English PQ

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Practice Questions

Session: - 2022-23
Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.



I Read the passage given below. 10

History in general remains an endeavour to search for the truth about the past in a
contemporary light. The search is done by examining the treasure trove of a
documented past. This also holds true for the history of food. Cookbooks have
always played an instrumental role in researching the history of any community. The
1 roots of recording the history of food are nearly as old as the history of writing itself.
In the East, Meng Shen of T’ang dynasty recorded the origin and usage of every
food consumed in the court. In India, mythology mentions that the oldest and first
ever book on cookery is Pakadarpanam (The Mirror of Culinary Skills), written by
King Nala.

Cookbooks are a guiding light that can take one on a journey of understanding
traditions and culture. Scholars in the past also believed that cookbooks are a source
of information not only to understand social or gender-specific roles but also material
factors such as trade and network.

So what could be considered a cookbook in our modern society? It has been noted
recently that there is a surge in the number of infotainment and documentary
programs about food. Recipes are no longer just about cookbooks. In fact, a new
breed of Indian culinary experts are cooking their way to celebrity status. And they
are achieving this via social media. As they demystify Indian cuisine and offer step-
by-step guidance to creating mouthwatering Indian dishes, these talented men and

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women are inspiring a lot of Indians to pick up their ladles and try out various recipes
in their own kitchens.

The social media chefs are here to stay. No longer does an amateur home chef have
to struggle with trying to understand what exactly the recipe instruction means when
it says things like, “the batter should be of pouring consistency”. Now one can see
the chef demonstrate on video what exactly 'pouring consistency' ought to be like.

A lot of people used these recipes that were easily available on social media to get
through the COVID-19 pandemic. Cooking, which was considered a necessity at the
beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown days, turned into a recreational activity over
5 time. It also functioned as a tool to improve people’s psychological well-being. This
gave them a goal-oriented behaviour to engage in, while also being a way to connect
with others by sharing recipes or posting pictures of their creations on social media.
Thus, documenting recipes online is the modern version of authoring a cookbook.

contemporary - occurring in the present

(415 words)
Adapted —

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the 1 x 10

questions given below.

i The search is done by examining the treasure trove of a documented 1

past. This also holds true for the history of food. (Paragraph 1)
Why would the author refer to cookbooks as a 'treasure trove'?

A. because they contain recipes for rich foods

B. because writing them requires a lot of time and money
C. because they hold a wealth of information about the past
D. because writing recipes is considered a rewarding experience

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ii Refer to the following from Paragraph 1: 1
Meng Shen: records of food consumed in court
King Nala: Pakadarpanam, the oldest book on cookery (Paragraph 1)
Which of the options display the MOST LIKELY the reason the first
cookbooks were from royal households?

A. The royalty was involved in the planning of all their meals.

B. The royalty wanted ordinary folk to know how to eat like kings.
C. The royalty had to be ready to serve special food to foreign visitors.
D. The royalty had the resources to create complex dishes and
document them.

iii Cookbooks are a guiding light... (Paragraph 2) 1

Which of these options uses the same literary device as the line above?

A. This cake is the heaven of taste!

B. These grapes are as sweet as candy.
C. These biscuits are delicious. They're the best!
D. This recipe was so interesting. It jumped right off the page.

iv The author says "cookbooks are a source of information to understand 1

gender-specific roles." (Paragraph 2)
State one of the ways how cookbooks could reveal information on
gender-specific roles.

v Provide one example of how cookbooks can be a source of information 1

about trade and network.

vi Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 3. 1

Phrase Meaning
gradually progress from one stage to the

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vii The social media chefs are here to stay. (Paragraph 4) 1
Which of these best describes the tone in the above line?
A. curious
B. hopeful
C. confident
D. argumentative

viii Based on the passage, state any two reasons why more Indians are 1
exploring the art of cooking.
1. __________
2. __________

ix In the passage, which of these is NOT suggested as a reason for people 1

posting on social media about the food they cooked?

A. to share that they have completed a task

B. to maintain a record of all that they have cooked
C. to explain the steps they used for making the dish
D. to create a sense of competition among their followers

x Write an appropriate title for this passage. 1

II Read the passage given below. 10

Playing videogames provides entertainment and many social and psychological

rewards. However, videogame addiction also needs to be considered. Researchers
have noted that the number of hours spent playing videogames is not necessarily a
core indicator of addiction. Instead, several factors such as how fun or challenging
a game is, or being able to play with friends are also important determinants to
understanding whether a game is addictive or just engaging.

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A study investigated the reasons for smartphone game addiction. This was done by
analysing the reviews of games. Reviews were collected from games across
different categories in an app store. A total of 25,200 reviews were collected
containing references to the game being addictive. These reviews were analysed
and the number of times different factors were mentioned for terming a game as
addictive was recorded.

Table 1: Frequency of factors associated with smartphone gaming addiction, as

seen in the reviews of the games.
Types of Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
'Challenging' 'Friends' 'Fun'

Action 456 256 110

3 Board 420 697 120

Card 417 512 190

Word 812 23 123

(Note: This table displays only a small portion of data from the original study which analysed 9
factors across 14 types of games.)

It was seen that 22.37% of the total reviews in the study that described a game as
'addictive', also described it as 'challenging'. This was the most common factor
associated with addictive games, out of all the 9 factors. This was followed by 15.7%
of the reviews mentioning the factor of ' friends'. Although it is a cliché, the ubiquity
of the internet has made the world a global village. Friends can now play and interact
as a group, build virtual relationships within the game, and attain social recognition
from others, without even meeting in person. All of these factors can be highly
engaging to players, and for some, these could become addictive.

(248 words)
Adapted— https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11469-018-9897-5#rightslink

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i Based on the passage, state any two reasons why we need to study 1
1. __________
2. __________

ii Layla spends two hours a day playing games on her phone. 1

According to the passage, is this information sufficient to say she is
addicted to videogames? Why/ why not? Answer in one sentence.

iii Complete the following analogy correctly with a word from paragraph 1: 1
flourishes: grows: __________: factors

iv Based on paragraph 1, it can be said that the level of __________ and 1

__________ in a videogame determine how addictive it can be.

Which of these can go in the blanks to complete the sentence correctly?

1. variety
2. violence
3. difficulty
4. popularity
5. enjoyment

A. 1 & 4
B. 2 & 3
C. 3 & 5
D. 4 & 5

v The study mentioned in the passage used game reviews to understand 1

what makes a game addictive. State one reason why game reviews were
analysed for the purpose of the study.

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vi Based on the table in the passage, which type of game does the given 1
graph represent?

A. Action
B. Board
C. Card
D. Word

For the Visually Impaired Candidates

Based on the table in the passage, in which category of games does

the factor of 'Fun' play the LEAST role? Answer in ONE word.

vii A developer of a crossword puzzle app is seeking advice to make 1

improvements to the app. Based on the data provided, which of these
ideas is BEST to recommend to the developer?

A. Make the puzzles tougher to solve.

B. Allow players to team up or compete with other players.
C. Create more levels in the game for players to win prizes.
D. Change the colour and design to make it look more appealing.

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viii Write a word from paragraph 4 that means the SAME as the underlined 1
word in the sentence below.

It is the universal appeal of smartphones that made videogames very


ix Read the sentence given below. 1

Why is everyone playing on their phones?

In which of these places in the passage can the sentence be used?

A. at the beginning of paragraph 1
B. at the end of paragraph 1
C. at the beginning of paragraph 2
D. at the end of paragraph 4

x Which of these is BEST suited as a title for the passage? 1

A. Smartphones Boost Addiction
B. Challenge Your Mind with Games
C. A New Way to Game with Friends
D. Understanding Addiction to Games


Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10

i Read the conversation between a mother and her son. Complete 1

the sentence by reporting the mother's reply correctly.

Son: Mom, how do I become an artist?

Mother: You will need to learn more about the art you like and practice it
every day.

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A son asked his mother how he could become an artist. She told him

ii Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete this 1


Are you looking for more books to read? Due to popular demand, we
__________ back our 'Buy One Get One Free' offer next weekend!

A. brings
B. brought
C. will bring
D. were bringing

iii Identify the error in the given newspaper headline and supply the 1

Athletics Star Helps State Stays Ahead of Competition

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

iv Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from 1
a doorway sign.

Caution! You __________ not enter.

Only employees are allowed beyond this point.

A. need
B. must
C. could

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D. might

v Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the 1
bracket, for the given portion of a diary entry:

Dear Diary,

Today I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the ocean. I wish I could
__________ (painting) it to truly capture and preserve the beauty I

vi Select the option that identifies the error in a museum plaque and 1
supplies the correction for the same.

These building, inaugurated on 29 March 1954, was a former residence

of a Maharaja.

Option no. Error Correction

A. These This
B. building buildings
C. on at
D. of by

vii Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence 1

You must have got good news. I could __________ you celebrating!

A. hear
B. hears
C. heard
D. hearing

viii Read the conversation between a lawyer and his client. Complete 1
the sentence by reporting the lawyer's reply correctly.

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Client: I am worried, this is a very complicated case.
Lawyer: Don't worry, I have never lost a case in my life.

The client was worried as it was a very complicated case, but his lawyer
told him __________.

ix Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the 1

text message below.

Let's meet another day since neither Kavi nor Samantha __________
free today as they have tennis practice.

A. were
B. are
C. be
D. is

x Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue 1

between Ayan and his mechanic, Vir.

Ayan: By when do you think you can fix my car?

Vir: Probably by tomorrow. I don't think your car has any major issues.

Ayan asked his mechanic Vir when he thought he could fix his car. Vir
replied that he could probably fix the car by __________ as it had no
major issues.

A. that day
B. one day
C. tomorrow
D. the next day

xi Identify the error in the advertisement given below and supply the 1
correction for the same.

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Use the given format for your response.

error correction

Looking to Buy a Guitar?

The brand new guitar is for sale. It comes with a wooden, velvet-lined
guitar case.
If interested, contact me at 99889xxxxx for more details.

xii Rishi asked Ali the question given below. Report Rishi's question. 1

Could you give me some advice on how I could be a better school



All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely

1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A You are Rakesh Mehta, Secretary of Rainbow Apartments, Marathalli,

Bangalore. A major pipeline supplying water to your apartment complex
burst recently. Repairs are expected to be time consuming and the
available water is insufficient to meet the requirements of residents and

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staff within the premises. Write a letter to the Area Development Officer,
Marathalli Area, Bangalore, in not more than 120 words, requesting him
to complete the repair work at the earliest, drawing attention to the
difficulties faced by the people and the challenges of procuring water from


B You are Polly Chawla, a resident of Worli Park, Mumbai. You recently
saw a documentary about the youth of the nation titled,

'A Country in Good Hands'.

Write a letter of appreciation to the Editor of The Youth Times, in not

more than 120 words, drawing her attention to the good that the
youngsters around you are doing. Suggest ways in which they can
further contribute to the betterment of society.

2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A Read the following excerpt from an article in a fashion magazine:

'Colorism' is the term describing the preference for lighter skin. Several
of the world’s biggest advertising firms have come under severe criticism
for selling beauty products that promise whiter skin. What is worse is the
manner in which these fairness products are being promoted - the parallel
drawn between being fair and being successful; the perfect fair heroine
showcased in movies; celebrity endorsements of fairness products; and
matrimonial advertisements where everyone seeks a fair bride. This type
of advertising has created an inferiority complex among darker skinned
women as seen in the rising sales of fairness cosmetics. This form of
biased advertising has come under harsh criticism. Are we as a society
encouraging and supporting 'colorism'?

Write a paragraph in 100-120 words to analyse the given argument.

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You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the
given conclusion and include rationale / evidence that would strengthen
/ counter the given argument.


B The monthly expenditure of a family is represented in the pie chart

shown below.

Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words, analysing the information in

the pie chart to support your stand on how the family is using the money


V Reference to the Context 10

1 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 5

1.A Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money, such was
his confidence - but he became angry when he counted the money. God

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could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what
he had requested.
Immediately, Lencho went up to the window to ask for paper and ink. On
the public writing table, he started to write, with much wrinkling of his
brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he
finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then
affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist. The moment the letter fell
into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said, "God, Of the
money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the
rest, since I need it very much. But don't send it to me through the mail
because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho."
(A Letter to God)

i Why was Lencho not surprised when he received the money? 1

A. because he knew the post office employees were kind
B. because he knew his hard work would pay off
C. because he had been lucky in the past
D. because he had faith in a higher power

ii How did the postmaster MOST LIKELY feel when he read Lencho's 1
second letter?

iii Fill in the blank with ONE WORD only. 1

The postmaster rushed to open Lencho's second letter. This tells us

that the postmaster was ________ to know the contents of the letter.

iv Why did Lencho wrinkle his brow when writing the letter? 1

A. He was not able to put his thoughts into words.

B. He was not sure that God would respond again.
C. He was not comfortable writing in front of the others.
D. He was not able to calculate how many pesos were missing.

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v Which of these uses the word 'stamp' with the same meaning as used 1
in line 5 of the extract?

A. Simon could stamp and crush dry twigs with his boots if he had to.
B. Simon has an impressive stamp collection he liked to boast of.
C. Simon happily gave his stamp of approval on the new recipe.
D. Simon bears the stamp of a retired naval officer with pride.


1.B The arrival of a stranger at an inn in winter was in any case an unusual
event. A stranger of such uncommon appearance set all tongues
wagging. Mrs Hall, the landlord’s wife, made every effort to be friendly.
But Griffin had no desire to talk, and told her, “My reason for coming to
Iping is a desire for solitude. I do not wish to be disturbed in my work.
Besides, an accident has affected my face.”

Satisfied that her guest was an eccentric scientist, and in view of the fact
that he had paid her in advance, Mrs Hall was prepared to excuse his
strange habits and irritable temper. But the stolen money did not last long,
and presently Griffin had to admit that he had no more ready cash. He
pretended, however, that he was expecting a cheque to arrive at any
(Footprints without Feet)

i In which of these does 'ready' have the same meaning as used in the 1

A. Griffin didn't believe that he was ready to speak before the audience.
B. The landlord usually got the rooms ready before any guests arrived.
C. Mrs. Hall said there was a ready supply of food at the hotel.
D. The stranger was getting ready to take on new challenges.

ii Complete the analogy by selecting a suitable word from the text. 1

arrival: exit:: ___________: company

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iii Which of these is true about the inn? 1

A. Its location was remote.

B. Its customers were mainly locals.
C. It was a popular tourist destination.
D. It required rent to be paid in advance.

iv Why did the people start talking about the stranger's arrival? 1

1. because he was mostly quiet

2. because he was mean to people
3. because he was enjoying the snow
4. because he paid the inn charges in cash
5. because he was dressed in a strange manner

Select the correct option.

A. only 1 & 5
B. only 2 & 3
C. only 3, 4 and 5
D. only 4

v Mrs Hall was prepared to ignore Griffin's rudeness and weird behaviour. 1

State two reasons why this was so.

(i) __________
(ii) __________

2. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 5

2.A Or if some time when roaming round,

A noble wild beast greets you,
With black stripes on a yellow ground,
Just notice if he eats you.
This simple rule may help you learn
The Bengal Tiger to discern.

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If strolling forth, a beast you view,
Whose hide with spots is peppered,
As soon as he has lept on you,
You’ll know it is the Leopard.
’Twill do no good to roar with pain,
He’ll only lep and lep again.
(How to Tell Wild Animals)

i Complete the sentence appropriately. 1

The word 'discern' in line 6 of the extract means the same as

__________. (Clue: explain contextual meaning here)

ii Identify the option that explains the poetic device used. 1

With black stripes on a yellow ground...

...Whose hide with spots is peppered

A. a word formed from a sound

B. a word or phrase repeated at intervals
C. a word or expression used in place of an unpleasant one
D. a word or phrase that creates a mental image through vivid

iii State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE: 1

The extract tells us the similarities between tigers and leopards.

iv Select the appropriate option to complete the sentence. 1

The tone of the poet when telling how to identify a wild animal is both
scary and __________.

A. funny

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B. exciting
C. shocking
D. sorrowful

v Identify the option that has the same rhyme scheme as these 4 lines. 1

Or if some time when roaming round,

A noble wild beast greets you,
With black stripes on a yellow ground,
Just notice if he eats you.

A. The sky is very sunny.

The children are funny.
Under the tree we sit,
But just for a bit.

B. I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,

some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture

C. The people along the sand

All turn and look one way.
They turn their back on the land.
They look at the sea all day.

D. Others abide our question. Thou art free.

We ask and ask—Thou smilest and art still,
Out-topping knowledge. For the loftiest hill,
Who to the stars uncrowns his majesty,


2.B (I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;

life in a tower is tranquil and rare;

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I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)

Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!

You’re always so moody, Amanda!
Anyone would think that I nagged at you, Amanda!

i Which of these reflects the speaker’s tone in the second stanza of the 1

1. critical
2. worried
3. concerned
4. sympathetic
5. commanding

A. 1, 5
B. 2, 3
C. 2, 4
D. 4, 5

ii Why has line 6 of the extract been referred to as ironical? 1

iii Identify the reason Amanda says she will never let down her hair. 1

A. She has very short hair.

B. She likes her hair a lot.
C. She wishes to be left alone.
D. She awaits her Prince Charming.

iv Complete the analogy with a word from the extract. 1

life: death:: grinning: __________

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v Select the sentence in which the word ‘bright’ is used in a similar 1
manner as line 3 of the extract.

A. Sekhar is a very bright child.

B. Rama looked bright and chirpy today.
C. Bobby's shirt was so bright and cheerful.
D. Hemant has such bright prospects for the future.

VI Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. 4*3=12

i Explain the given statement with reference to Nelson Mandela's 3

“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.”
(Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom)

ii Give two reasons to support the opinion that Anne's diary is interesting 3
to readers.

(From the Diary of Anne Frank)

iii What does 'Fog' tell us about the speaker's relationship with nature? 3
Support your answer with an example from the text.

iv How do we know that bakers were an integral part of Goan society? 3

(A Baker from Goa)

v Explain why the author describes Coorg as 'a piece of heaven that must 3
have drifted from the kingdom of god'?

VII Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2*3=6

i How did Matilda's belief that she was 'an error of destiny' result in a 3
lifetime of sorrow for her?
(The Necklace)

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ii The Tehsildar was an agent of change in Bholi's life. Justify. 3

iii Based on 'The Book That Saved the Earth', state how jumping to 3
conclusions had an unintended consequence for the Martians.

VIII Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 1*6=6

i Compare and contrast what Anne from the poem 'Anne Gregory' would 6
look for in a life partner as compared to Natalya from 'The Proposal'.
Justify your answer with one example from each of the texts.


ii Explain how the setting of a story or a poem can enhance its plot with 6
reference to 'Dust of Snow' and 'Tea from Assam'.

IX Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 1*6=6

i Based on 'A Triumph of Surgery', state how Mrs. Pumphrey did more 6
harm than good to Tricki.


ii Describe the twist in the plot in 'The Midnight Visitor'. Analyse how 6
Fowler's opinion of Ausable must have undergone a change after the
plot twist.

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