Chapter 8 Rain Loads

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8.1.1 Definitions Each portion of a roof shall be designed to sustain the load of all
CONTROLLED DRAINAGE: System intentionally rainwater that will accumulate on it if the primary drainage
regulating the rate of flow through the primary drains. system for that portion is blocked plus the uniform load caused
PONDING: The accumulation of water caused by the deflec- by water that rises above the inlet of the secondary drainage
tion of the roof structure, resulting in added load. system at its design flow.
PONDING INSTABILITY: Member instability caused by R = 5.2ðd s þ d h Þ (8.3-1)
progressive deflection due to ponding on roofs.
PRIMARY DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Roof drainage system R = 0.0098ðd s þ d h Þ (
through which water is normally conveyed off the roof.
PRIMARY MEMBERS: For the purposes of determining a If the secondary drainage systems contain drain lines, such
susceptible bay, structural members having direct connection to lines and their point of discharge shall be separate from the
the columns, including girders, beams, and trusses. primary drain lines. Rain loads shall be based on the total head
SCUPPER: An opening in the side of a building (typically (static head [d s ] plus hydraulic head [d h ]) associated with the
through a parapet wall) for the purpose of draining water off design flow rate for the specified secondary drains and drainage
the roof. system. The total head corresponding to the design flow rate for
SECONDARY DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Roof drainage sys- the specified drains shall be based on hydraulic test data.
tem at an elevation higher than the primary drainage system,
through which water drains off the roof when the primary system 8.4 PONDING INSTABILITY AND PONDING LOAD
is blocked or not working.
SECONDARY MEMBER: For the purposes of determining Susceptible bays shall be investigated by structural analysis to
susceptible bays, structural members not having direct connec- ensure that they possess adequate stiffness to preclude progressive
tion to the columns. deflection (i.e., instability) and adequate strength to resist the
SUSCEPTIBLE BAY: A structural bay that is vulnerable to additional ponding load. Any of the following conditions shall
overload from accumulated water. be deemed to create susceptible bays: (1) bays with a roof slope less
than 1=4 in: per foot (1.19°) when the secondary members are
8.1.2 Symbols perpendicular to the free draining edge, (2) bays with a roof slope
less than 1 in. per foot (4.76°) when the secondary members are
dh = additional depth of water on the undeflected roof above the parallel to the free draining edge, (3) bays with a roof slope of 1 in.
inlet of the secondary drainage system at its design flow per foot (4.76°) and a span to spacing ratio for the secondary
(i.e., the hydraulic head), in in. (mm) members greater than 16 when the secondary members are parallel
d s = depth of water on the undeflected roof up to the inlet to the free draining edge, or (4) bays on which water accumulates
of the secondary drainage system when the primary (in whole or in part) when the primary drain system is blocked but
drainage system is blocked (i.e., the static head), in the secondary drain system is functional. The larger of the snow
in. (mm) load or the rain load equal to the design condition for a blocked
R = rain load on the undeflected roof, in lb=ft2 (kN=m2 ). primary drain system shall be used in this analysis.
When the phrase “undeflected roof” is used, deflections
from loads (including dead loads) shall not be considered
when determining the amount of rain on the roof 8.5 CONTROLLED DRAINAGE

8.2 ROOF DRAINAGE Roofs equipped with hardware on the primary drainage system
designed to intentionally regulate the rate of drainage shall be
Roof drainage systems shall be designed in accordance with the equipped with a secondary drainage system at a higher elevation.
provisions of the code that has jurisdiction. The design flow rate Controlled flow roof drains shall not be used on the secondary
of the secondary (overflow) drains (including roof drains and drainage system.
downstream piping) or scuppers, and their resulting hydraulic
head (d h ) shall be based on a rainfall intensity equal to or greater 8.6 CONSENSUS STANDARDS AND OTHER
than the 15-min duration/100-year return period (frequency) REFERENCED DOCUMENTS
storm. Primary drainage systems shall be designed for a rainfall
intensity equal to or greater than the 60-min duration/ 100-year No consensus standards and other documents that shall be
return period (frequency) storm. considered part of this standard are referenced in this chapter.

Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures 65

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