Lecture # 03 - R&D
Lecture # 03 - R&D
Lecture # 03 - R&D
Sri K. K. Ahuja (1993) Industrial Management, CBS Publisher and Distribution, Delhi
Managerial imagination is usually needed because opportunities are often not readily
apparent. Some years ago, Kentucky Fried Chicken uncovered an enormous market for
prepared food that no one realized existed. It took years of greater and greater sales in the
United States of small foreign compact cars to convince Detroit that a great many Americans
wanted small cars. The managers of America's automobile companies just did not believe that
very many Americans wanted small cars. They let Volkswagen and Toyota sell millions of
cars. Then, paradoxically, in 1976 when Detroit gave in and supplied small cars in variety
and quantity, the American public opted for bigger cars again.
So it is that managers need always to be on the lookout for new products and new services,
which they might provide.
Innovation is a process whereby new and creative ideas are welcomed, studied for their
feasibility, and, if feasible, implemented. Some of our better-selling products or larger cost
savings have come from ideas submitted by employees. For example, the 3M Company's
Post-it pad (the yellow pad with stickum on it) was developed from an idea of one of its
employees, research scientist Art Fry. Fry, a singer in his church's choir, recognized the need
for something to mark the pages of his hymnal so that he could easily turn to the next
selection. The marking pad had to have two major attributes-- it had to stick to a page and,
when removed, cause no damage. As ideas for new products are being generated, they
sometimes turn a problem into a success story. Art Fry, in looking for a way to find a hymnal
marker, found that a batch of glue that 3M made was not up to its standards for adhesion.
However, the below-standard adhesion had the properties required for his marker.
To reduce the fear associated with change, training is important. Once the secretary has been
given time to learn how to use the new equipment, and to experience how efficient it is and
how it makes her job easier, the fear of change can be reduced.
Research payoffs
The bloom is off the rose, however, so far as big quick payoffs are concerned. New
discoveries and innovations are harder to come by, even though occasionally there is a new
major scientific breakthrough which creates whole, new products which have substantial
impacts on existing products, possibly making them obsolete overnight. But, even in these
cases, competition usually holds profits down to nominal amounts. Hand-held pocket sized
calculators for under $20 drove older type desktop mechanical calculators off the market in
only two or three years. Then the competition among the little calculator makers themselves
drove almost all of them business. Acrylic-type fibers have taken way most of wool's former
near monopoly in carpets. And today most of the clothes we wear are made almost wholly
from synthetic fibers and not from cotton or wool. All of these innovations have come out of
research; yet, because of competition, the makers of these products have earned only nominal
Source of ideas
Although research provides the base from which new innovative applications can be
developed, innovative ideas come from many sources rather than just from researchers.
Marketing people see the need for something their customers want. Production people see
opportunities to improve methods and processes. Everyone in an organization is a potential
source of ideas. In order to try to tap this source of ideas, many firms try to generate a
creative environment for their people. They tell them about technical advances and ask for
ideas about how they can be incorporated into products and services. And they tell them
about areas where new products or services are needed. Often they have suggestion systems
and give awards for worthwhile improvement suggestions.
Some innovative products are of the "Why didn't I think of that?" kind. For example, years
ago, lacing up and later unlacing ski boots was a tiring and bothersome job. Then someone
improved on buckle boots and so changed the whole ski boot industry. Similarly, McDonald's
and Kentucky Fried Chicken perceived that people wanted simple foods served quickly and
at low prices. The result has been the billion-dollar fast foods industry. Probably very few
people ever thought that they needed an electric toothbrush, or a hot lather dispenser, or an
electric carving knife, or a telephone answering service. But, when given a chance to buy
them, millions of people bought. Imagination often pays off in product creation and service
Research risks
Only after the research on a project is done and money spent on it, can it begin to save money
or produce income? RCA had $50 million invested in color TV before its color sets reached
the American living room and had $125 million invested in it before it began to pay off.
Unfortunately, research does not always pay off. Du pont spent $25 million over 25 years
developing Corfam (artificial leather) before putting it on the market in 1964. Six years later,
after losing $100 million on Corfam, Du Pont stopped making it. Polaroid spent over $350
million on its SX-70 camera, but initial sales were much less than expected.
Yet, since everyone knows that research payoffs are hazardous and that few projects pay off,
one might ask why do almost all companies of any size carry on research. Aside from having
to research in order to keep up, it is still true that some of the successes pay for themselves
several times over. In general and in total, research usually pays off.
Furthermore, if a company does not do research, then income taxes will take nearly 50% of
its profit dollars-- nearly half of what is left over-- so tax savings pay for almost 50% or more
of research costs.
Each of these stages in the product life cycle is characterized by distinctly different
competitive forces and market response. An effective marketing manager takes into account
the length, and character of each stage of his product’s life cycle while formulating his
product strategy and policy. An illustrative product life cycle is depicted in Figure 1. It shows
the various stages through which every product passes during its life cycle. The profit curve
superimposed in the figure indicates that profit margins reach optimum and start moving on
the declining path much before the corresponding stages of sales decline is reached by the
product during its course of life cycle. Profit margins start declining after reaching their
optimum as the product enters the maturity stage. This happens because of intensive
competition offered by new entrants in the industry and consequent price reductions and
increased costs of production. Companies having high overhead costs reach the stage of
declining profits sooner than others because even a marginal decline in sales volume causes a
sharp increase in average fixed costs. Therefore, companies which invest heavily on research
We will now turn to a brief discussion of market characteristics associated with various
stages of product life cycle.
Sales volume
needed to
Profit sustain
margins growth
1. Awareness: A potential customer becomes aware of the product but has little
information to evaluate it.
2. Interest: His interest is aroused and he becomes actively involved in searching
information about the new product.
3. Evaluation: He evaluates the information and decides whether he wants to try the
4. Trial: He tries the product to evaluate its utility, quality and other features.
5. Adoption: At this stage, he adopts the product for regular use.
Every product goes through all these stages of life cycle. A company may, however, extend
the growth and maturity stages of its product through product innovation and making suitable
modification in products. For example, the manufactures of Allwyn refrigerators have
recently brought to extend the growth stage of its refrigerators by replacing its last model by
introducing Frige-cum-Deep Freezer.
Finally, new products are manufactured and marketed in order to take advantage of perceived
profitable opportunities. Most products result from the exploitation of such profitable
opportunities. The innovator of pressure cookers, for example, perceived such a profitable
opportunity for his product as he foresaw a wide and continually expanding market for
pressure cookers, which not only save housewife’s time and fuel cost but keep vitamins
Four organizational arrangements are commonly found for new product development. Many
companies have created a separate position of new product manager or new product planner.
All new product ideas are channelled to him and he coordinates marketing, production,
engineering and finance functions through all stage beginning from the searching of new
product ideas to commercialization of accepted new products. Large companies which invest
heavily in R&D and consider new products as their major competitive weapon, have created
full fledged new product departments. Some companies perform this function through ad hoc
or standing new product committees composed of all concerned top executives, including
marketing, engineering, production and financial executive. It is the task of this committee to
Product development is often costly and time-consuming. Sometimes it takes several years
before the product prototype can be put into commercial manufacturing. Testing operation
and functioning of the prototype and its marketability may result into modifications with the
result that several prototypes may have to be constructed. But time and money spent on
development is always well rewarded as it minimizes the risk of product failure.
(vi) Commercialization
If the product is found to be sound as a result of analysis and study of the results of test
marketing, it is ready to be launched in the market. The decision to commercialize the
product is one of the most critical and strategic decisions, which has serious and far-reaching
consequences for the future survival, growth, and profitability of the enterprise.
Commercialization of a product involves huge investment in buildings, plant and machinery,
training of a sales-force, creation of distribution channel and customer goodwill, which may
seriously affect its future effectiveness.
Commercialization of the product requires long and careful preparation. Production facilities
have to be set up and initial technical problems solved. Marketing mix is to be finalized and
promotion expenditure budgeted. Distribution channels have to be identified, cultivated and
persuaded to carry the product. The timing of launching the product and promotional
activities, particularly advertising has to be carefully synchronized.
Concept of Information
We perceive information as paper work, which means nuisance. This feeling is not correct;
Information at present is one of the ingredients of industrial operations. In a simple
organization, the amount of information needed to provide efficient utilization of men-
materials and machinery is not very significant, but in a larger size production unit, efficient
production depends considerably on systematic flow of information regarding the sales
forecasts, materials planning, production scheduling, costs and profitability at various
production levels. Information is an action concept. When you want somebody to work, you
must tell him what to do and how to do it. Modification for creative and intelligent work
come only from job satisfaction cannot be achieved with understanding the objectives of the
job to be achieved which in turn can not be understood without information.
To understand the concept of management information system, let us understand each of the
following terms:
1. Management
2. Information
3. System
1. Management
It is an essential part of any group activity. An organization cannot survive without
management. It is the management, which makes people realize the objectives of the
organization and directs the efforts towards their achievement. Management is a multi-
purpose organ of an organization that manages the work and personnel at work. It is a
creative and innovative force striving to secure the maximum result by the use of available
resources. Management provides new ideas and vision to the work group and integrates its
efforts in such a manner as to account for better results. The word “Management” refers to
top, middle and lower level as well as different functional areas of management such as
production, operations, marketing, finance, accounts, management services, personnel etc.
Once the objective of the business are decided then it is necessary to plan the course of action
to be followed in order to achieve these. Such a plan needs reliable information so as to
obtain best results. The next step is to communicate the plan or decision to lower levels for
execution. This requires information from those higher up as to what action is to be taken all
along the line to the lowest levels. The next is the control functions of management. After the
plan has been made and executed one must have the formation of the results and standards to
evaluate whether objective have been achieved or not. This calls for a regular flow of
feedback information which will indicate in what way the results vary from planned targets.
By examining these variances management can decide the corrective actions to be taken.
Thus planning, executive and controlling the affairs of a business will require information.
3. System
System refers to a group of components, which interact to provide management with the
information it seeks. The system would have its components as: inputs, outputs and
processing devices.
Information Operating
request MIS Scheduled
Data management
Formalized report
Organizational information
Figure 2. Information requirements of different management levels and the functional areas
Design. It is indeed a difficult task to design a suitable and efficient information system for
the management. This demands a thorough knowledge of the organizational structure
working and system. It requires experience, skill and vision of the information system.
Designer who must understand, assimilate and foresee the information needs of the
management. A few of the important steps involved in the design of MIS are:
1. Analysis phase
(i) Problem recognition. The designer must recognize the potential areas which need to
be served better and supplied with information which is better, prompt and accurate.
This has to accomplish by frequent and free discussion with the various levels of
management. Enough time should be spent in the recognition of the problem,
because it is preferable to have wrong solution for the right problem rather than the
right solution for wrong problem.
(ii) Problem identification. This involves a further study into the areas which have been
broadly recognized in the problem recognition phase and a closer scrutiny of the
selected areas already identified a deficient areas.
(iii) Problem definition. This phase is a further detailed study of the problem
identification phase. For instance, it will point out the exact discrepancy.
2. Synthesis
(i) Preparation of a document flow chart. The purpose of the flow chart is to present
the flow of different documents relating to the discrepancies of the deficient areas.
(ii) A close examination of the document flow chart. This is an exercise involving a
careful examination of the several deficiencies thrown in by the document flow
(iii) Working out quantities. This involves the computation of the record size and the
data elements involved in the systems design. The total volume of data to be
(1) Information is power and a kind of information or computer man has grown in the
organization. Information man is consulted by the top management as well as heads
of functional groups, in connection with the fulfillment of information needs of the