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Straddling one of Europe’s busiest cross-
roads, Amsterdam has excellent air links, a Things Change...
fine motorway and train lines fanning out to The information in this chapter is particularly vul-
the rest of Europe. Once in town, you’ll find nerable to change. Check directly with the airline
that Amsterdam is very much a walking city; or a travel agent to make sure you understand
you can traverse the old centre in 30 min- how a fare (and ticket you may buy) works and
utes and reach the outskirts in an hour. The be aware of the security requirements for inter-
tram system is reliable, though not necessarily national travel. Shop carefully. The details given
faster than a bike, the locals’ preferred way of

in this chapter should be regarded as pointers and
getting around. are not a substitute for your own careful, up-to-
Flights, tours and rail tickets can be booked date research.
online at
Meet arrivals in the large lobby known as
AIR Schiphol Plaza. For airport and flight infor-
mation call %0900 01 41 (per minute €0.40)
Airport or see
A mere 18km from central Amsterdam, Schiphol The airport is in the same telephone area
airport is the Netherlands’ main international code as Amsterdam proper (%020).
airport and the fourth-busiest passenger termi- Luggage may be deposited at the left luggage
nal in Europe. It’s the hub of Dutch passenger office (%601 24 43) in the basement between ar-
carrier KLM, and over 100 airlines have direct rival areas One and Two. Cost is €5 per item
flights and connections to all continents. Its per day. Lockers are available from €5 to €9
shopping arcades, both in public areas and the per day (depending on size) and luggage can
See Buy Fly duty-free areas, are renowned. be stored for up to a week.


The Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS; national railway) runs trains to Centraal Station (one way/return €3.60/5.50, 15 to
20 minutes, every 10 to 15 minutes) from right beneath Schiphol Plaza. Train-ticket counters and vending machines
are in Schiphol Plaza’s central court; buy your ticket before taking the escalator down to the platforms (see p242 for
instructions for domestic tickets). If you need a strippenkaart (a ticket for local transport within Amsterdam), purchase
it at the Ako newsstand near the ticket windows.
Taxi services between Amsterdam and Schiphol airport take 20 to 45 minutes (may be longer in rush hour)
and cost about €30 to €40. Aficionados swear by Amsterdam Airport Business Taxi (%06 5376 9753; www, who have Mercedes cars and professional drivers and cost €34 to €42 depending on your destination
or origin in town.
Some of the international hotel chains have free shuttle services for their guests. Public services such as Con-
nexxion bus Interliner 370 also run regular services to and from central Amsterdam. Connexxion runs a paid hotel
shuttle (one way/return around €12.50/19.50). When making your hotel reservation, ask whether the shuttle stops
on the route.
Another way to get to or from the airport is by the minivan service Schiphol Travel Taxi (%0900 88 76, per min
€0.10, from outside the Netherlands 31 38 339 47 68; Figure on about €21 per person.
By car, take the A4 freeway to/from the A10 ring road around Amsterdam. A short stretch of A9 connects to the
A4 close to Schiphol.
Car-rental offices at the airport are in the right-hand corner near the central exits of Schiphol Plaza.
The airport’s P1 and P2 short-term (undercover) parking garages charge €1.90 per half-hour for the first three
hours, then €3 per hour. Daily charges are €26 a day for the first three days, €17.50 a day thereafter. The long-term
(open-air) parking area is a fair distance from the terminal but is linked by a 24-hour shuttle bus. The charge is €50
for up to three days and €6.50 for each day thereafter.

238 239

BICYCLE & SCOOTER To carry a bike aboard a train, you’ll need to
The vast majority of Amsterdammers get
purchase a bike day pass (€6), valid through- CLIMATE CHANGE & TRAVEL
out the country, and carriage is subject to
around town on their estimated 600,000 fiet- Climate change is a serious threat to the ecosystems that humans rely upon, and air travel is the fastest-growing
sen (bikes). Motor scooters and mopeds are availability of space. Many train stations
contributor to the problem. Lonely Planet regards travel, overall, as a global benefit, but believes we all have a
popular too, but few places hire them out (see also have bike rental facilities on the spot.
responsibility to limit our personal impact on global warming.
right). Helmets are not required. Collapsible bikes can be carried for free. An
Many visitors rent a bike towards the end of alternative to renting a bike is to buy one. Flying & Climate Change
their stay and wish they had done so sooner. Figure on about €80 for a used bike and Pretty much every form of motor transport generates CO₂ (the main cause of human-induced climate change) but
See the boxed text, below, before setting out. maybe €40 for two good locks. planes are far and away the worst offenders, not just because of the sheer distances they allow us to travel, but
because they release greenhouse gases high into the atmosphere. The statistics are frightening: two people taking
a return flight between Europe and the US will contribute as much to climate change as an average household’s gas
Bicycle Hire Scooter Hire and electricity consumption over a whole year.
All the companies listed here require ID plus The best bet for scooter hire is to try Moped
a credit card imprint or a cash deposit with a Rental Service Gilex (Map p86; %623 45 50; www.gilex Carbon Offset Schemes


passport. Many rental agencies require that .nl; Marnixstraat 208; weekday/weekend day €37.50/42.50, and other websites use ‘carbon calculators’ that allow travellers to offset the greenhouse gases they
you bring your passport as proof of ID. Prices weekend/week €80/210, plus deposit €450). Scooters are responsible for with contributions to energy-saving projects and other climate-friendly initiatives in the developing
are for basic ‘coaster-brake’ bikes; gears and come in all colours, as long as it’s yellow. world – including projects in India, Honduras, Kazakhstan and Uganda.
handbrakes, and especially insurance, usually Lonely Planet, together with Rough Guides and other concerned partners in the travel industry, supports the carbon
cost more. offset scheme run by Lonely Planet offsets all of its staff and author travel.
Bike City (Map p86; %626 37 21;; BOAT For more information check out our website:
Bloemgracht 68-70; per day/week €8.50/41, plus credit
card imprint deposit) There’s no advertising on the bikes, Canal Boat, Bus & Bike
so you can pretend you’re a local. Canal Bus (Map pp62-5; %623 98 86;; day
pass per adult/child €18/12) does several circuits
Damstraat Rent-a-Bike (Map pp62-5; %625 50 29; We absolutely don’t recommend having a car Local companies are usually cheaper than the
between Centraal Station and the Rijksmu- in Amsterdam, but if you must, read on. big multinationals, but don’t offer as much; Damstraat 20-2; per day/week €7/31, plus
seum between 9.50am and 8pm. The day pass backup or flexibility. Rates start at around
credit card imprint deposit)
is valid until noon the next day. The same €34/40 per day for a two-/four-person
Holland Rent-a-Bike (Map pp62-5; %622 32 07;
Damrak 247; per day/week €6.40/34.50, plus deposit €150
company rents canal bikes (pedal boats) for Driving car, but they do change frequently, so call
€8 per person per hour (€7 if more than two Visitors are entitled to drive in the Nether- around. Rentals at Schiphol airport incur a
or credit card imprint) people per canal bike). Docks are by Leidse- lands on their foreign licences for a period €40 surcharge.
MacBike (%620 09 85;; per day/week plein (Map pp100–1) and near the Anne Frank of up to 185 days per calendar year. If you Look for local car-rental firms in telephone
€8.50/29.75, plus ID & €50 deposit or credit card imprint) Huis (Map p92). stay longer, you must get a Dutch licence directories under the heading Autoverhuur.
Centraal Station (Map pp62-5); Visserplein (Map pp62-5; See p249 for details of canal boat tours. (with some exceptions). For all queries, ring Following is a list of some of the better-known
Mr Visserplein 2); Weteringschans (Map pp100-1; We- the National Transport Authority (%0900 07 39, per car-rental companies:
teringschans 2) The most expensive (and the bikes are min €0.10). Avis Autoverhuur (Map p116; %683 60 61;;
equipped with big signs that say ‘LOOK OUT!’ to locals), but Ferries Traffic in Amsterdam travels on the right Nassaukade 380)
it has the most locations. There are free ferries from behind Centraal and is generally quite busy. The minimum easyCar (
Mike’s Bike Tours (Map pp100-1; %622 79 70; www Station to destinations along the IJ, notably driving age is 18 years for cars and 16 years; Kerkstraat 134; half-day/full day/ Amsterdam Noord. for motorcycles. Seat belts are required for Europcar (Map p116; %683 21 23;;
additional day €5/7/5, plus €200 deposit or passport or The ferry that goes to the Eastern Dock- everyone in a vehicle. Children under 12 must Overtoom 197)
other ID) lands costs €1. ride in the back if there’s room. Hertz (Map p116; %612 24 41;; Overtoom
Be alert for bicycles, and if you are trying 333)
to turn right, be aware that bikes have prior- National Car Rental (Map p116; %616 24 66; www
BICYCLE RULES ity. Trams always have the right of way. In; Overtoom 184)
The heavy traffic can be intimidating, but observe a few basics and soon you’ll be freewheeling like a native: traffic circles (roundabouts), approaching
Sixt (%023-405 90 90;; Schiphol Plaza)
Cyclists have the right of way, except when vehicles are entering from the right. However, that doesn’t mean vehicles technically have right of way, but
motorists are as careful as they should be. in practice they yield to vehicles already on
Watch for pedestrians too. Tourists (the poor things) tend to wander in and out of bike paths with no idea of the the circle. Parking
danger they’re putting themselves in. The blood-alcohol limit when driving Parking in the city hits you where it hurts.
By law, after dusk you need to use the lights on your bike (front and rear) and have reflectors on both wheels. If is 0.05%, and the speed limits are 50km/h Pay-and-display applies in the central zone
your bike does not have lights, you need to use clip-on lights, both front and rear. in built-up areas, 80km/h in the country, from 9am to midnight from Monday to Satur-
It’s polite to give a quick ring of your bell as a warning. If someone’s about to hit you, a good sharp yell is highly 100km/h on major rural through-roads and day, and noon to midnight on Sunday. At the
effective. 120km/h on freeways (sometimes this is re- time of writing, the cost was €4.60/27.60/18.40
Chain your bike securely. Most bikes come with two locks, one for the front wheel (attach it to the frame) and the duced to 100km/h, but this is generally clearly per hour/day/evening in most of the City Cen-
other for the back. One lock should also be attached to something stationary. indicated). tre, and €3.60/21.60/14.40 elsewhere within

240 241

the Canal Belt. Prices ease as you move away

TRAIN Upon entering, pick up a numbered ticket
GVB Fares
from the centre. Day passes are available. based on the kind of train ticket you need:
Trains are frequent and serve domestic desti- Tickets on trams and buses are calculated by
Nonpayers in the City Centre will find a advance, pick-up of a reservation, or depart-
nations at regular intervals, sometimes five or zone and are valid for one hour from the time
bright yellow wielklem (wheel clamp) attached ing within an hour. Pick-ups and immediate
six times an hour. However, the network has they’re stamped. Within the city centre you
to their car and have to pay €103.60 to get it departures get higher priority. Don’t even
been plagued by poor punctuality in recent are in Zone 1. When in doubt, consult the
removed; visit the closest Stadstoezicht office (City think of taking a number for other than what
years, particularly at rush hour. maps at bus and tram stops, or ask the driver
Surveillance; %553 03 00) to pay the fine. Other- you’re planning to buy – you’ll be sent to the
Amsterdam’s main train station is Centraal or conductor. Single-trip fares for one/two
wise, within 24 hours the vehicle will be towed back of the queue.
Station (CS). There’s a left-luggage desk down- zones are €1.60/2.40.
and the fine skyrockets to €300. You may also purchase tickets by phone
stairs from Track 2, near the southeastern GVB passes are valid in all zones, and fares
Parking garages in the City Centre include (%0900 92 96, per minute €0.35, 8am to mid-
corner of the station. for one/two/three days are €6.50/10.50/13.50.
locations at Damrak, near Leidseplein and night), or by credit card online, but you must
Children (aged four to 11) and seniors can ob-
under Museumplein and the Stopera, but pick them up here. Be sure to reserve interna-
tain a day pass for €4.50 per day, but multiple
they’re often full and cost more than a park- Domestic Tickets tional seats in advance during peak periods.
day passes are not available.
Tickets can be bought at the window or ticket-


ing permit. Here are some other options for
parking: ing machines. Buying a ticket on board means
you’ll pay almost double the normal fare.
Schedules Strippenkaart
Amsterdam-Noord Park for free and take the ferry across. In stations, schedules are posted by route,
To use the ticketing machines, find your though trip duration and arrival time infor- Depending on how much you plan to travel,
Car Hotel (%493 12 78;; per 24hr €20) destination on the alphabetical list of place mation aren’t. Outside of the station, con- consider a strippenkaart (‘strip card’; 15-/45-
Collects and delivers your car from and to your hotel. names, enter the code into the machine, then tact the NS (%0900 92 92, per min €0.70;; strip cards €6.80/20.10), available at train and
choose 1st or 2nd class (there’s little difference bus stations, post offices, many VVV (tour-
Stadionplein Park and ride in from the southwestern h7am-midnight). ist information) offices, supermarkets and
in comfort, but if the train is crowded there are
outskirts. usually more seats in 1st class). Then choose tobacconists.
Transferium parking garage (%400 17 21; Bijlmer; per with/without discount, the former only if you
have a Railrunner or Voordeel-Urenkaart (see
TRAM, BUS & METRO Each strip is numbered, but there’s a trick:
you need to stamp for the number of zones
day incl 2 return tickets for public transport to Centraal Most public transport within the city is by tram;
Station €5.50) Under the Amsterdam Arena. below) and the period of validity, ie ‘today’ buses and Amsterdam’s metro (subway) serve you’re travelling plus one, and you stamp one
or ‘without date’ for a future trip. For tickets some outer reaches. Services are run by the local strip only. In other words, if you’re travelling
without date, be sure to validate the ticket in a transit authority, the GVB; national railway in Zone 1, stamp the second available strip
TAXI yellow punch gadget near the platform before (NS) tickets are not valid on local transport. but not the first (this would invalidate the
Amsterdam taxis are among Europe’s most you board. The machines take coins and PIN The GVB has an information office (Map pp62-5; second stamp). You should begin stamping
expensive. Worse, drivers tend not to know cards, but not credit cards. %0900 80 11, per min €0.10;; Stationsplein 10; from the lowest number available. You can
the streets; you often have to tell them how With a valid ticket you can break your h7am-9pm Mon-Fri, 8am-9pm Sat & Sun) across the also use a strip card if you’re travelling with
to get there. This is complicated because, as a journey along the direct route. Day return tram tracks from the Centraal Station main en- a companion, so if both of you are travelling
group, taxi drivers are among the few people tickets are 10% to 15% cheaper than two trance. Here you can get tickets, maps and the within Zone 1, you stamp the second and the
you meet in town who may not speak English one-ways. like. The website has lots of useful information fourth strips (two strips plus two strips).
well. A notable exception is Taxicentrale Amster- Children under four travel free if they including details of how to reach key sights. If you’re boarding transport with a conduc-
dam (TCA; %777 77 77). don’t take up a seat. Ages four to 11 pay a You must either purchase a ticket on board tor, simply state where you’re travelling and
You’re not supposed to hail taxis in the ‘Railrunner’ fare of €2 as long as an adult or validate it when you board. If you get caught the conductor will stamp your card for you. If
many no-stop zones of the city, but many cabs comes along. without a ticket or properly stamped strip, you need to validate it yourself, fold the card
will halt if you do. You can also usually find If you plan to do a lot of travelling, a one- playing the ignorant foreigner will guarantee so that the strip you want to stamp is first on
them at taxi stands at hotels and, especially at day travel card costs €40.30. For longer stays, that you get fined €37.50. Some trams have the top, and insert it into the machine.
night, on Leidseplein. the €55 Voordeel-Urenkaart is valid for one conductors responsible for ticketing (usually A strippenkaart is valid on local public
Flag fall is around €3.40 and the rate is year and gives a 40% discount on train travel towards the rear of the tram), while others transport throughout the country; however,
€1.94 per kilometre, plus a 5% to 10% tip. weekdays after 9am, as well as weekends, pub- do not. Drivers can also handle tickets but in early 2009 they will be replaced by a smart-
lic holidays and the whole months of July and prefer not to as it slows things down. If you card system, the OV-chipkaart. A dispos-
Some independent cabs charge lower fares
August. The discount also applies to up to are transferring from another line, show your able card costs €8 for four journeys – not a
but many will charge more. There’s also the
three people travelling with you on the same ticket to the conductor or driver as you board. great deal. Or you can pay a one-off fee of
informal strategy of setting a price with the trip. Seniors (60-plus) can pay an extra €14 for
driver before you get in – figure about two Buses are more conventional, with drivers €7.50 for a regular OV-chipkaart and load
seven days of fare-free travel a year. stamping the tickets as you board. it at the GVB ticket vendors and machines
thirds of the metered price. Some haggling
is usually involved. If a driver’s been waiting Chances are you won’t use the metro un- (good for longer stays, as single journeys
long enough, he may agree. International Tickets less you go to the international bus station at
Amstelstation, south to the RAI Convention
begin at €0.90). Don’t forget to swipe it at
the card readers in trams and buses, both
A cute alternative to regular taxis, the open For details of international trains and reser-
three-wheeled scooters of TukTuk (%0900 993 vations, visit the NS international office (; Centre, or to the World Trade Centre (all upon entering and exiting, or you’ll be liable
33 99, per min €0.55) have a Fellini quality about Map pp58–9). for a fine.
Centraal Station; h6.30am-9pm) facing Track 2 and
them. Costs are zone-based: €3.50/5/6.50 for see Dutch inefficiency at its worst. At peak
one/two/three passengers in the City Centre, times (eg summer) the queues can be up to
plus a flat €3.50 per zone thereafter. two hours.
242 243
COURSES I Amsterdam Card (per 24/36/72hr €33/43/53) Available
D I R EC TO RY Here are some options if you’re interested in
studying the Dutch language in all its gut-
at VVV offices and some hotels. Provides admission to most
museums, canal boat trips, and discounts and freebies at
shops, attractions and restaurants. Also includes a GVB
tural glory: transit pass.
Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University (Map
BUSINESS HOURS Babysitting p92;%620 02 25;; Keizersgracht 324)
Museumkaart (Museum Card; over/under 26yr €30/15,
plus €4.95 for first-time registrants) Free entry to some 400
Business hours are similar to those of other Eu- Babysitters charge between €5 and €6 an hour Based in the Felix Meritis Building.
depending on the time of day, sometimes museums all over the country for one year. Buy one at the
ropean countries, with a few exceptions. Most ticket counter before you hit an exhibition.
banks and businesses close on public holidays, with weekend and/or hotel supplements and British Language Training Centre (Map pp62-5; %622
but many shops open on Good Friday, Christ- a service fee for the agency, and you might 36 34;; Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 328e) Offers
mas and Boxing Day. On other religious days, have to pay for their taxi home if it gets late.
Agencies use male and female students, but
Dutch and English courses and has a good reputation.
such as Whit Monday, it may seem hardly like a Tropeninstituut (Map p129; %568 83 19;; The standard voltage throughout the Nether-
holiday at all. Venues normally closed on Sun- you may not always be able to specify which Royal Institute for the Tropics, Language Training Depart- lands is 220V, 50Hz. Plugs are of the Conti-
day are likely to be shut on public holidays. gender. Weekends frequently get booked out, ment, Linaeusstraat 2) Intensive language courses with a nental two-round-pin variety. If you need an
Banks Open from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday – some till so plan ahead. Ask at hotels about babysitting large component of cultural training, aimed specifically at adapter, get it before you leave home because
9pm Thursday, and Saturday mornings. services, or try Oppascentrale Kriterion (Map p122; foreigners moving to the Netherlands. most of the ones available in the Netherlands
%624 58 48;; Valckenierstraat 45hs; Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam (%626 16 26; www are for locals going abroad. See www.kropla
Cafés Open 10am to 1am Sunday to Thursday, till 3am Friday h4.30-8pm daily, 9-11am Mon). .com for issues related to electrical systems,
and Saturday.; Rapenburgerstraat 73)
Well-regarded day and evening courses that don’t cost a such as cycle frequencies and how to avoid
General office hours From 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. frying your hairdryer.

Museums Often closed on Monday.
CLIMATE fortune.
Unlike the climate suggested by 17th-century
Pubs and clubs Opening hours vary. Closing hours 1am
Sunday to Thursday, 3am Friday and Saturday.
landscapes depicting half-frozen skaters, Am-
sterdam has a temperate maritime climate Amsterdam is the country’s capital but con-
with cool winters and mild summers. The best For visitors from EU countries, limits only still fusingly, Den Haag is the seat of government,
Restaurants Lunch 11am to 2.30pm, dinner 6pm to 10pm.
time to go is May (when the tulips are out) to apply for perfumes and other luxury products. the result of an old deal among Holland’s rul-
Shops Open from noon to 6pm Monday, 9am to 6pm Special limits apply to visitors from the new
August, when the weather is most reliable, ing elite. So the embassies are in Den Haag,
Tuesday to Saturday. Koopavond (evening shopping) is on EU member states who joined after 2003; see
but an Indian summer during September and but Amsterdam has a raft of consulates:
Thursday nights, with shops staying open until 9pm. Within for details.
early October can be delightful. France (Map pp100-1; %530 69 69; Vijzelgracht 2)
the Canal Belt, shops are allowed to open from 1pm until Residents of non-EU countries are limited
Rain is spread evenly over the year, often in
5pm on Sunday, although not all choose to do so. to the following: Germany (Map p110; %574 77 00; Honthorststraat 36-8)
the form of endless drizzle, though the stat-
Supermarkets Open until 8pm. isticians tell us that most of it falls at night Coffee 500g of coffee, or 200g of coffee extracts or coffee Italy (Map p110; %550 20 50; Vijzelstraat 79)
(yeah, right). It’s best to bring a foul-weather essences. Spain (Map pp100-1; %620 38 11; Frederiksplein 34)
jacket in case of the occasional cold snap
CHILDREN or rainstorm. Very few hotels have air con- Perfume 50g of perfume and 0.25L of eau de toilette. UK (Map p116; %676 43 43; Koningslaan 44)
There is much to keep kids occupied in Am- ditioning, although higher temperatures due Tea 100g of tea, or 40g of tea extracts or tea essences. USA (Map p110; %575 53 09; Museumplein 19)
sterdam – a zoo, playgrounds and parks, to global warming is slowly forcing a change.
canal boat trips, a marionette theatre and kid- Tobacco 200 cigarettes or 250g of tobacco (shag or pipe These countries have embassies in Den Haag:
December to February is the coldest period, tobacco) or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars.
friendly museums, just for starters (see the with occasional slushy snow and temperatures Australia (%070-310 82 00; Carnegielaan 4)
boxed text, p105). Lonely Planet’s Travel with around freezing. It rarely freezes hard enough Wine 1L of strong alcoholic drink or 2L of sparkling wine
Children is a goldmine for planning ahead. or fortified wine such as sherry or port; 2L of nonsparkling Canada (%070-311 16 00; Sophialaan 7)
to allow skating on the canals, but when it
In general, attitudes towards children in the wine. Denmark (%070-302 59 59; Koninginnegracht 30)
does, the city comes alive with skaters. And
Netherlands are very positive, apart from some you couldn’t wish for better photo material India (%070-346 97 71; Buitenrustweg 2)
hotels with a no-children policy – check when
you book. Most restaurants have high chairs
than Amsterdam after a dusting of snow.
See also p16 to help you decide on the best DISCOUNT CARDS Ireland (%070-363 09 93; Dr Kuyperstraat 9)
Israel (%070-376 05 00; Buitenhof 47)
and children’s menus. Facilities for changing time to go. Visitors of various professions – artists, jour-
nappies, however, are limited to the big depart- nalists, museum conservators, students and Japan (%070-346 95 44; Tobias Asserlaan 2)
ment stores, major museums and train stations AMSTERDAM -4m (-13ft)
Average teachers – may get discounts at some venues New Zealand (%070-346 93 24; Eisenhowerlaan 77n)
and you’ll pay to use them. Breast-feeding is Temp/Humidity Rainfall
if they show accreditation. Seniors over 65,
generally OK in public if done discreetly. Kids
°C °F % in mm
and with partners of 60 or older, benefit from Norway (%070-311 76 11; Lange Vijverberg 11)
40 104 100 6 150
are allowed in pubs but aren’t supposed to reductions on public transport, museum ad-
30 86 80
drink until they’re 16. While they’re still tots, 4 100
missions, concerts and more. You may look
be careful of all the open water (Dutch kids all 20 68 60 younger, so bring your passport. In a life-threatening emergency, the national
learn to swim at school). 10 50 40 Other discount options: telephone number for an ambulance, police
2 50
See also listings in the Neighbourhoods 0 32 20 Cultureel Jongeren Paspoort (Cultural Youth Passport; and fire brigade is %112. It’s an all-in serv-
chapter (p56), or check local listings for special; €15) Big discounts to museums and cultural ice that feeds you into the right emergency
-10 14 0 0 0
events (under jeugd for ‘youth’). J F MAM J J A S O N D J F MAM J J A S O N D events nationwide for people under 27 years. service, with no waiting.
244 245

HEALTH Koninginnedag Queen’s Day, 30 April.

LEGAL MATTERS There are no compulsory vaccinations,
Bevrijdingsdag Liberation Day, 5 May. This isn’t a but if you’ve just travelled through a yellow-
For information on medical services in Am- The Amsterdam politie (police) are pretty
universal holiday; government workers have the day off fever area you could be asked for proof that
sterdam, see opposite; some information for relaxed and helpful unless you do something
but almost everyone else has to work. you’re covered. Up-to-date tetanus, polio and
women is on p256. instinctively wrong such as chucking litter
diphtheria immunisations are always recom-
Hemelvaartsdag Ascension Day. Usually between mid- or smoking a joint right under their noses.
They can hold offenders for up to six hours mended whether you’re travelling or not.
May and mid-June.
STDs & HIV/AIDS Eerste and Tweede Pinksterdag Whit Sunday (Pentecost) for questioning (plus another six hours if they For minor health concerns, see a local
HIV/AIDS is still a problem in the Nether- can’t establish your identity, or 24 hours if drogist (chemist) or apotheek (pharmacy, to
lands, but has been contained by practical and Whit Monday. Usually between mid-May and mid-June. fill prescriptions). For more serious problems,
they consider the matter serious) and do not
education campaigns and free needle-exchange Eerste and Tweede Kerstdag Christmas Day and Boxing have to grant a phone call, though they’ll ring go to the casualty ward of a ziekenhuis (hos-
programs. The Dutch health ministry and or- Day. your consulate. You’re presumed innocent pital) or try the Centrale Doktersdienst (%0900 592
ganisations such as the COC, HIV Vereniging until proven guilty. 34 34), the 24-hour central medical service that
and Schorer Foundation (listed following) do Many people also treat Remembrance Day (4 May) In principle there’s a ‘limited’ requirement will refer you to an appropriate doctor, dentist
their bit to prevent the spread of STDs and as a day off. for anyone over 12 years of age to carry ID. or pharmacy. For matters dealing with STDs
HIV. Virtually all bars, bookshops and saunas For the visitor this basically means on public and HIV/AIDS, see opposite.
that cater for gays provide safe-sex leaflets; Forget about buying flu tablets and antacids
many also sell condoms. INTERNET ACCESS transport, at soccer games or, increasingly,
in designated ‘security-sensitive’ areas such at supermarkets; for anything stronger than
Free testing for sexually transmitted dis- Amsterdam led the digital revolution in toothpaste you’ll have to go to a pharmacy. A
Europe, so the city is just as wired as many as Rembrandtplein or the Red Light District,
eases is available at the GG&GD STD Clinic (Municipal where the police can conduct random checks convenient one is Dam Apotheek (Map pp62-5; %624
Medical & Health Service; Map p122; %555 58 22; www
of its visitors. 43 31; Damstraat 2; h8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri, to 5pm Sat),
for illegal weapons and drugs. (It’s all part


Most hotels offer some kind of internet just off the Dam.; Weesperplein 1; h8.30-10.30am & 1.30- of a national law-and-order, anti-terrorism
access, from business centres and turbo- A number of hospitals have 24-hour emer-
3.30pm Mon-Fri). You must arrive early in the charged wi-fi to the receptionist’s dusty PC. campaign, but most visitors won’t even no-
morning for same-day testing. If a problem is tice it.) Foreigners should carry a passport gency facilities:
Oftentimes you can borrow a guest laptop. In-
diagnosed staff will provide free treatment im- room connections may be ISDN or modular, or a photocopy of the relevant data pages; a Boven-IJ Ziekenhuis (%634 63 46; Statenjachtstraat
mediately, but blood-test results take a week if there’s no wi-fi; if this is important, check driver’s licence isn’t sufficient. 1, Amsterdam Noord) Take bus 34 north from Centraal
(they’ll give you the results over the phone ahead with the hotel. You can drink beer and wine from age 16, Station.
if need be). The HIV Vereniging offers HIV There are a few internet cafés around town, and spirits from age 18, although bars and
testing on Friday nights (€20; ring for an ap- cafés are pretty lenient when it comes to proof Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis (Map p129; %599 91 11; 1e
but they’re a dying breed with more and more Oosterparkstraat 1) At Oosterpark near the Tropenmuseum.
pointment), with results in 15 minutes. visitors logging in via hotel terminals or mo- of age. Coffeeshops require visitors be 18 or
There are bilingual telephone help lines for even 21 to enter and consume soft drugs. The The closest public hospital to the centre of town.
bile devices. Costs are roughly €1.50 to €2 per
those seeking information or a friendly ear: hour, via snappy high-speed lines. legal driving age is 18. St Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis (Map pp58-9; %510 89
HIV Vereniging (Map p116; %616 01 60, help line 689 11; Jan Tooropstraat 164) In the western suburbs.
easyInternetcafé (Map pp62-5; www.easyeverything
25 77;; 1e Helmersstraat 17b-3; h2-
10pm Mon-Fri) National organisation for the HIV positive;; Damrak 33; h9am-10pm) Rows of aging self- MAPS Slotervaart Ziekenhuis (Map pp58-9; %512 93 33;
Louwesweg 6) In the southwestern suburbs.
service screens from the makers of easyJet. The maps in this book will probably suffice
provides personal assistance. for casual touring. Lonely Planet’s handy VU Medisch Centrum (Map pp58-9; %444 44 44; De
goPengo (Map pp62-5;; %771 97 58;
Schorer Foundation (Map pp100-1; %573 94 44; www Amsterdam City Map is plastic-coated against Boelelaan 1117, Amsterdam Buitenveldert) Hospital of the
Staalstraat 28; h9am-midnight) Linux-loving nonprofit; Sarphatistraat 35; h9am-5pm Mon-Fri) NGO the elements, and has a street index that covers VU (Vrije Universiteit; Free University).
outfit and defender of open-source software.
offering lesbian and gay health-care services; HIV preven- the most popular parts of the city.
tion, buddy care. Internet City (Map pp62-5; %620 12 92; Nieuwendijk Otherwise you’ll find a wide variety of maps
76; h9am-midnight) Over 100 terminals not far from
the main coffeeshop drag. Draws backpackers and bleary-
for sale at any VVV office, as well as at book- MONEY
stores and newsstands. The Netherlands uses the euro (€). If you’re
HOLIDAYS eyed party animals. coming with US dollars you’ll be aware that
the euro has appreciated sharply against the
Public Holidays Many coffeeshops double as internet cafés. MEDICAL SERVICES dollar in the past couple of years. As for the
People take public holidays seriously, and You can also surf the web for free at outlets The Netherlands has reciprocal health ar- denominations of the currency, there are €5,
if your Dutch visit collides with one, your of the public library (Openbare Bibliotheek); rangements with other EU countries and €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500 notes, and
plans may face a hiccup. Most museums try the following: Australia. If you’re an EU citizen, a Euro- €0.01, €0.02, €0.05, €0.10, €0.20, €0.50, €1 and
adopt Sunday hours on the days listed here Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (Map pp62-5; %523 pean Health Insurance Card (EUIC), avail- €2 coins (amounts under €1 are called cents).
(except Christmas and New Year, when they 09 00; Oosterdokskade 143; h10am-10pm) Free wi-fi able from health centres or, in the UK, post Euro notes are the same in all participating
are closed) even if they fall on a day when the and use of library terminals, in a stunning new edifice offices, covers you for most medical care. countries: coins have a ‘European’ side and
place would otherwise be closed. overlooking the city and harbour (see p71). You still might have to pay on the spot but a ‘national’ side (in the Netherlands, with an
Nieuwjaarsdag New Year’s Day, 1 January. Parties and Openbare Bibliotheek Roelof Hartplein (Map p110; you’ll be able to claim it back again at home. image of Queen Beatrix). All are legal ten-
fireworks galore. Citizens of other countries are advised to der throughout the euro zone area, although
%662 00 94; Roelof Hartplein 430; h2-8pm Mon &
Pasen (Easter) Goede Vrijdag (Good Friday); Eerste and Wed, 10am-5pm Tue & Fri, 11am-5pm Sat) Housed in a take out travel insurance; medical or dental many businesses will not accept notes larger
Tweede Paasdag (Easter Sunday and Easter Monday). fine Amsterdam School building. treatment is less expensive than in North than €50 because of the funny money in
America but still costs enough. circulation.
246 247

To check the latest exchange rates, visit

PIN Cards are available (the same day), as is the Interna- Waterland district north of central Amsterdam. These tours See also Costs & Money tional Herald Tribune. are less youth-oriented than Mike’s and are limited to 12
While in Amsterdam you’ll notice people
(p20). English-language ezines with widespread to 15 tour participants per guide. Tours depart from its
gleefully using ‘PIN’ cards everywhere, from
following include Expatica (www.expatica office. Reservations recommended.
shops to public telephones and cigarette
.com), which is tailored to the European expat
ATMs vending machines. These direct-debit cards
set, and Dutch News (, a
Automatic teller machines can be found out- look like credit or bank cards with little gold-
summary of daily happenings with a great Boat Tours
side most banks, at the airport and at Cen- printed circuit chips on them, but they won’t The companies mentioned here offer a vari-
news archive.
traal Station. Most accept credit cards such be of much use to visitors without a Dutch ety of boat tours (singular rondvaart, plural
as Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard, as well bank account. The Maestro direct-debit cards rondvaarten), from hour-long excursions on
as cash cards that access the Cirrus and Plus popular in Europe work just fine at ATMs. ORGANISED TOURS the inner canals (figure on around €9 per
person) to more elaborate tours of architec-
networks. Check with your home bank for For those with limited time on their hands,
ture on the Eastern Docklands, jazz cruises,
service charges before leaving. ATMs (cash-
points) are so widespread in Amsterdam that
Travellers Cheques a quick tour is not such a bad thing – it lets
dinner cruises and candlelight cruises. Sure
Banks charge a commission of 2% to 3% to you see a whole lot of stuff in a short period
we haven’t mapped them, except for one lo- so you can then decide where you’d like to they’re touristy but on a clear night with the
cash travellers cheques, and require passport
cation in the popular Jordaan district where spend more time. There’s a tour to suit every city lights a-twinkling, who’s to argue it’s not
ID. American Express and Thomas Cook are
ATMs are thin on the ground. taste in Amsterdam, ranging from bike rides delightful? Details are constantly being re-
the leading providers. However, shops, res-
to walking tours. Canal cruises are by far the vised, so check websites or phone for details.
taurants and hotels always prefer cash; a few
Some cruises are included in the I Amster-
Changing Money might accept travellers cheques but the rates
will be anybody’s guess. Direct ATM with-
most popular and are an absolute must. While
some are themed (jazz, candlelight, pizza – dam Card (p245).
Avoid the private exchange booths dotted


you name it, they got it), some are simply To hire a paddle-powered Canal Bike, see
around tourist areas. They’re convenient and drawals via a credit card might make more
p252. For details of boat transport around
open late, but rates and commissions tend to sense for cost and convenience – check with practical, enabling you to link many sights in
town, see p240.
be lousy. Banks and the Postbank (at post your bank. a short time in the nicest way possible.
Eurocheques are on their way out, although Blue Boat Company (%679 13 70;;
offices) stick to official exchange rates and
you can still cash them at banks and GWKs Stadhouderskade 30; 75min canal cruises adult/child
charge a sensible commission, as does GWK
Travelex (%0900 05 66), accessible at a number with a guarantee card. Few shops accept Bike Tours under 4yr/child 5-12yr €10/free/6; hevery 30min
them. Cycletours Holland (Map pp58-9; %627 90 32; www 10am-6pm Apr-Sep, every hr 10am-5pm Oct-Mar) Blue
of branches: Centraal Station (h8am-10pm Mon-; Buiksloterweg 7a) This very experienced Boat’s main tour clocks in at 75 minutes. Evening cruises
Sat, 9am-10pm Sun); Damrak (Map pp62-5; Damrak 1-5; tour company offers a variety of longer tours (one week+) (€14.50/free/10) are offered three times a night from April
h9am-8.45pm); Leidseplein (Map pp100-1; Leidseplein NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES around the Netherlands by bicycle with accommodation in to September, and at 8pm only Thursday to Sunday the
31a; h9.15am-5.45pm) and Schiphol airport (h7am- Based in Amsterdam, De Telegraaf is the Neth- barge-boats for groups of 15 to 30 people. It caters mostly rest of the year. Tour boats depart from the Blue Boat dock
10pm). erlands’ biggest newspaper: an untidy, right- to people who book in advance from abroad, so contact near the Rijksmuseum.
wing daily with sensationalist news, good them well in advance (at least several weeks). A one-week Canal Bus (Map pp62-5;%623 98 86;;
finance coverage, the closest thing you’ll find tour starts around €600 for cabin with shared facilities,
Credit Cards to a Dutch tabloid. Amsterdammers swear plus a €60 supplement in high season.
Weteringschans 26; day pass adult/child 5-12yr €18/12)
Offers a unique hop-on, hop-off canal boat service visiting
All the major international cards are recog- by Het Parool for its lowdown on the capi-
nised, and most hotels, restaurants and major Mike’s Bike Tours (Map pp100-1; %622 79 70; www most of the big destinations. Routes vary depending on
tal’s culture and politics. The highly regarded; Kerkstraat 134; adult/infant where you want to visit. At night, there is a delightful
stores accept them – but always check first to NRC Handelsblad, a merger of two elitist pa-
avoid disappointment. Some establishments in bike seat/child 12yr & under/student bike tour incl bike 1½-hour jazz cruise (€45, runs 8pm and 10pm Saturdays
pers from Rotterdam and Amsterdam, sets rental €22/free/15/19, bike & boat tour €29/free/20/25; from April to November). Sip drinks, enjoy light nibbles
levy a 5% surcharge (or more) on credit cards the country’s journalistic standards, while
to offset the commissions charged by card hbike tour 12.30pm Mar–mid-May & Sep-Nov, 11am and watch the city lights go by.
the populist Volkskrant has leftish leanings. & 4pm mid-May–Aug, bike & boat tour noon Tue-Sun
providers. The Financieële Dagblad is the country’s Classic Boat Dinners (Map p92;%330 19 10; www
To withdraw money at a bank counter Jun-Aug) These fantastic four-hour tours take you both; Prinsengracht 391; €214 1st hr,
leading daily for financial and business news. around the centre of town and into the countryside, with
instead of through an ATM, go to a GWK You’ll occasionally see the Algemene Dag- then €195 per hr) Nothing is more romantic than dining
Travelex branch such as at Centraal Station stops at windmills and cheese farms. Guides have insider on this beautifully restored river launch, Klejn Amster-
blad, a middle-of-the-road paper that has lost knowledge of the city, and tours often end with a pub visit.
or Schiphol airport. You’ll need to show your ground to its competitors. Many commuters dam (1905), as you cruise the quieter canals, personal
passport. The ‘bike and boat’ tour (about five hours) includes drinks waiter on hand, feasting on a gastronomic silver-service
pick up copies of the free Metro, Spits or Dag on board and a visit to the Vondelpark. The meeting place
Report lost or stolen cards to the appropri- from racks in the train stations; leaf through six-course meal and marvellous wines. Propose during
ate 24-hour number. For American Express for all tours is the reflecting pool on Museumplein, right dessert and a yes is guaranteed. Also good for showing
and leave them on a seat for the next guy. behind the Rijksmuseum.
and Visa, phoning the emergency contact The English-language Amsterdam Weekly the boss around town.
number for your home country will speed ( comes out each Yellow Bike Tours (Map pp62-5; %620 69 40; www Classic Canal Charters (Map p122; %421 08 25; www
things up. Thursday with useful cultural features and; Nieuwezijds Kolk 29; city/countryside tour; Czaar Peterstraat 147hs; €132-
American Express (%504 86 66) listings. English-speakers can easily find Eu- per person €19.50/27.50; hcity tour 9.30am & 1pm Sun- 316 per hr, minimum 1.5-2hr) Hires out authentic old
ropean editions of the Economist, Newsweek Fri, 9.30am & 2pm Sat, countryside tour 11am, all tours boats (converted cargo barges, sloops and salon boats) for
Diners Club (%654 55 11) Apr-1 Nov) Yellow Bike offered the original Amsterdam
and Time, as well as most of the major interna- six to 60 passengers for cruises (dinner, entertainment,
Eurocard and MasterCard (%Utrecht 030-283 55 55) tional newspapers at book stores such as Ath- bike tour, so it’s got it down pat. Choose from a three-hour outings etc) in Amsterdam and beyond. Rental includes
Visa (%660 06 11, 0800 022 31 10) enaeum (p137). The main British newspapers city tour or a six-hour countryside tour through the pretty skipper.

248 249
Holland International (%622 77 88;; Prins

Centre offers fascinating one-hour tours of the Red Light

week pass €15/€27.50; h7am-11pm Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm
Hendrikkade 33a; 1hr cruise adult/child €11/6) Its one- District where it explains the nitty-gritty of how the busi- Sat & Sun) Large, well-equipped facility that has been
hour canal cruise (every 15 minutes 9am to 6pm and every ness works. You get to talk to a former prostitute about Theft is rare in normal hotel rooms, al-
though it’s always wise to deposit valuables renovated with a full complement of the latest machines;
30 minutes 6pm to 10pm) is to Amsterdam what the Eiffel her work and the neighbourhood. Profits go to the centre; it offers classes, plus sauna, steam, tanning beds and a
Tower is for Paris – experience it before you die. It also reservations are necessary. for safekeeping at the reception desk or, where
available, in your in-room safe. Theft is more ‘cardio theatre’.
has a roster of candlelight lunch and dinner cruises (adults Red Light District Tour (%623 63 02; www.zoom
€27.50 to €69, children €17.50 to €45). common at hostels; bring your own lock for Fitness First (Map pp62-5; %530 03 40; www2; per person €15; h5pm) Zoom Amster- your locker.; Nieuwezijds Kolk 15; day €16, month pass
Rederij Lovers (Map pp62-5;%530 10 90; www.lovers dam offers this 2½-hour tour covering both the history and Watch out for pickpockets in crowded from €29; h7am-11pm Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm Sat & Sun) A
.nl; Prins Hendrikkade 25-27; 1hr tour per person €9, culture (if you will) of the Red Light District. All questions markets and trams. Violent crime is rare, es- central location is not the only thing this modern gym has
Museumboat day pass per adult/child €17/13) Apart from are answered. Meet at the café inside the Schreierstoren pecially involving foreigners, although there going for it. There’s a full range of cardio and weightlifting
a one-hour canal tour (leaves every 30 or 45 minutes from (Prins Hendrikkade 94-95), across from Centraal Station. have been a small number of gay-bashing in- equipment, group classes, sauna, steam and aroma rooms,
the Lovers terminal in front of Centraal Station), there’s Urban Home and Garden Tours (%688 12 43, for last- cidents recently. sun beds, beauty treatments and free video loans for
a variety of night-time cruises, including the candlelight minute bookings 06 2168 1918;; per person Cars with foreign registration are popular members.
cruise (€27.50, running 8.30pm from April to October, and incl drink €25; h10.15am Fri, 11.15am Sat, 12.15pm targets for smash-and-grab theft. Don’t leave
on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from November to Sun mid-Apr–mid-Oct) These well-regarded tours look at valuable items in the car; remove registra- Garden Gym (Map pp62-5; %626 87 72; www
March), with wine and Dutch cheese. Amsterdam dwellings from the perspective of home, garden tion and ID papers and the radio/stereo if; Jodenbreestraat 158; day pass €9-12.50,
and even gable. Visits include 18th-century, 19th-century possible. month pass €40-61; h9am-11pm Mon, Wed & Fri,
Don’t forget that the public ferries across the and contemporary homes. Tours take 2½ to three hours. If something is stolen, get a police report noon-11pm Tue, noon-10pm Thu, 9am-4pm Sat, 9am-
IJ river take in some worthy architecture in You’ll need to reserve ahead, and the meeting point for for insurance purposes, but don’t expect the 5pm Sun) Has been rated as Amsterdam’s best gym for
tours (near Rembrandtplein) will be revealed after you do. police to retrieve your property or apprehend women. The Garden Gym offers aerobics and feel-good

Amsterdam-Noord and the Eastern Dock-
lands during crossings (see p240). the thief. C’est la vie. activities, including sauna, massage, physiotherapy and
There are occasionally some junkie types dietary advice.
POST around the Zeedijk and Gelderskade, and also
City Tours The postal service is fairly reliable and swift on the Nieuwendijk near Centraal Station. SAUNAS & BATHS
Keytours (Map pp62-5;%06 23 51 51; www.keytours with deliveries. Post offices are generally open Generally they won’t bother you if you don’t Saunas are mixed and there’s no prudish
.nl; Damrak 19; €15-55) Keytours is your one-stop shop 9am to 5pm weekdays. The main post office (Map bother them. swimsuit nonsense, so check your modesty
for city tours – on foot, bike, bus and boat – to all major p92; Singel 250; h9am-7pm Mon-Fri, to noon Sat) is large Bicycles are numerous and can be danger- at reception (or pick up an extra towel).
sights in and around Amsterdam. While its bus tours get and well equipped, and there’s also a branch ous for pedestrians. When crossing the street Note that gay saunas have another purpose
you to sights you wouldn’t normally see, buses are not the in the Stopera complex (Map pp62-5; Waterlooplein 10; or a bicycle lane look for speeding bikes – the entirely.
best option in town. The tranquil two-hour candlelit cruise h9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1.30pm Sat). For queries ‘silent killers’, as we like to call them. Cyclists,
(€25) shows you the city at its loveliest. meanwhile, should take care to watch out Hammam (Map pp58-9; %681 48 18; www.hammam
about postal services ring %058-233 33 33
for unwitting foreign tourists in their paths.; Zaanstraat 88; adult/child 2-5yr/child
Lindbergh Tours (Map pp62-5;%622 27 66; www between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, or
And always, always, lock up your bike with 6-12yr €15/4/11; hnoon-10pm Tue-Fri, noon-8pm Sat; Damrak 26; €7.50-69) While this outfit offers 9am to 4pm Saturday.
a decent lock. & Sun, last entry 2½hr before closing) In the northwest
similar tours to Keytours, it also runs a city sightseeing bus The standard rate (‘priority’) for letters
Finally, two words: dog poo. The city is beyond the Haarlemmerpoort, Hammam is an attractive
tour with commentary, along with Rembrandt Tours, Red under 20g is €0.44 within the Netherlands,
trying though. Turkish-style place for women only, offering a range of spa
Light Tours and day trips out of Amsterdam such as the €0.72 within Europe, and €0.89 outside Eu-
treatments and victuals such as baklava.
Cheese Market and Windmill tour (€30). rope. Unless you’re sending mail within the
Koan Float (Map p92; %555 00 33;;
New Amsterdam Tours (%in Berlin 49 30 6908 8035; Amsterdam region, use the slot marked Over-
ige Postcodes (Other Postal Codes) on the red
SPORTS & ACTIVITIES Herengracht 321; floating 45/60min €30/38; h9.30am-; tours free, donations
encouraged; h11am & 3pm) An entertaining three-hour letterboxes. When you buy stamps, you’ll have Health & Fitness 11pm) It’s not a sauna, but come here for salt-water
jaunt to the sights of the Medieval Centre and Red Light to buy a booklet of at least five, so stock up When the weather’s agreeable, it’s popular to floatation tanks – and have music piped in if you like.
District by slick young guides. Meet at the Tourist Informa- on postcards. hit the Vondelpark with your obligatory iPod Management swears that 45 minutes of soaking is the
tion Office (the white building) opposite Centraal Station, for a run. At other times locals hit the indoor equivalent of four hours’ sleep, and great for jet lag. The
rain or shine. fitness facilities to burn off that beer. massages are heavenly, performed by qualified masseurs.
Randy Roy’s Redlight Tours (%06 4185 3288; www
RADIO Inquire about special deals.
Radio stations include Q-music (100.7 FM, GYMS; per person incl drink €12.50;, Radio 538 (102.1 FM, www Sauna Deco (Map p92; %623 82 15; www.saunadeco
Apart from the places listed below, several .nl; Herengracht 115; admission noon-3pm Mon-Fri €14,
h8pm Sun-Thu, 8pm & 10pm Fri & Sat) The darkest and Sky Radio (101.2 FM, www
secrets of Mike Tyson, Quentin Tarantino and other celebs hotels also have fitness centres for day use, in- all other times €15; hnoon-11pm Mon-Sat, 1-6pm Sun), plus offerings from RTL (www.rtl cluding the Splash Fitnessclub (Map pp62-5; %621 22
feature in this lively 1½-hour tour of the Red Light District, .nl) and NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting, Sauna Deco is a stunning Scandinavian-style sauna with
conducted by long-time Amsterdam resident Kimberley. 23;; Kattengat 1) at the Renais- good auxiliary facilities, a snack bar and lots of well-toned All have streaming and broad- sance Hotel and Amsterdam Fitness & Health
Meet in front of the Victoria Hotel (Damrak 1-5) opposite cast half-hourly news reports (in Dutch), with customers. The building itself is a gem, an early creation
Centraal Station. Club (Map p116) at the NH Amsterdam Centre. of architect HP Berlage; its Art Deco furnishings used to
Europop and chat sandwiched in between. Squash City (p254) also has full facilities.
Red Light District Tour (%420 73 28; www.pic BBC Radio 4 (198kHz FM) and BBC Radio grace a Parisian department store. Massages and facials; Engestraat 3; €12.50; h11am Tue, 5 (693kHz FM, sports) lead the English- Barry’s Health Centre (Map pp100-1; %626 10 36; are also available; inquire for rates. Credit cards and PIN
Wed & Fri, 6pm Fri & Sat) The Prostitutes Information language content.; Lijnbaansgracht 350; day/ cards are not accepted.

250 251

SWIMMING Outdoor Activities destination for Rollerbladers and skateboard-
Openbare Golfbaan Sloten (%614 24 02; Sloterweg
Amsterdam has a number of indoor pools 1045; 9 holes €13-18; h8.30am-dusk May-Aug, to 8pm ers alike. Good places to practice your moves
Soccer, ice-skating, cycling, tennis, swimming
and summer outdoor pools, some of them Mon-Fri Sep-Apr), located on the southwest side include the asphalt trails in the lovely Von-
and sailing are just a few activities that keep
historic and very cool. However, we strongly of town, also consists of nine holes. Take bus delpark (p115), the half-pipe on Museumplein
the locals fit – and of course jogging, which is
recommend that you phone before you set 145. (p111) and the long, straight waterside roads of
popular in the Vondelpark and other parks.
out. In recent years, some indoor pools shut Java Eiland in the Eastern Docklands (Map p122).
The Amsterdamse Bos has several walking
down in summer to save money, and hours HOCKEY If the weather’s dry, also check out the Friday
and jogging trails for serious exercise. Bikes
can vary from day to day or season to season. Dutch (field) hockey teams compete at world- Night Skate, a popular rolling tour through
are available for rent in many corners of town
Few are open past 7pm. Also, note that ses- championship level. In contrast to football Amsterdam (see the boxed text, p117).
(see p240) and bike tours are available (p249).
sions are often restricted for children, nudes, (soccer), which is played mainly by boys in You can rent in-line skates at De Vondeltuin
The whole coast of Holland is one long
seniors, sports clubs, women, you name it. beach, backed by extensive dunes that are school yards, streets and parks, hockey is still a (Map p116; %664 50 91;; Vondelpark
ideal for walks. The closest seaside resort is somewhat elitist sport played by either sex on 7) for one/two/three hours for €5/7.50/10
Bijlmersportcentrum (%697 25 01; Bijlmerpark 76, from March to October. This kiosk is located
Bijlmer; adult/child €2.90/2.60; hTue, Thu, Sat & Sun, Zandvoort, but quieter resorts can be found expensive club fields. For this reason, visitors
further north, such as Castricum north of will have a hard time playing unless they can near the Amstelveenseweg entrance at the
ring for times) Near Bijlmer metro station, this sports southwestern end of the park. Prices include
centre has indoor and outdoor pools with a mixture of lane IJmuiden, or Egmond and Bergen a bit further become affiliated with a team. The season is
north near Alkmaar. similar to that for soccer. For information and protective helmet and knee and elbow pads.
swimming and family free swims. Skateboarders are advised to bring their own
For information about sport and leisure matches, contact Hockey Club Hurley (%645 44 68;
de Mirandabad (Map pp58-9; %536 44 44; De Miran- activities and venues, visit the City Hall Infor- Amsterdamse Bos, Nieuwe Kalfjeslaan 21; h4pm-midnight gear to Amsterdam as rentals are thin on the
dalaan 9; adult/concession €3.30/2.60; hring for times) mation Centre (Map pp62-5; %624 11 11; Amstel 1) in Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm Sat, 8.30am-8pm Sun). ground.
A tropical ‘aquatic centre’, complete with beach and wave the arcade between the Stopera and the city


machine, indoor and outdoor pools, tanning booths and hall. Local community centres (in the phone- ICE-SKATING KORFBALL
waterslide, the Mirandabad is south of the city centre. This book under Buurtcentrum) organise fitness When the canals freeze over in winter (which, This sport elicits giggles from foreigners who
is probably the city’s best facility for those with little ones. courses. to skaters, doesn’t happen enough) everyone don’t quite grasp its charms. Korfball (liter-
There are also squash courts. goes for a skate. Lakes and waterways fill up ally ‘basketball’) is a lively hybrid of netball,
Flevoparkbad (Map pp58-9; %692 50 30; Insulindeweg CANAL BIKES with skaters, their colourful scarves trailing in volleyball and basketball, a passing game
1002; adult/senior/child 3-15yr €2.50/1.90/2.40; Explore the city from a different perspective the wind. Be aware, however, that people break where male and female players ultimately
h10am-5.30pm May-early Sep, to 7pm in hot weather) with a pedal around the canals. Don’t worry, through the ice and drown every year, so be target a hoop standing 3.5m high, far taller
Located east of the city centre, there’s only an outdoor pool it isn’t as much work as it sounds. As long wary unless you see large groups of people. than in American basketball. It’s billed as
here, but it’s packed when the mercury rises. Take tram 7 as you don’t mind getting a little bit wet, it The edges and areas under bridges are hazard- the world’s only unisex sport, with dozens of
or 14 to the end. is lots of fun. ous because they often don’t freeze properly. active clubs in the Benelux and even a global
Canal Bike (per hr per person €8, more than 2 people per You can only rent skates at a skating rink. championship. For information on venues in
Floraparkbad (Map pp58-9; %632 90 30; Sneeuwbal- boat €7, plus €50 deposit; h10am-6pm Apr-Oct, later on A pair of simple hockey skates costs upwards Amsterdam, contact the Amsterdam Sport Council
weg 5, Amsterdam Noord; adult/child €3.50/3) Florapark of €50 at department stores and sports shops. (%552 24 90).
warm nights in summer), affiliated with Canal Bus
has indoor and outdoor pools, an enormous 65m slide, Hockey skates are a cinch for learners, but
(p249), allows you to explore the canals yourself
kids’ play area and a good sunbathing section, not to at water level. Landing stages are by the Rijks- figure skates are difficult to master. Speed SAILING
mention a sauna and lots of different courses. museum, Leidseplein, Anne Frank Huis and skates put a lot of strain on the ankles, but It should come as no surprise that the Dutch
Marnixbad (Map p86; %625 48 43; Marnixplein 5-9; the corner of Keizersgracht and Leidsestraat. are definitely the preferred option for serious, are avid sailors. Yachting is a national sport –
h10am-4pm Mon-Sat) This fancy new complex is the The Rijksmuseum location (Map pp100–1) is high-speed outings. Wood-framed skates that the word ‘yacht’, after all, comes from the
only place in central Amsterdam where lap swimming is open year-round, and there are limited hours you tie under your shoes can be picked up Dutch jachtschip, or ‘chase ship’. This includes
possible, in a 25m pool. While swimming turn your head at other locations. cheaply at antique and bric-a-brac shops. They modern open boats and yachts, but also a
to the waters of the Singelgracht at eye level right outside make you look quaint but make no mistake, more traditional kind revered here like no-
the window. The in-house sauna isn’t bad either. GOLF you’ll move like the wind if they’re sharpened. where else. On weekends a fleet of restored
Golf was long derided as something for the Besides, they make great souvenirs. flat-bottomed boats, called the ‘brown fleet’
Sloterparkbad (Map pp58-9; %506 35 06; Sloter- The Ijscomplex Jaap Eden (Map pp58-9; %694 96
elite but has become increasingly popular in because of their reddish-brown sails, criss-
meerlaan 2-4; adult or child €3.75, child under 2yr free; 52; Radioweg 64; adult/child under 15yr & senior €5.10/3.20;
recent years. However, don’t go expecting cross the Ijsselmeer north of Amsterdam.
hTue-Sun) Set in an attractive recreational area with a lush rolling links such as at St Andrew’s. The hOct–mid-Mar, ring for hours), in the eastern sub-
yacht harbour in the western suburbs, next to the terminus Some are privately owned but many are
Netherlands space crunch means that land urb of Watergraafsmeer, has an indoor and rented, and sailing on one is an unforget-
of tram 14, this place has indoor and outdoor pools. The outdoor rink. Get there on tram 9 to Kruislaan/
is usually more profitably put to other uses. table experience.
latter can get overcrowded, but this bath is known for a Middenweg.
Look under Golfbanen in the pink pages of the Vessels on offer range from ancient pilot
less frequented nudist island, past the pools and across a In winter you can also skate on the frozen
phone book for several other options. boats to enormous four-masted clippers.
causeway. In summer, on cold, rainy days the indoor pool pond on Museumplein, looking like the top
Borchland Sportcentrum (%563 33 33; www.borchland Among the more affordable options are bot-
opens. of a wind-up jewellery box.
.nl; Borchlandweg 6-12; 9 holes daylight €15, evenings €20; ters, one-time fishing boats with a sleeping
Zuiderbad (Map p110; %678 13 90; Hobbemastraat 26; h8am-11pm Mon-Thu, to 9pm Fri, to 6pm Sat & Sun) has berth for around eight people, from about
adult/child €3/2.70) This 1912 edifice behind the Rijksmu- a nine-hole all par-three course. Call for hours INLINE SKATING & SKATEBOARDING €400 per day including skipper. Larger groups
seum has been restored to its original glory, full of tiles, of tutored courses or to set up a private lesson. Amsterdam’s extensive bike paths and could rent a converted freight barge known as
character and appreciative paddlers. Take the metro to Strandvliet. flat, open expanses make the city a dream a tjalk, a Frisian design with jib and spritsail
252 253

rig, from about €600 per day. The best web big event. Dutch football is ‘cool’ and ‘techni- Incoming calls to mobile phones are gener- Orange and Vodaphone, among them – who
portals include, where cal’, characterised by keep-the-ball play and ally free to the recipient (assuming it’s a Dutch usually have better rates. Train stations have
you can tailor your needs to the port of de- surgical strikes. This, after all, is the cradle of mobile phone used in the Netherlands). Telfort phone booths that require a Telfort
parture (eg Amsterdam), type of boat, number ‘Total Football’. Coin phones have made a comeback, but card (available at GWK offices or ticket
of passengers and more. Costs are quite rea- Amsterdam Arena (%311 13 33; card phones still predominate. You can easily counters), although there should be KPN
sonable if you can muster a group of fellow; Arena Blvd 1, Bijlmermeer) is where Ajax pick up a phone card (see below). Many public booths nearby.
enthusiasts, and remember – prices are always plays. This amazing hi-tech complex with a phones accept credit cards, although starting
negotiable. retractable roof seats 52,000 spectators and fees are stiff and cards issued outside of the
Some places only rent boats for day trips, has hosted many a major league champion- Netherlands may require extra steps during TIME
but it’s much more fun to go for a full week- ship. It also has an Ajax museum with cups dialling. The Central European time zone (same as
end. A popular arrangement: you arrive at and other paraphernalia. Soccer games usu- Berlin and Paris) is one hour ahead of the
the boat Friday at 8pm, sleep on board, sail ally take place Saturday evening and Sunday UK, six hours ahead of New York, nine hours
out early the next morning, and visit several afternoon during the playing season (early Mobile Phones ahead of Los Angeles and eight hours behind
destinations around the IJsselmeer before September to early June, with a winter break The Netherlands uses GSM 900/1800, com- Sydney. For Daylight Savings Time, clocks
returning late Sunday afternoon. Note that from just before Christmas to the end of Janu- patible with the rest of Europe and Australia are put forward one hour at 2am on the last
cancellation insurance is rarely available, and ary). Take the metro to Bijlmer or Strandvliet/ but not with the North American GSM 1900 Sunday in March and back again at 3am on
that trips will be called off in heavy weather. ArenA station. (some convertible phones work in both the last Sunday in October.
Readers have recommended the one-hour places). When telling the time, be aware that the
Prepaid mobile phones, which run on chips Dutch use ‘half’ to indicate ‘half before’ the
TENNIS & SQUASH guided stadium tour (%311 13 36; adult/child €10/8.50; that store call credits, are available at mobile-
More courts are listed under Tennisbanen h11am-4.30pm Apr-Sep, noon-4pm Mon-Sat Oct-Mar, hour. If you say ‘half eight’ (8.30 in some dia-

phone shops starting from around €35 when
and Squashbanen in the pink pages of the except on game days or major events). The tour includes lects of English), a Dutch person will take this
on special. You can also buy SIM cards for
phone book. a walk on the hallowed turf and entry to the to mean 7.30.
your own mobile phone. Look for KPN, Tel-
Borchland Sportcentrum (%563 33 33; Borchlandweg museum. fort, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone shops in
6-12; per hr tennis 8am-4pm Mon-Fri €15.50, 4-10pm major shopping areas including along Rokin, TOILETS
Mon-Fri or all day Sat & Sun €23, squash until 4pm Mon-
Thu €8, after 4pm Mon-Thu €15, after 4pm Fri or all day TELEPHONE Kalverstraat and Leidsestraat. Some stores,
such as T for Telecom and Bel Company, han-
These are not a widespread facility on Dutch
Sat & Sun €10; h8am-11pm) A huge complex next to The Dutch phone network, KPN, is effi- streets, apart from the redolent, free-standing
cient, and prices are reasonable by European dle many brands. public urinals for men in places such as the
the Amsterdam ArenA in the Bijlmer, it has tennis, squash New prepaid phones generally come with a
and badminton courts, bowling alleys, golf and other facili- standards. Phone booths are scattered around Red Light District. Many people duck into a
town. small amount of call time already stored. To café or department store. The standard fee for
ties including a restaurant. Take the metro to Strandvliet. top it up, purchase more minutes at one of the
Collect call (collect gesprek; domestic%0800 01 01, free toilet attendants is €0.50.
Squash City (Map p86; %626 78 83; www.squashcity branded stores, news dealers or supermarkets,
.com; Ketelmakerstraat 6; day pass €7-14, month pass call; international%0800 04 10, free call). and follow the instructions.
€32-75; h8.45am-midnight Mon, 7am-midnight Tue- International directory inquiries (%0900 84 18, per
number €1.15).
Thu, 7am-11.30pm Fri, 8.45am-7.30pm Sat & Sun) Located
across the railway line Haarlemmerplein, at Bickerseiland, National directory inquiries (%1888, per number
Phone Codes Maps, theatre tickets, hotel bookings and
answers to your queries can be obtained at
To ring abroad, dial %00 followed by the
west of Centraal Station. Sauna is included with squash- €1.30). the VVV’s Amsterdam Tourist Office (Vereniging voor
country code for your target country, the area
court hire, as is use of a well-equipped fitness centre. Vreemdelingenverkeer, Netherlands Tourism Board; www
Operator assistance (%0800 04 10, free call). code (you usually drop the leading 0 if there is
Admission price depends on the services you want to use. Its staff are always helpful, even
one) and the subscriber number. The country
Tenniscentrum Amstelpark (Map pp58-9; %301 07 00; code for calling the Netherlands is %31 and if the offices can be quite busy. Note that; Koenenkade 8; court hire per hr sum- Costs the area code for Amsterdam is %020; again, most VVV publications cost money and there
mer €20, per hr winter outdoor/indoor €20/25) Amstelpark Calls are time-based, anytime and anywhere. drop the leading 0 if you’re calling from out- are commissions for services such as hotel
has 42 open and covered courts and runs the country’s KPN Telecom public phone boxes charge side the Netherlands. Do not dial the city code bookings.
biggest tennis school. It’s conveniently close to the World €0.10 per 15 seconds for all national calls if you are in the area covered by it. The VVV information number (%0900 400 40 40;
Trade Center and RAI exhibition buildings, and there are (minimum charge €0.20), and €0.10 per nine h9am-5pm Mon-Fri) costs €0.40 a minute; from
seconds for calling a mobile phone. Phones Free information calls (%0800)
fitness facilities as well. abroad call %020-551 25 25 (no extra charge).
in cafés, supermarkets and hotel lobbies often Mobile or pager numbers (%06)
Offices include inside Centraal Station (Map pp62-5;
charge more. Calling from private phones is Paid information calls (%0900) Cost varies between
Watching Sport considerably cheaper. €0.10 and €1.30 per minute.
h8am-8pm Mon-Thu & Sat, 8am-9pm Fri, 9am-5pm Sun)
by platform 2; in front of Centraal Station (Map
FOOTBALL (SOCCER) The cost of international calls varies with
Local club Ajax features prominently in the the destination, and changes frequently due pp62-5; Stationsplein 10; h9am-5pm Mon-Fri); just off
local competition and usually qualifies for the to competition. At the time of writing, calls to Phonecards Leidseplein (Map p116; Stadhouderskade 1; h10am-6pm);
UEFA Champions League, Europe’s top com- Britain and the USA cost €0.056 to €0.071 per For public telephones, cards are available at as well as at the Holland Tourist Information (h7am-
petition. Other Dutch leaders are PSV (the minute respectively, and Australia €0.19. The post offices, train station counters, VVV and 10pm) at Schiphol airport.
Philips Sport Association) from Eindhoven connection charge is about €0.10. To all three GWK offices and tobacco shops for €5, €10 For anything related to entertainment, head
and Feyenoord from Rotterdam, and if any countries, rates jump to €0.10 every 13 seconds and €20. KPN’s card is the most common but to Amsterdam’s Uitburo (Map pp100-1; %0900 01
of these clubs play against one another, it’s a when ringing from a KPN phone box. there are tonnes of competitors – T-Mobile, 91, per minute €0.40; in Dutch; cnr Leidseplein &
254 255

Marnixstraat), which has loads of free brochures Fees vary between €35 and €60, depending on
Doing Business If you’re looking to rent office space and
and sells tickets (with a €1.50 mark-up). For your nationality. other facilities, try Euro Business Center (Map p92;
bookings from abroad, try the National Reserva- Visa extensions are handled by the Immigratie Amsterdam makes much of its gateway func- %520 75 00;; Keizersgracht 62-64) or
tions Centre (%31 70 320 25 00). en Naturalisatiedienst (Immigration & Naturalisation Service; tion to Europe, with its busy airport, easy- Regus Business Centre (Map pp58-9; %800 020 20 00; www
going tax laws and educated, multilingual; Strawinskylaan 3051). For services such
%0900 123 45 61, per minute €0.10;; Postbus
workforce. Many large international compa- as copying, videoconferencing and a courier,
3211, 2280 GE Rijswijk). Study visas must be applied
TRAVELLERS WITH for via your college or university in the Neth- nies have their European headquarters and
distribution in Amsterdam.
seek out FedEx/Kinko’s (Map p116; %0589 09 10; www; Overtoom 62).
DISABILITIES erlands. For working visas, see below. Also visit
Travellers with reduced mobility will find /netherlands for up-to-date visa information,
Amsterdam only moderately well equipped or check with the Dutch embassy or consulate
to meet their needs. Most offices and mus- in your home country
eums have lifts and/or ramps and toilets for
the disabled. But many budget and midrange
hotels are in old buildings with steep stairs WOMEN TRAVELLERS
and no lifts, and hoteliers’ hands are often tied Equality has long been taken for granted,
as registered monuments cannot be altered although far fewer women than men are em-
structurally. In addition, the cobbled streets ployed full-time, and fewer still hold positions
can present problems for wheelchairs. Res- in senior management.
taurants tend to be on ground floors, though In terms of safety, Amsterdam is probably

‘ground’ sometimes includes a few steps. The as secure as it gets in the major cities of Eu-
metro stations have lifts, many trains have rope. There’s little street harassment, even in
wheelchair access, and most train stations and the Red Light District, although it’s best to
public buildings have toilets for the disabled. walk with a friend to minimise unwelcome
People with a disability get discounts on attention.
public transport and can park free in desig- Centrum voor Seksuele Gezondheid (Map p122; %624
nated spots, provided they have a windscreen 54 26; Sarphatistraat 618; h9am-6pm Mon-Fri, Tue also
marker. There are train timetables published 6-9pm, by appointment) is a clinic offering informa-
in Braille. tion and help with sexual problems and birth
The Amsterdam Uitburo and the VVV (see control, including morning-after pills.
p255) can provide details regarding access to en-
tertainment venues and museums. More ques-
tions? Contact the Stichting Gehandicapten Overleg WORK
Amsterdam (Map p122; SGOA, Amsterdam Forum for the Dis- Work permits must be applied for by your
abled; %577 79 55;; Plantage Middenlaan 141). employer in the Netherlands; in general, the
employer must prove that the position cannot
be filled by someone from within the EU be-
VISAS fore offering it to a non-EU citizen. Nationals
Tourists from nearly 60 countries – including from many countries must apply for a Tem-
Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, porary Entry Permit (MVV or Machtiging tot
Singapore, South Korea, the USA and most of Voorlopig Verblijf). Citizens of EU countries,
Europe – need only a valid passport to visit Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Monaco,
the Netherlands for up to three months. EU New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the
nationals can enter for three months with just USA are exempt.
their national identity card or a passport that You’ll need to apply for temporary resi-
expired less than five years ago. dence before an employer can ask for your
Nationals of most other countries need a work permit. The process should take five
so-called Schengen visa, valid within the EU weeks; contact the Dutch embassy or consu-
member states (except the UK and Ireland), late in your home country.
plus Norway and Iceland, for 90 days within In the Netherlands, residency permits
a six-month period. are issued by the Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst
Schengen visas are issued by Dutch em- (%0900 123 45 61, per minute €0.10;; Postbus
bassies or consulates overseas and can take a 3211, 2280 GE Rijswijk). For details of work permits,
while to process (like two months). You’ll need contact the CWI (Employment Services Authority; %0800
a passport valid until at least three months 80 01; Westwaarts 11, 2701 AD Zoetermeer). The CWI
after your visit, and prove you have suffi- also runs a bilingual website (
cient funds for your stay and return journey. with up-to-date job offers.
256 257
12 twaalf I want to buy ...
Ik wil een ... kopen.
an aerogram luchtpostblad/
15 vijftien aerogram
16 zestien an envelope envelop
It’s true – anyone can speak another language. Don’t worry if you haven’t studied languages 17 zeventien a stamp postzegel
before or that you studied a language at school for years and can’t remember any of it. It 18 achttien
doesn’t even matter if you failed English grammar. After all, that’s never affected your abil- 19 negentien
ity to speak English! And this is the key to picking up a language in another country. You 20 twintig Phone & Mobile Phones
just need to start speaking. 21 eenentwintig I want to buy a phone card.
Learn a few key phrases before you go. Write them on pieces of paper Ik wil een telefoonkaart kopen.
22 tweeëntwintig
and stick them on the fridge, by the bed or even on the computer – anywhere 30 dertig
that you’ll see them often. I want to make ...
40 veertig Ik wil ...
You’ll find that locals appreciate travellers trying their language, no 50 vijftig
matter how muddled you may think you sound. So don’t just stand a call (to ... ) telefoneren (naar ... )
60 zestig reverse-charge/ voor rekening van de
there, say something! If you want to learn more Dutch than we’ve 70 zeventig collect call opgeroepene
included here, pick up a copy of Lonely Planet’s user-friendly Dutch 80 tachtig telefoneren
Phrasebook. 90 negentig
100 honderd Where can I find a/an ...?
1000 duizend Waar vind ik een ...?
2000 tweeduizend I’d like a/an ...
SOCIAL today
Ik wil graag een ...
Meeting People Days adaptor plug
charger for my
adaptor plug
lader voor mijn
Hello. Where are the ...? Monday maandag
Tuesday dinsdag phone telefoon
Dag/Hallo. Waar zijn de ... (rechargeable) (herlaadbare) batterij
clubs (nacht)clubs Wednesday woensdag

Goodbye. battery for my voor mijn telefoon
Dag. gay venues gay clubs en cafés Thursday donderdag
Please. places to eat eetgelegenheden/ Friday vrijdag
mobile/cell GSM (telefoon) huren
Alstublieft/Alsjeblieft. (pol/inf) restaurants Saturday zaterdag phone for hire
Thank you. pubs cafés/kroegen Sunday zondag prepaid mobile/ voorafbetaalde GSM
Dank u/je (wel). (pol/inf) cell phone (telefoon)
Thank you very much. Is there a local entertainment guide?
Hartelijk bedankt. Heeft u een plaatselijke uitgaansgids?
Banking SIM card for
your network
SIM-kaart voor uw
Yes/No. I’d like to ...
Ja/Nee. Ik wil graag ...
Do you speak English? PRACTICAL cash a cheque
change money
een cheque wisselen
geld/cash wisselen
Spreekt u/Spreek je Engels? (pol/inf) Where’s the local internet café?
Do you understand (me)? Question Words change some (een paar) reischeques Waar is het plaatselijke internetcafé?
Begrijpt u/Begrijp je (me)? (pol/inf) Who? Wie? travellers cheques wisselen
Yes, I understand. What? Wat? I’d like to ...
Ja, ik begrijp het. When? Wanneer? Where’s the nearest ...? Ik wil graag ...
No, I don’t understand. Where? Waar? Waar is ...? check my email mijn email checken
Nee, ik begrijp het niet. How? Hoe? automatic teller de dichtsbijzijnde get online op het net gaan
machine geldautomaat
foreign exchange het dichtsbijzijnde
Could you please ...?
Kunt u ... alstublieft?
Numbers & Amounts office wisselkantoor Transport
1 één What time does the ... leave?
repeat that dat herhalen
2 twee Hoe laat vertrekt ...?
speak more trager spreken
slowly 3 drie Post bus de bus
write it down dat opschrijven 4 vier Where is the post office? ferry de veerboot/ferry
5 vijf Waar is het postkantoor? train de trein
6 zes
Going Out 7 zeven I want to send a ... What time’s the ... bus?
What’s on ...? 8 acht IkGLOSSARY
wil een ... versturen. Hoe laat is de ... bus?
Wat is er ... te doen? 9 negen fax fax first eerste
locally hier 10 tien parcel pakket last laatste
this weekend dit weekend 11 elf postcard briefkaart next volgende
258 259
Are you free? (taxi)
Bent u vrij? EMERGENCIES plage – beach straat – street
Please put the meter on. It’s an emergency! plein – square strand – beach
Gebruik de meter alstublieft. Dit is een noodgeval! polder – area of drained land strippenkaart – stampable multi-use ticket used on
How much is it to ...? Could you please help me/us? postbus – post office box public transport
Kunt u me/ons alstublieft helpen? toren – tower
Hoeveel kost het naar ...? Randstad – literally ‘rim-city’; the urban agglomeration
Call the police/a doctor/an ambulance!
Please take me to (this address). including Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and Den Haag VVV – tourist office
Haal de politie/een dokter/een ziekenwagen!
Breng mij alstublieft naar (dit address). rondvaart – boat tour
Where’s the police station? waag – old weigh house
Waar is het politiebureau? spionnetje – outside mirror allowing a house occupant wallen – Red Light District
FOOD to see who’s at the door downstairs wielklem – wheel clamp attached to illegally parked
For more detailed information on food and
dining out, see p156.
HEALTH stadhuis – town hall
stedelijk – civic, municipal zaal – hall
Where’s the nearest ...?
Waar is de dichtsbijzijnde ...? stichting – foundation, institute ziekenhuis – hospital
breakfast ontbijt chemist (night) apotheek (met nacht-
lunch lunch/middageten dienst)
dinner diner/avondeten doctor dokter
snack snack hospital ziekenhuis
eat eten
drink drinken I need a doctor (who speaks English).
Ik heb een dokter nodig (die Engels
Can you recommend a ... spreekt).
Kunt u een ... aanbevelen? (pol)
Kan je een ... aanbevelen? (inf)
bar/pub bar/café Symptoms
café café/koffiehuis I have (a) ...

coffeeshop koffieshop (note: a café Ik heb ...
where legal soft drugs fever koorts
are sold) headache hoofdpijn
restaurant restaurant pain pijn

GLOSSARY grachtengordel – canal belt

GVB – Gemeentevervoerbedrijf; Amsterdam municipal
apotheek – chemist/pharmacy transport authority
bibliotheek – library GWK – Grenswisselkantoor; official currency exchanges
bier – beer hof – courtyard
bos – woods, forest hofje – almshouse or series of buildings around a small
broodje – breadroll (with filling)
courtyard, such as the Begijnhof
bruin café – brown café; traditional Dutch pub
burgwal – fortified embankment jenever – Dutch gin; also spelled genever
café – pub, bar; also known as kroeg kaas – cheese
coffeeshop (also spelt koffieshop in Dutch) – café kade – quay
authorised to sell cannabis kassa – cashier, check-out
CS – Centraal Station kerk – church
koffiehuis – espresso bar (as distinct from a coffeeshop)
dagschotel – daily special in restaurants
drop – salted or sweet liquorice koninklijk – royal
dwarsstraat – street connecting two (former) canals korfball – a cross between netball, volleyball and
eetcafé – cafés serving meals
markt – town square © Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
fiets – bicycle merguez – type of spicy sausage
gasthuis – hospice, hospital (old)
restricted. In return, we think it’s fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
gezellig – convivial, cosy
NS – Nederlandse Spoorwegen; national railway company
only. In other words, please don’t upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
GG&GD – Municipal Medical & Health Service openbare – public
everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
gracht – canal paleis – palace
the above - ‘Do the right thing with our content.’
260 261

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