Compere - Advanced GR

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Lecture notes prepared for the Solvay Doctoral School on

Quantum Field Theory, Strings and Gravity.

Lectures given in Brussels, October 2017.
arXiv:1801.07064v1 [hep-th] 22 Jan 2018

Advanced Lectures in
General Relativity


Geoffrey Compère

Typesetting, layout & figures:

Adrien Fiorucci

Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium)

Physique Théorique et Mathématique
Université Libre de Bruxelles and International Solvay Institutes
Campus Plaine C.P. 231, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

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Abstract — These lecture notes are intended for starting PhD students in theoretical physics who
have a working knowledge of General Relativity. The 4 topics covered are (1) Surface charges as con-
served quantities in theories of gravity; (2) Classical and holographic features of three-dimensional
Einstein gravity; (3) Asymptotically flat spacetimes in 4 dimensions: BMS group and memory effects;
(4) The Kerr black hole: properties at extremality and quasi-normal mode ringing. Each topic starts
with historical foundations and points to a few modern research directions.
Table of contents

1 Surface charges in Gravitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.1 Introduction : general covariance and conserved stress tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Generalized Noether theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.1 Gauge transformations and trivial currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.2 Lower degree conservation laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.3 Surface charges in generally covariant theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Covariant phase space formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.1 Field fibration and symplectic structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.2 Noether’s second theorem : an important lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Einstein’s gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Einstein-Maxwell electrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3.3 Fundamental theorem of the covariant phase space formalism . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cartan’s magic formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Noether-Wald surface charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Some residual ambiguities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Conserved surface charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.1 Definition of the charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.2 Integrability condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.3 Conservation criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.4.4 Charge algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Representation theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.4.5 Conserved charge formula for General Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.5 Conserved charges from the equations of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.1 Anderson’s homotopy operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.2 Invariant presymplectic current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.3 Expression of Barnich-Brandt’s charge for Einstein’s gravity . . . . . . . . . . . 31
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2 Three dimensional Einstein gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.1 Overview of typical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.1.1 A theory without bulk degrees of freedom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.1.2 Einstein-Hilbert action and homogeneous spacetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2 Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.1 Global properties of AdS3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2.2 Asymptotically AdS3 black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
BTZ black holes and more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Main properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Table of contents 3
Penrose diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Identifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Symmetries of the quotient space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
BTZ phase space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.2.3 Asymptotically AdS3 spacetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Asymptotic symmetry algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Phase space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.3 Asymptotically flat phase space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.3.1 Flat limit and the BMS3 group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.3.2 Constant representatives : spinning particles and flat cosmologies . . . . . . . . 57
2.4 Chern-Simons formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.4.1 Local Lorentz triad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.4.2 Chern-Simons action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.4.3 General covariance and charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.4.4 AdS3 phase space in Chern-Simons formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3 Asymptotically flat spacetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3.1 A definition of asymptotic flatness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1.1 Asymptotic structure of Minkowski spacetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Conformal compactification of Minkowski spacetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Singular points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.1.2 Gravity in Bondi gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.1.3 Initial and late data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.2 Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS4 group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2.1 Supertranslations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.2.2 Lorentz algebra and superrotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.2.3 Gravitational memory effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Displacement memory effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Spin memory effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.3 Scattering problem and junction conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

4 Rotating black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

4.1 The Kerr solution — Review of the main features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1.1 Metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1.2 Killing horizon and black hole thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1.3 Ergoregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.1.4 Event horizon and Cauchy horizon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.1.5 Linear stability of black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2 Extremal rotating black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.2.1 Near horizon geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Table of contents 4
4.2.2 Extremal BTZ black holes and their dual CFT description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Extremal BTZ geometry and near-horizon limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chiral zero temperature states and chiral sector of a CFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Chiral Cardy formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2.3 The Kerr/CFT correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Virasoro symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Conjugated chemical potential and Cardy matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Frolov-Thorne vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.3 Black hole spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.3.1 Fundamentals of the Newman-Penrose formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.3.2 Fundamentals of Petrov’s classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.3.3 Quasi-normal mode ringing of Kerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Separation of variables and Teukolsky master equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Solving the angular equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Solving the radial equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Geometric interpretation in the eikonal limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Schwarzschild spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Kerr spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Table of contents 5
Conventions and notations — We employ units such that the speed of light c “ 1 but we will
keep G explicit. The spacetime manifold is denoted by the couple pM, gµν q. The signature of the
Lorentzian metric gµν obeys the mostly plus convention p´, `, `, ...q. The dimension of spacetime
is generally n. If necessary, we will write explicitely n “ d ` 1 where d represents the number
of spatial dimensions. We use the unit normalized convention for symmetrization and antisym-
1 1 µν
metrization, T pµνq “ 2 pT
µν ` T νµ q and krµνs “ 2 pk ´ kνµ q. We employ Einstein’s summed index
convention: double indices in an expression are implicitly summed over. Finally, we follow the
conventions adopted in the textbook Gravitation [1] by Wheeler, Thorne and Misner, concerning the
definition of various objects in Relativity. In particular, the Riemann-Christoffel tensor is determined
“ Bα Γ ´ Bβ Γ `Γ κα Γ νβ ´Γ κβ Γ να .
µ µ µ µ µ
as R ναβ νβ να
κ κ In this convention, the n-sphere has a positive Ricci
curvature scalar R “ Rα α where the Ricci tensor is Rαµαν .

The notation of spacetime coordinates is as follows. Greek indexes µ, ν, . . . span the full dimension
of spacetime n “ d ` 1, so µ P t0, . . . , du. Often the index 0 represents a timelike coordinate. Latin
indexes will designate the other coordinates x a with a P t1, . . . , du. Capital latin letters will be used to
denote angular coordinates x A among the spacelike coordinates.

Some conventions concerning objects of exterior calculus have also to be detailed. The volume form
is denoted by eµ1 ¨¨¨µn . It is a tensor so it includes ´g. We will keep the notation ε µ1 ¨¨¨µn for the
numerically invariant pseudo-tensor with entries ´1, 0 or 1. We have eµ1 ¨¨¨µn “ ´gε µ1 ¨¨¨µn . See the
appendix B of Wald’s book [2] for details. A general pn ´ pq-form (p P N, p ď n) is written as boldface
X “ X µ1 ¨¨¨µ p ´gpdn´p xqµ1 ¨¨¨µ p developed in the base :

pdn´p xqµ1 ¨¨¨µ p “ ε µ ¨¨¨µ ν ¨¨¨ν dx νp`1 ^ ¨ ¨ ¨ ^ dx νn .
p!pn ´ pq! 1 p p`1 n

We will always invoke Hodge’s duality between p-forms and pn ´ pq-forms to define some objects in
a more convenient way. For example, the Lagrangian density L (equal to ´g times the Lagrangian
scalar) will be identified to the n-form L “ L dn x. A vector field J µ will be regarded as a pn ´ 1q-form
J “ J µ ´gpdn´1 xqµ , since J µ is the Hodge dual of a 1-form. An antisymmetric 2 tensor kµν “ krµνs
will be identified with its Hodge dual: a pn ´ 2q-form k “ krµνs ´gpdn´2 xqµν where the antisymetri-
sation arises naturally from the definition of the natural basis of pn ´ 2q-forms. And so on ! (We keep
the factors of ´g explicit to easily vary them!)

Under an infinitesimal diffeomorphism generated by the vector χµ , a general field Φi with arbitrary
index structure summarized by the abstract index i will be modified by the Lie derivative δχ Φi “
`Lχ Φi . As a final remark, we note that waved equalities («) represent any equation that holds if and
only if the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion formulated in the theory of interest are satisfied.

Conventions and notations 6

Lecture 1

Surface charges in Gravitation

The main purpose of this first lecture is to introduce the concept of canonical surface charges in a
generally covariant theory of gravity, whose General Relativity is the most famous representative.

As a starter, we will show that a conserved stress tensor can be generated for any classical field the-
ory, simply by coupling it to gravity and using general covariance of the so-enhanced theory. Then
we will enter into the main point we have to discuss, and motive why we cannot define conserved
currents and charges in the Noether’s fashion for generally covariant theories, and more globally, for
theories that own a gauge invariance. This quite tricky fact will lead us to extend the worthwhile first
Noether’s theorem to formulate lower degree conservation laws, which will be exploitable for theo-
ries such as Einstein’s gravity. On the way, we will discuss about the symplectic structure of abstract
spaces of fields, and use the covariant phase space formalism to derive a magnificent and powerful
result linking this structure and the lower degree conserved forms we are looking for. We will then
able to compute surface charges associated to these quantities, study their properties and their alge-
bra. Along the text, some pedagogical examples will be provided, namely for pure Einstein’s gravity,
and Maxwell’s electrodynamics, enhanced in a curved background. Finally, we will present another
possible definition of these surface charges and use the latter definition as an efficient tool to derive
the conserved charges of Chern-Simons theory. We will finally discuss the residual ambiguities on
the conserved quantities...

1.1 Introduction : general covariance and conserved stress tensor

Before consider a theory of gravity, let us first consider a relativistic field theory of matter. It will
allow us to analyse a remarkable relation between the very fundamental concept of general covariance
of a theory, and the conservation of a stress tensor associated to this theory. It is a very nice way to
obtain a divergence-free tensor without directly invoking Noether’s theorem.

Let us start with the theory of special relativity. The background structure of spacetime is common
to any inertial observer. In Cartesian coordinates pt, x, y, zq, the metric takes the most refined form
that a Lorentzian metric could take : ηµν “ diagp´1, `1, `1, `1q, the so-called metric of Minkowski.
The symmetries of spacetime are defined as vector fields ξ µ that preserve this background structure,
i.e. Lξ ηµν “ 0. These fields preserve thus also distances, and are by right recognized as isometries. In
components, we have ξ ρ Bρ ηµν ` 2ηρpµ Bνq ξ ρ “ 0. The first term is trivially zero, so it remains Bpµ ξ νq “ 0.
The most general solution is given by ξ µ “ aµ ` brµνs xν . The isometries of Minkowski spactime thus
depend on 10 parameters : the 4 components of aµ that encode global translations and the 6 ma-
trix elements of brµνs associated with Lorentz transformations (rotations and boosts). Under the Lie
bracket, these vectors give rise to the Poincaré algebra.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 7

1.1. Introduction : general covariance and conserved stress tensor

What happens in an arbitrary coordinate system? Thanks to general covariance, we can express all
tensorial equations, such as Lξ ηµν “ 0, in an arbitrary frame by remplacing partial derivatives Bµ by
covariant derivatives1 ∇µ . In a general spacetime, although curvature appears, it is still possible to
consider free-falling observers, around which a local Lorentzian frame can be constructed. So locally,
we find again Bpµ ξ νq “ 0 and general covariance can again be invoked to arrive to

Result 1 (Killing equation)

A necessary and sufficient condition for a vector field to be an isometry of spacetime pM, gq
is that it verifies the so-called Killing equation : Lξ gµν “ 0 ðñ ∇pµ ξ νq “ 0.

Since the Lie bracket is a tensorial quantity, the Killing vectors of Minkowski spacetime form the
Poincaré algebra independently of the coordinates chosen to express the isometries.

After obtaining this very crucial formula, we can now show the following theorem :

Result 2 (Existence of a conserved stress tensor)

Any relativistic field theory in Minkowski spacetime admits a symmetric stress tensor T µν
which is divergence-free when the equation of motion hold, ∇µ T µν « 0.

Let’s consider an arbitrary theory of matter fields – collectively denoted by Φ M “ pΦiM qiPI (with a
totally general index structure i belonging to a set of such structures I) – described by a Lagrangian
density LrΦ M s. One can always couple this theory to gravity by introducing a non-flat metric gµν
into the Lagrangian: LrΦ M s Ñ LrΦ M , gµν s. The coupling is said minimal when it consists in merely
replacing the Minkowski metric by the general metric, standard derivatives by covariant derivatives
and with the necessary mutation of the volume form : dn x Ñ ´gdn x. After that, we can define a
natural symmetric tensor :
2 δL
T µν fi ? (1.1)
´g δgµν
thanks to the Euler-Lagrange derivative, rigorously defined as
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
@Φ P Φ :
fi ´ Bµ ` Bµ Bν `¨¨¨ (1.2)
δΦi BΦi B Bµ Φ i B Bµ Bν Φ i

for theories of any order in derivatives. The compact notation Φ “ tpΦiM qiPI , gµν u now encompasses
at the same time the original matter fields and the metric gµν of spacetime. We therefore have a natu-
ral symmetric candidate stress-tensor in the original field theory, namely T µν rΦ M , ηµν s where we sub-
stituted back the metric gµν by ηµν . What it remains to be done is to show that T µν rΦ M , ηµν s expressed
δLrΦ M s
by (1.1) is covariantly conserved when the original matter equations hold, i.e. when δΦiM
“ 0.

1 We define the covariant derivative with the Levi-Civita connection compatible with the ambient metric.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 8

1.1. Introduction : general covariance and conserved stress tensor

Let’s begin by performing an arbitrary variation on the Lagrangian density:

BL δL δL
δL “ δΦi ` Bµ δΦi ` ¨ ¨ ¨ “ δΦi i ` Bα Θα rδΦ, Φs (1.3)
BΦ i δBα Φ i δΦ

The first term simply contains the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion, while the second one collects
the remnants of the inverse Leibniz rule, which was applied in order to factorize the variation of
fields δΦi without any derivative acting on it. In other words, this second term is nothing else than
a boundary term, expressed as a total derivative, or more precisely, the divergence of a vector field
density Θµ rδΦi , Φi s named presymplectic potential. In the more convenient language of forms, we can
rewrite this equation as
δL “ δΦi ` dΘrδΦ, Φs (1.4)

Here, Θ “ Θµ pdn´1 xqµ is considered as a pn ´ 1q-form, and L “ Ldn x is the n-form naturally asso-
ciated to the Lagrangian density L. The total derivative dΘ is thus also a n-form, by virtue of the
definition of exterior derivative d :
” ı
dΘ “ dx ν Bν Θµ pdn´1 xqµ “ Bν Θµ pdn xqδµν “ Bµ Θµ dn x (1.5)

Now let us analyse the variation of L under an infinitesimal diffeomorphism generated by ξ µ . We get

δL δL
δξ L “ δξ gµν ` δξ ΦiM i ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q (1.6)
δgµν δΦ M
δL δL
fi Lξ gµν ` δξ ΦiM i ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q (1.7)
δgµν δΦ M
δL δL
“ 2∇ µ ξ ν ` δξ ΦiM i ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q (1.8)
δgµν δΦ M
fi dn x ´g T µν ∇µ ξ ν ` δξ ΦiM i ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q
δΦ M

Let us now substitute gµν by the original Minkowski metric ηµν and let’s impose the matter field
equations. We are then ”on-shell” in the original theory. We still have covariant derivatives since we
work in arbitrary coordinates. We get

δξ L « dn x ´g ∇µ pT µν ξ ν q ´ dn x ´g ∇µ T µν ξ ν ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q
a a
« d n x Bµ ´g T µν ξ ν ´ dn x ´g ∇µ T µν ξ ν ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q
`a ˘ a
« ´dn x ´g ∇µ T µν ξ ν ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q

Since general covariance requires that the total variation of the Lagrangian density on any diffeomor-
phism must be a total derivative, including when the equations of motion hold, it implies immedi-
ately the conservation of the stress tensor of the original matter theory!

δξ L “ dp¨ ¨ ¨ q ùñ ∇µ T µν |gµν “ηµν « 0 (1.13)

In this relativistic matter theory we can now build a 4-vector from the stress tensor : J µ “ T µν ξ ν

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 9

1.2. Generalized Noether theorem

which is conserved (or such that its Hodge dual form J “ J µ ´gpdn´1 xqµ is closed), provided that
the diffeomorphism ξ µ is an isometry of spacetime.

∇µ J µ “ ∇µ T µν ξ ν ` T µν ∇pµ ξ νq “ 0 ` 0 ùñ dJ “ 0. (1.14)

The integral of J on an arbitrary Cauchy surface2 Σ produces a scalar quantity Q “

Σ J which is
conserved when the system evolves, provided that fields decay sufficiently rapidly at the boundary
BΣ. Let us choose a coordinate x0 “ t such that the Cauchy surface is described as the surface t “ 0.
Then pdn´1 xq0 “ dΣ is the volume form on the surface. We have
ż ż ż ż
Bt Q “ Bt J 0 pdn´1 xq0 “ dΣ B0 J 0 “ ´ ~ ¨ ~J “ ´
dΣ ∇ ~J ¨ d~S “ 0

To each isometry corresponds such a conserved charge :

Isometry Origin Conserved charge

Translations Minkowski is homogeneous Pµ “ Σ dΣ T µ0
Lorentz transformations Minkowski is isotropic and relativistic Mµν “ Σ dΣ px µ T ν0 ´ x ν T µ0 q

All these features are not surprising, since there is a fundamental result that permits to deduce im-
mediatly the existence of dynamical invariants when the theory of interest owns some continuous
symmetries. And we are about to review it !

1.2 Generalized Noether theorem

1.2.1 Gauge transformations and trivial currents

Let us begin by reviewing one of the most famous statements ever established in modern physics :
the first Noether theorem. Proven in 1916, and considered as a "monument of mathematical thought"
by Einstein himself, it is not abusive to say that most of modern physical works rely on this result.
We will present it without proof, but in a quite modernized form.

Result 3 (First Noether theorem)

Take any physical theory described by a Lagrangian density L defined on a spacetime man-
ifold pM, gq which admits global symmetries, some of which might be gauge invariances.
It exists a bijection between :

B The equivalence classes of global continuous symmetries of L, and

B The equivalence classes of conserved vector fields J µ , the so-called Noether currents.

2 A Cauchy surface is a subset of M which is intersected by every maximal causal curve exactly once. Once the initial

data is fixed on such a codimension 1 surface, the field equations lead to the evolution of the system in the entire spacetime.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 10

1.2. Generalized Noether theorem

On the one hand, we say that two global symmetries of L are equivalent if and only if they differ
only by a gauge transformation and another symmetry whose generator is trivially zero on shell. On
µ µ
the second hand, we declare that two currents J1 and J2 are equivalent if and only if they differ by a
trivial current :
µ µ
J2 “ J1 ` Bν krµνs ` tµ (1.15)

where krµνs is an skew tensor p2, 0q, two times continuously differentiable3 and tµ « 0. So we have
µ µ
Bµ J2 « Bµ J1 . Using this formulation of Noether theorem, a thorny problem arises immediatly. Imag-
ine that you have a pure gauge theory, i.e. a gauge theory with no non-trivial global symmetry at your
disposal. From Noether’s first theorem, it exists only one equivalence class of conserved currents: the
trivial ones. In particular, for generally covariant theories, any transformation like x µ Ñ x µ ` ξ µ is
pure gauge, thus the natural symmetries, also called isometries, are associated to trivial currents in a
similar way. We can define a charge by integrating on a Cauchy slice Σ as we saw before, but it reads
ş ş
simply Q “ Σ J µ pdn´1 xqµ “ BΣ krµνs pdn´2 xqµν when the equations of motion hold. Q is manifestly
completely arbitrary, because krµνs is totally unconstrained ! Let us make the issue explicit by com-
puting the Noether current of General Relativity.

The Lagrangian
´ ?density we
¯ consider includes the Hilbert-Einstein’s one and some material contri-
R ´g
butions L “ 16πG ` L M dn x where R is the scalar Ricci curvature and L M is the Lagrangian of
matter fields. The Noether current associated to a diffeomorphism ξ µ is given by J µ “ Eµν ξ ν where
Dµ Eµν “ 0 on shell. But in fact,
2 δL 1 1 δpR ´gq 2 δL M 1 ` µν µν ˘
Eµν fi ? “? `? “´ G ´ 8πGTM « 0 (1.16)
´g δgµν ´g 8πG δgµν ´g δgµν 8πG

as we retreive exactly the Einstein’s field equations. Therefore J µ « 0 is trivial...

1.2.2 Lower degree conservation laws

We are able to sketch a solution to this puzzle simply by considering more carefully the expression
ş ş
of the arbitrary Noether charge Q “ BΣ krµνs pdn´2 xqµν “ BΣ k. We see that Q reduces to the flux of
k through the boundary BΣ4 , and depends only on the properties of this pn ´ 2q-form in the vicinity
of BΣ. This suggests to invoke lower degree conservation laws. Indeed, let us imagine that we have
any pn ´ 2q-forms k “ krµνs pdn´2 xqµν such as dk “ 0 ô Bν krµνs “ 0. Thanks to such an object, we
can define a integral charge Q “ BΣ k which will be conserved when we change surfaces. Seeking
for conserved pn ´ 2q-forms is so the right path to obtain a canonical notion of integral constants of
motion in gauge theories.

While the first Noether theorem maps each symmetry to a class a conserved currents (or equivalently
closed pn ´ 1q-forms J “ J µ pdn´1 xqµ ), it exists a generalized version of it which precisely focus on
lower degree conserved forms. This result was established by Barnich, Brandt and Henneaux in 1995
[3] using cohomological methods, and we present it here without any proof.
3 Under this assumption, we can apply the Schwarz theorem : Bµ Bν krµνs “ 0.
4 Don’tbe confused by the notation. Σ being a Cauchy slice (and so by definition a pn ´ 1q-dimensional volumic object),
BΣ is nothing but a pn ´ 2q-surface ! Take n “ 4 to clarify the role of any geometric structure...

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 11

1.2. Generalized Noether theorem

Result 4 (Generalized Noether theorem)

Take any physical theory described by a Lagrangian density L defined on a spacetime man-
ifold pM, gq which admits global symmetries, some of which might be gauge invariances.
It exists a bijection between :

B The set of gauge parameters λ such as variations of fields Φ defined on M vanish on

shell (δλ Φ « 0), but λ itself does not vanish on shell, and

B The set of pn ´ 2q-forms k that are closed on shell (dk « 0) but not exact : it is impos-
sible to find a pn ´ 3q-form l such as k « dl.

Please note that the expression of conserved pn ´ 2q-forms actually remains ambiguous : indeed, we
can always add to k the divergence of a pn ´ 3q-form (always Schwarz) and a pn ´ 2q-form which is
trivial on shell. But since k is no more totally arbitrary, we can give physical sense to the integral
charge Q “ BΣ krµνs pdn´2 xqµν which is by right a pure surface integral. This is simply because k is
now a pn ´ 2q-form, thus its components carry 2 indices, and only an integral among a surface can
bump off these two indices to get a scalar ! It is no more than the outline of what we need to do:
we must now understand how extract these conserved forms out of any theory, see the assumptions
under which they are actually conserved, and finally discuss the properties of the associated charges.

As an example, let us show how we can reconstruct the electric charge in classical electrodynamics
with this new magnificent tool. We denote the 4-potential by Aµ . Gauge transformations Aµ Ñ
Aµ ` B µ λ let the Maxwell action L M “ ´ 41 F µν Fµν unchanged. We are interested in the trivial transfor-
mations, i.e. gauge parameters λ such as δλ Aµ « 0 but λ ff 0, conditions validated by the constants
ones λ “ c P R0 . By virtue of vacuum Maxwell equations, the Faraday’s tensor F µν is divergence-
free. It turns out, as we will see below, that the generalized Noether theorem precisely gives the
conserved pn ´ 2q-form: kc rAs “ cF µν pdn´2 xqµν , dkc « 0. Now we can integrate kc“1 on a Cauchy
surface Σt fi tx µ | x0 “ t, x1 “ ru to get the electric charge Q E “ S kc“1 “ S ~E ¨ ~er dS, and by the way
ű ű

verify that it is conserved when time evolves :

¿ ¿
d tr n´2
QE “ Bt k 2pd xqtr “ ´ B A k Ar dS “ 0 (1.17)

In the first equation, we evaluated the form on a contant t, r slice (the two contributions add up
since krt “ ´ktr ). In the second equation, we developed the radial component of dk “ 0, namely
Bt ktr ` B A k Ar “ 0 where pA “ θ, φq are angular coordinates. The last equation follows from the
fact that the integration of a closed form on a sphere is vanishing (assuming of course that the field
strength is regular so without crossing the trajectories of electrons!). Another point to notice is that
¿ ¿
d tr n´2
QE “ Br k 2pd xqtr “ ´ B A ktA dS “ 0 (1.18)

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 12

1.2. Generalized Noether theorem

after using the time component of dk “ 0, namely Br ktr ` B A ktA “ 0 and after assuming again that
the field strength is regular at S. More generally, we obtain the standard Gauss law that only the
homology class of the integration surface matter (i.e. which sources are included in the surface).

1.2.3 Surface charges in generally covariant theories

In electrodynamics, we have just seen that it exists exactly one class of gauge transformations which
vanishes and such that the gauge parameter is non-zero: the global gauge transformation by 1 ev-
erywhere in spacetime, which is associated with the conserved electric charge. It is an easy linear
theory. In general relativity, which is a non-linear theory, life is not so easy. Gauge transformations in
such a generally covariant theory are diffeomorphisms, and the ones that do not transform the metric
are the Killing vectors δξ gµν “ Lξ gµν « 0. But for a general spacetime, we don’t have any Killing
vector since gµν has no isometries in general. So the generalized Noether theorem (Result 4) cannot
be applied to any generally defined diffeomorphism ξ µ . Correspondingly, it seems hopeless to write
a formula describing a conserved pn ´ 2q-form for any ξ µ in a generally covariant theory.

One way out is to make good employ of the linearized theory around a suitably chosen solution.
Let us consider a solution ḡµν of general relativity – called background field – which we perturb by
adding an infinitesimal contribution gµν “ ḡµν ` hµν . It is not difficult to show that the Lagrangian
density linearized around ḡµν and expressed in terms of hµν is gauge-invariant under the transforma-
tion δξ hµν “ Lξ ḡµν , where ξ µ is an arbitrary diffeomorphism. Thus, if the background admits some
Killing symmetries (Lξ ḡµν “ 0), their generators also define a set of symmetries of linearized theory
δξ hµν “ 0. And fortunately, we can apply the result 4 to claim the existence of a set of conserved
pn ´ 2q-forms kξ rh, ḡs if hµν satisfies the linearized equations of motion around ḡµν . If we keep this
important fact in mind, we are able to define precisely a notion of conserved charges for generally
covariant theories!

A general method to define symmetries and associated conserved quantities in generic spacetimes
consists in introducing boundary conditions in an asymptotic region where the linearized theory can
be applied around a reference ḡµν which admits several Killing vectors. These isometries are only
asymptotically defined and relevant, and so are named asymptotic symmetries. In effect, they form the
closest analogue in gravity of the group of global symmetries in field theories without gravity, possi-
bly further enhanced by the physics of gravitation. The most obvious illustration of it can be found
by looking at the class of asymptotically flat spacetimes. A rough definition of such a spacetimes is
provided with metrics that approach the Minkowskian one when the radial coordinate r is running
to infinity as gµν ´ ηµν “ O p1{rq. Far from the sources of gravitation, the spacetimes becomes approx-
imatively flat : we take thus ḡµν “ ηµν as background to linearize the theory. Relevant symmetries ξ̄ µ
include the 10 symmetries of Minkowski spacetime which generate the Poincaré algebra, and to each
one, a conserved pn ´ 2q-form is associated by virtue of the generalized Noether theorem. Then we
can integrate these pn ´ 2q-forms on a 2-sphere at infinity to get Poincaré charges of spacetime! As it
turns out, there are even more symmetries leading to additional conserved charges that only exist in
gravity, the BMS charges, as we will discuss further in these lectures.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 13

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

So far we considered boundary conditions where the linearized theory can be directly applied asymp-
totically. But there are more ways where the linearized theory is useful. Let’s formalize the concepts
a bit more. The set of metrics that obey the boundary conditions form a set G. A particular met-
ric is singled out in this set: the reference or background solution ḡµν P G. So far we considered
the simple case where all asymptotic charges only depend upon ḡµν and the linearized perturba-
tion hµν “ gµν ´ ḡµν : the charge is then S k ξ rg ´ ḡ, ḡs. But in general, the charge might depend
non-linearly on gµν . The way to define the charge is to linearize the theory around each gµν , by
considering an abstract field variation δgµν . The charge is then defined as
Qξ rg, ḡs ” k ξ rdg1 , g1 s (1.19)


where we integrate the pn ´ 2q-form both on a 2-sphere S and on a path in G joining the reference
solution ḡµν to the solution of interest gµν . The charge is conserved as long as ξ µ is an asymptotic
symmetry in the sense that dkξ rδg, gs « 0 for all gµν P G and all variations that are “tangent” to G.
It is not clear at this point if the charge is independent of the path chosen in G to relate ḡµν to gµν .
In order to define with more care this construction (in particular in which sense δ can be viewed as
an exterior derivative on the field space G, how “tangent to G” can be defined, discuss the indepen-
dence of the path in G, . . . ), and in order to compute from first principles the conserved pn ´ 2q-forms
promised by the result 4, we have to develop a bit more formalism...

But before, let us mention a last but important conceptual point. The fact that the energy, in particu-
lar, is a surface charge in General Relativity can be interpreted as gravity being holographic! Indeed,
in quantum gravity the energy levels of all states of the theory can be found by quantizing the Hamil-
tonian. In the classical limit, the Hamiltonian is a surface charge. If this remains true in the quantum
theory (as it does for example in the AdS/CFT correspondence) knowing the field on the surface
bounding the bulk of spacetime will allow to know all possible states in the bulk of spacetime.

1.3 Covariant phase space formalism

1.3.1 Field fibration and symplectic structure

We work again on a target spacetime M which is a Lorentzian manifold provided with a set of coor-
dinates tx µ u. Let us set aside the metric tensor gµν for the moment. On each point P P M, a tangent
space TP M of vectors vµ can be constructed, which admits a coordinate natural basis tBµ u. The dual
space of TP M is the so-called cotangent space TP‹ M which contains 1-forms wµ spanned from a re-
lated natural basis tdx µ u. Conversely, vectors are also associated with functions on 1-forms through
the interior product.
i : TP M Ñ Linear functions on TP‹ M
ξ ÞÑ r iξ : TP‹ M Ñ R : w ÞÑ iξ w fi ξ µ Bµ w s

We can extend this definition to promote the interior product to an operator iξ : Ωk pMq Ñ Ωk´1 pMq
where Ωk pMq is the set of k-forms defined on M, simply by requiring that iξ w ” ξ µ Bdx
µ w, @w P

Ωk pMq. We have also at our disposal a differential operator d “ dx µ Bµ , the exterior derivative that

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 14

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

induces the De Rham complex. Starting from scalars (or pedantically 0-forms), successive applications
of d lead to higher order forms :

Ω0 pMq Ñ Ω1 pMq Ñ Ω2 pMq Ñ ¨ ¨ ¨ Ñ Ωn´1 pMq Ñ Ωn pMq Ñ 0 (1.21)

To be short, we have a first space which is the manifold M of coordinates tx µ u equipped with a nat-
ural differential operator d. Using d, we get forms of higher degree, since d : Ωk Ñ Ωk`1 . One can
use iξ to ascend the chain of Ω’s, so we are able to travel into the full set of spaces tΩk |k “ 0, 1, ..., nu...

Now we consider the fields only. We designate them by the compact notation Φ “ pΦi qiPI where
the fields Φi also include the metric field gµν . Fields are abstract entities without dependence in the
coordinates. In order to be complete, the field space or jet space consists in the fields Φi and a set of
“symmetrized derivatives of fields” tΦi , Φiµ , Φiµν , . . . u. In field space, we can again select a “point”
pΦi , Φiµ , Φiµν , . . . q and the cotangent space at that point is then defined as pδΦi , δΦiµ , δΦiµν , . . . q. The
symmetrised derivative is defined such that

B j pµ νq j BΦixy 1
Φ “ δα δ δi , so in particular i
“ (1.22)
BΦµν αβ β BΦ xy 2

The operator δ is defined as

δ “ δΦi i
` δΦiµ i
` δΦiµν `¨¨¨ (1.23)
BΦ BΦµ BΦiµν

We take all δΦi , δΦiµ , . . . to be Grassmann odd, which implies that δ2 “ 0. δ is then an exterior deriva-
tive on the field space and each δΦi , δΦiµ , δΦiµν , . . . is a 1-form in field space.

We can now put the manifold and the field space together and we get the jet bundle or variational bi-
complex. The jet bundle is a manifold with local coordinates px µ , ΦiI q where I stands for any set of sym-
metrized multi-indices. The fields are all fibers above the target manifold. Taking a section of the fiber,
we obtain the coordinate-dependent fields and their derivatives tΦi px µ q, Bµ Φi px µ q, Bµ Bν Φi px µ q, . . . u.
The standard differential operator d is still defined on the jet space as d “ dx µ Bµ but now

Bµ ” ` Φiµ i
` Φiµν `... (1.24)
Bx µ BΦ BΦiν

Thenceforth we have two Grassman-odd differential operators at our disposal: d and δ and the for-
malism ensures that they anti-commute tδ, du “ 0 as you can check. A form with p dx µ and q δΦiI is
a pp, qq-form.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 15

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

Φi , Φiµ , . . .
Φi , Φiµ , . . .
Φi , Φiµ , . . . Field space J TP˚ J “ SpantδΦiI u
Field fibration

Section “ tΦi p xµ q , B α Φi p xµ q , ...u

yµ ‚
xµ ‚ Spacetime M TP‹ M “ Spantdx µ u
zµ ‚

Horizontal derivative = exterior derivative d

Jet bundle “ tpp xµ , ΦiI q u
Vertical derivative = variational operator δ

Figure 1.1: Elements from the variational bicomplex structure.

The classical physics of the fields is encoded into a Lagrangian density n-form L and a set of boundary
conditions. Since the Lagrangian is a n-form and depend on the fields it is a natural object in this
bi-differential structure (sometimes called “bicomplex structure”). Let us now revise the formula
giving an arbitrary variation of the Lagrangian density (1.4). Remember that the boundary terms
arise after iterative applications of inverse Leibniz rule. Now, δ has been defined as a 1-form which
anticommutes with dx µ so we should now write

δL “ δΦi ´ dΘrδΦ, Φs (1.25)

We can get back to (1.4) by contracting each side of (1.25) with the inner product iδ1 where

iδa fi δa ΦiI (1.26)

and we take δa Φ I Grassmann even by definition. The minus sign is compensated by the fact that δ
needs to anticommute with d to reach Θ.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 16

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

We name ΘrδΦ, Φs the presymplectic potential. It depends by definition on the fields and their varia-
tions, but not explicitly on the coordinates. It is a pn ´ 1, 1q-form! As a consequence, δΘ is a pn ´ 1, 2q-
form! It is the so-called presymplectic form :

ωrδΦ, δΦ, Φs “ δΘrδΦ, Φs (1.27)

In order to go back to a notation where variations are more familiar Grassmann even quantities, one
can contract both sides of the equation with the inner product iδ2 iδ1 where iδa is defined as above. The
operator iδ1 hits either the first or second δ so there are two terms; in each case the remaining δ is
replaced by δ2 . Taking into account the sign obtained by anticommuting δ with d we obtain

iδ2 iδ1 ω fi ωrδ1 Φ, δ2 Φs “ δ1 Θrδ2 Φ, Φs ´ δ2 Θrδ1 Φ, Φs. (1.28)

Our main goal consists in linking the symplectic form that we have just defined on the jet space to
conserved pn ´ 2q-forms that we announced before. But before that, let us make a necessary inter-
mezzo about the second Noether theorem on continuous symmetries, which we will use afterwards
as a lemma !

1.3.2 Noether’s second theorem : an important lemma

Each gauge symmetry of a Lagrangian gives rise to an identity among its equations of motion. This
fundamental property of gauge theories leads to Noether’s second theorem:

Result 5 (Noether’s second theorem)

Given a generally covariant Lagrangian n-form L “ Ldn x and an arbitrary infinitesimal

diffeomorphism ξ µ , one has „ 
δL δL
δξ Φ “ dSξ ;Φ
δΦ δΦ
where Sξ is a n ´ 1 form proportional to the equations of motion and its derivatives. The
equality also holds for other types of gauge transformations where ξ is then replaced by an
arbitrary gauge parameter.

Instead of giving a formal proof of this relation, we prefer verify it for two famous gauge theories !

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 17

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

Einstein’s gravity
1 ?
Let us focus first on the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian density L “ 16πG R ´g, where R is the Ricci
curvature associated to the metric field gµν .
ˆ ? ˙
δL 1 1 δ p ´g Rq
dn x ´g ?
δξ gµν “ δξ gµν (1.29)
δgµν 16πG ´g δgµν
dn x ´g p´G µν qLξ gµν
“ (1.30)
dn x ´g G µν ∇µ ξ ν
“´ (1.31)
1 1
dn x ´g ∇µ pG µν ξ ν q ` dn x ´g ∇µ G µν ξ ν
a a
“´ (1.32)
8πGˆ ˙ 8πG
“ d n x Bµ ´
´g G µν ξ ν (1.33)
pdn´1 xqµ ´g G µν ξ ν
ùñ Sξ “ ´ (1.34)

and the second Noether theorem is proven for this case. In the crucial 4th step, we used Bianchi’s
identities ∇µ G µν “ 0, which is the identity among the equations of motion directly related to general

Einstein-Maxwell electrodynamics

Now we are interested in showing a similar result for classical electrodynamics, whose the base
field is the 4-vector potential Aµ , and minimally coupled to Einstein’s gravity : we consider thus
the Maxwell field which evolves into a curved spacetime manifold described by its metric tensor
gµν . They are two gauge symmetries in the game : the classical invariance of electrodynamics
Aµ Ñ Aµ ` Bµ λ, and also the invariance under diffeomorphisms, guaranteed by the generally co-
variant property of a theory coupled to gravity. The minimal coupling assumption leads us to the
1 ? ?
Lagrangian n form L “ LG ` LEM “ 16πG R ´gdn x ´ 14 ´gF αβ Fαβ dn x, where Fαβ “ Bα A β ´ Bβ Aα is
the antisymmetrical Faraday tensor, which is gauge invariant and contains the physical electric and
magnetic fields.

Let us show as a little lemma that the electromagnetical stress tensor is conserved on-shell. We have :

µν 2 δL EM 1
TEM “ ? “ F µα F να ´ F αβ Fαβ gµν . (1.35)
´g δgµν 4

To do this calculation, the useful formulas are :

a 1a
δ ´g “ ´ggµν δgµν ; δgµν “ ´gµα gνβ δgαβ (1.36)

Recalling that Brα Fβγs “ 0 or equivalently ∇rα Fβγs “ 0 since all Christoffel symbols cancel out by

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 18

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

antisymmetry, it can be checked that ∇rµ F ναs “ ´ 12 ∇ν Fαµ . We can now check:

µν 1
∇µ TEM “ ∇µ F µα F να ` Frµαs ∇rµ F ναs ´ F αβ ∇ν Fαβ (1.37)
1 µα ν 1 αβ ν
“ ∇µ F F α ´ F ∇ Fαµ ´ F ∇ Fαβ
µα ν
2 2
1 1
“ ∇µ F µα F να ` F µα ∇ν Fµα ´ F αβ ∇ν Fαβ (1.39)
2 2
“ ∇µ F F α
µα ν

which is indeed zero on-shell. Now we compute the left-hand-side of the second Noether theorem.
Pay attention to the fact that in the case of Einstein-Maxwell theory, the gauge parameter is a couple
pξ, λq (where ξ is a diffeomorphism, and λ a gauge transformation for Aµ ).

δL δL EM BL EM `a ˘ a
p1q “ “ ´Bν “ Bν ´gF νµ “ ´g∇ν F νµ (1.41)
δAµ δAµ BBν Aµ
EM G ?
δL δL δL ´g µν 1 a
p2q “ ` “ TEM ´ ´gG µν (1.42)
δgµν δgµν δgµν 2 16πG

And thus, since Φi “ tAµ , gµν u :

δL δL δL
δ Φi “ δ Aµ ` δ gµν (1.43)
δΦi pξ,λq δAµ pξ,λq δgµν pξ,λq

The potential field Aµ varies under the two aspects of gauge invariance : δpξ,λq Aµ “ Lξ Aµ ` δλ Aµ “
Lξ Aµ ` Bµ λ, while gµν is only affected by diffeomorphisms δpξ,λq gµν “ δξ gµν “ Lξ gµν . It remains to
compute the Lie derivative of Aµ on the flow of ξ µ :

Lξ Aµ fi ξ ρ Bρ Aµ ` Aρ Bµ ξ ρ “ ξ ρ Fρµ ` ξ ρ Bµ Aρ ` Aρ Bµ ξ ρ “ ξ ρ Fρµ ` Bµ pξ ρ Aρ q. (1.44)

Inserting all these expressions into (1.43) leads us to

ˆ ˙
δL 1 µν 1
Φ “ ´g∇ν F ξ Fρµ ` Bµ pξ Aρ ` λq ` 2 ´g
a “ ρ ‰ a
δ νµ ρ
T ´ G µν
∇µ ξ ν (1.45)
δΦi pξ,λq 2 EM 16πG
ˆ ˙
a µν a a µν 1
“ ´g∇µ TEM ξ ν ` ´g∇ν F ∇µ pξ Aρ ` λq ` ´g TEM ´
νµ ρ
G µν
∇µ ξ ν (1.46)

where we used (1.40) in the first term. We now apply the inverse Leibniz rule on the third term, and
we remember that G µν is divergence-free, to obtain :
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
a µν 1 a µν 1 a µν
´g TEM ´ G µν
∇µ ξ ν “ ´g∇µ TEM ´ G µν
´ ´g∇µ TEM ξ ν (1.47)
8πG 8πG
ˆ ˙
a µν 1 a a µν
“ Bµ ´gTEM ´ ´gG µν
´ ´g∇µ TEM ξ ν (1.48)
ˆ ˙
δL a µν
“ Bµ 2 ξ ν ´ ´g∇µ TEM ξ ν . (1.49)

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 19

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

The last term is compensated as expected by the first term of (1.46). We then have
ˆ ˙
δL δL
Φ “ ´g∇ν F ∇µ pξ Aρ ` λq ` Bµ 2
a νµ ρ
δ ξν (1.50)
δΦi pξ,λq δgµν
ˆ ˙
a “ ‰ δL
“ ´g∇µ ∇ν F pξ Aρ ` λq ` Bµ 2
µν ρ
ξν (1.51)
ˆ ˙
“a ‰ δL
“ Bµ ´g∇ν F pξ Aρ ` λq ` Bµ 2
µν ρ
ξν (1.52)
„ 
δL ρ δL µ
“ Bµ pξ Aρ ` λq ` 2 ξ ν fi Bµ Spξ,λq . (1.53)
δAµ δgµν

We get the second line thanks to the Bianchi identity ∇µ ∇ν F µν “ 0, and the third one by virtue of
? ?
the property ´g∇µ p¨ ¨ ¨ q ” Bµ p ´g ¨ ¨ ¨ q. We are thus left with a pn ´ 1q-form Spξ,λq that satisfies the
prescriptions of the second Noether theorem :
„ 
δL ρ δL
Spξ,λq “ pξ Aρ ` λq ` 2 ξ ν pdn´1 xqµ (1.54)
δAµ δgµν

We have just proven that the second Noether’s theorem was valid for both diffeomorphisms and
electromagnetic gauge transformations!

1.3.3 Fundamental theorem of the covariant phase space formalism

Cartan’s magic formula

Since we are considering generally covariant theories, we can always identify variation along a dif-
feomorphism and Lie derivative along its flow : δξ ” Lξ when acting on tensors. In turn, the Lie
derivative of a tensor can subdivided into several operations which makes it useful for deriving al-
gebraic relations: this is Cartan’s magic formula

Lξ p¨ ¨ ¨ q “ d iξ p¨ ¨ ¨ q ` iξ dp¨ ¨ ¨ q (1.55)

Here, recall that the involution along a vector ξ µ is defined as iξ “ ξ µ Bµ and d “ dx µ Bµ . We can easily
prove it when Lie derivative acts on a scalar field φ, since it reduces to the directional derivative on
the integral curves of ξ. So Lξ φ “ ξ µ Bµ φ “ iξ dφ which is correct because iξ φ “ 0 (the space of p´1q-
forms is empty !). The proof that the Cartan magic’s formula holds for all forms follows by induction
from this observation. Indeed, one can show that, for any integer k, Ωk is generated by scalars, their
exterior derivative, and some exterior products. So we can accept that it is true for all tensors without
exhaustively do the proof here !

Noether-Wald surface charge

Let us now take the variation of L on any diffeomorphism ξ :

δξ L “ Lξ L “ dpiξ Lq ` iξ dL “ dpiξ Lq ` 0 (1.56)
p1.4q δL
“ Lξ Φ ` dΘrLξ Φ, Φs. (1.57)

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 20

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism

By virtue of Noether’s second theorem (result 5), we get :

„  ˆ „ ˙
δL µ δL
dpiξ Lq “ dSξ , Φ ` dΘrLξ Φ, Φs ùñ Bµ ξ L ´ Θ rLξ Φ, Φs ´ Sξ
µ µ
,Φ “0 (1.58)
δΦ δΦ

The standard Noether current of field theories is the Hodge dual of the conserved n ´ 1 form

Jξ fi iξ L ´ ΘrLξ Φ, Φs with dJξ “ dSξ ñ dJξ « 0 (1.59)

Now, a fundamental property of the covariant phase space is that a closed form which depends
arbitrarily on a vector ξ µ is locally exact. Therefore, this Noether current can be written as Jξ “
Sξ ` dQξ . The proof is simple. It relies on the existence of an operator Iξ such that

d Iξ ` Iξ d “ 1. (1.60)

Acting with Iξ on dpJξ ´ Sξ q we get

0 “ Iξ dpJξ ´ Sξ q “ Jξ ´ Sξ ´ dIξ pJξ ´ Sξ q (1.61)

so we deduce that Qξ “ Iξ pJξ ´ Sξ q. The operator Iξ is in fact given by

1 B B
@ωξ P Ωk pMq, Iξ ωξ “ ξα ωξ ` pHigher derivative termsq (1.62)
n ´ k BBµ ξ α Bdx µ

Since only terms proportional to at least one derivative of ξ α matter and neither Sξ nor iξ L do contain
derivatives of ξ µ we have Iξ Sξ “ Iξ iξ L “ 0 and we have more simply

Qξ rΦs “ ´Iξ Θrδξ Φ, Φs (1.63)

We will call this pn ´ 2q-form the Noether-Wald surface charge.

We are now ready to state and prove the fundamental theorem:

Result 6 (Fundamental theorem of the covariant phase space formalism)

Contracting the presymplectic form with a gauge transformation δpξ,λq Φi , it exists a pn ´

2, 1q-form kξ rδΦ, Φs that satisfies the identity

ωrδΦ, δξ Φ, Φs « dkξ rδΦ, Φs

where Φi solves the equations of motion, and δΦi solves the linearized equations of motion
around the solution Φi . The infinitesimal surface charge kξ rδΦ, Φs is unique, up to a total
derivative that does not affect the equality above, and it is given in terms of the Noether-
Wald surface charge and the presymplectic potential by the following relation :

kξ rδΦ, Φs “ δQξ rδΦ, Φs ´ iξ ΘrδΦ, Φs ` total derivative

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 21

1.3. Covariant phase space formalism


We are considering the jet space where δ is Grassmann odd and anticommutes with the exterior
derivative d. Let us compute
„ 
δSξ , Φ “ δJξ rδΦ, Φs ´ δdQξ rδΦ, Φs (1.64)
“ δiξ LrΦs ´ δΘrLξ Φ, Φs ` dδQξ rδΦ, Φs (1.65)
“ ´iξ δLrΦs ´ δΘrLξ Φ, Φs ` dδQξ rδΦ, Φs (1.66)
ˆ ˙
“ ´iξ δΦ ´ dΘrδΦ, Φs ´ δΘrLξ Φ, Φs ` dδQξ rδΦ, Φs (1.67)
« iξ dΘrδΦ, Φs ´ δΘrLξ Φ, Φs ` dδQξ rδΦ, Φs (1.68)

Cartan’s magic formula implies that Lξ ΘrδΦ, Φs “ diξ ΘrδΦ, Φs ` iξ dΘrδΦ, Φs, so we get
„ 
δSξ , Φ « Lξ ΘrδΦ, Φs ´ diξ ΘrδΦ, Φs ´ δΘrLξ Φ, Φs ` dδQξ rδΦ, Φs (1.69)
“ δξ ΘrδΦ, Φs ´ δΘrδξ Φ, Φs ` d δQξ rδΦ, Φs ´ iξ ΘrδΦ, Φs
` ˘
fi ωrδξ Φ, δΦ, Φs ` dkξ rδΦ, Φs (1.71)

It remains to invoke the antisymmetry of the presympletic current ωrδξ Φ, δΦ, Φs “ ´ωrδΦ, δξ Φ, Φs
to obtain : „ 
δSξ , Φ ` ωrδΦ, δξ Φ, Φs « dkξ rδΦ, Φs (1.72)
where kξ rδΦ, Φs “ δQξ rδΦ, Φs ´ iξ ΘrδΦ, Φs ` dp¨ ¨ ¨ q. Now we are about to conclude : the form
Sξ vanishes identically by definition on shell, and if δΦi solves the linearized equations of motion,
its variation vanishes too. So we have proven the fundamental theorem of covariant phase space

Some residual ambiguities

The fundamental theorem allows to uniquely define (up to an exact form) the infinitesimal surface
charge kξ from the presymplectic form. Now, is the definition of the presymplectic form unambigu-
First notice that the presymplectic potential Θ is ambiguous. If we add a boundary term dM to
the Lagrangian density L Ñ L ` dM, we get exactly Θ Ñ Θ ` δM. However, since ω “ δΘ, this
transformation has no effect on the presymplectic form because δ2 “ 0. Second, we defined Θ from
an integration by part prescription, which gives the canonical definition of Θ but our derivation goes
through by modifying Θ Ñ Θ ` dB and therefore ω Ñ ω ` δdB “ ω ´ dδB fi ω ´ dωB . This
ambiguity reflects our ignorance on how to select the boundary terms in the presymplectic form.
In principle, they should be related to the so-called “corner terms” in the action principle, but a
generic derivation has not been proven even though specific examples indicate that it is the case [4].
Fortunately, this ambiguity is irrelevant for exact symmetries of the fields (Killing symmetries in the

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 22

1.4. Conserved surface charges

case of Einstein’s theory) as it can be shown quickly.

ωrδξ Φ, δΦ, Φs Ñ ωrδξ Φ, δΦ, Φs ` dωB rδξ Φ, δΦ, Φs ùñ kξ Ñ kξ ` ωB rLξ Φ, δΦ, Φs “ kξ ` 0. (1.73)

1.4 Conserved surface charges

Now we will show how the Result 6 can help us defining surface charges for generally covariant and
other gauge theories.

1.4.1 Definition of the charges

We defined so far a pn ´ 2q-form kξ rδΦ, Φs with special properties. We now integrate kξ on a closed
surface S of codimension 2 (e.g. a sphere at time and radius fixed). Doing it, we are left with the
local variation of charge between the two solutions Φi and Φi ` δΦi , where Φi satisfies the equations of
motion, and δΦ their linearized counterpart around Φ. We denote this by
δ{ Hξ rδΦ, Φs “ kξ rδΦ, Φs. (1.74)

We denote δ{ instead of δ in order to emphazise that the right-hand-side is not necessarly an exact
differential on the space of fields. If it is the case, the charge will be said integrable, otherwise it is not.

1.4.2 Integrability condition

Let us comment a bit on this very important concept of integrability. We can define S kξ fi Kξ as
a functional depending on the fields Φi and their variations δΦi . It is obviously a 1-form from the
point of view of the fields, and a scalar on the manifold. But nothing tells us that this 1-form is exact
for the exterior derivative δ, i.e. we are not sure that it exist some Hξ such as Kξ “ δHξ . A necessary
condition for allowing the existence of a Hamiltonian generator Hξ associated with ξ is the so-called
integrability condition :
¿ ¿
δ1 kξ rδ2 Φ, Φs ´ δ2 kξ rδ1 Φ, Φs “ 0, @δ1 Φ, δ2 Φ P T rΦs (1.75)

It is also a sufficient condition if the space of fields does not have any topological obstruction, which
is most often the case.

If the charge is integrable, Hξ exists. In order to define it, we denote by Φ̄i some reference field
configuration, and we continue to denote by Φi our target configuration. Then we select a path γ
linking Φ̄i and Φi in field space, and we perform a path integration along γ
ż ¿
Hξ rΦ, Φ̄s “ kξ rδΦ, Φs ` Nξ rΦ̄s (1.76)

Here Nξ rΦ̄s is a charge associated with the reference Φ̄i that is not fixed by this formalism (by which

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 23

1.4. Conserved surface charges

is fixed in other formalisms, e.g. the counterterm method in AdS{CFT). The definition of Hξ does
not depend on the path γ chosen precisely because the integrability condition is obeyed.

1.4.3 Conservation criterion

Let us suppose from now that the integrability condition (1.75) is obeyed. The surface charge Hξ rΦ, Φ̄s
is clearly conserved on shell under continuous deformations of S if and only if dkξ rδΦ, Φs « 0 or,
Hξ rΦ, Φ̄s is conserved ðñ ωrδΦ, δξ Φ, Φs « 0 (1.77)

We repeat again that “on shell” means here : “Φi solves the equations of motion and δΦi solves
the linearized equations of motion around Φi ”. In many cases, asking for conservation in the entire
spacetime is too stringent, but one at least requires conservation at spatial infinity, far from sources
and radiation. The conservation condition implies that the difference of charge between two surfaces
S1 and S2 vanishes,
ż ¿ ż ¿ ż ż ż ż
ˇ ˇ pStokesq p6q
Hξ ˇS ´ Hξ ˇS “ kξ ´ kξ “ dkξ « ω«0 (1.78)
1 2
γ γ γ C γ C
S1 S2

where C is the codimension one surface whose boundary is S1 Y S2 .

In gravity, we get conserved charges in two famous cases that we have already discussed :

B If ξ is an exact (Killing) symmetry, we know that δξ gµν “ Lξ gµν “ 0 so ωrδg, δξ g, gs “ 0.

Therefore, any Killing symmetry is associated with a conserved surface charge is the bulk of

B For asymptotic symmetries, the Killing equation Lξ gµν “ 0 is only verified in an asymptotic
sense when r Ñ 8, so ωrδg, δξ g, gs Ñ 0 only in an asymptotic region. As a consequence, the
charges associated to ξ will be conserved only in the asymptotic region.

Morever, we mention a third case that concerns the so-called symplectic symmetries, which are vectors
ξ µ that are no longer isometries of gµν but still lead to vanishing presymplectic form. They also lead
to conserved charges in the bulk of spacetime.

1.4.4 Charge algebra

In special relativity, we have 10 Killing vectors and a bracket between these Killing vectors: the Lie
bracket. Under the Lie bracket, the 10 Killing vector form the Poincaré algebra. Moreover, the charges
associated with these vectors represent the algebra of symmetries and also form the Poincaré algebra
under a suitably defined Poisson bracket between the charges. What we want to do now is to derive
this representation theorem for gravity, and for more general gauge theories.

We only consider the most important case of asymptotic symmetries. Let us consider a set G of field
configurations which admit some boundary conditions. A vector ξ µ is said to be an allowed diffeomor-
phism if its action is tangential to G. In other words, the infinitesimal Lie variation of the fields is a

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 24

1.4. Conserved surface charges

tangent vector to G, which therefore preserves the boundary conditions that define G. The set tξ a u
c ξ . One can integrate
of such vectors fields form an algebra for the classical Lie bracket rξ a , ξ b s “ Cab c
these infinitesimal transformations to obtain their global counterparts, which form a group of allowed
transformations, always preserving G.

We assume that the boundary conditions are chosen such that any allowed vector ξ µ asymptotically
solves the Killing equation. We can then define a conserved charge Hξ , which we assume is integrable
and finite5 . Two cases can be distinguished :

B If Hξ is non-zero for a generic field configuration, the action of ξ µ on fields is considered to

have physical content. For example, boosting or rotating a configuration changes the state of
the system.

B If Hξ is zero, the diffeomorphism ξ µ is considered to be a gauge transformation, and does

nothing more than a change of coordinates. These diffeomorphisms are also called trivial gauge

We define the asymptotic symmetry group as the quotient

Allowed diffeomorphisms
Asymptotic symmetry group “
Trivial gauge transformations

which extracts the group of state-changing transformations. This is the concept in gravity of the
group of global symmetries of field configurations obeying a given set of boundary conditions.
Let us now derive the representation of the asymptotic algebra by the charges themselves !

Representation theorem

First, we need a Lie bracket for the charges. The definition is the following : for any infinitesimal
diffeomorphisms χµ , ξ µ , we define
tHχ , Hξ u fi δξ Hχ “ kχ rδξ Φ, Φs. (1.79)

d t
The last equality directly follows from the definition of the charge (1.76), in the same way as dt 0 dt1 f pt1 q “
f ptq. To derive the charge algebra, we have to express the right-hand-side as a conserved charge for
some yet unknown diffeomorphism. The trick is to use again a reference field Φ̄i to re-introduce an
path integration :
¨ ˛
¿ ¿ ¿
tHχ , Hξ u “ ˝ kχ rδξ Φ, Φs ´ kχ rδξ Φ̄, Φ̄s ` kχ rδξ Φ̄, Φ̄s
‚ (1.80)
¨ ˛
ż ¿ ¿
“ ˝ δkχ rδξ Φ, Φs ` kχ rδξ Φ̄, Φ̄s
‚ (1.81)
5 Ifthe charge is not finite, it means that the boundary conditions constraining the fields on which we are defining the
charges are too large and not physical. If the charge is not integrable, one could attempt to redefine ξ µ as a function of the
fields to solve the integrability condition.

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 25

1.4. Conserved surface charges

by virtue to fundamental theorem of integral calculus. The first term needs some massaging. After
using the integrability condition, one can show that
ż ¿ ż ¿
δkχ rδξ Φ, Φs “ krχ,ξs rδΦ, Φs (1.82)
γ γ

and with all fields Φi and their variations δΦi on shell. The proof will be given below for the inter-
ested reader. So we are left with :
ż ¿ ¿
tHχ , Hξ u “ krχ,ξs rδΦ, Φs ` kχ rδξ Φ̄, Φ̄s (1.83)
“ Hrχ,ξs ` Kχ,ξ rΦ̄s (1.84)

provided that ¿
Kχ,ξ rΦ̄s “ kχ rδξ Φ̄, Φ̄s ´ Nrχ,ξs rΦ̄s. (1.85)

The charge algebra is now determined. It reproduces the diffeomorphism algebra up to an extra
functional Kχ,ξ rΦ̄s that depends only on the reference Φ̄i . For this reason, it commutes with any
surface charge Hξ under the Poisson bracket, and so it belongs to the center of this algebra. Thus
we obtain a central extension when we consider the charges instead of the associated vectors. We can
show that the central extension is antisymmetric under the exchange χµ Ø ξ µ , and

Krχ1 ,χ2 s,ξ rΦ̄s ` Krξ,χ1 s,χ2 rΦ̄s ` Krχ2 ,ξs,χ1 rΦ̄s “ 0,
µ µ
@ξ 1 , ξ 2 , χµ . (1.86)

In other words, Kχ,ξ rΦ̄s forms a 2-cocycle on the Lie algebra of diffeomorphisms, and furthermore
confers to t¨, ¨u a rightful structure of Lie braket, since the presence of the central extension affects
neither antisymmetry nor Jacobi’s identity. A central extension Kχ,ξ which cannot be absorbed into a
normalization of the charges as Nrχ,ξs is said to be non-trivial. So we have proved the representation
theorem :
Result 7 (Charge representation theorem)

Assuming integrability, the conserved charges associated to a Lie algebra of diffeomor-

phisms also form an algebra under the Poisson braket tHχ , Hξ u fi δξ Hχ , which is isomor-
phic to the Lie algebra of diffeomorphisms up to a central extension

tHχ , Hξ u “ Hrχ,ξs ` Kχ,ξ rΦ̄s

It remains to prove the remaining equality (1.82). For that purpose, we need some algebra on the
variational bicomplex. We define the operator δQ “ QiI BΦ
B i B i B
i ` δQ I BδΦi and we recall that i Q “ Q I BδΦi .
One can check that

rδQ , ds “ 0, rδQ , δs “ 0, tiQ , Iξ u “ 0, (1.87)

tiQ , δu “ δQ , riQ1 , δQ2 s “ irQ1 ,Q2 s , (1.88)
rδQ1 , δQ2 s “ ´δrQ1 ,Q2 s , rQ1 , Q2 si ” δQ1 Q2i ´ δQ2 Q1i . (1.89)

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 26

1.4. Conserved surface charges

In particular for gravity, we are interested in the operator δLξ Φ which acts on tensor fields as a Lie
derivative, δLξ Φ “ `Lξ in our conventions. Note that the commutator in (1.89) is consistent with the
standard commutator of Lie derivatives:

Φ Lξ 2 Φ
i i
Φ , δLξ 2 Φ sΦ “ δLξ
´ p1 Ø 2q (1.90)
“ Lξ 2 δLξ ´ p1 Ø 2q (1.91)

“ Lξ 2 Lξ 1 Φi ´ p1 Ø 2q (1.92)
“ ´Lrξ 1 ,ξ 2 s Φi ´ p1 Ø 2q (1.93)
“ ´δLrξ ´ p1 Ø 2q. (1.94)
1 ,ξ 2 s

With these tools in mind, let us start the proof. Applying the operator Iξ on the fundamental relation
of Result 6, we obtain the definition of the surface charge form from the presymplectic form,

Iξ ωrδΦ, δξ Φ, Φs « Iξ dkξ rδΦ, Φs (1.95)

« kξ rδΦ, Φs ` dp. . . q. (1.96)

Contracting with iδχ Φ we further obtain

kξ rδχ Φ, Φs « ´Iξ ωrδχ Φ, δξ Φ, Φs ` dp. . . q. (1.97)

We would like to compute

δkξ rδχ Φ, Φs « ´δIξ ωrδχ Φ, δξ Φ, Φs ` dp. . . q (1.98)

« Iξ δωrδχ Φ, δξ Φ, Φs ` dp. . . q, (1.99)
« Iξ δiδξ Φ iδχ Φ ωrδΦ, δΦ, Φs ` dp. . . q. (1.100)

We would like to use the fact that the presymplectic structure is δ-exact, δωrδΦ, δΦ, Φs “ 0, so we
will (anti-)commute the various operators as

δiδξ Φ iδχ Φ “ ´iδξ Φ δiδχ Φ ´ δδξ Φ iδχ Φ (1.101)

“ iδξ Φ iδχ Φ δ ` iδξ Φ δδχ Φ ´ δδξ Φ iδχ Φ (1.102)
“ iδξ Φ iδχ Φ δ ` δδχ Φ iδξ Φ ` irδξ Φ,δχ Φs ´ δδξ Φ iδχ Φ (1.103)
“ iδξ Φ iδχ Φ δ ` δδχ Φ iδξ Φ ´ iδrξ,χs Φ ´ δδξ Φ iδχ Φ . (1.104)

The first term does not contribute as announced. The second and fourth term in fact combine to a
contraction of the integrability condition (1.75) after using the definition (1.96) of the surface charge
in terms of ω. We refer to [5] for this piece of the proof. We are then left with

δkξ rδχ Φ, Φs « Iξ ωrδΦ, δrξ,χs Φ, Φs ` dp. . . q (1.105)

« krξ,χs rδΦ, Φs ` dp. . . q (1.106)

which proves (1.82).

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 27

1.4. Conserved surface charges

This closes our presentation of the covariant phase space formalism. What we have discussed is in
fact one general method to derive canonical conserved charges in gauge theories. Let us now make
some explicit calculations in General Relativity, to illustrate a bit all these formulae that we have just

1.4.5 Conserved charge formula for General Relativity

Let us consider the Hilbert-Einstein Lagrangian density L “ 1
16πG ´g R. The only field Φi to take
into account is the metric tensor gµν , whose local variation will be denoted as hµν “ δgµν (convention:
δ is Grassmann even). First we need the expression of a general perturbation of L : the calculation is
straightforward and you should already performed it during your gravitation classes, in particular
when you extracted the Einstein’s equations from the variational principle, so it is left as an exercise :
´g µν
δL “ ´ G hµν ` dΘrh, gs (1.107)
Θµ rh, gs “ p∇ν hµν ´ ∇µ hνν q (1.108)

where ∇α is the Levi-Civita connection compatible with gµν . If the variation is contracted with the
action of a diffeomorphism ξ µ , we are able to explicit the presymplectic superpotential :
´g ´ ¯
Θ rLξ g, gs “
∇ν ∇pµ ξ νq ´ 2∇µ ∇ν ξ ν (1.109)

Recalling the definition of the Riemann’s curvature tensor, one gets easily that ∇µ ∇ν ξ ν “ ∇ν ∇µ ξ ν `
ν µ α
R α νξ « ∇ν ∇µ ξ ν because the last term is proportionnal to the Ricci tensor which vanishes on shell
for pure gravity without matter. So :
Θ rLξ g, gs «
∇ ν p∇ ν ξ µ ´ ∇ µ ξ ν q pon shellq (1.110)

The superpotential gives us access to the Noether-Wald charge (1.63) after some derivations :
Qξ “ Iξ Θrδξ g, gs “ ´ p∇µ ξ ν ´ ∇ν ξ µ q pdn´2 xqµν (1.111)

which is often called the Komar’s term, in reference to the Komar’s integrals that give the mass and
angular momentum of simple spacetimes when (1.111) is evaluated on the asymptotic 2-sphere. The
last ingredient we miss to build kξ rh, gs “ δQξ rgs ´ iξ Θrh, gs is

iξ Θ “ ξ µ Θν pdn´1 xqν “ pξ µ Θν ´ ξ ν Θµ q pdn´2 xqµν (1.112)
Bdx µ

Finally, after some tensorial algebra, we are left with :

? ˆ ˙
´g n´2 1
kξ rh, gs “ pd xqµν ξ ∇σ h
µ νσ
´ ξ ∇ h ` ξσ∇ h
µ µ ν µσ
` h∇ν ξ µ ´ hρν ∇ρ ξ µ (1.113)
8πG 2

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 28

1.4. Conserved surface charges

One can explicitly prove that this object is conserved when gµν and hµν are on shell and ξ µ is a Killing
vector of gµν :
dkξ rh, gs « 0 ðñ Bν k ξ pdn´2 xqµν « 0. (1.114)

Don’t forget that it remains an ambiguity on this surface charge, which appears when we attempt
to add a boundary term to the presymplectic form. If we impose that this term is only made up of
covariant objects, the form of this term is highly constrained. Indeed, one can be convinced that the
only boundary symplectic form constituted from gµν is :

pδgq α ^ pδgqαν pdn´2 xqµν , αPR
Erδg, δg; gs “ (1.115)

When the variations are taken under a diffeomorphism ξ µ , (1.115) results in

Erδξ g, δg; gs “ p∇µ ξ σ ` ∇σ ξ µ q pδgqαν pdn´2 xqµν , α P R. (1.116)

It is not suprising to obtain a contribution proportional to the Killing equation, since we have already
argued that charges associated to exact symmetries do not suffer any ambiguity ! When α “ 0, we
get the Iyer-Wald’s charge [6].

Let us conclude this section by performing a concrete calculation, on the most simple black hole
metric, which is the Schwarzschild’s one. In spherical coordinates pt, r, θ, φq, we can describe the
region outside the horizon by

2m ´1 2
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
2m 2
gµν rms “ ´ 1 ´ dt ` 1 ´ dr ` r2 dΩ2 with dΩ2 “ dθ 2 ` sin2 θdφ. (1.117)
r r

It is obvious that only the mass parameter m labels the metric, and we will take variations with
Bg ˘´2 2
respect to it. So δgµν rδm, ms “ Bmµν δm ñ δgµν dx µ dx ν “ 2δm 2δm
1 ´ 2m
r dt ´ r r dr . Choosing a
2-surface S on which both t and r are constant, and fixing ξ “ Bt , a little calculation shows that :
¿ ż 2π żπ
δm δm δm
δHξ “ dΩ “ dφ dθ sin θ “ “ δM (1.118)
4πG 0 0 4πG G

where M “ m{G is the total mass of spacetime. So the charge is trivially integrable and, after a simple
path integration between the Minkowski metric (m “ 0) and a target metric with given m ą 0, we
get the right result according to which M is the total energy of the Schwarzschild’s black hole !

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 29

1.5. Conserved charges from the equations of motion

1.5 Conserved charges from the equations of motion

In this section, we quickly discuss another way to define conserved charges through pn ´ 2q-forms
with leads to a particular prescription to fix the boundary ambiguity in the presymplectic form. This
method is sensitively the same as the Iyer-Wald’s one, and also relies on a link between symplectic
structure of the space of fields and lower degree conserved currents.

1.5.1 Anderson’s homotopy operator

We first introduce a more formal procedure for performing integration by parts on expressions which
do not necessarily involve ξ µ but involve the fields Φi . It involves the fundamental operator, which
is called the Anderson’s homotopy operator IδΦ , which bears some ressemblance with the operator Iξ
constructed and used above. Using the Grassman odd convention for δ it can be defined as follows :

n δ
´dIδΦ ` δΦi “δ when acting on n-forms ; (1.119)
p p`1
´dIδΦ ` IδΦ d “ δ when acting on p-forms pp ă nq. (1.120)

As an exercise, the reader can convince himself that

„ 
n i B i B i B B
IδΦ “ δΦ ´ δΦ Bν ` Bν δΦ `¨¨¨ (1.121)
BBµ Φ i BBµ Bν Φ i BBµ Bν Φ i Bdx µ
„ 
n´1 1 i B 1 i B 2 i B B
IδΦ “ δΦ ´ δΦ Bν ` Bν δΦ `¨¨¨ (1.122)
2 BBµ Φ i 3 BBµ Bν Φ i 3 BBµ Bν Φ i Bdx µ

and so on, for a collection of fields Φ “ pΦi q.

1.5.2 Invariant presymplectic current

Recalling that the Lagrangian density can be promoted to a n-form L, we can use (1.119) on it :

δL δL
δL “ δΦi i
´ dIδΦ L fi δΦi i ´ dΘrδΦ, Φs (1.123)
δΦ δΦ

So Θ “ IδΦ
n L. Please note the global sign in front of Θ, because d and δ are both Grassmann-odd and

anticommute. We always define the Iyer-Wald presymplectic current as ωrδΦ, δΦ, Φs “ δΘrδΦ, Φs,
n on both sides of (1.123) to get :
and using (1.120), we can apply IδΦ
n n δL i n n
“ δL IδΦ
δΦ ´ IδΦ dIδΦ L (1.124)
ˆ ˙
n i δL n n´1 n
“ IδΦ δΦ ´ δIδΦ L ´ dIδΦ IδΦ L (1.125)
ˆ ˙
n n n δL n´1 n
ùñ IδΦ δL ` δIδΦ L “ IδΦ δΦi i ´ dIδΦ IδΦ L (1.126)

n s “ 0 because δ2 “ 0, the left-hand-side is nothing but 2 δI n L “ 2 ωrδΦ, δΦ, Φs, and so :

Since rδ, IδΦ δΦ

ωrδΦ, δΦ, Φs “ WrδΦ, δΦ, Φs ` dErδΦ, δΦ, Φs (1.127)

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 30

1.5. Conserved charges from the equations of motion

where we have isolated and defined the invariant presymplectic current :

ˆ ˙
1 n δL
WrδΦ, δΦ, Φs fi IδΦ δΦ (1.128)
2 δΦ

which differs from the Iyer-Wald’s one by a boundary term that reads as :

1 n´1 n
ErδΦ, δΦ, Φs fi I I L. (1.129)
2 δΦ δΦ

This formulation allows us to choose W instead of ω as symplectic form to build conserved surface
charges. It is called invariant because it is defined in terms of the equations of motion and does
not depend upon the boundary terms added to the action. Let us consider again a diffeomorphic
transformation ξ µ . The second Noether theorem always holds :

dSξ “ Lξ Φi . (1.130)
n to both sides :
The trick to progress is to again apply Anderson’s operator IδΦ
ˆ ˙
IδΦ dSξ “ n
IδΦ Lξ Φi (1.131)
“ δSξ ` dIδΦ Sξ (1.132)

It can be proved after some work6 that a contraction between W and δξ Φ “ Lξ Φ reproduces (1.131)
on shell and is therefore anti-symmetric :
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
δL δL
WrLξ Φ, δΦs “ iLξ Φ W « ILn ξ Φ δΦi « n
´IδΦ Lξ Φ (1.133)
δΦi δΦ

So, if Φi is on shell and δΦi is also on shell in the linearized theory, the variation of δSξ vanishes and
we are left with a familiar formula :

WrLξ Φ, δΦs « dkξBB rδΦ, Φs (1.134)

where now the invariant surface charge form or Barnich-Brandt charge is

„ 
kξBB rδΦ, Φs “ n´1
´IδΦ Sξ ,Φ (1.135)

The surface charges are obtained by integration on a 2-surface and on the variations of fields, as

1.5.3 Expression of Barnich-Brandt’s charge for Einstein’s gravity

The computation of the Barnich-Brandt’s charge for General Relativity can be performed thanks to
this formula, and with the mere knowledge of Sξ already derived, see (1.34). But it is not necessary,
since we have observed that kξBB rδΦ, Φs “ kξIW rδΦ, Φs ` ErδΦ, Φs, and so the two formulations differ
6 See property 13 of [5].

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 31

1.5. Conserved charges from the equations of motion

by this ambiguous term, which can be computed explicitely with (1.129). In doing so we get exactly
(1.115) with α “ 1, so the Barnich-Brandt’s local charge for Einstein’s theory reads as follows :

? ˆ ˙
µν ´g 1 1
kξ rh, gs “ ξ ∇σ h
µ νσ
´ ξ ∇ h ` ξσ∇ h
µ µ ν µσ
` h∇ν ξ µ ´ hρν ∇ρ ξ µ ` hνσ ∇pµ ξ σq (1.136)
8πG 2 2

This formula was also obtained by Abbott and Deser by a similar procedure involving integrations
by part, without using these formal operators [7, 8, 9].

When we will show that 3-dimensional Einstein’s gravity can be reduced to a couple of Chern-Simons
theories, we will use this formulation of conserved charges (instead of the Iyer-Wald’s one) to com-
pute the charges in that alternative formalism, simply because it is faster.

Many textbooks on QFTs explain Noether’s theorem in detail, as e.g. the book of di Franscesco et al.

The covariant phase space formalism was developed in [11, 6]. Several introductions to the formalism
can be found in research articles including e.g. Section 3 of [12] and Appendix A of [13]. For a list of
references on the definition of the symplectic structure for Einstein gravity, see e.g. Section 4.4 of [14].

The cohomological formalism for defining the surface charges (and in particular the proof of unique-
ness "Generalized Noether theorem") was developed in [3, 15, 5]. For a short description of the
algebra of fields underlying the covariant formalism, see e.g. Appendix C of [16] or Section I.1. of

The Hamiltonian formalism, which is equivalent to the covariant phase space formalism and that
was not covered in the lectures was developed in [18, 19, 20].

The proof of the representation theorem for the algebra of charges can be found in the case of the
Hamiltonian formalism in [20] and in covariant formalism in [5].

The definition of surface charges using the equations of motion was developed for Einstein gravity
and higher curvature theories in [7, 8, 9]. Only the Abbott-Deser formula for Einstein gravity was
covered in class. These definitions are equivalent to the cohomological formalism.

If you need to use surface charges for various theories of second order in derivatives (Einstein,
Maxwell, Chern-Simons, scalars), the explicit formulae for the surface charges with all signs and
factors right up to my knowledge can be found in Section 4.4. of [12]. For those interested, a Math-
ematica package is also available to compute surface charges in several theories with tutorial on my

Lecture 1. Surface charges in Gravitation 32

Lecture 2

Three dimensional Einstein gravity

General relativity is the commonly accepted modern paradigm of gravitation, and is rewarded nowa-
days by more and more compelling experimental evidences, which consolidate its position as the
unavoidable model of gravitation. However it is a very complex theory presenting a lot of puzzles to
physicists, both in classical and quantum level. Classically, we have to deal with laborious analytic
calculations and conceptual issues which remains yet unresolved. Quantum mechanically, Einstein’s
theory is not well-behaved and after several years of intense searches, quantum gravity is still an
elusive theory to all of us.

Now, it exists a reduced version of Einstein’s Relativity where the physical objects are more under
control and the quantization is within our reach : the 3-dimensional Einstein gravity to which this
lecture is dedicated. More than a toy-model, it is a very useful framework thanks to which we can
experiment some techniques and derive some features that we hope to extend in the more physical
4d case. As one removes a spatial dimension, the solution space is reduced as well, in fact to constant
curvature solutions. But by considering topological and asymptotic properties, Einstein’s solutions
still contain black holes and asymptotic symmetries and so save the theory from its apparent triviality.

Anti-de Sitter spacetime, one of the three constant curvature spacetimes, was studied in the early
80’s. The seminal paper of Brown and Henneaux in 1986 [21] gave a definition of asymptotically
AdS3 spacetimes together with an analysis of its infinite dimensional symmetries. The paper was
ignored for long, until the discovery of the AdS{CFT correspondence by Maldacena in 1997 [22, 23].
Notably in 1988, Witten explored more deeply 3d gravity [24] by constructing its equivalent Chern-
Simons representation, following the works of Achúcarro and Townsend in 1986 [25]. Most of the
community considered the theory as trivial, until a black hole solution, the BTZ black hole, was de-
rived in 1992 by Bañados, Teitelboim and Zanelli [26, 27], which shares some features with the Kerr’s
solution in 4d. This discovery permitted several years later to link the entropy defined at the horizon
of a black hole and a microscopic counting of states in a dual CFT thanks to Maldacena’s AdS{CFT
correspondence. In string theory, many higher dimensional black holes of interest admit the BTZ
black hole in their near-horizon geometry, and the 3d toy model become a universal tool to under-
stand black hole entropy, as emphasized by Strominger in 1997 [28]. Today, it is not yet clear whether
pure 3d Einstein gravity makes sense quantum mechanically without a string theory embedding.
Several attempts have been made but are not conclusive [29, 30] .

In the last years, the holography community has paid a particular attention to asymptotically flat
spacetimes where another infinite dimensional symmetry group, the BMS group, plays a particular
role. There is also a 3d analogue of this BMS group, and again it is useful to understand the toy
model before the physical 4d case.

Through this course, we will review the typical properties of 3d gravity, which are mostly due to the

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 33

2.1. Overview of typical properties

vanishing of the Weyl curvature. Next we will turn to the AdS3 phase space: we will describe global
features of AdS3 itself, and then give several elements on the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions
and the resulting asymptotic group, without forgetting a long discussion on BTZ black holes. We will
show that the asymptotically flat phase space can be obtained from the flat limit of the AdS3 phase
space. Finally, we will shortly present the Chern-Simons formulation of 3d gravity, which reduces
the theory to the dynamics of two non-abelian gauge vector fields!

2.1 Overview of typical properties

2.1.1 A theory without bulk degrees of freedom

Beyond the fact that analytic complexity of General Relativity is less important in 2 ` 1 dimensions, it
occurs in this case a particular phenomenon that constraints heavily the gravitationnal field, allowing
us to have more control on the solutions and phase spaces, as you will note all along this lecture. To
see how 3d gravity is special, let us consider a n-dimensional spacetime manifold pM, gq. On M,
the intrinsic curvature is encoded in the Riemann tensor Rµναβ , which natively owns n4 components.
n2 2
This number can be reduced to 12 pn ´ 1q independent components, after taking into account several
well-known indicial symmetries :

B Antisymmetry on the pair pµ, νq Ñ N “ npn ´ 1q{2 independent choices of pµ, νq ;

B Antisymmetry on the pair pα, βq Ñ N “ npn ´ 1q{2 independent choices of pα, βq ;

B Symmetry under permutation of the pairs Ñ reduces the number of independent choices of
pairs from N 2 to NpN ` 1q{2 ;

B Identity Rµpναβq “ 0. The number of new constraints brought by this last identity is equal to the
number of possible choices of 4 indices among n values, so C “ npn ´ 1qpn ´ 2qpn ´ 3q{4!. We
see that if n ă 4, it brings no additionnal restriction.

Finally we are left with the correct number of independent components : Fpnq “ NpN ` 1q{2 ´ C “
n2 2
12 pn ´ 1q. Now we recall that the Riemann tensor can be written with an explicit decomposition
between the trace-part (the Ricci tensor Rµν “ Rαµαν ) and a traceless conformal invariant part (the
Weyl tensor Wµναβ ) :

2 ` ˘ 2
Rµναβ “ Wµναβ ` gαrµ Rνsβ ` Rαrµ gνsβ ´ Rg g . (2.1)
n´2 pn ´ 1qpn ´ 2q αrµ νsβ

According to Einstein’s equations Gµν “ 8πGTµν the source of curvature that governs the Ricci tensor
is the local distribution of energy-momentum of matter. Outside the sources, the Ricci curvature van-
ishes (Rµν “ 0). Yet, the Weyl curvature might not vanish, which carries the gravitational information
of the sources on the local observer (for example the gravitational waves and Newtonian potential).
But now in 3d, an amazing thing occurs, because the number of independent components in the
n2 2 9
Riemann tensor 12 pn ´ 1q “ 12 ˆ p9 ´ 1q “ 6 perfectly matches with the number of independent
components in the Ricci tensor, which is symmetrical, and thus owns 12 npn ` 1q “ 3
2 ˆ 4 “ 6 relevant
components ! So the Weyl tensor is identically zero. That implies that there is no degree of freedom in 3d
Einstein’s gravity because gravitational information cannot propagate. Also, there is no Newtonian

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 34

2.1. Overview of typical properties

potential, and so the masses do not attract ! This astounding fact allows us to extend the mass spectrum
of the theory to negative masses (as long as the spectrum is bounded from below for stability reasons):
indeed negative masses cannot give rise to repulsive gravity – which will turn to be a very unpleasant
property – since two masses do not “see” each other in 3d gravity !

2.1.2 Einstein-Hilbert action and homogeneous spacetimes

Until now we didn’t use the equations of motion. Now let us write the Einstein-Hilbert action, and
obtain another characterization of the local triviality of 3d gravity :
d3 x
Srgs “ ´gpR ` 2Λq (2.2)
16πG M

where R is the Ricci scalar curvature, and Λ the cosmological constant. In the case of pure gravity, the
equations of motion are Gµν ` Λgµν “ Rµν ` pΛ ´ R2 qgµν “ 0. Taking the trace we find that R “ 6Λ
(since gµν gµν “ n “ 3). On shell, the Ricci tensor is completely determined by the metric tensor
Rµν « 2Λgµν . Inserting this expression into (2.1) after deleting the Weyl tensor, one gets :

Rαβµν « Λ gαµ gβν ´ gαν gβν

` ˘

which is the curvature tensor of a homogeneous spacetime, or constant curvature spacetime. The
solutions are thus distinguished by the sign of the cosmological constant Λ :

B If Λ ą 0, the solutions of Einstein’s field equations are locally the de Sitter space ;

B If Λ “ 0, the solutions of Einstein’s field equations are locally Minkowski (flat) ;

B If Λ ă 0, the solutions of Einstein’s field equations are locally the anti-de Sitter space.

Remark that spacetime being locally homogeneous everywhere is consistent with the non-interaction
between masses. Indeed, if we consider a set of test masses, the region which separates them is locally
an homogeneous spacetime where no preferential direction can be chosen, and in particular there is
no direction of attraction. The solution space of 3d gravity is however not trivial! There are particles
(local defects), black holes (due to topological properties) and asymptotic symmetries, as discussed
later on!

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 35

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

2.2 Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

2.2.1 Global properties of AdS 3

Let us focus on negative curvature solutions. We introduce a
length scale ` P R`
0 such as Λ “ ´1{` . Since we are first in-
2 Future timelike infinity

terested in the global homogeneous solution, we provide our-

selves whit global coordinates pt, r, φq, in the sense that any com-
plete geodesic can be maximally extended in this coordinate sys-
tem. t is a timelike coordinate, while r, φ are spacelike coordi-
nates, r P R`
0 is the luminosity distance and φ P r0, 2πs is the

Spacelike infinity
angular coordinate. The maximally symmetric solution of Ein-
stein’s equation with negative curvature reads as :
r2 r2
ˆ ˙ ˆ
2 2
ds “ ´ 1 ` 2 dt ` 1 ` 2 dr2 ` r2 dφ2 (2.4)
` `

This spacetime is called the anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS3 ). The

length scale ` determines the distance at which the curvature
sets in. At shorter distances (r ! `), the metric (2.4) is sim-
ply the Minkowski’s one. Near infinity (r " `), we get ds2 „
`2 2 r2
dr ` `2
p´dt2 ` `2 dφ2 q so the outer boundary is nothing but a φ

cylinder, based on a circle that comes from compact coordinate Past timelike infinity
φ, and developed on the timelike coordinate t. Given that there
Figure 2.1: Penrose diagram of
is a potential barrier to reach infinity, one may think about AdS3
global AdS3 spacetime.
as a “spacetime in a box”, and its Penrose diagram can be easily
obtained by compactifying the luminosity distance to bring the
asymptotic cylinder to a finite distance. Before to do that, let us introduce a new coordinate system
in which the luminosity distance r is remplaced by another (dimensionless) radial coordinate ρ as
r fi ` sinh ρ. The line element takes the form
´ ¯
ds2 “ `2 dρ2 ´ cosh2 ρ dτ 2 ` sinh2 ρ dφ2 (2.5)

where we have rescaled τ “ t{` for later convenience. We wish to compactify the radial direction
given by ρ. So let us define a "conformal radial coordinate" q such as dq “ dρ{ cosh ρ, or cosh ρ “
1{ cos q. Since ρ ě 0, cosh ρ P r1, 8r and it is mapped to q P r0, π{2r. In the patch pq, τ, φq the metric is
brought into the form

`2 `2 `
ds2 “ 2 2 2 2
´dτ 2 ` dΩ2S2
pdq ´ dτ ` sin q dφ q “ 2
cos q cos q

Surfaces of constant τ are half-spheres (since the colatitude q must be lower than π{2) with boundary
at q “ π{2 (ρ “ 8). At this boundary, the conformal metric is simply p´dτ 2 ` dφ2 q as expected : one
can thus actually visualize AdS3 as an infinite cylinder as represented by the figure 2.1. But note that
since the range of the timelike coordinate τ remains infinite while that of q is finite, there is no way to

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 36

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

compress AdS3 into a finite range of coordinates for both τ and q if we want to preserve the condition
that lightrays are diagonal. If we attempt to perform another conformal transformation to reduce τ
in a finite range, the circles generating the conformal boundary will be mapped to points, since the
interval of the conformal radius q will be squeezed to a single point. So we admit that the conformal
diagram is that we have drawn : it is an infinite cyclinder, whose upper and lower boundary, rejected
to infinity, are respectively future and past timelike infinities.

We have still more to learn from the metric written in new global coordinates pρ, τ, φq. First we
remark clearly that AdS3 has the topology of R3 . It is also clear that AdS3 is static, because Bτ is
a trivial Killing vector of gµν (since no component depends on τ) which is also orthogonal to the
constant time slices (gτ a “ 0). Since the staticity is manifest in this coordinate system, it bears the
name of global static coordinates. Then we can calculate the trajectories of particles in AdS3 , which is
also more easy in this system. Let us focus only on radial null geodesics x µ pλq which have to verify
ˆ ˙2 ˆ ˙2
2 2 2 2 dρ 2 dτ
ds “ 0 ñ dρ “ cosh ρ dτ ñ “ cosh ρ (2.7)
dλ dλ

To integrate this equation on λ, we can use a dynamical invariant which is the energy of the null ray
dx ν dτ dτ
E fi ´Bτ ¨ u fi ´gµν pBτ qµ “ ´gττ “ cosh2 ρ (2.8)
dλ dλ dλ
So we have to integrate now
dρ d
“ 2
ùñ sinh ρ “ `E ðñ sinh ρpλq “ Epλ ´ λ0 q (2.9)
dλ cosh ρ dλ

for outgoing lightrays. We find thus that spatial infinity ρ Ñ 8 is reached when the affine parameter
λ Ñ 8. But for the coordinate time τ, we directly integrate

dτ E E
“ 2
“ ùñ τ “ arctan rEpλ ´ λ0 qs (2.10)
dλ cosh ρpλq 1 ` E pλ ´ λ0 q2

and thus when λ Ñ 8, τ “ π{2, so null geodesics reach infinity after a finite coordinate time interval
(see the blue curve on figure 2.1) ! AdS3 spacetime is said not to be globally hyperbolic: one needs
boundary conditions at spatial infinity to arbitrarily extend the dynamics in coordinate time in the
bulk of spacetime.

Concerning timelike geodesics, it can be shown thanks to a cautious exam of the AdS3 geodesic equa-
tion that they cannot reach the boundary, and are in fact reflected by the infinity since the Christoffel
symbols contain a counter-potential proportional to r2 which blow up at infinity and repulse timelike
objects back to the center of the spacetime (some timelike geodesics are drawn in red on the confor-
mal diagram, figure 2.1).

To study the symmetries of AdS3 , the most convenient way is to embed it into a 4-dimensional
manifold which happens to be Rp2,2q , the space R4 provided with the pseudo-riemannian metric

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 37

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

ζ “ diagp´1, ´1, `1, `1q. On this manifold, we denote by X0 and X̃0 the timelike coordinates, and
(X1 , X2 ) the spacelike ones. AdS3 can be viewed as an hyperboloid isometrically embededd into Rp2,2q
AdS3 ” H fi tX µ P Rp2,2q | ´ X02 ´ X̃02 ` X12 ` X22 “ ζ ab X a X b “ ´`2 u (2.11)

We immediately see that a natural parametrization of this hypersurface is the following1 :


’ X0 “ ` cosh ρ cos τ

& X̃
0 “ ` cosh ρ sin τ
X µ P H ðñ pρ, τ P R` q (2.12)

’ X1 “ ` sinh ρ cos φ

% X
2 “ ` sinh ρ sin φ

The application is isometric because the pull-pack of the ambient metric dSp2,2q “ ζ ab dX a dX b on H
exactly reproduces the metric of AdS3 in global coordinates :
ˇ ´ ¯
dSp2,2q ˇ “ `2 dρ2 ´ cosh2 ρ dτ 2 ` sinh2 ρ dφ2 (2.13)

Now we can easily analyze the symmetries of AdS3 . The host space Rp2,2q is a 4-dimensional flat
space with 2 timelike directions. It possesses so the maximal number of symmetries allowed in 4d,
namely 10. Among isometries, we count 4 translations on each direction because the metric does not
depend on the coordinates X a . The 6 last isometries are matricial transformations that preserve the
metric ζ : M´1 ζ M “ ζ ñ M P SOp2, 2q by definition. All these symmetries cannot survive on H : in
particular, this hypersurface is clearly not invariant under translations X a Ñ X a ` A a , but SOp2, 2q
still preserves the condition ζ ab X a X b “ ´`2 , so we have obtained 6 exact symmetries of AdS3 . Since
it cannot have more than 6 global isometries, we have proven that AdS3 admits SOp2, 2q as Killing
group. The generators of sop2, 2q are given by :

Jab “ Xb ´ Xa b (2.14)

where Xa “ ζ ab X b . One can prove that J01 “ Bτ generates time evolution on H, whereas J12 “ Bφ
generates rotation in the horizontal plane. The most general Killing vector is naturally given by
1 ab
2 ω Jab , and is thus determined by an antisymmetric ω ab “ ω rabs tensor in 4d.

2.2.2 Asymptotically AdS 3 black holes

Now leave the global homogeneous case to consider more evolved geometries, but which asymptote
however to AdS3 spacetime while approaching spatial infinity. Such a spacetime is said asymptotically
AdS3 . This subgroup of 3d relativistic solutions is more rich than expected, and suprisingly, contains
a class of black hole solutions. But since the geometry is still locally AdS3 , these solutions do not
present any curvature singularity as in 4d. They are black holes because they admit an event horizon,
that protects no curvature singularities, but rather “causal singularities. We will first present the
solution and discuss its properties, and afterwards we will see how to obtain such a solution starting
1 Notethat the application defined by the system above, and which sends AdS3 into Rp2,2q , is not injective, because it
contains periodic functions of τ. So it wraps AdS3 around H a infinity of times. But locally the injectivity is however
ensured, so we should have to talk about immersion rather than embedding.

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 38

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

from AdS3 itself !

BTZ black holes and more. . .

Let us consider a set of Boyer-Lindquist-like coordinates pt, r, φq, where t is an asymptotically timelike
coordinate, r is an asymptotically radial coordinate, and φ is a polar angle identified as φ „ φ ` 2π.
Imposing that the spacetime behaves like AdS3 when r Ñ 8, and that the spacetime is stationary
and axisymmetric, a natural ansatz to consider is

dr2 ˘2
ds2 “ ´N 2 prqdt2 ` ` r2 dφ ` N φ prqdt
N prq

This solution for Nprq and N φ prq was found for first time in 1992 by Bañados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli,
and describes, as we are about to show, the so-called BTZ black hole. The boundary conditions are
fixed such as

r2 16G2 J 2
N 2 prq “ ´8MG ` ` pLapse functionq (2.16)
`2 r2
N φ prq “ ´ pAngular draggingq (2.17)

We can explicitly verify that the BTZ black hole has 2 Killing vectors Bt and Bφ since the metric
coefficients depend only on r. But it is not static because the term dtdφ is not invariant under time
reversal. The quantities M and J which naturally appears in the metric are respectively the surface
1 “ tx µ P M | t “ Cst, r “ Cst Ñ
charges associated to Bt and Bφ evaluated on the circle at infinity S8
8u :
kBt rδg, gs “ δM Ñ M “ total mass of the black hole (2.18)
k´Bφ rδg, gs “ δJ Ñ J “ total angular momentum of the black hole (2.19)

The minus sign in the definition of J is conventional. We have a 2-parameter family of solutions, with
the scale length ` being fixed. In fact, it is a black hole for special values of the parameters, but it is
also more than that as we will now show.

Main properties

Global AdS3 spacetime is recovered if N φ “ 0 ô J “ 0 and N “ 0 ô M “ ´1{8G. In that case, r “ 0

is the origin of polar coordinates and there is no singularity there.

More generally, we can check that the solution is asymptotically AdS3 simply by taking the limit
r Ñ 8 in (2.15). One can compute the curvature scalar R and show that it is equal to ´6{`2 ev-
erywhere. So again, the solution does not contain any curvature singularity. Starting from infin-
ity and going inwards, the first particular surface we encounter is the limit of staticity gtt prerg q “
´N 2 prerg q ` r2 rN φ prerg qs2 “ 0 below which Bt has positive norm, and so a static observer with a 4-
velocity colinear to Bt cannot exist since t is no more a timelike coordinate. The critical "radius" is

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 39

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

given by rerg “ ` M, and this surface, called ergosphere in analogy to the Kerr metric, exists if and
only if M ą 0. Another set of critical values of r are the roots of the lapse function N 2 prq “ 0. The
latter equation is quadratic equation in r2 , so we will find two roots in terms of r2 . We are interested
in positive r so we choose the positive roots, which are
g d
f ˆ ˙
?f J
r˘ “ ` 4GM 1 ˘ 1 ´
e . (2.20)

Let us denote by H˘ the surfaces tx µ | r “ r˘ u. They exist if and only if

|J| ď M` ; M ą 0 (2.21)

which limits the spectrum of allowed black holes. They are said extremal if |J| “ M ` or equivalently
r` “ r´ . Another special place is r “ 0 beyond which Bφ becomes timelike: this is the causal singu-
larity. Let us now demonstrate that H` is a rightful (outer) event horizon. Taking advantage of our
knowledge about Kerr black hole, we claim that the surface r “ r` is in fact a Killing horizon ruled
by integral curves of the helicoidal vector ξ “ Bt ` Ω H Bφ for a certain Ω H . To find Ω H , we use the
trick to solve gµν ξ ν “ 0 at r “ r` which gives Ω “ ´gtt {gtφ |r“r` “ ´gtφ {gφφ |r“r` . This is the angular
velocity of the horizon. By construction, ξ µ ξ µ “ 0 on H` . As an exercise, you can show that ξ µ ac-
2 ´ r 2 q{`2 r .
tually generates the horizon ξ µ Dµ ξ ν “ κξ ν where the surface gravity is given by κ “ pr` ´ `
So we have proven that H` was the rightful outer event horizon, and from now we can use the
name "black hole" without abuse. The event horizon is found to be a Killing horizon, so the rigidity
theorem is obeyed, since BTZ spacetime is stationnary and axisymmetric. Moreover, note also that
r´ ď r` ď rerg . So there is a non-trivial region beyond the ergosphere and still safe from the horizon
where the observers experience some frame dragging due to the rotation of the black hole. This er-
goregion is a supplementary feature that BTZ black hole shares with the Kerr solution in 4d.

Now let us look at thermodynamical properties. The Hawking’s temperature reads simply as

κ r2 ´ r2
TH “ “ ` 2 ´ (2.22)
2π 2π ` r`

while the angular velocity of the horizon is Ω H “ ´N φ pr` q “ 4GJ{r`

2 “ r {r `. Note that T “ 0
´ ` H
for extremal cases, and Ω H “ 1{`. Now we can define the entropy of the BTZ black hole :
ż 2π
1 1 ?
SH “ pPerimeter of the horizonq “ dφ gind (2.23)
4G 4G 0

where gind is the determinant of the induced metric on the horizon at constant value of time, so
ds2ind “ ds2 rr “ r` , t “ Csts “ r`
2 dφ2 , so

ż 2π
1 ? πr`
SH “ dφ gind “ (2.24)
4G 0 2G

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 40

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

We can check the first law TH δS H “ δM ´ Ω H δJ, which is quite obvious here :

2 ´ r2
r` 2 ´ r2
r` r´ ´ π
8GM “ ´
, 4GJ “ ùñ δM ´ Ω H δJ “ δr` “ TH δS H (2.25)
`2 ` 2π `2 r` 2G

Penrose diagrams

To analyze some causal features of the BTZ spacetime, there is nothing like a Penrose diagram ! The
procedure is sensitively the same as for the Kerr black hole. The idea is to introduce a set of Kruskal
coordinates pU, V, r, φq in the vicinity of each root of the lapse function N 2 prq “ 0. On each Kruskal
patch, we wish to write the line element as
ds2 “ Ω2 pU, VqpdU 2 ´ dV 2 q ` r2 N φ pU, Vqdt ` dφ .

where t “ tpU, Vq. If J “ 0, r´ “ 0 and there is only one non-trivial root r` : in this case the Kruskal
patch around r` actually covers all the spacetime. Let us start with r` : we leave as an exercise to
show that Kruskal coordinates around r` are defined by patch K` :
$ c´ ¯´ ¯r {r
’ ´r`r` r`r´ ´ `
& U` “
’ sinhrκtpU` , V` qs
If r P sr´ , r` s : c´ r`r` ¯ ´ r´r´ ¯ (2.27)
r {r

% V` “ ´r`r` r`r´ ´ `

r`r` r´r´ coshrκtpU` , V` qs

$ c´ ¯´ ¯r´ {r`
’ r´r` r`r´
& U` “

r`r` r´r´ coshrκtpU` , V` qs
If r P rr` , 8r: c´ ¯´ ¯r´ {r` (2.28)

% V` ´r`r` r`r´
’ “ r`r` r´r´ sinhrκtpU` , V` qs

2 ´ r 2 q{`2 r . Within the patch K , the angular coordinate φ is chosen such

and we recall that κ “ pr` ´ ` ` `
as N φ pr` q “ 0 to ensure that the metric element N φ dt remains regular at r` . Up to this change of
coordinates, the BTZ metric takes the right form in K` with
˙r´ {r`
pr2 ´ r´
2 qpr ` r q2 ˆ
` r ´ r´
Ω2` prq “ 2 2 2
for r P sr´ , 8r (2.29)
κ r ` r ` r´

We can define a similar Kruskal patch K´ around r´ . The expressions are quite similar, up to some
permutations p` Ñ ´q. The two patches have a non-trivial overlap K “ K´ X K` . Just as in the
3 ` 1 Kerr metric, one may maximally extend the geometry by gluing together an infinite number of
copies of patches K` , K´ through their overlap K. Since we have at our disposal a set of Kruskal-like
coordinates, the Penrose compactification is quite straightforward. We introduce another change of
coordinates pU, Vq Ñ pp, qq such as
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
p`q p´q
U ` V “ tan ; U ´ V “ tan . (2.30)
2 2

This transformation is a bijection for the usual determination of the arctangent function, which lies
between ´π{2 and π{2. Let us start with the non-rotating case J “ 0. Only the outer horizon at r`
exists, since r´ “ 0 coincides with the causal singularity. In this case, spacelike infinity r “ 8 is
mapped to the (vertical) lines p “ ˘π{2, the singularity r “ 0 is mapped to the (horizontal) lines

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 41

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

q “ ˘π{2, and finally the horizon lies at p “ ˘q.






Figure 2.2: Penrose diagram for a static BTZ black hole (J “ 0).

In the rotating case, we have to perform the change of coordinates pU, Vq Ñ pp, qq in each Kruskal
patch, so we find two Penrose diagrams :

































(a) Penrose diagram for K´ (b) Penrose diagram for K` (c) Complete diagram

Figure 2.3: Penrose diagrams for non-extremal BTZ black holes

But as we have already seen, the K parts are identified because they represent the overlap between
the patches K´ and K` . In the K´ patch, the original black-hole coordinates covered K and one region
labeled by III, while in the K` patch, they covered K and one region labeled by I. To obtain a "maximal
causal extension" (i.e. without closed causal curves), we must included the others regions in each dia-
gram, and then glue together an infinite sequence of them, to obtain a Penrose diagram which heavily
looks like the Kerr solution’s one. Let us comment now on the extremal case. For the non-massive

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 42

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

case M “ 0 (which is also non-rotating), the metric reduces to ds2 “ ´pr{`q2 dt2 ` pr{`q´2 dr2 ` r2 dφ2 ,
and we can directly define null dimensionless coordinates U “ pt{`q ´ p`{rq, V “ ´pt{`q ´ p`{rq such
as ds2 “ r2 dUdV ` r2 dφ2 allowing us to pass directly to compact Penrose coordinates (2.30), in which
the metric reads as

`2 cos p ` cos q
ds2 “ pdp2 ´ dq2 q ` r2 dφ2 ; r “ ´` (2.31)
sin2 p sin p

So the origin r “ 0 is mapped to the segment of the line p “ π ˘ q running from p “ 0 to p “ π. On

the other hand, the spacelike infinity is mapped to the segment of the line p “ π, and the Penrose
diagram is simply a closed triangle. Now we finish with the extremal rotating case |J| “ M`. In this
case only the outer horizon survives, and the metric can be written to depend on r` instead of M.
pr2 ´r` 2 q2
The lapse function becomes simply N 2 prq “ r 2 `2
. The appropriate null coordinates are U “ t ` r‹
and V “ ´t ` r‹ where r‹ is the so-called tortoise coordinate

r `2 `2
ż ˇ ˇ
‹ dr ˇ r ´ r` ˇ
r “ “´ 2 2q
` ln ˇ ˇ (2.32)
N 2 prq 2pr ´ r` 4r` ˇ r ` r` ˇ

Defining the Penrose coordinate again as before, we get

4N 2 prq`2 pdp2 ´ dq2 q sin p r‹

ds2 “ ` r2 pN φ dt ` dφq2 where r is solution of “ . (2.33)
pcos p ` cos qq2 cos p ` cos q `

We see that the horizon r “ r` is represented by lines at ˘45, whereas r “ 0 lies at p Ñ kπ (the limit
is taken from above values) and r “ 8 at p Ñ kπ (the limit is this time taken from below values). The
region beyond the horizon (0 ă r ă r` ) is mapped on a triangle bounded by the lines p “ 0 (which
is r “ 0) and p “ q “ π, p ´ q “ π which is quite similar to the non-rotating case. The outer region
r ą r` is obtained thanks to another determination of the arctangent function, and is a symmetric
triangle too. To obtain the full spacetime, we have to glue the two triangles along the common edge
r “ r` at 45. Once this is done, we can go safely accross the gluing edge because the root of Nprq is
compensated by the cancellation of the denominator in the pp, qq term in the metric. As before, the
maximal extension is build by including an infinite sequence of triangles (see Figure 2.4).

We conclude here the description of the BTZ geometry. What remains to be done is see how to reach
the black hole solution from the global AdS3 spacetime. Since there is no topological defect for M ą 0,
the process at work is in fact a fold of AdS3 on itself after that some points have been identified. We
discuss this in more details in the next paragraph.

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 43

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space


BH r`
0 ge
r“ etr



r“ r“
0 r`


(a) Penrose diagram for M “ J “ 0 (b) Penrose diagram for |J| “ M `

Figure 2.4: Penrose diagrams for extremal BTZ black holes.


Any Killing vector ξ µ generates a 1-parameter sub-

group of isometries of AdS3 . It acts on points as P Ñ Asymptotic box
esξ P where s is a continuous parameter, and locally
P “ px µ q Ñ P1 “ px µ ` ξ µ q. If we restrict s to discrete
values k ∆s where k P Z and ∆s is a basic step con- Sp0q Spsq

ventionally fixed as 2π, we are left with the so-called

identification subgroup. The identified quotient space is P esξ P
obtained by identifying points that belong to a given ξ
orbit of the identification subgroup. Geometrically, we
can view this operation as follows. Let us consider a
surface S0 in AdS3 . Each point of this surface belongs
to an orbit a ξ µ , and we can apply an operation of the
subgroup associated to ξ µ to get another surface Spsq Figure 2.5: Identifications in AdS3 .
whose each point has coordinates esξ P, P P S0 . We see
that S0 “ Sp0q in our parametrization. Now consider the identification subgroup which generates
a discrete family of surfaces simply by taking s “ 0, ˘2π, ˘4π, ... The quotient process consists in
gluing the surface Sp0q with the next one Sp2πq, Sp2πq with Sp4πq, and so on !

Since ξ µ is a Killing vector, the gluing is continuous and the quotient space inherits from anti-de Sitter
space a well defined metric which has constant negative curvature. Indeed, let us choose a coordinate

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 44

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

system pt, r, ϕq in which ξ “ B ϕ . So Lξ gµν “ ξ ρ Bρ gµν ` 0 “ B ϕ gµν “ 0 ñ gµν pt, r, ϕq “ gµν pt, rq, and
when we perform identifications on ϕ, gµν is not a multivalued function of coordinates. So the metric
remains locally smooth and is still a solution of Einstein’s equations. If the identification process does
not bring topological singularities into the game, it makes the curves joining two points that are on
the same orbit to be closed in the quotient space. In order to preserve causality even in the quotient
space, or equivalently prevent the appearance of closed causal curves, a necessary condition (but
not sufficient in general) is that the Killing vector ξ µ must be spacelike : ξ µ ξ µ ą 0. Let us see what
happens particularly for the BTZ black hole.

One can show that the non-extremal BTZ black hole solutions are obtained by making identifications
in AdS3 by the discrete group generated by the Killing vector

r` r´
ξ“ J ´ J03 (2.34)
` 12 `
where the Jab are the Killing vectors of AdS3 , belonging to the sop2, 2q algebra [27]. To see geomet-
rically in what consist these identifications, the most “simple” thing to do is to find a coordinates
system pt, r, φq in which, for example, ξ “ Bφ . The quite long quest for this is narrated in [27]. More-
over, in this system, we can see that the metric of global AdS3 takes precisely the form (2.15) but with
φ P R. So it is clear that the black hole is obtained by realizing periodic identifications of the last
coordinate, so φ „ φ ` 2π, which is actually the case in the BTZ metric !

But all is not resolved, since ξ µ is not spacelike everywhere in AdS3 . In fact, before doing identifica-
tions, we have to remove the regions where ξ 2 ď 0 in the global AdS3 . So we are left with a spacetime
denoted by AdS3 which is geodesically incomplete, since before the removal, some geodesics trav-
eled from regions ξ 2 ą 0 to regions ξ 2 ď 0. So they go across the critical surface ξ 2 “ 0 which appears
as a singularity in the causal structure of spacetime, since continuing beyond it would produce closed
timelike curves. We retrieve a familiar feature of 3 ` 1 black holes : the only incomplete geodesics
are those that hit the singularity, which is in this latter case a curvature singularity. Here in 2 ` 1
dimensions the spacetime is locally homogeneous and its Riemann tensor is everywhere regular, so
it cannot appear curvature singularities within the BTZ black holes. But since we have wrapped AdS3 on
itself thanks to some periodic identifications, the horizon protects in fact a set of closed causal curves
which are actually causal singularities. Going back to AdS3 without identifications, we can represent
the "locus" ξ 2 “ 0 by a surface. Since orbits of the Killing vectors define closed curves that cannot be
continuously shrunk to a point, the set of points on which the isometry ξ is null cannot be a point,
nor a circle. The topology of this surface is the same as the whole quotient spacetime : it can be
inferred by considering the Penrose diagram of a non-extremal BTZ black hole (figure 2.3c). Since
the black hole patch is constituted by line segments and points that actually represent circles, the
topology is R ˆ S1 as it was expected. The surface ξ 2 “ 0 can also be viewed as null sections in the
conformal representation of AdS3 as a cylinder. These surfaces enclose a characteristical connected,
diamond-shaped, safe region of AdS3 which we called AdS3 (see figure 2.6). Explicitly, since we have

r` 2

ξ 2 “ ξ a ξ a “ ζ ab ξ a ξ b “ pX 2
´ X 2
q ` pX̃ 2 ´ X22 q (2.35)
`2 0 1
`2 0

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 45

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

so AdS3 is bounded by the planes X0 “ ˘X1 and X̃0 “ ˘X2 intersecting the conformal cylinder...

Figure 2.6: A finite-time section of the conformal representation of AdS3 .

The red sections are the null surfaces on which ξ 2 “ 0

Symmetries of the quotient space

The BTZ solution is stationary and axisymmetric: it has 2 commuting Killing vectors Bt and Bφ . One
may ask whether there are any other independent Killing vectors, since it comes from an identifica-
tion of a maximally symmetric spacetime which have more isometries. We will show that the two
fore-mentioned Killing vectors are the only two symmetries of the black hole solutions.

Before any identification, the spacetime has 6 independent Killing vectors which are the generators
of sop2, 2q. After identification, some of these vectors become multivalued, and so are no longer
proper symmetries of the quotient space. A necessary and sufficient condition for a vector η µ P
sop2, 2q to induce a well-defined vector field on the quotient space is that η µ be invariant under the
identification subgroup pe2πξ q‹ η “ η. Here we consider η µ and ξ µ as sop2, 2q matrices. Since η is a
Killing vector, this condition is equivalent to pe2πξ qηpe2πξ q´1 “ η or re2πξ , ηs “ 0. A theorem due
to Chevalley and Jordan states that any matrix η can be fragmented in two commuting parts s and
n : ξ “ s ` n. s is semi-simple with real eigenvalues, and n is nilpotent. Any matrix commuting
with e2πξ must also commute separately with e2πs and e2πn , so we get rs, ηs “ rn, ηs “ 0 which
implies rξ, ηs “ 0. So the problem of finding all Killing vectors of the BTZ solution is equivalent to
finding all the sop2, 2q matrices that commute with ξ. Similarly to sop4q “ sop3q ‘ sop3q, we know that
sop2, 2q “ sop2, 1q ‘ sop2, 1q (sop2, 1q is the Lorentz algebra in 2 ` 1 dimensions) and we can decompose
ξ “ ξ ` ` ξ ´ , η “ η ` ` η ´ , where the "`" parts are the self-dual parts, and the "´" the anti-self-dual

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 46

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

ones. Since the sum between the algebras is direct, we are left with rξ ` , η ` s “ rξ ´ , η ´ s “ 0. Now,
recall that the only elements of sop2, 1q that commute with a given non-zero element of sop2, 1q are
only the multiples of that element. Since one can prove that both ξ ` and ξ ´ are non-zero for all
black hole spacetimes, we conclude that ξ ˘ 9 η ˘ and they are no excedentary Killing vectors than
those already present in the wraped spacetime, so the identification kills 4 of the 6 primary AdS3
isometries, and therefore the most general Killing vector of the BTZ solution is a linear combination
of Bt and Bφ , which completes the demonstration !

BTZ phase space

We conclude this quite long section by a summary of different spacetimes that are described by the
line element (2.15). For a fixed `, it is only described by two parameters, which are the total mass M
and the total angular momentum J, so we can represent the phase space in a pJ, Mq-plane.

B For M ą 0 and |J| ď M`, we find all BTZ black holes whose main features were explained.
They are identifications of AdS3 that possess a Killing horizon. The latter is a rightful event
horizon that shields a causal (but not a curvature) singularity. These solutions are delimited
by the extremal ones, which obey |J| “ M`. The special BTZ black hole with zero mass has
M “ J “ 0.

B For M ą 0 and below the lines of extremal black holes (0 ă M` ă |J|), the spacetime leaves
exposed exposed the chronological singularity at r “ 0 which encloses an unbounded region,
r ă 0, containing closed timelike curves.

B Solutions with M ă 0 and J “ 0 represent particles with AdS3 background sitting in r “ 0. If

M ą ´1{8G, they produce a conical defect around it2 . When M “ ´1{8G, the topological sin-
gularity disappears and the spacetime, smooth everywhere, is nothing but global AdS3 . When
M ă ´1{8G, the angular defect becomes an excess, and the energy spectrum of these solutions
is not bounded from below, so we often discard all these violently unphysical spacetimes. If
J ‰ 0, spacetime is identified with a twist in time around the conical defect: we find thus spin-
ning particles with mass M and angular momentum J. Again when |J| ą ´M` the spacetime
contains closed timelike curves everywhere...

2 We do not comment a lot on these solutions right now. We delay this discussion for the asymptotically flat phase space,

which contains also particles that present equivalent features. Doing so we do not develop the same explanations twice !

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 47

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

M` “ |J| M ` “ |J|

BTZ black holes

Naked sing. Naked sing.

´ 8G Defects C.T.C.


Figure 2.7: Solutions described by the BTZ metric.

The slope of extremal lines is tan β “ `´1 .

2.2.3 Asymptotically AdS 3 spacetimes

In the previous section, we have studied the phase space of stationary and axisymmetric solutions
of Einstein’s 3d gravity that also asymptote to the AdS3 spacetime. We have found many kinds of
solutions, namely BTZ black holes, global AdS3 itself, spinning particles... Is it possible to formalize
a general phase space which includes all theses solutions, and contains even more solutions?

Boundary conditions

Let us denote by P this phase space. Any point of P is a solution of 3d Einstein’s equations which
is asymptotically AdS3 at spatial infinity. To define precisely the assumptions under which a given
metric gµν belongs or not to P , we have to construct a set of boundary conditions that tell us how must
behave gµν when a suitable spacelike coordinate runs to infinity. The problem of fixing the asymptotic
behaviour of the fields in gravity is far from simple, and the choice of appropriate fall-offs at infinity
is not unique at all ! We will consider the boundary conditions that obey the following criteria:

B P has to contain the solutions we have already analyzed : BTZ black holes, spinning particles,...
and of course AdS3 itself. So the boundary conditions must not to be too restrictive ;

B However, P must not to be too large, in order to get a set of spacetimes with finite and integrable
surfaces charges. For example, a geometry gµν that has infinite energy is not allowed, and must
be avoided by the boundary conditions;

B The asymptotic symmetry group must at least contain SOp2, 2q, the group of exact symmetries
of global AdS3 .

We will present here the original choice of Brown and Henneaux [21], but keep in mind that several
other choices of boundary conditions exist (see [31] and further developments for alternatives). In
order to give a precise analytic formulation of the fall-offs, we need a suitable coordinate system.

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 48

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

To choose it, let us recall the the asymptotic group is the quotient group between "large" diffeomor-
phisms, associated to non-vanishing canonical charges, and the "gauge" diffeomorphisms, which act
trivially on the phase space and do not carry any charge. We wish to use a representation of a generic
spacetime of P that automatically removes the "gauge" diffeomorphisms, so the quotient needed
to get the asymptotic group will be trivial ! Such a representation exists in our case, as states the
Fefferman-Graham theorem

Result 8 (Fefferman-Graham coordinates)

Any asymptotically AdS3 spacetime can be written in the neighborhood of the boundary

ds2 “ `2 dρ2 ` e2ρ gp0qab dx a dx b ` O peρ q (2.36)

dr2 r2
“ `2 ` gp0qab dx a dx b ` O prq pr “ `eρ q (2.37)
r2 `2
The coordinates pρ, x a q are called the Feffermann-Graham coordinates : ρ is a spacelike coor-
dinate such as ρ Ñ `8 represents the boundary, and px a q are the coordinates defined on
this boundary, x1 “ t being a timelike coordinate and x2 “ φ is a spacelike coordinate with
closed periodic orbits (an angle). The geometry at the boundary is ruled by the 2d metric
gp0qab , whose associated covariant derivative will be denoted by D a .

In this framework, the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions are simply Dirichlet boundary condi-
tions on the boundary metric:
gp0qab “ ηab is fixed (2.38)

where ηab dx a dx b “ ´dt2 ` `2 dφ2 . Imposing Fefferman-Graham gauge, the 3 diffeomorphisms de-
pending on arbitrary functions of the 3 coordinates are reduced to the residual diffeomorphisms
which are 3 diffeomorphisms depending on arbitrary functions of 2 coordinates. In that sense, the
trivial bulk diffeomorphisms are removed, and only the more interesting residual diffeomorphisms
remain. The boundary conditions then reduce this set of residual diffeomorphisms to the asymptotic
symmetries. In summary, the asymptotic symmetry group can be computed simply by inspecting
the set of non-trivial diffeomorphisms that preserve both the Fefferman-Graham asymptotic expan-
sion and the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions. Let us consider an arbitrary diffeomorphism
ξ “ ξpρ, x a q. The preservation of (2.36) leads us to

Lξ gρρ “ 0 ñ 2gρµ Bρ ξ µ “ 2gρρ Bρ ξ ρ “ 2Bρ ξ ρ “ 0 ô ξ ρ pρ, x a q “ Rpx a q (2.39)

Lξ gρa “ 0 ñ gµa Bρ ξ µ ` gµρ Ba ξ µ “ gab Bρ ξ b ` Ba R “ 0 (2.40)

If we denote by g ab the inverse of gab , we get

b ab b a b a
Bρ ξ “ ´g Ba R ñ ξ pρ, x q “ V px q ´ dρ g ab Ba R (2.41)

So we are left with the most general diffeomorphism that preserve the Fefferman-Graham gauge,

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 49

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

which depends upon 3 functions of 2 coordinates as announced. Now we impose also the boundary
conditions :

Lξ gab “ O peρ q ñ ξ ρ Bρ gab ` ξ c Bc gab ` gac Bb ξ c ` gbc Ba ξ c “ O peρ q (2.42)

ô 2e2ρ gp0qab R ` e2ρ V c Bc gp0qab ` gp0qac Bb V c ` gp0qbc Ba V c “ O peρ q
` ˘
ô 2gp0qab R ` LV gp0qab “ 0 (2.44)

Taking the trace of this latter equation, and recalling that the boundary metric is flat, we get 4Rpx a q “
ab pD V ` D V q so
gp0q a b b a
Rpx a q “ ´ Dc V c ùñ D a Vb ` Db Va “ Dc V c ηab (2.45)
In conclusion, the asymptotic vectors are determined at leading order by a boundary vector field V a
which is in fact a conformal Killing vector on the boundary. To solve the conformal Killing equation,
let us introduce lightcone coordinates on the boundary x˘ “ pt{`q ˘ φ, such as ds2p0q “ gp0qab dx a dx b “
´dt2 ` `2 dφ2 “ ´`2 dx` dx´ . From (2.45), we get

´` 2
2B` V` “ 0 ñ V` “ V` px´ q ô V ´ “ gp0q V` “ ´ V` ñ V ´ “ V ´ px´ q (2.46)
and symmetrically V ` “ V ` px` q. The conformal Killing vectors on the boundary are naturally di-
vided into left-moving and right-moving fields on the cylinder, and we obtain thus 2 infinite families
of generators:
ξ p`q “ V ` px` qB` ´ B` V ` Bρ ` dρ g`´ B` B` V ` B´ (2.47)
ξ p´q “ V ´ px´ qB´ ´ B´ V ´ Bρ ` dρ g`´ B` B´ V ´ B´ . (2.48)

Only the first term is relevant to compute the asymptotic algebra. Indeed, the second term is com-
pletely fixed in terms of the boundary conformal vectors in order to preserve the Feffermann-Graham
gauge. The third term in the other hand is subleading, since g ab “ e´2ρ gab ` . . . .

Asymptotic symmetry algebra

Now let us look at this asymptotic symmetry algebra of vector fields ! One word of caution how-
ever: the asymptotic symmetry algebra requires finite conserved charges, which we will have to
p`q `
check next! First, we develop each vector field into Fourier modes ξ m “ ξ p`q pV ` “ eimx q, ξ p´q “
p´q ´
ξ n pV ´ “ einx q and compute their usual Lie bracket. First, ξ p`q and ξ p´q always commute since
they depend at leading order on opposite boundary lightcone coordinates, and the subleading or-
ders trivially follow by the Fefferman-Graham gauge,

p´q µ p`q α p´q µ p´q α p`q µ

” ı ´ ¯ ´ ¯ ´ ¯ ´ ¯
ξm , ξn “ ξm Bα ξ n ´ ξn Bα ξ m “0 (2.49)

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 50

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

The asymptotic algebra is thus a direct sum of two chiral subalgebras. Moreover

p`q α p`q α
” ı ´ ¯ ´ ¯ ´ ¯ ´ ¯
p`q p`q p`q p`q
ξm , ξn “ ξm Bα ξ n ´ ξn Bα ξ m (2.50)
´ `¯ `
´ `
“ eimx B` einx ´ einx B` eimx ` op1q (2.51)
” ı
p`q p`q p`q p`q
“ ipn ´ mqξ m`n ñ i ξ m , ξ n “ pm ´ nqξ m`n (2.52)

and a same calculation can be performed for the vectors ξ p´q . We have just proven that each chiral
subalgebra is isomorphic to the Witt algebra, which is the centerless algebra of circle diffeomorphisms.
We can now verify that the asymptotic algebra contains the generators of AdS3 exact symmetries. Let
p`q p`q p`q
us consider simply the subset tξ ´1 , ξ 0 , ξ 1 u. They form a closed subalgebra under the Lie bracket
” ı ” ı ” ı
p`q p`q p`q p`q p`q p`q p`q p`q p`q
i ξ1 , ξ0 “ ξ1 ; i ξ 1 , ξ ´1 “ 2ξ 0 ; i ξ 0 , ξ ´1 “ ξ ´1 (2.53)

p´q p´q p´q

which we recognize as the slp2, Rq algebra. But since it holds also for tξ ´1 , ξ 0 , ξ 1 u and we know
that slp2, Rq » sop2, 1q, the asymptotic algebra contains a set of 6 generators which form a subalgebra
isomorphic to slp2, Rq ‘ slp2, Rq » sop2, 1q ‘ sop2, 1q » sop2, 2q, so the asymptotic symmetry group is
the natural extension of the exact symmetry group of the asymptotic space !

Now, we would like to compute the charges, but for that purpose, we need to know the details of the
solution space that we are dealing with in order to define this integral of the fields in (1.19)!

Phase space

Now that the asymptotic symmetries have been characterized, let us go back to the description of
P itself. Recall that P is the set of Einstein’s solutions which look like to (2.36) in the neighborhood
of the boundary and are submitted to the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions. The Feffermann-
Graham gauge is given as a formal expansion of metric coefficients in term of r “ `eρ when r Ñ 8.
By inserting this ansatz in Einstein’s equations, one can show that the expansion miraculously stops
at second order.
2 r2 `2 `4
ˆ ˙
2 dr
ds “ ` 2 ` 2 gp0qab ` 2 gp2qab ` 4 gp4qab dx a dx b
r ` r r
Moreover, the second order gp4qab is completely fixed by the leading orders

gp4qab “ g gcd g (2.55)
4 p2qac p0q p2qdb

and finally the trace of gp2qab and its covariant divergence D a gp2qab are also fixed by the equations of
motion and the boundary conditions to be zero ! So the form of the metric is nearly totally fixed! In
fact the only metric components that are left over to vary independently are the traceless part and
divergence-free part of gp2qab , which is naturally interpreted as a boundary stress tensor. To make
these remaining boundary degrees of freedom explicit, we use again lightcone coordinates at the
boundary. The vanishing trace condition reads as gp2q`´ “ 0 and the conservation condition gives

D a gp2qab “ 0 ñ B ` gp2q`` “ 0 ô B´ gp2q`` “ 0 ô gp2q`` px a q ” `2 L` px` q (2.56)

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 51

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

and immediately gp2q´´ px a q ” `2 L´ px´ q (the `2 factor is conventional). Therefore, each metric in P
can be written into the form

ˆ ´q
˙ˆ `q
2 2 L´ px 2 L` px
ds “ `2 2 ´ rdx ´ ` `
dx ´ ´
rdx ´ ` dx `
r r r

This is the most general Einstein’s solution which obeys the Brown-Henneaux conditions. One may
check that all the solutions we have discussed in the previons section can be brought to this form.
These solutions are constant representatives of the phase space, since they are described by giving
only two reals parameters. For example, the BTZ black hole (2.15) can be written as (2.57) with con-
stant L` and L´ such as M “ pL` ` L´ q{p4Gq and J “ `pL` ´ L´ q{p4Gq. In this patch the outer
horizon lies on r “ 0 !

Let us finally complete our discussion by computing the charges associated to this phase space, and
check the representation theorem. The set of metrics is now defined by (2.57) and an arbitrary vari-
Bgµν Bgµν
ation of the metric can be written as hµν ” δgµν “ BL` δL` ` BL´ δL´ . We can therefore compute the
infinitesimal surface charge using either formalism (1.113) or (1.136). In fact, the annoying supple-
mentary term E (1.115) identically vanishes in Fefferman-Graham coordinates so the surface charge
is uniquely defined! As we have done for the vectors themselves, we can develop the charges into
Fourier modes and we obtain
¿ ż 2π
p`q ` `
δLm “ kξ p`q rδg; gs “ dφ δL` px` qeimx (2.58)
m 8πG 0
¿ ż 2π
p´q ` ´
δLn “ kξ p´q rδg; gs “ dφ δL´ px´ qeinx (2.59)
n 8πG 0

1 . The charges are clearly integrable,

The integration is performed on the circle at infinity S8
ż 2π ż 2π
p`q ` imx` p´q ` ´
Lm “ dφ L` px qe `
, Lm “ dφ L´ px´ qeimx (2.60)
8πG 0 8πG 0

so the representation theorem holds! Let us cross-check that these charges close an algebra under the
Poisson bracket
¿ ż 2π
p`q p`q
” ı ` `
Lm , Ln “ δξ p`q Lm “ kξ p`q δξ p`q g; g “ dφ δξ p`q L` px` qeimx (2.61)
n m n 8πG 0 n

The variation of the first component of the stress tensor L` can be deduced as follows. We can
compute the Lie derivative of gab on the flow of ξ p`q . Since this vector is a generator of the asymptotic
group, it must preserve the expansion (2.57) then

Lξ p`q gab “ gab rL` ` δL` , L´ ` δL´ s ´ gab rL` , L´ s (2.62)

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 52

2.2. Asymptotically anti-de Sitter phase space

Simply by inspecting this relation component by component, one finds that

1 3
δξ p`q L` “ V ` B` L` ` 2L` B` V` ´ B` V` (2.63)
δξ p`q L´ “ 0 (2.64)

The first relation implies that L` transforms as an element

! of the )coadjoint representation of the
p`q p´q
Witt algebra, while the second one indicates to us that Lm , Ln “ 0 @m, n P Z, so the chiral
fragmentation also holds at the level of the charge algebra. Let us compute explicitly the Poisson
bracket :
ż 2π ˆ ˙
p`q p`q
) i` imx` inx` inx` 1 3 inx`
i Lm , Ln “ dφ e e B` L` ` 2L` B` e ´ B` e (2.65)
8πG 0 2
ż 2π „ 
i` ` ` 1 `
“ dφ ´ipm ` nqeipm`nqx L` ` 2inL` eipm`nqx ´ p´iqn3 eipm`nqx (2.66)
8πG 0 2
„ż 2π  3
` ` `m
“ pm ´ nq dφ L` eipm`nqx ` δm`n,0 (2.67)
8πG 0 8G
p`q `
“ pm ´ nqLm`n ` m3 δm`n,0 (2.68)

where the second equality was obtained by performing an integration by parts on B` or equivalently
on Bφ since the charges are computed at t “ Cst, and the third equality comes from the integral
representation of the discrete δ-function. We see that the representation theorem is obeyed, and the
` c
central charge is given by m3 δm`n,0 8G ” 3
12 m δm`n,0 where the dimensionless Brown-Henneaux central
charge is:
c“ (2.69)
The central extension is obviously zero for the zero-mode m “ 0, but by shifting the zero mode of the
charges (2.60), it is possible to cancel it for m “ ´1, 0, `1 :

p`q p`q
p`q p`q
) ´
¯ c
L̃m “ Lm ` δm,0 N, N P R ñ i L̃m , L̃n “ pm ´ nq L̃m`n ´ δm`n,0 N ` m3 δm`n,0 (2.70)

We choose N “ c{24 in order to get a centerless subalgebra of AdS3 exact symmetries:

p`q p`q
p`q c
i L̃m , L̃n “ pm ´ nqL̃m`n ` pm2 ´ 1qm δm`n,0 (2.71)
! )
p`q p´q
We need to also shift the p´q sector. We also have L̃m , L̃n “ 0, so the check is achieved. The
shift c{24 of both sectors amounts to a shift of the mass of c{12 “ 1{p8Gq, which is nothing else than
the difference of mass between the zero mass BTZ black hole and global AdS3 , as shown in Figure
2.7. Everything fits in nicely!

This result is a strong hint that AdS3 gravity is deeply related to a 2d CFT. It took many years to un-
ravel a deeper connection, through the Maldacena’s AdS{CFT correspondence, which requires much
more structure: this AdS3 is in this case embedded in 10d supergravity and string theory. It is remark-
able that a relatively simple semi-classical analysis of pure gravity already hints at a holographically

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 53

2.3. Asymptotically flat phase space

dual 2d conformal field theory!

A deeper connection can be made already we what has been presented with one extra ingredient.
The entropy of a high energy state in a 2d CFT is given by a universal formula known as Cardy’s
˜c c ¸
c L EL c R ER
SCFT “ 2π ` (2.72)
6 6

Here, EL and ER are the eigenvalues in the high energy state of L0 and L̄0 , the zero-modes of the Vi-
rasoro algebra, and c L , c R are the left and right Virasoro central charges. Using the Brown-Henneaux
central charge for both left and right moving Virasoro’s and the zero modes of the BTZ black hole,
you will find that SCFT is exactly the geometrical BTZ black hole entropy (2.24)! So the AdS/CFT
dictionary tells us that a black hole can be described as a thermal state in a CFT and its microscopic
entropy can be exactly computed from field theory degrees of freedom without gravity! (Now this
is not all: finding exactly which CFT describes the black hole is a hard problem, which is equiva-
lent to quantifying gravity! This has been done only in very few cases in string theory starting from
Maldacena’s work).

2.3 Asymptotically flat phase space

2.3.1 Flat limit and the BMS 3 group

Let us give some elements about the asymptotically flat case. Now the cosmological constant Λ
vanishes and Einstein’s equation in the vacuum are simply Rµν “ 0. We focus on spacetimes that are
locally asymptotically flat, i.e. whose metric tensor decays to ηµν when some spacelike coordinate r
reaches infinity. As in the asymptotically AdS3 case, a set of boundary conditions can be formulated
[32], and the most general solution of Einstein’s equations can be exactly derived [33]. Instead of
developing here the full deduction of suitable boundary conditions and the analytical derivation of
the solution, we take advantage of our knowledge about the asymptotically AdS3 spacetime, and we
simply take the limit ` Ñ 8 (which is equivalent to Λ Ñ 0) [34]. Geometrically, this process rejects
the boundary cylinder to infinity and as the length scale become infinite, the entire bulk looks like
the previous "center" of AdS3 , and thus is locally flat. Expressed in terms of Bondi coordinates pu, r, φq,
where u is a retarded time null coordinate, r is the luminosity distance, and φ the angle on the circle
at infinity, the solution reads as
” u ı
ds2 “ Θpφqdu2 ´ 2dudr ` 2 Ξpφq ` Bφ Θpφq dudφ ` r2 dφ2 (2.73)

The phase space is also parametrized by 2 arbitrary functions on the boundary (here the circle at
infinity) but here they depend only on φ because x˘ “ pt{`q ˘ φ Ñ φ when ` Ñ 8. One can check
that this metric is Ricci-flat, and clearly, we retreive the Minkowski spacetime for Θ “ ´1 and Ξ “ 0.
Again, instead of computing the asymptotic group that preserves the phase space, we can directly
take the "flat limit" of the asymptotic group of the AdS3 phase space. To do this we define

p`q 1 p´q 1
ξ m “ p` Pm ` Jm q ; ξn “ p` P´n ´ J´n q (2.74)
2 2

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 54

2.3. Asymptotically flat phase space

A straightforward computation shows that

irPm , Pn s “ pm ´ nqJm`n ; irJm , Jn s “ pm ´ nqJm`n ; irJm , Pn s “ pm ´ nqPm`n (2.75)
So when we take the flat limit ` Ñ 8, the Pm commute, the Jm form a Witt algebra, and act non-
trivially on the Pm .

irPm , Pn s “ 0 ; irJm , Jn s “ pm ´ nqJm`n ; irJm , Pn s “ pm ´ nqPm`n (2.76)

These commutation relations define the so-called bms3 algebra ! Let us first note that it extends the
Poincaré algebra isop2, 1q, in the same way that the asymptotic symmetry algebra of the AdS3 phase
space extended the sop2, 2q algebra of exact symmetries of AdS3 : the first modes m, n “ ´1, 0, `1
form a subalgebra of bms3 containing (check it as an exercise) :

B 2 ` 1 translations : Bt “ P0 , Bx “ P`1 ` P´1 , By “ ipP`1 ´ P´1 q ;

B 1 rotation Bφ “ R0 and two boosts xBt ´ tBx “ J`1 ` J´1 , yBt ´ tBy “ ipJ`1 ´ J´1 q.

We see that the asymptotic group of the flat spacetime (which will be obtained by exponentiating
the bms3 algebra) is also larger than the exact symmetry group of the flat spacetime itself ! Instead
of 3 translations, we get an abelian ideal of bms3 that contains the so-called supertranslations Pm . The
Lorentz algebra sop2, 1q is also enhanced into a infinite-dimensional algebra of diffeomorphisms on
the circle vectpS1 q, which contains now superrotations Jm . The last commutation relations tell us that
the superrotations act non-trivially on the supertranslations, that forms equivalently an additive alge-
bra on the circle denoted by vectpS1 qab . This property was already observed for the Poincaré algebra
isop2, 1q, where the Lorentz part acts non-trivially on the abelian ideal of translations. As we see that
vectpS1 q acts on its abelian counterpart by means of its adjoint representation in terms of commu-
tators, we declare that bms3 “ vectpS1 q iad vectpS1 qab . So the asymptotic group is nothing but the
integral version of this algebra, and reads as a semi-direct product BMS3 “ DiffpS1 q ˙ Ad VectpS1 qab
between the group of diffeomorphisms on the circle, and its own Lie algebra, seen here as a abelian
normal subgroup. And obviously, the group DiffpS1 q acts on VectpS1 qab by means of its adjoint rep-

We can obtain by a fairly similar process the bms3 charge algebra. Before to take ` Ñ 8, let us again
p`q 1 p´q 1
Lm “ p`Pm ` Jm q ; Ln “ p`P´n ´ J´n q (2.77)
2 2
Recalling the Virasoro charge algebra in the previous section, one can check that

irPm , Pn s “ pm ´ nqJm`n ; (2.78)
irJm , Jn s “ pm ´ nqJm`n ; (2.79)
irJm , Pn s “ pm ´ nqPm`n ` mpm2 ´ 1qδm`n,0 (2.80)

The central charge is now free of any `. The charges remain finite in the flat limit, and their algebra

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 55

2.3. Asymptotically flat phase space

reads as

irPm , Pn s “ 0 ; (2.81)
irJm , Jn s “ pm ´ nqJm`n ; (2.82)
irJm , Pn s “ pm ´ nqPm`n ` mpm2 ´ 1qδm`n,0 (2.83)

The centerless part of this algebra forms an algebra isomorphic to isop2, 1q, so the lowest modes
m, n “ ´1, 0, `1 are the Poincaré charges (energy, linear and angular momentum). By direct analogy,
the Pm are called supermomenta while the Jm receive the name of super-Lorentz charges or superrotation

Again using the flat limit process, we are able to compute the explicit form of the bms3 vectors. What
we have to do is simply take the expressions of ξ ` , ξ ´ , compute the transformation to pass into P, J
vectors, then take the flat limit and express the result in Bondi coordinates (see again [34]) :
u ´1
& ξ “ Tpφq ` uBφ Rpφq ` O pr q

ξ Y,T “ ξ µ Bµ : ξ r “ ´rBφ Rpφq ` O pr0 q (2.84)

ξ “ Rpφq ´ ur Bφ2 Rpφq ` O pr´1 q
% φ

The generators depend so on two arbitrary functions on the circle, Tpφq representing arbitrary super-
translations, and Rpφq representing arbitrary superrotations! We obtain Pm with pT “ eimφ , R “ 0q
and Jn with pT “ 0, R “ einφ q. The corresponding surface charges are
ż 2π
Pn “ dφpΘpφq ` 1qeinφ , (2.85)
16πG 0
ż 2π
Jn “ dφΞpφqeinφ . (2.86)
8πG 0

We can transform (2.73) on the flow of ξ T,R to deduce the transformation laws of the metric fields
Θ, Ξ :

δT,R Θ “ RBφ Θ ` 2Bφ RΘ ´ 2Bφ3 R (2.87)

δT,R Ξ “ RBφ Ξ ` 2Bφ RΞ ` TBφ Θ ` Bφ TΘ ´ Bφ3 T (2.88)

Now we can deduce the “boundary field content” of the phase space. By virtue of (2.87), Θ belongs
to the coadjoint representation of DiffpS1 q. We can introduce the fundamental boundary field Ψpφq
which transforms under supertranslations and superrotations as

δT,R Ψ “ RBφ Ψ ` Bφ R. (2.89)

The transformation (2.87) allows to recognize Θ “ pBφ Ψq2 ´ 2Bφ2 Ψ ` 8GMe2Ψ . When Ψ “ 0, one
is left with a zero mode which cannot be generated by a diffeomorphism Θ0 “ 8GM. The mass
M is recognized after computing the charges, as the canonical conjugated charge to P0 “ Bt . To
untangle the second transformation law (2.88) a second fundamental boundary field is necessary

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 56

2.3. Asymptotically flat phase space

which we call the supertranslation field Cpφq. After some algebra, we find convenient to define
Ξ “ ΘBφ C ´ Bφ3 C ` 4GJe2Ψ ` 12 Bφ ΘC. The transformation property (2.88) is reproduced from (2.89)

δT,R C “ T ` RBφ C ´ CBφ R. (2.90)

The zero mode Ξ0 “ 4GJ is recognized after computing the charges as determined by the angular
momentum conjugated to ´Bφ . In summary, the field space is parameterized by the supertranslation
field Cpφq, the superrotation field Ψpφq and the two zero modes M, J. This description is slightly
redundant, because not all the modes of C and Ψ lead to distinct metrics (for example the lowest 3
harmonics of C are annihilated by Bφ pBφ2 ` 1q and therefore they do not modify Ξ). Studying these
subtleties is called studying the orbits of the BMS3 group and it has been done in detail, we refer the
reader to [35]!

Let us finally discuss how Minkowski spacetime transforms under supertranslations and superro-
tations. First, it does not transform under the Poincaré subgroup since these are isometries. In the
language that we just developped, Θ “ ´1 and Ξ “ 0 are left invariant under Poincaré transfor-
mations, because Bφ pBφ2 ` 1qR “ Bφ pBφ2 ` 1qT “ 0. Now, acting with general supertranslations and
superrotations, the metric changes and the canonical charges also change. If one only acts with
supertranslations, the energy remains zero, so the vacuum is degenerate and parameterized by its
superrotation charge! The field Cpφq is precisely the Goldstone boson which comes from the spon-
taneous breaking of supertransation invariance. When also acting with superrotations, the energy
now changes and one finds new (classical) states with supertranslation charges, which are related to
Minkowski by the action of superrotations.

2.3.2 Constant representatives : spinning particles and flat cosmologies

To conclude our discussion of flat case, let us focus on constant representatives of the phase space i.e.
as we did for the asymptotically AdS3 phase space, let us reduce Θ, Ξ to their zero modes in terms of
M, J and represent the phase diagram. Naively, if we look at our previous phase space (figure 2.7),
we see that the flat limit ` Ñ 8 cancels the slope of the extremal lines, but the upper half plane is not
filled by black holes in the flat case : the reason is that by sending ` Ñ 8 we zoom in the interior of
the black holes so we are left with cosmological spacetimes without horizon! This is consistent with
a theorem due to Ida [36] that says that black holes cannot exist in 2 ` 1 dimensions when the cos-
mological constant is not negative assuming reasonable matter (obeying the null energy condition).
Below the massless line, we will find again spinning particles that we will describe a bit more here !

For later convenience, let us note M̄ “ 8GM and J̄ “ 4GJ. For constant representatives, the metric
reads simply as
ds2 “ M̄du2 ´ 2dudr ` J̄dudφ ` r2 dφ2 (2.91)

When M̄ ą 0 and J̄ is arbitrary, we get an expanding spacetime (or a contracting spacetime after time
reversal) enclosing an (unphysical) time machine hidden by a cosmological horizon! Let us define
α2 “ M̄ and r0 “ | J̄{α|. The spacetime is clearly divided in two distinct parts:

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 57

2.3. Asymptotically flat phase space

B If r ă r0 we can perform the change of coordinate r2 Ñ r̄2 “ pr02 ´ r2 q{α2 to bring us back the
line element ds2 “ p´αdt ` r0 dφq2 ` dr̄2 ´ α2 r̄2 dφ2 . In this inner region, Bφ is always timelike,
and generates closed timelike curves. This unphysical “time machine” is shielded from the rest
of the spacetime by the cosmological horizon r “ r0 [37, 38] ;

B In the outer region (r ą r0 ), one can define new coordinates T 2 “ pr2 ´ r02 q{α2 and X “ pαt{r0 q `
φ such as X „ X ` 2π et φ „ φ ` 2π, and the metric becomes ds2 “ ´dT 2 ` r02 dX 2 ` α2 T 2 dφ2 ,
which describes a spacetime in expansion whose spacelike sections T “ Cst are 2-tori of radii
r0 and αT. These tori encircle the cosmological horizon, and their principal radius grows with
T. This kind of spacetime is thus called a flat cosmology !

Then let us consider the subset of metrics for which M̄ ă 0. The zero mode of Θ is so responsible of
a conical singularity as we will see. Let us note again α2 “ ´ M̄ ą 0 and r0 “ | J̄{α|. The change of
coordinate r̄2 “ pr2 ` r02 q{α2 puts the line element into the form
ˆ ˙2
2 4GJ
ds “ ´ αdt ´ dφ ` dr̄2 ` α2 r̄2 dφ2 (2.92)

which is nothing but a spinning particle [39]. The absence of black holes in flat 3d gravity reduces
drastically the class of allowable geometries to such an ersatz of the Kerr metric ! We can give a
more geometrical interpretation of this line element by performing a second change of coordinates
t̄ “ αt ´ r0 φ, φ “ αφ. In these coordinates, ds2 “ ´dt̄2 ` dr̄2 ` r̄2 dφ2 : it is now manifest that
the spacetime is locally flat ! But the difference between a spinning particle and the Minkowskian
vacuum is here subtle, and resides in the identification of cyclic coordinates :
ˆ ˙
pt, φq „ pt, φ ` 2πq Ñ pt̄, φ̄q „ t̄ ´ , φ̄ ` 2πα (2.93)

Two cases can be considered :

B If ´1 ă M̄ ă 0 (α2 ă 1), we go back to the Minkowski metric by refining φ on a sub-interval

of r0, 2πs, namely r0, 2π|α|s, then we identify φ „ φ ` 2π|α|. Roughly speaking, everything
happens as if we cut a spacetime sector with 2πp1 ´ |α|q as center angle, then we glue the two
semi-lines who limited the section now missing. We are so left with a conical defect ;

B By very similar manipulations, when M̄ ă ´1 (α2 ą 1), one can absorb the singularity at the
metric level by refining φ on a bigger interval since 2π|α| ą 2π. This is equivalent to incise the
spacetime along the φ “ 0 semi-line, then introduce a excendentary section of angle 2πp|α| ´ 1q
between the two edges of the incision : we get in this case a conical excess. In this case, the
energy spectrum is not bounded from below, and we often discard these solutions.

B Obviously, the trivial gluing is simply the Minkowski metric ( M̄ “ ´1 (α2 “ 1)).

When J “ 0, the topological defect is static which is interpreted as a non-spinning particle. But if
J ‰ 0, we see that there is a twist in the time identification, which we interpret as a spinning particle.
The phase space is summarized in Figure 2.8.

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 58

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

Flat cosmologies

´ 8G Conical defects

Conical excesses

Figure 2.8: Constant representatives of the asymptotically flat phase space.

Note also that multi-particle solutions can be found [39], and each of them may carry a BMS repre-
sentation! Such a general metric has not yet been described. As already mentionned, these particles
will not attract, as we have already stressed before : the Newtonian potential does not exist in 3d
gravity ! On this remark, we close the presentation of the asymptotically flat phase space, with the
hope that through it, we got more physical intuition about the intriguing properties of 3d gravity !

2.4 Chern-Simons formulation

The last topic that we will discuss concerning 3d gravity is that we can reformulate Einstein’s the-
ory with Λ ă 0 (at least classically) as a gauge theory for two non-abelian gauge fields which both
transform under the adjoint representation of SOp2, 1q. This is the Chern-Simons formulation of 3d
Einstein’s gravity, first discovered by Achúcarro and Townsend in 1986 [25].

First, let us accomodate our notations. Spacetime indices will always be denoted as µ, ν, ... but now
latin indices will represent Lorentz indices in the local triad frame. We will denote the Levi-Civita
connection compatible with gµν by ∇µ but reserve D as the covariant derivative on objects that trans-
form under the gauge group!

2.4.1 Local Lorentz triad

At each point of the manifold M, we can find a local change of frame in which the metric is locally
flat (thanks to the equivalence principle). The natural basis of this frame is given by a triad of Lorentz
vector-valued 1-forms te a “ e aµ dx µ u which obey gµν dx µ dx ν “ ηab e a eb . Since the metric admits an
µ µ µ µ
inverse, we can also define the inverse of eµa which we denote by ea (ea eµb “ δab and ea eνa “ δν ). With
respect to this orthonormal local basis, the connections coefficients are given by ea ∇µ eb ” ∇ a eb “
ec ω cab . Recall that for a vector χ “ χα eα we have ∇µ χ “ pBµ χα ` Γαµν χν qeα so we can inverse the
previous relation to obtain the equation linking the connection coefficients Γαµν in the coordinate basis

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 59

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

with the connection coefficients ω cab in the orthonormal basis :

ω cab “ ecν ea pBµ ebν ` ebα Γνµα q “ ecν ea ∇µ ebν

µ µ

We also define the spin connections ω ab fi ω abc ec which are tensor-valued 1-forms on M that belong
to the adjoint representation of the local Lorentz group, since one can check that under a Lorentz
rotation of the triad,
ω 1ab “ Λ ac ω cd pΛ´1 qdb ` Λ ac pdΛ´1 qcb (2.95)

We can rewrite (2.94) in a more economical way by contracting both sides with the triad vector basis
e a (and use dx µ “ ea e a ) :

ω cb “ ecν pdebν ` ebα Γνρα dx ρ q de aν ` ω ab ebν “ e aµ Γαν dx α

ô (2.96)

We can also use the flat metric ηab and its inverse η ab to lower and raise local Lorentz indices,
ωab “ ηac ω cb . The metric-compatibility of the connection (i.e. ∇α gµν “ 0) reads ωab “ ´ωba in this
formalism, so the spin connections can be seen as one-forms valued in antisymmetric 3 ˆ 3 matrices.
In 3d spacetime, the special thing that leads to further reformulations is that antisymmetric matrices ωab
are dual to vectors, since ε abc makes sense in 3d as the completely antisymmetric tensor with ε012 “ 1.
So we are able to construct a local Lorentz vector from the spin connection :

1 abc
ω a fi ε ωbc ô ωab “ ´ε abc ω c (2.97)

or equivalently ωa “ ηab ω b . Therefore, it is possible to treat the spin connection ωa and the triad ea
on an equal footing, which is the key!

2.4.2 Chern-Simons action

Using the existence of the length scale ` of Λ “ ´1{`2 , we can introduce the dimensionally consistent
ea ea
Aa “ ω a ` ; Ā a “ ω a ´ . (2.98)
` `
Let us now denote by Ja a set of matrices of sop2, 1q which obey the algebra rJa , Jb s “ ε abc η cd Jd ” ε abc Jc .
Since A a carries one Lorentz index, it can be understood as components of a sop2, 1q vector in the
matricial base tJa u, so we will consider a matrix representation of the connection:

e a Ja e
A “ A a Ja “ ω a Ja ` ”ω` (2.99)
` `

and the same for the other connection Ā “ Ā a Ja . An equivalent point of view is to say the A and Ā
transform under the adjoint representation of SOp2, 1q !

Since we are working in a local orthonormal triad, we can make profit of Cartan’s calculus. In partic-
ular, second Cartan’s structure equation which links curvature with spin connections :

R ab “ dω ab ` ω ac ^ ω cb . (2.100)

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 60

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

From R ab we can reconstruct the components of the Riemann tensor, given that

1 a 1
R ab “ R bcd ec ^ ed “ R abµν dx µ ^ dx ν ñ Rα βµν “ eαa ebβ R abµν . (2.101)
2 2

Then we can perfrom contraction between R ab and ε abc to get a vector in the Lorentz frame

1 abc 1
R a fi ε Rbc “ dω a ` ε a bc ω b ^ ω c . (2.102)
2 2

Since R a transforms also under the adjoint representation of the local Lorentz group, we can build a
matrix representation of it:

R fi R a Ja “ dω ` rJc , J f sω c ^ ω f “ dω ` ω ^ ω. (2.103)

The symbol R is used instead of R to avoid any confusion with the Ricci scalar.

These few geometrical objects being defined as it must be done, we are ready to show that the
Einstein-Hilbert action for 3d gravity is equivalent (up to a boundary term) to a couple of Chern-
Simons actions, one for each connection. The latter is build up from a 3-form, because the spacetime
is 3-dimensional, so the integration on M of a 3-form obviously gives a scalar. The most simple 3-
forms that one can construct from A are A ^ dA and A ^ A ^ A. These are the only two terms which
appear in the Chern-Simons form

IrAs “ A ^ dA ` A ^ A ^ A (2.104)

After a straightforward computation that can be done without any subtlety, we obtain
„ 
2 2
trpIrAs ´ Ir Āsq “ tr 2e ^ R ` 2 e ^ e ^ e ´ dpω ^ eq (2.105)
` 3`

where the trace is taken on the representation of sop2, 1q to which belong the matrices A, R,... On the
sop2, 1q algebra we can define a Killing product such as kpJa , Jb q “ N trpJa Jb q ” ηab . The normalisation
N is representation-dependent, and as we will work with the natural 2d representation, we pick the
value N “ 1 which is the standard normalisation for this representation. So the explicit computation
of the trace gives
„  „ 
2 1 1 a
tr 2e ^ R ` 2 e ^ e ^ e ´ dpω ^ eq “ ε abc e ^ R ` 2 e ^ e ^ e ´ dpω a ^ ea q.
a bc b c
3` 2 3`
Recalling the definition of a determinant, one has detpeq “ detpeµa q “ ´g and furthermore

ε abc e a ^ Rbc “ ´g R d3 x ε abc e a ^ eb ^ ec “ 3! ´g d3 x

a a
; (2.107)

where R is here the Ricci scalar associated to gµν . Finally

ˆ ˙
2 1a 1a 2
trpIrAs ´ Ir Āsq “ ´gR ` 2 ´g d3 x ´ dpω a ^ ea q (2.108)
` 2 ` `

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 61

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

which thus show that the double Chern-Simons action :

k `
SCS rA, Ās “ trpIrAs ´ Ir Āsq k fi (dimensionless). (2.109)
4π M 4G

is equivalent to the 3d Einstein-Hilbert’s one up to a boundary term that has no effect on the equations
of motion:
ż ż
1 1
ω a ^ ea “ SEH rgs ` Boundary term (2.110)
SCS rA, Ās “ d x ´g pR ` 2Λq ´
16πG M 16πG BM

So we can use the Chern-Simons formulation of 3d gravity, which presents the very nice advantage
to be based on gauge fields which belong to the adjoint representation of sop2, 1q!

It is a simple matter of tensorial calculus to get the equations of motion associated to (2.109). First
let us develop all exterior products in components. We are allowed to use spacetime indices to write
explicitly IrAs, Ir Ās since any object is tensorial...
„ ˆ ˙
k k µαβ 2
LCS rA, Ās “ trpIrAs ´ Ir Āsq “ tr ´ε A µ Bα A β ` A µ A α A β ´ p Ā-partq (2.111)
4π 4π 3

So we can make act the functional derivative on this lagrangian density to directly get the Euler-
Lagrange equations for the gauge field A:


“ ´ Bα (2.112)
δAµ BAµ BBα Aµ
k ` ˘ k ´ βαµ ¯
“ ´ εµαβ Bα A β ` 2Aν A β ´ ´ε Bα A β (2.113)
4π 4π
k µαβ ` ˘
“´ ε Bα A β ` A α A β (2.114)

“ ´ εµαβ Fαβ “ 0 (2.115)

where we have defined F “ dA ` A ^ A ñ Fµν “ Bµ Aν ´ Bν Aµ ` rAµ , Aν s the curvature tensor

associated to the connection A, which is antisymmetric by construction. The equations of motion say
nothing but the connections A and Ā are flat !

F “ dA ` A ^ A “ 0 & F̄ “ d Ā ` Ā ^ Ā “ 0 (2.116)

Any flat solution is locally pure gauge, i.e. of the form

A “ g´1 dg, (2.117)

as we can check straighforwardly

dA ` A ^ A “ dg´1 ^ dg ` g´1 dg ^ g´1 dg (2.118)

“ ´g´1 dg ^ g´1 dg ` g´1 dg ^ g´1 dg “ 0. (2.119)

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 62

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

2.4.3 General covariance and charges

Thanks to the previous paragraph, we now know that the Chern-Simons action exactly describes 3d
Einstein’s gravity. The latter theory is by construction invariant under arbitrary diffeomorphisms, so
the natural question that we have to ask us now is: how a diffeomorphism is represented in terms of
gauge transformations on the fundamental fields A and Ā ? Recall first that an infinitesimal gauge
transformation with parameter λ “ λ a Ja acts on the connection field as δλ Aµ “ Dµ λ where Dµ is
the gauge-covariant derivative defined by Dµ λ “ Bµ λ ` rAµ , λs. The second term is necessary for
non-abelian gauge groups.

If we perform a gauge transformation with parameters λ a and λ̄ a , does it correspond to a diffeomor-

phism of the metric obtained from the Chern-Simons dictionary? We need to compute

δeµ “ pδξ Aµ ´ δξ Āµ q (2.120)
“ pDµ λ ´ D̄µ λ̄q, (2.121)
` 1
“ pBµ pλ ´ λ̄q ` rωµ , λ ´ λ̄sq ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s (2.122)
2 2
ν ν 1
“ Bµ peν ξ q ` rωµ , eν ξ s ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s (2.123)

In the last step, we introduced our ansatz for the diffeomorphism: eµa ξ µ “ 2` pλ a ´ λ̄ a q. We then have

δeµ “ eν Bµ ξ ν ` pBµ ` rωµ , eν sqξ ν ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s (2.124)
“ Ja peνa Bµ ξ ν ` pBµ eνa ` ωµb
a b ν
eν qξ q ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s (2.125)
“ Ja peµ Bµ ξ ` eν Γµλ ξ q ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s
a ν a ν λ
“ eλ ∇µ ξ λ ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s. (2.127)

The first term is responsible for the transformation of the metric under the infinitesimal diffeomor-
phism parametrized by ξ µ . The second term is responsible for a local Lorentz transformation which
does not appear in the variation of the metric. We can check that it is so by evaluating
´ ¯
δgµν “ δ eµa eνb η ab (2.128)
´ ¯
“ δ eµa eνb trpJa Jb q (2.129)

“ trpδeµ eν ` eµ δeν q (2.130)

ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 1
“ tr eλ ∇µ ξ ` reµ , λ ` λ̄s eν ` eµ eλ ∇ν ξ ` reν , λ ` λ̄sq
λ λ
2 2
“ trpeλ eν ∇µ ξ λ ` eµ eλ ∇ν ξ λ q (2.132)
“ ∇ν ξ µ ` ∇µ ξ ν . (2.133)

That proves it! Since we are not interested in the local Lorentz transformations, we can fix the ambi-

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 63

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

guity in our definition of ξ µ by selecting

λ a “ ξ µ Aµa , λ̄ a “ ξ µ Āµa . (2.134)

Let us now quickly compute the surface charges associated to these diffeomorphisms. In the Chern-
Simons theory, we can obtain a general expression of these quantities (which are conserved if ξ µ is a
symmetry), which is furthermore very simple and elegant ! The path we take is the Barnich-Brandt’s
one, so we begin by computing the conserved current Sξ defined in the second Noether theorem
(Result 5):

dSξ “ a
δλ Aµa ` δ Ā a pλ “ Aµ ξ µ , λ̄ “ Āµ ξ µ q (2.135)
δAµ δ Āµa λ̄ µ
“ pBµ λ a ` rAµ , λsa q ` pbarred sectorq (2.136)
˜ ¸
“ Bµ a
λ ´ Bµ a
λ` rAµ , λsa ` pbarred sectorq (2.137)
δAµ δAµ δAµa
˜ ¸
δLCS a
“ Bµ λ ` pbarred sectorq (2.138)

δLCS k µαβ a a “ 0 and εµαβ F a rA , λsa “

In the last step, we replaced δAµa “ ´ 2π ε Fαβ and used that εµαβ Bµ Fαβ αβ µ

trpεµαβ Fαβ rAµ , λsq “ trpεµαβ rFαβ , Aµ sλq “ 0 by cyclic property of the trace and antisymmetry. There-

µ k µαβ a a a a
Sξ “ ´ ε pFαβ λ ` F̄αβ λ̄ q. (2.139)

A simple application of Anderson’s operator separates us from the charge formula. Let us look only
at the unbarred sector:

1 B B ´ µ 2 ¯
kξBB “ IδA
Sξ “ δAα Sξ pd xqµ (2.140)
2 BBν Aα Bdx ν
„  „ 
1 B k µρσ
( B 1 β γ
“ δAα ´ tr ε pBρ Aσ ` Aρ Aσ qλ ε µβγ dx dx (2.141)
2 BBν Aα 2π Bdx ν 2
k ! ) k
“ ´ tr δAα εµρσ pδρν δασ ` 0qλ ε µνγ dx γ “ ´ trpδAα λqεµνα ε µνγ dx γ (2.142)
4π 4π
k k k
“ ´ trpδAα λqp´2δγα qdx γ “ trpδAα λqdx α “ trpλδAα qdx α . (2.143)
4π 2π 2π

The last equality is obtained thanks to the cyclicity of the trace. If we incorporate the contribution of
the Ā-part and substitute λ, λ̄ in terms of ξ µ , we have just found that

k “ ‰
kξ rδA, As “ tr piξ AqδA ´ piξ ĀqδĀ . (2.144)

This is our final infinitesimal charge formula! Note that it is not clearly integrable... One needs to
specify either a specific vector, or boundary conditions to deduce the surface charge.

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 64

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

2.4.4 AdS 3 phase space in Chern-Simons formalism

We wish to close this section, and at the same time this chapter by deriving the connections A, Ā that
describe the AdS3 phase space in the Chern-Simons formulation. Let us begin by the most simple
case which is global AdS3 itself. Recall that in global coordinates pρ, t, φq, the metric reads as
´ ¯
ds2 “ `2 dρ2 ´ cosh2 ρ dt2 ` sinh2 ρ dφ2 (2.145)

Since the line element is diagonal, one choice of the orthonormal basis is quite trivial:

e0 “ ` cosh ρ dt ; e1 “ ` sinh ρ dφ ; e2 “ `dρ (2.146)

Consequently, the non-vanishing components of the spin connection can be taken to be

+ #
ω20 “ sinh ρ dt ω 0 “ ω12 “ cosh ρ dφ
ùñ (2.147)
ω12 “ cosh ρ dφ ω 1 “ ω20 “ sinh ρ dt

together with the other components related by indicial symmetries. The components of the connec-
tions A “ A a Ja , Ā “ Ā a Ja evaluate to

A0 “ cosh ρ pdt ` dφq Ā0 “ ´ cosh ρ pdt ´ dφq

A1 “ sinh ρ pdt ` dφq Ā1 “ sinh ρ pdt ´ dφq (2.148)
A2 “ dρ Ā2 “ ´dρ

We can clearly simplify the notations by introducing again lightcone coordinates x˘ “ t ˘ φ, so we

get : #
A “ pcosh ρ J0 ` sinh ρ J1 q dx` ` J2 dρ
Ā “ p´ cosh ρ J0 ` sinh ρ J1 q dx´ ´ J2 dρ

We claim now that the connections are locally pure gauge so A “ g´1 dg. We can directly check that
g “ ex 0 eρJ2 . Trivially we get Aρ “ g´1 Bρ g “ J2 and A´ “ g´1 B´ g “ 0. The last component is more
tricky to compute since rJ0 , J2 s ‰ 0. To progress we have to invoke Hadamard’s lemma

1 1
AdjX Y “ eadjX Y ô e X Ye´X “ Y ` rX, Ys ` rX, rX, Yss ` rX, rX, rX, Ysss ` ¨ ¨ ¨ (2.150)
2! 3!

so A` “ g´1 B` g “ e´ρJ2 J0 eρJ2 “ cosh ρ J0 ` sinh ρ J1 after summation of MacLaurin’s series of

cosh, sinh. As an exercise, play the same game with Ā to show that it is also pure gauge, and as-
sociated to ḡ “ e´x 0 e´ρJ2 . To make connection with the general results that we will derive in a few
moments, let us write the gauge fields in term of the generators tL´1 , L0 , L`1 u defined by

1 1
J0 “ pL`1 ` L´1 q ; J1 “ pL`1 ´ L´1 q ; J2 “ L0 (2.151)
2 2

and which satisfy the slp2, Rq algebra (isomorphic to the Lorentz algebra, or the centerless part of the
Witt algebra):
rL`1 , L0 s “ `L`1 ; rL´1 , L0 s “ ´L´1 ; rL`1 , L´1 s “ 2L0 (2.152)

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 65

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

The global AdS3 solution is thus perfectly reproduced by the Chern-Simons connections
A “ ` 21 peρ L`1 ` e´ρ L´1 q dx` ` L0 dρ
Ā “ ´ 12 peρ L´1 ` e´ρ L`1 q dx´ ´ L0 dρ

or, if we want to specify these in a pure-gauge-manifest fashion A “ g´1 dg, Ā “ ḡ´1 d ḡ where here
the g’s are given by
1 ` 1 ´
g “ e 2 pL`1 `L´1 qx eρL0 ; ḡ “ e´ 2 pL`1 `L´1 qx e´ρL0 (2.154)

As a side note, remember that the Killing symmetry algebra of AdS3 is sop2, 2q. The fact that the
Chern-Simons action contains two “chiral” terms will make manifest the chiral decomposition sop2, 2q “
sop2, 1q ‘ sop2, 1q...

We see now in which manner these results can be extended to the entire AdS3 phase space. Let us
recall that under the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions, any asymptotically AdS3 metric can
be written in the Fefferman-Graham gauge as (2.57) which we can rework with r “ eρ and another
notation of the null boundary fields L˘ px˘ q Ñ 1k L˘ px˘ q to get
« ˜ ˆ ˙2 ¸ ff
1 1
ds2 “ `2 dρ2 ` L` pdx` q2 ` L´ pdx´ q2 ´ e2ρ `
` ˘
L` L´ e´2ρ dx` dx´ (2.155)
k k

The Lorentz triad will be choosen to bring the metric into the form ds2 “ epρq b epρq ´ 12 ep`q b ep´q ´
1 p´q
2e b ep`q where indices inserted into brackets are the local Lorentz indices. So
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
pρq p`q 1 1
e “ `dρ ; e “ ` e dx ´ L´ e´ρ dx´
ρ `
;e p´q
“ ` e dx ´ L` e´ρ dx`
ρ ´
k k

We leave as an exercise to the reader to compute the connections

# `1
L`1 ´ 2k L` px` qe´ρ L´1 dx` ` L0 dρ
A “ ` eρ
` 21 ρ (2.157)
L´1 ´ 2k L´ px´ qe´ρ L`1 dx´ ´ L0 dρ
Ā “ ´ 2e

This is a generalization of global AdS3 spacetime which is recovered when L` “ L´ “ ´k{4.

As a very last check, we can show that the Chern-Simons charge formula reproduces the charges that
we have derived in the canonical formalism. Using (2.157), we get immediately

2 2
δA “ ´e´ρ δL` L´1 dx` and δ Ā “ `e´ρ δL´ L`1 dx´ (2.158)
k k

The charge formula is

δHξ “ trrλδA ´ λ̄δ Ās (2.159)
2π S

Since δA „ L´1 , the trace will be non-zero only for λ „ L`1 since trpL`1 L´1 q “ ´1 and otherwise
zero. With the same reasoning, we can concentrate on the λ̄ „ L´1 part only. The gauge parameters

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 66

2.4. Chern-Simons formulation

which represent the n-th harmonic of the diffeomorphism ξ p`q defined in (2.47) are

p`qµ 1 ` p`qµ
λ “ ξn Aµ “ p¨ ¨ ¨ qL0 ` einx eρ L`1 and λ̄ “ ξ n Āµ “ p¨ ¨ ¨ qL0 ` 0 (2.160)

The charge formula then evaluates to

ż ˆ ˙
k 1 inx` ρ ´ρ 2
δHξ p`q “ trpL`1 L´1 q e e ´e δL` dx` (2.161)
n 2π S 2 k
ˆ ż ˙
1 inx` `
“δ e L` px qdφ (2.162)
2π S

since dx` “ dφ on the boundary circle. The charge is clearly integrable and it reproduces our expec-
tations. The null boundary fields L˘ being related to the previous ones by L˘ “ kL˘ “ 4G L˘ , we
have in fact proven that ż
` `
Hξ p`q “ dφ L` einx (2.163)
n 8πG S

which is precisely the surface charge (2.60) obtained in the metric formalism.. This last cross-check
ends up our trip into the marvellous world of 3d gravity!

The Chern-Simons formulation of 3d gravity was found by Achúcarro and Townsend in 1986 [25]. In
this lectures, we followed the presentation of unpublished notes of Juan Jottar.

The same year Brown and Henneaux performed their asymptotic symmetry group analysis of AdS3
[21] using the Hamiltonian formalism. We followed here the equivalent covariant approach and used
the notation of [40].

The Bañados, Teitelboim and Zanelli BTZ black hole was found in 1992 [26]. We followed the sub-
sequent paper where Henneaux joined in [27], where most of the geometrical properties of the BTZ
black hole were found.

The BMS3 asymptotic symmetry algebra was found in [41, 32]. Understanding the limit from AdS3 to
Minkowski for the symmetry algebra was described in [32], and for the full phase space in [34]. The
flat spacetime cosmologies and their thermodynamical properties were understood later in [37, 38].

Lecture 2. Three dimensional Einstein gravity 67

Lecture 3

Asymptotically flat spacetimes

For the next lecture, we go back to more realistic gravitational models: indeed we consider four-
dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes, which are the solutions of General Relativity for localised
energy-momentum sources. We are obviously not going to make an exhaustive overview of this rich
and deep topic. We will start with a review of the work of Penrose on the conformal compactification
of asymptotically flat spacetimes in order to get a global view on the asymptotic structure. We will
then concentrate on the properties of radiative fields by reviewing the work of van der Burg, Bondi,
Metzner and Sachs of 1962. One may think at first that the group of asymptotic symmetries of ra-
diative spacetimes is the Poincaré group, but a larger group appears, the BMS group which contains
so-called supertranslations. Additional symmetries, known as superrotations, also play a role and
we shall briefly discuss them too.

This enhanced BMS symmetry group has been the focus of much recent work. In particular, it is re-
lated to the so-called displacement memory effect of General Relativity whose various facets where
independently discovered in the 70s, 80s and 90s and that we will review here, an independent sub-
leading spin memory effect and to soft theorems that we will not cover in the lectures.

Finally, we will give some comments on the scattering problem in General Relativity, show that the
extended asymptotic group gives conserved quantities once junction conditions are fixed at spatial
infinity. This analysis is still under development by the international community at the time of writ-
ing these lecture notes and brings fascinating insights into the infrared properties of gravity!

3.1 A definition of asymptotic flatness

3.1.1 Asymptotic structure of Minkowski spacetime

The easiest way to introduce the various notions of asymptotic infinities of Minkowski spacetime is
to introduce the Penrose compactification, which conformally maps the spacetime to another non-
physical Lorentzian manifold with finite extent and boundary which is differentiable almost every-
where. We first recall fundamentals about the conformal compactification of Minkowski spacetime,
and then derive from it a geometric definition of asymptotic flatness. Even though the construction
is simple, it leads to a rich asymptotic structure with a lot of subtetlies on the order of limits and
non-geometric properties at the boundary of the unphysical spacetime, so let’s be careful!

Conformal compactification of Minkowski spacetime

Let us begin with a quick review of the conformal compactification of Minkowski spacetime, written
in spherical coordinates pt, r, x A q as ds2 “ ´dt2 ` dr2 ` r2 γ AB dx A dx B , where γ AB is the unit round
metric on the 2-sphere. To represent the whole spacetime on a finite portion of a sheet of paper, we
declare that every point on this sheet actually represent a 2-sphere (except the space origin which

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 69

3.1. A definition of asymptotic flatness

is a spacetime line), so we consider for the moment the 1 ` 1 dimensional metric ´dt2 ` dr2 . To
study causal motion on that spacetime, we introduce null coordinates u “ t ´ r and v “ t ` r such
that the metric becomes ´dudv and radial outgoing (resp. ingoing) null geodesics are simply la-
beled by constant values of u (resp. v). We compactify the support of these coordinates thanks to
a coordinate transformation u “ tan U, v “ tan V, whose action remains diagonal on pu, vq. Now
U, V Ps ´ π{2, π{2r, but the metric ´dUdV{pcos U cos Vq2 still diverges at "infinities" mapped on the
line segments |U| “ π{2 and |V| “ π{2. Let us now perform a Weyl transformation with confor-
mal factor ΩpU, Vq “ cos U cos V to delete the diverging prefactor. The spacetime does not obey
Einstein’s equations anymore and does not faithfully represent the physical distances but the causal
structure of the original metric is preserved. Reintroducing the angular contributions, we are left

pu ´ vq2 sin2 pU ´ Vq
ds2 “ ´dudv ` γ AB dx A dx B ùñ Ω2 ds2 “ ´dUdV ` γ AB dx A dx B (3.1)
4 4

and now we can extend the spacetime to |U| “ π{2 and |V| “ π{2. Going back to space- and timelike
coordinates T “ U ` V P r´π, πs and R “ V ´ U P r0, πs, the conformal metric reads as

sin2 R
Ω2 ds2 “ ´dT 2 ` dR2 ` γ AB dx A dx B (3.2)

On the sheet of paper, the Minkowski spacetime has been compressed into a triangle with finite
extent. Each point of this triangle, including the null boundaries but excluding the left vertical space-
time origin line and the boundary points i` , i0 , i´ , represents a 2-sphere whose radius varies with
R in a non-monotone way, since it equals sin R{2. At the end of the day, we get thus the following
diagram, on which the geometrical structure of infinity is highlighted.





Figure 3.1: Penrose conformal diagram of Minkowski spacetime Rp3,1q . Radial null geodesics are represented
in blue, while a radial timelike geodesic is represented in red.

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 70

3.1. A definition of asymptotic flatness

We now detail this structure:

1. Past timelike infinity (i´ ) : at pR, Tq “ p0, ´πq, it represents the asymptotic sphere reached when
t Ñ ´8 while keeping r fixed. It is also the starting point of any (maximally extended) timelike

2. Future timelike infinity (i` ) : at pR, Tq “ p0, `πq, it represents the asymptotic sphere reached
when t Ñ `8 while keeping r fixed. It is also the ending point of any (maximally extended)
timelike geodesic;

3. Spacelike infinity (i0 ) : at the right-hand vertex of the triangle pR, Tq “ p`π, 0q, it represents the
asymptotic sphere reached when r Ñ `8 at fixed t;

4. Past null infinity (I ´ ) : the line segment R ` T “ π in the conformal diagram, it represents
the 3-surface formed by the starting points of ingoing null geodesics (the region reached when
r Ñ 8 and u is fixed);

5. Future null infinity (I ` ) : the line segment R ´ T “ π in the conformal diagram is the fu-
ture counterpart of I ´ , and contains the terminal points of outgoing null geodesics (the region
reached when r Ñ `8 and v is fixed).

What is fantastic is that we can easily read off the causal structure of spacetime in a glance! The radial
null geodesics (or equivalently the lightcones of observers) point in the directions `π{4 and ´π{4.
Such a (maximally prolonged) geodesic always start at some point of I ´ , continue perpendicularly
to the center of spacetime, is "reflected" by the segment r “ 0 and ends its journey at some other point
of I ` . At the null infinities I ˘ the null direction leads to an induced metric ds2 “ 0du2 ` dΩ2 of zero
determinant, while the topology is S2 ˆ R.

Singular points

Now, don’t get fooled. We didn’t solve the asymptotic structure of Minkowski. The points/spheres
at i0 , i` , i´ are singular in the conformal description. For example, fields propagating on Minkowski
get multivalued there! More precisely, a propagating field will get a different limit to either of these
points, depending on the order of limits between large distances and future or past. We therefore
need to resolve these singular points.

Resolving the structure around i0 amounts to introduce a foliation of spacetime around i0 with well
chosen 3-surfaces. A useful foliation is the hyperbolic one pτ, ρ, x A q where t “ ρ sinh τ, r “ ρ cosh τ.
By definition, τ is timelike, and ρ is spacelike. The Minkowski metric becomes
´ ¯
ds2 “ dρ2 ` ρ2 ´dτ 2 ` cosh2 τ γ AB dx A dx B (3.3)

outside the origin lightcone (centered at r “ t “ 0) which is the domain where this set of hyperbolic
coordinates is well-defined. It is clear that the spacetime is now foliated by dS3 (hyperboloids) of
constant ρ. Spatial infinity is now defined as ρ Ñ 8. The boundary hyperbolic metric is now a
smooth codimension 1 manifold which resolves i0 . It intersects null infinity at two spheres denoted
` ´
by I´ and I` which are respectively the past limit of future null infinity and the future limit of past null

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 71

3.1. A definition of asymptotic flatness

infinity. In the hyperbolic description, I´ coincides with the sphere at the future time τ Ñ 8 of the
boundary hyperboloid, and I` is the sphere at the past τ Ñ ´8 of the boundary hyperboloid.

One can also blow up the geometry around i` and i´ , by introducing a second set of coordinates, this
time covering the patch outside the origin lightcone pτ̂, ρ̂, x A q, with t “ τ̂ cosh ρ̂, r “ τ̂ sinh ρ̂. The
slicing will be realised on the timelike coordinate τ̂. Each hypersurface is conformal to the Euclidean
version of AdS3 , as we can directly see in the line element
´ ¯
ds2 “ ´dτ̂ 2 ` τ̂ 2 dρ̂2 ` sinh2 ρ̂ γ AB dx A dx B . (3.4)

The three foliations are represented on Figure 3.2. The union of the foliations inside and outside the
origin lightcone provides a manifold whose “corners” are smooth and have a differentiable structure.


Euclidean AdS3 foliation


dS3 foliation

i0 i0

dS3 foliation

Euclidean AdS3 foliation

Figure 3.2: Hyperbolic foliations which blow up the geometry near the singular points i` , i´ , i0 . The origin
lightcone (centered at r “ t “ 0) is drawn in green.

3.1.2 Gravity in Bondi gauge

Let us now introduce gravity. Let gµν be the metric. We would like to define a notion of asymptotic
flatness. There are two ways to do so:
1. Using covariant objects but involving unphysical fields such as a conformal factor (a scalar
field) used to do a Penrose compactification of spacetime;

2. Using an adapted coordinate system and specifying fall-off conditions.

We will follow the second route which more easily allows to analyse the details of the asymptotic

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 72

3.1. A definition of asymptotic flatness

We would like to define asymptotically flat spacetimes which approach a notion of future null in-
finity I ` . Physically, this describes the so-called “radiation zone” where gravitational waves and
other null wave phenomena leave their imprint on spacetime far from the sources. This problem has
been addressed by Bondi, van der Burg, Metzner and Sachs in the 60ies, which we now review. We
consider a family of null hypersurfaces labeled by constant u coordinate. The normal vector of these
hypersurfaces nµ “ gµν Bν u is null by construction, so we fix guu “ 0. We define angular coordinates
x A “ pθ, φq such that the directional derivative along the normal nµ is zero, nµ Bµ x A “ 0 ñ guA “ 0.
We finally select the radial coordinate r to be the luminosity distance, i.e. we fix Br detpg AB {r2 q “ 0.
The coordinates x µ “ pu, r, x A q so defined are known in the literature as the Bondi-Sachs coordinate
system or Bondi gauge. After lowering the indices, we find grr “ grA “ 0. The 4d line element takes
the form
ds2 “ gµν dx µ dx ν “ guu du2 ` 2gur dudr ` 2guA dudx A ` g AB dx A dx B (3.5)

We can now define the notion of asymptotic flatness. We would like to obtain Minkowski spacetime
in the limit r Ñ 8 at constant u, x A , which is written in retarded coordinates as ds2 “ ´du2 ´ 2dudr `
r2 γ AB dx A dx B where γ AB is the unit round metric on the 2-sphere. Therefore, we demand

lim guu “ lim gur “ ´1 ; lim guA “ 0 ; lim g AB “ r2 γ AB . (3.6)

rÑ8 rÑ8 rÑ8 rÑ8

Boundary conditions are in fact more restrictive. We need to ensure that we define a phase space with
well defined charges. We cannot be too restrictive, since we need to keep all physical spacetimes, such
as black hole mergers for example. After analysis, it was proposed to consider

guu “ ´1 ` O pr´1 q, gur “ ´1 ` O pr´2 q, guA “ O pr0 q, g AB “ r2 γ AB ` O prq. (3.7)

The class of allowed metrics for these fall-off conditions can be derived:

ds2 “ ´du2 ´ 2dudr ` r2 γ AB dx A dx B pMinkowskiq

2m 2
` du ` rC AB dx A dx B ` D B C AB dudx A
r „ 
1 AB 1 4 1 1
` C AB C dudr ` pNA ` uB A m B q ´ B A pCBC C q dudx A ` γ AB CCD CCD dx A dx B
16r2 r 3 8 4
` pSubleading termsq. (3.8)

Here all indices are raised with γ AB and γ AB C AB “ 0. In Bondi gauge, the metric defines a hierarchy
of several physically relevant fields which we explicit now:

B mpu, x A q is the Bondi mass aspect. It gives the angular density of energy of the spacetime as
measured from a point at I ` labeled by u and in the direction pointed out by the angles
x A . The Bondi mass is obtained after performing an integration of m on the sphere: Mpuq “
2 d Ω mpu, x q. One can show that Bu Mpuq ď 0 for pure gravity or gravity coupled to matter
ű 2 A
obeying the null energy condition. Physically, radiation carried by gravitational waves or null
matter such as electromagnetic fields escapes through I ` and lowers the energy of spacetime
when the retarded time u evolves. At u Ñ ´8, the Bondi mass equates the ADM energy, or
total energy of a Cauchy slice of spacetime.

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 73

3.1. A definition of asymptotic flatness

B At the first subleading order, we find another field: the field C AB pu, x A q which is traceless
(γ AB C AB “ 0) and symmetric. It therefore contains two polarization modes. It contains all
the information about the gravitational radiation around I ` . Its retarded time variation is the
Bondi news tensor NAB “ Bu C AB . This is the analog of the Maxwell field for gravitational radia-
tion and its square is proportional to the energy flux across I ` as we will see a bit later.

B At second subleading order, one finds NA pu, x A q the angular momentum aspect. It is the angu-
lar density of angular momentum (with respect to the origin defined as the zero luminosity
distance r “ 0). Its integration on S2 contracted with the generator of rotations gives the total
angular momentum of the spacetime, evaluated at I ` at retarded time u.

The metric as written so far does not obey Einstein’s equations. One finds two additional constraints
upon pluging this consistent ansatz into Einstein’s equations:

1 A B 1
Bu m “ D D NAB ´ Tuu with Tuu “ NAB N AB ` 4π lim pr2 Tuu
q (3.9)
4 8 rÑ8

ˆ ˙
1 ´ ¯ 1
Bu NA “ ´ D B DB DC C AC ´ D A DC CBC ` uB A Tuu ´ D B DC NBC ´ TuA (3.10)
4 4
M 1 1 1
with TuA “ 8π lim pr2 TuA q ´ B A pCBC N BC q ` DB pC BC NCA q ´ C AB DC N BC . (3.11)
rÑ8 4 4 2
M the stress tensor of matter, and D is the covariant derivative associated to
Here we denote by Tµν A
γ AB . Of course, since we are performing an expansion close to I ` , the only relevant matter is the
null matter. The gravitational wave contributions naturally add up to the null matter contributions.

Because of these constraints, a generic initial data on I ` is specified by m, C AB and NA at initial

retarded time and NAB at all retarded times, in addition of course with all the subleading fields that
we ignored so far. Given that there is an infinite tower of subleading multipoles at spatial infinity,
there will also be a tower of subleading terms around null infinity.

3.1.3 Initial and late data

` `
Let us now study in more details the initial and final data at I´ and I` , the early and late retarded
times of I ` at first and second subleading order, which are the relevant orders to study mass and
angular momentum conservation. This initial or late data depends upon the class of spacetimes that
we are studying. Let us restrict our analysis to solutions that start from the vacuum in the far past,
and revert to it in the far future (in particular, this assumption rules out black hole formation). Such
spaces have been defined in a rigorous way by Christodoulou and Klainerman [42] and subsequent
authors. They showed that it exists a class of Cauchy data which decays sufficiently fast at spatial
infinity such that the Cauchy problem leads to a smooth geodesically complete solution. In fact they
prove the non-linear stability of Minkowski spacetime. In such analyses, the Bondi news falls off as
´ ¯
NAB “ O |u|´p1`εq , pε ą 0q (3.12)

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 74

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

when u Ñ ˘8, while m and NA remain finite in the two limits. Now, even if black holes form in the
spacetime, we don’t expect that these quantities will behave differently since they don’t emit radia-
tion at early or late retarded times, so we just assume that all physical asymptotically flat spacetimes
obey these conditions.

Since Bu NA Ñ 0 and TuA Ñ 0 when one approaches I´ , the evolution equation for NA gives
D B pDB DC C AC ´ D A DC CBC qˇ “0 (3.13)

which constraints the initial value of C AB . Note that the divergent term uB A p¨ ¨ ¨ q in (3.10) has can-
celled thanks to the fall off condition of the Bondi news. A symmetric traceless tensor on the 2-sphere
like C AB forms a representation of SOp3q and takes the general form

C AB “ ´2D A DB C ` γ AB D2 C ` ε CpA DBq DC Ψ. (3.14)

The first term defines a scalar field Cpu, x A q on the sphere which is called supertranslation memory field
for reasons that will be clear in a few moments. The second term is parity-violating, and depends on a
pseudo-scalar field, the spin memory field Ψpu, x A q. Now, the equation (3.13) implies that Ψpu, x A q “ 0
at I´ , but Cpu, x A q|I ` “ Cpx A q can be non-vanishing.

A similar construction can be performed at I ´ up to switching u into v and ` into ´, so we are left
with two sets of radiative data on both null infinities:
! ˇ ˇ ˇ )
B Radiation at past null infinity : Cpx A qˇI ´ , mpx A qˇI ´ , NA px A qˇI ´ , NAB pv, x A q, . . . ;
` ` `
! ˇ ˇ ˇ )
B Radiation at future null infinity : Cpx A qˇI ` , mpx A qˇI ` , NA px A qˇI ` , NAB pu, x A q, . . . .
´ ´ ´

These quantities form a set of initial data at null infinity at first and second subleading order in
the luminosity distance expansion since Einstein’s equations and the gauge conditions provide with
all the metric components from this set of data. This closes our discussion on the set of physical
solutions, and we now turn to the asymptotic symmetries of asymptotically flat spacetimes.

3.2 Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

Let us discuss the vector fields that preserve the Bondi gauge and the boundary conditions. As
discussed in a previous lecture, such infinitesimal diffeomorphisms are either pure gauge, or belong
to the non-trivial set of asymptotic symmetries. This distinction requires to compute the conserved
charges associated with the infinitesimal diffeomorphisms. At this point, let us just enumerate the
vector fields that change the leading fields in the asymptotic expansion of the metric and therefore
are candidates to be asymptotic symmetries. Preserving the Bondi gauge requires

Lξ grr “ 0, Lξ grA “ 0, Lξ Br detpg AB {r2 q “ 0. (3.15)

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 75

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

Preserving the boundary conditions (3.7) further requires

Lξ guu “ O pr´1 q, Lξ gur “ O pr´2 q, Lξ guA “ O pr0 q, Lξ g AB “ O prq. (3.16)

One first solves the constraints (3.15) exactly which allows to express the 4 components of ξ µ in terms
of 4 functions of u, x A . One can then solve (3.16) to reduce these 4 functions to only 3 functions on
the 2-sphere, namely Tpx A q and R A px B q. The resulting vector is
” u ı
ξ T,R “ TpxC q ` D A R A pxC q ` opr0 q Bu (3.17)
„ 2 
A C 1 A C ´1
` R px q ´ D Tpx q ` opr q B A (3.18)
„ 
r`u A C 1 A C 0
` ´ D A R px q ` D A D Tpx q ` opr q Br (3.19)
2 2

where Tpx A q is unconstrained. The last constraint in (3.16) imposes that R A obeys the conformal
Killing equation on the 2-sphere,

D A R B ` DB R A “ γ AB DC RC . (3.20)

These vectors are known as the BMS generators, in honour to Bondi, Metzner, Sachs and van der
Burg who were the pioneers in studying the asymptotic behaviour of the gravitational radiation
field. We will see later that the canonical charges associated with these generators are non-trivial and
therefore these diffeomorphisms acquire the name of asymptotic symmetries. Analogously to the 3d
case, we immediately see that the asymptotic algebra is larger than the Poincaré algebra! The explicit
computation of the algebra under the Lie bracket is not quite difficult and ends with
T̂ “ R A D A T 1 ` 21 TD A R1A ´ R1A D A T ´ 21 T 1 D A R A
ξ T̂,R̂ “ rξ T,R , ξ T1 ,R1 s ùñ (3.21)
R̂ A “ R B DB R1A ´ R1B DB R A

These relations define the bms4 algebra. Trivial boundary diffeomorphisms T “ R A “ 0 form an ideal
of this algebra. Taking the quotient by this ideal, we are left with the asymptotic algebra of asymp-
totically flat spacetimes compatible with the Bondi-Sachs boundary conditions. The generators can
be divided into 2 categories, the vectors generated by T known as supertranslations and the vectors
generated by R A the Lorentz transformations or their extension: the superrotations.

3.2.1 Supertranslations
The relations (3.21) imply that ξ T,0 ” ξ T form an abelian ideal of the bms4 algebra. They generalize
the translations and receive for these reasons the name of supertranslations

1 1
ξ T “ TpxC qBu ´ D A TpxC qB A ` D A D A TpxC qBr ` ¨ ¨ ¨ (3.22)
r 2

Note that supersymmetry was found 10 years later, so this denomination has nothing to do with su-
persymmetry! Since Tpx A q is a completely arbitrary scalar field on the sphere, the exponentiation of
these vectors give rise to an abelian subgroup S of the asymptotic symmetry group, which is infinite-

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 76

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

dimensional. S admits one unique normal finite subgroup that reproduces exactly the Poincaré trans-
lations. The associated generators ξ T are built from the first 4 spherical harmonics in the decomposi-
tion of T, which verify D A DB T ` γ AB D2 T “ 0, namely Tpx A q “ a0 Y00 px A q ` am Y1m px A q, aµ P R, m P
t´1, 0, `1u. As an example, the vertical translation Bz is reproduced by a1 ‰ 0, aµ “ 0 @µ ‰ 1. Indeed,
we have Bz “ cos θBr ´ 1r sin θBθ in spherical static coordinates pt, r, θ, φq, so in retarded coordinates
Bz “ ´ cos θBu ` cos θBr ´ 1r sin θBθ .

Tpθ, φqBu

u “ u0

2 pu q i0
S8 0

Figure 3.3: BMS supertranslations

The associated conserved charges are the supermomenta. The infinitesimal canonical charges are
finite, non-vanishing, not integrable but their non-integrable piece is related to the flux passing
through null infinity,
„ ż  ż
1 ? 1 ?
δQ T “ δ d Ω
γTm ` d2 Ω γ N AB δC AB . (3.23)
4πG 32πG

As non-trivial diffeomorphisms, the supertranslations act on the asymptotically flat phase space,
transforming a geometry into another one, physically inequivalent. The Bondi news is transformed
following δT NAB “ L T NAB “ TBu NAB so supertranslations have a relationship with gravitational
radiation as we will see later. Other fields also vary non-trivially under ξ T , for example

LT C AB “ TBu C AB ´ 2D A DB T ` γ AB DC DC T, (3.24)
1 ” AB ı
LT m B “ TBu m B ` N D A DB T ` 2D A N AB DB T . (3.25)

From these relations, it is obvious that a supertranslation cannot create inertial mass, or gravita-
tional radiation. Indeed, if we apply a supertranslation on the Minkowski global vacuum m “
NAB “ C AB “ 0, we get L T m “ L T NAB “ 0. The only field that can be shifted is C AB , but
since the Bondi news remain zero, we are left with L T C AB “ ´2D A DB T ` γ AB D2 T. Recalling that
C AB “ ´2D A DB C ` γ AB D2 C in a non-radiative configuration, we deduce that the supertranslation

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 77

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

memory field C is shifted as

δT Cpx A q “ Tpx A q (3.26)

under a supertranslation. This explains half of the name of the field! The fixation of C is equivalent
to a spontaneous breaking of the supertranslation invariance between gravitational vacua, and as a
consequence C is the Goldstone boson which accompanies this breaking. It is noteworthy that the 4
Poincaré translations are not concerned by this breaking, because they consist in the 4 lowest spher-
ical harmonics of Tpx A q, which are annihilated by the differential operator ´2D A DB ` γ AB D2 . So C,
up to the first 4 harmonics, labels the various degeneracies of the gravitational field. Moreover, since
supertranslations commute with the time translation, their associated charges will commute with
the Hamiltonian which means that all these degenerate states have the same energy. This remarkable
feature of asymptotically flat gravity was only found in 2013 by Strominger [43]. Several authors
attempted to define in the last years a more precise notion of distinct gravitational vacua including

3.2.2 Lorentz algebra and superrotations

The second set of generators of the bms4 algebra is constituted by the generators with T “ 0, denoted
by ξ R and given asymptotically by

r`u u
ξ R “ R A pxC qB A ´ D A R A pxC qBr ` D A R A pxC qBu ` ¨ ¨ ¨ (3.27)
2 2

Remember that the fixation of the boundary sphere metric as a part of the boundary conditions im-
poses the conformal Killing equations (3.20). The easiest way to solve the conformal Killing equation
on S2 is to introduce complex stereographic coordinates on the sphere z “ eiφ cotpθ{2q, z̄ “ z˚ . The
unit round metric on S2 is simply the off-diagonal line element ds2S2 “ 4p1 ` zz̄q´2 dzdz̄. The pz, z̄q
component of D A R B ` DB R A “ DC RC γ AB is identically obeyed. The pz, zq and pz̄, z̄q components
simply reduce to the holomorphicity conditions Bz̄ Rz “ 0 and Bz Rz̄ “ 0. So Rz pzq is an holomorphic
function (and Rz̄ pz̄q is its antiholomorphic counterpart) which can be expanded in Laurent’s series,
and appears so as a sum of monomial terms Rz “ zk , k P Z. Considering vk “ zk Bz , we claim that
vk is globally well-defined only when k “ 0, 1, 2. Indeed, when k ă 0, zk is singular at the origin
z “ 0 (south pole θ “ π), and when k ą 2, zk is singular at the point at infinity z “ 8 (the north
pole θ “ 0), since under the transformation z Ñ w “ z´1 , vk becomes ´w2´k Bw . Three globally well-
defined (complex) vectors also come from the antiholomorphic part, so we are left with a subalgebra
of 6 well-defined conformal isometries of the sphere. The real part of this algebra gives 6 asymptotic
Killing vectors. These are nothing but the Lorentz generators. Indeed, the complexification of sop3, 1q
is isomorphic to the direct sum slp2, Rq ‘ slp2, Rq. In stereographic retarded coordinates, a simple
exercise can convince us that the Lorentz sop3, 1q vectors of Minkowski read as
´ u¯ z u u`r u
ξ R P sop3, 1q ðñ ξ R “ 1 ` R Bz ´ D z̄ Dz Rz Bz̄ ´ Dz Rz Br ` Dz Rz Bu ` c.c. (3.28)
2r 2r 2 2

with Rz P t1, z, z2 , i, iz, iz2 u. So the globally defined ξ R are simply the asymptotic Lorentz transforma-
tions. If we discard the singular generators, we finally get after exponentiation the historical form of

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 78

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

the BMS4 group:

BMS4 “ SOp3, 1q ¸ S “ Lorentz ¸ Supertranslations (3.29)

It reproduces the semi-direct structure of the Poincaré group: the Lorentz group acts non-trivially on
the abelian factor S as it does on the global translations. The only difference, and a crucial one, is that
the translational part is enhanced, which implies the degeneracy of the gravitational Poincaré vacua.

One can argue that there is no obvious reason to restrict Rz pzq to be a globally well-defined function
on the sphere. After all, conformal field theories exist on a two-sphere and singular local conformal
transformations play an important role. The proposition of Barnich and Troessaert [33] (and before
them de Boer and Solodukhin [45]) is to allow the full range of k in the Laurent spectrum of Rz pzq, gen-
eralizing the global conformal transformations to meromorphic superrotations defined from a meromor-
phic function with a finite set of poles on the sphere. The conformal Killing vectors are now obeyed
locally, except at the poles. For example, if we pick Rz “ pz ´ z0 q´1 , we get Bz̄ Rz “ 2πδ2 pz ´ z0 q. The
boundary conditions are therefore slightly enhanced, since singularities of the boundary metric γ AB
are now allowed on the two-sphere. Physically, one can interpret these singularities as cosmic strings
that reach out to null infinity as emphasized by Strominger and Zhiboedov [46]. Several problems
however arise: if one insists in defining a consistent asymptotic symmetry algebra, the commuta-
tors (3.21) imply that one needs to generalise the supertranslations to meromorphic supertranslations
with poles as well. Then, one can show that all these meromorphic supertranslations admit infinite
conserved charges for the Kerr black hole [33]. Another issue is that the energy is not bounded from
below if the phase space is enhanced consistently with the action of meromorphic superrotations [44].
These problems have not been resolved, and seem to therefore rule out meromorphic superrotations
as asymptotic symmetries.

Another set of boundary conditions was also proposed [47] with a distinct notion of superrotations,
based on the equivalence [48] of the Ward identities of superrotation conservation with the sub-
leading soft graviton theorem [49]. For these boundary conditions, the leading order metric g AB is
allowed to fluctuate, except its determinant. The superrotations are arbitrary diffeomorphisms on
the two sphere, leading to the proposed asymptotic symmetry group

Extended BMS4 “ Superrotations ¸ Supertranslations (3.30)

However, the phase space including the definition of surface charges associated with these superro-
tation has not been totally worked out, which does not allow us to conclude on the existence of such
consistent boundary conditions.

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 79

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

3.2.3 Gravitational memory effects

In this short section, we want to provide evidences that BMS symmetries are more than mathematical
artefacts acting on the phase space, but really intervene in some physical phenomena, known as
gravitational memory effects.

Displacement memory effect

Let us consider a couple of inertial observers (that we will refer to as the "detector") travelling near
future null infinity I ` . The detector is localized in a region with no gravitational radiation or more
generally no null signal at both late and early (retarded) times. Let us declare that the radiation
is turned on at u “ ui and stops at u “ u f . For any value of retarded time excluded from the
interval rui , u f s, the Bondi news tensor and the matter stress-tensor are identically zero by hypothesis.
The detector, which moves on a timelike trajectory in the far region, experiences null radiation only
during the time interval ∆u “ u f ´ ui . We will show that their constant separation will be permanently
shifted due to the wave in a precise way. See Figure 3.4.


u “ uf

u “ ui


Figure 3.4: Displacement memory effect.

The two inertial observers forming the detector follow a timelike geodesics in the vicinity of I ` ,
characterised by a 4-velocity vµ . Since their trajectories are located near I ` , we can admit that vµ Bµ “
Bu up to subleading corrections (necessary for vµ to verify vµ vµ “ ´1 ` O pr´2 q in Bondi gauge). The
separation between the two geodesic trajectories is given by the deviation vector sµ which is solution
of the famous equation of geodesic deviation :

∇v ∇v sµ “ R αβγ V
V β sγ (3.31)

where ∇v “ vµ ∇µ is the directional derivative along vµ . We suppose that both detectors move on the
same celestial sphere so sr “ 0. We get

1 2
r2 γ AB Bu2 s B “ RuAuB s B ðñ γ AB Bu2 s B “ B C AB s B (3.32)
2r u

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 80

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

after using RuAuB “ ´ 2r Bu2 C AB ` O pr0 q as one can check using the metric in Bondi gauge. Let us
introduce the perturbation of the deviation vector as s B “ siB ` r´1 ∆s B , or ∆s B “ rps Bf ´ siB q. Using
∆u ! r, we can integrate on u to get

γ AB ∆s B “ ∆C AB siB ` O pr´2 q . (3.33)

Therefore, if the field ∆C AB is non-zero during the time interval rui , u f s, the deviation between the
two inertial observers of the detector will be irreversibly shifted : this is the displacement memory
effect ! This is a DC effect. Flashing a light between these two observers will measure the shift, which
is therefore detectable. This was first observed by Zeldovich and Polnarev in 1974 [50].

Let us now study the causes of such a displacement. Any process that can change the tensor C AB will
lead to the displacement. We integrate the variation of the Bondi mass aspect (3.9) between ui and u f
to get simply ż uf
∆m “ D A D B ∆C AB ´ du Tuu (3.34)
4 ui

If the spacetime is stationary before ui and after u f :

∆C AB “ C AB, f ´ C AB,i “ ´2D A DB ∆C ` γ AB D2 ∆C (3.35)

Injecting this in the previous relation, we obtain that the shift of supertranslation memory field ∆C
obeys a quartic elliptic equation which is sourced by 3 qualitatively distinct terms :
ż uf „ 
1 1
´ pD2 ` 2qD2 ∆C “ ∆m ` du NAB N AB ` 4π lim pr2 Tuu
q (3.36)
4 ui 8 rÑ8

The displacement memory detector will trigger for each of the following causes:

B If the Bondi mass aspect varies between ui and u f . This is sometimes called ordinary memory,
but it is not ordinary to our common sense! For example, a single massive body containing
a string that suddently separate into two parts due to a trigger will modify the Bondi mass
aspect m because the mass will suddenly possess a strong dipolar component. What Einstein
gravity tells us is that a signal is sent at null infinity with that information, and the memory
effect follows.

B If null matter reaches I ` between ui and u f . This is sometimes called the null memory effect. For
example, electromagnetic radiation causes the displacement memory effect.

B And finally, if gravitational waves pass through I ` between ui and u f . This is sometimes called
the Christodoulou effect [51, 52], even though it was earlier found by Blanchet and Damour in
post-Newtonian formalism [53, 54].

The displacement memory effect was never observed at the time of writing, but it may be observed
soon by gravitational wave detectors [55] or pulsar timing arrays.

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 81

3.2. Asymptotic symmetries : the BMS 4 group

Spin memory effect

Given the intimate relationship between BMS supertranslations and the displacement memory ef-
fect, namely the existence of the canonical variable Cpx A q, the supertranslation memory field; and
given the role of superrotations, Pasterski, Strominger and Zhiboedov raised and answered in 2015
[56] the following question: is there a gravitational memory effect associated with superrotations?
While displacement memory is sourced by moments of the energy flux through null infinity – see
equation (3.36) – this second memory effect is sourced by moments of the angular momentum flux,
so it bears the name of spin memory effect.

The starting point is that in the decomposition of C AB (3.14), Ψ is zero at retarded times without
radiation, but uif du Ψ can still be measured. Note that the polarisation mode Ψ is a pseudo-scalar
which flips under parity. In order to measure it, let’s consider the following thought experiment.
We consider light rays which orbit a circle C of radius L (like a toroid optic fiber, or a circular wall
of mirrors) in the vicinity of I ` . The photons are allowed to travel clockwise or counterclockwise
in this system. Again we assume that no null radiation passes through the system at early and late
times. The system experiences the passage of radiation which carries non-trivial angular momentum
(NA ‰ 0) during a finite range of retarded time rui , u f s, as before. Let us denote by ∆u the relative
time delay between the clockwise and counterclockwise light rays. For u ă ui , we set the system
such that ∆u “ 0. The spin memory effect resides in the fact the ∆u is no more zero at late time after
the null radiation has passed. After a computation explained in [56], one gets
ż ż ´
1 ¯
∆u “ du D A C AB dx B . (3.37)
2πL C

This integral is independent of C and therefore only depends upon Ψ. In order to see it, compute
D A C AB using the decomposition (3.14). The terms involving C lead to D A C AB “ ´2DB pD2 ` 2qC
which is a total derivative on the circle, and therefore leads to a vanishing integral on the closed cir-
cle. Therefore, ∆u is only function of uif du Ψ.

The sources of spin memory can be obtained by integrating the conservation law of the angular mo-
mentum density (3.10) between ui and u f . The definite integral of the first term on the right-hand side
does not depend upon C as one can check. It leads to some differential operator acting on uif du Ψ,
symbolically denoted by D uif du Ψ. The rest of the right-hand side brings a total contribution of the
null matter and gravitational wave sources: ´ uif du T̂uA . We therefore find
ż uf ż uf
D du Ψ “ ∆NA ` du T̂uA (3.38)
ui ui

There is a decomposition of the origin of the spin memory effect into 3 qualitative classes similar to
the displacement memory effect: a change of angular momentum aspect, angular momentum flux
from null matter and angular momentum flux from gravitational waves.

The effect is subleading with respect to the displacement memory effect and is probably not observ-
able by the current 2G technology of gravitational wave detectors [57].

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 82

3.3. Scattering problem and junction conditions

3.3 Scattering problem and junction conditions

We close this lecture about asymptotically flat spacetimes by a little glance at the very fundamental
scattering problem in General Relativity. Let us first consider scattering of null radiation (null matter
fields or gravitational waves) around Minkowski spacetime. We are interested in relating the out
states at I ` to the in states at I ´ . Are there universal constraints among these S -matrix elements?
This is the question that Strominger asked and answered in his 2013 paper [43].

A basic observation is that so far we found an asymptotic symmetry group at I ` , the BMS group
(with or with extension depending upon the boundary conditions). From now on we will add a
superscript BMS` to our notation to remind us where this group is defined. It is not difficult to con-
vince yourself that exactly the same construction can be performed at I ´ upon switching retarded
to advanced coordinates. There is therefore a BMS´ asymptotic symmetry group. Now, acting with
symmetries on the initial state should be reflected on the final state. There cannot be independent
symmetries acting on both the initial and final states, otherwise the scattering problem would not be
defined! The BMS group is therefore defined as a diagonal subgroup of the product BMS` ˆ BMS´ .

But which diagonal subgroup? Or in other words, how to identify the generators at I ` with the
ones at I ´ ? The crucial clue is that propagating fields around Minkowski spacetime obey universal
antipodal matching conditions at spatial infinity. For each bulk field Φi , one can define its limit at I `
` ´
and then take u Ñ ´8 which defines the field at I´ . Similarly, one can define the field at I` . An
antipodal matching condition would mean that

Φi pθ, φq|I ` “ Φi pπ ´ θ, φ ` πq|I ´ (3.39)

´ `

Now it turns out that the electromagnetic Liénard-Wierchert field describing the retarded electro-
magnetic field of a uniformly moving source obeys these antipodal matching conditions. The metric
of the boosted Kerr black hole is also expected to obey these conditions. Moreover, these conditions
are CPT invariant and Lorentz invariant.

A complementary perspective comes from perturbative quantum gravity. The S -matrix should be
BMS invariant in the sense that acting with BMS charges on the “in” state and “out” states commute:
Q` ´
T S “ S Q T . These relationships are Ward identities known are Weinberg’ soft theorems (for super-
translations) and Cachazo-Strominger’s subleading soft theorems (for superrotations). It has been
checked that around Minkowski spacetime, the antipodal matching conditions are compatible with
these soft theorems, which validates their range of applicability around Minkowski spacetime.

Now, it has not been derived whether or not this antipodal map is generally valid for any subleading
field in the asymptotic expansion close to null infinity, and for spacetimes with other causal struc-
tures, such as spacetimes containing a black hole formed from collapse. For the leading order fields,
consistent boundary conditions exist which admit antipodal matching boundary conditions both in
4d Einstein gravity [58] and 3d Einstein gravity [59].

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 83

3.3. Scattering problem and junction conditions

Assuming that these antipodal matching conditions hold in generality directly leads to conservation
laws. Indeed, physical quantities depends upon the fields, so if all relevant fields are antipodally
` ´
matched, the conserved charges at I´ and I` (either supertranslations or superrotations) are related
by the antipodal map symbolically denoted by AntiPodMapp˝q,

Q|I ` “ AntiPodMappQq|I ´ (3.40)

´ `

Using the conservation laws of these charges, of the form Bu Q “ J u and Bv Q “ J v , we deduce by
integration along u and v the conservation laws
ż ˆż ˙
u v
du J ` Q|I ` “ AntiPodMap dv J ` Q|I ´ . (3.41)
` ´

These (supertranslation and superrotation) conservations laws are the conservation of energy and an-
gular momentum at each angle on the 2-sphere.

This topic is still under investigation, especially in relationship with black holes since it has been
conjectured to be relevant if not crucial to resolve the black hole information paradox [60, 61] !

The BMS group of supertranslations and Lorentz transformations of 4-dimensional asymptotically
flat spacetimes was described in the founding papers of 1962 [62, 63]. The proposed extension by
meromorphic superrotations and supertranslations was done in [45, 64, 33]. The proposed extension
to diffeomorphisms on the 2-sphere was done in [48, 47].

The displacement memory effect was independently discovered from the three qualitatively distinct
sources of displacement memory: the change of Bondi mass aspect [50], gravitational wave flux
[53, 54, 51, 52] and null matter radiation [65]. The spin memory effect was described in [56]. Experi-
mental prospects include [55, 57].

The renewal of the topic of BMS symmetries is largely due to the work on BMS invariance of scatter-
ing [43] (where the supertranslation memory field was first described) and the triangle relationship
between BMS supertranslation symmetries, Weinberg’ soft graviton theorem [66] and the displace-
ment memory effect [67].

The latest proposal to solve the black hole information paradox using BMS soft hair [61] slightly dif-
fers from the first proposal [60] (briefly mentioned in [67]).

These lectures are also based on several reviews and papers [68, 69, 44, 70, 71].

Lecture 3. Asymptotically flat spacetimes 84

Lecture 4

Rotating black holes

For this last lecture, we will focus on particular properties of astrophysically realistic 4d black holes,
which are rotating and uncharged. We will concentrate on stationary asymptotically flat black holes,
that admit by definition an asymptotically timelike Killing vector Bt . The rigidity theorem due to
Hawking states that “stationarity implies axisymmetry” so these solutions also possess an additional
axial Killing vector Bφ . Such black holes have necessarily spherical topology. They contain a sin-
gularity hidden by an event horizon which is also a Killing horizon. They are exactly described by
the Kerr black hole solution found in 1963. Quite remarkably, the Kerr black hole solution is also a
dynamical attractor: it is the final state of collapse of matter. It is therefore one of the most important
analytical solutions of Einstein’s equations due to its universality! First of all, we will review the
main features of this rich spacetime, before entering in more advanced considerations.

In a second step, we will study the maximally spinning limit of the Kerr solution, the extremal Kerr
black hole. The extremal Kerr black hole lies at the frontier between the regular Kerr black holes
and naked singularities which are thought to be unphysical (it would be proven unphysical if one
could prove Penrose’s cosmic censorship). The third law of black hole mechanics states that it is im-
possible to spin up a black hole beyond the maximal limit because the extremal black hole has zero
Hawking temperature and no physical process can reach absolute zero temperature. If one attempts
to send finely-tuned particles or waves into a near-extremal black hole in order to further approach
extremality, one realizes that there is a smaller and smaller window of parameters that allows one to
do so. On the other hand, if one starts with an extremal black hole, one can simply throw in a massive
particle to make the black hole non-extremal : therefore, extremal black holes are finely tuned and
unreachable black holes.

The extremal Kerr black hole is a very interesting solution because it admits special near horizon lim-
its with enhanced conformal symmetry which shares features with anti-de Sitter spacetimes where
holography and therefore quantum gravity is most understood. The attempts (with successes and
failures) to describe the extremal Kerr black hole with holographic techniques is called the Kerr/CFT
correspondence and will be briefly reviewed here.

The final part of these lectures will be devoted to the analysis of gravitational perturbations around
Kerr geometries. The Kerr black hole is currently under experimental tests by the LIGO-Virgo grav-
itational wave detectors. Indeed, the final stages of black hole mergers consists in a quasi-normal
mode ringing of the resulting black hole which is well-described by perturbation theory around the
Kerr black hole. Since the Kerr black hole only depends upon 2 parameters, namely the mass and
angular momentum, the resonance frequencies (the quasi-normal modes) of the black holes are char-
acteric signatures of Einstein gravity. The emerging experimental science of black hole spectroscopy
will soon test the limits of Einstein gravity and look for possible deviations!

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 85

4.1. The Kerr solution — Review of the main features

4.1 The Kerr solution — Review of the main features

4.1.1 Metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates

The Kerr metric describes the most general regular asymptotically flat, stationary and axisymmetric
spacetime in 4d Einstein gravity. In Boyer-Lindquist coordinates pt, r, θ, φq the metric reads as

∆` dr2 sin2 θ ` 2
ˆ ˙
˘2 ˘2
ds “ ´ dt ´ a sin2 θdφ ` Σ 2
` dθ ` pr ` a2 qdφ ´ adt (4.1)
Σ ∆ Σ

∆prq fi r2 ´ 2GMr ` a2 ,
Σpr, θq fi r2 ` a2 cos2 θ.
In the following, we will set G “ 1. The metric possesses 2 Killing vectors, Bt and Bφ , because its com-
ponents do not depend on these coordinates. Contrary to the Schwarzschild black holes, the Kerr
solution is not static, since the time reversal transformation t Ñ ´t does not preserve the cross-term
dtdφ. The mixed term between t and φ has the effect of “dragging” the spacetime along with the
rotating body, just as water being dragged along by the surface of an immersed spinning ball. This
effect of “frame dragging” is very important in the discussion of the physical properties of Kerr black
holes, and it can be shown that it is responsible of the gyroscopic precession of test-rotating bodies,
called the “Lense-Thirring effect”.

Kerr black holes form a 2-parameter family of solutions labeled by M and a. M is the surface charge
associated to Bt when evaluated on the sphere at infinity, so it’s clearly the total energy (or total mass
since we are in the rest frame) of the black hole. The second Killing vector ´Bφ gives rise to another
conserved surface charge which is J “ aM, the angular momentum, so the parameter a “ J{M is the
specific angular momentum.

4.1.2 Killing horizon and black hole thermodynamics

The metric admits a physical singularity at Σ “ 0 because the curvature invariant Rµναβ Rµναβ blows
up at that locus. For a ‰ 0, it can be shown to be a ring, known as the ring singularity of Kerr.
Assuming that Penrose’s cosmic censorship principle is true, this singularity must be shielded by a
event horizon.

The metric (4.1) admits several coordinate singularities. First at θ “ 0, π one has the familiar polar
coordinate singularities which can be removed by switching to local cartesian coordinates. Second,
at ∆prq “ 0 the first term in (4.1) vanishes while the dr2 term blows up. This occurs for 2 values of r,
denoted by r˘ “ M ˘ M2 ´ a2 , since ∆prq is a quadratic function of r. The outer value r “ r` is the
event horizon H` of the black hole, which we will prove later on. The existence of the event horizon
bounds the angular momentum as
´Mďaď M (4.3)

If a ą M, there is no event horizon and the curvature singularity is naked, which is unphysical, so
we assume that the bound (4.3) holds in Nature.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 86

4.1. The Kerr solution — Review of the main features

The horizon r “ r` is in fact a Killing horizon: its null rays are generated by a Killing vector, ξ “
Bt ` Ω H Bφ . One can check that Ω H “ a
2Mr` is such that ξ 2 “ 0 at H` and ∇ξ ξ µ “ κξ µ at H`
where κ is the surface gravity of the black hole (with respect to the unit normalized generator such
that ξ 2 “ ´1 at spatial infinity). Thanks to the groundbreaking Hawking result of 1974, the surface
gravity determines the Hawking temperature of the black hole to be

κ pr` ´ Mq
TH “ “ . (4.4)
2π 4πMr`

Due to the rotation, the Kerr black hole possesses a second Killing horizon, which is called the inner
horizon defined at the radius r´ ď r` . This horizon is a Cauchy horizon as we will discuss below.
The limiting case a “ M is called the extremal case. The extremal black hole only possesses one hori-
zon and the Hawking temperature is identically zero. The third law of thermodynamics prevents
a thermal system to reach zero temperature. Anagolously, no physical process exists that allows to
reach an exactly extremal black hole.

The area of the outer horizon divided by 4 (4Gh̄ in MKSA units) has the interpretation of microscopic
entropy of the black hole thanks to the famous 1973 Bardeen, Carter and Hawking result [72] on black
hole thermodynamics combined with Hawking’s 1974 result [73] on the identification of black hole
temperature, with earlier insights from Bekenstein [74]. The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the Kerr
black holes is
SBH “ “ 2πMr` (4.5)
For an extremal black hole, r` “ M “ a and Sext 2
BH “ 2πM “ 2π J.

One of the main challenge of a theory of quantum gravity theory is to account for this entropy! It
obeys the first law of black hole thermodynamics

TH δSBH “ δM ´ Ω H δJ. (4.6)

and the second law of thermodynamics which states that the entropy of the outer universe plus the
black hole entropy always increases.

4.1.3 Ergoregion
The concept of energy as measured by an asymptotic observer is the conserved quantity associated
with Bt . An interesting feature of the Kerr solution is that Bt becomes spacelike beyond a specific
surface known as the ergosphere. The metric component gtt “ ´p∆ ´ a2 sin2 θq{Σ vanishes at the
ergosphere radius rerg “ M ` M2 ´ a2 cos2 θ. The ergosphere lies outside the event horizon and
therefore delimits a region called the ergoregion which is depicted in Figure 4.1. Since the energy
becomes qualitatively similar to a (spacelike) momentum in that region from the point of view of
an asymptotic observer, the energy can take a negative sign locally while remaining globally posi-
tive. This leads to many important phenomena of energy extraction from a Kerr black hole, either
by particles (the Penrose process), waves (the superradiant effect) or astrophysical accretion disks (the
Blandford-Znajek process). . .

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 87

4.1. The Kerr solution — Review of the main features

ph izo




Figure 4.1: Ergoregion of the Kerr black hole (t fixed).

4.1.4 Event horizon and Cauchy horizon

In order to clarify the notions of event horizon and Cauchy horizon we need to clarify the causal
structure of the Kerr metric. For that purpose, let us draw the corresponding Penrose diagrams. We
only consider the non-extremal case r´ ă r` . Extremal diagrams are formally obtained by removing
the inner parts between the horizons r “ r` and r “ r´ and gluing them. We refer to the excellent
Carter lectures for details. The maximal extension of the non-extremal Kerr black hole is obtained by
gluing up an infinite sequence of two Penrose diamonds that are depicted in Figures 4.2a and 4.2b.
The orange parts with same opacity are overlapping and must be glued.





i` i` i´ i´




Ring singularity

Ring singularity




i0 r “ rerg r “ rerg i0 i0 i0








i´ i´ i` i`





(a) Penrose diagram for r ą r´ (b) Penrose diagram for r ă r´

Figure 4.2: Penrose diagrams for Kerr spacetime.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 88

4.1. The Kerr solution — Review of the main features

Note that these diagrams share some features with the non-extremal BTZ ones. The major difference
concerns the lateral shapes. For BTZ, we get straight vertical lines, which are the signature of the
AdS3 asymptotic geometry of BTZ, while for Kerr we get diamonds, which reflect the asymptotic
flatness of the spacetime!

The physical meaning of the inner horizon r “ r´ becomes clear on the Penrose conformal diagram
4.2a. We will actually show that the surface is a Cauchy horizon. Physics usually requires the existence
of a Cauchy surface Σ, which is an hypersurface that all light rays and massive particle trajectories
intersect exactly once. Then hyperbolic field equations will determine unambiguously the past and
future behaviour of their solutions when initial data is taken on Σ. Now, the point is that if the region
beyond r “ r´ is taking into account, no Cauchy hypersurface exists. Indeed, if we pick a point P1 at
radii larger than the inner horizon r “ r´ , the past lightcone of P1 entirely crosses Σ (see Figure 4.3),
so the physics at P1 is entirely determined by the initial data given on Σ. Let us now take a point P2
beyond r “ r´ . After drawing the past lightcone in this point, we see that it also requires information
from the other asymptotic region I ´ and so the initial data on Σ is not sufficient to determine the
event at P2 . This prevents the existence of a single Cauchy surface. The surface beyond which the
events are no more causally determined by Σ is the Cauchy horizon!






i` i`





i0 i0
Cauchy surface Σ

Figure 4.3: The inner horizon is a Cauchy horizon.

In fact, numerical analysis shows that any perturbation falling into a Kerr black hole leads to a phys-
ical curvature singularity before reaching the Cauchy horizon. It is therefore safe to assume that the
region beyond the inner horizon is unphysical. Science-fiction movies like to exploit the wormhole
which connects the asymptotic region I ´ of Figure 4.2b to the asymptotic region I ` of Figure 4.2b.
More precisely, one can imagine a spaceship falling into the black hole (crossing r “ r` ), passing
the Cauchy horizon, avoiding the ring singularity and emerging from the asymptotic flat region on
the right-hand side of Figure 4.2b. This scenario is however unphysical because the classical journey
will end at the Cauchy horizon where curvature blows up. Only quantum gravity can tell us what
happens then...

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 89

4.1. The Kerr solution — Review of the main features

4.1.5 Linear stability of black holes

The question of stability of a given spacetime is crucial if one looks at the relevant solutions which
one could observe in Nature. Indeed, if we consider a spacetime pM, gq whose metric tensor is per-
turbed gµν Ñ gµν ` hµν , and if this spacetime is totally disrupted in the long run even by small
perturbations, it cannot be a long-lived solution of gravity which will be actually observed!

The most simple case to treat is obviously the flat spacetime, whose non-linear stability has been
proven by Christodoulou and Klainerman in the nineties [42] (see also the lecture 3 on asymptotically
flat spacetimes). By non-linear stability, we mean that, under some weak assumptions, any non-linear
perturbation of the Minkowski metric will lead to a spacetime that asymptotes to Minkowski at late
times. All perturbations will decay. For some large perturbations, the gravitational field may become
so important that an asymptotically flat black hole appears. When a black hole has formed, the sta-
bility question can also be addressed but this time in terms of perturbations of a stationary black hole.

The linear stability of the static Schwarzschild solution has been proven [75, 76]. It means that if one
imposes a small perturbation gµν Ñ gµν ` hµν where hµν obeys the linearised equations of motion, all
frequencies of the Fourier modes of hµν will have a negative imaginary part: all perturbations will
decay. A similar statement has been obtained for non-extremal Kerr black holes [77, 78]: it implies
that the Kerr black hole is relevant to describe the late stages of gravitational collapse.

Now, something special occurs for extremal black holes. The key point is that the event horizon co-
incides with the Cauchy horizon. We just saw that a non-extremal black hole has a distinct event
horizon located at r “ r` and Cauchy horizon located at r “ r´ . For an extremal black hole, the Pen-
rose diagram collapses such that r “ r` “ r´ is at the same time the event horizon and the Cauchy
horizon. We have discussed that the Cauchy horizon is linearly unstable to gravitational perturba-
tions. We can therefore expect that the event horizon will admit unstable modes along the horizon.

Indeed, it has been recently shown that rotating and charged black holes in their extremal regime are
linearly unstable under respectively gravitational or electromagnetic perturbations [79] ! A generic
perturbation of an extremal black hole will produce a non-extremal black hole, and all perturba-
tions will decay consistently with the linear stability results. Some perturbations keep the black hole
extremal, and those perturbations are the ones of interest. If one fine-tunes the perturbation to be ex-
tremal and leading to an unstable mode, the perturbation leads to infinite gradients at the location of
the event horizon, but no curvature singularity appears. The non-linear final state is not a stationary
extremal black hole, but a non-stationary extremal black hole [80].

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 90

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

4.2 Extremal rotating black holes

There are two very different motivations to study the extremal Kerr black hole:

B From the point of view of quantum gravity. The extremal Kerr black hole is an intermediate case
between the physical but hard to study non-extremal Kerr black hole and unphysical but easier
to comprehend supersymmetric (and therefore extremal) black holes in string theory;

B From the point of view of observational science. This black hole is a limit for near-extremal Kerr
black holes with very specific observational signatures.

The first motivation led to the Kerr/CFT correspondence [81], which is an attempt to relate the extremal
Kerr black hole with a dual CFT, with partial successes and failures, see the review [82]. The second
motivation led to several analytical analyses of physical processes around black holes and identifica-
tions of “smoking gun” observational signatures for either electromagnetic or gravitational wave as-
tronomy. This topic is under active development at the time of writing these lectures (see [83, 84, 85]).

As a physicist, one should ask: are there nearly extremal black holes in Nature? By the third law of
black hole thermodynamics, we can never reach extremality. In 1974, Thorne gave a precise bound
on how high the spin can be using a specific thin disk accretion disk model which spins up the black
hole up to
J ď 0.998 M2 (4.7)

where the absorption cross-section of retrograde photons emitted from the disk exceeds the cross-
section of prograde photons. If the black hole spins faster, it will accrete too many photons with
retrograde orbital motion which will spin down the black hole. However, this bound is only valid
for one specific model of disk accretion and it can be beaten!

Astronomical observations give encouraging results: the stellar mass black holes known as GRS
1905+105 and Cygnus X-1 have been claimed to admit J{M2 ą 98%. Also some supermassive black
holes at the center of galaxies MGC-6-30-15, or 1H 0707-495 have also been claimed to have a spin
ratio higher than 98%...

In theory, it is practical to use the parameter λ defined as

λ“ 1´ (4.8)

in order to measure how close one is from extremality. Schwarzschild has λ “ 1 and extremal Kerr
has λ “ 0. What we are after is near extremal black holes with λ “ 10´3 or even 10´6 where the near-
extremal features that we are going to describe really express themselves in physical phenomena.
A famous science-fiction example of nearly extremal Kerr black hole is “Gargantua” in Interstellar
which, according to Thorne [86], needs to have λ ă 10´7 in order to be consistent with key features
of the movie script. Let’s now go to the physics.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 91

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

4.2.1 Near horizon geometries

Let us use from now on the two parameters M, λ to denote a generic Kerr black hole. The event
horizon and Cauchy horizon lie at radii r˘ “ Mp1 ˘ λq. What happens in the limit λ Ñ 0? From the
point of view of the asymptotic observer, the geometry becomes the one of extremal Kerr. But from
the point of view of an observer close to the black hole horizon, something very different happens.

We start from the Boyer-Lindquist patch pt, r, θ, φq. For an observer close to the horizon, we need
switch to a coordinate system corotating with the black hole by taking

Φ “ φ ´ Ωext
H t “ φ´ ` Opλq (4.9)

up to terms small in the near-extremal limit λ ! 1. Moreover, we need to resolve the radius and time
which are not good coordinates close to the horizon so we define
t ´p
T “ 2Mκ λ
r´r` p (4.10)
R “ κ M λ

where 0 ă p ă 1 and κ is any real normalization. In the limit λ Ñ 0, we can write the Kerr metric as

„ 
ds “ 2M Γpθq ´R dT ` 2 ` dθ ` ΛpθqpdΦ ` RdTq ` O pλ p q
2 2 2 2 2 2

where Γpθq “ p1 ` cos2 θq{2 and Λpθq “ 2 sin θ{p1 ` cos2 θq are two geometrical factors. This metric is
known as the near horizon extremal Kerr geometry or NHEK geometry.

Choosing instead p “ 1, we zoom even closer to the horizon and the near-horizon limit changes to

„ 
ds2 “ 2M2 Γpθq ´RpR ` 2κqdT 2 ` ` dθ 2 ` ΛpθqpdΦ ` pR ` κqdTq2 ` O pλq. (4.12)
RpR ` 2κq

This is the so-called near-NHEK metric [87, 88]. For p ą 1 or p ă 0, the limit is not well-defined, so
that’s all we can do.

There are therefore 3 different extremal geometries from Kerr depending on the type of observer that
one is considering! Moreover, these regions formally decouple in the extremal limit, but they never
exactly decouple for a nearly extremal black hole. They are summarized in Figure 4.4. Already an
interesting consequence of the time definition (4.10) is that the relative gravitational redshift between
the (near-)NHEK and extremal Kerr geometries is formally infinite in the limit λ Ñ 0. This leads
to very interesting phenomena of high energy collisions in the near-horizon region between near-
horizon waves and exterior waves entering the near-horizon region which are highly blueshifted in
the near-horizon frame.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 92

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

Extremal Kerr


Figure 4.4: The three asymptotically decouped regions of Kerr in the near-extremal regime.

Let’s now describe the geometry of (near-)NHEK. In fact, NHEK and near-NHEK are diffeomorphic
to each other so we only need to discuss the NHEK geometry. The explicit diffeomorphism is

1 κT a
R1 “ e RpR ` 2κq, (4.13)
T 1 “ ´e´κT a , (4.14)
RpR ` κq
1 R
Φ1 “ Φ ´ log (4.15)
2 R ` 2κ

as you can check! The NHEK geometry contains the line element ´R2 dT 2 ` dR2 {R2 which is exactly
AdS2 spacetime in Poincaré coordinates. AdS2 spacetime contains 3 Killing vectors which form a
SLp2, Rq algebra. This symmetry algebra is in fact lifted to a symmetry algebra of the entire NHEK
geometry, together with the Up1q with BΦ . The 4 Killing vectors are BT and BΦ together with the scale
ξ 3 “ TBT ´ RBR (4.16)

and another non-trivial exact symmetry

ˆ ˙
1 1
ξ4 “ ` BT ´ TRBR ´ BΦ (4.17)
2R2 2 R

The careful reader would have already derived the existence of the symmetry ξ 3 : rescaling T by κ
and R by κ ´1 does not change the metric as we saw in (4.10), which is the finite version of the Killing
symmetry! Since BΦ commutes with the 3 other Killing vectors, the symmetry algebra of the NHEK

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 93

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

geometry is

SLp2, Rq ˆ Up1q. (4.18)

The existence of conformal SLp2, Rq symmetry in the near-horizon region of a nearly extremal Kerr
black hole implies that physics in the near-horizon region can be described as critical phenomena.
This motivated the recent exploration of magnetospheres, electromagnetic emission, accretion and
gravitational wave emission from the NHEK region which all carry critical behavior caused by ap-
proximate conformal invariance.

4.2.2 Extremal BTZ black holes and their dual CFT description
In 3d gravity, we have shown during the second lecture that it exists boundary conditions (Brown-
Henneaux) such that asymptotically AdS3 spacetimes form a phase space whose asymptotic symme-
try group is the direct product of two copies of the Virasoro group which is the infinite-dimensional
2d conformal group. This shows that quantum gravity with Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions,
if it exists, is a conformal field theory, or in other words can be described in dual terms in the lan-
guage of a 2d CFT. (The existence of quantum gravity may require an embedding in string theory.)

In particular, extremal BTZ black holes can be understood as particular states of the dual CFT, and
their entropy can be understood from a microscopic counting in the dual CFT. Since this situation is
very well understood, we will start by reviewing these results as a starter for describing the attempt
at describing the extremal Kerr black hole with a CFT.

Extremal BTZ geometry and near-horizon limit

The asymptotic boundary cylinder of AdS3 is naturally described by boundary lightcone coordinates
x˘ “ t{` ˘ φ. The extremal BTZ black hole in Fefferman-Graham coordinates r, x˘ is given by

ˆ ˙ˆ ˙
2 4L´ ´ 4L` `
ds “ `2 2 ´ rdx ´ ``
dx ´
rdx ´ ` dx (4.19)
r r r

where L˘ are constant and related to the physical charges by M` “ L` ` L´ , J “ L` ´ L´ . Remember

that the event horizon lies at r “ 0 in these coordinates. The extremal limit is given by |J| “ M`. Let
us choose the branch J “ `M`, or equivalently, L´ “ 0. The other extremal branch is similar with
L` exchanged with L´ . In the extremal limit, the line element simply reads as

ds2ext “ `2 ´ r2 dx` dx´ ` 4J `pdx` q2 . (4.20)

What is the angular velocity in the extremal limit? Let us recall that the vector ξ “ Bt ` Ω H Bφ must
generate the event horizon. In null coordinates
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 1 1
ξ “ pB` ` B´ q ` Ω H pB` ´ B´ q “ ` Ω H B` ` ´ Ω H B` (4.21)
` ` `

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 94

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

But by definition this vector must be null on the horizon (r “ 0), so

ˆ ˙2
1 1
ext µ ν ext
` Ωext “ 0 ùñ Ωext

ξ r“0
“ gµν ξ ξ “ g`` pξ ` q2 “ 4J ` H H “´ (4.22)
` `

The near-horizon limit can be obtained from the strict extremal solution by introducing a near-
horizon coordinate system depending on a small parameter λ running to zero. The adapted change
of coordinates is found to be
$ a

& t “ λ? J `
pt, r, φq Ñ pT, R, Φq : r “ ` λR (4.23)
’ a
φ “ Φ ` Ωext T
H λ

In the limit λ Ñ 0, the metric becomes

˜ c ¸
2 2dR2 J 4J 2
ds “ ` ´ 2R dTdΦ ` dΦ (4.24)
4R2 ` `
» ˜ d ¸2 fi
` – dR 2 16J `
“ ´ R2 dT 2 ` dΦ ´ RdT fl (4.25)
4 R2 ` 16J

The structure of the line element is very similar to the NHEK geometry. Again, we recognize the
metric as a combination of AdS2 with the metric on the Up1q circle (with a non-trivial fibration on the
AdS2 ). The exact symmetry group is again exactly SLp2, Rq ˆ Up1q. The Killing vectors BT and BΦ are
again enhanced with the vectors ξ 3 and ξ 4 !

Chiral zero temperature states and chiral sector of a CFT

Let us now turn to the dual CFT interpretation of extremal BTZ black holes. We remember that the
non-extremal BTZ black hole can be described as a thermal ensemble in the dual CFT. What about
the extremal BTZ black hole? It admits L´ “ 0 as we saw (or L` “ 0 if we choose the other chiral
branch). It also has zero Hawking temperature which is dual to the temperature of the thermal en-
semble in the CFT. So the state that is dual to the extremal BTZ black hole is an ensemble of chiral
states (L´ “ 0) with zero temperature.

Let us see how it fits with the asymptotic symmetry group analysis. We saw that assuming Brown-
Henneaux boundary conditions, the asymptotic symmetry group consists of two copies of the Vira-
soro algebra. What happens when one takes the near-horizon limit of the extremal BTZ black hole?
The change of coordinates of the boundary lightcone coordinates is

t t 2T a
x` “ `φ “ Φ ; x´ “ ´φ “ J` ´ Φ (4.26)
` ` λ

In the limit λ Ñ 8, functions of x` are well-defined but functions of x´ are not. It implies that
right-movers are allowed in the near-horizon limit, but left-movers need to be set to the ground state.
Therefore, the phase space described in (2.57) does not admit a near-horizon limit. We need to set
L´ px´ q “ 0. In fact, the asymptotic symmetries are really “symplectic symmetries” acting every-

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 95

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

where in the bulk of spacetime including in the near-horizon region. It is a consequence of the fact
that the canonical charges do not depend on the radius and that the canonical Poisson bracket be-
tween the charges can be defined at any radius. After performing the near-horizon limit, the resulting
chiral phase space is described by the metric
» ˜ d ¸2 fi
` 2 dR 2 16L pΦq `
ds2 “ – ´ R2 dT 2 ` dΦ ´ RdT fl . (4.27)
4 R2 ` 16L` pΦq

The exact symmetry group SLp2, Rq ˆ Up1q of the near-horizon BTZ geometry is therefore enhanced
to the asymptotic symmetry group

SLp2, Rq ˆ Up1qR Ñ SLp2, Rq L ˆ VirR (4.28)

since the Up1qR symmetry refers to BΦ which is enhanced. (In fact, the SLp2, Rq L symmetry is strictly
not present in the asymptotic symmetry group since its charges are all zero and therefore trivial, but
since it is a Killing symmetry the factor is usually kept.) The dual field theory corresponding to the
phase space of extremal geometries with excitations consistent with the near-horizon limit is there-
fore the original CFT but amputated to a chiral sector.

The chiral nature of the state dual to extremal BTZ black hole, and the corresponding chiral excita-
tions that still exist in the near-horizon limit are illustrated in Figure 4.5.

Ð L` Ð L`

L´ Ñ

L´ Ñ
Left-moving Right-moving Left-moving Right-moving
sector sector sector sector
(a) The non-extremal BTZ black hole is a thermal (b) The extremal BTZ black hole is a chiral ensemble.

Figure 4.5: CFT thermal and zero temperature ensembles associated to the BTZ black hole.

Chiral Cardy formula

The black hole microscopic entropy counting still works in the extremal limit. Cardy’s formula re-
stricted to a chiral sector gives on the CFT side:
c R L` a
SCFT “ 2π “ π ` L` (4.29)

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 96

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

which agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the extremal BTZ black hole,

πr` M a
Sext “ “ `π “ π ` L` (4.30)
2G G
where r` “ r´ “ ` 4GM. Here it is crucial that a 2d CFT with two chiral sectors exists in order to
derive the formula. Another subtetly is that Cardy’s formula is strictly valid for L˘ " c, so we are
outside of its range of validity but the matching still works!

This “unreasonable validity of Cardy’s formula” motivated to look for possible extensions of his
range of validity. For example in [89] one uses the fact that there is a mass gap of 1{p8Gq “ c{12
between the AdS3 vacuuum and the first BTZ black hole where c “ c L “ c R “ 3`{p2Gq is the Brown-
Henneaux central charge as we described in the second lecture. In the dual CFT language it can
be translated to the existence of a “sparse light spectrum of states” in the energy range ´c{12 ă
L` ` L´ ă 0. For such CFTs, an extended range of applicability of Cardy’s formula exists. One first
use the standard thermodynamics relations to define a conjugate chemical potential to L` and L´ :
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
1 BS 1 BS
“ and “ (4.31)
T´ BL´ L` T` BL` L´

The dimensionless chemical potentials T` , T´ are sometimes called by abuse of language “left and
π2 2 π2 2
right temperatures”. Using the full Cardy formula we get L` “ 6 c R T` , L´ “ 6 c L T´ and the
entropy can be written in the canonical ensemble as

SCFT “ pc L TL ` c R TR q (4.32)

where the extended range of validity is now TL ą 1{p2πq, TR ą 1{p2πq [89]. For the extremal BTZ
black hole we have TR " 1 but TL “ 0 so we are still outside of the range of validity. More work is
yet needed to understand this matching of entropy!

4.2.3 The Kerr/CFT correspondence

After defining the near-horizon limit of nearly extremal Kerr and reviewing some relevant back-
ground material on the 3d BTZ black hole as a warm up, we are now ready to present the Kerr/CFT
correspondence. In 2009, Guica, Hartman, Song, and Strominger proposed [81] a new type of holo-
graphic duality between 4d extremal Kerr black holes and 2d conformal field theories analogous to
a duality between BTZ black holes and 2d CFTs that we briefly reviewed. The conjectured duality
is based on properties of the near-horizon limit of the extremal Kerr black hole. Even though the
original conjecture turned out incorrect, an updated conjecture still holds; the work also generated
very interesting developments in holography and still contains a mysterious entropy matching that
deserves further research. Let’s now review some of these developments following a viewpoint en-
riched with the subsequent research work [82].

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 97

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

Virasoro symmetry

The basis of a 2-dimensional CFT is its symmetry group consisting of two copies of the Virasoro al-
gebra. But asking for two copies of the Virasoro algebra may be asking too much. As we saw for the
case of the near-horizon limit of the extremal BTZ black hole we can only hope in the near-horizon
limit for only one Virasoro algebra extending the SLp2, Rq ˆ Up1q symmetry as SLp2, Rq ˆ Vir. The
fundamental reason is that any non-extremal excitation prevents the existence of a decoupling geom-
etry such as the near-horizon BTZ or the NHEK geometry. In the Kerr case, non extremal excitations
lead to a non-vanishing coupling between the NHEK region and the asymptotically flat region. There
is however no (known) universal map between the physics of the asymptotically flat region of Kerr
and 2d CFTs despite some disturbing connections [90, 91, 92, 93].

Since non-extremal physics does not exist in the near-horizon of an extremal black hole, there is classi-
cally no dynamics except non-trivial diffeomorphisms and topology. The NHEK geometry therefore
bears much resemblence with the near-horizon BTZ black hole in 3d gravity! The original approach
of [81] was inspired from the Brown-Henneaux analysis: one first imposes boundary conditions and
study which symmetries preserve the boundary conditions, one checks that the associated charges
are finite and integrable and one write the Poisson bracket to derive the charge algebra of asymptotic
symmetries. Now, since the boundary conditions contain nothing else than diffeomorphisms and
topology, one can just study these two features. Here, we only consider diffeomorphisms following
[94, 13].

The ansatz for the generator of the sought-for Virasoro algebra is the following
ˆ ˙
1 b
χ “ εpΦqBΦ ´ ε pΦq RBR ` BT ` subleading terms (4.33)

which is built from an arbitrary function on the circle εpΦq. In the original Kerr/CFT paper b was
set to zero but then there is no smooth classical phase space. Instead b “ 1 leads to a smooth clas-
sical phase space [13]. Since Φ is 2π-periodic, the function εpΦq can be mode expanded. We define
Ln fi χrεpΦq “ ´e´inΦ s. It is straightforward to check that irLm , Ln s “ pm ´ nqLm`n which is the Witt
algebra on the circle. The signs are chosen for later convenience (in order to have a positive central

Starting from this ansatz alone, it is possible to exponentiate this generator to generate the finite
diffeomorphism of the NHEK geometry depending on one arbitrary function ψpΦq of Φ and thereby
construct a (small) phase space of asymptotically NHEK solutions. One can then evaluate the surface
charge associated with any arbitrary generator (4.33) for infinitesimal variations on the phase space,
which solely amount to vary ψ. The resulting charges Lm are finite and integrable and therefore the
generator (4.33) is promoted to an asymptotic symmetry. The Poisson algebra of charges is isomor-
phic to the algebra of asymptotic symmetries up to central terms as follows from the general results
derived in the first lecture. One finds

c 3
itLm , Ln u “ pm ´ nqLm`n ` m δm`n,0 (4.34)

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 98

4.2. Extremal rotating black holes

with central charge

c “ 12J, (4.35)

where J is the angular momentum. Moreover, one can check that the asymptotic symmetries act
everywhere in the bulk spacetime, which promotes them to symplectic symmetries, similarly to 3d Ein-
stein gravity. Because there is no finite energy excitation in NHEK, the SLp2, Rq Killing symmetries
are associated with zero charges are therefore trivial. The asymptotic symmetry group therefore con-
sists of one copy of the Virasoro algebra with central charge c “ 12J.

Conjugated chemical potential and Cardy matching

What it remains to be known to use the (chiral version of the) canonical Cardy formula (4.32) is the
chemical potential associated with angular momentum. Usually, it is the angular velocity of the black
hole, but for an extremal black hole the mass is also function of the angular momentum, so we better
just use the definition
1 BSext
“ (4.36)
For extremal Kerr, it gives TΦ “ 2π , which quite annoyingly just lies beyond the extended range of
applicability of Cardy’s formula, together with the absence of a non-zero other chemical potential!
Yet, the entropy of extremal Kerr black hole matches with the chiral canonical Cardy formula

Sext Kerr “ 2π J “ c TΦ (4.37)

after using the definitions of c and TΦ . This is the remarkable entropy matching performed by the
Kerr/CFT correspondence! In all known examples of extremal black holes including black holes
with higher curvature corrections [16], this match was always shown to hold. However, there is no
clear 2d CFT here and therefore the main hypothesis to derive Cardy’s formula does not hold. Yet it
matches. This is the “unreasonable universality of Cardy matching” which is still a mystery today.

Frolov-Thorne vacuum

Let us close this section by interpreting the conjugated chemical potential TΦ . The interpretation can
be made in the context of quantum field theories in curved spacetimes. But first let us derive an
equivalent formula for TΦ . So far we defined TΦ δSext “ δJ. The first law is TH δS “ δM ´ Ω H δJ. Let
us specialize the first law to extremal variations where δJ “ δpM2 q or δM “ 1
2M δJ “ Ωext
H δJ. We find
H ´Ω H
δSext “ TH δJ. Comparing with the definition of TΦ we find

1 Ωext ´ Ω H
“ H . (4.38)

The main result of Hawking in 1974 is that the quantum field state at late times after a black hole has
formed by collapse is described as a thermal ensemble at Hawking temperature TH “ 2π where κ is
the surface gravity of the black hole. The root of the effect can be attributed to pair creations and an-
nihilations in the quantum vacuum in the vicinity of the horizon. If one of the particles is trapped by

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 99

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

the horizon, its conjugated pair cannot annihilate and is emitted by the black hole. The derivation of
the thermal nature of the spectrum requires to use the properties of event horizons and the definition
of vacuum.

In curved spacetimes the definition of vacuum is not unique. It depends on the definition of pos-
itive frequency modes which requires a timelike Killing vector. In Schwarzschild spacetime, there
is a globally timelike Killing vector Bt which naturally defines the so-called Hartle-Hawking vac-
uum. This state is regular at the event horizon and thermal. It is described by a density matrix
ρ “ expp´ TωH q. For the Kerr black hole, there is no global timelike Killing vector, due to the ergo-
sphere. For an observer close to the horizon it is natural to define positive frequency modes with re-
spect to the generator of the horizon ξ “ Bt ` Ω H Bφ . This vector field is timelike in a region bounded
by the event horizon and an outer region known as the velocity of light surface where ξ becomes
null. The vacuum defined this way is known as the Frolov-Thorne vacuum. It is described by a density
matrix ρ “ expp´ ω´Ω
TH q where ω is the frequency and m the azimuthal number of the wave.

In the near-horizon limit, one can rewrite the density matrix in terms of variables adapted to the
NHEK coordinates. We first rewrite a wave as

Fpr, θq expp´iωt ` imφq “ FpR, θq expp´iΩT ` iMΦq (4.39)

Using the change of coordinates (4.9)-(4.10) we find m “ M and ω “ mΩext

H ` λΩ. It implies that

ω ´ ΩH m Ωext
H ´ ΩH
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙
ρ “ exp ´ “ exp ´m “ exp ´ . (4.40)

This shows that the Frolov-Thorne vacuum is thermally populated in the extremal limit with a “tem-
perature” equal to TΦ .

There are however some caveats here that need to be pointed out. While the generator of the horizon
ξ is timelike outside the event horizon of a non-extremal Kerr black hole, a singular behavior occurs in
the near-horizon extremal limit. In NHEK the vector ξ “ BT is timelike only in a θ wedge around the
equator, but it is spacelike around the poles. So there is no quantum vacuum in NHEK. One should
understand the thermal vacuum as a limit of the Frolov-Thorne vacuum from the near-extremal case.

4.3 Black hole spectroscopy

On September 14, 2015, gravitational waves were detected for the first time thanks to the twin Laser
Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors [95]. This event launched the new
era of gravitational wave astronomy. The upcoming direct observations of gravitational physics un-
able today to test Einstein’s theory of gravity in the strong field regime at a precision never reached
by other experiments. Third generation detectors, and in particular LISA planned for 2034, will add
new precision measurments to be compared with theoretical predictions. This is a unique and very
exciting time for gravitational physics.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 100

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

In this lecture, we would like to present the late stages of black hole mergers, after the two bodies
have collapsed to form a black hole. The final state of the merger is a Kerr black hole with small
perturbations which can be approximated at late stages by linearized perturbations. The mathemati-
cal problem of solving the linearized Einstein’s equations around the Kerr black hole benefited from
a crucial contribution from Teukolsky in 1972 when this PhD student of Kip Thorne found a deter-
mining set of variables which separates [96]. This allows to reduce the complexity of the problem to
solving two coupled ordinary differential equations. In turn, Leaver showed in 1985 how to solve
these differential equations to arbitrary precision [97]. This allows to deduce the fundamental char-
acteristic decay frequencies (the quasi-normal mode frequencies) of the Kerr black hole numerically
up to arbitrary precision.

Analoguously to the spectral lines that the hydrogen atom can electromagnetically emit, the Kerr
quasi-normal modes tell what the Kerr black hole can gravitationally radiate. At the time of writ-
ing, the observations do not yet allow to check the exact quasi-normal modes frequencies of the Kerr
black hole, but the experimental science of black hole spectroscopy will soon start and allow to check
the validity of the Kerr metric!

In order to present the founding work of Teukolsky, it is necessary to first introduce the Newman-
Penrose formalism and Petrov’s classification of the Weyl tensor.

4.3.1 Fundamentals of the Newman-Penrose formalism

The metric field gµν is not the appropriate field to decribe fundamental physics which also involves
fermions. Coupling Einstein gravity to fermions requires to introduce the more fundamental basis
of tetrads eµa , a “ 0, 1, 2, 3, such that eµa is an invertible matrix and gµν “ ηab eµa eνb where ηab is the
Minkowski metric of the tangent space at each point. The formulation in terms of tetrads allows to
use the Cartan formalism where the fundamental ingredient are the one-forms e a “ eµa dx µ . We saw in
the second lecture how this Cartan formalism led us to reformulate 3d Einstein gravity as a sum of
two Chern-Simons theories!

The Newman-Penrose formalism is a tetrad formalism with complex tetrads where the tangent space
Minkowski metric ηab is chosen at each point to be
¨ ˛
0 ´1 0 0
˚ ‹
˚ ´1 0 0 0 ‹
ηab “˚ ‹. (4.41)
˚ 0 0 0 1 ‹
˝ ‚
0 0 1 0

The tetrad frame is chosen to be a set of 4 null vectors lµ , nµ , mµ , m̄µ which gives

gµν “ ´lµ nν ´ nµ lν ` mµ m̄ν ` m̄µ mν . (4.42)

Because they is no complete basis of null directions in a Lorentzian manifold, two of these vectors
have to be complex, and since the final metric is real these two complex tetrad are complex conjugated.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 101

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

The two real tetrads label particular ingoing and outgoing null directions, so this formalism is well
adapted to describe geometrically the propagation of gravitational waves.

The parallel transport must be re-expressed in terms of the general Newman-Penrose tetrad basis, so
instead of using the standard 4 connections ∇µ , we consider instead 4 locally-defined directional co-
variant derivatives on the flow of the tetrad, which are historically denoted by D, ∆, δ, δ̄ and straight-
forwardly defined as

D “ l µ ∇µ ; ∆ “ nµ ∇µ ; δ “ mµ ∇µ ; δ̄ “ m̄µ ∇µ . (4.43)

The Christoffel symbols have 4 ˆ 6 “ 24 real components, equivalent to 12 complex numbers. In the
Newman-Penrose formalism, one defines 12 complex spin coefficients which encode the same informa-
tion. These coefficients have an individual name. Here is the complete list so that you have a precise

κ “ ´mµ l ν ∇ν lµ σ “ ´mµ mν ∇ν lµ (4.44)

λ “ ´nµ m̄ν ∇ν m̄µ ν “ ´nµ nν ∇ν m̄µ (4.45)
ρ “ ´mµ m̄ν ∇ν lµ µ “ ´nµ mν ∇ν m̄µ (4.46)
τ “ ´mµ nν ∇ν lµ v “ ´nµ l ν ∇ν m̄µ (4.47)
e “ ´ pnµ l ν ∇ν lµ ` mµ l ν ∇ν m̄µ q (4.48)
γ “ ´ pnµ nν ∇ν lµ ` mµ nν ∇ν m̄µ q (4.49)
1 µ ν
α “ ´ pn m̄ ∇ν lµ ` mµ m̄ν ∇ν m̄µ q (4.50)
β “ ´ pnµ mν ∇ν lµ ` mµ mν ∇ν m̄µ q. (4.51)

Now let us examine the formulation of the curvature. In 4 dimensions, the Riemann tensor has 20
independent real components, while the Ricci tensor, being symmetric, admits 10 real components.
One can build the traceless part of the Riemann tensor, it is called the Weyl tensor, and it therefore
contains 10 real or 5 complex independent components. The Weyl tensor is more precisely defined as

Wµνρσ “ Rµνρσ ´ gµrρ Rσsν ` gνrρ Rσsµ ` Rgµrρ gσsν . (4.52)

The basis of 5 complex scalars Ψi , i “ 0, . . . , 4 that allows to label an arbitrary Weyl tensor are called
the Weyl-Newman-Penrose scalars and there are defined as

Ψ0 “ Wαβγδ l α m β l γ mδ , (4.53)
Ψ1 “ Wαβγδ l α n β l γ mδ , (4.54)
Ψ2 “ Wαβγδ l α m β m̄γ nδ , (4.55)
Ψ3 “ Wαβγδ l α n β m̄γ nδ , (4.56)
Ψ4 “ Wαβγδ nα m̄ β nγ m̄δ . (4.57)

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 102

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

These 5 scalars are invariant under diffeomorphisms but depend on the choice of the tetrad basis.
Let us define 3 antisymmetric bivectors

Xµν “ ´2nrµ m̄νs ; Yµν “ 2lrµ mνs ; Zµν “ 2mrµ m̄νs ´ 2lrµ nνs . (4.58)

One can show as an exercise that the Weyl tensor can indeed be written as a combination of the 5
Weyl-Newman-Penrose scalars in the tetrad basis. The exact formula is

Wαβγδ “Ψ0 Xαβ Xγδ ` Ψ1 Xαβ Zγδ ` Zαβ Xγδ ` Ψ2 Yαβ Xγδ ` Xαβ Yγδ ` Zαβ Zγδ
` ˘ ` ˘

` Ψ3 Yαβ Zγδ ` Zαβ Yγδ ` Ψ4 Yαβ Yγδ ` c.c.

` ˘

Since the Weyl-Newman-Penrose scalars are not invariant under a change of tetrad, it is important
to discuss the exact ambiguity. One can perform a local Lorentz transformation at each spacetime
point, which rotates the tetrad. Such a transformation is labelled by 6 real numbers at each point. It
is useful to categorize these 6 local Lorentz rotations in 3 types:

• Rotations of type I which leave l µ unchanged (a P C);

l µ ÞÑ l µ , nµ ÞÑ nµ ` a˚ mµ ` am̄µ ` aa˚ l µ , mµ ÞÑ mµ ` al µ m̄µ ÞÑ m̄µ ` a˚ l µ . (4.60)

• Rotations of type II which leave nµ unchanged (b P C);

nµ ÞÑ nµ , l µ ÞÑ l µ ` b˚ mµ ` bm̄µ ` bb˚ nµ , mµ ÞÑ mµ ` bnµ , mµ ÞÑ mµ ` b˚ nµ . (4.61)

• Rotations of type III which leave the directions of l µ and nµ unchanged and rotate mµ by an
angle in the mµ , m̄µ plane (A, θ P R);

l µ ÞÑ A´1 l µ , nµ ÞÑ Anµ , mµ ÞÑ eiθ mµ m̄µ ÞÑ e´iθ m̄µ . (4.62)

You can check that under these transformations, the tetrads preserves the same orthonomality con-
ditions. In other words, the metric on the tangent space (4.41) is preserved. There are also discrete
flips, such that exchanging l µ Ô nµ . After some work involving the evaluation of the Weyl tensor
contracted with each of the possible combinations of tetrads, one can find the transformation laws of
the Weyl-Newman-Penrose scalars under each rotation of type I, II and III:

Ψ0 ÞÑ Ψ0 ,
Ψ1 ÞÑ Ψ1 ` a˚ Ψ0 ,
Ψ2 ÞÑ Ψ2 ` 2a˚ Ψ1 ` pa˚ q2 Ψ0 , (4.63)
Ψ3 ÞÑ Ψ3 ` 3a˚ Ψ2 ` 3pa˚ q2 Ψ1 ` pa˚ q3 Ψ0 ,
Ψ4 ÞÑ Ψ4 ` 4a˚ Ψ3 ` 6pa˚ q2 Ψ2 ` 4pa˚ q3 Ψ1 ` pa˚ q4 Ψ0 ;

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 103

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

Ψ0 ÞÑ Ψ0 ` 4bΨ1 ` 6b2 Ψ2 ` 4b3 Ψ3 ` b4 Ψ4 ,

Ψ1 ÞÑ Ψ1 ` 3bΨ2 ` 3b2 Ψ3 ` b3 Ψ4 ,
Ψ2 ÞÑ Ψ2 ` 2bΨ3 ` b2 Ψ4 , (4.64)
Ψ3 ÞÑ Ψ3 ` bΨ4 ,
Ψ4 ÞÑ Ψ4 ;

Ψ0 ÞÑ A2 e´2iθ Ψ0 ,
Ψ1 ÞÑ A´1 eiθ Ψ1 ,
Ψ2 ÞÑ Ψ2 , (4.65)
Ψ3 ÞÑ Ae´iθ Ψ3 ,
Ψ4 ÞÑ A2 e´2iθ Ψ4 .

4.3.2 Fundamentals of Petrov’s classification

Let us now review the classification that Petrov obtained in 1954 [98]1 , using the Newman-Penrose
formalism. This classification is taylor made for 4 spacetime dimensions. A higher dimensional clas-
sification also exists but was established only 50 years later [99].

We would like to get an algebraic, coordinate-independent, classification of solutions to Einstein field

equations. The non-homogeneous solutions (Tµν ‰ 0) are dependent on the matter content through
the Ricci tensor Rµν which is the trace part of the Riemann tensor. The traceless part of the Riemann
tensor, the Weyl tensor, is left unconstrained by the matter fields and therefore represents the purely
gravitational field. For vacuum solutions (Tµν “ 0), the Ricci tensor is always zero even though the
gravitational field (the Weyl tensor) could be non-trivial. The classification of the Weyl tensor is there-
fore useful to categorize both homogeneous and non-homogeneous solutions to Einstein’s equations.
Note that Weyl tensor is conformally invariant and therefore may classify at most conjugacy classes
of metrics differing by a global conformal Weyl factor (for example AdS4 and Minkowski will belong
to the same class).

Petrov classified the Weyl tensor by the number of degenerate local eigenvalues and (antisymmetric)
eigenbivectors of the Weyl tensor. The eigenvalue equation reads as

µν αβ
W αβ X “ λ X µν . (4.66)

A non-trivial result due to Penrose in 1960 shows that solving this eigenvalue problem is equivalent
to classify spacetimes according to the degeneracy of principal null directions of the Weyl tensor. Such
directions are spanned by null vectors kµ obeying

krα Wβsγδrρ k σs kγ kδ “ 0. (4.67)

1 As an anecdote on ULB connections, it is amusing to notice that this theory was also independently developed at ULB

by Géhéniau in 1957 (who supervised the PhD of M. Henneaux 23 years later).

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 104

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

Yet another equivalent formulation of the classification, as we will soon show, is the following. We
have just seen that with respect to a chosen tetrad, the Weyl tensor is completely determined by the
five Weyl-Newman-Penrose scalars. The third formulation of the classification consists in determin-
ing how many of these scalars can be made to vanish for a given spacetime by choosing a suitable
orientation of the tetrad frame.

Let us concentrate on this third formulation. Given a metric together with a Newman-Penrose frame
l µ , nµ , mµ , m̄µ , we can deduce the 5 Weyl components Ψi . Let us assume that Ψ4 ‰ 0. If this is not
the case, we can perform a rotation of the type I (4.63) to make it zero, as long as the spacetime is not
conformally flat in which case all the Weyl tensor vanishes. Consider now a rotation of type II (4.64)
with complex parameter b. It is clear that Ψ0 can be made to vanish if b is a root of the equation

Ψ0 ` 4bΨ1 ` 6b2 Ψ2 ` 4b3 Ψ3 ` b4 Ψ4 “ 0. (4.68)

This equation has always exactly 4 roots, and the corresponding new directions of l µ , namely l µ `
b˚ mµ ` bm̄µ ` bb˚ nµ are called the principal null directions of the Weyl tensor. Indeed, contracting the
tetrad decomposition of the Weyl tensor (4.59) with multiple instances of l µ , one obtains after using
the orthonormality condition (4.41) of the tetrad:

lrα Wβsγδrρ lσs l γ l δ “ Ψ0 lrα m̄ βs lrρ m̄σs ` Ψ˚0 lrα m βs lrρ mσs . (4.69)

After the type II frame rotation that we just defined by solving (4.68), we have a vanishing new
Ψ0 “ 0, and therefore the new null direction l µ is indeed a principal null direction in the sense of
Penrose. If one or two more roots coincide, the Weyl tensor is said to be algebraically special; oth-
erwise it is said to be algebraically general. The various ways in which the roots can coincide or be
distinct lead to Petrov’s classification.

There are in total 6 types of Weyl tensors, which is summarized in Table 4.6(a). Type I is the most
general one with 4 distinct principal null directions, and type O is the totally degenerate case where
the Weyl tensor is vanishing. The Kerr spacetime is type D with two distinct but doubly degenerate
principal null directions. The so-called Goldberg-Sachs theorem implies that for any vacuum type D
spacetime such that the Kerr black hole, the principal null directions are shear-free geodesic congru-
ences. The fact that only Ψ2 is non-vanishing for Kerr and the fact that its null principal directions
are shear-free geodesic congruences make the Newman-Penrose formalism particularly adapted to
describe the gravitational physics of Kerr! Let us now turn on to this physics...

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 105

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

Petrov type Multiplicity of p.n.d. Vanishing Weyl components Criterion on Wαρσβ

I p1, 1, 1, 1q Ψ0 “ 0 krγ Wαsρσrβ k δs kρ kσ “ 0

II p2, 1, 1q Ψ0 “ Ψ1 “ 0 krγ Wαsρσβ kρ kσ “ 0

D p2, 2q Ψ0 “ Ψ1 “ 0 krγ Wαsρσβ kρ kσ “ 0

III p3, 1q Ψ0 “ Ψ1 “ Ψ2 “ 0 krγ Wαsρσβ kρ “ 0

N p4q Ψ0 “ Ψ1 “ Ψ2 “ Ψ3 “ 0 Wαρσβ kα “ 0

O ∅ Ψi “ 0, @i Wαρσβ “ 0

(a) Characterisation of Petrov types. kµ is always the most degenerate principal null direction (p.n.d.).



(b) The Penrose graph summarizing the degeneracy growth

in Petrov’s classification. Each arrow indicates one
additional degeneracy.

Figure 4.6: Summary of Petrov’s algebraic classification.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 106

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

4.3.3 Quasi-normal mode ringing of Kerr

In this section, we will analyze the linear perturbations of the Kerr black hole. Generally, one can
consider a theory of matter fields ΦiM minimally coupled to Einstein gravity without cosmological
constant, whose action can be written as
ż ż
d4 x ´g R ` d4 x ´g LrΦiM , gµν s
a a
S“ (4.70)

where LrΦiM , gµν s is the lagrangian density of matter fields collectively denoted by ΦiM . The variation
of S with respect to the metric field gµν gives rise to Einstein’s equations Gµν “ 8πGTµν , and the vari-
ation on the fields supplements it by the equations of motion for ΦiM . We define the background field as
the Kerr black hole solution of this system of differential equations, denoted by ḡµν and Φ̄iM “ 0. We
consider perturbations around that background: gµν “ ḡµν ` hµν , ΦiM “ Φ̄iM ` δΦiM . If the deviations
are small, we can approximate them by the linearized perturbations around the background field.
The linearized field equations are a set of partial second-order differential equations which depend
upon the background geometry.

The Kerr black hole ḡµν admits two Killing isometries, Bt and Bφ in the traditional Boyer-Lindquist
coordinates. As a result, no explicit t or φ dependence is present in the equations, and one can Fourier
transform them to impose the equations on the Fourier modes of both metric and matter variables. In
other words, one Fourier expands all the metric and matter fields collectively denoted as Φi pt, r, θ, φq
as ż
1 ÿ
Φ pt, r, θ, φq “
dωe´iωt eimφ Fi pr, θq (4.71)
2π mPZ

and all equations reduce to equations in terms of Fi pr, θq which depend upon r, θ, but also M, J (the
Kerr black hole parameters) and m, ω (the perturbation parameters).

To complete the problem, we still need to impose the physical boundary conditions. By definition of
the event horizon, all modes need to be ingoing at r “ r` so we demand that

e´iωt`imφ Fpr, θq ÝÝÝÑ e´iωv‹ `imφ‹ Fpθq (4.72)

where r‹ is the tortoise coordinate, v‹ “ t ` r‹ the advanced time and φ‹ the angular coordinate which
define the regular ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates v‹ , r‹ , θ, φ‹ (or in other words, which
resolves the geometry near the horizon). For the Kerr black hole, one has

r 2 ` a2
dr‹ fi dr. (4.73)

We also impose that there is no ingoing field from I ´ , which defines a “purely outgoing mode at null
infinity I ` ”. This boundary condition avoid the stimulated emission of the black hole, and reduces
to the intrinsic emission. It reads as

rÑ8, u fixed
e´iωt`imφ Fpr, θq ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÑ e´iωu`imφ F1 pθq (4.74)

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 107

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

where u “ t ´ r is the asymptotically flat retarded time.

Providing these boundary conditions, the solutions of linearized equations of motion will turn out to
belong to discrete sets of solutions, since one can show that the frequency ω will be quantized ωlmN in
terms of 3 integer numbers. The numbers l, m are nothing else than (deformed) spherical harmonic
numbers and N “ 0, 1, 2, . . . is known as the overtone. Here the system is dissipative since waves
escape either at null infinity or inside the event horizon. The frequencies are therefore complex: a
positive imaginary part means a growing mode (an instable mode) and a negative imaginary part
means a damping/decaying mode. The proof of linear stability of Kerr amounts to show that all
imaginary parts are negative! The presence of a family of discrete frequencies characterizing the
Kerr black hole is very similar to the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom and therefore the science of
quasi-normal modes is often called black hole spectroscopy, as announced in the introduction. Let us
now derive all this!

Separation of variables and Teukolsky master equation

The question is: how to deal with partial differential equations involving pr, θq in a Kerr background?
The answer is: find how to separate them! Let us first give a hint that arguments that justify that the
equations of spins 0, 1 and 2 are separable.

Let us consider a causal geodesic which travels outside the Kerr black hole x µ pλq. The tangent vector
x9 µ fi dx
dλ obeys gµν x x “ 0 or ´1. Both stationarity and axisymmetry guarantee that the geodesic
9µ 9ν
motion has two dynamical invariants, which are simply the energy of the particle moving on the
geodesic e “ ´µkµ gµν x9 ν (k “ Bt , µ is the rest mass) and its orbital kinetic momentum j “ µkµ gµν x9 ν
(k “ Bφ ). In addition to this, Carter found in 1968 [100] that there is in fact another conserved quantity
on the flow of causal geodesics, quadratic in the momentum, called in his name the Carter constant
Q. It takes the following form in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates
« ˆ ˙2 ff
Q“ µ2 x9 θ2 2 2 2
` cos θ a pµ ´ e q ` 2
. (4.75)
sin θ

One often uses the related constant K “ Q ` pj ´ aeq2 which is always non-negative. The existence of
4 first order equations for x µ pλq allows to analytically solve the geodesic problem in Kerr, though in
terms of elliptic integrals. The conservation of Q is related to an hidden symmetry, which is of higher
order than Killing isometries. For the Kerr background, one can construct a symmetric tensor Kµν
which satisfies a close cousin of the Killing equation

∇pλ Kµνq “ 0. (4.76)

For this reason, Kµν is said to be a Killing tensor, and is non-trivial in the sense that it is not simply the
tensor product of the two Killing vectors always discovered.

The contraction between Kµν or gµν with the 4-velocity of any particle gives a dynamical invariant,
so we can define an analogue operator to the Kerr d’Alembertian l “ gµν ∇µ ∇ν by performing the

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 108

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

contraction lK “ K µν ∇µ ∇ν . We have the fundamental property that these two second-order dif-
ferential operators on the manifold actually commute rl, lK s ” 0, as you can check as an exercise.
As again shown by Carter [101], this property is at the origin of the separability of the scalar wave
equation in the Kerr background. Nevertheless, nobody ever came with an argument why the spin 2
perturbation (the linearized Einstein perturbation) is separable, even though as we will now show, it

The proof of separability came from Teukolsky in 1972 [96] who simply found during his PhD the
right combination of the metric perturbation which separates, encouraged by his PhD advisor Kip
Thorne. He employed the Newman-Penrose formalism and Petrov’s classification. Providing that
the Kerr spacetime is Petrov type D, one can find 2 preferential null orthogonal directions to build
the Newman-Penrose basis, which are the degenerate principal null directions of the Weyl tensor.

The two (double) principal null directions of the Weyl tensor are

1` 2 1 ` 2
r ` a2 , ∆, 0, a r ` a2 , ´∆, 0, a .
˘ ˘
lµ “ and nµ “ (4.77)
∆ 2Σ

One completes the basis with the complex vector

ˆ ˙
µ 1 i
m “? ia sin θ, 0, 1, (4.78)
2pr ` ia cos θq sin θ

to get the so-called Kinnersley tetrad [102]. With respect to this choice of null basis, the only non-
vanishing Weyl component is
Ψ2 “ ´ . (4.79)
pr ´ ia cos θq3
We therefore proved that the Kerr black hole is Type D, as stated in Section 4.3.2: all effects of gravita-
tion are caused by the single Weyl scalar Ψ2 in the Kinnersley tetrad. A modification gµν Ñ gµν ` hµν
of the Kerr metric amounts to perturb Ψi by δΨi . In fact, if one can solve for Ψ0 or Ψ4 , the other Weyl
perturbations could be solved (up to a further shift of M and J as an input) and all the perturbation
hµν could then be reconstructed from all variations δΨi . Crucially, he showed that the equation for
pr ´ ia cos θq4 δΨ4 is separable (equal to a function of θ times a function of r). He realised afterwards
that the equation for δΨ0 is also separable. In fact, there is an identity relating δΨ0 and δΨ4 so the
equations are equivalent. Physically, the Weyl scalars δΨ0 and δΨ4 both describe the two polariza-
tion modes of the gravitational waves. At the linear level, there are only three possible perturbations:
gravitational waves, changes of the gravitational potentials (change of M, J)2 or changes of coordi-
nates (which can belong to the asymptotic symmetry group and therefore be non-trivial). It is thus
easy to understand that we can reconstruct all δΨi from either δΨ0 or δΨ4 together with the knowl-
edge of how M and J change since these variables are diffeomorphic invariant. In fact, the spins 0 or
1 also separate so it is convenient to write the master equation which separates all spins in a single
2 To
be precise, there are 2 additional gravitational potentials that are usually discarded because considered unphysical:
the NUT charge, a sort of magnetic analogue to the mass but which generates closed timelike curves, and the acceleration
parameter, which introduces conical wire singularities.

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 109

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

notation. This is called the Teukolsky master equation!

pr2 ` a2 q2
 2
B ψ 4Mar B 2 ψ
„ „ 2  2
a 1 B ψ
´ a2 sin2 θ ` ` ´
∆ Bt2 ∆ BtBφ ∆ sin2 θ Bφ2
ˆ ˙ ˆ ˙ „ 
´s B s`1 Bψ 1 B Bψ apr ´ Mq i cos θ Bψ
´∆ ∆ ´ sin θ ´ 2s ` (4.80)
Br Br sin θ Bθ Bθ ∆ sin2 θ Bφ
Mpr2 ´ a2 q
„ 

´ 2s ´ r ´ ia cos θ ` ps2 cot2 θ ´ sqψ “ T
∆ Bt

where T is a source term if we couple gravity to matter. For the spin 0 case, ψ is just the original scalar
field. For the spin 2 case, ψ is either δΨ0 or pr ´ ia cos θq4 δΨ4 . The general solution of the Teukolsky
master equation takes the separable form

ż 8 ÿ
1 ÿ
ψpt, r, θ, φq “ dωe ´iωt
eimφ Rslmω prqSlmω
pcos θq (4.81)

l“|s| m“´l

The equation for Slmω pcos θq is called the spin weighted spheroidal harmonic equation

m2 ` 2msx ` s2 s
„  „ 
d 2 d s 2 2 2 s
p1 ´ x q S pxq ` a ω x ´ 2aωsx ` Elmω ´ Slmω pxq “ 0 (4.82)
dx dx lmω 1 ´ x2
where x “ cos θ and Elmω is the separation constant. When a “ 0, the dependence in ω drops out and
s pcos θq reduce to spin-weighted spherical harmonics Y s pθ, φq “ Ss pcos θqeimφ after
the functions Slm lm lm
inclusion of the Fourier φ factor. In this case, the angular separation constants Elmω s are known
“ Elm
s “ lpl ` 1q.
analytically to be Elm

The radial equation is the radial Teukolsky equation:

B s`1 BRlmω
∆´s p∆ q ´ VprqRlmω prq “ Tlmω prq (4.83)
Br Br

with source Tlmω prq and potential

pKmω q2 ´ 2sipr ´ MqKmω

Vprq “ ´ ´ 4siωr ` λ`mω ,

Kmω fi pr2 ` a2 qω ´ ma, (4.84)
λ`mω fi Elmω ´ 2amω ` a2 ω 2 ´ sps ` 1q.

Solving the angular equation

The solutions of (4.82) are the so-called spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics Slmω pxq which form, for each
value of the spin s, an orthogonal system of functions on the interval r´1, 1s (recall that x “ cos θ)
ż `1
dx Slmω pxqSls1 m1 ω1 pxq “ δll 1 δmm1 δpω ´ ω 1 q. (4.85)

They are only defined for values of integers parameters l, m in the range l ě |s| and |m| ď l, other-
wise they are simply identically zero. The case s “ 0 reduces to the spheroidal harmonics which are

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 110

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

well-known, even by symbolic computation softwares such as MathematicaTM .

An analytic representation of the solutions for s ą 0 was found for first time by Leaver [97], thanks to
the Frobenius method. Let us now review this result. The equation (4.82) has three singular points,
among which two regular singular points at x “ ˘1, and an irregular singularity at x “ 8 if we
extend analytically the domain of definition of the coordinate x. Boundary conditions are imposed
such that solutions to (4.82) are finite at the regular singular points. The local behaviour around
these points can be worked out easily. One finds that Slm pxq „ x k , with k “ ˘ 21 |m ` s| at x “ `1 and
k “ ˘ 21 |m ´ s| at x “ ´1. The boundary conditions allow us to discard the negative exponents. When
x runs to infinity, the equation can be integrated and the boundary condition is fixed analytically
from the other two singular points. It leads to Slm pxq „ exppiaωxq. So the Frobenius method gives a
natural ansatz: one can consider the product of the solutions at singular points times a Taylor series
around x “ ´1
1 1 ÿ
Slm pxq “ eiaωx p1 ` xq 2 |m`s| p1 ´ xq 2 |m´s| cn p1 ` xqn (4.86)

Substituting this ansatz in the angular equation, and equating all coefficients multiplying the same
monomials x k , for any k P N, we find
α0 c1 ` β 0 c0 “ 0
αn cn`1 ` β n cn ` γn cn´1 “ 0, @ n P N0

which spans a 3-term recurrence on the coefficients cn . The coefficients tαn , β n , γn u are independent
of x (or θ) and their explicit forms can be found in [97]. If we define rn “ cn`1 {cn , the second equality
becomes αn rn ` β n ` γn {rn´1 “ 0 from which we can extract

´γn ´γn
rn´1 “ “ ¨¨¨ (4.88)
β n ` αn rn α p´γn`1 q
β n ` β n`1n `αn`1 rn`1

It is a continuous fraction which expresses the ratio rn in terms of the next one rn`1 . It converges
if rn ÝÝÝÑ 0, and it turns out to be the case! When a “ 0, it could be shown that ω disappears
completely in the recursion coefficients, so the spheroidal equation can be solved numerically to
s pcos θq and the constants E s . Otherwise the
arbitrary precision, which gives at the same time Slm lm
frequency impacts the recursion, so one has to solve simultaneously the spheroidal equation and the
radial equation, whose quantized solutions will give the proper frequencies of the system.

Solving the radial equation

The radial equation has been solved formally by means of a similar method (Frobenius expansion and
continued fraction) by Leaver, also in [97]. The singular points of the radial equation for Rlm prq are the
two roots of ∆, which are the radial position of the event horizon r “ r` and Cauchy horizon r “ r´ ,
and r “ 8. The point r “ r` is a regular singularity, and the behaviour of the solution in its neigh-
bourhood is fixed by the ingoing boundary condition. On the other hand, the point at infinity r “ 8
is an essential singularity, where we impose purely outgoing boundary conditions as a definition of
quasi-normal modes. The problem consists at solving an ordinary differential equation together with
boundary conditions are two separated locations: it is a boundary value problem, which you might

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 111

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

be familiar with in the context of the quantum description of the hydrogen atom. Around r “ r` , one
can integrate the radial equation to find the two solutions Rlm prq „ riσ` and Rlm prq „ r´s´iσ` where
σ` fi pωr` ´ amq{ 1 ´ 4a2 . The ingoing boundary condition rules out the first behaviour. Similarly,
we can proceed near infinity to get Rlm prq equal to a combinaison of r´1´iω e´iωr which is ingoing and
then forbidden by the boundary conditions, and Rlm prq „ r´1´2s`iω eiωr which is outgoing and ac-
cepted. After working out the contribution at the second regular singular point r “ r´ , the Frobenius
ansatz can be written as
`8 ˆ ˙n
iωr ´1´s`iω`iσ` ´s´iσ`
ÿ r ´ r`
Rlm prq “ e pr ´ r´ q pr ´ r` q dn (4.89)
r ´ r´

Injecting it into the radial Teukolsky equation gives a second set of recursion relations
α10 d1 ` β10 d0 “ 0
α1n dn`1 ` β1n dn ` γn1 dn´1 “ 0, @ n P N0

The complex coefficients tα1n , β1n , γn1 u again do not depend on r, but well in ω, a, and the separation
s . For a given set of parameters a, m, l, s, the frequency ω is a root of the continued
constants Elmω
fraction equation
α10 γ11
β10 ´ α11 γ21
“0 (4.91)
β11 ´ β12 ´¨¨¨
Equations (4.88) and (4.91) are two equations for the unknown variables Elmω and ω. They may be
solved simultaneously by non-linear root-search algorithms. The solutions of coupled recurrences are
found to be a set a quantized modes of frequency ωlmN where N is the previously-defined overtone
number (N P N). The proof of linear stability of the Kerr black hole in Einstein gravity is then
obtained after checking (numerically) that indeed ImpωlmN q ă 0 for all modes.

Geometric interpretation in the eikonal limit

Let us briefly mention that some analytical quasi-normal modes solutions have been derived, see
the review [103] and references therein. Although the spectra can be numerically calculated to ar-
bitrary precision, these analytic solutions give us more insight. As as example, when the multi-
polar index l runs to infinity (the so-called eikonal regime or geometric optics approximation), it
is possible to reformulate the Teukolsky radial and angular equations to put them into the form
ε f 2 pzq ` Upzq f pzq “ 0, where ε ! 1 and z is either x, r. The solution of such an equation can be
approximatively computed thanks to WKB expansions f pzq „ exppS0 {ε ` S1 ` εS2 ` ¨ ¨ ¨ q. This allows
to relate the corresponding wave solutions to null geodesics as pioneered by Press in 1971 [104] and
derived for Kerr much more recently [105]! Each quasi-normal mode solution pω, l, m, Elmω q corre-
sponds to a specific null geodesic with certain conserved quantities pe, j, Qq (remember the definition
(4.75)) according to the following dictionary:

B Repωq “ e. The wave frequency is the same as the energy of the corresponding null ray;

B m “ j. The azimuthal number corresponds to the z-axis projection of the orbital momentum ~j
of the null ray. The latter is quantized to get a standing wave in the azimuthal direction φ;

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 112

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

B RepElmω q is related to a combination of Q and m2 . The separation constants Elmω are complex.
Their real part is linked to the Carter constant Q and the square of the axial orbital kinetic mo-
mentum j2 . The angular momentum eigenvalue in the colatitudinal direction also gets quan-
tized in order to get standing waves in the θ direction.

B The decay rate Impωq “ γL , where γL is a Lyapunov exponent of the orbit, which indicates the
rates of instability of the null geodesic congruence.

Schwarzschild spectroscopy

We present here some concrete numerical results. Let us begin by the Schwarzschild black hole (hence
with a “ 0), see Figure 4.7b.

(a) Quasi-normal modes frequencies for gravitational (b) Comparison of quasi-normal modes fundamental spectra
perturbations (s “ 2). l “ |s| for scalar, vector, and gravitational perturbations
(s “ 0, 1, 2).

Figure 4.7: Quasi-normal modes for Schwarzschild black holes (from [103]).

The graphs are symmetric under real frequency reversal: each positive frequency Repωq mode is as-
sociated with a negative Repωq mode with the same imaginary part. All imaginary parts are negative
(this is the property of linear stability). There are several branches for each l, with increasing over-
tone number N. There is no dependency in m since it factors out of the radial equation (this is due
to SOp3q symmetry). There are algebraically special modes that have exactly Repωq “ 0 which are
indicated with an arrow in the figure. They are given by Mω « ˘ipl ´ 1qlpl ` 1qpl ` 2q{12. Such real
frequency modes do not exist for other spin s perturbations.

The first feature worth to notice is that the gravitational perturbations (s “ 2) of static black holes are
divided in two categories. The angular point which the progressive and retrograde modes coincide
marks the separation (clearly indicated in the figure 4.7a by little arrows). Below stay the weakly
damped modes, and above the high damped ones. The separator represents the mode whose fre-
quency is (almost) purely imaginary, so with an evanescent behaviour without much oscillations,
and since it is the only proper mode which verify this property, one calls it the algebraically special
mode, appearing at frequency Mω « ˘ipl ´ 1qlpl ` 1qpl ` 2q{12. The strict division in the damp-
ing behaviour is very peculiar to gravitational perturbations: for other fields s ‰ 2, one approaches

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 113

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

monotonically the asymptotic high-damped regime. Here are some properties:

B The most weakly damped modes are the most relevant ones for experimental detection since
they give the leading signal. ln black hole mergers, these modes appear in the ringdown at late
stages after the merger. They have not yet been detected at the time of writing. The dominant
s “ 2 mode is the l “ 2, N “ 0 mode with frequency Mω “ 0.3737 ´ 0.0890i.

B In the large overtone limit N Ñ 8, the modes are highly damped. The asymptotic expansion of
the frequency reads as ω « TH ln 3 ´ i2πTH pN ` 12 q ` O pN ´1{2 q for gravitational perturbations.

B In the large l limit, one has the eikonal regime or geometric optics regime where the quasi-
normal modes can be mapped to null geodesics, as we already explained. The leading eikonal
approximation is ω “ Ωγ l ´ ipN ` 1{2qλγ , where Ωγ is the angular frequency of a photon
orbiting a geodesic with same conserved charges as the quasi-normal mode, and γL “ ´ipN `
1{2qλγ is the Lyapunov exponent related to the instability frequency λγ of the orbit.

Kerr spectroscopy

Let us finally discuss the rotating Kerr black hole. The quasi-normal mode spectrum has a rich and
complex structure. The SOp3q symmetry is now slightly broken, so the spectrum depends upon m
in addition to l. This leads to a sort of Zeeman effect (which is the splitting of quantum states of
electrons around atoms due to an external magnetic field) which splits the spectrum of frequencies.

The weakly damped modes are again the most relevant for gravitational wave detection. The N “ 0,
l “ 2, m “ 0 mode is the least damped with Mω020 « 0.4437 ´ 0.0739p1 ´ a{Mq0.3350 obtained by
numerical interpolation. There seems to be no known analytic formula in the highly damped regime.
The spacing of the imaginary part of the frequency is not the constant 2πTH but now grows with
a{M. The eikonal regime has been described earlier;

Let us conclude with a brief comment about quasi-normal modes around extremal rotating black
holes. It was shown recently [106] that the spectrum bifurcates in the near-extremal limit into the so-
called “zero-damped” and “damped” quasi-normal modes. The zero-damped quasi-normal modes
as their name indicates have Impωq Ñ 0 in the extremal limit while the damped ones keep a non-
zero imaginary part. This new physical features arises from the occurence of the near-horizon region
of near-extremal Kerr black hole. The zero-damped quasi-normal modes are emitted from the near-
horizon region, which the damped ones from the “far” Kerr region.

Here we conclude this journey into the marvelous world of rotating black holes. We hope that the
material will trigger the curiosity of the reader to dig in further into these very rich topic full of

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 114

4.3. Black hole spectroscopy

Many excellent references exist on the Kerr black hole, probably many of which I missed reading.
For a review of the coordinates patches of Kerr and its Penrose diagrams, I would recommend the
lecture notes of Carter of 1973 [107]. For the thermodynamics of Kerr, I particularly like the review of
Wald [108]. For clearly and concisely reviewing many classical features of Kerr and also the Hawking
radiation, I recommend the lecture notes of Townsend of 1997 [109]. A modern review of the Kerr
metric which includes a discussion of perturbation theory and hidden symmetries (together with a
historical review) is given by Teukolsky in 2014 [110]. It largely inspired this lecture.

The study of the near-horizon region of extremal Kerr black holes started by the work of Bardeen,
Teukolsky and Press in 1972 [111] but since it didn’t have direct astrophysical interest it was not
until 1999 that the actual decoupled near-horizon region was discovered by Bardeen and Horowitz
[112]. Recent interest for this limit is partly due to the Kerr/CFT correspondence in 2009 [81]. The
lectures are mostly based on the December 2016 review [82]. In particular, some of the developments
of [88, 113, 87, 114, 94, 13, 40] were covered.

The quasi-normal modes of the Kerr black hole are reviewed in [103, 115]. A classic reference on the
Newman-Penrose formalism is [116] but unfortunately it uses the overall minus signature conven-
tion for the metric. For a review of Frolov’s classification, I would recommend the corresponding
introductory chapter of the book [117]. For more details on the mysterious relationship between
hidden symmetries and separability, see the review [118].

G.C. thanks the organizers of the Amsterdam-Brussels-Geneva-Paris Doctoral School and the Inter-
national Solvay Institutes for the opportunity to give these lectures. This work was partly supported
by the ERC Starting Grant 335146 “HoloBHC". G.C. is a Research Associate and A.F. is Research
Fellow of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique F.R.S.-FNRS (Belgium).

Lecture 4. Rotating black holes 115


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