What exactly is the past?
The past is the set of all events that occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and defined by the present and the future.
The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection.
A person’s identity is created by past moments, present experiences, as well as dreams for the future. The past plays a significant role in how a person chooses to live life.
What exactly is the past?
The past is the set of all events that occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and defined by the present and the future.
The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection.
A person’s identity is created by past moments, present experiences, as well as dreams for the future. The past plays a significant role in how a person chooses to live life.
What exactly is the past?
The past is the set of all events that occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and defined by the present and the future.
The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection.
A person’s identity is created by past moments, present experiences, as well as dreams for the future. The past plays a significant role in how a person chooses to live life.
What exactly is the past?
The past is the set of all events that occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and defined by the present and the future.
The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection.
A person’s identity is created by past moments, present experiences, as well as dreams for the future. The past plays a significant role in how a person chooses to live life.
The past is the set of all events that occurred before a
given point in time. The past is contrasted with and de- fined by the present and the future. The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection. A person’s identity is created by past moments, pres- ent experiences, as well as dreams for the future. The past plays a significant role in how a person chooses to live life because it has contributed to the formation of who a person has become. It is the catalyst to which beliefs are formed to design your future. According to neuroscience, the brain handles negative and positive information differently. Negative experi- ences require more thinking and, thus, are processed more thoroughly. This causes our brains to become better at remembering adverse events. Reliving sad memories makes us feel like a hamster in the wheel no matter how hard we try, we can’t move forward. You can’t change how your brain works. But you can train yourself to get off of the hamster wheel. That re- quires cutting the emotional attachment we have with the past, especially negative experiences. We usually have a hard time accepting that someone hurt us. Recognizing an unhappy ending makes us feel weak and embarrassed. How does the past affect your present life? For example, consider a highly feminine woman who will become emotionally attached to anything that sig- nificantly affects them, especially if it causes them pain or suffering. If her partner does something that causes her emotional pain, she will likely repeat it over and over again throughout the relationship. Her partner feels invincible because no matter how he corrects the situation, she continues to punish him for his previous transgressions. The thoughts you choose to keep in the thought cloud that pop up in your mind will negatively or positively affect your current state. Have you ever wondered why you never really get as much done as you need? That’s because you’re hoard- ing bad memories and experiences and you’re letting the past determine your future. You will never find what you are looking for if you do not have the strength to let go and see the world with new eyes. If you dwell on the past, you will never really live in the present. Clinging to the past, you won’t see the beauty of the present moment. . And if you don’t exist in the present, you’re living halfway from memory to memo- ry instead of opening your eyes and truly appreciating what’s around you. And you cannot heal and open your heart to joy and happiness . You will lose new opportu- nities, new love and new memories. Slavery is a thing of the past, but clinging to some- thing, you are making yourself a slave, and the trivial things that you refuse to let go are your masters. Take charge of your life and tear off those chains. There is a sense of accomplishment when you make the con- scious decision to become the master of your own life. Emotional scars from past relationships can ruin your current relationship. Past relationship traumas, such as emotional or physical abuse, can make you restless and skeptical in your new relationship. You can carry emotional baggage from past relation- ships into your current relationship and kill it even be- fore it blooms. Rebuilding love after emotional trauma is hard work, but you have to know what you’re doing. Basically, it consists of a pattern of behavior that you feel remorse for; you are overwhelmed with sadness or you have a lot of negative thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes, even when you are carrying an emotional
burden, you will not be aware of it because it is difficult to recognize its presence in your life.
If you’ve been through a difficult period in your life be-
fore, it’s easy to lose trust in people. You will bring hurt from your past relationship into your new relationship. So have you: էէ Insecurity envelopes your relationship Insecurity is the reason of all the evils which take place in your life, in general and in your relationship, in par- ticular. If you have gone, through a rough phase in your past life, then it will make you lose trust in people easily. You will carry your past relationship trauma into your new relationship. էէ You become overprotective. While rebuilding love after emotional trauma, you be- come overly protective. But your current relationship troubles start when you try to be overly protective and possessive and invade your loved one’s personal space. էէ Comparing your partner with your past lovers be- comes your habit You always compare your partner with your past lovers in such a way that it becomes disrespectful. You either think too highly of your past lover which makes your partner feel insignificant or you start thinking that your partner will hurt you like your past lover. Both these situations can hamper the peace of your present relationship. Remember people are different, so never compare one with another. էէ You feel depressed Even in the company of the person you love the most, you still feel depressed and feel that something is missing. This may be because of the feeling of anx- iousness that the past debacle has left you with. You must try to get over it. You are still looking for closure. Jay Shetty says, “That’s pointless because your ex lacks clarity to give you closure. So handle your emo- tions yourself.” Anxiety is something that gradually eats into your per- sonality and then eventually into your relationship. If you let the emotional scars of a past relationship to add to your anxiety then you are making a huge mis- take. էէ Fear of being dumped again Having been unexpectedly abandoned or dumped by your past lover will develop a fear in you. At the back of your mind, you will always think that this will be re- peated and it is difficult to be happy and satisfied in the present relationship with this sort of mindset. If you are carrying emotional scars from the past rela- tionship then this fear is inevitable. But how you deal with this feeling is entirely your call. If you let it engulf you then you will never be able to form a strong foun- dation for your new relationship. When we keep living in the past, it becomes a bur- den on us. It holds us back and drags us down. Like a snake shedding its skin over and over again, we need to keep letting go of the past so we can move towards the future constantly becoming a better and stronger version of ourselves. What does letting go mean? Here we’ll talk about letting go of the past so we can move on from relationships, people, and unhealthy emotions. Too much involvement with past memories that brought you suffering and pain, give rise to unhappy thoughts. This demands a heavy toll, and can take too much of your time, energy and health. This involvement agi- tates your mind and the feelings, obstructs common sense, and prevents you from enjoying inner peace. Letting go is the answer. Releasing the past is what you need to do. I am sure you have heard the phrase ‘let go’, more than a few times. What does letting go mean? What do you let go? We usually use this phrase, when someone dwells on past pains, failure or resentment. Most people are unable to quit the past. They keep thinking about it, creating for unnecessary continual pain and suffering. The problem is that most people don’t know how to let go. They are even afraid to let go. They are too at- tached to the past, even if it was not a happy past. Here are a few definitions that explain what is the meaning of the words “letting go of the past”: It means stopping the attachment to the past, especial- ly to painful past memories, and focusing on the pres- ent. When you release the past you can start accepting the present. It is non-attachment to results. This means that you do your best in every situation, but if things do not turn well or as planned, you don’t dwell on them and don’t get disappointed or discouraged. Letting go is like lifting the anchor of your ship, so that it can sail away. In order to move on, you need to re- lease painful thoughts, negative habits, fears and wor- ries. These are you anchor and shackles that tie you down to the same way of life, to the same habits and circumstances. Letting go of the past, and releasing it from your mind requires a certain degree of emotional detachment. This leads to non-attachment, about which all the spiri- tual traditions speak about. If you don’t let go, you remain tied and not free. You limit your perception, cause yourself stress and ten- sion. If you cannot detach yourself from painful mem- ories, envy, jealousy, bad relations, you suffer. It is like being in a swamp, doing nothing to get out. On the other hand, letting go, detaching yourself from the causes of suffering, brings relief, ease, joy and love. When we talk about letting go, we’re not really talking about gripping something with our hands. Letting go in psychology is the mental letting go or release of the psyche of attachment to something. Instead of fight- ing to have someone in our lives or for something to be a certain way, we let go of that need or want and instead accept what is or what is. needs to happen. This makes accepting or actively accepting experienc- es, thoughts, and feelings an important part of what it means to let go. The thing that is perhaps the most difficult for us to let go of is the past. We will probably go through a rough time and wish we were in the good times before. This means we always yearn for someone we love to stay in our lives, miss a good friend we left, or even wish someone important was still alive and well. with us to- day. All can be challenging. And whether you’re letting go because the other person is no longer in your life or because you’ve decided to no longer have this person in your life, it can be difficult to move on. Remember that your past Self no longer exists. Yes- terday has passed. All painful or sad memories of the past are over, and it’s time to say goodbye. Your Pres- ent Self should realize that you shouldn’t let the un- changeable rule your life and make you believe you’re less than your Future Self. Take time to explore your past and then commit to letting it go. Your past is like a rock you are throwing into the sea. Take the time to absorb each area of your life. The path to healing from the past is not always easy or short, but it is a necessary step to living in the present moment. The way you see yourself and your life should not depend on what happened, but instead on who you choose to be this second person. Perpetual happiness in life is closely tied to your ability to let go of your past and understand that those past events are over. Therefore, if traumatic past experienc- es are dwelled on for too long it can lead to depressing thoughts, including what you could have or should have done to the point where you feel stuck. The realty is that those are things you cannot change because that time has passed. Most people continue holding on because they fear that letting go will mean that they have to forget what happened . It’s not possible to detach entirely from something that has such a huge influence in your life . However , remembering the event should not give you bitter feelings . Letting go implies that you accept what happened. It means that you hug your past self with full arms . You remind yourself that you can transform the past into something that can fuel your dreams. Why is it important to let go of the past?