Fiteq Code of Ethics

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Fédération Internationale de Teqball

ETHICS Adopted 12 DECEMBER 2020


FITEQ, the International Federation of Teqball, is fully committed to promoting and safeguarding teqball’s
values worldwide. As custodian of the sport, FITEQ has adopted this Code of Ethics to establish clear ethical
standards governing the activities and persons directing, supporting and participating in teqball.

To protect the integrity and reputation of teqball from harms caused as a result of illegal, immoral or
unethical practices or methods, this Code of Ethics sets out the governance framework and best practice
for integrity policies and procedures at international and national levels.

FITEQ personnel, its member bodies, athletes, coaches, officials (hereinafter described as FITEQ parties)
and other relevant personnel are required to adhere to and apply the values of this Code of Ethics, which
is based on the principles of the IOC Code of Ethics (which respect the fundamental principle of Olymp-
ism), and to undertake to disseminate FITEQ’s culture of ethics and integrity within their respective areas
of competence.

To lead the application, implementation and annual review of this Code, the Chair of the Ethics and Disci-
plinary Committee shall act as an independent and impartial Integrity Commissioner to advise and guide
the FITEQ Board.

This Code of Ethics comes into full force and effect as of September 1, 2020 and will supersede any previous
interim versions of the Code of Ethics from this date. It may be amended at any time to take effect as and
when required. An up to date copy of the Code of Ethics will be posted on the FITEQ website.

FITEQ Code of Ethics is a comprehensive Code underpinned by a series of associated policies. It aims to
achieve the following objectives:

• Clearly define expected levels of behaviour, decision making and consequences;

• Maintain the highest level of ethical standards in the governance and administration of the sport, to
secure the long-term health and prosperity of teqball at all levels;
• Protect everyone associated with teqball both on and off the court, (i.e. athletes, officials, affiliated
bodies, clubs, national federations, player agents, related parties) from harms;
• Establish and reinforce FITEQ’s authority to tackle corruption including doping within the sport;
• Ensure FITEQ parties conduct themselves with the highest standard of honesty, impartiality, equity
and integrity when undertaking their duties and responsibilities;
• Safeguard and enhance the reputation of teqball to positively promote and develop the sport globally;
• Foster public confidence in FITEQ as guardians of the sport;

A breach of this Code may be committed deliberately or negligently, by an act or attempted act, whether
as participant, accomplice or instigator.


Scope of Application
This Code applies to any conduct, (other than that provided for specifically by other regulations in respect
of rules on the field of play that damages the integrity and reputation of teqball and/or FITEQ), in particular
to illegal, immoral or unethical behaviour by FITEQ parties.

All FITEQ parties agree to be bound by and to comply with this Code of Ethics; to familiarise themselves
with all of the requirements of this Code of Ethics including what constitutes a violation of the Code of
Ethics and to submit to the jurisdiction of the FITEQ Ethics and Disciplinary Committee, (including its
Integrity Commissioner, Investigators, Adjudicators) and the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) in relation
to its enforcement.

FITEQ parties include FITEQ Board members holding a governance position within the sport or its member
organisations, members of a committee, staff members, individuals who are contracted to support FITEQ
events, appointed officials, associated companies, representatives and any other persons who agree in
writing at the request of FITEQ to be bound by the Code of Ethics.

Compliance with the FITEQ Code of Ethics shall apply in the following circumstances:

• FITEQ, national member bodies, athletes, administrators and officials at all times;
• FITEQ participants throughout each international and national event for which they are accredited;
• Organising Committees/Major Event Organisers for any FITEQ or member body accredited event;
• Cities and/or officials taking part in any bidding or candidature procedures of FITEQ;
• Any other persons who agree in writing at the request of FITEQ to be bound by the Code of Ethics or
who are bound by virtue of FITEQ Rules applying to them, including persons seeking to become officials
or participants.

Official volunteers at FITEQ accredited events are not classified as staff members and are therefore not
bound to comply with the Code of Ethics, however it is expected that they shall comply with a volunteer
Code of Conduct which includes similar obligations to those contained within the Code of Ethics.

Although this Code of Ethics does not apply directly to employees of FITEQ’s commercial partners, there is
an expectation that commercial partners shall have a similar code or policies in place based on the same
principles and rules of the Code of Ethics binding upon all individuals in their dealings with FITEQ.

Applicability in Time: This Code applies to conduct whenever it occurred, including before enactment
or revision of this Code. An individual may be sanctioned for a violation of this Code only if the relevant
conduct contravened the Code applicable at the time it occurred.

Transitional Arrangements: Proceedings filed before the effective date of a revision to this Code of Ethics
shall be governed by former Code of Ethics. Proceedings filed after the effective date of the revised Code
which relate to an alleged violation of the previous Code of Ethics shall be governed by the later version
of the Code.


A Fundamental Principles
This Code of Ethics covers four key values: fairness, integrity, responsibility, respect
set out in three pillars of integrity:

Integrity of Conduct - Integrity of Competition - Integrity of Governance

To deliver this Code of Ethics, FITEQ has developed specific integrity policies setting out in detail expected
standards and protections for:
• Equality and Anti-Discrimination,
• Anti-Corruption,
• Safeguarding and Welfare.

Breaches and violations of the Code of Ethics and/or an Integrity Policy are managed by the FITEQ Disciplinary
Policy which also sets out FITEQ’s commitment to encouraging feedback to improve our integrity programmes
and whistleblowing to ensure potential integrity breaches and allegations can be addressed promptly.


1.1 FITEQ parties shall have respect for the universal fundamental ethical principles, which are the foun-
dation of Olympism, fully endorsed and reflected in the FITEQ Code of Ethics.

These include:

1.1.1 Respect for human dignity;

1.1.2 Ensuring conditions of safety for athletes and officials’ well-being, and medical care favourable
to their physical and mental equilibrium by safeguarding the well-being of all participants;

1.1.3 Rejection of discrimination of any kind on whatever grounds, be it age, race, colour, gender,
sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth
or other status including any other form of discrimination covered by national legislation e.g. disability,
marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity or paternity;

1.1.4 Rejection of all forms of harassment and abuse be it physical, emotional, professional or sexual
and any physical or mental injuries;

1.1.5 Respect for the Olympic spirit which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship,
solidarity, and fair play;

1.1.6 Respect for the principle of autonomy whilst maintaining harmonious relations and co-oper-
ation with state authorities

1.1.7 Respect for international conventions for the protection of human rights in respect of their
application to FITEQ activities to ensure in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


1.2 Human Rights: In preparing for and delivering teqball events, respect for human rights, positive
impact on legacy and sustainability shall be prioritised. Planning shall include an assessment of the
human rights risks, potential adverse or negative impacts, vulnerability of groups of people, security,
transport requirements, influx of workers and volunteers in determining hosting of events. FITEQ shall
ensure human rights are recognised, managed and mitigated, pre- and post-event and during delivery.
Sustainable goals, promotion of health and well-being, including improvements to local infrastructure
shall be planned from the outset.

B Integrity of Conduct
2.1 FITEQ, its member bodies, athletes, administrators and officials shall use due care and diligence in
fulfilling their duties. At all times they shall act with the highest degree of integrity, particularly when
involved in decision making, acting with impartiality, objectivity, independence and professionalism.
FITEQ parties shall adhere to all anti-corruption policies.

2.2 All FITEQ parties shall avoid any conduct that is inconsistent with or undermines in any way the
objectives of the FITEQ Code of Ethics and refrain from any actions that could be perceived as improper
or that denigrate FITEQ or bring (or have the potential to bring) FITEQ and/ or the sport into disrepute.

2.3 FITEQ parties shall conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. In particular FITEQ parties
shall refrain from using language or conduct that is obscene, offensive or of an insulting nature towards
another person and shall not exploit their position in any way especially for personal aims and benefits.

2.4 FITEQ parties shall safeguard the dignity of individuals and shall not engage (directly or indirectly) in
any form of harassment or abuse, whether physical, verbal, mental, sexual, racial or otherwise.

2.5 FITEQ persons shall not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origin, colour, culture,
religion, political opinion, marital status, sexual orientation or other differences and in particular to
encourage and actively support gender equality.


3.1 FITEQ parties may offer and accept proportionate, reasonable and bona fide gifts and hospitality
that and given specifically as a mark of friendship, respect or to commemorate a significant occasion,
on the condition that any gifts or hospitality with a financial worth in excess of 400 CHF (Swiss Francs)
must be disclosed to, recorded and approved by the FITEQ Ethics and Disciplinary Committee following
the completion of the Minimal Gift/Benefits Declaration Form (Appendix 1 of Financial/Anti-Corruption
Policy). If the application is declined, the gift or hospitality shall be withdrawn or returned as applicable.

3.2 It is recognised that FITEQ parties may, on occasions, be offered gifts and hospitality from its national
membership bodies, service providers and stakeholders. Any form of token, object or benefit offered to a
FITEQ parties, from a third party, which constitutes a gift and compromises his/ her personal judgement
and professional integrity should not be accepted. The recipient is required to use an acute sense of


perception in their decision making. No party should act in a way that may give the impression that he/
she has or might be influenced by a gift or hospitality to show bias for or against any person or organi-
sation while undertaking official duties for FITEQ.

In deciding whether a gift or hospitality can be legitimately accepted, consider whether the following
are applicable:

3.2.1 it is likely to facilitate organisational efficiency;

3.2.2 it places any (perceived) obligation on the recipient;

3.2.3 it is frequent, excessive or lavish;

3.2.4 it is related to any decision affecting FITEQ or the individual offering it;

3.2.5 it can be justified;

3.2.6 it provides benefits to FITEQ that outweigh the risk of possible misperception of hospitality;

3.2.7 it may be construed as being intended to influence a decision that is not in the best interest

3.2.8 it is a cash payment;

3.3 FITEQ parties shall refrain from any act involving fraud or corruption.

3.4 FITEQ parties shall not offer any bribe, commission, payment, gift, donation, hospitality or any other
incentive (monetary or otherwise) in order to influence actions or decision making in relation to any
matters relating to FITEQ. FITEQ parties shall disclose any request that he/ she receives for such incentive
to the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner immediately.

3.5 FITEQ, its member bodies, athletes, administrators and officials shall not directly or indirectly, solicit,
accept or offer any form of remuneration or commission nor any concealed benefit or service of any
nature connected with FITEQ activities.

3.6 All FITEQ parties shall not accept any bribe, commission, payment, gift, donation, hospitality or any
other incentive that is offered, promised or sent to him/ her to influence actions or decision making in
relation to any matter relating to FITEQ events and commercial activities. FITEQ parties shall disclose
knowledge of all such matters to the FITEQ Ethics and Disciplinary Committee immediately, in writing.


4.1 FITEQ parties shall not use their position or the access and privileges assumed by their role to further
their personal interests or those of any family member, friend or associate.

4.2 FITEQ parties shall remain faithful and owe a duty of care to FITEQ and all associated activities. All
decisions should be made based on his/ her independent judgement and on the best interests of the


Federation and sport. He/she shall not be influenced by external factors and shall not look to advance
any conflicting interests.

4.3 Favouritism should not be displayed to any institution i.e. a national membership body or third party
i.e. a governmental or political body where doing so would undermine the overriding obligation of FITEQ
to act in the best interests of all of FITEQ’s collective membership and the sport of teqball as a whole.

4.4 FITEQ parties shall not allow themselves to be subject to any activity that would conflict the duty of
care that he/ she is bound to comply with under the Code of Ethics. This is particularly the case when it
would result or potentially result in them being unduly influenced and compromise their obligation to
maintain undivided loyalty.

4.4 FITEQ parties shall promptly report to the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner any act, thing or informa-
tion which the person becomes aware of which may constitute (on its own or with other information,
a violation of this Code of Ethics.


5.1 FITEQ parties shall disclose to the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner any matter that arises which may be
construed as having an impact upon their ability to make impartial decisions that are in the best interest
of FITEQ and the sport. Full details of the activity shall be provided so that its effects can be fully assessed
and understood.

5.2 When a FITEQ party has or could potentially encounter a situation where there is a conflict of
interest in respect of his/ her duties owed to FITEQ, the conflict shall be disclosed immediately to the
FITEQ Integrity Commissioner. The potential conflict should be presented in the Conflict of Interest Form
(Appendix 1 of the Anti-Corruption Policy) and comply with the following requirements:

5.2.1 excuse him/ herself from any discussions that relate to the conflict

5.2.2 refrain from voting on any matter that relates to the conflict

5.2.3 refrain from taking any further part in handling of the conflict or of matters relating to the

5.2.4 Advise the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner immediately if there are any changes in circumstances
that occur since the submission of the initial declaration by completing a supplementary declaration
outlining the changes.

5.3 Where an actual or potential conflict of interest is declared and registered, the FITEQ Integrity Commis-
sioner is required to advise all relevant persons of the conflict, put in place appropriate mechanisms to
contain the actual or potential conflict and its associated threats.


C Integrity of Competition
6.1 FITEQ and its member bodies shall commit to ensuring the integrity of all sports competitions by
opposing all forms of cheating and corrupt betting practices. FITEQ parties shall undertake all necessary
measures to ensure the integrity of all teqball competitions by the implementation of the FITEQ Anti-Cor-
ruption Policy and compliance with the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation
of Competitions and UN Convention on Corruption.

Under FITEQ’s Anti- Corruption Policy the following activities are prohibited:

6.1.1 Betting on all FITEQ Events.

6.1.2. Misuse of inside information for betting purposes.

6.1.3 Providing or giving to any player or player support personnel any gift, payment or hospitality for
the purpose of any breach of the Anti-Corruption Policy or which could bring him/ her or the sport
into disrepute.

6.1.4 Failing to disclose to the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner full details of any gift, payment and/or
hospitality that the recipient knew could be a breach of the Anti-Corruption Policy or that was given
in circumstances that could bring the recipient or the sport into disrepute.

6.1.5 Failing to disclose any approaches or invitations to engage in activity which would be construed
as a breach of the Anti-Corruption Policy.

6.1.6 Failing to disclose any information or matter that may provide supporting evidence that a breach
of the Anti-Corruption Policy has been committed by a third party.

6.1.7 Failing to cooperate or assist any investigation by the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner and/or
proceedings brought against an individual(s) in relation to potential corrupt practices.

6.1.8 Obstructing or intentionally hindering any investigation that may be carried out in relation to
potential corrupt practices.

6.1.9 Encouraging or inciting any individual(s) to engage in any of the above activities.

6.2 For purposes of current and applicable data protection and laws, FITEQ parties are informed of their
obligations regarding consent to the collection, processing, disclosure and use of information relating to
themselves and their activities for the specific purposes and under the terms of the FITEQ Anti-Corruption
Policy and shall confirm as such in writing.

6.3 FITEQ parties are personally responsible for familiarising themselves with all requirements of the
FITEQ Anti-Corruption Policy including what constitutes a breach and to comply with these requirements.


6.4 FITEQ parties agree to abide to the authority of FITEQ to adopt, apply, monitor and enforce the
Anti-Corruption Policy, and not to infringe the principles of fair play.

6.5 FITEQ parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of any Tribunal convened under the Anti-Corruption
Policy to hear and determine charges brought by FITEQ and/ or related issues under the Anti-Corruption

6.6 FITEQ parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of any Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) panel
convened under Anti-Corruption Policy to hear and determine appeals made.

6.7 FITEQ parties are not permitted to have any business association or enter into any business arrange-
ment with any betting organisation that involves the payment of money to or by, or enter into any
discussion that involves benefits or advantages upon or by the individual as a result of such association
or arrangement unless it has been disclosed to, recorded and approved by the Integrity Commissioner.

6.8 FITEQ parties’ immediate family members shall not have an influential interest or relationship in
a betting organisation or be employed in the day to day operations of a betting organisation unless
disclosed to, recorded and approved by the Integrity Commissioner.

6.9 FITEQ parties who attempt or have the intention of committing any conduct that would if completed
have constituted a breach of the Code of Ethics shall be treated as if it had been completed and has
resulted in a violation.

6.10 FITEQ parties who authorise, cause, knowingly assist, encourage, aid, abet or conceal or is otherwise
complicit in the breach of the Code of Ethics by another FITEQ party will be treated in the same way as
having committed the violation him/herself.


Participants in FITEQ activities shall not, in any way whatsoever manipulate the course or result of a
competition, or any part thereof, in a manner contrary to sporting ethics, infringe the principle of fair
play or show unsporting conduct as encompassed in FITEQ’s Anti-Corruption Policy (covering match
fixing, manipulation, prohibited betting and gaming).


FITEQ parties shall protect athletes’ rights to participate in doping free sport, and shall comply with and
respect the WADA (World Anti-Doping) Code and its International Standards, encompassed in FITEQ’s
Anti-Doping Rules.


D Integrity of Governance
9.1 The Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance and Financial Asset Management with particular
reference to transparency, responsibility and accountability shall be respected by all FITEQ member bodies.

9.2 The resources of FITEQ may only be used for the benefit of the sport in accordance with the FITEQ
Statutes, and commercial opportunities shall not be exploited for personal gain, rather for legacy and
meeting sustainability goals.

9.3 FITEQ and its member bodies recognise the significant contribution that broadcasters, sponsors,
partners and other stakeholders make to the development and prestige of FITEQ on a global level.

9.4 In order to preserve the integrity and impartiality of the different candidature processes, the support
and promotion of any of the candidatures by broadcasters, sponsors, partners and other stakeholders
shall be in a form that is consistent with the rules of the sport and the principles defined in both FITEQ
Code of Ethics and the Olympic Charter. Broadcasters, sponsors, partners and other stakeholders shall
not interfere in the running of teqball organisations.


10.1 FITEQ and member body resources and financial assets shall be used for the sole purpose of FITEQ
activities, (inter alia the business of the sport, promotion of events, coaching courses and allied activities.)

10.2 FITEQ shall ensure strict internal financial controls are in place, such as financial regulations, signing
authority, contract management standards, regulations for travel expenses, determination of remuner-
ation, tendering procedures. FITEQ shall publish audited annual accounts.

10.3The income and expenditure of FITEQ and member bodies shall be recorded in their accounts in line
with standard good practice accounting principles.

10.4 In cases where FITEQ gives financial support to any of its member bodies:

10.4.1 the use of these resources shall be for the purpose of FITEQ activities only and highlighted in
the accounts.

10.4.2 the accounts of FITEQ member bodies shall be subjected to auditing by a financial expert desig-
nated by the FITEQ Executive Board.


11.1 The principle of confidentiality shall be strictly respected by FITEQ’s Boards and Committees in all
of its activities. It shall be strictly adhered to by any person associated with the activities of the FITEQ
Ethics and Disciplinary Committee.


11.2 All FITEQ parties shall not disclose to any third party (whether for personal gain or otherwise) any
information disclosed to him/her in confidence due to their FITEQ activities except where required by law
or where the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner (with the guidance of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee)
agrees to such disclosure in advance in writing or the information is already in the public domain.

11.3 With the consent of FITEQ Board, minutes, papers and relevant documents deriving from FITEQ Board
and Committee Meetings may be circulated to national membership bodies, Committee Members and
national membership bodies so that FITEQ and national membership body matters can be discussed as
required. All such individuals shall treat this information with confidentiality and not share or disseminate
with any third parties out with their national membership body.


12.1 FITEQ parties shall inform the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner confidentially and by using the appro-
priate channels, of any information related to a violation of the FITEQ Code of Ethics, with a view to
potential referral to the FITEQ Ethics Committee. This shall be done without delay, as soon as practicable,
any act, thing or information that may constitute (on its own or with other information) a violation or
potential breach of this Code.

12.2 Any disclosure of such information shall not be for personal gain or benefit, nor be undertaken
maliciously to damage the reputation of any person or organisation.

12.3 FITEQ parties are required to cooperate fully with all investigations commissioned by the Integrity
Commissioner in relation to possible violations by both him/herself and/or others of the Code by providing
any information, documentation pertinent to the investigation.

The FITEQ Ethics and Disciplinary Committee shall establish the policies and procedures relating to the
implementation of the Code of Ethics which will be subject to approval by the FITEQ Executive Board.

13.1 To lead the application, implementation and review of the Code, the FITEQ Board shall appoint an
independent and impartial Chair of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee, who shall be the FITEQ Integrity
Commissioner, to advise/guide the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee. The FITEQ Integrity Commissioner
is ultimately responsible for this Code and to act as an Ombudsman for the sport, on behalf of the Ethics
and Disciplinary Committee to receive concerns, complaints or information concerning an alleged viola-
tion of this Code of Ethics and/or any of its supporting policies.

13.2 The FITEQ Integrity Commissioner shall report on a quarterly basis to the FITEQ Board of Directors
in relation to both FITEQ and each of its member bodies’ compliance with this Ethics and Anti- Discrim-
ination Policy. FITEQ’s Board of Directors may decide to take action as it sees necessary with respect to
any elements of the Report including any incidents of inappropriate conduct referred to therein and/ or


failure or refusal to comply with the requirements of FITEQ’s Code of Ethics and/or any of its supporting
integrity policies.

13.3 FITEQ Ethics and Disciplinary Committee and Jurisprudence:

The Ethics and Disciplinary Committee shall be composed of two arms, an Investigation Unit and adju-
dication Disciplinary Tribunal reporting via the Chair of the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee who shall
report to the Board.

The Investigation Unit shall include independent experienced legal and regulatory experts to guide the
reporting, investigation and prosecution of ethical issues and concerns.

The adjudication Disciplinary Tribunal shall be the first instance hearing and shall hear all alleged violations
the Investigation Unit decide shall be prosecuted, unless it is determined the hearing shall take place at
national level. Disciplinary Procedures are set out in the FITEQ Disciplinary Policy


Violations of this Code of Ethics: it shall be a violation of this Code of Ethics for any applicable person (see
Scope of Application) to violate or fail to comply with any one or more of the Code of Ethics Articles and/
or its supporting Integrity Policies.

FITEQ parties shall also violate the Code of Ethics if they assist, encourage, aid, abet, conspire, cover-up
or engage in any other type of intentional complicity involving a violation or attempted violation of this
Code of Ethics and/or its supporting Integrity Policies.

14.1 Anti-Doping Rule Violations: Alleged violations of Anti-Doping Rules shall be dealt with under that policy
in the first instance, unless further investigation and prosecution of alleged associated violations are required.

14.2 Technical Rules: It shall not constitute a violation to raise a protest under the Technical Rules of the
sport as provided for in the Official Rules of Teqball.

14.3 Request for Early Reinstatement: Any FITEQ party who is serving a period of suspension for confirmed
a violation of the Code of Ethics may apply to the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner for early reinstatement
of his eligibility on the basis of new and significant facts or proof that despite the investigation could
not have been produced sooner and would have resulted in a more favourable decision.

14.4 Statute of Limitations: With the exception of an alleged violation of the following FITEQ Integrity
Policies: Safeguarding and Welfare, Equality and Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Corruption, where an
alleged violation may lead to a criminal investigation, no disciplinary action may commence against a
participant for other violations unless the action starts within 10 years of the alleged breach taking place.



15.1 Education and Training: All FITEQ Parties shall complete appropriate education and training as
directed by FITEQ from time to time. This includes, at the commencement of the Code of Ethics, and
policy implementation, at induction, prior to competing in an event or competition, within two months
of commencing employment (whether paid or voluntary). As a minimum FITEQ shall specify parties that
must undertake an online education programme on the Code of Ethics.

15.2 Each Federation is required to adopt a national level code of ethics (consistent with this document,
including national integrity policies that respect national legislation), to govern the behaviour of indi-
viduals directing and supporting it in its role as national governing body for the sport of teqball, to be
implemented within the restrictions of its national jurisdiction.

15.3 When there is a potential violation or alleged breach of FITEQ’s Code of Ethics or of the National
Federation’s national code of ethics (wherever this exists), the FITEQ Integrity Commissioner shall deter-
mine whether the matter should be pursued by the National Federation or under this Code of Ethics.
This is typically determined by whether the violation or alleged breach is a domestic matter or has more
far reaching international implications.

15.4 Each National Federation shall acknowledge, respect and implement within its national jurisdiction
all decisions made in applying and enforcing this FITEQ Code of Ethics.


Article 16 – Sanctions
16.1 Consistent with the Disciplinary Policy, any one of the following sanctions may be imposed for a
proven breach of the FITEQ Code of Ethics:

16.1.1 A warning relating to future conduct (i.e. a reminder of the particular component of the
FITEQ Code of Ethics that has been violated along with a written threat of sanction in the event
of a further infringement).

16.1.2 A formal reprimand.

16.1.3 A fine (of an infinite amount) and/ or an order of reimbursement or compensation.

16.1.4 Disqualification of results, forfeiture of any individual awards or benefits received as a conse-
quence of the conduct that resulted in the infringement.

16.1.5 Removal from office/redundancy.

16.1.6 Suspension from carrying out activities on behalf of FITEQ for a specified period.

16.1.7 Public Disclosure.


16.1.8 Other such sanctions that are deemed appropriate.

16.2 Sanctions for a proven breach of a specific integrity policy shall be applied as required by that policy.
The sanction imposed shall be determined by assessment of all of the relevant circumstances of the case
including the gravity of the breach and any mitigating or aggravating factors.

16.3 An individual may seek mitigation of sanction on the basis of that he/she has provided substantial
assistance to FITEQ given that the contribution of the substantial assistance directly resulted in FITEQ
and associated authorities to establish other breaches of the Code of Ethics.

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