Service Tool Manual
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Copyright 1999, OTIS GmbH Berlin. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced
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FOD MCB Date: December 14, 1999
Table of contents
1 Service Tool Description ..........................................................................3
1.1 Flow chart .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Service Tool Display .................................................................................................... 3
Actual = 1 Saved = 2
Learn = 1
EPROM 12-Jun-96
Vers. GAA 30158 AAD See part GBA 26800 H II,
Chapter 5 ”Learn run”
Package Info <GO ON>
___V / ___kW / ___A
If there occurs an error message after pressing <M>, then see part GBA 26800 H1 I. Ser-
vice Handling, point 2.
Press <Shift> <5> to clear the error and switch on the inverter again.
Monitor =1
Input =2
Output =3 This display is used to know the state (high or low)
of the in- or output values.
capital letters = input is active.
With < GO ON > further input/output values can be recalled.
It is possible to fade-in current event messages on display.
Activate this feature <Shift> <1> of <ON>.
Deactivate it by pressing <Shift > < 0> or <OFF>.
Monitor =1
DATA-CPT = 4 The result of the learn run can be controlled in DATA-
CAPTURE menu (hidden menu).
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The dates which there can be read on the corresponding address show the respectively
distance in ”Encoder pulses”. It has to attend that the contain of the address is maximal
65535 and at exceeding a carrying over will occur to the set over address.
position 23
low-address: AED4hex
high-address: AED6hex
position 22
address: AEDC
hex position 2
address: AEDA
hex position 1
position 0
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Test =2
DAC =1 Analog output channel for the system variables.
Test = 2
ErrLog = 2 This display is the event logging of the motion system.
ErrLog =2
Actual = 1 or Saved = 2
The <DOWN> (<Shift> <3>) key allows to see more detailed information about an event.
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Test = 2
Self = 3 Executing a self test.
Test = 2
Part = 4 Data about the software version.
11 = Day of generation
222 = Month of generation
33 = Year of generation
444444444444 = Part number of the EPROM
Test =2
Datalog =5 Display of max. values of the last run.
Using <GO ON> or <GO BACK> keys to scroll through the values.
Short notations see point 2. Short notations
Test = 2
PVT = 6 Display of max. values of the last run.
Test = 2
Fan = 7
Test =2
Maint =8
If there occurs a maintenance hint, see Service Handling E- 3.3 0 2 - 4.
Status =1
xxxxx : number of EEPROM E2P Write Cycle
write cycles xxxxx
Test =2
Maint =8
If there occurs a maintenance hint, see Service Handling, part GBA 26800 H1.
Set =2
The parameter in this area are necessary for maintenance and normally
must never be changed.
A variation of these parameters is only in case of an exchange of
the capacitor board, fan or EEPROM.
For further information, see Service Handling, part GBA 26800 H1.
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Setup =3
Contrac =1 Adjusting of contract specified parameters
Prof =2 Adjusting of all speed profile parameters
Van =3 Adjusting of hoistway signals
StaSto =4 Adjusting of start and stop parameters
Using <GO ON> or <GO BACK> keys to scroll through the values.
The list of parameters can be find in the part GBA 26800 H1 VIII ”Software”.
Setup = 3
Eng =5 Adjusting of engineering data
< 1 > or < 2 >
Old : 1111 New : 2222
The list of parameters can be find in the part GBA 26800 H1 VIII ”Software”.
Setup =3
Default =6
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By pushing of Default = 6 the standard values will be set for the start up.
If these values should be set, after pressing of Default = 6, the < ENTER > key has to be
pressed. With these values the drive is ready for inspection run. For normal run the drive
has to be adjusted once more.
All values adjusted before are going to lose.
Setup = 3
Store = 7
Setup = 3
Load = 8
All values adjusted before are going to superscribe.
Calibr = 4
Learn = 1
The learn run will started in this menu, see ”Start up routine” GBA 26800 H1 II.
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2 Short notations
2.1 Short Notations State < M > < 1 > < 1 >
2.1.1 Motion Command Modes
SHTDWN A run is interrupted due to a fault.
An event display (Errlog = 2 Actual = 1) always explains the reason.
WT F SF Wait for Safety, the drive waits for a DIB, UIB or NOR signal
With switched on UIB, DIB signal the drive waits for a command (v1 - v4).
MS 300 and MCS 310
With switched on UIB, DIB and NOR the drive waits for a command
(U, D, T,.G).
RUN UP Normal run up
RUN DWN Normal run down
INS UP Inspection run up Inspection run is started with UIB or DIB
INS DWN Inspection run down
ES Emergency stop, during normal run the safety chain (UIB, DIB or NOR signal)
was cut off.
DDP Run time controlling timeout (missing LV signal)
2.2 Short notations INPUT < M > < 1 > < 2 >
dd = UP direction up
or Dn direction down
MC V4V3 V4 - V1 binary code, e.g. 0000 = <wait> P 4.9 - P 4.12
<cc dd> --
1LS 1LS deceleration switch P 4.7
2LS 2LS deceleration switch P 4.8
IPU / IPD Deceleration pulse (up or down) P4.1 and P4.2
LV Door zone (1LV and 2LV active) --
1LV Door zone switch up P 4.3
2LV Door zone switch down P 4.4
SLU Deceleration short landing up P 4.5
SLD Deceleration short landing down P 4.6
SW Up or down signal on (internal) --
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2.2.3 Controller Type 4 with coded Input Interface and Learn run
Input variable Explanation Pin MCB II
UIB Inspection button up direction, input signal for normal run P 1.3
DIB Inspection button down, input signal for normal run P 1.4
<cc dd> cc = WT <WAIT>
or ST <STOP>
or RR <Reduced Run>
or IN <Inspection>
or RS <Rescue Run>
or SD <Slow Down>
dd = UP Direction up
or Dn Direction down
MC V4V3 V2V1 V4 - V1 binary code, e.g. 0000 = <wait> P 4.9 - P 4.12
<cc dd> --
1LS 1LS deceleration switch P 4.7
2LS 2LS deceleration switch P 4.8
1LV Door zone switch up P 4.3
2LV Door zone switch down P 4.4
LV Door zone (1LV and 2LV active) --
UIS Releveling up P 4.1
DIS Releveling down P 4.2
LW1 Load weighing switch 1 P 4.5
LW2 Load weighing switch 2 P 4.6
SW Up or down signal on (internal) --
DBD SW1, SW2 and BY relay dropped P 3.1
RDY Ready signal, PWM enabled (internal hardware protec- --
BSW Brake switch (currently not used) P 1.2
2.3 Short notations OUTPUT < M > < 1 > < 3 >
2.3.3 Controller Type ( 4 ) with coded Output Interface and learn run
Output variable Explanation PIN (MCB II)
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DR Drive ready
UP Run direction signal up (internal)
DN Run direction signal down (internal)
BY Brake P 3.4
RUN Elevator is running
INVD Inverter (PWM) disabled (if active)
FAN Fan relay P 8.3
SC Speed control for ADO / releveling P 2.3
IP Deceleration signal (for LCB II) P 2.5
REL Inverter relay, switches on/off the inverter P 8.5
DS 3 P 2.3
DS 2 Coded Output Interface P 2.2
DS 1 P 2.1
2.4 Short notations Digital / Analog Converter < M > < 2 > < 1 >
Important variables for the control can be displayed by Service Tool (SVT).
The digital analog converter(DAC) generates an analog signal of these values which can be
measured by oscilloscope between pin P6.2 and P6.9 (GND).
2.5 Short notations Event logging < M > < 2 > < 2 > < 1 >
2.5.1 General
For maintenance and diagnosis of the unit an event logging of nearly 100 different messag-
es is provided. For every event message the following information is stored:
• Number of event
• Group of event (SYS,INV,MC,MLS,DRV,LRN,VCB) The group of event classifies the
reason for the event.
• Name of event
• Number of occurrence
• Time of the last two occurrences of every event
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For diagnosis and for detection of dependencies between several events the real
time is replaced by the following information:
- Number of run
- Motion Logic State of occurrence (e.g.ACC,CREEP)
- Time since start of motion logic state
e.g. The event occurred 200 ms after the start of ACC at RUN 12277.
• Importance of event
- i information
- w warning
- e error, not noticeable for a passenger
- f fatal: A run is interrupted by a shut down.
- fx fatal: After x occurrences in series the drive is blocked and switches off.
• Subcode for further specification of the event
To avoid the loss of information after power off of the unit a saved event logging is provided
in addition to the actual one. After every power off the actual events are added to the saved
events and the actual event list is cleared. The saved event list is cleared after changing the
Eprom or EEprom.
The actual event list can be read by SVT-keys (M-2-2-1-goon). Pressing (goon) it toggles to
the next event, pressing (down) or (shift 3) the full information about the selected event is
The saved event list can be read by SVT-keys (M-2-2-2-goon). The saved and the actual
event logging can be cleared by pressing (shift 5).
This event logging of the OVF20V is independent and differs significantly from the event
logging in the LCB II.
Additional to the error classes the events are subdivided into the following groups:
SYS - SYStem messages by MCB
INV - INVerter related events
MC / MLS - Events concerning Motion Command / Motion Logic State
DRV - DRiVe control related events
LRN - LeaRN run related events
14 SYS : Calc Time w Calculation time for profile generation and speed control
exceeds 60%.
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information only
15 SYS : 1LS + 2LS e 1LS and 2LS are working synchronous
The input display (M-1-2-GOON) can be
compared with the input display of theLCB.
a) faulty wiring a) check wiring
b) defective sensor b) change sensor
c) voltage supply of LS sensors is missing c) check voltage supply
d) defective MCB_II d) change MCB_II
16 SYS : ADC Offset e Zero reference for A/D converter invalid.
a) line voltage variation c) verification of line voltages with recorder
a) defective MCB_II a) change MCB_II (if occurs permanently)
b) defective inverter b) change inverter (if occurs permanently)
17 SYS : Int MCB err e The parameter ConNmot is inconsistent with other pa-
e = 1 - 12 HSO buffer overflow
= 32 CMDTEST signal failure
This error signalizes bad MCB hardware.
If the error still occurs after exchanging the
MCB_II the problem can be solved by Engi-
neering only.
18 SYS : ParaConflkt f Bad data from VCB serial link
Additional subcode provides further information for en-
The maximum INS SPE is at synchronous Check the parameters
speed of the motor, CON SPE, ConNmot, Motor Type (M-3-1-
the maximum NOM SPE is at 110 % of the goon), MotFnom, MotNom (M-3-5-1-goon),
synchronous speed of the motor. INS SPE, NOM SPE (M-3-2-goon).
19 SYS: E2P failure f EEPROM write/read failure
Additional subcode provides further information for en-
E = 1 timeout: write during write (of other task)
2 EEPROM write failure (device defective)
3 timeout: read during write (of other task)
6 bad pointer during write access
7 bad pointer during read access
Note: all subcodes exept subcode 2 are
software problems and can be solved by
ENG only.
a) Subcode e=2 or EEPROM selftest (M-2-3) a) Note all parameters, than change
failed. EEPROM and readjust the unit again.
b) defective MCB b) Change MCB.
20 not used
59 MLS :SL Missed f8 SLU / SLD missed between two LV on a short run
(only at units without learn run)
a) faulty SLU/SLD wiring a) check wiring
b) defective sensors b) check sensors
c) defective MCB_II c) change MCB_II
60 MLS : LV Missed f LV signal was not detected during creeping, secondary
effect of Emergency Stops or Shut Downs
a) secondary effect of Emergency Stop, Shut a) check other occurred errors
Downs, Correction runs
b) it is possible that the MCB_II has miscount b) check other occurred errors
c) missing LV magnet or defective sensors c) check magnets and sensors
d) only one LV signal was detected at units d) check LV!, LV2 relays and LVCT-time
with 1LV and 2LV with a slow INS RUN (CREEP SPE has
to be reduced too)
e) defective MCB_II e) change MCB_II
61 MLS : LV Lost f8 Levelling zone lost, deceleration distance too short,
see error 52 ”MLS: <Dec Dist”
a) secondary effect of Emergency Stop, Shut a) increase IP distance
Downs, Correction runs
b) it is possible that the MCB_II has miscount b) check other occurred errors
c) LV DLY too large c) decrease LV DLY (M-3-3-GOON)
62 MLS : LV Count Err w MCB_II has miscount (only with learn run).
a) miscounting of door zones at INS opera- a) ignore
b) parameter TOP FLOOR is not correct b) check this parameter
c) missing LV magnet or defective sensors c) check magnets and sensors
d) only one LV signal was detected at units d) check LV1, LV2 relays and LVCT -time
with 1LV and 2LV with a slow INS RUN (Creep SPE has to
be reduced for this test ).
63 MLS : LV Trig Err w LV-signals rebound longer then 20 ms
a) distance between sensor and magnet is a) check distance between sensor and
not correct magnet
b) defective LV sensors b) change sensors
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64 not used e
65 not used e
66 not used f
67 not used e
68 not used w
69 not used f
see event 87
89 LRN : Mag Len Var f Length of used magnets is varied
faulty floor will displayed in Error Logging use magnets with the same length
90 LRN : < Floor Dist f Distance between 2 door zones is too short
(minimum 180 mm)
faulty floor will displayed in Error Logging. check distance
91 LRN : > Floor Dist f The run time at contract speed between 2 landings is
more then 52 seconds.
a) Floor distance is too large. a) Check floor distance, install intermediate
landing if necessary.
b) The positive edges of LV were not read b) see error 63 'MLS: LV trig err'
92 LRN : Too many LV f It will be count more floors at learn run then adjusted by
SVT (Top Floor).
parameter TOP FLOOR is incorrect check parameter TOP FLOOR (M-3-1-
93 not used e
94 not used e
95 not used e
96 not used e
97 not used e
98 not used e
99 SYS : Msg Lost i Only indicated in state-display, if more events occur as
can be displayed.
2.6 Short notations DATALOG < M > < 2 > < 5 >
For each run the values are rebuilt.
They are useful to check the adjustment with empty car in up and down direction or at a
final shut down after an error.
tcr up Minimum and maximum creep time in up and down direction released by
IPU / IPD switch since last power reset in 10 ms steps.
tcr do The creep time of the last run is displayed in the middle.
unit : in 10 ms steps
I Four values of the current and of the according slip during last run.
S - maximum current value during acceleration
- last value during constant run
- maximum current value of deceleration
- last value during creep run
unit : % of In (NOM CURR)
unit : 0,1% of fn (NOM FREQ)
PGN Profile generator and slip on transitions of open loop --> closed loop
Slip closed loop -> open loop in %
unit : 1000 = CON SPE
unit : 1000 = NOM FREQ
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I Average current with the time of the last run and the squared average cur-
rent with the time of run and brake in %,
t unit : % NOM CURR
unit : 10 ms
4) [ Para Conflict R 12 ]
Code number
Conflict with other parameters
5) [ Reset to Default ]
Fatal error of EEPROM - parameters (wrong or damaged EEPROM), reset all parameters.
2.8 Parameters
IPU DLY *** [mm] Delay for IPU / IPD - signals in mm.
A minimum delay of 100 ms should be provided to consider the
propagation delay of the deceleration command by the opera-
tional control, this correspond 100 mm at v = 1 m/s.
IPD DLY *** [mm] The creep time of last run is displayed in SVT display in 10 ms
LV DLY UP [mm] Distance between the positive edge of the LV magnet and
thestop of the car in up direction. If LV1 and LV2 are used, the
inner LV zone is used. The value is valid for all LV zones of the
unit. If the feature relevelling is used, LV DLY UP and LV DLY
DOWN have to be identical.
LV DLY DOWN [mm] Distance between the positive edge of the LV magnet and the
stop of the car in down direction. The value is valid for all LV
zones of the unit. If the feature relevelling is used, LV DLY UP
and LV DLY DOWN have to be identical.
1LS DLY [mm] Delay of the hoistway switch 1LS. If the deceleration is initiated
by the limit switches 1LS a ”>” is displayed. The first normal run
after an inspection run is a correction run and the deceleration is
initiated by 1LS. 1LS DLY has to be adjusted that the creep time
at a correction run is about 0.5 - 1 seconds.
The deceleration rate of a correction run is always the maximum
one and independent from the DEC value. Therefore 1LS DLY
must not be modified after changing the deceleration rate for a
normal run.
2LS DLY [mm] Delay of the hoistway switch 2LS. If the deceleration is initiated
by the limit switches 2LS a ”>” is displayed. The first normal run
after an inspection run into 1LS is a correction run and the
deceleration is initiated by 2LS. 2LS DLY has to be adjusted that
the creep time at a correction run is about 0.5 -1 seconds.
The deceleration rate of a correction run is always the maximum
one and independent from the DEC value. Therefore 2LS DLY
must not be modified after changing the deceleration rate for a
normal run.
SLU DLY *** [mm] Sets the deceleration control point after short landing switch de-
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SLD DLY *** [mm] The creep time of the last run is displayed in SVT display (right
above) in 10 ms steps.
T_creep [10ms] Creep time for a normal run which is independent from 1/2LS
The creep time and the creep time variations can be checked by
the SVT Menu DATALOG (M-2-5).
To avoid the error MLS : < Dec Dist, the minimum values of the
creep time should be 200 to 300 ms.
*** 4 asterisks are displayed at CONTR TYPE = 4 (with learn run)
2.8.4 Start - Stop Parameter (StaSto) < M > < 3 > < 4 >
The sequence of operation during start and stop is explained in the Guide lines. General
Normally the OVF20 system runs well with the default values of these parameters.
Be careful when changing the parameters! Control < M > < 3 > < 5 > < 1 >
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FOD MCB Date: December 14, 1999 U / F Specification < M > < 3 > < 5 > < 2 >
Ustart (f=0) Offset (at frequency = 0)
Uacc (fn) [0.1%Un] Specifies the voltage at NOM FREQ.
Uslip [0.1%Un] Determines the voltage offset according to the measured or es-
timated slip.
Udc [V] DC link voltage
Motor voltage is reduced when the DC link voltage exceeds this
value in case of generative load.
If the load compensation mode is selected, the relation Udc
(measured) Udc (parameter) is used to norm the output voltage
of the inverter.
At a controller with coded interface the parameter CONTR TYPE has to be set to 2 or 4,
otherwise you can not run without speed encoder!