Module 2 Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Module 2 Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Module 2 Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Corrosion and it’s control: Introduction, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, Factors affecting
the rate of corrosion: ratio of anodic to cathodic areas, nature of corrosion product, nature of
medium – pH, conductivity and temperature. Types of corrosion - Differential metal and
differential aeration (pitting and water line). Corrosion control: Inorganic coating- Anodizing
– Anodizing of aluminum, Cathodic protection - sacrificial anode and impressed current
methods, Metal coatings – Galvanization. Corrosion Penetration Rate (CPR), numerical
problems on CPR.
Metal finishing: Introduction, Technological importance. Electroplating: Introduction,
Electroplating of chromium(hard and decorative). Electroless plating: Introduction, distinction
between electroplating and electroless plating processes. Electroless plating of copper.
Questions and answers
1. Define corrosion. Describe the electrochemical theory of corrosion taking rusting of iron?
Definition: Corrosion is defined as the destruction and consequent loss of metals through chemical
or electrochemical attack by the environment is called corrosion.
Electrochemical theory of reaction: According to electrochemical theory, corrosion takes place
due to the formation of anodic and cathodic sites on the same metal surface or when two different
metals are in contact with each other in a conducting medium.
Oxidation: The anodic reaction is responsible for the dissolution of metal into metal ions.
2𝐹𝑒 (𝑠) → 2𝐹𝑒 2+ (𝑎𝑞) + 4𝑒 − 𝐸𝐹𝑒 2+ ⁄𝐹𝑒 = −0.44 𝑉
Cathodic reactions are depending upon the environment. These cathodic reactions are either one
or many as shown below
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Cathodic Reaction
At the cathode, electrons are absorbed and cause a reduction of constituents. The electrons flow
from the anodic to the cathodic area. At the cathodic area, chemical species present on the surface
of the metal get reduced.
(a) Liberation of Hydrogen: It takes places in the absence of oxygen
(i) In acidic medium: 2H+ + 2e-→ H2↑
(ii) Neutral / alkaline medium
2H2O → 2H++ 2OH-
2H++ 2e- → H2
2 H2O + 2e- → 2 OH- + H2↑
(a) Presence of oxygen: It takes place in the presence of oxygen
(i) Acidic medium: O2+ 4H++ 4e- → 2H2O
(ii) In neutral (or) alkaline medium: O2 + 2 H2O + 4e- → 4 OH-
Fe2+ ions are smaller in size; they diffuse faster than OH- ions and they combine near the cathodic
area forming the insoluble ferrous hydroxide.
2Fe2+ + 4OH-→ 2Fe[OH]2
Ferrous hydroxide
Ferrous hydroxide further combines with oxygen and water resulting in hydrated ferric oxide.
4Fe[OH]2 + O2 + 2H2O →2[Fe2O3.3H2O]
Hydrated ferric oxide
In the presence of limited oxygen ferrous hydroxide is converted into magnetic oxide and it is
known as black rust.
3 Fe[OH]2 + ½ O2 → Fe3O4.3H2O
Magnetic oxide (Black rust)
2. Explain the following factors affecting corrosion:
(a). The ratio of the anode to cathode area
(b).Nature of metals
(c). Nature of corrosion product
(d).pH of medium
(e). Temperature
(f). Conductivity of electrolyte
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
(e) Temperature
The rate of corrosion is directly proportional to the temperature. If the temperature is
increased the rate of corrosion also get increases.
Rate of corrosion ∝ Temperature
An increase in temperature increases the conductance of the corrosion medium, which also
contributes to the increase in corrosion rate.
In the case of corrosion-resistant passive metals, the rise in temperature decreases the
passive range and thereby increases the corrosion rate.
(f) Conductivity
The rate of corrosion is directly proportional to the conductivity of the media. The rate of
corrosion increases with an increase in the conductance of the medium.
Rate of corrosion ∝ Conductivity
The higher the conductivity of the medium, the faster the ions can migrate between the
anodic and cathodic regions of the corrosion cell, in turn, the faster will be the exchange of
electrons at the electrode surface. Therefore, the rate of corrosion is faster in seawater than
the freshwater.
3. Explain the differential metal corrosion?
Differential metal corrosion
Differential metal corrosion occurs when two different metals are in contact with each other
and are exposed to the corrosive environment.
The metal with a lower electrode potential value becomes the anode and it undergoes
oxidation and gets corroded.
The metal with a higher electrode potential value will act as a cathode and remains
Ex: Let us consider a bimetallic sample of iron and copper as shown below.
The iron has a lower electrode potential than copper, so it acts as an anode and it undergoes
copper acts as a cathode and remains unaffected.
The following reactions occur during differential metal corrosion when Fe is in contact with
At anode: Oxidation: loss of electrons
Fe → Fe2+ + 2e-
At cathode: Reduction: Gain of electrons
2 H+ + 2e- → H2↑
O2+ 2 H2O + 4 e- → 4 OH-
The rate of galvanic corrosion depends upon factors such as the potential difference
between the anodic and cathodic regions, a ratio of anodic area to cathodic area,
environmental factors, and the tendency of the metal to exhibit passivity, etc.
4. What is differential aeration corrosion and Explain (1) Waterline corrosion (2) Pitting
Differential aeration Corrosion
It occurs when the metal surface is exposed to differential air (or) oxygen concentration.
Part of the metal exposed to the lower concentration of oxygen will have lower potential
and therefore act as the anode. This part undergoes corrosion.
At the anode (less O2 concentration): Oxidation
M → M n+ + ne−
The other part of the metal exposed to the higher concentration of oxygen acts as the
cathode and remains unaffected.
At the cathode (more O2 concentration): Reduction
O2+ 2 H2O + 4 e- → 4 OH-
The difference in oxygen concentration produces a potential difference and causes
corrosion current to flow from cathode to anode.
Let us consider a strip of Zn immersed partially in a solution of ZnCl2
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Pitting corrosion
Anodizing is an electrochemical oxidation process for producing a stable aluminum oxide layer
on the surface of aluminum and its alloys.
Anodizing process is conducted in a wide variety of electrolytes with AC, DC, or a
combination of both.
Components are required to do anodizing
Anode: Polished Aluminium alloys.
Cathode: Steel or copper or lead.
Electrolyte: 5-10 % chromic acid or 10% H2SO4.
Current density: 10-20 mA/cm2
Procedure: Polished aluminum alloy is taken as an anode and immersed in an electrolyte cell
containing 5 – 10 % chromic acid. Inert electrodes like stainless steel or carbon is taken as a
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
cathode. The temperature of the bath is maintained at 35°C. A current density of 10-20 mA/cm2 is
applied to oxidize the outer layer of aluminum to aluminum oxide, which is porous. The pores are
finally sealed by dipping in hot water to produce Al2O3.H2O, which acts as a nonporous protective
layer preventing corrosion.
Electrode reactions
At anode: (Oxidation): 2Al + 3 H2O → Al2O3 + 6 H++6 e-
At cathode: (Reduction): 6 H+ + 6 e- → 3 H2
Overall reaction: 2 Al + 3H2O → Al2O3 + 3H2
Anodizing process
After degreasing, pickling, and fluxing, the surface metal is completely free from oxides
and other contaminants that might inhibit the reaction of the iron and molten zinc in the
galvanizing kettle.
(iv) Galvanizing: Once the steel has been completely cleaned, it is ready for immersion in the
zinc bath. The bath temperature ranges from 820-860 F (438-460 C), at which point the
zinc is in a liquid state.
(v) Excess zinc is released by passing the metal through rollers (or) by wiping.
Galvanized Iron objects are used as ROOFING sheets, Wires, Pipes, Bolt’s, Tubes etc.
Galvanization process
8. What is meant by metal finishing? Mention (any five) technological importance of metal
Definition: Metal finishing is a process of modifying the surface of an object to obtain desired
Metal finishing is essential to develop materials with diverse properties such as corrosion
resistance, good electrical, thermal conductivity, chemical resistance.
Technological importance of metal finishing
• To improve corrosion resistance
• To improve chemical resistance
• To increase abrasion and impact resistance
• To offer the surface thermal (or) optical reflectivity (Mirror)
• To improve electrical or thermal conducting surface
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Decomposition potential (ED) can be determined by the graphical method, ie., current
(I)versus potential (V).
It can be determined using an electrolytic cell which consists of two platinum electrodes
immersed in a dilute solution of an acid or base.
When the voltage is varied, at low voltage no reaction occurs and therefore there is a slight
increase in the current.
On increasing the voltage to slightly above 1.7 V there is an abrupt increase in the current.
The applied voltage of 1.7 V is the ED for dilute acids or bases.
Overvoltage depends on several factors like the conductivity of a solution, the nature of electrodes,
etc. It is mainly due to the polarization of electrodes and other side reactions during electroplating
10. What is electroplating? Explain electroplating of chromium (Hard and decorative)
Electroplating is the process by which the coating metal is deposited on the base metal by passing
a direct current through an electrolytic solution, containing the soluble salt of the coating metal.
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Decorative chromium coating: Thin coating of chromium with a thickness range of 0.25-
0.75 𝜇m imparts a bright and decorative look to the materials.
Hard chromium coating: Thick coating of chromium with a thickness range of 2.5-300 𝜇m
impart weak and tear resistance to the materials.
Chromium coating
Bath composition: 250- 300 g/L of chromic acid and 2.5- 3.0 g/L of con.H2SO4 ( Ratio of
chromic acid to H2SO4 is 100:1)
pH: 2 – 4
Temperature: 45-550C
Current Density: Decorative chromium coating - 145- 430 A /ft2.
Hard chromium coating - 290- 580 A /ft2
Current efficiency: Decorative chromium coating - 10 - 15 %
Hard chromium coating – 17-21 %
Agitation: Air agitation
Anode: Insoluble anode example lead-tin ( Pb – Sn) alloys or lead-antimony (Pb-Sb) alloy
coated with a thin layer of PbO2.
Cathode: Object to be plated
Substrate/Object pre-treatment: The object is degreased with organic solvent alkali followed
by acid treatment.
Substrate/object post-treatment: After completion of the electroplating process (around 30
minutes), the object has to be kept in a hot air oven maintained at 105- 120 oC for 2 days (48 hrs.)
Then in the furnace at higher temperature (600-8000 C) for 6 to 8hrs.
Corrosion and Metal Finishing
Cathode (Reduction)
Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu
Anode (Oxidation)
2HCHO + 4OH-→HCOO- + 2H2O + H2 + 2e-
Overall reaction
Cu2+ + 2 HCHO + 4OH- → Cu + 2HCOO- + 2H2O + H2
where k = a constant (K=534 to give CPR in mpy or K=87.6 for CPR in mm/yr)
W = Total weight lost in mg
T = Time taken in hours
A = the surface area of the exposed metal (square inches)
D = the metal density in g/cm³
The CPR can be expressed as: mil per year (mpy) or milimeters per year (mm/yr)
14. A piece of corroded metal alloy plate was found in a submersed ocean vessel ,it was estimated
that the original are plate was 800 cm2 and that approximately 7.6 Kg had corroded a way
during the submersion , assuming a corrosion penetration rate of 4 mm/yr for this alloy in
seawater , estimate the time of submersion in years , the density of alloy is 4.5 g/cm3 .