IPC Dinosaur Detectives

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Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

Unit: Dinosaur Detectives

Unit Outcome: Link to Vision, Mission, Core Values: Cross Curricular links:
CLL-using more complex sentences to link thoughts Mission – to enable students to become effective (English and Mathematics)
(e.g. using and, because) communicators, creative thinkers and independent  Knowledge Harvest –
KUW-enjoys joining in with family customs and learners Listening and Speaking
routines Core Values – lifelong learning, effective  Explore opposites
CD-plays cooperatively as part of a group to develop communication  Reinforce shape & size
and act out a narrative vocabulary with 3D shapes &
PSHE-Understands that own actions affect other Eco Schools Link: other objects
people, for example, becomes upset or tries to comfort   Measure footprints &
another child when they realize they have upset them compare. How many of their
PD-Negotiates space successfully when playing racing feet can fit inside?
and chasing games with other children
Entry/Exit CLL KUW CD PSHE PD Provision Assess
Point Ops
Week 1 Entry point Knowledge Introduce the Make dinosaur Dinosaur Chalk/tape Dinosaur toys Observation
18.10.21 – Jurassic Harvest. Find concept of egg craft (p30) Roar! book by dinosaur and
(4) adventure: out what chn ‘long ago’ - Paint/draw dino Henrietta footprints on the Modelling questioning
(p16) already know baby onto paper Stickland floor. Chn can: materials and during
about Carefully plate - Run along the construction kits to knowledge
- Trees dinosaurs and carry papier- - Decorate a 2
Discuss any trails explore and build harvest.
- Background what they are mache eggs plate as the egg words that - Attempt to walk own dinosaurs
- Jungle sounds curious to to their table shell may be like a dinosaur, Photographs
- Sunken learn. and - Draw jagged line unfamiliar mimic the way during
Dinosaur picture
dinosaur - Have you ever pierce/hatch it down the middle such as meek dinosaurs activities
footprints seen a and cut. Join and explore move
- Egg hunt: dinosaur? with split pin their meaning.
Sorting Fiction & non-
*Papier-mache What about a Use the Use big & small
hoops: fiction dinosaur
dinosaur eggs? real dinosaur? illustrations to play equipment.
- Think about books
- Where might help chn Eg different
ways to sort
we see a make the link sized balls:
Picture puzzles - Eg: long
dinosaur? between - Which are *Chick hatching
neck, colour,
- Do all different easiest/hardest program? See real
legs, wings,
dinosaurs look words used to throw and eggs hatch,
the same? and the catch? observe &
- Label the
- How can we characteristics - Set up target compare features
find out more of the games to dinosaurs
- Count
about dinosaurs - Emphasise
dinosaurs? size
- Compare
- Do you know vocabulary
which groups After reading
the name of while playing
have the book, ask
any dinosaurs?
more/less the chn to
- Can you
dinosaurs choose 2
describe this
dinosaur to
from the book
to draw,
- How big to you
showing their
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

think this opposites. Eg:

dinosaur was? long/short,
- Where did big/small
dinosaurs live?
- What do you
think they ate?
- Why do you
think there are
no dinosaurs
around today?
- How do we
know what
looked like?
- What might you
see in a
- How do you
think this
moved about?
Can you show
- Would we like
dinosaurs to be
alive today?

Week 2 Fun action Ask the chn if Giant dino art Dinosaur Gather the chn Observation
25.10.21 song to they (p34) Roar! book by in an open and
(5) reinforce size remember the - Create a large Henrietta space where questioning
vocabulary footprint they canvas for Stickland they can move
- Challenge the discovered in groups of chn to freely. Explain Photograph
chn to order a our Entry paint on Discuss the that they are during
range of Point? Was it - Draw a simple dinosaurs that going to pretend activities
objects, big? outline of a are shown. to be lots of
making a line - Show them dinosaur (eg Are any different
Chn’s writing
from smallest the giant diplodocus) familiar to the dinosaurs.
about Entry
to biggest footprint of a - Chn to paint chn? Have a Encourage the
Triceratops (in using different toy collection use of space,
Look at some a sand pit or methods, mix available so safe movement
images of taped on colours & chn can find & awareness of
dinosaurs: floor) textures or matching others (p41)
- If you met a - Chn take of make a collage dinosaurs with
dinosaur, do their shoes - Option to paint the features of Tall dinosaurs
you think it and see how on bubble wrap those in – stretch your
would be very many would fit - Display this illustrations. arms above
big? inside the giant art on a your head.
- Are there any Triceratops wall Imagine their
Make a
clues in the footprint. arms are a long
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images? - Mark a line Opposites’ neck stretching

- Encourage chn and have a book by into the sky
to describe the child stand on stapling
size it. papers for 3 Wide
- Prompt them to - Other chn double-page dinosaurs –
think about help measure spreads. Have legs and
comparisons 9 metres and Prepare and arms spread
based on the mark it. Ask glue speech out. Blow out
setting. Eg: another child bubbles to cheeks.
taller than the to stand there. each page.
ceiling, longer This is how Fierce
than the wall, big/long dinosaurs –
bigger than the Triceratops Make hands
playground was! into claws and
- Take chn on a pretend to roar.
walk along its Provide a Meek
length, It’s varied dinosaurs –
almost as big selection of Cower down,
as a bus! dinosaur cover eyes and
- Repeat with look afraid.
images that
the children Fast dinosaurs
dinosaur to
compare. Eg: can explore – Make short
Diplodocus, and cut out. quick dashes.
Compsognath These can Stop and look
us then be glued around. Then
to the pages dash again.
to illustrate
each dinosaurs –
opposite. As Make slow,
the children heavy strides.
work on their
books, use Clean
the dinosaurs –
Pretend you are
opportunity to
talk to them
yourself and
about the looking happy.
of the Slimy
dinosaurs dinosaurs –
they are Imagine your
exploring – feet are stuck to
the ground.
and why they
Struggle to lift
have chosen
them out of an
them to imaginary
represent swamp as you
‘big’, ‘fierce’, take sticky,
‘fast’ and so gloopy steps.
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Chn can also

design a
cover for their
book and give
it a title.
At the end of
the session,
chn can share
their books
with each
other, talking
about their
choices of
dinosaur for
each page.
Week 3 Dinosaur Tell the chn they Add small Observation
1.11.21 landscapes are going to be world and
(3) making their own dinosaur toys questioning
Take the chn dinosaur world to complete
on a nature play area with the scene. Photograph
walk to trees, rivers, during
provide caves and other The chn can activities
inspiration. exciting features. now use this
area to act out
Ask the chn Provide pairs or their own
to try and individual chn exciting
describe what with a box they stories and
they can see, can decorate to adventures!
hear, smell become their
and touch as dinosaur world.
your walk
around the
area. Explore
the trees and
shapes that
the branches Make the
& roots make, features:
the colour of Dinosaur cave
leaves and – a cardboard
plants. roll, a small
round plastic
Provide paper container or
& pencils to plant pot can
draw some of make a great
the natural cave for
feature that dinosaurs.
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interest them. These could be

Collect decorated by
natural shaping and
materials gluing brown
such as twigs, tissue paper
stones and around the
bark which outside, or
maybe useful layering on
for the papier-mâché.
Jurassic trees –
pipe cleaners
can be twisted
and shaped to
make trunks and
branches. Then
cut out leaf
shapes from
coloured paper
or have chunks
of sponge that
the children can
paint and then
press onto the
pipe cleaner
branches. You
could also use
lolly-sticks or art
straws to make
tree shapes, or
paint fir cones in
greens and
browns for a
ready-made tree
or bush! Press
into playdough
bases to help
them stay
Stream or pond
– blue tissue
paper can be
torn and glued
into interesting
shapes, to make
a fast-running
stream cutting
across the
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

children could
use textured
blue paint to
cover a length of
card. Once dry,
a pond or stream
shape can then
be cut out and
glued onto the
base. Blue
beads, sequins
or gemstones
could also be
sprinkled or
arranged on glue
to make an
interesting water
Mountains and
volcanoes –
appropriate 2D
shapes can be
cut out of card
and then glued
to the backdrop.
show the
children how
they can make a
cone out of card,
then decorate
with textured
paint. If children
are familiar with
volcanoes from
pictures in the
storybooks you
have explored,
then you could
show them how
to turn a
mountain into a
volcano, by
cutting off the
top of the cone
and filling the
space with red
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and orange
tissue paper
flames and
cotton wool
Rocks and logs
– natural
collected on your
nature walk,
such as twigs,
pebbles, stones
and bark, can
make ideal
features for
dinosaur worlds.
Painted pebbles
are also perfect
for mini dinosaur

Week 4 Prior to the Pose the Provide groups Dinosaurs in Photograph

8.11.21 session, create question: Do with a varied My School during
(5) some mess in the children selection of junk book by activities
your setting think that materials, such Timothy
(the children having as boxes, egg Knapman
will be learning dinosaurs in cartons, paper
that some their setting Many of the
dinosaurs have would be fun? colourful
cardboard rolls,
visited!). Have Discuss and illustrations
some chairs then take a plastic cups and
so on, and art have
turned on their vote.
materials, such dinosaurs
side, toys and
art materials as paint, paper, hiding in
out of their card, fabric, pipe them.
containers – cleaners, string Encourage
could be
perhaps some extended by etc. the children to
left on tables or making your look closely at
the carpet. You Let groups the images to
own display
could have entitled ‘If decide what try and spot
board games dinosaurs dinosaur they them all. Talk
set up, come to are going to about the
suggesting that play…’ – make, based on different
someone was where pictures from dinosaurs that
playing with children can storybooks and are
them, and so practise their information mentioned.
on. emergent books. Have an Are any
Have a big
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golden writing by adult assisting familiar to the

envelope in the scribing how each group. children?
centre of the to play in a Discuss any Have some of
room. thoughtful, challenges, such your plastic
cooperative as making the toys available
When the and respectful dinosaur stand to look at and
children enter, way onto
up – or making a compare.
look surprised dinosaur
long neck. The
that there is footprints and Afterwards,
then gluing models could
such a mess. ask the
them to the end up being a
What could children if they
display. combination of can remember
possibly have 2D and 3D
happened? all the
shapes. different
You might want
As the children things that the
to have some
work on their dinosaurs got
models, use the up to in the
footprints left school. Do
around the opportunity to
talk about the they think the
space to dinosaurs
provide clues. different features
of their dinosaur were showing
and why these respectful
If the children
might be behaviour?
haven’t already What might
noticed the important – long
neck for they say to
envelope, then the dinosaurs
suggest that reaching up
high, plates or if they caught
the envelope them doing
spikes to protect
might contain some of those
them from other
something that dinosaurs, long things? Link
will solve the legs for running this
mystery. fast, big teeth for discussion to
eating meat and the IEYC
Open up the Personal
so on. Reinforce
envelope and Goals and
the describing
pull out a letter. involve
words that the
Read the children in
children have
message that talking about
been introduced
has been how best to
to previously.
scrawled on it look after
(this could be property and
done in messy show respect
paint!) to others.
We really
hope you

But we
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wanted to
come and

We might
have left a
bit of a

But we
did have a

From The
Week 5 Try and take In this Involve the Chn to take a With adult Photograph
15.11.21 the children to session the children in the closer look at assistance, during
(5) visit a local children are initial setting up the objects have children activities
museum. This going to be of your museum that they have make their own
will provide involved in role play area, found. What dinosaur
valuable first- their own which will be do they think sculptures using
hand archaeologica
added to over they are? their bodies.
experiences l dig, to find
the course of this Have hand Have them lie
that the ‘treasures’ in
children can and around Learning Block. lenses down, assuming
use to develop your setting. Decide on your available so different
their museum Start your display area for that the shapes, to
role play. session by your treasures, children can create the
Alternatively, asking the and encourage examine them skeleton/body of
you could take children if the children to more closely. a big dinosaur.
a virtual tour of they have help you arrange Provide
a museum and Create relay
ever these into assistance to
discuss the races where
searched for groups – help the
features and teams of
treasure. perhaps based children children must
artefacts that on type, or describe what
you see as you Perhaps they run to their own
might like to based on the they see – sand tray to
explore group of children shapes,
together (p61- look around uncover a piece
your setting to that found them. patterns, of a dinosaur
see what they images of jigsaw/construct
Children could people, ion toy, then run
can find? use symbols,
writing etc. back to tag the
Have a toy mark-making, next child. While
treasure pictorial one team
that these are
chest hidden representation or member is
treasures from
somewhere emergent writing hunting for the
long ago.
where it can to make labels next piece, the
be easily and signs for Now it is time other team
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found. Once it their display. The for the members can

has been photographs children to be putting the
found, bring it could be printed record their pieces together.
back to your out and used to finds, just like The first team to
circle. Ask the make a museum proper build their
children what ‘catalogue’ of archaeologist jigsaw/dinosaur
is the winner!
they think finds for each s. They
they might group. should ensure
find inside. that each
Take on the role
treasure is
Consider of a visitor to the
cleaned up,
what the word children’s
museum. Can then give it a
treasure number. They
means and the children tell
you something can write the
explore some number on a
about the
examples. Try label and then
treasures that
and arrive at take a
are on display?
a basic Ask the children photograph of
understandin to describe it. Ask the
g that where and how children why
treasure is the treasures giving a
something were found. number to
that is special Congratulate each object
and precious. them on an and taking a
Open up your exciting and
photo might
chest and interesting
be helpful. (In
reveal the museum display.
case a
contents. treasure goes
(This could be missing or
some plastic they get
gold coins mixed up, for
and costume example.)
jewellery etc.) Children can
Explain that also weigh
there are and measure
some people their objects
who look for (height and
treasure for a width), and
living – or as this
a hobby. information
They are could be
called recorded in a
archaeologist simple table,
s (sound out
with the name
the word for
or drawing of
the children to
repeat and the treasure
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practise), who and its

dig in the soil number.
to find old
objects from Groups can
long ago that also view the
might have treasures
become found by
buried. Shall others. If
we go looking appropriate,
for some real compare
treasures (like
In groups with rings or
an adult, lead
the children
Discuss size
over to your
dig area. The (which is
children can bigger/smaller
then use ?) and details
spades, that they
rakes, trowels might have in
and sieves to common.
dig and sift
through the End the
soil. session by
Have trays or telling the
boxes that the children that,
children can often when
carefully people find
place their old treasures,
finds inside. they take
There will be them to a
lots of place called a
excitement as museum. A
each item is
museum is a
place where
Have old
toothbrushes people can go
available that to look at
the children these
can use to treasures.
clean up their Have any of
objects, ready the children
for a closer been to a
examination museum?
back in your Explore the
setting. children’s
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What did they

see there?
Did they buy
anything while
they were
there? If
are limited,
then you
could view
one or more
of the virtual
museum tours
(see this
for continuous
provision and
for weblinks).
ask the
children: shall
we create our
Week 6 Assessment Begin your Set up some The children Photograph
22.11.21 Week session by hands-on are going to during
(5) asking the experiences for become activities
Prior to the children if the children to dinosaur
session, you will they have explore. These detectives,
need to make ever seen a might include: just like the
some salt real
people who
dough dinosaur dinosaur? Dinosaur
go hunting for
bones, which Why do they imprints – have
think there fossils to find
can then be a selection of
are no real plastic dinosaurs out more
hidden in sand about
dinosaurs that the children
trays for the around for us dinosaurs and
can press into
children to to look at? different the past.
discover (see Guide the materials and
Explore: Phase children Have some
textures, such as
A). To make towards an wet sand, salt pre-prepared
salt dough: understandin dough, clay, mud ‘fossils’ made
g that etc. Explore the by imprinting
1. Mix two cups
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of flour and dinosaurs are types of marks plastic

one cup of no longer that can be dinosaurs into
salt. around – they made. salt dough or
lived a long air-drying clay
2. Pour in ½ cup Dinosaur
time ago – and then
of water. footprints – dip
but we can allowing to
the feet of plastic
3. Mix and knead see them in
dinosaurs in harden. Have
the mixture museums,
paint and use some that
until you have like the old
them to create feature one
a firm dough. treasures we
colourful whole side of
Add more looked at in
patterns and a dinosaur,
water if the previous
trails across a and others
required. session.
sheet of paper. that might
Set up some have one part
Use the dough Help them to obstacles on the
to shape your understand of a dinosaur,
paper for the
own dinosaur that these are such as an
children to guide
bones. Try and the remains their dinosaurs imprint of their
make these of dinosaurs. around. Use tail or their
different sizes Some different colours footprints.
and shapes to children may for different
You could
add interest to be able to dinosaurs and
bury these in
the children’s recognise and compare the size
and shape of the your sand tray
exploration. For link some of for the
the skeletons marks that are
example, you children to
might want to to dinosaurs discover or
include some they have Dinosaur have them
curved bones previously moulds – have placed around
that could be learned a selection of
your outdoor
from a rib cage, about. dinosaur moulds,
setting for the
plate bones that such as those
Remind children to
could be from a used for cakes,
children of the find.
biscuits and
Stegosaurus’ role of jellies. Invite the When the
back and so on. archaeologist children to push
View some s (see ‘fossils’ have
these into wet
black and white previous been found,
sand or balls of
illustrations of Activity). clay to leave let the
dinosaur Explain that, shapes and children bring
skeletons for as well as imprints. them to your
reference. looking for museum role
Uncover the play area (or
Leave the fossil – prior to the carpet) to
pieces to air-dry some the session,
archaeologist look at and
and harden – or make a simple
s also travel share as a
you could bake outline drawing
in the oven around the of a dinosaur in group. Use
(around 200 world, looking white crayon on hand lenses
degrees for ten for the bones watercolour to take a
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to fifteen of dinosaurs. paper. Then closer look at

minutes). Then They dig for provide the marks that
place in the them in the watercolour have been
sand in different soil, in the paints for the made. Can
positions and same way children to paint any of the
depths for the that we dug in over the paper to children name
children to find reveal the
the soil to find the dinosaurs
when they go hidden fossil.
treasures. that might
exploring. Children could
also have a go at have made
And when the prints?
these people making their
own, by drawing Have some
find the images
dinosaur shapes
dinosaur available for
(or random
bones, they the children to
patterns) on the
use those paper with a point to.
bones to put white crayon
the dinosaurs then swapping Challenge the
back together papers with a children to
again, just partner, so each see if they can
like a jigsaw. can discover the find the
Shall we go hidden fossil correct
hunting for patterns. dinosaurs
some (from a varied
dinosaur Have an adult collection) to
bones? guide and match with the
prompt the marks that
In groups, let
children as they have been
explore. Look made in the
explore the
sand trays together at some fossils.
using play images of
The fossils
equipment different fossils.
can be added
such as little Explain in simple to your
spades, terms that, as museum role
trowels, well as finding play area for
brushes and bones, people the children to
so on. Have have learned continue to
the bones you about the past explore and
made prior to by finding fossils. investigate.
the session
buried in Fossils are
different parts marks of plants
of the tray. and animals
Let the preserved in
children enjoy rock. This
hunting for happens
the bones because the
and plant or animal
unearthing has been
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them. These covered in lots of

can then be layers of mud for
carefully a very long time,
placed on a pushing them
mat, where into the rock and
they can be leaving a mark.
brushed to These marks are
remove any called fossils and
sand. they help us to
learn about the
plants and
animals that
made the mark.
Like finding
bones, fossils
have helped
people to learn
about animals
from the past,
like dinosaurs.
Have a plastic Draw out a Ask the Gather the Harry and the
see-through maze for the children if children together Bucketful of
container filled children to they would with their Dinosaurs
with dinosaurs. guide a plastic like to have buckets of book by Ian
Extra dinosaur or Whybrow
options to Children can their own dinosaurs. Ask
estimate how small world bucketful of each child to
pick from person
many dinosaurs dinosaurs. pick out their As you read
through. This the book,
are inside the You can do favourite
could be drawn prompt the
jar. Then they onto sheets of the following dinosaur from
can tip out the activities as a the collection. children to talk
paper, chalked
dinosaurs and whole class Encourage them about how
onto the
count them to playground or or in small to describe their Harry feels
see if they were created using groups. dinosaur and, if when he loses
correct. Change strips of tape they are able to, his bucket of
on the floor of Reveal a explain why it is dinosaurs.
the number of
your hall, or if bucket and a their favourite. Can the
dinosaurs in the
space is limited small children show
jar each day to
you could use collection of Now we’re going you how he
provide a fresh to pretend that
wet sand in a plastic would be
challenge. our favourite
tray by dinosaurs. feeling? If
Use buckets channelling out Ask the dinosaurs have
and plastic wide pathways. children if gone missing!
model a sad
dinosaurs to Explain that the they can help Ask the children
to give you their face for the
practise and maze is a set you count the
favourite children to
reinforce of paths dinosaurs as
dinosaurs (you copy.
counting, one- through a thick you place
to-one and tangled can reassure
them inside Ask: how do
correspondence Jurassic forest. them that they
the bucket. we know that
will be getting
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, sharing and If they reach Place the them back!). the dinosaurs
grouping the star at the dinosaurs one Explain that, are Harry’s
end, then they by one. Then often, when favourite
will have ask the things go toys? Do we
discovered children if missing, people think he will
their missing they can tell might make a get his
dinosaurs! poster to let
you how dinosaurs
others know that
many back?
Reinforce basic something is
dinosaurs are missing. If we
directional When Harry is
inside the show on the
vocabulary. Eg: finally reunited
bucket. poster what is
left, right, with his
forward, Remind the missing, then dinosaurs at
backward children that, other people the end of the
in the story, know what to book, ask the
when Harry look for. (You children to
calls his could make a think about
dinosaurs by sample ‘lost and how Harry
name, they found’ poster for might be
appear. Shall a missing cat feeling now.
we sing a that the children Can they
song to make could look at.) show you?
the dinosaurs
appear? Provide art
materials for
A variation of children to draw
‘Ten Green or paint a picture
Bottles’ of their missing
(p103) dinosaur. Can
they remember
what it looks
like? Can they
remember the
name of their
dinosaur? Have
an adult draw a
speech bubble
coming from
each dinosaur,
with the name of
the dinosaur.
children could
imagine and
describe the
sound their
dinosaur makes,
for the adult to
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After children
have created
their picture, cut
out and glue
these onto one
giant poster –
with the title
‘Missing! Have
you seen our
Display the
finished poster
on the wall.
someone will be
able to find the
dinosaurs and
get in contact!
Have some Stomach Let children work The Dinosaur Dinosaur stomp
picture cards ache! in pairs to paint Who Lost His dances:
with different Create two their own Roar book by
meats and dinosaur ‘dinosaur friend’. Russel Punter https://
vegetables on heads out of If you wish, www.youtube.c
Extra cardboard As you share om/watch?
them. Tell the children could
options to boxes – one the book, v=gzesbQaqhC
pick from children they choose their
to represent a encourage the Y
are now going partner, or you
meat eater children join in
to feed the (such as could group the https://
with the roars
dinosaurs, to Tyrannosauru children yourself www.youtube.c
and the
help them feel s Rex) and – perhaps om/watch?
better – but we one to encouraging Prompt the v=Imhi98dHa5w
must be sure represent a children to work children to
that the plant eater with someone respond to
dinosaurs are (such as outside of their what Sid is
eating the right Brontosaurus) usual friendship Children could
doing at the
food. Which . Paint each group. start of the also create their
dinosaur do we one a book. Do they own dinosaur
think likes to eat different Have some large think what he exercise
meat and which colour – outlines of is doing routine, using
do we think perhaps dinosaurs drawn (scaring the the different
choosing a out on paper for other movements that
likes to eat
reddish- the children to dinosaurs) is they have
brown for the colour. Provide a nice thing to learned to make
ts? If the meat eater one paint for do? At the a sequence. An
children are and green for each child, end of the adult could
struggling, then
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

draw attention the plant which they can story, video these to
to the different eater, to help use with reinforce the make a
types of teeth. emphasize brushes, hands idea that the resource that
Meat eaters their or fingers to dinosaurs let the children can
have long sharp difference. apply to their Sid become view and enjoy,
teeth, to help Cut a space picture. Prompt their friend and join in with
out of the because he
them tear up them to explore the movements.
front of each helped them.
their meat. what happens
of the boxes That is what
Plant eaters for a mouth. when the two friends can do
have flat teeth, Fill the meat paints mix for one
to grind and eater’s mouth together on the another.
chew leaves. with sharp paper: Suggest some
pointed teeth other things
Display each Blue and red will
and the plant that friends
card in turn and make purple
eater’s mouth might do –
an invite a
with square Blue and yellow such as play
volunteer to
blunt teeth. will make green together,
choose which
share a toy,
dinosaur to Yellow and red
When the and so on. If
feed. They can will make orange
children arrive you have
then ‘post’ the
in the class, existing rules
card into the Talk about the for learning
dinosaur’s explain that new colour that together, then
mouth. For you have two they have made you may wish
added fun, you very sad by mixing their to revisit
could play an dinosaurs. paints together. these.
‘eating/ They have Let them
munching’ each been continue to
sound effect (if eating the explore as they
they get it use their paints
wrong type of
correct) or a to complete the
food and now
‘burping’ sound picture.
(if they get it they have a
stomach Congratulate the
wrong). children
afterwards on
Perhaps we
working together
can help them
as friends.
by finding out
dinosaurs ate
so that we
can feed
them the right

Have a
display of
foods or
pictures for
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

the children to
such as
spinach. Also
include some
examples of
meats such
as slices of
ham, turkey
or cooked
pieces. Begin
by asking the
children if
recognise any
of the foods.
Which have
they tried
Which do
they like/don’t

Do the
children know
which foods
are meats
and which
foods are
Work together
to sort the
available food
types into two
groups. Use
opportunity to
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

talk about and

reinforce the
names of the
Once the
foods are
explain that
many people
like to eat
meats and
but dinosaurs
There were
meat eaters
and there
were plant
eaters. What
foods do we
think a meat
eater would
like? Explore
your display
and let the
children name
the meats.
Then ask
them – what
foods would a
plant eater
like? If
children are
then provide
assistance by
that a plant
eater would
Which of our
foods are

Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

you could
look at some
picture cards
of different
Ask the
children to
help you sort
them into
those they
think are
meat eaters
and those
they think are
plant eaters.
Once the
dinosaurs are
the children to
note some of
the features
of dinosaurs
in each
category. For
many plant
eaters walk
on four legs –
they are slow
because they
don’t have to
hunt prey.
Contrast this
with the meat
eaters, who
run on two
legs, and are
often fast and
agile. They
also have
sharp claws
on their feet
as opposed to
Week 7 Exit Point – Swamp play – Volcano Afterwards, Dinosaurump After reading
29.11.21 MUD? (p164+) eruption children could us book by the book
(5) Dinosaur experiment? create their own Tony Mitten through, gather
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

Museum role (p138+) volcano art. the children in

play (p177) Explore different Exploring an open space,
effects by percussion such as the hall
or moving or instruments, or playground,
applying the sounds and to act out some
Making a paint in movements of the
dinosaur interesting ways (p157+) movements
costume – for example: from the book.
(p150-155) Call out the
Pour paint onto
following and
the paper, then
model the
use straws to
blow the paint actions for the
outwards to children to copy.
mimic the These might
explosive flames include:
spreading out
Dive – spread
from the top of
arms out and
the volcano.
pretend to glide
Use spray around the
bottles to spray space
paint and glitter Zoom – run as
onto the paper, quickly as
to make a possible,
speckled effect. moving safely to
This is great for avoid others
creating embers
of flame or Swish tail –
clouds of ash. move hips from
side to side as
Dip sponges in you move
paint and apply slowly around
to the paper to
make ash clouds Spin – turn
– or use cotton slowly on the
wool balls, spot
dipped in paint Jump – make
and then glue to ‘slow, heavy’
the paper. jumps around
the space
Shake – shake
head and body
Stomp – take
long heavy
strides as you
move around
the space
Tenby SEP TIS Medium Term Planning Format – IPC

Keep calling out

until the children
have grown in
Then play some
lively music and
invite the
children choose
their favourite
movement or
movements to
dance along
3.12.21 School Ends
End of What went well…
Unit What needs to be repeated…
reflection What assessment opportunities were taught/ missed out…
What would you do/ not do again…
Medium Half Term Planning: Reception Term 2B

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