1) This document presents the mid-semester assessment scores for 36 students taking Islamic Religious Education class X.
2) It includes each student's attendance, average daily assignment scores, average test scores, mid-semester exam scores, average skills scores, and final semester scores.
3) The highest and lowest scores are reported, along with the class average.
1) This document presents the mid-semester assessment scores for 36 students taking Islamic Religious Education class X.
2) It includes each student's attendance, average daily assignment scores, average test scores, mid-semester exam scores, average skills scores, and final semester scores.
3) The highest and lowest scores are reported, along with the class average.
1) This document presents the mid-semester assessment scores for 36 students taking Islamic Religious Education class X.
2) It includes each student's attendance, average daily assignment scores, average test scores, mid-semester exam scores, average skills scores, and final semester scores.
3) The highest and lowest scores are reported, along with the class average.
1) This document presents the mid-semester assessment scores for 36 students taking Islamic Religious Education class X.
2) It includes each student's attendance, average daily assignment scores, average test scores, mid-semester exam scores, average skills scores, and final semester scores.
3) The highest and lowest scores are reported, along with the class average.
Absensi : Absensi Kehadiran Siswa RTH : Nilai Rata-Rata Tugas Harian Bekasi, 28 September 2022 RUH : Nilai Rata-Rata Ulangan Harian Guru Mata Pelajaran, PTS : Penilaian Tengah Semester PAT : Penilaian Akhir Tahun