VPE 321veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonosis
VPE 321veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonosis
VPE 321veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonosis
Definitions and aims of epidemiology. Factors influencing occurrence of livestock diseases and
production. Ecological basis and natural history of diseases. Sources, Storage, retrieval and
representation of disease information/data. Epidemiological hypothesis. Epidemiological methods:
descriptive, analytical (observational), experimental, theoretical (modeling), serological and molecular.
Survey of animal diseases. Surveillance and monitoring of livestock diseases. Animal disease forecasting.
Strategies of disease management: prevention, control and eradication. Economics of animal diseases.
National and International regulations on livestock diseases. Role of OIE and laws on international trade
on animals and animal products. Definition, history and socio-economic impact of zoonotic diseases.
Classification of zoonoses and approaches to their management. New, emerging, re-emerging and
occupational zoonoses. Role of domestic, wild, pet and laboratory animals and birds in transmission of
zoonoses. Zoonotic pathogens as agents of bio-terrorism. Reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals
and humans, and the management of the following zoonoses: rabies, Japanese encephalitis, Kyasanur
forest disease, influenza, anthrax, brucellosis, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, listeriosis, plague, rickettsiosis,
chlamydiosis and dermatatophytosis. Food borne zoonoses: salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, clostridial
food poisoning, campylobacteriosis, helminthosis, toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis. Veterinary Public
Health Administration. PRACTICAL Collection of epidemiological samples. Measurement of disease:
determination of morbidity and mortality rates/ratios. Generation of epidemiological protocols and
reports. Demonstration of selected software programmes/models e.g. EPIZOO, HandiSTATUS and India-
Admas-EPITRAK. Evaluation of vaccines and diagnostic tests. Determination of Associations and risks:
relative risk, Odd’s ratio and attributable risk. Survey of an animal disease on a farm. Field survey of
zoonotic diseases. Concurrent isolation and identification of important pathogens of zoonotic important
from animal and human sources including foods of animal origin and their interpretation. Study of rural
environment and health status of rural community. Visit to primary health centre/human hospital and
study of the common diseases affecting rural/urban population, and probable relationships of these
human disease conditions with animal diseases present in the area.
Learning objectives
To learn about,
o Introduction to epidemiology and its meaning in veterinary context
o Aims of epidemiology
o Objectives of epidemiology
Epidemiology is a very old science, but it has gained importance only after “germ
theory” of disease causation was established in 1800.
Then epidemiology has become a more holistic discipline, and many factors in
addition to the specific agent are being investigated to determine their role as
potential causes of disease.
Epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people
and why.
Like the clinical findings and pathology, the epidemiology of a disease is an integral
part of its basic description.
Clinical observations determine decisions about individuals. Epidemiological
observations may also guide decisions about individuals, but they relate primarily to
groups of people.
The unit of concern in epidemiologic studies is not the individuals but rather groups
or categories of individuals such as pen, herd or flock.
It gives information about what animals are affected and where and when a disease
occurs - often suggestive of the cause of disease.
Subsequently it will be necessary to identify the determinants (cause) of the disease
(i.e., to explain why the disease occurs - with the objective to reduce the severity or
frequency of occurrence).
Epidemiology has its special techniques of data collection and interpretation, and its
necessary jargon for technical terms.
A key feature of epidemiology is the measurement of disease outcomes in relation to
a population at risk.
The population at risk is the group of people, healthy or sick, who would be counted
as cases if they had the disease being studied.
Epidemiological information is used to plan and evaluate strategies to prevent illness
and as a guide to the management of patients in whom disease has already
Veterinary epidemiology additionally includes investigation and assessment of other
health related events particularly productivity. Epidemiology thrives on
Literal Translation
Epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people
and why.
The study of disease as a mass phenomenon (Greenwood, 1934).
The study of ecology of infectious diseases (Gorden, 1963).
A method of reasoning about disease that deals with biological inferences derived
from observations of disease phenomena in population groups (Linlienfeld, 1978).
Quantitative analysis of circumstances under which disease processes including
trauma occur in population groups, the factors affecting their incidence, distribution
and host responses and use of this knowledge in prevention and control (Evans,
The investigation of diseases, other health related events and production in animal
population and making inferences from the investigation in an attempt to improve
the health and productivity of populations (Thrushfield, 1986).
Learning objectives
Primary determinants
Primary determinants
Secondary determinants
Secondary determinants
Some determinants both primary and secondary are internal to the host.
o Examples: Genetic constitution, including aberrant genes (which are primary
causes of genetic disorders), species, breed and sex.
These determinants are intrinsic, also termed endogenous.
In contrast some determinants are external to the host; for instance, transportation,
which may result in physical trauma, producing bruising of carcasses. Such
determinants are extrinsic, also termed as exogenous.
Intrinsic Extrinsic
These three groups of factors are sometimes called the "epidemiological triad".
In some diseases an infectious agent is the main determinant and host and
environmental factors are of relatively minor importance. Such diseases are 'simple’.
E.g. foot-and mouth disease and rinderpest.
In other disease termed 'complex', their multifactorial nature predominates and a
clear interaction between host, agent and environment can be identified.
Thus, 'environmental' mastitis involves an interaction between Escherichia coli (the
agent), milking machine faults, and poor hygiene resulting from inadequate bedding,
drainage and cleaning of passage ways (the environment). In addition, cows (the
hosts) are most susceptible in early lactation.
Species and Breed
Coat colour
Physiological status
Size and confrontation
In general young animals are more likely to be affected by many bacterial and viral
This is because of an absence of acquired immunity (maternally derived antibodies)
(Example: Parvoviral infection in young pups)
o Low non-immunological host resistance.
o In contrast many protozoan and rickettsial infections induce milder response
in young than old.
It includes
o Hormonal determinants
o Occupational determinants
o Social and ethological determinants
o Genetic determinants
Hormonal determinants
o Bitches are more likely to develop signs of diabetes mellitus after oestrus,
possibly more than male dogs, due to increased insulin requirement during
o Less incidence of mammary carcinoma in neutralized bitches.
Occupational determinants
o Increased risk of heartworm infection in male dogs, resulting from increased
occupational exposure of male dogs during hunting (mosquitoes are vectors).
Social and ethological determinants (Behavioral patterns)
o Example: Competition between male dogs for breeding with females
resulting in transmission of rabies due to bite wounds.
Genetic determinants
o Inherited either by sex linked, sex limited or sex influenced.
o Example: Haemophilia A and B, which associated with ’X’ chromosomes and
are inherited recessively, the defects being predominant in males.
Coat colour
White cat prone for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, which is related to lack of
Physiological status
Cows with small pelvic outlet relative to their size - predisposed to dystocia.
o Example: Hip dysplasia and osteosarcoma are common in larger breeds
than smaller breeds.
Virulence and pathogenecity
Infectious agents vary in their ability to infect and to induce disease in animals.
Ability to infect depends upon the susceptibility of the host and also the immune
status of the host.
Ability to induce disease is expressed in terms of virulence and pathogenecity.
It refers to the quality of disease induction. Pathogenecity can also be defined as the
ratio of number of individuals developing clinical illness to the numbers exposed to
A highly pathogenic organism induces clinical disease in large proportions of
Virulence and pathogenecity are commonly intrinsic characters of an infectious
Pathogenecity is sometimes used as a synonym for virulence.
Virulence and pathogenecity are either phenotypically or genotypically conditioned.
Phenotypic changes are transient and are lost in the succeeding generations.
Genotypic changes result from a change in DNA and RNA of the microbial genome.
Genotypic changes in an infectious agent can result from mutation, recombination,
conjugation, transduction and transformation.
Local geological formations, vegetations and climate affect the spatial distribution of
both animals and diseases.
o Example: Jaw tumors in sheep are associated with the distribution of bracken
Noise is also associated with location.
The temporal distribution - disease is also associated with location because of
seasonal effect of climate.
Two types
o Macroclimate
o Microclimate
o Comprises of normal components of weather to which the animals are
exposed: Rain fall, temperature, solar radiation, humidity and wind velocity.
o Temperature: Newborn animals are more prone to hypothermia.
o Wind and rain increases heat loss from animals.
o Cold stress predisposes animals to diseases.
o Wind can also carry infectious agents (like FMD virus) and arthropod vectors
(Culicoides spp. with bluetongue virus)
o Solar radiation - primary determinant for the
carcinogenic effect.Example: Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
o Stratospheric ozone depletion - increases ultra violet radiation
o Humidity: In low humidity, IBRT virus survives well and in high humidity,
rhinovirus survives well.
o Climatic impact can be measured in several ways. A common method is to
calculate the Wind-chill index. This combines the effects of temperature and
wind speed and especially important at temperatures below freezing.
o A microclimate is a climate that occurs in a small-defined space. This may be
as small as within a few millimeters of a plant or animal’s surface (Terrestrial
or Biological) or as large as a piggery or a calf house.
o Terrestrial microclimate (over the surface of leaves) affects the development
of arthropods and helminths.
o Biological microclimate (over the surface of the host’s body) can change
during the course of a disease, assisting its spread. Example: Sweating during
parasitaemic phase in human malaria, increases the humidity of body surface
and attracts mosquitoes.
Learning objectives
Primary determinants
Primary determinants
Secondary determinants
Secondary determinants
Some determinants both primary and secondary are internal to the host.
o Examples: Genetic constitution, including aberrant genes (which are primary
causes of genetic disorders), species, breed and sex.
These determinants are intrinsic, also termed endogenous.
In contrast some determinants are external to the host; for instance, transportation,
which may result in physical trauma, producing bruising of carcasses. Such
determinants are extrinsic, also termed as exogenous.
Intrinsic Extrinsic
Some determinants both primary and secondary are internal to the host.
o Examples: Genetic constitution, including aberrant genes (which are primary
causes of genetic disorders), species, breed and sex.
These determinants are intrinsic, also termed endogenous.
In contrast some determinants are external to the host; for instance, transportation,
which may result in physical trauma, producing bruising of carcasses. Such
determinants are extrinsic, also termed as exogenous.
Intrinsic Extrinsic
Species and Breed
Coat colour
Physiological status
Size and confrontation
In general young animals are more likely to be affected by many bacterial and viral
This is because of an absence of acquired immunity (maternally derived antibodies)
(Example: Parvoviral infection in young pups)
o Low non-immunological host resistance.
It includes
o Hormonal determinants
o Occupational determinants
o Social and ethological determinants
o Genetic determinants
Hormonal determinants
o Bitches are more likely to develop signs of diabetes mellitus after oestrus,
possibly more than male dogs, due to increased insulin requirement during
o Less incidence of mammary carcinoma in neutralized bitches.
Occupational determinants
o Increased risk of heartworm infection in male dogs, resulting from increased
occupational exposure of male dogs during hunting (mosquitoes are vectors).
Social and ethological determinants (Behavioral patterns)
o Example: Competition between male dogs for breeding with females
resulting in transmission of rabies due to bite wounds.
Genetic determinants
o Inherited either by sex linked, sex limited or sex influenced.
o Example: Haemophilia A and B, which associated with ’X’ chromosomes and
are inherited recessively, the defects being predominant in males.
Coat colour
White cat prone for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, which is related to lack of
Physiological status
Cows with small pelvic outlet relative to their size - predisposed to dystocia.
o Example: Hip dysplasia and osteosarcoma are common in larger breeds
than smaller breeds.
Virulence and pathogenecity
Infectious agents vary in their ability to infect and to induce disease in animals.
Ability to infect depends upon the susceptibility of the host and also the immune
status of the host.
Ability to induce disease is expressed in terms of virulence and pathogenecity.
It refers to the quality of disease induction. Pathogenecity can also be defined as the
ratio of number of individuals developing clinical illness to the numbers exposed to
A highly pathogenic organism induces clinical disease in large proportions of
Virulence and pathogenecity are commonly intrinsic characters of an infectious
Pathogenecity is sometimes used as a synonym for virulence.
Virulence and pathogenecity are either phenotypically or genotypically conditioned.
Phenotypic changes are transient and are lost in the succeeding generations.
Genotypic changes result from a change in DNA and RNA of the microbial genome.
Genotypic changes in an infectious agent can result from mutation, recombination,
conjugation, transduction and transformation.
Major changes are referred to as 'antigenic shift' and minor changes as 'antigenic
Conjugation involves transmission of genetic material from one bacterium to another
by conjugal mechanism (i.e. by touch) through a sex pilus.
This is common in E.coli, Salmonella, Proteus, Shigella and Pasteurella species.
Virulence and pathogenecity
Infectious agents vary in their ability to infect and to induce disease in animals.
Ability to infect depends upon the susceptibility of the host and also the immune
status of the host.
Ability to induce disease is expressed in terms of virulence and pathogenecity.
It refers to the quality of disease induction. Pathogenecity can also be defined as the
ratio of number of individuals developing clinical illness to the numbers exposed to
A highly pathogenic organism induces clinical disease in large proportions of
Virulence and pathogenecity are commonly intrinsic characters of an infectious
Pathogenecity is sometimes used as a synonym for virulence.
Virulence and pathogenecity are either phenotypically or genotypically conditioned.
Phenotypic changes are transient and are lost in the succeeding generations.
Genotypic changes result from a change in DNA and RNA of the microbial genome.
Genotypic changes in an infectious agent can result from mutation, recombination,
conjugation, transduction and transformation.
Learning objectives
Ecology developed as a discipline relating to animals and plants, but has been
extended to include microorganisms.
The scale of ecology therefore ranges from an investigation of leptospires in the
environment of the renal tubules to the distribution of sylvatic hosts of FMD in the
African savannahs.
The study of disease’s ecology (natural history) is a part of epidemiological
It has two objectives
o (i). An increase in understanding of the pathogenesis, maintenance and
transmission of infectious agents of disease.
o (ii). The use of knowledge of a disease’s ecology to predict when and where a
disease may occur, and to enable the development of suitable control
Vegetational zones
Botanists were the first to note the division of earth into different vegetational zones.
Early 18th century naturalists suggested that the world was divided into discrete
formations of vegetations such as tundra, savannah and desert. These apparent neat
formations were first explained by de Candole (1874) who argued that climate
particularly temperature dictated vegetation. He drew the first vegetational map
based on isotherms.
At the beginning of the 20th century Koppen used de Candole’s classification as the
basis for modern system, which provides good correlation between climatic and
vegetational regions.
These life zones are now commonly called biomes. Example: Tropical rain forest,
savannah, tundra each with its own particular range of plants and animals.
Distribution of infectious agents and their vectors and the disease may be limited by
the environmental conditions of the biomes. E.g. Fungus Coccidioides
immitis limited to areas characterized by hot summers, mild winter, and alkaline pH
soil. Rift valley fever in West African ecological zones (Mosquito vectors in these
Balance of Nature
The populations are brought into balance by competition for the resources of the
habitat especially food.
Competition therefore is density dependent. Example: Reproduction
of Ascaris species is density dependent.
Predation has a role in controlling the size of the population. This is particularly true
in the case of small animals.
Small predators notably insects are efficient controllers of population.
Predators have been used to control insect pests. Example: Lady birds used to
control cotton cushony-scale insects.
Infectious disease
Infectious diseases are determining and regulating the size of the population.
Example: Epidemics.
Infectious agents can be divided into two groups according to generation dynamics,
as Microparasites and Macroparasites.
o Microparasites: Multiply directly when inside the host increasing the level of
parasitism. Example: Viruses, bacteria and protozoa.
o Macroparasites: Do not increase the level of parasitism, grow in the host but
multiply by producing infective stages which are released from the host to
infect new hosts. Example: Helminths and arthropods.
Home range
Certain animals have natural restriction to the area over which they roam, i.e. is their
home range.
This may control the population and has implications for the transmission of
infectious diseases.
Infected animals may transmit infections over their home range but no further.
Example: Scrub typhus.
The small home range of rats (maintenance host) results in mite’s (vectors) life cycle
restricted to small area called 'mite islands'. When mites are infected with this
rickettsial disease, localized endemic areas of scrub typhus associated with mite
islands occur.
The part of an animal’s home range that defends aggressively from invaders is the
animal’s territory. This behavioral response is territoriality.
Territoriality may control the population.
The size of the territories varies for the same and for different species.
Social dominance
In the 1920's, a social hierarchy called the 'peck order' was discovered among birds.
Some gregarious species especially rodents inhabit at favourable places.
When crowding occurs, socially weaker sections are forced out. This may be a
population control mechanism.
The distribution, the home range of animals and other behavioural activities of the
hosts of the infectious agents affect the transmission of infectious agents.
Example: The vulpine rabies.
The maintenance host, fox’s behaviour alters the association between foxes.
The animals may be solitary, paired or part of the family unit.
Increased home range may also increase the spread of infection.
Logistic equation for each species to find the relative size of each population
produces pairs of equations that were derived independently in US by Lotka (1925)
and in Italy by Volterra (1931). These equations are therefore called Lotka-Volterra
equations. They can be derived for varying degree of competition. The conclusion
drawn from these equations is of fundamental importance in ecology.
It is that the coexistence of two strongly competing species is impossible. Coexistence
is possible if the competition is weak. This led to the principle of competitive
exclusion. That the competition will exclude all but one species from a particular
position defined by an animal’s feeding habits, physiology, mechanical habits and
behaviour. This position is 'animal’s niche'. The principle of competitive exclusion
can be summarized as “one species, one niche”.
Louse infestation
o Lice tend to be host specific. Pig lice do not live on man or dog or vice versa.
By being host specific, species of lice avoid competition, i.e, they have their
own niche.
o Two types of lice live on man; the head louse and the body louse each
parasitizising the two different parts of the body.
Intracellular parasites occupy a niche in the cells
o They include all viruses, bacteria, and some protozoa.
o There are several advantages to this type of existence such as safety from
humoral antibodies and extra cellular agents.
Epidemiological interference
o Studies in India have shown that the presence in a human community of one
type of respiratory adenovirus prevents infection with other types even
though the latter are common in surrounding communities.
o This is because the first type occupies a niche (the lower respiratory tract),
which therefore cannot be filled by other agents. This phenomenon is caled
'epidemiological interference'.
A particular biome consists of different types of animals and plants. Some are
common and others are scarce; Some are large, others are small.
Reasons for these variations have been suggested by ecological studies.
Food chains
Charles Elton noted what foxes ate in the summer and winter. In summer the foxes
ate birds. The birds ate berries, tundra leaves and insects.
The insects also ate leaves. Thus Elton noted that there was a food chain: tundra-
In the winter there was a different food chain: marine animal- seal-polar bear-fox.
Therefore in animal communities, a complex system has evolved with food chains
linking animals.
Elton observed that animals fed at different levels in the food chains. These levels he
termed as 'Trophic levels'.
He also noticed that animals occupying different trophic levels generally were of
different sizes.
The foxes were the largest and the birds were smaller (one level down). Similarly
further down the pyramid, the insects were even smaller.
The food web of an animal can determine the transmition of infectious agents. An
animal acts as host and to which food poisoning toxin is risk.
Helminthic parasites for which there are definitive and intermediate hosts, are
frequently transmitted by food webs. E.g. Echinococcus granulosus. Eating sheep
offal infects dogs.
Salmon poisoning: Rickettsia parasitizes a fluke that in turn parasitizes a snail that
in turn releases infected miracidia, which parasitizes the salmon. Feeding salmon to
dogs transmits the rickettsia.
Areas characterized by animals and plants that occupy them and by their physical
and climatic features pose a unique interacting complex. This is called as ecosystems.
An ecosystem is an ecological unit consisting of both biotic and abiotic factors of
Components of ecosystem
A biotope can vary in size. Example: Caeca of a chicken for Coccidia or an area of
poorly drained land for Fasciola infection in cattle.
The different modes of nutrition that are found in animals occupying different
trophic levels can be illustrated by constructing ecological pyramids.
There are three types of pyramids
o Pyramid of numbers
o Pyramid of energy
o Pyramid of biomass
Pyramid of numbers
This was first proposed by Charles Elton (1927). This illustrates the population
density relationships within and between trophic levels.
The number of individuals decreased at each trophic level due to differences in
population growth and also due to predation.
Pyramid of energy
Here there is relationship between energy available between different trophic levels.
Pyramid of biomass
o Anthropurgic ecosystem
o Synanthropic ecosystem
Autochthonous ecosystem
Anthropurgic ecosystem
Synanthropic ecosystem
Ecological climax
When plants, animals, microbes, soil and macroclimate have evolved to a stable,
balanced relationship, an ecological climax traditionally is said to have occurred.
When infections are present, they too are stable and therefore are usually
endemic. Also, the balance between host and parasite usually results in inapparent
infections. Such stable situations can be disrupted frequently by man resulting in
epidemics. Example: Bluetongue, a viral disease of sheep, was recognized only after
the importation of European breeds of sheep into South Africa towards the end of the
19th century. The virus, however, was present in indigenous sheep before that time,
but was part of an ecological climax.
The importation of exotic sheep represented a disturbance of stable climax.
A climax involving endemic infectious agents indicates that all factors for
maintenance and transmission of the agent are present.
Sometimes changes in local ecology may tip the balance in favour of disease
incidence. Example: The seasonal periodicity of FMD in South America may be as a
result of seasonal increases in the size of susceptible cattle population when animals
are brought into endemic area for fattening.
Ecological interfaces
Ecological mosaics
The study of diseases in relation to the ecosystems in which they are found, is
landscape epidemiology.
Medical ecology, horizontal epidemiology and medical geography also convey the
same meaning.
Investigations are frequently qualitative, involving the study of the ecological factors
that affect the occurrence, maintenance and in the case of infectious agents,
transmission of disease.
This contrasts with the quantitative associations between specific diseases and the
hypothesized factors - sometimes termed 'Vertical epidemiology'.
Landscape epidemiology was developed by Russian Pavlovsky (1964), and later
expanded by Audy (1962) and Galuzo (1975).
Russian steppe biome was the home of the great plagues such as Rinderpest.
Many arthropod-transmitted infections present in the steppes were also limited to
distinct geographical areas. These foci were natural homes of these diseases and were
called nidi (Latin; nidus - nest).
The presence of a nidus depends on its limitation to particular ecosystems.
made about the occurrence of disease and facilitates the development of appropriate
control strategies.
o Example: Kyasanur forest disease. It is caused by an arbovirus. It is
apparently restricted to an area 600 miles square in Mysore. The virus
endemically and inapparently infects some small mammals, including rats in
the local rain forest. The virus is transmitted by several species of ticks of
which only Haemaphysalis spinigera infest man. When man creates
ecological mosaics by cultivating areas for rice, his cattle roam into the
surrounding rain forest and may become infested with virus-infected
ticks. Dense population of ticks therefore build up around villages and when
infected, these ticks can transmit the infection to man.
Learning objectives
The data related to disease and the associated factors are utilized for epidemiological
The collection of data always involves a cost, which includes postal charges for
questionnaire and laboratory examination charges.
It is very important to note that knowledge regarding the suitable sources for
particular disease is very much essential before collection of data.
The data from certain sources may be unsuitable and may not serve any purpose.
The objective of Epidemiological investigation is very clear to the suppliers of data
and only then they co-operate.
The questionnaire must be so designed that it should not be complex and time
consuming, and should be easily understandable.
Generally the government provides funds fore collection of information on those
diseases that are of a economic important to that particular state of country.
Poor laboratory diagnostic facility and insufficient manpower may hinder in
collection of data.
Its always better to study number of diseases at a time so that repeated visit to the
same place can be avoided.
Due to well developed veterinary infra structure and disease recording system in
developed countries, the data obtained from majority of the sources are actual.
However this is not so with developing countries where the diagnostic infrastructure
is lacking.
Therefore, all the sources may not be able to provide the desired epidemiological
The different sources from where the data can be collected are as follows,
These organizations are responsible for investigating diseases (both infectious and
non- infectious) in different species of livestock.
Besides this, the Government has also set up various diagnostic laboratories where
the specimens / samples received from the field are examined, thus helping in
disease diagnosis.
The Government Veterinary Hospitals are the major source of data collection.
There are certain institutes / farms that are under direct control of ICAR / Central
Government. In Tamil Nadu, Southern Regional Research Centre, Kodaikannal,
Nuclear Jersey Farms, Udhagamandalam and other private farms. Besides these
there are various research institutes in other States too. All these institutes are
recording and storing data in relation to diseases and production events regularly.
Slaughter houses
In India, large numbers of animal (cattle, sheep, goat, pigs, etc.,) are slaughtered
daily for human consumption generally apparently healthy animals are slaughtered,
therefore majority of the diseases are diagnosed at meat inspection are subclinical or
The data related to the parasitic diseases like Taeniosis, Gastrointestinal
nematodiosis and chronic diseases like TB, JD could be better obtained from these
During meat inspection it is possible to conduct auxiliary investigation of blood,
sputum, lymph nodes and other tissues for specific studies for specific studies
example examination of cysticercosis, echinococcosis, etc., these slaughter houses
are primary sources of data for disease surveillance for conditions for which other
diagnostic methods are not appropriate. Since the animals arriving at abattoir are
from different places, it is possible to trace back the origin of infection.
These sources have been used for Epidemiology surveys. Example: surveys of
reasons for condemnation of sheep at Scottish abattoir.
Abattoir investigation can also be used to indicate fault in husbandry practices.
Veterinary colleges
All the Veterinary Colleges have Veterinary clinics where individual cases related to
surgery, Gynaecology and Veterinary Medicine are treated. Thus the clinics provides
useful data related to these disciplines.
Poultry farms
There has been phenomenal growth of poultry industry in India during the last two
The data related to poultry diseases can be obtained from various broiler farms and
layer farms and hatcheries.
We can come to know the emergence of new diseases as well as reemergence of
diseases if data are collected regularly.
This in-turn helps in the understanding the disease patterns and association of
various casual factors with these diseases.
Vaccine institutes
These can provide information regarding type of vaccines produced, total doses
produced and sold in a particular area / region / State.
The vaccines for various diseases of livestock and poultry are being produced for
both under government and private sectors.
The total vaccine consumption in an area will indirectly help in knowing the disease
status, and awareness among masses regarding the disease problems.
Feed manufacturers
Feed manufacturers (both under government and private sectors) can provide
information about type of ingredients used in a mixed feed.
We can also know the trend of ingredients used in a particular area.
Pharmaceutical companies
Data related to health of pet animals particularly dogs, cats, lovebirds provide
information regarding disease prevalence.
Government bulletins
Knackers' yards
The premises other than the slaughter houses where ill or dead animals, which are
unfit for human consumption, are sent for slaughtering are referred as knacker
Geographical Information Systems have the ability to graphically overlay data from
various sources on the same map.
Applications of GIS
Vertical bars display the variables and height of the bars is proportional to the
number of occurrences of the variable.
The bar chart is used to display those variables whose counts comprise of whole
numbers (Example: Number of cases of a disease and mortality).
If the bars touch each other, then it is known as Histogram. In this, the variations in
a character can be understood easily.
o Example: Season wise mortality percentage in poultry based on post-mortem
examination (1988 – 1997) from Avian Disease Diagnostic Laboratory,
Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India.
Shewhart charts
These charts can monitor any variation in a parameter over a period of time by
plotting values graphically with time as the horizontal axis. In these charts, a
standard / reference value is added as a horizontal line.
Decision boundaries are the interference levels are also drawn on the chart.
Remedial action are taken if the values of a variable crosses these boundaries.
The decision boundary can be derived mathematically and is based on estimated
standard error of Mean.
These charts are effective in detecting large and abrupt changes in the values of a
Cusum charts
Mapping out the distribution of a disease or variable is a fascinating task. Maps can
very well display the spatial distribution of a disease and the associated factors. It is
also known as cartography.
Besides knowing the areas where the disease is present it also helps in understanding
the mode and direction of transmission of an infectious disease.
Maps can also suggest the possible causes of diseases of unknown etiology.
The maps can be qualitative or quantitative.
In the former type, the location of present/absence of disease is indicated. However,
no information can be obtained regarding the amount of disease.
In the later type, the amount of a disease in a particular area is displayed.
Maps can either be constructed according to shape of a district, state or country
(called as geographic base maps) or according to size of population concerned (called
as demographic / isodemographic base maps).
In demographic type, the morbidity and mortality values are presented in relation to
the size of population.
Therefore, accurate information on morbidity, mortality and population are required
for these maps.
These are not commonly used in Veterinary practice.
Generally, geographic base maps are used and most of the atlases consist of these
There are several types of geographic base maps:
Distribution map
Choloroplethic map
Isoplethic map
Demographic map
Learning objectives
A proposition that can be tested formally and then the hypothesis may be supported
or rejected.
Association with year, season, month, day or even hour may provide information on
climatic influence, incubation period and source of infection.
For example, an outbreak of salmonellosis in a group of cattle may be associated with
the introduction of infected cattle feed.
When the major facts have been established, alternative causal hypotheses can be
Method of difference
Method of agreement
Method of concomitant variation
Method of analogy
Method of difference
Method of agreement
This method involves a search for a factor, the frequency or strength of which varies
continuously with the frequency of the disease in different situations. Thus, the
distance over which cattle are transported before slaughter appears to be related to
the occurrence of bruises in their carcasses.
Method of analogy
This method of reasoning involves comparison of the pattern of the disease under
study with that of a disease that is already understood, because the cause of a disease
that is understood may also be the cause of another poorly understood disease with a
similar pattern.
Time sequence
Strength of association
If a factor is causal, then there will be a strong positive statistical association between
the factor and the disease.
Biological gradient
Learning objectives
It gives lot of information regarding the magnitude of a disease and the types of
disease problems existing in a community or a population.
It gives clue to the disease: Etiology and later on help in formulation of an etiological
It helps in planning and undertaking of therapeutic, preventive and control regimen.
Disease prevalence and proportions in the exposed and unexposed populations can
be estimated.
Relatively quick to mount and conduct.
Current records can be used occasionally.
No risk to subjects.
Allow study of multiple potential cause of disease.
It is the analysis of observations by using the suitable diagnosis and statistical tests.
Observational studies
Basic steps
When there is good evidence of an association between exposure and the disease,
this is evidenced by cross sectional and case control studies.
When exposure is rare and incidence is high among exposed.
When ample funds are available.
The cohort must be free from disease when the study is undertaken.
Both groups should be susceptible to the disease.
o Example: Persons of 35 and above years of age should be selected for lung
cancer study.
Both groups should be comparable.
The diagnostic criteria to be used must be well defined.
No biased information.
Incidence rate can be calculated.
Other associated problems can be studied simultaneously.
It provides direct estimate of relative risk.
Dose-response relationship can also be calculated.
o The protocol specifies the aims and objectives of the study, questions to be
answered, criteria for the selection of study and control groups, size of the
sample, etc.
Selecting reference and experimental populations
o Reference or target population: It is the population to which the findings
of the trial, if found successful, are expected to be applicable.
o Experimental or study population: The study population is derived from
the reference population.
o It is the actual population that participates in the experimental study.
o Randomization is a statistical procedure by which the participants are
allocated into groups usually called 'study and control groups', to receive
or not to receive an experimental preventive or therapeutic procedure, or
o Having formed the study and control groups, the next step is to intervene
or manipulate the study and group by the deliberate application or
withdrawal or reduction of the suspected causal factor.
Follow up
o This implies examination of the experimental and control group subjects
at defined intervals of time, in a standard manner, with equal intensity,
under the same given circumstances , in the same time frame till final
assessment of outcome.
o The final step is assessment of the outcome of the trial in terms of positive
results and negative results.
o Randomized controlled trials require follow up of thousands of cases for a
decade or more.
o The cost and logistics are often prohibitive.
o These trials are rare.
Non-randomized trials
Theoretical epidemiology
Mathematical models are used to study the disease and these models attempt to
simulate natural patterns of disease occurrences.
Molecular epidemiology
Molecular epidemiology has recently been defined as "a science that focuses on the
contribution of potential genetic and environmental risk factors, identified at the
molecular level, to the etiology, distribution and prevention of disease within
herd/flock and across populations".
It is one of the most exciting and important areas of research leading into the 21st
century and has a direct impact on infectious disease research at all levels such
as outbreak investigation, surveillance and intervention strategies involving
clinicians, laboratory technicians, microbiologists, immunologists and health
Its ultimate purpose is to prevent morbidity and mortality.
Learning objectives
Concepts of sampling
The validity of sampling theory is based on the assumption that an aggregate of units
can be divided into representative subunits and that characteristics of the aggregate
can be estimated from the subunits.
Target population
Study population
Elementary units
Each unit in the study population is the elementary unit, which cannot be divided
Sampling frame
Sampling unit
Sampling fraction
Objectives of sampling
Non-probability sampling
Probability sampling
Non-probability sampling
Convenience sampling
o It is the collection of easily accessible sampling units.
o Example: If we want to collect faecal samples in the forest to screen the wild
animals to know the status / prevalence of parasitic diseases, collecting
samples near by entrance area (not sampling around the forest area).
Selecting first 15 animals (sampling units) from the study population
(or list of 150 animals in the study population).
Purposive or Judgmental sampling
o It is the choice of a sample, the averages of whose quantitative characteristics
(example body weight) or distribution of whose qualitative characteristics
(examples are sex and breed) are similar to that of the target population.
o The objective is to select a sample where characteristics are balanced with
those of the target population.
Sampling by convenience
Sample is not a true representative
Biased estimates
Probability sampling in which the selection of the sample is made using a deliberate,
unbiased process so that each sampling unit in a group has an equal probability or
chance of being selected. This is the basis of random sampling.
The following are the probability sampling methods
o Simple random sampling (like lottery method)
o Systematic sampling
o Stratified random sampling
o Cluster sampling
One-stage cluster sampling
Two-stage cluster sampling
Multistage cluster sampling
Systematic sampling
The first animal is being selected randomly from the proportionate level of the study
population and then selection of sampling units at equal intervals.
o Example: If one animal in every 10 animals is required, then the first animal
would be selected randomly from the first 10.
If it is 4th animal, then the samples would be 14, 24, 34, 44 and so on.
2 All the animals in the study Not necessary to identify all the
population should be animals
Non-statistical consideration
Statistical consideration
Learning objectives
To learn about,
o Goal of surveillance
o Types of surveillance
The broad aims of veterinary surveillance follow the roles of Veterinary Medicine in
general, namely, maintenance of high standards of animal health and welfare and the
protection of public health.
Several specific objectives can be identified
o Rapid detection of disease outbreaks
o Early identification of disease problems (endemic and non-endemic diseases)
o Assessment of health status of a defined population
o Definition of priorities for a disease control and prevention
o Identification of new and emerging diseases
o Evaluation of disease control programmes
o Provision of information to plan and conduct research
o Confirmation of options of a specific disease
Passive surveillance
Passive surveillance has been described as the continuous monitoring of the existing
disease status of the populations that are survived, using routinely collected data to
produce outputs which inturn can feed into policy decisions.
o Examples include reports of laboratory diagnosis, routine meat inspection
findings and statutory notification of disease.
Passive surveillance therefore essentially monitoring with the intention of acting on
its findings.
Passive surveillance uses the data that may be biased, frequently lacking
denominator values, and so can not give unbiased estimates of disease frequency.
Active surveillance
Targeted surveillance
Collects specific information about a defined disease so that its’ level in a defined
population can be measured and its options monitored.
It is often planned using appropriate statistical sampling theory and commonly
focuses on populations that are at increased risk of being affected there by increasing
the efficiency of detection.
o Example: Targeting of fallen stock for surveillance of BSE.
Scanning surveillance
Maintains a continuous watch over endemic disease. Here unexpected changes can
be recognized.
Learning objectives
‘Mt’ = (R-p+5) n
R - Rainfall in inches
p - Potential transpiration
n - Number of rain days
Seasonal summation of ‘Mt’ indices (Σ Mt) can be calculated by adding the ‘Mt’
values for the six months period.
A = (K-Ao) (1-e-αL) + Ao
1/D1+1/D2+….1/Dn = 1
Where the ‘Ds’ are the number of days that would be required to complete
development under conditions of constant temperature.
Adding ‘n’ to 22 day gives the earliest day on which the infective larvae can appear.
Not all developing eggs and larvae survive and so the number of eggs that avoid
mortality is the proportion, ‘pn’ of the egg output on 22nd day.
The parameter ‘p’ is an estimate of the daily survival rate.
If the values of ‘n’ and ‘pn’ are determined for each day during which the calf grazes,
then it is possible to estimate the expected totals of infective larvae on pasture and
number of adult worms infecting the calf.
A prediction of herbage infective larval burdens using this type of simulation model
can facilitate optimum use of anthelmintics and movement of animals to safe pasture
before challenge large number of infective larvae, thereby preventing clinical
In many cases deterministic and stochastic models can be formulated for which no
analytical solution is known. Alternatively finding the solution may be extremely
difficult or tedious.In such circumstances simulation methods can be undertaken.
Since simulation studies attempt to mimic the physical process being modeled, they
can be very informative and therefore are often preferred.
In these methods, random process is simulated using random numbers in order to
decide whether or not an event takes place.
This is somewhat akin to gambling; hence the name Monte Carlo simulation.
Learning objectives
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Includes those activities designed to detect disease process as early as possible before
clinical disease occurs.
o Examples
Screening test to detect TB, Brucellosis
Somatic cell count to detect mastitis
Regular examination of postpartum cow and metabolic profiles
Tertiary prevention
Prevention by treatment.
Control defined as all measures used to reduce the frequency of illness already
present in a population, by reducing or eliminating causes of illness, ultimately to
levels of little or no consequences.
Normally the control programmes follow the prevention.
Control is the reduction of the morbidity and mortality from disease, and is a general
term embracing all measures intended to interfere with the unrestrained occurrence
of disease, whatever may be its cause.
It can be achieved by treating diseased animals, which therefore reduces disease
prevalence and by preventing disease, which therefore reduces both incidence and
Defined as a bolder directed action in which the object is the extinction of a species
of infectious microorganism.
The term 'eradication' can be expressed in four senses
o The extinction of an infectious agent. Example, human smallpox
o Reduction of infectious disease prevalence in a specified area to a level at
which transmission does not occur.
o The reduction of infectious disease prevalence to a level at which the disease
ceases to be a major health problem, although some transmission may still
take place
o Regional extinction of an infectious organism (in Veterinary medicine).
Example, eradication of FMD in U.K.
Eradication involves a time-limited campaign.
Selective slaughter
The deliberate killing of a minority of infected animals to protect the well majority of
healthy population.
The selective slaughter of diseased animals or reactors is to be found at by
immunodiagnostic screening test.
Quarantine implies the enforced physical separation from the healthy population of
infected or potentially infected individuals, their products or items, they may have
contaminated. Such measures may be applied at national, regional or herd level and
they may be voluntary or required by legislation.
It is applied at the international level to prevent transmission of infectious or vectors
from one country to another.
The Office International Des Epizootics was established in Paris 1924 to standardize
the Veterinary Quarantine procedures and regulations throughout the world.
o Example: Imported cattle are usually placed in quarantine stations for
designed period (usually maximum incubation period) prior to being
transferred to the property of the purchasers to ensure (by clinical and for
serologic monitoring) that they are not infected with undesirable agent such
as the virus of FMD.
Similarly, dogs are quarantined for a period to ensure they are free of rabies, before
admitting them to rabies-free countries.
Mass treatment
The mass treatment approach to disease control depends upon the availability of safe
and cheap therapeutic agents.
Antibiotics, Anthelmintic and other drugs like hyper immune serum are used
(therapeutically) to treat diseases, and are administered (prophylactically) at times of
high risk to prevent disease and thus to increase productivity.
o Example: Sulfonamides in drinking water for coccidiosis in chickens.
Mass immunization
Mass immunization has been one of the most effective forms of directed action
against diseases undertaken in veterinary medicine.
The interesting areas for future development of mass immunization as a disease
control tool are methods for mass administration of vaccines that dispense with
problems of needle hygiene (such as use of jet injection guns) or that eliminate the
need to handle animal individually.
o Example: Stable vaccines incorporated in water or feed and vaccines
administered by mucosal route as aerosols.
Animals can be removed from high risk areas where infections are endemic.
This control strategy is implemented in tropical countries where hosts are seasonally
migrated from areas in which biological vectors are active.
The mixed grazing of susceptible animals with stock that are genetically or
immunologically resistant to helminths reduces pasture contamination to an
acceptable level.
The alternative grazing of a pasture with different species of livestock again
reduces pasture contamination.
The sequential grazing at different times of resistant and susceptible animals of
the same species reduces pasture contamination.
Control of vectors
Disinfection of fomites
Niche filling
The presence of one organism within a niche can prevent its occupation by another
This is epidemiological interference, and has been investigated, experimentally in the
poultry industry where suspensions of endogenous intestinal microbes have been fed
to one-day-old chicks to prevent colonization of their digestive tract by
virulent Salmonella spp., Campylobactor jejuni and E.coli.
This technique of control has the advantage over prophylactic antibiotic
chemotherapy that antibiotic resistance is not encouraged.
The diseases of intensively produced animals, particularly cattle and pigs are major
contemporary problems which can be controlled only when epidemiological
investigations have identified the 'determinants associated with inadequate
Poor hygiene has been incrirninated as the most important environmental cause. All
necessary steps should be taken to maintain and improve the environment and
management, so as to reduce and eradicate the diseases.
Genetic improvement
Many diseases of both agricultural and companion animals have a variable heritable
The disease may be determined predominantly by genetic screening to identify
disease animals by screening either the total population at risk or the part that is
mainly responsible for the maintenance of a particular disease.
The latter techniques are commonly applied in veterinary medicine, because animals
of superior germ plasm are concentrated in pedigree nuclei that are used for
The incidence of some infectious disease can be reduced by selective breeding.
Veterinary infrastructure
Diagnostic feasibility
Control and eradication can be carried out successfully only if disease can be
The main techniques of recognition are by,
o Clinical signs
o Pathological changes
o Isolation of causal agents
o Determination of an immune, allergic or biochemical responses
o Epidemiological identification of changes of a variable in a population.
Adequate surveillance
The opinion of animal producers can affect the success of control and eradication
The producers opinion and degree of their co-operation are influenced by
understanding of the control campaign and important preliminary step is a detailed
explanation of its rationale to the farmers.
Public opinion
Over 70% of the known pathogen is infectious to both man and other animals.
Many of these-the zoonoses is naturally transmissible between man and animals.
The control of zoonotic diseases is the main concern of veterinary public health
Ecological consequences
Financial support
Learning objectives
To learn about,
o Disease as an economic process
o Economic costs of disease
The relationship between the resources that provide the inputs to production and the
goods, and services that comprise the output is called a 'production function'.
Production function resources may be
o Natural (examples are land and mineral deposits)
o Man-made (examples are buildings and machinery)
Frequently, these undergo physical transformation (for example, iron ore into steel,
animal feed into body protein ) or else facilitate a physical transformation process
(for example, manpower and managerial expertise).
Empirical evidence shows that this relationship is typically non-linear because
certain inputs are typically fixed, and so beyond a certain point an increase in
The total economic cost of disease can be measured as the sum of output losses and
control expenditures.
A reduction in output is a loss because it is a benefit that is either taken away (e.g.,
when milk containing antibiotic residues is compulsorily discarded) or unrealized
(e.g., decreased milk yield).
Expenditures, in contrast are increases in input, and are usually associated with
disease control.
Examples of control expenditures are veterinary intervention which may be used
either therapeutically or prophylactically and increased use of agricultural labour.
The costs and benefits of disease control campaigns can be assessed using several
methods including gross margin analysis and partial budgeting.
Partial farm budgets have been used to assess the suitability of control strategies
(notably against endemic diseases such as mastitis and internal parasitism) on
individual farms.
A partial budget is a simple description of the financial consequences of particular
changes in farm management procedures, of which disease control programmes are
a part. ‘Partial’ indicates that assessment is restricted to the factors that are likely to
change as a result of the procedural changes.
Internalities (private costs and benefits) are those that accrue directly to an
investment project. Costs and benefits accrue to others are termed externalities.
Example 1: farm mastitis control campaign
o Internalities
Dry-cow antibiotic therapy (a cost)
Increased milk yield (a benefit)
o Externalities
Antibiotic residues in milk may have undesirable side effects on
unknowing consumers
Example 2: FMD control campaign
Internalities - Loss of animals
Externalities - Inconvenience of restriction on movement and access.
Shadow prices
The social value of a benefit may not always be the market price. For example, a liter
of milk is valued at its market price by the farmer. However, the lower value may be
due to surplus milk production.
A national disease control campaign that resulted in increased milk production
would therefore use the value of the milk, termed a shadow price, in economic
Learning objectives
International organizations
Its headquarters is in Paris, France. Incursions of rinderpest into Europe and most
notably the epizootic which occurred in Belgium in 1920 led to the creation of the
Office Internationale des Epizooties in 1924.
As on 2010, OIE totaled 176 Member Countries.
OIE maintains permanent relations with more than 20 other international
The office is placed under the authority and control of an International committee
consisting of Delegates designed by the governments of member countries. The office
has appointed regional coordinators on all 5 continents.
A Central Bureau headed by a Director General who is appointed by an International
committee conducting the activities of the organization.
The OIE has 5 regional commissions covering to promote co-operations, study
problems encountered by Veterinary Services and organize cooperation activities on
a regional level.
Each commission promotes regional co-operation in animal disease control, mainly
by holding conferences, on an average once in two years.
The proceedings of these conferences at which several topics of general interests are
discussed and published. There are 4 specialist commissions and they are
o Foot and Mouth disease commission
o The Norms commission (concerned with standards for diagnostic methods
and vaccine production)
o International Zoo-sanitary code commission (provides recommendations on
the import/export of animals and animal products)
o Fish disease commission
o Administrative commission
Financial Resources
The financial resources of the OIE are derived mainly from regular annual
contributions and exceptional contributions from member countries.
International relations
OIE has permanent working relations with over 20 other International organizations
including FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), WHO (World Health
Organization), WTO (World Trade Organization), IICA (Inter-American Institute for
Co-operation of Agriculture), PAHO (Pan American Health Organization).
The Delegates of the 176 OIE Members adopted the 5th Strategic Plan which sets a
roadmap for OIE global missions in animal health and welfare over the years 2011-
The Plan sets new fields of action for the organization:
o More activities directed to food security, poverty alleviation and animal health
and veterinary public health;
o More focus on the “One Health” concept and other matters of cooperation
with partner organizations;
o The impact of climate and environmental changes on animal disease
emergence and occurrence as well as the impact of animal production on
climate change.
o The Plan also provides for a continuation of priorities emphasized in the
previous Plans, in particular the 4th Strategic Plan (2006-2010).
Each Member Country undertakes to report the animal diseases that it detects on its
The OIE then disseminates the information to other countries, which can take the
necessary preventive action.
This information also includes diseases transmissible to humans.
Information is sent out immediately or periodically depending on the seriousness of
the disease.
Dissemination is via the OIE Web site, e-mail and the following periodicals
o Disease Information, published weekly,
o OIE Bulletin published every two months
o Annual compilation - World Animal Health.
The OIE collects and analyses the latest scientific information on animal disease
This information is then made available to the Member Countries to help them to
improve the methods used to control and eradicate these diseases.
Scientific information is also disseminated through various works and periodicals
published by the OIE, notably the Scientific and Technical Review (3 issues a year).
The OIE provides technical support to Member Countries requesting assistance with
animal disease control and eradication operations, including diseases transmissible
to humans.
The OIE notably offers expertise to the poorest countries to help them control animal
diseases that cause livestock losses, present a risk to public health and threaten other
Member Countries.
The OIE develops normative documents relating to rules that Member Countries can
use to protect themselves from diseases, without setting up unjustified sanitary
The main normative works produced by the OIE are
o International Animal Health Code,
o Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines
o International Aquatic Animal Health Code
o Diagnostic Manual for Aquatic Animal Diseases.
The Veterinary Services and laboratories of developing and transition countries are
in urgent need of support to provide them with the necessary infrastructures,
resources and capacities that will enable their countries to benefit more full from the
WIO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement (SPS Agreement) while at the same time
providing greater protection for animal health and public health and reducing the
threat for other countries which are free of diseases.
The OIE considers the Veterinary Services as a Global Public Good and their bringing
into line with international standards (structure, organization, resources, capacities,
role of paraprofessionals) as a public investment priority.
The OIE Member Countries have decided to provide a better guarantee of the safety
of food of animal origin by creating greater synergy between the activities of the OIE
and those of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
The OIE's standard-setting activities in this field focus on eliminating potential
hazards existing prior to the slaughter of animals or the primary processing of their
products (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) that could be a source of risk for consumers.
Since it was created, the OIE has played a key role in its capacity as the sole
international reference organization for animal health, enjoying established
Aujeszky's disease
Brucellosis (Brucella abortus)
Brucellosis (Brucella melitensis)
Brucellosis (Brucella suis)
Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever
Epizootic haemorrhagic disease
Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastern)
Foot and mouth disease
Japanese encephalitis
New world screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax)
Old world screwworm (Chrysomya bezziana)
Q fever
Rift Valley fever
Surra (Trypanosoma evansi)
Vesicular stomatitis
West Nile fever
Cattle diseases
Bovine anaplasmosis
Bovine babesiosis
Bovine genital campylobacteriosis
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Bovine tuberculosis
Bovine viral diarrhoea
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
Enzootic bovine leukosis
Haemorrhagic septicaemia
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis
Lumpky skin disease
Trypanosomosis (tsetse-transmitted)
Caprine arthritis/encephalitis
Contagious agalactia
Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
Enzootic abortion of ewes (ovine chlamydiosis)
Nairobi sheep disease
Ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis)
Peste des petits ruminants
Salmonellosis (S. abortusovis)
Sheep pox and goat pox
Swine diseases
Equine diseases
Avian diseases
Avian chlamydiosis
Avian infectious bronchitis
Avian infectious laryngotracheitis
Avian mycoplasmosis (M. gallisepticum)
Avian mycoplasmosis (M. synoviae)
Duck virus hepatitis
Fowl cholera
Fowl typhoid
Highly pathogenic avian influenza and low pathogenic avian influenza in poultry
Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease)
Marek's disease
Newcastle disease
Pullorum disease
Turkey rhinotracheitis
Other diseases
All OIE Member Countries have the obligation to report the occurrence of all
OIE listed diseases
There are three different types of reports
o Emergency reports
Countries must notify the OIE Central Bureau within 24 hours of
the occurrence of a significant epidemiological event.
Thereafter, they must provide progress reports on a weekly basis
until such time as the situation becomes stable or the disease
concerned has been eradicated.
The sending of weekly reports should stop once a disease has
become enzootic.
The form can also be used to report the lifting of sanitary measures
when it is considered that all the recorded outbreaks have been
The central bureau immediately sends a summary of the warning
message by e-mail to member countries.
In addition, the OIE publishes a weekly disease information leaflet
that is sent to all member countries and is also available online.
o Monthly reports
Countries need to provide information on the absence or presence
of OIE listed diseases and, where appropriate, a compilation of data
relating to diseases not on this list that have been the subject of
emergency or follow-up reports during the month in question.
o Yearly report
o Municipalities Act1916. No person shall throw the dead body of any animals
in any river within limits of Municipalities.
o In exercise of the power conferred by section 299 (I) of the Act, and with the
sanction of the State Government, the Board hereby directs that a breach of
byelaw no. I shall be punishable with fine, which may end to five hundred
Livestock Quarantine Rules (1961)
o Schedule i, ii and iii.
Cattle Trespass (Amendment Act), 1921
o This act extends to the whole of India, except Part B states and Presidency
towns such local areas as the State.
o This deals with the problems of stray cattle and wild cattle.
Drugs and Cosmetic Rules (1945)
o This Act deals with the manufacturing and selling of vaccines, antisera and
selling of diagnostic agents.
Mischief is punishable under the sections 428 and 429 I.P.C. Section 428 I.P.C.
Whoever commits mischief by killing, poisoning, maiming or rendering useless any
animal or animal of the value of ten rupees or upwards, shall be punishable with
imprisonment for wither description for a term, which may extend to two years or
with fine or with both.
Section 429 I.P.C. Whoever commits mischief by killing, poisoning, maiming or
rendering useless any elephant, camel, horses, mule, buffalo, bull, cow or ox of the
value of fifty rupees or upwards shall be punished with imprisonment of wither
description for a term of which may extend to five years or with fine or both.
Bestiality is punishable under Section 377 I.P.C. Bestiality means carnal intercourse
with man, woman or animal against the order of nature.
This type of crime is quite frequently found in India due to the following reasons:
The common belief of illiterate people that intercourse with she-donkey is a remedy
for gonorrhea.
Excessive sexual desire with little opportunity for natural intercourse. Young
villagers who go out to graze cattle in fields far away fro: human eyes are incited,
owing to loneliness and the proximity of animals, to commit this crime.
People having some mental abnormalities.
The human male is generally the active agent and the passive agent is a goat, donkey,
mare, cow, or even hen.
Includes any process of introducing air or any substance into the female organ of a
milch animal with the object of drawing off from the animal any secretion of milk.
The Indian Veterinary Council Act presented by the Ministry of Law, and Company
Affairs was approved by the president of India on 18th August 1984, after which it is
known as 'The Indian Veterinary Council Act' 1984.
Object of lVC Act: This Act came into force with the object to regulate veterinary
practice and to establish the Veterinary Council of India, State Veterinary Councils
which will maintain the registered veterinary practitioners and will regulate all other
matters related to them.
This Act will be adopted by other states of the Indian Union once it is passed by the
respective House of the Legislatures of the States i.e. Vidhan Sabha.
This Act was passed by Mathya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha on 4th July 1985 in exercise of
powers under Section 252 (I) of the constitution of India.
By a similar procedure, it was adopted by the states of Haryana, Orissa, Himalchal
Pradesh, Rajasthan and other States in India.
While dispatching samples triple layer containers have to be used to prevent leakage
of materials.
All the rules and regulations prescribed by the international postal agencies,
international insurance agencies, sender’s country and the recipient’s country have
to be followed.
Before submitting the samples to the international agencies prior contact with that
particular organization is essential.
After mailing the samples the concerned persons of that country should be informed
to receive the samples for processing and forwarding the results.
While dispatching samples triple layer containers have to be used to prevent leakage
of materials.
All the rules and regulations prescribed by the international postal agencies,
international insurance agencies, sender’s country and the recipient’s country have
to be followed.
Before submitting the samples to the international agencies prior contact with that
particular organization is essential.
After mailing the samples the concerned persons of that country should be informed
to receive the samples for processing and forwarding the results.
The word 'zoonoses' (zoonosis, singular) was coined by a German physician Rudolf
Virchow in 1885.
World Health Organization's Committee defined zoonoses as "those diseases and
infections which are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals
and man". Veterinary epidemiologists and public health authorities modified the
definition as those infections and infestations shared in nature by man and lower
vertebrate animals because that the word 'natural transmission' was ambiguous.
o Examples: Rabies, Anthrax, Leptospirosis
Zoonotic diseases that having reservoirs among the wild or feral animals, free living
and captive animals, and transmission of those diseases to the human population are
referred to as sylvatic zoonoses.
o Examples: Rabies, Kyasanur forest disease
Socioeconomic conditions have long been known to influence human health. For the
majority of the people, health status is determined primarily by their level of
socioeconomic development, such as:
o Income and economic status
o Education
o Nutrition
o Employment
o Housing
o Political system of the country
Economic status
The per capita GNP is the most widely accepted measure of general economic
There can be no doubt that in many developing countries, the economic progress has
been the major factor in reducing morbidity of zoonotic diseases, increasing life
expectancy and improving the quality of life.
The economic status determines the family size, standard of living,
quality of life, purchasing power and the pattern of disease.
It is also an important factor in seeking health care.
Political system
Most people in the developing countries live in rural areas and semi-urban areas
The joint family set up, is a strong binding force
People depend mainly on agriculture and there is a lack of alternative employment
The low production and consumption per capita among rural people
The economic potential of the rural community is not fully realized
Problem of unemployment
Exploitation of natural resources and soil fertility
Partial and/or non application of science and technology in rural areas
Low level of literacy
Poor quality of life due to scarcity of essential goods, facilities and money
Poor communications and transport facilities isolates rural human community from
Unfavourable environment in rural areas predisposing to communicable diseases
and malnutrition
The medical services provided by the State has not been fully utilized by the rural
Learning objectives
To learn about
Beyond the fact that zoonoses infect both man and lower vertebrates, they are a
biologically heterogeneous group of infections.
Consider, as examples, two cestodal zoonoses, taeniosis and dipylidiosis.
o In Taenia saginata infection, a vertebrate, the cow, fills approximately the
same biological role as an invertebrate, the flea, does in Dipylidium
caninum infection.
o Man’s involvement in the two life cycles also is completely different.
o In the epidemiology of taeniosis, man and the other vertebrate are both
essential, while in dipylidiosis, man’s participation is not required and human
infection is sporadic and usually confined to one particular age group.
o Thus, T.saginata depends upon man for survival as a species
while D.caninum does not.
To create awareness among public regarding zoonoses, it is vital to classify zoonotic
diseases shared in nature between human beings and animals.
1. Direct zoonoses
(a). Direct-anthropozoonoses
o The lower vertebrates (domestic and wild animals) are the reservoir hosts for
many infectious zoonotic pathogens and these reservoirs transmit infections
to the human beings by accidental exposures or direct contact with infected
population or contaminated materials.
Examples: Rabies, Brucellosis
(b). Direct-zooanthroponoses
o Zoonotic diseases transmitted from human beings to the lower vertebrate
animals by direct contact with infected person or contaminated materials.
Examples: Diphtheria, Tuberculosis
(c). Direct-amphixenoses
o Zoonotic diseases maintained in nature either in animal population or in
human population are transmitted in both directions by direct contact with
infected population or contaminated materials.
2. Cyclozoonoses
The disease requires more than one vertebrate host to complete the life
cycle, but invertebrate host is not involved. Depending upon the involvement of
human being it may be obligatory cyclozoonoses or non-obligatory
o Examples: Japanese encephalitis (Flavivirus of Family Flaviviridae),
Hydatidosis, Bovine cysticercosis, Trypanosomiosis (tse-tse-borne), Nairobi
sheep disease (Bunyaviridae), Leishmaniosis.
(a). Obligatory cyclozoonoses
o In obligatory cyclozoonoses, agents require essentially a human being
for completion of their life cycle.
Example: Taeniosis (Taenia saginata and T.solium) – measly beef
and measly pork
3. Metazoonoses
4. Saprozoonoses
The diseases which require a non-animal objects like soil, plants, organic
matter, water, foods, etc. to serve as a true reservoir of infection or as site for an
essential phase of development.
The etiological agent may develop (Histoplasmosis) or propagate (Ancylostoma
brazilliense) or develop and propagate (cyclopropagative - Fascioliasis) in the
inanimate (fomites) objects.
The agent can occur in both saprophytic and parasitic phase in cyclic order.
o Examples: Visceral larval migrans, cutaneous larval migrans, fascioliosis,
mycosis of various forms, botulism, coccidiomycosis, histoplasmosis, etc.
Based on the direction of spread it may be classified into three sub-classes, such as
o Sapro-anthropozoonoses
o Sapro-amphixenoses
o Sapro-meta-anthrapozoonoses.
(a). Sapro-anthropozoonoses
o Zoonotic infections are normally transmitted between lower vertebrates and
fomites and involvement of human population is only accidental.
Example: Erysipeloid
(b). Sapro-amphixenoses
o Man and lower vertebrates are equally susceptible hosts and infection can
persist in the absence of one or another host.
Example: Histoplasmosis
(c). Sapro-meta-anthrapozoonoses
o It requires both non-animate, invertebrate host and vertebrate host in its life
Example: Fasciliosis
Infections transmitted from wild animals like elephants, non-human primates, fox,
wild boar to human beings.
o Examples: Kyasanur forest disease (KFD), Rabies
Infections transmitted from pet animals like dogs, cats, love birds to human beings.
o Examples: Toxoplasmosis, Ringworm infection, Psittacosis/Ornithosis
Infections transmitted from lab animals like guinea pigs, rats, mice rabbits to human
o Example: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
Fish-borne zoonoses
Infections transmitted from fish and processed fish products to human beings.
o Examples: Salmon poisoning, Pernicious anemia
Urban zoonoses
Infections which are commonly prevalent in urban areas and transmitted from
animals to human beings.
o Examples: Rabies, Abattoir's infections, Anthrax, Leptospirosis,
Rural zoonoses
Infections which are commonly prevalent in rural areas and transmitted from
animals to human beings.
o Examples: Brucellosis, Schistosomiosis, Rabies, Worm infestations
Occupational zoonoses
Infections which are transmitted from animals to human beings by nature of their
o Examples: Wool sorter's disease, Sugarcane worker's disease, Rice field
worker’s disease
Infections which are transmitted by contact with skin, hide and hair of infected
animals to human beings.
o Example: Anthrax
Meat-borne zoonoses
Milk-borne zoonoses
Infections which are transmitted through consumption of milk and milk products
from infected animals to human beings.
o Examples: Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis
Food-borne zoonoses
Vector-borne zoonoses
o Infectious pathogens are carried mechanically by invertebrate host and
transmitted to the human beings.
o Examples: Anthrax, Colibacillosis
o Infectious pathogen undergoes some biological transformation before
infecting the human.
Developmental: If essential development of the agent takes place in
or on the vector. Example is Dirofilaria immitis in mosquitoes.
Propagative: If the agent multiplies in the vector before being
injected into the host. Examples are plague, yellow fever.
Cyclo-propagative: If the agent undergoes development and
multiplication in the vector before being injected into the host.
Example is Trypanosoma cruzi in bugs.
o The infection may be transmitted in vectors vertically from one generation to
the next generation before being injected into the host.
o Examples: Rift valley fever, West Nile fever, Russian spring summer
o The infection may be transmitted in vectors from stage to stage before being
injected into the host.
Viral zoonoses
Bacterial zoonoses
Parasitic zoonoses
Mycotic/Fungal zoonoses
Rickettsial zoonoses
Protozoan zoonoses
14 Tularemia + - - + + + -
15 Yersiniosis + - - + - + -
16 Ps. pseudomallei + - - + - + +
17 Leptospirosis + - - + - - +
18 Psittacosis - + - + - - +
19 Q-Fever - + - + - - -
20 Rocky mountain spotted fever - + - - - + -
AZ - Anthropozoonosis
ZAZ - Zooanthroponosis
AmZ - Amphixenosis
D - Direct zoonosis
C - Cyclozoonosis
M - Metazoonosis
S - Saprozoonosis
Learning objectives
To know about
Direct transmission
Transfer of infectious agents from the infected animals to the susceptible human
population by direct contact without involvement of intermediate vectors.
o Examples are rabies, brucellosis
Direct physical contact with infected animals and their discharges
o Physical touch and sexual contact lead to the transmission pathogen.
o Examples are brucellosis, leptospirosis, vibriosis, anthrax, foot and mouth
diseases, cow pox, orf
Direct air-borne transmission
o Droplets and or droplet nuclei which carry the infectious pathogen in the
environment leads to the spread of zoonotic diseases.
o While sneezing or coughing or breathing infectious pathogens are
sprayed with droplets and or droplet nuclei in the air which in turn inhaled
or contacted with visible mucus membrane of immediately surrounding
susceptible population.
o Epidemiologists do not consider the spread as a true air-borne transmission;
they regard it as a form of direct-contact transmission.
o The close-proximity, over-crowding and poor ventilation enhance the
chances of spread of infectious pathogens by this mode.
o Examples are New castle disease virus conjunctivitis, tuberculosis
Contact with contaminated soil (saprophytic transmission)
o Contact with fomites or saprophytes results in disease transmission.
o Examples are anthrax, cutaneous larva migrans, visceral larva migrans
Bite or scratches by infected animals
o Animal bites or scratches by infected animals transmit some zoonotic
o Examples are rabies, cat-scratch fever
Indirect transmission
Transmission of infectious pathogens from the infected host to the susceptible host
by an intermediate vector either animate or inanimate.
o Examples are anthrax, tuberculosis
Fomite-borne transmission
o Infections are transmitted through the inanimate objects (contaminated soil,
cloths, utensils, surgical instruments, feeders, waterers, syringe and needles,
milking machines, farm equipment).
o Examples are anthrax, foot and mouth disease
Air-borne transmission
o Transmission of infectious pathogens between infected and susceptible host
through droplets and droplet nuclei in the air.
o Examples are avian influenza, foot and mouth disease, tuberculosis
Vehicle-borne transmission
o Transmission of infectious pathogens between infected and susceptible host
through non-living things or substance (food, water, blood, body fluids,
serum, plasma, tissues, organs).
Mechanical transmission: Mechanical transmission of pathogens.
Example is hepatitis from serum.
Developmental transmission: If essential development takes
place in the vehicle without multiplication. Example is
Propagative transmission: If the agent multiplies in the vehicle
before being injected into the host. Examples are milk-borne
streptococcosis, staphylococcosis, food poisoning (salmonellosis).
Cyclo-propagative transmission: If the agent undergoes
development and multiplication in the vehicle before being injected
into the host. Example is strongyloidosis.
Vector-borne transmission
o An invertebrate host usually an arthropod is responsible for the transmission
of an infectious agent from the infected host to the susceptible host.
Mechanical transmission: Mechanical transmission of pathogens.
Examples are anthrax, salmonellosis
Biological transmission: It involves ingestion of infective materials
from the infected population resulting in development or
multiplication or both of an etiological agent in the biological vectors
(ticks, flies, mosquitoes) before being transmitted to the human
The time period between ingestion of infectious agents and availability
of infective agents after essential development or multiplication or
both in the vector is referred to as‘extrinsic incubation period’.
Developmental transmission: If essential development takes
place in or on the vector without multiplication. Example is Dirofilaria
immitis in mosquitoes.
Trans-ovarian transmission
o The infection may be transmitted in vectors vertically from one generation to
the next generation before being injected into the host.
o Examples are Rift valley fever, West Nile fever, Russian spring summer
Trans-stadial transmission
o The infection may be transmitted in vectors from stage to stage before being
injected into the host.
o Example is Kyasanur forest disease.
Salivarian transmission
o If an infectious agent undergoes development in the midgut of the vector and
transformed into infective stage in the salivary gland of that vector, from
which the infective form of the agent is released into the host by biting by the
vector is referred to as salivarian transmission.
o Example if African trypanosomiasis by the vector Glossina.
Stercorarian transmission
o If an infectious agent undergoes development in the midgut of the vector and
transformed into infective stage in the hindgut of that vector, from which the
infective form of the agent is excreted through its faeces leads to infection of
the host by faecal contamination is referred to as stercorarian transmission.
o Example is Chaga’s disease (Trypanosoma cruzi) in man by bugs.
Entry of infectious agents by ingestion via contaminated food, water, soil, etc.
Infectious agents excreted in the faeces of an affected individual usually ingested due
to unhygienic hands is referred to as ‘faecal-oral-transmission’ cycle.
Examples are colibacillosis, salmonellosis.
Infectious agents are introduced into the body of the susceptible host through bite
wound or scratches of the skin and subsequent inoculation of infective materials into
the body wound or needle-prick or biting by arthropod vectors.
Examples are yellow fever, rabies.
Iatrogenic transmission
Introduction of infectious pathogens into the susceptible host from the infected host
during coitus.
Example is brucellosis.
Learning objectives
To know about
Avoid physical contact with infected animals and/or infective biological materials,
fomites, excreta.
Avoid sleeping with pets.
Take care of wound, injury, scratches. when ever we have possibilities of close-
proximity to animals
High risk group population must be protected from occupational zoonotic diseases.
o Examples: Anthrax, Leptospirosis.
It can be achieved through following measures
o Health education
o Personal hygiene
o Protective clothing
o Immunization
o Regular testing
o Reducing the contact potential
o Improving social customs, norms, condition of life style.
o Early diagnosis, isolation and therapy
o Keeping the environment hygiene
o Regular ante mortem inspection animals at slaughter houses following
consumer protection strategies (HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control
o Coordination between medical, veterinary and public health personnel.
o Notification and reporting disease and outbreaks.
o Disinfection and sanitation.
o Public health awareness.
Control means steps taken to reduce a disease problem to a tolerable level and
maintain it at that level.
Reservoir neutralization
Genetic selection
Stress reduction
Animal identification
Health maintenance
Animal birth control programme
Regular certification
Financial resources
Health care services
Political support
Active and passive surveillance
Regular monitoring and notification
Coordination between Medical-Veterinary-Public Health Departments
Regular immunization programme and keeping the population with adequate herd
immunity (about 80% of population should be protective), referred to as ‘immune
Learning objectives
To know about
There is no way to predict when or where the next important new zoonotic pathogen
will emerge.
There are several factors which contribute to the emergence of a new zoonotic
disease, such as:
o Environmental determinants (ecologic and climatologic influences)
o Agent determinants (mutation, natural selection and evolutionary
progression – antigenic drif or shift)
o Host determinants (acquired immunity and physiologic factors)
o Host population determinants (host behavioral characteristics,
societal, transport, commercial and iatrogenic factors)
o Human and animal demography and changes in farming practice.
o Social and cultural factors such as food habits and religious beliefs play a
o Urbanization, globalization, population movement (refugees) and
increased air travel.
Emergence of yellow fever when humans entered the Central American jungle to
build the Panama Canal. Deforestation and settlement of new tropical forest and
farm margins have exposed farmers and domestic animals to new arthropods.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United Kingdom may provide more
lessons than any other recent emergent zoonotic disease episode. The disease was
first diagnosed in the United Kingdom in 1986. More than 1,70,000 cattle had been
reported as infected, roughly half of which entered the human food chain in the
United Kingdom. In 1995, the BSE agent was reported to be the cause of a new
human zoonotic disease, new-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Infections which are transmitted from animals to human beings by nature of their
occupation are described as occupational zoonotic diseases.
o Examples: Wool sorter's disease, Sugarcane worker's disease, Rice field
worker’s disease.
Based on occupation and demography, it may be classified as either urban zoonoses
or rural zoonoses
Urban zoonoses
Infections which are commonly prevalent in urban areas and transmitted from
animals to human beings.
o Examples: Rabies, Abattoir's infections, Anthrax, Leptospirosis,
Rural zoonoses
Infections which are commonly prevalent in rural areas and transmitted from
animals to human beings.
o Examples: Brucellosis, Schistosomiosis, Rabies, Worm infestations.
Our cave dwelling ancestors used dogs as the co-partner in hunting job.
Subsequently, in all civilization dogs were used as guards, companions and hunters
and in times of war. So, first pet animal of man was dogs, then cats, horses and some
birds. Pet animals kept for pleasures and companionship are usually domesticated
and selectively bred for coexistence with human beings, besides their value as pets,
pets serve utilitarian purposes protecting homes and property, destroying vermin
and providing means of transport.
At least 40 different diseases can be transmitted from pets to people. They may be
acquired from direct contact with infected animals or from the animal’s excreta.
Sometimes just breathing the air in the vicinity of man, infected pet can cause illness.
‘We are so fond of one another, because our ailments are the same’. There is close
association between domestic animals and human population (rural, urban,
agricultural workers, veterinarians, butchers) which leads to transmission of
zoonotic diseases from animals to human beings.
Two third of the domestic animals are reservoirs for many zoonotic diseases. The
incidences of zoonotic diseases depend on, the number of infected animals, route of
transmission, level of interaction between man and animals and existing preventive
and control measures.
Acquire pets only from a reliable dealer who practices good sanitations.
Do not attempt to take wild or sick animals or monkeys as pets.
Keep your pets clean and properly housed.
Practice good hygiene.
Wash hands thoroughly after playing with or handling your pets.
Wash hands after cleaning the cage or aquarium as well as after handling an animal
or pet treats and before handling food or eating.
Pregnant women should avoid cleaning of cats (carriers for toxoplasmosis) and its
faeces and cages to avoid contacting of toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis causes
abortion in pregnant women.
Do not let it lick your face.
Keep pet's utensils separate.
Keep pets out of people’s bed.
Health education to the public should be given highest priority.
The high risk group should be protected by administration of specific immunization.
Infected pets and the areas where the pets commonly reside should be treated with
appropriate insecticides for fleas, ticks, mites and their larvae.
Have a ‘veterinarian check’ over a new pet and provide needed immunizations.
Wild animals are the known host to the wide range of different microorganisms.
Wild animal diseases may be expressed as frank diseases or silent infection. But,
many infections of man and domestic animals exist silently in wild animal species as
infections which are not apparent.
Many emerging and sylvatic zoonoses are being reported with increasing frequency
in man and animals like the orphan viruses (enterovirus, myxovirus, herpesvirus).
Infections present in wildlife form ‘enzootic foci’.
Alteration in the environment for the human welfare such as construction of dams,
canals, deforestation and tilling of the grass lands for agricultural development may
enhance the chances of human contact with the foci of infection.
Rats, mice, monkeys, bats, foxes, wolves, skunks, migratory water fowls, ducks
involve with epidemiology of zoonotic diseases.
o Examples
Gorillas, orangutons, macaques and colobus are playing major role in transmission
of zoonotic diseases.
o Examples: Poliomyelitis, simian malaria, monkey pox and herpes virus from
monkeys is closely associated with human varicella zoster virus.
A poultry farm worker who works on a farm where domestic fowl are bred and raised
for eggs and/or meat.
o Poultry Farm Workers may contract, from the fowl in their care, infectious
diseases that are common to fowl and man.
o The atmosphere in poultry farms usually contains significant levels of
agricultural dust and toxic gases, which put the workers at a health risk.
o Some chemicals used at poultry farms (for disinfection) may cause harm to
workers' health.
o The Poultry Farm Worker's work is often physically difficult and involves
handling heavy loads, uncomfortable postures and movements. This may
cause traumas (including falls), back, arms and hands pains.
Preventive measures
Learning objectives
To know about
Based on potential to pose threat to public health and safety, the type of bioweapons
are categorized in to A, B and C by Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, USA.
Category A: If the biological agents pose a high risk to national security and have
potential major public health impact, easily disseminated and high mortality in the
target population and require special action for public health preparedness
o Tularemia (Francisella tularensis )
o Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis spores)
o Smallpox
o Botulinum toxin (Clostridium botulnum)
o Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis )
o Viral haemorrhagic fever (Ebola virus and Marburg virus)
Category B: Moderately easy to disseminate and have low mortality rates in the
target population
o Brucellosis (Brucella spp.)
o Epsilon toxin (Clostridium perfringens)
o Salmonellosis
o E.coli O157:H7
o Shigellosis (Shigella dysenteriae)
o Staphylococcus aureus
o Glanders (Burkholderia mallei)
o Melioidoisis (Burkholderia pseudomallei)
o Psittacosis (Chlamydiophia psittaci)
o Q fever (Coxiella burnetii)
o Ricin toxin (Ricinus communis) - castor beans
o Abrin toxin (Abrus precatorius) - Rosary peas
o Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
o Typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii)
o Viral encephalitis (Alphaviruses - Venezuelan equine encephalitis, eastern
equine encephalitis, western equine encephalitis)
o Cholera (Vibrio cholera)
o Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium parvum)
Category C: Biological agents might be genetically engineered for mass
dissemination and high mortality in the target population. Newly emerging
o Nipah virus
o Hantavius
o H1N1
Learning objectives
To know about
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
It is an acute almost invariably fatal disease in man and other warm blooded animals
characterized by signs of abnormal behaviour, nervous disturbances such as motor
nerve irritability, mania, an attacking complex, inability to swallow, excessive
salivation, impairement of consciousness, progressive ascending paralysis and death
due to respiratory paralysis.
Lyssa virus (Family Rhabdoviridae), RNA virus, bullet shaped virus and
neurotropic in nature.
Rabies viruses are highly fragile viruses and susceptible to standard disinfectants.
Sunlight and moderate heat destroy the rabies virus.
There are 25 viruses in this genus, of which closely related rabies viruses are called
“Classical rabies viruses”.
The different serotypes of rabies viruses are:
o Lagos bat virus
o Mokola virus
o Duvenhage virus
The high concentration of rabies virus released from the salivary gland
secretions before the onset of clnical signs of rabies
Virus in fresh saliva is transmitted via bite, scratch or abrasion by an rabid animal
(rabid dogs shed virus in saliva 5-7 days before showing signs and cat does so for
only 3 days before signs)
Contamination of skin wounds by fresh saliva from infected animals
Aerosol transmission has been documented in the laboratory and in caves where bats
inhabit (requires a high concentration of suspended viral particles)
Disease in animals
Rabid domestic cats attack suddenly, biting and scratching viciously. Rabid foxes
frequently invade yards or even houses, attacking dogs and people. The rabid
raccoon is characterized by its loss of fear of man, its frequent aggression and
incoordination and its activity during the day, being predominantly a nocturnal
animal. In urban areas, they often attack domestic dogs. Bats flying in the daytime
are probably rabid.
Clinical signs
In dogs
o Furious form (changes in behaviour and stage of excitement)
Tendency to bite either inanimate or animate objects till death
Dog may move to long distance
Shows imaginary catching stance
Dog will attempt to lick water but unable to drink water due to the
paralysis of pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles
Drooling of saliva. Photophobia
Changes in barking due to paralysis of vocal cards
Finally, dropped jaw and tongue will protrude and head will drop
o Dump form or paralytic form
Isolated themselves in dark places
Paralysis of lower jaw ("dropped jaw"), tongue, larynx and
Not capable to bite
In cats
o Furious form is more common
In cattle
o Furious form
Violently attack other animals or inanimate objects
Loud bellowing
Incoordination of gait
Excessive salivation
Behavioral changes
Muzzle tremor
Sexual excitement
Pharyngeal paralysis
o Paralytic form
Knuckling of hind fetlock
Sagging and swaying of hind quarter while walking
Deviation of tail to one side
Drooling of saliva
Yawing movement
In sheep
o Hyperexcitability
o Salivation
o Vocalization
o Recumbency
o Vigorous wool plucking
o Excessive bleating does not occur but continuous bleating is common
o Starring of eyes and twitching of lips
In horse
o Muscle tremors are frequent and common
o Pharyngeal paralysis, ataxia and lethargy
o Sudden onset of lameness in one limb followed by recumbency
o Violent head tossing
In pigs
o Twitching of nose
o Excessive salivation
o Chronic convulsion.
o Rapid chewing movement
o May walk backward
Disease in man
There is usually a history of animal bite. Pain appears at the site of the bite, followed
by paresthesias. Pain and irritation at the site of bite which is linguiring towards the
central nervous system. The skin is quite sensitive to changes of temperature,
especially air currents.
The rabies virus travels from the periphara nerves to the brain by following bite by a
rabid animal.
The incubation period of the disease is usually a few months in humans (usually 30
to 60 days), depending on the distance of bite, severity of bite, amount of virus
inoculated at the site of bite and aggressive status of the rabid animal. Once the
rabies virus reaches the central nervous system and symptoms begin to show, the
infection is effectively untreatable and usually fatal within days. Death almost
invariably results two to ten days after first symptoms.
Attempts at drinking cause extremely painful laryngeal spasm, so that the patient
refuses to drink ("hydrophobia" - fear of water). The patient is restless and
behaves in a peculiar manner. Muscle spasm, laryngospasm and extreme excitability
are present. Convulsions occur. Large amounts of thick tenacious saliva are present.
There will be increased lacrimation, frequent micturition and increased
o The initial symptoms of rabies are often mild fever and pain or paresthesia at
the wound site.
o As the virus spreads in the central nervous system, progressive encephalitis
o Furious rabies is rapidly fatal. Brain stem encephalitis characterized by
hydrophobia or aerophobia, phobia towards sound, hyperactivity and
fluctuating consciousness. Bizarre behaviour and a lack of focal neurological
signs are typical features. Phobic reflexes involve jerky inspiratory spasms
that may end in opisthotonos, generalized convulsions and cardiorespiratory
arrest. The disease is almost always fatal and without intensive care the
patient will die within a few days.
o Paralytic rabies runs a less dramatic course, but the final outcome is the same.
Flaccid paralysis ascending with pain in the affected muscles and mild
sensory disturbances will precede death from respiratory paralysis. However,
even in the absence of intensive care, such patients may survive for about a
If the animal is not previously immunized, post exposure vaccination on 0-day (the
day starts within 24 hours after bite), 3rd, 7th, 14th, 28th and if necessary,
on 90thday (Essen's schedule).
If the animal is immunized annually 0 day, 3rd and 7th day, put the animal under
observation for 10 days. If the animal is died, should follow the full regimen (5
Zagreb schedule with 2-1-1 regimen on day 0, 7 and 21 is found to be effective
Intradermal schedule
o 8-site intradermal method (8-0-4-0-1-1)
o 2-site intradermal method (2-2-2-0-1-1)
In 2005, Jeanna Giese was the first patient treated with the Milwaukee protocol and
became the first person ever recorded to survive rabies without receiving successful
post-exposure prophylaxis. But, survival rate is about 8% by this protocol.
Pre-exposure schedule
o Type of vaccine: Inactivated (from cell culture or embryonated egg vaccine)
o Number of doses: Three
o Schedule: 0, 7th and 21st or 28th day given by intramuscular or intradermal
route (vaccine should not be given at the glutial region)
o Booster: After one year then every five years
o Contraindication: Severe reaction to previous dose
o Adverse reactions: Mild local or systemic reactions; rare neuroparalytic
reactions reported
o Special precautions: Do not use animal-brain-derived vaccines
In 1885, on July 6th, Louis Pasteur injected the first of 14 daily injections of rabbit
spinal cord suspensions containing progressively inactivated rabies virus into a 9-
year old boyJoseph Meister, who has been severely bitten by a rabied dog two days
before. The immunization was successful. Joseph Meister not only got protection
against rabies but also withstood large quantities of virulent virus. Pasteur's
immunization procedure was rapidly adopted throughout the world. Hence, every
year July 6th is celebrated as world zoonoses day.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Japanese encephalitis
Kyasanur forest disease
Japanese B encephalitis
Type of zoonosis
Metazoonosis type I
The outer envelope is formed by envelope (E) protein and is the protective antigen. It
aids in entry of the virus to the inside of the cell.
JEV is maintained principally by biological transmission between mosquitoes and
Domestic pigs and wild birds (herons and egrets) are reservoirs of the virus.
Human, cattle and horses are dead-end hosts.
Swine acts as amplifying host and has very important role in epidemiology of the
Japanese encephalitis can be a risk to travelers to rural areas where the disease is
The most important mosquito vector is Culex tritaeniorhynchus, which feeds on
cattle in preference to humans; it has been proposed that moving swine away from
human habitation can divert the mosquito away from humans and swine.
The mosquitoes reproduce in paddy fields and natural water bodies of fresh water.
Japanese encephalitis is an endemic disease in tropical areas. Epidemics occur
during rainy season and a seasonal disease in temperate regions.
JE is most common in Asian countries, with 30,000 - 50,000 cases reported
Case-fatality rates range from 0.3% to 60% and depends on the population and on
People living in rural areas where the disease is common.
In India, the earliest evidences of occurrence of JE are from Nagpur (Maharastra)
and Chingelpet (Tamil Nadu) in 1952. Over the next decade, several cases of
encephalitis presenting at the Christian Medical College, Vellore were identified to be
JE. Around the same time, extensive serological surveys in South India revealed
widespread Flavivirus activity.
The first major epidemic of JE from India was reported from the Bankura and
Burdwan districts of West Bengal in 1973. Since then, repeated annual outbreaks
have occurred especially in the post monsoon, high mosquito season in West Bengal,
Bihar, Assam and the North East, Uttar Pradesh and the 3 southern states of Tamil
Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Prompt reporting of JE incidence to the local authority. Recovered patients from JEV
confer life-long immunity.
Evironment and personal hygiene.
Food and water sanitation.
Prompt treatment.
Use of mosquito net and mosquito repellents.
o Vaccination of the susceptible population comprised of children.
o All current vaccines are based on the genotype III virus.
o A formalin-inactivated mouse-brain derived vaccine was first produced in
Japan in the 1930s.
o The high cost of the vaccine, which is grown in live mice, means that poorer
countries have not been able to afford to give it as part of a routine
immunization programme.
o Neutralizing antibody persists in the circulation for at least two to three years
and perhaps longer.
o The total duration of protection is unknown, but because there is no firm
evidence for protection beyond three years, boosters are recommended every
two years for people who remain at risk.
o There are a number of new vaccines under development.
o The mouse-brain derived vaccine is replaced by a cell-culture derived vaccine
that is both safer and cheaper to produce. China licensed a live attenuated
vaccine in 1988 and more than 200 million doses have been given; this
vaccine is available in Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Korea and India.
o There is also a new chimeric vaccine based on the yellow fever 17D vaccine
that is currently under development.
Monkey disease
Type of zoonosis
Metazoonosis type IV
Vector-borne zoonosis
Brief history
In 1957, several dead monkeys were noticed in the Kyasanur forest in Soraba and
Sagar taluks of Shimoga district in Karnataka along with a severe prostrating illness
in some of the villagers in the area. A similar illness has been observed in the locality
a year earlier also. A new antigenically related to the Russian spring-summer
encephalitis complex of viruses was isolated by investigators from patients and dead
monkeys. It was named as the KFD virus after the name of the place from where the
first isolations were made.
The infected area in the Kyasanur forest has increased since 1957 from 800 sq.km to
4000 sq.km.
KFD is caused by Kyasanur forest disease virus (KFDV). Single stranded RNA virus
belongs to the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae.
KFD is limited to Karnataka state, India. Though human infection is usually found in
certain areas in Karnataka, the virus appears to be more widespread in distribution
as evidenced by KFD antibody in man and animals in the Kutch and Saurashtra
Peninsula and sporadically from other parts of India. Recently, a virus very similar to
KFD virus known as Alkhurma. Haemorrhagic Fever virus (AHFV) was discovered in
Saudi Arabia. KFDV and AHFV share 89% sequence homology.
People with recreational or occupational exposure to rural or outdoor settings (eg:
Hunters, campers, forest workers, farmers) are potentially at risk for infection.
Outbreaks of KFD in human beings residing by the side of the forest occur generally
in dry months (summer season - January to June) when field workers go to forests
more frequently. This period is also coinciding with increased tick activity. Human
being visiting natural nidus of infection may be bitten by infected ticks. Alternatively,
cattle grazing in the forest bring on to the human inhabitants, then the infected ticks
crawl down to reach human beings to bite.
Deforestation changed the uniform conditions of the environment and results
in evergreen forest vegetation changed to deciduous vegetation. This change has
favoured the proliferation of the tick H.spinigera.
Porcupines, rat, mice, forest birds and small mammals act as reservoir hosts. KFDV.
Haemaphysalis ticks acts as reservoir to some extent, in which transovarian
transmission of the virus has been demonstrated.
Monkeys act as amplifier host.
Man and cattle are accidental hosts.
There is no evidence of the disease being transmitted via unpasteurized milk of these
The adult Heamaphysalis spinigera ticks feed on large wild or domestic animals,
and then fell down on the ground. The larvae and nymph attach themselves to
humans, various small mammals of the forest, as well as birds and monkeys
and transmit the virus.
The virus has also been isolated from H.turturis, in the nymphs of which the agent
can survive throughout the year, and from six other species of Haemaphysalis,
several species oflxodes, and the tick family Argasidae.
The introduction of cattle in the jungle has facilitated the spread and increased
density of H.spinigera, along with higher circulation of the virus.
Disease in monkeys
Disease in man
Individual human protection against ticks is very much important, such as protective
clothing and the use of repellents.
A formalin-inactivated chick embryo fibroblast tissue culture vaccine produced,
but, demonstrated only 59% seroconversion in a field trial in the endemic area. The
presence of antibodies to other Flaviviruses, especially the West Nile virus, seems to
interfere with the vaccine’s efficacy.
In mice, it is reported that 70 to 100% protection against large doses of KFD virus for
at least 18 months with single inoculation of a live vaccine based on an attenuated
strain of Langat virus.
Tick control measures to be followed in KFD prevalent areas.
Tick control
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
Humans, wild and domestic birds, horses and pigs are reservoirs of influenza viruses,
which appear to be species specific.
Convalescent carriers act as reservoir hosts between epidemics.
Swine and water fowls act as mixing vessel for several influenza viruses.
Antigenic shift is probably required before animal virus becomes epidemic in
humans. Sporadic human infections with swine and avian strains have been
Human cases of influenza have occurred from contamination by aerosols from
infected ferrets and vice versa.
New influenza viruses are constantly evolving by mutation or by reassortment.
Mutations can cause small changes in the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase
antigens on the surface of the virus, is called antigenic drift, which slowly creates an
increasing variety of strains until one evolves that can infect people who are immune
to the pre-existing strains.
When influenza viruses reassort, they acquire completely new antigens. For example
by reassortment between avian strains and human strains, is called antigenic shift.
If a human influenza virus is produced that has entirely new antigens, everybody will
be susceptible, and the novel influenza will spread uncontrollably, causing a
fifteen minutes from dry paper tissues, and only five minutes on skin. Avian
influenza viruses can survive indefinitely when frozen.
They are inactivated by heating to 56°C for a minimum of 60 minutes, as well as by
acids (at pH <2).
Disease in animals
Disease in humans
Symptoms of influenza can start quite suddenly one to two days after infection.
Usually the first symptoms are chills or a chilly sensation, but fever is also common
early in the infection, with body temperatures ranging from 38-39°C, headache,
myalgia, malaise, coryza, pharyngitis and cough, and recovery within two weeks.
Sometimes, viral or secondary bacterial pneumonia may develop, especially in the
elderly people.
Complete rest.
Drink plenty of water, but avoid taking alcohol and tobacco.
If necessary, take antipyretic (paracetamol), and analgesics and cough syrups.
Antibiotics have no effect on the infection, unless secondary bacterial infection sets,
such as bacterial pneumonia.
The two classes of antiviral drugs used against influenza are neuraminidase
inhibitors and M2 protein inhibitors (Adamantane derivatives). Neuraminidase
inhibitors are currently preferred for flu virus infections since they are less toxic and
more effective.
The World Health Organization recommended that persons in high risk groups,
including pregnant women, children under two years of age, and persons with
respiratory problems, begin taking antivirals as soon as they start experiencing flu
symptoms. Antivirals include oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).
Ribavirin aerosol may help to reduce the severity of illness in patients.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
Occupational zoonosis
Anthrax ('Anthrakis' is the Greek word, means 'coal', and refering to the blackened
eschar skin lesion) is an acute infectious disease of all animals and human beings,
caused by Bacillus anthacis. Human infection is clinically characterized by necrotic
cutaneous ulcer (Eschar), pulmonay manifestations and gastrointestinal
manifestations, or some times meningeal form.
In animals, anthrax is characterized by septicemia and sudden death, accompanied
by the exudation of tarry coloured unclotted blood from the natural
orifices (mouth, nose, ear, anus) and the important findings of failure of the
blood to clot, absence of rigor mortis and bloaty appearance.
Brief history
Herbivorous animals infected by ingestion of spores which are viable in soil for years
and contaminated feed or water.
Man is infected by
o Cutaneous route: contact with contaminated carcasses, wool, hide or hair.
o Ingestion (Oral route): ingestion of under-cooked infected meat.
o Inhalation (Respiratory route): during wool sorting. It needs higher
dose (LD50) of 8000 to 10000 viable spores.
Inhalation of spores along with ingestion of under-cooked infected meat is highly
fatal than cutaneous route of infection.
Mortality may be 20%, 25-60% and 100% respectively in cutaneous, oral and
pulmonary route of infection.
Disease in animals
It primarily affects all warm-blooded animals, especially cattle, sheep, goats, horses
and pigs. Algerian sheep and dwarf pigs are naturally resistant to anthrax.
It is also recorded in dogs, chickens, elephants, camels, tigers, cats, etc.
The morbidity and mortality are 70 to 80 and 1 to 5% in highly susceptible and less
susceptible animals, respectively. But, it is fatal in swine.
Incubation period 1-5 days. It occurs as peracute, acute, subacute and rarely chronic
form. In swine, it may be pharyngeal form, intestinal form and septicemic form.
Anthrax is characterized by septicemia and sudden death, accompanied by the
exudation of tarry coloured unclotted blood from the natural orifices (mouth, nose,
ear, anus) and the important findings of failure of the blood to clot, absence of rigor
mortis and bloaty appearance.
Carcass suspected for anthrax MUST NOT BE OPENED. In accidentally opened
carcasses, splenomegaly (six time enlarged than the normal spleen) was observed,
with "black-berry jam consistency" of spleen.
Disease in man
Cutaneous anthrax: Procaine penicillin - 1 million units i/m injection for every 12 to
24 hrs for 5 to 7 days.
Pulmonary anthrax: Penicillin G - 2 million units i/v injection or Penicillin G -
500000 units i/v injection slowly for every 4 to 6 hrs until temperature returns to
normal or Streptomycin - 1 to 2 g / day.
Gastrointestinal anthrax: Ciprofloxacin 400 mg, every 12 hrs i/v injection and
ampicilin - 500 mg i/v injection, every 8 hrs for five days, followed by injections
ciprofloxacin - 500 mg twice a day and ampicilin - 500 mg at every 8 hrs interval for
two weeks.
Chloramphenicol, tetracycline, doxycycline and erythromycin can also be effective
for anthrax.
Carcass disposal involves incineration or deep burial. Barns and fences should be
disinfected with 10% sodium hydroxide or 3% peracetic acid.
Protective measures to be taken while handling of infected wool and hide.
Prevent the contact and ingestion of infected animal products.
People handling dead carcasses suspected for anthrax must not have skin abrasions,
should wear face mask, gum boots and protective clothing.
In animals:
o Using anthrax spore vaccine in animals can prevent the disease.
o Disinfect wool or hair from animals in endemic areas with 10% formalin, 5%
lye or 3% peracetic acid.
o Two to three days before and after vaccination of animals, antibiotics should
not be administered.
o Pregnant animals should not be vaccinated.
When an anthrax case is detected during the clinical examination of the herd or
during slaughter or post-mortem examination, immediate restrictions are imposed
on all activities to prevent the spread of the disease. In slaghterhouse all the
slaughter operations should be stopped and affected and in contact animals are
disposed off as per the recommended procedure. The buildings and slaughterhouses
are completely disinfected before subsequent use.
It is legally required that suspected carcass should not be opened or incised.
The natural orifices should be plugged with disinfected cotton.
Contaminated material along with animal should be collected and carried away in a
closed vehicle to the site of disposal.
If necessary, post-mortem inspection can be conducted at the site of disposal.
The animals should not be dragged or left uncovered for birds and wild animals to
feed upon.
It should be protected from human beings and other domestic animals and it should
not contaminate farmhouses, water supplies and pastures.
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
Occupational zoonosis
Brief history
In 1905, Maltese doctor and archaeologist Sir Temi Zammit identified unpasteurized
milk as the major source of the pathogen and it has since become known as Malta
The "classic Brucella" are Brucella abortus in cattle, B. melitensis in goats and B.
suis in swine. Other zoonotic Brucella are B. canis in dogs, B. ovis in sheep and B.
neotomae in rats, particularly in desert rat. B. ovis and B. neotomae are nonzoonotic
agents. Recently B. maris has been identified from marine animals.
Biovars of Brucella spp.
o Brucella melitensis - Biovars 1 to 3
o Brucella abortus - Biovars 1 to 7
o Brucella suis - Biovars 1 to 5
Brucella spp. are Gram negative, facultative intracellular pathogen, non motile,
aerobic and coccobacilli.
The disease is widely prevalent in all the countries of the world. Brucellosis is still a
serious problem facing the Veterinary and Medical professions.
In India, the disease is widely prevalent in all the States.
Human brucellosis due to B.canis is uncommon but can be acquired from dogs; most
cases resulted from contact with aborting bitches.
Each year about a half million cases of brucellosis occur around the world (WHO,
It has been eradicated from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands,
Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Hungary, the former Czechoslovakia,
Rumania and Bulgaria.
Swine brucellosis is never had this problem in Muslim countries as a result of
religious beliefs that have limited swine rising.
The natural reservoirs are cattle (Brucella abortus), goats (Brucella melitensis) and
swine (Brucella suis).
Source of infection
Raw milk, fresh cheese and raw vegetables contaminated with the excreta of infected
animal and/or carrier animals
Faeces of infected animal and/or carrier animals
Uterine and vaginal discharges
Placenta and foetal membranes
Aborted foetus and its contents
Contaminated environment, water, feed, utensils, farm equipment
Semen from infected bulls
In humans
o Drinking of infected raw milk or unpasteurized milk.
o Ingestion of cheese, raw vegetables and water contaminated with excreta of
infected animals.
o Handling of aborted foetus, fluids and foetal membranes.
o Occupational exposure: Stockyard workers, slaughter house workers and
butchers contract infection while handling foetuses, after births or by contact
with vaginal secretions, excreta and carcasses of infected animals.
o Veterinarian gets infection during rectal examination without wearing gloves
and while conducting post mortem examination.
Disease in animals
The incubation period is ranged from 1 to 3 weeks, but some rare instances may take
several months.
Abortions (at third trimester of pregnancy) are followed by immunity
Carrier state persists especially with secretions from the udder.
Infertility, testicular abnormalities and poor semen quality.
Inapparent infection may be common, as indicated by seropositivity.
Disease in man
In human beings
Based on the history and clinical signs. The clinical picture is not pathognomonic,
although the herd history may be helpful.
Increased ESR and lymphocytosis are suggestive.
Isolation, identification and typing of Brucella agents from blood, bone marrow,
from the sternum or ileal crest, lymph nodes and CSF.
o Standard plate agglutination test (SPAT) for qualitative diagnosis
o Standard tube agglutination test (STAT) for quantitative diagnosis. 100 IU is
considered as positive titre in human beings.
o Rose Bengal plate agglutination test (RBPT) for qualitative diagnosis
o Serological tests may have cross reaction with Cholera, Tularemia, Yersinia
enterocolitica O:9, E.coli O:157 and O:116, Salmonella subtypes Kauffmann-
White group N and Pseudomonas maltophila.
o To detect the IgG antibody (IgM antibody present in the earlier stage of the
infection, but IgG antibody always present), 2-mercaptoethanol and
compliment fixation test can be performed.
o Lateral flow based Spot test for qualitative diagnosis
individually (card test, plate or tube agglutination tests) and any "positive reactor"
animals must be slaughtered. A positive test results will lead to a trace back and
testing of other cattle at the farm of origin.
Rose Bengal plate agglutination test.
The reactivity of samples that are positive in screening tests should be retested using
established confirmatory tests such as the complement fixation test or enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay.
Brucellin skin test, which can be used as a screening or as a confirmatory herd test
when positive serological reactors occur in the absence of obvious risk factors in
unvaccinated herds.
Diagnosis of B.melitensis and B.ovis is usually accomplished by bacterial isolation or
demonstration of the organism in tissue or by serology.
AGID is more specific and sensitive than agglutination tests for B.canis.
Antigen identification
Smears of placental cotyledon, vaginal discharge and foetal lung, liver and abomasal
contents should be fixed with heat or ethanol and stained by the modified Ziehl
Neelsen (Stamp’s), Kosters’ staining, Gram's staining or Macchiavello staining
The presence of large aggregates of intracellular, weakly acid-fast organisms
of Brucella morphology is presumptive evidence of brucellosis. Care must be taken in
the interpretation of results as other infectious agents may have similar morphology
(e.g. Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydophila psittaci)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods.
Culture of blood, placental cotyledon, vaginal discharge, fetal tissues or abomasal
contents or hygroma fluid should be made on Brucella selective media.
Cultures can also be made from milk or colostrum, and from samples of tissues
collected at post-mortem, such as mammary gland, uterus, supramammary, and
internal iliac lymph nodes from females and testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles,
accessory glands, external inguinal and internal iliac lymph nodes from males. The
parotid, mandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes, from either males or females,
are good sources of the organism.
prophylactically. The potential for human disease due to RB51 remains unclear, but
prophylaxis with doxycycline is prudent.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Brief history
virulent strain of Mycobacterium bovis. They made 230 subcultures over a period of
13 years and evolved a strain known as "Bacille Calmette Guerin", which was
avirulent for man while retaining its immunogenicity. In 1927, the first human was
vaccinated and in 1948, the vaccine was accepted by TB workers.
Tuberculin test was first discovered by Von Pirquet in 1907.
The disease is discovered more than 100 years ago. There are about 60 million cases
of tuberculosis in the world. Around 5000 people die from tuberculosis daily.
According to the estimates of WHO about one third of the total population of the
world is infected with tubercle bacteria. This has made the disease an international
health problem.
Morbidity and mortality rates continue to be higher among urbanites, minorities, the
poor, the homeless, substance abusers and persons infected with HIV.
Global incidence is more in low income countries.
South-east Asia region countries carry 38% of the global burden of tuberculosis, with
3 million new cases and nearly 0.6 million deaths occurring every year.
Rising trend in HIV infection and emergence of multidrug resistant strains of TB
(MDR-TB) pose additional threat.
The incidence of TB is influenced by may factors, are:
o Poor or inadequate health care
o Poor standard of living and socioeconomic conditions
o Malnutrition
o Higher population density
o Occupational contraction
o Poor personal hygiene
In human beings
o Ingestion and inhalation are the most common mode of transmission.
o Mycobacterium bacilli are transmitted from infected animals or infected
tissue primarily via the aerosol route.
o Inhalation of droplets or droplet nuclei of sputum-positive patients, coughed
up materials and fomites contaminated with droplets of sputum.
o Contracted via ingestion or cutaneous inoculation of the bacilli.
o Exposure to dusty bedding of infected animals, coughing of infected animals
and aerosolization of the organism during sanitation procedures may also be
sources of the disease in the laboratory environment.
o Consumption of infected milk.
In animals
o Directly through contact with tuberculosis animals or their discharges or their
o Contact with tuberculosis peoples.
o Calves by ingestion of contaminated milk.
o Congenital infection.
o Through artificial insemination with infected semen.
Clinical signs
Disease in man
o Incubation period ranges from 3 to 6 weeks, but uncertain. There after the
development of disease depends upon the host-parasite relationship. It may
take weeks or months or years.
o The patient may be asymptomatic for years. General signs may include
anorexia, weight loss, lassitude, fatigue, fever, chills and cachexia.
o Primary tuberculosis is often asymptomatic. Basic sequence of events may be
as (i). conversion of tuberculin sensitivity in 3 to 8 weeks, (ii). miliary and
meningeal TB in 3 months, (iii). pleural effusion an pneumonia in 3 to 6
months and (iv). first appearance of post primary lesions in renal, bone and
joints in one year.
o In humans, the clinical signs depend on the organ system involved.
o Chronic pulmonary TB: The most familiar signs related to pulmonary TB are
cough, sputum production and hemoptysis. It is common in middle aged
people who have preexisting pulmonary lesions.
o Lymphadenitis: It is common in children from 18 months to 5 years of age.
Lymph nodes are primarily those of the neck close to the jaw bone (cervical
lymph nodes) affected.
o Skin or cutaneous TB: Skin lesions are characterized by ulcers or by papular
lesions progressing to dark suppurative lesions.
o Miliary TB is most often seen in the very young and old people.
o M.marinum of fish strain causes granulomas on the extremities as a group of
papules that ulcerate and scab over, is described as "swimming pool
granuloma or fish tank granuloma". Lesions may persist for months, and
healing is usually spontaneous. Swimming pool granuloma may also be due
to M.xenopi.
Disease in animals
o High fever and emaciation
o Loss of body weight slowly
o Difficult in breathing
o Painful dry cough
o Abdominal pain
o Chronic bloat
Objective of chemotherapy is to cure and eliminate the both slow and fast growing
The patient must take the correct drug at the correct dosage for the correct length of
Incomplete treatment leads to relapse and development of MDR-TB and XDR-
TB (Extreme Drug Resistant TB).
Anti-tuberculosis drugs are:
o Bactericidal drugs: Rifampicin (10 - 12 mg/kg body weight), Isoniazid (4 - 5
mg/kg body weight), Streptomycin (0.5 - 1 gm/kg body weight) and
Pyrazinamide (30 mg/kg body weight), which kill the bacilli in-vivo.
o Bacteriostatic drugs: Ethambutol (15 mg/kg body weight) and Thioacetazone
(2 mg/kg body weight), which inhibit the multiplication and lead to their
destruction by the cell mediated immune response.
Triple therapy means treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin and ethambutol.
DOTS strategy: It is effective world wide. It follows two phases viz. Intensive phase
and Continuous phase.
o Intensive phase: Patients swallow drugs in the presence of health workers
(daily for 1 to 3 months).
o Continuous phase: Drugs given for a week and patients swallow medicines in
the presence of health worker (for 6 to 9 months).
In DOTS strategy, the cases are divided in to three categories
o Note: H - Isoniazid (600 mg); R - Rifampicin (450 mg); Z - Pyrazinamide
(1500 mg); E - Ethambutol (1200 mg); S - Streptomycin (750 mg)
o Category I: For 6 months
New sputum smear positive - 2(HRZES)3
Seriously ill sputum smear negative or seriously ill extra-pulmonary
TB - 4(HR)3
o Category II: For 8 months
Sputum smear positive (relapse) - 2(HRZES)3
Sputum smear positive (failure) - 1(HRZE)3
Sputum smear positive (treatment after default) - 5(HRE)3
Seriously ill sputum smear negative or seriously ill extra-pulmonary
TB - 4(HR)3
o Category III: For 6 months
Sputum smear negative, not seriously ill - 2(HRZ)3
Extra-pulmonary, not seriously ill - 4(HR)3
o Note: Persons >60 kgs, additional 150 gm of rifampicin and persons >50 kgs,
additional 500 gm of streptomycin should be given.
Treatmet in animals
Type of zoonosis
Brief history
Humans are susceptible to all serovars, and they are mostly accidental or incidental
Host susceptibility may vary with different serovars, and act as primary maintenance
host. Example: pigs and cattle are principle hosts for L.pomona, cattle
for L.hardjo and dogs forL.canicola.
The rat, particularly, Rattus norvegicus, is the chief reservoir host.
Source of infection
The organism may also enter through minor skin lesions and probably via the
Many infections have followed bathing or swimming in infected waters.
Ingestion of urine contaminated food and water.
Disease in man
Figure 1. Uveitis
Leukocytosis, painful orchitis (testes not usually enlarged), conjunctival effusion and
Icteric leptospirosis (Weil's syndrome-usually caused by L.icterohaemorrhagiae) is
the most severe form of the disease, characterized by impaired renal and hepatic
function, abnormal mental status, hypotension, and a 5-10% mortality rate. Signs
and symptoms are continuous and not biphasic.
Non- suppurative meningitis.
Disease in animals
In cattle
o It may be acute or subacute or chronic infection.
o L.pomona and L.hardjo are the important pathogens in cattle, causing
o Clinically, fever and anorexia occur with rapid decline in milk yield and
atypical mastitis / milk drop syndrome or haemorrhagic
mastitis, haemoglobinuria. Also, mild jaundice and severe haemolytic
anaemia occurs with enlarged liver and swollen kidneys will be observed.
o Pregnant cows abort (at third trimester of pregnancy) with retention
of the placenta (Storms of abortion).
In pigs
o Subclinical infection is common, though it can cause abortion and birth of
weak piglets, and infertility.
In dogs and cats
o Gastroenteritis, jaundice and nephritis may occur.
o Acute haemorrhagic form, icteric form and uremic form (Stuttgart's disease)
have been recognized.
o L.cnicola and L.icterohaemorrhagiae are the important pathogens of dogs.
In horses
o L.pomona causes abortion and still births
o Periodic ophthalmia (moon blindness, irridocyclitis)
In sheep and goats
o Acute septicemia
o Haemolytic anaemia.
o Haemoglobinuria.
o Increased BUN, bilirubin, leucocytic count and erythrocytic fragility.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
Listeriosis is an infectious bacterial infection in ruminants, pigs, dogs, and cats, some
wild animals and humans, causing abortions or nervous system disorders in animals.
In humans, it is clinically characterized by fever, headache, nausea, vomiting,
endocarditis, granulomatous lesions in multiple organs, cutaneous involvement,
coryza, conjunctivitis, metritis with abortion, sepsis and meningitis.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Culture and isolation of the causal agent from blood, CSF, amniotic fluid and
septicemic foetuses.
Anton's eye test
Modified CAMP test
Intracerebral inoculation into mice
Serology for the detection of IgM antibodies by FAT, CFT andELISA.
PCR technique
Personal hygiene.
Safety food production.
Cooking of foods of animal origin.
Vegetables and cooking vessels should be washed before use.
Avoid drinking raw milk, eating raw meat and food products.
Avoid eating soft cheese by pregnant women.
In animals:
o When an outbreak occurs in animals, the affected animals should be
immediately treated and isolated and those that have died should be
destroyed or removed from the premises.
o Buildings should be thoroughly disinfected and cleaned and all bedding and
feed should be burned.
o Silage feeding should be reduced and if spoiled, should be avoided.
Type of zoonosis
Brief history
The second pandemic of plague, known then as the "Black Death", originated in
Mesopotamia about the middle of the 11th century, attained its peak in the
14th century and did not disappear until the close of the 17th century. It is thought
that the Crusaders, returning from the Holy Land in the 12th and 13th centuries, were
instrumental in hastening the spread of the disease. Again the land along trade
routes was primarily involved and from them the infections spread east, west and
north. During the course of the disease, 25,000,000 people perished, a fourth of the
population of the world.
"Black death" inspired one of the most enduring nursery rhymes in the English
language, “Ring a Ring O'Roses, a pocket full of posies / Ashes, ashes (or
ah-tishoo ah-tishoo), we all fall down”.
The miasmatic theory of disease described that diseases such as cholera or the
Black plague were caused by a miasma (Greek language: "pollution"), a noxious form
of "bad air". A remnant of this theory is the name of malaria, from Italian mala
aria ("bad air").
Domestic rats (Rattus rattus) are the most important reservoirs worldwide and
the urban rat (Rattus norvegicus).
Infected rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) or rodents harbor Yersinia.
Fleas may remain infected for months.
The disease is also associated with cats, goats, camels, rabbits, dogs and coyotes.
Dogs and cats may serve as passive transporters of infected rodent fleas into the
home or laboratory.
A protein secreted by the Yersinia pestis is a coagulase that causes blood ingested by
the flea to clot in the proventriculus. The condition is called as "Blocked flea
condition".The bacillus proliferates in the proventriculus, and thousands of
organisms are regurgitated by obstructed fleas and inoculated intradermally into the
Coagulase is inactive at high temperatures and is thought to explain the cessation
of plague transmission during very hot weather.
Yersinia pestis may enter in to the body through skin, conjunctiva, oral route and
inhalation route.
Contact with infected rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) or rodents.
Pulmonary form spread by airborne or droplet infection.
Human infections from non-rodent species usually result from direct contact with
infected tissues, by scratch or bite injuries and handling of infected animals.
Man to man transmission is mainly air-borne.
Disease in animals
Self-limiting illness in dogs, and severe, often fatal infection in cats, with fever,
lymphadenopathy, haemorrhagic pneumonia and encephalitis.
Rodents may carry the disease asymptomatically or develop fatal disease.
Fatal infection in rats and squirrels.
Disease in man
Bubonic plague
o Incubation period ranges from few hours to 12 days, generally 2 to 7 days
after flea bite.
o It is the most common form causing fever and swollen, tender lymph nodes,
called "Buboes".
o Rigor and fever are prominent signs.
o The pain in abdomen often emanates from groin (inguinal buboes) and
accompanied with vomiting and diarrhoea, which may be bloody.
o The bubo is a tender enlarged lymph nodes ranging from 1 to 2 cm. Buboes
are extremely tender and the overlying skin is erythematous. It is more
common at inguinal, groin and axial region.
Systemic plague / Septicemic plague
o The bubonic form spreads into the blood, it may cause death in 2 days, even
before other symptoms of bubonic or pneumonic plague appear.
o Chills, rapid pulse, fever, severe headache, vomiting and delirium may be
Pneumonic plague
o The incubation period varies between 3 to 5 days.
o It is a systemic plague with lung involvement.
o Symptoms begin abruptly 2 to 3 days after exposure to the bacteria, which
include high fever, chills and often severe headache. A cough develops in 24
o The sputum is clear at first, but rapidly becomes flecked with blood, and then
becomes uniformly pink or bright red and foamy.
o The sign of rapid progressive pneumonia, but no pleurisy.
o Death occurs in 2 days. Mortality may exceed 50%.
o As a complication, meningitis may be observed in some cases.
Pestis minor
o It is a mild form of plague that usually occurs only in geographic area where
the disease is endemic.
o Symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache and exhaustion, which
subside within a week.
Plague is also called the "black death" because disseminated intravascular
coagulation takes place and areas of skin undergo necrosis.
Impression smears of aspirates from buboes or blood or sputum stained with Gram's
stain or Giemsa's stain. Organisms have a typical "safety pin" appearance.
Culture and identification (confirmation by FAT).
Serology: CIE, ELISA, CFT, PHA, Dot-ELISA and FAT.
Paired sera may be useful for serological diagnosis of plague.
Molecular diagnosis by PCR.
Rodent control (using rodenticides like warfarin, zinc phosphate, carbon disulphide,
SO2, methyl bromide).
Elimination of fleas.
Sentinel animal programmes should be used in endemic areas.
Masks, gowns and gloves should be worn when handling cats suspected to be
Disinfection of all contaminated surfaces with sputum, discharges and dead rats by
o Proper disposal of garbage
o Proper storage of food grains
Combined vector and rodent control.
Chemoprophylaxis of individuals at high risk. Tetracycline (250 mg) or
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole may be helpful.
Vaccination: Two doses of formalin killed whole bacteria vaccine are given at
interval of 7 to 14 days. Immunity starts one week after vaccination and confers
immunity for 6 months.
Isolation of plague affected people must be done.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Epidemic typhus
Scrub typhus
Murine typhus
Type of zoonosis
Metarickettsial zoonosis
Brief history
The febrile illness among the abattoir workers in Brisbane, Queensland in Australia
was first noted by Edward Holbrook Derrick.
In 1937, Q-fever was discovered by Frank Macfarlane Burnet and Mavis
Freeman, and isolated the bacterium from one of the Derricks patients.
Gorden Davis and Herald Rea Cox found the etiological agent of Q-fever.
In 1938, Davis and Cox suggested that ticks, Ixodes ricinus involved in transmission
of disease and named as Coxiella burnetii.
An isolate from Dermacenter andersoni ticks collected from Nine Mile Creek,
Montana, and named the strain "Nine Mile" and the disease, "Nine Mile fever"
Sodium hypochlorite, 1:100 lysol solution and formalin fumigation kill the pathogen.
The two self perpetuating cycles involve: (1). Wild animals, with numerous tick hosts
and (2). Domestic animals - sheep, goats and cattle.
Dogs, cats and chickens are also susceptible.
Domestic animals are the main reservoir of infection for humans.
Coxiella burnetii can maintain itself in nature without involving invertebrate vectors.
Q fever has been reported outbreak in Dehra Dun in 1940, involving Gurkha troops,
and it was reported from Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu.
Diseases in animals
Disease in man
Acute form
o Incubation period is 2 to 4 weeks.
o Symptoms include, prolonged fever (39-40°C), severe frontal headache with
retro-orbital pain, profuse sweating, myalgia, fatigue, weight loss and nausea,
and clay-coloured stools.
o Chest pain upon breathing.
o Subacute endocarditis.
o No skin eruption or rash, which distinguishes it from other Rickettsial species
o Pulmonary involvement is asymptomatic in many cases.
o Most cases resolve in two weeks but may be protracted or relapsing in the
elderly people.
o Mortality rate is usually low (1%), except with endocarditis.
Chronic form
o Chronic endocarditis, particularly in persons with preexisting valvular
diseases, cancer and chronic kidney failure.
o Case fatality rate may be as high as 60%.
Brill-Zinsser disease ( first described by Nathan Brill in 1913 in New York), Camp
fever, Jail fever or Gaol fever (often occurs when prisoners are frequently huddled
together in dark rooms), Hospital fever, Ship fever, Famine fever, Putrid fever,
Petechial fever, Epidemic louse-borne typhus or Louse-borne typhus
Type of zoonosis
Brief history
In 1916, Henrique da Rocha Lima proved the causative agent for typhus and he
named it Rickettsia prowazekii after H.T.Ricketts and Stanislaus von Prowazek, two
zoologists who died investigating a typhus epidemic in a prison camp in 1915.
In 1930, Rudolf Weigl developed an effective vaccine for typhus.
Outbreaks of epidemic typhus were often reported in camps during the time of
World War II and killed thousands of people, and also after natural disasters.
In India, it is prevalent in Jammu and Kashmir, Kulu valley, Jabalpur, Sagar
(Madhya Pradesh), Kota and Bundi in Rajasthan.
Epidemic typhus is a major public health problem, and has caused greatest harm in
people during the Second World War.
Overcrowding in army camps and refugee camps associated with poor hygiene
predispose to epidemic outbreaks.
Flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) and human body louse (Pediculus humanis
corporis) involved in the natural infection cycle of epidemic typhus.
Natural infection follows three years cyclic pattern, includes entry and gradual
spread of infection in the first year, epidemic outbreaks in the second year and
development of immunity in the third year. However, it develops latent infection,
which results in recrudescence even after 10 to 20 years.
In the environment, Rickettsia in the dried faeces of louse survives for long period.
According to the International sanitary regulations, the affected person should be
Disease in animals
No evidence of infection has been confirmed in domestic animals (cattle, sheep, goat
and camel), but there is a suggestive evidences.
Disease in humans
Serological diagnosis: Weil Felix agglutination test using OX 19 antigen (OX 19,
OX 2 and OX K antigens are “O” antigens of Proteus, to which antigenic components
Chigger typhus
Type of zoonosis
The endemic area of scrub typhus in the world is described as the "tsutsugamushi
triangle", which extends from northern Australia in the south to northern Japan
and far-eastern Russia in the north, to Pakistan and Afghanistan in the west.
Trombiculid mites, Leptotrombidium deliense (chigger mite) found abundant in
these areas of heavy scrub vegetation.
Epidemics of scrub typhus occurred among US troops stationed in Japan after World
War II, and was described as "Shichito fever" or "Hatsuka fever"
Scrub typhus is often fatal and case fatality may be 4% to 40% if untreated.
Disease in man
Clinical signs include fever, muscle pain, headache, cough and gastrointestinal
The typical signs and problems of maculopapular rash, eschar lesions at the site of
mite bites, splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy are developed during clinical
Haemorrhages and intravascular coagulations may be caused by a virulent strain
of O.tsutsugamushi.
Pneumonia, encephalitis and myocarditis may be developed following clinical phase
of infection
Control of mites
Over-crowding should be avoided in certain circumstances like army camps and
refugee camps.
Vaccine was developed in 1937 in the United Kingdom by Wellcome Foundation and
used in cotton rats (the project was called as “Operation Tyburn”). But this vaccine
was not commercially used.
The vaccine trial was planned in India for use by Allied Land Forces, South-East Asia
Command (A.L.F.S.E.A.) in June, 1945. But, it was objected by the military
The antigenic variation in Orientia tsutsugamushi strains was then identified, which
hindered to produce a viable vaccine.
Type of zoonosis
Metazoonosis type I
Disease in animals
The agent localizes in the brain and various organs but with no known lesions.
Disease in man
Gradual onset of fever with severe headache, rigors, generalized pains and dry
cough for about 2 weeks.
A macular rash appears by about 5 days, first appearing on the trunk and lasting
about six days.
CNS manifestations are possible.
Damage is caused to vascular endothelia by invasion of rickettsia, possibly
leading to thrombosis and haemorrhage.
Case fatality rate is 1-2% in untreated cases.
Tetracycline or chloramphenicol.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
The word "psittacosis" is used when the disease is carried by any species of bird
belonging to the Psittacidae family, whereas "ornithosis" is used when other birds
carry the disease.
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
The incidence in canaries and finches is generally lower than in psittacine birds.
The main reservoirs for C.psittaci are birds.
It also occurs in mice, guinea pig, rabbits, cats, frogs and ruminants.
C.psittaci serovar A is endemic among psittacine birds.
C.psittaci serovar B is endemic among pigeons
C.psittaci serovars C and D are occupational hazards for slaughterhouse workers and
for people in contact with birds.
C.psittaci serovar E isolates (known as Cal-10, MP or MN) have been obtained from
a variety of avian hosts.
Ovine strains may infect pregnant women.
Bird owners, pet shop employees, zookeepers and veterinarians are at risk of the
C.psittaci is one of the infectious agents, as potential biological weapons.
Inhalation and ingestion are the major routes of transmission, and direct contact
with infective materials also causes disease.
Dry faeces or nasal discharges are highly infective aerosols.
Chlamydophila psittaci may survive for several months in the environment.
Disease in man
Children aged less than 9 years and pregnant women can take erythromycin as an
alternative to tetracycline.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Skin scraping from active periphery region of the lesion, nail scrapings and hair
follicles should be collected for microscopic examination.
Microscopic examination reveals the presence of branching hyphae and chains of
arthroconidia in positive cases (sample should be treated with 10% KOH and heated
gently before examination).
Wood's lamp technique can be followed, i.e. ultraviolet light gives bright greenish
blue fluorescence.
Lactophenol cotton blue staining improves visualization of branching hyphae
and chains of arthroconidia in positive cases.
Isolation and identification by culture of suspected skin scrapings in selective SDA
media (Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar with chloramphenicol).
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Staphylococcal food poisoning
Type of zoonosis
Faecal-oral transmission.
Ingestion of contaminated food and water (poultry carcasses, meat or unpasteurized
milk, inadequatly cooked food, cross-contamination of cooked foods and
inadequately storage).
Environmental contamination (water sources and sewage) is a potential source of
Disease in animals
Disease in humans
Type of zoonosis
Staphylococcus spp. are salt tolerant and can grow in salty foods like ham. Examples
of foods that have caused staphylococcal food poisoning are sliced meat, puddings,
some pastries and sandwiches.
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B is a bio-weapon.
Disease in animals
Mastitis in cattle.
Pyoderma, impetigo, folliculitis and furunculosis in dogs.
Salpingitis and arthritis in poultry.
Disease in humans
The incubation period is short (~3 hours) and the course of the disease is usually
benign and the patient recovers without medication in 24 to 72 hours.
The start of clinical signs and severity of infection is depending on the quantity of
pre-formed toxin in the food ingested.
The major symptoms are pyrexia (38ºC), nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains and
More serious cases manifest prostration, cephalalgia, abnormal temperature and
lowered blood pressure, as well as blood and mucus in the stool and vomit.
Toxic shock syndrome: Symptoms consist of vomiting, diarrhoea, high fever, renal
insufficiency and toxic shock. This syndrome had been very often noticed in women
who become ill during their menstrual period.
Culture (Baird Parker medium) and identification from blood, vomitus, faeces
and suspected food materials.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Clostridium perfringens type A is ubiquitous in the soil and in the intestinal tract of
animals and humans.
Soil and intestine of man and animals are the natural reservoirs for clostridial food
Clostridium perfringens type A produces alpha toxin in the intestine and released
during sporulation.
Outbreaks mostly reported in several countries where meals prepared in restaurants
or institutions.
In animals, five types of toxigenic Clostridium identified and designated by the
letters A, B, C, D and E.
Disease in animals
Clostridium perfringens type A is part of the normal flora of the intestine. The
pathogens under favourable conditions produce alpha toxin and cause a disease in
nursing lambs, is described as “yellow lamb disease”. It is characterized by
depression, anaemia, jaundice and haemoglobinuria, finally death in 6 to 12 hours
after the onset of clinical symptoms.
Clostridium perfringens type B causes “lamb dysentery” in lambs less than 2
weeks old. It is characterized by haemorrhagic enteritis.
Clostridium perfringens type C causes “struck”, the haemorrhagic enteritis in
adult sheep, as well as necrotic enteritis in calves, lambs, suckling pigs and fowl.
Clostridium perfringens type D produces epsilon toxin, which
causes enterotoxaemia (Over eating disease, Pulpy kidney disease) in
sheep of all ages due to abundant consumption of food, whether milk, pasture or
Clostridium perfringens type E causes dysentery or enterotoxaemia in calves
and lambs.
Disease in humans
Incubation period ranges from 6 to 24 hours after ingestion, which indicates that the
food ingested contained pre-formed toxin. Hence, the clinical signs begin suddenly
with abdominal cramps and diarrhoea, but usually not vomiting or fever.
Colonization of Clostridium perfringens type A in the intestine and the production of
enterotoxin results in varied clinical pictures (diarrhoea or bloody stools), that
mimicking infection caused by Salmonella or Campylobacter.
It causes necrotic enteritis in the small intestine, especially jejunum.
Clostridial food poisoning does not usually require medical treatment, but
symptomatic treatment can be provided.
Type of zoonosis
Poultry and cattle are the main reservoirs for human infection.
Dogs, cats, hamsters, ferrets, nonhuman primates, rabbits, swine, sheep, cattle and
birds are susceptible.
Young animals more likely to acquire the infection.
Asymptomatic carriers can be shed the organism for long periods of time in stool.
Faecal-oral transmission.
Transmission of ingestion of contaminated raw milk, undercooked chicken or other
contaminated food.
Direct contact with infected faecal material.
Person-to-person transmission by direct contact.
Houseflies mechanically spread this infection.
Organism is viable at 40°C for 3 weeks in faeces and milk, 4 weeks in water and 5
weeks in urine.
Campylobacter is shed in the faeces for at least 6 weeks after infection.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of food-borne zoonotic helminthosis such as
Many of the helminth parasites common to both animals and humans have an
indirect life cycle and thus limits the zoonotic potential of these organisms.
Helminths are potentially zoonotic in the laboratory environment, but they represent
a significantly smaller problem than bacterial or viral diseases.
Food-borne zoonotic helminthosis very common in India, which includes
o Trichinosis
o Taeniosis / Cysticercosis
o Diphyllobothriosis
o Hydatidosis
Additionally few other important zoonotic parasitic diseases have also been
provided, such as
o Cercarial dermatitis
o Cutaneous larval migrans
o Visceral larval migrans
The preventive and control measures that reduce the transmission and incidences of
zoonotic parasitic diseases in human beings are:
o Quarantine, surveillance and treatment to decrease endoparasitic burden
o Routine sanitation to eliminate parasitic ova before they can become infective
Type of zoonosis
Meat-borne zoonosis
Distributed worldwide.
Pigs, rats, dogs, cats and many wild animals are susceptible.
Eating of raw pork or under cooked pork results in development of trichinosis in
Sylvatic cycle involves jackals and wild boars by cannibalism.
Synanthropic cycle involves wild and domestic cycles.
Disease in animals
Usually subclinical
Disease in humans
Meat inspection.
Larval examination by Baermann's apparatus.
Muscle biopsy and trichinoscopic examination.
Type of zoonosis
D.latum is common in northern temperate regions where the fish are eaten raw (e.g.,
in the Baltic countries, Finland and Canada / Alaska) America, especially Peru.
Humans, dogs and cats are definitive hosts for D.latum.
Two intermediate hosts such as plankton crustacean and freshwater fish to complete
its life cycle.
Gravid proglottids are passed in the faeces of the definitive host, and eggs hatch in
Hatched out eggs infect the plankton crustacean (first intermediate hosts), then
freshwater fish consume these first intermediate hosts), and the larvae encysted in
the musculature.
Humans get parasitised by eating raw infected fish.
Disease in animals
Usually no clinical infection is seen in dogs and cats, but heavy infection with larvae
of D.latum can kill the second intermediate hosts (fishes).
Disease in humans
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of food-borne zoonotic helminthosis
Type of zoonosis
Taenia solium (tape worm of pigs) and Taenia saginata (tape worm of cattle)
In 60 to 70 days cyst develops, 110 days all cysts are fully developed In 60 to 70 days cyst develops
are fully developed
ge Cysticercus cellulosae (Measly pork) Cysticercus bovis (Measly
Heart, diaphragm, internal masseter, tongue, neck, intercostals and abdominal Masseter, shoulder, esophagus
muscles, less commonly brain, liver, lung, kidney and eye diaphragm, liver, lung and lym
Taeniosis, Cysticercosis Taeniosis
Autoinfection is possible in man and man can act as complete host No autoinfection in humans
Eggs of Taenia can survive for about two months in summer and for 5 months in
winter conditions.
Use of untreated sewages for irrigation.
Coprophagus insects and birds feeding on sewage water may disseminate infection to
distance places.
Humans get infection through ingestion of raw or under cooked meat and meat
products infested either with Cysticercus cellulosae (Measly pork) or Cysticercus
bovis (Measly beef).
Taenia solium
Pigs (intermediate host) ingest gravid segments or free eggs in faeces of human
beings. Human beings also act as intermediate hosts (autoinfection due to
faecal-oral transmission).
Oncospheres are released from the eggs in the intestine, which penetrate the
intestinal wall and reach the blood circulation, and finally disseminated in to various
tissues and organs.
In 9 to 10 days, larvae (Cysticercus cellulosae – measly pork) fully develop in
the different predilection sites, such as heart, diaphragm, internal masseter, tongue,
neck, intercostals and abdominal muscles, less commonly brain, liver, lung, kidney
and eye. This is the infective stage for human beings.
Measly pork undercooked is consumed by humans results in emergence of larvae in
the intestine, attachment and development in to adult parasite in 5 to 12 weeks time.
Gravid segments (~8 to 10 gravid segments/day) and one gravid proglottid contains
30,000 - 50,000 eggs.
Taenia saginata
Disease in animals
Disease in humans
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of food-borne zoonotic helminthosis and some other important parasitic
zoonotic diseases such as
Cercarial dermatitis
Visceral larval migrans
Cutaneous larval migrans
Type of zoonosis
Intermediate stage: Hydatid cyst (65-75% in liver and 10-20% in lung), is a fluid-
filled cyst with brood capsules.
After 5 months, the hydatid cyst measures about 1 cm, with two layers (external,
cuticular or laminar layers and internal, germinative or proligerous cellular
The larval form of E.granulosus, typically consists of a single cavity, is unilocular,
which is filled with fluid, is hydatid fluid. Brood capsules bud off from the
germinative layer and invaginated protoscolices, which constitute the infective agent
of the parasite. These capsules either adhere or float freely in the hydatid fluid. The
capsules and the protoscolices that float freely in the hydatid fluid are known
as "hydatid sand". Some hydatid do not form capsules, and sometime the capsule
do not form protoscolices, is called "sterile larvae" or "sterile cyst". As the larva
develops and the tissues of the host are compressed.
The cycle will be completed when definitive host ingests the viscera of an
intermediate host in which there are fertile hydatid cysts.
Each scolex develops in to an adult cestode in the definitive host's small intestine and
produces infective eggs after 45 to 60 days of ingestion (a single cyst may produce
thousands of adult cestode).
Gravid proglottids are passed in the faeces of definitive host.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Surgical removal of cysts. Sudden removal of cyst may lead to shock. So, removal of
hydatid fluid should be done over a period of time.
Chemotherapy with albendazole (10 mg / kg body weight) or albendazole +
praziquantel combination or mebendazole can be prescribed.
Type of zoonosis
Direct anthropozoonosis
Distributed worldwide.
Definitive hosts: Geese, ducks, water fowls, domestic and wild mammals, such as
raccoons and rodents.
Sources of infection are in and around fresh water or salt water bodies, where snail
activities are more.
Swimmers, clam-diggers, washermen, fishermen and rice-field workers are most
likely to be exposed to cercariae.
People contract infection through recreational and occupational activities.
Eggs (contains miracidium) are voided in the faeces of definitive host or urine.
Miracidium liberated in the water and swims till it attaches with an intermediate
host (snails such as Bulineus, Lymnea, Planorbis).
Miracidium develops into sporocyst, which develops into redia, and then into
cercaria. Unlike the cercariae of other trematodes, schistosomes do not form
The cercariae swim in the water and die if they fail to find a host within 24 hours.
Cercariae invade the host body by skin penetration and undergo histological
changes in their tegument, becoming juvenile parasites, called schistosomula.
Schistosomula penetrate into blood circulation and lymphatics, and reach the lungs,
where they remain for several days. Then, they reach the liver, where they mature
and mate. Finally migrate to their final site and start to lay eggs.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Praziquantel @ 22.5 mg per duck or water fowl is effective against adult parasite, if
given during the pre-patent period.
Rice-field worker can apply copper oleate cream of dimethyl phthalate cream on
their skin before getting in to the field.
Swimmers should dry off their skin immediately after bathing to avoid skin
penetration of cercariae.
Control of snail population using molluscicides.
Creeping eruption
Type of zoonosis
Saprozoonosis, Anthropozoonosis
Cutaneous larval migrans (CLM) is caused by the larvae of the dog and cat
hookworms, Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum. A
number of other animal hookworms, gnathostomiosis and strongyloidosis are rarely
also causative agents.
Direct skin contact with larvae (soil to skin contact, contamination with animal
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Intensely pruritic erythematous papules appear at the site of larval entry, particularly
on the hands or feet.
Two to 3 days later, serpiginous eruptions appear as the larvae migrate at a rate of
several millimeters a day. The process continues for weeks or up to a year, and the
lesions may remain severely pruritic, vesiculate and become encrusted and
secondarily infected.
Without treatment, the larvae eventually die and are absorbed.
Treatment is not needed, but, antihistamines and antibiotic ointments can be applied
Albendazole or thiabendazole can be taken.
Type of zoonosis
Visceral larval migrans (VLM) is due to Toxocara canis, an ascarid of dogs and
other canids, but in a few cases Toxocara cati in domestic cats has been implicated.
Infection is generally in dirt-eating young children who ingest T.canis or T.cati eggs
from soil or sand contaminated with animal faeces, most often from puppies.
Direct contact with infected animals does not produce infection, as the eggs require a
3 to 4 week extrinsic incubation period to become infective; thereafter, eggs in soil
remain infective for months to years.
In humans, hatched larvae are unable to mature and continue to migrate through the
tissues for up to 6 months. Eventually they lodge in various organs, particularly the
lungs and liver and less often the brain, eyes and other tissues, where they produce
eosinophilic granulomas up to 1 cm in diameter.
Disease in animals
The first indication of infection in young animals is lack of growth and loss of
Infected animals have a dull coat and often are "pot-bellied".
Worms may be vomited and are often voided in the faeces.
In the early stages, pulmonary damage due to migrating larvae may occur; this may
be complicated by bacterial pneumonitis, so that respiratory distress of variable
severity may supervene.
Diarrhoea with mucus may be evident.
In severe infections of puppies, verminous pneumonia, ascites, fatty degeneration of
the liver and mucoid enteritis are common.
Cortical kidney granulomas containing larvae are frequent in young dogs.
Disease in man
No parasitic forms can be found by faecal exam.
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Toxoplasmosis in animals and man is distributed worldwide. It has wide host range.
Cat and wild felines act as definitive hosts (final hosts), and reservoirs
for Toxoplasma gondii.
Domestic cat predominates as reservoir for zoonotic transmission.
All mammals, man, sheep, dogs, pigs, including cats and birds act as intermediate
Prevalence is more common during warm and humid climates.
Infection is common in older persons, immunodeficient people and HIV positive
Seropositivity increases with age.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Treatment in man
Learning objectives
To know about reservoirs, clinical manifestations in animals and humans, and the
management of
Type of zoonosis
Birds and other invertebrates consume the parasite in egg or oocyst form from the
faeces of infected vertebrates.
The oocysts then develop into the sporozoite form in the intestines of the
The sporozoites migrate to the animal's bloodstream and invade certain cells, which
are then multiplied and give rise to the merozoite form.
These merozoites are carried by the blood to the animal's muscles, where whitish
macrocysts are produced.
When carnivores eat the invertebrate's muscle tissue, the parasites reach maturity
and reproduce sexually in the host's intestine, releasing oocysts.
Disease in animals
In cattle (S.cruzi, the most pathogenic species), the disease manifests fever, anorexia,
anaemia, loss of weight, loss of body hair (particularly at the tip of the tail),
weakness, muscle twitching, prostration, abortion, reduced milk-yield,
hypersalivation, neurologic signs and death.
Pregnant cows may abort and milking cows may have reduced milk yield.
Haemorrhages are most evident on the serous surface of viscera, in cardiac and
skeletal muscles, and in the sclera of the eyes.
In acute sarcocystosis, skeletal muscles are seen mottled or striped with pale areas,
interspersed with dark haemorrhagic areas.
Disease in humans
The main objective in controlling sarcocstosis is to interrupt the life cycle, which will
minimize the spread of sporocysts the definitive hosts.
Uncooked meat or offal should never be left to feed carnivores.
Dead livestock should be buried or incinerated to avoid access of carnivores.
Cooking of the meat above 55oC for 20 minutes or at 70oC for 15 minutes destroys the
Freezing of the meat at 4oC for 2 days or -20oC for 1 day can kill sarcocysts in meat.
Learning objectives
To know about
World Health Organization (WHO) defined Veterinary Public Health (VPH) as "the
sum of all contributions to the physical, mental and social well-being of
humans through an understanding and application of veterinary
science". Zoonoses are the main concern of VPH.
In addition a number of well known and preventable animal diseases that can be
transmitted to humans (i.e. zoonoses) such as rabies, brucellosis, leishmaniosis and
echinococcosis continue to occur in many countries especially in the developing
world where they mostly affect the poorest segment of the human population.
They cause a serious amount of deaths and millions of affected people every year.
All major zoonotic diseases prevent the efficient production of food of animal origin,
particularly of much-needed proteins, and create obstacles to international trade in
animals and animal products. They are thus an impediment to overall socioeconomic
From way back veterinary medicine played a major role in the preventing of and
interventions against animal diseases including zoonoses.
There is also much collaboration with WHO collaborating centres, other universities,
research centres and institutions.
Primary Health Care facilities to the people of Tamil Nadu especially to those in the
rural areas under different health programmes are formulated through
strengthening the preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health care
services, and are implemented through the Community Health Centres, Primary
Health Centres and Health Sub centres.
Network of Primary Health Centres and their services: As per the norms
prescribed by the Government of India, one Primary Health centre is to be set up for
every 30,000 population in the plains and for every 20,000 population in the hill
Accordingly at present (as on 2009) there are 1399 Primary Health centres including
59 Community Health Centres in Tamil Nadu.
The Medical Officers who along with other public health staff provide curative,
preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services in the rural areas.
The drugs required for these health centres are procured and supplied through the
Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation Limited.
Tribal Welfare Scheme: Under this scheme, 12 blocks viz, Alangayam,
Jamnamarudur, Sankarapuram, Kalrayan Hills, Uppiliapuram, Yercaud,
Ayodhiyapattinam, Peddanaickenpalayam, Gangavalli, Kolli Hills, Pappireddipatty
and Thiruvattar have been identified as tribal areas in the State. 14 Primary Health
Centres are functioning under the Tribal Sub Plan Scheme. In addition 11 more
Primary Health Centres are located in tribal areas including the two Community
Health Centres at Alangayam and Kariyalur.
infants against vaccine preventable diseases and the entire State of Tamil Nadu came
under Universal Immunisation Programme in a phased manner.
The programme is very successful and pregnant women and infants are getting the
benefits continuously.
Tamil Nadu has already achieved the target of elimination of Neonatal Tetanus and
reduction of morbidity and mortality due to measles. The state is almost nearing the
stage of eradication of poliomyelitis.
Intensified Pulse Polio Immunisation for eradication of Poliomyelitis: To achieve
100% coverage of all children under 5 years, Intensified Pulse Polio Strategy is
The control of Communicable Diseases is one of the major programmes under the
Primary Health Care Services, especially for the diseases occurring in epidemic
Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases and suspected Cholera are common among the water
borne diseases.
Tamil Nadu is endemic for Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases with sporadic outbreak of
cholera in most of the districts throughout the year, and, in epidemic proportions
during the rainy seasons and peak summer periods.
All the District level officials and executive authorities of local bodies have been
asked to take necessary preventive measures including proper disposal of solid
wastes and maintain sanitation and hygiene, chlorinate all water sources and
undertake fly control measures.
The Water Analysis Laboratories established at Chennai and Coimbatore collect and
examine water samples from various protected water sources to control pollution
and contamination of drinking water.
These laboratories also assist the Tamil Nadu pollution Control Board in examining
samples of Industrial Wastes and conduct field surveys to ensure the prevention and
control of environmental and industrial pollution.
Air pollution surveys are also carried out around the industries to assess air quality.
The programme for the control of Vector borne diseases (Viz) Malaria, Filaria,
Guineaworm and Japanese Encephalitis are implemented in the State.
There is a separate post of Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (M&F)
to oversee the implementation of these programmes.
The Institute of Vector Control and Zoonoses, Hosur acts as a nodal agency for
Plague Control activities.
Surveillance system is organised to collect field rodents and examine the organ and
serum of these rodents for the presence of Plague Bacilli / Antibody which is
indicative of sylvatic plague foci among animals.
Dengue is also a vector borne disease and is transmitted through Aedes aegypti.
Malaria, Filaria, Japanese Encephalitis and Dengue are emerging diseases
transmitted by mosquito vectors.
Leptospirosis and anthrax are zoonotic diseases spread from animals to humans.
Disease surveillance units have been established in 5 districts to study the prevalence
and forecast the outbreak of these diseases which will help in organizing timely
preventive measures.
The National Leprosy Eradication Programme was launched in 1954-55 with the
main thrust on early detection and sustained regular treatment of all Leprosy
Patients with a single drug.
With the introduction of multi drug therapy (MDT) in 1981 there has been a
remarkable improvement in the recovery of Leprosy patients.
Tamil Nadu has done a commendable work in Leprosy Eradication Programme.
The prevalence rate which was 118 per 10,000 population in 1983 has now been
brought down to 4.2 per 10,000 population.
The programme has helped us to move towards total elimination of Leprosy.
Tamil Nadu has shown significant progress over the years and with sustained
efforts and co-operation from the public.
It is expected to achieve the target set by Word Health Organisation of
elimination of leprosy as a Public Health Problem and to reduce the case load to
less than 1 per 10,000 population.
The tremendous gain achieved through the Intensive Leprosy Eradication
Campaign launched in 1997 has made the Government of India and Government
of Tamil Nadu to decide to launch the modified Leprosy Elimination Campaign in
January 2000, to detect remaining hidden cases and fresh cases and create
awareness about Leprosy in the minds of the public.
Active immunity
Resistance developed in response to stimulus by an antigen (infecting agent or vaccine) and usually cha
Biological, chemical, physical, mechanical, social or behavioural entity for which the presence, the exce
Any foreign substance usually a protein that induces allergic reaction in the body of a person who is hy
Bar chart
A visual display of the size of the different categories of a variable. A bar represents each category or va
In epidemiology, a countable instance in the population or study group of a particular disease, health
individual with the particular disease
The enumeration of an entire population, usually with details being recorded on housing, managemen
An aggregation of cases of a disease or other health-related condition, which are closely grouped in tim
A well-defined group of people who have had a common experience or exposure, who are then follow
cohort or prospective study
Communicable disease
A collection of data organised into a specific format and stored in a computer system allowing for data
Death rate
Mortality rate Number of deaths divided by the number of individual-time at risk in a defined group or
Factors or cause
Identification of a disease or other health status of an individual or group of individuals showing clinica
Disease control
Reduction in the prevalence of a disease to a level where it is no longer considered a major health and/
Study of environment and of the interrelationship between organisms and their environment
Elimination of a disease
Endemic disease
The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area or population
disease within such area or group
Environmental factor
An extrinsic factor (geology, climate, insects, sanitation, health services, etc.), which affects the agent a
Occurrence of a disease or any other health related event affecting a number of individuals in clear e
period of time
Exposed (group)
A group whose members have been exposed to a supposed cause of disease or health state of intere
health outcome of interest
Number of occurrences of an event recorded in a population or a sample during a given period of time
An electronic data system for collection, analysis and display of data having a spatial orientation
Any biological, chemical or physical agent that could have a negative impact on health
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or inf
Health management
The action of implementing a strategy or set of measures designed to sustain or health in animal based
Being heterogeneous i.e. Composed of parts, people, things etc that are not related to each other
Host determinant
A proposition on one or more related events of interest, arrived at from observation or reflection, a
before it can be accepted or rejected
The number of new health events experienced by a given population over a specified period of time
Parasitic aggression or subsistence on the surface of the host’s body of ectoparasites and invasion of the
Process of inquiring into a matter through research, follow-up, study, or formal procedure of discovery
The practice of collecting, recording, summarizing and disseminating information related to health an
Frequency of deaths
Natural history of disease
Necessary cause
A causal factor whose presence is required for the occurrence of the effect (of disease)
Synonymous with epidemic. Sometimes the preferred word, as it may escape sensationalism associated
opposed to generalized epidemic
A type of ratio in which the numerator is included in the denominator. The ratio of a part to the whole,
Public health
Random sample
A sample derived by selecting individuals such that each individual has the same probability of selectio
The relative size of two quantities expressed by dividing one (numerator) by the other (denominator)
Retrospective study
A study in which historical records about the populations of interest are used as the basis for studies of
A selected subset of a population. A sample may be random or non-random and it may be representati
Change in physiological status or in disease occurrence that conforms to a regular seasonal pattern
Animal that is free of and susceptible to a specific condition and this is monitored during and/ or
suspected of harbouring this condition
The systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of health data on an ongoing ba
and potential in a community, in order to control and prevent disease in the community
Transmissible diseases
The host-specific ability of an infectious agent to multiply in the host while inducing lesions and diseas