ABM HUMMS Physical Science EM5 - Intermolecular Forces
ABM HUMMS Physical Science EM5 - Intermolecular Forces
ABM HUMMS Physical Science EM5 - Intermolecular Forces
Physical Science
Experience Module 5: Intermolecular Forces
To perform the tasks in this Experience Module well, you should have already acquired the
following competencies
PLO Code Competency
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© Roger McLassus, from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2006-01-15_coin_on_water.jpg
Water is everywhere, and we cannot live without it. It also has interesting properties, such as
being a universal solvent and being able to support a coin on its surface. In the same context,
you can also float a needle on its top. How does that happen? What is it about the water
molecules that make this possible? In this module, you will learn the answers to these
questions in the science of intermolecular forces.
Do you still remember the different types of intermolecular forces? What type is responsible
for a coin to float on water? Let us learn the different types of intermolecular forces by
watching this video: Intermolecular Forces of Attraction.
You are now ready to do the activity below, where you need to explain how the
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intermolecular forces affect the properties that you have learned in Junior High School, such
as surface tension and boiling point. Use a science book or reliable Internet sources to answer
the questions below and start working on your SCIENTIFIC PROCESS skills.
The following online sources can help you, but you still have to research other sources to
finish this task.
The Effects of Intermolecular Forces
Effect of Intermolecular Forces on Boiling Point and Solubility
1. How does the strength of intermolecular forces affect the amount of energy to melt
2. How does the strength of intermolecular forces affect the time it will take to boil
3. How does the strength of intermolecular forces affect the strength of surface
tensions of liquids?
4. How do you compare the intermolecular forces of different phases (solid, liquid,
gas) of the same substance (for example, water)?
Lastly, to solidify your understanding of the effects of intermolecular forces on some physical
properties, watch the following video.
Check your understanding of this module by answering this online 20-item quiz:
Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties.
If you had difficulty answering the previous quiz, go back to the discussions above and/or
watch this video: Intermolecular Forces.
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What glue and tape are you familiar with, and which of these two is stronger? In glues,
intermolecular forces are responsible for the cohesive bonds of their molecules. What type of
intermolecular force do you think explains the stickiness of a glue? In general, glues are made
from synthetic molecules and natural proteins and carbohydrates. But different glues have
different components depending on the context of its usage. What do you think is the
importance of the science of glues in our everyday lives?
● Santiago and Silverio (2016). Exploring Life Through Science: Physical Science. Quezon
City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
● Get Started image. Retrieved August 29, 2022. Retrieved from
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