TRACE Input Files Manual
TRACE Input Files Manual
TRACE Input Files Manual
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): Stephen Bajorek, Mirela Gavrilas, Chester Gingrich,
James Han, Kevin Hogan, Joseph Kelly, William Krotiuk, Norman Lauben, Shanlai Lu,
Christopher Murray, Frank Odar, Gene Rhee, Michael Rubin, Simon Smith, Joseph
Staudenmeier, Jennifer Uhle, Weidong Wang, Kent Welter, James Han, Veronica Klein, William
Burton, James Danna, John Jolicoeur, Sudhamay Basu, Imtiaz Madni, Shawn Marshall, Alex
Velazquez, Prasad Kadambi, Dave Bessette, Margaret Bennet, Michael Salay, Andrew Ireland,
William Macon, Farouk Eltawila
Advanced Systems Technology and Management (AdSTM): Yue Guan, David Ebert, Duke
Du, Tong Fang, Weidong He, Millan Straka, Don Palmrose
Applied Research Laboratory/Penn State (ARL/PSU): John Mahaffy, Mario Trujillo, Michal
Jelinek, Matt Lazor, Brian Hansell, Justin Watson, Michael Meholic
Information System Laboratories (ISL): Birol Aktas, Colleen Amoruso, Doug Barber, Mark
Bolander, Dave Caraher, Claudio Delfino, Don Fletcher, Dave Larson, Scott Lucas, Glen
Mortensen, Vesselin Palazov, Daniel Prelewicz, Rex Shumway, Randy Tompot, Dean Wang, Jay
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL): Brent Boyack, Skip Dearing, Joseph Durkee, Jay
Elson, Paul Giguere, Russell Johns, James Lime, Ju-Chuan Lin, David Pimentel
Purdue University: Tom Downar, Matt Miller, Jun Gan, Han Joo, Yunlin Xu, Tomasz
Kozlowski, Doek Jung Lee
TRACE V4.160
Korean Institute of Nuclear Safety: Chang Wook Huh, Ahn Dong Shin
Table of Contents
Preface.................................................................................................... xi
Overview of TRACE ............................................................................................................... xi
TRACE Characteristics.......................................................................................................... xiii
Variable-Dimensional Fluid Dynamics............................................................................ xiii
Non-homogeneous, Non-equilibrium Modeling.............................................................. xiii
Flow-Regime-Dependent Constitutive Equation Package .............................................. xiii
Comprehensive Heat Transfer Capability........................................................................ xiii
Component and Functional Modularity ........................................................................... xiv
Physical Phenomena Considered ........................................................................................... xiv
Restrictions on Use ..................................................................................................................xv
Intended Audience ................................................................................................................. xvi
Organization of This Manual ................................................................................................. xvi
Nomenclature......................................................................................................................... xvi
Reporting Code Errors .......................................................................................................... xvii
Conventions Used in This Manual........................................................................................ xvii
1: Execution Details.................................................................................1
General Concepts .......................................................................................................................1
Getting Started ...........................................................................................................................3
Running TRACE - The Finer Details ........................................................................................4
Command Line Options.......................................................................................................6
Dump/Restart Capability .....................................................................................................8
Steady-State vs Transient Execution..................................................................................10
Running Legacy TRAC-P Input Files ...............................................................................10
Running Legacy TRAC-B Input Files ...............................................................................11
Running Legacy RELAP5 Input Files ...............................................................................12
Running with IAPWS-IF97 (RELAP5) Steam Tables.......................................................12
Running TRACE from SNAP............................................................................................13
Multi-Task Mode of Operation ................................................................................................13
A: Deprecated Functionality................................................................575
ROD or SLAB Components ..................................................................................................575
Multipass Control Parameter Evaluation ...............................................................................610
Namelist Options ...................................................................................................................611
Main Card Variables ..............................................................................................................612
B: Error Messages................................................................................615
Advanced computing plays a critical role in the design, licensing and operation of nuclear power
plants. The modern nuclear reactor system operates at a level of sophistication whereby human
reasoning and simple theoretical models are simply not capable of bringing to light full
understanding of a system's response to some proposed perturbation, and yet, there is an inherent
need to acquire such understanding. Over the last 30 years or so, there has been a concerted effort
on the part of the power utilities, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), and
foreign organizations to develop advanced computational tools for simulating reactor system
behavior during real and hypothetical transient scenarios. The lessons learned from simulations
carried out with these tools help form the basis for decisions made concerning plant design,
operation, and safety.
The TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine (TRACE - formerly called TRAC-M) is the
latest in a series of advanced, best-estimate reactor systems codes developed by the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission for analyzing transient and steady-state neutronic-thermal-hydraulic
behavior in light water reactors. It is the product of a long term effort to combine the capabilities
of the NRC’s four main systems codes (TRAC-P, TRAC-B, RELAP5 and RAMONA) into one
modernized computational tool..
This manual is one of three documents that comprise the basic TRACE documentation set. The
other two are the Theory Manual and Developmental Assessment Manual.
Overview of TRACE
TRACE has been designed to perform best-estimate analyses of loss-of-coolant accidents
(LOCAs), operational transients, and other accident scenarios in pressurized light-water reactors
(PWRs) and boiling light-water reactors (BWRs). It can also model phenomena occuring in
experimental facilities designed to simulate transients in reactor systems. Models used include
multidimensional two-phase flow, nonequilibrium thermo-dynamics, generalized heat transfer,
reflood, level tracking, and reactor kinetics. Automatic steady-state and dump/restart capabilities
are also provided.
The partial differential equations that describe two-phase flow and heat transfer are solved using
finite volume numerical methods. The heat-transfer equations are evaluated using a semi-implicit
Preface TRACE V5.0
TRACE takes a component-based approach to modeling a reactor system. Each physical piece of
equipment in a flow loop can be represented as some type of component, and each component can
be further nodalized into some number of physical volumes (also called cells) over which the
fluid, conduction, and kinetics equations are averaged. The number of reactor components in the
problem and the manner in which they are coupled is arbitrary. There is no built-in limit for the
number of components or volumes that can be modeled; the size of a problem is theoretically only
limited by the available computer memory. Reactor hydraulic components in TRACE include
PIPEs, PLENUMs, PRIZERs (pressurizers), CHANs (BWR fuel channels), PUMPs, JETPs (jet
pumps), SEPDs (separators), TEEs, TURBs (turbines), HEATRs (feedwater heaters), CONTANs
(containment), VALVEs, and VESSELs (with associated internals). HTSTR (heat structure) and
REPEAT-HTSTR components modeling fuel elements or heated walls in the reactor system are
available to compute two-dimensional conduction and surface-convection heat transfer in
Cartesian or cylindrical geometries. POWER components are available as a means for delivering
energy to the fluid via the HTSTR or hydraulic component walls. FLPOWER (fluid power)
components are capable of delivering energy directly to the fluid (such as might happen in waste
transmutation facilities). RADENC (radiation enclosures) components may be used to simulate
radiation heat transfer between multiple arbitrary surfaces. FILL and BREAK components are
used to apply the desired coolant-flow and pressure boundary conditions, respectively, in the
reactor system to perform steady-state and transient calculations. EXTERIOR components are
available to facilitate the development of input models designed to exploit TRACE’s parallel
execution features.
The code’s computer execution time is highly problem dependent and is a function of the total
number of mesh cells, the maximum allowable timestep size, and the rate of change of the
neutronic and thermal-hydraulic phenomena being evaluated. The stability-enhancing two-step
(SETS) numerics in hydraulic components allows the material Courant limit to be exceeded. This
allows very large time steps to be used in slow transients. This, in turn, can lead to significant
speedups in simulations (one or two orders of magnitude) of slow-developing accidents and
operational transients.
While we do not wish to overstate the performance of the numerical techniques incorporated in
TRACE, we believe that the current schemes demonstrate exceptional stability and robustness
that will serve adequately in codes like TRACE for years to come. However, the models and
correlations in the code can have a significant impact on the speed of a calculation; they can (and
frequently do) affect adversely the time-step size and the number of iterations used. Because of
the impact on the speed of the calculation and because the models and correlations greatly affect
TRACE V5.0 Preface
the accuracy of the results, the area of model/correlation development may result in significant
improvements in the overall code performance.
TRACE Characteristics
Some distinguishing characteristics of the code are summarized below.
Preface TRACE V5.0
The TRACE program is also modular by function; that is, the major aspects of the calculations are
performed in separate modules. For example, the basic 1D hydrodynamics solution algorithm,
the wall-temperature field solution algorithm, heat transfer coefficient (HTC) selection, and other
functions are performed in separate sets of routines that can be accessed by all component
modules. This modularity allows the code to be upgraded readily with minimal effort and
minimal potential for error as improved correlations and test information become available.
TRACE V5.0 Preface
Limitations on Use
As a general rule, computational codes like TRACE are really only applicable within their
assessment range. TRACE has been qualified to analyze the ESBWR design as well as
conventional PWR and BWR large and small break LOCAs (excluding B&W designs). At this
point, assessment has not been officially performed for BWR stability analysis, or other
operational transients.
The TRACE code is not appropriate for modeling situations in which transfer of momentum plays
an important role at a localized level. For example, TRACE makes no attempt to capture, in
detail, the fluid dynamics in a pipe branch or plenum, or flows in which the radial velocity profile
across the pipe is not flat.
Preface TRACE V5.0
The TRACE code is not appropriate for transients in which there are large changing asymmetries
in the reactor-core power such as would occur in a control-rod-ejection transient unless it is used
in conjunction with the PARCS spatial kinetics module. In TRACE, neutronics are evaluated on
a core-wide basis by a point-reactor kinetics model with reactivity feedback, and the spatially
local neutronic response associated with the ejection of a single control rod cannot be modeled.
The typical system model cannot be applied directly to those transients in which one expects to
observe thermal stratification of the liquid phase in the 1D components. The VESSEL component
can resolve the thermal stratification of liquid only within the modeling of its multidimensional
noding when horizontal stratification is not perfect.
TRACE is incapable of modeling circulation patterns within a large open region, regardless of the
choice of mesh size.
TRACE does not evaluate the stress/strain effect of temperature gradients in structures. The
effect of fuel-rod gas-gap closure due to thermal expansion or material swelling is not modeled
explicitly. TRACE can be useful as a support to other, more detailed, analysis tools in resolving
questions such as pressurized thermal shock.
The TRACE field equations are derived such that viscous heating terms within the fluid is
generally ignored. A special model is, however, available within the PUMP component to
account for direct heating of fluid by the pump rotor.
Approximations in the wall and interface heat flux terms prevent accurate calculations of such
phenomena as collapse of a steam bubble blocking natural circulation through a B&W candy-
cane, or of the details of steam condensation at the water surface in an AP1000 core makeup tank.
Intended Audience
This manual has been written to reflect the needs of the those who desire to develop TRACE input
models and run simulations with those models. It is written for both novice and advanced
TRACE users, alike. While we have attempted to present the information in this manual as plainly
as possible, we cannot guarantee that we have succeeded. If you find some section or blurb of text
to be particularly difficult to understand, please make sure this information is commnunicated
back to the development team so the issue can be rectified. Suggestions and actual rewritten text
will be shamelessly accepted
TRACE V5.0 Preface
the conceptual model behind each component type and key subsystem, and 3) present specific
user guidelines for each component type, model or major code feature.
Topics of discussion addressed in this manual include the overall input format and structure, how
to actually run the code, the various input files TRACE expects and output files TRACE writes
information to, the graphics information, and any functionality that has become deprecated as a
result of the code consolidation process.
Used for TRACE component names and input variable names
Bold Italic
Used for chapter and section headings
Bold Blue
Used for TRACE card titles, note headings, table headings, cross references
Plain Red
Used for XTV graphics variable names
Preface TRACE V5.0
Used for filenames, pathnames, table titles, headings for some tables, and AcGrace
dialog box names
Used for references to a website URL and AcGrace menu items
Note – This icon represents a Note. It is used to emphasize various informational messages that might
be of interest to the reader. This is some invisible text - its sole purpose is to make the paragraph a
little longer so that the bottom line will extend below the icon.
Warning – This icon represents a Warning. It is used to emphazize important information that you
! need to be aware of while you are working with TRACE. This is some invisible text - its sole purpose
is to make the paragraph a little longer so that the bottom line will extend below the icon.
Tip – This icon represents a Tip. It is used to dispense bits of wisdom that might be of particular
interest to the reader. This is some invisible text - its sole purpose is to make the paragraph a little
longer so that the bottom line will extend below the icon.
For brevity, when we refer to filenames that TRACE either takes as input or outputs, we will
generally refer to it using its default internal hardwired name (as opposed to the prefix naming
convention to which you will be introduced in the following chapters). So for example,
references to the TRACE input file name would use tracin; references to the output file would
use trcout, etc.
In the individual component description sections (see Chapter 6), in the card titles for each card,
the formatting convention expected for each of the input parameters is provided using standard
Fortran field specification identifiers. The identifiers A, I and E refer to alphanumeric, integer
number and real (floating point) number entries, respectively. Numbers appearing after those
identifiers refer to the field length while numbers appearing before those identifiers indicate
multiple entries of the field. For example, a data field specification of "5I14" indicates five fields
of 14 characters each, containing integer numbers; a data field specification of "2E14.4" indicates
two real numbers of, at most, 14 characters each, with 4 characters reserved for the exponential
notation portion of the string (E-01, for example)
Execution Details
General Concepts
TRACE is a general thermal-hydraulics computational modeling system for nuclear power
systems and other two-phase flow loop apparatus or experimental rigs. In layman’s terms, it is
simply an executable program that a person can run on a computer to simulate what goes on
inside a nuclear power plant during normal and/or off-normal conditions. The person running the
code (i.e. the user - that’s you) is responsible for creating a virtual mock-up of the reactor system
in the form of geometry information (volumes, lengths, areas, etc), fluid state information
(pressures, temperatures, etc), lookup tables, control system information, and numerical flags or
triggers that tell the code what to do, when, and how to do it. The user collects all this
information into a computer file and supplies it as input to the TRACE program when it is
executed. We refer to these files by a number of different names, such as, "input decks", "input
files", "input models", or sometimes, just "models".
From a user’s perspective, there are three major phases in a full TRACE calculation - input
processing, initialization, and the solution itself. Figure 1-1 visually illustrates this process. Input
processing is the first stage of a calculation. At this point, TRACE reads in your input model and
checks to make sure that the data is properly formatted and that all the information required for
the calculation is actually present. Once your model has passed input processing, it is initialized
to ready it for the transient solution procedure. During initialization, the code performs the
necessary bookkeeping functions to ensure that data is managed properly during the actual
solution. It also checks your input data to make sure that all initial & boundary conditions are
self-consistent (for example, the initial velocities at a component’s output face are checked to
make sure they are identical to the initial velocities of the adjoining component’s inlet).
Once all the input data has been processed, and the calculation has been initialized, the code
proceeds to the actual solution procedure. The solution is advanced forward in time in small
increments (called timesteps). The run ends when any one of the following three conditions are
met — the user-specified transient end time is reached, a steady-state is declared (only during
steady-state runs), or some fatal error in the calculation takes place.
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
File n
TRACE supports both serial and parallel execution. You can think of serial execution as being
defined by a single TRACE input-output process running on a single computer chip. This is how
TRACE and other codes of its ilk have traditionally been run over the past thirty-five or so years.
Parallel execution, insofar as TRACE is concerned, is defined by two or more input-output
processes executing at the same time and coupled together by sharing information back and forth
between the processes. These separate processes can take the form of 1) TRACE running in
parallel with other TRACE processes, or 2) TRACE running in tandem with one or more other
codes. In other words, it can do coarse-grained multi-tasking. TRACE specifically does not
support more fine-grained parallel methodologies like threading or High-Performance Fortran
(HPF) in which individual lines of code are tuned to run across multiple processors. It is,
however, possible to run on shared-memory computers and the code will attempt to make use of
the shared memory buffer if one is available (rather than always moving data through the
networking stack, which can be slow), but you are always limited by the coarse-grained nature of
the methodology.
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
Getting Started
Performing a calculation with TRACE on a single processor is a pretty simple affair. By itself,
TRACE is really designed to be run from a command line. When run in this mode, all calculations
are performed from a single working directory. The process can be broken down into the
following steps:
• Install TRACE on your computer. Instructions are included on the TRACE distribution
CD-ROM. Keep track of the directory location where the executable is stored.
• Open a command window if you are running Microsoft Windows or X-Windows. On a
Windows PC, you can either use the DOS command prompt that comes pre-installed with
the operating system (OS), or you can install the Cygwin package (a free UNIX emulation
environment) and use the bash shell program that comes with it. On a UNIX/Linux
workstation running X-Windows, just start an X-terminal.
• Create or otherwise determine a location on your hard drive where you want to store the
input and output files for the simulation you plan to run - this will become your working
• Change to that working directory (using the "cd" command)
• Copy the input file(s) that you wish to run into this working directory. This, of course,
assumes that you already have an existing input file you wish to run. If you don’t, then
you need to create one. That is what this manual is designed to help you do.
• Rename or copy your input file to the name tracin if it is not already called that
• Run TRACE. You do this by simply typing the full path to the TRACE command name
at the command prompt and hitting a return keystroke.
A typical command session illustrating this process might look like this:
~>mkdir TRACE_Simulation
~>cd TRACE_Simulation
~/TRACE_Simulation>cp /d/work/advcode/Test/MasterList/w4loopn.inp .
total 9641
-rw-r--r-- 1 caretake None 45121 Feb 25 09:27 screen_output
-rwxr-xr-x 1 caretake None 84728 Feb 25 09:26 tracin*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 caretake None 1081344 Feb 25 09:27 trcdmp*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 caretake None 122312 Feb 25 09:27 trcinp*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 caretake None 75627 Feb 25 09:27 trcmsg*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 caretake None 2698815 Feb 25 09:27 trcout*
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
As you can see, once TRACE has been run, it creates a series of output files. They contain all the
information necessary to analyze the simulation and/or debug problems that may have occured
during the course of the run. The tracin file is, of course, the plant or facility input-data model.
There are five standard output files that you will generally need to work with – trcmsg, trcout,
trcdmp, trcxtv and trcinp. The trcmsg, trcout, and trcinp files only contain ascii text so they
may be reviewed with any kind of text editor or word processor. The trcinp file is an un-
annotated echo of the input model. It is usually only useful if there is some error in the input
model and you need to track it down. The remaining output files, trcxtv and trcdmp, are binary
files and cannot be reviewed with a text editor.
File trcmsg contains information mostly of a diagnostic nature. The level of detail that is
contained in trcmsg can be controlled in part by the user. File trcout contains results of a
calculation in the form of “large and short edits”, which are written at user-specified intervals (via
the time-domain input described in Chapter 6).
Most of the day-to-day analysis of TRACE’s results is done via the graphics binary-format file
trcxtv, which is used as input to the separate post-processing software AcGrace. Edit intervals to
file trcxtv are specified via the time-domain input in the input-data file. A complete list of the
data written to file trcxtv is given in Chapter 3. File trcdmp is also written at user-specified
intervals as a calculation proceeds. It contains data-dumps that can be used to initialize
subsequent restart runs (there will be more on that later).
The input file, tracin, and the output files trcmsg, trcout, trcxtv, and trcinp can be in either SI or
English units. The trcdmp file is always SI units.
There are many other optional output files that may get generated during a run; they will not be
discussed here. All files that TRACE uses for input and output are explained in greater depth in
Chapter 2.
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
trcmsg trcmsg
trcout trcrst trcout
tracin TRACE trcdmp TRACE trcdmp
trcinp tracin trcinp
trcxtv trcxtv
plots AcGrace
TRACE is a console application. In other words, it is meant to be executed from the command
line. Given this, one way to execute TRACE, is to copy the TRACE input file to a file named
tracin. Then, at the command prompt, the name of the TRACE executable (for instance
trace.exe) is entered followed by a return key-stroke. For example, for an input file called
test.inp, you would copy it to tracin and then enter the following:
> trace.exe
The code executes the problem tracin and outputs the files listed in Figure 1-2. Generally, you
should first look at the message and output file (trcmsg and trcout) in a text editor to first
determine whether the simulation ran to completion. Assuming that it did, a good way to analyze
the results is then to read the graphics file (trcxtv) into AcGrace and plot the necessary
parameters that will help you to understand what is happening in the facility.
Tip – You do have the option of overriding the default file names that are built into TRACE with your
own using the "--prefix" (or "-p") command line options (see Table 1-2 in the section Command Line
Options below). In a nutshell, you supply a string that denotes the base name of the input file and
TRACE will establish a new naming convention that uses that base name plus a set of pre-defined file
extensions for each file type. In particular, TRACE expects that the input file shall have a ".inp"
extension. Table 1-1 shows the file extensions used for the input and output files shown in Figure
1-2. Use of this feature will allow you to establish a workflow in which you won’t have to manually
copy your input decks to tracin before each run. It also allows you to launch multiple simulations at
the same time from within the same working directory.
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
Table 1-1. File extensions for some common TRACE input and output files.
Table 1-2. TRACE command line argument options and their description.
Argument Description
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
Table 1-2. TRACE command line argument options and their description. (Continued)
Argument Description
-c, --ce, -- Function as if the executable is the computational engine only. This
isCompEngine reads input from the TPR formatted trcrst file as the sole source of
input; the tracin file is bypassed. RELAP5 decks from SNAP are
converted this way.
-i, --ip, --isInputRun Function as if TRACE is an input processor only. This reads the
tracin file, performs input checking and conversion as necessary,
generates a dump file and stops.
--useTpr Forces TRACE to create a dump file in TPR format (trctpr replaces
-b, --bell Causes an audible bell to sound with each warning or error message
that is written to the standard output.
--dtstrt force the initial time step size to be TIMESTEPSIZE as long as
TIMESTEPSIZE TIMESTEPSIZE is between the minimum and maximums for the
current time step domain. Note that TIMESTEPSIZE must be in
fixed point notation (e.g. 0.03) and the value will override an entry
for the NAMELIST variable DTSTRT in the input (tracin) file.
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
Table 1-2. TRACE command line argument options and their description. (Continued)
Argument Description
-p PREFIX, Don’t use the default built-in naming convention for input and output
--prefix PREFIX files. Instead, all filenames will follow the pattern
where the specific value for <extension> is set by TRACE and
unique for each input or output file type. Refer to Table 2-1 for a
full list of the file extensions that TRACE will use for each file type.
Filename prefixes should be limited to a maximum of 35 characters.
--runStats Forces TRACE to create a file (trcstats) containing basic
information on execution of the program (cpu time, number of time
steps, etc.)
--norand Turn off any random control blocks that might exist in the input
deck. This makes their output values constant from run to run, to
facilitate the generation null comparisons during verification testing
--significantd Turns on the significant difference logic. This is a developer-only
option that should not be used under normal circumstances. It allows
the developer to write some extra parameters to a file in an effort to
determine whether changes in results from one code version to the
next are "significant".
Dump/Restart Capability
As Figure 1-2 attempts to show, it is possible for a new calculation to pick up from where some
previous calculation left off. This is generally referred to as "restarting the calculation". Let’s
discuss this feature in more depth.
During any given simulation, TRACE automatically generates a dump file (trcdmp, by default)
which contains snapshots of the state of the model at various time points. Any one of these
snapshots, called a data-dump, may be used to initialize all or part of the model for subsequent
calculations. The times when dumps are generated are determined by several criteria:
• A zero-time data dump is automatically generated at the start of the run. You can
generally think of this dump as being generated at the end of the initialization stage.
Specifically, it is generated part way through the solution of the first timestep after all the
necessary parameters for a successful restart have been calculated, but users should
generally not need to be concerned with this nuance.
• A data-dump is automatically generated at the end of the steady-state or transient
• Data-dumps are generated at regular intervals based upon a user-supplied dump
frequency. This time interval is given by the DMPINT variable on the timestep data
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
cards. A data dump will be generated whenever this time interval has elapsed since the
last data dump.
• A data dump also may be initiated by the user with one or more designated trips (see
Chapter 6, Trip Data). At the time the status of any of those trips is set to "ON", a dump
is appended to the end of the dump file. This permits the restart of a problem when a trip-
signal monitored particular event of interest occurs.
All data dumps are added sequentially to the end of the dump file. The solution results written to
the dump file are always in metric SI units.
A restart calculation requires two input files - a restart-dump file (or simply "restart file", for
short) and a normal input file. The restart file is nothing more than the dump file for the
calculation that you want to restart from. To use the dump file to initialize a subsequent
calculation, the file must be copied or renamed from trcdmp to trcrst (or test.dmp to test.rst, if
you are using the "--prefix" command line option). The input file is just a stripped-down version
of the original input file. The general idea is that it should only contain information that is new or
has changed from your original model. Be aware, however, that there is some information, like
the main data cards, that must appear in every input file, regardless of whether it is a restart run or
The specific data that gets retrieved from the restart-dump file depends upon the information that
has been provided by the input file. Any component not defined in the input file is initialized from
the restart file. Also, any signal variable, control block, and trip with an ID number that has not
already been defined by the input file will be initialized with its defined state from the data dump.
Warning – Be aware that the value of some input parameters cannot be changed in a restart
! calculation. These include NAMELIST variable IELV, IKFAC, ITHD, NDIA1, NEWRFD, NFRC1,
NFRC3 (see Main-Data Card 4), and ISOLUT (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9). If any of their
values change, TRACE will generate an error message and abort the calculation.
Because the restart file will undoubtedly contain more than one block of dump information for the
system, you will need to choose which specific block of information you want to actually restart
from. You do this by figuring out the timestep number of that specific data-dump and set that
value for the DSTEP variable (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 6) in your input file. The message
(trcmsg) and output (trcout) files from the previous run can be searched for the phrase “restart
dump” to show all output messages of the problem times and timestep numbers when data dumps
were generated during the calculation. Since you will normally be interested in choosing the very
last data-dump, TRACE allows some shorthand here — if the timestep number that you specify is
negative, TRACE will read in the final data-dump and overwrite that negative DSTEP value with
the timestep number taken from that data-dump.
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
TRACE determines whether or not an acceptable steady-state solution has been evaluated in a
two-step process. First, TRACE determines every fifth timestep the maximum fractional change
per second of seven key parameters (total pressure, liquid and steam velocities, steam volume
fraction, liquid and steam temperatures, and noncondensable-gas pressure) over the entire
hydraulic-system model. Then TRACE requires that all seven maximum rate-of-change values be
less than or equal to a user-specified convergence criterion (EPSS) for steady-state convergence
to be satisfied. This test feature also is provided in transient calculations that evaluate an
asymptotic steady-state solution by the NAMELIST variable ISSCVT as described in Chapter 6.
If steady-state conditions cannot be attained within the period of time selected by the user; i.e.,
calculations do not converge and/or the results are not satisfactory, the calculation may have to be
restarted. You might also consider just re-running the entire calculation from time zero with a
larger end time if the amount of wasted wall-clock time is not considerable. Once an acceptable
steady-state solution is obtained, a transient calculation can be initiated from the last steady-state
calculation’s dump file. The input file for the transient calculation contains those changes
(relative to the steady-state model) that will initiate the desired transient behavior. This can
include such modifications as new trip actions, new or modified control-system behavior, new
components (for example, the addition of a BREAK component), or the modification of existing
components to achieve some off-normal component action (e.g. valve opening/closing, pump
coastdown, reactor scram, etc).
This describes the most typical use of TRACE. Sometimes performing a steady-state run is not
necessary, and a transient run can be the first run. In this case, the input file will contain all
transient information and the restart process is not necessary.
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
TRACE is able to convert these heat structures on the fly. The disadvantage to this is that the user
will generally find it very difficult to correlate the old heat structures as seen in the input deck
with the heat structure information provided in the output file as well as the descriptions provided
in the input & theory manuals. Also, SNAP is not able to directly read in input decks that use the
old ROD/SLAB format.
The recommended course of action is to convert the original input decks themselves, rather than
maintain the old formats. This is a relatively painless process. All that is needed is to simply
create an empty file called newhsinput in the current working directory (i.e. the directory from
which the code is executed) and then run the code with the input deck you would like to convert..
On a UNIX system the following command:
> touch newhsinput
will accomplish this. If the "--prefix" command line option is used, then the code will expect the
filename to be <prefix>.nhs rather than newhsinput. TRACE will recognize the existence of this
file and convert the old input deck containing ROD/SLAB heat structure components to an
equivalent new deck with HTSTR and POWER components. The new input deck is written back
out to newhsinput (or <prefix>.nhs). In addition to newhsinput, a second file called sigvarinp
(or <prefix>.svi) is created to show the user which signal variables may have been modified in
response to changes made to the heat structures they reference. In order to run TRACE, simply
replace the old input deck with newhsinput (or <prefix>.nhs), remembering to actually remove
newhsinput so the code does not attempt a second conversion run on the newly converted input
Another area of concern to the user when attempting to execute old input decks relates to the
signal variable input in the control system. Because there are so many different possibilities for
specifying the signal variable input, input checking in TRACE has been severely strengthened
over that of the original TRAC-P logic. One of the traits of the TRAC-P signal-variable capability
was the flexibility afforded the user when specifying the input. This flexibility, unfortunately,
carried with it the likely possibility of masking input errors without the user ever realizing that
they exist. Such errors could be in the form of simple typos as well as a more fundamental lack of
understanding.of how the signal capability should work. The TRACE input scheme has sought to
rectify these problems by placing more stringent requirements on the user to specify consistent,
meaningful input, without actually changing in any significant way the meaning of the input
parameters. As such, there may be some instances where input decks will require small
modifications to the signal variable input in order to allow them to execute. TRACE will generate
error messages that contain the necessary amount of detail to allow the user to manually correct
any such input found to be incorrect.
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
would have performed. For that reason, it is imperative that you first make sure that your native
TRAC-B model actually run in TRAC-B before attempting to run it with TRACE.
The following are issues the user should be prepared to deal with when attempting to run legacy
TRAC-B decks with TRACE:
• The meaning of the CPOWR array has been redefined. In TRAC-B, it is possible for the
first rod group to be given a relative power of 0.0, indicating that it is a water rod. In
TRACE, there is a requirement that the first rod group must not be a water rod. As such,
it will be necessary to restructure any TRAC-B decks in which the first value of the
CPOWR array is set to 0.0.
• While TRAC-B supports the ability to model a SEPD component as just a dryer with no
actual separator section (i.e. swirl vanes) (NDRYR > 0 and NSEPS =0), TRACE does not
currently allow this configuration.
The following are issues the user should be prepared to deal with when attempting to run legacy
RELAP5 decks with TRACE:
• need to add a list of the issues
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
In terms of code execution details, when USE_IAPWS_ST = .TRUE., the user has the option of
either supplying an external steam table binary file generated according to the IAPWS-IF97
standard1 or simply letting TRACE default to using built-in steam table data (extracted from the
external IAPWS steam table file and hardcoded into the executable). TRACE follows a cascading
series of steps that determines how it will get its steam table properties. If the "--prefix"
command line argument is used, the code will first search for a file called "<prefix>.h2o". This
file is equivalent to the tpfh2onew file that all RELAP5 users should be used to using. If the code
fails to find it, or if the "--prefix" option is not used, then it will look for a file called trch2o. If
the code, in turn, fails to find this file, then it will try to open tpfh2onew. If it then fails to find
that file, then the code will finally default to using the hardcoded IAPWS steam table data.
Without the "--prefix" option, the code will first start looking for trch2o and proceed through the
same cascading set of steps. In all cases, the steam table binary file is expected to be in the same
directory as the TRACE input file (i.e. the current working directory). This scheme preserves the
legacy RELAP5 workflow as well as the ability to test out different versions of the IAPWS
standard without needing to rebuild the entire code.
It should be noted that while the tpfh2onew data file (or its equivalents) has, in general, more
digits of numerical precision than the hardcoded IAPWS steam tables, from an engineering
standpoint, the level of accuracy you get from the hardcoded IAPWS steam tables is essentially
the same as that of the external data files.
Options are scheduled for SNAP that will largely automate the creation of input and execution of
multi-task jobs. This section describes the steps necessary to manually split standard input into an
equivalent set of multiple input decks. It also describes the additional input file (taskList) used to
1. This file is typically called tpfh2onew in RELAP5 land, and is supplied as part of the code distribution
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
specify the configuration of the multi-task job. Because input features supporting multi-task
simulations are new to TRACE, users starting from archival input decks for RELAP5 or TRAC-B
must use SNAP to convert them to native TRACE input before splitting the input model.
The second step is to understand your system nodalization, and look for ways to split the system
that balance the computational load between processors. If your modeled system has a mixture of
1D and 3D components, you should run some simple timing studies to determine the ratio of
computational times required by these volumes. We’ve found enough variation in the ratio of 3D
to 1D cost per cell per step between computers and compilers, that it is not worth giving specific
guidelines here. In most circumstances the relative computational cost for heat conduction nodes
is low enough that heat structures should simply be placed on the same processor as one of the
fluid components with which they exchange heat. However, if large numbers of heat structures
are associated with one fluid component, timing studies may be justified to determine the value of
allocating some or all of these heat structures to their own processor.
Once you have selected the basic distribution of components between separate TRACE
calculations, the next step is to clearly note connection paths for flow of fluid and/or heat between
the separate processes. For example assume that "PIPE 1" is in one of the new input decks and
"PIPE 2" is in another. If fluid can flow from one to the other, you need to add an EXTERIOR
component (see Chapter 6) to each of the new decks to mark the component missing from the
other side of that flow connection. The input deck containing a full description of "PIPE 1" will
contain the component "EXTERIOR 2" to note that a component connected to "PIPE 1" exists in
some other process. The input deck containing a full description of "PIPE 2" will contain the
component "EXTERIOR 1" to note that a component connected to "PIPE 2" exists in some other
process. A similar procedure exists if a heat structure and fluid component exchange heat, but are
calculated by different tasks.
Use of EXTERIOR components has one other level of complexity. One task in the multi-task
calculation must be designated as "central". It will have the responsibility of sorting out the task
to task fluid flow path topology. As a result, the input for that task must include an EXTERIOR
component corresponding every real component in every other task’s input that has a flow
junction to a different computational task. If "PIPE 1" and "PIPE 2" in the example above are
contained in two non-central (satellite) tasks, then the central task must have input for
components "EXTERIOR 1" and "EXTERIOR 2", containing information indicating that the two
components share a flow junction.
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
Construction or adaptation of control systems for multi-task simulations should be done with care.
It is a good idea to configure input decks so control block clusters that span processes are placed
in the input for the central process. This will limit the potential for unpredictable consequences
when evaluation of a string of interdependent control blocks is spread across several processes.
Any signal variables used as input to control blocks should be defined within the process
containing that control block. Access to signal variables that are defined in other processes does
not function properly in the current code release. However, a signal variable defined in one task
may request information from a component that is evaluated in another task. Transfer of that
information will be automatically scheduled during the initialization of the calculation.
# taskname program name arguments
trac1 D:\work\code\v31181\Debug\tracx.exe
# taskname program name arguments
output D:\work\code\exterior\getvars\Debug\getvars.exe
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
Number TaskName ProgName Arguments
1 Arbitrary name uniquely Full path name of Any command line
(Program identifying the task in the the executable used arguments used by the
information) multitask system for this task. program (For TRACE,
simulation. see Table 1-2).
MachName WorkDir
2 Network name for the Name of the working directory for this task.
(Execution machine used to run this Input files must already exist in this directory.
Environment) task. All output will be placed in this directory.
One important restriction in the current ECI is that all machines listed in a given taskList file
must have the same flavor of operating system. All must be running a Microsoft Windows
system, or all must be running a Unix or Linux system. If you are running Unix/Linux on a
mixture of hardware having different internal representations of numbers, you need to rebuild
your computer code with a definition added in CIpcInclude.h of "#define XDRtest"
(CIpcInclude.h is a header file in the "tracc" library). If all values of MachName are the same,
reflecting a shared memory parallel computer, you should consider rebuilding TRACE with
"#define SOCKETS" replaced by "#define SHARED" (also in CIpcInclude.h). This will typically
cut message passing overhead by at least a factor of two.
The next step is to be certain that the driver program (named "ParallelDriver") for the ECI is
running on every machine listed in the taskList file. The driver program functions as a daemon
for sending messages back and forth, much like the pvmd daemon used in PVM. This program
stays alive after each use, unless cancelled by a "Ctrl-C" keypress. However, as currently
configured, the driver only supports one ECI job at a time on a given processor. This restriction
will be relaxed in later releases. Eventually, the current driver program will be replaced by
equivalent functionality in the SNAP Execution Monitor.
The final step is to start your central process (first process in the taskList file). Normally this
would be started in the first working directory listed in the taskList file. However, you can start
the process in any working directory as long as the taskList file resides in that directory. Once it
has read the taskList file, the central process switches to it’s designated working directory, and
transmits the contents of taskList to all driver programs. The drivers start all remaining tasks for
TRACE V5.0 Execution Details
the simulation on the correct machines, then go into an idle state. Communications between tasks
from that point forward is automated, and governed by each task’s need for missing information.
Each TRACE task creates it’s own set of output files. However, the edit and dump intervals are
controlled by the central process and synchronized by the ECI. If a restart is required, the dump
file must be copied to a restart file (e.g. trcdmp => trcrst), and an appropriate restart input file
must replace the original input file in every working directory.
Execution Details TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Input and Output Files
Input and Output Files
Output Files
Input and
For console applications like TRACE (i.e. those that you run from a command line), interaction
between the user and the application generally takes place through the use of computer files. The
user is responsible for supplying as input to the program one or more files that contain all the data
necessary to perform a simulation. TRACE is responsible for performing that simulation and
saving all the relevant information that it generates into one or more output files so that it may be
analyzed by the user. The purpose of this section is to introduce you to all the various input and
output files that TRACE expects from the user or creates on its own during the course of a
calculation. See Table 2-1 for a concise reference.
There are two distinct file naming conventions you can use when working with TRACE input and
output files. By default, the code has its own hardwired naming scheme for all files that it
processes. These default names are given in column 3 of Table 2-1. Unless you do something to
tell TRACE otherwise, this is the scheme that it will use. Alternatively, you can override this
default naming scheme when invoking TRACE from the command line. Using the --prefix
command line option, you are able to establish a common base name that all files created or read-
in by TRACE will share. The individual file types are differentiated by a unique file extension
(hardwired into the code). For example, if TRACE were invoked from the command line like
> trace.exe --prefix test
then the code would expect to take as input a file called test.inp. It would create a series of output
files like test.out, test.msg, test.xtv, etc. Column 4 in Table 2-1 provides a listing of the exact
file extensions used by TRACE, assuming a common run name called "test"
Input File
The tracin (test.inp) file specifies the problem input data for a calculation and is a required input
file for all TRACE calculations. For a new calculation this file contains all of the model input
data. For a restart calculation this file contains input only for the model features which the user
desires to change at the problem restart time. Data for the remaining model features are obtained
from the restart file (described below) at a restart edit specified by the user.
Input and Output Files TRACE V5.0
Restart File
The trcrst (test.rst) file contains data from a prior calculation from which a restart run is to be
made. This TRACE input file is only required for restart calculations. Typically this file is created
by copying the dump file (described below) from the prior run and renaming it to trcrst (test.rst).
The times at which restart calculations may be made correspond to the restart edit times requested
by the user in the preceding calculation. Note that the restart file is never modified as a result of
executing a restart calculation. Also, note that the dump file produced by a restart calculation only
includes data covering the period of the restart calculation and not the period of the prior
calculation before the restart time.
Output File
The trcout (test.out) file contains output data representing “snapshots” of the calculation
variables at specific times during the calculation. Short and large edits are produced during the
calculation at frequencies requested by the user on the time-step data cards. The edits include
values for the calculation variables (such as pressures, temperatures and control block data). This
file also contains an echo of the problem input and some, but not all, warning and error messages.
For the initial calculation, the initial condition of the thermal-hydraulic system model is that
specified in the input file. For subsequent restart calculations, the initial condition is that obtained
from the restart file (the dump file from the previous calculation) with an overlaid modification of
selected control parameters and components from the input file.
A short edit is a half-page display. The initial line outputs the current problem time, timestep size,
and timestep number and the number of iterations required to converge the last outer iteration.
This is followed by the maximum convective power difference, the component and its location
limiting the current timestep size, the minimum, average, and maximum number of outer
iterations since the last short edit, the number of timesteps that each component was the last to
converge its outer-iteration solution, and the current-calculation and accumulated-calculation’s
CPU execution times. This information conveys how well the numerical solution is doing and
where in the model the solution convergence is most limited and the timestep size controlled.
Dump File
TRACE generates a dump file called trcdmp (test.dmp) that contains snapshots of the solution
state of the model. These snapshots are output at user-specified time intervals (using the timestep
data cards or special trips designed to force a dump snapshot to be taken at a specific point) during
the course of a calculation. Any one of these snapshots, called a restart data dump, may be used to
initialize all or part of the system model for subsequent restart calculations from its data-dump
edit time. This file is typically copied and renamed to the restart file (see above). That file is then
it is used as the input file containing restart edit data required for subsequent restart problems. The
TRACE V5.0 Input and Output Files
solution results output to the dump file are always in metric SI units. The file contains
unformatted binary data that and, as such, is not intended to be visually examined.
The file trctpr has the same functionality as trcdmp. It is intended to be platform-independent
such that a TPR file generated under one operating system (e.g. Windows) can be read on another
(e.g. Linux). The command line argument "--usetpr" (see Table 1-2) causes the code to generate
the trctpr file instead of trcdmp. The TPR file may also be used as a means for importing a
Output Files
TRACE model into SNAP.
Input and
Graphics File
The trcxtv (test.xtv) file contains calculation output in a format that can be directly used by the
graphics-analysis tool AcGrace (see Chapter 3 for more information). The file consists of header
information in text format and a series of graphics data edits in binary format. The edit frequency
can be controlled by the user from the input file. The data in this file can be output in either SI
units or English units. Plot axis labels for dependent variables are provided in the corresponding
Message File
The trcmsg (test.msg) file contains condensed output on the behavior of the numerical
calculation and warning error messages that are produced during input processing, initialization,
and the computational sequence. In other words, it documents the progress of the calculation and
any numerical difficulties that were encountered. Solution results output to the message file are in
SI units.
Input and Output Files TRACE V5.0
Difference File
The trcdif (test.dif) file is an output file containing a history of the inner and outer iteration and
time step parameter data during the calculation. The values that are printed are in full numerical
precision. This file is of limited value to the TRACE user. The purpose of this file is to assist the
code developer in helping to identify from one code version to the next, whether a code
modification has perturbed the calculation in a way that was not intended. The values printed to
the output file are not printed with sufficient precision to guarantee that an unintended
perturbation will cause a non-null comparision for a particular input deck between two
consecutive code versions. It can sometimes take several hundred timesteps for an error to
propagate into the output file. The trcdif file allows the developer to identify the exact point
(timestep) where two runs might have diverged. This file is created by using the command line
argument "--dif" (see Table 1-2) or setting the NAMELIST variable TRCDIF to 1 (see Main-
Data Card 4).
In essence, the labeled echo file becomes a new “cleaned up” version of the input file when it is
renamed tracin (test.inp). This provides a convenient way for the user to clean up the appearance
of an input file for better readability of the input data.
TRACE V5.0 Input and Output Files
By default, the input-data parameter values are in written to this file in SI units, but the user has
the ability to override this and request that they be written, instead, in English units. This provides
a convenient way for the units of the input data to be changed conveniently from metric SI to
English or from English to metric SI. The tracin-file units are metric SI or English depending
upon NAMELIST variable IOINP being 0 (default) or 1; the inlab-file units are metric SI or
English depending upon NAMELIST variable IOLAB being 0 (default) or 1, respectively.
Output Files
Input and
Heat Structure Conversion Files
The newhsInput (test.nhs) and sigvarinp (test.svi) files are optional output files that are
generated when a heat structure conversion run is attempted. To initiate this process, the user
must first create an empty newhsInput (test.nhs) file in the current working directory. When
TRACE finds this file, it will attempt to convert all old ROD/SLAB components to the new
HTSTR and POWER components, and write the resulting input file back out to newhsInput. The
sigvarinp (test.svi) file contains information pertaining to any signal variables whose input was
modified to reference the new heat structure or power components.
Extract File
The trcext (test.extr) file is an optional output file that is generated when a TRAC-B extract run
is attempted. At this point, this functionality is only partially enabled so its use is not
Stop File
The StopCode file is used a means for terminating execution of a code run prematurely, but do so
in a graceful way. As such, the output, dump, and graphics files are left in a usable state. Each
timestep, TRACE checks for the existence of this file. If it is found, then the run is terminated
(and StopCode is deleted), otherwise, execution proceeds.
Input and Output Files TRACE V5.0
methodology, that requires at least 100,000 randomly selected rays for each rod surface to
determine view factors with an acceptable level of accuracy. Experience has shown that such
calculations can take on the order of several CPU minutes. For really accurate view factors,
approximately 1,000,000 rays are needed. Such a calculation may take several CPU hours to
complete (for just the view factors alone).
If USE_IAPWS_ST = .FALSE. (the default), then none of the above applies - the code will use
built-in legacy water property curve fits.
TRACE V5.0 Input and Output Files
Table 2-1. Summary of TRACE Input and Output Files.
Output Files
Input and
Input Calculation tracin test.inp Problem input deck.
Input File
Input Restart Data trcrst test.rst Only used for restart problems.
Input File Contains data from which the
calculation is initiated. Generally
created by copying the trcdmp
(test.dmp) file from the prior run and
renaming the copied file trcrst
Input Terminates StopCode StopCode The existence of this file will cause
code TRACE to terminate the run
execution prematurely, but do so in a graceful
gracefully way
Input Steam table trch2o test.h2o This file contains steam table data
data file that conforms to the IAPWS-IF97
standard. TRACE looks for this file
when NAMELIST option
isn’t found, then TRACE will use its
own built-in IAPWS steam table
Input parallel task taskList N/A Contains bookkeeping information
setup for managing a parallel simulation
information (task, working directory location,
input file names, etc). This file is
only required when running TRACE
in multi-task mode.
Output Calculation trcout test.out Contains the TRACE small and large
Printed edit output information at intervals
Output File requested by the user on the time-
step data cards.
Output Restart Data trcdmp test.dmp Contains the TRACE restart edit data
Output File at intervals requested by the user on
the time-step data cards.
Input and Output Files TRACE V5.0
Output Plot Data trcxtv test.xtv Contains the TRACE calculation plot
Output File edit data at intervals requested by the
user on the time-step data cards. This
file is directly read and used by the
AcGrace plotting routine. (File is
also usable with the XMGR5 plotting
Output Input Echo trcinp test.echo Contains the problem input modified
File to appear in a standard format which
only includes the data that is actually
used by the code.
Output Warning trcmsg test.msg Contains various diagnostic warning
and Error and error messages from both the
Message input processing and execution
File stages of a calculation. Note that not
all warning and messages are
contained in this file; some may be
written only to the trcout (test.out)
and trcinp (test.echo) files.
Output Reformatted inlab test.lab Contains a reformatted version of the
Input File problem input. Only input data
actually used in the calculation and a
standard-format comment structure
are included.
Output Converted newHSInput test.nhs Problem input deck containing heat
heat structures converted from old into
structures new format
Output Converted sigvarinp test.svi List of signal variables modified
signal during the heat structure conversion
variables process
Output Extract trcext test.extr Contains a problem input deck using
Information state data extracted from the dump
TRACE V5.0 Input and Output Files
Table 2-1. Summary of TRACE Input and Output Files.
Output Run time trcstats test.stats The existence of this file will cause
statistics TRACE to terminate the run
Output Files
Input and
prematurely, but do so in a graceful
Output Null testing trcdif test.dif This file contains some global
statistics solution parameters in full precision
(full to aid the developer when
precision) performing null testing from one
code version to the next.
Output Calculated trcgvf_xxxx test.gvf_xxxx Contains the calculated, ray-traced
view factors view factors that the user can merge
back into the original input deck
(replacing the CHAN mrod array).
One file is written out for each
CHAN component. The "_xxxx"
suffix denotes the ID number of the
CHAN component to which the view
factors apply.
Output Central central.err N/A This file is only produced during a
process parallel simulation. It contains error
error messages produced by the central
messages process concerning data flow &
handshaking between processes
Input and Output Files TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
XTV Graphics
At the request of the user, TRACE will create a binary graphics file that contains essentially all of
the parameters a user might find useful while analyzing the results of a simulation. By default,
XTV Graphics
this file is named trcxtv. If the prefix file naming conventions are used (see Chapter 1), then the
filename conforms to the following pattern: <prefix>.xtv.
Being a binary formatted file, the graphics file is generally not readable by mere humans. In other
words, it is not simply possible to open the file up in your favorite text editor or spreadsheet and
start selecting or manipulating fields or columns of numbers to be plotted. Instead, the file is
formatted using a special format, called the XTV (X-TRAC-View) format, that organizes and
compresses the data in a way that minimizes the file storage requirements (i.e. how much disk
space it consumes). The result of this, though, is that special visualization tools are required in
order to be able to read from and write to files of this type.
Visualization Tools
There are currently three ways to visualize TRACE results — using AcGrace, SNAP, or
AVScript1. While each tool defines its own distinct workflow for working with, and
manipulating, the TRACE graphics information, they are all built upon the same underlying
visualization technology.
At present, AcGrace is the main workhorse for performing graphical analysis of TRACE results.
The name stands for "Analysis Code, GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of
data". AcGrace is a customized version of the popular Grace plotting software, developed
specifically for use with NRC analysis codes, NRC Databank files, and SNAP, and to provide an
easier means of performing calculations using data from these files.
1. Some of you may also remember the old XTV graphical user interface developed by Los Alamos National
Laboratory for the TRAC-PF1 code. Unfortunately, the current XTV graphics format is not compatible
with that program, although many of its capabilities are now a part of SNAP.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
Before a plot of a TRACE variable can be performed, AcGrace must, of course, be installed on
your computer system. In addition to being included on the TRACE distribution media, the latest
version of the software, as well as any installation instructions, can always be obtained from the
AcGrace website:
Note – In order to be able to run AcGrace under Windows NT/XP/2000/9*/ME, you need to make
sure that some kind of X Server is installed and running on your computer. An excellent free X
Server is distributed as part of the Cygwin package. See for all the details
related to downloading, installing, and configuring Cygwin and all its constituent software packages
(including the .xorg X server) for your computer.
Using AcGrace
Assuming that you have run TRACE (which has generated a graphics file) and AcGrace is up and
running, the next step would naturally be to generate some plots. To do that, you first need to read
in the trcxtv graphics file.
This will bring up the Edit TRAC data dialog box shown in Figure 3-1. It is the means by which
you are able to select which data channels you want to plot and the mesh locations to which they
correspond. The exact variables that are available for you to plot depend upon the various options
and input parameters that you enable/disable as part of your TRACE input model.
Warning – Some users have reported problems, noting that the size of the AcGrace dialog boxes are
! too big for the screen, causing some of the buttons and other widgets to be pushed off-screen,
becoming unreachable with the mouse cursor. This has been observed to happen to some people who
use lower screen resolutions. Until this issue can be resolved programmatically, one way to fix the
problem is to increase your screen resolution to 1280x1024. If you are unwilling to change your
resolution, there is second, more complicated, temporary fix that may also bring relief under certain
circumstances. It involves making changes to the .Xdefaults or .Xresources file. Rather than explain
that procedure here, please contact the TRACE development team for the necessary instructions.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
XTV Graphics
Figure. 3-1. AcGrace Screenshot: Edit TRAC Data Dialog Box. When viewing this
figure on-screen, you may need to zoom-in in order to achieve an acceptable level of
In the upper selection area of the dialog box, a list of components and associated component
number is presented. The identifiers conform to the convention: "comp-ccc" (e.g. htstr-996)
where "ccc" refers to the component number. In some cases, TRACE may spawn its own internal
sub-components that you can think of, in some sense, as "belonging to", or being "children of"
some parent component that is part of the input deck. In these situations, the component ID
conforms to the convention "comp-cccsss", where "ccc" refers to the parent component number
and "sss" refers to the spawned sequence number (set by TRACE). Selecting a particular
component will present the list of plot-able variables in the lower inset consistent with those
shown in Table 3-3 through Table 3-29.
Table 3-1 provides the key for understanding the component and mesh indices used for the
TRACE data channels in AcGrace. Note that for spawned components, the variable name "var-
ccc" would be replaced by "var-cccsss".
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
Type Dimension Variable ccc iii jjj kkk
An elevation value may be supplied for heat structure slab and rod variables that contain an axial
index. This will be used to calculate the value of the variable at a fixed elevation (the one
specified by the user) as TRACE performs coarse/fine re-nodalization of the model. In order to
do so, the first axial elevation should be selected and then the elevation value should be specified
in the AcGrace window dialog box. When running AcGrace in batch mode, the elevation may be
specified by adding @elev to the end of the variable name, such as "var-ccc001kkk@1.0".
Improving responsiveness
One of the perpetual sources of frustration for users is how quickly AcGrace is able to generate
plots once the XTV file has been loaded and the desired data channels have been selected.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Responsiveness is generally a function of two things: the amount of data that is in the graphics file
and the method by which that data is stored. There are three techniques that you can use to
control these two factors:
• Demultiplex the file. This changes the way the data is stored internally in the XTV file.
By default, most timestep-marching codes like TRACE write their data to files in discrete
chunks grouped by timestep (i.e. one chunk containing all relevant variables for each
timestep). By spreading the data for each data channel out like this, it makes it very slow
for a tool like AcGrace to process. That is because the software has to load and unload
lots of information into memory (a notoriously slow operation in computer space) as it
attempts to locate and retrieve the data to be plotted. By demultiplex’ing the data, you
end up reorganizing the data in the file so it is grouped by data channel rather than
timeslice. This puts the all data for each channel next to each other, making it very fast
and easy for AcGrace to locate.
XTV Graphics
Ok, so by now you are probably thinking - "How do I demultiplex my data?" Well,
fortunately, AcGrace is distributed with a demultiplex’ing tool called xtv2dmx. It is
located in the same directory as the acgrace executable itself. Details concerning its
usage can be found in the AcGrace documentation, or you can type "xtv2dmx.exe -h" at
the command line to get a list of options.
Once you have demultiplexed the data, you open it up in AcGrace like you would a
regular XTV file except that you must change the file type to "Demux" rather than "XTV"
in the "Read TRAC" dialog box.
• Adjust the graphics interval in the input deck. This changes the rate at which information
is written to the XTV file, leading to an overall smaller file size and thus making it easier
for AcGrace to parse.
• Adjust the GRAPHLEVEL NAMELIST option in the input deck to a lower level of
verbosity (i.e. "limited" or "minimal"). Doing so decreases the total number of data
channels written to the graphics file, leading to an overall smaller file size and thus
making it easier for AcGrace to parse. It also makes it easier for the user to scroll through
and find the right data channels to plot in the dialog box shown in Figure 3-1.
AcGrace allows you to perform many different sorts of mathematical transformations to the data
sets that you have plotted on-screen. As a TRACE analyst, one such transformation that you
inevitably will need to perform on a regular basis will be to add/subtract/multiply/divide two (or
more) entire data sets. A good example of this might be the need to plot ∆p (pressure difference)
across the core.
Let’s illustrate how you can accomplish this within AcGrace. We will make the assumption that
you have already plotted two pressure traces - one at the bottom of the core and one at the top of
the core. Figure 3-2 illustrates this condition. Given this, the steps to create a plot of ∆p are
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
Figure. 3-2. AcGrace Screenshot: Pressure traces at top and bottom of the core. When viewing
this figure on-screen, you may need to zoom-in in order to achieve an acceptable level of
1) From the main menu bar, choose Data > Transformations > Evaluate Expression... to
bring up the evaluateExpression popup dialog box (shown in Figure 3-3(a)).
2) Select one of the sets shown in the "Source" area of the dialog box. AcGrace uses the
notation "S#" as an ID number for each data set and "G#" to indicate which graphics
file a data set belongs to. So "G0.S0" indicates the first data set for the first XTV file
that was read in (as you can see, the count starts with 0, not 1).
3) Type the expression to subtract the two data sets in the Formala area. In this case, the
expression is
s2.y = s0.y - s1.y
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
This means that you would like to subtract the y-axis values for data set 1 from the y-
axis values of data set 0, and will assign them to the y-axis values of data set 2 (which
does not yet exist - it will be created automatically). This method assumes that there is
a one-to-one correspondence between the y-values in each set and that the x-axis val-
ues for each set are identical. You normally shouldn’t need to worry about this
because it will always be true for data channels retrieved directly from the XTV file.
For those situations where this is not necessarily true, you will need to use AcGrace’s
interpolation functions (Data > Transformations> Interpolation/splines...) to precon-
dition your data so that this condition is met.
XTV Graphics
(a) (b)
Figure. 3-3. AcGrace Screenshot: (a) evaluateExpression pop-up dialog box; (b) Data set
properties pop-up dialog box. When viewing this figure on-screen, you may need to
zoom-in in order to achieve an acceptable level of resolution.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
4) When typing in expressions, it may be necessary to determine which data set corre-
sponds to each data trace that you see on the screen, so that you can perform the math-
ematical operations in the correct algebraic order. In this instance, click on the Edit >
Data Sets... menu entry to open the Grace: Data set properties dialog box shown in
Figure 3-3(b). The Min and Max values that are displayed for each selected set
should tell you which set is which.
5) Click Apply in the evaluateExpression dialog box. This will put the newly calculated
data set on your plot. You may need to click the Autoscale button to bring it into view.
6) You can adjust the line color and legend text of the new data set by clicking on Plot >
Set Appearance... to bring up the Grace: Set Appearance dialog box and adjusting
the relevant items there.
Figure. 3-4. AcGrace Screenshot: Completed plot with pressure differential shown. When
viewing this figure on-screen, you may need to zoom-in in order to achieve an acceptable level
of resolution.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
7) Figure 3-4 shows the completed plot. It has both the original sets plus the newly cre-
ated set on the plot canvas. If you like, you can remove the original data sets from the
plot by clicking the Edit > Set Operations... menu item to bring up the Grace: Set
Operations dialog box, then selecting the sets you wish to remove, then right-clicking
on those sets and then selecting "Kill"
For further information on the subject of performing transformations on data, please consult
section 4.5 of the AcGrace User Guide, and section 7.1 of the AcGrace tutorial.
In the course of performing an analysis, it is often useful to generate plots of, say, void fraction or
temperature, along the axial length of a component. Unfortunately, there is no really easy way to
XTV Graphics
accomplish this in AcGrace. In general, the user must rely on a manual procedure comprised of
the following steps:
1) Using the Grace: TRAC Data dialog box, plot the parameter of interest for each of the
axial nodes that will be part of your axial plot.
2) From the menu, choose Data > Export > ASCII... to open up the Grace: Write sets
dialog box
3) In the "Write set(s)" area, select all the sets of data that you wish to export. Choose a
file name and location in the box at the bottom, and click OK. This will write a text
file that contains the actual x-y data pairs for each data set, one after the other.
4) Open up this text file of exported data in your favorite text editor. For the time of
interest, manually pick out the y-values for each data set. If the specific time value
that you are interested in is not one of the actual x-values that appear, you will need to
interpolate the data yourself.
5) Construct a new data file with the axial heights in the x-column and the axial parame-
ter values you just extracted in the y-column.
6) Import your new data file back into AcGrace. To do this, choose the Data > Import >
ASCII... menu item to open up the Grace: Read sets dialog box, type the path & name
of your axial plot data file in the text box at the bottom and click OK.
Luckily, all is not lost. AVScript does provide a more automated way of generating axial plots but
it is still left up to you to manually identify each of the axial locations of the nodes that you wish
to plot, as well as the specific transient time for which the axial information is to be plotted.
AVScript will handle all the other steps like extracting the data at the correct nodes, interpolating
between time points, and actually generating the plots. For further instructions on how to do this,
please consult the AVScript User’s Guide.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
SNAP is also able to assist the TRACE analyst in the area of visualization of a model. It’s
capabilities are very similar to that of the old Nuclear Plant Analyzer (NPA) and XTV programs.
Please consult the SNAP User’s Guide for a full description of these capabilities and how to use
The Automated Validation Script (AVScript) software is the third tool that the TRACE analyst
possesses for generating plots from TRACE. Rather than being a tool that parses and manipulates
the XTV graphics file directly, AVScript can be thought of as a preprocessor to AcGrace,
allowing the analyst to automate a series of code runs and the creation of any plots that he or she
might wish to look at.
Given the level of automation this tool provides, AVScript offers great potential for dramatically
improving an analyst’s productivity. It allows the analyst to establish, up-front, what cases he or
she wishes to run, what figures should be generated, and what format those figures should be
stored in. This way, as an input deck is developed or some sort of analysis is performed, an entire
body of knowledge concerning the performance of the input model can be built up gradually,
allowing the analyst to focus on the real engineering and not the manual process of re-creating
plots with each new code run.
For further information concerning the installation and use of this software, we refer the reader to
the AVScript User’s Guide.
The graphics facility in TRACE is structured to allow a user to dump information to the XTV file
at one of three levels of verbosity. The user specifies which level he or she wants using the
’graphLevel’ NAMELIST option. Table 3-2 summarizes the available options. The default level
is ’limited’. This feature was added to TRACE to give the user some means of controlling the
overall size of the graphics file while still maintaining the ability to look at some of the more
arcane parameters if the need should arise. The level to which each graphics variable belongs is
provided in Table 3-3 through Table 3-29.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-2. Graphics level options that the user may select in input
graphLevel Description
minimal This option implies that only a very minimal set of parameters are dumped to
the XTV graphics file. Specifically, only the control system parameters and a
few global parameters are dumped.
limited This option implies that only the most commonly used graphics variables or
those thought to be genuinely useful during a typical analysis are written to the
XTV file. For example, this level includes (but is not necessarilty limited to)
such quantities as pressure, temperature, void fraction, density, mass flow rate,
velocity, core-averaged quantities, etc. This option is the default.
full All available graphics variables are actually written to the XTV file.
XTV Graphics
Global Variable Graphics
The global variables apply to the overall calculation as opposed to specific components or cells
within a component. Table 3-3 lists the global XTV graphics variables.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
For TRACE to output control-block output-signal and trip-signal units to the control-block and
trip-signal figure labels, the user must specify those units through input by units-name labels.
This is done when one or more of the NAMELIST variables I/O-units flags IOGRF, IOINP,
IOLAB, and IOOUT has a value of 1 to specify English units. Users desiring all input and output
in SI units with control-block output-signal and trip-signal graphics labels with SI units should
input NAMELIST variables IOLAB = 1 while leaving INLAB = 0 (default value). Inputting
INLAB = 3 would output a comment-labeled input-data file inlab in English units. Table 3-4 lists
the XTV graphics variables for the control system.
Users familiar with the internal TRACE data structure, can use type 3 signal variables to
significantly expand on the state information (described below) that is automatically dumped to
the graphics file. All significant fluid state and component information is available via internal
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
pointer association with any variable named in the type 3 signal variable input. For the time
being, we specifically do not publish the entire list of available variables this way for two reasons:
• It is a dangerous practice for a user to attempt to reference an internal code variable
which, on the surface, looks like it might contain the value you think you want, but
actually, due to nuances of the numerical scheme, represents a quantity that is not what
you think.
• There is no real point in publishing a list of variable names because the code is changing
rapidly enough at this point that the list would quickly become out of date, serving as a
source of frustration rather than a help. Once the rate of change in the source base levels
out, we will revisit this issue.
Component Graphics
XTV Graphics
The following subsections describe the component-related XTV graphics variables offered by
Table 3-5 lists the XTV graphics variables that are common to all the 1D hydraulic components.
For the HEATR, JETP, SEPD TEE and TURB components, the dimension of cell-centered
variables includes space for a phantom cell between the main-tube and side-tube cells. This
accounts for the fact that there are more interfaces than cells and side-tube values are stored after
main-tube values. In some cases, the outputting of parameter values depends on user-specified
options in the TRACE input-data tracin file that cause those parameters to be evaluated.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-5. General 1D Component Graphics (Continued)
Variable Dimension Level Description
rvmf ncellt+1 limited Gas mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr)
sn ncellt limited Cell plated-solute mass/fluid volume (kg/m3,
tln ncellt limited Cell liquid temperatures (K, °F).
tsat ncellt limited Cell saturation temperatures (K, °F) based on
the total pressures.
tssn ncellt limited Cell saturation temperatures (K, °F) based on
the steam partial pressures.
tvn ncellt limited Cell gas temperatures (K, °F).
XTV Graphics
vln ncellt+1 limited Interface liquid velocities (m/s, ft/s).
vol ncellt limited Cell volumes (m3, ft3).
volM ncellt full Volume of sub-region between the interface
and the lower bound cell boundary (m3, ft3).
volP ncellt full Volume of sub-region between the interface
and the upper bound cell boundary (m3, ft3).
vvn ncellt+1 limited Interface gas velocities (m/s, ft/s).
wfl ncellt+1 full Interface friction factors (–).
xg<name> ncellt limited Mass fraction for gas trace species "name" (–).
xl<name> ncellt limited Mass fraction for liquid trace species "name"
a. ncellt=ncells for non-TEE based components. ncellt includes the side arm and phantom cell for TEEs.
Table 3-6 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all BREAK components.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), the same XTV
graphics variables which are output for the PIPE component are output for all CHAN
components. For convenience, this list of additional XTV variables is shown below in Table 3-7.
Table 3-8 thorough Table 3-12 list the XTV graphics variables that are output for the CONTAN
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-8. CONTAN Component Graphics for Each Compartment (Continued)
Variable Dimension Level Description
cv ncompt full Vapor conductivity (W/(m K), Btu/(ft °F hr)).
d ncompt limited Pool depth (m, ft).
dpdt ncompt full Pressure change rate (Pa/s, psi/s).
droldt ncompt full Liquid density change rate (kg/(m3 s), lbm/(ft3
drovdt ncompt full Steam density change rate (kg/(m3 s), lbm/(ft3
ea ncompt limited Air specific internal energy (J, Btu).
el ncompt limited Liquid specific internal energy (J, Btu).
XTV Graphics
ev ncompt limited Vapor specific internal energy (J, Btu).
hfgp ncompt full Latent heat (J/kg, Btu/lbm).
hlmfr ncompt full Liquid phase mass change (kg, lbm).
htmfr ncompt full Gas phase mass change (kg, lbm).
p ncompt limited Compartment pressure (Pa, pisa).
pa ncompt limited Air partial pressure (Pa, pisa).
rma ncompt limited Air mass (kg, lbm).
rml ncompt limited Liquid mass (kg, lbm).
rms ncompt limited Steam mass (kg, lbm).
rmdota ncompt full Air mass change rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
rmdotl ncompt full Liquid mass change rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
rmdots ncompt full Steam mass change rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
roa ncompt limited Air density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3).
rol ncompt limited Liquid density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3).
rov ncompt limited Vapor density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3).
sig ncompt full Surface tension (N/m, lbf/ft).
tl ncompt limited Liquid temperature (K, °F).
tsatp ncompt limited Saturate temperature of total pressure (K, °F).
tsats ncompt limited Saturate temperature of partial pressure (K,
tv ncompt limited Gas temperature (K, °F).
udotl ncompt full Liquid energy change rate (W, Btu/hr).
udotv ncompt full Gas energy change rate (W, Btu/hr).
ul ncompt limited Liquid phase internal energy (J, Btu).
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-12. CONTAN Component Graphics for Each Liquid Source or Sink
Variable Dimension Level Description
enflo njuncts limited Energy flow rate (W, Btu/hr).
enss njuncts limited Cumulated Energy (J, Btu).
rmain njuncts limited Cumulated air mass (kg, lbm).
rmdas njuncts limited Air flow rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
rmdls njuncts limited Liquid flow rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
rmdsin njuncts limited Cumulated steam mass (kg, lbm).
rmdss njuncts limited Steam flow rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
XTV Graphics
rmlin njuncts limited Cumulated liquid mass (kg, lbm).
Table 3-13 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all FILL components.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-14 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all HEATR components.
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-15 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all JETP components.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
PIPE Component Graphics
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-16 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all PIPE components.
XTV Graphics
vflow 1 full Volumetric fluid flow (m3/s, gpm) at the exit
(interface ncells+1) when the accumulator flag
iacc > 0.
z 1 limited Water level (m, ft) in the PIPE component
(assumes the component is vertically oriented
with cell 1 at the top) when the accumulator
flag iacc > 0.
Table 3-17 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all PLENUM components
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-18 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all PRIZER components.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
PUMP Component Graphics
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-19 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all PUMP components.
XTV Graphics
minus pressure of cell 1).
flow 1 full Volumetric fluid flow (m3/s, gpm) donored
across the second (pump-impeller) interface.
head 1 limited PUMP head (Pa m3/kg or m2/s2 or N m/kg, lbf
ft/lbm) from the homologous curves and two-
phase degradation multiplier.
mflow 1 limited Fluid mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr) across the
second (pump-impeller) interface.
omegan 1 limited Pump-impeller rotational speed (rad/s, rpm).
rho 1 full Fluid mixture density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3) donored
across the second (pump-impeller) interface.
smom 1 full Momentum source (Pa, psia) applied at the
second (pump-impeller) interface based on the
PUMP head.
torque 1 full PUMP hydraulic torque (Pa m3, lbf ft) from the
homologous curves and two-phase degradation
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-20 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all SEPD components.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
TEE Component Graphics
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-21 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all TEE components.
XTV Graphics
TURB Component Graphics
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-22 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all TURB components.
In addition to the variables output for the 1D components (listed in Table 3-5), Table 3-23 lists
the XTV graphics variables that are output for all VALVE components.
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
Table 3-24 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all VESSEL components. Like the
1D variables, interface variables have one more value than cell variables on the face axis. For
example vlnz, the z direction liquid velocity, has NRSX*NTSX*(NASX+1) values. The
VESSEL variables output to graphics are very much dependent on the options selected and
parameters set in the VESSEL input-data, in NAMELIST, and in other general options. The
following abbreviations are used for dimensions in this section:
• ncells = NRSX*NTSX*NASX (values at every cell)
• xrfaces = (NRSX+1)*NTSX*NASX (values at each x/r face)
• ytfaces = NRSX*(NTSX+1)*NASX (values at each y/q face)
• zfaces = NRSX*NTSX*(NASX+1) (values at each z face)
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-24. VESSEL Component Graphics (Continued)
Variable Dimension Level Description
cimfrv 1 limited Reactor-core inlet gas mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr).
cixr ncells full Radial or x-direction interfacial-drag coefficients
(kg/m4, lbm/ft4).
ciyt ncells full Azimuthal or y-direction interfacial-drag
coefficients (kg/m4, lbm/ft4).
ciz ncells full Axial interfacial-drag coefficients (kg/m4, lbm/
comfr 1 limited Reactor-core region outlet mass flow (kg/s, lbm/
XTV Graphics
comfrl 1 limited Reactor-core outlet liquid mass flow (kg/s, lbm/
comfrv 1 limited Reactor-core outlet gas mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr).
concn ncells limited Cell dissolved-solute concentration ratio
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)].
corelq 1 limited Reactor-core liquid volume fraction (-).
dcflow 1 limited Downcomer mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr) (sums the
axial flow out of the downcomer at level IDCL).
dclqvl 1 limited Downcomer liquid volume fraction.
el ncellt limited liquid internal energy
ev ncellt limited gas internal energy
gamn ncells full Vapor (steam) generation rate (kg/m3, lbm/ft3).
hgam ncells full Cell subcooled boiling heat flux (W/m2, Btu/(ft2
mmflxr ncells limited Radial mass flow rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
mmflyt ncells limited Theta mass flow rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
mmflz ncells limited Z-direction mass flow rate (kg/s, lbm/hr).
pan ncells limited Cell noncondensable-gas partial pressures (Pa,
pcore 1 limited Reactor-core volume-averaged pressure (Pa,
pdc 1 limited Downcomer volume-averaged total pressure (Pa,
phiL ncells full Distance to phase separation interface (m, ft).
[for 3D level tracking]
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-24. VESSEL Component Graphics (Continued)
Variable Dimension Level Description
tsdc 1 limited Downcomer average saturation temperature (K,
°F) based on the downcomer volume-averaged
total pressure.
tslp 1 limited Lower-plenum average saturation temperature (K,
°F) based on the lower-plenum volume-averaged
total pressure.
tsn ncells limited Saturation temperatures (K, °F).
tsup 1 limited Upper-plenum average saturation temperature (K,
°F) based on the upper-plenum volume-averaged
total pressure.
XTV Graphics
tup 1 limited Upper-plenum mass-averaged liquid temperature
(K, °F).
tvn ncells limited Cell gas temperatures (K, °F).
tw ncells Effective wall temperature (K, °F).
vcore 1 limited Reactor-core liquid mass (kg, lbm).
vdclq 1 limited Downcomer liquid mass (kg, lbm).
vLev ncells Level velocity (m/s, ft/s). [for 3D level tracking]
vlnxr xrfaces limited Liquid radial or x-direction velocities (m/s, ft/s).
vlnyt ytfaces limited Liquid azimuthal or y-direction velocities (m/s, ft/
vlnz zfaces limited Liquid axial velocities (m/s, ft/s).
vlpliq 1 limited Lower-plenum liquid volume fraction.
vlplm 1 limited Lower-plenum liquid mass (kg, lbm).
vlplq 1 limited Liquid mass below downcomer (kg, lbm).
vlqmss 1 limited VESSEL-component liquid mass (kg, lbm).
vmfrl ncells limited Liquid mass flows (kg/s, lbm/hr) [NAMELIST
variable IMFR = 1].
vmfrlxr ncells limited Liquid mass flows in the radial or x-direction (kg/
s, lbm/hr).
vmfrlyt ncells limited Liquid mass flows in the theta or y-direction (kg/
s, lbm/hr).
vmfrlz zfaces limited Liquid mass flows in the axial or z-direction (kg/
s, lbm/hr) [NAMELIST variable IMFR = 3].
vmfrv ncells limited Gas mass flows (kg/s, lbm/hr) [NAMELIST
variable IMFR = 1].
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
The XTV graphics variables that are output for all HTSTR (heat structure) components are listed
below in two tables. Table 3-25 lists all variables associated with "HTSTR" component names,
and Table 3-26 lists all variables associated with "HTSTRC" component names. It is important to
note that due to the existence of the fine mesh renodalization logic which can add and remove
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
node rows each timestep, there is no guarantee for some graphics variables (any dimensioned as
nzmax) that the axial elevations will remain constant. Unfortunately, this can make creating axial
plots somewhat difficult. Axial plots of the temperature distribution along the inner and outer
surfaces (the most commonly needed capability) can be obtained using the the tsurfi and tsurfo
variables. Each node row corresponds to fixed elevations in the heat structure.
In cases where a 1D component is set to calculate wall heat transfer (i.e. NODES > 0), the code
will internally spawn heat structures to represent the wall. These heat structures will manifest
themselves with separate channel id’s that conform to the following convention:
• htstr-cccccsss & htstrc-cccccsss - "ccccc" denotes the ID number of the parent 1D
component for which the heat structure is spawned (leading 0’s are stripped off). "sss"
denotes the spawned heat structure number.
XTV Graphics
Another thing to remember is that, for a given heat structure, if the variable NHOT is greater than
0, the code will internally spawn NHOT separate heat structures to represent the supplemental
heat structures. This will lead to more than one set of HTSTR & HTSTRC channels per HTSTR
component. The naming scheme in this situation conforms to the following convention:
• htstr-ccccc & htstrc-ccccc - corresponds to the average heat structure. ccccc is the
component number (leading 0’s are stripped off)
• htstr-cccccsss & htstrc-cccccsss - corresponds to the supplemental heat structures.
"ccccc" is the component number (leading 0’s are stripped off). "sss" denotes the
supplemental heat structure number.
For example, let’s say you have a HTSTR component with an ID = 130 and NHOT = 2. When
browsing the channel ID’s in ACGrace (see Figure 3-1), you will see 3 sets of channel id’s for
HTSTR 130. The channel id’s that correspond to this component will be
• htstr-130 - corresponds to information for the average heat structure
• htstr-130001 - corresponds to information for the first supplemental rod
• htstr-130002 - corresponds to information for the second supplemental rod
• htstrc-130 - corresponds to information for the average heat structure
• htstrc-130001 - corresponds to information for the first supplemental heat structure
• htstrc-130002 - corresponds to information for the second supplemental heat structure
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-25. HTSTR Component Graphics (Continued)
Variable Dimension Level Description
topQF 1 limited Upper quench front location (m, ft)
nzPermFM = ∑ NFAXi + 2
XTV Graphics
Table 3-26. HTSTRC Component Graphics
Variable Dimension Level Description
cepwni 1 full Inner-surface heat-transfer difference (W, Btu/hr).
cepwno 1 full Outer-surface heat-transfer difference (W, Btu/hr).
hrfli nzmax full Liquid heat-transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2
°F hr)) for the inner surface of the heat structure.
hrflo nzmax full Liquid heat-transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2
°F hr)) for the outer surface of the heat structure.
hrfvi nzmax full Gas heat-transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 °F
hr)) for the inner surface of the heat structure.
hrfvo nzmax full Gas heat-transfer coefficient (W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 °F
hr)) for the outer surface of the heat structure.
ihtfi nzmax full Heat-transfer regime numbers for the inner surface
of the heat structure.
ihtfo nzmax full Heat-transfer regime numbers for the outer surface
of the heat structure.
rftn nodes* full heat structure fine mesh node temperatures (K, °F).
nzmax If the fine mesh option is engaged, then axial
elevations of all node rows is not guaranteed to be a
tcefni 1 limited Inner-surface total heat transfer to the fluid (J, Btu).
tcefno 1 limited Outer-surface total heat transfer to the fluid (J,
twani 1 full Inner-surface absolute error in the heat transfer to
the fluid (J, Btu).
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
Table 3-27 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all POWER components.
TRACE V5.0 XTV Graphics
Table 3-27. POWER Component Graphics (Continued)
Variable Dimension Level Description
tcdelk 1 limited Coolant-temperature delta Keff (–)
tcreac 1 limited Coolant-temperature reactivity (–).
tfdelk 1 limited Fuel temperature delta Keff (–).
tfreac 1 limited Fuel-temperature reactivity (–).
tramax 1 limited Maximum temperature (K, °F) of the average
power ROD or SLAB elements.
trhmax 1 limited Maximum temperature (K, °F) of the
supplemental ROD or SLAB elements.
XTV Graphics
FLPOWER Component Graphics
Table 3-28 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all FLPOWER (fluid power)
Table 3-29 lists the XTV graphics variables that are output for all RADENC (radiation enclosure)
XTV Graphics TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Troubleshooting Input Models
Input Models
The purpose of this section is to introduce you to various features and techniques for debugging
an input model. In other words, this chapter describes what to do if TRACE aborts the calculation
through some sort of execution error.
As discussed in Chapter 1, General Concepts, there are three main phases in a TRACE
calculation that a user must be aware of - input processing, initialization, and the simulation itself.
Input Models
This is an important detail because the errors produced in each phase each require a different
troubleshooting approach.
Error messages are generally reported in three places: the terminal (or if you are running TRACE
from SNAP, the SNAP console window), the message file, and the output file. There are some
exceptions to this rule, especially in terms of reporting programming errors. The user should
know that, at this point, TRACE’s error reporting is still crude in the sense that many of the error
messages generated can be quite cryptic, or even non-existent. The TRACE development does
have plans to work on this aspect of the code.
There are both benefits and drawbacks to this approach. On the one hand, by reporting as many
errors as it can all at once, TRACE allows the user to identify and fix multiple errors at once,
eliminating unnecessary iteration with respect to running the code. Historically, this was
extremely important because computational time was expensive and the turnaround time for a
Troubleshooting Input Models TRACE V5.0
single calculation (even those that might fail during input processing) was on the order of days.
Imagine the cost and length of time involved in creating an input model if the code were only to
report one error at a time!
The drawback is that some of the messages that get reported can be very misleading, especially if
you happen to be a novice user. What can happen is that the first error identified in an input
model may actually cause the code to diagnose data that is further down as being erroneous,
when, in fact, it is not. It is simply inconsistent with respect to the data that is first reported as
being erroneous. Well, in many cases, the first error message that you usually see is actually the
very last error reported. This inevitably leads to a great deal of confusion and wasted time as you
try to understand and fix a problem that does not really exist.
For this reason, we recommend, especially for beginners, that you focus only on the first error
message that TRACE produces and forget about all the rest. Once you have fixed that error, rerun
the code and see what new errors are produced. As you gain more experience, you will inevitably
learn which errors are the result of prior erroroneous input and which errors are real flaws,
allowing you to iterate to an an error free model more quickly. Locating the first error message
from a run involves searching forward from the start of the output or message file for one of the
two following strings: ’warning’ or ’fatal’.
Insofar as the internals of TRACE are concerned, input processing is a two-stage process. First,
the input file passes through a "pre-input" step, at which point a new version of the input deck
called the input echo file (see Chapter 2 for a complete description) is created. The data checking
functions performed during this phase are designed to catch errors like typos (like an "o" instead
of zero, or "l" instead of one), the presence of invalid characters (like tabs), missing characters,
numbers that are too long, and other general formatting issues — in other words, errors that
involve the mechanics of specifying text or numbers, not those having to do with the correctness
of the value itself or whether its presence is consistent given the values on other cards in the file.
If you see error messages that begin with the string " *PreInp* ", then you know that TRACE is
currently in this phase of input processing. A real easy way to figure out what is going wrong is to
open up the input echo file. It will normally point you directly to the character that is causing
TRACE to have problems reading your model. Just search forward from the top of the file for the
string “*ERROR” (starting in column 75) to identify the offending line. Currently, the writing of
warning messages stops after 50 cards have been detected to be in error, although input
processing does continue.
Once the model has passed the pre-input stage, the code moves on to the second stage of input
processing. At this point, the newly created input echo file is opened up and all the data values
are actually read in and loaded into memory. Throughout this process, the input deck is checked
to make sure all the required cards and variables are present and that their values are correctly
specified (at least, insofar as TRACE is able to determine "correctness"). When handling these
types of errors, TRACE will generally identify the line number where the error occurs. The
exception to this is when an error is discovered on an array data card (i.e. those lines that use the
LOAD format (see Chapter 5 for an explanation of what this means). In that case, TRACE
identifies the card number of the array data being processed rather than the actual line number.
Determining the array and its component requires searching the output file for the word
TRACE V5.0 Troubleshooting Input Models
“warning”. If the output file shows the code stopped while processing data input in ’LOAD’
format, look for errors on the input line below the last ’good’ line printed before the stop
occurred. An example list of common input errors with their corresponding TRACE message and
an explanation is presented in Appendix B.
One error to watch out for when specifying NAMELIST data is the presence of a NAMELIST
option that TRACE does not understand. If you specify a NAMELIST variable that TRACE is not
able (or no longer able) to read, the code will ignore all other NAMELIST variables that come
after it. In some cases, the code might run just fine even without the NAMELIST options you
think you specified, making you think everything is well, when, in fact, it is not. In other cases,
the fact that some NAMELIST options are missing will cause the code to fail outright. These
failures will be very difficult to fix because it will seem as though all the needed data has been
provided correctly, but, in fact, as far as TRACE is concerned, it hasn’t. This can be a source of
severe frustration for users.
In situations where there are no errors detected but input-processing difficulties are suspected, it is
suggested that the user inspect the input echo file where faulty records may be apparent. Another
highly recommended technique if you have an error that you just cannot seem to locate or fix, is to
try importing the input file into SNAP. In general, SNAP has its own input diagnostics that are, in
many cases, superior to TRACE’s own diagnostics.
Input Models
Dealing with Initialization Errors
Errors produced during the initialization phase of a code run are usually the result of fundamental
inconsistencies in the boundary conditions. If an initialization error occurs, you can generally
assume that the formatting of the input file is correct and the data is complete (because it got
through input processing), but some data is not consistent with other data elsewhere in the model.
If a data inconsistency is found, TRACE will write out a message identifying the inconsistency.
For example, providing different flow areas (outside a very small tolerance) at the same interface
junction between two hydraulic components will lead to an error message of the type just
described. An example list of common initialization errors with their corresponding TRACE
message and an explanation is presented in Appendix B. Before one of these abbreviated
messages is written out, TRACE generally outputs more detailed information with values of the
variables that were tested and found at fault. Generally, this information along with the
explanation of the abbreviated-description message is very useful in determining the cause of the
error. For example the error message:
tells the user there is a problem with junction input boundary conditions and the error was
detected in subroutine chbd1.
Troubleshooting Input Models TRACE V5.0
Run-time errors generally manifest themselves as numerical solution difficulties. Errors in this
class may include iteration convergence failures, repeated reductions in the timestep until it
cannot be reduced anymore, waterpacking failures, choked flow errors, etc. They may not
actually cause the calculation to abort, but instead will cause the calculation to grind down to a
very small timestep, taking a very large amount of CPU time to complete and generating large
message and output files as numerous error messages are repeatedly written each timestep. In
extreme instances, the code will abort.
In many instances, the occurance of numerical solution difficulties is an indication that you have
provided initial or boundary conditions that are not physical or are chainging too rapidly or that
your geometric model is incorrect. As such, an appropriate change in the model may eliminate the
numerical difficulty in a repeat calculation. For example, closing a valve in 0.2 s, rather than a
more realistic 2.0 s, can cause numerical solution difficulties while a slower closing rate does not.
In some cases, the messages may indicate problems with the code itself, especially if the model is
attempting to predict behavior outside the code’s assessed range of applicability. When that
happens, the best you can do is 1) report the problem to the code development team, 2) determine
exactly what phenomenology is most important to simulate accurately, 3) decide whether the code
is able to adequately reproduce that phenomena even in the face of other predictive weaknesses,
and 4) if it is, live with the results.
The sections below will attempt to discuss various specific techniques you can use in an effort to
understand what is going wrong with your model.
1. The TRACE development team recognizes that the practice of providing the subroutine name in error
messages that are meant to be read and understood by the code user is not really all that helpful, and can,
in fact, impede your understanding of what is going wrong. We hope to eliminate this practice from the
code in the future and improve the overall level of understandability of all error messages produced by
the code. The only time we feel this practice is OK is when programming errors are produced because
those are really only meant to be understood by actual programmers.
TRACE V5.0 Troubleshooting Input Models
data description). TRACE will read and process your input model and provide an output echo of
the input data to the output file before ending the calculation. Carefully checking the echoed
output against your input data will eliminate the possibility that TRACE is reading different
values from what you intended, ultimately reducing the time and effort required to obtain a
successful calculation. Making the comparison with values from your working notes as well as
the input file also will catch errors in going from your working notes to the typed input data in
your input file.
Generally speaking, TRACE will report, not only, the type of error, but also the location. The
type of message and the output values of the affected parameters define the condition. The
Input Models
location of the difficulty may tell you something about the model at that location that causes the
numerical solution to have such difficulty. These messages are written to both the message file
and the terminal.
We cannot overemphasize the importance of carefully reviewing the message file. This file
contains a summary of the behavior of the numerical solution and diagnostic information
generated when TRACE encounters calculation difficulties. In some cases, a review of the
message file will provide all the information needed to identify the difficulty. In other cases, you
may need to review the thermal-hydraulic solution details in the output file and use your
understanding of the calculated physical phenomena to provide the information you'll need for the
debugging process.
The primary function of the message file is to provide condensed output on the behavior of the
numerical calculation and to provide warning messages produced by various computational
modules within TRACE. This documents the progress of the calculation and any numerical
difficulties that were encountered. If TRACE terminates because of some numerical difficulty,
the message file will have output information that describes that difficulty. Although the message
file only contains numerical-status information and warning messages, it can grow to be very
large if TRACE happens to encounter numerical-solution difficulty over an extended period of
time. Usually the first few hundred lines of warning messages provide useful information as to the
cause of any numerical difficulty. Solution results are always in SI units.
Troubleshooting Input Models TRACE V5.0
Understanding a calculation and diagnosing its warning error messages requires both a micro and
macro examination process. In other words, you need to be cognizant not only of the local
phenomena happening near the region where the message file is reporting problems, but you must
also be aware of the specific features of your plant or facility model and the phenomena that
TRACE is calculating in a much more broad sense. Even knowing all this, the information in the
message file can be difficult to interpret. The diagnostic messages that appear in the message file
were originally developed to provide guidance to advanced TRACE users. Although some effort
has been expended to make the diagnostic messages more easily understood by the beginning or
intermediate user, the development team recognizes that the learning curve is still high in this
area. Future improvements to TRACE will involve providing more and better information about
numerical difficulties and in plainer english.
If you are to understand the diagnostic messages appearing in the message file, you must be aware
of the concept of “phantom cells” in TEE-based components (i.e. those that have a main-tube and
a side-tube). TRACE evaluates and stores information at both the cell-center and the cell-edge.
For simple 1D components like a PIPE, if you count the number of cells and edges, there will
always be one more edge than cell (excluding any side junctions - they don’t count for this
analysis). For TEE-based components2, however, if you count the number of cells and edges,
you quickly realize that there are actually two more edges than cells. Well, during the original
development of TRAC-P many years ago, this seeming inconsistency posed a problem for the
code development team in terms of how they stored data in the computer’s memory that could be
generally applicable to all component types in the code. They introduced the concept of a "ghost
cell" or "phantom cell" into the way information for TEE-based components is stored inside the
computer. By artificially adding a some extra memory storage for a phantom cell, they were able
to make the computer memory layout for TEE-based components look exactly like the memory
layout for components with only one mesh segment. This phantom cell is sandwiched between
the last cell of the main-tube and the first cell of the side-tube.
The net effect of all this is that diagnostic messages that refer to a specific cell or interface in a
TEE-based component do not take the phantom cell into account. It is left up to the user to do the
translation. For example, consider a TEE with five cells in the main tube and four cells in the side
tube. A diagnostic error message referring to cell 7 of a cell-centered variable such as pressure is
referring to the first cell in the side-tube (cell 7 – 5 main-tube cells – 1 phantom cell = side-tube
cell 1). A diagnostic error message referring to cell-edge 7 of some variable (like velocity) is
referring to the edge that joins the side-tube to the main-tube (cell-edge 7 – 6 main-tube cell edges
= side-tube cell-edge 1).
Right about now, you are probably thinking "What do I care about how the computer stores data
in memory? I am a user, not a developer. I shouldn’t have to worry about such things." Yes, you
are correct. The original developers were simply not considering the effect this might have on
new users 30 years into the future. The current development team has simply not yet had the
chance to remove this artifact of the past.
TRACE V5.0 Troubleshooting Input Models
Reviewing the Output file
The primary purpose of the output file is to provide a detailed record of the calculation results.
Using the timestep data cards (see Chapter 6, Timestep Data), the user is able to control the
frequencies with which short and large edits are generated, respectively.
A short edit is a half-page display. The initial line outputs the current problem time, timestep size,
and timestep number and the number of iterations required to converge the last outer iteration.
This is followed by the maximum convective power difference, the mesh location (component
and cell/edge #) limiting the current timestep size, the minimum, average, and maximum number
of outer iterations since the last short edit, the number of timesteps that each component was the
last to converge its outer-iteration solution, and the current-calculation and accumulated-
calculation’s CPU execution times. This information conveys how well the numerical solution is
doing and where in the model the solution convergence is most limited and the timestep size
Each large edit provides a “snapshot” of the modeled system's thermal-hydraulic solution at a
given point in time. For even modestly sized systems with less than a dozen large edits, the output
file can be large. You are cautioned to be judicious in your selection of the large-edit time-interval
frequency. The large-edit output is useful because each snapshot can be analyzed for the detailed
spatial behavior of the solution and for diagnostic purposes. However, we have found that
Input Models
transient phenomena are best captured and understood by plotting the solution data vs. problem
time obtained from the graphics file.
The solution results written to the output file can be in either SI or English units depending upon
the value specified for the NAMELIST variable IOOUT (Main-Data Card 4).
NSPL = beginning timestep number at which a large edit is written to the output file
every timestep.
NSPU = ending timestep number at which a large edit is written to the output file
every timestep.
Troubleshooting Input Models TRACE V5.0
NSDL = beginning timestep number at which short edit and pressure change to total
pressure and the difference between basic and stabilizer macroscopic
densities diagnostics are written to the output file and steam and gas
volume fraction temporal change diagnostic (when IDIAG = 3 or 4) are
output to the message file each timestep.
NSDU = ending timestep number at which short edit and pressure change to total
pressure and the difference between basic and stabilizer macroscopic
densities diagnostic are written to the output file and steam and gas volume
fraction temporal change diagnostic (when IDIAG = 3 or 4) are output to
the message file each timestep.
Note that the timestep numbers referred to above correspond to the timestep numbers in the error
messages written to the message file. The timestep number is incremented at the completion of
each timestep calculation just before the newly calculated solution state is written to the output
file. You are urged to use the additional IDIAG > 2 diagnostic printouts only as a last resort. You
are given control over the beginning and ending timesteps because the output generated can be
extremely large. You determine the timesteps to specify by reviewing the message file from the
previous run to determine the timestep number at which the difficulty first occurred. Usually only
a few timesteps of diagnostic information is useful for debugging.
Timestep Control
The TRACE development team has attempted to provide a sophisticated internally-evaluated
timestep-size control algorithm. However, it is likely that TRACE will experience numerical-
solution difficulties when the minimum or maximum timestep size specified by the user is too
large, a rapid-transient event occurs at such a timestep size, the numerical solution fails to
converge, and TRACE fails to recover by reducing the timestep size before the maximum user-
specified iteration-limit number is reached. This difficulty usually is experienced during transient
calculations when a rapid transient event (component action, phenomena, etc.) is initiated, but it
can also occur at the start of a steady-state calculation when the timestep size is too large for a
poor initial solution estimate. If you specify a large minimum or maximum timestep size and the
code aborts on a maximum-number-of-iterations failure, make the minimum timestep size
(DTMIN) or maximum timestep size (DTMAX) smaller (by a factor of 0.1 to 0.01) and repeat the
calculation (using a recent data-dump restart if a significant calculative effort has already been
spent). In general, on any initial run, you should always plot the timestep size (DELT graphics
variable) vs. time. In regions where the time step size is jumping up and down, pick a time step
size that represents the mean step size (a line up the middle of the fluctuations), and use that as the
maximum time step size.
You should also watch out to make sure that the maximum timestep for one set of timestep cards
is not smaller than the minimum timestep for a subsequent set of cards. Otherwise, the code will
have no way to reduce the timestep any further as it transitions from using the first set of timestep
cards to using the second, resulting in an immediate code failure.
TRACE V5.0 Troubleshooting Input Models
To provide for continued improvement of TRACE, all developers and users need to report poor
performance in the code beyond failures to match test data. You should watch for and report any
of the following:
• Time steps below 1.0e-5 seconds
• Prolonged use of time steps below 1.0e-4 seconds
• Excessive failure messages in the message file
• Unexpectedly long execution times
• Any halt in code execution due to an error condition
If you cannot reproduce the execution problem from a restart, report that also because the code
should provide exact restarts. If it isn’t, the development team needs to know about it.
Input Models
Dealing with Programming Errors
Programming errors are errors that occur because the programmer made a mistake. While the
development team tries to write bug-free code, if you use TRACE long enough, you will
inevitably encounter errors of this nature. The fact that you experience an error of this type means
there is an outright bug in the code and as such, it needs to be reported as soon as possible. We
never expect that you should have to fix an error like this on your own. In the final analysis, it
may happen that an error of this type is, in fact, triggered by an error in the input model, but even
under those circumstances, the code should generate an input processing error, not a
programming error. Either way, the code needs to be fixed.
A programming error may manifest itself in one of two ways - either as a code abort generated
directly by TRACE, or as a code abort generated by the compiler or operating system. Either
way, the messages that get generated are only sent to the screen - not to the message or output
Errors that fall into the first category are produced in situations where the TRACE programmer
took specific steps to guard against unknown situations or prevent invalid operations from taking
place. An example might be an error message that gets generated to protect the code from
dividing by zero or looping past the end of some array. They generally look like this:
Troubleshooting Input Models TRACE V5.0
where <subroutine_name> refers to the Fortran subroutine where the error was generated. This
detail can be disregarded by the user. The important thing to note is that when errors of this
nature occur, they should be immediately reported to the TRACE code development team since
they are indicative of something happening that the programmers did not expect.
Errors that fall into the second category generally include segmentation faults, array bounds
errors, access violations, math errors, uninitialized variables, floating point overflow and/or
underflow, core dumps and bus errors. They usually occur because some computer memory
becomes corrupted as a result of sloppy programming or an invalid mathematical operation takes
place (like division by zero or infinity). The specific error messages written in these situations are
very much dependent on the specific Fortran compiler and platform used to build TRACE. In
many cases, specific compiler options need to be built into the TRACE executable in order for
meaningful messages to be produced when one of these types of errors occurs.
Two such tools are the Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF) debugger for Windows, and DBX, a source
level symbolic debugging tool under UNIX, that can be used either during TRACE execution or
after a TRACE error abort. When using any debugger to execute TRACE, you may stop TRACE
at any location during its execution, examine the contents of computer memory and the values of
parameters, and change the coding or parameter values. UNIX debuggers like DBX are specific to
the computer being used.
TRACE V5.0 Input File Format
Input File Format
This chapter describes the various formats and the methodologies used for specifying data values
in your input file. In terms of nomenclature, you will see references throughout this chapter —
and indeed, this entire manual — to the term "card". It is normally meant to refer to a group of
input parameters that comprise one or more lines of actual data in your input deck. From a
historical perspective, the term is derived from the usage of punch cards as a means of creating
and storing an input model, before the advent of modern computer terminals and disk-based
Generally speaking, input data can be specified either in a fixed-format way or a free-format way.
The term fixed-format implies that numerical values must lie in specific columns. Free-format
input, on the other hand, does not have these restrictions. You have much more flexibility in terms
of where, on any given line, a data value can be placed. In addition to the obvious convenience of
not having to count columns, free-format input also allows you greater flexibility in using
comments to document your input data. TRACE also provides better error-checking capabilities
with this scheme of input. The use of free- or fixed-format input is controlled by the first line of
the input file (see Main-Data Card 1 in Chapter 6).
Input File
The fixed-format method for entering input data is very old and practically speaking, is never
used in modern TRACE input files. The only time you might see this style of formatting used
would be in old TRAC-P input models dating back to the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. For this
reason, rules and conventions regarding the use of fixed-format input will not be presented here.
Users interested in reading more about this method of data entry should consult an old TRAC-P
input manual.
There are typically five types of data that you will encounter in a TRACE input file: comment
cards, title cards, NAMELIST data, scalar variables, and array variables. Each of these categories
has its own specific rules regarding how the data is formatted in an input file.
The term "scalar variable" refers to single-valued parameters that typically are used to control
global aspects of a specific component or the entire model. They may be integers, strings, or real-
valued numbers. For example, the input which specifies that the number of cells (NCELLS) for a
PIPE component is a scalar entry. Scalar variables are normally grouped into card sets with five
parameters per card (although this need not always be the case). The presence of specific card sets
in an input deck is governed by the rules established in Chapter 6.
Input File Format TRACE V5.0
The rules that govern the formatting of scalar variables are pretty simple. All data values must be
delimited by, at least, one blank space and all data values are limited to a maximum width of 14
characters. If the code is expecting to read an integer value, then that value should be an integer. If
the code is expecting to read a real number, then that value should be a real-number.
The term "array variable" refers to lists of numbers used to provide boundary conditions, initial
conditions, or other state information on a cell-by-cell (or edge-by-edge) basis. It may also refer
to such information as table-value pairs, lists of component identifiers, and any other data that
must be input as a list of values. Array cards are specified using the LOAD formating convention.
The rules that govern this formatting scheme are provided in the section LOAD Format later in
this chapter. An example of array data would the input which provides the lengths (DX) for the
cells in a PIPE.
In general, the following rules are established regarding how an input file is formatted:
• All cards (and variables on those cards) must be kept in the same order as specified in
Chapter 6.
• Data may start in column 1 except for NAMELIST data, which starts in column 2.
• Lines of input may be up to 80 columns long.
• Input cards are limited to a maximum of five data fields per line.
• A LOAD-formatted data value must be 11 characters or less. A non-LOAD formatted
data value must be 14 characters or less.
• All data that are not read in according to the LOAD format must be delimited by at least
one blank space. Data in LOAD format may be blank delimited; delimited by any of the
LOAD control characters e, f, i, m, r, s; or delimited by the two-digit repeat count.
• Integer 0 or real 0.0 should be entered explicitly. Strictly speaking, this is only true if a
data value on some card of interest is to be followed by a non-zero value. If the last value
(or several values) on a particular card are all zero, you can technically leave it blank -
TRACE will fill it with 0 or 0.0). However, we highly recommended that you always
specify a value for each and every variable that is required.
• Tab characters anywhere in an input file are forbidden
Input files may be annotated with user comments. These comments must be delimited by asterisks
(*s) in unbroken strings of any length. The first line of the input file is an exception to this
requirement - it cannot be a comment. Comments and their delimiters are equivalent to blank
columns in a data field. When an input record has an odd number of comment delimiters (where
*, **, ***, ****, etc., are all considered to be a single delimiter), everything on the record to the
right of the last delimiter is considered a comment. The code will attempt to read input data after
even-numbered comment delimiters and before odd-numbered comment delimiters. Entire
records may be comments, for example, by making the first nonblank character an asterisk and
TRACE V5.0 Input File Format
not inserting any more comment delimiters on the line. Comments may appear anywhere in the
input-data file except:
• before Main-Data Card 1,
• after Main-Data Card 2 and before the problem title cards,
• within the NAMELIST variable defining records (see additional comments on
NAMELIST input below).
Title Cards
The problem title cards immediately following Main-Data Card 2 are written to the input echo
file exactly as they are read: asterisks, blank cards, and all. Blank and comment cards may appear
between the first two main-data cards and immediately after the problem title cards but not within
the problem title cards following Main-Data Card 2 without their being considered title cards.
Component descriptions of individual components (the CTITLE information) are written to the
input echo file, left justified, starting in column 43. Asterisk strings in component descriptions are
treated as comment delimiters.
Namelist Format
The NAMELIST capability is an extremely useful feature of Fortran that can be used to load
values directly into variables named within the program. TRACE uses this feature as a means of
setting global parameters and flags that govern overall behavior of the code during the run. The
Input File
exact global parameters and flags that are controlled by NAMELIST variable input are described
in Chapter 6.
For example, the following five cards might be used to input data for the TRACE NAMELIST
group INOPTS (described in Chapter 6).
Input File Format TRACE V5.0
1 2 3 4 5
123456789012345678901234356789012345678901234567890123456 . . .
LOAD Format
TRACE uses a special user-friendly format called LOAD to read most array variables. The arrays
may be read in floating point or integer format with up to five values per line. Array input is aided
by the use of symbols: f, i, m, r, s, and e. They are described in Table 5-1. The first four symbols
aid in repeating input data. f, i, m, and r are followed by two digits which specify the repeat count.
The s symbol is used at the end of the line to indicate "skip" to the next line to finish array input.
The e symbol must be used to terminate array input. Comments can be added to the line after the
e or s symbol starting with an asterisk followed by text (for example; s * comment). In free-format
input-data files, cards with an asterisk in column 1 are ignored and may be used for spacers or for
comments. On data cards, the "* comment *" method may be used to embed comments among the
Table 5-1. Operation symbol description.
Symbol Description
TRACE V5.0 Input File Format
• the control characters are case-sensitive (i.e. you can’t use E),
• data is restricted to five values per card, and
• data for different arrays must be on different card records (i.e. different lines)
• All numeric input data are limited to a maximum of 11 characters (that includes the
decimal point and any exponential notation).
The following are examples of the use of the operations listed above to fill an array of dimension
11 with data.
EXAMPLE 1. Fill an integer array with a value of 61.
f 61 e
EXAMPLE 2. Use of the repeat operation to fill an array eleven long with a value of 1.2345.
r11 1.2345 e
r 2 15 16 s
r05 17 18 19 20 e
EXAMPLE 4. Use of the multiple repeat operation to fill an array eleven long.
EXAMPLE 5. Use of the interpolation operation to get the values 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, …, 11.0.
Input File
i9 1.0 11.0 e
Input File Format TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Input File Specification
Input File Specification
This chapter describes how to actually construct an input file for TRACE.
Input File
11) Timestep Data.
Main Data
The main-data information block contains general parameters that control global aspects of a
simulation. This includes such information as title cards (for problem identification and QA
purposes) NAMELIST variables, dump-restart flags, transient/steady-state flags, problem-size,
problem-convergence criteria, and component identification numbers. This data block must
always present in an input file. It is generally considered good practice to provide title cards
Input File Specification TRACE V5.0
(Main-Data Card 3) that identify the plant or facility, the data base used to prepare the input-data
model, any important limitations or assumptions inherent to the model, and in the case of follow-
on analyses, what changes have been made to the input-data and the reason for making them.
While the NAMELIST data cards (Main-Data Card 4) are considered optional, they generally
appear in most input files where a few of the NAMELIST variables are defined with values that
differ from their default values (for example, the choked-flow model option variable ICFLOW
could be input with the value 2 to change its default value of 1).
Generally, this data block is not input unless the TRACE user expects countercurrent flow (liquid
flow down and gas flow up) in a vertical flow channel and has a data correlation that defines that
flow relationship. This correlation model constrains the phasic flow relationship accordingly at
user-selected mesh-cell interfaces rather than having TRACE evaluate this flow condition directly
based on a detailed flow-geometry model. This input-data block is specified when NCCFL > 0
(Word 5 on Main-Data Card 9).
TRACE V5.0 Input File Specification
of the initialization stage of the calculation, TRACE uses this information to initialize the phasic
temperatures and velocities throughout the system model in all hydraulic components for both
single- and two-phase conditions. This data block is input for steady-state calculations when the
TRACE user desires a better initial solution estimate for the phasic temperatures and velocities
throughout the modeled system than are defined by the component data. This better initial
solution estimate generally halves the calculative effort to converge to the steady-state solution.
This input-data block is specified when STDYST = 3 or 4 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 7).
Input File
Signal variables, which access the values of parameters in the modeled system, are needed by
most TRACE control procedures. They are the input signals to the control system's control
blocks, trips, and component actions. In other words, they provide feedback from the thermal-
hydraulic system model to the control procedure. Further information about the definition and
usage of signal variables is provided in Signal Variable Data.
Control blocks, which evaluate functions operating on input signals to determine an output signal
(for example, the ADD function adds two input signals to define the sum output signal), are used
Input File Specification TRACE V5.0
in many but not all TRACE calculations. This is a very useful feature because the user can model
through input data a network of coupled control blocks that simulate the logic of a control system
of any complexity. Because of this capability, TRACE can be used solely to evaluate a network of
coupled control blocks that simulate a control system with no interest in a simple hydraulic-
component system model that must be input. Further information about the usage of control
blocks is provided in Control Block Data.
Trip Data
Trips, which are ON/OFF switch controllers for the signal logic of control blocks and for when
component actions are evaluated, are used in many but not all TRACE calculations. Trips are
generally the most direct way of initiating component, operator, and abnormal actions. The trip's
ON/OFF set status is defined based on the value of the trip signal lying within a subrange labeled
with a set status. Setpoint values define the boundary limits of those subranges so that when the
trip signal crosses a setpoint value, the trip's set status, after a user-specified delay time, changes
to the set status of the new subrange where in the trip signal now lies. There are three types of
trips based on how their trip signal is defined: by a signal variable or control block, by a trip-
signal-expression, or by a trip-controlled-trip. The most common is a trip signal defined by a
signal variable or control block. A trip-signal-expression trip signal is a simple arithmetic
expression based on one or more signal-variable or control-block input signals (the equivalent of
a simple control-block network). A trip-controlled-trip trip signal is the combined set status
values of two or more trips (where OFF has a 0.0 value and ON has a –1.0 value for ONreverse and
+1.0 value for ONforward). The combining operator is addition for a coincidence trip (where the trip
is set ON or OFF when the set status of M of N trips are ON) and is multiplication for a blocking
trip (where the trip is set ON or OFF when all N trips are ON or any one trip is OFF). Trip
setpoints are constant or vary if set-point-factor-table cards are input. Generally, setpoints are
constant in value. Trip-initiated restart-dump and problem-termination cards can be used to
generate data dumps when any one of a number of trips is set ON and, if desired, can terminate
the calculation as well. Trip-initiated timestep data cards let the user apply a set of special
timestep data for a problem time interval after one of the controlling trips is set ON. Guidelines
and examples of trip-modeling techniques are provided in Volume 2.
TRACE V5.0 Input File Specification
• HTC vs Surface Temperature
• Temperature vs Time
• Reactivity vs Time
• Normalized Area vs Stem Position
• Signal Variable/Control Block vs Temperature
• Signal Variable/Control block vs HTC
• Signal Variable/Control Block vs Heat Flux.
Component Data
The component-data block is the main body of the input-data file. This block contains a detailed
description of every hydraulic and heat-transfer component in the system model unless the
calculation is reinitiated from a restart-data dump. For restart calculations, this block contains
only additional or modified components. The remainder of the component data are obtained from
the restart input file. There is a component-data block in every unless all the component data are
to be obtained from the restart file and only an “END” card is specified.
The components are assembled one following another in the component-data section of the input
file. You will probably find it convenient to order your input-data blocks for each component in
some logical fashion (usually in the order of increasing component numbers so that a component
can be found easily). TRACE will arrange the components in another order for computational and
output purposes. That order will depend on the order in which thermal-hydraulic loops are
processed by TRACE. The component order you choose is for your convenience in finding
component data in the input file.
NCOMP (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 7) or fewer sets of component-data cards are input. The
sets may be input in any order. The component input is concluded with an “END” card. If fewer
than NCOMP sets are input, TRACE will make the assumption that it should read the remaining
components from the restart dump file. If the run is not actually a restart run, if the dump file
cannot be found, or if the missing components cannot be located, then an error will be produced.
The format of each set depends on the component type. All velocities are positive in the direction
Input File
of ascending cell number. Most of the array data variables should be input using the LOAD
format described in Chapter 5. All tables that are entered as pairs of numbers (x,y) must be
supplied in ascending order of the x independent variable.
Each hydrodynamic component requires a junction number for each of its connecting points. A
junction is the connection point between two components. A PIPE requires two junction numbers,
one for each end. A unique junction number must be assigned to each connecting point (unless a
dead-end has been specified, in which case the junction ID is set to 0) and referenced by both
components to be connected. For example, if two PIPEs are joined, then the junction numbers of
the connecting end of each pipe must be the same. No component may “wrap around” and
Input File Specification TRACE V5.0
connect to itself and no junction may have only one component connected to it, unless the
junction number is specified as zero (indicating a dead-end). Boundary-conditions can be applied
to any given string of connected mesh segments (that are not in a loop) using the BREAK or FILL
components. In the input description, the asterisk (*) indicates units of the defined variable and
the hyphen (–) indicates a dimensionless quantity.
Timestep Data
The timestep-data block specifies maximum and minimum timestep sizes, edit frequencies, and
the end of the problem for specified time intervals. There is also a parameter to control the
timestep size to conserve convection heat-transfer energy between heat structures and hydraulic
components. This data block is always present in the tracin file.
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main Data
The main-data parameters are listed below in the order in which they are entered. This data block
always must be supplied at the start of the tracin file.
Main-Data Card 1. (Free format)
Note: The first card of the tracin file serves as the FREE-format ON-OFF switch,
indicating whether the cards that follow are in FREE format. It must be included
and must contain the string FREE if all of the input variables are not placed
correctly in fields 14 spaces wide. This card is in free format; up to 80 columns
may be used; the control string/s and documentation may appear anywhere on
the card.
FREE format
Variable Description
Main Data
INOPT Specification for including or excluding NAMELIST group INOPTS input data
after the title cards.
0 = NAMELIST group INOPTS input data omitted after the title cards
(the default);
1 = NAMELIST group INOPTS input data inserted after the title cards
(see Main-Data Card 4).
-1 = NAMELIST group INOPTS input data is obtained from the restart file
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 2. (Format 5I14) NUMTCR, IEOS, INOPT, NMAT, ID2O (Continued)
Variable Description
NMAT Number of new different materials identified by user (not built-in materials in
TRACE) for which material properties will be input. The default value is 0. If this
parameter is set to -1 during a restart, then the material properties will be read in
from the dump file. A value of -1 during a non-restart will produce an error.
ID2O Heavy water flag.
0 = H2O (the default);
1 = D2O.
Variable Description
Main-Data Card 4 lists the available NAMELIST variables if the variable INOPT = 1 (Word 3
on Main-Data Card 2). In this case, one or more of the NAMELIST variables described below
may be specified with their variable name = value. The format of these data is not checked
during preprocessing of FREE format data. Therefore, its data should be entered carefully to
avoid fatal input errors. The data are entered in columns 2–80 on one or more cards, beginning
with $INOPTS in columns 2 to 8, and are terminated with a “$END” or "$end" string. The “$”
may be replaced by an “&”. A more detailed description of the format for NAMELIST input data
is provided in Chapter 5 and in a FORTRAN manual. The following variables are included in the
NAMELIST group INOPTS, and one or more of them are included in the NAMELIST data when
INOPT = 1 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 2). Variables omitted from the specified data retain their
default value
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
ALP 0.0 To 1.0 Default value for gas volume fractions (-) 1020
(real format). Used when ISTOPT = 1 or
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Note: C1RC1 and C2RC1 are not under user control and have hardwired values of 2.0
and 1.0 respectively
they are relaxation constants in the equation:
C2RC × log ( C1RC )
relaxation = e
Main Data
should only be used by developers. It is
intended to provide a means to lock the
deyout point for some assessments in
order to be able to assess the post-CHF
heat transfer regime.
Note: CHM11 and CHM21 are not under user control and have hardwired values of
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
FLUIDS(8) “He”, “he”, List of working fluids that will appear in blank
“Na”, “na”, the TRACE model. If there is no input for
“Air”, “air”, the FLUIDS array, then the normal
“PbBi”, equation of state input selection logic for
“pbbi”, TRACE (in other words, use the ID2O
“H2O”, NAMELIST option to control the working
“h2o”, fluid) is used. If there is any input for the
“D2O”, FLUIDS array, then ID2O input is
“d2o”, ignored. If there is more than one input
“STH2O”, or for the FLUIDS array, then additional
“sth2o” input must be provided for each hydro
component in the model specifying which
EOS package will be used for that
component. Such input is described in
each hydro component’s input description
GRAPHLEVEL "minimal", This option allows a user to control the "limited
"limited", level of verbosity with which information "
"full" is dumped to the XTV graphics file.
"minimal" implies that only the control
system parameters and a few global
parameters are dumped. "limited" implies
that only the most commonly used
graphics variables or those thought to be
genuinely useful during a typical analysis
are written to the XTV file. For example,
this level includes (but is not necessarilty
limited to) such quantities as pressure,
temperature, void fraction, mass flow rate,
core-averaged quantities, etc. "full"
Main Data
implies that all possible graphics variables
are written to the graphics file. See
Chapter 3 for a complete description of
the variables in each category
HD3 ≥ 0.0 m Default value for 3D hydraulic diameters 1020 m
(≥ 0.0 ft) (m, ft) (real format). Used when ISTOPT (3.28×
= 1 or 2. 1020 ft)
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
additional array data for all
hydrodynamic components.)
ICONHT 0 or 1 Heat-transfer option. 0
0 = normal heat-transfer
1 = constant heat-transfer
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
IFLCOND 0 or 1 Fluid conduction flag. 0
0 = no fluid conduction in this
1 = fluid conduction model is on.
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
3 = file INLAB is created.
INVAN 0 or 3 Option that selects either the TCHF or TSAT 0
values for the inverted annular switch.
0 = TCHF value is selected (all
code assessment was
performed with this option);
3 = TSAT value is selected.
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
values are included in the
NAMELIST data, are filled
with the default value. Cards
containing data for the
defaulted arrays must remain
in the input-data file but are
overridden by the default
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
NCGASSPECIES "air", "h2", This parameter specifies those gases that N/A
"he", "n2’, comprise the non-condensible gas field
"ar", "xe", when the user has chosen it to be a
"kr" mixture (IGAS > 11). In that case, IGAS-
10 actual values are expected.
NCONTANT 0 or 1 0 = No containment calculation 0
1 = perform containment
calculations using the
CONTAN component.
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
as before to provide forward (positive
velocity) loss coefficients. This block of
input is immediately followed by a
corresponding block containing the
reverse loss coefficients CFRL-T, CFRL-
CFRL-R. To input these coefficients as
standard K factors, use the IKFAC option.
Note: NFRC3 must not be changed when
performing a restart calculation.
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
NOSETS 0 or 1 Flag for using either the SETS or Semi- 0
Implict Numerical Methods to solve the
two-phase flow equations
0 = use SETS
1 = use Semi-Implicit.
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
NVGRAV 0 or 1 Option for user-specified orientation of 0
3D vessel components relative to the
gravity-vector direction.
0 = gravity vector is in the
negative z-direction of the
vessel component;
1 = general orientation defined
through input for each vessel
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
TSDUT > TSDLT Problem time to end detailed timestep size -1.0
diagnostic edits.
TV 2.7315 Default value for the initial vapor 1020 K
×102 K to temperatures (K, °F) (real format). Used (1.8×
3.0000 when ISTOPT = 1 or 2. 1020 °F)
×103 K
(32.0 °F to
×103 °F)
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Main Data
0 = create new file,
1 = append to old file overwriting
duplicate timesteps,
2 = copy old trcxtv and append
new values to end.
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Main-Data Card 4. NAMELIST Data Cards for Group INOPTS (NAMELIST format.).
Note: Input NAMELIST data cards if INOPT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 2).
Variable Value Range Description Value
Variable Description
Variable Description
DSTEP Timestep number of the trcdmp-file data dump to be read from the trcrst file for
a restart calculation. If DSTEP is less than zero, the last data dump found will be
used. Input DSTEP = 0 for an initial calculation where all the input data is defined
by the tracin file.
TIMET Problem start time (s). If DSTEP or TIMET is less than zero, the time obtained
from the retrieved data dump overrides the TIMET input value.
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 7. (Format 5I14) STDYST, TRANSI, NCOMP, NJUN, IPAK
Variable Description
Variable Description
EPSO Convergence criterion for the outer-iteration pressure calculation (suggested
value = 1.0 × 10-4).
EPSS Convergence criterion for the steady-state calculation (suggested value =
1.0 × 10-4).
Main Data
Variable Description
OITMAX Maximum number of outer iterations for pressure calculation (suggested value
= 10).
Main Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Main-Data Card 10. (Format 5I14) NTSV, NTCB, NTCF, NTRP, NTCP
Variable Description
NTSV Number of signal variables from input and the restart file (NTSV ≥ 0) (used to
dimension variable storage).
NTCB Number of control blocks from input and the restart file (NTCB ≥ 0) (used to
dimension variable storage).
NTCF Total number of table entries for the tabular control blocks from input and the
restart file (NTCF ≥ 0) (used to dimension variable storage).
NTRP Number of trips from input and the restart file (NTRP ≥ 0) (used to dimension
variable storage).
NTCP Number of passes made each timestep through the control-parameter evaluation
of signal variables, control blocks, and trips (NTCP ≥ 0) (two or more passes may
be needed when the signal or set status of a trip is a signal-variable or control-
block input parameter or when a control procedure contains an implicit control-
block evaluation loop).
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Main Data
Main-Data Card 11. (Format 2I14) NTRACEG, NTRACEL
Variable Description
Main-Data Card 14. (Format 5(3X,I11)) IORDER array (IORDER(I), I = 1, NCOMP) Load
Main Data
Variable Dimension Description
Main Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Countercurrent Flow Limitation Data
Countercurrent Flow Limitation Data
If NCCFL = 0 (Word 5 on Main-Data Card 9), do not input any of the CCFL data cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
3 CCFLC NCCFL The constant for the CCFL correlation. See the
general form of the correlation given above. Default
is 0.00433 if CBETA < 0.0 and 1.0 if CBETA ≥ 0.
Countercurrent Flow Limitation Data TRACE V5.0
Note: For each CBETA(I) < 0.0 (Card Set 1), the following input is required to
calculate CBETA based on Bankoff’s correlation.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Material Property Data
Property Data
Material Property Data
A user may use existing materials (built-in) or may define new materials.
Built-in Materials
Some material properties are already built-in the TRACE code. These material properties with
their identification numbers are listed in Table 6-1. The user identifies these material properties in
appropriate cards.
Table 6-1. Built-in material types.
Number Material Type
1 mixed oxide
2 zircaloy
3 fuel-clad gap gases
4 boron nitride insulation
5 constantan/Nichrome heater wire
6 stainless steel, type 304
7 stainless steel, type 316
8 stainless steel, type 347
9 carbon steel, type A508
10 inconel, type 718
11 zircaloy dioxide
12 inconel, type 600
Material Property Data TRACE V5.0
• the number of data-point sets provided for each material (PTBLN), and
• the data tables and/or functional fits that specify the material properties (ρ, cp, k, and ε)
as a function of temperature (T).
If tabular fits are used, linear interpolation is employed to obtain property values for intermediate
values of temperature. Extrapolation is not allowed (an error message results). The material-
properties tables are not included in the dump file; therefore, it is up to the user to ensure that the
tables are supplied in the input file during a restart run.
The material properties can be input as data tables or functional fits or a mixture of data tables and
functional fits. The required input cards and the order of these input cards depends on the value of
PTBLN (number of data-point sets). In other words, the number of data points is used as a flag to
indicate which form will be used to provide the material properties:
• If PTBLN for a material is positive (PLBLN(I) > 0), this indicates that the material properties
will be defined as temperature-dependent data tables. The material properties are entered using
the PRPTB arrays (Card Set 3). The functional-fit input (Card Number 4 through Card
Number 6) are not used at all.
• If PTBLN for a material is zero (PLBLN(I) = 0), this indicates that functional fits will be used
to define each material property. The PRPTB data-table array is not entered at all. Instead, the
functional-fit input (Card Number 4 through Card Number 6) are used to define the material
• If PTBLN for a material is negative (PLBLN(I) < 0), this indicates that some of the
properties of the material will be entered as data table arrays and others will be entered
using functional fit input. The functional-fit Card Number 4 is read in before the
PRPTB array (Card Set 3). Card Number 4 input defines the number of functional fits
for each of the required material property types (density, specific heat, thermal
conductivity, and emissivity). An input of zero for a functional fit indicates that the
material property data is to be input using the PRPTB data tables. Following Card
Number 4, the PRPTB data table (Card Set 3) is then read in for those material
properties that have the number of functional fits set to zero. The size of the PRPTB data
table is indicated by the absolute value of PLBLN(I). Following the PRPTB data tables
(Card Set 3) the functional-fit data (Card Number 5 and Card Number 6) is input for
those material properties that have the number of functional fits set greater than zero. The
order of the material properties in these two categories is: material density first, specific
heat second, thermal conducitivty third, and emissivity fourth. For example, if data tables
are to be provided for material density and thermal conductivity and functional fits for
specific heat and emissivity, then the material property tables for density and thermal
conductivity are input first and then the functional fits for specific heat and emissivity.
TRACE V5.0 Material Property Data
Property Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input NMAT data tables, one for each material (MATB(I), I = 1, NMAT).
Note: Use Load Format [Format 5(3X,E11.4)] [PRPTB(J), J = 1, 5 × PTBLN(I)].
Material Property Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
3 PRPTB(I) 5*PTBLN(I The material-properties data for material MATB(I),
) each point of which consists of the two to five
variables in order T, ρ, Cp, k, and ε [where T is the
temperature (K, °F), ρ is the density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3),
Cp is the specific heat [J/(kg K), Btu/(lbm °F)], k is the
thermal conductivity [W/(m-1 K), Btu/(ft °F hr)], and
ε is the emissivity (–)]. Each card contains five
material variables; i.e., T is the independent variable
and ρ, Cp, k and ε are dependent variables. The
following card contains again five variables
corresponding to the next data-point pair. Each
material MATB(I) consists of PTBLN(I) points with
the values of T increasing monotonically. The table
array appears as T1, ρ1, Cp1, k1, ε1, T2, ρ2, Cp2, k2, ε2,
εPTBLN(I). For those material properties that will be
input as functional fits, they are removed from this
input array; however, the order of the array is
maintained with the functional fit properties removed.
A one point table results in a constant table.
Extrapolation is not allowed.
Variable Description
There will be RHONUM sets of the functional fit Card Number 5 and Card Number 6,
followed by SPHTNUM sets of the functional fit Card Number 5 and Card Number 6,
TRACE V5.0 Material Property Data
Property Data
followed by CONDNUM sets of the functional fit Card Number 5 and Card Number 6,
followed by EMISNUM sets of the functional fit Card Number 5 and Card Number 6, when
PTBLN(I) < 0. If more than one functional set is input for a given material property, then the
TUPPER for the previous set must equal the TLOWER for the current set. The temperature
range from first lower temperature limit to the upper temperature limit defined by the last function
fit set must be contiguous (i.e., no undefined gaps). A fatal error will occur if material property
evaluation is attempted outside of the temperature ranged defined by the first lower temperature
limit and the last upper temperature limit.
Variable Description
Variable Description
Material Property Data TRACE V5.0
The following is an input example for each of the material properties options. Note that for this
example, NMAT on Main-Data Card 2 is assumed to be 3.
* material-properties data *
* Card Set 1 and Card Set 2
* matb * 51 52 53e
* ptbln * 2 0 -1e
******input for matb 51 - ptbln(1) > 0, all properties as data tables
* Card Set 3
* prptb(1,i) prptb(2,i) prptb(3,i) prptb(4,i)
* temp rho cp cond
2.0000e+01 1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 2.0000e+00 1.0000e+00
4.0000e+05 1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 2.0000e+00 1.0000e+00e
******input for matb 52 - ptbln(2) = 0, all properties as functional fits
* Card Number 4
* rhonum sphtnum condnum emisnum
1 2 3 1
* rho function
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 0.0 400000.0 1.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Cp function 1
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 0.0 100.0 1.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Cp function 2
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 100.0 400000.0 1.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Cond function 1
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 0.0 100.0 2.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Cond function 2
TRACE V5.0 Material Property Data
Property Data
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 100.0 1000.0 2.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Cond function 3
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 1000.0 400000.0 2.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Emis function 1
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 200.0 400000.0 1.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
******input for matb 53 - ptbln(3) < 0, both data tables and functional
* are used to enter material properties
* Card Number 4
* rhonum sphtnum condnum emisnum
3 0 1 0
* Data table for cp and emis
* Card Set 3
* temp cp emis
4.0000e+03 1.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 e
* Functional fits input for rho
* rho function 1
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 0.0 100.0 2.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* rho function 2
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 100.0 1000.0 2.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* rho function 3
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 1000.0 400000.0 2.0 0.0
Material Property Data TRACE V5.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* Functional fits input for conductivity
* cond function 1
* Card Number 5
* toffset tlower tupper a0 a1
0.0 200.0 400000.0 1.0 0.0
* Card Number 6
* a2 a3 a4 a5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TRACE V5.0 Hydraulic-Path Steady-State Initialization Data
Hydraulic-Path Steady-State Initialization Data
Path Steady-
Note: If STDYST = 3 or 4 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 7), input this card and
NPATHS of Card Number 2 through Card Number 4 (if NTPI = 0).
Variable Description
Note: Potential hydraulic paths that are appropriately defined by the component data do
not need to be specified (for example, the emergency-coolant system side-leg
channel with stagnant coolant).
Hydraulic-Path Steady-State Initialization Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
IDCINF Hydraulic path N inflow location number defined by the composite value
(component ID number)* 1000 + interface number where its thermal-hydraulic
condition is donor-cell convected through the mesh-cell interface (except for
VESSEL-component source connections where the thermal-hydraulic condition is
assumed donored from the 1D cell). Make the composite value negative if the
location is on the side tube of a SEPD or TEE component and either IDCINF or
IDCOUF must define the SEPD or TEE internal-junction interface number
NCELL1+2. Each PLENUM-component junction interface must be defined by
IDCINF or IDCOUF of a hydraulic path.
IDCOUF Hydraulic path N outflow location number defined by the composite value
(component ID number)* 1000 + interface number where its thermal-hydraulic
condition is donor-cell convected through the mesh-cell interface (except for
VESSEL-component source connections where the thermal-hydraulic condition
is assumed donored from the 1D cell). Make the composite value negative if the
location is on the side tube of a SEPD or TEE component and either IDCINF or
IDCOUF must define the SEPD or TEE internal-junction interface number
NCELL1+2. Each PLENUM-component junction interface must be defined by
IDCINF or IDCOUF of a hydraulic path.
IDCLOC Hydraulic path N thermal-hydraulic condition location number defined by the
composite value (component ID number)*1000 + interface number where the
defined thermal-hydraulic condition is donor-cell convected through the mesh-
cell inter-face. Make the composite value negative if the location is on the side
tube of a SEPD or TEE component. In this case, the interface location must be the
SEPD or TEE internal-junction interface defined by IDCINF or IDCOUF while
IDCLOC has a special defining form where instead its interface number is the
JCELL cell number on the main tube of the SEPD or TEE component. IDCLOC
must be defined the same as IDCINF or IDCOUF for a PLENUM-component
junction interface. The donor cell’s thermal-hydraulic parameters are defined on
Card Number 3 and Card Number 4. Don’t define interface IDCLOC within the
heat source or sink cell range from IDCPWI to IDCPWO.
IDCPWI Hydraulic path N inflow location number defined by the composite value
(component ID number)* 1000 + cell number for the first cell in the hydraulic-
path flow direction having heat-transfer to or from it. Input 0 if there is no heat
source or sink in the hydraulic path that needs to be considered.
IDCPWO Hydraulic path N outflow location number defined by the composite value
(component ID number)* 1000 + cell number for the last cell in the hydraulic-path
flow direction having heat-transfer to or from it. Input 0 if there is no heat source
or sink in the hydraulic path that needs to be considered.
TRACE V5.0 Hydraulic-Path Steady-State Initialization Data
Card Number 3. (Format 5E14.4) PMVL, PMVV, PTL, PTV, PPOWER
Variable Description
PMVL Initial liquid mass flow (kg/s or lbm/hr) when NFPI = 0 (Word 2 on Card
Number 1) or velocity (m/s or ft/s) when NFPI = 1 at the IDCLOC interface of
Path Steady-
hydraulic path N.
PMVV Initial vapor mass flow (kg/s or lbm/hr) when NFPI = 0 (Word 2 on Card
Number 1) or velocity (m/s or ft/s) when NFPI = 1 at the IDCLOC interface of
hydraulic path N.
PTL Initial liquid temperature (K or °F) in the donor cell of the IDCLOC interface of
hydraulic path N [input 0.0 K or –459.67°F to specify the saturation temperature
based on the vapor pressure].
PTV Initial vapor temperature (K or °F) in the donor cell of the IDCLOC interface of
hydraulic path N (input 0.0 K or –459.67°F to specify the saturation temperature
based on the vapor pressure).
PPOWER Total heat-transfer power to [PPOWER(n) > 0.0] or from [PPOWER(n) < 0.0]
all mesh cells between and including location numbers IDCPWI and IDCPWO
(W or Btu/hr) (input 0.0 W or 0.0 Btu/hr if there is no heat source or sink in the
hydraulic path such that IDCPWI = 0 and IDCPWO = 0).
Variable Description
PP Total pressure (Pa or psia) that is defined to be constant over all mesh cells of
hydraulic path N.
PPA Noncondensable-gas pressure (Pa or psia) that is defined to be constant over all
mesh cells of hydraulic path N.
Hydraulic-Path Steady-State Initialization Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Steady-State Controller Data
Steady-State Controller Data
When STDYST = 2 or 4 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 7), a CSS calculation is performed using
NCONTR ≥ 1 (Word 4 on Main-Data Card 9) controllers that are specified by CSS controller
data. These controllers are internally programmed PI controllers that adjust specific parameter
actions to achieve desired steady-state values for specific monitored parameters. Transient-
calculation control procedures for some of these component actions are specified in the
component input data; however, these CSS controllers override those procedures and control their
parameter actions during the CSS calculation. Four types of controllers are available to the
TRACE user:
• Type 1 Controller:
A Type 1 controller adjusts a PUMP component’s rotational speed (rad/s, rpm) to
achieve a desired coolant mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr) through the PUMP. The desired
coolant mass flow is specified initially in the PUMP component data at the PUMP
interface by the input coolant mass flow (NMPCSS = -1) or velocity (NMPCSS = 0),
which is summed over the liquid and vapor coolant (see the CSS Controller Card below).
• Type 2 Controller:
A Type 2 controller adjusts a VALVE component’s flow-area fraction to achieve a
desired pressure (Pa, psia) in the mesh cell upstream of the VALVE interface (NMPCSS
= 1) or a desired coolant mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr) through the VALVE (NMPCSS = 2)
(see the CSS Controller Card below). The desired pressure is the input upstream-cell
pressure or the input pressure in the lower-numbered cell adjacent to the VALVE
interface if the initial velocity is zero. The desired mass flow, which is determined from
the input velocity at the VALVE interface, is summed over the liquid and vapor coolant.
These desired parameter values are specified initially in the VALVE component data.
• Type 3 Controller:
A Type 3 controller adjusts: a PUMP component’s rotational speed (rad/s, rpm)
(NAPCSS = –1), a VALVE component’s flow-area fraction (NAPCSS = 0), or a FILL
component’s mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr) with a direct-equality controller that defines mass
flow out of (NAPCSS = 1) or into (NAPCSS = 2) the FILL (see the CSS Controller Card
below). This achieves a desired coolant mass flow at the FILL junction that equals the
coolant mass flow at interface location NMPCSS elsewhere in the modeled system. The
monitored mass flow at location NMPCSS, specified initially by the velocity in its
component data, can vary during the CSS calculation.
• Type-4 Controller:
A Type-4 controller adjusts with a factor a HTSTR component’s (a) inner or outer
surface coupled hydraulic-channel pressure; (b) inner, outer, or both surface heat-transfer
areas (heat-transfer coefficients); (c) inner, outer, or both surface nodes or all nodes of the
entire wall thermal conductivities; or (d) both surface heat-transfer areas (heat-transfer
coefficients) and all nodes of the entire wall thermal conductivities. This is done to
Steady-State Controller Data TRACE V5.0
The monitored-parameter location number NMPCSS at a component location for the last three
controller types is a composite value that is defined by:
The desired steady-state value for the monitored parameter is specified initially in input as part of
the component data at the PUMP interface, VALVE interface, or NMPCSS location.
For a Type-4 controller, its signal-variable value is evaluated in the first timestep based on the
input parameters of the modeled system, or its control-block value is specified in one of two
ways: by the control-block input value of CBCON2 ≠ 0 or by its evaluation in the first timestep
based on the input parameters of the modeled system.
When restarting a CSS calculation, the CSS-Controller Cards need to be re-input in the tracin
file. These cards must be input in the same order as in the original tracin file. If a composite
number or a signal variable defines the monitored parameter NMPCSS, its desired value cannot
be changed when performing the restart. Because of this limitation, the Type-4 controller also
allows the user to specify the monitored parameter by a control block. The control block’s desired
value can be changed during a restart by re-inputting the control block that defines NMPCSS and
defining its CBCON2 with the new desired value.
Each of the NCONTR (Word 4 on Main-Data Card 9) controllers is specified by the TRACE
user with four (controller Types 1 and 2) or five (controller Types 3 and 4) values on the
following card.
Variable Description
NUMCSS Component number whose parameter action is adjusted by the CSS controller.
AMNCSS Minimum value to which the parameter action can be adjusted by the CSS
controller (units based on NMPCSS and NAPCSS defining the controller type).
AMXCSS Maximum value to which the parameter action can be adjusted by the CSS
controller (units based on NMPCSS and NAPCSS defining the controller type).
TRACE V5.0 Steady-State Controller Data
Card Number 1. (Format I14,2E14.4,2I14) NUMCSS, AMNCSS, AMXCSS, NMPCSS, NACSS
Variable Description
NMPCSS Monitored-parameter number that is defined for each CSS controller type as
Type 1: the desired mass flow through the PUMP is defined by its input-
specified initial liquid plus gas mass flow (NMPCSS = –1) or velocity
(NMPCSS = 0) at the pump-impeller interface,
Type 2: the desired upstream pressure (NMPCSS = 1) or liquid plus gas mass
flow through the VALVE interface (NMPCSS = 2) is defined by its input-
specified initial value,
Type 3: the desired liquid plus gas mass flow is defined each timestep during the
calculation at interface-location number NMPCSS,
Type 4: the desired single-phase coolant temperature or two-phase coolant gas
volume fraction is defined by its input-specified initial value at composite cell-
location number NMPCSS ≥ 1000, by signal variable with ID number 0 <
NMPCSS < 1000, or by control block with ID number NMPCSS < 0.
NAPCSS Adjusted-parameter number that is defined for the last two controller types as
Type 1: NAPCSS is not used;
Type 2: NAPCSS is not used;
Type 3: adjusts the PUMP’s impeller rotational speed (NAPCSS = –1), the
VALVE flow-area fraction (NAPCSS = 0), the mass flow out of a FILL
(NAPCSS = 1), or the mass flow into a FILL (NAPCSS = 2);
Type 4: adjusts with a factor the HTSTR component’s: inner-surface coupled
hydraulic-channel pressure (NAPCSS = 5), outer-surface coupled hydraulic-
channel pressure (NAPCSS = 6), inner-surface heat-transfer area (heat-transfer
coefficient) (NAPCSS = 7), outer-surface heat-transfer area (heat-transfer
coefficient) (NAPCSS = 8), both surface heat-transfer areas (heat-transfer
coefficients) (NAPCSS = 9), inner-surface node thermal conductivity
(NAPCSS = 10), outer-surface node thermal conductivity (NAPCSS = 11), both
surface node thermal conductivities (NAPCSS = 12), all nodes of the entire wall
thermal conductivities (NAPCSS = 13), or both surface heat-transfer areas
(heat-transfer coefficients) and all nodes of the entire wall thermal conductivities
(NAPCSS = 14).
Steady-State Controller Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Signal Variable Data
Signal Variable Data
Signal-variable data are specified when NTSV > 0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 10). Signal
variables define directly the input parameters for control blocks, the parameters for trip signals,
the independent variable parameter for component-action tables, and the component action.
Either NTSV or fewer signal variables are input. When fewer than NTSV signal variables are
input, conclude the data with a card having parameter IDSV set to 0 (0 must be entered explicitly
if the free-format option is used). The remaining signal variables (for a total of NTSV) are
obtained from the restart file. They are the signal variables on the restart file whose IDSV ID
numbers differ from those defined here on input. After all signal-variable data are read from input
and obtained from the restart file, the signal variables are reordered with their ID numbers
increasing monotonically. Each signal variable is defined by the following card.
Variable Description
Variable Data
IDSV Signal-variable ID number (1 ≤ IDSV ≤ 99000) (signal variables used to define a
trip-signal expression require that 1 ≤ IDSV ≤ 399). All ID numbers in an input
deck must be unique.
ISVN Signal-variable parameter number. The possible values are -123 ≤ ISVN ≤ −57, -
54 ≤ ISVN ≤ -16, ISVN = 0, 1, 2, and 8 ≤ ISVN ≤ 123. Refer to Table 6-2 for a
list of the signal-variable parameter numbers available for use and their parameter
descriptions. The numerical sign of ISVN (for ISVN ≠ 0) specifies the behavior of
the signal parameter. See the guidelines described in Signal variable input
ILCN The component number (18 ≤ |ISVN| ≤ 54 or 57 ≤ |ISVN| ≤ 123), control block
number (ISVN = 2, 16), or the trip ID number (55 ≤ |ISVN| ≤ 56) of the signal-
variable parameter. For ISVN = 0, ILCN = +1 previous timestep size, ILCN = -1
specifies the current timestep size, ILCN = 0 specifies the current time. See the
guidelines described in Signal variable input guidelines.
ICN1 In general, the cell, interface, or node number of the first location in component
ILCN where the signal-variable parameter is defined. If ILCN corresponds to a
TEE, VESSEL or HTSTR component, ICN1 must be specified in valid
composite number format. See Signal variable input guidelines for a description
of what “composite number format” means.
Signal Variable Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
ICN2 In general, the cell, interface, or node number of the second location in component
ILCN where the signal-variable parameter is defined. If ILCN corresponds to a
TEE, VESSEL or HTSTR component, ICN2 must be specified in valid
composite number format. See Signal variable input guidelines for a description
of what “composite number format” means.
Variable Description
VARREQSTRING This parameter pertains only to the generic signal variable type (ISVN
= 3). It is an ascii string denoting the TRACE internal parameter name
the user wants to extract from the code each timestep. It must be
prepended with the string “lu” in order to get through input processing.
For example, a user requesting pressure (pn) would use “lupn”.
The most important thing to understand about the signal variable input is that there is no single set
of rules that can be consistently applied to each and every signal variable type. By their very
nature, signal variable parameters are unique entities which may or may not behave similarly with
respect to other signal parameters. As a result, the user should keep in mind that depending upon
the specific signal variable type of interest, the entity from which the signal is retrieved, and
exactly which functional form he or she would like that signal to take on, the meaning and/or
requirements of the input variables IDSV, ISVN, ILCN, ICN1 and ICN2 may change (see Card
Number 1 above).
The signal variable capability has been designed so that, in general, each signal parameter type
can take on, at least, one of six different functional forms (depending upon how the input is
structured). For every signal type, the user is able to retrieve an exact, singular value for that
parameter each timestep (the Exact form). In addition certain signal types, but by no means all,
lend themselves to taking on some subset of five other functional forms. For these signals, the
user has at his or her disposal, the ability to take:
• the difference in some parameter between two different cells in a component (the CellDiff
form, always implemented as the value in the low index cell minus the value in the high
index cell, regardless of how these cell indicies are entered in ICN1 and ICN2 ),
• the difference in a parameter since the last timestep (the TimeDiff form),
• the minimum or maximum over some range of cells in a single component (the Min &
Max forms),
TRACE V5.0 Signal Variable Data
• the volume average of a parameter over some range of cells in a single component (the
VolAvg form)
Table 6-2 defines all the various functional forms that any given signal type may have.
A summary of the input rules for each input variable are as follows:
Variable Data
variable type (columns 7-12)
• For negative ISVN values, the signal variable will take on either the CellDiff, TimeDiff
or VolAvg functional forms, depending upon how ICN1 and ICN2 are defined. Refer to
Table 6-2 to determine exactly which specific functional forms are allowed for a given
signal variable type (columns 7-12)
• It cannot be set to -55, -56, -1, -2, or -3 since the VolAvg, TimeDiff, and CellDiff forms
make no sense in these cases.
Signal Variable Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Signal Variable Data
- Both ICN1 and ICN2 must always be zero. There is no need to define a cell number
for these signal parameters since they are unique for a given component/trip/control
- When ISVN is negative, the signal variable has the TimeDiff form
- When ISVN is positive, the signal variable has the Exact form.
• For ISVN = 3:
- ICN2 must always be zero. A generic signal variable always only refers to a single
location in the computational mesh
- In cases where ILCN refers to a TEE component, ICN1 should NOT be entered in
composite format. See below for a description of what “composite number format”
means. Rather, the user must explicitly account for the fact that a ghost cell exists
between the end of the primary cells and start of secondary cells. In other words, in
a TEE with 3 primary cells and 1 secondary cell, cell number 4 is a phantom cell with
cell 5 referring to the secondary cell. This means if a user attempts to set ICN1 = 4
(for this example), the data that is printed to the output file will be erroneous. This is
only true for cell-centered parameters. Cell-edged numbering behaves normally;
there are no phantom edges.
• For |ISVN| = 21–40, 65–101, 104, or 105:
Variable Data
- ICN1 and ICN2 may never both be zero at the same time
- When ISVN is positive,
• The signal variable is the exact parameter value (Exact form) in cell |ICN1| when
ICN2 = 0 or in cell |ICN2| when ICN1 = 0;
• The signal variable is the maximum parameter value (Maximum form) between
cells |ICN1| and |ICN2| when ICN1 > 0 and ICN2 > 0;
• The signal variable is the minimum parameter value (Minimum form) between
cells |ICN1| and |ICN2| when ICN1 < 0 and ICN2 < 0;
• The signal variable is the volume-averaged parameter value (VolAvg form)
between cells |ICN1| and |ICN2| when ICN1 and ICN2 are of opposite signs
EXCEPT that volume averaging is not allowed for edge-based or surface-based
signal variables
• Volume averaging logic for signal variables 25 & 26 is currently not working
correctly. Please do not attempt to use.
- When ISVN is negative
• ICN1 & ICN2 must never be negative
• The signal variable is the difference in the parameter value since the last time step
(TimeDiff form) in location ICN1 or ICN2 when either ICN1 or ICN2 is 0.
• The signal variable is the difference in the parameter value between locations
ICN1 and ICN2 (CellDiff form) (that is, the parameter value in location
corresponding to the smaller of ICN1 and ICN2 minus the parameter value in
Signal Variable Data TRACE V5.0
location corresponding to the larger of ICN1 and ICN2) when both ICN1 and
ICN2 are non-zero.
• for |ISVN| = 106:
- ICN1 must be positive and ICN2 must always be zero
- ICN1 corresponds to the azimuthal sector id of the outmost ring of the VESSEL. ‘id’
is between 1 and the total number of azimuthal sectors. This value does not conform
to the normal VESSEL composite number scheme followed by other signal variables
• For |ISVN| = 121:
- Both ICN1 and ICN2 must always be positive and non-zero
- For 1D components, the user should just specify the two cells between which the two-
phase level should be calculated. In 3D components, the values that the user provides
for the cell number and level number (in composite format - see below for a
description of what “composite number format” means), provide the code with a set
of bounds to loop over when determining the location of the two-phase level. The
user should take care to ensure that the cell number is identical both ICN1 and ICN2,
otherwise an error will be produced (this ensures that the level is determined over a
single stack of vertical 3D cells).
- The zero elevation is referenced to the bottom of the lower-most cell that you specify,
not the bottom of the component. This means that if you set cell 2 as the bottom-most
cell, you will need to add-in the height of cell 1 yourself if you are comparing to data
that uses the bottom of the component as the zero elevation point.
- At this point, the code will not allow the user to retrieve the two-phase level from
components/cells that are, in any way, horizontal (not perfectly vertical). As such, the
user should take special care to not specify a range of cells that includes GRAV terms
not equal to plus or minus one.
- ICN1 and ICN2 must both be contained in the same mesh segment (i.e they may not
span a secondary cell and primary cell in a TEE-based component)
• For |ISVN| = 20:
- Both ICN1 and ICN2 must always be positive and non-zero
- For 1D components, the user should just specify the two cells between which the level
should be calculated. In 3D components, the values that the user provides for the cell
number and level number (in composite format - see below for a description of what
“composite number format” means), provide the code with a set of bounds to loop
over when calculating the collapsed level. For example, if the VESSEL being
modeled has two rings and four theta cells per level (8 total cells), and if the user
indicates cell 2 in ICN1 (ring 1, theta sector 2) and cell 7 (ring 2, theta sector 3) in
ICN2, then for each of the levels the user provides, the code will calculate the
collapsed level for all the cells bounded by rings 1 and 2 and theta sectors 2 and 3
(cells 2, 3, 6 and 7).
TRACE V5.0 Signal Variable Data
- At this point, the code will not allow the user to retrieve the collapsed liquid level
from components/cells that are, in any way, horizontal (not perfectly vertical). As
such, the user should take special care to not specify a range of cells that includes
GRAV terms not equal to plus or minus one.
- ICN1 and ICN2 must both be contained in the same mesh segment (i.e they may not
span a secondary cell and primary cell in a TEE-based component)
• For |ISVN| = 88 & 89:
- Follows the same guidelines as for ISVN = 21 – 40, plus the following:
• The rod numbers must be specified as zero when ILCN corresponds to a heat
• The node numbers must be specified at the surface of the rod
• For rods with thermocouples (ittc = 1), the node numbers must be specified at the
outer surface only
• For |ISVN| = 91 & 92:
- Follows the same guidelines as for ISVN = 21 – 40, plus the following:
• The node numbers must be specified at the surface of the rod
• For rods with thermocouples (ittc = 1), the node numbers must be specified at the
Variable Data
outer surface only
• For |ISVN| = 119 & 120:
- ILCN, IOCMP, ICN2 = 0:
• ICN1 is given in composite number format such that ICN1 = (1000000 * I) +
(1000 * J) + K
Signal Variable Data TRACE V5.0
available and it will be up to the user to ensure the units are what they expect them to
• For |ISVN| = 15:
- The ITDMR NAMELIST variable must be non-zero
• For |ISVN| = 18,19,44 through 54, 57, and 58:
- The associated rod components must be powered
• For |ISVN| = 20:
- The range of cells of interest must be perfectly vertical (grav array = +1 or -1)
• For |ISVN| = 24:
- The number of nodes in the associated component must be greater than zero
• For |ISVN| = 25, 26, 88, and 89:
- The reflood option in the associated rod component must be turned off
• For |ISVN| = 121:
- The level tracking namelist options NOLT1D and NOLT3D should be 0 or -1,
otherwise the calculated level location will most likely be 0.0 m (ft).
For the VESSEL, TEE (side tube), or HTSTR components, cells |ICN1| and |ICN2| are defined
by a composite number format. For the VESSEL, the composite number is the horizontal-plane
cell number times 1000 plus the axial level number; for the TEE side tube, it is the total number
of primary-side cells plus the secondary-side cell number; for the HTSTR, it is the node number
times 1000000 plus the ROD or SLAB element number times 1000 plus the axial node-row
number. Refer to the TRACE Theory Manual for further information on defining cell and
interface location composite numbers. It should be noted that in the case of the generic signal
variable (ISVN=3), when ILCN refers to a TEE, ICN1 is NOT input in composite format.
Instead it is up to the user to explicity account for the ghost cell that occurs in TEE component.
There are some fundamental differences between ISVN = 20, ISVN = 106, and ISVN = 121 that
the user should be aware of. In essence, ISVN = 20 is determined using a volume-weighted
technique whereby the volume of liquid is summed for all the specified cells, and this quantity is
used to repeatedly fill the specified cells from the lowest point to the highest point, until there is
not enough liquid left to completely fill the next axial volume. At that point the remaining liquid
volume is divided by the axial level volume and this ratio is multiplied by the cell height to
determine the physical location of the level within that axial volume. Some traits of this signal
type are:
• This signal type more truly represents a real “collapsed” height of liquid (over that of
ISVN = 106) because it accounts for the fact that the volumes of the axial cells/volumes
may not be constant.
• In a VESSEL, the level is smeared across all specified cells within each axial level. This
smearing does not take into account the effects from flow restrictions in the radial and
theta directions.
TRACE V5.0 Signal Variable Data
• It will not accurately determine the collapsed level height if the cell where the level
resides has a non-uniform flow area.
Alternatively, ISVN = 106 is calculated simply by summing the volume fraction times the cell
height for each cell in the specified range of a specified VESSEL theta column in the downcomer
region. The traits of this signal type are:
• The level calculation is not the true collapsed level because it takes no account for
differences in flow area or volume
• it only considers one theta column at a time from the bottom of the downcomer (as
defined in the VESSEL input by the IDCL variable) to the very top of the VESSEL.
• it corresponds to how the water level is actually measured in a real reactor. As a result, it
is recommended that this water level signal type always be used when creating level
setpoints in models of actual reactor scenarios.
ISVN=121 corresponds to the location of the two-phase water level in some specified range of
axial cells (either 1D or 3D), as calculated by the level tracking model. As such, this signal
variable will only produce useful output if the 1D or 3D level tracking model is actually engaged
in the component of interest (see the namelist options NOLT1D and/or NOLT3D). The user
specifies a range of stacked axial cells over which to determine where the level exists. The code
will loop over this range of cells, look at the values contained in the PHIL graphics variable to
Variable Data
determine which cell contains the level and figure out the axial elevation from there. The traits of
this signal variable type are
• The zero reference elevation is taken at the bottom of the specified range of cells, not the
bottom of the component.
• In VESSEL components, the level is determined over a single column of theta cells
whose range is specified by the user. Any attempt to specify a range of cells that includes
more than one column of theta cells will generate an input error.
• No attempt is made to account for flow blockages that might exist in the axial direction
(as might be the case in the outer ring of BWR vessel in which the flow area between the
downcomer and lower plenum is blocked). The code simply locates the lowest predicted
water level in the given range of cells and uses the bottom-most cell to establish the zero
elevation reference point.
• Forgetting for a moment how unphysical it might actually be, if the conditions are such
that the level tracking model predicts more than one water level in the range of specified
cells (this could happen if the void fraction criteria used in the level tracking model are
too loose), this signal variable will only identify the location of the bottom-most water
• The value for this signal variable will drop to zero if the level moves outside the range of
specified cells (in either direction). This is due to a nuance of how the internal level
tracking data structures operate and cannot be fixed without substantial changes to the
level tracking model. This behavior can be rectified by filtering the signal variable output
through a control system if it becomes a problem.
Signal Variable Data TRACE V5.0
• You may, on occasion, notice minor discrepancies between the predicted maximum level
location as compared to the expected value. In those cases, you should check the
maximum timestep size and/or graphics edit interval to ensure there is enough resolution
in those parameters to ensure the code is capturing a value with sufficient accuracy for
your application.
Table 6-2 gives a summary of the input specifications for each signal variable. It can be used as a
quick reference guide to decide whether a given set of input is valid, and whether a specific
functional form is available to a given signal variable. Columns 3-6 denote the possible values
that a given input parameter can take on. Columns 7-12 denote the specific functional forms
available for each signal variable, given the input possibilities laid out in columns 3-6. For
column three, a "+/-" indicates the user can specify ISVN as a positive or negative number.
Column 4 indicates the types of entities a given signal variable can be associated with. Columns
5 and 6 indicate the range of possible values for ICN1 and ICN2 depending upon the sign of
ISVN. In columns 7-12, a grayed out region indicates where the specific functional form is not
Note that the POWER component related signal variables (i.e. reactor power, reactivity,
reactivity feedback, etc) must reference a POWER component either directly or indirectly. An
indirect reference to a POWER component would be an ILCN that points to an HTSTR
component that spawns a POWER component. A HTSTR component in the old HTSTR input
format (i.e. rod/slab) with isFuelRod (formerly called nopowr) = 0, will result in a spawned
POWER component. However, a HTSTR component in the new HTSTR input format cannot
spawn a POWER component. Power for a HTSTR component in the new HTSTR input format
must be provided by a POWER component input by the user rather than a spawned POWER
component. In Table 6-2 when ILCN values are given as POWER or HTSTR, it is implied that
the HTSTR spawns a POWER component.
ISVN 119 and 120 are used when coupling TRACE to a 3D kinetics code.
0 Problem Time (s) 0 -1 = ∆told; are always zero are always zero OK
0 = time;
+1 = ∆t
1 Null Signal Value + only 0 are always zero are always zero OK
2 Generic Control Block Output + only Valid cb are always zero are always zero OK
9 Pump Motor Torque +/- Valid Pump are always zero are always zero OK OK
(Pa-m3, lbf-ft)
10 Energy from Turbine Torque +/- Valid are always zero are always zero OK OK
(J, Btu) Turbine
11 Turbine angular speed +/- Valid are always zero are always zero OK OK
(rad/s) Turbine
12 Core Average Boron Concentration +/- 0 are always zero are always zero OK OK
13 Dynamic Reactivity (1D/3D +/- 0 are always zero are always zero OK OK
14 Global Eigen Value (1D/3D +/- 0 are always zero are always zero OK OK
15 Total Reactor Power (0D/1D/3D +/- 0 are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr)
16 Control Rod Position (normalized) + only Valid cb Control rod bank ID# are always zero OK
17 Control Rod Reactivity + only Valid cb are always zero are always zero OK
18 Core Power +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) HS
19 Heat Structure Reactor Power +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Period HS
20 Generalized Collapsed Level For +/- 1D or 3D always positive & non-zero always positive & non- OK OK
Approximate Liquid Inventory zero
(m, ft)
22 Cell Vapor Temperature +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
23 Cell Liquid Temperature +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
24 1D Inner SurFace Temperature +/- HS only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
25 Slab/Rod SurFace Temperature +/- HS only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
26 Slab/Rod Temperature +/- HS only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
27 Cell Vapor Volume Fraction +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
28 YT-Face Vapor Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
29 Z-Face Vapor Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
30 XR-Face Vapor Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
31 YT-Face Liquid Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
32 Z-Face Liquid Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
33 XR-Face Liquid Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
34 YT-Face Vapor Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
35 Z-Face Vapor Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
36 XR-Face Vapor Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
37 YT-Face Liquid Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
38 Z-Face Liquid Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
39 XR-Face Liquid Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
40 Boron Concentration +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kgBoron/kgwater) zero
Table 6-2. Summary of signal variable input specifications. (Continued)
ISVN Name & Units sign of ILCN when ISVN is negative, when ISVN is positive, Fun
ICN1 & ICN2 ICN1 & ICN2 Exact Cell Tim
Diff Dif
41 Pump Rotational Speed +/- Valid Pump are always zero are always zero OK OK
(rad/s, rpm)
42 Valve-Flow-Area Fraction +/- Valid Valve are always zero are always zero OK OK
43 Valve Stem Position +/- Valid Valve are always zero are always zero OK OK
44 Reactor Mult. Constant, Keff +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
45 Programmed Delta-K +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
46 Total Feedback Delta-K +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
47 Fuel Temp Feedback Delta-K +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
48 Coolant Temp Feedback Delta-K +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
49 Void Fraction Feedback Delta-K +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
50 Boron Conc. Feedback Delta-K +/- HS only are always zero are always zero OK OK
51 Power Weighted Core Avg Fuel +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Temperature used for Reactivity HS
(K, °F)
52 Power Weighted Core Avg Coolant +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Temperature used for Reactivity HS
(K, °F)
53 Power Weighted Core Avg Void +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Fraction used for Reactivity HS
54 Power Weighted Core Avg Boron +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Concentration used for Reactivity HS
55 Trip Signal Value + only Valid trip are always zero are always zero OK
56 Trip Set Status Value + only Valid trip are always zero are always zero OK
57 Prompt-Fission Power +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) HS
58 Decay Heat Power +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) HS
59 Avg Slab/Rod Max SurFace Temp +/- HS only are always zero are always zero OK OK
(K, °F)
60 Add. Slab/Rod Max SurFace Temp +/- HS only are always zero are always zero OK OK
(K, °F)
61 Pump head +/- Valid Pump are always zero are always zero OK OK
(m2/s2, lbf*ft/lbm)
62 Pump Hydraulic Torque +/- Valid Pump are always zero are always zero OK OK
(Pa*m3, lbf*ft)
63 Pump Momentum Source +/- Valid Pump are always zero are always zero OK OK
(m2/s2, lbf*ft/lbm)
64 Valve Hydraulic Diameter +/- Valid Valve are always zero are always zero OK OK
(m, ft)
65 YT-Face Hydraulic Diameter +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m, ft) zero
66 Z-Face Hydraulic Diameter +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m, ft) zero
67 XR-Face Hydraulic Diameter +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m, ft) zero
68 YT-Face Mix Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
69 Z-Face Mix Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
70 XR-Face Mix Mass Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s, lbm/hr) zero
71 YT-Face Mix Avg Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
72 Z-Face Mix Avg Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
73 XR-Face Mix Avg Velocity +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(m/s, ft/s) zero
74 Cell Vapor Density +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m3, lbm/ft3) zero
75 Cell Liquid Density +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m3, lbm/ft3) zero
76 Cell mixture Density +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m3, lbm/ft3) zero
77 Cell Air Density +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m3, lbm/ft3) zero
78 Cell Air mass +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg, lbm) zero
Table 6-2. Summary of signal variable input specifications. (Continued)
ISVN Name & Units sign of ILCN when ISVN is negative, when ISVN is positive, Fun
ICN1 & ICN2 ICN1 & ICN2 Exact Cell Tim
Diff Dif
79 Cell Air pressure +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(Pa, psia) zero
80 Cell Air internal energy +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(J/kg, Btu/lbm) zero
81 Cell Vapor internal energy +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(J/kg, Btu/lbm) zero
82 Cell Liquid internal energy +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(J/kg, Btu/lbm) zero
83 Cell Sat Temp Based on Steam P +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
84 Cell Sat Temp Based on Total P +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
85 Cell Vapor specific heat +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[J/(kg K), Btu/(lbm F)] zero
86 Cell Liquid specific heat +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[J/(kg K), Btu/(lbm F)] zero
87 Cell Latent Heat of Vaporization +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(J/kg, Btu/lbm) zero
88 Total SurFace Heat Loss to Vapor +/- 1D or HS can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) zero
89 Total SurFace Heat Loss to Liquid +/- 1D or HS can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) zero
90 Cell Vap/Liq Interfacial Heat Flow +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) zero
91 Slab/rod Vapor HTC +/- HS only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 F hr)] zero
92 Slab/rod Liquid HTC +/- HS only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 F hr)] zero
93 Cell Slab Vapor HTC +/- 1D only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 F hr)] zero
94 Cell Slab Liquid HTC +/- 1D only can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 F hr)] zero
95 Cell Interfacial Area*Vap HTC +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 F hr)] zero
96 Cell Interfacial Area*Liq HTC +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
[W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 F hr)] zero
97 YT-Face Interfacial Drag Coeff +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m4, lbm/ft4) zero
98 Z-Face Interfacial Drag Coeff +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m4, lbm/ft4) zero
99 XR-Face Interfacial Drag Coeff +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m4, lbm/ft4) zero
100 Cell Plated Solute Conc +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/m3, lbm/ft3) zero
101 Cell Vapor Gen Rate +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(kg/s-m2, lbm/hr-ft3) zero
102 Total Inner SurFace Heat Loss +/- 1D or HS are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr)
103 Total Outer SurFace Heat Loss +/- 1D or HS are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr)
104 Mixture Temperature +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(K, °F) zero
105 Mixture Enthalpy +/- 1D or 3D can never be negative at least one must be non- OK OK OK
(J/kg, Btu/lbm) zero
106 BWR D/C Collapsed level +/- 3D only always positive & non-zero are always zero OK OK
(m, ft)
107 Feedwater Heater Shell-Side Level +/- Valid Heatr are always zero are always zero OK OK
(m, ft)
108 Total Reactivity +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(deltak/k) HS
109 Programmed Reactivity +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(deltak/k) HS
110 Total Feedback Reactivity +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(deltak/k) HS
111 Core Avg Fuel Temp Fdbk. +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Reactivity HS
112 Core Avg Coolant Temp Fdbk. +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Reactivity HS
113 Core Avg Void Fraction Fdbk. +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Reactivity HS that
(deltak/k) spawns a
114 Core Avg Boron Conc. Fdbk. +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Reactivity HS that
(deltak/k) spawns a
Table 6-2. Summary of signal variable input specifications. (Continued)
ISVN Name & Units sign of ILCN when ISVN is negative, when ISVN is positive, Fun
ICN1 & ICN2 ICN1 & ICN2 Exact Cell Tim
Diff Dif
115 Vol. Weighted Core Avg Fuel Temp +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(K, °F) HS that
spawns a
116 Vol. Weighted Core Avg Coolant +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Temp HS that
(K, °F) spawns a
117 Vol. Weighted Core Avg Void +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Fraction HS that
spawns a
118 Vol. Weighted Core Avg Boron +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
Conc HS that
spawns a
119 3-D kinetics nodal power + PW3D are always zero are always zero OK
(W, Btu/hr)
120 Simulated LPRM reading + PW3D are always zero are always zero OK
(W, Btu/hr)
121 Two-phase level location +/- 1D & 3D always positive & non-zero always positive & non- OK OK
(m, ft) only zero
122 Axial power distribution +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W, Btu/hr) HS
123 Axial surface heat flux distribution +/- POWER or are always zero are always zero OK OK
(W/m2, Btu/hr-ft2) HS
TRACE V5.0 User-Defined Units Data
User-Defined Units Data
When one or more of the NAMELIST variables IOGRF, IOINP, IOLAB, and IOOUT [for
input/output (I/O) of data with SI/English units] is nonzero such that IOALL =
|IOGRF|+|IOINP|+|IOLAB|+ |IOOUT| ≠ 0, the TRACE user is required to input the units-name
labels of selected user-defined control-block and trip parameters. When IOALL = 0, the TRACE
user does not input the units-name labels of these parameters. This allows previous input-data
files to be used without modification. Because TRACE then does not know the units of these user-
defined parameters, TRACE performs no units conversion on these parameters and outputs the
symbol * when their units symbol is to be output (when NAMELIST variable IOOUT = 1). Table
6-3 shows the units-name labels (left-most column beginning with the letters LU) defined in
TRACE which the user may use to define the units of these parameters. If the units of some user-
defined control-block or trip parameters cannot be defined by this internal set, the user must then
input the additionally required units-name labels.
Table 6-3. Units Names, Units, and Conversion Factors for Control Block and Trip
Units Name SI Units English Units Factor Description
Units Data
Note: lutemp has a UShift value of -459.67 ° R. The UShift value for the other units is
lutemp K F 1.80000000e+00 3, temperature
lutempd K F 1.80000000e+00 4, differential
lulength m ft 3.28083990e+00 5, length
luarea m2 ft2 1.07639104e+01 6, area
User-Defined Units Data TRACE V5.0
Table 6-3. Units Names, Units, and Conversion Factors for Control Block and Trip
Parameters. (Continued)
Units Name SI Units English Units Factor Description
TRACE V5.0 User-Defined Units Data
Table 6-3. Units Names, Units, and Conversion Factors for Control Block and Trip
Parameters. (Continued)
Units Name SI Units English Units Factor Description
Units Data
lurtime 1/s 1/s 1.00000000e+00 39, per unit time
lurtemp 1/K 1/oF 5.55555556e-01 40, per unit
lurmass 1/kg 1/lbm 4.53592370e-01 41, per unit mass
lurpress 1/Pa 1/psi 6.89475729e+03 42, per unit
luspeed rad/s rpm 9.54929659e+00 43, angular velocity
luradacc rad/s2 rpm/s 9.54929659e+00 44, angular
luangle rad deg 5.72957795e+01 45, angle
luburnup MWd/MTU MWd/MTU 1.00000000e+00 46, burnup
User-Defined Units Data TRACE V5.0
Table 6-3. Units Names, Units, and Conversion Factors for Control Block and Trip
Parameters. (Continued)
Units Name SI Units English Units Factor Description
TRACE V5.0 User-Defined Units Data
Table 6-3. Units Names, Units, and Conversion Factors for Control Block and Trip
Parameters. (Continued)
Units Name SI Units English Units Factor Description
Units Data
luthcdk4 W/(m*K5) Btu/(ft*oF5*hr) 0.577789317*0.5 67, thermal
55555556**4 conductivity per
luthcdk W/m Btu/(ft*hr) 0.577789317*1.8 68, thermal
conductivity * unit
luemisk3 1/K3 1/oF3 0.555555556**3 69, emissivity per
luemisk4 1/K4 1/oF4 0.555555556**4 70, emissivity per
User-Defined Units Data TRACE V5.0
NAMELIST variable IUNLAB (default value is 0) is the user-defined number of these additional
labels. When IUNLAB > 0, input IUNLAB of the following cards to define the additional unit-
name labels. User-defined units-name label data are not written to the trcdmp file and not read
from the trcrst file so the user needs to input the user-defined units-name label data to the tracin
file for all (initial and restart) TRACE calculations.
Card Number 1. (Format 6X, A8, 1X, A13, 1X, A13, 2E14.4) LULABEL, LUNITSI, LUNITENG,
Variable Description
LULABEL Units-name label beginning with the letters LU followed by one to six non-
blank characters (for example, the user might choose the units-name label
LUDPDT for the derivative of pressure with respect to temperature, dP/dT).
LUNITSI The SI-units symbol associated with the units-name label that begins with the
letters LU followed by 1 to 11 non-blank characters. TRACE internally
removes the LU prefix (required for preinput processing of character-string
data) in defining the SI-units symbol for I/0 (for example, LUPA/K defines
the SI-units symbol for the derivative of pressure with respect to temperature,
LUNITENG The English-units symbol associated with the units-name label, which begins
with the letters LU followed by 1 to 11 nonblank characters. TRACE
internally removes the LU prefix in defining the English-units symbol for I/0
(for example, LUPSID/F defines the English-units symbol for the derivative
of pressure with respect to temperature, dP/dT).
UFACTOR The factor value for converting a parameter value in SI units to its value in
English units where Parameter(SI) * UFACTOR + USHIFT =
Parameter(English) (for example, UFACTOR = 8.05765E-05 (PSID×K)/
(PA×°F) = 1.450377 E-04 PSID/PA divided by 1.8°F/K for the derivative of
pressure with respect to temperature, dP/dT).
USHIFT The shift value for converting a parameter value in SI units to its value in
English units where Parameter(SI) *UFACTOR + USHIFT =
Parameter(English) (for example, USHIFT = 0.0 PSID/°F for the derivative
of pressure with respect to temperature, dP/dT, because pressure and
temperature are both difference values rather than absolute values).
Note: The value of UShift = -459.67 for lutemp in Table 6-3, it is
zero for all others in the Table.
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Control Block Data
Control-block data are defined when NTCB > 0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 10). Control
blocks are mathematical functions that operate on 0 or more input parameters defined by signal
variables and control blocks. The control-block output signal defines an input parameter for
control blocks, a parameter for trip signals, the independent-variable parameter for component-
action tables, and the component action directly. Either NTCB or fewer control blocks are input.
When fewer than NTCB control blocks are input, conclude the data with a blank card or a card
having a 0 defining the first input parameter, IDCB (0 must be entered explicitly if the free-
format option is used). The remaining control blocks (for a total of NTCB) are obtained from the
restart file. They are the control blocks on the restart file whose IDCB ID numbers differ from
those defined on input. After all control-block data are read from input and obtained from the
restart file, the control-blocks are automatically sorted to obtain the optimal order of evaluation,
even taking into account possible implicit loops that might exist. Each control block is defined by,
at least, two cards. When the control block is a tabular function of 1, 2, or 3 independent variables
(ICBN = 101 or 102), additional Card Number 3 data cards are needed to define the function
table. When the control block is a PI or PID controller (ICBN = 200 or 201), an additional Card
Number 4 is needed.
Variable Description
Control Block
ICB2 ID number for the second input parameter (X2) to the control block. ICB2 > 0
defines a signal-variable parameter; ICB2 < 0 defines a control-block output
parameter. For ICBN = 100 or 101, ICB2 is the number of entry pairs in the
control block’s function table.
ICB3 ID number for the third input parameter (X3) to the control block. ICB3 > 0
defines a signal-variable parameter; ICB3 < 0 defines a control-block output
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Note: Input this card only if ICBN = -9. ICBN = -9 specifies constant value control
block. Its value is allowed to change via the SNAP Runtime Intervention.
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Card Number 4. (Format 5E14.4) CBGAIN, CBXMIN, CBXMAX, CBCON1, CBCON2
Variable Description
CBCON1 Control-block first constant. For ICBN = 102, CBCON1 is a composite number
defining the number of values to be input for the function table. For ICBN =
103, CBCON1 is the A0 additive constant which appears in the summation
expression (see ICBN number 103 below for more detail).
CBCON2 Control-block second constant is required input for the ICBN = 11, 30, 51, 59,
200, and 201 control-block functions. XOUT is initialized by TRACE to its
initial evaluated value for control-block functions ICBN = 11 and 59. For the
Laplace-transform function control blocks, ICBN = 26, 30, and 51, XOUT is
initialized to CBGAIN * XIN(ICB1). For the PI- and PID-controller function
control blocks, ICBN = 200 and 201, XOUT is initialized to the CBCON2
value. For all other control-block function ICBN values, XOUT is initialized to
its initial evaluated value when CBCON2 is 0.0 or defined by a blank field.
Otherwise, XOUT is initialized to the nonzero input specified CBCON2 value.
Control Block
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If ICBN = 101 or 102 (Word 2 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1) and
IOALL = |IOGRF|+|IOINP|+|IOLAB|+|IOOUT| ≠ 0, input this card. The
number of entries on this card depend on the number of independent variables
defined by the user. An entry for LUYTAB and entries for LUXTAB must be
entered. If ICBN = 101, n = 1; if ICBN = 102, n = 2 or 3 depending on the
number of independent variables. See Table 6-2 for a list of units-name labels,
their SI and English units symbols, and their SI to English conversion factors
and shifts for these control-block function table parameters.
This card is units label input for table-input control blocks. There are two table-input control
blocks, control block 101 and control block 102. Control block 101 is a table input where the
dependent variable is a function of one independent variable; e.g., a table of flow vs. pressure
or a table pump rpm vs. time. Control block 102 is a table input where the dependent variable
is a function of two or three independent variables e.g., a table of fluid density as a function of
pressure and temperature (two independent variables) or a table of fluid density as a function of
pressure, temperature, and a composition fraction (three independent variables).
For control block 101, the user only has to input two units-name labels on this card, LUYTAB
and LUXTAB(1). For example, a table of flow vs. pressure, the input for LUYTAB would be
lumassfw and the input for LUXTAB(1) would be lupressa. (See Table 6-2 for the units
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Card Number 6. (Load Format) CBFTAB(I), I = (1, N)
Note: If ICBN = 101 or 102 (Word 2 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1), input
this card.
Note: If ICBN = 103 (Word 2 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1) and ICB2 = 1
(Word 4 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1), and
|IOGRF|+|IOINP|+|IOLAB|+|IOOUT| ≠ 0 (NAMELIST variables), then input
this card. See Table 6-2 for a list of unit names and their SI and English units,
and SI to English conversion factors and shifts for these control-block
parametersinput this card.
Variable Description
LUWTA Units-name label for all N elements of the WTA array that is input by Card
Number 8
Note: If ICBN = 103 (Word 2 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1), input this
Control Block
Variable Dimension Description Data
WTA N Weighting factor for each of the parameter values of the N elements
of the IDX array that is input by Card Number 9.
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If ICBN = 103 or 104 (Word 2 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1), input
this card.
IDX N ID numbers for the Ith input parameter to the control block whose
value is to be weighted and summed or multiplied. IDX(I) > 0
defines a signal variable parameter; IDX(I) < 0 defines a control
block output parameter.
Note: If ICBN = 200 or 201 (Word 2 on Control-Block Data Card Number 1), input
this card.
Variable Description
CBDT The ∆td time constant (s) for removal of PI-controller or PID-controller error
(where convergence of the form ∆F(t) = ∆Fo × exp [(to – t)/∆td] is assumed).
CBTAU The τ time constant (s) for the first-order lag function operation.
CBWT The first constant Wt value (–) for the weighted summing function operation
when ICBN = 201.
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
In the following control block function operations G is the Gain (CBGAIN word 1 on Card
Number 4). X1, X2, and X3 are inputs to the control block from output of ICB1, ICB2 and ICB3;
respectively; (words 3, 4 and 5 on Card Number 1). C1 and C2 are CBCON1 and CBCON2
(word 4 and 5 on Card Number 4). Users may note large gaps in the numbering scheme for the
ICBN parameter. This is by design; it does not represent a problem with the manual in terms of
missing control blocks types.
Description: X out = G · X 1
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally.
Control Block
Required? Comment Data
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the units label of the output value should be an angle (radians or degrees)
Description: X out = G · ( X 1 + X 2 )
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
• as per the FORTRAN definition of the INT intrinsic function, if |X1| < 1, then INT(X1) has the
value 0; if |X1| >= 1, then INT(X1) is the integer whose magnitude is the largest integer that does
not exceed the magnitude of X1 and whose sign is the same as the sign of X1
• the input signal should be less than or equal to 2.81474976710654d14 to ensure proper integeriza-
tion. If it is greater than this value, the control block will simply maintain its last calculated value
⎪ G , if ( X 1 = 1.0 ) .AND. ( X 2 = 1.0 )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
Control Block
Description: –1
X out = G · sin ( X 1 ) Data
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the units label of the output value should be an angle (radians or degrees)
• if the input value is not within the allowable range of -1.0 to +1.0, the control block will simply
maintain it’s previously calculated value
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the units label of the output value should be an angle (radians or degrees)
where ATAN2 is the actual FORTRAN 90 intrinsic function used to evaluate the expression.
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• this result of this function is the principal value of the non-zero complex number (X2,X1) formed
by the real arguments X1 and X2.
• A FORTRAN reference manual should be consulted for a more detailed explanation concerning
the behavior of this function.
• the rules of the ATAN2 FORTRAN intrinsic function dictate that if X1 has the value zero, then X2
must not have the value zero either
Description: X out = G · C 1
Required? Comment
Control Block
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the user can optionally set icbn to -9 and provide a control block title. This is used when coupling
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the units label of the input value should be an angle (radians or degrees)
⎧ G · ( X – C ) , if X > C
⎪ 1 2 1 2
Description: X out = ⎨ G · ( X 1 – C 1 ) , if X 1 < C 1
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
• for this control block, the user has no control for specifying the initial value. The code will evalu-
ate it internally
Description: X out = G · d ( X 1 )
n n–1
( X1 – X1 )
X out = G · -------------------------------------
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
Control Block
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
⎧ G · 1--- ⎛ ⎛ 1--- X ∆ t⎞ + X ⎞ ∆ t + X
⎪ out , if C 1 = 1.0
X out = ⎨ 2 ⎝⎝2 1 ⎠ sum⎠
⎩ X sum ∆ t + X out , if C 1 = 0.0
⎧ 1--- j j
⎪∑ X 1 ∆ t , if C 1 = 1.0
⎪ j =0
X sum = ⎨ n–1
⎪ j
G · X 1 ∆ t , if C 1 = 0.0
⎩ j =0
where n refers to the current timestep number. This means that Xsum is just a summation over all previous
timesteps. X1 and Xsum are reset to 0.0 if XOUT is against a limit and the sign of X1 does not change.
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
• CBCON1 (= 0.0 or 1.0) is the polynomial order for approximating the time dependence of X1 and
its integral
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
ICBN = 14. Divide (DIV)
⎧ X1
⎪ G · ------ , if C 1 =0.0
⎪ X2
Description: X out = ⎨ .
⎪ C1
⎪ G · ------
, if C 1 ≠ 0.0
⎩ 1
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• if a constant numerator is desired, then |CBCON1| must be greater than 1.0E-6 (accounts for
numerical roundoff close to zero). Otherwise, a value of 0.0 is assumed causing the control block
to default to its normal behavior of using the value given by the ICB1 ID number as the numerator
⎪ G , if ( X 1 + X 2 ) = 1.0
Control Block
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise Data
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G , if X 1 = X 2
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the input value given by ICB1 must lie within the range of -675.84 and 741.67, otherwise the pre-
viously calculated output value is used
Required? Comment
Control Block
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally Data
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
• the input values given by the ICB1 and ICB3 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
⎪ G · X 1 , if X 2 = 1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , if X = 0.0
⎩ 2
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the input value given by the ICB2 ID number must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G , if X 1 ≥ X 2
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
⎪ G , if X 1 > X 2
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
⎪ G · X 1 , if X 3 = 1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G · X , if X = 0.0
⎩ 2 3
Control Block
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input value given by the ICB3 ID number must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎧ G · ⎛ 1--- X ∆ t⎞ + X
⎪ ⎝2 1 ⎠ out , if C 1 = 1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎩ G · ( X 1 ∆t ) + X out , if C 1 = 0.0
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON1 Yes polynomial order of approximation
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
• CBCON1 = 0.0 or 1.0 is the polynomial order for approximating the time dependence of X1
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB2 and ICB3 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
• CBCON1 = 0.0 or 1.0 is the polynomial order for approximating the time dependence of X1
⎪ 0.0 , if ( X 1 + X 2 ) = 0.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G , otherwise
Required? Comment
Control Block
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
ICB3 No Data
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Description: X out = X O ( t )
C1 · d XO ( t ) + XO ( t ) = G · X1 ( t )
where C1 is the lag constant, and G is a constant gain factor. In the Laplace transform domain, XO is given
G · X1 ( s ) + C1 · XO ( t = 0 )
X O ( s ) = --------------------------------------------------------------------
C1 · s + 1
Required? Comment
• the user is not able to specify this control block’s initial value - it is given by G*ICB1 at t=0
⎪ 0.0 , if X 1 = 0.0 OR time > (C 1 + t s )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G , if X = 1.0 AND time ≤ ( C + t )
⎩ 1 1 s
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
where ts is the time when L1 switches from 0.0 to 1.0.
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the
control block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input value given by the ICB1 ID number must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ 0.0 , if X 3 = 0.0 , ( reset mode )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪G · N
⎩ state , if X 3 = 1.0 , ( count mode )
where Nstate = number of times L1 has changed state since enabled (when L3 = 1.0)
Required? Comment
Control Block
ICB3 Yes ID number of second input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB3 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G · X 1 , if X 3 = 1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G · X , if X = 0.0
⎩ 2 3
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
ICB3 Yes ID number of third input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB2, ICB3 and ICB3 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or
Description: X out = X O ( t )
d X ( t ) + X ( t ) = G · ⎛ C · d X ( t ) + X ( t )⎞
C2 ·
dt O O ⎝ 1 dt 1 1 ⎠
where C1 is the lead constant (always >= 0.0), C2 is the lag constant (always >= 0.0), and G is a constant
gain factor. In the Laplace transform domain, XO is given by
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
G · X1 ( s ) · ( C1 · s + 1 ) + C2 · XO ( t = 0 ) – C1 · G · X1 ( t = 0 )
X O ( s ) = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C2 · s + 1
Required? Comment
• the user is not able to specify this control block’s initial value - it is given by G*X1 at t=0
• if CBCON1 = CBCON2, the output value is given by G*X1 (unless CBCON2 = 0.0)
⎧ G · ⎛ 1--- X ∆ t⎞ + X
⎪ ⎝2 1 ⎠ out , if C 1 = 1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎩ G · ( X 1 ∆t ) + X out , if C 1 = 0.0
X1 is set to 0.0 if XOUT is against a limit and the sign of X1 does not change.
Control Block
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
• CBCON1 = 0.0 or 1.0 is the polynomial order for approximating the time dependence of X1.
Description: X out = G · ln ( X 1 )
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the signal value associated with the ICB1 ID number should always be > 0.0, otherwise a fatal
error will be produced
⎪ G , if ( X 1 ≤ X 2 )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
⎪ G , if ( X 1 < X 2 )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Control Block
Description: X out = MAX ( X 1 , X 2 ) Data
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
where X1max is the maximum value of the input signal since the start of the transient
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to X1 when the initial value is evaluated internally
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
where X1min is the minimum value of the input signal since the start of the transient
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to X1 when the initial value is evaluated internally
Control Block
Description: X out = G · X 1 X 2
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
⎪ 0.0 , if ( X 1 + X 2 ) = 2.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G , if ( X 1 ≠ X 2 )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G , if ( X 1 + X 2 ) = 0.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Control Block
• The input values given by the ICB1 and ICB2 ID numbers must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G , if X 1 = 0.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , if X = 1.0
⎩ 1
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the
control block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input value given by the ICB1 ID number must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G · ( X 1 – X 2 ) , if ( X 1 > X 2 )
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• NINT is the actual F90 intrinsic used - it calculates the nearest integer given a real number, based
on standard round-off rules.
• the input signal should be less than or equal to 2.81474976710654d14 to ensure proper quantiza-
tion. If it is greater than this value, the code will produce a fatal error
⎪ G · ( time – C1 ) , if time > C 1
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
Control Block
CBCON1 Yes constant denoting starting time of ramp operation
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
⎪ G · RANF , if time ≥ C 1
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
CBCON1 Yes starting time of random number generation
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
⎪ G · X 1 , if X 2 ≥ 0.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ – G · X , if X < 0.0
⎩ 1 2
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the
control block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the units label of input signal, X1, should be an angle = (rad, deg)
Description: X out = – G · X 1
Control Block
Notes: Data
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Description: X out = X O ( t )
d d
C2 · XO ( t ) + C1 · XO ( t ) + XO ( t ) = G · X1 ( t )
dt dt
where C1 is the lead constant (always ≥ 0.0), C2 is the lag constant (always ≥ 0.0), and G is a constant gain
factor. In the Laplace transform domain, XO is given by
⎧ d ⎫
G · X1 ( s ) · ( C1 · XO ( t = 0 ) ) + C2 · ⎨ s · XO ( t = 0 ) + XO ( t ) ⎬
⎩ dt t=0 ⎭
X O ( s ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (6-1)
C2 · s + C1 · s + 1
Required? Comment
• the user is not able to specify this control block’s initial value - it is given by G*ICB1 at t=0
• CBCON1 and CBCON2 must both be >= 0.0, otherwise an input error will occur
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
ICBN = 52. Square root (SQRT)
Description: X out = G · X 1
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the input value given by the ICB1 ID number should never be negative. If it is, a fatal error is
⎪ G , if time ≥ C 1
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Control Block
Required? Comment
ICB1 No Data
CBCON1 Yes starting time of step operation
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Description: X out = G · ( X 1 – X 2 )
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the units label of input signal, X1, should be an angle (radians or degrees)
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
ICBN = 56. Sum constant (TSCN)
Description: X out = G · ( X 1 + C 1 )
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Description: X out = G · ( X 1 + X 2 + X 3 )
Required? Comment
Control Block
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
⎧ G · X , if X > X
⎪ 2 1 2
Description: X out = ⎨ G · X 3 , if X 1 < X 3
⎪ G · X , otherwise
⎩ 1
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
ICB3 Yes ID number of third input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Description: X out = G · ( C 1 X 1 + C 2 X 2 )
Required? Comment
• for this control block, the user has no control for specifying the initial value. The code will evalu-
ate it internally
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
⎧ X2
⎪ G · X 1 , if C 1 =0.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G · X C1 , if C ≠ 0.0
⎩ 1 1
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• if a constant exponent is desired, then |CBCON1| must be greater than 1.0E-6. Otherwise, a value
of 0.0 (to account for numerical roundoff) is assumed, causing the control block to default to its
default behavior of using the ICB2 input value as the exponent
⎪ G · X 1 , if X 2 = 1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ X out , otherwise
Control Block
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• the control block output is hardwired to 0.0 when the initial value is evaluated internally
• The input value given by the ICB2 ID number must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0)
⎪ G , if X 1 = +1.0 or -1.0
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ 0.0 , otherwise
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• The input value given by the ICB1 ID number must be logical in nature (0.0 or 1.0). The user
should beware that the input value should correspond to a trip’s set status, although the code does
not enforce this rule - any input with a logical value will work.
where Tset is the time the trip (denoted by input signal X1) last turned true.
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of input signal
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• if this control block type is added to a restart run and the trip to which it refers is already on at time
zero, then the time that is used is the transient time pulled from the dump file, not when the trip
actually turned on during the previous run.
Required? Comment
Control Block
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero Data
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• an additional card is required by this control block type in order for the user to specify each of the
input ID numbers that are needed. The number of entries corresponds to the value provided for
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• an additional card is required by this control block type in order for the user to specify each of the
input ID numbers that are needed. The number of entries corresponds to the value provided for
Description: X out = X in
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
ICBN = 77. Time of Change (TOCH)
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
⎪ G · X 1 ( t=0 ) , if time ≤ C 1
Description: X out = ⎨
⎪ G · X 1 ( t=time-C 1 ) , otherwise
To clarify, if (time .LE. C1), X1 is evaluated at the time the control block is input; otherwise X1 is evaluated
at time (time–C1). The user must also provide the variable n, which is the number of storage table pairs for
saving values of X1 over the last C1 seconds. X1 is stored at intervals of approximately C1/(n–1) s; the con-
trol block uses linear interpolation to obtain the desired value of X1(time–C1).
Control Block
Required? Comment
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Description: X out = G · f ( X 1 )
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Description: X out = G · f ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 )
Required? Comment
ICB1 Yes ID number of first input signal
ICB2 Yes ID number of second input signal
ICB3 Yes ID number of third input signal
Yes denotes the number of table entry pairs that define
the lookup table (in the form of a composite #)
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
• CBCON1, is a composite number with the following form: 10000.0 * N1 + 100.0 * N2 + N3, where
N1 = number of X1 values (2 <= N1 <= 99), N2 = number of X2 values (2 <= N2 <= 99), and N3 =
number of X3 values (2 <= N3 <= 99).
• Input zero for X3 and N3 for a tabular function of two independent variables.
• Input the function table in the following order: the N1 values of X1, the N2 values of X2, the N3
values of X3, and the [N1*N2* max(1,N3)] function values.
⎛ n ⎞
⎜ ⎟
Description: X out = G · ⎜ C 1 + ∑ ( A i X i )⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ i=1 ⎠
The variable n denotes the number of Xn entries which represent the control block input ID numbers. The
ICB2 variable is used as a flag (0 or 1) to denote the presence of the An weighting factor data. When
ICB2=1, an appropriate units label corresponding to the An factors is input immediately following control
block Card Number 3. Then the weighting factors (A1 through An) are specified (in load format). If
ICB2=0, then all weighting factors are internally set to 1.0. The input ID’s are included as an array of
numbers (also in load format and dimension n) immediately following the weighting factors (when
ICB2=1) or Card Number 3 (when ICB2=0).
Required? Comment
Control Block
CBCON1 Optional leading constant
CBCON2 Optional control block initial value, if non-zero
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
• Additional input variables (beyond those listed above - see Card Number 7, Card Number 8,
and Card Number 9) are required by this control block type in order for the user to specify each
of the input ID numbers that are needed. The number of entries corresponds to the value provided
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
for ICB1.
Description: X out = G · ∏ Xi
The variable n denotes the number of Xi table entries which represent the control block inputs ID’s. These
values are entered as an array of values immediately following control block card 3.
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Description: X out = A = A 0 + ∆A
Refer to Figure 6-1 for a schematic of the functional form of this control block. X1 = ID number of F, X2
= ID number of Fd when Fd is an input parameter rather than a constant value; C1 = Fd, a constant value;
C2 = A0, the initial XOUT; G = (∆A/∆F); XMIN = Amin; and XMAX = Amax. A third input-data card is
required to specify ∆td > 0.0 and τ ≥ 0.0.
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
∆A 1
∆A PI = ⎛ ---------⎞ ∆F + ⎛⎝ ---------⎞⎠ ∫ ∆F dt
⎝ ∆F ⎠ est ∆t d
PI Control Block
ICBN = 3
Integrate CBGAIN = (∆A/∆F)est
ICBN = 23
CBGAIN = 1/∆td
1 ⎞ ∆F dt
⎛ ---------
⎝ ∆t d ⎠ ∫ ∆API
First-Order Lag
ICBN = 26
CBCON1 = τ
∆F = Fd - F
Control Block
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
• in this case, the CBCON2 value is taken as the control block’s initial value; it is not evaluated
internally, even when CBCON2 = 0.0
• the user has the choice of making the desired setpoint, Fd, either a constant value, or dynamically
defined. If ICB2 is non-zero, then a new setpoint value is determined each timestep; otherwise a
constant value defined by CBCON1 is used
Description: X out = A = A 0 + ∆A
Refer to Figure 6-2 for a schematic of the functional form of this control block. X1 = ID number of F, X2
= ID number of Fd when Fd is an input parameter rather than a constant value; C1 = Fd, a constant value;
C2 = A0, the initial XOUT; G = (∆A/∆F); XMIN = Amin; and XMAX = Amax. A third input-data card is
required to specify ∆td > 0.0, τ ≥ 0.0, and 0.0 ≤ Wt ≤ 1.0.
Required? Comment
• In this case, the CBCON2 value is taken as the control block’s initial value; it is not evaluated
internally, even when CBCON2 = 0.0
• The user has the choice of making the desired setpoint, Fd, either a constant value, or dynamically
defined. If ICB2 is non-zero, then a new setpoint value is determined each timestep; otherwise a
constant value defined by CBCON1 is used
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
∆A 1 d∆F
∆A PID = ⎛ ---------⎞ ∆F + ⎛⎝ --------- ⎞⎠ ∫ ∆F dt + ∆t d ⎛ ------------⎞ + ∆F
⎝ ∆F ⎠ est ∆t d ⎝ dt ⎠
Sum Three
1 ⎞ ∆F dt
⎛ --------- ICBN = 57
⎝ ∆t d ⎠ ∫
ICBN = 23 (∆A/∆F)est
CBGAIN = 1/∆td
∆t d d ∆F + ∆F
Derivative ∆APID
ICBN = 12 Wt. Summer
CBGAIN = ∆td
ICBN = 59
CBCON1 = Wt First-Order Lag
CBCON2 = 1-Wt ICBN = 26
∆t d d ∆F CBCON1 = τ
∆F = Fd - F
Add Sum Constant
Sum Constant
ICBN = 3 ICBN = 56
ICBN = 56 CBXMIN = Amin
CBGAIN = -1.0
∆F CBXMAX = Amax
CBCON1 = -Fd
Control Block
Signal Variable Component Action
F A = Ao + ∆A
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
Description: X out = f ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , C 1 , C 2 )
This lumped controller performs BWR vessel downcomer water level control function. It can be used in
both the steady state and the transient calculations. The output value of the control block is the desired
feedwater mass flow rate which may be used to define the feedwater line FILL component mass flow rate.
All three inputs (X1, X2 and X3) require the output values from other control blocks or signal variables. X1
corresponds to the vessel downcomer water level (which could be provided by the signal variable type
106). The units for X1 are in meters. X2 corresponds to the current time step feedwater line mass flow rate
(units are in kg/sec). X3 corresponds to the current time step steam line mass flow rate (units are in kg/
sec). C1 is the user desired vessel collapsed water level position (m) and C2 is the nominal steady state
feedwater line mass flow rate (kg/sec).
Required? Comment
• for this control block, the user has no control for specifying the initial value. The code will evalu-
ate it internally
Description: X out = f ( X 1 , C 1 , C 2 )
The output of this controller represents the required BWR recirculation pump motor torque (N*m) to
achieve the desired mass flow rate through the jet pump discharge. X1 provides the controller with the cur-
rent jet pump discharge line mass flow rate (kg/sec). C1 is the user desired jet pump discharge line mass
flow rate, and C2 is the rated pump motor torque. Please note the controller can only adjust the pump
motor torque between 75% to 125% of the rated motor torque.
Required? Comment
TRACE V5.0 Control Block Data
CBCON1 Yes desired jet pump discharge flow rate
CBCON2 Yes rated pump motor torque
• for this control block, the user has no control for specifying the initial value. The code will evalu-
ate it internally
Description: X out = f ( X 1 , C 1 )
The output of this controller represents the required valve open area ratio to achieve the desired pressure at
the up-stream of the valve. X1 provides the controller with the valve up-stream pressure (Pa). C1 is the user
desired pressure (Pa). C1 should fall between the range of 6.5E+6 Pa to 7.5E+6 Pa.
Required? Comment
• when CBCON2 <> 0.0, the control block’s initial value is set to CBCON2; otherwise, the control
block’s initial state is evaluated internally
Control Block
Control Block Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
Trip Data
Trip data are defined when NTRP > 0 (Word 4 on Main-Data Card 10). There are 7 categories
of trip-input data. The first category, defined by Card Number 1, is always input when NTRP >
0. The five variables on this card and NTRP define the variable storage required for the remaining
6 trip-input data categories. In each remaining category, none, part, or all of the data can be input.
Any data that are not input are obtained from the restart file.
Variable Description
NTSE The number of different signal-expression trip signals from input and the restart
file (NTSE ≥ 0) (used to dimension variable storage).
NTCT The number of different trip-controlled trip signals from input and the restart file
(NTCT ≥ 0) (used to dimension variable storage).
NTSF The number of different set-point factor tables referenced by trips from input and
the restart file (NTSF ≥ 0) (used to dimension variable storage).
NTDP The number of trips from input and the restart file that generate a restart dump and
possible problem termination when they are set ON (NTDP ≥ 0) (used to
dimension variable storage).
NTSD The number of trip-controlled timestep data sets from input and the restart file that
are used for timestep and edit control when their defined trips are set ON (NTSD
≥ 0) (used to dimension variable storage).
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
IDTP The trip ID number (1 ≤ |IDTP| ≤ 9999). Negative trip ID numbers have their trip
set status evaluated during both the steady-state and transient calculations.
Positive trip ID numbers have their trip set status evaluated only during the
transient calculation with the input value of the trip set status, ISET, used
throughout the steady-state calculation.
ISRT The signal-range type number. Over the value range of the trip signal, the signal-
range type number ISRT defines either one (ISRT = ±6 to ±11), two (ISRT = ±1 or
±2) or three (ISRT = ±3, ±4, or ±5) subranges with different set-status labels
(ONReverse, OFF, or ONForward). Refer to Table 6-4 for a description of these
subranges and their delimiting setpoint values for all possible values of ISRT (1 ≤
|ISRT| ≤ 11).
ISET The initial trip set-status number (only used during steady state when IDTP > 0).
–1 = ONReverse;
0 = OFF;
1 = ONForward.
For ITST = ±1 or ±4, IDSG is the ID number for the trip-signal variable (IDSG >
0 corresponds to IDSV in the signal-variable data and IDSG < 0 corresponds to
IDCB in the control-block data)
For ITST = ±2, IDSG is the trip-signal expression ID number (IDSG corresponds
to IDSE in the trip-signal-expression data that follow),
For ITST = ±3, ISDG is the trip-controlled trip signal (IDSG corresponds to IDTN
in the trip-controlled trip data that follow).
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
Card Number 3. (Format I4) ISLATCHED
Variable Description
ISLATCHED Integer value indicating whether this is a latched trip. Latched trips will not
trip OFF once they have tripped ON.
Variable Description
SETP NSP The trip-signal setpoint values (*) shown as S# (where # = I) in the
Table 6-4 definition of ISRT (Word 2 on Card Number 2: Trip-
Defining Variables). For ISRT = ±1 or ±2, NSP = 2; for ISRT = ±3,
±4, or ±5, NSP = 4. For ISRT= ±6, ±7, ±8, ±9, ±10, or ±11, NSP =
1. The setpoint values must satisfy SETP(1) < SETP(2) when
ISRT = ±1 or ±2 or SETP(1) < SETP(2) < SETP(3) < SETP(4)
when ISRT = ±3, ±4 or ±5.
1.0 when the trip signal goes from 0.0 to 1.0 or 1.0 to 0.0 and
changes the trip’s set status.]
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
DTSP NSP The setpoint delay times (s) after the trip signal crosses the setpoint
value to when the trip set status is changed. For ISRT = ±1 or ±2,
NSP = 2; for ISRT = ±3, ±4, or ±5, NSP = 4. For ISRT= ±6, ±7,
±8, ±9, ±10, or ±11, NSP = 1.
1* ONforward OFF
ONforward OFF
SETP1 < SETP2 arrows denote trip signal
When ONForward, trip is set to OFF when the trip signal > SETP2.
When OFF, trip is set to ONForward when the trip signal < SETP1.
2* OFF ONforward
OFF ONforward
SETP1 < SETP2 arrows denote trip signal
When OFF, trip is set to ONForward when the trip signal > SETP2.
When ONForward, trip is set to OFF when the trip signal < SETP1.
ONforward OFF OFF ONreverse
ONforward OFF ONreverse
arrows denote trip signal
When ONForward, trip is set to OFF when trip signal > SETP2 and < SETP4.
When ONForward, trip is set to ONReverse when the trip signal > SETP4.
When OFF, the trip is set to ONForward when the trip signal < SETP1.
When OFF, trip is set to ONReverse when the trip signal > SETP4.
When ONReverse, trip is set to OFF when the trip signal < SETP3 and > SETP1.
When ONReverse, trip is set to ONForward when the trip signal < SETP1.
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
Table 6-4. Trip Signal-range Types. (Continued)
OFF ONforward ONforward OFF
ONforward OFF OFF ONforward
ONforward OFF ONforward
arrows denote trip signal
When ONForward (left), trip is set to OFF when the trip signal > SETP2 and <
When OFF, trip is set to ONForward when the trip signal < SETP1 or > SETP4.
When ONForward (right), the trip is set to OFF when signal < SETP3 and >
6 ONForward
SETP1 arrow denotes trip signal
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
ONforward OFF
SETP1 arrow denotes trip signal
OFF ONforward
SETP1 arrows denote trip signal
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
Card Number 7. (Format 4I14) IFSP(I), I = (1, NSP)
Note: If none of the trip input has ITST = ±2 (Word 4 on Card Number 2: Trip-Defining
Variables ), do not input Card Number 8 through Card Number 11 (Trip-Signal-
Expression Signal Cards).] Otherwise, input the following card data for each
different IDSG trip-signal ID number of trips with ITST = ±2 that are input.
Variable Description
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
Note: Input INSE (Word 2 on Card Number 8) cards of this card to define the J = (1,
INSE) arithmetic sub-expressions
Variable Description
ISE(1,J) The arithmetic-operator ID number of the Jth arithmetic subexpression (see Table
Table 6-5).
The first and second argument ID numbers define values that, when operated on by the arithmetic
operator, give a value to their Jth arithmetic subexpression. There are five forms for the value of
the first and second argument ID numbers:
1) a signal-variable or control-block output value evaluated each timestep when their ID
number is a signal-variable ID number 1 ≤ IDSV ≤ 399 (Word 1 of the Signal-Vari-
able Card Number 1) or a control-block ID number –9999 ≤ IDCB ≤ –1 (Word 1 of
Card Number 1, Chapter 6);
2) a signal-variable value evaluated initially and at timesteps when the trip controlled by
this signal expression is set to ONReverse or ONForward when their ID number is a sig-
nal-variable ID number IDSV plus 400 (400 < IDSV + 400 < 800);
3) a constant input on Card Number 11 when its ID number is the ith subscript of
SCN(I) plus 800 (800 < I + 800 < 806);
4) the value of an earlier subexpression J (0 < j < J ≤ INSE) when their ID number is J
plus 900 (900 < J + 900 < 910); or
5) a trip output value evaluated each timestep when its ID number is a trip ID number
10001 < |IDTP|+10000 < 19999 (Word 1 on Card Number 2: Trip-Defining Vari-
– 10⎞
max ( IDSV = 5 ) + ( IDSV = 33 ) , 1.0 × 10 ,
would be input as
1 5 033
5 901 801
6 902 802
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
where SCN(1) = 0.5, SCN(2) = 1.0 × 10-10, INCN = 2, and INSE = 3.
LSCN INCN The units-name labels of the constants used to evaluate the
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If INCN > 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), input this card.
Note: If none of the trips being input have ITST = ±3 (Word 4 on Card Number 2: Trip-
Defining-Variables), do not input Card Number 12 and Card Number 13 (Trip-
Controlled-Trip Signal Cards).
Input the following card data for each different IDSG trip-signal ID number of
trips having ITST = ±3 that are input.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
Card Number 13. (Format I14) ITN(I), I = (1, INTN)
ITN INTN The trip ID numbers whose ISET set-status values are summed
(IDTN > 0) or multiplied (IDTN < 0) to evaluate this trip-
controlled-trip signal.
Note: If all the trips have constant trip-signal set points because IFSP(I) = 0 (Trip-
Defining Variables Card Number 7) was input for all the setpoints, do not input
Card Number 14 and Card Number 15 (Trip Setpoint-Factor Table Cards).
Input the following card data for each different setpoint factor-table ID number,
IFSP(I), defined in the input trips.
Variable Description
IDFT The setpoint-factor table ID number. This number corresponds to IFSP(I) (Trip-
Defining Variables: Card Number 7) for one or more trip setpoints.
IDSG The signal-variable or control-block ID number defining the setpoint-factor table
independent variable. This number corresponds to one of the ID numbers in the
list of signal variables (IDSG > 0) or control blocks (IDSG < 0), either from input
or from the restart file.
INFT The number of setpoint-factor table entry pairs (2 ≤ INFT ≤ 10).
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
NDMP The total number of trips from the input file and the restart dump that generate a
restart dump and possible problem termination when any one of the trips is set to
ONReverse or ONForward (0 ≤ NDMP ≤ NTDP).
Note: The input deck defines NDMP trip ID numbers, and the NTDP-NDMP
remaining trip ID numbers will be obtained from the restart file. If NDMP = 0,
do not input this card because all NTDP trip ID numbers will be obtained from
the restart file.
IDMP NDMP The absolute value of the trip ID numbers that generate a restart
data dump when any one of the trips is set to ONReverse or ONForward.
If IDMP(I) is given a negative sign, problem termination will
occur after the restart data dump is generated.
TRACE V5.0 Trip Data
Card Number 18. (Format 2I14) NDID, NTID
Variable Description
NDID The ID number for the following set of trip-initiated timestep data.
NTID The number of trip ID numbers that initiates the use of this timestep data set when
any one of the trips is set to ONReverse or ONForward (1 ≤ NTID ≤ 5).
ITID NTID The trip ID numbers that initiate use of this timestep data set when
any one of the trips is set to ONReverse or ONForward.
Variable Description
Variable Description
Trip Data TRACE V5.0
Timestep data on Card Number 20 and Card Number 21 replace the timestep data defined later
in Chapter 6 for a time interval DTEND (Word 3 on Card Number 20) after any one of the
timestep data set assigned trip is set to ONReverse or ONForward. This timestep data can be replaced
by this or any other trip-controlled timestep data if any trip assigned to that timestep data set is set
to ONReverse or ONForward before the time interval DTEND of this set ends.
TRACE V5.0 General Table Data
General Table
General Table Data
The general heat structure table data can be used by the HTSTR component (See Chapter 6,
Card Set 11, Card Set 16, Card Set 17, Card Set 23, and Card Set 24). If the NAMELIST
variable NUMGENTBL is greater than zero, then the general heat structure data must be input.
If general heat structure tables are used and restarts are made, NAMELIST variable
NUMGENTBL and GENTABLENUMBER (Card Number 1) are required in the restart input
The GENTABLENUMBER array contains the general table numbers for the general tables that
will be read from the TRACE input and/or restart file. The GENTABLENUMBER array is
NUMGENTBL elements long and is defined below:
Variable Description
General Table Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
NPTS Number of points (i.e. x-y pairs) in this general table. If NPTS is one, then
this general table is a constant table. The y(1) table value will always be the
result independent of the x independent value used to evaluate this table.
TABLETYPE Table type.
1 = Power (W, Btu/hr) versus Time table.
2 = Heat transfer rate [W/s, (Btu/hr)/s] versus Time table .
3 = Heat transfer coefficient(HTC) [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 oF hr)]
versus Time table.
4 = HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 oF hr)] versus Surface temperature
(K, oF) table.
5 = HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 oF hr)] versus Surface temperature
(ST) (K, oF) table.
6 = Temperature (K, oF) versus Time table.
7 = Reactivity versus Time table.
8 = Normalized valve flow area versus Valve stem position table.
9 = HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 oF hr)] versus Control block/Signal
variable table.
10 = Heat flux [W/m2, (Btu/hr)/ft2] versus Control block/Signal
variable table.
11 = Surface temperature (K, oF) versus Control block/Signal
variable table.
XCBSVID Control block/signal variable id. Positive number implies a signal variable
id. Negative number implies a control block id. XCBSVID cannot be zero.
TRIPID Trip id. Only used if x independent variable for this table is time.
OUTBOUNDS Out of bounds flag. The out of bounds flag determines the action that will
be taken when an out of bounds error occurs.
-2 = out of table bounds error will result in fatal error.
-1 = out of table bounds error will result in a warning message and
last point in table will be used for the y dependent variable
0 = out of table bounds error will result in last point in table will be
used for the y dependent variable result.
1 = out of table bounds error will result in linear extrapolation based
on the last two points in the table to determine the y dependent
variable result.
TRACE V5.0 General Table Data
General Table
General Table Array Card.
One array card will be input for each general table data set.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
The following examples illustrate the use of the general heat structure table data.
free format
* main data *
* numtcr ieos inopt nmat
14 0 1 0
*-*-*TEST PROBLEM idbc3
Testing constant heat flux (from table) bc
Replaces pipe wall with new heat structure
Pipe wall includes power = 50 kw
Coolant is liquid at Tliq = 300 K.
Flow rate through pipe is = 1 kg/sec.
Pipe has a flow area of 0.2 m**2, four cells long with,
each cell 0.5 m long, volume of each cell is 0.1 m**2.
Pipe wall thickness is 0.05 m and has 4 nodes in pipe wall.
Pipe outside wall heat flux is 22586.7 W/m2 == 50 kW input.
Total energy input: 100 kW
Pipe inner diameter = 0.25231 m and a radius of 0.12616 m
Asurf-inner = pi*D*L = pi*0.25231*2 = 1.58531 m**2
* namelist data *
nhtstr=1, cpuflg=1, npower=1, numGenTbl = 4, (see Main-Data Card 4)
* dstep timet
0 0.0000e+00
* stdyst transi ncomp njun ipak
1 0 5 2 1
* epso epss
General Table Data TRACE V5.0
1.0000e-03 1.0000e-10
* oitmax sitmax isolut ncontr
10 10 0 0
* ntsv ntcb ntcf ntrp ntcp
1 0 0 1 0
* component-number data *
* iorder* 1 2 3 4 901e
* control-parameter data *
* signal variables
* idsv isvn ilcn icn1 icn2
1 0 0 0 0
* trips
* ntse ntct ntsf ntdp ntsd
0 0 0 0 0
* idtp isrt iset itst idsg
2 2 0 1 1
* setp(1) setp(2)
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* dtsp(1) dtsp(2)
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* ifsp(1) ifsp(2)
0 0
* General Tables *
* table numbers in this model
* Card Number 1
1 2 30 4 e
* tableNumber
* Card Number 2
*Card Number 3
* nPoints tabletype SigId tripID outBounds
5 2 1 2 -2
* Card Set 4
* Table Data
* Time(s) QFlux(w/m^2)
0.0 22586.7s
100.0 22586.7s
300.0 0.0s
500.0 22586.7s
3000.0 22586.7e
* tableNumber
* Card Number 2
* nPoints tabletype SigId tripID outBounds
*Card Number 3
5 2 1 2 -1
* Card Set 4
* Table Data
* Time(s) QFlux(w/m^2)
0.0 22586.7s
TRACE V5.0 General Table Data
General Table
100.0 22586.7s
300.0 0.0s
500.0 22586.7s
2500.0 22586.7e
* tableNumber
* Card Number 2
*Card Number 3
* nPoints tabletype SigId tripID outBounds
4 2 1 2 0
* Card Set 4
* Table Data
* Time(s) QFlux(w/m^2)
0.0 22586.7s
100.0 22586.7s
300.0 0.0s
500.0 22586.7e
* Card Number 2
* tableNumber
*Card Number 3
* nPoints tabletype SigId tripID outBounds
5 2 1 2 1
* Card Set 4
* Table Data
* Time(s) QFlux(w/m^2)
0.0 22586.7s
100.0 22586.7s
300.0 0.0s
500.0 22586.7s
600.0 22586.7e
* component data *
******* type num id ctitle
pipe 2 2 subcooled liquid channel
* ncells nodes jun1 jun2 epsw
4 0 1 3 0.0000e+00
* ichf iconc iacc ipow
1 0 0 0
* radin th houtl houtv toutl
0.12616 1.0000e-01 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 3.0000e+02
* toutv
* dx * f 5.0000e-01e
* vol * f 1.0000e-01e
* fa * f 2.0000e-01e
* fric * f 0.0000e+00e
* grav * f 1.0000e+00e
* hd * f 2.5231e-01e
* nff * f 1e
* alp * f 0.0000e+00e
* vl * f 0.0000e+00e
* vv * f 0.0000e+00e
* tl * 3.0000e+02 f 320.0e
* tv * f 3.0000e+02e
* p * f 2.0000e+06e
* pa * f 0.0000e+00e
General Table Data TRACE V5.0
******* type num id ctitle
fill 1 1 velocity bc
* jun1 ifty ioff
1 2 0
* twtold rfmx concin felv
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 5.0000e-04 0.0000e+00
* dxin volin alpin vlin tlin
5.0000e-01 1.0000e-01 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 3.0000e+02
* pin pain flowin vvin tvin
2.0000e+06 0.0000e+00 1.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 3.0000e+02
******* type num id ctitle
break 3 3 pressure bc
* jun1 ibty isat ioff
3 0 0 0
* dxin volin alpin tin pin
5.0000e-01 1.0000e-01 0.0000e+00 3.2000e+02 2.0000e+06
* pain concin rbmx poff belv
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
******* type num id ctitle
htstr 4 4 powered-rod conductor
* nzhtstr ittc hscyl ichf (nzhtstr is flag
for general table use)
4 0 1 1
* nopowr plane liqlev iaxcnd
0 2 0 0
* nmwrx nfci nfcil hdri hdro
1 0 0 0.25231 0.35231
* nhot nodes irftr nzmax
0 4 0 4
* dtxht(1) dtxht(2) dznht hgapo shelv
5.0000e+00 1.0000e+01 5.0000e-02 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* idbciN * 2 2 2 2e
* idbcoN * 3 3 3 3e
* hcomi nhcelii nhcelji nhcelki
2 1 0 0 e
2 2 0 0 e
2 3 0 0 e
2 4 0 0 e
* outside bc
* General Heat Structure Table Data usage (Card Set 17)
* table Number
1 e
2 e
30 e
4 e
* dzhtstr * f 0.5 e
* rdx * 1.0e
* radrd * 1.2616e-01 1.4283e-01 1.5949e-01 1.7616e-01e
* matrd * f 7e
* nfax * f 0e
* rftn * f 3.0000e+02e
* fpuo2 * 0.0000e+00e
* ftd * 9.2500e-01e
* gmix * f 0.0000e+00e
* gmles * 0.0000e+00e
* pgapt * 0.0000e+00e
* plvol * 2.0000e-05e
* pslen * 3.6576e+00e
* clenn * 3.9576e+00e
* burn * f 2.6620e+03e
******* type num id ctitle
TRACE V5.0 General Table Data
General Table
power 901 901 power data input test1
* npowr
* htnid
* irpwty ndgx ndhx nrts nhist
5 0 -11 5 0
* izpwtr izpwsv nzpwtb nzpwsv nzpwrf
0 1 1 0 0
* ipwrad ipwdep
0 0
* nzpwz nzpwi nfbpwt
0 0 0
* react tneut rpwoff rrpwmx rpwscl
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.0000e+00
* rpowri zpwin zpwoff rzpwmx
5.0000e+04 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* extsou pldr pdrat fucrac
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.3000e+00 7.0000e-01
* rdpwr * f 1.0000e+00e
* cpowr * 1.0000e+00e
* zpwtb * f 1.0000e+00e
* time-step data *
* dtmin dtmax tend rtwfp
1.0000e-02 5.0000e+00 3.0000e+03 1.0000e+02
* edint gfint dmpint sedint
1.0000e+02 1.0000e+01 1.0000e+03 5.0000e+01
* time-step data *
* endflag
Example 2: Restart with general heat structure table data. No changes to the general table data.
free format
* main data *
* numtcr ieos inopt nmat
13 0 1 0
*-*-*TEST PROBLEM idbc3r
Replaces pipe wall with new heat structure
Pipe wall includes power = 50 kw
Coolant is liquid at Tliq = 300 K.
Flow rate through pipe is = 1 kg/sec.
General Table Data TRACE V5.0
Pipe has a flow area of 0.2 m**2, four cells long with,
each cell 0.5 m long, volume of each cell is 0.1 m**2.
Pipe wall thickness is 0.05 m and has 4 nodes in pipe wall.
Pipe outside wall heat flux is 22586.7 W/m2 == 50 kW input.
Total energy input: 100 kW
Pipe inner diameter = 0.25231 m and a radius of 0.12616 m
Asurf-inner = pi*D*L = pi*0.25231*2 = 1.58531 m**2
* namelist data *
nhtstr=1, cpuflg=1, npower=1, numGenTbl = 4, (NAMELIST variable, Main-
Data Card 4)
* dstep timet
-1 0.0000e+00
* stdyst transi ncomp njun ipak
0 1 5 2 1
* epso epss
1.0000e-03 1.0000e-10
* oitmax sitmax isolut ncontr
10 10 0 0
* ntsv ntcb ntcf ntrp ntcp
1 0 0 1 0
* component-number data *
* iorder* 1 2 3 4 901e
* control-parameter data *
* signal variables
* idsv isvn ilcn icn1 icn2
0 0 0 0 0
* trips
* ntse ntct ntsf ntdp ntsd
0 0 0 0 0
* idtp isrt iset itst idsg
0 2 0 1 1
* General tables to be obtained from the restart file.
* Card Number 1
1 2 30 4e
* read the general table data from the restart file
* End of general table input.
* component data *
TRACE V5.0 General Table Data
General Table
* time-step data *
* dtmin dtmax tend rtwfp
1.0000e-02 1.0000e+00 3.0000e+02 1.0000e+02
* edint gfint dmpint sedint
1.0000e+02 1.0000e+01 1.0000e+02 5.0000e+01
* time-step data *
* endflag
Example 3: Restart with general heat structure table data. Changes to general table 1 and read
table 2, 30, and 4 from the restat file.
free format
* main data *
* numtcr ieos inopt nmat
13 0 1 0
*-*-*TEST PROBLEM idbc3r2
Replaces pipe wall with new heat structure
Pipe wall includes power = 50 kw
Coolant is liquid at Tliq = 300 K.
Flow rate through pipe is = 1 kg/sec.
Pipe has a flow area of 0.2 m**2, four cells long with,
each cell 0.5 m long, volume of each cell is 0.1 m**2.
Pipe wall thickness is 0.05 m and has 4 nodes in pipe wall.
Pipe outside wall heat flux is 22586.7 W/m2 == 50 kW input.
Total energy input: 100 kW
Pipe inner diameter = 0.25231 m and a radius of 0.12616 m
Asurf-inner = pi*D*L = pi*0.25231*2 = 1.58531 m**2
* namelist data *
nhtstr=1, cpuflg=1, npower=1, numGenTbl = 4, (NAMELIST variable, Main-
Data Card 4)
* dstep timet
-1 0.0000e+00
* stdyst transi ncomp njun ipak
0 1 5 2 1
* epso epss
1.0000e-03 1.0000e-10
* oitmax sitmax isolut ncontr
10 10 0 0
* ntsv ntcb ntcf ntrp ntcp
1 0 0 1 0
General Table Data TRACE V5.0
* component-number data *
* iorder* 1 2 3 4 901e
* control-parameter data *
* signal variables
* idsv isvn ilcn icn1 icn2
0 0 0 0 0
* trips
* ntse ntct ntsf ntdp ntsd
0 0 0 0 0
* idtp isrt iset itst idsg
0 2 0 1 1
* General tables to be obtained from the restart file.
* Card Number 1
1 2 30 4e
* Card Number 2
* tableNumber
* Card Number 3
* nPoints tabletype SigId tripID outBounds
5 2 1 0 -2
* Card Set 4
* Table Data
* Time(s) QFlux(w/m^2)
0.0 22586.7s
100.0 22586.7s
300.0 0.0s
500.0 22586.7s
3000.0 22586.7e
* read the general table data from the restart file
* End of general table input.
* component data *
* time-step data *
* dtmin dtmax tend rtwfp
1.0000e-02 1.0000e+00 3.0000e+02 1.0000e+02
* edint gfint dmpint sedint
1.0000e+02 1.0000e+01 1.0000e+02 5.0000e+01
* time-step data *
* endflag
TRACE V5.0 General Table Data
General Table
General Table Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 BREAK Component Data
BREAK Component Data
Card Number 1. (Format A14,2I14,A30) TYPE, NUM, ID, CTITLE
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Variable Description
BREAK Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 4I14) JUN1, IBTY, ISAT, IOFF, ADJPRESS (Continued)
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 BREAK Component Data
Card Number 3. (Format 4I14) JUN1, IBTY, ISAT, IOFF, ADJPRESS (Continued)
Variable Description
IOFF The BREAK fluid-state option (defines the fluid state when the BREAK
table’s controlling-trip is OFF after being ON) [define IOFF when IBTR ≠ 0 or
6 (Word 1 on Card Number 4); Set IOFF = 0 for BREAK-type options IBTY
= 0 or 6 (Word 2 on Card Number 3)].
0 = the last BREAK table’s interpolated fluid state is held constant;
1 = define the initial fluid state;
2 = input the pressure to be used, but maintain the fluid condition that
existed when the trip was set OFF;
3 = input a complete fluid-state definition for when the controlling trip
is OFF after being ON.
ADJPRESS Active break option
0 = no relation between break pressure and adjacent pressure;
1 = break pressure is equal to the pressure in the adjacent cell.
Note: If ISAT ≠ 5 (Word 3 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
DELTL Liquid temperature (K, °F) offset from the BREAK-fluid saturation temperature.
The BREAK-cell liquid temperature is set to Tsat + DELTL where DELTL is
positive or negative valued.
DELTV Gas temperature (K, °F) offset from the BREAK-fluid saturation temperature. The
BREAK-cell gas temperature is set to Tsat + DELTV where DELTV is positive or
negative valued.
Note: If IBTY = 0 or 7 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If IBTY
= 6, the 5 fields of this card should be input with 0.
Variable Description
IBTR The trip ID number that controls evaluation of the BREAK table (|IBTR| < 9999).
Input IBTR = 0 if there is no trip control or if IBTY = 6 (Word 2 on Card
Number 3).
BREAK Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) IBTR, IBSV, NBTB, NBSV, NBRF (Continued)
Note: If IBTY = 0 or 7 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If IBTY
= 6, the 5 fields of this card should be input with 0.
Variable Description
Variable Description
DXIN Cell length (m, ft) (generally defined to be the same as its neighboring cell in the
adjacent component). Used to define the BREAK-cell flow area, VOLIN/DXIN,
and used in stratified-flow calculations.
VOLIN Volume (m3, ft3) of the BREAK cell. Used to define the BREAK-cell flow area,
VOLIN/DXIN, and used in stratified-flow calculations.
TRACE V5.0 BREAK Component Data
Card Number 6. (Format 5E14.4) DXIN, VOLIN, ALPIN, TIN, PIN (Continued)
Variable Description
Card Number 7. (Format 5E14.4) PAIN, CONCIN, RBMX, POFF, BELV
Variable Description
Variable Description
COMPID |COMPID| represents the CONTAN compartment user defined ID. When
COMPID>0, the BREAK is inside the vapor space of the compartment. When
COMPID < 0, the BREAK is inside the liquid space of the compartment.
Variable Description
BREAK Component Data TRACE V5.0
BDSPRAY If the BREAK is connected with the vapor region of a compartment and it is
injecting subcooled water into the containment, ‘BDSPRAY’ represents the
mass fraction of the injected liquid which reaches thermal equilibrium with the
fluid in the vapor space.
BDCOND If the BREAK is connected with the liquid region of a compartment and it is
injecting super-heated vapor and hot air into the containment, ‘BDCOND’
represents the mass fraction of the injected vapor which reaches thermal
equilibrium with the fluid in the liquid space.
Card Number 10. (Format 5E14.4) ALPOFF, TLOFF, TVOFF, PAOFF, CONOFF
Variable Description
ALPOFF BREAK gas volume fraction (–) when the controlling-trip is set OFF after being
ON (used only when IBTY ≥ 3).
TLOFF BREAK liquid temperature (K, °F) when the controlling-trip is set OFF after
being ON (used only when IBTY ≥ 2).
TVOFF BREAK gas temperature (K, °F) when the controlling-trip is set OFF after being
ON (used only when IBTY ≥ 2).
PAOFF BREAK noncondensable-gas partial pressure (Pa, psia) when the controlling-trip
is set OFF after being ON (used only when IBTY ≥ 4).
CONOFF BREAK solute mass to liquid-coolant mass ratio [kg(solute)/kg(liquid),
lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)] when the controlling-trip is set OFF after being ON. Used
only when IBTY = 5 and requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 6).
Card Number 11. (Format 5E14.4) PSCL, TLSCL, TVSCL, PASCL, CONSCL
Variable Description
PSCL Pressure scale factor (–). The dependent variable in the pressure table PTB is
multiplied by this factor to obtain absolute pressure (Pa, psia) (used only when
IBTY ≥ 1).
TRACE V5.0 BREAK Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5E14.4) PSCL, TLSCL, TVSCL, PASCL, CONSCL (Continued)
Variable Description
TLSCL Liquid-temperature scale factor (–). The dependent variable in the liquid-
temperature table TLTB is converted to absolute liquid temperature (K, °R),
multi-plied by this factor to obtain the absolute liquid temperature (K, °R), and
converted back to SI/English units liquid temperature (K, °F) (used only when
IBTY ≥ 2).
TVSCL Gas-temperature scale factor (–). The dependent variable in the vapor-temperature
table TVTB is converted to absolute gas temperature (K, °R), multiplied by this
factor to obtain the absolute gas temperature (K, ×°R), and converted back to SI/
English units gas temperature (K, °F) (used only when IBTY ≥ 2 and ISAT = 4).
PASCL Noncondensable-gas partial pressure scale factor (–). The dependent variable in
the noncondensable-gas partial pressure table PATB is multiplied by this scale
factor to obtain the absolute noncondensable-gas partial pressure (Pa, psia) (used
only when IBTY ≥ 4).
CONSCL Solute mass to liquid-mass ratio scale factor (–). The dependent variable in the
solute mass to liquid-mass ratio table CONCTB is multiplied by this scale factor
to obtain the absolute ratio value [kg(solute)/kg (liquid), lbm (solute)/lbm (liquid)].
Used only when IBTY = 5 and requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data
Card 9).
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) IBPSV, IBTLSV, IBTVSV, IBASV, IBPASV
Note: If IBTY ≠ 6 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
BREAK Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) IBPSV, IBTLSV, IBTVSV, IBASV, IBPASV (Continued)
Note: If IBTY ≠ 6 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
Note: If IBTY ≠ 6 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
Note: Input each of the following arrays using LOAD format for IBTY 1 through 5
(Word 2 on Card Number 3). If NBTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 5), do not
input the BREAK Array Cards. Each array has its element values defined by a
Card Set of one or more cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If IBTY < 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array PTB.
14 PTB 2 × |NBTB| BREAK pressure vs independent-variable-form
table [(*,Pa), (*, psia)]. Input |NBTB| (Word 3 on
Card Number 5) table-defining data pairs having
the following form [independent-variable form
defined by IBSV (Word 2 on Card Number 5),
TRACE V5.0 BREAK Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If IBTY < 2 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array TLTB.
15 TLTB 2 × |NBTB| BREAK liquid temperature vs independent-
variable- form table [(*, K), (*,°F)]. Input |NBTB|
(Word 3 on Card Number 5) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by IBSV (Word 2 on Card
Number 5), liquid temperature].
Note: If IBTY < 2 (Word 2 on Card Number 3) or ISAT ≠ 4 (Word 3 on Card
Number 3), do not input array TVTB.
16 TVTB 2 × |NBTB| BREAK gas temperature vs independent-variable-
form table [(*, K), (*, F)]. Input |NBTB| (Word 3 on
Card Number 5) table-defining data pairs having
the following form [independent-variable form
defined by IBSV (Word 2 on Card Number 5), gas
Note: If IBTY < 3 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array ALPTB.
17 ALPTB 2 × |NBTB| BREAK gas volume-fraction vs independent-
variable-form table (*,–). Input |NBTB| (Word 3 on
Card Number 5) table-defining data pairs having
the following form [independent-variable form
defined by IBSV (Word 2 on Card Number 5), gas
volume fraction].
Note: If IBTY < 4 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array PATB.
18 PATB 2 × |NBTB| BREAK noncondensable-gas partial pressure vs
independent-variable-form table [(*, Pa), (*, psia)].
Input |NBTB| (Word 3 on Card Number 5) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IBSV (Word
2 on Card Number 5), noncondensable-gas partial
BREAK Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If IBTY ≠ 5 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array CONCTB.
19 CONCT 2 × |NBTB| BREAK solute mass to liquid coolant-mass ratio vs
B independent-variable-form table [{*, kg(solute)/kg
(liquid)}, {*, lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)}]. Input
|NBTB| (Word 3 on Card Number 5) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IBSV (Word
2 on Card Number 5) and the ratio of solute mass
to liquid mass]. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on
Main-Data Card 9).
Note: If NBRF = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 5), do not input array RFTB.
20 RFTB 2 × |NBRF| Rate-factor table (*,–) for the BREAK function
table’s independent-variable form defined by IBSV
(Word 2 on Card Number 5). Input |NBTB| (Word
3 on Card Number 5) table-defining data pairs
having the following form [independent-variable
form defined by NBSV (Word 4 on Card Number
5) and the rate factor to be applied to the BREAK
function table’s independent variable].
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
21 XGNB NCELLS Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. If IGAS>11, then sum of mass fractions
for non-condensable gas species must to sum to 1.0.
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
22 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
CHAN Component Data
The CHAN component is used for BWR applications. Set NAMELIST variables TRACBOUT =
1, IAMBWR = .TRUE., if applicable, set USESJC = 2 if the CHAN model contains a leak path.
Variable Description
NUM Component ID number (must be unique for each component, 1 < NUM < 999).
ID User ID number (arbitrary).
CTITLE Hollerith component description.
Variable Description
Note: Input Card Number 3 if NAMELIST variable USESJC = 2 or 3. This will allow
this component to have side junctions so that a leak path can be established from
this component to another. NSIDES leak paths are established. See SJC model.
Variable Description
NSIDES Number of fluid leaks in canister wall plus 2 times the number of water rods to be
spawned (i.e. NUMWATERRODS; Word 4 on Card Number 9).
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NSIDES > 0 then input the next three cards as sets of 1, 2, or 3 cards per
NSIDES. Examples include:
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK (Word 2 on Card Number 4) is > 0 only Card
Number 4 is needed.
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 4 and Card Number 5 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK > 0 input Card Number 4 and Card Number 6 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 4, Card Number 5, and
Card Number 6 in sets.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5E14.4) FALK, CLOS, VLLK, VVLK, DELZLK
Note: If NCELLS or NSIDES = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if
JUNLK = 0. If USESJC = 2 or 3, input this card for each NSIDES.
Variable Description
DELZLK Elevation difference between center of "From" cell and center of "To" cell
DELZLK > 0 when the center of the "From" cell is higher than the center of the
"To" cell
DELZLK < 0 when the center of the "From" cell is lower than the center of the
"To" cell
Variable Description
THETA Angle between the main direction of flow and the flow through the side junction.
IENTRN Offtake-model option.
0 = off;
1 = on (side-junction mass flow determined using offtake model)
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PIPE wall. Typically,
such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break loss-of-
coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal to zero.
When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a constant
HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe wall.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Number 8. (Format 5E14.4) WIDTH, TH, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL (Continued)
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PIPE wall. Typically,
such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break loss-of-
coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal to zero.
When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a constant
HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe wall.
Variable Description
Card Number 9. (Format E14.4, 3I14) TOUTV, ADVBWRF, QUADSYM, NUMWATERRODS,
Variable Description
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
NVFRAYS Number of rays to be used per surface for ray tracing view factor
calculation. If NVFRAYS = 0, then the cross-string method will be
used except for fuel designs that have non-cylindrical water rods. For
non-cylindrical water rod cases, NVFRAYS will be reset to a positive
value. If NVFRAYS > 0, then the ray tracing method will be used to
calculate view factors. If NVFRAYS > 0, then NVFRAYS should be
at least 100,000 or larger to generate accurate view factors. For the
non-cylindrical water rod cases where NVFRAYS is initially set to
zero, NVFRAYS will be reset to 100,000 for the cases where
QUADSYM = 0 and to 25,000 for the cases where QUADSYM > 0.
Card Number 10. (Format 5I14) NGRP, NCHANS, NODESR, NROW, NCRZ
Variable Description
NGRP Number of rod types modeled in the rod bundle. This number will get reset
internally to NCRX = NRODS. The value entered here should include both
water rods and fuel rods.
NCHANS Number of fuel bundles represented by this CHAN.
NODESR Number of radial conduction nodes in the CHAN rods.
NROW Number of rods in a row.
NCRZ Number of axial cells between the upper and lower tie-plate. If ADVBWRF
(i.e. Word 2 on Card Number 9) = 1, then NCRZ is used only for the full
length fuel rod groups. There must be at least one full length fuel rod group
and the first fuel rod group must be a full length fuel rod group.
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) ICRNK, ICRLH, NMRWX, NFCI, NFCIL
Variable Description
ICRNK Number of CHAN cells below the powered region. ICRNK + NCRZ (Word 5
of Card Number 10) must be less than or equal to NCELLS.
ICRLH Number of CHAN cells below the lower tie plate.
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) ICRNK, ICRLH, NMRWX, NFCI, NFCIL (Continued)
Variable Description
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) FMON, REFLOODON, NZMAX, NZMAXW, IBEAM
Variable Description
FMON Fine mesh flag. If it is non-zero, then the fine mesh algorithm is turned on.
REFLOODON Reflood input flag. This flag is now redundant in that it behaves identically
to FMON above - if it is non-zero, then the fine mesh algorithm is turned on
(even if FMON is set to zero). As of V4.260, the code no longer
distinguishes between reflood and non-reflood sets of physical models. The
only reason this flag still remains is to maintain backward compatibility
with older input decks which may have had the IRFTR flag (now called
FMON) set to 0 and IRFTR2 (this variable) set to a non-zero number.
NZMAX Maximum number of rows of nodes in the axial direction. The value
supplied here is governed by the requirement that
NZMAX ≥ 2 + ∑ NFAX ( I ) .
Users should use small values of NZMAX if possible and especially if axial
conduction heat transfer will not be calculated. Large values of NZMAX
can lead to very large graphics files (if GRAPHLEVEL = ’full’) and large
computer memory consumption for the simulation.
NZMAXW Similar to NZMAX except for the canister wall. NZMAXW is a function of
NCELLS instead of NCRZ.
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) FMON, REFLOODON, NZMAX, NZMAXW, IBEAM (Continued)
Variable Description
IBEAM Set IBEAM to 1 if view factors and beam lengths are included in place of
the MROD array (Card Set 60) and LevRod array. Otherwise set it to 0.
Zero is the default value.
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) DZNHT, DZNHTW, DTXHT1, DTXHT2, UNHEATFR
Variable Description
DZNHT Minimum ∆Z (m, ft) axial interval between rod node rows below which no
additional row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine mesh heat transfer
calculation (this value should be based on the diffusion number when explicit
axial heat conduction numerics is being evaluated).
DZNHTW Minimum ∆Z (m, ft) axial interval between wall node rows below which no
additional row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine mesh heat transfer
calculation (this value should be based on the diffusion number when explicit
axial heat conduction numerics is being evaluated).
DTXHT1 Maximum ∆T (K, °F) surface temperature change between node rows above
which a row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine mesh heat transfer
calculation for the nucleate and transition boiling regimes [Currently not used]
DTXHT2 Maximum ∆T (K, °F) surface temperature change between node rows above
which a row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine mesh heat transfer
calculation for all heat transfer regimes except the nucleate and transition
boiling regimes [Currently not used].
Fraction of the HS surface perimeter that is not heated. This input is only used
UNHEATFR when REFLOODON (Word 2 on Card Number 12) is not equal to zero.
Card Number 14. (Format 4E14.4, I14) HGAPO, PDRAT, PLDR, FUCRAC, NORAD
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 4E14.4, I14) HGAPO, PDRAT, PLDR, FUCRAC, NORAD (Continued)
Variable Description
FUCRAC Fraction of the fuel (–) which is not cracked [used only when NFCI = 1 (Word
4 on Card Number 11)].
NORAD If NORAD is equal to one, then radiation heat transfer model is turned off.
Card Number 15. (Format 3E14.4, 2I14) EMCIF1, EMCIF2, EMCIF3, NOANI, NGRIDSPACERS
Note: Emissivity as a function of surface temperature equation: ε = c 1 + c 2 T + c 3 T .
Variable Description
EMCIF1 Canister wall c1 term in quadratic fit of emissivity.
EMCIF2 c2 term.
EMCIF3 c3 term.
NOANI If NOANI is equal to one, then the anisotropic view factor corrections
are not applied to the view factor calculation.
NGRIDSPACERS Number of grid spacers associated with this CHAN component. Input
zero for this parameter at this time. TRACE currently has no actual grid
spacer model - this is merely a placeholder for a future planned feature.
Variable Description
EMCOF2 c2 term.
EMCOF3 c3 term.
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: Some of the following Card Sets may be skipped depending upon the input
options. Use LOAD format. Each array has its element values defined by a Card
Set of one or more cards.
All junction variables must match at component interfaces.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NAMELIST variable ICFLOW = 0 or 1 do not input array ICFLG. Setting
ICFLG > 0 at adjacent cell-edges can lead to numerical difficulties. Use only
where choked flow can be realistically expected to occur..
25 ICFLG NCELLS+1 Cell edge choked flow model option.
0 = no choked flow model calculation;
1 = choked flow model calculation using
default multipliers;
2 to 5 = choked flow model calculation using
NAMELIST variable defined
26 NFF NCELLS+1 Friction factor correlation option.
0 = constant friction factor based on FRIC
1 = homogeneous flow friction factor plus
–1 = homogeneous flow friction factor plus
FRIC plus an abrupt flow area change
form loss evaluated internally by
–100 = FRIC plus an abrupt flow area change
form loss evaluated internally by
Note: If NCCFL = 0 (Word 5 Main-Data Card 9) do not input array LCCFL.
27 LCCFL NCELLS+1 Countercurrent flow limitation option.
0 = no countercurrent flow limitation
calculation at the cell interface;
N = the countercurrent flow limitation
parameter set number used to
evaluate countercurrent flow
limitation at the cell interface [1 ≤ N ≤
NCCFL (Word 5 on Main-Data
Card 9)].
28 ALP NCELLS Initial gas volume fractions (–).
29 VL NCELLS+1 Initial liquid velocities (m/s, ft/s).
30 VV NCELLS+1 Initial gas velocities (m/s, ft/s).
31 TL NCELLS Initial liquid temperatures (K, °F).
32 TV NCELLS Initial gas temperatures (K, °F).
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
1 = mixed oxide;
2 = zircaloy;
3 = fuel-clad gap gases;
4 = boron-nitride insulation;
5 = constantan/Nichrome heater wire;
6 = stainless steel, type 304;
7 = stainless steel, type 316;
8 = stainless steel, type 347;
9 = carbon steel, type A508;
10 = inconel, type 718;
11 = zircaloy dioxide;
12 = inconel, type 600.
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
42 NHCELO NCELLS Axial cell numbers of the hydraulic cells to which
the CHAN outer surface is coupled starting with
the first cell.
Note: If ICONC = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 7) do not input array CONC.
43 CONC NCELLS Initial ratio of solute mass to liquid coolant mass
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)].
Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data
Card 9).
Note: If ICONC = 0 or 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 7), do not input array S.
44 S NCELLS Initial macroscopic density of plated-out solute (kg/
m, lbm/ft3). Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on
Main-Data Card 9).
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
45 XGNB NCELLS Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input
in the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
46 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
1 = mixed oxide;
2 = zircaloy;
3 = fuel-clad gap gases;
4 = boron-nitride insulation;
5 = constantan/Nichrome heater wire;
6 = stainless steel, type 304;
7 = stainless steel, type 316;
8 = stainless steel, type 347;
9 = carbon steel, type A508;
10 = inconel, type 718;
11 = zircaloy dioxide;
12 = inconel, type 600.
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
rows, given by 2+ ∑ NFAX ( I ) ,
must not be greater than NZMAX (Word 3 on
Card Number 12).
Note: ROD Temperature Array. Input an RFTN array for each of the NFGRP. Where
51 RFTN NODES x Rod (radial by axial) element temperatures (K, °F).
NCRZ For partial-length fuel rods, the RFTN input above
1 set per the height of the rod will be ignored.
52 RDPWR NODESR Relative rod radial power density distribution (–) at
the node locations defined by array RADRD (Card
Set 48).
53 CPOWR NFGRP Radial power peaking factor for each rod group
within the fuel bundle, where NFGRP = NGRP -
NUMWATERRODS. Water rod groups must be
input as the last rod groups. The values for the last
NUMWATERRODS rod groups must be set to
zero, indicating they have zero power.
54 RADPW NCRZ Core wide radial CHAN-to-CHAN power peaking
factor for each axial conduction node set in the
power fuel region. The numerical average of these
numbers is used for the core wide peaking factor
relative to other CHANs. This set of numbers is
then normalized about 1.0 and used for the axial
power peaking factor variation along this CHAN.
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Bundle Map of rods. Omit next Card if NGRP=1 or IBEAM>0 (Word 5 on
Card Number 12).
60 MROD NROW*NR Layout of primary and supplemental rod positions
OW+1 in the bundle. The channel wall is the last radiating
surface, or group. Water rod groups must come
after fuel rod groups. Partial length fuel rod groups
must come after full length fuel rod groups. A full
length rod group must be the first rod group. This
layout will be used to calculate view factors and
beam lengths. Beginning in the upper left hand
corner rod in Figure 6-3, the values of MROD that
would be input for this particular rod grouping are:
1 1 1 1 s
1 2 2 1 s
1 2 2 1 s
1 1 1 1 s
3 e
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
1 1 1 1
2 2 1
1 2
2 1
1 1 1
5 4146
Figure. 6-3. 4-x-4 rod bundle with two rod groups (NGRP) and a canister wall.
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Advanced BWR Fuel Input
Note: The Card Numbers 63-72 are only input if ADVBWRF = 1 (Word 2 on Card
Number 9). These Cards use a combination of scalar input (Card Numbers) and
array input (Card Sets in LOAD format).
Note: Input next Card if IBEAM (Word 5 on Card Card Number 12) = 0. Input one
card for each i, j fuel rod location in the BWR fuel bundle that is not a full
length fuel rod. Input is terminated with a -1 input for the I index. If all of the
fuel rods for this BWR fuel assembly are full length, then input a -1 for the I
index input. The I, J numbering scheme for a BWR fuel assembly is defined in
Figure 6-4
Variable Description
Note: The LEVROD(NROW, NROW) array is initially set to the index of the CHAN
hydro cell that corresponds to the top of the full length fuel rod (i.e. NCRZ +
ICRNK). The height of the first rod group is assumed to be the full length height
for the BWR fuel assembly. The height of the first rod group is given by the SUM
of the user input dx start at 1+ICRNK and summing to NCRZ+ICRNK
j 1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1 5,1
1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2 5,2
1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3 5,3
1,4 2,4 3,4 4,4 5,4
1,5 2,5 3,5 4,5 5,5
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
65 LEVRODG NFGRP CHAN cell index for the last fuel rod axial level
for each NFGRP fuel rod group, where NFGRP =
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Note: Input next 2 Cards if IBEAM (Word 5 on Card Number 12) = 1.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: .Card Number 67 through Card Set 74 are repeated NUMWATERRODS (i.e.
Word 4 on Card Number 9) times.
Variable Description
Card Number 68. (Format 2I14, 3E14.4) WRINLET, WROUTLET, DIA, SIDEA, SIDEB
Variable Description
WRINLET CHAN hydro cell index for the water rod inlet location.
WROUTLET CHAN hydro cell index for the water rod outlet location.
DIA Outer diameter of a cylindrical water rod, if IGEOM (i.e. Word 1 on Card
Number 67) = 1, (m, ft). Not used if IGEOM is not equal to 1.
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 68. (Format 2I14, 3E14.4) WRINLET, WROUTLET, DIA, SIDEA, SIDEB
Variable Description
SIDEA Length of the outside of a square water rod, if IGEOM (i.e. Word 1 on Card
Number 67) = 3, (m, ft). Length of outside of side A of a rectangular water
rod if IGEOM = 2, (m, ft). Not used if IGEOM equals 1 or 4.
SIDEB Length of outside of side B of a rectangular water rod if IGEOM = 2, (m, ft).
Not used if IGEOM equals 1, 3, or 4.
Variable Description
TH Thickness of the water rod wall (m, ft). TH must be larger than zero.
RCORNER Radius of curvature for the corners of a square or rectangular water rod,
(m, ft). Not used if IGEOM = 1 or 4.
FLOWAREA Average flow area of the water rod, (m2, ft2). Must be greater than zero, if
IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3, and FLOWAREA is
less than or equal to zero, then FLOWAREA will be calculated by TRACE.
FLWAREAI Flow area of the inlet of the water rod, (m2, ft2). Must be greater than zero,
if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3, and FLWAREAI
is less than or equal to zero, then FLWAREAI will be calculated by
FLWAREAO Flow area of the outlet of the water rod, (m2, ft2). Must be greater than
zero, if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3, and
FLWAREAO is less than or equal to zero, then FLWAREAO will be
calculated by TRACE.
Card Number 70. (Format 5E14.4) HD, HDRI, HDRO, THRMDIAI, THRMDIAO
Variable Description
HD Average hydraulic diameter for the water rod (m, ft). Must be greater than
zero, if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3, and HD is less
than or equal to zero, then HD will be calculated by TRACE.
TRACE V5.0 CHAN Component Data
Card Number 70. (Format 5E14.4) HD, HDRI, HDRO, THRMDIAI, THRMDIAO (Continued)
Variable Description
HDRI Hydraulic diameter for the inlet to the water rod, (m, ft). Must be greater
than zero, if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3, and
HDRI is less than or equal to zero, then HDRI will be calculated by
HDRO Hydraulic diameter for the outlet to the water rod, (m, ft). Must be greater
than zero, if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3, and
HDRO is less than or equal to zero, then HDRO will be calculated by
THRMDIAI Thermal diameter for the inside surface of the water rod, (m, ft). Must be
greater than zero, if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3,
and THRMDIAI is less than or equal to zero, then THRMDIAI will be
calculated by TRACE.
THRMDIAO Thermal diameter for the outside surface of the water rod, (m, ft). Must be
greater than zero, if IGEOM is equal to 4. If IGEOM is equal to 1, 2, or 3,
and THRMDIAO is less than or equal to zero, then THRMDIAO will be
calculated by TRACE.
Variable Description
WRFLOSSI Water rod inlet forward flow loss coefficient. Must be larger than or equal
to zero.
WRFLOSSO Water rod outlet forward flow loss coefficient. Must be larger than or equal
to zero.
WRRLOSSI Water rod inlet reverse flow loss coefficient. Must be larger than or equal
to zero.
WRRLOSSO Water rod outlet reverse flow loss coefficient. Must be larger than or equal
to zero.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
72 MATWR WRNODES - Material type numbers for the radial heat structure
1 nodes across the water rod wall.
CHAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
73 TW WRNODES Initial radial temperature profile through the
*[(WROUTLE water rod heat structure, (K, oF).
+ 1]
Note: Do not input this array data if NGRIDSPACERS (Word 5 on Card Number 15)
is equal to zero.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
CONTAN Component Data
Note: A CONTAN component can only be used when NAMELIST parameter
Variable Description
Card Number 2. (Format 5I14) NCOMT, NHS, NCOOL, NJCT, NJCTF
Variable Description
Variable Description
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
Card Set 4 - Card Set 20. Compartment Data (Continued)
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
11 TV NCOMT Initial Vapor Space Temperature (K, oF) (Real)
12 FRSB NCOMT Fraction of steam vented to pool that is not
condensed in pool region.
13 FRAB NCOMT Effectiveness of heat transfer between
noncondensible gas vented through pool region and
pool liquid.
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
14 CUCH NCOMT Condensation heat transfer multiplier. (Real)
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
Card Set 4 - Card Set 20. Compartment Data (Continued)
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
15 DPDT NCOMT Initial estimate of time rate of change of pressure in
region.(Real) (must be >1.0E-8) (m2, ft2).
17 PA NCOMT Initial partial pressure (Pa, psia) of air in
compartment. (Real)
PA = P-PS.
18 RML NCOMT Initial liquid mass (kg, lbm) in compartment. (Real)
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Heat structures are modeled as cylindrical shells with conduction in the radial
direction only. The axis of the cylinder is assumed vertical and the inner and outer
surfaces of the structure may lie in two separate compartments (e.g., a wall
separating two compartments), depending on how the user specifies ICTI and
Radial heat structure nodding is used in obtaining the heat structure temperature
profile using the TRACE routine CYLHT. The axial nodding is used only to define
the heat structure levels that lie in vapor and liquid regions of a compartment.
Note: If NHS = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
Card Set 21 - Card Set 42. Heat Structure Array Data (Continued)
Note: If NHS = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
represent the total surface area and characteristic
thickness of the heat structure: (AREAI +
23 ICTCO NHS User ID of compartment where outer heat
structure surface is located. (Integer)
24 NODAX NHS Number of vertical nodes in heat structure
(Must be "1" if ITRKH = 0)
25 NODRA NHS Number of radial nodes in heat structure (integer).
(Must be "1" if ITRKH = 0)
26 IHSTB NHS User ID of heat structure [integer < 99;if IHSTB
<0, the user inputs the heat transfer coefficients
for the heat structure (see heat structure table
cards); user ID's of all containment sub-
component should be unique.
27 IREGI NHS Flag to indicate region where inner surface of
heat structure is located (integer; 1 = liquid
region, 0 = vapor region. If ITRKH = 1, input
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set 21 - Card Set 42. Heat Structure Array Data (Continued)
Note: If NHS = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
Card Set 21 - Card Set 42. Heat Structure Array Data (Continued)
Note: If NHS = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 43 - Card Set 49. Cooler Array Data
Note: If NCOOL = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
43 ICLTB NCOOL User ID for cooler (integer <= 99; user ID's of all
containment and primary loop components should
be unique).
44 ICTCB NCOOL User ID of compartment where cooler is located
45 IREGC NCOOL Fluid region cooled by cooler
0 = vapor region;
1 = liquid region.
46 ITYPC NCOOL Cooler type
1 = convective heat exchanger for which
coolant temperature vs. time table
and heat transfer coefficients and are
2 = heat source for which heating rate vs.
time table is required).
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NCOOL = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NJCT = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
Card Set 50 - Card Set 58. Passive Junction Array Data (Continued)
Note: If NJCT = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
3 = a one-way flow junction between the
vapor region of one compartment and
the pool another. The minimum
pressure difference for flow to occur is
specified by DPCR (e.g., a vent pipe
between the drywell and the pool
region of the wetwell would be
modeled as a passive junction with
ITYPP = 3).
54 HD NJCT Hydraulic diameter for flow injunction. (m, ft)
55 AREA NJCT Cross-sectional area for flow injunction. (m2, ft2)
56 RLEN NJCT Equivalent pipe length (m, ft) for flow injunction.
(In calculating the pressure-induced passive flow
between two compartments two junction flow rates
are computed: (1) that obtained by treating the
junction as if it were a pipe and (2) that obtained by
treating the junction as if it were an orifice between
the two compartments. The lesser of the two flow
rates is then used. RLEN is the equivalent pipe
length for the junction. The input value must be
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set 50 - Card Set 58. Passive Junction Array Data (Continued)
Note: If NJCT = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 59 - Card Set 66. Forced Convective Junction Array Data
Note: If NJCTF = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 CONTAN Component Data
Card Set 59 - Card Set 66. Forced Convective Junction Array Data (Continued)
Note: If NJCTF = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 2), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
containment sub-components systems should be
unique). (Integer)
63 NQFJ NJCTF Number of volumetric flow rate versus time data
pairs for each forced flow junction (Integer)
64 NSPRAY NJCTF Number of Spray Coefficients versus time data
pairs for each forced flow junction.
65 QFJUNC 2*NQFJ(i=1, Volumetric flow rate versus time data for each
NJCTF) forced flow junction [(s, m3), (s, ft3)].
66 SPRAYE 2*NSPRAY(i Spray coefficients versus time data for each forced
=1,NJCTF) flow junction. (Real number between 0.0 and 1.0)
CONTAN Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NJCTS = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 3), do not input these card sets.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 EXTERIOR Component Data
EXTERIOR Component Data
This is just abbreviated information for a component that is modeled in another process. Presence
of this component requires that the simulation is executing in multi-task mode. Include this for
every component from which this process will require information. If a component on another
task communicates indirectly via fluid flow through a third task to this one, it must be declared
with this input, although the specific flow connections would not be listed.
The use of the Exterior Component requires the creation of a file called TaskList, which must be
located in the same directory as the tracin input file. The TaskList file and details concerning
multi-task processing are given in Chapter 1.
Variable Description
Card Number 2. (Format 3I14) NJUNS, COMPTYPE, NDIM
Variable Description
NJUNS Total number of flow junctions connecting between this exterior component
and actual components in this processes. Do not include flow junctions in the
actual component (as modeled on another process) that connect to any
component not in this input deck. Do not include flow junctions that connect
the actual component to another component listed as exterior within this
input deck.
COMPTYPE Indication of the generic type of component in the exterior process:
1 = fluid component
2 = heat structure (conduction)
3 = power source (e.g. neutron kinetics)
4 = special data processing
EXTERIOR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Variable Description
Note: If NJUNS = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 2), do not input these exterior flow
junction cards.
Input one card for each of the NJUNS (Word 1 on Card Number 2). exterior
fluid flow junctions for this component. Only provide input for those junctions
representing fluid flow between this component and other non-exterior
components in this input deck.
Variable Description
JUNNUM User assigned junction number (must match the user assigned number for the
actual component model on another process).
JUNIX junction cell index when NDIM = 1 or index in the x or radial direction when
NDIM = 3
JUNIY junction cell index in the y or θ direction (omit if NDIM = 1)
JUNIZ junction cell index in the z direction (omit if NDIM < 3)
JUNFACE Face number associated with the connection. A positive number indicates a
connection to the upper or outer face of the cell; a negative number indicates a
connection to the lower or inner face of the cell.
1 = θ or y direction;
2 = axial z direction;
3 = r or x direction.
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
FILL Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASE-CHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed
for this component.
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: When using IFTY = 1 without having ALPHA as 0 or 1 problems can result due
to the momentum flux term. In essence, a slip velocity is specified which may
not be equal to the one the code calculates for the given void fraction. Large
pressure gradients can be induced which can lead to vaporization/condensation
events not expected. The most user convenient option for a FILL is IFTY = 2,
which sets the slip to be 1 at the FILL junction and the velocities and void
fraction are set at the next junction by the code more smoothly.
Note: Negative FILL types (IFTY) -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 indicate that the FILL
component is coupled with the CONTAN compartment. The FILL cell edge
fluid velocity will be determined in the same way as the option with positive
IFTY. The FILL fluid state variables will be defined according to the CONTAN
compartment fluid conditions when the compartment functions as the donor
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
Card Number 3. (Format 3I14) JUN1, IFTY, IOFF (Continued)
Note: When using IFTY = 1 without having ALPHA as 0 or 1 problems can result due
to the momentum flux term. In essence, a slip velocity is specified which may
not be equal to the one the code calculates for the given void fraction. Large
pressure gradients can be induced which can lead to vaporization/condensation
events not expected. The most user convenient option for a FILL is IFTY = 2,
which sets the slip to be 1 at the FILL junction and the velocities and void
fraction are set at the next junction by the code more smoothly.
Note: Negative FILL types (IFTY) -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 indicate that the FILL
component is coupled with the CONTAN compartment. The FILL cell edge
fluid velocity will be determined in the same way as the option with positive
IFTY. The FILL fluid state variables will be defined according to the CONTAN
compartment fluid conditions when the compartment functions as the donor
Variable Description
IOFF FILL fluid-state option (defines the fluid state when the fill-table controlling trip
is OFF after being ON) [define IOFF when IFTY = 7, 8, or 9 (Word 2 on this
0 = the last FILL-table interpolated fluid state is held constant;
1 = define the initial fluid state;
2 = input the velocity [IFTY = 7 or 9 (Word 2 on this card)] or mass flow
(IFTY = 8) to be used, but maintain the fluid condition that existed
when the trip was set OFF; or
3 = input a generalized fluid-state definition (IFTY = 9 only).
Note: Input this card only if JUN1=0 (Word 1 on Card Number 3).
Variable Description
FALK Leak flow area. (m2, ft2)
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If IFTY < 4 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card
Variable Description
IFTR The trip ID number for controlling the evaluation of the FILL table for FILL-type
options IFTY = 7, 8, or 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3) (|IFTR| < 9999). Input
IFTR = 0 when IFTY < 7 or IFTY = 10 (Word 2 on Card Number 3).
IFSV The FILL-table abscissa-coordinate variable ID number that defines the
independent-variable parameter in the IFTY = 4 to 9 (Word 2 on Card Number
3) tables. IFSV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IFSV <
0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter. Input IFSV = 0 if
IFTY = 10 or 11 (Word 2 on Card Number 3).
NFTB The number of FILL-table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of NFTB) for
FILL options IFTY = 4 to 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3). NFTB > 0 defines the
independent-variable form to be the IFSV parameter; NFTB < 0 defines the
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IFSV parameter over
the last timestep times the trip set-status value ISET [when the FILL is trip
controlled, IFTR ≠ 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 5) and IFTY = 7, 8, or 9 (Word 2
on Card Number 3)]. NFTB = 0 defines the FILL velocity or mass flow to be
the IFSV parameter. Input NFTB = 0 if IFTY = 10 or 11 (Word 2 on Card
Number 3).
NFSV The rate-factor table abscissa-coordinate variable ID number. NFSV > 0 defines
the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; NFSV < 0 defines the ID number
for a control-block output parameter; NFSV = 0 (when NFRF ≠ 0) defines the
difference between the trip signal and the setpoint value that turns the trip OFF
when the FILL table is trip control
NFRF The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NFRF). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the FILL-table independent
variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined when NFSV and
NFRF are both zero. NFRF > 0 defines the rate-factor table abscissa coordinate to
be the NFSV parameter; NFRF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the
NFSV parameter over the last timestep times the trip set-status value ISET [when
the FILL is trip controlled, IFTR = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 5) and IFTY = 7,
8, or 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3)]. NFRF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the
NFSV parameter.
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
Card Number 6. (Format 4E14.4) TWTOLD, RFMX, CONCIN, FELV
Variable Description
TWTOLD The fraction (–) of the previous FILL fluid state that is averaged with the FILL-
table-defined state to determine the FILL fluid state for this timestep (0.0 ≤
TWTOLD <1.0; it is suggested that a value of 0.0 be used). To avoid
hydrodynamic instabilities, a value as large as 0.9 may be needed when the
FILL table depends on a parameter (such as the adjacent component pressure)
that couples strongly to the FILL velocity or a parameter that varies rapidly
with time.
RFMX The maximum rate of change of FILL velocity (m/s, ft/s) or FILL mass flow
(kg/s, lbm/s2) [0.0 ≤ RFMX]. For FILL-type option IFTY = 10 or 11 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), RFMX is not used.
CONCIN The initial solute mass to liquid-coolant mass ratio [{*, kg(solute)/kg (liquid)},
{*, lbm (solute)/lbm (liquid)}] in the FILL composition. Requires ISOLUT = 1
(Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9).
FELV FILL cell-centered elevation (m, ft) (used only to compute GRAV array when
NAMELIST variable IELV = 1).
Note: If IFTY < 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), input this card.
Variable Description
COMPID |COMPID| represents the CONTAN compartment user defined ID. When
COMPID>0, the FILL is inside the vapor space of the compartment. When
COMPID < 0, the FILL is inside the liquid space of the compartment.
Card Number 8. (Format 2E14.4) BDSPRAY, BDCOND
Variable Description
BDSPRAY If the FILL is connected with the vapor region of a compartment and it is
injecting subcooled water into the containment, ‘BDSPRAY’ represents the
mass fraction of the injected liquid which reaches thermal equilibrium with the
fluid in the vapor space.
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
BDCOND If the FILL is connected with the liquid region of a compartment and it is
injecting super-heated vapor and hot air into the containment, ‘BDCOND’
represents the mass fraction of the injected vapor which reaches thermal
equilibrium with the fluid in the liquid space.
Variable Description
DXIN Cell length (m, ft) (generally defined to be the same as its neighboring cell in the
adjacent component).
VOLIN Cell volume (m3, ft3) (generally defined to be the same as its neighboring cell in
the adjacent component).
ALPIN Initial gas volume fraction (–) used for positive flow out of the fill.
VLIN Initial liquid velocity (m/s, ft/s) (a positive value indicates flow into the adjacent
component; a negative value indicates flow from the adjacent component) [used
for fill options IFTY = 1, 3, 7 or 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3)].
TLIN Initial liquid temperature (K, °F) used for positive flow out of the fill.
Card Number 10. (Format 5E14.4) PIN, PAIN, FLOWIN, VVIN, TVIN
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
Card Number 10. (Format 5E14.4) PIN, PAIN, FLOWIN, VVIN, TVIN (Continued)
Variable Description
TVIN Initial gas temperature (K, °F) used for positive flow out of the FILL [used for
FILL options IFTY = 1, 3, 7 or 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3)].
Note: If IFTY < 7, IFTY = 10 or 11, or IOFF < 2 (Words 2 and 3 on Card Number 3),
do not input this card.
Variable Description
FLWOFF Coolant mass flow (kg/s, lbm/hr) when the control-ling trip is set OFF after being
ON [used when IFTY = 8 (Word 2 on Card Number 3)].
VLOFF Liquid velocity (m/s, ft/s) [IFTY = 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3)] or coolant-
mixture velocity (IFTY = 7) when the controlling trip is set OFF after being ON
(used when IFTY = 7 or 9).
VVOFF Gas velocity (m/s, ft/s) when the controlling trip is set OFF after being ON [used
when IFTY = 9 and IOFF = 3 (Words 2 and 3 on Card Number 3)].
ALPOFF Gas volume fraction (–) for positive flow out of the FILL when the controlling trip
is set OFF after being ON [used when IFTY = 9 and IOFF = 3 (Words 2 and 3 on
Card Number 3)].
Card Number 12. (Format 5E14.4) TLOFF, TVOFF, POFF, PAOFF, CONOFF
Note: If IFTY ≠ 9 or IOFF ≠ 3 (Words 2 and 3 on Card Number 3), do not input this
Variable Description
TLOFF Liquid temperature (K, °F) for positive flow out of the FILL when the controlling
trip is set OFF after being ON.
TVOFF Gas temperature (K, °F) for positive flow out of the FILL when the controlling
trip is set OFF after being ON.
POFF FILL pressure (Pa, psia) when the controlling trip is set OFF after being ON.
PAOFF FILL noncondensable-gas partial pressure (Pa, psia) when the controlling trip is
set OFF after being ON.
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 12. (Format 5E14.4) TLOFF, TVOFF, POFF, PAOFF, CONOFF (Continued)
Note: If IFTY ≠ 9 or IOFF ≠ 3 (Words 2 and 3 on Card Number 3), do not input this
Variable Description
CONOFF Solute mass to the liquid-coolant mass ratio [kg (solute)/kg (liquid), lbm (solute)/
lbm (liquid)] when the controlling trip is set OFF after being ON. Requires
ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9).
Variable Description
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) TLSCL, TVSCL, PSCL, PASCL, CONSCL
Note: If IFTY ≠ 6 and IFTY ≠ 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
TLSCL Liquid-temperature scale factor (–). The dependent variable in table TLTB is
converted to absolute liquid temperature (K, °R), multiplied by this factor to
obtain the absolute liquid temperature (K, °R), and converted back to SI/English
units liquid temperature (K, °F).
TVSCL Gas-temperature scale factor (–). The dependent variable in table TVTB is
converted to absolute gas temperature (K, R), multiplied by this factor to obtain
the absolute gas temperature (K, °R), and converted back to SI/English units gas
temperature (K, °F).
PSCL Pressure scale factor (–). The dependent variable in table PTB is multiplied by this
factor to obtain absolute pressure (Pa, psia).
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) TLSCL, TVSCL, PSCL, PASCL, CONSCL (Continued)
Note: If IFTY ≠ 6 and IFTY ≠ 9 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
Card Number 15. (Format 5I14) IFMLSV, IFMVSV, IFTLSV, IFTVSV, IFASV
Note: If IFTY ≠ 10 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IFMLSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the liquid mass flow (kg/s,
IFMVSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the gas mass flow (kg/s, lbm/
IFTLSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the liquid temperature (K,
IFTVSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the gas temperature (K, °F).
IFASV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the gas volume fraction (–).
Note: If IFTY ≠ 11 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IFMMSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the total mass flow (kg/s,
IFTLSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the liquid temperature (K,
IFTVSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the gas temperature (K, °F).
IFASV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the gas volume fraction (–).
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If IFTY ≠ 10 or 11 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IFPSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the fluid pressure (Pa, psia).
IFPASV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the partial pressure of the
noncondensable gas (Pa, psia).
IFCNSV Signal variable or control-block ID number defining the solute mass to the liquid-
coolant mass ratio (–). Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9).
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 FILL Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
28 XGNB NCELLS Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
29 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
FILL Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 FLPOWER Component Data
FLPOWER Component Data
To use this component the number of fluid power components must be specified by using
NAMELIST variable nflpower.
Variable Description
Variable Description
NPWRB Number of cells for which this fluid power component specifies in-beam power
NPWRD Number of cells for which this fluid power component specifies decay power
Variable Description
6 = table look-up
FLPOWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: Input this card if NPWRB (Word 1 on Card Number 2) > 0 and IPOWB (Word
1 on Card Number 3) = 6 or 7.
Variable Description
Note: Input this card if NPWRD (Word 2 on Card Number 2) > 0 and IPOWD (Word
2 on Card Number 3) = 6 or 7.
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 FLPOWER Component Data
Card Number 7. (Format 4I14,E14.4) NUMB, CELLIB, CELLJB, CELLKB, BFRAC
Note: Input NPWRB (Word 1 on Card Number 2) sets of the following card to
specify distribution of total in-beam power in different fluid cells
Variable Description
Note: Input NPWRD (Word 2 on Card Number 2) sets of the following card to
specify distribution of total decay power in different fluid cells
Variable Description
FLPOWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
The input listing for a sample problem is provided below. Component 123 defines a FLPOWER
component, which specifies the fluid power distribution for a total of five cells in hydro
components 30 and 70. The fractions are all equal to 0.2, meaning the power is distributed equally
among the 5 cells specified. The POWB table is in terms of time, and the table has 4 pairs of data.
From t=0 to t=30 s, the power is held at zero, and then it is ramped up to 1.0e+5 W over an
interval of 30 sec. It is held constant thereafter.
* type num id ctitle cd 1
flpower 123 123 $123$ power for components 30 and 70
* npwrb npwrd
5 0
* ipowb ipowd
*ipowbtr ipowbsv npowbtb
0 1 4
*powb powd
0.0 0.0
*component celli cellj cellk frac
70 1 0 0 0.2
70 2 0 0 0.2
70 3 0 0 0.2
30 1 0 0 0.2
30 2 0 0 0.2
*powb table
0.00 0.00 30.0 0.0s
60.0 1.0e05 1.0e+10 1.0e05 e
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
HEATR Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Variable Description
JCELL Main-tube cell number that has the side tube connected to it.
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the wall. A value of zero specifies no wall
heat transfer.
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) JCELL, NODES, ICHF, COST, EPSW (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
ICONC1 Solute in the main-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC1 > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
NCELL1 Number of fluid cells in the main tube.
JUN1 Junction number for the junction interface adjacent to cell 1.
JUN2 Junction number for the junction interface adjacent to cell NCELL1.
IPOW1 Power-to-the-fluid option in the main tube.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 4I14) IVERT, NSHTB, NDCTB, NLLTB (Continued)
Variable Description
NDCTB Number of data pairs in drain cooler liquid heat transfer area vs. drain cooler void
fraction table (minimum = 2).
NLLTB Number of data pairs in shell liquid level vs. shell void fraction table
(minimum = 2).
Variable Description
Card Number 7. (Format 2I14, 3E14.4) IVSV, IVPS, AVLVE, HVLVE, FAVLVE
Variable Description
IVSV The independent variable ID number for the valve table. IVSV > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; IVSV < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter
IVPS Mesh cell interface number where the drain flow control valve area is adjusted.
AVLVE VALVE adjustable-interface flow area (m2, ft2) when the VALVE adjustable-
interface IVPS is at a flow-area fraction or relative valve-stem position of 1.0
corresponding to 100% open.
HVLVE VALVE adjustable-interface hydraulic diameter (m, ft) when the VALVE
adjustable-interface is 100% open.
FAVLVE Initial flow-area fraction at the VALVE adjustable-interface IVPS
(0.0 < FAVLVE < 1.0).
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
IPWTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 50 (array POWTB1) for the main tube (|IPWTR1| < 9999). [Input
IPWTR1 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep during the transient calculation].
IPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-fluid table for the main
tube. IPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB1 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NPWTB1). NPWTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IPWSV1 parameter; NPWTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV1 parameter
each last timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when
the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB1 = 0 defines the power to
the fluid to be the IPWSV1 parameter.
NPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV1 = 0 (when NPWRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV1 and NPWRF1 are both zero. NPWRF1 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV1 parameter; NPWRF1 <
0 defines it to be the sum of change in the NPWSV1 parameter over each timestep
times the trip set-status value ISET during the timestep (when the main-tube
power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to
be the NPWSV1 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Number 9. (Format 5I14) IQPTR1, IQPSV1, NQPTB1, NQPSV1, NQPRF1
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 41) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 52 (array QP3TB1) for the main tube (|IQPTR1| < 9999). [Input IQPTR1
= 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation].
IQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the main-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV1 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB1 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NQPTB1). NQPTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IQPSV1 parameter; NQPTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV1 parameter
over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during each timestep
(when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB1 = 0 defines the
power to the wall to be the IQPSV1 parameter.
NQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV1 = 0 (when NQPRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NQPSV1 and NQPRF1 are both zero. NQPRF1 > 0 defines the rate-factor
table independent variable to be the NQPSV1 parameter; NQPRF1 < 0 defines it
to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV1 parameter over each timestep times
the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the main-tube power-to-
the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to be the
NQPSV1 parameter.
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 10. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN1, TH1, HOUTL1, HOUTV1, TOUTL1
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the main-tube wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
Card Number 11. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV1, PWIN1, PWOFF1, RPWX1, PWSCL1
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV1, PWIN1, PWOFF1, RPWX1, PWSCL1 (Continued)
Variable Description
PWSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-fluid table. The dependent variable in the
table, defined by Card Set 50 (array POWTB1), is multiplied by PWSCL1 to
obtain absolute power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in the fluid [not used if IPOW1 = 0
(Word 5 on Card Number 4) or NPWTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 8)].
Card Number 12. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QPIN1, QPOFF1, RQPMX1, QPSCL1, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN1 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the main-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN1 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN1 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN1|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL1 (Word 2 on Card Number 4) power values. Each data pair of
the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN1 < 0.0] has 1 + NCELL1 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL1 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL1). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN1| or QPOFF1 [if QPOFF1 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL1 cells.
QPOFF1 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the main-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR1 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 9); use the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF1 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX1 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the main tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX1 > 0.0].
QPSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the main tube. The
dependent variable in the table defined by Card Set 52 (array QP3TB1) is
multiplied by QPSCL1 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
NHCOM Component number receiving outside wall energy.
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
ICONC2 Solute in the side-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC2 > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
NCELL2 Number of fluid cells in the side tube.
JUN3 Junction number at the external-junction end of the side tube adjacent to cell
IPOW2 Power-to-the-fluid option in the side tube.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
Card Number 14. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 13), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 86 (array POWTB2) for the side tube (|IPWTR2| < 9999). [input
IPWTR2 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep of the transient calculation].
IPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number of the power-to-the-fluid table for the side
tube. IPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB2 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NPWTB2). NPWTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IPWSV2 parameter; NPWTB2 < 0 defines the table’s independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV2 parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB2 = 0 defines the power
to the fluid to be the IPWSV2 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2 (Continued)
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 13), do not input this card.
Variable Description
NPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV2 = 0 (when NPWRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV2 and NPWRF2 are both zero. NPWRF2 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV2 parameter; NPWRF2 <
0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the NPWSV2 parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NPWSV2 parameter.
Card Number 15. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 77) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 88 (array QP3TB2) for the side tube (|IQPTR2| < 9999). (Input IQPTR2
= 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation).
IQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the side-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV2 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB2 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NQPTB2). NQPTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IQPSV2 parameter; NQPTB2 < 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB2 = 0 defines the power to
the wall to be the IQPSV2 parameter.
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 15. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2 (Continued)
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 77) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
NQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV2 = 0 (when NQPRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NQPSV2 and NQPRF2 are both zero. NQPRF2 > 0 defines the rate-
factor table independent variable to be the NQPSV2 parameter; NQPRF2 < 0
defines it to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NQPSV2 parameter.
Card Number 16. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Number 16. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2 (Continued)
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
Card Number 17. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV2, PWIN2, PWOFF2, RPWX2, PWSCL2
Variable Description
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN2 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the side-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN2 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN2 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN2|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL2 (Word 2 on Card Number 13) power values. Each data pair
of the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN2 < 0.0] has 1+NCELL2 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL2 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL2). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN2| or QPOFF2 [if QPOFF2 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL2 cells.
QPOFF2 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the side-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR2 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 15); the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF2 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX2 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the side-tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX2 > 0.0].
QPSCL2 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the side-tube. The dependent
variable in table defined by Card Set 88 (array QP3TB2) is multiplied by
QPSCL2 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
HEATR Array Cards
Note: Input each of the following arrays using LOAD format. All junction variables must
match at component interfaces. Model no flow-area change between cell JCELL
and cells JCELL±1 and between the internal-junction interface and the side-tube
first cell. A VOL/DX flow-area change between cell JCELL and cells JCELL±1
and their interface FA and between side-tube cell 1 and the internal-junction
interface will not have any evaluated effect on flow from the current JCELL-
interface momentum equations evaluated by TRACE.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
49 XLNB NCELL1 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array POWTB1.
50 POWTB1 2×|NPWTB Power-to-the-fluid vs independent-variable-form
1| table [(*,W) (*,Btu/hr)] for the main tube. Input
|NPWTB1| (Word 3 on Card Number 8) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV1
(Word 2 on Card Number 8), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the main-tube
fluid with a uniform power density along the main-
tube length.
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array POWRF1.
51 POWRF1 2×|NPWRF Rate-factor table (*,–) for the main-tube power-to-
1| the-fluid table independent variable. Input |NPWRF1|
(Word 5 on Card Number 8) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NPWSV1 (Word 4 on Card
Number 8), rate factor to be applied to the power-to-
the-fluid table independent variable].
Note: If NQPTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB1.
52 QP3TB1 2× Power-to-the-wall independent-variable-form table
|NQPTB1| [(*,W) (*,Btu/hr)] for the main tube. Input |NQPTB1|
when (Word 3 on Card Number 9) table-defining data
QPIN1 > pairs having the following form [independent-
0.0; variable form defined by IQPSV1 (Word 2 on Card
(1+NCELL Number 9), power to the wall]. If QPIN1 > 0.0, the
1) dependent variable specifies the total power to the
× |NQPTB1| entire wall; if QPIN1 < 0.0, the dependent variable is
when a power shape that specifies the power to the wall at
QPIN1 < each cell from cell 1 to NCELL1.
Note: If NSHTB = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 5), do not input array SHLTB.
53 SHLTB 2×NSHTB NSHTB pairs of shell void fraction, liquid heat
transfer fraction data.
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NDCTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 5), do not input array DCZTB.
54 DCZTB 2×NDCTB NDCTB pairs of drain cooler void fraction, liquid
heat transfer fraction data.
Note: If NLLTB = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 5), do not input array LEVTB.
55 LEVTB 2×NLLTB NLLTB pairs of shell void fraction, shell liquid level
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Side Arm Array Cards
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 HEATR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
85 XLNB NCELL2 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 13), do not input array POWTB2.
86 POWTB2 2×|NPWTB2| Power-to-the-fluid vs. independent-variable-form
table [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input
|NPWTB2| (Word 3 on Card Number 14) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV2
(Word 2 on Card Number 14), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the side-tube
fluid with a uniform volumetric power density along
the HEATR side-tube length.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 13), do not input array POWRF2.
87 POWRF2 2×|NPWRF2| Rate-factor table (*,–) for the side-tube power-to-
the-fluid table independent variable. Input
|NPWRF2| (Word 5 on Card Number 14) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by NPWSV2
(Word 4 on Card Number 14), rate factor to be
applied to the power-to-the-fluid table independent
Note: If NQPTB2 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 15) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB2.
88 QP3TB2 2×|NQPTB2| Power-to-the-wall vs. independent-variable form
when table [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input
QPIN2 >0.0; |NQPTB2| (Word 3 on Card Number 15) table-
(1+NCELL2) defining data pairs having the following form
× |NQPTB2| [independent-variable form defined by IQPSV2
when (Word 2 on Card Number 15), power to the wall].
QPIN2 <0.0. If QPIN2 > 0.0, the dependent variable specifies the
total power to the entire wall; if QPIN2 < 0.0, the
dependent variable is a power shape that specifies
the power to the wall at each cell from cell NCELL1
+ 2 to cell NCELL1 + 1 + NCELL2.
HEATR Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
HTSTR Component Data
See POWER Component Data for the POWER component input description. A sample problem
which uses the HTSTR component is given at the end of this section.
If NOFUELROD=0 (Word 1 in Card Number 3), and NAMELIST variable NPOWER>0, power
distribution must be specified via POWER component.
The HTSTR component replaces the old style ROD and SLAB heat structure component input. It
is recommended old ROD and SLAB components be converted to new HTSTR components. The
procedure for doing this is described in Chapter 1 (See Appendix A for old style Rod and Slab
Variable Description
Variable Description
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Number 4. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) NMWRX, NFCI, NFCIL, HDRI, HDRO
Variable Description
1 = on
NFCI Fuel-clad interaction (FCI) option. NFCI = 1 performs the dynamic gas-gap
conductance calculation.
0 = off;
1 = on.
NFCIL Maximum number of FCI calculations per timestep. Input NFCIL = 1 when
NFCI = 1.
HDRI Heat-transfer diameter (m, ft) used to evaluate the heat-transfer coefficient
(HTC) for the inside surface of the HTSTR element. HDRI is used when
NAMELIST variable ITHD = 1 and the hydraulic diameter HD is used when
ITHD = 0.
HDRO Heat-transfer diameter (m, ft) used to evaluate the heat-transfer coefficient
(HTC) for the outside surface of the HTSTR element. HDRO is used when
NAMELIST variable ITHD = 1 and the hydraulic diameter HD is used when
ITHD = 0.
Variable Description
IFRADI Radiation heat transfer flag for the inner heat structure surface. If IFRADI=0,
then there is no radiation heat transfer for the inner heat structure surface. If
IFRADI=1, then there is radiation heat transfer for the inner heat structure
IFRADO Radiation heat transfer flag for the outer heat structure surface. If IFRADO=0,
then there is no radiation heat transfer for the outer heat structure surface. If
IFRADO=1, then there is radiation heat transfer for the outer heat structure
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Variable Description
Variable Description
WIDTH If HSCYL = 0, input WIDTH (m, ft) of HTSTR element surface (used to
or compute surface area) for the slab heat structure.
DTHETA If HSCYL = 2, input DTHETA, the number of radians in the theta direction for
the spherical heat structure.
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Variable Description
dynamic solution through heat-transfer coupling).
NODES Number of radial (HSCYL=1, Word 3 on Card Number 2) or thickness
(HSCYL=0) heat-transfer nodes in the HTSTR elements. A value of 1
invokes the lumped-parameter solution (see TRACE Theory Manual).
FMON Fine mesh flag. If it is non-zero, then the fine mesh algorithm is turned on.
NZMAX Maximum number of axial nodes. NZMAX must be greater or equal to
NZHTSTR. With the fine mesh option on, NZMAX must be greater or
equal to MAX((NZHTSTR+2), SUM(MAX(3, NFAX(1:)))).
REFLOODON Reflood flag. This flag is now redundant in that it behaves identically to
FMON above - if it is non-zero, then the fine mesh algorithm is turned on
(even if FMON is set to zero). As of V4.260, the code no longer
distinguishes between reflood and non-reflood sets of physical models. The
only reason this flag still remains is to maintain backward compatibility
with older input decks which may have had the IRFTR flag (now called
FMON) set to 0 and IRFTR2 (now called REFLOODON) set to a non-zero
Variable Description
DTXHT(1) Maximum ∆T (K, ºF) surface-temperature change between node rows above
which a row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine-mesh calculation for the
nucleate and transition boiling regimes. (No longer used).
DTXHT(2) Maximum ∆T (K, ºF) surface-temperature change between node rows above
which a row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine-mesh calculation for all heat
transfer regimes other than the nucleate and transition boiling regimes. (No
longer used).
DZNHT Minimum ∆z (m, ft) axial interval between node rows below which no
additional row of nodes is inserted in the axial fine-mesh calculation.
HGAPO HTSTR element gas-gap HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 oF hr)].
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
11 IDBCIN NZHTSTR Inner surface boundary condition for each axial level
in the heat structure.
0 = Constant heat flux (positive direction is
from solid to fluid)
1 = Constant heat transfer coefficient, and
constant sink temperature
2 = Heat structure is coupled to the hydro
3 = Heat flux is specified by heat flux vs.
independent variable table (positive
direction is from solid to fluid)
4 = Heat transfer coefficient is specified by
table of heat transfer coefficient vs.
independent variable; sink temperature
is specified by sink temperature versus
independent variable table.
5= Constant fixed surface temperature.
6 = Constant fixed heat transfer coefficient,
with fluid/sink temperature determined
by the connecting Hydro component.
7 = Surface temperature is determined by a
signal variable or control block.
8 = Heat transfer coefficient is determined by
a signal variable or control block.
9 = Sink temperature is determined by a
signal variable or control block.
10 = Surface heat flux is determined by a
signal variable or control block.
(Positive direction is from solid to
11 = Surface temperature is determined by a
general table.
12 = Surface HTC is determined by a general
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
12 IDBCON NZHTSTR Outer surface boundary condition for each axial level
in the heat structure.
See above for input options.
Inner Surface Boundary Condition:
Note: Include one inside surface Card Sets for each of the NZHTSTR (Word 1 on Card
Number 2) axial levels of HTSTR. Use LOAD format.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 0 (Card Set 11) for this axial level.
13 QFLXBCI 1 Inner surface heat flux for axial level [W/m2, (Btu/
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 1 (Card Set 11) for this axial level.
14 HTCLIQI, 2 Inner surface heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2 K),
Btu/(ft2 oF hr)] and sink temperature (K, oF) for
axial level.
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 2 (Card Set 11) for this axial level.
15 HCOMIN, 4 HCOMIN: Component number of the hydraulic cell
HCELII, to which the axial level of the HTSTR component is
HCELJI, coupled.
HCELII,HCEJI,HCELKI: i-,j-,k-cell number of the
fluid cell of component HCOMIN to which axial
level of the HTSTR component is coupled. If
HCOMIN is a 1D fluid component, only HCELII is
used; it refers to the axial cell number in the fluid
component. If NHCOMIN refers to a 3D vessel,
HCELII refers to the radial cell number, HCELJI
refers to the theta cell number, and HCELKI refers
to the axial cell number.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCIN = 3 (Card Set 11).
16 NUMBCI1 1 Number of the general table for this surface
boundary condition. IDBCIN = 3 implies the
general table will be for a surface heat flux.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCIN = 4 (Card Set 11).
17 NUMBCI1, 2 NUMBCI1 = general table number for the HTC BC
NUMBCI2 for this inner surface at this axial level.
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 6 (Card Set 11) for this axial level.
19 HTCLIQI, 6 HTCLIQI: Inside surface HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2
HTCVAPI, oF hr)] for the liquid phase.
HCELJI, HTCVAPI: Inside surface HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2
HCELKI oF hr)] for the vapor phase.
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 8, or 9 (Card Set 11) for this axial level.
21 NUMBCI1, 5 NUMBCI1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCOMIN, the inner surface heat transfer coefficient BC for this
HCELII, axial level if IDBCIN = 8.
HCELJI, NUMBCI1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCELKI the inner surface sink temperature BC for this axial
level if IDBCIN = 9.
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 12 (Card Set 11) for this axial level.
24 NUMBCI1, 5 NUMBCI1: General table number for the inner
HCOMIN, surface HTC BC for this axial level.
HCOMIN: Component number of the hydraulic cell
HCELK1 to which the axial level of the HTSTR component is
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 0 (Card Set 12) for this axial level.
25 QFLXBCO 1 Outer surface heat flux for axial level [W/m2, (Btu/
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 1 (Card Set 12) for this axial level.
26 HTCLIQO, 2 Outer surface heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2 K),
Btu/(ft2 oF hr)] and sink temperature for axial level.
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 2 (Card Set 12) for this axial level.
27 HCOMON, 4 HCOMON: Component number of the hydraulic
HCELIO, cell to which the axial level of the HTSTR
HCELJO, component is coupled.
HCELIO,HCEJO,HCELKO: i-,j-,k-cell number of
the fluid cell of component HCOMON to which
axial level of the HTSTR component is coupled. If
HCOMON is a 1D fluid component, only HCELIO
is used; it refers to the axial cell number in the fluid
component. If NHCOMON refers to a 3D vessel,
HCELIO refers to the radial cell number, HCELJO
refers to the theta cell number, and HCELKO refers
to the axial cell number.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCON = 3 (Card Set 12).
28 NUMBCO1 1 Number of the general table for this surface
boundary condition. IDBCON = 3 implies the
general table will be for a surface heat flux.
IDBCON = 11 implies the general table will be for
a surface wall temperature.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCON = 4 (Card Set 12).
29 NUMBCO1, 2 NUMBCO1 = general table number for the HTC
NUMBCO2 BC for this outer surface at this axial level.
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 6 (Card Set 12) for this axial level.
31 HTCLIQO, 6 HTCLIQO: Outside surface HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/
(ft2 oF hr)] for the liquid phase.
HCELJO, HTCVAPO: Outside surface HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/
HCELKO (ft2 oF hr)] for the vapor phase.
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 8, or 9 (Card Set 12) for this axial level.
33 NUMBCO1, 5 NUMBCO1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCOMON, the outer surface heat transfer coefficient BC for
HCELIO, this axial level if IDBCON = 8.
HCELJO, NUMBCO1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCELKO the outer surface sink temperature BC for this axial
level if IDBCON = 9.
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 12 (Card Set 12) for this axial level.
36 NUMBCO1, 5 NUMBCO1: General table number for the outer
HCOMON, surface HTC BC for this axial level.
HCOMON: Component number of the hydraulic
HCELKO cell to which the axial level of the HTSTR
component is coupled.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Adjacent MATRD elements cannot both have the value of 3 and MATRD(1)
and MATRD(NODES – 1) cannot be 3. Additional material properties can be
45 MATRD NODES –1 HTSTR-element material ID numbers [dimension is
1 if NODES = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 9)].
1 = mixed oxide;
2 = zircaloy;
3 = fuel-clad gap gases;
4 = boron-nitride insulation;
5 = constantan/Nichrome heater wire;
6 = stainless steel, type 304;
7 = stainless steel, type 316;
8 = stainless steel, type 347;
9 = carbon steel, type A508;
10 = inconel, type 718;
11 = zircaloy dioxide;
12 = inconel, type 600.
46 NFAX NZHTSTR Number of permanent fine-mesh cells added in each
coarse mesh cell of the heat structure, when the fine-
mesh calculation is set ON. Odd numbers should be
used. If even numbers are used, the code will
change them to odd numbers (NFAX=NFAX+1).
Note: Input next Card Set (Temperature Array) for the average power rod and each of
the supplemental rods NHOT (Word 1 on Card Number 9) HTSTR elements.
47 RFTN NODES x HTSTR (radial by axial if HSCYL=1, Word 3 on
NZHTSTR Card Number 2, and thickness by axial if
HSCYL=0) element temperatures (K, °F). If fine
mesh option is used, element temperatures at the
heat structure ends must be added. In this case, the
dimension of RFTN is NODES x (NZHTSTR+2).
Note: Omit the remaining 8 Cards if NOFUELROD (Word 1 on Card Number 3) = 1
48 FPUO2 1 Fraction (–) of plutonium dioxide (PuO2) in mixed-
oxide fuel.
49 FTD 1 Fraction (–) of theoretical fuel density.
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
Sample Input using HTSTR, POWER, and RADENC
free format
* main data *
* numtcr ieos inopt nmat
1 0 1 1
*-*-*radiation test problem with 2 htstrs in a pipe
* Starting from Jay’sRadEncSlab; ISL added hydro Apr 2003
* namelist data *
nhtstr=1, cpuflg=1, npower=1, ipowr=1, nEnclosure=1,
* dstep timet
0 0.0000e+00
* stdyst transi ncomp njun ipak
0 1 7 2 1
* epso epss
1.0000e-03 1.0000e-10
* oitmax sitmax isolut ncontr
10 10 0 0
* ntsv ntcb ntcf ntrp ntcp
1 0 0 1 0
* component-number data *
* iorder* 666 777 888 s
* iorder* 11 22 33 901 e
* material-properties data *
* matb * 51e
* ptbln * 2e
* temp rho cp k emiss
* prptb(1,i) prptb(2,i) prptb(3,i) prptb(4,i) prptb(5,i)
2.0000e+02 5000.0 0.80e+03 14.0 0.67
4.0000e+05 5000.0 0.80e+03 24.0 0.67
* control-parameter data *
* signal variables
* idsv isvn ilcn icn1 icn2
1 0 0 0 0
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
* trips
* ntse ntct ntsf ntdp ntsd
0 0 0 0 0
* idtp isrt iset itst idsg
-2 2 0 1 1
* setp(1) setp(2)
0.0000e+00 1.0000e-01
* dtsp(1) dtsp(2)
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* ifsp(1) ifsp(2)
0 0
* component data *
******* type num id ctitle
fill 666 666 inlet zero fill
*3 jun1 ifty ioff
666 6 0
*5 iftr ifsv nftb ntsv nfrf
0 1 4 0 0
*6 twtold rfmxv concin felv
500.0 10.0e8 0.0 0.0
*9 dxin volin alpin vlin tlin
1.0 0.1 1.0 1.0 613.0
*10 pin pain flowin vvin tvin
14.5000e+06 0.0 0.907185 1.0 613.0
*13 vmscl vvscl
1.0 1.0
*14 tlscl tvscl pscl pascl conscl
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
*Card Sets
*18 vmtbv
0.0 0.907185 10.0 0.907185 s
100.0 0.907185 1000.0 0.907185 e
*19 vvtbv
0.0 0.53360 10.0 0.53360 s
100.0 0.53360 1000.0 0.53360 e
*20 tltb
0.0 644.261 100.0 644.261 s
200.0 644.261 1.0E+20 644.261 e
*21 tvtb
0.0 644.261 100.0 1366.48 s
200.0 644.261 1.0E+20 644.761 e
*22 alptb
0.0 1.0 100.0 1.0 s
200.0 1.0 1.0E+20 1.0 e
*23 ptb
0.0 14.5e6 100.0 14.5e6 s
200.0 14.5e6 1.0E+20 14.5e6 e
*22 patb
0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 s
200.0 0.0 1.0E+20 0.0 e
******* type num id ctitle
pipe 777 777 bottom pipe
* ncells nodes jun1 jun2 epsw
2 0 666 777 0.0
* ichf iconc iacc ipow
0 0 0 0
* radin th houtl houtv toutl
5.0000e-01 5.0000e-02 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 5.0000e+02
* toutv
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
* dx * f 9.251 e
* vol * f 0.5168 e
* fa * f 0.055863 e
* fric * r02 0.0 0.35 e
* grav * f 0.0 e
* hd * f 0.266695 e
* nff * f 1e
* alp * f 1.0 e
* vl * f 1.0 e
* vv * f 1.0 e
* tl * f 613.0 e
* tv * f 613.0 e
* p * f 14.5e6 e
* pa * f 0.0 e
******* type num id ctitle
break 888 888 bottom
* jun1 ibty isat ioff
777 0 0 0
* dxin volin alpin tin pin
2.0 0.2 1. 613. 14.50e+06
* pain concin rbmx poff belv
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.
******* type num id ctitle
htstr 11 11 powered-slab conductor
*2 nzhtstr ittc hscyl ichf
2 0 0 1
*3 nofuelrod plane liqlev iaxcnd
0 2 0 0
*4 nmwrx nfci nfcil hdri hdro
0 0 0 0.25231 0.35231
*5 ifradi ifrado
0 1
*7 emcof1 emcof2 emcof3
0.8 0.0 0.0
*8 width
*9 nhot nodes fmOn nzmax
0 4 0 4
*10 dtxht(1) dtxht(2) dznht hgapo
5.0000e+00 1.0000e+01 5.0000e-02 0.0000e+00
* idbciN * 0 0e
* idbcoN * 2 2e
* qsurfi
0.0 e
0.0 e
* hcomon hcelio hceljo hcelko
777 1 0 0 e
777 2 0 0 e
* dzhtstr 41* f 9.251 e
* rdx 42 * 1.0e
* radrd * 1.28595e-01 1.3970e-01 1.508e-01 1.619e-01 e
* matrd * f 51e
* nfax * f 0e
* rftn * f 613.0 e
* fpuo2 * 0.0000e+00e
* ftd * 9.2500e-01e
* gmix * f 0.0000e+00e
* gmles * 0.0000e+00e
* pgapt * 0.0000e+00e
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
* plvol * 2.0000e-05e
* pslen * 3.6576e+00e
* clenn * 3.9576e+00e
* burn * f 2.6620e+03e
******* type num id ctitle
htstr 22 22 non-powered-slab conductor
*2 nzhtstr ittc hscyl ichf
2 0 0 1
*3 nofuelrod plane liqlev iaxcnd
0 2 0 0
*4 nmwrx nfci nfcil hdri hdro
0 0 0 0.25231 0.35231
*5 ifradi ifrado
1 0
*7 emcof1 emcof2 emcof3
0.8 0.0 0.0
*8 width
*9 nhot nodes fmOn nzmax
0 4 0 4
*10 dtxht(1) dtxht(2) dznht hgapo shelv
5.0000e+00 1.0000e+01 5.0000e-02 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* idbciN * 2 2 e
* idbcoN * 0 0 e
* hcomin hcelii hcelji hcelki
777 1 0 0 e
777 2 0 0 e
* qsurfi
0.0 e
0.0 e
* dzhtstr 41* f 9.251 e
* rdx 42 * 1.0e
* radrd * 1.28595e-01 1.3970e-01 1.508e-01 1.619e-01 e
* matrd * f 51e
* nfax * f 0e
* rftn * f 613.0 e
* fpuo2 * 0.0000e+00e
* ftd * 9.2500e-01e
* gmix * f 0.0000e+00e
* gmles * 0.0000e+00e
* pgapt * 0.0000e+00e
* plvol * 2.0000e-05e
* pslen * 3.6576e+00e
* clenn * 3.9576e+00e
* burn * f 2.6620e+03e
******* type num id ctitle
power 901 901 power data input test1
*2 numpwr chanpow ngtpow nsvpow ncbpow
*3 htnum
* irpwty ndgx ndhx nrts nhist
5 0 -11 5 0
* izpwtr izpwsv nzpwtb nzpwsv nzpwrf
0 1 1 0 0
* ipwrad ipwdep
0 0
* nzpwz nzpwi nfbpwt
0 0 0
* react tneut rpwoff rrpwmx rpwscl
TRACE V5.0 HTSTR Component Data
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.0000e+00
* rpowri zpwin zpwoff rzpwmx
1.0 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
* extsou pldr pdrat fucrac
0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.3000e+00 7.0000e-01
* rdpwr * f 1.0000e+00e
* cpowr * 1.0000e+00e
* zpwtb * f 1.0000e+00e
******* type num id ctitle
radenc 33 33 Radiation HT enclosure
*2 nzlevel nhss
2 3
*3 numhss rnHSS-node znHSS-level
11 4 1
22 1 1
22 1 2
11 4 2
22 1 2
22 1 1
*4 Upper 0ff-diagonal view fraction matrix array.
0.95 0.05 e
0.0 e
0.95 0.05 e
0.0 e
*5 Diagonal and upper off-diagonal for path length array.
0.0 0.267 9.255 e
0.0 9.251 e
0.0 e
0.0 0.267 9.255 e
0.0 9.251 e
0.0 e
* time-step data *
* dtmin dtmax tend rtwfp
1.0000e-03 0.1 199.0 1.0000e+02
* edint gfint dmpint sedint
20.0 1.0 1.0000e+03 5.0000e+01
* time-step data *
* endflag
HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data
REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data
In order to repeat a heat structure component, the first number input for the second card must be
Variable Description
NUM Component ID number (must be unique for each component, 1 < NUM < 999).
ID User ID number (arbitrary).
CTITLE Hollerith component description.
Variable Description
Note: Use LOAD format. Each array has its element values defined by a Card Set of one
or more cards.
REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
3 IDBCIN NZHTSTR Inner surface boundary condition for each axial level
in the heat structure.
0 = Constant heat flux (positive direction is
from solid to fluid)
1 = Constant heat transfer coefficient, and
constant sink temperature
2 = Heat structure is coupled to the hydro
3 = Heat flux is specified by heat flux vs.
independent variable table (positive
direction is from solid to fluid)
4 = Heat transfer coefficient is specified by
table of heat transfer coefficient vs.
independent variable; sink temperature
is specified by sink temperature versus
independent variable table.
5 = Constant fixed surface temperature.
6 = Constant fixed heat transfer coefficient,
with fluid/sink temperature determined
by the connecting Hydro component.
7 = Surface temperature is determined by a
signal variable or control block.
8 = Heat transfer coefficient is determined by
a signal variable or control block.
9 = Sink temperature is determined by a
signal variable or control block.
10 = Surface heat flux is determined by a
signal variable or control block.
(Positive direction is from solid to
11 = Surface temperature is determined by a
general table.
12 = Surface HTC is determined by a general
4 IDBCON NZHTSTR Outer surface boundary condition for each axial level
in the heat structure.
See above for input options.
TRACE V5.0 REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data
Inner Surface Boundary Condition
Note: Include one of inside surface Card Sets for each of the NZHTSTR axial levels of
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 0 (Card Set 3) for this axial level.
5 QFLXBCI 1 Inner surface heat flux for axial level.
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 1 (Card Set 3) for this axial level.
6 HTCLIQI, 2 Inner surface heat transfer coefficient and sink
TFLUIDI temperature for axial level.
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 2 (Card Set 3) for this axial level.
7 HCOMIN, 4 HCOMIN: Component number of the hydraulic cell
HCELII, to which the axial level of the HTSTR component is
HCELJI, coupled.
HCELII,HCEJI,HCELKI: i-,j-,k-cell number of the
fluid cell of component HCOMIN to which axial
level of the HTSTR component is coupled. If
HCOMIN is a 1D fluid component, only HCELII is
used; it refers to the axial cell number in the fluid
component. If NHCOMIN refers to a 3D vessel,
HCELII refers to the radial cell number, HCELJI
refers to the theta cell number, and HCELKI refers
to the axial cell number.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCIN = 3 (Card Set 3).
8 NUMBCI1 1 Number of the general table for this surface
boundary condition. IDBCIN = 3 implies the
general table will be for a surface heat flux.
REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCIN = 4 (Card Set 3).
9 NUMBCI1, 2 NUMBCI1 = general table number for the HTC BC
NUMBCI2 for this inner surface at this axial level.
TRACE V5.0 REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 8, or 9 (Card Set 3) for this axial level.
13 NUMBCI1, 5 NUMBCI1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCOMIN, the inner surface heat transfer coefficient BC for this
HCELII, axial level if IDBCIN = 8.
HCELJI, NUMBCI1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCELKI the inner surface sink temperature BC for this axial
level if IDBCIN = 9.
HCELII,HCEJI,HCELKI: i-,j-,k-cell number of the
fluid cell of component HCOMIN to which axial
level of the HTSTR component is coupled. If
HCOMIN is a 1D fluid component, only HCELII is
used; it refers to the axial cell number in the fluid
component. If HCOMIN refers to a 3D vessel,
HCELII refers to the radial cell number, HCELJI
refers to the theta cell number and HCELKI refers to
the axial cell number.
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 10 (Card Set 3) for this axial level.
14 NUMBCI1 1 NUMBCI1: Signal variable or control block id for
the inner surface heat flux BC for this axial level.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCIN = 11 (Card Set 3).
15 NUMBCI1 1 Number of the general table for this surface
boundary condition. IDBCIN = 3 implies the
general table will be for a surface heat flux.
IDBCIN = 11 implies the general table will be for a
surface wall temperature.
REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCIN = 12 (Card Set 3) for this axial level.
16 NUMBCI1, 5 NUMBCI1: General table number for the inner
HCOMIN, surface HTC BC for this axial level.
HCELJI, HCOMIN: Component number of the hydraulic cell
HCELK1 to which the axial level of the HTSTR component is
Note: Include one of the outside surface Card Sets for each of the NZHTSTR axial levels
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 0 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
17 QFLXBCO 1 Outer surface heat flux [W/m2, (Btu/hr)/ft2]for axial
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 1 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
18 HTCLIQO, 2 Outer surface heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2 K),
Btu/(ft2 oF hr)] and sink temperature (K, oF)for
axial level.
TRACE V5.0 REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 2 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
19 HCOMON, 4 HCOMON: Component number of the hydraulic
HCELIO, cell to which the axial level of the HTSTR
HCELJO, component is coupled.
HCELIO,HCEJO,HCELKO: i-,j-,k-cell number of
the fluid cell of component HCOMON to which
axial level of the HTSTR component is coupled. If
HCOMON is a 1D fluid component, only HCELIO
is used; it refers to the axial cell number in the fluid
component. If NHCOMON refers to a 3D vessel,
HCELIO refers to the radial cell number, HCELJO
refers to the theta cell number, and HCELKO refers
to the axial cell number.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCON = 3 (Card Set 4).
20 NUMBCI1 1 Number of the general table for this surface
boundary condition. IDBCON = 3 implies the
general table will be for a surface heat flux.
IDBCON = 11 implies the general table will be for a
surface wall temperature.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCON = 4 (Card Set 4).
21 NUMBCO1, 2 NUMBCO1 = general table number for the HTC
NUMBCO2 BC for this outer surface at this axial level.
REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 6 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
23 HTCLIQO, 6 HTCLIQO: Outside surface HTC for the liquid
HTCVAPO, phase.
HCELIO, HTCVAPO: Outside surface HTC for the vapor
HCELJO, phase.
HCOMON: Component number of the hydraulic
cell to which the axial level of the HTSTR
component is coupled.
TRACE V5.0 REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 8, or 9 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
25 NUMBCO1, 5 NUMBCO1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCOMON, the outer surface heat transfer coefficient BC for
HCELIO, this axial level if IDBCON = 8.
HCELJO, NUMBCO1: Signal variable or control block id for
HCELKO the outer surface sink temperature BC for this axial
level if IDBCON = 9.
component is coupled.
HCELIO,HCEJO,HCELKO: i-,j-,k-cell number of
the fluid cell of component HCOMON to which
axial level of the HTSTR component is coupled. If
HCOMON is a 1D fluid component, only HCELIO
is used; it refers to the axial cell number in the fluid
component. If HCOMON refers to a 3D vessel,
HCELIO refers to the radial cell number, HCELJO
refers to the theta cell number and HCELKO refers
to the axial cell number.
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 10 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
26 NUMBCO1 1 NUMBCO1: Signal variable or control block id for
the outer surface heat flux BC for this axial level.
Note: Input next card set only if IDBCON = 11 (Card Set 4).
27 NUMBCO1 1 Number of the general table for this surface
boundary condition. IDBCON = 11 implies the
general table will be for a surface wall temperature.
Note: Input next Card only if IDBCON = 12 (Card Set 4) for this axial level.
REPEAT-HTSTR Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
JETP Component Data
When this component is used, more than one cell should be used to model the jet pump throat
region. If only one cell is used, the code may significantly under-estimate the total core flow.
Variable Description
Card Number 2. (Format 2A14) EOS, PHASECHANGE
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed
for this component.
Variable Description
JCELL Main-tube cell number that has the side tube connected to it.
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the wall. A value of zero specifies no wall
heat transfer.
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) JCELL, NODES, ICHF, COST, EPSW (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) IPWTR1, IPWSV1, NPWTB1, NPWSV1, NPWRF1
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 50 (array POWTB1) for the main tube (|IPWTR1| < 9999). [Input
IPWTR1 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep during the transient calculation].
IPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-fluid table for the main
tube. IPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB1 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NPWTB1). NPWTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IPWSV1 parameter; NPWTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV1 parameter
each last timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when
the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB1 = 0 defines the power to
the fluid to be the IPWSV1 parameter.
NPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV1 = 0 (when NPWRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV1 and NPWRF1 are both zero. NPWRF1 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV1 parameter; NPWRF1 <
0 defines it to be the sum of change in the NPWSV1 parameter over each timestep
times the trip set-status value ISET during the timestep (when the main-tube
power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to
be the NPWSV1 parameter.
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 41) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 52 (array QP3TB1) for the main tube (|IQPTR1| < 9999). [Input
IQPTR1 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep during the transient calculation].
IQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the main-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV1 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB1 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NQPTB1). NQPTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IQPSV1 parameter; NQPTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV1 parameter
over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during each timestep
(when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB1 = 0 defines the
power to the wall to be the IQPSV1 parameter.
NQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV1 = 0 (when NQPRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NQPSV1 and NQPRF1 are both zero. NQPRF1 > 0 defines the rate-factor
table independent variable to be the NQPSV1 parameter; NQPRF1 < 0 defines it
to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV1 parameter over each timestep times
the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the main-tube power-to-
the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to be the
NQPSV1 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Number 7. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN1, TH1, HOUTL1, HOUTV1, TOUTL1
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the main-tube wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
TOUTL1 Liquid temperature (K, °F) outside the main-tube wall.
Card Number 8. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV1, PWIN1, PWOFF1, RPWMX1, PWSCL1
Variable Description
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 8. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV1, PWIN1, PWOFF1, RPWMX1, PWSCL1 (Continued)
Variable Description
PWSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-fluid table. The dependent variable in the
table, defined by Card Set 50 (array POWTB1), is multiplied by PWSCL1 to
obtain absolute power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in the fluid [not used if IPOW1 = 0
(Word 5 on Card Number 4) or NPWTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 5)].
Card Number 9. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QPIN1, QPOFF1, RQPMX1, QPSCL1, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN1 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the main-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN1 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN1 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN1|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL1 (Word 2 on Card Number 4) power values. Each data pair of
the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN1 < 0.0] has 1 + NCELL1 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL1 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL1). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN1| or QPOFF1 [if QPOFF1 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL1 cells.
QPOFF1 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the main-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR1 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 6); use the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF1 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX1 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the main tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX1 > 0.0].
QPSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the main tube. The
dependent variable in the table defined by Card Set 52 (array QP3TB1) is
multiplied by QPSCL1 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
NHCOM Component number receiving outside wall energy.
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Number 10. (Format 4I14) ICONC2, NCELL2, JUN3, IPOW2
Variable Description
ICONC2 Solute in the side-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC2 > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
NCELL2 Number of fluid cells in the side tube.
JUN3 Junction number at the external-junction end of the side tube adjacent to cell
IPOW2 Power-to-the-fluid option in the side tube.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 10), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 83 (array POWTB2) for the side tube (|IPWTR2| < 9999). [input
IPWTR2 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep of the transient calculation].
IPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number of the power-to-the-fluid table for the side
tube. IPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB2 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NPWTB2). NPWTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IPWSV2 parameter; NPWTB2 < 0 defines the table’s independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV2 para-meter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB2 = 0 defines the power
to the fluid to be the IPWSV2 parameter.
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2 (Continued)
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 10), do not input this card.
Variable Description
NPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV2 = 0 (when NPWRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV2 and NPWRF2 are both zero. NPWRF2 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV2 parameter; NPWRF2 <
0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the NPWSV2 parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NPWSV2 parameter.
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 74) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 85 (array QP3TB2) for the side tube (|IQPTR2| < 9999). (Input IQPTR2
= 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation).
IQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the side-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV2 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB2 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NQPTB2). NQPTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IQPSV2 parameter; NQPTB2 < 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB2 = 0 defines the power to
the wall to be the IQPSV2 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2 (Continued)
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 74) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
NQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV2 = 0 (when NQPRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NQPSV2 and NQPRF2 are both zero. NQPRF2 > 0 defines the rate-
factor table independent variable to be the NQPSV2 parameter; NQPRF2 < 0
defines it to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NQPSV2 parameter.
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2 (Continued)
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV2, PWIN2, PWOFF2, RPWX2, PWSCL2
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Number 15. (Format 4E14.4) QPIN2, QPOFF2, RQPMX2, QPSCL2
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN2 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the side-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN2 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN2 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN2|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL2 (Word 2 on Card Number 10) power values. Each data pair
of the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN2 < 0.0] has 1+NCELL2 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL2 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL2). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN2| or QPOFF2 [if QPOFF2 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL2 cells.
QPOFF2 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the side-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR2 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 11); the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF2 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX2 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the side-tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX2 > 0.0].
QPSCL2 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the side-tube. The dependent
variable in table defined by Card Set 85 (array QP3TB2) is multiplied by
QPSCL2 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
Variable Description
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
NJETP Number of actual jet pumps lumped together. The user inputs the geometry for a
single pump.
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
JETP Array Cards
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
20 DX NCELL1 Main-tube cell lengths (m, ft).
21 VOL NCELL1 Main-tube cell volumes (m3, ft3).
22 FA NCELL1+1 Main-tube cell-edge flow areas (m2, ft2).
23 FRIC NCELL1+1 Main-tube additive loss coefficients (–).
See NAMELIST variable IKFAC for optional K
factors input.
Note: Input array FRICR only if NFRC1 (NAMELIST variable) = 2.
24 FRICR NCELL1+1 Main-tube additive loss coefficients (–) in the reverse
flow direction. See NAMELIST variable IKFAC for
optional K factors input.
25 GRAV or NCELL1+1 Main-tube gravity or elevation terms [(– or m), (– or
ELEV (NCELL1 ft)]. GRAV is the ratio of the elevation difference to
for ELEV) the DX flow length between the centers of cell i and
cell i-1 for interface i. A positive GRAV value
indicates increasing elevation with increasing cell
number. See NAMELIST variable IELV for optional
cell-centered elevation ELEV input.
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NAMELIST variable MWFL = 0, do not input array WFMFL.
39 WFMFL NCELL1+1 Main-tube wall-friction multiplier factor for the
liquid phase (0.9 < WFMFL < 1.1).
Note: If NAMELIST variable MWFV = 0, do not input array WFMFV
40 WFMFV NCELL1+1 Main-tube wall-friction multiplier factor for the gas
phase (–) (0.9 < WFMFL < 1.1).
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input arrays QPPP,
41 QPPP NODES × A relative power shape (–) in the main-tube wall.
NCELL1 Input values for cell 1, node 1 through NODES; then
cell 2, node 1 through NODES; etc. If the array is
filled with the same nonzero constant, a uniform
volumetric heat source in the wall results. TRACE
internally normalizes the power shape to have a
volume-averaged value of unity {each QPPP(I) is
normalized to have the value QPPP(I) × [ΣK
VOL(K)]/{ΣK QPPP(K) × VOL(K)]}. Filling the
array with zeros results in no power being deposited
in the wall regardless of the value of QPIN1, QPTB1,
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
49 XLNB NCELL1 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array POWTB1.
50 POWTB1 2×|NPWTB Power-to-the-fluid vs independent-variable-form
1| table [(*,W) (*, Btu/hr)] for the main tube. Input
|NPWTB1| (Word 3 on Card Number 5) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV1
(Word 2 on Card Number 5), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the main-tube
fluid with a uniform power density along the main-
tube length.
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array POWRF1.
51 POWRF1 2×|NPWRF Rate-factor table (*,–) for the main-tube power-to-
1| the-fluid table independent variable. Input |NPWRF1|
(Word 5 on Card Number 5) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NPWSV1 (Word 4 on Card
Number 5), rate factor to be applied to the power-to-
the-fluid table independent variable].
Note: If NQPTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 6) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB1.
52 QP3TB1 2× Power-to-the-wall independent-variable-form table
|NQPTB1| [(*,W) (*, Btu/hr)] for the main tube. Input |NQPTB1|
when (Word 3 on Card Number 6) table-defining data
QPIN1 > pairs having the following form [independent-
0.0; variable form defined by IQPSV1 (Word 2 on Card
(1+NCELL Number 6), power to the wall]. If QPIN1 > 0.0, the
1) dependent variable specifies the total power to the
× |NQPTB1| entire wall; if QPIN1 < 0.0, the dependent variable is
when a power shape that specifies the power to the wall at
QPIN1 < each cell from cell 1 to NCELL1.
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NCELL2 = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 10), only input FA, FRIC, GRAV, HD,
NFF, LCCFL, VL, and VV array cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NAMELIST variable ICFLOW = 0 or 1, do not input array ICFLG.. Setting
ICFLG > 0 at adjacent cell-edges can lead to numerical difficulties. Use only
where choked flow can be realistically expected to occur..
61 ICFLG NCELL2+1 Side-tube cell-edge choked-flow model option. Cell-
edge choked-flow model option.
0 = no choked-flow model calculation;
1 = choked-flow model calculation using
default multipliers;
2 to 5 = choked-flow model calculation using
NAMELIST variable defined
62 NFF NCELL2+1 Side-tube friction-factor correlation option.
0 = constant friction factor based on FRIC
1 = homogeneous-flow friction factor plus
–1 = homogeneous-flow friction factor plus
FRIC plus an abrupt flow-area change
form loss evaluated internally by
–100 = FRIC plus an abrupt flow-area change
form loss evaluated internally by
Input NFF > 0 for the JCELL and JCELL+1
Note: If NCCFL = 0 (Word 5 Main-Data Card 9), do not input array LCCFL.
63 LCCFL NCELL2+1 Side-tube countercurrent flow limitation option.
0 = no countercurrent flow limitation
calculation at the cell interface;
N = the countercurrent flow limitation
parameter set number used to evaluate
countercurrent flow limitation at the cell
interface [1 < N < NCCFL (Word 5 on
Main-Data Card 9)].
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 JETP Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If ICONC2 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 10), do not input array CONC.
79 CONC NCELL2 Initial solute mass to liquid-coolant mass ratio
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)] in the
side tube. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9).
Note: If ICONC2 = 0 or 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 10), do not input array S.
80 S NCELL2 Initial macroscopic density of plated-out solute (kg/
m3, lbm/ft3) in the side tube. Requires ISOLUT = 1
(Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9).
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
81 XGNB NCELL2 Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input in
the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
JETP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
82 XLNB NCELL2 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 10), do not input array POWTB2.
83 POWTB2 2×|NPWTB Power-to-the-fluid vs. independent-variable-form
2| table [(*,W), (*, Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input
|NPWTB2| (Word 3 on Card Number 11) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV2
(Word 2 on Card Number 11), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the side-tube
fluid with a uniform volumetric power density along
the JETP side-tube length.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 10), do not input array POWRF2.
84 POWRF2 2×|NPWRF Rate-factor table (*,–) for the side-tube power-to-the-
2| fluid table independent variable. Input |NPWRF2|
(Word 5 on Card Number 11) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NPWSV2 (Word 4 on Card
Number 11), rate factor to be applied to the power-
to-the-fluid table independent variable].
Note: If NQPTB2 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 12) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB2.
85 QP3TB2 2×|NQPTB2| Power-to-the-wall vs independent-variable form table
when [(*,W), (*, Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input |NQPTB2|
QPIN2 >0.0; (Word 3 on Card Number 12) table-defining data
(1+NCELL pairs having the following form [independent-
2) variable form defined by IQPSV2 (Word 2 on Card
× |NQPTB2| Number 12), power to the wall]. If QPIN2 > 0.0, the
when dependent variable specifies the total power to the
QPIN2 <0.0. entire wall; if QPIN2 < 0.0, the dependent variable is
a power shape that specifies the power to the wall at
each cell from cell NCELL1 + 2 to cell NCELL1 + 1
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
PIPE Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed
for this component.
Card Number 3. (Format 4I14,E14.4) NCELLS, NODES, JUN1, JUN2, EPSW
Variable Description
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 4I14,E14.4) NCELLS, NODES, JUN1, JUN2, EPSW (Continued)
Variable Description
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the PIPE wall. A value of zero specifies
no wall heat transfer.
JUN1 Junction number for the junction adjacent to cell 1.
JUN2 Junction number for the junction adjacent to cell NCELLS (Word 1 on this card).
EPSW Wall-surface roughness (m, ft).
Note: If NCELLS = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if NAMELIST
variable USESJC = 2 or 3. This will allow this component to have side
junctions. See SJC model, Chapter 7.
Variable Description
Note: If NSIDES > 0 then input the next three cards as sets of 1, 2, or 3 cards per
NSIDES. Examples include:
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK (Word 2 on Card Number 5) is > 0 only Card
Number 5 is needed.
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 5 and Card Number 6 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK > 0 input Card Number 5 and Card Number 7 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 5, Card Number 6, and
Card Number 7 in sets.
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) NCLK, JUNLK, NCMPTO, NCLKTO, NLEVTO
Variable Description
Note: If NCELLS or NSIDES = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if
JUNLK = 0. If USESJC = 2 or 3, input this card for each NSIDES.
Variable Description
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
THETA Angle between the main direction of flow and the flow through the side junction.
IENTRN Offtake-model option.
0 = off;
1 = on (side-junction mass flow determined using offtake model)
Note: If PIPETYPE= 1, the bulk of the tank should be modeled with one
computational cell. One additional relatively small cell may be added at the
bottom of the tank to improve the timing of release of nitrogen from the
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Number 8. (Format 5I14) ICHF, ICONC, PIPETYPE, IPOW, NPIPES (Continued)
Note: If PIPETYPE= 1, the bulk of the tank should be modeled with one
computational cell. One additional relatively small cell may be added at the
bottom of the tank to improve the timing of release of nitrogen from the
Variable Description
existence of special optional input of importance to reflood
calculations (see Card Number 12).
8 = model wall condensation phenomena as would be appropriate for a
IPOW Power deposited in (to) the coolant option.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
NPIPES The number of parallel pipes of which this is one. Enter 1 for normal cases.
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If IPOW = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 8), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPOWTR The trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the power-to-fluid table
defined by Card Set 46 (array POWTB) (|IPOWTR| < 9999) (input IPOWTR =
0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation).
IPOWSV The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-fluid table. IPOWSV
> 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IPOWSV < 0 defines
the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPOWTB The number of power-to-the-fluid table data entries (defined by the absolute
value of NPOWTB). NPOWTB > 0 defines the table independent-variable form
to be the IPOWSV parameter; NPOWTB < 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPOWSV parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the
power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPOWTB = 0 defines the power to
the fluid to be the IPOWSV parameter.
NPOWSV The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the
power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPOWSV > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPOWSV < 0 defines the ID number
for a control-block output parameter; NPOWSV = 0 (when NPOWRF ≠ 0)
defines the independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and
the setpoint value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is
trip controlled.
NPOWRF The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPOWRF). The rate factor is applied to the power-to-the-fluid table
independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NPOWSV and NPOWRF are both zero. NPOWRF > 0 defines the rate-
factor table independent variable to be the NPOWSV parameter; NPOWRF < 0
defines it to be the sum of the change in the NPOWSV parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the
power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPOWRF = 0 defines the rate factor
to be the NPOWSV parameter.
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Number 10. (Format 5I14) IQP3TR, IQP3SV, NQP3TB, NQP3SV, NQP3RF
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 37) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQP3TR The trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table
defined by Card Set 48 (array QP3TB) (|IQP3TR| < 9999) [input IQP3TR = 0 if
there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep during
the transient calculation].
IQP3SV The independent-variable ID number of the power-to-the-wall table. IQP3SV > 0
defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQP3SV < 0 defines the ID
number for a control-block output parameter.
NQP3TB The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs (defined by the absolute value
of NQP3TB). NQP3TB > 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the
IQP3SV parameter; NQP3TB < 0 defines the table independent-variable form to
be the sum of the change in the IQP3SV parameter over each timestep times the
trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the power-to-the-wall table
is trip controlled); NQP3TB = 0 defines the power to the wall to be the IQP3SV
NQP3SV The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the
power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQP3SV > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQP3SV < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQP3SV = 0 (when NQP3RF ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQP3RF The number of (x,y) rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQP3RF). The rate factor is applied to the power-to-the-wall table independent
variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined when NQP3SV
and NQP3RF are both zero. NQP3RF > 0 defines the rate-factor table independent
variable to be the NQP3SV parameter; NQP3RF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the
change in the NQP3SV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status
value ISET during that time (when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled);
NQP3RF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NQP3SV parameter.
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: Input this card only if PIPETYPE = 3 (Word 3 on Card Number 8).
Variable Description
NLLTB The number of data pairs for the liquid volume fraction, liquid level fraction table.
Note: Input this card only if PIPETYPE = 7 (Word 3 on Card Number 8).
Variable Description
NGRIDSPACERS The number of grid spacers associated with this PIPE component.
UNHEATFR Fraction of the HS surface that is not heated. Fraction of the HS
surface that could support a liquid film even though the fuel rods are in
post-CHF heat transfer regimes.
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN, TH, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PIPE wall. Typically,
such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break loss-of-
coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal to zero.
When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a constant
HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe wall.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV, POWIN, POWOFF, RPOWMX, POWSCL
Variable Description
Card Number 15. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QP3IN, QP3OFF, RQP3MX, QP3SCL, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QP3IN Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the wall and distributed according to
the QPPP array. If QP3IN > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire wall. When
QP3IN < 0.0, the power to the wall in each cell is |QP3IN|, and the negative sign
indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent array of NCELLS (Word
1 on Card Number 3) power values. Each data pair of the power-to-the-wall
table [for QP3IN < 0.0] has 1 + NCELLS values [an independent-variable value
and NCELLS power values for cells 1 through NCELLS]. When the power-to-
the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same power value of |QP3IN| or
QP3OFF [if QP3OFF > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/hr)] is applied at each of the
NCELLS cells.
QP3OFF Power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall when the controlling trip is OFF after being ON
[not used when IQP3TR = 0; use the last table-evaluated power when the trip
was ON if QP3OFF < –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/hr)].
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 15. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QP3IN, QP3OFF, RQP3MX, QP3SCL, NHCOM (Continued)
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
0 = constant friction factor based on FRIC
1 = homogeneous-flow friction factor plus
–1 = homogeneous-flow friction factor plus
FRIC plus an abrupt flow-area change
form loss evaluated internally by
–100 = FRIC plus an abrupt flow-area change
form loss evaluated internally by
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NCCFL = 0 (Word 5 on Main-Data Card 9), do not input array LCCFL.
26 LCCFL NCELLS+1 Countercurrent flow limitation option.
0 = no countercurrent flow limitation
calculation at the cell interface;
N = the countercurrent flow limitation
parameter set number used to evaluate
countercurrent flow limitation at the
cell interface [1 < N < NCCFL (Word
5 on Main-Data Card 9)].
27 ALP NCELLS Initial gas volume fractions (–).
28 VL NCELLS+1 Initial liquid velocities (m/s, ft/s).
29 VV NCELLS+1 Initial gas velocities (m/s, ft/s).
30 TL NCELLS Initial liquid temperatures (K, °F).
31 TV NCELLS Initial gas temperatures (K, °F).
32 P NCELLS Initial pressures (Pa, psia).
33 PA NCELLS Initial noncondensable-gas partial pressures (Pa,
Note: If NAMELIST variable NOLT1D = 1 do not input array ILEV.
34 ILEV NCELLS Level tracking flags. ILEV = 1 indicates that the
two-phase level exists in the current cell. ILEV = 0
indicates that the two-phase level does not exist in
the current cell. If ILEV = -1, the level tracking
calculation will be turned off for this cell.
Note: If NAMELIST variable MWFL = 0, do not input array WFMFL.
35 WFMFL NCELLS+1 Wall-friction multiplier factor for the liquid phase
(–) [0.9 < WFMFL < 1.1].
Note: If NAMELIST variable MWFV = 0, do not input array WFMFV.
36 WFMFV NCELLS+1 Wall-friction multiplier factor for the gas phase (–)
[0.9 < WFMFL < 1.1].
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input arrays QPPP,
37 QPPP NODES × A relative power profile (–) in the PIPE wall. Input
NCELLS values for cell 1, node 1 through NODES; then for
cell 2, node 1 through NODES, etc. If the array is
filled with the same nonzero constant, a uniform
volumetric heat source in the wall results. TRACE
internally normalizes the power profile to have a
volume-averaged value of unity (each QPPPP(I) is
normalized to have the value QPPP(I) × [VOL(K)] /
[QPPP(K) × VOL(K)]. Filling the array with zeros
results in no power being deposited in the PIPE wall
regardless of the values of QP3IN, QP3TB, etc.
38 MATID NODES–1 Wall-material ID array, which specifies material ID
between radial nodes. Dimension is 1 if NODES =
39 TW NODES × Initial wall temperatures (K, °F) (input in the same
NCELLS order as QPPP).
Note: If NHCOM = 0; (Word 5 on Card Number 15) do not input array IDROD.
40 IDROD 1 Vessel radial-theta cell number or input 0 when
NHCOM is a 1D component.
Note: If NHCOM = 0; (Word 5 on Card Number 15) do not input array NHCEL.
41 NHCEL NCELLS Connecting axial cell numbers in component
Note: If ICONC = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 8), do not input array CONC.
42 CONC NCELLS Initial ratio of solute mass to liquid-coolant mass
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)].
Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data
Card 9).
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PIPE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NQP3TB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 10), do not input array QP3TB.
48 QP3TB 2 × |NQP3TB| Power-to-the-wall vs independent-variable-form
when QP3IN table [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)]. Input |NQP3TB| (Word 3
> 0.0; on Card Number 10) table-defining data pairs
(1+NCELLS) having the following form [independent-variable
× |NQP3TB| form defined by IQP3SV (Word 2 on Card
when Number 10), power to the wall]. If QP3IN > 0.0,
QP3IN < 0.0. the dependent variable specifies the total power to
the entire wall; if QP3IN < 0.0, the dependent
variable is a power distribution that specifies the
power to the wall at each cell from cell 1 to cell
Note: Input array LEVTB only if PIPETYPE = 3 (Word 3 on Card Number 8).
PIPTETYPE = 3 designates a one celled spherical accumulator. A table of
liquid volume fraction, liquid level fraction pairs is input. NLLTB is the number
of data pairs for that table.
49 LEVTB 2 × NLLTB NLLTB pairs of accumulator liquid volume fraction
versus liquid level fraction.
Note: Input array GRIDSPACERZ only if PIPETYPE = 7 (Word 3 on Card Number
8) and NGRIDSPACERS > 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 12).
50 GRIDSP NGRIDSPAC Grid spacer axial locations.
PIPE Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 PLENUM Component Data
PLENUM Component Data
Variable Description
Variable Description
JUNS1 The number of junctions on side 1 of the PLENUM cell that convect momentum Data
across the cell [side 1 junctions are the first to the JUNS1th junction numbers;
input 0 if no momentum is to be convected across the PLENUM cell].
JUNS2 The number of junctions on side 2 of the PLENUM cell that convect momentum
across the cell [side 2 junctions are on the opposite side of the PLENUM cell from
side 1 and the side 2 junctions are the (JUNS1 + 1)th to the (JUNS1 + JUNS2)th
junction numbers; input 0 if no momentum is to be convected across the
PLENUM cell and JUNS1 = 0].
PLENUM Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PLENUM Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
14 XGNB NCELLS Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input
in the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
15 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
PLENUM Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
POWER Component Data
A sample input file which uses the POWER component is found at the end of the HTSTR
component (see HTSTR Component Data)
Variable Description
Variable Description
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Number 4. (Format 5I14) IRPWTY, NDGX, NDHX, NRTS, NHIST
Variable Description
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 4. (Format 5I14) IRPWTY, NDGX, NDHX, NRTS, NHIST (Continued)
Variable Description
NDHX The number of decay-heat groups. Input any positive value other than 69 or 71
for NDHX when the TRACE user wishes to specify their own decay-heat
parameters. The options shown below for NDHX are available to define
internal decay heat data. [For IRPWTY = 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, or 17: input NDHX =
69 = define the ANS-79 decay-heat standard
71 = define the ANS-79 decay-heat standard plus the heavy-element
decay for U239 and Np239
-11 = define the ANS-73 11 decay-heat group that was the default in
-23 = define the ANS-79 decay-heat standard using only U235 data
-25 = define the ANS-79 decay-heat standard using only U235 data plus
the heavy-element decay for U239 and Np239
-92 = define the ANS-94 decay-heat standard
-94 = define the ANS-94 decay-heat standard plus the heavy-element
decay for U239 and Np239
NRTS The number of timesteps between file output edits of the reactor-core power
and reactivity-feedback changes to the trcout file (NRTS = 10, default).
NHIST The number of value pairs in the power-history table. NHIST = 0 when
IRPWTY = 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, or 17.
0 = the user will input the delayed-neutron precursor concentrations
(CDGN) and the decay-heat precursor concentrations (CDHN);
WARNING: This option will result in power jumps at restart
unless you are very careful with input of CDGN.
1 = CDGN and CDHN will be calculated assuming an infinite history
of operation at the user input power level of RPOWRI;
>2 = a power history table will be input and used to calculate initial
values for CDGN and CDHN.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5E14.4) Q235, Q239, Q238, QAVG, R239PF (Continued)
Variable Description
Note: It is assumed that FP235 + FP238 + FP239 = 1.0. FP235 and FP238 are used
only if NHIST < 2 (Word 5 on Card Number 4).
Variable Description
Variable Description
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If IRPWTY = 1, 5, 11, or 15 (Word 1 on Card Number 4), do not input this
Variable Description
IRPWTR The trip ID number which controls the evaluation of the reactivity-power table
(0 < |IRPWTR| < 9999 when IRPWTY = 3, 4, 7, 13, 14, or 17; IRPWTR = 0
IRPWSV The reactivity-power table's abscissa-coordinate variable ID number. IRPWSV
defines the independent-variable parameter for the reactivity-power table.
IRPWSV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IRPWSV <
0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter (0 < |IRPWSV| <
9999 when IRPWTY = 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 16, or 17; IRPWSV = 0 otherwise).
NRPWTB The number of reactivity-power table value pairs (defined by the absolute value
of NRPWTB). NRPWTB > 0 defines the table's independent-variable form to
be the IRPWSV parameter; NRPWTB < 0 defines the reactivity-power table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IRPWSV
parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that
timestep (when the reactivity-power table is trip controlled); NRPWTB = 0
defines the reactivity-power table's reactivity or power to be the IRPWSV
NRPWSV The rate-factor table's abscissa-coordinate variable ID number. NRPWSV
defines the independent-variable parameter to determine the rate factor that is
applied to the reactivity-power table's independent variable. NRPWSV > 0
defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; NRPWSV < 0 defines
the ID number for a control-block output parameter; NRPWSV = 0 (when
NRPWRF ≠ 0) defines the difference between the trip signal and the set-point
value that turns the trip OFF when the reactivity-power table is trip controlled.
NRPWRF The number of rate-factor table value pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NRPWRF). The rate factor is applied to the reactivity-power table's
independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NRPWSV and NRPWRF (Words 4 and 5 on this Card) are both zero.
NRPWRF > 0 defines the rate-factor table's abscissa coordinate to be the
NRPWSV parameter; NRPWRF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the
NRPWSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET
during that timestep (when the reactivity-power table is trip controlled);
NRPWRF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NRPWSV parameter.
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Variable Description
IZPWTR The trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the axial-power-shape table
(0 < |IZPWTR| < 9999) (input IZPWTR = 0 when the evaluation of the axial
power-shape table is not trip controlled).
IZPWSV The axial-power-shape table's abscissa-coordinate variable ID number.
IZPWSV defines the independent variable-parameter for the axial-power-shape
table. IZPWSV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IZPWSV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NZPWTB The number of axial-power-shape table (x, f(z) shape) value pairs (defined by
the absolute value of NZPWTB). Each pair consists of an abscissa-coordinate
value x and NZPWZ (Word 1 on Card Number 11) ordinate-coordinate values
of f(z) defining the axial-power shape. NZPWTB > 0 defines the table's
independent-variable form to be the IZPWSV parameter; NZPWPB < 0 defines
the axial-power-shape table independent-variable form to be the sum of the
change in the IZPWSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status
value ISET during that timestep (when the axial-power-shape table is trip
NZPWSV The rate-factor table's abscissa-coordinate variable ID number. NZPWSV
defines the independent-variable parameter to determine the rate factor that is
applied to the axial-power-shape table's independent variable. NZPWSV > 0
defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; NZPWSV < 0 defines
the ID number for a control-block output parameter; NZPWSV = 0 (when
NZPWRF ≠ 0) defines the difference between the trip signal and the set-point
value that turns the trip OFF when the axial-power-shape table is trip controlled.
NZPWRF The number of rate-factor table value pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NZPWRF). The rate factor is applied to the axial-power-shape table's
independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NZPWSV and NZPWRF (Words 4 and 5 on this Card) are both zero.
NZPWRF > 0 defines the rate-factor table's abscissa coordinate to be the
NZPWSV parameter; NZPWRF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the
NZPWSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET
during that timestep (when the axial-power-shape table is trip controlled);
NZPWRF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NZPWSV parameter
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) NZPWZ, NZPWI, NFBPWT, NRPWR, NRPWI
Variable Description
NZPWZ Number of axial locations defining the axial-power shape (NZPWZ = 2); if
NZPWZ < 2 is input, NZPWZ is redefined to be NZHTSTR or 0 if NZHTSTR
= 0 (NZHTSTR is Word 1 on Card Number 2 of HTSTR input) and Card Set
27 (array ZPWZT) is not input.
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) NZPWZ, NZPWI, NFBPWT, NRPWR, NRPWI (Continued)
Variable Description
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 12. (Format 5E14) REACT, TNEUT, RPWOFF, RRPWMX, RPWSCL
Variable Description
REACT Initial programmed reactivity (–) (IRPWTY = 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 14) or trip-
initiated programmed reactivity (–) (IRPWTY = 3 or 13) (REACT = ρPROG =
(Keff – 1) Keff-1, where Keff is the reactor-multiplication constant; both ρPROG
and Keff have no units).
TNEUT The prompt-neutron lifetime (s) (TNEUT = 0.0 s defaults internally to TNEUT
= 1.625 x 10-5 s).
RPWOFF Programmed reactivity (–) (IRPWTY = 3, 4, 13, 14] or reactor-core power (W,
Btu/hr) (IRPWTY = 7 or 17) when the reactivity/power controlling trip is OFF
after being ON; the last value when the trip was ON is held constant when
RPWOFF = –1.0 x 1019 W (–3.4121 x 1019 Btu/hr).
RRPWMX The maximum rate of change of programmed reactivity (1/s) or reactor power
[W/s, (Btu/hr)/s].
RPWSCL Reactivity-power table's scale factor for programmed reactivity (–) or reactor-
core power (–). The dependent variable in the table Card Set 32 (array
RPWTBR or RPWTBP) is multiplied by RPWSCL to obtain its absolute
value of programmed reactivity (–) or reactor-core power (W, Btu/hr).
Variable Description
RPOWRI Initial total reactor-core power (W, Btu/hr) of the average HTSTR elements
linked to this POWER component.
ZPWIN The axial-power-shape table's abscissa-coordinate variable value (*)
corresponding to the initial axial-power shape.
ZPWOFF The axial-power-shape table's abscissa-coordinate variable value (*)
corresponding to the axial-power shape to be used when the axial-power-shape
table's controlling trip is OFF after being ON; use the last evaluated axial-
power shape when the trip was ON when ZPWOFF = –1.0 x 1019 (*).
RZPWMX The maximum rate of change of any z-location value in the axial-power shape
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 4E14.4) EXTSOU, PLDR, PDRAT, FUCRAC.
Variable Description
EXTSOU The fission power (W, Btu/hr) produced by external source neutrons in the
reactor core (used only when the point-reactor kinetics equations are
evaluated: IRPWTY = 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, or 14).
PLDR Pellet-dish radius (m, ft) [no calculation of pellet dishing is performed if
PLDR = 0.0 m (0.0 ft)] (currently not used in subroutine FRODN).
PDRAT Element pitch-to-diameter (if hscyl=1) or element pitch-to-thickness ratio (if
hscyl=0) (–) (currently not used in subroutines CHEN and CHF).
FUCRAC Fraction of the fuel (–) which is not cracked [used only when NFCI = 1 (Word
2 on Card Number 4 of HTSTR input)].
Note: If reactivity feedback is not evaluated, i.e., when IRPWTY < 11 (Word 1 on Card
Number 4), do not input Card Number 15 to Card Number 21.
Variable Description
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 15. (Format 5I14) (IRCJTB(I,1), I = (1, 4)), IBU(1). (Continued)
Variable Description
IBU(1) The solute-units definition index for the fuel temperature reactivity
IBU(J) = –2 if x = Br and B = Br,
IBU(J) = –1 if x = Br and B = Bm,
IBU(J) = 0 if x = Bm and B = Br,
IBU(J) = 1 if x = Bm and B = Bm,
where ∂Keff/∂x = fcn(Tf,Tc,α,B). The two solute-mass concentrations are:
Bm density which is the mass of solute in the coolant-channel volume (kg/
m3, lbm/ft3) and Br ratio which is the parts solute mass per million parts
liquid-coolant mass (ppm).
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Number 17. (Format 5I14) (IRCJTB(I,3), I = (1, 4)), IBU(3)
Variable Description
Variable Description
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 18. (Format 5I14) (IRCJTB(I,4), I = (1, 4)), IBU(4) (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
IFBTYP(1) Units definition index for the dependent variable fuel temperature. (For now,
only IFBTYP(1) = 0 is allowed)
IFBTYP(2) Units definition index for the dependent variable moderator temperature.
IFBTYP(2) = 0 is used to define void-weighted moderator temperature.
IFBTYP(2) = 1 is used to define liquid moderator temperature.
IFBTYP(3) Units definition index for the dependent variable moderator density.
IFBTYP(3) = 0 is used to define void fraction.
IFBTYP(3) = 1 is used to define void-weighted moderator density.
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Number 20. (Format 5I14) IRCJFM(J), J = (1, 4), ISNOTB
Variable Description
Card Number 21. (Format 5E14.4) POWEXP, BPP0, BPP1, BCR0, BCR1
Variable Description
POWEXP Exponent value (–) to which the cell values of the power distribution are raised
in defining the weighting factor for volume averaging the reactivity-feedback
parameters over the powered reactor-core region (suggested value: 2.0).
BPP0 Zero-order coefficient (kg/m3, lbm/ft3) of the first-order polynomial BmBPP =
BPP0 + BPP1 x Tc that defines the effective (smeared and shielded) core-
averaged concentration of burnable-poison pin boron in the coolant-channel
BPP1 First-order coefficient [kg/(m3 K), lbm/(ft3 °F)] of the first-order polynomial
BmBPP = BPP0 + BPP1 x Tc that defines the effective (smeared and shielded)
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 21. (Format 5E14.4) POWEXP, BPP0, BPP1, BCR0, BCR1 (Continued)
Variable Description
In the following array cards, dimension NODES refers to the value of NODES for each of the
HTSTR components linked to this POWER component. If the radial and axial noding and
material IDs for each of the HS components linked to this POWER component are the same, then
only one RDPWR and RS array must be input for this POWER component. If there is any
variation for the radial and axial noding or for the material IDs for the HTSTR components linked
to this POWER component, then the RDPWR and RS arrays must be repeated for each of the HS
components linked to this POWER component.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NFBPWT (Word 3 on Card Number 11) is 0, do not input array RS. If
CHANPOW = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input array RS or array
23 RS NODES Relative radial (if HSCYL=1) or thickness (if
HSCYL=0) power-density distribution (–) at the
node locations defined by array RADRD that will be
used to volume average the reactivity-feedback
parameters over the powered-core region. If there is
variation in the HTSTR component radial or axial
noding or material IDs associated with this POWER
component, then this array must be input for each of
the HTSTR components associated with this
POWER component.
24 CPOWR NUMPWR Relative power-density distribution (–) in the
average (power) element of each of the NUMPWR
HTSTR elements linked to the POWER component,
and coupled by heat-transfer to the (r, θ ) or (x,y)
mesh cells of a VESSEL-component level or to one
or more 1D hydraulic components.
Note: If NFBPWT (Word 3 on Card Number 11) is less than 4 or CHANPOW = 1
(Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input array HS.
25 HS NUMPWR Relative power-density distribution (–) in the
average (power) element of each of the HTSTR
elements linked to the POWER component, and
coupled by heat-transfer to the (r, θ ) or (x,y) mesh
cell of a VESSEL-component level or to one or more
1D hydraulic components. This will be used to
volume average the reactivity-feedback parameters
over the powered-core region.
Note: If CHANPOW = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 2), do not input array RPFK.
Input an RPKF card for each of the NUMPWR components linked to this
POWER component, which has NHOT(i) > 0
26 RPKF NHOT(i), Power-peaking factors (relative to the average
where i=1 to (power) HTSTR element) for each of the NHOT(i)
NUMPWR. supplemental elements.
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NZPWZ < 2 (Word 1 on Card Number 11) from input or NZPWTB = 0
(Word 3 on Card Number 9), do not input array ZPWZT.
27 ZPWZT NZPWZ The axial locations (m, ft) where the axial-power
shape's relative power densities are defined [define
ZPWZT(1) = Z(1) and ZPWZT(NZPWZ) =
Z(NZHTSTR) in order to have the power
distribution span the axial range over which the
HTSTR-element node rows are defined. If there is
variation in the HS component radial or axial noding
or material IDs associated with this POWER
component, then this array input must be input for
each of the HS components associated with this
POWER component.
Note: If IPWRAD = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 10) or NRPWR < 2 (Word 4 on
Card Number 11) or NZPWTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9), do not input
array RPWRT.
28 RPWRT NRPWR The radial (if HSCYL=1) or thickness (if
HSCYL=0) locations (m, ft) where the power shape's
relative power densities are defined [define
RADRD(NODES) in order to have the power
distribution span the radial or Cartesian range over
which the HTSTR-element node rows are defined
(Card Set 41, array RADRD)].If there is variation in
the HS component radial or axial noding or material
IDs associated with this POWER component, then
this array input must be input for each of the HS
components associated with this POWER
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NZPWTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9), do not input array ZPWTB.
29 ZPWTB (1+NZPWZ One-dimensional axial (if IPWRAD = 0, Word 1 on
* NRPWR) * Card Number 10) or 2D axial-r or axial-x (if
|NZPWTB| IPWRAD = 1) power-shape vs independent-variable
where form table (*, –). Input |NZPWTB| table-defining
NZPWZ data pairs having the following form [independent-
is NZHTSTR variable form defined by IZPWSV (Word 2 on
if Card Number 9), NZPWZ x NRPWR (Words 1
NZPWZ < 2 and 4 on Card Number 11) power-density values].
& NZPWI=0, NRPWR = 1 when IPWRAD = 0. NZPWTB = 1 and
and the power-density values are real values of the
NZPWZ= signal-variable or control-block identification
NZHTSTR+1 numbers that TRACE uses to define the actual
if power-density values when IPWDEP = ±1 (Word 2
NZPWZ < 2 on Card Number 10). The relative power densities
& NZPWI is defining the power shape are specified at the
not 0. NZPWZ axial locations of the ZPWZT array defined
by Card Set 27 and at the NRPWR radial (if
HSCYL=1) or thickness (if HSCYL=0) locations of
the RPWRT array defined by Card Set 28. There
are |NZPWTB| power shapes being input with an
independent-variable value and NZPWZ x NRPWR
power-density values for each shape. If there is
variation in the HS component radial or axial noding
or material IDs associated with this POWER
component, then this array input must be input for
each of the HS components associated with this
POWER component.
Note: If NZPWTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9) or NZPWRF = 0 (Word 5 on
Card Number 9), do not input array ZPWRF.
30 ZPWRF 2* Rate-factor table (*,-) for the axial-power-shape
|NZPWRF| table's independent variable. Input |NZPWRF|
(Word 5 on Card Number 9) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NZPWSV (Word 4 on
Card Number 9), rate factor].
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If IRPWTY < 11 (Word 1 on Card Number 4), do not input arrays RCTF,
See User’s Guide Volume 2 - Chapter 2 for detailed explanations and examples
of the reactivity-coefficient tables RCTF, RCTC, RCAL, and RCBM.
34 RCTF IRCJTB(1,1) The fuel-temperature reactivity-coefficient table.
+ Input IRCJTB(1,1) Tf values, IRCJTB(2,1) Tc
IRCJTB(2,1) values, IRCJTB(3,1) α values, IRCJTB(4,1) Br or
+ Bm values, and IRCJTB(1,1) x IRCJTB(2,1) x
IRCJTB(3,1) IRCJTB(3,1) x IRCJTB(4,1) fuel-temperature
+ reactivity-coefficient values that define the four
IRCJTB(4,1) dimensionally dependent table. (Note: This table
+ and the following three tables are not entered with
(IRCJTB(1,1) two-value pairs as is done for the one dimensionally
* dependent tables.).
35 RCTC IRCJTB(1,2) The coolant-temperature reactivity-coefficient table.
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 POWER Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NDGX > 0 and NHIST = 0 (Words 2 and 5 on Card Number 4) input array
40 CDGN NDGX The delayed-neutron precursor power (W, Btu/hr).
Note: If NDHX < 0 or NDHX = 69 or 71 (Word 3 on Card Number 4), do not input
arrays LAMDH and EDH.
If NDHX = 0, the default 69-group decay-heat constants will be defined
internally by TRACE.
If NDHX = 69 or 71, the ANS 79 decay-heat constants will be defined internally
If NDHX = -92 or -94, the ANS 94 decay heat constants will be defined
internally by TRACE.
41 LAMDH NDHX The decay-heat decay constant (1/s).
42 EDH NDHX The effective decay-heat energy fraction (–).
Note: If NHIST = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), input array CDHN.
43 CDHN NDHX The decay-heat precursor power (W, Btu/hr).
Note: If NHIST = 0 or 1 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array PHIST.
44 PHIST 2 * NHIST Power-history table [(s,W), (s, Btu/hr)]. Input
NHIST (Word 5 on Card Number 4) table-defining
data pairs having the following form [time at the start
of the transient minus the past time, reactor-core
prompt-fission power at that past time]. The first
data pair should be for the power level at the start of
the transient; that is, the time at the start of the
transient minus the past time, which in this case is
0.0 s, with the time difference for subsequent data
pairs being positive valued and increasing
monotonically for each data pair.
Note: If NDHX ≠ (69, 71, -92, or -94) and NDHX > 0 or NHIST < 1 (Words 3 and 5
on Card Number 4), do not input arrays FP235AR and FP239AR.
It is assumed that FP235AR(i) + FP239AR(i) + FP238AR(i) = 1.0.
45 FP235AR max Fraction (–) of fission power associated with U235
POWER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
46 FP239AR max Fraction (–) of fission power associated with Pu239
(1,NHIST-1) fission during the power-history table interval from i
to i+1.
Note: If NDHX ≠ (-92, or -94) and NDHX > 0 or NHIST < 1 (Words 3 and 5 on Card
Number 4), do not input arrays FP238AR and FP241AR.
Also, if NAMELIST variable R5dh = 0, do not input arrays FP238AR and
47 FP238AR max Fraction (–) of fission power associated with U238
(1,NHIST-1) fission during the power-history table interval from i
to i+1.
48 FP241AR max Fraction (–) of fission power associated with Pu241
(1,NHIST-1) fission during the power-history table interval from i
to i+1.
Note: Input GTBLNUMS if NGTPOW (Word 3 on Card Number 2) > 0.
49 GTBLNU NGTPOW General table numbers that will be used to specify
MS the power/reactivity for this POWER component.
Note: Input SVIDS if NSVPOW (Word 4 on Card Number 2) > 0.
50 SVIDS NSVPOW Signal variable ids that will be used to specify the
power/reactivity for this POWER component.
Note: Input CBIDS if NCBPOW (Word 5 on Card Number 2) > 0.
51 CBIDS NCBPOW Control block ids that will be used to specify the
power/reactivity for this POWER component.
TRACE V5.0 PRIZER Component Data
PRIZER Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed
for this component.
Variable Description
PRIZER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PRIZER wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
RADIN Inner radius (m, ft) of the PRIZER wall.
TRACE V5.0 PRIZER Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN, TH, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL (Continued)
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PRIZER wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
TH Wall thickness (m, ft).
HOUTL Heat-transfer coefficient HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 °F hr)] between the outer
boundary of the PRIZER wall and the liquid outside the PRIZER wall.
HOUTV HTC [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2 °F hr)] between the outer boundary of the PRIZER wall
and gas outside the PRIZER wall.
TOUTL Liquid temperature (K, °F) outside the PRIZER wall.
Variable Description
PRIZER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PRIZER Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
PRIZER Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PRIZER Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array MATID.
29 MATID NODES–1 Wall-material ID array, which specifies material ID
between radial nodes. Dimension is 1 if NODES =
6 = stainless steel, type 304;
7 = stainless steel, type 316;
8 = stainless steel, type 347;
9 = carbon steel, type A508;
10 = inconel, type 718;
12 = inconel, type 600.
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input array TW.
30 TW NODES × Initial wall temperatures (K, °F) (input in the same
NCELLS order as QPPP).
Note: If ICONC = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 4), do not input array CONC.
31 CONC NCELLS Initial ratio of solute mass to liquid-coolant mass
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)].
Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data
Card 9).
Note: If ICONC = 0 or 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 4), do not input array SOLID.
32 SOLID NCELLS Initial macroscopic density of plated-out solute
(kg/m3, lbm/ft3). Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on
Main-Data Card 9).
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
33 XGNB NCELLS Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input
in the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
34 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
PRIZER Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
PUMP Component Data
The pumping action occurs at face 2 in the PUMP except for the special case where NCELLS is
set to zero. Setting NCELLS to zero makes a SJC component where-by a control system can be
used to specify the liquid flow rate or velocity.
Card Number 1. (Format A14,2I14,A30) TYPE, NUM, ID, CTITLE
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Card Number 3. (Format 4I14, E14.4) NCELLS, NODES, JUN1, JUN2, EPSW
Variable Description
NCELLS Number of fluid cells in the PUMP component (NCELLS > 2).
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the PUMP wall. A value of zero specifies
no wall heat transfer.
JUN1 Junction number for the junction adjacent to cell 1.
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 4I14, E14.4) NCELLS, NODES, JUN1, JUN2, EPSW (Continued)
Variable Description
JUN2 Junction number for the junction adjacent to cell NCELLS (Word 1 on this Card).
EPSW Wall surface roughness (m, ft).
Note: If NCELLS = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if NAMELIST
variable USESJC = 2 or 3. This will allow this component to have side
Variable Description
Note: If NSIDES > 0 then input the next three cards as sets of 1, 2, or 3 cards per
NSIDES. Examples include:
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK (Word 2 on Card Number 5) is > 0 only Card
Number 5 is needed.
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 5 and Card Number 6 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK > 0 input Card Number 5 and Card Number 7 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 5, Card Number 6, and
Card Number 7 in sets.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) NCLK, JUNLK, NCMPTO, NCLKTO, NLEVTO (Continued)
Variable Description
JUNLK Junction number. Enter a zero to have the code spawn a Single Junction
Component internally. Otherwise enter the junction number here. This same
junction number must appear as a VESSEL source junction or a 1D component
NCMPTO Component number of "To" component of a leak path.
Enter 0 if JUNLK ≠ 0.
NCLKTO Cell number of "To" cell of a leak path
Enter 0 if JUNLK ≠ 0.
NLEVTO Axial level number of "To" cell of a leak path when "To" component is a
VESSEL. Otherwise enter 0.
Enter 0 if JUNLK ≠ 0.
Note: If NCELLS or NSIDES = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if
JUNLK = 0. If USESJC = 2 or 3, input this card for each NSIDES.
Variable Description
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
THETA Angle between the main direction of flow and the flow through the side junction.
IENTRN Offtake-model option.
0 = off;
1 = on (side-junction mass flow determined using offtake model)
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 8. (Format 5I14) ICHF, ICONC, IPMPTY, IRP, IPM (Continued)
Variable Description
1 = pump-impeller rotational speed is specified by Card Set 79 (array
PMPTB) when trip IPMPTR is ON and by OMEGAN (word 1 on
Card Number 21) or signal variable or control block NPMPSD
(word 5 on Card Number 21)] when trip IPMPTR is OFF.
2 = pump-impeller rotational speed is calculated from Equation (4-21)
when trip IPMPTR (Word 1 on Card Number 11) is set ON and
defined by OMEGAN or NPMPSD when trip IPMPTR is OFF.
3 = pump motor torque is controlled by the control system. This option
requires the pump-motor torque table abscissa-coordinate variable
ID number defined by IPMPSV (Word 2 on Card Number 11) and
the number of motor torque action table data pairs defined by
NPMPMT (Card Number 12). Card Set 81 (array PMPMT) is
required for this option.
10 = SJC pump where control blocks set the value of liquid and vapor
11 = SJC pump where control blocks set the value of liquid and vapor mass
flow rate.
IRP Reverse-rotation option (only used for IPMPTY = 2).
0 = no;
1 = yes.
IPM Degradation option.
0 = use single-phase homologous curves;
1 = use combined single-phase and fully degraded two-phase homologous
2 = read in head and torque two-phase degradation multipliers (only for
Bingham and Westinghouse pumps. See OPTION, Card Number
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
ICBVL If ipmpty=10, this control block sets the value of the liquid velocity (m/s)
If ipmpty=11, this control block sets the value of the liquid mass flow rate (kg/s)
ICBVV If ipmpty=10, this control block sets the value of the vapor velocity (m/s)
If ipmpty=11, this control block sets the value of the vapor mass flow rate (kg/s)
Variable Description
VLLIM Bound on absolute value of the velocity associated with the liquid mass flow rate.
VVLIM Bound on absolute value of the velocity associated with the vapor mass flow rate.
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IPMPTR, IPMPSV, NPMPTB, NPMPSV, NPMPRF
Variable Description
IPMPTR The trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the pump-impeller rotational
speed (IPMPTR=0 implies a constant pump speed) (|IPMPTR| < 9999). If the trip
set status is OFF initially, the pump-impeller rotational speed is defined by a
signal variable or control block with ID number NPMPSD (Word 5 on Card
Number 21) or by a constant pump-impeller rotational speed OMEGAN (Word 1
on Card Number 21 when NPMPSD = 0.
IPMPSV The pump-speed or pump-motor torque table abscissa-coordinate variable ID
number. IPMPSV defines the independent-variable parameter in the IPMPTY = 1
pump-speed table and IPMPTY=3 pump motorque table.
IPMPSV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPMPSV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter [if
IPMPTY = 2 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), input IPMPSV = 0].
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IPMPTR, IPMPSV, NPMPTB, NPMPSV, NPMPRF (Continued)
Variable Description
NPMPTB The number of pump-speed table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPMPTB > 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the IPMPSV
NPMPTB < 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the sum of the
change in the IPMPSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status
value ISET during that timestep (when the pump-speed table is trip controlled);
NPMPTB = 0 defines the pump-impeller rotational speed to be the IPMPSV
parameter [if IPMPTY = 2 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), input NPMPTB = 0].
NPMPSV The rate-factor table abscissa-coordinate variable ID number. NPMPSV defines
the independent-variable parameter for the rate factor that is applied to the pump-
speed table independent variable.
NPMPSV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
NPMPSV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter;
NPMPSV = 0 (when NPMPRF ≠ 0) defines the difference between the trip signal
and the setpoint value that turns the trip OFF [if IPMPTY = 2 (Word 3 on Card
Number 8), input NPMPSV = 0].
NPMPRF The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPMPRF). The rate factor is applied to the pump-speed table independent
variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined when NPMPSV
and NPMPRF are both zero.
NPMPRF > 0 defines the rate-factor table’s abscissa coordinate to be the
NPMPSV parameter;
NPMPRF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the NPMPSV parameter
over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when
the pump-speed table is trip controlled);
NPMPRF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NPMPSV parameter [if IPMPTY =
2 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), input NPMPRF = 0].
Variable Description
NPMPMT Number of pump motor torque data pairs for TABLE PMPMT.
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 13. (Format 5I14) IQP3TR, IQP3SV, NQP3TB, NQP3SV, NQP3RF
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 70) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQP3TR The trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table
defined by Card Set 75 (array QP3TB) (|IQP3TR| < 9999)
Input IQP3TR = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated
every timestep during the transient calculation.
IQP3SV The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-wall table.
IQP3SV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IQP3SV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQP3TB The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs (defined by the absolute value
of NQP3TB).
NQP3TB > 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the IQP3SV
NQP3TB < 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the sum of the
change in the IQP3SV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status value
ISET during that timestep (when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled);
NQP3TB = 0 defines the power to the wall to be the IQP3SV parameter.
NQP3SV The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the
power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQP3SV > 0 defines the ID number
for a signal-variable parameter;
NQP3SV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter;
NQP3SV = 0 (when NQP3RF ≠ 0) defines the independent variable to be the
difference between the trip signal and the setpoint value that turns the trip OFF
when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQP3RF The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQP3RF). The rate factor is applied to the power-to-the-wall tables (QP3TB)
independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NQP3SV and NQP3RF are both zero.
NQP3RF > 0 defines the rate-factor table independent variable to be the NQP3SV
NQP3RF < 0 defines it to be the change in the NQP3SV parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET (when the power-to-the-wall table is
trip controlled); NQP3RF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NQP3SV parameter.
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN, TH, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PIPE wall. Typically,
such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break loss-of-
coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal to zero.
When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a constant
HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe wall.
Variable Description
Variable Description
Card Number 16. (Format 5E14.4) TFR0, TFR1, TFR2, TFR3, TFRB
Variable Description
TFR0 Zero-order coefficient in the PUMP frictional torque correlation [Pa m3 (N m), lbf
TFR1 First-order coefficient in the PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa m3, lbf ft).
TFR2 Second-order coefficient in the PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa m3, lbf ft).
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 16. (Format 5E14.4) TFR0, TFR1, TFR2, TFR3, TFRB (Continued)
Variable Description
TFR3 Third-order coefficient in the PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa m3, lbf ft).
TFRB Low-speed frictional torque break speed (PUMP speed below which TRACE
switches to low-speed frictional torque correlation defined on the next card) (rad/
s, rpm).
Variable Description
TFRL0 Zero-order coefficient in the low-speed PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa
m3, lbf ft).
TFRL1 First-order coefficient in the low-speed PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa m3,
lbf ft).
TFRL2 Second-order coefficient in the low-speed PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa
m3, lbf ft).
TFRL3 Third-order coefficient in the low-speed PUMP frictional torque correlation (Pa
m3, lbf ft).
Card Number 18. (Format 5E14.4) EFFMI1, AEFFMI, BEFFMI, CEFFMI, OMTEST
Note: Input this card if variable EFFMI (Word 2 on Card Number 15) is negative
Variable Description
EFFMI1 The alternate effective moment of inertia that is used after the pump-impeller
rotational speed falls below OMTEST (kg m2, lbm ft2).
AEFFMI The coefficient for the (OMEGA/ROMEGA)2 term in the calculation of the
variable moment of inertia (kg m2, lbm ft2).
BEFFMI The coefficient for the (OMEGA/ROMEGA) term in the calculation of the
variable moment of inertia (kg m2, lbm ft2).
CEFFMI The constant term in the calculation of the variable moment of inertia (kg m2,
lbm ft2).
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 18. (Format 5E14.4) EFFMI1, AEFFMI, BEFFMI, CEFFMI, OMTEST (Continued)
Note: Input this card if variable EFFMI (Word 2 on Card Number 15) is negative
Variable Description
OMTEST The pump-impeller rotational speed below which EFFMI1 (the alternate
effective moment of inertia) is used (rad/s, rpm).
Card Number 19. (Format I14) IPMPS
Note: Input this card if variable EFFMI (Word 2 on Card Number 15) is negative
Variable Description
IPMPS Variable flag to indicate whether or not the pump-impeller rotational speed
previously has dropped below OMTEST (Word 5 on Card Number 18).
0 = the pump-impeller rotational speed has been greater than OMTEST;
1 = the pump-impeller rotational speed at some time has dropped below OMTEST.
Card Number 20. (Format 5E14.4) RHEAD, RTORK, RFLOW, RRHO, ROMEGA
Variable Description
RHEAD Rated head {[(Pa m3)/kg, m2/s2, or N m/kg], lbf ft/lbm}. Head is defined as ∆P/ρ.
RTORK Rated torque (Pa m3, lbf ft).
RFLOW Rated volumetric flow (m3/s, gpm).
RRHO Rated density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3).
ROMEGA Rated pump-impeller rotational speed (rad/s, rpm).
Card Number 21. (Format 4E14.4,I14) OMEGAN, OMGOFF, ROMGMX, OMGSCL, NPMPSD
Variable Description
OMEGAN Initial pump-impeller rotational speed (rad/s, rpm) when NPMPSD = 0 (Word
5 on Card Number 21).
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 21. (Format 4E14.4,I14) OMEGAN, OMGOFF, ROMGMX, OMGSCL, NPMPSD
Variable Description
OMGOFF Pump-impeller rotational speed (rad/s, rpm) when the controlling trip is OFF
after being ON [maintain the last pump-impeller rotational speed evaluated
when the trip was ON if OMGOFF < –1019 rad/s (–9.55 × 1019 rpm)] [used
only when IPMPTR ≠ 0 (Card Number 11)].
ROMGMX The maximum rate of change of the pump-impeller rotational speed (rad/s2,
OMGSCL Scale factor for the pump-impeller rotational-speed table (–). The dependent
variable in the table, defined by Card Set 79 (array PMPTB), is multiplied by
OMGSCL to obtain the absolute pump-impeller rotational speed (rad/s, rpm).
NPMPSD The ID number of the signal-variable parameter or control-block parameter
that defines the pump-impeller rotational speed initially when the controlling
trip is OFF [input NPMPSD = 0 if the initial pump-impeller rotational speed is
to be defined by OMEGAN (Word 1 on Card Number 21)].
Card Number 22. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QP3IN, QP3OFF, RQP3MX, QP3SCL, NHCOM
Variable Description
QP3IN Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the wall and distributed according to
the QPPP array. If QP3IN > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire wall. When
QP3IN < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QP3IN| and the
negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent array of
NCELLS (Word 1 on Card Number 2) power values. Each data pair of the
power-to-the-wall table [for QP3IN < 0.0] has 1+NCELLS values [an
independent-variable value and NCELLS power values for cells 1 through
NCELLS]. When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QP3IN| or QP3OFF [if QP3OFF > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELLS cells.
QP3OFF Power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall when the controlling trip is OFF after being ON
[not used when IQP3TR = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 13); use the last table-
evaluated power when the trip was ON if QP3OFF < –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
RQP3MX The maximum rate of change of the power to the wall [W/s, (Btu/hr)/s]
[RQP3MX > 0.0].
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 22. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QP3IN, QP3OFF, RQP3MX, QP3SCL, NHCOM (Continued)
Variable Description
QP3SCL Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table. The dependent variable in the
table, defined by Card Set 82 (array QP3TB), is multiplied by QP3SCL to
obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
NHCOM Component number receiving outside wall energy.
Variable Description
Card Number 24 through Card Set 45 are input only if OPTION = 0. If OPTION > 0, go to
Card Number 46. The user is referred to the pump model description in Chapter 4 for
definitions of the terms used below. Each homologous curve is defined by four curve segments.
Each curve segment is denoted by the number appended to the curve name. The segments are
defined by Table 4-1 in Chapter 4.
Under certain conditions for OPTION = 0, some curves will not be used. However, to avoid
confusion, we recommend that all curves be defined. NDATA(i) must be greater than zero for at
least i = 1, 4.
For IPMPTY = 1 and IPM = 0, curves HSP1 through HSP4 are required and the remaining curves
are not used.
For IPMPTY = 1 and IPM = 1, curves HSP1 through HSP4, HTP1 through HTP4, and HDM are
required, and the remaining curves are not used.
For IPMPTY = 2 and IPM = 0, curves HSP1 through HSP4 and TSP1 through TSP4 are required,
and the remaining curves are not used.
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Number 27. (Format 3I14) NDATA(I), I = 16, NHDM, NTDM
Variable Description
NHDM Number of data pairs defining the HDM curve.
NTDM Number of data pairs defining the TDM curve.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input Card Number 46 through Card Set 48 only for Bingham or Westinghouse
built-in pumps (see Card Number 23), and IPM=2 (Word 5 on Card Number 8)
Variable Description
NHDM Number of data pairs defining the HDM curve.
NTDM Number of data pairs defining the TDM curve.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
PUMP Array Cards
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
67 ILEV NCELLS Level tracking flags.
1 = two-phase level exists in the current cell.
0 = two-phase level does not exist in the
current cell.
-1 = level tracking calculation will be turned
off for this cell.
Note: If NAMELIST variable MWFL = 0, do not input array WFMFL.
68 WFMFL NCELLS+1 Wall-friction multiplier factor for the liquid phase (–
) [0.9 < WFMFL < 1.1].
Note: If NAMELIST variable MWFV = 0, do not input array WFMFV.
69 WFMFV NCELLS+1 Wall-friction multiplier factor for the gas phase (–)
[0.9 < WFMFL < 1.1].
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input arrays QPPP,
70 QPPP NODES × A relative power profile (–) in the PUMP wall. Input
NCELL values for cell 1, node 1 through NODES; then cell
2, node 1 through NODES; etc. If the array is filled
with the same nonzero constant, a uniform
volumetric heat source in the wall results. TRACE
internally normalizes the power profile to have a
volume-averaged value of unity {each QPPP(I) is
normalized to have the value QPPP(I) × [ΣK
VOL(K)]/ [ΣK QPPP(K) × VOL(K)]}. Filling the
array with zeros results in no power being deposited
in the wall regardless of the values of QP3IN,
QP3TB, etc.
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 PUMP Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
78 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If NPMPTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 11), do not input array PMPTB.
79 PMPTB 2×|NPMPTB| Pump-impeller rotational speed vs. independent-
variable-form table [(*, rad/s), (*, rpm)]. Input
|NPMPTB| (Word 3 on Card Number 11) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPMPSV
(Word 2 on Card Number 11), pump-impeller
rotational speed].
Note: If NPMPTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 11) or NPMPRF = 0 (Word 5 on
Card Number 11), do not input array PMPRF.
80 PMPRF 2×|NPMPRF| Rate-factor table (*,–) for the pump-impeller
rotational-speed table’s independent variable. Input
|NPMPRF| (Word 5 on Card Number 11) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by NPMPSV
(Word 4 on Card Number 11), rate factor to be
applied to the pump-impeller rotational-speed table
independent variable].
Note: If NPMPMT > 0 (Card Number 12) and IPMPTY = 3 (Word 3 on Card
Number 8) input array PMPMT
81 PMPMT 2×|NPMPMT Pump motor torque vs. independent-variable-form
| table (*, N-m or *, lbf ft)
Note: If NQP3TB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 13), do not input array QP3TB.
82 QP3TB 2×|NQP3TB| Power-to-the-wall vs. independent-variable-form
when table [(*, W), (*, Btu/hr)]. Input |NQP3TB| (Word 3
QP3IN > 0.0; on Card Number 13) table-defining data pairs
(1+NCELLS) having the following form [independent-variable
× |NQP3TB| form defined by IQP3SV (Word 2 on Card
when QP3IN Number 13), power to the wall]. If QP3IN > 0.0,
< 0.0. the dependent variable specifies the total power to
the entire wall; if QP3IN < 0.0, the dependent
variable is a power shape that specifies the power to
the wall at each cell from cell 1 to cell NCELLS.
PUMP Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 RADENC Component Data
RADENC Component Data
A sample input file which uses the RADENC component is found at the end of the HTSTR
component (see Chapter 6).
Variable Description
NUM Component ID number (must be unique for each component, 1 < NUM < 999 and
greater than the ID numbers of all hydraulic components).
ID User ID number (arbitrary).
CTITLE Hollerith component description.
Variable Description
NZLEVEL Number of axial levels for this radiation enclosure (NZLEVEL > 0)
NHSS Number of heat transfer surfaces that define the radiation heat transfer for each
axial level. (NHSS > 1)
RADENC Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: This card defines the location parameters of each heat structure surface. This
card set is repeated NHSS*NZLEVEL times. The input for this card is
according to the following order:
((NUMHSS(i,k), RNHSS(i,k), ZNHSS(i,k)) for i = 1, NHSS) and k = 1,
The first card is for radiation heat transfer enclosure level 1 and heat structure
surface 1. The next card is for radiation heat transfer enclosure level 1 and heat
structure surface 2. If NZLEVEL > 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 2), then the
NHSS+1 Card Number 3 input is for radiation heat transfer enclosure level 2
and heat structure surface 1.
Variable Description
Card Set
Number Parameter Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 RADENC Component Data
Note: Card Set 4 is repeated NZLEVEL*(NHSS-1) times. The complete view factor
matrix is not required as input. For each axial level NHSS*(NHSS-1)/2 values
must be input. The total number of inputs for the view factor matrix is
NZLEVEL*NHSS*(NHSS-1)/2. Only the upper off-diagonal elements of the view
factor matrix are required for input. The lower off-diagonal elements will be
calculated based on reciprocity and diagonal elements will be calculated based on
the view factor definition that the sum all view factors from a given surface is one.
The VIEWFACT array is dimensioned by (NHSS, NHSS, NZLEVEL).
VIEWFACT (i, j, k) is the view factor from surface i to surface j for level k.
The number of view factors input for the jth RADENC surface is NHSS - j. Note
for j = NHSS no view factors are input. For Card Set 4, first input using load
format VIEWFACT (j, j+1:NHSS, 1) for j = 1, then terminate with an e. Then
input VIEWFACT(j, j+1:NHSS, 1), for j = 2 and terminate with an e. Continue
until j = NHSS-1, then go to the next level. The following example is for a NHSS
= 3 and NZLEVEL = 2.
*for level 1
F12 F13 e
*for level 2
F12 F13 e
F23 e
Where F12 is the factor from surface 1 to 2, F13 is the view factor from surface 1
to 3, and F23 is the view factor from surface 2 to 3. TRACE will internally
calculate the lower off-diagonal elements of the view factor matrix (i.e., for this
example, F21 = F12*A2/A1, F31*A3/A1, and F32 = F23*A3/A2) and the
diagonal elements of the view factor matrix (i.e., for this example, F11 = 1 - F12-
F13, F22 = 1 - F21-F23, and F33 = 1-F31-F32). Where A1 is the area of radiation
heat transfer enclosure surface 1 and A2 is the area of radiation heat transfer
enclosure surface 2 and A3 is the area of radiation heat transfer enclosure surface
Note for NHSS = 2 only one view factor must be input per axial level (i.e.,
Card Set 5 is repeated NZLEVEL*NHSS times. The complete path length matrix
is not required as input. For each axial level NHSS*(NHSS+1)/2 values must be
input. The total number of inputs for the path length matrix is
NZLEVEL*NHSS*(NHSS+1)/2. Only the diagonal and upper off-diagonal
elements of the path length matrix are required for input. The lower off-diagonal
RADENC Component Data TRACE V5.0
elements of the path length matrix are required for input. The lower off-diagonal
elements will be calculated based on reciprocity. The PATHL array is
dimensioned by (NHSS, NHSS, NZLEVEL). PATHL(i, j, k) is the path length
from surface i to surface j for axial level k.
For the jth RADENC HS surface for a given axial level the number of path lengths
input for that surface is NHSS - j + 1. Input using load format path(j, j:NHSS,1),
for j = 1, then terminate with an e. Then input path (j, j:NHSS, 1) for j = 2 and
terminate with an e. Continue until j = NHSS, then go to the next level. The
following example is for a NHSS = 3 and NZLEVEL = 2.
* for level 1
PL11 PL12 PL13 e
PL22 PL23 e
PL33 e
* for level 2
PL11 PL12 PL13 e
PL22 PL23 e
PL33 e
Where PL12 is the path length from surface 1 to 2, etc. PL11 is average path length
for radiation heat transfer if surface 1 can see itself. Note a zero path length paired
with a non-zero view factor implies that the fluid between the two surfaces does
not participate in the radiation heat transfer (i.e., no absorption or emission of
radiation HT along that path length due to the presence of fluid such as steam,
water droplets, etc.).
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
SEPD Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Variable Description
JCELL Main-tube cell number that has the side tube connected to it.
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the wall. A value of zero specifies no wall
heat transfer.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) JCELL, NODES, ICHF, COST, EPSW (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
NSEPS Number of physical separators modeled. This value must always be greater than
NDRYR Dryer activation flag. NDRYR = 0 implies that dryers are not modeled. Dryers
are modeled when NDRYR ≠ 0.
ISTAGE Separator-type option.
–3 = three-stage mechanistic separator that uses default geometric data
(three-stage GE-BWR separator);
–2 = two-stage mechanistic separator that uses default geometric data (two-
stage GE-BWR separator);
0 = ideal separator, uses constant user-input values of XCO and XCU;
1 = separator carryover and carryunder determined by control-block
variables ICBS1 and ICBS2 on Card Number 7.
Note: The user must provide the performance data for the modeled
2 = two-stage mechanistic separator where the user inputs the geometric
data (two-stage GE-BWR separator);
3 = three-stage mechanistic separator where the user inputs the geometric
data (three-stage GE-BWR separator).
XCO Separator carryover (–), the liquid mass flow divided by the total mass flow
evaluated at the JCELL + 1 interface. If XCO < 0.0, the default value of 0.03 is
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Number 4. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) NSEPS, NDRYR, ISTAGE, XCO, XCU (Continued)
Variable Description
XCU Separator carryunder (–), the vapor mass flow divided by the total mass flow,
evaluated at the NCELL1 + 2 internal-junction interface. If XCU < 0.0, the default
value of 0.005 is used.
Variable Description
Note: If NDRYR = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 4), do not input this card. If 0.0 is
entered for VDRYL, DVRYU, or DELDIM then a default value is used. The
default values are: 1000.0, 1001.0 and 1.0 for VDRYL, VDRYU and DELDIM,
Variable Description
VDRYL Vapor velocity in dryer below which dryer capacity is 1.0 (m/s, ft/s).
VDRYU Vapor velocity in dryer above which dryer capacity is 0.0 (m/s, ft/s).
DELDIM Range of dryer inlet liquid quality over which dryer capacity degrades from 1.0 to
0.0 at fixed inlet vapor velocity.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If ISTAGE = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 4), do not input this card.
Variable Description
ICBS1 When ISTAGE=1, ICBS1 is the control-block ID number (ICBS1 < 0) which
defines the separator carryover [the liquid mass flow divided by the total mass
flow evaluated at the JCELL + 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 3) interface]. When
ISTAGE = -3, -2, 2 or 3 (mechanistic separator), ICBS1 is the signal variable for
the water level surrounding the separator barrel.
ICBS2 When ISTAGE=1, ICBS2 is the control-block ID number (ICBS2 < 0) which
defines the separator carryunder [the vapor mass flow divided by the total mass
flow evaluated at the NCELL1 + 2 (Word 2 on Card Number 9) internal-junction
interface]. For other values of ISTAGE, this parameter has no meaning.
Note: If ISTAGE < 2 (Word 3 on Card Number 4), do not input this card.
Variable Description
AI Standpipe flow area (m2, ft2). If AI < 0.0 m2 (0.0 ft2), the default value of 1.8637 ×
10-2 m2 (2.0061 × 10-1 ft2) is used.
AN Nozzle-exit area (m2, ft2). If AN < 0.0, the default value of 1.4411 × 10-2 m2
(1.5512 × 10-1 ft2) is used.
RH Radius (m, ft) of separator hub at inlet. If RH < 0.0, the default value of 8.09585 ×
10-2 m (2.65612 × 10-1 ft) is used.
THETA Angle (rad, deg) of separator swirling vane. If THETA < 0.0, the default value of
8.3776 × 10-1 rad (4.8000 × 101 deg) is used.
RR1 Radius (m, ft) of separator pickoff ring. If RR1 < 0.0, the default value of 8.57208
× 10-2 m (2.81236 × 10-1 ft) is used.
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Number 9. (Format 5I14) ICONC1, NCELL1, JUN1, JUN2, IPOW1
Variable Description
Card Number 10. (Format 5I14) IPWTR1, IPWSV1, NPWTB1, NPWSV1, NPWRF1
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 9), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 52 (array POWTB1) for the main tube (|IPWTR1| < 9999). [Input
IPWTR1 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep during the transient calculation].
IPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-fluid table for the main
tube. IPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB1 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NPWTB1). NPWTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IPWSV1 parameter; NPWTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV1 parameter
each last timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when
the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB1 = 0 defines the power to
the fluid to be the IPWSV1 parameter.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 10. (Format 5I14) IPWTR1, IPWSV1, NPWTB1, NPWSV1, NPWRF1 (Continued)
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 9), do not input this card.
Variable Description
NPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV1 = 0 (when NPWRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV1 and NPWRF1 are both zero. NPWRF1 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV1 parameter; NPWRF1 <
0 defines it to be the sum of change in the NPWSV1 parameter over each timestep
times the trip set-status value ISET during the timestep (when the main-tube
power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to
be the NPWSV1 parameter.
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IQPTR1, IQPSV1, NQPTB1, NQPSV1, NQPRF1
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 43) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 54 (array QP3TB1) for the main tube (|IQPTR1| < 9999). [Input IQPTR1
= 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation].
IQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the main-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV1 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB1 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NQPTB1). NQPTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IQPSV1 parameter; NQPTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV1 parameter
over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during each timestep
(when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB1 = 0 defines the
power to the wall to be the IQPSV1 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IQPTR1, IQPSV1, NQPTB1, NQPSV1, NQPRF1 (Continued)
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 43) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
NQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV1 = 0 (when NQPRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NQPSV1 and NQPRF1 are both zero. NQPRF1 > 0 defines the rate-factor
table independent variable to be the NQPSV1 parameter; NQPRF1 < 0 defines it
to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV1 parameter over each timestep times
the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the main-tube power-to-
the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to be the
NQPSV1 parameter.
Card Number 12. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN1, TH1, HOUTL1, HOUTV1, TOUTL1
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the main-tube wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 12. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN1, TH1, HOUTL1, HOUTV1, TOUTL1 (Continued)
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the main-tube wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV1, PWIN1, PWOFF1, RPWMX1, PWSCL1
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QPIN1, QPOFF1, RQPMX1, QPSCL1, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN1 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the main-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN1 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN1 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN1|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL1 (Word 2 on Card Number 9) power values. Each data pair
of the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN1 < 0.0] has 1 + NCELL1 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL1 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL1). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN1| or QPOFF1 [if QPOFF1 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL1 cells.
QPOFF1 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the main-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR1 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 11); use the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF1 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX1 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the main tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX1 > 0.0].
QPSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the main tube. The
dependent variable in the table defined by Card Set 54 (array QP3TB1) is
multiplied by QPSCL1 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
NHCOM Component number receiving outside wall energy.
Variable Description
ICONC2 Solute in the side-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC2 > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
NCELL2 Number of fluid cells in the side tube.
JUN3 Junction number at the external-junction end of the side tube adjacent to cell
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 15. (Format 4I14) ICONC2, NCELL2, JUN3, IPOW2 (Continued)
Variable Description
Card Number 16. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 15), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 85 (array POWTB2) for the side tube (|IPWTR2| < 9999). [input
IPWTR2 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep of the transient calculation].
IPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number of the power-to-the-fluid table for the side
tube. IPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB2 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NPWTB2). NPWTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IPWSV2 parameter; NPWTB2 < 0 defines the table’s independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV2 para-meter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB2 = 0 defines the power
to the fluid to be the IPWSV2 parameter.
NPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV2 = 0 (when NPWRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV2 and NPWRF2 are both zero. NPWRF2 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV2 parameter; NPWRF2 <
0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the NPWSV2 parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NPWSV2 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Number 17. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 76) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 87 (array QP3TB2) for the side tube (|IQPTR2| < 9999). (Input IQPTR2
= 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation).
IQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the side-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV2 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB2 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NQPTB2). NQPTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IQPSV2 parameter; NQPTB2 < 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB2 = 0 defines the power to
the wall to be the IQPSV2 parameter.
NQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV2 = 0 (when NQPRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NQPSV2 and NQPRF2 are both zero. NQPRF2 > 0 defines the rate-
factor table independent variable to be the NQPSV2 parameter; NQPRF2 < 0
defines it to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NQPSV2 parameter.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 18. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
Card Number 19. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV2, PWIN2, PWOFF2, RPWX2, PWSCL2
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Number 19. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV2, PWIN2, PWOFF2, RPWX2, PWSCL2 (Continued)
Variable Description
PWSCL2 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-fluid table. The dependent variable in the
table defined by Card Set 85 (array POWTB2) is multiplied by PWSCL2 to
obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the fluid [not used if IPOW2 = 0 (Word
4 on Card Number 15) or NPWTB2 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 16)].
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN2 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the side-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN2 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN2 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN2|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL2 (Word 2 on Card Number 15) power values. Each data pair
of the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN2 < 0.0] has 1+NCELL2 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL2 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL2). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN2| or QPOFF2 [if QPOFF2 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL2 cells.
QPOFF2 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the side-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR2 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 17); the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF2 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX2 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the side-tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX2 > 0.0].
QPSCL2 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the side-tube. The dependent
variable in table defined by Card Set 87 (array QP3TB2) is multiplied by
QPSCL2 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array FRICR only if NFRC1 (NAMELIST variable) = 2.
26 FRICR NCELL1+1 Main-tube additive loss coefficients (–) in the reverse
flow direction. See NAMELIST variable IKFAC for
optional K factors input.
27 GRAV or NCELL1+1 Main-tube gravity or elevation terms [(– or m), (– or
ELEV (NCELL1 ft)]. GRAV is the ratio of the elevation difference to
for ELEV) the DX flow length between the centers of cell i and
cell i-1 for interface i. A positive GRAV value
indicates increasing elevation with increasing cell
number. See NAMELIST variable IELV for optional
cell-centered elevation ELEV input.
28 HD NCELL1+1 Main-tube hydraulic diameters (m, ft). (See
NAMELIST variable NDIA1 for additional input of
heat-transfer diameters).
Note: If NAMELIST variable NDIA1 ≠ 2 do not input array HD-HT.
29 HD-HT NCELL1+1 Main-tube heat transfer diameters (m, ft).
Note: If NAMELIST variable ICFLOW = 0 or 1, do not input array ICFLG.. Setting
ICFLG > 0 at adjacent cell-edges can lead to numerical difficulties. Use only
where choked flow can be realistically expected to occur..
30 ICFLG NCELLS+1 Main-tube cell-edge choked-flow model option.
0 = no choked-flow model calculation;
1 = choked-flow model calculation using
default multipliers;
2 to 5 = choked-flow model calculation using
NAMELIST variable defined
31 NFF NCELL1+1 Main-tube friction-factor correlation option.
0 = constant friction factor based on FRIC
1 = homogeneous-flow friction factor plus
–1 = homogeneous-flow friction factor plus
FRIC plus an abrupt flow-area change
form loss evaluated internally by
–100 = FRIC plus an abrupt flow-area change
form loss evaluated internally by
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NCCFL = 0 (Word 5 on Main-Data Card 9), do not input array LCCFL.
32 LCCFL NCELL1+1 Main-tube countercurrent flow limitation option.
0 = no countercurrent flow limitation
calculation at the cell interface;
N = the countercurrent flow limitation
parameter set number used to evaluate
countercurrent flow limitation at the cell
interface [1 < N < NCCFL (Word 5 on
Main-Data Card 9)].
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input arrays QPPP,
43 QPPP NODES × A relative power shape (–) in the main-tube wall.
NCELL1 Input values for cell 1, node 1 through NODES; then
cell 2, node 1 through NODES; etc. If the array is
filled with the same nonzero constant, a uniform
volumetric heat source in the wall results. TRACE
internally normalizes the power shape to have a
volume-averaged value of unity {each QPPP(I) is
normalized to have the value QPPP(I) × [ΣK
VOL(K)]/{ΣK QPPP(K) × VOL(K)]}. Filling the
array with zeros results in no power being deposited
in the wall regardless of the value of QPIN1, QPTB1,
44 MATID NODES-1 Wall-material ID array, which specifies material ID
between radial nodes. Dimension is 1 if NODES = 1.
6 = stainless steel, type 304;
7 = stainless steel, type 316;
8 = stainless steel, type 347;
9 = carbon steel, type A508;
10 = inconel, type 718;
12 = inconel, type 600.
45 TW NODES × Initial wall temperatures (K, °F) in the main tube,
NCELL1 which are input in the same order as QPPP.
Note: If NHCOM > 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 14) input IDROD.
46 IDROD 1 Vessel radial-theta cell number or input 0 when
NHCOM is a 1D component.
Note: If NHCOM>0 (Word 5 on Card Number 14) input NHCEL.
47 NHCEL NCELL1 Connecting axial cell numbers in component
Note: If ICONC1 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 9), do not input array CONC.
48 CONC NCELL1 Initial solute mass to liquid-coolant mass ratio
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)] in the
main tube. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9).
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NCELL2 = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 15), only input FA, FRIC, GRAV, HD,
NFF, LCCFL, VL, and VV array cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
calculation at the cell interface;
N = the countercurrent flow limitation
parameter set number used to evaluate
countercurrent flow limitation at the cell
interface [1 < N < NCCFL (Word 5 on
Main-Data Card 9)].
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NHCOM > 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 14) then input array IDROD.
79 IDROD 1 Vessel radial-theta cell number or input 0 when
NHCOM is a 1D component.
Note: If NHCOM > 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 14) then input array NHCEL.
80 NHCEL NCELL2 Connecting axial cell numbers in component
Note: If ICONC2 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 15), do not input array CONC.
81 CONC NCELL2 Initial solute mass to liquid-coolant mass ratio
[kg(solute)/kg(liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm(liquid)] in the
side tube. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9).
Note: If ICONC2 = 0 or 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 15), do not input array S.
82 S NCELL2 Initial macroscopic density of plated-out solute (kg/
m3, lbm/ft3) in the side tube. Requires ISOLUT = 1
(Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9).
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
83 XGNB NCELL2 Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input in
the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
84 XLNB NCELL2 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 15), do not input array POWTB2.
85 POWTB2 2×|NPWTB Power-to-the-fluid vs. independent-variable-form
2| table [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input
|NPWTB2| (Word 3 on Card Number 16) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV2
(Word 2 on Card Number 16), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the side-tube
fluid with a uniform volumetric power density along
the JETP side-tube length.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 15), do not input array POWRF2.
86 POWRF2 2×|NPWRF Rate-factor table (*,–) for the side-tube power-to-the-
2| fluid table independent variable. Input |NPWRF2|
(Word 5 on Card Number 16) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NPWSV2 (Word 4 on Card
Number 16), rate factor to be applied to the power-
to-the-fluid table independent variable].
Note: If NQPTB2 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 17) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB2.
87 QP3TB2 2×|NQPTB2| Power-to-the-wall vs independent-variable form table
when [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input |NQPTB2|
QPIN2 >0.0; (Word 3 on Card Number 17) table-defining data
(1+NCELL pairs having the following form [independent-
2) variable form defined by IQPSV2 (Word 2 on Card
× |NQPTB2| Number 17), power to the wall]. If QPIN2 > 0.0, the
when dependent variable specifies the total power to the
QPIN2 <0.0. entire wall; if QPIN2 < 0.0, the dependent variable is
a power shape that specifies the power to the wall at
each cell from cell NCELL1 + 2 to cell NCELL1 + 1
TRACE V5.0 SEPD Component Data
Separator Array Data
Note: If ISTAGE = 2 or 3 (Word 3 on Card Number 4), input Card Set 88 through
Card Set 95. Otherwise do not enter these cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
94 CKS 2 or 3 Loss coefficient (–) in the discharge passage.
95 EFFLD 2 or 3 Effective L/D coefficient (–) at the pickoff ring.
SEPD Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
TEE Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Card Number 3. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) JCELL, NODES, ICHF, COST, EPSW
Variable Description
JCELL Main-tube cell number that has the side tube connected to it.
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the wall. A value of zero specifies no wall
heat transfer.
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 3I14,2E14.4) JCELL, NODES, ICHF, COST, EPSW (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
ICONC1 Solute in the main-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC1 > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
NCELL1 Number of fluid cells in the main tube.
JUN1 Junction number for the junction interface adjacent to cell 1.
JUN2 Junction number for the junction interface adjacent to cell NCELL1.
IPOW1 Power-to-the-fluid option in the main tube.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) IPWTR1, IPWSV1, NPWTB1, NPWSV1, NPWRF1
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 47 (array POWTB1) for the main tube (|IPWTR1| < 9999). [Input
IPWTR1 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep during the transient calculation].
IPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-fluid table for the main
tube. IPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB1 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NPWTB1). NPWTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IPWSV1 parameter; NPWTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV1 parameter
each last timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when
the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB1 = 0 defines the power to
the fluid to be the IPWSV1 parameter.
NPWSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV1 = 0 (when NPWRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV1 and NPWRF1 are both zero. NPWRF1 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV1 parameter; NPWRF1 <
0 defines it to be the sum of change in the NPWSV1 parameter over each timestep
times the trip set-status value ISET during the timestep (when the main-tube
power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to
be the NPWSV1 parameter.
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 38) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR1 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 49 (array QP3TB1) for the main tube (|IQPTR1| < 9999). [Input
IQPTR1 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep during the transient calculation].
IQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the main-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV1 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB1 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the main tube (defined by
the absolute value of NQPTB1). NQPTB1 > 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the IQPSV1 parameter; NQPTB1 < 0 defines the table
independent-variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV1 parameter
over each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during each timestep
(when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB1 = 0 defines the
power to the wall to be the IQPSV1 parameter.
NQPSV1 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the main-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV1 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV1 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV1 = 0 (when NQPRF1 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF1 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF1). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the main-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined
when NQPSV1 and NQPRF1 are both zero. NQPRF1 > 0 defines the rate-factor
table independent variable to be the NQPSV1 parameter; NQPRF1 < 0 defines it
to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV1 parameter over each timestep times
the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the main-tube power-to-
the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF1 = 0 defines the rate factor to be the
NQPSV1 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Number 7. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN1, TH1, HOUTL1, HOUTV1, TOUTL1
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the main-tube wall.
Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break
loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal
to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a
constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe
Variable Description
Variable Description
TOUTV1 Gas temperature (K, °F) outside the main-tube wall.
PWIN1 Initial total power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the main-tube fluid [not used
when IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4)]. The power is distributed
uniformly along the TEE main-tube length.
PWOFF1 Total power (W, Btu/hr) to the main-tube fluid when the controlling trip is OFF
after being ON [not used if IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4) or
IPWTR1 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 5)]. If PWOFF1 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr), the power to the fluid is held constant at the last table-evaluated
power when the trip was ON.
RPWMX1 The maximum rate of change of the main-tube power to the fluid [W/s, Btu/(hr
s)] [RPWMX1 > 0.0 [not used if IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4)].
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 8. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV1, PWIN1, PWOFF1, RPWMX1, PWSCL1 (Continued)
Variable Description
PWSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-fluid table. The dependent variable in the
table, defined by Card Set 41 (array POWTB1), is multiplied by PWSCL1 to
obtain absolute power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in the fluid [not used if IPOW1 = 0
(Word 5 on Card Number 4) or NPWTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 5)].
Card Number 9. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QPIN1, QPOFF1, RQPMX1, QPSCL1, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN1 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the main-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN1 > 0.0 W (0.0 Btu/hr), it is the total
power to the entire wall. When QPIN1 < 0.0 W (0.0 Btu/hr), the initial power
to the wall in each cell is |QPIN1|, and the negative sign indicates the power to
the wall is to be a cell-dependent array of NCELL1 (Word 2 on Card Number
4) power values. Each data pair of the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN1 <
0.0 W (0.0 Btu/hr)] has 1 + NCELL1 values (an independent-variable value
and NCELL1 power values for cells 1 through NCELL1). When the power-to-
the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same power value of |QPIN1| or
QPOFF1 [if QPOFF1 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/hr)] is applied at each of the
NCELL1 cells.
QPOFF1 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the main-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR1 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 6); use the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF1 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX1 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the main tube [W/s, Btu/
(hr s)] [RQPMX1 > 0.0.
QPSCL1 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the main tube. The
dependent variable in the table defined by Card Set 49 (array QP3TB1) is
multiplied by QPSCL1 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
NHCOM Component number receiving outside wall energy.
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Number 10. (Format 4I14) ICONC2, NCELL2, JUN3, IPOW2
Variable Description
ICONC2 Solute in the side-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC2 > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
NCELL2 Number of fluid cells in the side tube. If zero, the side leg is a single junction with
no input of volume array data.
JUN3 Junction number at the external-junction end of the side tube adjacent to cell
IPOW2 Power-to-the-fluid option in the side tube.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 10), do not input this card.
Variable Description
IPWTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-fluid table defined by
Card Set 80 (array POWTB2) for the side tube (|IPWTR2| < 9999). [input
IPWTR2 = 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every
timestep of the transient calculation].
IPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number of the power-to-the-fluid table for the side
tube. IPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NPWTB2 The number of power-to-the-fluid table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NPWTB2). NPWTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IPWSV2 parameter; NPWTB2 < 0 defines the table’s independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IPWSV2 para-meter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWTB2 = 0 defines the power
to the fluid to be the IPWSV2 parameter.
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) IPWTR2, IPWSV2, NPWTB2, NPWSV2, NPWRF2 (Continued)
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 10), do not input this card.
Variable Description
NPWSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table independent variable. NPWSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NPWSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NPWSV2 = 0 (when NPWRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled.
NPWRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NPWRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-
fluid table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NPWSV2 and NPWRF2 are both zero. NPWRF2 > 0 defines the
rate-factor table independent variable to be the NPWSV2 parameter; NPWRF2 <
0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the NPWSV2 parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-fluid table is trip controlled); NPWRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NPWSV2 parameter.
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 71) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQPTR2 Trip ID number that controls evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined by
Card Set 82 (array QP3TB2) for the side tube (|IQPTR2| < 9999). (Input IQPTR2
= 0 if there is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep
during the transient calculation).
IQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the side-tube power-to-the-wall table.
IQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter; IQPSV2 < 0
defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQPTB2 The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs for the side tube (defined by the
absolute value of NQPTB2). NQPTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable
form to be the IQPSV2 parameter; NQPTB2 < 0 defines the table independent-
variable form to be the sum of the change in the IQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPTB2 = 0 defines the power to
the wall to be the IQPSV2 parameter.
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) IQPTR2, IQPSV2, NQPTB2, NQPSV2, NQPRF2 (Continued)
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 71) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
NQPSV2 The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table independent variable. NQPSV2 > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; NQPSV2 < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter; NQPSV2 = 0 (when NQPRF2 ≠ 0) defines the
independent variable to be the difference between the trip signal and the setpoint
value that turns the trip OFF when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQPRF2 The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQPRF2). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the side-tube power-to-the-wall
table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NQPSV2 and NQPRF2 are both zero. NQPRF2 > 0 defines the rate-
factor table independent variable to be the NQPSV2 parameter; NQPRF2 < 0
defines it to be the sum of the change in the NQPSV2 parameter over each
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the side-
tube power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled); NQPRF2 = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NQPSV2 parameter.
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN2, TH2, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2 (Continued)
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL2, HOUTV2, TOUTL2, and TOUTV2, allow
flexibility in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the side-tube
wall. Typically, such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-
break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set
equal to zero. When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated
by a constant HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the
pipe wall.
Variable Description
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV2, PWIN2, PWOFF2, RPWMX2, PWSCL2
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Number 15. (Format 4E14.4) QPIN2, QPOFF2, RQPMX2, QPSCL2
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QPIN2 Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the side-tube wall and distributed
according to the QPPP array. If QPIN2 > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire
wall. When QPIN2 < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QPIN2|,
and the negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent
array of NCELL2 (Word 2 on Card Number 10) power values. Each data pair
of the power-to-the-wall table [for QPIN2 < 0.0 has 1+NCELL2 values (an
independent-variable value and NCELL2 power values for cells 1 through
NCELL2). When the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same
power value of |QPIN2| or QPOFF2 [if QPOFF2 > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
hr)] is applied at each of the NCELL2 cells.
QPOFF2 Power (W, Btu/hr) to the side-tube wall when the controlling trip is OFF after
being ON [not used if IQPTR2 = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 12); the last
table-evaluated power when the trip was ON if QPOFF2 < –1019 W (–3.41 ×
1019 Btu/hr)].
RQPMX2 Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall for the side-tube [W/s, (Btu/
hr)/s] [RQPMX2 > 0.0].
QPSCL2 Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table for the side-tube. The dependent
variable in table defined by Card Set 82 (array QP3TB2) is multiplied by
QPSCL2 to obtain the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
Card Number 16. (Format I14) IENTRN
Variable Description
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NCCFL = 0 (Word 5 on Main-Data Card 9), do not input array LCCFL.
27 LCCFL NCELLS+1 Main-tube countercurrent flow limitation option.
0 = no countercurrent flow limitation
calculation at the cell interface;
N = the countercurrent flow limitation
parameter set number used to evaluate
countercurrent flow limitation at the cell
interface [1 < N < NCCFL (Word 5 on
Main-Data Card 9)].
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If ICONC1 = 0 or 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 4), do not input array S.
44 S NCELL1 Initial macroscopic density of plated-out solute (kg/
m3, lbm/ft3) in the main tube. Requires ISOLUT = 1
(Word 3 on Main-Data Card 9).
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
45 XGNB NCELL1 Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input in
the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
46 XLNB NCELL1 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array POWTB1.
47 POWTB1 2×|NPWTB Power-to-the-fluid vs independent-variable-form
1| table [(*,W) (*,Btu/hr)] for the main tube. Input
|NPWTB1| (Word 3 on Card Number 5) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV1
(Word 2 on Card Number 5), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the main-tube
fluid with a uniform power density along the main-
tube length.
Note: If IPOW1 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 4), do not input array POWRF1.
48 POWRF1 2×|NPWRF Rate-factor table (*,–) for the main-tube power-to-
1| the-fluid table independent variable. Input |NPWRF1|
(Word 5 on Card Number 5) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NPWSV1 (Word 4 on Card
Number 5), rate factor to be applied to the power-to-
the-fluid table independent variable].
Note: If NQPTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 6) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB1.
49 QP3TB1 2× Power-to-the-wall independent-variable-form table
|NQPTB1| [(*,W) (*,Btu/hr)] for the main tube. Input |NQPTB1|
when (Word 3 on Card Number 6) table-defining data
QPIN1 > pairs having the following form [independent-
0.0; variable form defined by IQPSV1 (Word 2 on Card
(1+NCELL Number 6), power to the wall]. If QPIN1 > 0.0, the
1) dependent variable specifies the total power to the
× |NQPTB1| entire wall; if QPIN1 < 0.0, the dependent variable is
when a power shape that specifies the power to the wall at
QPIN1 < each cell from cell 1 to NCELL1.
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Side Arm Array Cards
Note: If NCELL2 = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 9), only input FA, FRIC, GRAV, HD,
NFF, LCCFL, VL, and VV array cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
55 GRAV or NCELL2+1 Side-tube gravity elevation terms [(– or m), (– or ft)].
ELEV (NCELLS GRAV is the ratio of the elevation difference to the
for ELEV) DX flow length between the centers of cell i and cell
i-1 for interface i. A positive GRAV value indicates
increasing elevation with increasing cell number. See
NAMELIST variable IELV for optional cell-centered
elevation ELEV input.
56 HD NCELL2+1 Side-tube hydraulic diameters (m, ft) (see
NAMELIST variable NDIA1 for additional input of
heat-transfer diameters).
Note: If NAMELIST variable NDIA1 /= 2 do not input array HD-HT.
57 HD-HT NCELL2+1 Side-tube heat transfer diameters (m, ft).
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
71 QPPP NODES × A relative power shape (–) in the side-tube wall. Input
NCELL2 values for cell 1, node 1 through NODES; then cell 2,
node 1 through NODES; etc. If the array is filled with
the same nonzero constant, a uniform volumetric heat
source in the wall results. TRACE internally
normalizes the power shape to have a volume-
average value of unity (each QPPP(I) is normalized to
have the value QPPP(I) × [ΣK VOL(K)]/[ΣK QPPP(K)
× VOL(K)]). Filling the array with zeros results in no
power being deposited in the wall regardless of the
values of QPIN2, QPTB2, etc.
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TEE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL>0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
79 XLNB NCELL2 Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 10), do not input array POWTB2.
80 POWTB2 2×|NPWTB Power-to-the-fluid vs independent-variable-form
2| table [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input
|NPWTB2| (Word 3 on Card Number 11) table-
defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by IPWSV2
(Word 2 on Card Number 11), power to the fluid].
The power is deposited directly into the side-tube
fluid with a uniform volumetric power density along
the TEE side-tube length.
Note: If IPOW2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 10), do not input array POWRF2.
81 POWRF2 2×|NPWRF Rate-factor table (*,–) for the side-tube power-to-the-
2| fluid table independent variable. Input |NPWRF2|
(Word 5 on Card Number 11) table-defining data
pairs having the following form [independent-
variable form defined by NPWSV2 (Word 4 on Card
Number 11), rate factor to be applied to the power-
to-the-fluid table independent variable].
Note: If NQPTB2 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 12) or if NODES = 0 (Word 2 on
Card Number 3), do not input array QP3TB2.
82 QP3TB2 2×|NQPTB2| Power-to-the-wall vs independent-variable form table
when [(*,W), (*,Btu/hr)] for the side tube. Input |NQPTB2|
QPIN2 >0.0; (Word 3 on Card Number 12) table-defining data
(1+NCELL pairs having the following form [independent-
2) variable form defined by IQPSV2 (Word 2 on Card
× |NQPTB2| Number 12), power to the wall]. If QPIN2 > 0.0, the
when dependent variable specifies the total power to the
QPIN2 <0.0. entire wall; if QPIN2 < 0.0, the dependent variable is
a power shape that specifies the power to the wall at
each cell from cell NCELL1 + 2 to cell NCELL1 + 1
TEE Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 TURB Component Data
TURB Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Variable Description
JCELL Main-tube cell number that has the side tube connected to it.
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the wall. Currently, NODES = 0 is
TURB Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Variable Description
ICONC1 Solute in the main-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC1 > 0.
0 = no; 0 is required
NCELL1 Number of fluid cells in the main tube.
JUN1 Junction number for the junction interface adjacent to cell 1.
JUN2 Junction number for the junction interface adjacent to cell NCELL1.
IPOW1 Power-to-the-fluid option in the main tube.
0 = no; Only “0’ is allowed.
Note: Since NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), RADIN1 and TH1 are
required but not used.
Variable Description
RADIN1 Inner radius (m, ft) of the main-tube wall. Required but not used.
TH1 Wall thickness (m, ft). Required but not used.
TRACE V5.0 TURB Component Data
Card Number 6. (Format E14.4) TOUTV1
Variable Description
TOUTV1 Outside vapor temperature (K, oF). Required but not used.
Variable Description
ICONC2 Solute in the side-tube coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9) when ICONC2 > 0.
0 = no; 0 is required.
NCELL2 Number of fluid cells in the side tube.
JUN3 Junction number at the external-junction end of the side tube adjacent to cell
IPOW2 Power-to-the-fluid option in the side tube.
0 = no; 0 is required.
Note: Since NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3) , RADIN2 and TH2 are
required but not used.
Variable Description
RADIN2 Inner radius (m, ft) of the side-tube wall. Required but not used.
TH2 Wall thickness (m, ft). Required but not used.
TURB Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: Since NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3) TOUTV2 is read but not used.
Variable Description
TOUTV2 Outside vapor temperature (K, oF). Required but not used.
Card Number 10. (Format 5E14.4) EFF, SEPEFF, OMEGT, INERT, RMDOT
Variable Description
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) ITSEP, NSTAGE, JROT, SATFLAG, ITURTR
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 TURB Component Data
Card Number 11. (Format 5I14) ITSEP, NSTAGE, JROT, SATFLAG, ITURTR (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TURB Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TURB Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
30 PA NCELL1 Main-tube initial noncondensable-gas partial
TURB Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TURB Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TURB Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 TURB Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TURB Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
VALVE Component Data
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed
for this component.
Variable Description
NCELLS Number of fluid cells (NCELLS > 2 or if USESJC = 1 or 2, NCELLS > 0).
NODES Number of radial heat-transfer nodes in the VALVE wall. A value of zero
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Note: If NCELLS = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if NAMELIST
variable USESJC = 2 or 3. This will allow this component to have side
Variable Description
Note: If NSIDES > 0 then input the next three cards as sets of 1, 2, or 3 cards per
NSIDES. Examples include:
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK (Word 2 on Card Number 5) is > 0 only Card
Number 5 is needed.
If USESJC = 2 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 5 and Card Number 6 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK > 0 input Card Number 5 and Card Number 7 in
If USESJC = 3 and JUNLK is 0 input Card Number 5, Card Number 6, and
Card Number 7 in sets.
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) NCLK, JUNLK, NCMPTO, NCLKTO, NLEVTO
Variable Description
Note: If NCELLS or NSIDES = 0 do not input this card. Input this card only if
JUNLK = 0. If USESJC = 2 or 3, input this card for each NSIDES.
Variable Description
"To" cell
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
THETA Angle between the main direction of flow and the flow through the side junction.
IENTRN Offtake-model option.
0 = off;
1 = on (side-junction mass flow determined using offtake model)
Note: For valve-type option IVTY = 5 or 6, variables NVTB2 (Word 5 on this card)
and IVSV, NVTB1, NVSV, and NVRF (Words 2 to 5 on Card Number 9) are
defined to be zero or left blank, and the Card Set 56 through Card Set 58
(arrays VTB1, VTB2, and VRF) are not input.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 8. (Format 5I14) ICHF, ICONC, IVTY, IVPS, NVTB2 (Continued)
Note: For valve-type option IVTY = 5 or 6, variables NVTB2 (Word 5 on this card)
and IVSV, NVTB1, NVSV, and NVRF (Words 2 to 5 on Card Number 9) are
defined to be zero or left blank, and the Card Set 56 through Card Set 58
(arrays VTB1, VTB2, and VRF) are not input.
Variable Description
NVTB2 The number of data pairs in the second valve table (defined by the absolute
value of NVTB2).
Input NVTB2 = 0 when IVTY = 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 (Word 3 on this card).
For IVTY = 3 or 4:
NVTB2 > 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the IVSV
(Word 2 on Card Number 9) parameter;
NVTB2 < 0 defines the second valve table independent-variable form to be
the sum of the change in the IVSV parameter over each timestep
times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the
valve table is trip controlled);
NVTB2 = 0 [when NVTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9)] defines the
valve flow-area fraction or relative valve-stem position to be the
IVSV parameter value. When NVTB2 = 0 and NVTB1 ≠ 0, no
second valve table is defined. Only the first valve table is used.
When NVTB2 ≠ 0, then NVTB1 ≠ 0, then NVTB2 and NVTB1 must have
the same numerical sign, and the first valve table is evaluated
when the controlling trip is set to ONForward, and the second valve
table is evaluated when the trip is set to ONReverse. NVTB1 = 0,
and NVTB2 ≠ 0 is invalid.
For IVTY = -1 or 11
NVTB2 > 0 defines table input for valve Cv data. The table input is
fractional area or stem position (if NVTB1 > 0) versus the valve
Cv value. NFF (Card Set 34) can not be -1 or -100 for the valve
face (IVPS, Word 4 of this card). NVTB2 sets of data must be
input for valve table VTB2 (Card Set 54).
NVTB2 < 0 or NVTB2 = 0 means no Cv data are provided
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
IVTY Description
-1 Valve area fraction controlled by a control system. (Initial area fraction is obtained
from FAVLVE on Card Number 14). If the control block output is in terms of valve
stem position, a table of fractional stem position versus area is required [set NVTB1 >
0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9) and input valve table VTB1 (Card Set 55)]. Valve
flow coefficient (Cv) data can be input with this valve type. Cv input requires that the
user set NVTB2 > 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 8) and supply Card Number 24 and
VTB2 (Card Set 56). Reverse Cv flow coefficients can be input via valve table
VLTB (Card Set 54).
0 constant flow area;
1 flow-area fraction vs independent-variable-form table is evaluated;
2 relative valve-stem position (0.0 means fully closed, 1.0 means fully opened) vs
independent-variable-form table is evaluated;
3 constant flow area until trip IVTR (Word 1 on Card Number 9) is set ON, then flow-
area fraction vs. independent-variable-form table is evaluated. This valve type
requires two tables - one to define the flow area fraction when the trip status is
ONforward and one to define the flow area fraction when the trip status is ONreverse.
4 constant relative valve-stem position until trip IVTR (Word 1 on Card Number 9) is
set ON, then relative valve-stem position vs. independent-variable-form table is
evaluated. This valve type requires two tables - one to define the stem position when
the trip status is ONforward and one to define the stem position when the trip status is
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Table 6-6. Valve Types (Continued)
IVTY Description
8 Motor-controlled valve (TRAC-B style). Opens and closes based on the pressure in
cell ISENS (Word 2 on Card Number 18). A minimum flow area ALEAKB (Word 1
on Card Number 16) may be specified to simulate leakage. MODEM (Word 1 on
Card Number 18) indicates valve operation (opening, closing, or stationary), and
XPOS (Word 5 on Card Number 14) is the relative position of the valve stem. BOSP,
EOSP, BCSP, and ECSP (Words 2, 3, 4, and 5 on Card Number 16) are pressure
setpoints controlling valve motion. IVPG (Word 4 on Card Number 18) controls the
manner in which valve area is related to stem position. IVPG = 1, Valve area is
directly proportional to stem position. IVPG = 2, Valve area is S-shaped function of
stem position. (Guillotine cut of circular cross section.) IVPG = 3, Valve area is user-
specified function of stem position. This function is specified by the VLTB table
(Card Set 55). This valve option can not be used when USESJC = 1 and this
component is used as a SJC (because the valve needs a mesh volume to properly set
9 Check valve (includes delta pressure needed to overcome any spring loading).
10 Inertial swing check valve (solves the rotational momentum equation to determine
valve flapper position vs. time).
11 Motor-controlled valve (RELAP5 style). Most of the input is the normal valve input
but the meaning of some of the variables has changed as shown in Table 6-7. At least
one new card is needed to specify the latching capabilities of the open and close trips.
(see Card Number 23) Also, a table of fractional stem position versus area may be
input [set NVTB1 > 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9) and input valve table VTB1
(Card Set 55)]. In addition, valve flow coefficient (Cv) data can be input with this
valve type. Cv input requires that the user set NVTB2 > 0 (Word 5 on Card Number
8), and supply both Card Number 24 and VTB2 (Card Set 56). Reverse Cv flow
coefficients are input in valve table VLTB (Card Set 54).
Table 6-7. Meaning of RELAP5 Motor Valve Input variables (IVTY = 11).
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Table 6-7. Meaning of RELAP5 Motor Valve Input variables (IVTY = 11). (Continued)
Valve table number NVTB1 (Word 3 on Card Number 9). If NVTB1 > 0, input Card
Set 56. Input stem position vs. area fraction.
Closing change rate (1/s) RVOV (Word 2 on Card Number 12)
Card Number 9. (Format 5I14) IVTR, IVSV, NVTB1, NVSV, NVRF (See note in Card
Number 8 above).
Variable Description
IVTR Trip ID number for valve-type options when IVTY = 3 or 4 (Word 3 on Card
Number 8) (|IVTR| < 9999) or the component number of turbine stage 1 for
valve-type options when IVTY = 5 or 6 (1 < IVTR < 999).
IVSV The independent variable ID number for the valve table. IVSV > 0 defines the ID
number for a signal-variable parameter; IVSV < 0 defines the ID number for a
control-block output parameter. For IVTY = 7, this variable can be used to
override the upstream pressure of the valve location otherwise used to determine
the opening and closing of the SRV banks defined in Card Set 55.
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 9. (Format 5I14) IVTR, IVSV, NVTB1, NVSV, NVRF (See note in Card
Number 8 above).
Variable Description
NVTB1 The number of data pairs in the first valve table (defined by the absolute value of
Input NVTB1 = 0 when IVTY = 0, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 (Word 3 on Card Number 8).
For IVTY = 1 to 4:
NVTB1 > 0 defines the valve table independent-variable form to be the IVSV
(Word 2 on this card) parameter;
NVTB1 < 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the sum of the
change in the IVSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-
status value ISET during that timestep (when the valve table is trip
NVTB1 = 0 defines the valve flow-area fraction or relative valve-stem
position (depending on the value of IVTY) to be the IVSV
For IVTY = 7:
NVTB1 > 0 corresponds to the number of safety relief valve banks. The user
must input NVTB1 tuples of data in the VTB1 array (Card Set 56).
NVTB1 <= 0 are not allowed since one or more tuples are required for proper
operation of this valve type.
For IVTY = -1 or 11:
NVTB1 > 0 implies that the valve stem position is being adjusted directly and
the flow area is interpolated based on a table lookup. This parameter
defines the number of table pairs for the normalized stem position
vs. normalized flow area fraction table required for array VTB1
(Card Set 56).
NVTB1 <= 0 means that the valve flow area, rather than stem position, is
NVSV The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the first
(and second when defined) valve table independent variable.
NVSV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
NVSV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter;
NVSV = 0 (when NVRF ≠ 0) defines the difference between the trip signal and the
setpoint value that turns the trip OFF when the valve table is trip controlled.
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 9. (Format 5I14) IVTR, IVSV, NVTB1, NVSV, NVRF (See note in Card
Number 8 above).
Variable Description
NVRF The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NVRF). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the first (and second when
defined) valve table independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate
factor is defined when NVSV and NVRF are both zero.
NVRF > 0 defines the rate-factor table independent variable to be the NVSV
NVRF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the NVSV parameter over
each timestep times the trip set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the
valve table is trip controlled);
NVRF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NVSV parameter.
Card Number 10. (Format 5I14) IQP3TR, IQP3SV, NQP3TB, NQP3SV, NQP3RF
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 46) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
IQP3TR Trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the power-to-the-wall table defined
by Card Set 59 (array QP3TB) [|IQP3TR| < 9999]. [input IQP3TR = 0 when there
is to be no trip control and the table is to be evaluated every timestep during the
transient calculation].
IQP3SV The independent-variable ID number for the power-to-the-wall table.
IQP3SV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IQP3SV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter.
NQP3TB The number of power-to-the-wall table data pairs (defined by the absolute value
of NQP3TB).
NQP3TB > 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the IQP3SV
NQP3TB < 0 defines the table independent-variable form to be the sum of the
change in the IQP3SV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-status value
ISET during that timestep (when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled);
NQP3TB = 0 defines the power to the wall to be the IQP3SV parameter.
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 10. (Format 5I14) IQP3TR, IQP3SV, NQP3TB, NQP3SV, NQP3RF (Continued)
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card. If NODES
> 0 and QPPP (Card Set 46) > 0, this card is read. However, if QPPP = 0 this
card is read but not used.
Variable Description
NQP3SV The independent-variable ID number for the rate factor that is applied to the
power-to-the-wall table’s independent variable.
NQP3SV > 0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
NQP3SV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block output parameter;
NQP3SV = 0 (when NQP3RF ≠ 0) defines the independent variable to be the
difference between the trip signal and the setpoint value that turns the trip OFF
when the power-to-the-wall table is trip controlled.
NQP3RF The number of rate-factor table data pairs (defined by the absolute value of
NQP3RF). The rate factor is applied as a factor to the power-to-the-wall table’s
(QP3TB) independent variable when the rate factor is defined. No rate factor is
defined when NQP3SV and NQP3RF are both zero.
NQP3RF > 0 defines the rate-factor table’s independent variable to be the
NQP3SV parameter;
NQP3RF < 0 defines it to be the change in the NQP3SV parameter over the last
timestep times the trip set-status value ISET when the power-to-the-wall table is
trip controlled;
NQP3RF = 0 defines the rate factor to be the NQP3SV parameter.
Variable Description
IVTROV Trip ID number that overrides valve adjustments with or without trip ID number
IVTR (Word 1 on Card Number 9) control and opens (ONForward) or closes
(ONReverse) the valve at the constant rate RVOV (Word 2 on Card Number 12)
when trip ID number IVTROV is ON [input IVTROV = 0 when IVTY = 5 or 6
(Word 3 on Card Number 8)] (|IVTROV| < 9999).
IVTYOV The type of flow-area adjustment by RVOV (Word 2 on Card Number 12) when
the overriding trip ID number IVTROV is ON (not used when IVTY = 5 or 6).
0 = flow-area fraction per second;
1 = relative valve-stem position per second.
IVTRLO Trip ID number that makes a multiple-bank SRV (i.e. IVTY=7) switch from an
initial set of pressure setpoints to a set of lower pressure setpoints (i.e. the low/low
SRV setpoints in a BWR)
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
Card Number 13. (Format 5E14.4) RADIN, TH, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL
Note: The four parameters, HOUTL, HOUTV, TOUTL, and TOUTV, allow flexibility
in calculating possible heat losses from the outside of the PIPE wall. Typically,
such heat losses are not important for fast transients or large-break loss-of-
coolant accidents (LOCAs), and HOUTL and HOUTV can be set equal to zero.
When heat losses are significant, they often can be approximated by a constant
HTC temperature for the liquid and gas fluid phases outside the pipe wall.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 14. (Format 5E14.4) TOUTV, AVLVE, HVLVE, FAVLVE, XPOS
Variable Description
Card Number 15. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QP3IN, QP3OFF, RQP3MX, QP3SCL, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QP3IN Initial power (W, Btu/hr) deposited in (to) the wall and distributed according to
the QPPP array. If QP3IN > 0.0, it is the total power to the entire wall. When
QP3IN < 0.0, the initial power to the wall in each cell is |QP3IN|, and the
negative sign indicates the power to the wall is to be a cell-dependent array of
NCELLS (Word 1 on Card Number 3) powers. Each data pair of the power-to-
the-wall table [for QP3IN < 0.0] has 1 + NCELLS values (an independent-
variable value and NCELLS power values for cells 1 through NCELLS). When
the power-to-the-wall table is not being evaluated, the same power value of
|QP3IN| or QP3OFF [if QP3OFF > –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/hr)] is applied at
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 15. (Format 4E14.4, I14) QP3IN, QP3OFF, RQP3MX, QP3SCL, NHCOM
Note: If NODES = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3), do not input this card.
Variable Description
QP3OFF Power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall when the controlling trip is OFF after being ON
[not used if IQP3TR = 0 (Word 1 on Card Number 10); use the last table-
evaluated power when the trip was ON if QP3OFF < –1019 W (–3.41 × 1019 Btu/
RQP3MX Maximum rate of change of the power to the wall [W/s, (Btu/hr)/s] [RQP3MX >
QP3SCL Scale factor (–) for the power-to-the-wall table. The dependent variable in the
table defined by Card Set 59 (array QP3TB) is multiplied by QP3SCL to obtain
the absolute power (W, Btu/hr) to the wall.
NHCOM Component number receiving outside wall energy.
Note: Input Card Number 16 to Card Number 18 only if IVTY = 8 (Word 3 on Card
Number 8)
Card Number 16. (Format 5E14.4) ALEAKB, BOSP, EOSP, BCSP, ECSP
Note: It is required that BCSP < ECSP < EOSP < BOSP.
Variable Description
ALEAKB Minimum valve flow area for leakage (Motor valve only).(m2, ft2)
BOSP Pressure above which valve begins to open. (Pa)
EOSP Pressure below which valve stops opening. (Pa)
BCSP Pressure below which valve begins to close. (Pa)
ECSP Pressure above which valve stops closing. (Pa)
Variable Description
ROPEN Rate at which valve opens (fraction of total valve stem travel per second).
ROPEN > 0.
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 17. (Format 2E14.4) ROPEN, RCLOS (Continued)
Variable Description
RCLOS Rate at which valve closes (fraction of total valve stem travel per second).
RCLOS > 0.
Variable Description
Note: Input only if IVTY = 9 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), Check Valve
Variable Description
HYSTER Check valve type. Enter +1 for a static pressure-controlled check valve (no
hysteresis), 0 for a static pressure/flow-controlled check valve (has hysteresis
effect), or -1 for a static/dynamic pressure-controlled check valve (has
hysteresis effect). It is recommended that 0 be used for most calculations, as it
is more stable (i.e., less noisy and less oscillations) than +1 or -1.
ADDDP Additional delta pressure needed to open the valve (Pa, psia).
LEAKARAT Ratio of the leak flow area divided by the open flow area.
Note: Input cards Card Number 20 through Card Number 22 only if IVTY = 10 (Word
3 on Card Number 8) Inertial Check Valve.
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Variable Description
LATCHOPT Latch option. The valve can open and close repeatedly if the latch option is
zero. When W1 = 1, the valve either opens or closes only once if the initial
angle is between the maximum and minimum. If the flapper starts at either the
maximum or minimum angle it will not move. When W1 = 2, the flapper will
latch only at the maximum position. If it starts at the maximum, it will not
ADDDP Additional pressure needed to open the valve (Pa, psia).
LEAKARAT Ratio of the leak flow area divided by the open flow area.
THETA Initial flapper angle (degrees). The flapper angle must be within the minimum
and maximum angles specified in Words 2 and 3.
THETAMIN Minimum flapper angle (degrees). This must be greater than or equal to zero.
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Number 23. (Format(E14) LATCHOPT
Variable Description
LATCHOPT Interpreted as the latch option for the open and closing trips for the RELAP5
type Motor Valve.
0 = No latched trips
1 = Only latch the open trip.
2 = Only latch the close trip.
3 = Both trips are latchable.
Note: Input only if IVTY = -1 or 11 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), NVTB2 >0 and namelist
variable NFRC1 = 2.
Variable Description
CSUBVFACTOR Multiplier on the Cv forward and reverse flow coefficients. One good use of
this input parameter would be to convert Kv flow coefficients (definition
based on SI units) to Cv flow coefficients (definition is based on imperial
NVTX NVTX > 0 defines table input for valve Cv data for reverse flow. The table
input is fractional area or stem position (if NVTB1 > 0) versus the Cv value.
NFF (Card Set 34) can not be -1 or -100 for the valve face (IVPS, Word 4 of
). Namelist variable NFRC1 must be set to 2. NVTX pairs of data must be
input for valve table VLTB (Card Set 54)
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NHCOM = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 15), do not input arrays IDROD and
49 IDROD 1 Vessel radial-theta cell number or input 0 when
NHCOM is a 1D component.
50 NHCEL NCELLS Connecting axial cell numbers in component
Note: If ICONC = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 8), do not input array CONC.
51 CONC NCELLS Initial solute mass to liquid-coolant mass ratios
[kg(solute)/kg (liquid), lbm(solute)/lbm (liquid)].
Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 onMain-Data Card
Note: If ICONC = 0 or 1, (Word 2 on Card Number 8), or the NAMELIST parameter
USESJC > 0, do not input array S.
52 S NCELLS Initial macroscopic densities of plated-out solute (kg/
m3, lbm/ft3). Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-
Data Card 9)
Note: Input array XGNB only if NTRACEG>0 (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 11) or
IGAS>11 (a Namelist input). Repeat this card set NTRACEG times or repeat
IGAS-10 times if IGAS > 11. If IGAS>11, then NTRACEG cannot be greater
than zero and the sum of XGNB for each cell must be 1.0.
53 XGNB NCELLS Mass fraction for gas trace species or if IGAS>11,
then mass fraction for each non-condensable gas
species. Non-condensable gas species index is
defined by the order in which gas species are input in
the NCGasSpecies array (a Namelist input).
Note: Input array XLNB only if NTRACEL > 0 (Word 2 on Main-Data Card 11).
Repeat this card set NTRACEL times.
54 XLNB NCELLS Mass fraction for liquid trace species.
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Valve Tables
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: Input array VLTB if NVTX > 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 18), IVTY = 8
(Word 3 on Card Number 8) and IVPG = 3 (Word 4 on Card Number 18).
Input array VLTB if IVTY = -1 or 11 (Word 3 on Card Number 8), NVTB2 > 0
(Word 5 on Card Number 8), and NVTX> 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 24).
55 VLTB 2*NVTX If IVTY = 8, input fractional valve stem position,
valve area fraction pairs
If IVTY = -1 or 11 and NVTX > 0, then enter
fractional valve area or fractional stem position vs.
m ⁄s
reverse flow Cv pairs where Cv has units of -------------
( gal ) ⁄ ( min )
for SI input and -------------------------------- for British input.
( lb f ) ⁄ ( in )
Note: If NVTB1 = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 9), do not input array VTB1. Table
VTB1 is used when IVTY = -1, 1 to 4, 7 or 11.
56 VTB1 2∗|NVTB1| First valve-adjustment table (*,–). Interpretation of
for table entries depends on the value of IVTY. In all
IVTY≠7, cases, |NVTB1| (Word 3 on Card Number 9) tuples
M*|NVTB1| are required.
IVTY=7, For IVTY≠7, the table is defined by pairs having the
where M=5 following form [independent-variable, dependent
for variable #1, dependent variable #2, ...]. The
IVTRLO=0 independent variable form is defined by one of three
and M=7 for values, depending upon the specific valve type
IVTRLO ≠ (IVTY) that is being defined: IVSV (Word 2 on Card
0 Number 9), flow-area fraction, or relative valve-stem
position. If IVTY = -1 or 11, input stem position vs.
area fraction.
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: If NVTB2 = 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 6), do not input array VTB2.
57 VTB2 2×|NVTB2| Second valve-adjustment table (*,–).
Note: If NVTB1 = 0 or NVRF = 0 (Words 3 and 5 on Card Number 9), do not input
array VRF.
58 VRF 2×|NVRF| Rate-factor table (*,–) for the first (and second if
NVTB2 ≠ 0) valve-adjustment table independent
variable. Input |NVRF| (Word 5 on Card Number 9)
table-defining data pairs having the following form
[independent-variable form defined by NVSV (Word
4 on Card Number 9), rate factor to be applied to the
valve-adjustment table independent variable].
Note: If NQP3TB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 10), do not input array QP3TB.
TRACE V5.0 VALVE Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
VALVE Component Data TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
VESSEL Component Data
Note: BREAK and PLENUM components cannot be connected to VESSEL component
source-connection junctions. The FILL component can connect to the VESSEL
component using the FILL leak path junction.
Variable Description
Note: Only input this card when the number of inputs for FLUIDS (a NAMELIST
variable) is more than one.
Variable Description
EOS EOS identifier for this component (i.e. “h2o” or “r5h2o”, etc.).
PHASECHANGE Phase change flag. Input TRUE or true, if phase change is allowed for
this component. Input FALSE or false, if phase change is not allowed for
this component.
Variable Description
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 3. (Format 5I14) NASX, NRSX, NTSX, NCSR, IVSSBF (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
IDCU Axial cell (level) number at which its upper interface is the downcomer upper-
boundary elevation. If no downcomer is present, input IDCU = 0 (this is the
necessary and sufficient condition to indicate no downcomer is present in the
VESSEL component as far as TRACE setting downcomer-interface flow areas to
zero internally).
IDCL Axial-cell (level) number at which its upper interface is the downcomer lower-
boundary elevation. If IDCU = 0, input IDCL = 0.
IDCR Radial-cell (ring) number at which its outer interface is the downcomer inner-
radial boundary. If IDCU = 0, input IDCR = 0.
ICRU Axial-cell (level) number at which its upper interface is the reactor-core region
upper-boundary elevation. If no reactor-core region is present, input ICRU = 0.
ICRL Axial-cell (level) number at which its upper interface is the reactor-core region
lower-boundary elevation. If no reactor-core region is present, input ICRL = 0.
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
Card Number 5. (Format 5I14) ICRR, ILCSP, IUCSP, IUHP, ICONC
Variable Description
ICRR Radial-cell (ring) number at which its outer interface is the reactor-core outer-
radial boundary. ICRR is used to define the reactor-core region with ICRU and
ICRL as well as with ILCSP and IUCSP. If no reactor-core region is defined by
both ICRU and ICRL as well as ILCSP and IUCSP, input ICRR = 0.
ILCSP Axial-cell (level) number at which its upper interface is the core-region lower-
boundary support-plate elevation to be used for evaluating graphics output.
Defaults to the value of ICRL (Word 5 on Card Number 4) if ILCSP = 0 is input.
IUCSP Axial-cell (level) number at which its upper interface is the core-region upper-
boundary support-plate elevation to be used for evaluating graphics output.
Defaults to the value of ICRU (Word 4 on Card Number 4) if IUCSP = 0 is input.
IUHP Axial-cell (level) at which its upper interface is the upper-head support-plate
elevation to be used for evaluating graphics output. Defaults to the value of IDCU
(Word 1 on Card Number 4) if IUHP = 0 is input.
ICONC Solute in the liquid coolant option. Requires ISOLUT = 1 (Word 3 on Main-Data
Card 9) when ICONC > 0.
0 = no;
1 = dissolved solute only;
2 = both dissolved and plated-out solute.
Variable Description
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Number 6. (Format 4(I14)) IGEOM, NVENT, NVVTB, NSGRID, VESSTYPE (Continued)
Variable Description
Variable Description
SHELV Elevation (m, ft) of the bottom interface of axial cell (level) 1 in the
VESSEL (used only when NAMELIST variable IELV = 1 is input).
EPSW Wall surface roughness (m, ft).
NOLT Turns 3D level tracking on or off (used only when NAMELIST variable
NOLT3D = 0)
If NOLT is positive 3D level tracking is turned off in the VESSEL.
If NOLT = 0; 3D level tracking is turned on in the VESSEL and is controlled
by ILEV (see Card Set 58)
RFLDINPUT Flag to indicate the existence of special optional input of importance to
reflood calculations. If non-zero, then Card Set 13 and Card Set 14 (i.e.
UNHEATFR and NHSCA) are input. If zero, then card array sets 13 & 14
are not input.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
Card Number 9. (Format I14,4(E14.4)) NODESD, DHOUTL, DHOUTV, DTOUTL, DTOUTV
Variable Description
DHOUTV Heat transfer coefficient to vapor on vessel outside surface [W/(m2 K), Btu/(ft2
oF hr)].
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
VESSEL Vent Valve Data:
Note: If NVENT = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 6), do not input Card Number 15,
Card Number 16, and Card Set 17.
Card Number 15. Vent-Valve Location and Area Card: (Format 2I14,E14.4) IZV, KV, AVENT
Note: Input this Card for each NVENT (Word 2 on Card Number 6) vent valves.
Variable Description
Card Number 16. Vent-Valve Pressure-Drop and Friction-Loss Card: (Format 4E14.4) DPCVN,
Note: If NVVTB ≠ 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 6), do not input this card
Input this Card for each NVENT (Word 2 on Card Number 6) vent valves.
Variable Description
DPCVN Maximum pressure drop (Pa, psid) between the inner and outer radial or x-
direction cells when the vent valve is closed.
DPOVN Minimum pressure drop (Pa, psid) between the inner and outer radial or x-
direction cells when the vent valve is opened.
FRCVN Flow-loss resistance (–) of the vent valve in its closed position.
FROVN Flow-loss resistance (–) of the vent valve in its open position.
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NVVTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 6), do not input this card set. Input a
table of vent-valve flow-loss resistance vs pressure drop across the vent valve.
Use LOAD format. Only one table is input for all vent valves.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
The hydraulic diameter in the radial direction, HDXR (Card Set 46), must be the value
corresponding to the vent valve for each cell connected to a vent valve.
Note: If NSGRID = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 6), do not input the Vessel Spacer-
Grid Elevation Cards. Use LOAD format. The ZSGRID array elements are
defined by a Card Set of one or more cards.
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
VESSEL Gravity Card:
Card Number 19. (Format 4E14.4) GC, GYTC, GXRC, GZ
Variable Description
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Note: If NCSR = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 3), do not input the Vessel Source-
Connection Cards defined by this card set. Input one card for each of the NCSR
source connections of a one-dimensional component to a VESSEL cell
interface. See VESSEL description in Volume 2.
Card Set
Number Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
40 FRVOL NTSX × Cell fluid-volume fractions (–) (0.0 ≤ VOL ≤ 1.0).
41 FRFAYT NTSX × Cell-edge flow-area fractions (–) in the θ or y
NRSX direction (0.0 ≤ FRFAYT ≤ 1.0).
42 FRFAZ NTSX × Cell-edge flow-area fractions (–) in the z direction
NRSX (0.0 ≤ FRFAZ ≤ 1.0).
43 FRFAXR NTSX × Cell-edge flow-area fractions (–) in the r or x
NRSX direction (0.0 ≤ FRFAXR ≤ 1.0).
44 HDYT NTSX × Hydraulic diameters (m, ft) in the θ or y direction.
45 HDZ NTSX × Hydraulic diameters (m, ft) in the z direction [for
NRSX heat-transfer purposes, do not input the axial-
direction hydraulic diameter with a value of 0.0].
46 HDXR NTSX × Hydraulic diameters (m, ft) in the r or x direction.
47 ALPN NTSX × Initial gas volume fractions (–).
48 VVNYT NTSX × Initial gas velocities (m/s, ft/s) in the θ or y
NRSX direction.
49 VVNZ NTSX × Initial gas velocities (m/s, ft/s) in the z direction.
50 VVNXR NTSX × Initial gas velocities (m/s, ft/s) in the r or x
NRSX direction.
51 VLNYT NTSX × Initial liquid velocities (m/s, ft/s) in the θ or y
NRSX direction.
52 VLNZ NTSX × Initial liquid velocities (m/s, ft/s) in the z
NRSX direction.
53 VLNXR NTSX × Initial liquid velocities (m/s, ft/s) in the r or x-
NRSX direction.
54 TVN NTSX × Initial gas temperatures (K, °F).
55 TLN NTSX × Initial liquid temperatures (K, °F).
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 VESSEL Component Data
Card Set
Number Variable Dimension Description
Note: This card can be used to repeat the data from a level already input or repeated to
define the data for the next level. Each REPEAT LEVEL card can repeat only the
data from a level with a lesser level number that was input before it (level
numbers are specified sequentially). These cards may be used consecutively.
Variable Description
AREP The character string: "REPEAT LEVEL" (where ^ indicates a blank space).
NLEV Input the number of the level whose data is to be repeated.
VESSEL Component Data TRACE V5.0
End-of-Component Input Card
After all the component data input is read, a single card containing the characters “end” in
columns 1 to 3 must be input for both initial and restart calculations. An “end” card is only needed
when the input data is in the FREE format (see Main-Data Card 1) for an initial calculation
(which is pretty much true for all input decks).
Timestep Data
The last data block of input information is the timestep data cards for controlling the calculation
and output edits. The problem time span to be evaluated is separated into time domains. Each
domain (specified by two cards) may have different minimum and maximum timestep sizes and
output-edit time intervals. Any number of time domains may be input. TEND from the previous
time domain is the ending time of the calculation when DTMIN < 0.0. The format of each set of
two timestep cards follows.
Variable Description
Variable Description
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Deprecated Functionality
These sections (and included card specifications) represent deprecated functionality with respect
to the current specification for TRACE input decks. They are included here to assist the user in
being able to understand old legacy TRAC-P/TRACE decks.
Note: The input data for HTSTR components with ROD or SLAB elements must follow
the input data of all hydraulic components in the TRACIN input-data file.
Card Number 1. (Format A14,2I14,A30) TYPE, NUM, ID, CTITLE
Columns Variable Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
15–28 NCRZ Number of axial intervals between node rows in the ROD or
SLAB element.*
29–42 ITTC Specification of an external thermocouple (T/C) on the
ROD- or SLAB-element surface.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
43-56 IEXT Specifies if this component input was generated by the
postprocessor EXTRACT
0 = no (default);
1 = yes.
57-70 M1D Option for multiple 1D hydraulic-component coupling to
this HTSTR component by inputting M1D > 0. First input
M1D = 0 for all HTSTRs that do not have multiple 1D
hydraulic-component coupling. Then input M1D = 1 for the
first, M1D = 2 for the second, M1D = 3 for the third, etc.
HTSTRs that have multiple 1D hydraulic-component
coupling and input these HTSTRs in that order.
Card Number 3. (Format 5I14) NOPOWR, NRIDR, MODEZ, LIQLEV, IAXCND
Columns Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
2 = define the IDROD array for all NRODS ROD or
SLAB elements for both surfaces of the
HTSTR component. Card Set 44 (array
IDROD) defines the hydraulic-cell coupling to
the inner surface and Card Set 45 (array
IDRODO) defines the hydraulic-cell coupling
to the outer surface.
29–42 MODEZ Specification of the axial cell-edge locations of the node
rows or the axial cell lengths between node rows.
0 = input NCRZ + 1 axial cell-edge locations;
1 = input NCRZ axial cell lengths.
43–56 LIQLEV Specification of liquid-level tracking.
0 = no liquid level calculated on ROD- or SLAB-
element surface;
1 = liquid level tracked on ROD- or SLAB-element
surface (this produces a more accurate axial
heat-transfer solution).
57–70 IAXCND Specification of axial conduction.
0 = no axial heat-transfer conduction calculated;
1 = axial heat-transfer conduction calculated in the ROD
or SLAB element (explicit numerics when
NAMELIST variable NRSLV = 0; implicit
numerics when NRSLV = 1).
Card Number 4. (Format 2I14,2E14.4) IDBCI, IDBCO, HDRI, HDRO
Note: If ITTC = 1 (Word 3 on Card Number 2), input IDBCI = 2 (to define the outer
clad-surface hydraulic-cell coupling) and IDBCO = 2 (to define the thermocouple-
surface hydraulic-cell coupling).Variables HDRI and HDRD are only used if
NAMELIST variable ITHD = 1, when the user wishes to specify an appropriate
heated perimeter for heat transfer coefficient calculation.
Columns Variable Description
1–14 IDBCI Boundary-condition option for the inner surface of the ROD
or SLAB element.
0 = adiabatic boundary condition;
1 = constant HTCs and external temperatures;
2 = coupled to specified cells in one or more hydraulic
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
29–42 HDRI Heat-transfer diameter (m, ft) used to evaluate the heat-
transfer coefficient (HTC) for the inside surface of the ROD
or SLAB element. HDRI is used when NAMELIST variable
ITHD = 1 and the hydraulic diameter HD is used when
ITHD = 0.
43–56 HDRO Heat-transfer diameter (m, ft) used to evaluate the heat-
transfer coefficient (HTC) for the outside surface of the
ROD or SLAB element. HDRO is used when NAMELIST
variable ITHD = 1 and the hydraulic diameter HD is used
when ITHD = 0.
Note: Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer Model (Card Numbers 5 through 7).
Currently, the thermal radiation heat transfer model is only available in
TRACE/F77. For TRACE/F90, Cards 5 to 7 must be omitted.
Card Number 5. (Format 2I14) IFRADI, IFRADO
Note: If NAMELIST variable NENCL = 0, do not input Card Number 5
Columns. Variable. Description.
1–14 IFRADI Inner surface is part of a radiation enclosure option.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
15–28 IFRADO Outer surface is part of a radiation enclosure option.
0 = no;
1 = yes.
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Note: Input Card Number 6 if IFRADI = 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 5). The following
quadratic-polynomial coefficients define the inner-surface emissivity as a function
of the inner-surface temperature.
Columns Variable Description
Note: Input Card Number 7 if IFRADO = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 5). The following
quadratic-polynomial coefficients define the outer-surface emissivity as a function
of the outer-surface temperature.
Columns Variable Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
These axial locations are defined to be consistent with Card Set 35 (array Z) or SHELV (Word 5
on Card Number 13) and Card Set 36 (array DZ).
Columns Variable Description
1–14 ZUPTOP Axial location (m, ft) of the top of the upper hot patch.
15–28 ZUPBOT Axial location (m, ft) of the bottom of the upper hot patch.
29–42 ZLPTOP Axial location (m, ft) of the top of the lower hot patch.
43–70 ZLPBOT Axial location (m, ft) of the bottom of the lower hot patch.
1–14 TLI Constant liquid temperature (K, °F) at the inner surface of
the ROD or SLAB element.
15–28 TVI Constant vapor temperature (K, °F) at the inner surface of
the ROD or SLAB element.
29–42 HLI Constant liquid heat-transfer coefficient (HTC) (W m-2 K-1
Btu ft-2 °F-1 h-1) at the inner surface of the ROD or SLAB
43–56 HVI Constant vapor HTC (W m-2 K-1 Btu ft-2 °F-1 h-1) at the inner
surface of the ROD or SLAB element.
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Input Card Number 11 if IDBCO = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 4).
Columns Variable Description
1–14 TLO Constant liquid temperature (K, °F) at the outer surface of
the ROD or SLAB element.
15–28 TVO Constant vapor temperature (K, °F) at the outer surface of
the ROD or SLAB element.
29–42 HLO Constant liquid HTC (W m-2 K-1 Btu ft-2 °F-1 h-1) at the outer
surface of the ROD or SLAB element.
43–70 HVO Constant vapor HTC (W m-2 K-1 Btu ft-2 °F-1 h-1) at the outer
surface of the ROD or SLAB element.
Card Number 12. (Format 5I14) NRODS, NODES, IRFTR, NZMAX, IRFTR2
Columns Variable Description
not affect the fluid-dynamic solution through heat-transfer
15–28 NODES Number of ROD-radial or SLAB-thickness heat-transfer
nodes in the ROD or SLAB elements. A value of 1 invokes
the lumped-parameter solution (see TRACE/F90 Theory
Manual). Its value should include the thermocouple if ITTC
= 1 (Word 3 on Card Number 2).NODES must be ≤
NRFMX, where NRFMX is a parameter constant set in
module VessCon (header file PARSET1 for TRACE/F77),
currently to 20.
29–42 IRFTR Trip ID number for implementing the axial fine-mesh
calculation (no axial fine-mesh calculation is performed if
IRFTR = 0 or if trip IRFTR is not set ON).
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
43–56 HGAPO ROD or SLAB element gas-gap HTC (W m-2 K-1, Btu
ft-2 °F-1 h-1). HGAPO must be set to a non-zero value.
HGAPO is used as the gap conductance when NFCI = 0
(Word 2 on Card 19); it is used as an initial guess for the gap
conductance when NFCI = 1.
57–70 SHELV Axial location (m,ft) of the first (bottom) node row [use to
define Z(1) when MODEZ =1 (Word 3 on Card Number 3)
and DZ axial cell-interval lengths are input with Card Set
Note: Note
Note: If NOPOWR = 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 3) for an unpowered HTSTR
component, go to the array-data beginning with Card Set 27 (NHCOMI, etc.). If
NOPOWR = 0, input the following scalar parameters that need to be defined for
powered HTSTR component ROD or SLAB elements.
Card Number 14. (Format 5I14) IRPWTY, NDGX, NDHX, NRTS, NHIST
Columns Variable Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
29–42 NDHX The number of decay-heat groups [For IRPWTY = 1, 2, 3, 4,
11, 12, 13, or 14: input NDHX = 69 to define the ANS-79
decay-heat standard, input NDHX = 71 to define the ANS-
79 decay-heat standard plus the heavy-element decay for
U and 239Np, input any other positive value for NDHX
when the TRACE user wishes to input-specify their own
decay-heat parameters, or input NDHX ≠ 0 to have TRACE
internally default to the ANS-79 decay-heat standard of
NDHX = 69 (an exception to this default occurs when
inputting NDHX = –11 to have TRACE internally define the
11 decay-heat group that was the default in the MOD1 and
earlier versions of TRAC). For IRPWTY = 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, or
17: input NDHX = 0].
43–56 NRTS The number of timesteps between file output edits of the
reactor-core power and reactivity-feedback changes to the
TRCOUT file (NRTS = 10, default).
57–70 NHIST The number of value pairs in the power-history table.
NHIST = 0 when IRPWTY = 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, or 17.
0 = the user will input the delayed-neutron precursor
concentrations (CDGN) and the decay-heat
precursor concentrations (CDHN);
1 = CDGN and CDHN will be calculated assuming an
infinite history of operation at the user input
power level of RPOWRI;
≥2 = a power history table will be input and used to
calculate initial values for CDGN and CDHN.
Card Number 15. (Format 5E14.4) Q235, Q239, Q238, QAVG, R239PF
Note: Note
Note: If IRPWTY = 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, or 14 (Word 1 on Card Number 14) and NDHX
= 69 or 71 or <0 (but not –11) (Word 3 on Card Number 14), input Card Number
15; otherwise, skip this card.
Column Variable Description
1–14 Q235 Energy per fission from 235U (Mev per fission).
15–28 Q239 Energy per fission from 239Pu (Mev per fission).
29–42 Q238 Energy per fission from 238U (Mev per fission).
43–56 QAVG Average energy per fission (Mev per fission).
57–70 R239PF Atoms of 239U produced per fission.
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
If IRPWTY = 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, or 14 (Word 1 on Card Number 14) and NDHX = 69 or 71 or
<0 (but not –11) (Word 3 on Card Number 14), input Card Number 16; otherwise, skip this card.
Note: Note
Note: It is assumed that FP235 + FP238 + FP239 = 1.0, where FP239 is the
corresponding 239Pu fraction. FP235 and FP238 are used only if NHIST < 2 (Word
5 on Card Number 14).
Columns Variable Description
Card Number 17. (Format 5I14) IRPWTR, IRPWSV, NRPWTB, NRPWSV, NRPWRF
Note: If IRPWTY = 1, 5, 11, or 15 (Word 1 on Card Number 11), do not input Card
Number 17.
Columns Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Columns Variable Description
NRPWSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-
status value ISET during that timestep (when the reactivity-
power table is trip controlled); NRPWRF = 0 defines the rate
factor to be the NRPWSV parameter.
Card Number 18. (Format 5I14) IZPWTR, IZPWSV, NZPWTB, NZPWSV, NZPWRF
Columns Variable Description
1–14 IZPWTR The trip ID number that controls the evaluation of the axial-
power-shape table (0 < |IZPWTR| < 9999) (input IZPWTR =
0 when the evaluation of the axial power-shape table is not
trip controlled).
15–28 IZPWSV The axial-power-shape table’s abscissa-coordinate variable
ID number. IZPWSV defines the independent variable-
parameter for the axial-power-shape table. IZPWSV > 0
defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
IZPWSV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block
output parameter.
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
29–42 NZPWTB The number of axial-power-shape table [x, f(z) shape] value
pairs (defined by the absolute value of NZPWTB). Each pair
consists of an abscissa-coordinate value x and NZPWZ
(Word 1 on Card Number 17) ordinate-coordinate values of
f(z) defining the axial-power shape. NZPWTB > 0 defines
the table’s independent-variable form to be the IZPWSV
parameter; NZPWPB < 0 defines the axial-power-shape
table independent-variable form to be the sum of the change
in the IZPWSV parameter over each timestep times the trip
set-status value ISET during that timestep (when the axial-
power-shape table is trip controlled).
43–56 NZPWSV The rate-factor table’s abscissa-coordinate variable ID
number. NZPWSV defines the independent-variable
parameter to determine the rate factor that is applied to the
axial-power-shape table’s independent variable. NZPWSV >
0 defines the ID number for a signal-variable parameter;
NZPWSV < 0 defines the ID number for a control-block
output parameter; NZPWSV = 0 (when NZPWRF ≠ 0)
defines the difference between the trip signal and the
setpoint value that turns the trip OFF when the axial-power-
shape table is trip controlled.
57–70 NZPWRF The number of rate-factor table value pairs (defined by the
absolute value of NZPWRF). The rate factor is applied to
the axial-power-shape table’s independent variable when the
rate factor is defined. No rate factor is defined when
NZPWSV and NZPWRF (Words 4 and 5 on Card Number
15) are both zero. NZPWRF > 0 defines the rate-factor
table’s abscissa coordinate to be the NZPWSV parameter;
NZPWRF < 0 defines it to be the sum of the change in the
NZPWSV parameter over each timestep times the trip set-
status value ISET during that timestep (when the axial-
power-shape table is trip controlled); NZPWRF = 0 defines
the rate factor to be the NZPWSV parameter.
Card Number 19. (Format 5I14) NMWRX, NFCI, NFCIL, IPWRAD, IPWDEP
Columns Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
15–28 NFCI Fuel-cladding gap conductance calculation option. NFCI = 1
performs the dynamic gas-gap conductance calculation.
When NFCI = 0, HGAPO (Word 4 on Card Number 13) is
used as the gap conductance.
0 = off;
1 = on.
29–42 NFCIL Maximum number of fuel-cladding gas-gap conductance
calculations per timestep. Input NFCIL = 1 when NFCI = 1.
43–56 IPWRAD Spatial power-shape option.
0 = 1D axial power-shape table (default);
1 = 2D axial-r or axial-x power-shape table.
57–70 IPWDEP Power-shape table-dependence option.
–1 = the power-shape table dependence is defined for
each node by a signal-variable or control-block
ID number that defines the node power density,
and the resulting power shape is not
normalized by TRAC-P to a spatially averaged
value of unity;
0 = the power-shape table dependence is defined by
signal-variable or control-block ID number
IZPWSV (Word 2 on Card Number 18)
1 = the power-shape table dependence is defined for
each node by a signal-variable or control-block
ID number that defines the node power density,
and the resulting power shape is normalized by
Card Number 20. (Format 5I14) NZPWZ, NZPWI, NFBPWT, NRPWR, NRPWI
Columns Variable Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Card Number 21. (Format 5E14.4) REACT, TNEUT, RPWOFF, RRPWMX, RPWSCL
Columns Variable Description
57–70 RPWSCL Reactivity-power table’s scale factor for programmed
reactivity (–) or reactor-core power (–). The dependent
variable in the table Card Set 62 (array RPWTBR or
RPWTBP) is multiplied by RPWSCL to obtain its absolute
value of programmed reactivity (–) or reactor-core power
(W, Btu h-1).
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
1–14 EXTSOU The fission power (W, Btu h-1) produced by external source
neutrons in the reactor core (used only when the point-
reactor kinetics equations are evaluated: IRPWTY = 1, 2, 3,
4, 11, 12, 13, or 14).
15–28 PLDR Pellet-dish radius (m, ft) [no calculation of pellet dishing is
performed if PLDR = 0.0 m (0.0 ft)] (currently not used in
subroutine FROD).
29–42 PDRAT ROD element pitch-to-diameter or SLAB element pitch-to-
thickness ratio (–) (currently not used in subroutines CHEN
and CHF).
43–56 FUCRAC Fraction of the fue pellet radius l (–) which is not cracked
[used only when NFCI = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 19)].
Card Number 24. (Format 5I14) IRCJTB(I,J), I = (1, 4), IBU(J) where J = (1, 4)
Note: Note
If reactivity feedback is not evaluated when IRPWTY < 11 (Word 1 on Card Number 14), do not
input Card Number 24.
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Columns Variable Description
57–70 IBU(J) The solute-units definition index for the Jth reactivity
IBU(J) = –2 if x = Br and B = Br,
IBU(J) = –1 if x = Br and B = Bm,
IBU(J) = 0 if x = Bm and B = Br,
IBU(J) = 1 if x = Bm and B = Bm,
where ∂Keff/∂x = fcn(Tf, Tc, α, B). The two solute-mass
concentrations are: Bm density, which is the mass of solute in
the coolant-channel volume (kg m-3, lbm ft-3) and Br ratio
which is the parts solute mass per million parts liquid-
coolant mass (ppm).
Card Number 25. (Format 5I14) IRCJFM(J), J = (1, 4), ISNOTB
Note: If reactivity feedback is not evaluated when IRPWTY < 11 (Word 1 on Card
Number 14), do not input Card Number 25.
IRCJFM(J) = 0 for ∂Keff/∂x,
IRCJFM(J) = 1 for (1/Keff) ≠ ∂Keff/∂x,
IRCJFM(J) = 2 for x ∂Keff/∂x, and
IRCJFM(J) = 3 for (x/Keff) ≠ ∂Keff/∂x,
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
If reactivity feedback is not evaluated when IRPWTY < 11 (Word 1 on Card Number 14), do not
input Card Number 26.
Columns Variable Description
1–14 POWEXP Exponent value (–) to which the cell values of the power
distribution are raised in defining the weighting factor for
volume averaging the reactivity-feedback parameters over
the powered reactor-core region (suggested value: 2.0).
15–28 BPP0 Zero-order coefficient (kg m-3, lbm ft-3) of the first-order
polynomialB mBPP = BPP0 + BPP1 × T cthat defines the
effective (smeared and shielded) core-averaged
concentration of burnable-poison pin boron in the coolant-
channel volume.
29–42 BPP1 First-order coefficient (kg m-3 K-1, lbm ft-3 °F-1) of the first-
order polynomialB m BPP = BPP0 + BPP1 × T cthat defines
the effective (smeared and shielded) core-averaged
concentration of burnable-poison pin boron in the coolant-
channel volume. Tc is the core-averaged coolant temperature
(K, °F).
43–56 BCR0 Zero-order coefficient (kg m-3, lbm ft-3) of the first-order
polynomialB mBCR = BCR0 + BCR1 × ρ PROGthat defines
the effective (smeared and shielded) core-averaged
concentration of control-rod pin boron in the coolant-
channel volume.
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
57–70 BCR1 First-order coefficient (kg m-3, lbm ft-3) of the first-order
polynomialB mBCR = BCR0 + BCR1 × ρ PROGthat defines
the effective (smeared and shielded) core-averaged
concentration of control-rod pin boron in the coolant-
channel volume. ρPROG is programmed reactivity and has no
HTSTR Array Cards. (Use LOAD format. Each array has its element values defined by a Card
Set of one or more cards.)
Note: Note
Card Sets 27 to 30. When M1D ≠ 0 (Word 5 on Card Number 2), input NCRX (Word 1 on Card
Number 2) groups of Card Sets 27 to 30. The required order when NCRX > 1 for multiple 1D
hydraulic component coupling is Card Sets 27 to 30 for the first average (power) ROD or SLAB
element, Card Sets 27 to 30 for the second average (power) ROD or SLAB element, etc.
Note: Note
Card Sets 27 to 30. If ITTC = 1 (Word 3 on Card Number 2), then IDBCI = 2 and IDBCO = 2
(Words 1 and 2 on Card Number 4) and NHCOMI and NHCELI refer to the ROD or SLAB
element outer-surface hydraulic coupling and NHCOMO and NHCELO refer to the
thermocouple-surface hydraulic coupling.
Card Sets 27 & 28. If IDBCI ≠ 2 (Word 1 on Card Number 4), do not input Card Sets 27 and 28
(arrays NHCOMI and NHCELI).
Variable Dimension Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
NHCELI NCRZ+2 Cell numbers of the hydraulic cells to which the heat-
structure ROD- or SLAB-element inner surface is coupled
starting with the cell below the first node row and going to
the cell above the last node row. NHCELI(J) defines the cell
number of the hydraulic cell between node rows J–1 and J.
The input values for NHCELI(1) and NHCELI(NCRZ+2)
are redefined internally. Define NHCELI(J) > 0 when the
cell’s higher-numbered interface is aligned with node row J;
define NHCELI(J) < 0 when the cell’s lower-numbered
interface is aligned with node row J.
Card Sets 29 & 30. If IDBCO ≠ 2 (Word 2 on Card Number 4), do not input Card Sets 29 and 30
(arrays NHCOMO and NHCELO)
Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 31.If NAMELIST variable MHTLI = 0 or IRFTR ≠ 0, do not input Card Set 31 (array
Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Card Set 32. If NAMELIST variable MHTLO = 0 or IRFTR ≠ 0, do not input Card Set 32 (array
Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 33.If NAMELIST variable MHTVI = 0 or IRFTR ≠ 0, do not input this card.
Variable Dimension Description
HTMVI NCRZ Gas-phase wall heat-transfer multiplier factor for the inner
surface (–) [0.9 ≤ HTMVI ≤ 1.1].
Card Set 34.If NAMELIST variable MHTVO = 0 or IRFTR ≠ 0, do not input Card
Set 34 (array HTMVO).
Variable Dimension Description
HTMVO NCRZ Gas-phase wall heat-transfer multiplier factor for the outer
surface (–) [0.9 ≤ HTMVO ≤ 1.1].
Card Set 35. If MODEZ = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 3), input Card Set 35 (array Z).
Variable Dimension Description
Z NCRZ+1 Axial location (m, ft) of the hydraulic-cell edges where node
rows are located in the ROD or SLAB element.
Card Set 36. If MODEZ = 1 (Word 3 on Card Number 3), input Card Set 36 (array DZ).
Variable Dimension Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer Model (Card 37, Card Sets 38 and 39, Card 40, Card Sets
41 and 42). Currently, the thermal radiation heat transfer model is only available in TRACE/F77.
For TRACE/F90, Cards 37 to 42 must be omitted.
Card Number 37. (Format 3I14) IENCLU, IFACEI, IZSI
Note: Note
Card 37, Card Sets 38 and 39. If IFRADI = 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 5), input NCRZ (Word
2 on Card Number 2) groups of Card Number 37 and Card Sets 38 and 39. This group of cards is
repeated on a hydraulic-cell basis to supply radiation parameters for the inner surface. The total
number of ITFACI faces is defined by the Radiation-Enclosure Data Cards that were input after
the Control-Parameter Data section
Columns Variable Description
Card 37, Card Sets 38 and 39. If IFRADI = 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 5), input NCRZ (Word
2 on Card Number 2) groups of Card Number 37 and Card Sets 38 and 39. This group of cards is
repeated on a hydraulic-cell basis to supply radiation parameters for the inner surface. The total
number of ITFACI faces is defined by the Radiation-Enclosure Data Cards that were input after
the Control-Parameter Data section
Variable Dimension Description
GVF ITFACI Geometric view factor (–) from the IFACEI face to each of
the ITFACI faces of the radiation enclosure.
PLEN ITFACI Radiation path length (m, ft) from the IFACEI face to each
of the ITFACI faces of the radiation enclosure.
Card 40, Card Sets 41 and 42. If IFRADO = 1 (Word 2 on Card Number 5), input NCRZ (Word
2 on Card Number 2) groups of Card Number 40 and Card Sets 41 and 42. This group of cards is
repeated on a hydraulic-cell basis to supply radiation parameters for the outer surface. The total
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
number of ITFACI faces is defined by the Radiation-Enclosure Data Cards that were input at the
end of the Control-Parameter Data section.
Columns Variable Description
GVF ITFACI Geometric view factor (–) from the IFACEO face to each of
the ITFACI faces of the radiation enclosure.
PLEN ITFACI Radiation path length (m, ft) from the IFACEO face to each
of the ITFACI faces of the radiation enclosure.
Card Set 43.
Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 44.If NRIDR = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 3) and NRODS–NCRX = 0 (Word 1 on
Card Number 12 and Word 1 on Card Number 2), do not input Card Set 44 (array IDROD).
Variable Dimension Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
IDRODO NRODS IDRODO has the same definition as IDROD (Card Set 31)
but is for the outer surface of the ROD or SLAB element
when NRIDR = 2.
RDX NCRX Number of actual physical fuel rod elements in each of the
NCRX (r,θ) or (x,y) mesh-cell locations of a VESSEL
component or in each of the NCRX 1D hydraulic
components. This is a real-valued number, not an integer. A
value with a fractional part models with the fractional part a
ROD or SLAB element that is partly within the mesh cell.
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
RADRD NODES Distances to the heat conduction noes. ROD radii or SLAB
thickness (m, ft) from the inside surface at no power cold
conditions. Note: If ITTC = 1 (Word 3 on Card Number 2),
then RADRD(NODES) corresponds to the external
Card Set 48. If ITTC=0 (Word 3 on Card Number 2), do not input the Card Set 48
(array TC).
Variable Dimension Description
effective thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1, Btu
ft-1 °F-1 h-1);
RADT = Distance from the ROD- or SLAB-element
center to the center of the thermocouple (m, ft).
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
Card Set 49. Adjacent MATRD elements cannot both have the value 3 and MATRD(1) and
MATRD(NODES – 1) cannot be 3. Additional material properties can be input. Choose material
properties for regions bounded by array RADRD (Card Set 47). .
Variable Dimension Description
NFAX NCRZ Number of permanent axial fine-mesh node rows added per
axial hydraulic-cell interval at the start of the fine-mesh
calculation when trip IRFTR (Word 3 on Card Number 12)
is set ON. These permanent (and all temporary rezoning)
axial fine-mesh node rows are removed when trip IRFTR is
set OFF. [The total number of heat-transfer node rows per
ROD or SLAB element:NCRZ + 1 + NFAX ( I ), must
not be greater than NZMAX (Word 4 onI Card Number 12)].
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Unpowered HTSTR. If NOPOWR = 1 (Word 1 on Card Number 3) for an unpowered HTSTR
component, do not input the remaining arrays, which are defined for powered HTSTR-component
ROD or SLAB elements.
Card Set 52. IF IPWRAD = 1 (Word 4 on Card Number 19), do not input Card Set 52 (array
Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 53. If NFBPWT (Word 3 on Card Number 20) is 0 or even valued, do not input Card
Set 53 (array RS)
Variable Dimension Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
ZPWZT NZPWZ The axial locations (m, ft) where the axial-power shape’s
relative power densities are defined [define ZPWZT(1) =
Z(1) and ZPWZT(NZPWZ) = Z(NCRZ+1) to have the
power distribution span the axial range over which the
ROD- or SLAB-element node rows are defined (Card Set 35
defines array Z)].
Card Set 58. If IPWRAD = 0 (Word 4 on Card Number 19) or NRPWR < 2 (Word 4 on Card
Number 20) or NZPWTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 18), do not input Card Set 58 (array
Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Card Set 59. If NZPWTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 18), do not input Card Set 59 (array
Variable Dimension Description
value and NZPWZ x NRPWR power-density values for each
Card Set 60. If NZPWTB = 0 (Word 3 on Card Number 18) or NZPWRF = 0 (Word 5 on Card
Number 18), do not input Card Set 60 (array ZPWRF).
Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 61. If IRPWTY = 1, 5, 11, or 15 (Word 1 on Card Number 14) or NFBPWT = 0, 1, 4,
or 5 (Word 3 on Card Number 20), do not input Card Set 61 (array ZS).
Variable Dimension Description
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
Card Set 62.If IRPWTY = 1, 5, 11, or 15 (Word 1 on Card Number 14) or NRPWTB = 0 (Word 3
on Card Number 17), do not input Card Set 62 (array RPWTBR or RPWTBP).
Variable Dimension Description
Variable Dimension Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Variable Dimension Description
RCTC IRCJTB(1,2) + The coolant-temperature reactivity-coefficient table.
IRCJTB(2,2) +
IRCJTB(3,2) +
IRCJTB(4,2) +
(IRCJTB(1,2) x
IRCJTB(2,2) x
IRCJTB(3,2) x
RCAL IRCJTB(1,3) + The gas volume-fraction reactivity-coefficient table.
IRCJTB(2,3) +
IRCJTB(3,3) +
IRCJTB(4,3) +
(IRCJTB(1,3) x
IRCJTB(2,3) x
IRCJTB(3,3) x
RCBM IRCJTB(1,4) + The solute-mass concentration reactivity-coefficient table.
IRCJTB(2,4) +
IRCJTB(3,4) +
IRCJTB(4,4) +
(IRCJTB(1,4) x
IRCJTB(2,4) x
IRCJTB(3,4) x
Note: Note
Card Set 70. If NDGX > 0 and NHIST = 0 (Words 2 and 5 on Card Number 14) input Card Set
70 (array CDGN).
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
Card Sets 71 & 72. If NDHX ≤ 0 or NDHX = 69 or 71 (Word 3 on Card Number 14), do not
input Card Sets 71 and 72 (arrays LAMDH and EDH). The default 69-group decay-heat constants
will be defined internally by TRACE if NDHX ≤ 0 or the ANS 79 decay-heat constants will be
defined internally by TRACE if NDHX = 69 or 71.
Variable Dimension Description
Card Set 73. If NDHX > 0 and NHIST = 0 (Words 3 and 5 on Card Number 14), input Card Set
73 (array CDHN).
Variable Dimension Description
CDHN NDHX The decay-heat precursor power (W, Btu h-1).
Card Set 74. If NHIST = 0 or 1 (Word 5 on Card Number 14), do not input Card Set 74 (array
Variable Dimension Description
PHIST 2 × NHIST Power-history table [(s, W), (s, Btu h-1)]. Input NHIST
(Word 5 on Card Number 14) table-defining data pairs
having the following form [time at the start of the transient
minus the past time, reactor-core prompt-
fission power at that past time]. The first data pair should be
for the power level at the start of the transient; that is, the
time at the start of the transient minus the past time, which in
this case is 0.0 s, with the time difference for subsequent
data pairs being positive valued and increasing
monotonically for each data pair.
Card Sets 75 & 76. If NDHX ≠ 69 and NDHX ≠ 71 or NHIST = 0 (Words 3 and 5 on Card
Number 14), do not input Card Sets 75 and 76 (arrays FP235 and FP239).
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Note: It is assumed that FP235 + FP239 + FP238 = 1.0.
Variable Dimension Description
FP235 max(1,NHIST-1) Fraction (–) of fission power associated with 235U fission
during the power-history table interval from i to i+1.
FP239 max(1,NHIST-1) Fraction (–) of fission power associated with 239Pu fission
during the power-history table interval from i to i+1.
Enter data for NCRX (Word 1 on Card Number 2) cells for
each gas in the order indicated.
Index Gas
1 = helium;
2 = argon;
3 = xenon;
4 = krypton;
5 = hydrogen;
6 = air/nitrogen;
7 = water vapor.
GMLES NCRX Gram moles of gap gas (g-moles) per ROD or SLAB
element. XGMILES is not used, but must be input.
PGAPT NCRX Average gap-gas pressure (Pa, psia). PGAPT is not used if
NFCI = 0 (Word 2 on Card Number 16), but must be input.
PLVOL NCRX Plenum volume (m3, ft3) in each ROD or SLAB element
above the pellet stack. PLVOL is not used, but must be
PSLEN NCRX Pellet-stack length (m, ft). PSLEN is not used, but must be
CLENN NCRX Clad total length (m, ft). CLENN is not used, but must be
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
Note: Burnup Arrays. Input a BURN Card Set for each of the NRODS (Word 1 on Card Number
12) ROD or SLAB elements. This includes each average and supplemental ROD or SLAB
element of the HTSTR component.
Variable Dimension Description
Control parameters are evaluated in the following order: signal variables, control blocks, and
trips. If a signal variable is to be evaluated after a control block or a trip or a control block is to be
evaluated after a trip, two or more evaluation passes through the three control-parameter types are
needed. For NTCP ≥ 2 evaluation passes (Word 5 on Main-Data Card 10), the following Control-
Parameter List Cards are input to define the subrange of parameters to be evaluated for each
control-parameter type during each evaluation pass.
Card Number 1.
Variable Description
TRACE V5.0 Deprecated Functionality
Card Number 1.
Variable Description
Namelist Options
Some NAMELIST options are no longer used by the code, or their meaning has changed with
respect to older versions of the code.
Table A-1.
Variable Value Range Description Value
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
Table A-1.
Variable Value Range Description Value
Some variables on the main cards are no longer used by the code, or their meaning has changed
with respect to older versions of the code.
Table A-2.
Variable Description
NTCF Total number of table entries for the tabular control blocks from input and
the restart file (NTCF ≥ 0) (used to dimension variable storage).
Deprecated Functionality
Deprecated Functionality TRACE V5.0
TRACE V5.0 Error Messages
Error Messages
indicates that you will need to correct all fatal errors
encountered while TRACE was reading the input data
(all of which have been flagged by warning
ILLEGAL MATERIAL ID NUMBER The material ID number is not a valid number
between 1 and 12 for internal TRACE materials or
>50 for user-defined materials.
FOUND 3 on Main-Data Card 2) was specified but no
NAMELIST data were defined on the tracin file.
Error Messages TRACE V5.0
INPUT ERROR DETECTED IN The free-format input-option preprocessor sub-routine
TRACIN. CARD NUMBER XXXX PREINP found an input-data error. Possible causes
include an invalid character (for example, the =
character in 1.0000E=07), the omission of Main-Data
Card 1, or a simple typographical error. An
immediate fatal error occurs if Main-Data Card 1 is
incorrect. In all other cases, a flag is set that stops
execution after the entire input-data tracin file has
been processed.
Note: The card number is the last number on
each card in the trcinp output file.
INPUT ERROR ENCOUNTERED ON Array-reading subroutine LOAD found an error on a
CARD NO. XXXX, - REST OF free-format defined card set. The rest of the
COMPONENT SKIPPED component data are skipped. Execution of TRACE
stops after the entire input-data tracin file is
Note: The card number is the last number on
each card in the trcinp output file.
INPUT ERROR — NEW COM- Data for a new component were found before reading
PONENT WAS ENCOUNTERED the data for the current component was finished. For
UNEXPECTEDLY ON CARD NO. example, you may have omitted a data card expected
XXXX by TRACE. The card might be required by an
INOPTS option or a component feature; due to a
simple oversight this was not provided.
Note: The card number is the last number on
each card in the trcinp output file.
INPUT ERROR ON CARD NO. XXXX TRACE encountered array data but was expecting
– ENCOUNTERED UNEXPECTED non-array data. You have either too many or too few
LOAD DATA input-data cards because the card read is out of
Note: The card number is the last number on
each card in the trcinp output file.
INPUT ERROR ON CARD NO. XXXX Real array data were found where integer array data
- REAL DATA ENCOUNTERED IN were expected. You have either too many or too few
INTEGER ARRAY input-data cards because the card read is out of
Note: The card number is the last number on
each card in the trcinp output file.
TRACE V5.0 Error Messages
NOT ENOUGH DATA TO FILL Insufficient data were input to define an array.
ARRAY Remember that one more value is required for cell-
edge parameters such as flow area, hydraulic
diameter, and the gravity parameter than for cell-
centered parameters such as cell length and volume.
JUNCTION BOUNDARY ERROR Adjacent components have mismatched geometry and
DETECTED hydraulic input-data at their junction interface.
TRACE identifies the component, the mismatched
parameter (area, hydraulic diameter, gravity
parameter, etc.), and the unequal values.
CNTL. BLOCK NOT FOUND A control-block output signal's ID number was
specified to define the independent variable for a
component-action table in component data, but the ID
number could not be found in the list of defined
control blocks.
SIGNAL VAR. NOT FOUND A signal variable's ID number was specified to define
the independent variable for a component-action table
in component data, but the ID number could not be
found in the list of defined signal variables.
SIG. VARIABLES EXCEED The number of signal variables defined by the tracin
DIMENSION file and trcrst file exceeds its NTSV storage-
allocation number (Word 1 on Main-Data Card 10).
CANNOT REDUCE TIME STEP The timestep was reduced to the DTMIN minimum
FURTHER specified by the user, and the solution (outer iteration)
failed to converge. This is one of the more difficult
messages to handle because when it occurs at the start
of a calculation, there probably is a difficulty with the
input-data model.
STEADY-STATE SOLUTION NOT The steady-state calculation did not reach a converged
CONVERGED steady-state solution within the user-specified
problem time for the calculation.
Error Messages TRACE V5.0
DUMP NOT FOUND ON RESTART On Main-Data Card 6, the DSTEP timestep number
FILE of the data dump to be used for restart was specified.
The restart file (trcrst, which is trcdmp from the
previous calculation) was searched and this timestep
number (an integer) could not be found. Refer to the
trcout or trcmsg file from the calculation that
generated the trcdmp file (renamed trcrst for the
current restart calculation), and check the timestep
number for the data dump that is desired.
Searching the trcmsg or trcout files for the word
“restart” with a text editor will reveal the timestep
numbers of all data dumps generated.
NUMBER TRIPS EXCEED The number of trips defined by the tracin file and
DIMENSION trcrst file exceeds its NTRP storage-allocation
number on Main-Data Card 10.