Course Outline EE-313 Electronic Circuit Design

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Course Lesson Plan

SUBJECT EE 313: Electronic Circuit Design

INTSRUCTOR Assistant Prof Kanwal Naveed
PRE-REQUISITE EE-215 Electronic Devices and Circuits
CONTACT HOURS 6 Hours (3 Lecture, 3 Lab) per week
TEXT BOOK Microelectronic Circuits, Latest Edition by A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, Oxford
University Press
REFERENCE BOOK 1. Microelectronics, Latest Ed. by Millman and Grabel, McGraw Hill
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Latest Ed. by R. Boylestad and L.

MODE OF TEACHING Lectures, Practicals (Lab) and Demonstrations.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:   This course is designed to teach students regarding

1. Frequency response of common gate, common base and cascade configurations,
2. Frequency response of common emitter, source and source/emitter follower amplifiers.
3. General feedback structures.
4. Properties of Negative feedback amplifiers.
5. Frequency compensation, Miller compensation and pole splitting,
6. Classification of output stages, Class A output stage, Class B output stage, Class AB output
stage, Power BJT’s, Variations of class AB configurations,
7. IC power amplifiers,
8. MOS power transistors,

COURSE OBJECTIVES:- The objective of this course is to expose the students with
1. Advanced aspects of electronics.
2. Designing of multistage amplifiers.
3. Designing of power amplifiers.
4. Designing of feed-back amplifiers.
5. Synthesis and design of important circuits.

PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The importance of electronic circuits in modern day technologies

cannot be overemphasized. In depth understanding of electronic devices and their characteristics
and behavior in time and frequency domains is essential for investigation and synthesis of complex
electronic circuits for real world applications.

S. Outcomes Level of Learning PLO
1 Understanding working principles regarding 1
frequency response of MOSFET and BJT C2
2 Calculating frequency compensation, Miller 2
compensation and pole splitting.
3 Design class A and B amplifiers. C4 3
4 Design and fabricate feedback amplifiers. 3

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