ZFP Sor 2022-9-11
ZFP Sor 2022-9-11
ZFP Sor 2022-9-11
Date: 11-9-2022
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Proper edge
protection has been
provided by
Contractor need to scaffolding team .
provide proper edge Life
Inadequate edge protection or any means Critical
Basement- protection was One
1 of fall protection to working
4 observed at sump pits prevent the workers day
from falling to a lower
Electrical panel
board door has
closed .also advised
Contractor need to to electrical team to
ensure that all electrical provided panel lock
Electrical Panel lock panel board are locked Life on all DBs
found broken and the and secured, Panel Critical
Basement- One
2 door was not fully board locks must be working
2, 3 locked while the replaced, regular day
panel was live inspection must be
conducted for all
electrical DB’s on site
HSE Observation Report
Safe working
platform and WAH
awareness training
Contractor need to has been given to the
Operative from operatives .
provide a safe & proper Non-Life
Meras was found Critical
working platform and
3 Basement- standing unsafe conduct awareness
1 while performing the working
training to the workforce day
job, potential risk of
regarding safe working
fall from height
Depressurized fire
extinguisher has
removed and new
Contractor needs to inspected fire
ensure that all fire extinguisher
extinguishers must be Non-Life provided .
Several Critical
checked and inspected
6 Basement- depressurized fire in regular basis. All
1, 3 extinguisher were working
defective fire day
extinguisher must be
replaced & removed on
HSE Observation Report
Stand by fire
extinguisher has
provided .
Contractor need to Non-Life
Observed that Stand ensure that All electrical Critical
by fire extinguisher DB’s installed on site 1>3
9 Basement-
not available at must have standby fire working
1 day
electrical DB extinguisher in place
Material has
removed from the
access and stored at
designated area
Contractor need to Non-Life storage area .
Observed that ensure that all access Critical
Ground materials were kept and egress paths are 1>3
Floor and stored & clear and free from working
blocked the access obstruction or other day
slip/trip hazard
HSE Observation Report
Proper housekeeping
has been conducted
Contractor need to all waste material
advise their sub removed and
contractor conducted disposed .
housekeeping on site Critical
Poor Housekeeping
after the works on 1>3
12 Basement- was observed at regular basis, and working
1 ,2 basements day
maintain a good
housekeeping at all
over the building
Prepared by:
Mohammed Vajid Ali
HSE Observation Report
Life Critical Major failure e.g. fatality, LTI, major injury, or Immediate> 1 Working day (if not temporary suspended)
dangerous occurrence
Non-Life Critical Potential Minor injury Incident, Environmental or 1 > 3 working day
Welfare Issue.
Good Practice N/A None however look to share good practice