Chapter 8 Rain Loads
Chapter 8 Rain Loads
Chapter 8 Rain Loads
8.2 ROOF DRAINAGE Roofs equipped with hardware on the primary drainage system
designed to intentionally regulate the rate of drainage shall be
Roof drainage systems shall be designed in accordance with the equipped with a secondary drainage system at a higher elevation.
provisions of the code that has jurisdiction. The design flow rate Controlled flow roof drains shall not be used on the secondary
of the secondary (overflow) drains (including roof drains and drainage system.
downstream piping) or scuppers, and their resulting hydraulic
head (d h ) shall be based on a rainfall intensity equal to or greater 8.6 CONSENSUS STANDARDS AND OTHER
than the 15-min duration/100-year return period (frequency) REFERENCED DOCUMENTS
storm. Primary drainage systems shall be designed for a rainfall
intensity equal to or greater than the 60-min duration/ 100-year No consensus standards and other documents that shall be
return period (frequency) storm. considered part of this standard are referenced in this chapter.
Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 65