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Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474

Transient recovery voltage requirements associated with the

application of current-limiting series reactors夽
D. Shoup a,∗ , J. Paserba a , R.G. Colclaser Jr. b , T. Rosenberger c , L. Ganatra c , C. Isaac c
a Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. (MEPPI), Warrendale, PA 15086, USA
b Murrysville, PA, USA
c TXU Electric Delivery Company, Fort Worth, TX 76102, USA

Available online 17 November 2006

This paper describes transient recovery voltage (TRV) requirements for switching devices used in the application of current-limiting series
reactors. For fault current-limiting reactors, the series reactor is used during high fault current conditions. During these conditions, the line breaker
is required to interrupt faults that may occur on the line-side of the reactor. For load current-limiting reactors, the series reactor bypass switch is
normally closed and is opened to insert the reactor if the load current exceeds the line ampacity. For this situation, the bypass switch must interrupt
the load current as it transfers from the switch to the series reactor. The study approach and modeling techniques described in this paper examine
TRV requirements for circuit breakers and bypass switches to address (a) TRVs exceeding the rating of the line breaker following the interruption
of a fault current, and (b) TRVs exceeding the bypass switch capabilities during reactor insertion. The study results are compared to ANSI/IEEE
TRV Standards and corrective actions recommended, including control of series reactor natural frequencies. Effects of variations in the series
reactor impedance, variations in bus-fault duty, and impacts of wave-traps and current chopping on TRV are described in the investigation. The
results of the study provide guidance for the application of line breakers and bypass switches associated with the installation of current-limiting
series reactors.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Transient recovery voltage (TRV); Current-limiting series reactor; Circuit breaker TRV requirements; Bypass switch TRV requirements; Wave-trap;
Current chopping

1. Introduction and general descriptions of TRVs related to high-voltage cir-

cuit breakers.
Because of the increase in fault currents and power flows, the The intent of this paper is to describe the analysis and results
application of current-limiting series reactors is increasing in for (a) TRVs associated with a line circuit breaker following
power systems world-wide [1]. This paper focuses on the tran- the interruption of a reactor-limited fault current and (b) TRVs
sient recovery voltage (TRV) associated with the application associated with a bypass switch for an insertion event of a series
of these current-limiting reactors. Ref. [2] provides informa- reactor. Details are included related to the control of series reac-
tion on actual circuit breaker failures caused by excessive TRVs tor natural frequencies and the effects of variations in the series
and describes mitigation techniques used to avoid such failures reactor impedance and bus-fault duty on the TRV, along with
for series reactor-limited faults. Refs. [3,4] provide informa- the impacts of a wave-trap and current chopping on the resulting
tion on a related phenomena regarding current-limiting reactors TRV. The results of the investigation provide general guidance
installed in shunt capacitor banks and their impacts on clearing for the application of line breakers and bypass switches associ-
faults. Refs. [5–8] contain the ANSI/IEEE coverage of series ated with the installation of current-limiting series reactors.
reactor-limited TRVs, formulation of TRV-related standards,
2. Objectives
夽 Presented at the International Conference on Power Systems Transients

(IPST’05) in Montreal, Canada on 19–23 June 2005, Paper No. IPST05-041.

The following are the specific objectives of this paper on tran-
∗ Corresponding author. sient recovery voltage requirements associated with the appli-
E-mail address: don.shoup@meppi.com (D. Shoup). cation of current-limiting series reactors:

0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474 1467

(1) Determine the TRV interrupting requirements associated 3.1. Switching Station A analysis
with bypass switches for representative switching stations
for the system under study. Note that for this application Fig. 1 shows the one-line diagram for the three-phase model
the series reactor bypass switch is normally closed, and it is developed for Switching Station A for use with the Alterna-
opened to place the series reactor in service to limit the load tive Transients Program (ATP) constructed using ATPDRAW
current whenever line loading exceeds the conductor rating. Version 3.5 [11,12]. Fig. 1 illustrates the modeling of a 2 
(2) Determine the TRV requirements associated with protective series reactor as a lumped inductance paralleled by 120 pF of
line circuit breakers for representative switching stations capacitance, calculated based on a natural reactor frequency of
for the system under study for faults located just beyond 200 kHz. Also in parallel are 80 pF for the capacitance associated
the series reactor on the line-side. with the open bypass switch and 18 k of resistance to represent
(3) Specify the capacitance needed, and placement of capac- the damping associated with the series reactor (based on a typ-
itance, to control the TRV to within acceptable limits, as ical over-shoot factor of 1.8 for the line-side voltage transient).
necessary, for the two conditions described above. The one-line diagram also shows the capacitances modeled on
(4) Determine the above for a generic case considering the the line-side and bus-side of the series reactor. The transmission
following impacts on TRVs: lines shown in Fig. 1 were represented using a distributed param-
(a) series reactor impedance from 1 to 10 ; eter model based on their positive and zero sequence resistance,
(b) series reactor natural frequency up to 200 kHz; inductance, and capacitance.
(c) bus-fault duties of 40, 63, and 80 kA; Fig. 1 also shows two 345/138 kV transformers modeled
(d) single-phase wave-trap located between the series with BCTRAN, an impedance matrix representation [11], with
reactor and protective circuit breaker; capacitance added to their terminals representative of their
(e) current chopping up to 10 A [9,10]. effective capacitance; 60 Hz short-circuit sources (parallel
impedance added for transmission line damping when nec-
3. Individual case studies essary); another similar series reactor connected to a parallel
transmission line. The far-end of the 7.55 mile transmission
Specific analysis is described in this paper for two 138 kV line was terminated by a 60 Hz short-circuit equivalent for a
switching stations in the TXU Electric Delivery Company sys- neighboring 138 kV switching station. Note that short-circuit
tem (referred to as Switching Station A and Switching Station equivalents shown in Fig. 1 provide required three-phase and
B), which are considered representative of many switching sta- single-phase system fault currents.
tions in the system. Results for the switching stations are dis- The series reactor-limited fault TRV circuit is shown in the
cussed along with the results for a generic case. one-line diagram illustrated in Fig. 1 (i.e., three-phase grounded

Fig. 1. One-line diagram for the three-phase model developed for Switching Station A for use with the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) constructed using
ATPDRAW Version 3.5.
1468 D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474

Table 1
Breakdown of lumped capacitances represented in Fig. 1
Location Equipment Number pF Total pF

Bus-side of series reactor Buswork 110 ft 2.73 pF/ft 300

Open circuit breaker (for fault case) 1 150 150
Closed switch 2 130 260
Total 710

Across series reactor Series reactor 1 120 120

Open switch (across contacts) 1 80 80
Total 200

Line-side of series reactor Closed switch 1 130 130

Buswork 60 ft 2.73 pF/ft 160
Total 290

East/West bus (per bus) Closed circuit breaker 3 300 900

Closed disconnect switch 5 130 650
Current transformers 7 300 2100
Buswork 300 ft 2.73 pF/ft 800
Total 4500

Autotransformers Effective capacitance 1 8000 8000

(Per transformer) Line-to-ground capacitance 2 6000 6000
Primary-to-secondary capacitance 1 2000 2000

fault included in the one-line). Analysis was also performed The first part of the analysis for 138 kV Switching Station A
using the model shown in Fig. 1, with the fault removed, to examined a three-phase grounded fault on the line-side of the
determine the resulting TRV across the bypass switch in parallel series reactor, which was determined by analysis to impose a
with the 2  series reactor for insertion operations. more severe TRV duty than the single-line-to-ground fault in this
Table 1 shows a breakdown of the lumped capacitances rep- case. Note that the three-phase ungrounded fault was considered
resented in Fig. 1 based on IEEE Std C37.011-1994 [5]. The too rare of an event for the 138 kV system under study.
capacitances listed in Table 1 are critical to the analysis, espe- The series reactor-limited fault creates high-frequency TRVs
cially the capacitances connected across the series reactor and on that ANSI/IEEE TRV Standards do not specifically address. For
the bus-side and line-side of the series reactor, since they deter- this study the focus is on controlling the reactor-side compo-
mine the frequency of the TRV imposed on the bypass switch nent of TRV to meet known ANSI/IEEE specified short-line
and circuit breaker. fault TRV capabilities for circuit breakers. Both the ANSI/IEEE

Fig. 2. Reactor-side component of TRV on circuit breaker with and without capacitance added compared to ANSI/IEEE TRV Standards.
D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474 1469

Fig. 3. Plots showing the impacts of the drain coil for a 5 nF CCVT associated with the wave-trap on the bypass switch TRV under conditions with a 10 A current

specified short-line fault and 1-cos TRV capabilities were used to the parallel capacitance, creating the TRV associated with
for comparison to the imposed TRV, where appropriate [5]. Note the bypass switch. The stored energy in the series inductance of
that for the series-reactor-limited fault the circuit breaker is inter- the wave-trap increases the severity of the resulting TRV across
rupting reduced current magnitudes (i.e., 35% of rated for the the bypass switch. Note that for this circuit, the wave-trap has a
63 kA rated breaker under study here). Fig. 2 shows the reactor- 5 nF capacitive-coupled voltage transformer (CCVT) associated
side component of TRV resulting from interrupting a three-phase with it that has an estimated 15 mH drain coil with overvoltage
grounded fault on the line-side of the series reactor, the impact bypass protection. Fig. 3 shows the TRV imposed across the
of adding 12 nF of capacitance to ground (on the line-side of bypass switch for a simulation of an insertion event with a 10 A
the circuit breaker) on the TRV, and the ANSI/IEEE Standard current chop for this circuit.
required SLF capability for a 145 kV 63 kA ANSI-rated breaker Fig. 3 shows that the simulation with the wave-trap, CCVT,
at 35% fault duty. Fig. 2 shows that a minimum of 12 nF is and drain coil in the circuit results in nearly the same TRV across
needed to meet ANSI/IEEE TRV Standards. the bypass switch compared to the simulation with a wave-trap
The second part of the analysis associated with Switching and no CCVT. The resulting TRV is also shown for a simulation
Station A examined the bypass switch TRV duty for power with a CCVT and no drain coil (assuming that the drain coil
flow limiting series reactor insertion operations (to limit the overvoltage protection has operated) where the resulting TRV
power flow to 2000 A for this application) on the line con- is less severe than with the drain coil in the circuit. Results are
necting Switching Station A to a neighboring 138 kV bus. The also included in Fig. 3 for a simulation with no wave-trap and no
main concern here is the rapid rise of the TRV for the first CCVT in the circuit, where the least severe TRV was observed.
few microseconds following the opening of the bypass switch. Here, “severity” refers to the initial slope (magnitude and rise-
Based on prior concerns for the bypass switch, curves were to time) of the TRV, and thus a more severe TRV has a higher
be obtained to supply to the switch manufacturer to ensure that magnitude and shorter rise-time.
the TRV capability of the bypass switch was adequate. The ini- To summarize, Fig. 3 illustrates that if for some reason the
tial findings indicated that the slope of the TRV for the first few drain coil overvoltage protection does not operate, the resulting
microseconds associated with the bypass switch during insertion TRV imposed across the bypass switch is essentially the same
events was approximately 1 kV/␮s without current chopping. as if there were no CCVT in the circuit. Fig. 3 also shows that
The analysis described in this section focuses on simulations the TRV across the bypass switch is more severe from the circuit
with current chopping, where much higher initial slopes of the with the wave-trap and CCVT in the circuit compared to the TRV
TRV were identified than for simulations with no current chop- from the circuit with no wave-trap and no CCVT in the circuit.
ping. Thus, for the analysis described in this paper, it was assumed
Limiting conditions for the bypass switch TRV analysis were that the wave-trap, CCVT, and drain coil are all in the circuit
identified under conditions with a 10 A current chop with a to allow for results representative of the upper bounds for the
wave-trap (also commonly referred to as a line-trap) in the imposed TRV duty on the bypass switch.
circuit (connected between the circuit breaker and the series Fig. 4 illustrates the results for the bypass switch TRV anal-
reactor on phase B for the circuit under study). When the cur- ysis for insertion of the series reactor under 10 A current chop
rent chop occurs, the energy stored in the inductance transfers conditions. Results are shown for the TRV with the wave-trap in
1470 D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474

Fig. 4. Plot that shows the bypass switch TRV under 10 A current chop conditions, with and without added capacitance.

the circuit, with the wave-trap in the circuit and 5 nF added across TRV envelopes. Fig. 6 shows an added capacitance of at least
the series reactor, and with the wave-trap in the circuit and 14 nF 12 nF is reasonable and that additional added capacitance will
added across the series reactor. Fig. 4 shows that, with no addi- have even further benefits.
tional capacitance added to the circuit, the resulting TRV has an An analysis similar to that described for Switching Station
initial slope of 10 kV/␮s for the first few microseconds, which A was also performed for the bypass switch TRV associated
may be of great concern for the interrupting device. Fig. 4 shows with series reactor insertion events for the 7  series reactor at
that the addition of 5 nF across the series reactor mitigates the Switching Station B. The analysis described for the 2  series
initial slope of the resulting TRV to approximately 1.5 kV/␮s reactor for Switching Station A was also repeated for the 2 
during the first few microseconds of interruption. Fig. 4 also series reactor for Switching Station B, with the only difference
shows that 14 nF limits the initial slope of the TRV to less than that the Switching Station B 2  series reactor is connected at the
1 kV/␮s. bus on the low-side of a transformer and not in a line-termination
position. Note that the 7  series reactor limits power flows to
3.2. Switching Station B analysis 2000 A in the transmission line and the 2  series reactor limits
power flows to 3000 A at the bus. No further limiting condi-
For Switching Station B, a similar model was constructed to tions were identified, i.e., the capacitance determined from the
determine the TRVs associated with the interruption of fault cur- Switching Station A TRV analysis will also limit TRVs to accept-
rent (for TRVs imposed on the protective line circuit breaker) able values at Switching Station B, located as described at the
and insertion of the series reactor (for TRVs imposed on the end of Section 4. Thus, the bus-connected series reactor-limited
bypass switch). It was also necessary to examine TRVs for a fault condition did not cause TRVs that could not be con-
series reactor in a bus-connected position on the low-side of trolled by added capacitance to within acceptable limits outside
a 345/138 kV transformer for Switching Station B. Reference of those capacitances determined for the line-connected series
Fig. 5 for a one-line diagram showing the series reactors ana- reactor.
lyzed at Switching Station B. Note that there is a 7  series
reactor in the line position for this analysis, which replaces the 4. Generic analysis
2  series reactor analyzed for Switching Station A. There is
also an additional 2  bus-connected series reactor at Switching A generic analysis was performed to determine the minimum
Station B. capacitance required for ANSI-rated circuit breakers to miti-
Fig. 6 illustrates the results for the TRV analysis of the series gate TRVs resulting from a series reactor-limited fault. Variables
reactor-limited fault circuit for Switching Station B. Fig. 6 shows included were bus-fault duties of 40, 63, and 80 kA; series reactor
that, for the reactor-limited fault for the 7  line-connected natural frequencies up to 200 kHz; series reactors impedances
series reactor, 15 nF controls the frequency of the reactor-side from 1 to 10 . Table 2 summarizes the relevant parameters
component of TRV to within a reasonable range with respect and findings of the generic analysis, again performed using the
to ANSI/IEEE TRV Standards. Fig. 6 also shows that 12 nF ATP. Table 2 results were obtained based on a reactor natural
provides borderline control of the TRV. The generic analysis frequency of 200 kHz, existing stray capacitance of 700 pF on
described in the next section provides more insight into the engi- the bus-side of the series reactor, and an over-shoot factor of 1.8
neering judgment for the capacitances selected, regarding the for the line-side transient (to determine the parallel resistance
imposed TRV duty compared to ANSI/IEEE Standard defined to represent the damping associated with the series reactor).
D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474 1471

Fig. 5. One-line diagram for Switching Station B.

A natural reactor frequency of 200 kHz was associated with Table 2 indicates that for series reactors from 1 to 3 ,
all reactor impedances studied, although for higher series reac- the reactor-side component of the TRV was compared to
tor impedances the natural reactor frequency will generally be ANSI/IEEE Standard SLF capability resulting in up to 18 nF
lower. Note that this assumption did not significantly impact the needed to control the reactor-side component of the TRV to
results, since the associated parallel capacitance for the reac- the ANSI/IEEE SLF capability curve (for the 3  series reac-
tor did not significantly change for the range of frequencies tor case). However, engineering judgment indicates that 14 nF
considered. is reasonable for this case. The same analysis was repeated for

Fig. 6. Plot that shows the results for the series reactor-limited fault circuit for Switching Station B.
Table 2
Summary of relevant parameters and findings for the generic analysis
138 kV reactor 3-Ph bus-fault Impedance for Max. fault Rated fault Reactor Reactor TRV time- TRV ANSI require- ANSI requirements for Metric for ANSI Minimum added Recommended
size () duty (kA) rated bus duty through duty through inductance capacitance to-peak (␮s) magnitude ments for 145 kV 145 kV (magnitude) requirements capacitance needed to additional capacitance
fault () reactor (kA) breaker (mH) (pF) (kV peak) time-to-peak (ms) (kV peak) (SLF or 1-cos) meet ANSI (nF) for 145 kV ANSI-rated
(%) CB (based on engineer-
ing judgment) (nF)

D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474

1 40 1.992 26.6 66.6 2.65 238.7 4.96 67.8 11.1 71.2 SLF 6 6–14
1 63 1.265 35.2 55.8 2.65 238.7 4.96 89.6 11.1 94.1 SLF 6 6–14
1 80 0.996 39.9 49.9 2.65 238.7 4.96 101.6 11.1 106.8 SLF 6 6–14

2 40 1.992 20.0 49.9 5.31 119.4 6.55 101.6 22.3 106.8 SLF 12 12–14
2 63 1.265 24.4 38.7 5.31 119.4 6.55 124.3 22.3 130.6 SLF 12 12–14
2 80 0.996 26.6 33.2 5.31 119.4 6.55 135.4 22.3 142.3 SLF 12 12–14

3 40 1.992 16.0 39.9 7.96 79.6 7.82 121.9 33.4 128.1 SLF 18 14
3 63 1.265 18.7 29.7 7.96 79.6 7.82 142.7 33.4 149.9 SLF 18 14
3 80 0.996 19.9 24.9 7.96 79.6 7.82 152.3 33.4 160.0 SLF 18 14

4 40 1.992 13.3 33.2 10.61 59.7 8.92 135.4 72.1 242.7 1-cos 24 14
4 63 1.265 15.1 24.0 10.61 59.7 8.92 154.1 62.0 246.7 1-cos 24 14
4 80 0.996 15.9 19.9 10.61 59.7 8.92 162.4 62.0 248.5 1-cos 24 14

5 40 1.992 11.4 28.5 13.26 47.7 9.89 145.0 62.0 244.8 1-cos 21 14
5 63 1.265 12.7 20.2 13.26 47.7 9.89 161.9 62.0 248.4 1-cos 21 14
5 80 0.996 13.3 16.6 13.26 47.7 9.89 169.1 62.0 249.9 1-cos 21 14

6 40 1.992 10.0 24.9 15.92 39.8 10.78 152.3 62.0 246.3 1-cos 18 14
6 63 1.265 11.0 17.4 15.92 39.8 10.78 167.5 62.0 249.6 1-cos 18 14
6 80 0.996 11.4 14.2 15.92 39.8 10.78 173.9 62.0 250.9 1-cos 18 14

7 40 1.992 8.9 22.2 18.57 34.1 11.60 157.9 62.0 247.5 1-cos 16 14
7 63 1.265 9.6 15.3 18.57 34.1 11.60 171.8 62.0 250.5 1-cos 16 14
7 80 0.996 10.0 12.5 18.57 34.1 11.60 177.6 62.0 251.7 1-cos 16 14

8 40 1.992 8.0 19.9 21.22 29.8 12.36 162.4 62.0 248.5 1-cos 14 14
8 63 1.265 8.6 13.7 21.22 29.8 12.36 175.1 62.0 251.2 1-cos 14 14
8 80 0.996 8.9 11.1 21.22 29.8 12.36 188.4 62.0 252.3 1-cos 14 14

9 40 1.992 7.2 18.1 23.87 26.5 13.08 166.1 62.0 249.3 1-cos 13 13–14
9 63 1.265 7.8 12.3 23.87 26.5 13.08 177.8 62.0 251.8 1-cos 13 13–14
9 80 0.996 8.0 10.0 23.87 26.5 13.08 182.6 62.0 252.8 1-cos 13 13–14

10 40 1.992 6.6 16.6 26.53 23.9 13.77 169.1 62.0 249.9 1-cos 12 12–14
10 63 1.265 7.1 11.2 26.53 23.9 13.77 180.0 62.0 252.2 1-cos 12 12–14
10 80 0.996 7.2 9.1 26.53 23.9 13.77 184.4 62.0 252.8 1-cos 12 12–14
D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474 1473

Fig. 7. Reactor-side TRV of the circuit breaker with 14 nF added vs. various fault duties for the ANSI/IEEE defined TRV envelope for a 145 kV 63 kA rated circuit

reactor ohmic sizes from 4 to 10 . Comparing the ANSI/IEEE 5. Overall summary of findings
Standard 1-cos capability to the reactor-side component of the
TRV, up to a 24 nF capacitor is needed to control the TRV to the The following conclusions specifically address the objectives
ANSI/IEEE 1-cos capability curve for the limiting case identi- from Section 2:
fied, which was for the 4  series reactor.
Fig. 7 provides insight into the added capacitance needed
to control the TRV. For the limiting 4  series reactor case, (1) Without added capacitance, the bypass switches must be
Fig. 7 shows the reactor-side component of TRV with 14 nF capable of interrupting a TRV with an initial slope of
added versus various fault duties for the ANSI/IEEE defined 10 kV/␮s under conditions with a wave-trap in the circuit
TRV envelope for a 145 kV 63 kA rated circuit breaker. Fig. 7 and a 10 A current chop. With 5 nF of capacitance added in
shows the ANSI/IEEE Standard TRV envelope for fault current parallel with the series reactor, the initial slope is reduced
duties of 24%, 28%, 30%, and 32% compared to the imposed to 1.5 kV/␮s. A total of 14 nF of added capacitance reduces
TRV duty with 14 nF of capacitance added in parallel with the the initial slope to below 1 kV/␮s.
4  series reactor. Fig. 7 shows that 14 nF is reasonable to control (2) Without added capacitance, the imposed high-frequency
the reactor-side component of the TRV, considering its magni- TRV caused by the series reactor-limited fault exceeds the
tude and slope. For such applications it is desirable to choose circuit breaker TRV capability based on ANSI/IEEE Stan-
the minimum satisfactory capacitance necessary, considering dard capability curves.
the performance of the circuit breakers and the economics of (3) A minimum capacitance of 14 nF reasonably controls the
the capacitance chosen to control the TRV. For this particular TRV to within acceptable limits for 145 kV ANSI-rated cir-
application, 14 nF was chosen as a practical trade-off, with con- cuit breakers.
sideration given to readily available capacitances at that time by (4) The following provides comments on each of the variations
the utility’s supplier. Thus, based on engineering judgment, it studied:
was deemed appropriate to treat 14 nF as a minimum capac- (a) Limiting case for imposed TRV duty on the series reac-
itance needed to control the high-frequency TRV. Note that tor was identified for a 4  series reactor.
higher values of added capacitance would provide additional (b) A natural reactor frequency of 200 kHz was used for
“margin”. the range of reactor impedances studied. Note that
With respect to installation of a capacitance, since the capac- the capacitance associated with the natural reactor fre-
itance can be placed in parallel with the series reactor or to quency is an order of magnitude lower than that needed
ground on the bus-side of the series reactor for the series reactor- to control the TRV.
limited fault TRV, but must be placed in parallel with the series (c) Bus-fault duties of 40, 63, and 80 kA did not impact
reactor for the bypass switch TRV; it is recommended that the the amount of capacitance needed to control the TRV
additional capacitance be installed in parallel with the series since the source-side component of the TRV did not
reactor. Ref. [2] describes other advantages associated with plac- significantly impact the results in this study.
ing additional capacitance in parallel with the series reactor. (d) The wave-trap increased the magnitude and shortened
Note that a coupling capacitor was chosen by the utility for the the rise-time of the TRV, causing a more severe situation
capacitance. than with no wave-trap in the circuit.
1474 D. Shoup et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1466–1474

(e) Current chopping greatly increased the magnitude and [12] L. Prikler, H.K. Hoidalen, ATPDRAW Version 3.5 for Windows
shortened the rise-time of the TRV for the bypass switch, 9x/NT/2000/XP Users’ Manual, 2002.
and consequently requires increased capabilities of the D. Shoup joined the Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc., Warrendale, PA
bypass switch and/or added capacitance. For exam- in July 2000. Prior to joining MEPPI, Mr. Shoup was with Robicon’s Research
ple, with no current chopping, initial slopes of 1 kV/␮s and Development Department in Pittsburgh, PA, where he worked during the
were identified; however, with current chopping, initial summers as an engineering assistant, beginning in 1998. In 2000, he earned
a M.S. in electric power engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in
slopes of 10 kV/␮s were identified. Troy, NY. Prior to this, he earned his B.E.E. from Gannon University in Erie,
PA in 1999.
J. Paserba earned his B.E.E. (1987) from Gannon University, Erie, PA, and
his M.E. (1988) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. Mr. Paserba
[1] K. Papp, G. Christiner, H. Popelka, M. Schwan, High voltage series reactors
joined Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. in 1998 after working for over
for load flow control, in: Proceedings of the CIGRE C2-206 Session, Paris,
10 years at General Electric. He is currently the vice-chair for the IEEE PES
Power System Dynamic Performance Committee.
[2] D.F. Peelo, G.S. Polovick, J.H. Sawada, P. Diamanti, R. Presta, A. Sarshar,
R. Beauchemin, Mitigation of circuit breaker transient recovery voltages R.G. Colclaser Jr. earned a B.E.E. degree from the University of Cincinnati
associated with current limiting reactors, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv. 11 (2) (1956) and M.S.E.E. (1961) and D.Sc.E.E. (1968) degrees from the University of
(1996) 865–871. Pittsburgh. He joined Westinghouse in 1956 and was responsible for interrupter
[3] R.G. Colclaser Jr., K. Donohoo, Y. Yamashita, Breaker-driven requirements development and high power verification tests on the original line of SF6 circuit
for a 138 kV shunt capacitor installation, in: Presented at the UTA TSDOS breakers. Dr. Colclaser joined the University of Pittsburgh in 1970 and retired
and at the Texas A&M Relay Conference, 1996. in 2001. He is the co-inventor of 21 patents for oil and SF6 arc interrupters,
[4] T.A. Bellei, E.H. Camm, G. Ransom, Current-limiting inductors used in and has published over 30 papers related to TRVs, switching surge control, arc
capacitor banks applications and their impact on fault current interruption, interruption, and capacitor switching.
in: Proceedings of the IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Confer-
T. Rosenberger earned a B.S. and M.E. in electric power engineering in 1993
ence, Atlanta, Georgia, October 28–November 2, 2001.
and 1994, respectively, from RPI in Troy, NY. He worked for National Grid for
[5] IEEE Std C37.011-1994, IEEE Application Guide for Transient Recovery
6 years in substation engineering and TXU Electric Delivery Company for 3
Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical
years in transmission engineering.
Current Bases.
[6] ANSI C37.06-2000, AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Sym- L. Ganatra earned his M.S.E.E. from Michigan Technological University,
metrical Current Basis—Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabil- Houghton, MI in 1992. He has been in system protection & substation con-
ities. trol area since then with Northern States Power Company, Austin Energy,
[7] IEEE Std C37.09-1999, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High- and TXU Electric Delivery Company. He is a registered PE in the State of
Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis. Texas.
[8] IEEE Std C37.04-1999, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-
Voltage Circuit Breakers. C. Isaac earned his B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Texas at Austin in
[9] R.S. Thallam, T.G. Lundquist, S.R. Atmuri, D.A. Selin, Design studies 1974 and is a registered PE in the State of Texas. He is currently transmis-
for the mead-phoenix 500 kV AC transmission project, IEEE Trans. Power sion project engineering manager at TXU Electric Delivery Company. Since
Deliv. 10 (4) (1995) 1862–1874. 1980, he worked in the area of substation and switching station design, stan-
[10] IEEE Std C37.015-1993, IEEE Application Guide for Shunt Reactor dards, operations, and construction. He is a member of TXU Electric Delivery
Switching. Company engineering and operations task forces and other technical groups,
[11] Alternative Transients Program (ATP) Rulebook, Canadian/American such as the IEEE High-Voltage Switches Subcommittee and IEEE Switchgear
EMTP User Group, 1999. Committee.

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