies in repeated
measurements. It is evaluated by the measurement of scatter. Previously, this uncertainty was
referred to as precision, but the Code now uses term random. An example of random uncertainty
is the standard deviation around the average of several measurements.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Calculating the enthalpy decrease efficiency of the HP turbine involves a seven-step process.
1. The first step is to collect the data. For this example, the test data consist of pressure and
temperature in and out of the HP turbine. Data were collected every minute over the course
of 2 hours. Table 2-1 shows the data.
Table 2-1
HP efficiency uncertainty example
Standard deviation
3.2 4.1 1.9 3.7
(psia or F)
Systematic uncertainty
2.0 1.0 1.5 1.0
(psia or F)
Sensitivity (%/psia or
0.04 0.29 0.09 0.31
2. The second step is to calculate the mean and standard deviation for the data. The units are in
pounds per square inch and degrees Fahrenheit, respectively, for pressure and temperature.
This step can be quick and simple by using existing statistical functions in spreadsheets.
3. The third step is to estimate the systematic error. This portion of the uncertainty analysis has
the most subjectivity. The Code gives guidelines for assessing the systematic error. Ideally,
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
one can compare the test instrument with a calibrated standard, similar to what is illustrated
in Figure 2-11. Less ideally, engineering judgment can be used to estimate the combined
errors from the calibration process, transducer errors, environmental effects, and so on. Note
that a highly accurate instrument can still have high uncertainty if the steam is stratified or if
the thermo well is not clean, among others.
4. The fourth step is to determine the sensitivity, which is a measure of how much the
efficiency changes with a unit change in each parameter. Using the mean pressures and
temperatures to look up enthalpies, the HP turbine efficiency is:
hin hout 1461.11 1309.81
100 100 83.91%
hin hi 1461.11 1280.79
If the inlet pressure was increased by 1 psi, the resulting inlet enthalpy would be 1461.08
and the isentropic enthalpy would be 1280.72. The new efficiency would be:
hin hout 1461.08 1309.81
' 100 100 83.87%
hin hi 1461.08 1280.72
The sensitivity, θ, is calculated from the difference in efficiency for a 1-psi change in
inlet pressure:
' 83.91 83.87
0.04% / psi
in 1
The sensitivity for the remaining pressure and temperatures is calculated in a similar
5. The fifth step is to calculate the random uncertainty, R, of the efficiency calculation, which is
a function of the individual sensitivities and standard deviations:
R (isdevi)
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
6. The sixth step is to calculate the systematic uncertainty, S, in a similar manner from the
individual sensitivities and systematic uncertainties:
S (iSi)
7. The seventh and final step in calculating HP turbine efficiency uncertainty is to combine the
random and systematic uncertainties:
U95 = [0.452 + (2 * 0.36)2 ] ½ = 0.85%
Therefore, the HP turbine efficiency is 83.91 0.85%.
Isolation can be one of the greatest points of contention in the reconciliation of test results.
Isolation Checks
Cycle isolation is extremely important in assessing the performance of the turbine cycle. The
power out of the turbine depends on the mass flow going through it. There is nearly a 1% per 1%
ratio of power output to mass flow. When an isolation breach occurs, the flow passing through
the turbine is in question, as is the performance of the turbine. When conducting acceptance
tests, what seems like an insignificant leak can make the difference between pass and fail.
A classic example of how isolation affects acceptance test results occurs when the unit appears to
have failed the test, but close attention to isolation was not paid before the test. After review of
the data, the owner states that the unit failed by, say, 1%. The supplier, on the other hand, states
that there was a 2% leak at the boiler and if that leak was not there, the turbine would have
passed by 1%. Although both parties point toward cycle isolation as the one thing that would
change the results, the two parties were not in agreement about the state of isolation immediately
before and during testing. Unfortunately, after the test when operation of the plant is restored to
normal, it is impossible to determine the actual state of isolation during the test retroactively.
There are some steps to take to avoid this unfortunate situation. These steps are not reserved for
just acceptance testing. Accurate assessment of turbine performance requires careful attention to
cycle isolation at all times. Proper cycle alignment provides the flows for optimal turbine
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Up-to-date P&IDs are the starting point for an isolation check. In reviewing them, anticipate
where possible leaks may occur. Identify bypass lines, heater, economizer and turbine drain
lines, steam traps, shutoff valves for process lines, auxiliary equipment, startup steam sealing,
and so on. From the P&IDs, an isolation list can be developed and used to walk the plant.
One technique for determining whether a valve is leaking is to measure the temperature of the
pipe downstream of a valve that is supposed to be closed. It is a good idea to have a baseline
temperature because conduction along the pipe walls and the surrounding heat will influence the
pipe temperature. It is also useful to review the heat balance to know the steam conditions
upstream of the valve in question. It is important to realize, however, that measurement of the
temperature will not give the quantity of flow leaking through the valve. It will only be an
indicator of a leak. Therefore, this method is useful only on pipes where no flow is expected.
Often the quantity of the leak is desired. In leaks that go to the condenser, there is a method that
will allow estimation of the quantity of the flow entering the condenser. This method provides a
good approximation and makes use of the large pressure ratio across the leaking valve that
accelerates the steam to sonic velocity (Figure 2-12).
Figure 2-12
Schematic for determining mass flow rate to the condenser from a leaking valve
According to the law of continuity, mass flow is a function of flow area, specific volume, and
velocity. With the described setup, the flow area can be determined from the pipe diameter, the
specific volume from the enthalpy, and measured pressure. Because there is no enthalpy decrease
across a throttling valve, the enthalpy of the steam just upstream of the condenser is that of the
steam upstream of the valve. The heat-balance diagram gives the enthalpy at this location.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The critical pressure ratio is the pressure ratio that accelerates a fluid-to-sonic velocity. The
critical pressure ratio is a function of temperature, but is approximately 2:1. Therefore, any valve
holding back more than twice the condenser pressure, which is most, will work with this method.
Sonic velocity is also a function of temperature as follows:
2 gPv144
( 1)
Vs = sonic velocity (ft/s)
g = 32.174 lbm-ft/lbf-s2
P = pressure in the pipe (psia)
v = specific volume in the pipe (ft3/lbm)
γ = isentropic constant (1.3 for superheated steam)
Now, with the specific volume from pressure and enthalpy and the diameter of the pipe, the mass
flow is calculated as follows:
W = 25 * * D2 * Vs / (4 * v)
W = leakage mass flow (lbm/h)
D = diameter of the pipe entering the condenser (in.)
Vs = sonic velocity (ft/s)
v = specific volume (ft3/lbm)
25 = conversion factor (ft2-s/in2-h)
The flow calculated using this method ignores the flow coefficient associated with the physical
configuration of the pipe. The actual flow will be somewhat less than what is calculated here,
depending on the flow coefficient, which varies from approximately 0.7 to 0.9.
During normal operation, maintain an ongoing list of isolation breaches and leaky valves to
correct during planned or unplanned outages. Prioritize the list in terms of overall effect on
performance results and the time required to fix the problem. Fixes might include inspecting and
maintaining valves, installation of instrumentation (such as the pressure taps installed in the lines
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
to the condenser discussed previously), or adding valves in series to existing valves that are
suspect. A short outage, such as that caused by a boiler tube leak, might become a perfect
opportunity to correct an isolation problem that takes a day or two.
For those fixes that will take more than a couple of days, a major overhaul may be the only
opportunity to address the problem. Entering an outage with a prioritized list, the supplies, and
the support of the I&C department will facilitate this process.
On-Line Monitoring
Periodic testing essentially keeps a finger on the pulse of the turbine’s health. However, the
potential is there to monitor thousands of steam turbine data points every second to the point
where one might be overwhelmed with data. From the steam turbine performance engineer’s
perspective, keeping track of turbine cycle performance by tracking a few major parameters is
time- and cost-effective. Once a major parameter shows a red flag, collecting additional data or
collecting the data more frequently might be warranted. The major parameters to watch are the
Corrected gross power output
Corrected gross turbine cycle heat rate
HP and IP casing efficiencies
Corrected stage pressures
Final feedwater flow
All the major parameters should be compared with the basis for comparison, which may be the
original acceptance test, the last turbine overhaul, or perhaps the last turbine upgrade. If they are
all presented as a percentage of change from the expected, correlations between the different
parameters are easy to reconcile.
The gross generator output, before the auxiliary load is taken off, is corrected to rated conditions.
The output should follow flow closely: if flow increases 5%, then output should increase
approximately 4.9%. If it does not, further investigation is necessary. Over time, the power
output may decrease for a given flow. Plotting the gross power output versus time will give an
indication of whether any change in power occurred gradually or abruptly.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The gross turbine cycle heat rate is the heat input to the final feedwater and the cold reheat steam
divided by the gross generator power output. It is the reciprocal of the cycle efficiency. Once
corrected to rated conditions, it is compared with the basis for comparison (acceptance test, last
retrofit, and so on). Heat-rate monitoring is generally more complicated and uncertain than
power output because it involves the measurement of flow in the calculation.
Turbine casings that have exhaust steam at least 25°F in the superheated region are candidates
for enthalpy decrease efficiency. In most cycles, that means the HP and IP turbines. Unlike
power, heat rate, and stage pressure, the efficiencies are not corrected to rated conditions. The
uncorrected pressures and temperatures are used to determine enthalpy (although the measured
pressures are compensated for water legs). For the reconciliation process, it is useful to know the
contribution of each casing so that the corresponding effect on power output and heat rate can be
Stage pressures include first-stage shell pressure, cold and hot reheat pressure, crossover
pressure, and the heater extraction pressures. These pressures are corrected to rated conditions
because plant conditions can influence stage pressures. Pressure is a function of two things: flow
and downstream resistance. The percentage of change in a stage pressure from its design level
can indicate changes in flow through the following stage and in the resistance of downstream
stages affected by deposits, erosion, or mechanical damage.
Corrected Flow
Mass flow into the turbine, corrected for main steam pressure and temperature, is another useful
parameter to monitor. Flow, power output, and stage pressures generally follow one another.
When they do not, that is cause for concern. Leaks and damage to the steam path are likely
causes when these parameters do not follow one another.
With on-line monitoring systems becoming more sophisticated and automated, the line between
monitoring and testing is beginning to fade. With calibrated instrumentation installed and
performance calculations integrated into the digital control system, testing can be a matter of
reaching steady load and collecting a set of data over a period of a few hours.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Turbine testing can serve different purposes. Acceptance testing measures the performance of a
new turbine, turbine section, or turbine part (such as a new last-stage blade). The results of the
test are used to determine whether the supplier’s guarantee is met. Bonuses or penalties are
usually associated with the acceptance test results.
Periodic Testing
Periodic testing keeps track of performance changes caused by turbine overhauls, load changes,
operation changes, and other changes to the turbine.
There are several types of tests that can be conducted on a periodic basis to keep track of turbine
performance. They can also vary from fairly casual to expensive and complicated. The more
casual testing can be considered an extension of the on-line monitoring, whereas the expensive
and complicated testing might be considered in an upgrade. The type of test, the instrumentation
grade, and the frequency of testing is something that the steam turbine performance engineer
must decide depending on the situation.
Several different tests might be part of the overall heat-rate improvement program. Maximum
power output tests might be completed using the on-line monitoring system once per week.
Enthalpy decrease efficiency tests might be conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis. Heat-rate
tests might be conducted quarterly or annually. Several different factors go into deciding the
frequency of testing including budget, currently known or suspected performance problems,
changes in operation such as from base-loaded to cycling, and so on.
When the turbine changes load at a constant inlet pressure, it does so by changing the position of
the inlet valves. When the valve position changes, the corresponding throttling losses also
change. The throttling has an effect on power output, heat rate, stage pressures, and HP turbine
efficiency. This measured loss, however, is not a function of the turbine’s condition. It is merely
a matter of how much the inlet valves are throttling. Because the purpose of turbine testing is to
determine the turbine’s condition, filtering out any throttling loss would improve the accuracy of
the testing. The best way to eliminate changes in throttling losses is to conduct tests at repeatable
valve points. That way, the throttling losses are minimized and the difference between throttling
losses from one test to another is minimized as well.
Whether the control stage is a partial-arc or full-arc design, the VWO position is generally the
best repeatable valve position. At part load in a full-arc design, all the valves throttle and it is
difficult to get a repeatable valve position. At part load in a partial-arc design, the repeatable
valve points occur at the points of minimum throttling, corresponding to some valves wide open,
while others are fully closed. Of course, the control system usually requires some overlap in the
valve opening and closing sequence.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Always include the valve position when collecting test data. The data might include some
readout in the control room, or it might involve measuring the valve stem travel. It might include
the pressure decrease across the valves. No matter how the valve position is ascertained, this
frequently overlooked parameter should be included in the data set for tests.
Much of the testing is conducted at full load, but it is useful to conduct tests over the load range
as well. The results will help verify the data. Some parameters change over the load range such
as HP and LP turbine efficiency, power output, heat rate, and stage pressures. It is useful to
determine whether the shapes of the curves meet expectations. If they do not, there is likely a
problem with the test data. Figure 2-13 shows the expected shapes of several performance curves
over the load range. The plots of HP turbine efficiency and heat rate contain both the sequential
valve admission (scalloped) and the full-arc admission (straight line) curves, although the
relative magnitudes of those two curves vary per machine and are not representative of any one
turbine or all turbines. All are plotted against load except LP turbine efficiency, which is plotted
against annulus velocity.
Figure 2-13
Expected shape of the performance curves over the load range
Other parameters that should remain constant over the load range include the percentage of
pressure decrease across the reheater, pressure ratios between stage pressures, and, for a check of
valve position, pressure decrease across the control valves.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Specialized Testing
The periodic testing described may identify some performance problems. However, before
making recommendations to management that represent time and expense invested in improving
performance, the steam turbine performance engineer may want to increase the certainty level
with which these decisions are being made. Certain specialized tests can help reinforce, or refute,
the findings of the more general periodic testing.
Where the HP and IP turbine casings are in an opposed-flow configuration in a single outer
casing, there will be internal leakage from the front end of the HP turbine to the IP turbine bowl.
Often this sort of leakage is identified because measured IP turbine efficiency (taken from the
hot reheat point to the crossover) is higher than expected or increases over time. The measured
efficiency increases because the lower enthalpy incoming leakage steam enters the IP turbine
after its inlet temperature has been taken. The resulting leakage decreases the IP exit
temperature, giving the illusion that the IP turbine is becoming more efficient. This anomaly is a
red flag for HP-IP internal leakage, but there are several tests to confirm whether this leakage
situation exists.
A distinction must be made between measured IP turbine efficiency and internal IP turbine
efficiency. The measured IP turbine efficiency is taken from the hot reheat conditions, usually
upstream of the reheat intercept valves. It uses pressures and temperatures in and out of the IP
turbine to calculate IP turbine efficiency (Figure 2-14).
Figure 2-14
Opposed-flow HP-IP turbine casing with instrumentation for measured IP turbine
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The internal IP turbine efficiency is calculated from the IP bowl to the IP exhaust. The bowl
conditions are obtained from the mixing of hot reheat steam and the internal leakage entering
upstream of the IP turbine first stage. The energy equation is used to calculate the mixed
enthalpy in the IP turbine bowl as follows:
Hhrh * whrh + hl * wl = hb * wb
hhrh = enthalpy of the hot reheat steam, a function of measured hot reheat temperature and
measured hot reheat pressure
whrh = calculated hot reheat flow rate from the measured final feedwater flow, calculated
top heater extraction flow, and other flows between the feedwater flowmeter and the IP
inlet such as boiler blowdown, superheat attemperating spray, and end-packing or gland
seal leakoffs
h = leakage enthalpy taken from the design heat balance
wl = assumed leakage flow rate
hb = calculated IP turbine bowl enthalpy from the equation
wb = IP turbine bowl flow rate = whrh + wl
The paper by Booth and Kautzmann (see the section “What Should Be in Your Library”) is the
resource for conducting specialized tests for estimating HP-IP turbine internal leakage. Warren
Hopson from Southern Company has published some useful articles on the application of the
Booth-Kautzmann method (see the section “What Should be in Your Library”). The temperature
shift test and the IP slope over the load range test are two common ways to measure this leakage.
Both tests make use of the fact that internal IP efficiency does not change with changes in
turbine inlet conditions or changes in load. From the IP bowl to the IP exit, the efficiency is
expected to remain constant.
In the temperature shift test, inlet temperature to the HP turbine and IP turbine are changed one
at a time. Data are collected for internal IP efficiency for each temperature shift. To calculate the
efficiency, an assumption must be made about the amount of leakage flow. The real IP turbine
internal efficiency does not change with inlet conditions. Therefore, where the IP turbine
efficiency for one temperature equals that for the shifted temperature, the corresponding leakage
flow is the correct flow from the HP turbine to the IP turbine. Figure 2-15 shows the resulting
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-15
IP turbine internal efficiency using the temperature shift method
Another method to determine HP-IP internal leakage discussed in the paper by Booth and
Kautzmann takes advantage of the fact the IP turbine internal efficiency remains constant over
the load range. The IP efficiency slope over the load range method makes use of the slope of the
internal efficiency versus load for a series of assumed leakage flows.
The method involves taking measured IP turbine efficiency readings at valve points over the load
range. At each valve point, the unit should reach steady-state conditions for at least an hour
before data are collected. Once all the data are collected, the calculations can begin.
The internal IP turbine efficiency is calculated using an assumed internal leakage for all load
points and plotted across the load range. If the slope is not flat, then the assumed leakage is
wrong. A new assumed leakage will yield a new internal efficiency over the load range slope.
This process is repeated until the slope is flat, which corresponds to the correct internal leakage
and the correct IP turbine internal efficiency (Figure 2-16).
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-16
IP turbine internal efficiency using the slope over the load range method
When routine testing, control-stage SPE will show up as increased flow, possibly increased
power output, and decreased HP turbine efficiency. All these changes happen gradually over
time, but there is another specialized test that will give better confirmation of control-stage SPE.
SPE occurs frequently in partial-arc control stages operated in sequential valve admission mode.
The first valve to open has the largest pressure decrease across it and therefore the highest steam
velocity. There may be a high concentration of solid particles in the boiler tubes and main steam
piping after an outage caused by oxygen entering the system. Conditions are very favorable for
SPE of the nozzles under the first valve to open when the unit first starts up after an outage. This
test for the existence of SPE makes use of this fact.
The HP turbine efficiency is taken over the load range. Unlike the IP turbine efficiency discussed
previously, there is no differentiation made between measured efficiency and internal efficiency.
The data are taken at valve points at which the unit has reached steady-state conditions. The data
are then plotted as HP efficiency versus load where a line is drawn through the efficiencies at the
valve points. This curve is plotted along with and compared with the design curve. At low loads,
there will be a greater percentage difference between the two than at high loads. This difference
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
arises because at low load, most of the first-stage flow passes through the damaged nozzles.
At high loads, a smaller portion of the first-stage flow passes through the damaged nozzles.
Figure 2-17 shows the resulting plot that confirms the existence of control-stage SPE. There is
a larger decrease in HP efficiency at low loads than at high loads.
Figure 2-17
HP turbine test for control-stage SPE
The purpose of correcting data is to calculate how the turbine would perform if it were provided
rated conditions from the plant. As an example, consider a condenser pressure that is too high
because of warm ambient conditions. The turbine's power output will decrease, but this decrease
is not from a problem with the turbine. Correcting the test power to the power corresponding to
the rated condenser pressure will allow the steam turbine performance engineer to measure steam
turbine performance deterioration from turbine problems. The corrections filter out plant
influences on turbine performance.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
What to Correct
The following performance parameters should be corrected to rated conditions to filter out plant
Stage pressures
Power output
Heat rate
The PTC Code describes group 1 and 2 corrections for test data. Group 1 corrections are mainly
for cycle parameters that are off-design such as condenser subcooling. They generally have less
magnitude than the group 2 corrections. Group 2 corrections are for the steam conditions
entering and exiting the turbine that are the responsibility of the plant. Steam conditions such as
main steam pressure and temperature, reheat temperature, reheater pressure decrease, and
condenser pressure are included in group 2 corrections. When any one of these parameters is off-
design, the turbine performance changes. Group 2 corrections remove this influence from the test
result so that the analysis can focus on turbine performance changes that are caused by the
turbine itself.
There are sources available to the turbine performance engineer for determining the equations
used to correct test power and heat-rate data. The ASME PTC 6 Code gives some generic curves,
but these curves are based on a single reheat steam turbine with inlet conditions of
2400 psig/1000°F/1000°F. Other turbines not fitting this description will have different
The OEM will typically have group 2 correction curves for power and heat rate included in the
thermal kit. If they are not in the thermal kit, the steam turbine performance engineer is well
within bounds to ask the OEM for the group 2 corrections.
It is a good idea to review the correction curves carefully. Sometimes there are generic curves,
such as in the ASME Code, that should not be applied to a specific unit. A good way to validate
the curves is by using a heat-balance program that can model the turbine cycle. Then a single
change to a steam condition can be used to see the resulting change in power output and heat
rate. Corrections to stage pressure can also be ascertained in this manner. Corrections to stage
pressures are found in Figure 2-18.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-18
Corrections to test stage pressures
TR1 = specific volume at test temperature and test pressure at the inlet to intercept valves of
the first IP section (ft3/lbm)
DR1 = specific volume at design reheat temperature and test pressure at the inlet to intercept
valves of the first IP section (ft3/lbm)
TR2 = specific volume at test temperature and test pressure at the inlet to intercept valves of
the second IP section (ft3/lbm)
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
DR2 = specific volume at design second reheat temperature and test pressure at the inlet to
intercept valves of the second IP section (ft3/lbm)
wRH = reheat flow rate (lbm/h)
wS = reheat spray flow rate (lbm/h)
Ken Cotton is the author of Evaluating and Improving Steam Turbine Efficiency [3]. He spent an
illustrious career improving steam turbine efficiency. While at the General Electric Company, he
supervised GE’s Fluid Mechanics Advanced Engineering Program and the Aerodynamic
Development Laboratory. He taught Fluid Mechanics at Union College and is the author of
several papers and the recipient of numerous ASME awards. He served on the ASME and
international test code committees for steam turbines for 30 years. His contributions to the
industry are very much appreciated and will be long remembered.
Ken Cotton honed his skills at analyzing steam turbine performance data and troubleshooting
turbine problems. His signature method starts with verifying the data, then trending them, and
then reconciling them before moving on to the analysis and recommendation portion.
The verification process essentially filters out bad test data. Much valuable time can be wasted
trying to make sense out of bad test data. The verification process allows the turbine performance
engineer to focus on the relevant data.
Understand the data historian’s capabilities, for example, compression limits. Sometimes data are
collected only when the parameter has drifted outside a preset range. If the range is too large, the
quality of the data is compromised.
It is a good idea to conduct tests over the load range rather than solely at full load or some other
single-load point. Many expectations for data involve how certain parameters respond with
changes in load. IP turbine internal efficiency, for instance, should remain constant over the load
range. If it does not, there is likely a problem with the data. If only one load point is tested, the IP
efficiency is unknown at other loads, and a potential problem may not be identified.
After collecting data, it is useful to plot the data to eliminate outliers. The Code gives guidelines
for acceptable stability and allowable deviations from expected conditions.
Much of the verification process includes checking to make sure the data meet expectations. One
expectation is that certain parameters should remain constant with load and changes in inlet
steam conditions. The percentage of pressure decrease across the reheater, pressure ratios across
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
turbine sections (other than the first and last stages), and IP turbine internal efficiency are all
examples of parameters that should remain constant with flow. If they do not, this serves as an
alert that there may be a problem with the data.
Another expectation is that HP and IP turbine efficiency will remain less than 100%. If a
measured efficiency between the inlet and outlet of a casing exceeds 100%, there is clearly a
problem with the data. It is not so obvious, however, when calculating efficiencies between
extractions. The extraction steam temperature can be hotter than the average stage temperature in
the turbine from which it originates because of a radial thermal gradient along the turbine blades
and tip leakage. Therefore, the section efficiencies between extractions may have unreasonably
high or low values. If that extraction temperature is falsely high, the individual section
efficiencies, when calculated using that value, may not reflect reality. Figure 2-19 shows the
effect on those calculated section efficiencies caused by a falsely high extraction steam
Figure 2-19
Expected section efficiencies with a mid casing extraction
The next step in Ken Cotton’s signature analysis method is to trend the data. Trending helps to
determine when a problem occurred and whether it occurred abruptly or gradually. A snapshot of
data might show that performance is currently down, but trending helps determine whether the
current problem is ongoing or whether it occurred at some point in the past.
The parameters to trend are relatively few. The Ken Cotton methodology focuses on getting 80%
of the information needed from 20% of the available data. Then, if further testing is required, the
remaining data can be used. The parameters to trend are the following:
Corrected power output
Corrected turbine cycle heat rate
Corrected throttle flow
Key pressures
Casing efficiencies
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
It is useful to plot all casing efficiencies on one graph; power, flow, and heat rate on another
graph; and flow and pressures on another graph.
The Ken Cotton technique used to trend the data is very helpful in viewing the whole picture and
in communicating results to others. Guidelines in trending the data are as follows:
Plot the percentage of deviation from design or expectation. Having already calculated the
new and clean condition of the turbine, it can be used as a basis for comparing test data.
Present the data on graphs showing the percentage of change from the basis of comparison,
not absolute values. A 5% decrease in power is more meaningful than 5 MW when looking at
the percentages of changes in pressures, flows, and casing efficiencies.
Use the same scale on all graphs. The Y axis will be the percentage of change from design
and the X axis will be time.
Do not smooth out the curves. An abrupt change in the data with time is useful diagnostic
information. It is useful to superimpose other relevant events that correspond with the abrupt
changes such as startups, high vibration events, boiler tube repairs, and so on.
The reconciliation process involves adding up the changes in power from known casing
efficiency changes and changes in flow and comparing them with measured power. If the change
in, for example, HP efficiency is known and the contribution from the HP to the overall power
output is known, then the effect on power from a change in HP efficiency can be calculated.
An example of setting up the reconciliation equations follows for a typical reheat turbine. The
HP/IP/LP split in their contribution toward power output is 28%/22%/50%, respectively. Assume
that HP turbine efficiency is down 3%, IP turbine efficiency is down 4%, and main steam flow is
down 2%. The measured power output is down 5% from design. The reconciliation process is as
First, the HP turbine efficiency: The efficiency is down 3% and the HP turbine contributes 28%
of the power. The loss factor for the HP turbine is 1.0 because what follows it is the reheater.
Therefore, the effect on power from the HP turbine efficiency being down 3% is:
Now the IP turbine efficiency: The efficiency is down 4% and the IP turbine contributes 22% of
the power. The loss factor for the IP turbine is 0.5 because the following LP turbine stages
recover roughly half of the IP turbine stage losses. Therefore, the effect on power from the IP
turbine efficiency being down 4% is:
Finally, the flow: Power output is proportional to flow. For every 2% decrease in throttle flow,
one would expect almost 2% decrease in power output. It is not exactly a 1%-to-1% relationship,
however. For every change in throttle flow, there is a corresponding change in LP turbine
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
exhaust flow. In a typical Rankine cycle, the percentage of change in inlet flow equals the
percentage of change in exhaust flow. When the exhaust flow changes, the exhaust losses also
change. One of Ken Cotton’s rules of thumb [3] is for every 1% change in throttle flow, there is
a 0.94% change in power output. (This rule of thumb is corroborated by review of the total
exhaust loss curve in which total exhaust losses are proportional to the annulus velocity,
which, in turn, is proportional to turbine exhaust flow.) The contribution from the 2% decrease
in flow is:
Putting it all together, the reconciliation for a 5% decrease in measured power is as follows:
Flow: down 2%: −2% * 0.94 = −1.88%
HP turbine efficiency: down 3%: −3% * 0.28 * 1.0 = −0.84%
IP turbine efficiency: down 4%: −4% * 0.22 * 0.5 = −0.44%
Total: −3.16%
For parameter definitions, refer to the sections on LP Turbine Contribution and Loss Factor on
page 2-19.
Therefore, the reconciliation shows that 3.16% out of 5% can be reconciled. The remaining
power output loss that is not accounted for (1.84%) is likely found in the LP turbine or the cycle,
recognizing that LP turbine efficiency is not usually measured during routine testing. Because
the LP turbine contributes 50% of the power, its efficiency would have to be down 1.84/0.50 =
3.68%. A scenario such as this seems reasonable because the HP and IP turbine efficiencies are
down 3% and 4%, respectively.
It is rare to get a perfect reconciliation. If so, the power changes from the HP and IP turbine
efficiencies and the flow would equal the measured power output and the LP turbine efficiency
would be unchanged. The previous example demonstrates an underreconciliation, which means
the effect of the efficiencies and flow totaled a value less than the measured power change. If the
measured power in this example decreased 1% instead of 5%, then it would be an example of an
overreconciliation. Overreconciliation means bad test data. Consider the previous example in
which the reconciled power output is a decrease of 3.16%. With measured power output down
1%, the LP turbine efficiency would have to increase (3.16 − 1.00)/0.50 = 4.32%. There is no
good reason why an LP turbine’s efficiency would increase over time, so if the data show an
overreconciliation, the data are highly suspect.
Although trending shows when a problem occurred, the reconciliation process shows where in
the cycle a problem occurred. If the largest portion of the reconciliation is from HP turbine
efficiency, then the problem is in the HP turbine. Likewise, if the largest portion of the
reconciliation is in the IP turbine efficiency, then the problem is in the IP turbine. Because flow
is set by the control stage and is a function of pressure ratio across the first-stage blading, a
change in flow indicates a change in the front end of the HP turbine. Therefore, if the measured
power output is reconciled with flow and HP turbine efficiency, the problem is in the HP turbine.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Stage pressures are very useful diagnostic indicators of problems in the steam path. It is
important to understand that stage pressure is a function of two things: flow and downstream
Other than the control stage, the turbine stages have a fixed area. When more flow passes
through a fixed area, the pressure upstream of that area begins to increase. This trend is evident
when opening the turbine inlet valves at constant main steam pressure and temperature: the flow
increases and first-stage shell pressure increases as well, usually directly proportional to flow.
Under normal circumstances, the stage areas remain fixed. Occasionally, however, foreign object
damage, erosion, or deposits may alter the stage areas. These off-design conditions decrease the
performance of the machine. Using the stage pressures to identify the location of the damage is
very useful. For constant flow, when the area of a stage opens up, perhaps caused by SPE, the
pressure immediately upstream of that stage decreases. Conversely, for constant flow, when a
stage area decreases potentially because of the formation of deposits, the pressure immediately
upstream of that stage increases.
Consider the first stage in the IP turbine, which is susceptible to SPE from reheater carryover.
As the stage erodes, the nozzle area opens up. Therefore, the pressure immediately upstream of
it, the hot reheat pressure, decreases. The inlet to the IP is far enough away from the front end of
the HP turbine that this decrease in pressure will not affect first-stage shell pressure. Therefore,
flow into the HP turbine, and therefore the IP turbine, will remain constant. This example shows
how pressure is a function of downstream area; with constant flow, upstream pressure decreases
as area increases.
Thus far, the two effects on stage pressure have been presented independently. But what happens
when there is both a change in downstream resistance and a change in flow? This situation is
common when some sort of flow path damage occurs in the HP turbine.
Consider thick deposits accumulated on the second stage in the HP turbine. The deposits cause
the nozzle area to decrease and the pressure immediately upstream, the first-stage shell pressure,
to increase. An increase in first-stage shell pressure will decrease the pressure ratio across the
control stage; the main steam pressure remains constant, but the first-stage shell pressure
increases. Because flow through the turbine is a function of the pressure ratio across the first
stage according to the general flow equation (see previously under the heading First-Stage Shell
Pressure), the flow will decrease. In essence, the increase in first-stage shell pressure caused the
turbine inlet flow to decrease.
The example with deposits in the HP turbine decreasing flow refutes a popular misconception—
that first-stage shell pressure is a reliable indication of flow. In the example, first-stage shell
pressure increased whereas flow decreased, contrary to the relationship between pressure and
flow alone. Sometimes plants use first-stage shell pressure as an indication of flow in the absence
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
of a flowmeter. Using a flow based on first-stage shell pressure for diagnostic purposes
introduces a high degree of uncertainty in the analysis because the practice ignores the possibility
that changes in area can cause changes in pressure.
In a typical reheat cycle, the following three readily available pressures can be used for
diagnostic purposes:
First-stage shell pressure
Cold or hot reheat pressure
Crossover pressure
The relative change between these three key pressures can be indicative of changes in stage areas
and flow. Figure 2-20 shows how the three key pressures respond to a variety of problems
throughout the steam path.
Condition P1st Phrh Px-o
Variable pressure operation (VPO), also known as sliding pressure, is using the boiler pressure to
control flow rather than the turbine inlet valves. It is usually used below the 50% load point.
There are many benefits to operating with VPO at low loads.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
VPO is often used to reduce SPE. In a partial-arc control stage operated with sequential valve
admission, most of the erosion occurs on the arc under the first valve to open because of the
large pressure ratio across it during constant pressure operation. When the unit first starts up in
constant pressure operation, the inlet pressure is rated, for example, 2400 psi, and the first-stage
shell pressure is proportional to flow. Just before the first valve opens, the first-stage shell
pressure may be slightly in vacuum. The pressure ratio across the first stage is therefore
tremendous. In VPO, the inlet pressure is much lower, so the pressure ratio across the first stage
is much smaller and the velocity of the particles is correspondingly smaller. The resulting
particle velocity is below the threshold velocity at which the particles begin eroding the blading
material. In VPO, the solid particles may still pass through the control stage, but they are not
moving fast enough to erode it.
Another benefit of VPO is a better (lower) heat rate in VPO than constant pressure operation.
With VPO, the main steam temperature remains higher than it would be at constant pressure as
the unit comes down in load. Therefore, the HP turbine has more available energy to work with
at low loads. The cold reheat temperature is higher at lower loads than with constant pressure
operation, and therefore less heat is needed in the reheater.
Yet another benefit of VPO is the reduced throttling losses across the turbine inlet valves. This
benefit increases HP turbine efficiency and improves turbine cycle heat rate.
Occasionally, feedwater heaters are taken out of service for maintenance without shutting down
the turbine. Other times, heaters are taken out of service to increase the power output at the
expense of heat rate. When a heater is taken out of service, the steam that used to be extracted
now flows through the remaining stages in the turbine, producing additional power. The
feedwater, however, remains unheated and the final feedwater entering the boiler may be
significantly lower than design, requiring a significant increase in fuel input to the boiler.
The turbine instruction book has guidelines for taking heaters out of service. It details the
number and order of multiple heaters that can be taken out of service. The risk of exceeding the
allowable heaters out of service is the damage caused by increased flow through the back end of
the turbine. The last stage, in particular, is susceptible to flow-induced stresses that can damage
the blading. The turbine instruction book often requires a reduction in throttle flow to
compensate for the increased back-end flow that comes from shutting off heater extractions.
Operating at low load is generally very inefficient. The stages operate significantly off their
design points, throttling losses may occur through inlet valves, the last stage may experience
recirculation, and proportionally more heat may be required in the boiler and reheater because of
low cold reheat steam pressures and low final feedwater temperatures. Sometimes at very low
loads, automatic turbine drains meant to remove condensation from startup open up. If the unit
sits at a low load, these drains are not needed and otherwise cause leakage from the turbine. One
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
way to improve low-load performance is to close these drain valves if it will not interfere with
successful operation of the unit.
OP operation occurs when the turbine inlet pressure exceeds the rated pressure. A 5% OP is a
common condition. There is typically a 5% OP heat balance in the thermal kit. The turbine
instruction book also addresses OP operation with guidelines for the amount and duration of OP
operation. The risk in not adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines is the potential damage
caused by an increase in turbine inlet flow.
With a constant turbine inlet valve position, the flow into the HP turbine is directly proportional
to the pressure in a typical Rankine cycle. When the inlet pressure increases 5%, the inlet flow
increases 5%. Other parameters follow suit: the power output increases almost 5%, and stage
pressure increases 5%.
Ramp rates are part of the guidelines used for starting, loading, and shutting down the turbine.
The turbine instruction manual will have recommended and maximum ramp rates for
temperature changes per time, power output changes per time, among others. It is extremely
important to remain within the ramp rate limits set by the OEM. If a ramp rate is exceeded, the
chances are high that the elastic limit of the turbine material has been exceeded, resulting in
plastic deformation. Also, ramp rates that are too high can result in differential expansion
between the stationary and rotating parts, resulting in direct contact. The plastic deformation can
result in casing warpage, which may open up leakage paths within the turbine such as horizontal
joint leakage. Differential expansion can result in labyrinth packing teeth being sheared off,
which increases steam seal leakage.
High ramp rates can cause much more than performance deterioration. They can become a
reliability issue and can reduce the remaining life of the steam path components.
Turbine follow mode is a way to operate the plant such that the power generation from the
turbine-generator set is constant so the turbine must respond appropriately to maintain a steady
power output. Power output is proportional to flow, and the general flow equation describes the
relationship between the flow, control stage inlet steam conditions, and the control-stage area.
With constant valve position, the pressure ratio across the control stage remains constant. The
inlet steam temperature is controlled by the attemperators. Therefore, the variables in the general
flow equation are the flow, inlet pressure, and pressure ratio across the control stage and control-
stage area. For load following, the flow through the turbine varies to match the load:
w CA
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
w = steam flow through turbine (lbm/h)
A = flow area (tt2)
C = flow coefficient (−)
= pressure ratio (−)
P = inlet steam pressure (psia)
v = specific volume of the steam (ft3/lb)
Starting with the general flow equation and the ideal gas law, at constant inlet temperature, the
flow through the turbine is proportional to the control-stage area, the pressure ratio across the
valves, and the upstream pressure. Power output is directly proportional to flow.
At constant valve position, the pressure ratio across the control stage and the control-stage area is
constant. Flow and therefore power are directly proportional to inlet pressure. Inlet pressure is
also a function of the turbine inlet valve position because the valves are downstream of the boiler
outlet. Inlet pressure is difficult to control because it responds to both how hard the boiler is fired
and the turbine inlet valve position.
At constant pressure, the flow and power are directly proportional to the product of area and β,
the pressure ratio function. As the control valves open, the flow area increases, but the inlet
pressure decreases. To increase inlet pressure, the flow increases, which increases first-stage
shell pressure and decreases the pressure ratio across the control stage.
Obviously, maintaining a steady power output involves a delicate balance between the firing rate
of the boiler and the valve position.
Outage Planning
The outage is the event during which many efforts of the steam turbine performance engineer
come to fruition. Much work goes into planning for the outage so that the performance needs of
the plant are met without jeopardizing the schedule or budget of the outage. Before the outage,
the steam turbine performance engineer has ideally quantified the pre-outage performance of the
unit, has an expectation for the type of deterioration that will be uncovered, has a list of leaky
valves to be fixed and instrumentation to be installed or maintained, and has lined up contractors
to address the anticipated tasks during the outage.
To quantify the performance benefit of the outage, the pre- and post-outage condition of the
turbine must be known. Ideally, this determination comes from similar-type tests before and after
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
the outage using the same calibrated instrumentation. Knowing the pre-outage condition of the
turbine can do more. It can help prepare for what otherwise might be unexpected. Through the
use of on-line monitoring and periodic testing, performance problems can come to light. Through
specialized testing, the causes of specific problems may surface. Proper interpretation of the test
data may lead to a high confidence level that unique problems exist in the turbine and can
therefore be planned for and addressed quickly during the outage.
Pressure ratios are useful in interpreting test data. Because stage pressures are a function of both
flow and downstream resistance, and one would expect the downstream resistance to remain
unchanged, then as flow increases, so do the stage pressures by the same percentage. Therefore,
pressure ratios within the turbine should remain constant with time and with load. For example,
if the pressure ratio across the IP suddenly increased after a short outage to repair reheater tubes,
one might expect damage in the front end of the IP that decreased the nozzle area. This situation
would likely be corroborated with a low IP turbine efficiency, high hot and cold reheat pressure,
and a sudden decrease in power. The anticipated problem would likely be either debris caught in
the blades or rolled-over trailing edges in the first reheat nozzle. The fix would likely involve a
weld repair of the damaged areas.
Flow functions are also useful in interpreting test data. The flow function is derived from the
general flow equation and is defined as the CAβ portion. It is the portion of the general flow
equation that is supposed to remain constant if there is no change in downstream resistance, in
other words, if there is no damage. The flow function is as follows:
FF is flow function
w is the flow rate
v is the specific volume
P is the pressure
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The flow function can be calculated at the HP turbine inlet, the IP turbine inlet, the LP turbine
inlet, or at any location where the pressure, temperature, and flow are known. One would expect
the flow function to remain constant over time; therefore, the units are not as important as the
percentage of change over time. If the HP flow function gradually increased over time, one
might expect the area of the first-stage nozzle to have increased such as what would exist with
SPE. In planning for the outage, a new nozzle with different geometry might be considered, or
the existing nozzle might be weld repaired and then sprayed with an erosion-resistant coating.
Casing efficiencies are, of course, very useful in anticipating whether there might be
deterioration in a specific casing. The reconciliation process helps to determine whether the
casing in question is contributing to most of the heat-rate deterioration. Whether a casing
efficiency deteriorates suddenly or gradually will give a clue as to the type of damage. SPE and
deposits occur gradually, whereas mechanical and foreign object damage happens suddenly.
Steam seal rubs may occur shortly after a startup and level off, showing the same sort of trend in
the casing efficiency.
Monitoring flow into the turbine can be useful in troubleshooting turbine problems. The flow
may increase from an opening up of the stages in the front end of the HP. It is not only the first
or control stage that affects the flow; it is also the area of the stages downstream of the first
stage. Any damage that causes the first-stage shell pressure to change will change the pressure
ratio across the first stage and therefore the flow, as is evident in reviewing the general flow
equation, or the flow may decrease from debris or deposits blocking the front end of the HP. The
change in flow may come gradually (deposits or SPE), or it may change abruptly (foreign object
damage or mechanical damage). No matter how flow changes, it is usually a result of a change in
area or the condition of the stages in the front end of the HP.
After collecting a good set of data from calibrated instrumentation and after verifying, trending,
and reconciling them, the analysis can begin. Certain parameters can help in seeing problems
Pressure Ratios
Turbine stage pressures include the first-stage shell pressure to the L-0 inlet pressure. The main
steam pressure and turbine exhaust pressure are set by the plant or by ambient conditions; they
are not a function of the turbine’s physical condition as the stage pressures are. One would
expect pressure ratios between stages to remain constant over the load range. If they are not, they
will change according to the magnitude and location of the damage. Remembering that pressure
is a function of flow and downstream resistance, if a pressure ratio increases, it may mean that
there is a blockage in the stages, or it may be a decrease in pressure at the downstream location
from an increase in an area further downstream. If a pressure ratio decreases, it may indicate that
the area of the section has increased, or it may be an increase in pressure at the downstream
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
A pressure ratio across the control stage is a check on the valve position. For several tests
conducted together, the pressure ratio across the control stage serves as an indicator for valve
position. Ideally, the valves do not change position, and the pressure ratio across them remains
Flow Function
The flow function described earlier gives an indication of changes in downstream resistance.
Like the pressure ratio, it will respond to changes in area or condition of the stages. Normally,
the flow function should stay at its design value, but if deposits or erosion occurs in the steam
path, the flow function will change gradually. Conversely, it will change abruptly with foreign
object damage or mechanical damage. The flow function does not mean too much by itself, and
its units are not particularly descriptive. The value of using the flow function comes when
trending it over time using the percentage of change from the baseline on the Y axis and time on
the X axis.
Casing Efficiency
When damage occurs in a casing, the casing efficiency usually decreases, but not always. There
are two common examples in which casing efficiency does not decrease. The first is the end-
packing leakage from an HP turbine or from a separate span IP turbine (where it is not in an
opposed-flow configuration with the HP turbine). When excessive steam leaks out of the end
packings or glands, the casing enthalpy decrease in efficiency is not affected. The casing may
produce less power because less flow is going through it, but the flow that is going through it is
doing so at the efficiency before the leak. Consider the diagrams in Figure 2-21. The measured
efficiency is a function of the condition of the stages and the condition of the steam in the piping
where the instrumentation is installed. The turbine on the left side of Figure 2-21 has the HP
leakoff going somewhere else in the cycle, likely a heater extraction. The excess leakage at the
HP packing does not affect the HP turbine exhaust. Therefore, the efficiency measured from the
turbine inlet to the location shown by the temperature gauge does not change when there is an
HP packing leak.
Now consider the middle diagram in Figure 2-21 where the HP packing leakoff steam returns to
the HP exhaust line. It returns after the exhaust temperature is taken. Again, this leak will not
affect the measured efficiency.
Finally, consider the diagram on the right of Figure 2-21. The excess leakage returns to the HP
turbine exhaust line before the exhaust temperature is measured. This configuration is more
likely than the middle diagram because the leakoff is often through a pipe located adjacent to the
underside of the casing, enclosed within the turbine insulation. The temperature at the exhaust
now reads higher than the previous two scenarios because the high-temperature leakoff steam is
mixing with the exhaust steam. Consequently, the measured HP efficiency will be lower. The
lower efficiency can be deceiving because the HP stages have not been affected by this leak.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-20
Temperature measurement location affects measured casing efficiency
The situation shown by Figure 2-21 on the right can be deceiving or it can be a useful diagnostic
tool. If, for example, the measured HP turbine efficiency was holding steady for some time, and
then there was a vibration event at the bearing adjacent to the HP packing that caused rubbing in
the packing, the amount of excess leakage can be calculated from the change in measured HP
turbine efficiency. Using the steam seal diagrams and Martin’s formula, the seal clearance
necessary to pass that additional flow can be calculated, which would help determine whether the
packings should be sharpened or replaced.
Unexplained changes in HP turbine inlet flow are usually a result of area changes in the front end
of the HP turbine. Gradual changes are usually caused by deposits or erosion, which occur
gradually over time. Abrupt changes are usually caused by mechanical damage, such as broken
blades and covers and foreign object damage.
Flow changes in other parts of the turbine cycle can be useful in diagnosing performance
problems. Often these changes manifest as leakage bypassing turbine stages or entire turbine
casings. If so, the pressure–flow relationship results in stage pressures decreasing proportionally
with the amount of the decrease in stage flow. If 5% of the hot reheat flow bypassed the IP
turbine and reentered the steam path at the crossover, then the pressures into the IP turbine and
the mid-IP turbine heater extraction would decrease by 5%.
Key Pressures
Recognizing that pressure is a function of both flow to the following stage and downstream
resistance, the key pressures can be extremely useful in diagnosing turbine performance. If flow
increases, pressure will increase; if flow decreases, pressure will decrease; if downstream
resistance increases, pressure will increase; and if downstream resistance decreases, pressure will
decrease. The challenging diagnosis comes when both flow and downstream resistance change.
Figure 2-22 shows the two scenarios.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-21
Pressures responding to changes in flow and downstream resistance
Consider first the diagram on the right side of Figure 2-22. It is the IP turbine and changes in
area and pressure are considered too far downstream from the HP turbine control stage to affect
the HP turbine inlet flow (and therefore the IP turbine flow). Assume a blockage occurred in the
stage immediately downstream from the mid-IP turbine heater extraction point. The heater
extraction pressure would increase in response to the increase in downstream resistance. The IP
turbine inlet pressure would increase as well because the blockage is downstream of it also.
However, the magnitude of the pressure increase at the inlet would be less than that at the
extraction point because the stages between the two points absorb some of the change in
pressure. The IP turbine exhaust pressure remains unchanged because its flow and downstream
resistance remains unchanged.
Now consider the same situation in the HP turbine. The blockage immediately downstream of
the mid-HP extraction increases the extraction pressure. This increase in pressure feeds back to
the first-stage shell location. The magnitude of the first-stage shell pressure increase is less than
that at the extraction, but it changes the pressure ratio across the first stage nevertheless.
According to the general flow equation, when the control-stage pressure ratio decreases, the flow
into the turbine decreases. The stage pressures respond to the decrease in flow by decreasing.
Therefore, the pressure at the extraction increases because of the downstream blockage, and it
decreases because of the decrease in flow. The result is still an increase in pressure, but smaller
than what would occur if flow did not change. The first-stage shell pressure likely remains
unchanged because the two opposing pressure changes would likely be equal in magnitude. The
HP turbine exhaust pressure decreases by the amount that the flow decreases.
Specialized Testing
In preparing for what to expect during an outage, the results of specialized tests can increase the
likelihood that there will be few expensive or time-consuming surprises when the turbine is
open. HP turbine efficiency over the load range may confirm or refute the presence of control-
stage SPE on a partial-arc, sequential valve machine.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Water washes may identify a deposit problem. A water wash can be as simple as a cold startup.
Otherwise, there are operation techniques available to allow wet steam to form in the turbine
shortly after the control stage. Immediately before and after the water wash, the enthalpy
decrease efficiency is measured across the casing or casings suspected to contain water-soluble
deposits. If there is a step improvement in efficiency after water washing, then that is
confirmation that water-soluble deposits exist. The water wash, however, is not a long-term fix.
It is merely an indicator of water-soluble deposits. The deposits will return if their source is not
found and eradicated.
Specialized tests for leaks include the HP-IP internal leakage, discussed in the paper by Booth
and Kautzmann. Other leaks include bypass flow that ends up in the condenser that can be
quantified by knowing the leak enthalpy and pipe diameter and measuring the pressure into the
condenser. Still other leaks can be detected with changes in turbine stage pressures and by
walking the plant using thermography leak detection equipment.
Turbine inlet valves can have problems; for example, valve stems can break or stick and disks
and seats can erode. Valve stroke tests and plotting power over the load range can help determine
whether a valve is malfunctioning. In an eight-valve turbine, one would expect roughly one
eighth of the power with one valve open, one fourth of the power with two valves open, and so
on. If a valve is malfunctioning, the power over the load range will have discontinuities in it.
The cross section or longitudinal drawing can be useful in anticipating where leaks other than
those through sealing devices might occur in the steam path. Common leakage paths include the
Horizontal joints between upper and lower blade ring or diaphragm halves
Horizontal joints between upper and lower inner casings
Where packing boxes fit into casings
Axial clearances where blade rings or diaphragms fit into casings
Snout rings or bell seals
When the outage begins, it is helpful to be present as soon as the suspected leak is exposed.
Otherwise, the disassembly process can eliminate telltale signs of a leak. For example, the shell
horizontal joint is often an area where deposits form trails along the leakage paths. Once the top
half is lifted during an outage, workers step on the bottom half horizontal joint to gain access to
the turbine for the remainder of the disassembly process. In doing so, they inadvertently remove
deposits that show the source and destination of the leak.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
As the outage approaches, the steam turbine performance engineer should develop a list of
isolation breaches discovered during previous testing, routine monitoring, and plant walkdowns.
The process of eliminating the breach should be determined with input from the I&C and
maintenance departments. Some fixes might involve repairing or replacing valves. Others might
include replacing steam traps or replacing feedpump seals. The P&IDs are useful in this process
and should be updated if any changes are made.
The turbine outage can be an ideal time to eliminate isolation problems, but time is usually in
short supply during the outage. A heat-balance program can be used to determine the effect each
leak has on turbine cycle performance. In doing so, the relative importance of fixing the leak can
be ascertained so the outage to do list can be prioritized.
Like the isolation problems, the instrumentation problems can be fixed during the outage, and
like the isolation problems, if the instrumentation problems are prioritized is such a way to
address those that have the greatest effect on performance first, then the outage can offer a very
productive opportunity to improve the overall quality of future testing and monitoring. The I&C
department will be involved, and the P&IDs should be updated.
In some cases, instrumentation can be installed where it was never installed or is missing. Some
measurement points may warrant installation of redundant instrumentation. Other
instrumentation may simply be out of calibration. Some instrumentation, such as final feedwater
nozzles, must be shipped off-site for calibration. In all cases, an instrumentation list should be
prioritized to get the highest quality test within the time and budget confines of the outage.
Line Up Contractors/Suppliers
Anticipating the types of steam path degradation through pre-outage analysis of test data allows
the steam turbine performance engineer to contract with maintenance contractors and suppliers
of turbine parts. A typical open/clean/close turbine overhaul will undoubtedly involve some
minor weld repairs to restore dinged blades, but it may not include major weld repairs. Major
weld repairs may involve mobilizing on-site equipment and personnel or shipping the damaged
parts off-site to a repair shop. Both options might come at a premium, particularly if it is “outage
season.” Many overhauls are conducted during the low heating and cooling periods of the
calendar year such as early fall and late spring.
The same is true with suppliers of turbine parts. Their lead time to deliver parts can often be very
short, but if they have a backlog during outage season it is difficult to fill last-minute orders in a
timely fashion.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
When the outage schedule is known, it is a good time to line up a steam path audit. If the steam
path audit is to be conducted with in-house personnel, they must be given adequate time to
model the unit, order any tools that they might be lacking, and in general be a dedicated
participant for the steam path audit. Having other responsibilities during the disassembly and
reassembly processes will compromise the quality of both the steam path audit and the other
If, on the other hand, the steam path audit is to be subcontracted out, give the subcontractor as
much notice of the outage as is practical. Subcontractors realize that the schedule may vary
somewhat, but at least they can anticipate their upcoming workloads and have ready their
necessary personnel and tools. The engineer conducting the steam path audit must be on-site
when the steam path is exposed (that is, when the turbine is opened and the inner casing
removed, exposing the rotating blades). They must stay at least one day after the rotor or spindle
is removed from the casing.
Grit blasters can be lined up ahead of time because the steam path must be cleaned up before any
nondestructive evaluation (NDE) work, but ordering the most appropriate type of grit blasting
material is something that can be done in advance. Most grit blasting is done with 220 aluminum
oxide grit. It is coarse enough to remove stubborn deposits, yet smooth enough to leave an
acceptable finish. However, if the steam path is relatively new or has a history of excellent water
chemistry control, there may not be deposits in the steam path that require a coarse grit. A finer
grit, such as 300 aluminum oxide, will leave a smoother finish. The goal is to choose the finest
grit that will remove whatever deposits formed on the blading in a reasonable amount of time.
If the unit can go back on-line with reasonable assurance that deposits will not be a problem in
the future, then polishing the blading may be warranted. The blades and specific areas to polish
are shown in Figure 2-23. In general, only HP turbine and possibly IP turbine blades benefit from
polishing. The portion with the highest steam velocity is polished because friction losses are
proportional to the velocity squared. Therefore, the convex side on the exhaust side is polished.
Stationary blades in an impulse design and both stationary and rotating blades in a reaction
design benefit from polishing.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-22
Areas where blade polishing is most beneficial
Outage Schedule
The steam turbine is often on the critical path of the outage schedule. A tremendous amount of
preparation goes into a well-planned outage. Time is a precious commodity during the outage,
and success or failure is often measured in terms of effect on the original outage schedule. The
activities of a steam turbine performance engineer are often not on the critical path, but rather
mesh with critical path activities.
Figure 2-24 shows a typical high-level Ghant chart for an open/clean/close turbine overhaul.
More detailed outage Ghant charts can be 20 pages or more. Superimposed on the high-level
Ghant chart in Figure 2-24 are opening and closing steam path audits that occur simultaneously
with the disassembly and reassembly of the turbine casings, respectively. Depending on the
number of casings and rows of blading, the opening steam path audit may take five to eight days.
The closing audit, during reassembly, typically takes three to five days. The closing steam path
audit is shorter than the opening steam path audit because steam path geometry is measured
during the opening and does not change for the closing, and the surfaces are uniform after grit
blasting for faster surface roughness evaluation. The chronology of a steam path audit is detailed
in Appendix C.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-23
Typical high-level turbine overhaul Ghant chart
The deliverable of an opening steam path audit is a list of maintenance items to perform during
the outage to improve steam path efficiency. Each maintenance item shows the expected heat-
rate improvement associated with that action. They are prioritized so the turbine cycle can gain
the greatest heat-rate return on the maintenance investment.
The gap in time between the opening and closing steam path audits provides an ideal time to
focus on other performance activities such as fixing isolation problems and installing and
calibrating instrumentation.
The outage provides an opportunity for reverse engineering. Steam path upgrades come in a
variety of combinations. An entire outer casing with new contents may be replacing an older
casing; a new rotor may be placed in an existing casing; a new set of stationary blades may go
into an existing outer shell, and so on. In all these cases, on-site measurements are usually
needed by the supplier of the new parts. If the new supplier is the same as the OEM, then design
drawings with dimensions might be available for the supplier at their offices. However, over time
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
the turbine can warp and go out-of-round. If these conditions are not to be fixed before the
planned upgrade, then the upgrade must take the deviation from design dimensions into
Other times a supplier is chosen who is not the OEM; therefore, design dimensions are not
available in drawings. The supplier must make the necessary measurements on-site during an
outage. This extra step can put the non-OEM supplier at a disadvantage because of time
constraints, which can limit the owner’s options when it comes to upgrade suppliers. When
planning for upgrades several years in advance, the owner can invite potential upgrade bidders to
take measurements during an outage that precedes the outage in which the upgrade is to take
The current fleet of steam turbines is aging while technology and heat rate continue to advance.
When a 30- or 40-year-old turbine is nearing its end of life, options include replacing the turbine
with an upgrade, redesigning the plant to, for example, a combined cycle, and, finally,
decommissioning the plant.
For steam turbines that are not close to their end of life but contain obsolete technology, their life
can be extended and their performance improved by considering upgrading certain components.
Low Efficiency
Turbines built with older technology have less aerodynamic blades than those built today. Their
materials were less resistant to solid particle and water erosion. Their construction was limited
by the metallurgy of the day. Not as much was known about seal leakage, erosion mechanisms,
secondary flows, and three-dimensional two-phase flow as is known today. Top HP turbine
efficiencies in the 1960s and 1970s were in the low 80% range, whereas now they are in the 90%
range. LP turbine efficiencies have increased significantly as well, especially with more efficient
last-stage blades.
Last-Stage Blades
A turbine’s last stage produces approximately 10% of the power of the entire turbine. Therefore,
an efficiency improvement in the last stage has the greatest effect on heat rate and capacity of all
individual stages. Because of its long length, large mass, and supercritical pressure decrease, the
last stage presents many design challenges. Older technology last-stage blades can have multiple
tie wires for damping, metallurgy that is susceptible to water droplet erosion, lack of rotating
blade covers, and shapes that are aerodynamically substandard compared with today’s
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
For every 1% pressure decrease in the steam path, there is approximately a 0.1% decrease in
performance [3]. When steam gives up potential energy across a valve or length of pipe, no
power is generated. Pressure decreases across partially throttling valves, bulky casing exhausts,
through nonstreamline crossover piping, and boxy LP turbine exhaust hoods all represent losses
in energy and efficiency.
There are several ways to design control stages to minimize the large forces on the blading from
low-load operation. In a partial-arc design, sequential valve admission scheme, the control-stage
bowl pressure can be 1000 psi, whereas the shell pressure might be 10 psi at startup, producing
tremendous forces on the blading. There is an inverse relationship between the structural
reliability of a stage and its aerodynamic efficiency: the stronger and bulkier a stage, the less
efficient it will be. From an efficiency perspective, the ideal nozzle trailing edge is razor thin, but
it would never hold up to the large forces normally found in the control stage.
Older turbines were designed with Curtis stages and double-flow control stages to reduce the
forces on the rows of blading (Figure 2-25). A Curtis stage has two sequential rows of blading
that break down pressure decrease across the blades. A double-flow control stage has two
parallel rows of blading, each passing one half of the stage flow so the blade height can be half
that of a single-flow stage.
Figure 2-24
Two-row and double-flow control stages
The shorter blades in the double-flow design have greater end-wall losses than the longer blades
in the single-flow design.
The LP turbine exhaust hood carries the steam from the last-stage rotating blades to the
condenser neck. The flow is two phase and has an extremely complicated three-dimensional flow
field. The exhaust hood’s geometry is boxy with struts, expansion joints, seal system piping, and
bearing cones obstructing the flow. The steam must turn, in most cases, 90° before traveling
down the condenser neck to the condenser tubes. It is a very arduous path to take after passing
through a cascade of aerodynamic blades.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Throughout the decades, advances have been made in the aerodynamic shapes of both stationary
and rotating blading. These advances can be attributed to CFD, which allows designers to make
use of the Navier-Stokes equations, and improvements in numerically controlled manufacturing
processes. Older style blades have more losses associated with them because of high entrance
and exit coefficients and nonstreamlined flow passages (Figure 2-26).
Figure 2-25
Blade profiles
Despite the best intentions of the OEMs, some problems surface after a turbine of a particular
design has been operating for a while. These problems might include a susceptibility toward
erosion, valve flutter problems, rotating blade covers lifting, bolts loosening, rotors bowing,
thermal distortion, or any number of problems that affect an entire fleet of turbines.
The General Electric Company issues technical information letters (TILs) to notify owners about
know problems. Siemens-Westinghouse issues technical bulletins. Both usually contain the root
cause of the problem, recommendations for fixing the problems, and operation restrictions that
may need to be put in place for reliable operation until a fix.
Although the TILs and technical bulletins address reliability issues, some may address
performance as well. Part of the preparation process for an upcoming outage should include
review of the relevant reliability information from the OEM. For example, if information from
the OEM states that the HI/IP turbine rotor tends to vibrate excessively during startup, then
consideration might be given to installing HP packing rings designed to withstand that sort of
vibration or perhaps antiswirl packing.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Many OEMs and suppliers of turbine parts offer upgrades and modifications. Steam turbine
performance engineers are often asked to evaluate differing bids for improving performance.
This section gives explanations for why some of the upgrades and modifications improve
Twisted Blades
Twisted blades improve stage efficiency because they allow better matching of the steam inlet
angle to the angle of the rotating blade. When there is a mismatch in angles, there is increased
turbulence at the rotating blade inlet. The steam gives up its energy to turbulence instead of
producing power.
Velocity diagrams (Figure 2-27) at the root and tip of the blade demonstrate how the relative
velocity of the steam angle changes in response to the changing tangential velocity of the
rotating blade, which is a function of distance from the rotor centerline.
Figure 2-26
Velocity diagrams of twisted blades
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Notice how the relative velocity vector angle changes from the root to the tip. Also note how the
inlet of the twisted rotating blades is angled such that it matches the incoming steam vector
angle. Without twisted blades, the leading edge of the rotating blade would be a constant angle
from root to tip and the steam angle would match at only one infinitesimally small point, usually
at the pitch line. This mismatch, common in older designs, creates turbulence at the rotating
blade inlet. Newer twisted blades reduce the turbulence and increase efficiency.
Additional Stages
Turbine manufacturers are offering steam paths with additional stages because they have a
higher efficiency than fewer stages expanding steam through the same available energy range.
The Mollier diagrams in Figure 2-28 demonstrate the effect of adding a stage to an expansion.
On the left side of Figure 2-28 is a Mollier diagram showing an expansion through one stage.
The available energy is h1-hi. The UE is h1-h2. By definition, enthalpy decrease efficiency is the
ratio of UE to available energy.
Figure 2-27
Mollier diagram of one-stage and two-stage expansions
Now consider the right side of Figure 2-28. It is an expansion through the same available energy
range with two stages, both with the same efficiency as the single stage on the left side of
Figure 2-28. An interim isobar (line of constant pressure) is drawn between the original two to
represent the inlet pressure to the second stage. The isobars diverge in going from left to right,
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
and the exhaust pressure of the first stage has a much steeper slope in the two-stage expansion
than the isobar at the exit of the one-stage expansion. The first stage expansion line in the two-
stage expansion is much closer to vertical than in the original expansion.
The exit of stage 1 marks the beginning of the expansion through stage 2. If expanded at the
same efficiency as that of the first stage (and the single stage in the one-stage example), the
endpoint will fall on the exhaust pressure isobar at an enthalpy lower than the one-stage
expansion. The available energy across the entire energy range has not changed, but the UE has
increased in the two-stage expansion. Because efficiency is UE/AE, the expansion with the
greater number of stages has the higher efficiency.
Figure 2-25 shows a double-flow first stage. The double-flow design allows the blade heights to
be half of what they would be in a single-flow design. The stresses on the blades are less than a
single-flow design. Steam path upgrades often include a switch from a double-flow first stage to
a single-flow first stage. The benefits in making this change are threefold.
First, the pressure decrease between the first and second stages is reduced. In the double-flow
design, the flow traveling away from the HP turbine exhaust had to turn 180° to reunite with the
other half of the first-stage flow. The turn results in a pressure decrease from which no useful
work results. For every 1% pressure decrease in the steam path, there is a 0.1% heat-rate
penalty [3]. A single-flow first stage does not have this extra pressure decrease.
Second, the end-wall losses are less with a single-flow design because the blades are longer. The
newly designed blades have been upgraded to withstand the forces of a single-flow first stage.
An end-wall loss exists because of the geometry and surface roughness at the root and tip of the
blade where the blade is held in place. The turbulence at the root and pitch extend a relatively
small distance radially at the root and tip no matter what the blade length. On a shorter blade, the
end-wall loss zone makes up a greater portion of the blade height. As blades become longer, the
percentage of their height affected by end-wall losses decreases and the blade efficiency
Third, the elimination of the double-flow first stage allows more room in the casing for an extra
stage downstream without affecting the size of the outer casing. Reusing the outer casing in a
steam path upgrade can mean considerable savings. The extra stage in the HP turbine increases
efficiency (see the Additional Stages section on the previous page).
The last stage has a pressure decrease across it that exceeds the critical pressure ratio. The
pressure upstream of the last stage is a function of flow and the pressure downstream is
condenser pressure, which is largely a function of the condenser’s circulating water cooling
method. At full load, the pressure ratio across the last stage may be 6:1 or more, where the
critical pressure ratio is roughly 2:1.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The reaction in a stage varies from the root to the tip of the blading. Whether the stage design is
reaction or impulse, the reaction at the tip of the last stage is approximately 70%. In other words,
70% of the stage energy is across the rotating blade. Stage energy can be defined using pressure.
Therefore, if the pressure upstream of the last stage is 6 psia and the condenser pressure is 1 psia,
the pressure decrease across the stage is 5 psia and the pressure decrease across the tip of the
last-stage rotating blade is 70% of 5, or 3.5 psi. Because the critical pressure ratio is 2:1 and the
pressure ratio across the tip of the last-stage blade is 3.5:1, the tip of the last-stage blade has
sonic velocity steam passing through it.
A converging nozzle can accelerate steam up to sonic velocity where a shock wave forms at the
nozzle exit, which acts as a blockade. The shock wave causes turbulence and reduces stage
efficiency. A converging/diverging nozzle can accelerate steam up through sonic velocity and
into the supersonic velocity range without the shock wave as the steam goes from subsonic to
supersonic. Instead, after the steam leaves the blading and decelerates, shock waves form further
downstream of the blades than those formed with a converging nozzle. The decrease in
turbulence with a supersonic tip increases stage efficiency.
Tie wires are used in the latter stages in the LP turbine to aid in damping. However, from an
aerodynamic perspective, they serve as bars in cross-flow—an obstruction to flow that causes
turbulence and inefficiency. Some last-stage blades have three tie wires. Some L-1 and L-2
blades have tie wires. Some newer stages have eliminated the need for some or all the tie wires
by addressing blade damping needs through the rotating blade cover treatments.
SPE in the first reheat stage is a common problem. The IP turbine erosion mechanism is different
from the HP turbine erosion mechanism. In the HP turbine, high-velocity particles impinge on
the concave side of the nozzle at the exhaust (Figure 2-29, left). The solid particles entering the
first stage of the IP turbine move much more slowly than those in the HP turbine because the
stage pressure ratio is lower. The pressures on either side of the first reheat stage are like all the
other stage pressures: they are a function of flow and downstream resistance. The pressure
upstream of the control stage, on the other hand, is controlled. Therefore, although the control-
stage pressure ratio can approach very high levels at low load, the pressure ratio across the first
reheat stage remains at approximately 1.3 over the load range.
The erosion in the first reheat stage occurs from the slowly moving particles (relative to the
steam and to those particles passing through the control stage) passing through the nozzles into
the space between the exit of the stationary nozzles and entrance of the rotating blading. Here,
the tangential speed of the rotating blading exceeds that of the particles. The impact of the
rotating blade hitting the particles sends the particles upstream, against the direction of flow,
until they come into contact with and erode the nozzle trailing edges (Figure 2-29, center).
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-28
SPE in the control stage and first reheat stage
To reduce the force with which the particles impact the IP turbine nozzles, these nozzles are
moved upstream to increase the distance that the particles must travel to hit the nozzles. The
further away the nozzles are, the more apt the particles are to be overcome by the steam flow.
Before the opportunity to damage the nozzles, the particles turn in the direction of steam flow
and continue downstream. They may bounce around between the stationary and rotating blading,
but eventually the centrifugal force sends them out radially where they do little damage.
End walls in the control-stage stationary components can offer incoming solid particles a
streamline path to the vulnerable nozzle trailing edges. To reduce the speed of the particles,
newer designs have contoured end walls such that the solid particles encounter more turns and
friction, which slow the particles down.
Seal Designs
There are many options for upgrading steam seals. A good source of information is the work of
Cotton [3]. The primary considerations in choosing a seal design are its performance during
high-vibration events and its ability to maintain sharp teeth and a small clearance.
Some seal designs address the high vibration that normally occurs at startup and shutdown when
the turbine rotor goes through its critical speed. The critical speed is the speed corresponding to
the resonant frequency of the rotor. There is often more than one speed between 0 Hz and 60 Hz.
When a rotor’s rotational speed hits its resonance frequency, any vibration stimulus is
accentuated. So, if there is some minor rotor imbalance, it can become quite extensive during a
Another phenomenon of rotor dynamics is the movement of the rotor when subjected to a rub.
When a rotor is less than its critical speed, the local heating caused by the rub will cause the rotor
to move into the rub. Conversely, when the rotor is higher than its critical speed, the local
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
heating from a rub will cause the rotor to move away from the rub. Therefore, a rub at low
speeds can continue to intensify and wipe out entire seals. It is quite unfortunate and costly to
install new seals during an outage only to have them wiped out during the first startup.
Conventional Packings
Conventional packings along the shaft (diaphragm packings, shaft packings, end packings,
interstage packings) maintain a clearance between the rotor and the packing teeth using a spring
that pushes the packing in radially toward the rotor. When a rotor vibrates excessively, the
conventional springs give somewhat, but often not before the packing teeth are rubbed.
Retractable Packings
Retractable packings have a different spring configuration. Instead of radial springs pushing the
packing rings in toward the rotor, they have tangential springs between ring segments that hold
the packing rings away from the rotor. They also have a path for steam to flow behind the
packing ring that allows the pressure of the steam to push the packing ring down toward the
rotor. When a steam turbine starts up, the packing teeth are held away from the rotor. As the
steam pressure increases in the turbine, the pressure behind the packing rings eventually
overcomes the spring force and the sliding friction force to close the packing rings. The rings are
designed to close after the critical speeds have occurred, when the rotor is at decreased risk of
vibrating excessively.
Guardian Packings
Guardian 3 packings are designed to reduce the damage caused by high-vibration events and to
preserve the integrity of the packing teeth. A Guardian packing has several conventional teeth
and usually two Guardian posts. The posts are roughly 5 mils longer than the other teeth, they
have a square tip rather than one that comes to a near-point and are made of a different material
from that of the other teeth. The height of the Guardian teeth ensures that during a rub, the rotor
would come in contact with the Guardian posts before the conventional teeth, thereby preserving
the integrity of the conventional teeth. The Guardian post material has heat transfer properties
such that friction with the rotor produces less heat. During a rub, some of the Guardian post
material adheres to the rotor so future rubs will occur between Guardian post material on both
the packing and the rotor. The springs behind the packing rings are radial, like conventional
packing, but their spring force is less, which allows the packing teeth to move out of the way
during a rub.
Vortex Shedders
Vortex Shedders 4 are tip spill strips or shroud seals located at the outer diameter of the rotating
blades. They are designed to decrease flow around the tips of the rotating blades primarily by
reducing the tangential flow component (Figure 2-30). Most of the flow through the turbine
Guardian is a registered trademark of Turbo Parts, LLC.
Vortex Shedders is a registered trademark of Turbo Parts, LLC.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
travels axially, parallel with the centerline of the rotor. However, some of the flow is subjected to
the tangential movement of the rotating blades, so the resulting flow through the turbine has both
axial and tangential, or circumferential, components to it. Vortex Shedders have discontinuities
that create vortices that decrease the tangential flow.
Figure 2-29
Steam velocity vectors through conventional seals and Vortex Shedders
The vortices also reduce pressure upstream of the seal, which reduces the pressure decrease
across the seal. Think of potential energy (pressure) given up as turbulence (vortices). Because
flow is a function of pressure ratio, the flow across the seal decreases.
Brush Seals
Brush seals can be used for shaft packings and tip seals. Shaft seals typically have one tooth out
of the eight or so in a ring that is a brush seal. The brush has metal bristles angled in the direction
of flow and maintains a small clearance with the rotor. The benefit of a brush seal comes from
the small clearance and the lack of damage to the bristles during a rub. If the turbine has a history
of SPE damage, however, the brush seals might capture the hard iron oxide particles in the
bristles and machine the rotor surface during a rub.
The aerodynamics of an exhaust hood can affect the overall efficiency of the turbine cycle. The
steam encounters a comparatively arduous path after leaving the last-stage rotating blade on its
way to the condenser tubes. The losses between the last-stage blading and the condenser tubes
are the total exhaust losses and consist of the three main types shown in Figure 2-31.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-30
Total exhaust loss curve
The placement of the operating point allows the turbine to vary slightly around the rated load
point while remaining on the right side of the total exhaust loss curve. The minimum point on the
curve corresponds with the fixed losses, which are a function of the geometry of the exhaust
hood. An exhaust hood with a smooth exhaust annulus, guide vanes, and few obstructions will
have lower fixed losses than a hood with a nonstreamline exhaust annulus, no guide vanes, and
struts in cross-flow immediately after the exhaust annulus. The turn up losses result from
recirculation in the last stage when low-load operation causes the L-0 bowl pressure to fall lower
than the exhaust pressure. It is here that the turbine blade acts like a pump, adding energy to the
steam instead of extracting energy from it.
The right side of the total exhaust loss curve shows a slope that is proportional to annulus
velocity squared. The losses result primarily from friction losses. At this point in the steam
expansion, the specific volume of the steam is large, and the exhaust hood geometry offers many
opportunities for turbulence and friction.
Annulus velocity is a function of annulus area, the mass flow, and the specific volume. Exhaust
losses decrease with a decrease in annulus velocity in the operating point region. Therefore,
increasing annulus area, decreasing mass flow per exhaust end, and decreasing specific volume
all contribute to decreasing annulus velocity. Longer last-stage blades increase the annulus area
because the annulus area is a function of the blade length and the pitch diameter. For a given
turbine inlet flow, increasing the number of exhaust ends decreases the mass flow per end.
However, going from a single-flow LP turbine to a double-flow LP turbine, for example, is an
uncommon upgrade. The specific volume is a function of the exhaust pressure. As turbine
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
exhaust pressure decreases, specific volume increases, which increases friction losses in the
hood. However, the increase in exhaust losses is offset by the increase in power from a lower
back pressure. Of the three contributors to reducing annulus velocity, increasing the length of the
last-stage blade is the most beneficial.
Exhaust hood upgrades improve performance by offering fewer fixed losses and shallower turn-
up and kinetic energy curve slopes. Often, newer LP turbines have a lower operating point,
which can be a sustained benefit in a base-loaded unit that does not spend much time on the left
side of the curve.
As stated in the previous section, increasing the length of the last-stage blade reduces total
exhaust loss by increasing the annulus area and decreasing the annulus velocity. Because exhaust
losses include friction losses, and friction losses are a function of velocity squared, reducing the
annulus velocity has a significant effect on total exhaust losses.
In addition to decreasing total exhaust losses, longer last-stage blades are more efficient than
shorter ones because of smaller end-wall losses. However, the difference in end-wall loss
between, for example, a 30-in. and a 33.5-in. last-stage blade is small. Larger improvements
come from the other design features of newer last-stage blades such as elimination of one or
more tie wires, addition of blade covers so a tip sealing device can be used, and the modification
of the blade tip to accommodate supersonic flow.
Valve Position
The position of the turbine inlet valves will influence the amount of throttling of steam at the
inlet of the HP turbine. When a valve is neither fully open nor fully closed, there is an excessive
pressure decrease across it that robs the steam of the available energy that would otherwise be
used across a turbine stage to produce power. If the turbine is forced by dispatchers or
mechanical limitations to sit at a particular load point that involves throttling for extended
periods of time, the performance may be improved by adjusting the valves such that the required
load point corresponds to a valve point.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Flow into the turbine is controlled by the front end of the HP turbine. The control-stage area and
the first-stage shell pressure are very influential in the general flow equation. Often, when a plant
has excess boiler capacity, it may be beneficial to increase the flow capacity of the turbine to
generate more power. Sometimes this increase is accomplished by a new HP turbine steam path
of larger capacity. Other times it is accomplished by increasing the existing areas through shop
repairs. Either way, the following are several things to consider:
The remainder of the plant will have increased duty. Balance-of-plant equipment from fuel
handling to emissions to feedwater pumps and heaters to heat rejection will have a higher
An increase in power rating may require significant upgrades to the emissions cleanup
The turbine stages, particularly the last-stage blade, will be subjected to higher forces and
will be at higher risk of deformation, cracking, and failure.
The generator output will increase as will its cooling requirements.
Increased flow increases the annulus velocity and the total exhaust losses. If the flow
increases too much, the back end of the turbine might enter an undesirable choked flow
Replacing the HP turbine with a new, upgraded turbine will result in a better heat rate than
opening the existing stage areas.
In some circumstances, heavy deposits in the HP turbine are a recurring problem. Although it is
most desirable to eliminate the source of deposits, some owners have opted to live with the
deposits, but open the turbine stage areas to regain the original flow capacity. In this situation,
operating at a reduced load is necessary until the deposits build up enough to not exceed the
maximum allowed flow.
Older LP turbines often contain rows of rotating blades without covers. An upgrade to this type
of blade is one that has a cover so that a sealing device can be installed at the tip of the rotating
blade. Some OEMs offer continuously covered blades that also offer some damping
characteristics. As such, often one or more of the tie wires can be eliminated, improving stage
The last stage has approximately 70% reaction whether it is an impulse or reaction design. The
last stage also has a very large pressure decrease across it and therefore a large energy range.
That is the primary reason that the last stage produces approximately 10% of the power of the
turbine. With the large energy range and the high reaction, there is a large pressure decrease
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
across the tip of the rotating blade. Finally, the tip of the last-stage blade has a very large
diameter. So, the potential for large tip leakage is great. Covered blades offer a landing for a
sealing device at the tip of the last-stage blade.
Coatings on blades can protect the base metal from damage caused by SPE and foreign object
damage. They may be considered to extend the life of certain rows of blading between outages.
Coatings do, however, increase the surface roughness of the blades. Therefore, weighing the
benefits of erosion reduction against the cost of increased surface roughness must be part of the
decision to upgrade with coatings.
For the same blade lengths, a smaller rotor diameter will result in a smaller leakage area at both
the root of the stationary blades and the tips of the rotating blades. A smaller diameter rotor with
longer blades will result in smaller leakage area at the root of the stationary blades and lower end
wall losses.
A typical open/clean/close turbine overhaul includes some routine maintenance that also has an
effect on performance. Below are some of the routine maintenance items.
Grit Blasting
Grit blasting the steam path is required before conducting NDEs for detecting cracks, inclusions,
and other potential problems. The grit blasting operation typically occurs as soon as the steam
path parts are removed from the casing. If a steam path audit is conducted, the surface roughness
evaluation must be done before the grit blasting operation. Therefore, close attention to the
outage schedule must be paid by the individual conducting the steam path audit.
Grit blasting removes scale and deposits that accumulated on the stationary and rotating blading
from impurities in the steam, but it is considered a temporary measure. Unless the source of the
deposits is identified and eradicated, the deposits will return on startup. It is therefore necessary
to take samples of the deposits found on the blades so that the chemistry department can identify
the impurities in the steam.
A typical grit blasting material is 220 aluminum oxide grit, but there are other size grits and
blasting media available. The factors involved in deciding which material to use involves the
cost and availability of blasting media, the ability to remove steam path deposits, blast times,
recyclability, and the resulting surface finish. The surface finish left behind by grit blasting with
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
aluminum oxide is rougher than a new and clean surface. To leave a smoother finish,
consideration might be given to glass bead, walnut shells, and other media that will leave a
smooth finish.
If there is reasonable assurance that deposits will not be a problem in the upcoming operation of
the turbine, polishing the blades after blast cleaning them may restore the surface roughness to
the new and clean condition. The HP and IP turbines have the greatest performance benefit from
Impurities in the condensate, feedwater, boiler drum, and throughout the system can find
themselves deposited on the steam turbine blading. These deposits roughen the surfaces and, if
thick enough, can reduce the flow passing area. Corrosive deposits can damage the integrity of
the blading when accumulated on blade attachments, covers, and other structural elements of the
steam path. When a steam turbine is opened up for an overhaul, a representative from the
chemistry department should be ready to take samples of any deposits found in the steam path.
Samples should be taken at each stage because adjacent stages can have very different material
deposited on them. The precipitate pressure is a characteristic of a compound, and the L-1 stage
might have very different deposits than the L-2, and so on.
Depending on the type of deposits, recommendations may include making changes to the boiler
chemistry, the condensate polishing system, the makeup water, heat transfer tube material in the
condenser and feedwater heaters, and other processes affecting the purity of the steam entering
the turbine.
Minor weld repairs are often a standard maintenance item during an open/clean/close outage.
Dings, cracks, and foreign object damage can often be repaired with a minor weld repair. The
repairs improve performance by making the flow path more streamline by reducing turbulence.
Special care must be given to the trailing edges of nozzles if performance is to be maximized.
The highest steam velocities in the stage occur at the exit of the stationary blading. Any weld
repair, minor or major, that leaves the trailing edges of the nozzles thicker than design is going to
decrease stage efficiency because of the increased turbulence and wake at the nozzle exit. The
purpose of the nozzles is to turn and accelerate the steam before entering the rotating blades. If a
portion of the kinetic energy of the steam is given up for turbulence, then there is less energy to
produce power in the rotating blading and stage efficiency decreases.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The outage serves as an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of the steam sealing devices. A
steam path audit is very useful in guiding seal decisions based on benefit-cost analysis. The
benefit of replacing a seal comes from the steam path audit where clearances and tooth condition
data are used to determine the extra annual fuel costs associated with the excess leakage through
that seal. The cost of replacing a seal comes from the seal vendor. The ratio of the benefit in
annual fuel savings to the cost to purchase gives a benefit/cost ratio that can be prioritized along
with the other sealing devices.
Often the required return on a seal investment is one year, or a benefit/cost ratio of 1. So, if a seal
costs $5000 and the excess annual fuel costs from the rubbed seal are $5000, then the return on
the new seal will be realized in one year. If, on the other hand, the excess fuel costs are $2000,
the benefit/cost ratio is 2:5, and it would be more cost-effective to spend $500 sharpening the
tooth. The benefit of sharpening the seal teeth will be less than that of a new packing, but if the
benefit was, for example, $1000, the resulting benefit/cost ratio is $1000/$500 = 2 and the return
on investment is six months.
Figure 3-32 shows a sharp tooth on the left and a rubbed tooth on the right. Sharpening the
rubbed tooth is typically done with a die bit tool that will peel the ridges away from either side of
the tip of the tooth. The result is a sharp tooth but at the cost of some additional clearance. If the
sharpened clearance is near the design clearance, it will be likely that sharpening is more cost-
effective than replacing the sealing device.
Figure 2-31
Sharp and rubbed steam seal tooth
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Root spill strips are usually found only in impulse designs. They control the leakage between
the flow into the rotating blade and the flow between the interstage packing and balance hole.
End packings and gland packings are found in both impulse and reaction design and control
the leakage where the rotor or spindle emerges from the casings. They are usually hi-lo
labyrinth packing rings, although the LP turbine sometimes has teeth all of one height to
avoid shearing off high teeth in a rotor long or rotor short event.
Horizontal Joints
The horizontal joint, where the upper and lower halves of steam path components come together,
is often the path of steam leaks. Sometimes the leaks leave behind a trail of deposits that can be
collected and analyzed for their content. Other times the steam cuts the base metal, which needs
to be filled in with weld material and ground to a smooth, level finish during an outage.
Warping is another problem that may prevent the horizontal joint from making a tight seal.
Warping can take several forms. Casings can spring in or out depending on the type of residual
stress that may reside in the upper and lower halves while they are bolted together.
The outage may be an opportunity to measure the amount of warpage in a casing or other steam
path part. Often tops on bolted/tops off unbolted vertical and horizontal diameter measurements
are made to determine both ellipticity and the amount of thermal strain once unbolted.
Severe warpage may require an off-site solution where parts are welded, machined, and heat-
treated to relieve stress.
Horizontal joint leakage losses are typically small. The magnitude of the loss depends on the
specific volume of the steam, the area of the leak, and the portion of the steam path bypassed. A
leak across a diaphragm horizontal joint in the LP turbine might have surprisingly small losses
associated with it because the specific volume is large and only a small amount of mass flow can
fit through a small leak area. The leak bypasses the energy range of only one stage. A horizontal
leak of similar cross-sectional area in the HP turbine inner casing, on the other hand, will have a
much larger performance effect. The leakage path may bypass several stages, the specific
volume is small, and therefore a large amount of mass flow will miss the opportunity to produce
power in several stages.
A steam turbine performance engineer typically spends much time and effort in planning for an
outage. Once the outage arrives, time is at an utmost premium. Although the performance items
on the schedule are not usually on the critical path, they must be done such that they do not
interfere with the critical path. The Ghant chart in Figure 2-24 shows where the opening and
closing steam path audit might occur in the schedule. Other performance activities can occur
between the opening and closing steam path audits.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The opening steam path audit is a visual inspection of the steam path conducted while the unit is
being disassembled. The collection of data and subsequent performance calculations result in a
list of recommended maintenance items prioritized by return-on-investment or benefit/cost ratio.
A detailed description of a steam path audit is given in Appendix C.
The steam path audit results help to guide the maintenance decisions during the outage and can
identify the root cause of several types of damage. For instance, a steam path audit will identify
the amount of excessive leakage through a seal and the corresponding fuel costs associated with
that leak. However, it will also shed light on the root cause of that leak. The seal might be rubbed
from imbalance or misalignment; the seal might be broken from foreign object damage or the
reassembly/disassembly process; corrosive deposits might have weakened the sealing teeth
allowing them to break easily; a retractable packing might be stuck in the open position; the as-
left clearances from the previous outage may have been too large, and so on. Knowing the root
cause is necessary to solve the problem.
The steam turbine performance engineer may conduct the steam path audit, or it may be
subcontracted out to a contractor who performs steam path audits routinely. Either way, the
steam path audit results must be ready within a day or two of lifting the rotor out of the casing so
that the results can be used in guiding maintenance decisions.
The steam turbine performance engineer works closely with the chemistry department, the
maintenance department, and the outage foremen to complete the audit in a thorough and timely
manner. The results and maintenance recommendations are typically delivered to interested
personnel on-site within two days after lifting the rotor.
Cycle Isolation
Ideally, the steam turbine performance engineer goes into an outage with a complete list of cycle
isolation issues to fix, with the full backing of the I&C and maintenance departments.
Like the cycle isolation fixes, the steam turbine performance engineer ideally goes into an outage
with a complete list of instrumentation problems to fix with the full backing of the I&C
The outage is the time to calibrate instruments that could not be calibrated in place while the unit
was operating. Some instrumentation might need replacing or upgrading. Still other locations
might need some instrumentation where none existed before. Water leg problems can be
corrected if there are incorrect slopes in the pressure-sensing lines.
The outage might also be a good time to conduct an instrumentation audit, especially if a
precision test is planned.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Whether the steam path audit is conducted by in-house personnel or by an outside contractor, it
is a good idea to include a photographic record of the steam path. Photographs of the inlet and
exhaust side of each stage and photographs of the horizontal joint with the top half off before the
rotor or spindle has been removed provide a detailed look at the steam path. The documentation
is useful in comparing the condition of the steam path from one outage to the next. It also serves
as a record for the returned-to-service condition of the steam path during the closing steam path
Photographs taken during the opening steam path audit document the as-found condition of the
steam path, whereas photographs taken during the closing steam path audit document the as-left
condition of the steam path.
Labeling of the steam path components should be done in chalk, not grease or paint pen, before
taking the photograph. Alternatively, a card with a label on it can be placed within the
photograph. Needed steam path repairs are often marked with a grease or paint pen by the NDE
personnel, so it is best to not add marks that might cause confusion in the repair process. It is
recommended to label the subjects in all photographs rather than to rely on a perceived ability to
remember the photograph subject later on.
If reverse engineering of steam path parts is to be done in the future, outages are often the only
opportunities to gather the necessary dimensional measurements. The steam turbine performance
engineer may be involved in taking these measurements for in-house reverse engineering, or
potential outside bidders for future upgrades may ask to visit the site during the outage to collect
dimensional data.
A closing steam path audit takes place during the reassembly of the turbine. The measurements
taken are very similar to those taken during the opening steam path audit. The closing steam path
audit serves two purposes: it is a quality control check on the maintenance conducted during the
outage, and it predicts the return-to-service condition of the unit.
Unexpected Damage/Deterioration
Despite the best pre-outage planning and analysis of test data, there can still be surprises once the
steam path is exposed. The steam turbine performance engineer should carefully document and
photograph all expected and unexpected damage that might result in performance deterioration.
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
The outage is an ideal time to determine the root cause of unexpected damage or deterioration
because the ultimate fix might require an outage. Better to fix the problem during the current
outage than the next outage several years later. Determining the root cause might involve
bringing in other in-house personnel, or it may require bringing in outside experts in steam
turbine performance and maintenance repairs.
It is a good idea to have an expert on call and authorized by the purchasing department to show
up on-site at a moment’s notice. Table 2-2 provides a list of things to do or not do during an
Table 2-2
Rules of thumb during an outage
Do Don’t
Communicate with the technical director about the
Delay the outage.
upcoming schedule.
Empty your pockets before climbing up on the
Drop anything in the turbine.
Go underneath parts being lifted by the
Tie off everything before inspecting the turbine.
Make safety a priority, attend safety orientation,
Use a grease or paint pen on turbine parts.
wear all safety equipment.
Bring unusual findings to the attention of the
technical director.
Constant Communication
The steam turbine performance engineer must be in constant communication with several people
and departments during an outage. Figure 2-33 shows a typical organizational chart during an
outage. The on-site person with overall responsibility for the outage is the outage manager.
Reporting to the outage manager are managers from maintenance, I&C, chemistry, safety, and
the outage services project manager, who may be an outside contractor. The steam turbine
performance engineer is in this group. The outage services project manager might be a
representative from the turbine OEM, contractor, or engineering company who serves as a
liaison between the owner and the on-site personnel hired specifically for the turbine overhaul.
This project manager might be responsible for several outages. On-site, the technical director is
the highest-level representative from the OEM, contractor, or engineering company. The steam
turbine performance engineer should be in close contact with this individual.
Many coordinated efforts take place between the performance engineer, chemists, the
maintenance manager, I&C, the technical director, shift supervisors, and the other
Purpose and Roles of a Turbine Performance Engineer in a Steam Power Plant
Figure 2-32
Outage organizational chart
The steam turbine performance engineer’s responsibilities are usually off the critical path. Daily
communication with shift supervisors about the schedule will help to keep it that way.
The sites with the most successful performance programs are those that include all employees on
the periodic performance reports, ensuring that all are aware of their individual effect on heat
rate. Communicating the activities and goals for plant performance makes it a sitewide effort,
multiplying the capability of the steam turbine performance engineer by the number of
employees aware of and engaged in the program.
Operators in the control room can be a very valuable resource for steam turbine performance
engineers. They often keep meticulous records of equipment problems, load changes, and plant
response. They are on the front line when a pressure, temperature, or flow goes awry. Control
room operators also have a good feel for the cause-and-effect response of the plant, which can be
very useful in troubleshooting isolation and performance problems. The steam turbine
performance engineer should always consult with the operators before recommending changes to
operation or making performance conclusions from test data analyses.
The steam turbine performance engineer also works closely with control room operators during
performance tests. Although there is sometimes a somewhat contentious relationship between
performance engineers and operators, the performance engineers must respect the responsibility
of the operators to respond to the dispatchers with rapid, safe, and smooth delivery of the
required power.
Chemists also typically serve in the operations department and offer valuable information for
performance. Surface roughness from poor water chemistry control is typically one of the
greatest losses found during steam path audits.
The maintenance manager is ultimately the person responsible for carrying out maintenance
recommendations coming from the performance department. Conversely, the maintenance
department may make repairs that affect performance. In most maintenance cases, there is a
component of reliability and a component of performance. The steam turbine performance
engineer must realize that the scale will usually tip in the direction of reliability.
InterRelationships with Other Plant or Central Office Departments
Technicians in the I&C department will prove invaluable when preparing for a test and while
conducting routine monitoring. They may conduct in-house instrumentation audits or be
involved in outsourced instrumentation audits.
Recognizing that performance issues are not usually on the critical path of an outage, the steam
turbine performance engineer may have to advocate for a slot on the Ghant chart.
The following are what the outage manager can do to facilitate the steam path audit process
without sacrificing outage time:
Lay down stationary turbine blades (diaphragms or blade rings) with the exhaust side up,
which will allow easier access to important dimensions on the nozzles.
Do not remove steam packing rings from the turbine until they have been inspected.
Place casings on the turbine deck with the steam path side up for easy access for inspection.
Keep the audit engineer informed of changes to the disassembly and reassembly schedule.
Recognize that hiring subcontractors requires finite lead time to get through the proposal and
contract steps. Final agreement on terms may involve a certain amount of iteration and time. A
blanket contract might be beneficial if there are subcontractors that are used often. That way, one
phone call might be all that is necessary to get someone on-site immediately.
Predictive Maintenance
Turbine performance can be measured by more than steam and water pressures, temperatures,
and flows. Vibration, oil purity, bearing temperatures, and so on can help to anticipate problems
and corroborate that a suspected thermal performance problem might exist.
System Engineers
The turbine is but one of many machines operating in the many interdependent systems and
cycles in the power plant. Knowledge of boiler efficiency, auxiliary loads, heat rejection
performance, and feedwater heater performance can aid in diagnosing problems with the steam
InterRelationships with Other Plant or Central Office Departments
Communicating with the dispatcher can help in planning tests and short outages. Some
specialized testing requires part-load operation, which needs to be scheduled appropriately.
Table 3-1
Who should be in your speed dial
Control Room
Flow nozzle calibration facility
I&C department manager
Instrumentation rental and calibration
Local trucking company
Local turbine shop
Maintenance manager
Plant chemist
Turbine crew on short notice
Some of the basic educational requirements of a steam turbine performance engineer are a
bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering and a working understanding of
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. However, having graduated with the aforementioned
credentials, many new steam turbine performance engineers have not been exposed to the steam
turbine performance field. Postgraduate studies may include some courses in the power-
generation field, but the opportunity to take university level courses on steam turbine cycle
efficiency is rare.
Many steam turbine performance engineers are also licensed professional engineers or engineers-
in-training. Many states are now including ongoing education as a requirement to maintain the
professional engineer license.
Some of the best informal training can come from on-the-job experience. This opportunity is
enhanced when the new steam turbine performance engineer can work with someone who might
be considered a mentor. Utilities often have programs for newly hired engineers in which they
rotate through various jobs, including performance.
More formal training can come from a variety of sources that present seminars and workshops.
Many of these offer professional development hours required by the state professional
engineering licensing boards. One such training course is presented by Deborah Cioffi, the
principal investigator for this guide: Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis’s Evaluating and
Improving Steam Turbine Performance, based on Ken Cotton’s textbook [3] of the same name.
General Physics Corporation offers many plant performance–related courses including heat-rate
awareness training, which was developed under EPRI auspices to fulfill the needs of plant
performance engineers. Other training companies offer seminars in the steam turbine
performance field as well.
The ASME offers many relevant courses through their training and development program
( EPRI, of course, holds many seminars, workshops, conferences, and other
opportunities to learn about steam turbine performance (
Another source of learning is the training that accompanies the purchase and use of a heat-
balance program. There are several on the market, and many of the companies that offer the
software also offer training. Because the heat-balance software is so focused on the
thermodynamics of the steam turbine cycle and the intricacies of the components within the
cycle, the software training often involves a large amount of background information on the
steam turbine cycle and its components beyond the use of the software.
ASME Appendix A to PTC 6, The Test Code for Steam Turbines, PTC 6A, American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, New York, 2000.
ASME Flow Measurement, PTC19.5, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
ASME Performance Test Code 6 on Steam Turbines, PTC 6, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, New York, 2004.
ASME Steam Tables, 1967 and 1997 versions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
New York.
ASME Test Uncertainty, PTC 19.1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
ASME Performance Monitoring Guidelines for Power Plants, PTC-PM-2010, American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 2010.
Booth, J. A. and D.E. Kautzmann, “Estimating the Leakage from HP to IP Turbine Sections.”
Paper presented at EPRI Power Plant Performance Monitoring Conference/Workshop
(October 24, 1984).
Cotton, K. C., C.N. Cannon, and R. C. Spencer, “A Method for Predicting the Performance of
Steam Turbine-Generators…6,500 kW and Larger.” ASME Paper No. 62-WA-209, Revised
July 1974, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.
Cotton, K. C., Evaluating and Improving Steam Turbine Performance, 2nd edition. Cotton
F.A.C.T., Rexford, NY, 1998.
Hopson, W., “Special Report…Steam Turbines: Finding and Fixing Leakage Within Combined
HP-IP Steam Turbines: Parts I and II,” Power Magazine. July 15, 2007 (Part I) and August 15,
2007 (Part II) (
Salisbury, K. J., Steam Turbines and Their Cycles. Krieger Publishing Co., Lalabar, FL, 1950.
What Should Be in Your Library
Sanders, W. P., The Procurement of Replacement Steam Turbine Blading. Forham Printing Co.
Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Distributed by Turbomachinery International, Norwalk, CT,
Sanders, W. P., Turbine Steam Path Engineering for Operations and Maintenance Staff. Forham
Printing Co. Ltd., Markham, Ontario, Canada, 1996.
Sanders, W. P., Turbine Steam Path Volume 2 - Maintenance and Repair. PennWell, Tulsa, OK,
Sanders, W. P., Turbine Steam Path, Volume 1 - Maintenance and Repair. PennWell, Tulsa, OK,
Sanders, W. P., Turbine Steam Path, Volume 3a - Mechanical Design and Manufacture.
Tulsa, OK, 2004.
Sanders, W. P., Turbine Steam Path, Volume 3b - Mechanical Design and Manufacture.
Tulsa, OK, 2004.
EPRI’s three-day biannual heat-rate improvement conference has been the industry gathering
with a focus on power plant performance. The proceedings listed below contain examples of how
companies have reduced their heat rates, justified those investments, and analyzed the results.
1. B. Bornstein and K. Cotton, “A Simplified ASME Acceptance Test Procedure for Steam
Turbines.” Journal of Engineering for Power, Transactions of ASME, Vol. 104, No. 1,
pp. 224–230 (January 1982).
2. Replacement Interstage Seals for Steam Turbines. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2005. 1010214.
3. K. C. Cotton, Evaluating and Improving Steam Turbine Performance, 2nd edition. Cotton
F.A.C.T., Rexford, NY, 1998.
The heat balance is typically developed by the turbine OEM. It contains a vast amount of
information about the turbine and the requirements of the balance-of-plant equipment. The heat
balance shows the thermal energy entering and exiting each major piece of equipment in the
turbine cycle. It is a schematic drawing and not to scale. The thermal kit generally contains a
family of heat balances: guarantee load, VWO load, 5% OP, and several part-load heat balances
that sometimes correspond to valve points.
Figure A-1
Typical fossil heat balance
Anatomy of a Fossil Heat-Balance Diagram
Anatomy of a Fossil Heat-Balance Diagram
9. IP exhaust. The location at the exit of the IP turbine. It is often the location from which
auxiliary flows originate (power house heating steam, boiler feedpump turbine flow, air
preheater flow). It is also the origin of the IP turbine exhaust end-packing flow. Most of the
IP turbine exhaust flow enters the crossover piping that carries the IP turbine exhaust steam
into the LP turbine.
10. LP inlet. The LP turbine may have one, two, three, four, or more parallel flows, but the heat
balance often shows it schematically as a single or double casing with a note for the number
of actual parallel flows. There is typically a 3% pressure decrease from the exit of the IP
turbine to the LP turbine bowl, just upstream of the first stationary blades in the LP turbine.
11. LP heater extractions. There are usually several extractions in the LP turbine that provide
heating steam to the LP heaters. Although the steam conditions of the extractions can be
obtained from the heat balance, the cross section must be used to determine the exact location
of the extractions. Sometimes the extractions on one end, for example, the turbine end, are
mirror images of the extractions on the other end—the generator end. Other times, the turbine
end may have extractions at stages L-1 and L-3 in the turbine end, whereas the generator end
has extractions at L-2 and L-4, and so on.
12. Condenser. It is here that the turbine manufacturer conveys the information to the condenser
manufacturer as to how much heat must be rejected from the exhaust steam. The product of
the mass flow leaving the turbine and its enthalpy represent the thermal energy of the steam
leaving the LP turbine headed for the condenser. On the condenser schematic, there will be at
least one enthalpy. Figure A-1 shows two turbine exhaust enthalpies: ELEP and UEEP. If a
heat balance shows only one unlabeled enthalpy, it is the UEEP. The UEEP is the physical
endpoint of the expansion to condenser pressure. If the turbine exhaust pressure and moisture
were measured, the resulting enthalpy would be the UEEP. The ELEP is a fictitious point,
used by the turbine designers when designing the last-stage blading. The ELEP is the
endpoint enthalpy if there were no total exhaust losses. The total exhaust loss is the UEEP
minus the ELEP. Sometimes the circulating cooling water temperature and flow rate are
shown on the condenser (it is not shown in Figure A-1).
13. Steam seal regulator or gland steam regulator. This box represents the steam sealing
system that takes leakoff flows from the HP end packings and supplies sealing steam to the
LP end packings so air does not leak into the condenser at the exit of the LP turbine where
the rotor emerges from the casing. The HP seals usually supply more than enough sealing
steam for the LP turbine seals, so the schematic of the steam seal regulator/gland steam
regulator also shows where the overflow goes. In Figure A-1, the overflow goes to the
extraction to the lowest pressure heater.
14. Condensate pump or hot well pump. There are likely two or more pumps that pump the
condensate from the hot well to the dearator, but the heat balance schematically represents all
of them as one.
15. Steam packing exhauster or gland steam condenser. This heat transfer device condenses
the steam and removes the air from the air/steam mixture entering the end packing outboard
leakoff lines. It provides a small amount of heat to the condensate line before the condensate
enters the feedwater heater train.
Anatomy of a Fossil Heat-Balance Diagram
16. Lowest pressure feedwater heater. The lowest pressure heater is the first feedwater heater
through which the condensate passes. Sometimes the heater drain flow is pumped forward
into the condensate line before the second heater (as in Figure A-1). Other times the drain
flow cascades to the condenser. The steam seal regulator overflow line also may enter the
steam extraction line before the heater; otherwise the overflow may go to the condenser. The
heat balance represents parallel heater trains as one.
17. Condensate into deaerator. The water entering the deaerator is referred to as condensate.
Once the flow emerges from the feedwater pump after the deaerator, it is referred to as
feedwater. The condensate line entering the deaerator is often an ideal location for a
condensate flowmeter.
18. Terminal temperature difference (TTD). The TTD is a design characteristic of the heater
and is a measure of the heater’s heat transfer capability. It is defined as the difference
between the saturation temperature corresponding to the heater shell pressure and the
condensate or feedwater outlet temperature. TTDs can be zero or negative if the heater has a
superheating section. Typical values range from 5°F to −5°F. If, during service, the TTD
increases, it is a sign that heater performance is decreasing. When a heater’s performance
decreases, it and subsequent heaters often call for more extraction steam. The power and
heat-rate losses result from extra extraction steam leaving the turbine, bypassing the
opportunity to produce power.
19. Drain cooler approach temperature difference (DC). Like the TTD, the DC is a design
characteristic of a portion of the heater and provides a measure of the subcooling of the drain
flow, indicative of how much heat is removed from the extraction steam. It indicates poor
heater performance (typically caused by level control problems) if it increases during service,
which causes an increase in extraction flow. It is defined as the difference between the drain
temperature and the approach temperature.
20. BFP. Often there is more than one BFP, but the heat balance shows one schematically. There
may be a collection of motor-driven and turbine-driven BFPs. The purpose of the BFP is to
provide adequate turbine inlet pressure after overcoming pressure decreases in the HP
heaters, economizer, boiler, superheater, valves, and piping. Often the superheater
attemperating spray originates at the BFP.
21. Attemperating spray. Main steam temperature and hot reheat steam temperature are usually
controlled by attemperation. The attemperating sprays often originate at the BFP, the highest
pressure in the cycle. The heat balance in Figure A-1 shows the attemperating spray entering
the main steamline because this heat balance does not include a boiler.
22. HP feedwater heaters. The heaters after the BFP are referred to as the HP heaters. Their
drains cascade back to the deaerator. Performance deterioration in the HP heaters has a
greater effect on turbine cycle efficiency than the same performance deterioration in the LP
23. Final feedwater. The final feedwater emerges from the highest pressure heater and
subsequently enters the economizer. It is an important location for monitoring turbine cycle
efficiency. The final feedwater flowmeter is placed in this location. Heat-rate calculations are
based on the feedwater flow and enthalpy.
Anatomy of a Fossil Heat-Balance Diagram
24. Boiler. Figure A-1 does not include a boiler, but many times a heat balance will include one.
When it does, the schematic may show attemperating spray entering the superheater, and it
may also show blowdown flow leaving the steam drum.
25. Generator. The generator on a heat balance is represented by a box containing the electrical
output, power factor, and electrical and mechanical losses.
There are many more similarities between fossil and nuclear heat balances than differences.
Therefore, the notes pertaining to the generic nuclear heat-balance diagram focus on what is
unique in a nuclear cycle. Those wishing to study the anatomy of a nuclear cycle heat balance are
encouraged to study the fossil heat balance in Appendix A as well.
Figure B-1
Typical nuclear heat balance
Anatomy of a Nuclear Heat-Balance Diagram
The following notes correspond with the callouts shown in Figure B-1:
1. Main steam. The main steam conditions (pressure, moisture, enthalpy, flow) entering the
turbine. Auxiliary steam is shown leaving the main steamline before reaching the turbine.
Often auxiliary steam from the main steamlines will have zero flow at full-load conditions.
The stage 2 reheating steam comes from the main steamline.
2. HP reheater extraction. Stage 1 reheater steam comes from an extraction part way through
the HP turbine.
3. HARP extraction. It is common for a nuclear cycle to have a HARP. The extraction steam
and the main steam entering the reheater stages compose the reheating steam.
4. Moisture separator. When the steam emerges from the HP turbine, the moisture content is
approximately 10%. The moisture separator removes the water and sends the dry steam to the
reheater (in a reheat cycle). The effectiveness of this moisture separator is nominally 97%. In
other words, it removes 97% of the water from the wet steam.
5. Moisture separator drain. The water removed from the HP turbine exhaust flow is sent to
another feedwater heater in the cycle.
6. Stage 1 reheater. The steam that emerges from the moisture separator enters the shell of the
stage 1 reheater. The HP extraction steam (the reheating steam) enters the tube side of the
reheater and condenses as it gives up its heat to the reheated steam. The TTD is written on
the heat-balance diagram and is the saturation temperature corresponding to the reheater
stage 1 pressure minus the temperature of the reheated steam.
7. Stage 2 reheater. Similar to the stage 1 reheater, the stage 2 reheater has reheated steam on
the shell side and reheating steam on the tube side. The reheating steam originates from main
steam. The TTD is the difference between the saturation temperature of the reheating steam
at the stage 2 pressure minus the temperature of the reheated steam emerging from the
reheater. Not all nuclear cycles have two-stage reheaters. Some have no reheat and others
have one-stage reheaters where the reheating steam usually comes from main steam.
8. Reheater drain. High-pressure condensate from the reheating steam leaves the reheater
stages and enters the top feedwater heater shell where it flashes to steam.
9. Hot reheat steam. In a nuclear reheat cycle, the hot reheat steam is usually the only
superheated steam in the turbine cycle with enough superheat to get a good temperature
measurement. Elsewhere throughout the turbine, the steam is wet and a temperature
measurement would give saturation temperature.
10. LP inlet. Nuclear cycles do not have IP turbines. The phrase LP inlet is preferred over hot
reheat. Nuclear cycles often have two or three double-flow LP turbines. The large number of
back ends is required to pass the large amount of mass flow. The available energy range of a
nuclear cycle is less than that of a fossil cycle, but the mass flow is much greater.
11. No deaerator. Nuclear cycles do not normally have deaerators. They scavenge oxygen and
other impurities chemically.
12. Condensers in series. This type of condenser is found in both nuclear and fossil cycles. The
circulating water enters hood A, then continues on to hood B in series. The condenser
pressure and UEEP of hood A are less than those in hood B.
A steam path audit is a visual inspection of the steam turbine while the unit is open. The purpose
of a steam path audit is to quantify the observed damage in terms of power output, heat rate, and
fuel costs. The losses are compared with the necessary repair or replacement costs to determine
whether the cost/benefit ratio of the fix results in a desirable return on investment. The result of
using a steam path audit to guide turbine steam path repairs is to realize the greatest return on the
maintenance dollars invested during the outage.
A steam path audit begins with modeling the turbine cycle on a stage-by-stage basis. The power
output, efficiency, and steam thermodynamic properties are calculated for each turbine stage.
Nonproprietary information such as the VWO heat balance, cross section, seal diagram, and first-
stage shell pressure curve are used to develop the stage-by-stage computer model.
The on-site portion of the steam path audit begins when the audit engineer arrives on-site just as
the upper casing is lifted off the rotor. The audit engineer makes several measurements of seal
clearances, surface roughness, miscellaneous leakage areas, area changes caused by deposits
and/or mechanical damage, and any other anomaly in the steam path. The inspection begins
where steam enters the outer casing upstream of the first-stage nozzle and ends at the exhaust
annulus where the steam leaves the turbine for the condenser. Each stationary and rotating blade,
each shaft and tip seal, each end packing, the horizontal joint, and all casing fits are inspected
and appropriately measured where a deviation from design conditions is observed.
The measurements taken by the audit engineer do not interrupt the scheduled outage. The work is
done simultaneously with the disassembly of the unit. The process of taking the measurements is
flexible; for example, while the outage crew is working on the left side of the turbine, the audit
engineer is working on the right side. While the crew is working on the HP turbine, the audit
engineer is working on the LP turbine, and so forth. The steam path audit does not prolong the
Description of an Efficiency Steam Path Audit
The measurements taken by the audit engineer are input into the steam path audit calculations
spreadsheet. The calculations compare the as-found condition of the steam path with the design
condition. Power output, heat rate, and annual fuel costs are assigned to each loss. For example,
if the rubbed tip spill strip on the third stage had a clearance of 40 mils and the design clearance
was 30 mils, the extra 10 mils of clearance would represent, for example, a 200-kW loss in
power, a 5-Btu/kWh gain in heat rate, and $12,500 per annum in additional fuel costs. If a new
tip spill strip cost $7000, the return on investment would be less than seven months. In this case,
it would be desirable to replace the tip spill strip.
If, on the other hand, the rubbed packing had a clearance of 32 mils, which increased fuel costs
by $1400, it would not be cost-effective to replace the tip spill strip. Instead, it would be cost-
effective to sharpen the tip spill strip and put it back into service. Knowing what not to replace
can be just as beneficial to the maintenance budget as knowing what to replace.
It takes roughly a week to complete the on-site portion of a steam path audit. The actual time on-
site depends largely on the number of stages in the turbine. Before leaving the site, the audit
engineer presents preliminary findings to interested personnel. This exchange allows personnel
to review and fully understand the steam path audit results. Often the owner requests that
photographs be taken to document the condition of the steam path.
What has been described thus far is an opening steam path audit. There is also a closing steam
path audit that is conducted simultaneously with the reassembly of the steam turbine after the
repairs have been made. Like the opening steam path audit, the closing steam path audit does not
interfere with the outage schedule, and like the opening steam path audit, the preliminary results
are presented to interested personnel before the audit engineer leaves the site. The closing steam
path audit serves two purposes: a quality control check on the maintenance performance during
the outage and an estimated return-to-service condition of the unit. The closing steam path audit
is often considered optional by customers.
Shortly after delivery of the preliminary steam path audit results, a final report is published that
contains the stage-by-stage performance results, photographs, calculation procedures, and
references. Recommendations for repairs and replacements are based on the annual fuel costs
and the desired cost/benefit ratio. If a closing steam path audit is conducted, the results are also
contained in the final report. The final report contains results for the following loss categories:
Description of an Efficiency Steam Path Audit
Table D-1
Impulse and reaction nomenclature
Impulse Reaction
Main stop valve Throttle valve
Intercept valve Interceptor valve
Buckets Blades
Erosion shields Stellite strips
Tie wires Lashing lugs
Bucket covers Shroud bands
Packings Glands
N-X packing Dummy packing
Spill strips Seal strips
Packing Spring backs
Rotor Spindle
Shell Cylinder
Steam seal regulator Gland steam regulator
H2 seal casing Gland bracket
Turbine end/generator end Governor end/exciter end
Upper shell/lower shell Cover/base
First-stage shell Impulse chamber
First-stage bowl High-pressure nozzle chamber
acceptance test, 2-9, 2-26, 2-27 critical speed, 2-76
additional stages, 2-73 cross-compound, 2-5
aluminum oxide grit, 2-66, 2-82 cross-section, 2-64
annual fuel savings, 1-2 Curtis stage, 2-70
annulus area, 2-79 Cycle isolation, 2-36
Annulus velocity, 2-79
ASME, 2-26, 2-32, 2-48
ASME PTC 6, 2-26
Attemperating Spray, A-4 Delta pressure, 2-30
Auxiliary power, 2-15 deposits, 2-54
diaphragm packings, 2-77
double-flow first stage, 2-74
B downstream resistance, 2-25
benefit-cost analysis, 2-83 Drain Cooler Approach Temperature
blasting media, 2-82 Difference, A-4
Booth-Kautzmann, 2-44 drum, 2-23
calibration, 2-31 end packings, 2-77
Casing contributions, 2-16 End packings, 2-84
Chemists, 3-1 end wall losses, 2-74
choked flow, 2-81 end walls contoured, 2-76
closing steam path audit, 2-2, 2-67, 2-87 End walls, 2-76
Coatings, 2-81 enthalpy drop efficiency, 2-64
Cold Reheat, A-2 exhaust hood, 2-70, 2-78
commissioning, 2-26 expansion line, 2-21
Condensate Pump, A-3 Expansion Line End Point, A-3
Condenser, A-3 extraction pressure, 2-21
continuously covered blades, 2-81
contoured end walls, 2-76
contractors, 2-65
Control Room Operators, 3-1 Feedwater Heater, A-4
Corrected Flow, 2-40 Final Feedwater, A-4
Corrected Gross Power Output, 2-39 first stage shell pressure, 2-24
Corrected Gross Turbine Cycle Heat Rate, 2-40 First Stage Shell Pressure, A-2
Corrected Stage Pressures, 2-40 flow function, 2-61
correcting data, 2-47 Flow function, 2-59
Corrections to stage pressures, 2-48 full arc, 2-22, 2-41
critical pressure ratio, 2-38, 2-74
General Flow Equation, 2-25, 2-57, 2-58, 2-59, Ken Cotton’s signature analysis method, 2-51
2-63, 2-80 key pressures, 2-55, 2-62
Generator losses, 2-13
Generator/mechanical efficiency. See Efficiency,
Generator/Mechanical L
Ghant chart, 2-67, 2-85 last stage, 2-69, 2-80
gland packings, 2-84 last stage blades, 2-79
Gland Steam Condenser, A-3 length of the last stage blade, 2-80
Gland Steam Regulator, A-3 Load following, 2-57
Grit blasting, 2-82 longitudinal drawing, 2-64
Gross Turbine Heat Rate, 2-6 loss factor, 2-16, 2-19
Group 1 corrections, 2-48 Low Load Operation, 2-57
Group 2 corrections, 2-48 LP Inlet, A-3
Guardian Packings, 2-77 LP Turbine Contribution, 2-19
LP turbine efficiency, 2-9
LP Turbine Efficiency, 2-11
heat balance, 2-9
heat balance program, 2-31 M
Heat Rate, 2-6 Main Steam, A-2, B-2
heater above the reheat point, A-2 Maintenance Manager, 3-1
Heaters Out of Service, 2-56 manufacturer’s margin, 2-9
horizontal joint, 2-84 measured IP turbine efficiency, 2-43
Hotwell pump, A-3 Mechanical losses, 2-20
HP Turbine Contribution, 2-16 Moisture Removal Effectiveness, 2-20
HP turbine efficiency, 2-9, 2-52 Mollier Diagram, 2-73
Hydrogen Pressure, 2-14
Hydrogen purity, 2-14
Net Unit Heat Rate, 2-6
I&C, 2-31, 2-39, 2-65, 3-2
Ideal Gas Law, 2-58
impulse, 2-23 on-line monitoring, 2-40
instrumentation, 2-27, 2-28, 2-30, 2-31, 2-65 On-Line Monitoring, 2-39
instrumentation audit, 2-32 opening steam path audit, 2-2, 2-68, 2-85
internal IP turbine efficiency, 2-43 organizational chart, 2-88
Internal Leakage, 2-43 Outage Planning, 2-58
interstage packings, 2-77 outage report, 2-28
IP Bowl, A-2 outage schedule, 2-67
IP Efficiency Slope over the Load Range, 2-45 Over pressure operation, 2-57
IP Exhaust, A-3
IP Turbine Contribution, 2-17
IP turbine efficiency, 2-9, 2-52
IP Turbine Efficiency, 2-10
isolation, 2-29, 2-38, 2-65, 2-86
P&IDs, 2-37 supplier, 2-69
partial arc, 2-22, 2-41, 2-70 suppliers, 2-65
Periodic Testing, 2-41 Systematic Uncertainty, 2-33
photographic record, 2-86
Piping and Instrumentation Drawings, 2-29
polishing, 2-66
pressure ratios, 2-60 tandem compound, 2-5
Pressure ratios, 2-59 Technical Bulletins, 2-71
Pump power, 2-12 Technical Information Letters, 2-71
Temperature Shift, 2-44
Terminal Temperature Difference, A-4
R thermal kit, 2-28
ramp rates, 2-57 Thermal Kit, 2-4, 2-19
Random Uncertainty, 2-33 tie wires, 2-75
reaction, 2-23 Tip spill strips, 2-84
Reconcile, 2-52 Total Exhaust Losses, 2-78
Reheater, A-2 Trend, 2-51
Repeatable Valve Points, 2-41 Twisted blades, 2-72
Retractable packings, 2-77
reverse engineering, 2-68, 2-87
Root spill strips, 2-84
Rules of Thumb, 2-53 Uncertainty Analysis, 2-32
unexpected damage, 2-87
upgrade, 2-69
S used energy, 2-16
sensitivity, 2-35 used energy end point, 2-9
Sequential valve admission, 2-22 Used Energy End Point, A-3
shaft packings, 2-77, 2-84
shaft power, 2-13
shock wave, 2-75
shroud seals, 2-84 valve point, 2-80
Single admission mode, 2-22 valve stem leakage, 2-16
solid particle erosion, 2-54 Variable pressure operation, 2-56
Solid particle erosion, 2-75 Verify, 2-50
Solid Particle Erosion, 2-46 vintage, 2-5
sonic velocity, 2-38 Vortex Shedders, 2-77
specialized tests, 2-63
Spencer/Cotton/Cannon, 2-28
Steam Packing Exhauster, A-3
steam path audit, 2-66, 3-2 Warping, 2-85
Steam Seal Regulator, A-3 water chemistry control, 2-66
supersonic, 2-75 water wash, 2-64
weld repairs, 2-83
wheel-and-diaphragm, 2-23
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Steam Turbines, Generators, and Balance-of-Plant
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