Estimate Costing With Detailed Questions
Estimate Costing With Detailed Questions
Estimate Costing With Detailed Questions
Basic Measurement
& Work 1
IS : 1200 – 1974 measurement for civil work.
Basic Conversion
1 meter = 3.281 ft; 1ft = 0.3048 m
1 km = 0.622 mile; 1mile = 1.6093 km
1cm = 0.394 in; 1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 mm = 1000 (micron) 1micron () = 10-6m
1m2 = 10.764 ft2; 1ft2 = 0.0929 m2
1 km2 = 106 m2 = 100ha;
1 ha = 104m2 = 2.47 acres; 1 acre = 4840sq yards = 0.4047ha
(Volume and Discharge)
1m3 = 35.307 ft3; 1ft3 = 0.028232m3
1cumec = 35.307cusecs; 1cusec = 0.02832 cumec
1ha.m = 8.13 acre ft;
1m3 = 1000litres (L) 1gallon = 4.546 litres
The first stage of construction is the initiation of the proposal
Description Unit
Earthwork, Stone/Brick Work, Wood Work/Sunshade m3
Surface/Shallow Excavation, shutter, panal, batten m2
Pointing, Soling, DPC, Plastering, door, window m2
Steel/Iron Work kg/Quintal
Dressing of stone/Half Brick wall/partition wall m2
Painting Work/Distemper/Colour Washing/Jali Work m2
Cornice (unit running meter), Cleaning & fixing Glass panel – No.
Dados shall be measured in running metres & glazing is measured in m2
Skirting shall be measured in running metres, stating height.
Cutting of tree - No., Lime concrete in Jefferies of roof terracing-(m2).
Estimation-Costing 95
Degree of Accuracy
Wood Work: 2mm, Weight – 1 kg
length – 1 cm, Area – 0.01 m2, Volume – 0.01 m3
The thickness of slab and beams must be measured to the nearest of 0.01
96 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)
Valuation 2
Valuation is the Technique for determining the fair price of a property/
The term cost is used to indicate the actual amount incurred in produc-
ing a commodity which possesses some value.
The term price is used to indicate the cost of commodity + profit of the
A price is a fact, which has already occured in practice & a value
indicates the estimation of a probable price of a commodity.
Purpose of Valuation
(a) Taxation– (10–14%)
(b) Rent fixation – (6 –10% of total value)
(c) Security/Loan/Mortage etc.
• Property tax is a levy on property that the owner is required to pay.
• Sales taxes is paid by a business man & it take a percentage of the
prices of goods sold.
• Wealth tax is a tax on the market value of the assets that an individual
holds (such as car, plot etc.)
Gross income = Net Income + Outgoing
Types of outgoing
(a) Taxation (b)Repairness – (10 – 15)% of total Income
(c) Management and collection Charge – (5 – 10)% of total Income.
The charges/expenditures represented directly in the commodity pro-
duced is known as prime cost & other expenditures like as rent, salaries &
services, management, depreciation etc. represented indirectly in the pro-
duction of the commodity are called the supplementary costs.
Estimation-Costing 97
An owner can borrow money (by loan) against security of his property.
Mortgagor person who takes the loan
Mortgagee person who advances /gives the loan
Mortgage deed Document for the mortgage transaction
The annual payments (paid in months or year) paid for capital amount
invested party.
(a) Annuity Due: The amount paid at the beginning of each period or
year for definite number of intervals.
(b) Perceptual Annuity: The payments of the annuity continue for
indefinite period (no end)
(c) Deffered Annuity: The payments of the annuity begined after some
Note:- When payment of a debt is made by a series of equal periodic pay-
ments. It is known as Almortization.
Capital Cost
Total amount required to possess a property.
= Land Cost + Construction Cost ( when buying a land)
= Market Value ( when buying a whole property)
Insurance premium = 1/2%of gross income
Miscellaneous charges = 2 % of gross income
Capitalized Value
It is the amount of money whose annual interest (generally @high rate of
interest) will be equal to net annual income from the property.
Capitalized value = Net annual income x Year's purchase
Year’s purchase = I I
Types of Property
There are two types of properties namely:
(a) Free hold property:
The free hold inherent the absolute owner of the property. He holds it
without any payment in the nature of the rent. He may sell the property,
divide it or grant it or donate it on lease at his own will.
The freehold or owner who grants the lease known as 'lessor' and
leaseholder is known as lessee'.
In common practice, it give for 15, 21,25 or 50 years, when a lease is
granted for a period of 99 years' it is known as long term lease & when
it is for 999 years, it is said to be for endless duration.
Special Point: Not all the assets do not depreciate with time, example
land & sometimes even gold, platinum etc.
100 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)
The net annual value of property, which is obtained after deducting the
amount of yearly repairs from the gross income, is termed as rateable
value. All property tax apply on rateable value
Rateable value = Gross income – Annual repair/Maintenance cost
Distress Value: It is that value of property which is usually cheap price
because its owner or its caretaker want to sell it forcefully due to some
reasons like as fear of war, riots, financial problem etc. So, it is cheap value
or lowest value than its money obtained to sale in open market.
Sentimental Value:The value of an object deriving from personal or
emotional associations rather than material worth. So, it is priceless value. It
can fetch more money from market than any other.
The extra price which is demanded by vendor when he attaches certain
sentiments to his property is called as sentimental value.
It is the gradual deduction of usefulness of a property.
Types of Depreciation:
(a) Physical Depreciation: Wear & tear of an asset.
(b) Contingent depreciation: Accident due to liabilities, diseases etc.
(c) Functional Depreciation: Obsolescene due to change in structure,
design, fashion etc.
(a) Straight line Method:
Assume depreciation by same amount
It is used for all the assets which do not get obsolate during its
utility period. ex-civil Engg. equipment.
(b) Constant percentage Method: Also called Declining Balance Method.
It assume depreciation by same percentage.
1/ n
D = 1
It is most suitable for assets which have probability/fear of
obsolence before its utility period. ex-electronic equipments.
Note: This method cannot be used when salvage value is zero.
Estimation-Costing 101
Estimation and
Area Types 3
Schedule of Rate: It is the document which contain current price details
per unit excluding quantity of Material.
Quantity Survey:- It is a schedule or list of quantities of all the possible
items required for the construction of any structure
It should be noted that quantity survey mentions all the items in the esti-
mate. But it does not give the list of materials required.
All these quantities are worked out by reading the plans of structure. Ex.
- Cement plaster as m2, but not no. of bag etc.
If the distance between construction site and source of material is more
than 8 km (5 mile), then Transportation charge should be consider.
Turn Out: Task Work per day is also called labour constant.
It is the amount of work Done by a skill person in a day.
Description Quantity
Work in foundation with Mud Mortar 1.5 m3
Work in foundation with Lime/Cement Mortar 1.25 m3
Work in Superstructure with Mortar 1 m3
Work in Superstructure mud Mortar 1.25 m3
Distemper (1 coat) 35 m2
White Washing/Colour Washing (3 Coat) 70 m2
White Washing/Colour Washing (1 Coat) 200 m2
RCC Work 3m3
Half Brick wall/Partition Wall 5 m2
Lime concrete in Roof 6 m3
Lime Concrete in foundation/Flooring 8.5 m3
12 mm Plastering with cement/Lime Mortar 8 m2
Types of Estimate
• Preliminary or Approximate Estimate or Abstract Estimate:
It is required for preliminary studies of various aspect of a project or
work, to decide the financial position & policy for administrative action
by the competent authority.
In it various quantities are worked out with the help of many short
It is an estimate which is very near to final estimate.
• Plinth Area Estimate:Square Meter Method
This is prepared on the basis of plinth area (B L) of building.
• Cube Rate Estimate:
It is prepared on the basis of the cubical contents (LBH) of the building.
• Detailed or Item Rate Estimate:
It is an most accurate & reliable method.It consists of working out
the quantities of each item of works and working the cost.
104 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)
Types of Area
1. Plinth Area: It is the built-up Covered area of a building at floor level of
a story.
Courtyard, play ground, unclosed Balcony, cantilever porch, lift (area
> 2m2) is not included in plinth area.
2. Floor area:
F.A. = Plinth area – area occupied by walls/Intermediate supports
Horizontal Vertical
(Varandaha, Passes 10-15% of P.A.) (Staircase, Lift 4-5% of P.A)
Estimation-Costing 105
Work % of Estimate
Departmental charges (centage charge) (10 – 15)
Contractor charge 10
Labour Charge 25
Electrification 8
Electric fan 4
Sanitary and Water Supply Charge 8
Contigences Charges (3 – 5)
Work Charge Establishment (1.5 – 2)
Tools and Plants (1 - 1.5)
Special Points: Only for Water Charges 1.5%
Activity Percentage Cost Break-Up(Labour)
RCC 37%
Brick work & Plaster 21%
POP 7%
Tiling 12%
Plumbing & Sanitation 3%
Doors 1%
Water Proofing 3%
Painting 8%
Electrical 8%
TOTAL 100%
The National Building Organisation (NBO) has suggested the following
weighted % for double & triple storeyed. Load bearing residential buildings:
- Bricks (17), Cement (18), Labour (27), Timber (15), Steel (10), Aggre-
gates (08), Sand (05)%.
106 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)
Intercepting Gully Floor
Consent Set of Promise
Proposal Promise Agreement
Types of Contract
Contract Document
(a) Title page: Contract bond number, name of work etc.
(b) Index Page: Content of the agreement with page references.
(c) Tender form: Contractor's rates & time of completion, penalty
clause, etc.
(d) Bill of Quantitites: Giving quantities & rates of each item of work
& the total cost of the whole work.
(e) Tender notice: Giving brief description of work, etc. Generally 2-
2.5% of the estimated cost is deposited along with tender.
(f) Schedule of issue of materials: Giving list of materials to be issued
to the contractor with rates & place of issue.
(g) Drawings: Complete set of drawings like plans, elevations, etc. and
site plan, of fully dimensioned.
(h) Specifications: General specifications:
Specifying the class & type of works.
Detailed specifications - Each item of work & of each material to
be used in the work.
Special Points:
For the confirmation of a ouction/Contract, the person has to submit
some amount which is about (2 – 2.5)% of total contract, this amount is
called earnest money.
Security money is about 10% of total contract including Earnest Money.
Security money and Earnest Money are refundable after some time
Without Any Interest.
Material Calculation:
Plastering Work:
IS Code: 1661, give specification about cement plaster.
The first coat (rendering/under coat) is for straightening or levelling an
uneven surface. Second coat is known as floating coat. Final coat (3rd coat)
provide smooth surface. It is also called finishing/setting coat. 1st, 2nd &
3rd coat thickness are (10 - 15), (6 - 9) & (2 - 3) mm respectively.
Pargeting: It is a decorative or water proof plastering applied on the walls.
108 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)
Type of Buildings
As per National Building code of India, building is classified into nine groups
based on occupancy as follows:
Group A: Residential Building: Sleeping accommodation is provided
for normal residential purpose.
Group B: Educational buildings: Include any building used for shool
college etc.
Group C: Institutional buildings: Include any building used for purpose
like medical or other treatment or care of infant, aged person etc. like
sanatoria, nursing home, hospital, orphanage, jails, mental hospitals etc.
Group D: Assembly buildings: Include any building like theatre, drama
theatre, auditorium, museums, assembly hall, exhibition hall, restaurant,
place of worship, dance hall, sport stadium, club house, skating rings,
gymnasiums etc.
Group E: Business buildings: Include any building for transaction of
business, record for similar purpose etc.
Group F: Mercantile buildings: Include any building which is used as
stores, shop, market for display and sale for mercantile either whole sale
or retail.
Group G: Industrial buildings: Include any building in which product
or material of all kind and property are fabricated or assembled such as
gas plant, refineries, dairies, smoke house, textile mill and saw mill.
Group H: Storage buildings: Include any buildings for storage or
sheltering of goods, wares, like ware houses, garage, old storage, etc.
Group I: Hazardous buildings: Include any building which is used for
storage, handling, manufacturing of highly combustible explosive material
or which are highly toxic in nature etc.
Long wall & Short wall Centre line method
Also called individual/separate Required special
wall/general method,use in CPWD attention at the junction point
Simple method but time consuming Quick method
More accurate Less accurate
In it, length of long wall descreaseand Length remains constant,
short wall increase It is suitable for polygon
as we move from substructure to shape structure without any
superstructure cross wall
Books from CIVIL Ki GOLI Publication
1. Civil Booster: It is a Handbook which include 23 subject
of civil engineering . Civil Capsule and Civil
Engineering Rocket Chart are free with it.