BC - Sodium Thiosulphate Lab
BC - Sodium Thiosulphate Lab
BC - Sodium Thiosulphate Lab
Title of Assessment Factors that affect the rate of reaction Criteria assessed: B & C
Date Due Teacher
state a problem or question to be outline a problem or question to be describe a problem or question to be explain a problem or question to be
tested by a scientific investigation tested by a scientific investigation tested by a scientific investigation tested by a scientific investigation
design a complete and safe method design a logical, complete and safe
design a safe method in which he or
design a method, with limited in which he or she selects method in which he or she selects
she selects materials and
Design scientific success appropriate materials and appropriate materials and
investigations equipment. equipment.
interpret data accurately interpret data and accurately interpret data and
accurately interpret data and
explain results using scientific explain results using correct
Data interpretation explain results
reasoning scientific reasoning
and conclusion
state the validity of a hypothesis outline the validity of a hypothesis discuss the validity of a hypothesis evaluate the validity of a hypothesis
based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific
Validity of the
investigation investigation investigation investigation
state the validity of the method outline the validity of the method discuss the validity of the method evaluate the validity of the method
based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific
Validity of the
investigation investigation investigation investigation
* Refer to the glossary of command terms in the MYP (homework site – Class Resources) for definitions of the terms in bold. Attach
this rubric, investigation sheet, risk assessment and collaboration self reflection to your lab report.
**This investigation packet must be completed and submitted together with the final investigation report.
0In accordance with the OFS Academic Honesty Policy, the investigation report that I have submitted is my original work and that I have
cited sources accordingly. This report does not contain any part that has been copied from another student. I, myself, completed all the
data table(s) and graph(s).
Signature over printed name
Investigating the Factors that affect rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid
Sodium thiosulphate is a compound that has an extra sulphur atom in it. This atom is only loosely attached to the rest
of the sulphate molecule. If there is any acid around, the extra sulphur falls off, leaving just the sulphate molecule. As
this sulphur is insoluble, it makes the solution cloudy. You use how fast it goes cloudy as a measure of how fast the
reaction is taking place.
Na S O (aq) + 2HCl (aq) SO (aq) + S(s) + H O(l) + 2NaCl (aq)
2 2 3 2 2
1. Using
a measuring cylinder, measure out 10cm of sodium thiosulphate solution and pour it into a 100cm
3 3
beaker. Measure out 40cm of water and pour it into the same beaker.
2. Stand the beaker on a piece of paper marked with a large cross, so that you can see the cross through the
bottom of the beaker.
3. Measure out 10cm of hydrochloric acid in a separate measuring cylinder. Add this to the beaker and start the
stop clock. Stir the mixture and time how long it takes until you cannot see the cross any more. ( Round the
time off to the nearest whole second)
√ Investigation Check List Grade 9 and 10 Science
Aim: Criterion B Inquiring and Designing
State a clear focused problem or research question that links the independent and dependent variables.
Give a brief explanation of how you intend to identify the link between these variables.
Hypothesis: Criterion B Inquiring and Designing
Formulate a testable hypothesis that describes how you expect the dependent variable to be affected by changes to the
independent variable. You will need to use terms like “proportional”,“directly proportional” or “exponential” etc.
Justify your hypothesis with a scientific explanation.
Sketch expected graphical outcome. If appropriate discuss expected gradient or area. [include references]
Variables: Criterion B Inquiring and Designing
State the independent variable (variable you are changing). Explain how it will be changed. Give range of values with units.
State the dependent variable (the variable you are measuring). Give units and explain how it will be measured.
Note all other possible variables that will need to be controlled to ensure the experiment is “fair”. You should explain how
and why each of these variables needs to be controlled.
Materials/Equipment and Diagrams: Criterion B Inquiring and Designing
The materials list should be bullet point with numbers/volumes/masses of the materials/equipment required.
The labeled diagram should be simple and well drawn. (ruler/pencil). The diagram can help with clarifying the method.
Method: Criterion B Inquiring and Designing
The method must have numbered points and be easily followed by another student to achieve similar results/conclusion.
Do not say “Gather all the equipment....”
The variables/diagram/method descriptions should combine to describe how the data is collected and processed and should
allow for collecting an appropriate amount of data.
Outline any safety considerations in your experiment.
Explain how sufficient, relevant data will be collected and how it will be processed.
Results Table: see handout Criterion C Processing and evaluating
The data table should: have a title (see aim), be fully labeled with column headings and units. It should be neatly presented.
Table headings and units should not be repeated within a table. Column 1 should be independent variable.
The table should have a “mean average column” for multiple data entry.
An obvious anomalous trial outcome can be circled and ignored for inclusion in the mean average calculation.
Graphs: see handout Criterion C Processing and evaluating
Graphs should: have a title (see Aim), be as large as possible to ensure less gradient error, have clearly labeled axis with
units, points drawn as X or
Draw line of best fit which could be a smooth curve, a straight line (use ruler) or a combination of these.
Usually the independent variable would be drawn on the 'x' axis.
Any gradient or area calculations should be done on the graph.
Conclusion: Criterion C Processing and evaluating
Describe the trend, pattern or relationship you get from your graph.
Can you determine a quantitative relationship between your independent and dependent variables (use graph)?
Can you derive a formula for the relationship?
Draw a clear conclusion based on the correct interpretation of your data.
Explain your conclusion using scientific reasoning. [include references]
Do your results agree with the scientific explanation of your hypothesis?
Identify anomalous results and possible reasons. (this would include a discussion on controlled variables.)
Evaluation of the Method: Criterion C Processing and evaluating
Evaluate the validity of the hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation.
Evaluate the validity of your method based on the outcome of your investigation.
Explain improvements to the method that would benefit the investigation.
Explain extensions to the investigation that would benefit the investigation.
Write a paragraph explaining how your investigation relates to the statement of inquiry.