TNO 2022 Offshore

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Offshore wind business

feasibility in a flexible
and electrified Dutch
energy market by 2030

Iratxe Gonzalez-Aparicio, Anthony Vitulli, Siddharth
Krishna-Swamy, Ricardo Hernandez-Serna, Niels Jansen,
Pieter Verstraten

November 2022
Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible

and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030


Management summary 3

1 Introduction 4
1.1 Market challenges for offshore wind by 2030 4
1.2 Goal of the study  5

2 Modelling approach 7

3 Results and discussions 8

3.1 Dutch energy market by 2030 driven by industrial electrification 8
3.2 New market approach for a long-lasting offshore wind business 10

4 Conclusions 17



Appendices 20
A Review of policy context 21
B Power market modelling holistic approach 22
C Long term business case of offshore wind 37

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Management summary

Offshore wind is the primary supplier The recommendations focus on the • A recommendation to achieve a • The results from this scenario show
of CO2-free electricity moving towards mitigation of these risks, achieved by positive business is through direct that the renewable capacity is fully
decarbonising the Dutch power developing specific integrated business collaboration between offshore utilised. Gas is required when the
system. The installed capacity aims to models between offshore wind developers wind producers and industry in the baseload demand increases and
increase sevenfold to 21.5 GW by 2030. and industrial flexible assets for power- form of specific offshore wind farm renewable resources are not available,
However, the current market trends of to-heat (P2H) and power-to-hydrogen connections with flexible assets, such resulting in increased CO2 emissions.
increasing renewable capacity, industrial (P2H2) conversion. as heat pumps, hybrid boilers, and There is a high value of offshore wind
electrification, gas and CO2 prices, the electrolysers; for example, combining in the power market. The market
expansion of interconnection, and the The low-electrification scenario follows investment and direct electricity price is positive for the offshore wind
need for grid reinforcements are making KEV (Klimaat- en Energieverkenning 2021) exchange via Power Purchase business in 80% of the cases.
the power market more volatile. These and the Climate Agreement. There is no Agreements (PPA). Such agreements • The offshore wind business is feasible
trends, together with the phasing out of explicit target for flexible demand on could also facilitate the acceleration of in the power market. PPAs are still
subsidies, result in increasing the risks for industrial electrification. On the supply industrial electrification from a system recommended to create an integrated
offshore wind business. side1, there is the full deployment of the perspective. business model that can benefit both
21.5 GW of offshore wind. the industrial end users of offshore
With this paper, TNO provides insights • The results from this scenario show The high-electrification scenario reflects wind and help the energy system
and recommendations to achieve a that the offshore wind business the impact of potential European policies reach its decarbonisation objectives
profitable offshore wind business under is financially unfeasible by 2030, (RED II and Fit for 55), which provide clear and reduce CO2 emissions. They can
two scenarios by 2030, using TNO’s suffering from the market dynamics goals on industrial electrification. It has also support the hedging of fluctuating
state-of-the-art European power market of excess supply (even when taking been constructed based on the Routekaart electricity prices and thus reduce the
and dispatching business models. The net exports to international markets Elektrificatie (RE) and the revised version of volatility of the power market.
two scenarios represent the Dutch into consideration). There is a 13% the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III).
power system under a low- and high- offshore wind curtailment and only
electrification growth scenario respectively, 30% of the time in 2030 the electricity
following current national and European price is positive for the business.
policies for supply and demand. The In this scenario, offshore wind energy
economic risks for the offshore wind has a very low value in the power
business are investigated. market.

1 This study assumes that by 2030 gas prices are stabilised at a low level (duration curve from €20/MWh up to more than €100/MWh) after the current gas crisis, assuming LNG-driven based on the longer market projections following the World Energy Outlook

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

1 Introduction

1.1 Market challenges for offshore wind 80

by 2030 Offshore Wind
Offshore wind energy is the cornerstone 70
in the rollout of renewable electricity for a Energy Roadmap
climate-neutral Europe by 2050, with the 60 8

interim target of a reduction of greenhouse

gas emissions of 55% (compared to 1990) 50 Borssele 1 Hollandse Kust (zuid) 2
Site V 5
by 2030 [1]. The Netherlands is one of the 0 Hydro 0
Two Towers, 19 MW
Luchterduinen 129 MW

most ambitious countries in Europe: 2022’s 40 4 Biomass 0 Site III and Site I and II
Site III and IV
760 MW

latest and more stringent targets will result

IV Blauwwind, Ørsted, Site I and II Vattenfall,

0 Nuclear 0
731,5 MW 752 MW 760 MW

in a renewable energy portfolio increase 30

8 Gas CHP 8
and an additional reduction obligation of
11 Gas 10
Hollandse Kust (noord) 3 Hollandse Kust (west) 4

approximately 15 Mt of CO2 in different 20 Site V CrossWind,

759 MW
2.100 MW
tender sites VI and
VII: 2022

5 Wind Onshore 7
Egmond aan Zee

sectors, following, amongst other things,

108 MW tender site VIII:
to be determined 3
Prinses Amalia

from the increased use of green hydrogen 2 Wind Offshore 22

120 MW

and energy savings. Offshore wind is 14 Solar 25 2
forecasted to be the primary contributor 0 Ten noorden van de 5 IJmuiden Ver 6

to a CO2-free Dutch power system. Its 2021 2030 Waddeneilanden

700 MW
6.000 MW
tender(s) sites I to
tender to be determined IV: 2023

production aims to increase sevenfold from tender(s)

sites V and VI:

3 GW in early 2022 to 21.5 GW by 2030 Figure 1a. Power generation capacities in the Netherlands in 2021 and Gemini 600 MW

[2] [3], supplying between 45% and 58% expectations for 2030.
of the total electricity estimated demand Nederwiek 7 Doordewind 8

(Figure 1a).
6.000 MW 4.000 MW
tender site I: 2025 tender(s) sites
tender(s) sites II I and II: 2027
and III: 2026 (indicative)

On the supply side, in a decarbonised wind undermines its own business case
power sector with a high share of as its supply increases. This constitutes a Legend

renewable power generation, price financial risk for offshore wind investments, Existing wind farms ~2,5 GW

volatility is much more important than but also for other production or storage Sea 7 8 6 5 4 1 2 3
Future wind farms ~11 GW

Wind farms still to be tendered ~8 GW

today. The same applies to the associated technologies, making the profitability of 100 77 62 56 53 24 18,5 0 km Total ~21,5 GW

cannibalisation effect, whereby offshore the offshore wind business less certain. June 2022

Figure 1b. New areas opened by the Dutch government to accommodate for the
4 revised ambitions and newer targets of the 21.5 GW offshore wind portfolio by 2030.
Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

On the demand side, the key challenge is 1.2 Goal of the study • The high-electrification scenario The increase in electrification from
to safeguard the optimal match between TNO provides insights and reflects the impact of potential the low- to the high-electrification
flexible electricity demands and the recommendations for developing a European policies resulting from REDII scenario results from higher sector-
supply of renewable energy, which is long- lasting offshore wind business and Fit for 55, which suggest clear specific target emission reductions.
envisioned to mainly consist of offshore under two policy-driven energy goals on industrial electrification. In industry, power-to-heat (P2H)
wind. At the same time, the country’s large scenarios (high- and low-electrification It is founded on the Routekaart offers major flexibility potential, since
industrial sector requires a large volume growth) by 2030: Elektrificatie (RE), which considers it can be covered by hybrid boilers,
of alternatives to fossil-based feedstock electrification in industry, and has which can alternate between gas and
and heat to supply demand, making • The low-electrification scenario been updated with the new plans of electricity depending on commodity
industrial electrification2 a key driver of follows KEV (Klimaat - en Energie- Tata Steel to reduce emissions via prices. On the supply side, the aim is to
the transition and an important pillar for verkenning 2021) and Climate electrification, and the revised third capture the 21.5 GW of wind offshore
the offshore wind business. As a power Agreement policies by 2030. There version of the Renewable Energy generation together with the 2022
supplier, the uncertainties associated with is no explicit target for flexible Directive (RED III), which features targets for other renewable energy
the electrification growth in the coming demand on industrial electrification. an obligation to use renewable fuels sources and the domestic electricity
years, the possible migration of production On the supply side3, there is the full of non-biological origin (RFNBOs). supply from (cross-border) electricity
to lower-cost countries, and uncertainties deployment of 21.5 GW offshore wind For the transport sector, a (single- imports by 2030 (Figure 2).
surrounding the role of hydrogen imports capacity. counted) target of 2.6% RFNBOs
within Europe and via intercontinental use is introduced, and a new target
trade routes make the fluctuating demand for a 50% share of renewables in
another market challenge for wind hydrogen consumption in the industry
investments. (which includes non-energy uses) is

3 This study assumes that by 2030 gas prices are stabilised at a low level (duration curve from €20/MWh up to more than €100/MWh) after the current gas crisis, assuming LNG-driven based on the longer market projections following the World Energy Outlook.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

This study presents the conditions under The structure of this report is as follows.
which offshore wind can be profitable in Chapter 2 describes the holistic modelling
Dutch supply 2030 Dutch demand 2030 a changing energy market, both from a approach and the tools applied in this
flexible (electricity) demand side and from study using power market models and
the supply side (increasing renewable business models.
200 capacity), answering the following
questions: Chapter 3 shows the results obtained for
• Matching supply and flexible demand the study. These results have been split:
150 in a system that is being electrified, the first results (3.1) are based on the

how is the Dutch energy market situation of the Dutch energy market by
100 affected by industrial electrification 2030, driven by industrial electrification
and what is the situation for the and the impact on the offshore wind sector
offshore wind business case? as a whole; the second results (3.2) show
50 • Considering the technology cost the offshore wind business profitability
reduction and the zero-subsidy and the new market approach suggested
0 financial mechanism, what are the to achieve a positive, long-lasting offshore
High Low High Low risks involved with a spot price and its wind business case.
mitigation? How can we realise a long-
lasting offshore wind business case Chapter 4 features the main conclusions
Nuclear Sun Exports
with a new market approach? of the study.
Res-e Wind Offshore Power-to-mobility • Regarding offshore wind in
Gas Wind Onshore Power-to-heat (households) collaboration with electrified industry,
Imports Power-to-heat (industry) what is the value of an integrated
Power-to-hydrogen business model between offshore wind
and electrified industry via a virtual
Conventional demand

Figure 2. The Netherlands’ high- and low-electrification scenarios for electricity demand and supply in 2030.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

2 Modelling approach

The scenarios represent the Dutch Within a power system, each asset can The choice to analyse this type of PPA was It is important to note that, in reality,
electricity system calculated with be defined based on its technology, made because it directly shows the impact offshore wind and the flexible asset
European power system model COMPETES efficiencies, marginal costs, fuel sources, or of an integrated business model in terms will need to negotiate a PPA price. This
(COMPetition in Electric Transmission generation profiles. of economic results. In practical situations, price has a large effect on the individual
and Energy Simulator), a power system other goals and boundary conditions will business cases.
optimisation and optimal dispatch model The offshore wind business case is lead to different PPA constructs.
that seeks to minimise the total power analysed using the EYE results (prices and However, it does not influence the
system costs of the European power volumes). Collaboration between industry The virtual PPA is modelled as part integrated business case, in which
market, while accounting for the technical and offshore developers is analysed of an integrated business case of the the offshore wind and flexible asset is
constraints of the generation units through contracts of PPA modelling. A PPA offshore wind asset and a flexible asset considered to be one single compound
and transmission constraints between is simulated using an integrated business (electrolyser or power-to-heat). Both asset.
countries. case in which there is an exchange of assets bid on the electricity market, after
energy between offshore wind and a which the PPA is calculated. Every hour, the
A power dispatching tool (EYE model) flexible asset. The combination of the maximum amount of electricity is flowing
is then employed to set a range of business case of offshore wind and the from the offshore wind to the flexible
sensitivities and identify the options for flexible asset reveals whether a PPA can be asset. An excess supply of wind is then
a positive offshore wind farm, using the beneficial. sold on the market. If the flexible asset has
COMPETES simulations and scenarios as a remaining demand, then this is bought
input. As a power market simulator, the There are several types of PPA that target on the market. The integrated business
EYE model assesses the effects on energy different goals and boundary conditions case considers the cost of the remaining
prices in the market one day ahead, based of the integrated business model. In this demand and the benefits of the remaining
on different sources of supply, expected study, the virtual PPA4 model is analysed, supply of offshore wind and the supply of
demand, marginal costs, and prices which is a flexible PPA without must-run the product (hydrogen or heat).
defined by the individual assets that make clauses.
up an intended power system.

4 In the virtual PPA model, the power producer sells the generated electricity in the wholesale power market. The payments received by the power producer from the fluctuating wholesale power price are net settled against the PPA price agreed with the corporate buyer.
The corporate buyer continues to purchase electricity for its facilities under its local contracts. As the virtual PPA contract is a financial settlement, a physical network connection between the generation asset(s) and the load is not necessary.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

3 Results and discussions

3.1 Dutch energy market by 2030 driven a feedstock or energy carrier for industry. system. Note that the changing goals of underestimation of variable renewable
by industrial electrification The Sankey diagrams in Figure 3 show other countries close to the Netherlands sources would, under normal market
This section shows the first results of the the distribution of the sources between may alter the results of the imports and conditions, mean that aligning supply and
study for the Dutch energy market by 2030, the supply and (non-flexible and flexible) exports. Some countries may increase their demand would require power generated
driven by industrial electrification and the demand for electricity for both scenarios. goals for renewable electricity in the period by gas-fired units, resulting in an increase
impact on the offshore wind sector. Note that the net imports and exports of leading up to 2035. This will also have an in greenhouse gas emissions. More
both scenarios have been absorbed in the amplifying effect on the market dynamics investigation into the further demand of
On the supply side, the Dutch power static electricity demand of the model. in the Netherlands. hydrogen would be necessary to reduce
system is experiencing an evolution The impact of increasing the electricity CO2 emissions and the use of gas-fired
marked by the introduction of new demand results on imports and exports, Increase in gas-fuelled generation: powerplants.
technologies, such as variable renewable the gas fuel generation variability and the The increase of gas-fired generation
energy (wind and solar) and storage increase in CO2 prices. (almost 30 TWh) in the high-electrification Increase in CO2 emissions: The increase in
technologies. On the demand side, there scenario is due to a shortage of variable generation of the gas-fired powerplants,
is an expected increase, due to the Imports/Exports: The high-electrification renewable energy during hours in to provide electricity for the baseload
electrification of sectors in which energy is scenario shows a net import position which the baseload demand increases. demand when renewable power sources
currently mainly derived from fossil fuels. of 14 TWh. Conversely, in the low- Offshore wind covers significant parts are lacking, results in an increase of
These sectors include mobility, the built electrification scenario, the Netherlands of both inflexible and flexible demand. CO2 emissions in the high-electrification
environment, and industrial processes. becomes a net exporter (23 TWh). The Nevertheless, offshore wind cannot cover scenario of 10 Mt when compared to the
change from exporter to importer is due the whole demand when there is low low-electrification scenario. This represents
This electrification is based on power-to- to the extra electrification on the system, wind resource, meaning gas is required an increase of 120% of emissions related
heat (P2H) technologies (such as industrial meaning that the national demand can be to offer more flexibility. Power-to-heat to the power system. This result aligns with
heat pumps or hybrid boilers that can (partly) met with curtailed wind energy. (P2H) technologies require gas-fired the need for more renewable energy to
alternate between running on electricity Nevertheless, the increase in electricity electricity driven by the hydrogen demand keep emissions low.
and natural gas), or indirectly, on power- demand is almost 80 TWh, requiring extra assumptions. Therefore, in a system
to-hydrogen (P2H2) technologies that use imports and an increase in the output of with only electrification (including the
CO2-free electricity to produce hydrogen as the gas-fired powerplants to balance the use of hydrogen), a potential lack or

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

High electrification Low electrification

From a system perspective, on the one

Electricity Flexibility Electricity Flexibility hand, offshore wind targets are set to
21.5 GW by 2030. However, the supply
108.0 91.3 148.9 6.3 capacity should be flexible if electrification
is lower than estimated to match supply
and demand.

On the other hand, more support on the

demand side is needed for higher direct
electrification, such as P2H, or indirectly, by
means of P2H2. From a system perspective,
an optimal social approach would be to
optimise the most appropriate renewable
generation mix to meet a set demand.


22.8 4.1 17.1 6.4 49.6 44.0 12.5 39.9 1.9 2.1 26.4 20.9 80.4 1.9 16.2 4.5

Solar PV Onshore Offshore wind Gas Nuclear Solar PV Onshore Offshore wind Gas Nuclear
wind wind

Figure 3. Contribution of supply sources towards meeting electricity and flexible demand in the (left) high- and (right) low-electrification scenarios for
the Netherlands (all numbers are in TWh).

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

3.2 New market approach for a long- This study focuses on the value of Power There are several drivers behind
lasting offshore wind business Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in hedging constructing a PPA, based on [5]:
A wind farm of 2 GW of the 21.5 GW price fluctuations both for off-takers and • Offshore wind developers and
of the offshore wind portfolio by 2030 offshore wind developers, following the consumers creating a strong
is considered to study the offshore wind uncertainties of the power system by 2030. pipeline of projects to secure
business case under the two scenarios The following integrated business models a route-to-market.
of high and low electrification. The wind have been analysed to address such a PPA • Governments can reduce support
farm is considered price-taker technology, construct: schemes when renewables can
and thus not influencing market prices • Market: The business model consists compete with market prices.
and behaviour. Current trends in the of an investment in the 2 GW offshore • Offshore wind developers reduce
increasing size of offshore wind turbines wind farms. The produced electricity the risk of exposure to longer-term
are expected to continue. (By 2030, is fed into the grid and sold in the price fluctuations.
turbines could reach power ratings of electricity market. • Off-takers achieve recognition for
20 MW.) Layout optimisations and farm • PPA heat: The integrated business using renewable energy and unlock
control strategies might see offshore model comprises an investment in value when PPAs beat market prices.
wind farms with capacity factors of up the offshore wind farm and a 2 GW
to 55% and the levelised cost of energy electric boiler. There is a PPA between In this section, insights into risks involved
of around €40/MWh [4]. the offshore wind farm and the electric with spot price exposures in the high- and
boiler. low-electrification scenario are presented.
• PPA hydrogen: The integrated business This is followed by an analysis of the
model comprises an investment in impact of PPAs on the integrated business
the offshore wind farm and a 2 GW model of offshore wind with industrial
electrolyser. There is a PPA between parties (Figure 4). Lastly, the impact of
the offshore wind farm and the these integrated business models on the
electrolyser. industrial assets is qualitatively assessed.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Energy market

Modelling of the integrated business case

The virtual PPA is modelled as part of an integrated business case of the
offshore wind asset and a flexible asset (electrolyser or power-to-heat).
Both assets bid on the electricity market, after which the PPA is calculated.
Every hour, the maximum amount of electricity is flowing from the offshore
Electricity grid wind to the flexible asset. An excess supply of wind is then sold on the market.
If the flexible asset has a remaining demand, then this is bought on the market.
Offshore wind park

The integrated business case considers the cost of the remaining demand
and the benefits of the remaining supply of offshore wind and the supply of
Flex demand the product (hydrogen or heat).

PPA It is important to note that, in reality, offshore wind and the flexible asset will
need to negotiate a PPA price. This price has a large effect on the individual
Green electricity business cases.
Risk mitigation (hedging)

Electricity Financial Intangible However, it does not influence the integrated business case, in which the
offshore wind and flexible asset is considered one single compound asset.

Figure 4. Value network of the integrated business model, including a PPA. The financial value shared
with the offshore wind park is met by intangible values (green electricity, price hedging).

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Statistics for prices (€/MWh) High electrification Low electrification

In the high-electrification scenario, there The value of offshore wind in the spot
is 100% utilisation of the offshore wind market5 is higher in the high- (€49.7/MWh) Average clearing price 53.7 34.7
production towards meeting demand, than in the low-electrification scenario Value of the wind 49.7 32.8
while in the low-electrification scenario, (€32.8/MWh) (Table 1) due to the presence Max. clearing price 300 (max. capacity) 73
there is significant curtailment (13%). of more (flexible) demand assets. In the Min. clearing price 2.8 1.1
Even when considering the declining costs high-electrification scenario, demand
Peak clearing price (97% percentile) 73.0 65.2
of offshore wind technology towards levels are typically higher, more often
Off-peak clearing price (3% percentile) 37.2 1.5
the levelised cost of energy (LCoE) of rendering supply from expensive natural
approximately €40/MWh [4], the zero- gas assets as the marginal technology. Average peak clearing price 81.3 65.3
subsidy tender, and the cannibalisation Visualising the offshore wind participation Average off-peak clearing price 36.4 1.4
effect render the business case for offshore along with the price duration curve, there Number of peak hours (-) 445 398
wind unprofitable in the low-electrification is a decrease in offshore wind contribution Number of off-peak hours (-) 314 314
scenario (if the business case only relies with increasing clearing prices (Figure 5).
on the spot market). Looking at a year, it Table 1. Clearing price statistics for high- and low-electrification scenarios.
is estimated that prices are >€40/MWh This is expected, as during timesteps
30% of the time. On the contrary, for the of high offshore wind production, the
high-electrification scenario, prices are demand is mainly supplied by wind, which
>€40/MWh 80% of the time, making the has low marginal costs, therefore resulting
offshore wind business case positive and in low average clearing prices. However,
more stable. when offshore wind production is low,
mainly due to low resource availability, the
demand is supplied by gas-fired assets,
creating high average clearing prices due
to their higher marginal cost.

5 This study assumes that by 2030 gas prices are stabilised at a low level (duration curve from €20/MWh up to more than €100/MWh) after the current gas crisis, assuming LNG-driven based on the longer market projections following the World Energy Outlook.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Figure 5(a) shows the clearing price
duration curve in the high- and low-
electrification scenarios. The largest 120

Duration curve (Eur/MWh)

differences in prices for the two curves
Clearing price (Euro/MWh)
occur at the extremes (up to 1,500 High electrification
hours and after 8,000 hours). In the 90
low-electrification scenario (up to 1,500
hours), the low prices are set by renewable
sources. In the high-electrification scenario 60

(after 8,000 hours), the high prices are

set by expensive gas assets, increasing
prices significantly. Figure 5 (bottom) 30

shows scatter plots when comparing Clearing price (Euro/MWh)

the offshore wind production by 2030 in Low electrification
the two scenarios. The highest density 0
Time (hours)
of data points is seen on the diagonal
line, indicating that offshore wind
utilisation is identical in the high- and
low-electrification scenarios. The region Figure 5. Top: clearing price6 duration curve for the high-electrification scenario (orange) and low-electrification scenario (yellow). Bottom: scatter plot showing
of points below the diagonal line shows offshore wind production in the high- and low-electrification scenarios (including curtailment) for the full OWF portfolio. Colour bar indicates the frequency
the curtailment of wind in the low- of the occurrence (h) of the offshore wind power production.
electrification scenario. Wind production
in the low-electrification scenario is lower
than in the high-electrification scenario.

6 This study assumes that by 2030 gas prices are stabilised at a low level (duration curve from €20/MWh up to more than €100/MWh) after the current gas crisis, assuming LNG-driven based on the longer market projections following the World Energy Outlook.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

High electrification
The analysis of the business case is The offshore wind supplies to various under this scenario are in favour of a
performed for different prices for CO2 and types of demand (electricity and flexible positive offshore wind farm business with Order of H2 Price (€/kg)
H2 under the low- and high-electrification demand) and the conditions leading to the electricity market because it is 100% €2 €3 €4 €6
scenarios. For each situation, the curtailments are presented for the two utilised in a high-electrification system, €50 4% 5% 6% 9%

CO2 price
integrated business model with the best scenarios (high and low electrification) with curtailment being practically non-
€100 7% 8% 9% 11%
economic results is determined using a (Table 3 and 4). In the high-electrification existent (0%) (Table 4).
market-based model. An investment in scenario, flexible assets operate at a €150 10% 11% 12% 14%
the offshore wind farms is conducted. minimum load condition, increasing As a result of very low flexible demand, Low electrification
Produced electricity is sold to the the flexible demand to the desired in the low-electrification scenario, the
Order of H2 Price (€/kg)
electricity market or, via a Power Purchase electrification targets of the given scenario offshore wind contribution is almost strategies
€2 €3 €4 €6
Agreement (PPA), to a flexible asset. technologies. The main demand source in exclusively used to meet baseload
the low-electrification scenario, however, electricity demand (99%), with around €50 -3% -3% -3% -3%

CO2 price
A sensitivity analysis of the market is a result of conventional electrical 12-13% curtailment in all sensitivities €100 1% 1% 1% 1%
business case of offshore wind shows that demand and net exports (listed together (Table 3 and Table 4). It indicates that, €150 4% 4% 4% 4%
the business case of offshore wind: as electricity demand in Table 2). both from a system perspective and from
• Is positively impacted by increased a business case perspective, there is still Figure 6. IRR of the market-based offshore wind
electrification, which makes the In the high-electrification scenario, the room for higher system electrification, and business model.
business case positive under the full offshore wind portfolio contributes thus, higher flexible demand. The curtailed
assumptions of this analysis. The 54% to the electricity demand and 46% wind power may be used to supply green
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) ranges to the flexible demand. The 2 GW virtual power directly to industry and increase
from 4-14% in the high-electrification wind farm under the high-electrification electrification through PPAs.
scenario and between -3% and 4% in scenario supplies less towards electricity
the low-electrification scenario. demand (39%) than flexible demand
• Is positively impacted by higher CO2 (61%) (Table 3) due to a higher a bidding
and H2 prices, which can make the price. This indicates that wind farms could
business case positive, even in the supply green power to industry and green
low baseload electrification scenario. fuel production through flexible assets,
At a CO2 price of €150/tonne, the IRR such as heat pumps, hybrid boilers, and
increases to 4%, creating a feasible electrolysers, thus directly participating in
business case. the electricity market. Overall, the results

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Offshore wind contribution (TWh, %) High electrification Low electrification The virtual PPA model is analysed through In the low-electrification scenario, 2 GW
Offshore wind to electricity demand 46.2 (54%) 74.3 (99%) the impact on the clearing volumes of the of electric boiler or electrolyser capacity is
power market model [6]: added to the system due to the PPA, as we
Offshore wind to flexible demand 38.6 (46%) 0.5 (1%)
concluded from the system analysis that
Virtual wind farm to electricity demand 3.4 (39%) 6.1 (80%)
‘In the virtual PPA model, the power this scenario leaves room for additional
Virtual wind farm to flexible demand 5.3 (61%) 1.4 (18%) producer sells the generated electricity electrification. In this scenario, it is
Table 2. Offshore wind contribution to electricity and flexible demand per scenario. in the wholesale power market. The assumed that policy does not ensure this
payments received by the power producer flexible demand, even if the potential is
from the fluctuating wholesale power there. A PPA between an offshore wind
High electrification Low electrification price are net settled against the PPA price asset and industry will lead to extra
Curtailment OWF (TWh) 0.01 10.10
agreed with the corporate buyer. The capacity. In the high-electrification
corporate buyer continues to purchase scenario, 2 GW of existing electric boiler
Curtailment OWF (%) 0% 12%
electricity for its facilities under its local or electrolyser capacity is used for a PPA.
Curtailment OWF (virtual) (TWh) 0.0 1.10 contracts. As the virtual PPA contract is a In this scenario, policy ensures a high
Curtailment OWF (virtual) (%) 0% 13% financial settlement, a physical network level of electrification and a PPA will be
Table 3. Offshore wind farm curtailment in high- and low-electrification scenario. connection between the generation made with the existing capacity, instead
asset(s) and the load is not necessary.’ of additional capacity. The PPA construct
has no effect on the operation of the
system. Both the offshore wind asset and
the flexible demand will bid as if there is
no PPA. The PPA is a financial settlement
between the two assets, set up outside
of the electricity market. Consequently,
the operation and business cases of other
assets bidding on the market are not
influenced by the PPA.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

High electrification The analysis of the business case follows In this analysis, the virtual PPA construct to Current developments in the
a simple business model, omitting make an offshore wind farm economically implementation of the Renewable Energy
Order of H2 Price (€/kg)
strategies infrastructure costs, and using market feasible reduces the average revenue Directive II (RED II) suggest that renewable
€2 €3 €4 €6
prices from the EYE model, which are of the flexible asset, thus reducing the hydrogen producers will be allowed to
€50 4% 5% 10% 22% subject to several uncertainty factors. IRR of these assets. The asset owners, procure electricity from the grid (if it
CO2 price

€100 7% 8% 9% 20% Therefore, the results should be interpreted mostly industry parties, can seek other comes from renewable energy sources),
€150 10% 11% 12% 18% as trends and not as an investment routes to maintain an economic case to which can be secured by signing PPAs with
analysis. participate in the integrated business variable renewable energy producers. This
Low electrification model. For instance, the asset owner can will help reach decarbonisation objectives
Order of H2 Price (€/kg) The analysis of the PPA business models gain value by achieving recognition for and hedge potential fluctuating electricity
strategies show that in the low-electrification using renewable energy and reaching prices. An increase in offshore wind is
€2 €3 €4 €6
scenario, a PPA with heat or hydrogen decarbonisation objectives, or by hedging beneficial for the average electricity price
€50 3% 6% 14% 30%
CO2 price

improves the IRR by 5-33%, compared potential fluctuating electricity prices. of flexible assets. Developing integrated
€100 6% 6% 11% 27% to the market-based model. Furthermore, business models will therefore also have a
€150 9% 9% 10% 24% in the high-electrification scenario, the Analysis of the dynamics on the electricity hedging value for these actors.
PPA business model can also improve the market shows that an increase in offshore
business case of a feasible offshore wind wind is beneficial for the average electricity
Market PPA Heat PPA H2 farm, when hydrogen prices are higher price of flexible assets. Developing
Figure 7. IRR of the best-performing integrated than €4/kg. The IRR of offshore wind integrated business models will therefore
business model, with the associated business ranges from 4-14%, and can improve up also have a hedging value for these actors.
model. to 22% for the integrated business model The PPA construct can yield an economic
with a PPA. The energy carrier for which risk or green premium (through green
a PPA (heat or hydrogen) has the best certificates) for the flexible asset owner.
economic value is determined by CO2 and
hydrogen prices, as shown in Figure 7.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

4 Conclusions

Offshore wind is the primary supplier THE LOW-ELECTRIFICATION SCENARIO THE HIGH-ELECTRIFICATION SCENARIO the hybrid boiler is the best-performing
of CO2-free electricity by 2030, moving follows the current targets on the supply reflects the impact of potential European option. The IRR of the market-based
towards decarbonising the Dutch power side for renewable energy set by the policies following RED II and Fit for 55, offshore wind model ranges from 4%-14%
system. The installed capacity aims to government by 2030. The flexibility to which lay out clear goals for industrial and can improve up to 22% for the best
increase sevenfold to 21.5 GW by 2030. match supply and demand is given to electrification. The increase of gas integrated business model with a PPA.
the system via the supply side in the generation of almost 30 TWh in the high-
However, the current market trends of form of 13% wind curtailment. Offshore electrification scenario is due to a shortage The direct integration of offshore wind with
increasing renewable capacity, industrial wind suffers from the market dynamics of variable renewable energy during hours flexible assets for power-to-heat (P2H) and
electrification, gas and CO2 prices, and the of excess supply, even when taking net in which the baseload demand increases. power-to-hydrogen (P2H2) conversion by
need for grid reinforcements are making exports into consideration. The IRR of Offshore wind covers a significant part means of a PPA improves the offshore wind
the power market more volatile. These the offshore wind farm is between -3% of the electricity demand. Nevertheless, business.
trends, together with the phasing out and 4%, after taking sensitivity to the offshore wind cannot cover the whole
of subsidies, are increasing the risks for hydrogen and CO2 prices into account. A demand, making gas a requirement to Furthermore, this integration can support
offshore wind business. positive business case only occurs when offer more flexibility. Power-to-heat the hedging of fluctuating electricity prices
CO2 prices exceed €150/kg. This means (P2H) technologies require gas-fired and thus reduce the volatility of the power
TNO provides insights and that the offshore wind sector needs to electricity, driven by the hydrogen demand market. The integrated business model
recommendations for developing a look for other types of business models. assumptions. Investigation of the further can benefit both the industrial end users
long- lasting offshore wind business This can be achieved by cooperating demand of hydrogen would be necessary of offshore wind and help the power
under two (high- and low-electrification) with industry in integrated business to reduce CO2 emissions and the use of system reach decarbonisation objectives.
policy-driven energy scenarios by 2030. models via combined investment and gas-fired powerplants. A large number
direct electricity exchanges through of flexible assets are considered (from
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). These electrolysis and heat technologies) to
PPA contracts can increase the IRR of full utilise the 21.5 GW of offshore wind.
the integrated business model by 5-33% The wind has a high value; by 2030, it
when compared to a single offshore wind is profitable in the power market 80%
powerplant, thus reverting it to a positive of the time. A PPA construct with an
business case. The electrolyser is the best electrolyser could improve the business
asset through which to form a PPA at a case even further when the hydrogen
hydrogen price of €4/kg or higher. For price is €6/kg (or at €4 /kg with a CO2 price
lower hydrogen prices, the electric boiler of €50/tonne). At a hydrogen price of
performs better economically. €2/kg and a CO2 price of €150/tonne,

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030


This study was (partially) financially

supported by TNO’s internal R&D
instrument, Kennis en Innovatie Project
(programme 2022), and by the EU H2020
REALCoE project, under grant agreement
No 791875.

We would like to thank our colleagues

Bernard Bulder, Sebastian Hers, Aliene
van der Veer, Jos Sijm, and Harry van der
Weijde for the constructive discussions
about modelling the power market,
business case, and the impact on the
offshore wind sector, as well as for their
help in reviewing this document.

The authors declare no conflict of interests.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

[1] European Commission, COM (2020) 37 Commission Work Programme 2020, A union that strives for more, Brussels: European Commission, 2020.
[2] M. o. E. A. a. Climate, “,” Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, 18 March 2022. [Online].
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[3] W. Europe, “New Dutch Government is seriously ambitious on climate and wind energy,” Wind Europe, 13 January 2022. [Online].
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[5] Baringa, “Commercial Power Purchase Agreement: A Market Study including an assessment of potential financial instruments to support renewable energy Commercial Power Purchase
Agreements,” 2022.
[6] WBCSD, “Cross-border renewable PPAs in Europe: An overview for corporate buyers,” 2020.
[7] European Commission, “Commission presents Renewable Energy Directive revision,” Brussels, 2021.
[8] S. Hers, S. Blom, B. de Wildt and R. Hernandez-Serna, “Extra opgave elektriciteitsvoorziening 2030,” TNO, 2022.
[9] Ministeries van EZK, BZK & RVO, “Inzicht in de extra benodigde warmtebronnen en elektriciteit voor de warmtevoorziening in de gebouwde omgeving in 2030,” Den Haag, 2021.
[10] Stuurgroep Extra Opgave - mobiliteit, “Spijtvrij voorsorteren op zero-emissie mobiliteit,” Utrecht, 2022.
[11] Stuurgroep Extra Opgave, Complementair Ontwikkelen, Den Haag, 2021.
[12] CE Delft & TNO, 50% green hydrogen for Dutch industry - Analysis of consequences draft RED3, Delft, 2022.
[13] T. Bossmann, L. Fournié and G. Peña Verrier, “METIS Studies - Wholesale market prices, revenues andrisks for producers with high shares of variable RES in the power system,”
European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, December 2018.
[14] Ö. Özdemir, B. F. Hobbs, M. van Hout and P. Koutstaal, “Capacity vs energy subsidies for promoting renewable investment: Benefits and costs for the EU power market,” Energy Policy,
vol. 137, 2020.
[15] S. Pfenninger and I. Staffell, “Long-term patterns of European PV output using 30 years of validated hourly reanalysis and satellite data,” Energy, vol. 114, pp. 1251-1265, 2016.
[16] B. Ran, A. van der Veen, N. Jansen, M. Derks and M. Muller, “EYE Model description,” TNO - Internal use, 2019.
[17] TNO, Blix, “Pathways to potential cost reductions for offshore wind energy,” 2021.
[18] ISPT, TNO, “Cost reduction industrial heat pumps (CRUISE), openbare eindrapportage,” 2019.
[19] Berenschot, “Electrification in the Dutch process industry,” 2017.
[20] PBL, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, “Netherlands Climate and Energy Outlook 2020,” PBL, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2020.
[21] Nea, [Online]. Available:,127%20
euro%20per%20ton%20CO2. [Accessed 1 September 2022].


Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

A Review of policy context

In 2019 the Dutch government laid down target for a 50% share of renewables in Climate Agreement, the 55% target for
greenhouse gas emission reduction goals hydrogen consumption in the industry – the Fit for 55 package and the inclusion
in the Climate Agreement. These goals including non-energy uses [7]. of the RED III RFNBOs and renewable
aimed for a 49% GHG emission reduction energy in industrial hydrogen consumption
by 2030 compared to 1990 and a 95% These new agreements mean that sub-targets.
reduction by 2050. the previously targets for renewable
generation in the Climate Agreement Electricity demand (TWh per year) 49% 55% 55% + RED III
Additionally, in 2021, the European for 2030 were based on an expected Electricity demand at the time of Climate Agreement (a) 108 108 108
Commission presented the Fit for 55 electricity demand of 120 TWh which, due
Extra demand industry 2030 (b) 30.6 50.3 55.6
policy package, which delivers stricter to more stringent CO2 targets per sector, is
GHG emission reduction goals, 55% expected to increase significantly. Previous Direct electricity demand 22.2 29.3 29.3
reduction by 2030 compared to 1990 and work done by [8] describes in more detail Electrolyser demand 8.4 21 26.3
a climate-neutral EU by 2050. New and the implications of the new reduction Extra demand datacenters 2030 (c) 2.3 2.3 2.3
more stringent targets for the Netherlands targets on extra electrification in the Extra demand built environment 2030 (d) 8.4 10.5 10.5
result in an additional reduction obligation industrial, mobility, built environment and Extra demand mobility 2030 (e) 12.4 14.6 27.7
of approximately 15 mega tonnes of agricultural sectors. For a detailed analysis
Direct electricity demand 12.4 14.6 14.6
CO2 in different sectors such as the built of sector-specific GHG emission reductions
environment, mobility, agriculture, and and their effect on the electricity demand Electrolyser demand 13.1
industry and include a target for green for 2030, the reader is referred to [9] for Extra demand agriculture 2030 (f) 2 2 2
hydrogen use and renewable energy and the built environment sector and the study Total electricity demand 2030 (g=a+b+c+d+e+f) 163.7 187.7 206.1
energy savings. [10] for the mobility sectors. The first Direct electricity demand 155.3 166.7 166.7
advice from the industrial advice group Electrolyser demand 8.4 21 39.4
Furthermore, the proposal of the revised [11] and the recent study from [12] on the
Electricity demand 2030 in the Climate Agreement (h) 120 120 120
third version of the Renewable Energy REDIII consequences on the Dutch energy
Directive (RED III) contains a number demand. Extra demand (g-h) 43.7 67.7 86.1
of articles with an obligation to use Table 4. Overview of the estimated extra electricity demand in 2030 for each of the three reduction
Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin Table 4 summarizes and gives an overview targets [8].
(RFNBO). In the transport sector, the of the estimated extra electricity demand
proposal introduces a target of 2.6% in 2030 for the three emission reduction
(single counted) use of RFNBOs, and a new targets. The 49% target laid out in the

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

B Power market modelling holistic approach

B.1 Power market with increasing price, technology characteristics (e.g. (Figure 1)7. The main current market
flexibility conversion efficiencies), operational costs drivers and the future expected ones are
The equilibrium between electricity and the European Union Emission Trading illustrated in Table 5.
demand and supply is determined at System (EU-ETS) CO2 price.
wholesale markets, where a pool of power
generators bid their production and are Thus, low variable costs technologies will
awarded a contract until the demand is generally run most of the year at their
met. Different markets exist at different maximum capacity, and high variable costs
time scales. Here, the focus is on the day- assets will mostly operate only for short
ahead market; it is the most representative periods in the year to supply peak demand.
of electricity markets. The functioning At every time-step, the most expensive
of the market is illustrated via the merit running asset sets the market price.
order curve where every asset places a Besides the electricity demand, the merit
bid for a given capacity and at a specific order mechanism also includes flexible
price, (which equals in theory its variable assets, which act as additional energy
production costs, driven by the asset demand sources in the electricity market.
technology) [13]. These are batteries, hybrid boilers and
electrolysers (for production of hydrogen).
The order of entrance in the merit order Flexible assets are activated depending
curve is as follows: firstly, there are some on the exceedance of supply over
must-run power plants (e.g. Combined demand and when it is most profitable
Heat and Power (CHP) units) operating at for them to use the electricity. As variable
minimum load supplying energy to the renewable generation, storage and assets
electricity market. After these must-run availabilities as well as demand levels
plants, RES enter with near-zero production fluctuate, so does the merit order structure
costs; then, nuclear plants, fossil-fuelled and thus power market prices. The market
assets and biomass, which convert energy drivers are changing and the merit order is
from an input fuel into power. As such, also changing during the Energy Transition
their variable costs depend on the fuel with the high share of RES penetration

7 The above explanation considers perfect market functioning based on marginal prices and is as such represented in the EYE model.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Current market drivers on day-ahead price Factors changing during the Energy Transition
Fossil fuel costs Energy mix (capacity and costs), hydrogen
production at zero marginal cost
EU ETS CO2 prices Increasing gas and CO2 prices
RES deployment Increasing RES share
Nuclear and coal decommissioning No coal, no nuclear
Demand flexibility Higher demand, electrification (batteries,
electrolysers, hybrid boilers, industrial heat
pumps, …)
Interconnection capacity Higher cross border physical Flows (net exports /
imports of each country with the neighbour).
Market setup Energy trading volume shifts across different
channels (PPA/cleared, spot (APX) or exchanged
future). Future trends on subsidies schemes
(SDE+) feed-in and premium tariffs

Figure 8. Merit order: impact of RES share in the wholesale market and bidding strategy including flexible

Table 5. Main market drivers changing in the Energy Transition.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

B.2 Holistic modelling setup The COMPETES model covers 27 EU

The approach consists of a holistic Member States and some non-EU countries
modelling using the European Power (i.e., United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland,
Market model,COMPETES, under and the Balkan countries), including
two scenarios for different rates of a representation of the cross border
electrification, meeting the 2030 RES Dutch transmission capacities interconnecting
targets. A power dispatching tool is then these European countries. Every country
employed to set a range of sensitivities and is represented by one node, except
identify the options for a positive offshore Luxembourg, which is aggregated to
wind farm. Germany. The Balkan and Baltic countries
are each aggregated in one node. The
B.2.1 The European Power market model model assumes an integrated EU market
COMPETES where the trade flows between countries
The COMPETES model - COMPetition in are constrained by ‘Net Transfer Capacities
Electric Transmission and Energy Simulator (NTC) reflecting the Ten Year Network
is a power system optimization and Development Plan (TYNDP) of ENTSO-E.
optimal dispatch model that seeks to The model has time steps of one hour. In
minimize the total power system costs this study, the target years of the scenario
of the European power market whilst cases are optimized over all 8,760 hours
accounting for the technical constraints per annum.
of the generation units and transmission
constraints between the countries. Over the past two decades, COMPETES
COMPETES can be used to perform has been used for many assignments
simulations for two types of purposes: and studies on the Dutch and European Figure 9. Cross border connections of the COMETES power market model.
• Least-cost capacity expansion to electricity markets. Also, it is used and
optimize generation and transmission regularly updated as part of the energy model. This brief description focuses on
capacity additions. modelling framework for the annual the Netherlands’ application and the rest
• Day-ahead markets, through least-cost Climate and Energy Outlook of the of Europe. The description is limited to a
planning and dispatch of generation Netherlands, see also [14] for other general summary of the main elements of
and demand uses and applications of the COMPETES the model.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

B.2.2 Electricity supply B.2.3 Inputs/outputs The COMPETES model calculates the Hourly VRE time series
The input data of COMPETES involves a The main inputs for electricity supply following main outputs for the EU28+ as The used dataset provides hourly PV
wide range of generation technologies. options can be summarized as: a whole as well as for the individual capacity factors for the EU-27 plus Norway
There are 14 types of fossil-fuel fired • Operational and flexibility EU28+ countries and regions: and Switzerland, simulated with MERRA-28
power plants – which can operate with characteristics per technology per • Investments in cross-border and CM-SAF SARAH9.
CCS or as a combined heat and power country. transmission (interconnection)
(CHP) plant –nuclear, geothermal, biomass, • Efficiencies. capacities (capacity expansion module Similarly, hourly wind capacity factors are
waste, hydro, wind and solar technologies. • Installed power capacities. output). calculated for the EU-27 plus Norway and
In particular, detailed out with unit by • Availability (seasonal / hourly). • Investments in conventional Switzerland, based on MERRA-2, simulating
unit generation in the Netherlands. The • Minimum load of generation and generation capacities (capacity the present-day fleet of wind farms, the
units using the same technology and minimum load costs. expansion module output). near-term future and future long-term
having similar characteristics (i.e., age, • Startup / shutdown costs. • The allocation of power generation fleet. Detailed information on datasets
efficiencies, technical constraints, etc.) • Maximum ramp-up and down rates. and cross-border transmission in [15].
are aggregated for the other countries. • Minimum up and downtimes (only for capacity.
the units in the Netherlands). • Hourly and annual power generation
• Emission factors per fuel/technology. mix – and related emissions – in each
• Fuel prices per country, ETS CO2 price, EU28+ country and region.
(national CO2 tax). • The supply of flexibility options,
• Hourly time series of VRE technologies including power generation, power
(wind, solar etc.). trade, energy storage and VRE
• Overnight costs for conventional curtailments.
generation (Euro/MW). • Hourly competitive electricity prices
• Transmission capital expenditures per country/region.
(CAPEX; Euro/MW). • Power system costs per country/region.
• VRE curtailment resulting from unit
commitment and economic dispatch.

8 The Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) is a global atmospheric reanalysis produced by the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO).
9 The Surface Solar Radiation Data Set - Heliosat (SARAH) is a satellite-based climatology of the solar surface irradiance.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Results from the COMPETES simulations for two scenarios (high versus low electrification) in 2030

Figure 10. NL wind generation Figure 11. NL wind curtailment Figure 12. NL power system CO2 emissions Figure 13. NL net trade

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Wind offshore and onshore generation and B.3 The EYE power market model for A visual representation of the model is The intersection of supply and demand
curtailment business cases presented in the Figure 14. merit orders, along with their bidding
Curtailment – In the high electrification The EYE model is a power market simulator volumes determines the clearing price for
scenario curtailment is almost negligible capable of assessing the effects on energy From the customizable assets that the electricity market for each time step.
(0.01%), while the lower scenario shows prices in the day ahead market based represent the inputs to the EYE model, Further theoretical and methodological
16 TWh of curtailed offshore wind. This on different sources of supply, expected price clearing mechanisms are then explanations of the EYE model, along with
is explained by the absence of flexible demand, marginal costs, prices that are established for supply and demand based asset descriptions and specifications can
assets and lower electricity demand in defined by individual assets that make on a merit order raking of marginal costs be found in [16].
the Low case. Once there is Power-to- up an intended energy system. Within an for each hourly time step.
heat in industry and power-to-hydrogen energy system, each asset can be defined
technologies that can shift their demand, based on its technology, efficiencies,
Input Parameters EYE R e s u lt s
more wind offshore can be accommodated marginal costs, fuel sources or generation
Bid Strategies
in the system. From the offshore wind profiles. This allows for the analysis of a Power plants
Clearing prices
view, in the low demand scenario there specific asset’s performance and behaviour Renewable Contracting e.g. PPAs of the markets

is not enough flexible demand to supply in the market under imposed system level Energy Supply

with the 21.5 GW built. However, there is conditions or scenarios. Electrolysers Forecast and Plan
still potential for higher electrification of Clearing volumes
of assets
industrial sector which is not yet electrified. The EYE model is developed to model the Power2Heat
Marginal or
Under this scenario, the curtailment of future electricity grid and flexibility options Reference Price
wind could be translated into decoulpling based on first order estimations, in order Storage
Evaluation of assets,
Risk management
integrated systems to supply direct power to study complex system effects quickly. portfolios and
under PPA contracts. In the high electrified It gives the end-user the ability to change
Market Clearing
demand scenario, the results are in favor of parameters and explore effects with a Cross border
Execute contracts
offshore wind business because it is 100% user interface easily. EYE can be used to Cleared-as-bid Shortage and
Fuel and auctions for electricity, abbundance in the
utilized in an electrified system analyse specific business cases, as well as Carbon Prices hydrogen and heat. system
nationwide electricity grids. Lastly, EYE is
meant to be as open and transparent as Figure 14. Overview of EYE simulator with inputs: models of demand and supply bid behavior, and
possible, showing which assumptions and outputs such price and production/consumption profiles of individual assets [16].
calculations are made [16].

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

B.3.1 EYE model configuration for price. These types of assets, such as These specifications are used in the following equations to determine the activation price
flexible assets hybrid boilers, heat pumps, electrolysers, (or bidding price) of the flexible assets. They are based on the chosen fuel type, their
Within the EYE model, the demand merit batteries, etc., bid into the market with associated costs, efficiencies, and CO2 emissions. The CO2 price was set to that modelled
order profile is dominated primarily by an activation price, which is a price based in COMPETES, to a value of 57.6 Euro/tonne.
static electricity demand that must always on their efficiencies, emission costs, and
be met, along with flexible assets that can possible fuel source that is the produced The activation price for heat pumps is defined in Equation 1 as:
enter the market if the conditions to buy from the asset and envisioned to be sold in
electricity are beneficial for their operation. another market. If the proposed electricity Activation PriceHP = COP * (Fuel Cost + CO2Emisstion × CO2Price) × )nHP / nBoiler)  (1)
The model [16] obtain future electricity price is below a flexible asset’s activation
prices and the merit order effect. price, the asset will consume electricity, The activation price for hybrid boilers is defined in Equation 2, 3 and 4 as:
and participate in the market for the time
Flexible assets have the ability to change step of interest. Table 6 presents some Fuel PriceHB = (Fuel Cost × nBoiler) / (nP2x × nVapour)  (2)
the merit order of the demand profile technical specifications of different flexible
and therefore can play an important role assets that were considered in this study. CO2 PriceHB = (CO2Emisstion × CO2Price) × (nBoiler/nP2X)(3)
in determining the electricity market
Acitivation PriceHB = Fuel PriceHB + CO2 PriceHB(4)
Asset Efficiencies Symbol Values
Heat Pumps COP COP 3 Finally, the activation price of electrolyzers are based on a presumptive price of SMR based
hydrogen production as described in Equation 5:
Boiler Efficiency nBoiler 0.9
Heat Pump Efficiency nHP 1
Activation PriceH2 = ((Fuel CostNatural Gas / nSMR) + (CO2EmissionSMR × CO2Price) / nSMR )) × nH2(5)
Hybrid Boilers Boiler Efficiency nBoiler 1
Vapour Factor nVapour 1 Within the EYE model, assets can vary the quantity that they supply or demand to or from
Reference P2X Efficiency nP2X 0.9 the market over a range of bidding prices. Assets also can be run in a similar way to the
Electrolysers Efficiency nH2 0.67 static electricity demand, hence in a “must run” specification. These operational strategies
can influence the involvement of assets in the market, by changing the merit order profiles
SMR efficiency nSMR 0.72
of either the supply and demand. This in turn may influence the market clearing electricity
SMR CO2 emission factor CO2Emisstion_SMR 0.27
prices over the simulations period.
Natural Gas Natural CO2 emission factor nNGC 0.2
Table 6. Asset Technical Specifications.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

B.3.2 Calibration EYE model with the these assumptions and understanding 3. T he renewable energy assets The following Table 7 summarized the
COMPETES model its limitations, will form a baseline for were provided with representative quantity of supply modelled in COMPETES
The COMPETES model presented in each electrification scenario on which normalized production profiles that and in EYE.
previous chapter provides a system level the business case of a particular offshore COMPETES used as an input. These
overview of the expected energy mix of wind asset can be further explored and profiles respect a targeted level of full-
supply and demand, influenced by existing investigated. load hours over the simulation year.
and recently revised policies and targets 4. The cumulative capacity of fossil
for the 2030 Dutch energy system. These In order to create a model that is repre- fuel and power plant modelled in
policies and targets formed the bounds sentative of COMPETES in EYE, the input COMPETES were tabulated, along with
of high and low electrification scenarios. sources of supply had to be modelled to their average marginal cost.
In COMPETES, the electrified flexible meet a fully static demand at first (which 5. Virtual power plants with
assets were configured to run in baseload is the output of COMPETES). The following representative marginal costs were
operation (along with the static electricity methodology was followed to establish the then modelled as assets in EYE, such
demand) in order to ensure that the appropriate supply side features: that the marginal cost profile of these
flexible demand side targets were covered 1. Fuel costs, CO2 Emission costs, and power plants were respected for the
by the supply (including imports). market constraints were represented industry. Fossil based plants, hydro
in EYE. The maximum market price converted plants, and other were
The goal of this chapter is to represent was set to 300 Euro/MWh (above all considered in the make-up of these
the proposed scenarios of high and low generating and consuming assets in virtual plant assets.
electrification as modelled in COMPETES, the market), and the minimum was
but through the perspective of the EYE set to 0 Euro/MWh (not allowing for
model. More specifically, the same negative prices to occur in the market.
Source Capacity (GW) Marginal Cost (Euro/MWh)
sources of supply will be modelled in 2. The capacities of each renewable
order to meet the same desired quantity supply source as modelled in Solar 25.25 0.0
of targeted demand, both as static and COMPETES were represented as assets Onshore Wind 7.22 1.5
flexible. Assumed inputs and resulting in EYE. Assets for renewables were Offshore Wind 21.5 2 – 2.1
outputs of the Competes model were modelled as one large cluster for Fossils and Others 15.5 20 to Over 100+
used to establish the desired scenarios in each type (solar, wind, offshore wind)
Nuclear 0.46 9.2
EYE. The establishment of a calibration with their respective target capacities
between EYE and COMPETES, considering envisioned for 2030. Table 7. Summary of supply sources considered in EYE taken from the COMPETES model.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

With the supply defined as representative than in the COMPETES representation. 3. T

he static demand profile was Table 8 below presents the yearly demand
assets in EYE, the demand was then The COMPETES based model represents a normalized to include the base values that were used to scale the
established, and first considered as entirely world where all these assets are turned Dutch electricity, imports, and normalized profiles modelled as inputs to
static. This was done to force the entire on around the clock. However, with EYE, exports resulting from the COMPETES the electricity demand in the EYE model.
demand in EYE and ensure that the supply it is now possible to explore the effects of model. This profile was scaled to Also included are the amount of flexible
could provide all the energy required, thus flexibility as these assets join the electricity the representative energy modelled demand targets in each scenario.
establishing a calibrated baseline of the market as marginal-price -driven actors. in COMPETES over the simulation
COMPETES model in EYE. The following year for each scenario. Note that
approach was followed: The following approach was followed to the COMPETES profiles considered
1. Normalized profiles, on an hourly model the different flexible assets in EYE: represent the interaction cross-border
time step, were created considering 1. Assets were modelled with their under the assumption that flexible
the resulting static demand, flexible respective peak capacities, which could demand in NL is not flexible but
demand, imports and exports resulting be derived by the demand profiles demand around the clock. If these
from COMPETES. from COMPETES. assets are not activated at a certain
2. The normalized profile was scaled to 2. Assets that are not properly captured point in time, this can mean that the
the total energy demand. yet in EYE, such as EV’s, were modelled import/export is reduced.
as another asset, in this case a
Once the COMPETES model was separate hybrid boiler. The reason for
represented in EYE, the flexible demand this was to have a simple demand Source High electrification Low electrification Full Load Hours
(TWh) (TWh) [High, Low]
assets modelled originally as part of the asset that would act as a sink for
static demand was made free to operate energy to be dispatched to. EV’s in Static Demand 120.3 124.5 -
as proper flexible assets represented in this study are not the emphasis of Imports 42.3 25.9 -
EYE. In doing so these flexible assets (with the analysis, but future work should Exports 30.0 50.4 -
their respective capacities and sizes) can improve the dynamics of such an asset Static minus net 108.0 148.9 -
now bid into the market and establish to be more representative its real- import/exports
the demand side merit order curve. These world operation. Hydrogen (Electrolysers) 39.4 0.4 [3500,4307]
demand-side flexibility assets enter the
Heat (Hybrid Boilers) 24.9 0.0 [3500,0]
market only if their bidding prices (their
Heat Pumps 13.9 2.5 [1509,1509]
activation price) is higher than the clearing
price. This results in similar or less demand Electric Vehicles 14.7 3.3 [2409,2250]
Table 8. Range of electrification targets of COMPETES results.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Finally, the last step of the demand side 2. “ Must Run” conditions (where an asset Table 9 shows the results of the “Free-Flex” Table 10 presents the calibrated results
calibration process was to generate the will demand energy at any price to conditions, and it is possible to observe in of the EYE model under “must-run”
proper quantity of each flexible asset. This meet its target capacity, thus entering the High electrification scenario that there conditions to the COMPETES supply
was done under the following possible the market before all other flexible is not enough flexible demand generated, and demand targets for each scenario
options: assets) could be enforced on flexible hand in hand with less gas supply by an considered. It is now possible to see
1. The size (capacity) of flexible assets assets to ensure that a certain amount equivalent amount. The Low electrification that the COMPETES flexible demand is
could be reduced, if the modelled of generation was always produced. In scenario has too little amount of flexible adequately represented in EYE. This is
peak capacity to start generates too COMPETES, the flexbile assets such as demand, and the proper amount of taken as the baseline for the remaining
much flexbile demand compared electrolysers and hybrid boilers were generation is in line with COMPETES. This analyses stemming from thisa report.
to the target yearly values output entirely forced as baseload demand, can be seen as an intermediate step
in COMPETES. Reasons for this is where in EYE, a portion of this demand towards the final calibration.
that flexible assets in EYE bid into can be made flexible or “must-run”.
the market based on their marginal Following the “Free-Flex” results, “must-
price, establishing a merit order A starting point was established in which run” constraints on the electrolysers and
that can allow it to enter entirely or the flexible assets were free to demand hybrid boiler assets then were applied,
to not participate. If an asset was electricity simply based on their marginal ensuring that a portion on their capacity
able to always participate due to it’s price without any “must run” conditions was always met from the available supply
high value marginal price, then it imposed. For certain assets such as heat (hence operating under partial “must-run”
would always remain in the market pumps and EVs, modelling the peak conditions). These asset could therefore
requesting it’s peak capacity, hence capacity of their COMPETES profile lead to demand a portion of their energy before
leading to more demand than a more demand supplied to those assets. other flexible assets, and obtain the rest
modelled profile that is demanded in This could be that the peak was not of their demand following the regular
COMPETES. representative of the most common levels demad merit order establishment based
of production for that asset. In the case of on marginal price.
heat pumps, the average of the timeseries
was used, and since it is a flexible asset
with a high activation price, it would also
be producing heat at an average value
such that the year demand was reached.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

High electrification Low electrification High electrification Low electrification

Average 55.4 45.7 32.5 35.7 Euro/MWh Average 55.4 53.7 32.5 35.7 Euro/MWh
Clearing Price Clearing Price
Onshore Wind 23.5 23.5 23.5 20.9 TWh Onshore Wind 23.5 23.5 23.5 20.9 TWh
Offshore Wind 93.5 93.5 77.6 82.3 Offshore Wind 93.5 93.5 77.6 82.3 TWh
Solar 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.4 TWh Solar 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.4 TWh
Total Wind 117.0 117.0 101.0 103.2 TWh Total Wind 117.0 117.0 101.0 103.2 TWh
Total 143.9 143.9 128.0 129.6 TWh Total 143.9 143.9 128.0 129.6 TWh
Renewable Renewable
Total Fossil + 52.9 25.7 24.4 20.7 TWh Total Fossil + 52.9 52.4 24.4 20.7 TWh
others others
Total Nuclear 4.0 4.0 2.7 3.3 TWh Total Nuclear 4.0 4.0 2.7 3.3 TWh
Total supply 200.8 173.7 155.1 153.6 TWh Total supply 200.8 200.4 155.1 153.6 TWh
Dutch Static 108.0 108.0 148.9 148.9 TWh Dutch Static 108.0 108.0 148.9 148.9 TWh
Demand A Demand A
Electrolysers 39.4 13.4 0.4 0.4 TWh Electrolysers 39.4 38.9 0.4 0.5 TWh
Hybrid Boilers 24.9 25.3 0.0 0.0 TWh Hybrid Boilers 24.9 24.2 0.0 0.0 TWh
Industrial Heat 13.9 13.9 2.5 2.5 TWh Industrial Heat 13.9 13.9 2.5 2.5 TWh
Pumps Pumps
EV 14.7 15.0 3.3 3.4 TWh EV 14.7 14.3 3.3 3.4 TWh
Total Flexible 92.8 67.7 6.3 6.3 TWh Total Flexible 92.8 91.3 6.3 6.3 TWh
Total Demand 200.8 175.7 155.1 155.2 TWh Total Demand 200.8 199.3 155.1 155.2 TWh
A. Less Net Imports/Exports. A. Less Net Imports/Exports.
Table 9. EYE Compared to COMPETES Targets, Electrification Scenarios – “Free Flex” Conditions. Table 10. EYE Compared to COMPETES Targets, Electrification Scenarios – Must Run Conditions.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Asset EYE - EYE - Capacity (GW) FLH Minimum Load

Table 11 shows the amount of minimum The resulting summary table and clearing
High Scenario Low Scenario [High, Low] [High, Low] [High, Low]
(TWh) (TWh) (%) A load (“must-run” capacity) that each price duration curves presented above
flexible asset was assigned in order to are based on the calibration approach of
Onshore Wind 23.5 20.9 7.22 [3255,2891] -
generate the target demand in each imposing a certain portion of the capacity
Offshore Wind 93.5 82.3 21.5 [4348,3827] -
scenario, along with the capacity of each of the flexible assets as “must run in” the
Solar 26.9 26.4 25.25 [1065,1045] - asset used, and their resulting full load market (as described in the methodology
Electrolysers 38.9 0.5 [11.257, 0.1] [3455,5000] [35, 10] hours. It also provides the full load hours above). Once assets are made flexible in
Hybrid Boilers 24.2 0.0 [7.1, 0.0] [3408,0] [8.5, 0] of the variable renewable energy supply the EYE model, their activation price will
Industrial Heat 13.9 2.5 [1587, 0.285] C [8760,8760] - modelled. dictate whether it is profitable to enter
Pumps the market to receive electricity from
EV B 14.3 3.4 [4.2, 0.738] B [3404,6465] [8.5, 0] Furthermore, the resulting price duration the remaining supply. However, without
curves of the resulting EYE baselines imposing a minimum capacity to be
A. Expressed as the percentage of the modelled capacity presented in this table.
B. EVs were modelled as a hybrid boiler asset, as EYE is not yet adapted to model EV storage. considering “Must-Run” conditions and the “forced” the flexible assets do not generate
The capacity was reduced from the COMPETES generated profile output, for calibration purposes “Free-Flex” conditions of flexible assets the targeted demand.
(over supply). are compared in the COMPETES price
C. Heat Pump capacity was reduced to the average of the the COMPETES profile output, for
duration curve Figure 15. The difference
calibration purposes (over supply).
in the Low EYE scenarios are insignificant
Table 11. Resulting capacity, full-load hours and minimum loads of assets in EYE. due very small amounts of flexible demand
required. Both EYE Low scenarios align
relatively well with the LOW COMPETES
Scenario. As for the High EYE scenaiors,
more notable differences can be seen at
the low end of the price profile. This is
due mainly to the import of supply from
different sources cross border that are
not represent in EYE on the supply side
(and rather included in the static Dutch
electricity demand profile).

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

B.3.3 Sensitivities Conducted for PPA For the analysis of the low scenarios,
investigations the baseline conditions did not consider
Based on the baseline represented in the enough hydrogen production via
EYE model for both the High and Low electrolysis nor heat production by hybrid
electrification scenarios, sensitivities can boilers given the low amount of flexible
then be further conducted to assess the demand targets. Therefore, a virtual asset
business case of an offshore wind farm of either a hybrid boiler or electrolyser with
under different conditions. the same capacity as the chosen 2 GW
offshore wind farm under investigation was
It was determined to investigate the added to the model and simulated under
choice between an offshore wind farm the varying hydrogen and CO2 prices. Given
delivering power to the market, to a hybrid that the low electrification had a large
boiler (hence a power to heat PPA), or to an amount of curtailment of offshore wind
electrolyser (hence a Power to Hydrogen due to inadequate demand, increasing the
PPA). To do this, a matrix of varying flexible demand of that particular asset by
hydrogen reference prices, and CO2 prices such a capacity chosen would not impact
were investigated for all scenarios (free the overall market structure.
flex and minload in both high and low  
electrification conditions).

Figure 15. Price duration curves of COMPETES (dashed) and EYE (solid colours, “must run” or “Free Flex”
operation of flexible assets) for high and low scenarios.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

C Long term business case of offshore wind

The expected installed capacity of offshore SMR which uses natural gas to produce • Offtakers achieve recognition for using point of consumption via the electricity
wind in the two scenarios (21.5 GW) – low hydrogen, or on a hydrogen market renewable energy and unlock value network. This allows for direct delivery
and high electrification - is divided into two price. when PPA’s beat market prives. of power from the power producer to
parts, a larger offshore wind farm cluster of • Boilers/Heat pumps: Conducts an the corporate buyer. The corporate
19.5 GW and a smaller wind farm of 2 GW. investment in a Power-2-Heat asset This study will focus on the value of PPA’s buyer usually purchases any additional
The reason for this division in offshore and operates/maintains this asset. The in hedging price fluctuations both for power needed to serve the remainder
wind farm capacity is to estimate potential asset buys electricity from the market offtakers and offshore wind developers. of the load via its existing retail
differences in business case for wind farms or through a PPA from the offshore Two main PPA constructions can be electricity provider or a third-party.
bidding at different marginal costs in the wind farm. The heat produced by the distinguished [6]:
merit order. asset is used to avoid heating with • In the virtual PPA model, the power In this analysis the virtual PPA model is
natural gas using a gas boiler. The producer sells the generated electricity be analyzed through the impact on the
C.1 Business model reference price of this heat is based on into the wholesale power market. clearing volumes of the EYE market model.
A simplified business case is analyzed for: the natural gas and CO2 price. The payments received by the The two analyzed business models are
offshore wind, elektrolysers, hybrid boilers power producer from the fluctuating visualized in Figure 16 and Figure 17.
and industrial heat pumps. The analyzed The business analysis consists of wholesale power price are net-settled9
business models are as follows: comparing the business model where against the PPA price agreed with the
• Offshore wind: Conducts and all assets clear on the market compared corporate buyer. The corporate buyer
investment in offshore wind farms to a business model where certain flex continues to purchase electricity for its
and operates/maintains these farms. assets have a PPA with the offshore wind facilities under its local contracts. As
The produced electricity is sold to farm. There are several drivers behind the virtual PPA contract is a financial
the electricity market or by PPA to a constructing a PPA, based on [5]: settlement, a physical network
flexible asset. • Offshore wind developers creating a connection between the generation
• Electrolysis: Conducts an investment strong pipeline of projects to secure a asset(s) and the load is not necessary.
in an electrolyzer and operates/ route-to-market. • In the physical PPA model, there is a
maintains this asset. The electrolyzer • Government can reduce support physical network connection between
buys electricity from the market or schemes when renewables can the generation asset and the load of
through a PPA from the offshore wind compete with market prices. the corporate buyer. The generated
farm. The hydrogen produced by the • Offshore wind developers reduce risk electricity is nominated with the
elektrolyser is sold. The hydrogen price from exposure to longer term price system and/or market operator to
can be based on the reference of an fluctuations. be delivered to the corporate buyer’s

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030


Energy Market Energy Market

Static Demand

Offshore Electricity Grid Offshore Electricity Grid

Windpark Windpark

Flex Demand Flex Demand

H2 Heat Heat
Green electricity
Risk mitigation (hedging)

Figure 16. Base business model where all assets operate solely through the wholesale electricity market. Figure 17. VPPA business model, where the offshore windpark has a virtual PPA contract with a specific
flexible demand asset.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Technology CAPEX (€/MWe) Installation factor

C.2 Assumptions In Table 14, the financial assumptions of
The following assumptions on CAPEX, the business case are shown. The time Electrically driven heat pump [18] € 2,250,000.00 3
OPEX, prices and O&M have been used in horizon of the case is taken to be 25 years, Hybrid electrical steam boiler [19] € 120,000.00 2
the business case modelling. In Table 12, based on the economic lifetime of offshore Electrolyser (TNO) € 820,000.00 2
the assumed CAPEX are shown, which wind farms. The Weighted Average Cost Offshore wind [17] € 2,566,000.00 1.6
includes an assumed installation factor. of Capital (WACC) represents the rate that
The installation factor for offshore wind is the companies have to pay for financing Table 12. CAPEX assumptions.
based on study results by TNO and Blix [4] the assets. In general, the WACC in an
Technology O&M (% of CAPEX) Financials
[17]. For hybrid steam boiler and industrial industrial setting is higher compared to the
heat pump it is based on several use cases WACC in an energy production setting. Electrolyzer 2% Time Horizon 25
in which the integration costs are higher Heat Pumps (use cases) 5% WACC - Demand assets 8%
for heat pumps because of the waste heat Following the business model, in some Electric Boiler [19] 2% WACC - Supply assets 4%
demand. cases the revenue is based on avoiding Offshore wind [17] 2%
a natural gas based alternative. To this
The assumed O&M per technology is end the business case assumes the Table 13. OPEX Assumptions. Table 14. Financial assumptions.
shown in Table 13, the Heat Pumps have efficiency of the electrical assets and the
the highest assumed O&M because this is alternatives, as shown in Table 15. Asset Efficiency Alternative Alternative efficiency
a technology with moving parts, which is Electrolyzers 67% SMR 72%
subject to higher maintenance cost. The commodity prices as used in the Electrical steam boiler 99% Gas boiler 90%
baseline business case are shown in Electrical driven heat pump 300% Gas boiler 90%
Table 16. These prices are varied in the
sensitivity analysis. Table 15. Asset and alternatives efficiencies.

Commodity Price (Baseline) Unit

Natural Gas 25 €/MWh
CO2 € 57.60 €/ton

Table 16. Commodity prices in the baseline scenario.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

C.3 PPA Implementation clearing price of the market. If the flexible C.4 Baseline Results First discuss the results of S1 and S3 will be
The PPA implementation is added as a asset has a remaining clearing volume, The analysis follows a simple business discussed, after which the impact of the
post-processing step to the modelling. then it buys this on the market, at the model, omitting infrastructure cost and operational strategy will be described.
No changes are made in the EYE modelling. clearing price of the market. So, if the using highly uncertain market prices.
Consequently, the PPA has no effect on offshore wind asset has a clearing volume Therefore the results should be interpreted The results of the business case in S1 and
the system and the operation of other of 1,500 MWh and the flexible asset has a as trends and not as investment analysis. S3 are shown in Figure 18 and Figure 19.
assets. Both the offshore wind asset and clearing volume of 2,000 MWh, then all of In the low electrification scenario there
the flexible assets (electric boiler and the offshore wind energy (1,500 MWh) will The baseline results comprise of an are no electrical steam boilers assumed
electrolyser) bid based on their marginal be used in the PPA. The flexible asset buys analysis of the high electrification and low in the system, therefore these do not
costs. Whenever the clearing price is the remaining 500 MWh on the market. electrification scenario’s. The business show in the results. Furthermore, in the
higher than the bidding price of offshore case analysis has been conducted on high electrification scenario, the IRR of
wind, the offshore wind asset will be on. The PPA and remaining volumes are two operational strategies of the flexible electrolyzers can not be calculated as the
Whenever the clearing price is lower than calculated by doing this for every hour and assets: cash flow is negative.
the bidding price of the flexible assets, they summing over the year. The capture price • minLoad: In this strategy, the flexible
will be on. The bidding price of offshore of the assets are only calculated for the assets are imposed with a minimum The business case results show that the
wind is lower than the bidding price of remaining parts. This is done by calculating load that has to be satisfied. This high electrification scenario is profitable
the flexible assets. The operators of the the weighted average of the clearing price, minimum load is based on the for the offshore wind farm, with an IRR
offshore wind and flexible assets need to using the remaining volumes for each scenario results from COMPETES and of 5%. However, this scenario has a
determine a PPA price. This will be part of hour as weights. Effectively, the capture reflects the targets from REDII. This worse performance for flexible assets,
negotiations. We do not try to estimate price of the PPA volume is equal to the PPA strategy will mean that assets will also electrolyzers and electrical steam boilers
what a good or fair PPA price should be, price. For the offshore wind asset this is a bid in the market at times that this is have a negative cashflow. The industrial
instead we model the integrated business revenue, while it is a cost for the flexible not profitable. heat pumps are profitable in each scenario,
case of an offshore wind and flexible asset. asset. In the integrated business case • FreeFlex: In this strategy, the flexible this is because these assets profit from a
these cancel each other. assets are free to bid on their marginal high COP and therefore act as if they are
At any hour, both the offshore wind and price. Therefore they will only bid in the baseload, profiting from low prices.
flexible asset have a clearing volume. market at times that this is profitable.
The minimum of these volumes is what However this strategy does not In the Low electrification scenario the
will be traded via the PPA. If the offshore guarantee that the REDII targets are envisioned amount of offshore wind is not
wind has a remaining clearing volume, met and the results will differ from the profitable, and will even be curtailed in
then it sells this on the market, at the COMPETES output. some hours of the year.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

The business case of flexible assets Concluding, the business case of

improve, as they are a scarce resource offshore wind is supported by increased
in this scenario. The IRR of heat pumps electrification. However, this has a
increase with 12% in this scenario and drawback on the profitability of the
the NPV of electrolyzers increasing with electrification assets in the system, which
€1 mln. will not have a positive case for investment
if there are no additional stimulations.

Figure 18. Net present value after 25 years for offshore wind & flex assets in S1 and S3. Figure 19. Internal Rate of Return after 25 years for offshore wind & flex assets in S1 and S3.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

In Figure 20 and Figure 21, the business a negative result on the offshore wind Sensitivity analysis has been performed The CO2 price range is chosen based on
case results are shown in the high assets, as the capture price lowers with on the offshore wind business case by the KEV [20], which assumes a range of
electrification scenario with the FreeFlex 7 €/MWh due to less baseload being changing the CO2 and H2 prices: 32-68 €/ton in 2030, and the Dutch CO2
and the minLoad strategy. What can be bid in the market. • CO2: 50 – 150 €/ton tax for industry, which is expected to reach
seen is that the FreeFlex strategy has • H2: 2-6 €/kg 127 €/ton in 2030 [21]. Analysis by CE Delft
a positive impact on the business case and TNO [12], based on multiple sources
of the flexible assets, these will run at and several calculations shows hydrogen
more profitable hours when compared cost prices between 1 and 7 euro/kg in
to the minLoad strategy. This does have which the chosen sensitivity range fits.

Figure 20. Net present value after 25 years for offshore wind & flex assets in S1 with FreeFlex & minLoad Figure 21. IRR after 25 years for offshore wind & flex assets in S1 with FreeFlex & minLoad strategy.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

High electrification High electrification

Figure 25 shows the IRR of the market Analysis on the integrated business
based offshore wind business model for models show that in the situation where Order of H2 Price (€/kg) Order of H2 Price (€/kg)
strategies strategies
the High and Low Electrification scenarios the market based business model is not €2 €3 €4 €6 €2 €3 €4 €6
for the sensitivity analysis. feasible, a PPA with Heat or Hydrogen €50 4% 5% 6% 9% €50 4% 5% 10% 22%

CO2 price

CO2 price

• The business case of offshore wind improves the economic revenues to
€100 7% 8% 9% 11% €100 7% 8% 9% 20%
is positively impacted by increased feasible levels. Furthermore, the PPA
electrification, which makes the NPV Hydrogen business model can also improve €150 10% 11% 12% 14% €150 10% 11% 12% 18%
positive under the assumptions of this the business case of a feasible offshore Low electrification Low electrification
analysis. Assuming a WACC of 4%, the wind farm. The energy carrier with which
Order of H2 Price (€/kg) Order of H2 Price (€/kg)
business case of all CO2 and H2 price a PPA (Heat or Hydrogen) has the best strategies strategies
€2 €3 €4 €6 €2 €3 €4 €6
combinations are positive in the high economic value is determined by the
electrification scenario. In the Low CO2 and hydrogen price, as shown in €50 -3% -3% -3% -3% €50 3% 6% 14% 30%

CO2 price

CO2 price

Electrifcation scenario, this is only the Figure 26. €100 1% 1% 1% 1% €100 6% 6% 11% 27%
case for high CO2 prices. €150 4% 4% 4% 4% €150 9% 9% 10% 24%
• The business case of offshore wind In the high electrification scenario, which is
is positively impacted by higher dominated by hydrogen, the results show Figure 25. IRR of the market based offshore wind Legend
CO2 and H2 prices, which can make that no PPA is the best solution at low H2 business model. Market PPA Heat PPA H2
the NPV positive, even in the Low prices and a H2 PPA is the best result at
Electrification scenario. The impact high H2 prices. This follows the results Figure 26. IRR of the best performing integrated
of the CO2 price is greater than the from the baseline business model, which business model, with the associated business
impact of the H2 price, especially in showed that the business case of offshore model.
the low electrification scenario. Only wind in this scenario benefits from the
electrolysers depend on the H2 price, already installed flexible assets. Inducing
whereas most other assets depend a PPA will improve the IRR of offshore wind
on the CO2 price. Consequently, by 0-13%. The business case of offshore
the CO2 price has a greater effect wind already was positive, which means
on the electricity price. In the low that inducing a PPA will only increase
electrification scenario, there is almost profit, not make the investment profitable.
no electrolyzer capacity, making the
effect of the H2 price small.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

In the low electrification scenario, the

market based model is not profitable
due to a lack of flexibility assets. The PPA
Heat is most profitable at low hydrogen
prices. When the hydrogen prices increase,
this will shift to PPA H2. The impact of
the hydrogen price of this strategy is
larger as the impact of the CO2 price.
Inducing a PPA will improve the IRR of
offshore wind by 5-33%, with the highest
impact by a hydrogen PPA when there
are high H2 prices. A PPA in this scenario
will reduce the IRR of the flexible asset,
which will have to be convinced by other
values as economical. In this scenario a
PPA construction is needed to make the
NPV of the offshore wind positive. A PPA
construction to make an offshore wind
farm economical feasible will reduce the
economic value of the flexible asset. The
asset owners, mostly industry, will need to
be compensated in other values in order to
implement these solutions in practice. For
instance, the asset owner can gain value
through achieving recognition for using
renewable energy or hedging of fluctuating
electricity prices.

Report Offshore wind business feasibility in a flexible and electrified Dutch energy market by 2030

Authors Contact

Iratxe Gonzalez-Aparicio, Iratxe Gonzalez Aparicio

Anthony Vitulli,
Siddharth Krishna-Swamy, R&D Portfolio Manager
Ricardo Hernandez-Serna, System Integration Wind Energy
Niels Jansen,
Pieter Verstraten
+31 6 11 84 35 04

Creating tomorrow’s power system now

To have a network for sustainable (wind) energy in the future, we all need to make a big deal today.
Because climate change starts with system change. That is why TNO is working today with partners on tangible
system solutions to bring offshore energy efficiently to land. Smartly matching supply and demand. But also,
on biodiversity around wind farms. We can only achieve the climate goals if we work on tomorrow’s system today.

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