Pre-Engineered Building Systems

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ARC 412-18 – Building Technologies 5 –

Alternative Building Construction Systems

First Semester (2022 – 2023)
Ar. ENP. Mark G. Delfin
Section: 4AR-1


Research no. 5

Joson, Joshua C.
Pre-Engineered Building Systems

A pre-engineered building is a type of system widely utilized in the industry for efficient
establishment of buildings or warehouses. Initially, the parts or the components of the
proposed building is manufactured in the factory along with all of its details and
accessories and then will be shipped out to the site (a complete knock down condition).
These components will be organized, welded, and joint in the launch of construction.
This system is believed to be a lighter than the conventional building system according
to the, “An efficiently designed pre-engineered building can be
lighter than the conventional steel buildings by up to 30%. Lighter weight equates
to less steel and potential price savings in structural framework.”
PEB (often used for factories, warehouses, hangars, etc.) enables freedom in
design, allowing us to optimize the building's utilities for appearance and end-user


Component Description

Primary Components Primary components of the PESB consists of

mainframe, column, and rafters,
The stiff steel frames of the building make up the
Main Frame bulk of the primary framing. Tapered columns and
tapered rafters make up the PESB rigid frame.
Flanges and webs must be joined together on one
side by a continuous fillet weld.

The main purpose of

columns is to transfer
loads. In PEB, columns
are in “I” steel beam
because this is the most
Columns economical amongst other
conventional materials.
The width and breadth will
increase along to the
bottom to the top of the

A rafter is one of several

sloped structural
components (beams)
used to support the roof
Rafters deck and its
accompanying loads.
These members run from
the ridge or hip to the wall
plate, downslope
perimeter, or eave.

Secondary Structural Secondary structural components including purlins,

Elements grits, and eave struts support walls and roof panels.

The roof is supported by

purlins, the walls by grits,
and the roof meets the
sidewall at the eaves with
Purlins and Girts struts. Cold-formed "Z"
sections with stiffened
flanges must be used for
purlins and girts.

Cold-formed "C" sections

with uneven flanges must
be used as eave struts.
Eave struts are 200 mm
deep, have top and
Eave Struts bottom flanges that are
each 104 mm broad and
parallel to the roof slope.
There is a 24 mm stiffener
lip on each flange.

A key component that

guarantees the stability of
the building against
longitudinal pressures
Bracings like wind, cranes, and
earthquakes is cable
bracing. The side walls
and roof must both have
diagonal bracing.

The sheets used in the construction of pre-

Sheathing and engineered structures are either base metal of cold-
Cladding rolled steel with a high tensile yield stress of 550 MPA
or aluminum with a hot dip metallic coating of
Galvalume sheet, both of which comply with ASTM B

Sandwich Panels Sandwich Panel is made of three layers, in which a non-

Aluminum Core is inserted b/w two aluminum sheet.

Bolts, turbo ventilators, skylights, lovers, doors,

Accessories windows, roof curbs, and fasteners are examples of
non-structural construction components that make up
the accessories of a pre-engineered steel building.
Pre-engineered steel building - components and advantages. The Constructor.
(2020, January 13). Retrieved October 14, 2022, from
Pre-engineered buildings. Pebsteel. (2022, August 26). Retrieved October 14,
2022, from
Kataria, P. (2021, November 22). Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB): Components:
Advantages: Design methodology - civildigital -. CivilDigital. Retrieved
October 14, 2022, from
Sandwich panels. Paneltech. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2022, from

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