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The giant African snail, Achantina fulica is a fast growing polyphagous

(organism that is able to feed on various kind of food) plant pest that has

been introduced from its native range in the East of Africa to many parts

of the world as a commercial food source (for humans, fish and

livestock) and as a small pet. It attaches easily to any means of

transportation or machinery at any development stage, it is also able to

go into a state of aestivation (the arrangement of petals and sepals in a

flower bud before it opens) in cooler conditions and so is readily

transportable over distances. It has managed to establish itself and

reproduce prodigiously in tropical and some temperate locations. As a

result, Fulica has been classified as one of the world’s top 100 invasive

alien species by The World Conservation Union, IUCN (ISSG, 2003).

Fulica is native to the east coast of Africa (plisbry, 1904; Lange,

1950). The species is present naturally from Natal and Mozambique in

the South to Kenya and Southern part of Ethiopia and Somalia in the

north, and it extends 250-830 km from the coast, going farther inland in

the northern section of the range (Lange, 1950; Raut and Barker, 2002).

It is also likely to have become an established part of the Snail fauna of

West Africa following reports from cote d’ivoire, Togo, Nigeria, Ghana

(Winter, 1989; Monney, 2001; Ademolu et al., 2013) and a shell has

been identified in Morocco, the first discovery of this species from

anywhere in the palearctic.

Snails belong to a wide diversity of group of invertebrate with soft

slippery unsegmented body without limbs and enclosed in calcareous

shell. In Nigeria, snails are normally raised in small pens in many areas

either as backyard activities to support household income and supply of

protein or large scale commercial activities. Heliculture (Snail culture) is

the process of raising or farming Snail.

This study seek to compare the growth of Achatina Fulica and their

survival when reared on soil and wooden box without soil.

1.1 Background to the study: this study is focused on the growth and

survival comparison of Achatina Fulica when reared on soil and wooden

box without soil. Snails have been well known and highly appreciated by

African and Nigerians in particular for the task and delicious nature of

the meat ( Akegbejo et al., 2002). The meat contains 18-19% crude

protein and the calcium contents is high.(Awah et al., 1992).

1.2 Problem statements: Because of its African origin, it has been

supposed that Fulica will be confined to tropical environments.

However, the species exhibits wide environmental tolerance (Raut and

Barker, 2002). The giant African snail has not only demonstrated it’s

success as an invader in the tropics, but also is well established in

temperate landscapes like Japan and Argentina. The giant African snail

was not introduced to south America until the late 1980s and its now

present in almost all of Brazil and is spreading in many other countries.

1.2.1 Research questions: as regards this report, my quest to finding the

difference in the growth of Achantina Fulica in comparison between

when reared in soil and also on wooden cages without soil, gives rise to

some questions

i. What are the challenges of snail farming

ii. How do giant African snails impact the environment

iii. How long does it take Achantina Fulica to mature both in free range

and in wooden cages without soil

iv. What makes Snails grow faster

v. What condition supports their reproduction

1.3 Justification for the study: Several studies have dwelt on the

growth stages of the giant African snail, but little or few studies target

the comparison of the growth of Achantina Fulica when reared in soil

and in wooden cages without soil.

This study seeks to find the difference in the growth from the two

different environments aforementioned and which supports its growth

among them.

1.4 Objectives of the study: our main objectives of this study is to

investigate the difference in the comparison of the growth and survival

of the African giant snail when reared in the free range and in wooden

cages without soil.

1.4.1 General objectives: this research has some general objectives of :

 To identify the challenges of rearing achantina fulica without soil

 To determine the effect of soil on reproductive performance of

achantina fulica

 To determine the survival of achantina fulica reared on soil and

without soil
1.5 Hypothesis of the study: the study cuts through several hypothesis,


 Hypothesis (H1): there is a striking difference between Snails that

grow in soil and those in wooden cages

 Hypothesis (H2): Achantina Fulica reared on soil will reproduce

better than that reared on wooden box without soil

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study: although this study is not limited

to a particular area, the scope will cut across as many information as we

can gather as there is a widespread of this species even across Africa and


1.7 Definition of terms: some key words we’ll use in this study and their

definitions are:

 Comparison : the act of examining resemblances

 Growth : the process of an individual organism growing organically

 Survival : a state of remaining alive

 Soil: outermost part of the earth crust.

 Achantina Fulica: Giant African Snail


Literature Review

Achantina Fulica is native to the east of Africa (Pilsbry, 1904; Lange,

1950). It naturally is found in Natal and Mozambique in the south Kenya

and southern part of Ethiopia and Somalia in the North, and extends

250-830 km from the coast.

Currently, the giant African Snail is widespread as an invasive species

Achantina Fulica found within Africa is believed to be introduced by

humans (Verdcourt, 1961; Raut and Barker, 2002). it is also likely to

have become an established part of the Snail fauna of west Africa

following reports from cote d’ivoire, Togo, Nigeria, Ghana (Monney,

2001). Out of Africa to all Continents with tropical and subtropical

climates. Human activity is responsible for this widespread.

Achantina Fulica is a polyophagus pest and its food is preferably decayed

vegetation and Animal matter, algae, lichens, and fungi. However, the

potential of the snail as a pest only became apparent after having been

introduced around the world into new environments (Rees, 1950). It has

been recorded on a large number of plants including most ornamentals,

and vegetables and leguminuos cover crops may suffer extensively.

There are reports that the giant African Snail feeds on hundreds of
species of plants (Raut and Barker, 2002). Despite the thoughts of its

limitation to only tropical environments because of its African origin,

Achantina Fulica exhibits wide environmental tolerances.

Achantina Fulica is a specie that possess both male and female

reproductive organs (hermaphrodite) but reproduction still requires

cross fertilization. When they are six months old, they lay eggs and the

eggs are kept below the soil surface when reared on soil and at the sides

of logs when reared on wooden cages without soil. This suggests that

reproduction of African giant snails is slightly dependent on the

environment, and those reared on soil will come out best.


This study will be conducted in the federal university of technology,

Akure. Dual trials will be conducted by experimental devices of two

separate locations with several snails in both, same treatments and

substrates will be administered to them for at least 12 weeks to

determine the growth and changes in them. The first two weeks will be

used to adapt the snails to the different farming conditions.

The pH, temperature, and relative humidity of air in the enclosure will

be measured. The two locations (one with natural soil and the other in

the wooden box) will be disinfected before the start of the trial to

minimize the predatory actions of different enemies. Both experiments

will be fed with same food and treated equally as well.

3.1 The study Area: This study will be conducted in the federal university

of technology, Akure, Ondo state.

3.2 methods of Data collection: there will be use of fact sheets for each

enclosures, and data collected will be marked.

Data collection to be considered are:

 Daily food refusals

 Snails weight per week

 Measurement of snail shells weekly with caliper square

 Weekly recordings of number of eggs laid in each enclosure

 Number of dead snails in each enclosure

The production parameters will be determined as follows:

ADG: Average daily gain (g/d); AWG = average weekly gain

WF = Final weight; wi = initial weight; T= time between weighing

(days); d= 7 days

Shell average growth: ASS = (L2 + L1)/T, where:

SAG = shell average growth; T = time between shells measure out

(days); L1 = initial shell average length; L2 = final shell average


(kouassi et al, 2007) equations were used to calculate the monthly

egg laying rate and hatchability rate as follows:

Egg laying rate: Lc = Pt/(Sn x 100) where Lc = laying rate; Pt = total

number of eggs laid in n enclosure; Sn = number of snails in an


Hatchability rate: Hr = Eh/(Eg x 100) where Hr = Hatching rate; EG

= number of hatched eggs; Eg = total number of laid eggs

3.2.1 Population and sampling: for this report, I will be using methods

used kouassi et al, 2007 in calculating the data gotten from snail rearing


3.2.2 Instruments for data collection: my proposed instrument for data

collection is the use of fact sheets in recording data per week and

sometimes, per day. Also the use of caliper square in length

measurement, weighing scale for weight measurement. Validity of Instruments: This method has been used many times

for related studies such as this. Reliability of Instruments: the aforementioned instruments are

the best suitable for accurate collection of data and analysis.

3.2.3 Measurement of Variables: The production parameters will

be determined as follows:

ADG: Average daily gain (g/d); AWG = average weekly gain

WF = Final weight; wi = initial weight; T= time between weighing

(days); d= 7 days

Shell average growth: ASS = (L2 + L1)/T, where:

SAG = shell average growth; T = time between shells measure out

(days); L1 = initial shell average length; L2 = final shell average

(kouassi et al, 2007) equations were used to calculate the monthly

egg laying rate and hatchability rate as follows:

Egg laying rate: Lc = Pt/(Sn x 100) where Lc = laying rate; Pt = total

number of eggs laid in n enclosure; Sn = number of snails in an


Hatchability rate: Hr = Eh/(Eg x 100) where Hr = Hatching rate; EG

= number of hatched eggs; Eg = total number of laid eggs

3.3 Data Analysis: Information on the country and city/town in which

the sample collection or study area occurred will be considered. All

comparisons will be closely studied and conclusion will be made from

the careful examination of all information.


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Akegbejo S. and Akinnusi O. Effect of population density on the Growth

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Awah A.A. Snail farming in mature rubber plantation, study on aspects of

specialized production techniques for farming. Snail Farming Res. 1992,

4, 23-28

Kouassi K. D., Otchoumonu A., Dosso H., 2007. Effects de l’alimentation

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Archachantina ventricosa (Gould 1850) en elevage hors-sol Trop., 32, 8,

12 p.

Lange WH, 1999. Life history and feeding habits of the giant African Snail

on Saipan. Pacific Science, 4:323-325

Monney K, 2001. Exploring the facts about giant African Snails. Bulletin

of the malacological society of London

Pilsbry HA, 1904. Family Achantinidae. In: Manual of Conchology vol. 16

[ed. By Tryon G.W.\Pilsbry H.A.]. Philadelphia, USA: Academy of Natural

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Raut SK, Barker GM, 2002. Achantina Fulica Bowdich and other

Achantinidae as pests in tropical agriculture. In: molluscus as crop pests

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Wallingford, Uk: CABI publishing, 55-114.

Winter Aj de, 1989. New records of Achantina Fulica Bowdich from the

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Rees WJ, 1950. Achantina’s odyssey: voyage of a globetrotting giant

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Verdcourt B, 1961. Achantina fulica hamillei (Petit) in the Kavirondo

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