Commercial Liens - A Most Potent Weapon
Commercial Liens - A Most Potent Weapon
Commercial Liens - A Most Potent Weapon
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
I ntroduction
Scope and Purpose of Manual
Some Notes on the Sample Briefs
The Commercial Lien Strategy - Background
Some Examples of the Strategy
The Power Of Commercial Liens
Chapter 2
heory of Commercial Lien Strategy
The Commercial Affidavit Process
Constitutions as Enforceable Contracts
Bonding of Government Officials
Chapter 3
Basic Concepts of Liens
ien - Definition
Different Types of Liens
Liens vs. Levies
Chapter 4
rocedure and Implementation
Notice and Demand
Notice of Default
Commercial Lien
Lawsuits and Criminal Complaints
Chapter 5
istakes and Pitfalls to Avoid
Defective Legal Form and Procedure
"Hanson-type" or "Nebulous" Liens
Aiming Too High
Beware of "Exotic" Arguments
Chapter 6
bstacles and Strategies for Overcoming Them
Refusal to File Liens
Abuse of Judicial Power
Chapter 7
he Coloring Agreement Approach
Chapter 8
Final Thoughts, by Alfred Adask
Appendix A - Bibliography and Sources
Appendix B - Index of Sample Legal Briefs
Chapter 1 - Introduction
This manual is intended purely as a communication of information in accordance with
the right of free speech. It does not constitute either general or specific legal advice.
Anyone seeking legal advice should consult a competent professional. Neither the
author, editor or publisher guarantee that using this information will result in success or
protect the reader from harm. The reader must accept that risk, and thoroughly study the
law before using any of this material. Readers must take full responsibility for the
consequences of any actions taken based on the contents of this manual. For most
readers, you may well be best off reading this as a sort of "adventure novel." You can
learn of some of the actual documents and procedures being used by many freedom
fighters. If you were to actually use these documents and procedures you would
probably be at substantial risk to change your life in very major ways, some of which
may be very unpleasant. The use of Commercial Liens as described in this manual is
EXTREMELY high-profile. For most readers, it may be advisable to use some of the
"lower-profile" applications of Freedom Technology. Generally, we think that rather
than fight existing systems it’s much more productive, useful, and exciting to create
alternative new systems.
This disclaimer is especially important, because this is a relatively new strategy, and has
not yet been subjected to a Supreme Court challenge. Until that takes place, the
soundness of this strategy cannot be fully known. The Commercial Lien Strategy is still
evolving, and new information is being discovered daily. If you use this strategy, who
knows? Your name may be on a famous Supreme Court case! Whether that prospect
thrills you or disturbs you depends upon your outlook.
These liens, because they are so powerful, should be treated with respect. We, at Terra
Libra, do not advocate the use of these liens against all government officials, nor to any
official in particular. We honor the fact that there are many virtuous people in
government offices, who are truly striving to harm no one and to benefit as many people
in society as possible. The liens described in this manual are not directed towards
these harmless officials.
Scope and Purpose of Manual
This manual is an introduction and primer to the Commercial Lien Strategy. It does not
pretend to be the final word on the subject. The authors and editors have synthesized
material from several sources. We have organized it into a form that should be
comprehensible to the average reader.
After reading this manual, you will know the fundamental principles of this strategy.
This understanding, plus the Bibliography in Appendix A, will allow you to do further
research on your own.
Some Notes on the Sample Briefs
Included with this manual is an Appendix containing sample legal briefs, based upon
actual examples used by others.
You will have to reformat these briefs using your word processing software, and you
MUST adapt them to your situation, and to the requirements of your state or locality.
These are not and (in the nature of things) cannot be "fill-in-the-blank" forms.
The Commercial Lien Strategy - Background
Faced with corrupt lawyers and judges, no litigant can expect to win in court by simply
playing defense. To beat them, you must be able to scare them. [see: Adriana Estevez
documents-she has scared over 1600 judges -she was arrested last week 7-6-22- she
verbally challenged them and after 5 hours let her go-pretty amazing as she is
amazing] and You must be able to make them respect you, and that means you must be
able to take the offense — attack them personally [Adriana researches each of them
and finds their Achilles heel and aims directly for it.]
Unfortunately, judges, lawyers, and other government officials enjoy various levels of
personal immunity provided by both law and "professional courtesy." How do you sue a
lawyer for malpractice? You hire another lawyer — if you can find one who’ll take the
case. How do you sue an IRS agent for violating your Constitutional rights? Only with
great difficulty. How you sue a judge for railroading you in court? You don’t.
As a practical matter, private citizens can’t sue the President of the United States, a
Governor, judge, or even an IRS agent for failing to obey or enforce the laws. If we try
to sue in court to compel our government officials to obey the law and perform their
lawful duties, the judges routinely ignore our petitions and laugh us out of court.
Because legal and de facto immunities shield government personnel from being sued for
committing crimes against the People, the public is legally disarmed, unable to
aggressively sue the government or its agents and compel them to obey the Law. As a
result, the public’s legal posture is fundamentally defensive: we try to duck, dodge, and
hide in legal loopholes to defend ourselves against the government and the courts. We
try to escape, evade, and avoid, but we seldom counter-attack against our antagonists,
largely because we think there are no lawful weapons to do so. However, it appears that
a powerful offensive legal weapon may now have been discovered, tested, and proven
for common Citizens — the commercial lien. We don’t try to sue a government official
for failing to perform his lawful duties. Instead, we simply file a lien that encumbers the
official’s personal property and credit rating like a ton of bricks until he voluntarily
satisfies our demand to perform his lawful duty, and we, in turn, voluntarily agree to
excise the lien.
Some Examples of the Strategy
Example 1 — Edward J. Wagner, an hourly, unionized employee at General Electric,
received Notices of Levy from the IRS, garnishing his wages and moneys received from
several other sources. Wagner tried to persuade G.E. not to honor the Notices, since they
were not properly attested as "true bills of commerce." His efforts met with no success.
After giving G.E. proper Notice and Demand, Wagner and his wife filed a
Commercial Lien in the amount of $224,640,00.00. In the lien, Wagner impounded
G.E. inventory that he had worked on (including air conditioning units, analyzing
equipment, etc.) as security for the lien. This is similar to an auto mechanic impounding
a car he had repaired ("mechanic’s lien"). This meant that G.E. could not lawfully sell or
transfer the equipment until the lien was either extinguished or satisfied.
Among the reasons for the high dollar amount are that the law allows for such high sums
as rewards for damages incurred, and it generally has to be large enough in relation to
the size of the company involved, to get its attention. Otherwise such a large company
might just ignore it.
Consequently, a legal war followed, and by June of ’92, G.E. had gone to court several
times trying to remove Wagner’s lien, all without any real success. This was in spite of
the fact that G.E. had the best, most highly paid, and highly motivated lawyers.
In June of ’92, the first major victory for the Wagners came. The IRS issued four
different official Releases of Levy, one to General Electric, plus three other places where
they had wages and income that the IRS had levied — the Port of Seattle, Dean Witter
Reynolds, and Ohio State Life Insurance Company. These effectively released the IRS’s
attachment on the Wagners’ income and assets. That’s a pretty solid testimonial to the
power of the arguments in Mr. Wagner’s lien.
Example 2 — In August 1992, Mr. Nelson Starr, who lives in Florida, filed a lien on
several federal judges, the Commissioner of the IRS, the Attorney General of the United
States, one or more U.S. attorneys for the Southern District of Florida, and several other
individuals, in the amount of $350,000 on each individual. The officials asked Mr. Alan
Diamond, President of the Florida Bar Association, to inspect the lien and see if it was
lawful or not.
In spite of his desire to please his powerful friends, Diamond could find nothing illegal
about the lien. In fact, in a sworn affidavit, Diamond declared that, "...the document
causes irreparable harm to the system of the administration of justice. While some of the
harm may be compensable at law, no degree of compensation will adequately remedy
the damage to the appearance of integrity of those named and of the system of the
administration of justice. In my opinion, the filing of this type of lien is a direct attack on
the justice system and on the general reputations of those named in the "lien." It may
negatively impact on the financial credit rating of those individuals. It will probably
have a negative impact on their willingness to continue to serve as representatives of the
United States. And, it constitutes an abuse of civil process that cannot be adequately
remedied by an action at law. [emphasis added]" In plain English, Diamond did not like
the lien, but couldn’t find any way to extinguish it. Further, he seemed to say that these
liens could drive public officials right out of office! For libertarians and patriots, that is
a powerful endorsement!
Example 3 - Another a man in Florida filed Commercial Liens against nine IRS agents
and was later taken to court by the IRS agents’ wives. The wives tried unsuccessfully to
remove the liens, because their credit cards had stopped working. The liens had
compromised their credit rating, and they couldn’t go shopping except with cash.
Imagine the distress that the IRS agents themselves had to endure from their wives on
account of these liens! Evidently, the liens hit the agents where they lived, in a way that
other actions at law could not do.
Example 4 - Perhaps the most imaginative use of the Commercial Lien Strategy is a lien
by Mr. Phil Marsh of the Pilot Connection against the President of the United States, the
U.S. Congress, the Federal Reserve, and the Commissioner of IRS on behalf of all 250
million Americans (see Appendix B.6). For each of the 250 million Americans, the lien
demands $10,000. If the lien were enforced, it would mean the government would owe
the people $2.5 trillion, over half the annual Gross National Product.
This "class action lien" will almost certainly never be enforced. However, if the courts
find a way to extinguish it, it may have the effect of weakening the power of all liens
(including the one the IRS files on us!-it is actually only a notice of lien).
[Editor’s Note: Everything in this manual is "information" only, not legal advice. This
caveat applies with particular force to Mr. Marsh’s lien. We present this lien as an
interesting and imaginative application of the Commercial Lien Strategy, not as an
Terra Libra originally included Phil Marsh and The Pilot Connection on our list of
sources. However, some of our customers began to complain about poor service, and
some raised questions about the integrity of the group. Later, Marsh appeared on the
television show 20/20 and vigorously denounced the IRS. Also, it appears that The Pilot
Connection may have been stockpiling arms and ammunition. These actions invited
official retaliation, which was not long in coming.
In 1994, Phil Marsh and other members of The Pilot Connection were prosecuted by
Federal territorial gangsters on a smorgasbord of criminal charges. In November of that
year, the trial ended in a hung jury on most counts, and a few outright acquittals, with no
convictions. The defense team included "public defenders" and two experienced pro se
litigants from the National Commodity and Barter Association. The pro se’s from
N.C.B.A. later reported that Marsh was highly resistant to their legal advice throughout
the trial.
These facts suggest that Marsh is relatively blind to strategy, and that his reasoning is at
a "proto-conscious" level, with a strong commitment to being "right" regardless of new
information. Given Mr. Marsh’s track record, we strongly advise readers of his lien to
thoroughly scrutinize and research his legal theories before using any of them.]
Ease of Use
Although this lien strategy is explosive, it’s more like nitro-glycerin than hydrogen
bombs. You need to be knowledgeable and careful to use nitro-glycerin, but you don’t
need to be a nuclear physicist. However, nitro-glycerin can blow up in your face if you
handle it carelessly!
Likewise, "bombing" government officials with liens is a craft, not a science, that can be
used as easily by knowledgeable pro se’s as it can by lawyers and legal scholars. The
commercial lien is simple, inexpensive, and takes very little time. It requires no
court action or judge’s approval. And, it has proven to be very direct and effective, if
it is handled correctly. However, a few careless pro se’s have had their liens "blow up"
in their faces (see Chapter 5), so be meticulous when you use them.
Long Range
You can file a commercial lien on property in another state or on property you’ve never
seen. With a commercial lien, you can attack the personal property of your adversary at
long range rather than merely fighting to defend your own property in your own back
yard. This offensive capability makes the commercial lien a powerful legal weapon.
With the commercial lien, you can literally take the fight to their back yards.
The Helplessness of Judges
The commercial lien, which is authorized both by the common law and by Title 15 of
the United States Code (USC), is reportedly the same lien the IRS uses to take
Americans’ homes and cars. However, some pro se litigants do not depend upon Title
15, but upon the common law of negotiable instruments (a.k.a. Commercial Law).
As such, it’s almost impossible to remove a commercial lien without the approval of
the individual claimant who filed the lien. Although a commercial lien can be
challenged by a common law court or by a 7th Amendment jury trial, it does not
require a court process or a court judgment for its establishment, validity, or
execution. Therefore, it appears that the courts may not be able to simply extinguish this
lien on their own discretion (or on motion from the lien debtors) without the voluntary
approval of the person who filed the lien.
Traditionally, these liens can only be removed by the voluntary decision of the person
who filed the lien, by the decision of a constitutional common-law jury trial, or by
waiting 99 or 100 years. Since the common law has been smothered in the U.S.A., all
judges are essentially powerless to overcome the liens.
The Right Way L.A.W.
Before utilizing any of the procedures suggested in this manual, we strongly suggest that
you join an organization called "The Right Way … L.A.W."
[ ] They are experts on legal and
court procedures, as well as liens in general. They also have great expertise regarding
Title 42 (civil rights violation suits. For more details see Report #LAW01 — The Right
Way … L.A.W.
— While the battle continues, he who first leaves the field or refuses to
contend loses by default.
— You are free to make any decision you wish, but you are never free to
escape the consequences of your decisions.
— Notice to the agent is notice to the principal and notice to the principal
is notice to the agent.
Regarding Truth . . .
— Truth stands supreme.
— Truth affects but cannot be affected.
Regarding Sovereignty . . .
— It is self-evident that all men are endowed by their creator (God) with equal and
unalienable rights.
— A man may not with impunity infringe upon another man’s rights.
Resolution By Jury
The Claimant may accept or reject Accused’s rebuttal of any charge, point-for-point.
Claimant’s acceptance of the rebuttal of any point resolves that point. At the discretion
of the Claimant ALL UNACCEPTED POINTS may be either resolved by another
affidavit on those points, repeating the process. The fallout of all the Affidavits are
resolved by a common-law jury. If and when the jury system is used, the Claimant will
draft the Criminal Complaint, subpoena a jury, and the process will move to a
full-blown, common-law criminal trial.
If the matter goes to a common-law criminal trial, the trial will be held under the rules of
common law. These rules are significantly different from those in an equity court
proceeding. In common-law trials, technical rules are virtually non-existent. Like its
name, the rules of common-law trials are from common sense. The procedure is very
simple and straightforward. It’s designed to arrive at the true facts, assess guilt and
render a just verdict without undue delays or fancy maneuvering, thus eliminating delays
intended to forestall or get the Accused acquitted on some technicality. The jury is the
real boss. It decides what is relevant and what is not. The jurors hear what they want to
hear and exclude what they feel is not relevant. The Claimant or his appointee becomes
the prosecutor, and the Accused or his appointee becomes the defense attorney. The
parties of interest (the Claimant and the Accused) may have anyone they want as
counsel, professional or not.
The risk faced by the Accused is very real. A common-law court only recognizes
common law, and it applies common-law decisions. Equity court decisions and rules that
conflict with the common law are without standing in common-law proceedings.
In the Commercial Affidavit Process, the claimants are almost always sovereigns. As
such they have legal standing at common law. The Accused are usually "subject
citizens" being charged with crimes against "sovereigns." Typically the acts committed
have been done under colorable law with colorable authority or colorable jurisdiction, in
which case is patently unconstitutional and therefore void, leaving the Accused
defenseless: so a second Commercial Lien will issue for those redresses and punitive
damages of which the jury has not exonerated the Accused.
Due Process
In order to meet the demands of due process, the parties must have reasonable time to
express their versions of the controversy ("In order for a matter to be resolved, it must be
expressed.") Therefore a grace period must be allowed, commonly referred to as
"commercial grace." Many court jurisdictions allow only 20 days, which may be
sufficient; but the Claimant in his discretion believes that 30 days is more reasonable. At
the Claimant’s discretion, even more time may be granted without notice; HOWEVER,
that does not relieve the defense of the obligation to respond within the time of
commercial grace given — default falls by declaration in thirty (30) days.
How important is it to TIMELY answer the accusations made in a Sworn Affidavit of
Truth? IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT! If the Accused fail to properly and timely
answer, he stands to lose all and will have foreclosed to himself any future possibility of
redressing or rebutting those charges. The primary objective is to insure justice quickly
and with a minimum of difficulty. Failure to timely answer is fatal to the outcome. It is
equivalent to abandoning the battlefield and causes loss by default ("While the battle
continues, he who first leaves the field or refuses to contend loses by default.")
The Accused, having started the contest by violating and trespassing upon the Affiant’s
rights, cannot with impunity leave the contest. The victory and the spoils goes to him
who stays and is the last to leave the battle. The loser loses and in so doing, grants the
spoils to the victor. There is no recovery for the loser; notwithstanding any new battle
which may ensue, the loss still stands; it can’t be set aside. Consequently, the Accused’s
failure to redress or rebut charges contained in a Commercial Affidavit is tantamount to
abandoning the battlefield: thus losing by default.
Some in government, by trying to hide behind some rule or procedure that requires
Claimants to follow some predetermined course or time limit, commit a fatal error! They
are usually relying on some statute or other inferior level of protection, which might
apply to those who are subject to such jurisdiction, but not to sovereigns. When
"estoppel by acquiescence" caused by failure to timely answer enters the picture, as it
surely will in this setting, the result has a far-reaching impact on the future of each
Criminal Liability
Responding to the Commercial Affidavit is critically important: the Accused is usually
being charged with very serious crimes that carry very heavy, punitive penalties. The
law has always viewed trespassing upon unalienable rights as being an offense so
serious that it is beyond satisfaction merely by payment of the approximate money
damages demanded.
The Affidavit is a commercial complaint, but it is not yet a "criminal" complaint. The
main distinction is that by resolving the charges during the Affidavit stage, the Accused
can get off by simply redressing the grievances as specified in the Affidavit or as
mutually negotiated. If the Accused recognizes his or her errors and wants to redress the
Claimant but does not have the ability to do so within the time limit, the Accused may
contact the Claimant and express that desire with a written statement to that effect. Then
arrangements can be made to stop any further action. If some such arrangements are not
made, then the CRIMINAL COMPLAINT issues adding PUNITIVE DAMAGES and
The Criminal Complaint is in reality a ledger in which those details which were omitted
in the Affidavit are (now) spelled out. It lists the causes of action, the number of counts,
redresses demanded and the MASSIVE CIVIL PENALTIES (which occur when
unalienable rights are violated), thus compounding the problems for the Accused: now,
on top of the redresses being demanded, massive PUNITIVE DAMAGES are added as
well! Normally this increases the cost to the Accused by a factor of at least a hundred if
not a thousand fold. The effects of the criminal complaint invariably destroy all
prospects for the future of the Accused!
An S.E.C. Security
When the Commercial Affidavit has matured, (after 30 days) it is evidence of a debt
and/or obligations. In order for it to be classed as a security, it must carry the United
States Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) TRACER FLAG on it from the
very beginning. As a security it must conform to the rules governing securities and must
be identified and monitored as such from the beginning.
A Ledger Identifying The Penalties
Since the Criminal Complaint is in reality a ledger in which the causes of action and the
number of counts are listed and the civil penalties (punitive damages) determined, the
criminal complaint acts as a punishment tool for wrongdoers who will not repent.
Should the Accused be so foolish as to ALLOW the Criminal Compliant to be activated
(i.e., fail to answer by redressment or rebuttal), the war is over: all that remains is
collecting the spoils of battle. The Accused has lost and lost in a very big way. In all
probability the Accused will never recover from the consequences.
This is true is because THE "TRIAL" WAS GOING ON DURING THE 30 DAYS. To
compare the Commercial Affidavit Process to a conventional trial would look like this:
The Commercial Affidavit presents the prosecutor’s case in one fell swoop. The moment
the Accused is served, the defense process begins. THE ACCUSED THEN HAS 30
DAYS TO MAKE A CASE. IF during that time the Accused make no defense nor
redress of the charges, he or she then stands convicted by default! The "trial" is now
over. The Criminal Complaint is only a formality to calculate the punitive damages
against the Accused which thus have been awarded to the Claimant.
Accompanying the Criminal Complaint is the COMMERCIAL LIEN which issued by
CONSENSUAL DEFAULT against all the assets of the Accused. This effectively gives
the Claimant lien rights against all of the property of the Accused. Such a lien may be
filed in the county recorder’s office; however, this filing is not a necessity, but, a
convenience. Any common law commercial lien will stand by law for one hundred years
or until the damages have been collected. In most cases that means practically forever
because the Accused does not, and probably never will have enough property to satisfy
the damages thus assessed.
Now the full power of the legal enforcement system can be brought to bear to collect the
damages owed by the Accused. The Sheriff is empowered to seize pay checks, cars,
homes: anything and everything.
Loss Of Government Employment
The Accused is in fact a convicted felon: unbondable by any insurance company, subject
by law to immediate termination if employed by the government and forever barred
from holding public office.
The Criminal Complaint is turned over to the appropriate Prosecuting Attorney, who
must institute a sentencing hearing wherein a judge will impose the incarceration
(jail-time) prescribed in the appropriate criminal codes for the offenses of which the
Accused stands convicted. Should any such authority fail to prosecute sentencing against
the convicted party, the mildest charge then faced by such authority is Felony
Misprision; but such Prosecuting Attorney could also be charged with conspiracy to aid
and abet the convicted party in commission of the same offenses.
Under our current political situation, where the enemies of the People often occupy
positions of power and authority and those same people can prevent or slow the wheels
of justice, there are still many ways to publish the convictions and misdeeds of parties so
convicted that can be even more humiliating to the convicted than the normal methods
of publishing the results of their conviction.
The fundamental purpose, and one of the major objectives of the Commercial Affidavit
Process is to educate wrongdoers to the fact they have abused the unalienable rights of a
sovereigns and cannot get away with it, and to give them an opportunity (commercial
grace) to repent and undo the wrongs they have done. Unlike the typical criminal trial
where the Accused no longer has the option of simply redressing the wrongs he or she
has done, the Commercial Affidavit Process DOES give the Accused that option!
Further, the CAP is designed to educate wrongdoers that they are being used by the
conspirators in the war against the People. Thus they may see for themselves what is
really going on and decide which side they choose to serve.
Role of the Courts
An affidavit is someone’s solemn expression of truth. The foundation of the law,
commerce, and the whole legal system consists of telling the truth ("I swear to tell the
truth, the whole truth . . . "), either by testimony, deposition, and/or by affidavit.
Every honorable judge requires those who appear before him to be sworn to tell the
truth, and is compelled by the high principles of his profession to protect truth and do
nothing to tamper with that truth, either directly or indirectly, either in person or by
proxy, or by subornation of an affiant or other person.
A judge CANNOT interfere with, tamper with, or in any way modify testimony without
disintegrating the truth-seeking process in his sacred profession and destroying the fabric
of his own occupation. To do so abrogates the First Amendment, which was established
to protect truth. It is committing professional suicide, as well as inviting countless civil
and criminal repercussions.
ANY judge who tampers with testimony, deposition, or affidavit, is a threat to the
Commercial Peace and Dignity of the County, State, and United States of America,
thereby violating the laws of all those political subdivisions and acting in the nature of a
foreign enemy agent (A MIXED WAR), justifiably subject to penalties of TREASON.
WHOEVER acts against Commercial Affidavits without executing the necessary
Commercial Paperwork under affidavit is subject to being charged criminally. Said
charges begin with FRAUD, which is gaining at the expense of the loss of another using
trickery or deception, and the charges expand from there to include all those violations
that extend to and are a natural outgrowth of such fraud.
Commercial processes are fundamentally non-judicial and pre-judicial. NO judge, court,
law, or government can invalidate these commercial processes; i.e., an affidavit or a lien
or complaint based thereon, because no third party can invalidate someone’s affidavit of
truth. To act against such affidavit is to create a situation and or enhance the condition of
A MIXED WAR. No one can rebut an affiant except a party (e.g., a lien debtor) who
alone, by his own affidavit, must speak for himself if challenged. Only someone himself
knows his truth and has the right and responsibility to assert it.
The MIXED WAR situation and or condition is that where those in authority have
violated their oaths of office, violated the fundamental law they took an oath to uphold
and protect, violated the codes, statutes and regulations that govern them thereby they
disregarded the peace and safety of the community by their actions, acting for
undisclosed foreign agents or governments, against those whom they swore to protect
[see Black’s Law Dictionary on War]. Simply, an act or acts of TREASON in a secret
war against the people.
Notes on the Above Article
What you have read gives you the theoretical foundation for most of this manual.
Practically, there are difficulties with the strategy described above. Conducting a
common-law criminal trial is not easy, as the author noted. The court system has, for
practical purposes, extinguished that option. Thus, territorial gangsters are often shielded
from criminal prosecution. However, the one aspect of the strategy that can still be
effective is Commercial Liens. As of this writing, it seems that no judge can extinguish
such a lien if it is properly executed.
Constitutions as Enforceable Contracts
The Commercial Lien Strategy depends upon one "maxim" as its linchpin: the idea of a
constitution as a specific performance contract between a governing official and the
people in a particular jurisdiction. Some writers (such as Lysander Spooner) have
denounced the U.S. Constitution as a fraud, on the grounds that it is not an enforceable
contract (see Report #TL07: The Constitution of No Authority available at this website).
The Commercial Lien Strategy, by contrast, holds that constitutions are enforceable
contracts. The instruments of contract? OATHS OF OFFICE. The Commercial Lien
Strategy assumes that, when an official signs an oath, he/she signs a contract to exercise
the powers of office within the limitations of the constitution and the laws. On paper,
there are sanctions against officials who violate their oaths.
"Whoever, having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in
any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered,
willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which
he does not believe to be true, is guilty of perjury and shall be fined no more than
$2,000.00 or imprisoned not more than five years or both." 18 U.S.C. §1621
In practice, it is very difficult to prosecute a malfeasant public official. However, such
officials may be exposed to great personal, commercial liability for violating their oaths
of office.
Apparently, many government officials realize this. Alfred Adask, editor/publisher of
The AntiShyster, writes:
"A friend of mine recently asked the [Texas] Secretary of State for copies of Governor’s
and AG’s oaths, but received no response for nearly two months. Finally, he received a
copy of the AG [Dan] Morales’s oath which was dated January, 1991, but was not file
stamped until March 26, 1993. Very suspicious. Governor [Anne] Richard’s oath is yet to
be found by the Secretary of State. Likewise, very suspicious.
"It appears possible (probable?) that the Governor and AG had not taken their oaths of
office for two years after they were elected. If so, they were (are?) probably in office
illegally. It would follow then, that anything they’d done or signed in an official capacity
in the last two years might also be unlawful and without legal merit.
"The potential for legal havoc could be huge. Laws signed by the Governor during the
last two years might not be lawful; the entire Executive branch of the Texas State
government might be without lawful authority to enforce any law or regulation;
innumerable criminal convictions might be reversed. All of the civil court cases
prosecuted by Attorney General Morales and the entire AG’s office (which derives its
authority from the AG’s oath) might also be unlawful.
"Of course, it’s virtually impossible that the courts will rule that all official acts of Texas
for the last two years are unlawful. But whether those official acts are bogus or not, there
is an infinitely more important question:
"Why weren’t the oaths of the Governor and Attorney General of Texas — the two most
important officials in the Executive branch of our state’s government — on file at the
Secretary of State’s office?
"Why? Some sort of clerical error?
"I don’t think so. I think the oaths were missing because they didn’t exist . . .
[Emphasis added]
"So perhaps some officials simply choose to be ‘oathless’ in an attempt to ‘cover their
butts’ from being sued (or ‘liened on’) for not ‘upholding and defending’ the state
constitution? Could be."
Bonding of Government Officials
Some pro se litigants postulate the requirement that government officials be "bonded."
As far as anyone knows, this theory has not been tested in court. Nonetheless, some
readers of this manual may wish to research this topic further. Therefore, what follows is
a brief exposition of the theory.
The "bonding" theory states that most elected officials and government administrators
(perhaps even lawyers), are legally required to be "bonded." That is, they must purchase
a "performance bond" (a kind of insurance policy) which guarantees that the official will
perform the duties required by his office.
In the event the government official fails to perform his duties, any party injured by this
breach of contract can recover the cost of his damages from the bonding company.
According to these pro se litigants, despite the legal requirement that government
officials be bonded, many, perhaps most, are not. Therefore, the "bonding requirement"
strategy is based on first determining if a given official is legally required to be bonded.
Then, if he is bonded — and evidence can be shown to the bonding company that he is
failing to meet the performance requirements of his bond — the bonding company may
revoke the bond or raise his premium, which should help "encourage" the wayward
official to obey the law.
Further, if the bond is required by law in order to hold a particular office, once that bond
is lost, it’s possible that the office must also be surrendered.
If the official is not bonded, then the lien process includes notifying the government
official of this legal deficiency. If he does not correct the deficiency (purchase a
performance bond) within 90 days, then anyone damaged by his actions can file a
commercial lien on the government official for all of his personal property.
Also (according to this theory) a government official’s bond is dependent upon his legal
immunity, and that immunity is to some extent based on having a legal Oath of Office on
file (usually with the Secretary of State). If his Oath of Office is insufficient to meet the
Constitutional or statutory requirements, he may lose his immunity and his bond. If he
loses his bond, he becomes personally liable ("lienable") for any illegal act he commits
in office.
• Commercial Liens, also known as contract liens, are true bills in commerce
publicly declared. A true bill in commerce always contains, and is
characterized by, a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service
purchased and a debt owed. This commercial relationship is what is known as
"just compensation" (5th Amendment, U.S. Constitution). A normal true bill
in commerce is private, whereas a commercial lien is publicly declared, using
means such as media advertising and/or filing at the County Recorder. When it
is uncontested by a categorical point-by-point rebuttal of the affidavits, it is
considered an account receivable security (15 U.S.C.).
In general, commercial liens (e.g., mechanics and workmens liens) take seniority over
common-law liens, which, in turn, take precedence over mortgage liens. Tax liens are
classified as commercial liens, which is why they are so troublesome.
Common Law liens are well-known in the Sovereign community for asset protection.
They are considered non-commercial, because they do not contain a declaration of
one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased and the debt owed.
Thus, they don’t represent true bills in commerce. Because of that defect, a
non-commercial lien must be adjudicated by a court of common law before the asset can
be claimed by the other party, and is therefore known as a Lis Pendens Lien. The
commercial value of a Lis Pendens Lien rests upon the outcome of the pending
litigation. Hence it is a security, but is not an account receivable until it is adjudicated as
So, common law liens are normally used as defensive shields, in that by placing it on
one’s own asset to be protected, no other party can legally get access to the asset without
first challenging the lien in court. That’s why it is called a Lis Pendens Lien. The lien
might be filed at a county recorder and never be challenged in court, because parties
who have no just and legal right to the property will usually avoid the risk of failing to
prove the claim in court. It is considered asset protection, since it is difficult or
impossible for anyone to get at the equity in an asset if a Lis Pendens Lien of sufficient
size has senior position.
A commercial lien, by contrast, is offensive in nature, in that it declares a legal right to
someone else’s asset as a debt owed as a one-to-one correspondence with an asset that
was given. It is not a Lis Pendens Lien, because the exact value is already specifically
determined, consistent with the laws of commerce. It is a true bill in commerce.
Although a commercial lien can be challenged by a common law court or by a 7th
Amendment jury trial, it does not require a court process or a court judgment for its
establishment, validity, or effectiveness.
A commercial lien may not be removed by anyone except the lien claimant, or a
properly-convened, properly-conducted jury trial (due process). It may not be removed
by a summary process. A summary process is too vulnerable to bribery, kickbacks, and
fraud of process.
Like the common law lien, the commercial lien can be filed by common citizens,
without the aid or expense of a lawyer, and without the approval or interference of the
courts. You do the necessary research, you fill out the lien, you have it notarized, and
you file it with your County Clerk. It’s simple, inexpensive, and so powerful it can give
a common person an enormous amount of legal "leverage" that is largely beyond the
reach of the courts. (In some counties among the thousands of counties in the U.S., you
may find recalcitrant clerks who will refuse to file your properly-executed documents.
While such clerks are violating their sworn public duty to record and make a matter of
public record your properly-executed documents, as a practical matter suing a
recalcitrant country clerk usually will be less effective than various alternatives. Your
best bet is probably: (1) Be low profile in recording any properly-executed, good-faith
documents. Don’t particularly discuss the contents of the documents you’re filing with
the clerk. You’re not trying to hide anything — after all, you’re making a matter of
public record various statements you are affirming the truth of, in good faith. But
attracting undue attention may impede the progress of anything you may wish to make a
matter of public record. (2) If you do run into a recalcitrant clerk who doesn’t like what
you’re doing, simply try another county, or try the same county on a different occasion.
This fits very well with our strategy of "creating your own creative alternative" when
confronted with certain bureaucratic obstacles. (3) You could as a different alternative
try using appropriate media publications to make your documents a matter of public
record (by "publishing the document"). You’ll need to research the particulars of how to
do this in your area, if you use this option. But finding a county clerk that does their job
routinely and properly is probably lower-profile.)
Unlike the common law lien (used to defend property you possess), a commercial lien is
"offensive" in nature since it enables you to "attack," threaten, or seize someone else’s
property which you do not possess. The fundamental difference between commercial
and common law liens centers on the issue of possession. In many states, such as
Oklahoma, a common law lien can only be filed against property which you lawfully
possess; this was decided in the Oklahoma Supreme Court case Williamson v.
Winningham, 186 P.2d 644. Check the laws in your own state. A commercial lien, by
contrast, can be filed against the property of anyone who owes you a financial debt or
duty of performance, regardless of whether you possess their property or not.
Liens vs. Levies
"Levy. A seizure. The obtaining of money by legal process through seizure and sale of
property; the raising of the money for which an execution has been issued.
"The process whereby a sheriff or other state official empowered by writ or other
judicial directive actually seizes, or otherwise brings under her control, a judgment
debtor’s property which is taken to secure or satisfy the judgment." Black’s Law
Dictionary, 6th Ed., p. 907
A levy is the outright seizure of a property in satisfaction of a debt or obligation. A lien,
on the other hand, is an encumbrance on property. Although the two often accompany
one another in judicial or commercial actions, they are not the same thing.
3. It must quote the legal amount of time given for the recipient to fulfill the
demand, and what will happen if the demand is not satisfied within that time.
4. It should give the recipient a certain period of time in which to rebut the
claims made therein.
5. Finally, it should be hand-delivered or sent certified mail, return receipt
Notice of Default
If the individual does not respond to or rebut your Notice and Demand (see Appendix
B.1), you should then send a Notice of Default, stating that (1) the recipient has
acquiesced to your claims by default, and that (2) payment or satisfaction is expected.
Filing this Notice of Default (see Appendix B.2) with the County Recorder or Clerk of
Court where the lien debtor has property creates a public, legal record in support of your
subsequent lien.
Commercial Lien
If, after the lawful period passes without correction, only then can a Commercial Lien be
served to the offending official or sent Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and
also filed at the courthouse(s) for the county(ies) in which the offender has property.
The lien must be accompanied by (or must contain) a Commercial Affidavit, containing
a ledger of damages suffered. The lien must also cite the law(s), action(s) or
obligation(s) that gave rise to the damages. Models of both documents are listed in
Appendix B.
3. Get a written explanation or reason from clerk who refuses to record your
Give them reasonable time (30 days) to comply with your DEMAND to prove written
authority, and then put them ON NOTICE that the "Law of Principal and Agent"
specifies that "The Agent is personally liable for acts not authorized by the Principal."
As such, unless there are laws granting the clerk the power to refuse to record certain
documents, the clerk/agent has no corporate veil of immunity for his refusals and may be
personally vulnerable to a lawsuit.
5. If, after the reasonable time has elapsed, and they have failed to produce the written
"authority" you Demanded, send a Notice Of Default by certified mail, noticing them
that they have defaulted by not answering. In it, provide them with a "right to cure" their
Default by recording your original lien (or other documents) without further
interference, or suffer the consequences. Allow 10 to 30 days for their response.
6. If they don’t respond in the 10 to 30 days, send them via certified mail, a
"Notice of Amount Due" for the damage caused by their injury to you (or your
Property Rights) by their defalcation, dereliction of duty, default, and
unauthorized "Refusal to Record" in a sizable amount ($1,000??). Again, give
them reasonable time (30 days) to pay you.
7. After the 30 days reasonable time has passed (plus 4 or 5 days for the mail),
send them certified mail a "Final Notice of Amount Due" for the damage
caused by their injury to you. Again, give them reasonable time (30 days) to
pay you the amount of damages you’ve demanded.
8. If they don’t pay your "Final Notice" Demand in 30 days (plus 4 or 5 days
for the mail), go to the Country Elected Peace Officer (Sheriff), present copies
of the two certified mail Demands for payment, sign a "Distress Warrant" or
"Distraint Warrant" stating that you have NOT been paid, and have the Sheriff
go get your money or sell the clerk’s assets.
9. If the Sheriff refuses to execute your "Distraint Warrant," inform him that
you personally will perform his sworn duty FOR HIM, and on his behalf.
Inform him, also, that the newspapers will be informed that he has refused to
perform his own sworn duty but continues to cash his pay check, and that this
constitutes FRAUD by him since he only performs "Selective Enforcement"
of the law — which is unlawful. Inform him that the resultant publicity may
have a negative impact on his chances for running for reelection, and that you
may have to sue him in his personal capacity for money damages due to his
Dereliction of Duty, Defalcation, Embezzlement of Public Funds, and damage
due to his injury to you and/or your property rights.
10. Send the Sheriff certified mail a "Notice and Demand For Production or
Exhibition Without Dishonor" of the Law or statute that authorizes him to:
11. If either the Sheriff or the Recorder of Deeds says that they take their
"orders" from some government lawyer, get that in writing. After, and only
after, you have the above "Admission and Confession" in writing, leave their
office. Then perform the previous certified mail step and add item:
Once the clerks, sheriffs, etc. realize their potential liability, it is likely that they will do
their duty long before you get to step 11.
Here’s an alternative analysis, which may have a better practical success rate in
accomplishing your goal of getting various documents recorded as a matter of public
record, in good faith:
In some counties among the thousands of counties in the U.S., you may find recalcitrant
clerks who will refuse to file your properly-executed documents. While such clerks are
violating their sworn public duty to record and make a matter of public record your
properly-executed documents, as a practical matter suing a recalcitrant country clerk
usually will be less effective than various alternatives. Your best bet is probably: (1) Be
low profile in recording any properly-executed, good-faith documents. Don’t
particularly discuss the contents of the documents you’re filing with the clerk. You’re
not trying to hide anything — after all, you’re making a matter of public record various
statements you are affirming the truth of, in good faith. But attracting undue attention
may impede the progress of anything you may wish to make a matter of public record.
(2) If you do run into a recalcitrant clerk who doesn’t like what you’re doing, simply try
another county, or try the same county on a different occasion. This fits very well with
our strategy of "creating your own creative alternatives" when confronted with certain
bureaucratic obstacles. If you try another county, remember that for some types of
documents there may be a requirement that property that’s a "subject" of the documents
may have to be located in the county of recording. (3) You could as a different
alternative try using appropriate media publications to make your documents a matter of
public record (by "publishing the document"). You’ll need to research the particulars of
how to do this in your area, if you use this option. But finding a county clerk that does
their job routinely and properly is probably lower-profile.
Abuse of Judicial Power
There have been cases reported of judges who have threatened to jail lienors for
"contempt of court" if they do not "voluntarily" lift their liens. In two cases, the judges
actually carried out their threat. Such legal coercion on their part is almost certainly
unlawful. Nonetheless, some judges will use that tactic, if they think the lienor is
vulnerable. To deal with this problem, it is helpful to remember the following:
1. The only reason the judge is making that threat is because he has no lawful means of
extinguishing the lien. It is a move of fear and desperation.
2. Assess your own vulnerability. Will a few days in jail seriously affect your
life? If not, you have some psychological leverage. Otherwise, the judge has a
lever over you.
3. If your lien does end up in court, you may want to have a lawyer or a
talented pro se with you, so that somebody can file an effective writ of habeas
corpus, if necessary. Also, you may wish to learn how to effectively defend
yourself against contempt charges.
c/o address
city, Non-domestic
[state], Republic
STATE OF [state]
) ss:
COUNTY OF [county]
certified mail]
address NUMBER
city, state
This action is taken in accordance with the California Penal Code Section 9 which
CIVIL REMEDIES; PRESERVATION: The omission to specify or affirm in this Code
any liability to damages, penalty, forfeiture, or other remedy imposed by law and
allowed to be recovered or enforced in any civil action or proceeding, for any act or
omission declared punishable herein, does not affect any right to recover or enforce the
I, [name], the Undersigned, ***[by any special conditions of standing, i.e. a trustee of a
trust] do solemnly swear, declare, and depose:
1. THAT I am competent to state to the matters set forth herein.
3. THAT all the facts stated herein are true, correct, and certain, admissible as
evidence, and if called upon as a witness, I will testify to their veracity.
8. THAT any and all of the various papers, documents, adhesion contracts, or
"agreements" I may have signed with any government agency or entity or any
others that might be construed to indicate a conclusion contrary to my
herein-below assertions were made, signed by me on the basis of mistake due
to lack of full disclosure creating a deliberate lack of full knowledge, a
deliberate action of fraud, non-disclosure, concealment of material fact, and
misrepresentation. Such action thereby creates a stressful situation of duress
and intimidation, vitiating all documents by such action of fraud.
11. THAT I, [name], am the sole and absolute owner of myself, my body, and
my estate, and possess unconditional, allodial, sovereign title thereto, and that
I abjure, renounce, forsake, and disavow utterly and absolutely now and
forever all presumptions of power, authority, or right by any governmental
agency, its Principals, over the rights, life, liberty, freedom or property of this
Affiant from whatever source presumed or derived.
AFFIDAVITS have been furnished or supplied to me, [Name], by [parties] or
any others that created the so-called liability.
{plus any other points that may have to be added to clearly state a claim of abuses
15. THAT I, [name], the Undersigned, herewith and herein demand of ALL PARTIES
involved in anyway in this so-called cause of action, who attempt or continue to proceed
against me or my properties in the instant cause of action in any way, furnish answers to
the following:
16. THAT all parties who act against this Affiant on their alleged basis must
produce the Commercial Affidavits of TRUTH, sworn by the claimants to be
"true, correct, and complete (certain)," which prove the origin and foundation
of their claims and include providing the contract(s) or agreement(s) with the
signature of this Affiant thereon wherein this Affiant has knowingly,
intentionally, and voluntarily, in full legal and lawful capacity, agreed to waive
or surrender rights to the IRS, its Principals, or the "United States," or agreed
to become subject to or the slave or property of said entities in any way or in
any jurisdiction whatsoever.
17. In order for a crime to exist, four elements must exist; there must be a
defined crime, there must be a victim, that the victim must have been
damaged, and the intent must be established on the part of the accused.
Without proof of all four elements, no crime can said to have been committed.
In this Affidavit, crimes are defined, the Affiant is the victim, this Affidavit
verifies the damages, and the intent is established at the end of the thirty (30)
day grace period, if the respondents fail to rebut (respond to) the wrongs they
have been a party to as noted herein.
19. THAT failure to respond as herein required to this Affiant, within the
herein a prescribed time of thirty (30) days will be deemed by this Affiant to
invoke the doctrine of acquiescence and admission, to recover, in commerce,
the lost or damaged properties plus damages, penalties and costs. (California
Civil Code § 3281)
20. THAT in light of the foregoing declarations, all alleged contracts and
agreements between this Affiant, [name], and the IRS, its Principals, or the
"United States" are unconscionable and baseless. I herein, hereby and
herewith revoke, disavow, and renounce my signature on any and all
documents, instruments, or forms I may have ever signed with the IRS, its
Principals, or the "United States," or any other parties or entities whatsoever
that might purport to have furnished any contractual agreement or nexus
between myself and the IRS, its Principals, or the "United States."
25. THAT I, [name], the Undersigned Affiant, depose and certify that I have
written the foregoing with intent and understanding of purpose, and believe
the statements, allegations, demands and contents herein to be true, correct,
and complete, commercially reasonable, and just, to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
STATE OF [state]
) :ss
COUNTY OF [county]
in support of a
I, [name], the Complainant Affiant in the instant matter, am reporting, by AFFIDAVIT,
to this Court and the United States Attorney, believed to be the compentent authorities to
which knowledge of criminal actions should be reported. This Affidavit is filed pursuant
to 18 United States Code Section 4 (18 USC 4), the FEDERAL RULES OF CRIMINAL
PROCEDURE, RULE 3. Title 18 (18 USC) Section 4 states:
"Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court
of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to
some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be
fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 3 states:
"The complaint is a written statment of the essential facts constituting the offense
charged. It shall be made upon oath before a magistrate."
I, [name], the Complainant Affiant in the instant matter, herein openly declare and
depose that the above named Respondents did knowingly and willfully act and conspire
to oppress, injure, and damage this Complainant Affiant as herein below set forth, and
by evidences set forth in the attached COMMERCIAL AFFIDAVIT sent to the
Respondents/Defendants to resolve the disputed issues outside this forum (a consensual
mutually entered into voluntary contract by and between Affiant and accused).
The Respondents were previously noticed and warned by the Affiant’s "COMMERCIAL
WARNING OF COMMERCIAL GRACE" (see Exhibit A), to which the Respondents
did not answer/rebut, or answered without addressing the demands made, (see Exhibits
..., [if any]). In said NOTICE AND WARNING the eternal principles of Commercial
Law, the underpinnings of all human law and civilization, were clearly and simply set
forth and explained (clarification of contractual terms). The above referenced
Respondent parties failed to avail themselves of the remedies and recourse under
Commercial Law to resolve the dispute(s) with this Complainant Affiant in a civil,
peaceful and honorable manner.
All of the Affidavits, Notices, and filings, of this Complainant Affiant have been issued
as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, to the best of my experience,
knowledge and belief. The Affidavits I have issued were sworn to as TRUE, CORRECT,
and COMPLETE. Said Affidavits have never been formally rebutted by affidavits sworn
to as TRUE, CORRECT, and COMPLETE by the respective Respondent Parties.
By failing to respond to the Complainant Affiant, the Respondents are in contractual
default. The Respondents have admitted to and acquiesced to the crimes which the
Complainant Affiant complained about and sought to protect himself from further
abuses. Their continuing on with the wrongful actions against this Complainant, the
accused Respondents are acting in knowlegable and willful criminal assaults against the
Complainant and in knowledgable and willful breach of contract that they opened.
In order for a crime to exist, four elements must exist; first there must be a clearly
defined crime or criminal action; second, there must be a victim; third that the victim
must have been damaged or injured, and fourth, the criminal intent must be established
on the part of the accused. Without proof of all four elements no action can be
considered criminal.
In this matter, the Complainant Affiant is the victim, the Commercial Affidavit sets the
complained issues and this Criminal Complaint defines the crimes verifies the actual
damages, and the intent was established by proof that the Respondents/Defendants were
Noticed and Warned of their wrongs and what was required to right them. Their failing
to rebut the Affidavit or prove their own claims, the contractual requirement of this
Complainant Affiant’s Commercial Affidavit of Notice and Warning, the Respondents/
Defendants acted willfully against this Complainant Affiant.
The Complainant Affiant exercises his unalienable Sovereign Right against
[respondents], a legislative entity, and its officers for a redress of grievances (fraud,
extortion, theft, plus other noted wrongs) by this verified Criminal Complaint (California
Penal Code Sections 740, 806 and 948 et.seq.) pursuant the Commercial instrument of
the people known as the Constitution for the State of California, as stated in the
Preamble, Article I Sections 1, 3, 24; Article II Section 1; Article III Section 5, 6(d);
California Civil Code Section 4, 5, 22.2; California Penal Code Section 9; California
Government Code Section 100, 11120, and 54950 as a Sovereign and the parallel
sections of the Constitution for the United States, United States Codes Title 18, the
United State Criminal Code and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Therefore, the Complainant Affiant, [name], sets forth to the candid community the
abuses of FELONY, HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS by the Respondents. The
above named Respondents, in the instant action have supported criminal actions by
willfully and knowingly:
— DENIED A RIGHT to due process of law. Such denials include but are not limited to
the right to work, the right to receive just reward of labors, denying access to the
multiple Constitutional rights and specifically acting against the Complainant Affiant
under a color of official right. It is a "taking action" denying the right to personal
property violative of the provisions of the state Constitutional provisions and under the
Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution for the United States.
The right of due process of law requires before any sort of judgment against an
individual, that he has had opportunity to defend himself of any accusation or claim, that
he has had an opportunity to state his case, he has had a proper and lawful judgement by
a jury of his peers, or by a knowledgeable waiver of the right to answer. The
[respondents] officials acted against that due process by acting in a criminal conspiracy
to defraud the Complainant Affiant of his property, giving such property to the [state
taxing authority] [and/or] the IRS, WITHOUT ANY KIND OF LAWFUL
CLAIMS. [respondents] are/is therefore guilty of denying the COMPLAINANT
AFFIANT [name], every Constitutional protection afforded — an act of TREASON
(defined below), an act of a MIXED DOMESTIC WAR.
DOMESTIC MIXED WAR - A mixed war is one which is made on one side by public
authority, and the other by mere private persons. (Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Ed., page
1420). War does not exist merely because of an armed attack by military forces of
another nation until it is a condition recognized or accepted by political authority of
government which is attacked, either through an actual declaration of war or OTHER
ACTS DEMONSTRATING SUCH POSITION (emphasis added; Savage v. Sun Life
Assur Co. of Canada, D.C. 57 F Supp 620, 621).
— WAR is the disintegration of peace; Webster’s states "a state of hostility, conflict or
antagonism, a struggle between opposing forces," not necessarily open violent armed
confrontations, although a continued state of disrupted peace by any force could lead to
open armed conflict.
The defendants are hereby accused of the following crimes against, and violations of the
rights of the people of this [state] REPUBLIC. Such rights or obligations are secured,
preserved or defined by the Constitution to prevent such abuses by both employer and of
government officials by their oaths to support said Constitution (67 CJS, Officers,
Section 46, Oaths).
— MALFEASANCE OF OFFICE. By such wrongful action, these individuals have
acted with malfeasance of office in conspiracy with Agents of the [state taxing authority]
[and/or] [IRS], deliberately, knowingly and willfully violating said rights are guilty of
misconduct in office, whether public or private.
— SLAVERY. The civil relation in which one man has absolute power over the life,
fortune, and liberty of another. The Respondents have denied the right to "fortunes"
earned by the labors of the Affiant. The unlawful conversion of such property and giving
it to another without due process of law, forcing the Affiant to work for less than what
was lawfully and contractually agreed upon, breaching interpersonal contracts and
relationships, is criminal. The Respondents have absolutely refused to communicate in
GOOD FAITH with the Affiant. They have refused to disclose the lawful authority by
which they act, the contract in default or the damages which they claim created the
so-called liability. There is no judgment of any kind that they can produce showing any
liability. By such actions, these have destroyed the right to life, liberty and property by
such taking of personal property without due process of law, reducing the Affiant to the
condition of a slave. As such, these are in fact in violation of the State and Federal
Constitutions that abolished slavery.
— TREASON. Treason is defined as the assault against the authority to whom one owes
allegiance. It is one of three specific crimes named in the United States Constitution. It
requires that one commit an act of war against the Constitution, or giving aid and
comfort to an enemy. Such clearly defined actions by government officers and such
private officers who have privileged authority in commerce by the Constitution, in
specific connection to the above violation, malfeasance of office along with violating
their oath of office and in the related connected activities herein as listed below is
nothing short of TREASON, see DOMESTIC MIXED WAR above, and there is no
other term or set of terms that accurately define such activity. [respondents] have
willfully violated the basic fundamental principles this Country was founded on, and
therefore condoned the acts of TREASON by so-called governmental officials against
the Undersigned, making them liable for such acts of TREASON by refusing to stop
such actions against the Complainant Affiant [name], when they had the power and
authority to do so after being noticed (criminally under Title 18, Section 4; civilly under
Title 42, Section 1983, 1985, 1986).
In addition to and along with the above cited crimes, the Respondents acting in concert
with such so-called government officials to complete such acts as listed as follows:
— FRAUD. Permitting shown and demonstrated acts of fraud and actively participated
in a scheming conspiracy of untruths and misrepresentations to deceive those who
entrusted themselves in dealing in good faith, while specifically acting in deliberate bad
faith when such fraud was shown (Cal Penal Code Sec. 532; 18 USC 1001).
— EXTORTION. By such actions of Fraud, said Respondents under assumed (usurped)
official right and color of office to demand, without any real lawful or proper authority,
gave monies of the Complainant Affiant to the Internal Revenue Service and/or the
[state taxing authority] as foreign agents (explained below) by use of such
misrepresentations and untruths to steal monies under a color and cover of law to raise
revenue (Cal Penal Code Sec 518, 519; 18 USC 872, 873, 1951, 1962).
— GRAND THEFT. By such actions of fraud and extortion, the monies stolen, or
damages sustained by such actions totalled over $400 under a guise of taxes, fines and/or
penalties under a color of law for exercising one’s inalienable/unalienable rights (Cal
Penal Code Sec 487; 18 USC 641 {>$100}, 2112).
— ROBBERY. (Attempted robbery) Respondents, by such action of conspiracy under a
color of law and official right, used intimidation, threats, and fear by force of
imprisonment to extort revenues (Cal Penal Code Sec. 211; 18 USC 2112). [Note may
be added to action if applicable. This is further demonstrated by the act of firing [name]
for simply exposing the crimes being perpetrated against him within the Company.]
— FALSE DOCUMENTS. Accepting false documents that are known not to be true or
known to be false to falsely condemn the Complainant Affiant under a color of law
without benefit of a lawful trial, to raise revenue by stealing monies of the Complainant
Affiant and giving it directly to a foreign agent by such false condemnations (Cal Penal
Code Sec 134; 18 USC 1001).
— CONSPIRACY. A confederation of two or more individuals who may not know each
other but, by their joint efforts, commit some unlawful or criminal act (Black’s Law
Dictionary). Multiple officials, agents and other persons named properly noticed by the
attached COMMERCIAL AFFIDAVIT, and un-named who under a cover of official
right and appearance and color of law continued to perform such acts to continue to raise
revenue by fraud and extortion, for any so-called governmental function. (Cal Penal
Code Sec. 182, California Racketeering Act — Cal Penal Code Sec. 186; 18 USC 241,
Federal Racketeering Act, 18 USC 1961 et. seq.)
— RACKETEERING. Is the combination of the above identified crimes. Title 18 United
States Codes Section 1961 (RICO) defines it as involving a host of patterned criminal
actions that includes but not limited to an act or threat of murder, kidnapping, gambling,
arson, and as in the instant case robbery, bribery, extortion, fraud, slavery, etc.
The explanation of crimes above stem from other hidden crimes being forced upon the
people of this [state] REPUBLIC. Such crimes and this Affidavit of Information is filed
in the overall context of the Bankruptcy of the United States (i.e. District of Columbia,
as per jurisdiction set forth in the U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8, clause 17 and 18
and Article IV Section 3 clause 2). The United States bankruptcy is a direct result of the
Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, in which the delegated authority of
Congress to be responsible for the nation’s currency was illicitly, unconstitutionally, and
treasonously surrendered to the privately owned Federal Reserve Corporation (a foreign
agent), whose class A stockholders are various international banks. In place of real
money as legal tender (gold and silver coin U.S. Constitution Article I Section 10,
Coinage Act April 2, 1792), the Federal Reserve issued private commercial paper, drawn
on the credit of the United States, consisting of only bookkeeping entries of no substance
or reality, on which a real compound interest was charged. The U.S. Treasury paid the
ever-increasing interest in gold and was eventually depleted, with a higher debt than
ever. The planned inevitability occurred: BANKRUPTCY.
This bankruptcy was clearly reiterated on March 17, 1993 on the floor of the House of
Representatives by James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House. It is recorded in the
United States Congressional Record, Wednesday, March 17, 1993, Volume #33, page
H1303, should anyone doubt the claim. . . .
"Mister Speaker. We are here now in Chapter 11. Members of Congress are official
trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world
history, the U. S. Government."
The U.S. Attorney General is the "permanent member" to the Secretariat of the Interpol
Operation, and the Secretary of Treasury the "alternate permanent member." Under
Article 30 of the "Constitution and General Regulation of Interpol," 22 USC 263(a), the
agents are required to renounce their allegiance to their respective countries and
Consequently, ALL "public servants," officials, Congressmen, politicians, judges,
attorneys, law enforcement personnel, the States and their various agencies, are express
agents of the Foreign Principals who have bankrupted and stolen the United States
through the paper money banking swindle and other frauds and treacheries.
Under trappings of "democracy," the flag, "law and order," the Constitution, etc.,
Americans have been duped into administering and submitting to their own subjugation,
bankruptcy, enslavement, and the elimination of their rights, freedom, and country. The
people have been reduced to peonage and involuntary servitude under a fraudulent,
tyrannical, and seditious foreign oligarchy whose express intent is to institute and
establish a dictatorship over the people and their posterity through a private, commercial
one-world-government (i.e., "THE NEW WORLD ORDER").
These Foreign Principals, through the knowing and unknowing complicity of their
Agents, have completely debauched the monetary system (National Geographic,
January 1993, THE POWER OF MONEY, page 83), declaring war on and against the
people of this country, destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions of people, aided
and abetted the enemies of the American people and their posterity, incited rebellion and
anarchy within the de jure society, taken false oaths, entered into seditious foreign
agreements, pacts, confederations, treaties, and alliances, and under a pretense of
"emergency" which they themselves created, created and formed a multitude of offices
of alien allegiance (treason) to perpetuate their plunder, conquest, and subjugation of
what was once considered "the last great hope of human freedom."
These are truly guilty of SEDITION AND TREASON against the Constitution and
declared a domestic mixed war against the people of the united States. (See attached
TOP SECRET "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, a Manual for Silent Weapons System,"
1980 Article of Scientific American, The World Economy of the Year 2000.)
THEREFORE, the respondents are guilty of the above crimes in acting in conspiracy
with such agents of foreign powers to further destroy another individual, [name] the
undersigned, by such activity. TO WIT, the above named officers of [respondents], did
COUNT 1: On or about [date], accepted and honored a false document by the [state
and/or federal taxing authority] (California Criminal Code Section 125, unqualified
statement, a felony; Title 18 USC 1001) of an undocumented, unproven liability, shown
to be false by the Complainant Affiant [name], to take property <monies> without due
process of law to give it to the Franchise Tax Board. California Penal Code Section 182
(4), (5), Criminal Conspiracy, Sec. 186, Racketeering, Title 18, Sec 241, 1961, 1962.
COUNT 2: In accepting and honoring false documentation, [respondents], specifically
and willingly conspired with the Internal Revenue Service and/or the [state taxing
authority] to steal the property of [name], (expansion but separate count of count 1)
denying [name] the rights of due process of law for any action against him. The rights
denied, violated or trespassed are enumerated below. Each action — denial, violation or
trespass, is a separate high crime or misdemeanor, brought together in this count as
violations against the constitution. The penalty is defined under Title 18 USC Sections
3571 individually listed for subtotal tally as to the civil damages sustained by such
each denied, violated or trespassed right listed as a misdemeanor, 18 USC 3571 defined
as a felony is $250,000 for each trespass, denial or violation) secured, preserved and
protected by the California Constitution and parallel sections of the Constitution for the
United States:
1. ART I SECT I: Denied right of liberty
6. ART I SECT 2: Denied right of free speech (FIRED for demanding a proper
production of certain lawful papers to validate [respondents] of seizing
Complainant Affiant’s monies and giving it to foreign agents)
11. ART I SECT 9: Enforced a bill of attainder, pains and penalties — (force
to pay an unproven claim by distraint, without due process of law)
14. ART I SECT 15: Denied speedy trial — DENIED TRIAL — JUDGED
(fired by the company for exposing and documenting a crime within the
18. ART I SECT 15: Denied right to confront accuser, injured or damaged
party. (Complainant Affiant is the injured party by an undocumented, proven
claim against the Complainant Affiant by a foreign agent and not permitted to
address such false documentation.)
20. ART I SECT 15: Deprived of property without due process of law. (Giving
to a foreign agent monies of the Complainant Affiant without a lawful hearing
or judgment)
21. ART I SECT 16: Deprived of right of trial by jury, for undefined wrongs,
(for which Complainant Affiant was fired)
22. ART I SECT 17: Cruel or unusual punishment (being fired for exposing a
crime in the company)
23. ART I SECT 19: Private property taken for public use without just
compensation, conversion and theft of compensation for labor. Issue of
24. ART I SECT 23: GRAND JURY, wrongful use, not used. (NO CRIME
27. ART I SECT 24: Denied speedy trial and public trial
31. ART I SECT 24: Denied right to confront accuser, injured or damaged
32. ART I SECT 24: Denied right to be free of unreasonable search and
seizures (willfully taking of compensation and willfully giving it to another
without proper warrant of paperwork proving liability)
33. ART I SECT 24: Cruel or unusual punishment (being fired for exposing
crimes in the company)
DATED: _____________________________
Complainant Affiant
MAILED to presentee:
1st time on __/__/__
2nd time on __/__/__
3rd time on __/__/__
Secretary of State
State of _______
_____________ )
creditor ) Commercial Lien
v. ) UCC 9-401(a)(3)
merchant debtor
Debtor was presented on __/__/__ with the attached agreement. It was not timely dishonored.
On __/__/__ debtor breached the contract by the following acts:
1. ........
On __/__/__ demand was made and no payment was forthcoming.
Lienor is due $______ and the subject of the lien is the personal property, household
goods, real estate and future earnings of the above debtor.
The foregoing is a true, correct and complete statement made under penalty of perjury.
(date, signature, jurat and notary seal)
I, Phillip Marsh depose and affirm and state as follows: The parties of this Commercial
Lien are cited on this page and page 4 attached.
All processes are those in which Constitutional and Commercial Rights have been
abridged and denied. Nothing has been provided to Lien Claimants by any Public
Official or Officer (Including Congress), associated or by directive in connection with
The Federal Emergency Martial Law Act, the New World Order, or the Federal Reserve
Bank, to demonstrate or prove that they are Commercially Bonded to operate any
Processes which abridges or denies any Commercial provision of the United States
Constitution or the California State Constitution.
This Commercial Lien is commercially necessary to guarantee for both the Lien
Claimants and the public in general; (Does 1 - 250,000,000) that such bond does exist
upon said Officials and Officers (Including Congress, Federal Reserve Bank, and Alan
Greenspan, Chairman of the Board) and is not placed for any other reason or harassment
of persons or processes; and,
that the Federal Emergency Martial Law Act will be disbanded immediately; and
that The New World Order proposed by President Bush shall be immediately negated;
that The United States Constitution shall be returned as the Law of the Land to the
People; and,
that the Federal Reserve Bank, A Private Corporation immediately disband the Internal
Revenue Service as the collection arm for those taxes; and,
that The Federal Reserve Bank be disbanded as the "Controller" of The United States
Monetary System; and,
that the United States Monetary System be reinstated under the authority of The United
States Congress, as was intended by The Constitution of The United States.
The cited Lien Debtors are being liened for a minimum of $10,000 each by each of the
Lien Claimants for a total in excess of $2,500,000,000,000.00, which was arrived at by
using the $10,000 multiplied by 250,000,000 citizens based on and pursuant to Title 18
USC §241 of the United States Code, for violations of the United States Constitution
and Constitutional Rights, including the Seventh Amendment of the Bill of Rights which
guarantees a jury trial in all Commercial processes. Additionally, an approximation of
Thirty-Five (35) Civil Rights violations, i.e., other Commercial provision of The United
States Constitution.
This Commercial Lien is intended to notify, through recording, that all real and movable
property of the aforementioned can be seized from the cited Lien Debtors and those yet
to be named as Lien Debtors.
This property is being seized as a pledge that the specifics as requested are adhered to,
and to secure a portion of the above cited specifications and obligations as declared, and
to apply it as a bond on the persons and activities of the Officials, Officers (Including
Congress), Federal Reserve Bank (Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Board), and other
such Lien Debtors as may be added from time to time, for whatever relevant and just
Commercial Agreements.
This Commercial Lien is not a Lis Pendens Lien, therefore it may not be removed or
dissolved by any other parties except the Lien Claimants or a Common Law Jury
properly convened and used to settle the claimants’ cause.
Additionally, those named and unnamed Lien Debtors, which may be added from time to
time, for whatever relevant and just Commercial Agreements, would also be relevant to
the aforementioned.
List of Lien Debtors:
President of the United States George Bush; The United States Congress; The Federal
Reserve Bank A Private Corporation, and Alan Greenspan, Chairman; Shirley Peterson,
Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service; all persons connected now and in the future
severally and jointly liable.
Affirmed and respectfully submitted this 30th day of September, 1992
.s/ Phillip Marsh
State of California
County of San Joaquin
I, Phillip Marsh, being first duly sworn, say: I am the claimant so named: I have read the
foregoing claim and know the contents thereof; and believe the same to be just and
Subscribed and affirmed/sworn to me, a Notary Public, this 30th day of September,
1992. Notary Public in and for The State of California, residing at Stockton, California.
s/Robert Murray
My commission expires: 12-6-1995
COUNTY OF _______________
On this ______day of ______________, 1993, before me, the undersigned Notary
Public in and for the State of California, appeared ___________________________, (
)personally known to me or ( )proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be
the person whose signature appears in the within instrument and acknowledged to me
that he executed it.
Witness my hand and official seal: