Module 4 - 2
Module 4 - 2
Module 4 - 2
Spatial scales
• Regions,
• metropolitan areas,
• cities,
• towns,
• neighbourhoods,
• individual spaces, and finally, buildings.
3. Playing field
• Are open space dedicated for playing
sports such as football, basket ball, golf
Is an open space which is designed
and equipped for the children.
Urban Open Space Typologies
• City-Wide Parks: Large, flat and open expanses of land that accommodate events
and celebrations that attract people living in all parts of the city
• Non-Permanent Green Spaces: Unused streets and public rights of-way that are
quickly and inexpensively turned into new public plazas and parks for a temporarily
period of time in order to provide some open space and often additional outdoor
Sequence and stimulus space
• City design is a temporal art, but it can rarely use the controlled and
limited sequences of other temporal arts like music. On different
occasions and for different people, the sequences are reversed,
interrupted, abandoned, cut across.
• For emotional security as well as functional efficiency, it is important
that such sequences be fairly continuous, with no long gaps,
although there may be a thickening of detail at nodes.
• The sequence facilitates recognition and memorization. Familiar
observers can store up a vast quantity of point images in familiar
sequences, although recognition may break down when the sequence
is reversed or scrambled.
• Purposeful movements accomplished only by an elaborate
memorization of sequences of distinctive detail , so closely spaced
that the next detail is always within close range of the previous land
mark .
Sequence of spaces
• Sequences are not only reversible, but are broken in upon at many points.
• A carefully constructed sequence, leading from introduction, first statement,
and development to climax and conclusion, may fail utterly if a driver enters
it directly at the climax point.
• Therefore it may be necessary to look for sequences which are interruptible
as well as reversible, that is, sequences which still have sufficient
imageability even when broken in upon at various points, much like a
magazine serial.
Sequence of spaces
Plan of the sequence from Piazza
Montecitorio to Piazza della Rotonda,
showing the visual references that attract
and re-orient the pedestrians
This view shows how, when we enter Piazza Montecitorio, our attention is first
attracted by the obelisk (displayed in a place that creates an ideal separation
between the two spaces of the “T” shape piazza), then we are attracted by the
presence of the dome of Santa Maria in Aquiro’s Church.
Sequence of spaces
This second view shows how, when the dome of Santa Maria in Aquiro’s Church
is no longer visible, there is a bell tower of that church and the glimpse of the
piazza in front of it inviting us to walk in that direction.
Sequence of spaces
When we get to Piazza Capranica, the church is behind us. We immediately notice that the
piazza is almost rectangular, because two sides are just a little bit inclined and create a sort
of “cone” which leads us into the alley that appears as the major axis of the piazza (the
presence of retail confirms its hierarchical value).
Sequence of spaces
Still in the piazza, just before approaching the alley, our view is attracted by a glimpse
of a corner of the Pantheon, framed by the volumes of buildings flanking the alley: we
are invited to proceed in that direction.
Sequence of spaces
Finally, at the end of the alley we can approach, in oblique, the grandiose
presence of the Pantheon
Sequence of spaces
Stimulus space
Mapping Manek Chowk – Transformation Through The Day
That is to study its social anthropology and notice, for example, its
changing rhythms and pulses – now busy, now quite – and different
people using the space- more women at same times, more men at
Cycles of activity are also grounded in the changing seasons: