Manual Volume-2 Parte-2

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ILS 420 GP 422

Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard

This chapter describes the alignment procedure for the GP−2F standard version (M−Type or Capture
Effect). The procedure of the active GP−2F version is contained in chapter 5. The alignment proce-
dure of a Glide Path system (2F) including prerequisites is described in a step by step manner starting
with 7.1. The following list is a summary and also a detailed table of contents of chapter 7.


7.1.1 Operation via Personal Computer PC with MCS User Program PC with ADRACS User Program
7.1.2 Recommended Measuring Equipment
7.1.3 Installation
7.1.4 Check of Antenna Installation


7.2.1 Status of System Special Jumper Settings before Start Up
7.2.2 Switch On
7.2.3 General Remarks to the PC User Program Handling
7.2.4 Preparing the Installation SITE with PC
7.2.5 Entering Station Configuration Data


7.3.1 Power−Adder Power Distribution


7.4.1 CRS CSB Power
7.4.2 Clearance Power
7.4.3 SDM and DDM Setting SDM and DDM of CRS CSB (A1) SDM and DDM of Clearance (A1,A3)


7.5.1 CSB/SBO Phasing via Antenna A2 and CRS SBO Setting
7.5.2 CSB/SBO Phase via Antenna A1 (not applicable)
7.5.3 A1/A2 Phasing
7.5.4 A1/A3 Phasing


7.6.1 Adjustment Procedure of Aerial Channels CRS Posn. Channel CRS Width Channel CLR Channel NFM Channel
7.6.2 Adjustment Procedure of Standby Channels Stby CRS Posn. Channel Stby CRS Width Channel Stby CLR Channel
7.6.3 Calibration and Normalization of Integral Monitors

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance Integral Monitoring POS (DDM 0 %) Integral Monitoring WIDTH (DDM 17.5 %) Integral Monitoring CLR (DDM 30 %) Nearfield Monitor (DDM 0 %), optional

7.6.4 Calibration and Normalization of Standby Monitors Standby Monitoring CLR (DDM 30 %) Standby Monitoring CRS POS (DDM 0 %) Standby Monitoring CRS WIDTH (DDM 17.5 %)
7.6.5 Check Alarm Limits Executive Alarm Limits Standby Alarm Limits




7.9.1 Antenna Height Check
7.9.2 SDM and DDM 0 Check (TX1)
7.9.3 Phasing A1 − A3
7.9.4 Glide Angle Check
7.9.5 Width Setting
7.9.6 Monitor Readjustment
7.9.7 Course Alarm
7.9.8 Width Alarm
7.9.9 Miscellaneous





7−2 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
This chapter is a step by step field alignment procedure. It assumes that the transmitter cabinet has
been factory aligned and tested.
7.1.1 Operation via Personal Computer
A standard or Laptop PC is used to perform locally the first alignment of the installation. Usually suit-
able PC equipment is already available at site. Otherwise it can be delivered on request as an option.
A user program for controlling the Navaids station has to be installed on the PC. The adjustment of
the transmitter and monitor parameters is performed via this PC/laptop using the corresponding func-
tions/windows of the user program.
Two different PC user programs for controlling the Navaids station are available at the moment, the
MCS user program or the ADRACS user program. PC with MCS User Program

The locally connected PC/Laptop with the MCS User Program can occupy the roles CWP (Controller
Working Position) or MCWP (Mediator Controller Working Position), see Technical Manual MCS (Ref.
No. 83140 55325).
In the standard application the local PC/Laptop is used as MCWP, i.e. the MCS application GUI, the
SNMP Proxy agents and the Direct Connect option are installed to the PC/Laptop. The Laptop is con-
nected to the connector Local PC on top of the cabinet.
In an optional application (currently only available for DVOR/CVOR systems) the local PC/Laptop is
used as CWP, i.e. the MCS application GUI is installed to the PC/Laptop and the SNMP Proxy agents
are installed to a built−in intelligent board, the optional ETX−CPU board. The Laptop is connected
to the connector ETHERNET on top of the cabinet which is fed to the ETX−CPU board.
The corresponding MCS application software should be installed on the available PC/Laptop. For
installation procedure refer to the Technical Manual MCS.

Do not use both connections simultaneously to avoid confusion in the data management!
The PC/Laptop used for the CWP role or MCWP role should be built by a quality PC manufacturer
and must meet the following requirements:
− Processor; clock Intel P4, AMD K7; 2 GHz (or better) Intel P4, AMD K7; 2 GHz (or better)
− Power supply units 1 2
− Main memory 512 MB (or better) 512 MB (or better)
− VGA memory 32 MB (or better) 32 MB (or better)
− HDD 20 GB (or better) 2x 20 GB (or better)
− CDROM x x
− Input via mouse x x
− Serial connector − 1 per connected Navaids device
− USB connector recommended recommended
− Network adapter x x
− Operating system WinNT, W2K, WindowsXP, Fedora Fedora Core 4 (FC4),
Core 4 (FC4), Red Hat 9 (RH9) Red Hat 9 (RH9)
− Free disk space for MCS 100 MB (without Data Base option), 100 MB (without Data Base option),
min. 10 GB (with DB option) min. 10 GB (with DB option)
− SUN Java VM 1.5.0 (or higher) 1.5.0 (or higher)

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance PC with ADRACS User Program

The PC with the ADRACS user program should meet the following requirements:
− Processor; clock min. Pentium I, 90 MHz or better (IBM PC/AT compatible)
− Main memory min. 32 MB RAM
− Graphics and memory VGA, min. 2 MB; color monitor, resolution min. 800x600
− Hard disk min. 1 GB HDD
− CDROM available, min. speed 4x
− Floppy drive 3.5" FDD (1.44 MB), recommended
− Control input via mouse or comparable pointing device
− Serial interface two serial interface connectors available
− Network adapter −
− USB interface recommended, useful for memory sticks
− Operating system any 32 bit version of Microsoft WINDOWS operating system
− Free disk space min. 10 MB on HDD
The ADRACS software should be installed on the available PC. For installation procedure refer to the
Technical Manual ADRACS (Ref. No. 83140 55324).

7.1.2 Recommended Measuring Equipment

− Thruline wattmeter
− Oscilloscope (dual trace, trigger delay facility)
− 1 W, 10 W measuring element (330 MHz)
− DDM instrument (portable)
− 3 terminating resistors, 50 ohm, 10 W
− Reducers and phase adapters (TNC and SMA)
− 1 RF Test cable: RG 223, ca. 720 mm mechanical length, 435° at 328...335 MHz,, TNC/f − TNC/f
− 1 pair of radiotelephones

7.1.3 Installation
Before operation, the system must complete as follows:
− Transmitter cabinet, installed,
− Power supply, installed,
− Batteries, installed,
− Antenna system and
− Nearfield monitor dipole* (option), installed and cabling complete.
(* The exact location and the foundation are usually defined after flight check)

− Mains voltage must be in accordance with assigned input voltage range of BCPS
(nominal 115 to 230 VAC).
− Cabinet has to be fully equipped with all plug−in units.
− Jumpers and DIP−FIX switches of the pertinent printed circuit boards (refer also to 6.6.5) have to
be in accordance with the system version. To enable battery backup on specific printed circuit
boards and for initial settings on site refer to
− The MCS resp. ADRACS software has been loaded to PC (refer to 7.1.1).

7.1.4 Check of Antenna Installation

The information about this will be found in Part 3, Antenna System Description of the GP Technical

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
7.2.1 Status of the System
− Mains OFF (mains distribution unit, shelter)
− Battery fuse switches open (used for emergency battery, battery fuse box, shelter)
− Power switches on BCPS (ACC modules, transmitter cabinet) in position OFF (0)
− DC−switches TX1 and TX2 on subrack PS (transmitter cabinet) in position OFF


All CSB and SBO RF−outputs must either be terminated with a dummy load or connected
to antenna. Otherwise the transmitter may be damaged when switching on the equip-
ment. Special Jumper Settings before Start Up

Individual jumpers have to be set before the first switching on. The location of jumpers is shown in
section 6.6.5. Perform the following settings:
− LCP: Set jumper X36 (enabling backup battery for RTC).
− SYN: Set jumpers J1 to J4 according to the selected operating frequency:
J1: 300 or 100 and tenth J2: units
J3: one tenth J4: one hundreds and thousandths
Example: The GP frequency is selected to 333.50 MHz. Perform following settings:
330 = 300+20+10 3 = 2+1 .5 = .4+ .1 .00 = 333.50

300 8.0 0.8 .075

100 4.0 0.4 .050
20 2.0 0.2 .025
10 1.0 0.1 .000
J1 J2 J3 J4

− ECU: Set switch SW1 according to selected station configuration and jumpers J6, J7, if specific
DME operation is required (LLZ only). This setting must correspond to software configuration data.
Standard setting of SW1 is:
Standard setting: 1 closed Transmitter 1 is main

TX1 is main TX2 is main

2 open Interlock on (control follows interlock bit)
2 3

Stand alone Interlock

AND OR (Monitorkonfiguration) 3 closed Monitor AND configuration enabled

Hot stby Cold stby

4 5

Enable Disable field monitoring 4 closed Hot Standby set

5 open Closed if farfield monitor available (FFM, LLZ)

Exe field No Exe Field

Shut down 30 s Remain 6 open Closed if field monitor available and executive
7 8

DME independent DME Interlock

7 open Station remains operable
SW1 8 closed No DME

7.2.2 Switch On
a) Connect PC serial interface connector (e.g. COM1) to RS232 connector ’Local PC’ on top of the
cabinet with a ’zero modem cable’ (rx/tx crossed).
NOTE: If the PC has no serial interface, use adapter USB to Serial. Refer to TM ADRACS, chapter 1.
b) Switch on mains and set power switches of BCPS (ACC modules, cabinet) to position ON.
c) Close battery fuse switches (battery fuse box, inside shelter).
NOTE: Matching the charging voltage of BCPS modules to environmental conditions: Refer to 6.3.3.
d) Set DC switches TX1 and TX2 on subrack PS (transmitter cabinet) to ON.
e) Switch to local control with the key−lock switch on the Local Control Panel (LCP).

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.2.3 General Remarks to the PC User Program Handling

The use of the PC user program (ADRACS or MCS) is described in the Technical Manuals ADRACS
respectively MCS (chapter 2, each). It is recommended to become familiar with the menus of the user
program before performing the first set up procedure. The user program specific actions/procedures,
which are:
− start user program/perform login/select station,
− commands to switch TX on/off/aerial, or to set monitor bypass on/off, and
− commands to open a dialog for parameter reading and setting,

are described in detail in the ANNEX ’PC User Program−specific Procedures’ of this manual (see
Register 8).

7.2.4 Preparing the Installation SITE with PC

NOTE: It is assumed, that the transmitter cabinet has been factory aligned and tested. Therefore
the site−specific configuration files are already stored in the equipment. The following
procedure is only necessary, if the configuration has to be modified. Use of MCS

NOTE: For users of the MCS user program currently the ’MCS File Transfer’ tool is used.
a) Switch on the PC and run the Linux OS.
b) Start the file transfer tool: click on desktop start button, select ’System Tools’, select ’MCS File
Transfer (ILS, VOR, FFM, Marker)’. The dialog window ’ADR_MAIN−DOS in a BOX’ appears.
c) Select function ’LOGIN’ of the MASTER MENU. Enter REU as ’UserName’ and confirm blank char-
acters in ’Password’.
d) Select ’FILE TRANSFER’ of the MASTER MENU, select function ’COPY PC FILE TO SITE’.
e) Select configuration files (*.sit, *.lke, *.ptt, *.oio) and enter.
f) Select function ’RESET SITE’ of the MASTER MENU to activate entered files and data.
NOTE: The File Transfer tool is closed due to the reset. It has to be restarted manually.
g) Run ’MCS File Transfer’ tool again. Perform Login.
h) Select ’DATE & TIME’ in the MASTER MENU. Select function ’SET SITE DATE & TIME’. Enter date
and time.
i) Select function ’EXIT’ in the MASTER MENU to close the File Transfer tool. Use of ADRACS

a) Switch on the PC and run WINDOWS.

b) Start ADRACS user program: click ’Start’ button, select ’Programs’, select program group ’Adracs
Remote Controlling’, select program ’Adracs Remote Controlling Software’.
c) Perform login procedure at the PC. Acknowledge "User1, Level 5" with ’OK’ button.

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
d) Click screen button ’Control’ in the start window.
e) Select ’File Transfer’ in menu ’RC Management’. Select ’Copy PC file to RAM’.
f) Copy configuration files (*.sit, *.lke, *.ptt, *.oio) from PC to site.
g) Click ’Reset SITE’ of menu ’RC Management’ to activate entered files and data.
NOTE: The ’Adracs Remote Controlling Software’ is closed due to the reset. It has to be restarted
h) Run ’Adracs Remote Controlling Software’ again. Perform Login.
i) Click screen button ’Control’ in the start window.
j) Select ’DateTimeREU’ in menu ’RC Management’. Enter date and time and acknowledge with but-
ton ’Set New’. Close window.
k) Click ’Exit’ to close program.

7.2.5 Enter Station Configuration Data

NOTE: Normally this data may be already set in the equipment.

a) Start user program, perform login and select station. The detailed view on the GP station appears.
b) Switch both TX on and Set all monitor bypass on.
c) Open the Station Configuration dialog.
d) Enter all required parameters in the dialog window. Verify that the parameter ’Standby configura-
tion’ is set to ’Hot’.
NOTE: Settings in d) must correspond to the settings of the DIP−FIX switch SW1 on ECU board !
e) Switch both TX off.

NOTE: It is recommended for the first setup procedure to note down all settings and values which
have been performed in the individual steps of alignment. This is useful because the val-
ues should be remembered in the setup sequence of the procedure.

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
NOTE: Use same power probe for the ratio measurement !
Check the matching of all antennas, one after the other, as described below:
a) Connect cable for A1, coming from transmitter, via wattmeter directly to the supply cable of the
antenna which must be measured. Terminate output A2 and A3 with dummy load 50 ohm/10 W.
b) Switch TX1 on. Set TX1 on aerial.
c) Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’.
d) Set ’CRS CSB RF−Level’ to 1 W. Set ’CLR RF−Level’ to 0 W. Set ’SBO RF−Level’ to 0 %.
NOTE: If need be set CRS CSB DDM= 0 % and CRS CSB SDM= 0 % (depends on instrument used).
e) Form the ratio between the forward and reverse signals with the wattmeter. The matching value
should be >20 dB. If not, examine the antenna and the supply cable.
f) Switch TX1 off.
g) Connect next antenna cable (A2 respectively A3) and repeat steps b), e), f).
h) Connect all the RF cables as normal again at the end of the matching measurements.

7.3.1 Check Power Adder Power Distribution

REMARK: Phase shifters Z1 and Z3 (Fig. 7−1) are set to 0° as default setting. A change of this setting
may be performed during flight check measurements.
a) Measurement procedure:
This check entails supplying the CRS CSB signal to the 3 inputs COURSE CSB, COURSE SBO
and CLEARANCE, one after the other (see Sections 7.3.1b) to 7.3.1d)). The inputs must be termi-
nated each with a 50 ohm resistor when not in use. The CRS SBO and clearance power remain
set to 0.
The power at the outputs to the antennas is measured by the wattmeter, where
A1= lower antenna (L), A2= middle antenna (M) and A3= upper antenna (U).
Connect all RF cables as normal again after the measurements.
b) CSB supplied to input J1 COURSE CSB. Check power ratio: A1 : A2 =+6 dB (±0.3 dB)
NOTE: Corresponds to power ratio 3.6...4.4, note value ....................dB


Set CSB to 1 W before supplying to input CR−SBO. Remove external attenuator if used!

c) Set CRS CSB to 1 W and supply to input J2 COURSE SBO.

Check power ratio: A1 : A3 = 0 dB (±0.3 dB)
NOTE: Corresponds to level ratio difference of ±3.5 %. Note value ....................dB
Check power ratio: A2 : A1/A3 = +6 dB (±0.3 dB)
NOTE: Corresponds to power ratio 3.6...4.4. Note value: ....................dB

REMARK: Install 6 to 10 dB attenuator at PIN diode transfer switch again if previously removed !

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance
d) CSB supplied to input J3 CLEARANCE. Set CSB to 1 W.
Check power ratio: A1 : A3 = 0 dB (±0.3 dB)
NOTE: Corresponds to level ratio difference of ±3.5 %. Note value: ....................dB

to J1, cabinet top (A2)

to J8, cabinet top (A1)
to J2, cabinet top (A3) swivel nut
PAD−S, GP−2F standard adjustable part

position indication
Cabinet, rear view


W26 Phase shifter





W25 Phase shifter

Insertion of test cable W23
W21 (to A1)
J6 J5 J4

ca. 720 mm


W17 (from TX, CSB)

J3 J2 J1


from J9, PIN diode transfer switch W19


from J6, PIN diode transfer switch

W18 attenuator*
from J3, PIN diode transfer switch

Mechanical adjustment Z1, Z3:

Loosen swivel nut and adjust by sliding the adjustable
part more or less out or in. Finally fix nut again. Note
scale position. Default setting is 0° position.

* an attenuator (6 to 10 dB) may be optionally inserted in the SBO supply line.

Fig. 7−1 Power Adder PAD−S

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
7.4.1 CRS CSB Power
a) TX1 and TX2 are switched off.
b) Connect cable for A1, coming from transmitter, via wattmeter.
c) Switch both TX on and set TX1 on aerial.
d) Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’, open dialog ’Transmitter2−Waveform Data#1’.
e) Parameter ’CLR RF−Level’ is set to 0 W.
NOTE: If need be set CRS CSB DDM=0 % and CRS CSB SDM=0 % (depends on instrument used).
f) Set ’CRS CSB RF−Level’ to achieve an RF level of approx. 1 W at A1 output and note down value.
g) Set TX2 on aerial.
h) Adjust TX2 according to TX1.
i) Switch both TX off.
j) Connect RF cable for A1 as normal again.

7.4.2 Clearance Power

a) TX1 and TX2 are switched off.
b) Connect cable for A3, coming from transmitter, via wattmeter.
c) Switch both TX on and set TX1 on aerial.
d) Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’, open dialog ’Transmitter2−Waveform Data#1’.
e) Set ’CRS SBO Amplitude’ to 0 %. Set ’CLR RF Level’ to a value to measure −12 dB of the measured
CRS CSB RF level in 7.4.1 f).
NOTE: Measured value should be approx. 0.0625 W. If need be set CLR DDM and CLR SDM=0 %
(depends on instrument used).
f) Set TX2 on aerial.
g) Adjust TX2 according to TX1
h) Switch both TX off.
i) Connect cable for A3 as normal again.

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.4.3 SDM and DDM Setting SDM and DDM of CRS CSB (A1)
a) TX1 and TX2 are switched off.
b) Connect Field Receiver to integral monitor cable from A1.
c) Switch TX1 on.
d) Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’, open dialog ’Transmitter2−Waveform Data#1’.
e) Set ’CLR RF−Level’ to 0 and ’CRS SBO Amplitude’ to 0 %. Set CRS CSB SDM and DDM value
to measure 80 % SDM and 0 % DDM at the receiver.
f) Switch TX2 on.
g) Set TX2 on aerial.
h) Adjust TX2 according to TX1.
i) Switch both TX off.
j) Connect cable for A1 as normal again. SDM and DDM of Clearance (A1,A3)

a) TX1 and TX2 are switched off.
b) Connect Field Receiver to integral monitor cable from A3.
c) Switch TX1 on.
d) Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’, open dialog ’Transmitter2−Waveform Data#1’.
NOTE: CRS SBO Amplitude is set to 0 %.
e) Set ’CLR RF Level’ to original value as determined in 7.4.2. Set CLR SDM and CLR DDM values
to measure 80 % SDM and e.g. 30 % DDM (150 Hz>90 Hz) at the receiver.
NOTE: For 150 Hz only scenarios, the DDM is to measure the same as SDM (80 % each).
f) Switch TX2 on.
g) Set TX2 on aerial.
h) Adjust TX2 according to TX1.
i) Switch both TX off.
j) Connect integral monitor cable for A3 as normal again.

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
7.5.1 CSB/SBO Phasing via Antenna A2 and CRS SBO Setting
a) Connect outputs of A1 (Lower Antenna) and A3 (Upper Antenna) of the Power Adder PAD−S (see
Fig. 7−1) to 50 ohm terminating resistors (instead of the antenna). Connect Field Receiver to inte-
gral monitor cable from A2.
NOTE: A2 radiates CSB and SBO
b) Switch TX1 on. Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’.
c) Set ’CRS SBO Amplitude’ to 50 %.
d) Measure the DDM with the DDM instrument. Set the ’CRS SBO Phase’ so that the DDM instrument
indicates DDM 0.
NOTE: Range of values: 0...359.
e) Add or subtract 90° to or from the phase value determined in d) and enter as the new value. The
DDM instrument should now indicate a high DDM with predominant 90 Hz (90 >150 Hz). If not,
a further 180° must be either added or subtracted.
NOTE: Range of values: 0...359°; note value: .................
f) Adjust CRS SBO Amplitude to measure 46.7 % (90>150 Hz) on DDM instrument for 0° Forward
Slope, see table and graph in Fig. 7−7.
g) Switch TX2 on. Set TX2 on aerial.
h) Adjust TX2 according to TX1.
i) Switch both TX off.
j) Connect cable for A2 as normal again.
7.5.2 CSB/SBO Phase via Antenna A1 (not applicable)
7.5.3 A1/A2 Phasing
a) The following preliminary steps must be taken at the the Power Adder (see Fig. 7−1):
− Connect output A1 and output A2 on cabinet top to the antennas as normal.
− Terminate output A3 on cabinet top with 50 ohm load.
− Disconnect cable to input J1 COURSE CSB and cable to output J5 from PAD−S.
− Terminate input J1 COURSE CSB and connector J5 of PAD−S with 50 ohm load.
− Insert "Test Cable" for phasing between removed cable to J1 COURSE CSB and cable to J5.
NOTE: The electrical length (435°) of the test cable represents to the phase response of PAD−S inter-
nal path J1 to J5. A1 radiates CSB, A2 radiates SBO
b) Switch TX1 on. Note down value of ’CLR RF Level’. Set parameter ’CLR RF Level’ to 0. Open dialog
’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’.
c) Add +90° to the phase value determined in 7.5.1 e) and enter.
NOTE: Value of 7.5.1e) = .................°
d) Adjust with e.g. phasing cables, phase plugs or with mechanical Phase Shifter Z1 (Fig. 7−1) so
that the DDM instrument indicates DDM 0 at the middle marker.
e) Reset the CRS SBO phase to its original value as in 7.5.1 e) and check that the DDM instrument
now indicates a DDM with predominant 150 Hz (150 >90 Hz).
NOTE: If not, insert additional 180° cable at the output of A1.
f) Switch TX1 off.

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Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.5.4 A1/A3 Phasing

a) The following preliminary steps must be taken at the the Power Adder:
− Connect output A3 on cabinet top to the antennas as normal.
− Terminate output A2 on cabinet top with 50 ohm load.
− "Test cable" is still connected between W17 and W21.
NOTE: A1 radiates CSB and A3 radiates SBO.
b) Switch TX1 on. Parameter ’CLR RF Level’ is set to 0. Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform
c) Add +90° to the phase value determined in 7.5.1 e) and enter.
NOTE: Value of 7.5.1 e) = .................°
d) Adjust with e.g. phasing cables, phase plugs or with mechanical Phase Shifter Z3 (Fig. 7−1) so
that the DDM instrument indicates DDM 0 at the middle marker.
e) Reset the SBO phase to its original value as in 7.5.1 e) and check that the DDM instrument now
indicates a DDM with predominant 90 Hz (90 >150 Hz)
NOTE: If not, insert additional 180° cable at the output of A3.
f) Restore ’CLR RF Level’ to noted value of 7.5.3 b).
g) Switch TX1 off.
h) Connect all antenna cables as normal again.

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
See Figs. 7−2 to 7−6.
The Stby and On−Air Combiner (SOAC) unit processes the input monitoring signals of the aerial and
standby transmitter. It is supposed that the SOAC is factory pre−aligned. However, on site field adjust-
ment is necessary. For correct operation the 7 monitor channels have to be set in a certain manner:
1) The RF input signal of each path on the SOAC is down converted to an 8 kHz IF signal. This signal
has to be adjusted to an output signal of approx. 3.6 Vpp. The 8 kHz IF amplitudes are measured
with an oscilloscope at the corresponding test points. Coarse adjustment of the input level is per-
formed with attenuators which are inserted or bypassed with the corresponding jumpers (see sec-
tion 6.6.5), if need be. Figs. 7−3, 7−5 show the signal path, the potentiometers and the corre-
sponding testpoints of each channel on the SOAC. Recommendation: Use a special alignment
screw driver with immersed blade for the potentiometers.
If need be, e.g. phase cannot be adjusted, insert phase adapters or cables to the concerned input.
2) When the signals in the field are set correctly, the input signal to the monitors, the measured values,
represent nominal values and have to be entered in the data window (Open dialog ’Moni-
tor1−Nominal Values’ or open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’).
3) The monitor has to be supplied with a calibration signal (CRS CSB) adjusted to 80 % SDM and
0 % DDM. This signal is used to calibrate the monitor channel. With a known SDM and DDM, the
monitor is able to calculate the third unknown parameter: the RF−LEVEL.
4) Finally the original signal is supplied to the monitor. With this signal the monitor has to be normal-
ized. The automatic normalization procedure runs only if the actual DDM and SDM values do not
vary too much from the Nominal Values !

J10 J9 J8 J7 J2 J47 J6 J17 J18 J16 J12

Nearfield A1 in A2 in A3 in J4
Stby Stby R485 J14
CSB SBO Clear.
J1 J11

R2 R511 R25 R240 R217

R105 R275 R286
R90 R62 R43

J3 J13

J5 TP70 J15
R318 R305
R382 R123 R136 JP41
R166 R133
R189 R150 TP68 R345 R312
R386 R185 R146 R343
R379 1 2

J19 R524

TP62 TP66 TP60 TP61 TP18 TP14 TP13 TP10 TP7 TP6 TP2 TP1 TP5 JP43 TP24 TP25 TP22 TP19

TP65 TP59 TP63 TP64 TP15 TP17 TP16 TP11 TP12 TP9 TP8 TP3 TP4 TP56 TP57 TP58 TP55 TP29 TP26 TP27 TP31 TP21 TP23 TP20

J20 TP30 TP53 TP47 TP49 TP37 J21 TP39 TP34

TP41 TP77 TP75 TP73 TP51
NFM Pos Stby CSBA2 CRS Pos CRS Wi Stby CRS Pos Stby CRS Wi CRS Wi CRS Stby
aerial standby GND

CSB SBO Level adjustment; one channel, Phase adjustment, using delay trigger facility
trigger ext. with CSB signal
e.g. TP11 at LGA Signal A (e.g. TP1 CSB)
3.6 Vpp Signal B (e.g. TP5 SBO)

Fig. 7−2 Adjustment controls and test points of SOAC

Ed. 07.08 SOAC 7−15

GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.6.1 Adjustment Procedure of Aerial Channels

See Fig. 4−7, 7−2, 7−3, 7−4. The signal path used within the SOAC is set to 3−4 on J19 of SOAC
(instead 1−2). Use amplifier (+15 dB) in the input path only if absolutely necessary. CRS Posn. Channel (Input connector J9 (A1) and J7 (A3))
− Connect oscilloscope to TP16 (or TP62) and TP59 (GND).
Adjust IF gain of A1 path to measure approx. 6 Vpp at TP16 or TP62: perform first coarse alignment
removing or inserting attenuators with JP16,17 or JP18,19; perform fine adjustment with R90.
− Connect oscilloscope to TP8 and TP59 (GND).
Adjust IF gain of A3 path to measure approx. 1 Vpp at TP8: perform first coarse alignment removing
or inserting attenuators with JP7,8 or JP9,10; perform fine adjustment with R43.
− Check relative A1 − A3 phase with oscilloscope, measure between TP16 (A1) and TP9 (A3), see
Fig. 4−7, 7−3, 7−4. Adjust with R146 to 0°. R150 is factory set.
− Connect oscilloscope to TP62 or TP51 and TP59 (GND).
CRS Posn. DDM is defined by A1 to A3 ratio set with R372, measured at TP62, to cancel the SBO
component. Finally adjust output level with R377 to achieve approx. 3.6 Vpp. CRS Width channel (Input connector J9 (A1), J8 (A2) and J7 (A3))
− Connect oscilloscope to TP12 and TP59 (GND).
Adjust IF gain of A2 path to measure approx. 4 Vpp at TP12: perform first coarse alignment remov-
ing or inserting attenuators with JP12,13 or JP14,15; perform fine adjustment with R62.
NOTE: IF gain for A1 and A3 has been set above for CRS Posn. channel.
− Check relative A2 − A3 phase with oscilloscope, measure between TP13 (A2) and TP8 (A3), see
Fig. 4−7, 7−3, 7−4. Adjust with R166 to 180°.
− Check relative A1 − A3 phase with oscilloscope, measure between TP17 (A1) and TP8 (A3), see
Fig. 4−7, 7−3, 7−4. Adjust with R185 to 0°. R189 factory set.
− Connect oscilloscope to TP53 and TP59 (GND). Initially adjust output level with R382 to approx.
3.6 Vpp. CRS Width DDM is defined by the A1/A2/A3 ratio set with R386 (A1), R383 (A2) and R379
(A3), measured at the correspondent testpoints. Connect oscilloscope in succession to TP65,
TP64, TP63 and finally to TP53 and TP59 (GND). The ratio related to a glide angle of 3° should be:
A1=TP65=1.0; A2=TP64=0.74; A3=TP63=0.46 (for other values refer to 7.13).
− To adjust these ratios, disconnect the supply cable to J7 (A3 in) and J8 (A2 in). Adjust the level at
TP65 to 3.0 Vpp with R386 (ref. level). Remove the supply line of A1 (J9) and connect it in succes-
sion to J8 (A2 in) and J7 (A3 in). Adjust A2 level (at TP64) and A3 level (at TP63) to the required
ratio. Finally adjust output level with R382 to approx. 3.6 Vpp at TP53, after setup of Width DDM.
NOTE: The ratio of A1/A2/A3 may vary according to the actual glide angle. CLR channel (Input from J7 (A3 in) via JP11 and JP36.
− Connect oscilloscope to TP39 and TP59 (GND). Measure output level.
− Adjust IF gain to achieve approx. 3.6 Vpp output: perform first coarse alignment removing or insert-
ing attenuators with JP37,38 or J39,40; perform fine adjustment with R286 and finally R343 to
approx. 3.6 Vpp. Phase adjustment with R353 is factory set. R345 remains in mid position. NFM channel (Input connector J10. Refer also to
− Connect oscilloscope to TP41 and TP59 (GND). Measure output level.
− Adjust IF gain to achieve approx. 3.6 Vpp output: perform first coarse alignment removing or insert-
ing attenuators with JP22 or J23,24; perform fine adjustment with R105 to approx. 3.6 Vpp.

7−16 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
input attenuation IF gain set Phase adjust (not used) Output level adjust CLR
TP71 TP25 TP27 TP31 TP39
J18 JP38 JP39,40
+15 dB
RF A3 IN 3.6 V
−10 dB −10 dB −5 dB R286 R353 R345 R343
setting depends on local conditions set to mid position set to mid position
A3 input input attenuation IF gain set Phase adjust
factory field Output level adjust CRS Posn
JP11 TP8 TP6 TP9
JP7 JP8 JP9,10
in TP62
+15 dB
approx. TP51
1.0Vpp TP7
−10 dB −10 dB −5 dB out
setting depends on local condition R43 R150 R146 R372 3.6 V
preset to mid
R377 A3+A1
TP63 preset to mid

signal inversion 0/180° 0.46

A2 input input attenuation IF gain set Phase adjust
factory field R379
TP12 TP10 TP13 preset to mid Output level adjust CRS Width
JP12 JP13 JP14,15
in fixed TP64 TP66
+15 dB phase TP53
J8 0.74
TP11 out
−10 dB −10 dB −5 dB
setting depends on local conditions R62 nom. 90° lag R166 R383 3.6 V
preset to mid R382 A3+A2+A1
A1 input input attenuation IF gain set Phase adjust preset to mid
factory field
TP16 TP14 TP17
JP16 JP17 JP18,19
+15 dB
J9 1.0
−10 dB −10 dB −5 dB TP15 approx. 3.0 Vpp
setting depends on local conditions R90 R189 R185 R386
preset to mid

NFM Posn. input attenuation IF gain set Output level NFM Posn.
JP23,24 TP18 TP41
in out
+15 dB
3.6 V
−10 dB −5 dB
setting depends on local conditions R105
NOTE: This signal flow is a special setting where the jumper of J19 is set to 3−4.

Fig. 7−3 Adjustment of detector channels for aerial monitoring (GP−2F standard)

delayed trigger point For more clear representation the use of an analog oscilloscope is recommended. For the phase alignment
(use maximum of SBO) procedure, the delayed trigger segment of 50 us has to be in a range of the signals where the amplitudes rise
in the same direction to get correct phasing. Check the trigger position of the signal if the result seems to be
in the opposite phase range (e.g. 180° rotated); read also monitor result in the PC User Program (ADRACS
or MCS) for correct sign. If the phase cannot be adjusted insert phase adapters or phasing cables to achieve
a sufficient setting range of the potentiometers.
Recommended measurement procedure:
Adjust the scope so that both signals are equal in amplitude. Turn on the ADD and INVERT functions. Make
the signal now created on the scope as flat as possible. This will ensure the signals are within a couple of de-
grees. It is very important that these two signals are in phase.
50 us

Oscilloscope setting:
Phase adjustment, using delay trigger option Channel 1 CSB
Channel 2 SBO, position below or on same line
Signal A (e.g. TP17 CSB)
V/div. 0,5
Signal B (e.g. TP8 SBO) Trigger internal, channel 1 (or ext., from LGA, TP11)
Time sweep 0.1 ms; delayed: 50 us
Time delay Adjust to show a sine curve segment

Fig. 7−4 Relative phase adjustment procedure

Ed. 07.08 SOAC 7−17

GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.6.2 Adjustment Procedure of Standby Channels

See Fig. 4−7, 7−2, 7−5, 7−6. StbyCRS Posn. channel (Input connector J2)

− Connect oscilloscope to TP47 and TP59 (GND). Measure output level.
− Adjust IF gain to achieve approx. 3.6 Vpp output: R499 is set to mid position. Perform first coarse
alignment removing or inserting attenuators with JP2,3; perform fine adjustment with R2. Phase
adjustment with R123 is factory set and not needed for Posn. channel. Stby CRS Width channel (Input connector J2 (CSB), J6 (SBO))

− Connect oscilloscope to TP4 and TP59 (GND).
Adjust IF gain of SBO path to measure approx. 0.3 Vpp at TP4: perform first coarse alignment re-
moving or inserting attenuators with JP4,5; perform fine adjustment with R25.
NOTE: IF gain for CSB has been set above for Stby CRS Posn. channel.
− Check relative CSB − SBO phase with oscilloscope, measure between TP1 (CSB) and TP5 (SBO),
see Fig. 4−7, 7−5, 7−6. Adjust with R136 to 0°. R123 is factory set. If R136 is not efficient, use
also R123 for fine adjustment.
− Connect oscilloscope in succession to TP72, TP73 and finally to TP49 and TP59 (GND). Initially
adjust with R499 to approx. 3 Vpp at TP72. Stby CRS Width DDM is defined by CSB/SBO ratio set
with R25 (SBO) and R499 (CSB), measured at the correspondent testpoints. The levels should
approximately be: CSB=TP72=3 Vpp; SBO=TP73=0.3 Vpp. Finally adjust output level with R133
to approx. 3.6 Vpp, after setup of Width DDM. Stby CLR channel (Input connector J12)

− Connect oscilloscope in succession to TP19, TP34 and TP59 (GND). Measure output level.
− Adjust IF gain to achieve approx. 3.6 Vpp output: perform first coarse alignment removing or insert-
ing attenuators with JP26,27. Perform fine adjustment with R217 to achieve 2 Vpp at TP19. Finally
adjust output level with R312 to approx. 3.6 Vpp. Phase adjustment with R305 is factory set.

7−18 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard

Stby CSB input attenuation IF gain set Phase adjust CRS Posn. Stby
TP2 TP1 TP47
in out
3.6 V
J2 TP72
−15 dB −10 dB
setting depends on local conditions R2 R123
3 Vpp
rel. Phase CSB − SBO = 0°
preset to mid
Stby SBO input attenuation IF gain set Phase adjust Output level
field CRS Width Stby
TP4 TP5 TP73
JP4 JP5 TP49
0.3 Vpp 0.3 Vpp
TP3 3.6 V
−10 dB −10 dB
setting depends on local conditions R25 R136 R133
set ting depends on local conditions SBO phase inversion preset to mid

Stby CLR input attenuation IF gain set factory Phase adjust Output level CLR Stby
TP20 TP19
JP26 JP27 TP34
3.6 V
−15 dB −10 dB
R305 R312
setting depends on local conditions R217 preset to mid

Fig. 7−5 Adjustment of detector channels for standby monitoring (GP−2F standard)

delayed trigger point For more clear representation the use of an analog oscilloscope is recommended. For the phase alignment
(use maximum of SBO) procedure, the delayed trigger segment of 50 us has to be in a range of the signals where the amplitudes rise
in the same direction to get correct phasing. Check the trigger position of the signal if the result seems to be
in the opposite phase range (e.g. 180° rotated); read also monitor in the PC User Program (ADRACS or MCS)
result for correct sign. If the phase cannot be adjusted insert phase adapters or phasing cables to achieve a
sufficient setting range of the potentiometers.
Recommended measurement procedure:
Adjust the scope so that both signals are equal in amplitude. Turn on the ADD and INVERT functions. Make
the signal now created on the scope as flat as possible. This will ensure the signals are within a couple of de-
grees. It is very important that these two signals are in phase.
50 us

Oscilloscope setting:
Phase adjustment, using delay trigger option Channel 1 CSB
Channel 2 SBO, position below or on same line
Signal A (e.g. TP1 CSB)
V/div. 0,5
Signal B (e.g. TP5 SBO) Trigger internal, channel 1 (or ext., from LGA, TP11)
Time sweep 0.1 ms; delayed: 50 us
Time delay Adjust to show a sine curve segment

Fig. 7−6 Relative phase adjustment procedure

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.6.3 Calibration and Normalization of Integral Monitors

NOTE: Before performing this procedure it is recommended to check alarm limits acc. 7.6.5.
a) Switch both TX on and set TX1 on aerial. Integral Monitoring POS (DDM 0 %)

a) RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−3) is set to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in 7.6.1.
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 0 %; SDM 80 %) for ’EXEC CRS Position DDM’ and ’EXEC CRS Position
c) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Executive CRS Position detector’.
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Executive CRS Position detector’.
NOTE: The automatic normalization procedure runs only if the actual DDM and SDM values do not
vary to much from the nominal values ! Integral Monitoring Width (DDM 17.5 %)

a) RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−3) is set to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in 7.6.1.
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 17.5 %; SDM 80 %) for ’EXEC CRS Width DDM’.
c) Open dialog ’Transmitter1−Waveform Data#1’. Note down the values. Set ’CRS SBO RF Level’
to 0 %.
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Executive CRS Width detector’.
e) Restore CRS SBO RF Level back to noted value.

NOTE: The procedure enables to calibrate to 17.5 % within a range of about 17 % to 18 %. This
is normally achieved by an accurate adjustment of the ratios of the inputs of A1, A2, A3
as performed in If the value is out of range it may be necessary to adjust to a read-
ing of 17.5 % with R383 (this is the A2 path). Check Exec. Course Width RF Level of A2
again and adjust if necessary. Repeat steps c) to e). Proceed with f).

f) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Executive CRS Width detector’. Integral Monitoring CLR (e.g. DDM 30 %)

NOTE: The CLR monitoring DDM value is a user defined setpoint, which may be defined as e.g.
30 % or 80 %. For 150 Hz only scenarios, the DDM is to measure as 80 %.
a) RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−3) is set to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in 7.6.1.
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 30 %; SDM 80 %) for ’EXEC CLR Width DDM’ and ’EXEC CLR Width SDM’.
c) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Executive CLR Width detector’.
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Executive CLR Width detector’.

7−20 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Nearfield Monitor (DDM 0 %), optional (if available)
REMARK: Usually the location of the optional nearfield monitor dipole is exactly determined really
during flight check. The check and adjustment described here can be executed either af-
ter determination of the location or using a provisionally mounted monitor dipole at the
theoretical location (see section 7.10)
a) Set the RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−3) to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 0 %, SDM 80 %) for ’Nearfield DDM’.
c) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Executive Nearfield Pos. detector’ (or ’Executive
Ch. 4 Width detector’).
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Executive Nearfield Pos. detector’ (or ’Executive
Ch. 4 Width detector’).

Ed. 07.08 SOAC 7−21

GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7.6.4 Calibration and Normalization of Standby Monitors

NOTE: Before performing this procedure it is recommended to check alarm limits acc. 7.6.5. Standby Monitoring CLR (e.g. DDM 30 %)

NOTE: The CLR monitoring DDM value is a user defined setpoint, which may be defined as e.g.
30 % or 80 %. For 150 Hz only scenarios, the DDM is to measure as 80 %.
a) RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−5) is set to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in 7.6.2.
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 30 %; SDM 80 %) for ’Stby CLR Width DDM’ and ’Stby CLR Width SDM’.
c) Open dialog ’Transmitter2−Waveform Data#1’. Set ’CLR RF−LEVEL’, ’CLR DDM’ and ’CLR SDM’
of the standby transmitter to the same value as defined in
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Standby CLR Width Detector’.
e) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Standby CLR Width Detector’. Standby Monitoring CRS POS (DDM 0 %)

a) RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−5) is set to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in 7.6.2.
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 0 %; SDM 80 %) for ’Stby CRS Position DDM’ and ’Stby CRS Position SDM’.
c) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Standby CRS Position Detector’.
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Standby CRS Position Detector’. Standby Monitoring CRS WIDTH (DDM 17.5 %)

a) RF−level of the corresponding path on the SOAC (Fig. 7−2, 7−5) is set to approx. 3.6 Vpp ampli-
tude as described in 7.6.2.
b) Open dialog ’Monitor1−Nominal Values’ and open dialog ’Monitor2−Nominal Values’. Confirm
nominal values (DDM 17.5 %; SDM 80 %) for ’Stby CRS Width DDM’.
c) Open dialog ’Transmitter2−Waveform Data#1’. Note down the values. Set ’CRS SBO RF Level’
of standby transmitter to 0 %.
d) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Calibration, Standby CRS Width detector’
e) Restore value of CRS SBO RF Level back to noted down value.
NOTE: The procedure enables to calibrate to 17.5 % within a range of about 17 % to 18 %. This is nor-
mally achieved by an accurate adjustment of the ratio of CSB to SBO as performed in If
the value is out of range it may be necessary to adjust to a reading of 17.5 % with R25.
f) Send to Monitor1/2 the command ’Normalization, Standby CRS Width detector’.

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ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
7.6.5 Check Alarm Limits
NOTE: If upper limit is equal to lower limit, executive monitoring is not available. The alarm limits are rec-
ommended values. A part of these will be checked and defined during Flight Check. Executive Alarm Limits
a) Open dialog ’Monitor 1 − Executive Alarm Limits’ and open dialog ’Monitor 2 − Executive Alarm
Limits’ (for MCS: dialogs ’Monitor 1/2 − Limits: Current Executive Data’).
b) Check that RF level alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
90 % (lower limit) and 110 % (upper limit); also used: 120 % (upper limit).
c) Check that SDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
76 % (lower limit) and 84 % (upper limit).
d) Check that POS DDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
−5.4 % (lower limit) and +5.4 % (upper limit) (CAT I to III).
e) Check that CRS WIDTH DDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
−4.3 % (lower limit) and +4.3 % (upper limit) of the actual value;
example for 17.5 %: 13.2 % (lower limit) and 21.8 % (upper limit).
NOTE: CAT II and III only !
f) Check that CLR WIDTH DDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
−4 % (lower limit) and +4 % (upper limit) of the actual measured value.
g) Check that RF level alarm limit for the monitors is set to:
71 % (lower limit) and 129 % (upper limit).
h) Check that SDM alarm limit for the monitors is set to:
76 % (lower limit) and 84 % (upper limit).
i) Check that POS DDM alarm limit for the monitors are set to:
−5.4 % (lower limit) and +5.4 % (upper limit) (CAT I to III).
j) Check that Alarm delay time is set to: CAT I: 10 s; CAT II: 5 s; CAT III: 2 s (prefer. 1 s); NF: 20 s.
NOTE: Values of g) to i) are the alarm limits for the optional nearfield monitor. Standby Alarm Limits
a) Open dialog ’Monitor 1 − Standby Alarm Limits’ and dialog ’Monitor 2 − Standby Alarm Limits’
(for MCS: dialogs ’Monitor 1/2 − Limits: Current Standby Data’).
b) Check that RF level alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
90 % (lower limit) and 110 % (upper limit); also used: 120 % (upper limit).
c) Check that SDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
76 % (lower limit) and 84 % (upper limit).
d) Check that POS DDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
−5.4 % (lower limit) and +5.4 % (upper limit) (CAT I to III).
e) Check that CRS WIDTH DDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
−4.3 % (lower limit) and +4.3 % (upper limit) of the actual value;
example for 17.5 %: 13.2 % (lower limit) and 21.8 % (upper limit).
NOTE: CAT II and III only !
f) Check that CLR WIDTH DDM alarm limits for all monitors are set to:
−4 % (lower limit) and +4 % (upper limit) of the actual measured value.
REMARK: Check pre−alarm limits. If need be adjust to 80 % of alarm limit value (recommended).

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7−24 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard

If emergency batteries are available, the battery voltage can be monitored to avoid over discharge
of batteries. For this purpose a warning level can be set and a low level limit can be set.

NOTE: A battery switch off to avoid deep discharge is executed via the separate LVS−circuit and
the relays located on the BP−PS subrack.
a) Open dialog ’LRCI − Environmental Setup’.
b) Enable ’Battery Low Monitoring’ by selecting ’Alarm Maint. Alert’ or ’Alarm Degradation’.
NOTE: ’Alarm Maint. Alert’ means indication only, ’Alarm Degradation’ means action.
c) Set ’Battery Warning Level’ to e.g. 46.0 V.
NOTE: Setting range: 40 to 50 V.
d) Set ’TX off if battery lower than’ to e.g. 44.0 V.
NOTE: Setting range: 40 to 50 V.


a) Switch both TX on and set TX1 on aerial.

b) Check that no MONITOR ALARM or TX WARNING is on, otherwise locate and eliminate the fault.
c) Set TX2 on aerial.
d) Check that no MONITOR ALARM or TX WARNING is on, otherwise locate and eliminate the fault.
e) Set TX1 on aerial.
f) Set all Monitor Bypass off.
NOTE: NORMAL should light up in MAIN STATUS field.

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

7−26 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
The following describes procedures for flight check. However scope and sequence of this procedures
may vary depending on the individual flight check crew. It is assumed that TX1 is used as aerial trans-
mitter. Set to monitor bypass mode during flight check procedure.
NOTE: A local LCP menu "FLIGHT CHECK ADJUSTMENT is available for some level or phase
adjustments during flight check, e.g. for CSB and SBO and clearance. This menu item
is only available in Local Mode position of the key switch on the LCP.

7.9.1 Antenna Height Check

The height of each antenna must be checked separately by measuring the field strength null.
NOTE: These measurements are complex. Either fly along the null, which is however almost impossible
and makes no sense in critical terrain, where usually a M type is required, or fly horizontally and
evaluate the nulls. It is important during a level flight that A1 and A3 are cancelled out on the
glide angle.
The following null requirements must be fulfilled:
− A1 = 2x glide angle
− A2 = Glide angle (most important null)
− A3 = 2/3 or 4/3 or 6/3 etc.  glide angle
If not, correct the antenna heights individually: hnew = hold  (actual angle : setpoint)
If, however, flights along the null are made, the following steps must be taken prior to the flight check:
a) Switch TX1 off.
b) Loosen antenna cables for A1, A2, A3 on top of the cabinet. Terminate outputs on cabinet for A2,
A3 with 50 /10 W.
c) Connect the antenna to be checked directly to output for A1.
Remark: Before connecting the next antenna, switch off TX each time !
d) Switch TX1 on. Let the flight check perform a level run.
e) Switch TX1 off.
f) Interconnect equipment as normal.

7.9.2 SDM and DDM 0 Check (TX1)

a) CRS CSB radiates as normal. Set CRS SBO and CLR to 0.
b) Correct SDM if necessary.
NOTE: Range of values: 0...99.9 %, note value: ............
c) Correct DDM 0 if necessary.
NOTE: Range of values: 0...±49.9 %, note value ............
REMARK: This should not normally be necessary however.

7.9.3 Phasing A1 − A3
REMARK: This check is only necessary for first flight check and if required main flight check.
a) Switch TX1 off. Perform the same setup as described in section 7.5.4 a) to d).
b) Approach at 3° elevation (nominal glide angle).

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GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance
c) Change the CRS SBO Phase (normal phase + 90°) until indication is 0 % DDM in the aircraft. If
there is 150 Hz >90 Hz at the measured DDM value, the required phase change for quadrature
phasing must be >90° related to the normal phase determined during the ground phasing.
The other way round if 90 Hz >150 Hz the phasing must be <90°.
d) CRS SBO Phase (normal phase) = determined value − 90 °
e) If phase has changed repeat phase adjustment ’Course Position Integral’ in
f) Set TX2 on aerial.
g) Same parameter variation as for TX1. Correct CRS SBO Phase until ’DDM Course Pos. Integral’
indicates 0 %.
h) Switch both TX off.

7.9.4 Glide Angle Check

If the measured glide angle deviates too much from the nominal glide angle, the heights of antennas
A1, A2, A3 must be corrected. Refer also to Part 3 Technical Manual, GP Antenna Systems.

7.9.5 Width Setting

a) Switch TX1 on.
b) According to the announcement of the flight check crew, the transmitter parameter CRS SBO Am-
plitude must be corrected in proportion to the determined offset.

7.9.6 Monitor Readjustment

The settings made during the flight check make it necessary to readjust some of the monitor parame-
ters. Repeat the appropriate steps in Sections 7.6.

7.9.7 Course Alarm

NOTE: See also section 7.11 Alarm Limits and Width Calculation.
a) Open dialog ’Monitor 1 − Current Executive Data’ (for MCS: dialog ’Monitor 1 − Measurements/
Limits: Current Executive Data’). Select indication ’Exec. CRS Pos. DDM’.
b) Open dialog ’Transmitter 1 − Waveform Data #1’. Change ’CRS CSB DDM’ (e.g. ±5.4 %) to reach
the preset alarm limits. If necessary, restrict or enlarge as specified by the flight check crew.

7.9.8 Width Alarm

a) Open dialog ’Monitor 1 − Current Executive Data’ (for MCS: dialog ’Monitor 1 − Measurements/
Limits: Current Executive Data’). Select indication ’Exec. CRS Width DDM’.
b) Change course width with command ’Width Adjustment’’ (in ADRACS: menu ’Extras’, submenu
’Tools’) to reach the preset alarm limits.
NOTE: The command ’Width Adjustment’ is currently not available in the MCS user program.
c) If necessary, restrict or enlarge the alarm limits as specified by the flight check crew.

7.9.9 Miscellaneous
Some other parameters must also be checked, e.g. the range. No further settings must be made with
the transmitter or monitor however.
Finally, the system has to be set to normal operation, i.e. monitor bypass is removed, TX1 is aerial
and the key−lock switch at the LCP is set to "Remote".

7−28 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard

a) Calculate the theoretical location with the approximate equation:

2 2
(h3 * h 1 ) f
2 300
NOTE: h = antenna height in m; f in MHz.
b) Calculate monitor height:
HMon =DMon x tan q0

c) To optimize the calculated distance with the aid of measuring technique, A1 should radiate CSB
only and A3 should radiate SBO only.
d) Switch TX1 off.
e) Remove supply cable for A2 on top of transmitter cabinet. Terminate output of cabinet for A2 with
50 ohm/10 W.
Disconnect cable W17 to input J1 COURSE CSB and cable W21 to output J5 from PAD−S. Termi-
nate input J1 COURSE CSB and connector J5 of PAD−S with 50 ohm load. Insert "Test Cable"
between removed cable W17 to J1 COURSE CSB and cable W21 to J5.
NOTE: The electrical length (435°) of the test cable represents to the phase response of PAD−S inter-
nal path J1 to J5. A1 radiates CSB, A3 radiates SBO.
f) Switch TX1 on.
g) Setting of transmitter:
− Set CRS CSB DDM to 0 %
− Add +90° to CRS SBO Phase (quadrature)
− Set CLR RF−Level to 0 W
h) Using the portable DDM instrument and an auxiliary mast measure DDM at the calculated monitor
point (DMon , HMon ). If the measured DDM deviates from 0 %, alter the distance until a DDM=0 %
is achieved.
i) Switch TX1 off.
j) Interconnect equipment as normal, connect cable of A2 and cable W17 respectively W21 again.
k) Switch TX1 on.
l) Setting of transmitter:
− Set CRS CSB DDM and CRS SBO Phase back to original values.
− Set CLR RF−Level to 0 W.
m)Alter the height of the receiving antenna at the determined optimal distance point until DDM = 0%
is achieved.
NOTE: When altering the monitor antenna height two nulls may occur. The monitor is to adjust in a way
that the DDM is reversed in comparison to the farfield with altering the height: height lower,
90 Hz > 150 Hz at the nearfield monitor.
n) Set CLR RF−Level back to original value. This must not lead to any change in the course position
(<±0.1 %).

Ed. 11.09
07.08 SOAC 7−29
GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance

DDM (A2) in [%] DDM (A1) in [%]

NOTE: DDM adjustment values of antennas A1 and A2 of the Glide Path in dependence upon the Forward Slope. In normal case
the GP width is determined by the antenna height and the default DDM values. With rising or falling terrain a smaller or greater
glide angle as e.g. 3° has to be realized, whereby the width must not be altered for the nominal angle (3°).

Forward Slope [°] Res. Glide Angle [°] DDM (A2) [A] DDM (A1) [A] DDM (A2) [%] DDM (A1) [%]
−1 4 533,5 133,4 62,24 15,56
−0,9 3,9 520,1 130,0 60,68 15,17
−0,8 3,8 506,8 126,7 59,13 14,78
−0,7 3,7 493,4 123,4 57,56 14,39
−0,6 3,6 480,1 120,0 56,01 14,00
−0,5 3,5 466,8 116,7 54,46 13,62
−0,45 3,45 460,1 115,0 53,68 13,42
−0,4 3,4 453,4 113,4 52,90 13,22
−0,35 3,35 446,8 111,7 52,13 13,03
−0,3 3,3 440,1 110,0 51,35 12,84
−0,25 3,25 433,4 108,4 50,56 12,64
−0,2 3,2 426,8 106,7 49,79 12,45
−0,15 3,15 420,1 105,0 49,01 12,25
−0, 1 3,1 413,4 103,4 48,23 12,06
−0,05 3,05 406,8 101,7 47,46 11,87
0 3 400 100,0 46,67 11,67
+0,05 2,95 393,4 98,4 45,90 11,47
+0,1 2,9 386,8 96,7 45,13 11,28
+0,15 2,85 380,1 95,0 44,35 11,09
+0,2 2,8 373,4 93,4 43,56 10,89
+0,25 2,75 366,8 91,7 42,79 10,70
+0,3 2,7 360,1 90,0 42,01 10,50
+0,35 2,65 353,4 88,4 41,23 10,31
+0,4 2,6 346,8 86,7 40,46 10,12
+0,45 2,55 340,1 85,0 39,68 9,92
+0,5 2,5 333,5 83,4 38,91 9,73
+0,6 2,4 320,1 80,0 37,35 9,34
+0,7 2,3 306,8 76,7 35,79 8,95
+0,8 2,2 293,5 73,4 34,24 8,56
+0,9 2,1 280,1 70,0 32,68 8,17
+1 2 266,8 66,7 31,13 7,78

Nominal glide angle: 3°

Fig. 7−7 DDM settings for A1, A2 of the standard GP

7−30 SOAC Ed. 07.08

ILS 420 GP 422
Operation and Maintenance Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard
− ILS, Glide Path monitor alarm limits
Parameter ICAO Annex 10 Reference−§ Standard setting for Nom. values for flight check
Annex 10 GP 422 (DDM) glideangle:3 °;coursewidth:1.44 °
90 Hz−Mod. depth 40 % ± 2.5 % (
150 Hz−Mod. depth 40 % ± 2.5 % (
SDM 80 % ± 5 % 80 % ± 4 %
Alarm low (CAT I...III) −7.5 % of nom. glide angle ( −5.50 % 2.78°
Alarm up (CAT I...III) +10 % of nom. glide angle +7.30 % 3.3°
Width alarm Course ±31 % of nom. width ( 12.1 % ... 22.9 %
CAT I (± 5.43 % DDM)
Width alarm Course ±25 % of nom. width ( 13.2 % ... 21.8 % wide: 1.92° / narrow: 1.15°
CAT II/lII (±4.37 % DDM)
Width alarm Clearance >22 % DDM (>0.3 Θ) ( 4 % of nom. value Fly up: >190 µA
RF Level (Integr., Intern.) 2F: 90 % (71 % possible) ( 71 % ... 129 % *
RF Level (Nearfield) 71 % ... 129 % *

Alarm delay time CAT I: 10 s; CAT II: 5 s; CAT III: 2 s (preferably 1 s); Nearfield: 20 s.
* also possible: 90 ... 110 % (or 120 %)

− Calculation of resulting course width on change of the "Displacement Sensitivity" according

ICAO ANNEX 10 for x %:
Resulting Width = Nominal Width / [(100−x) / 100] ==> for 3° glide angle:
Width wide = 1.44° / [(100−25) / 100] = 1.92°;
Width narrow = 1.44° / [(100+25) / 100] = 1.15°
Nominal DDM at course width:
±17.5 % ==> DDM [%] = (DDM [A] /150)  17.5
±150 A ==> DDM [A] = (DDM [%] /17.5)  150
The following table shows the return loss in dB and the correspondent VSWR value.
Return Loss [dB] Reflection Coefficient VSWR Return Loss [dB] Reflection Coefficient VSWR

1 0.891 17.391 21 0.089 1.196

2 0.794 8.724 22 0.079 1.173
3 0.708 5.848 23 0.071 1.152
4 0.631 4.419 24 0.063 1.135
5 0.562 3.570 25 0.056 1.119
6 0.501 3.010 26 0.050 1.106
7 0.447 2.615 27 0.045 1.094
8 0.398 2.323 28 0.040 1.083
9 0.355 2.100 29 0.035 1.074
10 0.316 1.925 30 0.032 1.065
11 0.282 1.785 31 0.028 1.058
12 0.251 1.671 32 0.025 1.052
13 0.224 1.577 33 0.022 1.046
14 0.200 1.499 34 0.020 1.041
15 0.178 1.433 35 0.018 1.036
16 0.158 1.377 36 0.016 1.032
17 0.141 1.329 37 0.014 1.029
18 0.126 1.288 38 0.013 1.025
19 0.112 1.253 39 0.011 1.023
20 0.100 1.222 40 0.010 1.020

Ed. 07.08 SOAC 7−31

GP 422 ILS 420
Alignment Procedure GP−2F standard Operation and Maintenance


The following table lists the normalized ratio levels A1/A2/A3 used for the integral monitoring width
adjustment, depending on a forward slope of terrain which deviates from 0°.

Apron (Fwd. Slope) Physical glide angle A1 A2 A3

Setting value normalized normalized normalized

− 1,000 4,00 1,00 0,56 0,69

− 0,900 3,90 1,00 0,57 0,67
− 0,800 3,80 1,00 0,59 0,66
− 0,700 3,70 1,00 0,60 0,64
− 0,600 3,60 1,00 0,62 0,62
− 0,500 3,50 1,00 0,64 0,60
− 0,400 3,40 1,00 0,65 0,57
− 0,300 3,30 1,00 0,67 0,55
− 0,200 3,20 1,00 0,69 0,52
− 0,100 3,10 1,00 0,71 0,49

0,000 3,00 1,00 0,74 0,46

+ 0,100 2,90 1,00 0,76 0,42

+ 0,200 2,80 1,00 0,79 0,38
+ 0,300 2,70 1,00 0,81 0,34
+ 0,400 2,60 1,00 0,84 0,29
+ 0,500 2,50 1,00 0,87 0,24
+ 0,600 2,40 1,00 0,91 0,18
+ 0,700 2,30 1,00 0,94 0,11
+ 0,800 2,20 1,00 0,98 0,03
+ 0,900 2,10 0,97 1,00 0,05
+ 1,000 2,00 0,93 1,00 0,14

Nominal Glide Angle = 3°

7−32 SOAC Ed. 07.08

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures


PC User Program−specific

Used in Navaids
Alignment Procedure

Ed. 05.06 A−A

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance

A−B Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures


Section Title Page

ANNEX PC USER PROGRAM−SPECIFIC PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−1

A.2 SWITCH BOTH TX ON (OFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−8
A.3 SWITCH TX1 (2) ON (OFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−10
A.4 SET TX 1 (2) ON AERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−12
A.5 SET ALL MONITOR BYPASS ON (OFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−13
A.6 OPEN THE STATION CONFIGURATION DIALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−14
A.7 OPEN DIALOG ’<SUBSYSTEM>−<DATA SET>’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A−18

Ed. 05.06 A−C

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance

A−D Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures

The following sections give the detailed description of procedures used for the alignment of Navaids
equipment. Because two different PC user programs (ADRACS and MCS) are available, all proce-
dures are described here for both user programs.


A.1.1 ADRACS user program
− Click ’Start’ button, select ’Programs’, program group ’Adracs Remote Controlling’, program
’Adracs Remote Controlling Software’. The ’Adracs − Select configuration’ window appears
on the screen (see Fig. A−1).
− Select the configuration type ’STANDARD’ for starting ADRACS. Click on button ’OK’ to confirm
this selection.
NOTE: The configuration ’STANDARD’ is defined in the initialization file Adracs.ini, and is similar
to <default values> at state of delivery.
Windows NT Workstation

PC Info Accessories
Programme Command Prompt
Windows NT Explorer
Documents Additional Tools
Settings Adracs
Remote Controlling Adracs
Remote Controlling Software
Find Autostart
Microsoft Office
Adracs − Select configuration X
Shut Down
Adracs was not given a parameter to select one of the predefined
Start configurations. If you click the OK button below now, default values will
be selected. Otherwise you can select one of the predefined
configurations below and click OK then.

Select predefined configuration here:



Fig. A−1 Starting ’Adracs Remote Controlling Software’ on PC (example)

− The Main Status window of ADRACS is generated (see Fig. A−2).



switch select select select select

Site: LLZ−420 REU−Software Ver.: 2.xx

Login Exit Control

Fig. A−2 ADRACS Main Status window (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−1

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance
− Perform login procedure at the PC. Click on button ’Login’ in the Main Status window (see Fig.
A−2). The dialog ’Enter Password’ appears (see Fig. A−3) .
Acknowledge the selection ’User 1’ and Level 5 with button ’OK’.
Enter Password
Select User Level
User 1, max. Level 5
User 2, max. Level 5 5
User 3, max. Level 5
User 4, max. Level 5 4
User 5, max. Level 5
User 6, max. Level 5
User 7, max. Level 5 3
User 8, max. Level 5
User 9, max. Level 5 2
User 10, max. Level 5
User 11, max. Level 5
User 12, max. Level 5 1



Fig. A−3 ADRACS login function using ’Enter Password’ window (example)

− Click on screen button ’select’ in the station (e.g. LLZ) status field of the Main Status window (see
Fig. A−2). The Detailed Status window of the Navaids station appears (see Fig. A−4).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help
MON History avail. LOCAL MODE
<user information> Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
BYPASS TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance alert


BIT Warning BIT Warning

MON − 1 MON − 2

BIT Warning
Power ON Power ON

TX−1 TX−2



Fig. A−4 ADRACS Detailed Status window of the Navaids equipment (example)

A−2 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
A.1.2 MCS user program

In the standard application the local PC/Laptop is used as MCWP, i.e. the MCS application GUI, the
SNMP Proxy agents and the Direct Connect option are installed to the PC/Laptop. The Laptop is con-
nected to the connector Local PC (serial interface) on top of the cabinet.

In an optional application (currently only avialable for DVOR/CVOR systems) the local PC/Laptop is
used as CWP, i.e. the MCS application GUI is installed to the PC/Laptop and the SNMP Proxy agents
are installed to a built−in intelligent board, the optional ETX−CPU board. The Laptop is connected
to the connector ETHERNET on top of the cabinet which is fed to the ETX−CPU board.

A.1.2.1 Start Standard Application (Direct Connection via Serial Interface)

Only an MCWP (with SNMP proxy agents installed) running under a Linux operating system can be
directly connected via a serial cable (RS232) to a Navaids cabinet (see Fig. A−5).

MCS with GUI,

installed SW
to MCS Equipment (Linux OS) and
(country−wide) DirectConnect

Fig. A−5 Direct connection to a Navaids equipment via serial interface

The tool ’MCS direct connect’ has to be is used for the standard application. For details see Technical
Manual MCS, section 1.8.1. To start the MCS Direct Connect application on the connected PC/Laptop
perform the steps:
− Click start button of Linux desktop (’red hat’), select ’System Tools’, select ’More System Tools’,
select ’MCS direct connect’ (see Fig. A−6).

Fig. A−6 Linux desktop start menu with ’MCS direct connect’ tool (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−3

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance
− The ’MCS direct connection’ start window appears (see Fig. A−7). Select the parameters for the
connected Navaids station in the following dialog windows and confirm each setting with button

Fig. A−7 Start window of ’MCS direct connection’ tool (example)

− If the MCS direct connection set up is finished, the MCS Main window, presenting the defined Na-
vaids station as equipment level in the Navigation Tree panel, and as an equipment icon in the Map
View panel (see Fig. A−8).

equipment level
in Navigation
Tree panel

equipment icon in
Map View panel

Fig. A−8 MCS Main window after setting up the direct connection to the station (example)

A−4 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
A.1.2.2 Start Optional Application (Ethernet Connection and ETX−CPU Board)

A CWP (running under Linux or MS Windows OS) with an MCS GUI can be connected via an Ethernet
interface (TCP/IP) only to a Navaids equipment equipped with the ETX−CPU board (see Fig. A−9).
The SNMP proxy agent of the Navaids equipment is installed on the ETX−CPU board. For details see
Technical Manual MCS, Part 1, section ’Ethernet (TCP/IP) Connection’.
The common MCS application has to be used for the optional application.
The network interface of the CWP laptop has to be configured as ’DHCP Client’, i.e. the laptop gets
its LAN interface configuration (IP address, ...) from the ETX−CPU board.


CWP installed SW MCS with GUI

with installed SW
SNMP Proxy Agents

IP address:
(country−wide) LAN cable

ETX−CPU board

Fig. A−9 Direct connection to a Navaids equipment via Ethernet interface (example)

Start the MCS GUI on the CWP laptop via the corresponding menu entry in the desktop start menu.
The MCS Main window appears (see Fig. A−10).

no root structure

Fig. A−10 MCS Main window after starting GUI on CWP (example: no root structure defined)

If the Navigation Tree panel is empty (i.e. no root structure is defined), create a new structure by clik-
king on main menu ’Configuration’, select submenu ’Position’, select function ’Create New Root
Structure’. Select a local level (’Airport’ or ’En Route Site’) in the ’Create New Root Structure’ dialog,
see Fig. A−11).

Fig. A−11 Create New Root Structure in the MCS Main window (example)

Ed. 08.09
05.06 A−5
Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance
Now the user has to add a new Navaid equipment, i.e. a new sublevel (Navaid) within the root struc-
ture. After a right mouse−click on the (now) existing local level, a menu provides the submenu ’New’,
select function ’Navaid’ (see Fig. A−12).

Fig. A−12 Start procedure to create a new Navaid equipment level (example)

The ’Create New Navaid’ dialog window appears (see Fig. A−13). Select the corresponding ’Device
Type’, define a ’Name’, set the ’Proxy Host’ parameter to IP address ’’ and use the given
’Proxy Port’ (or set the parameter to a defined value). Click first button ’Test’ and then button ’OK’.

Fig. A−13 Dialog ’Create New Navaid’ (example)

The MCS Main window is presenting now the defined Navaids station as equipment level in the Navi-
gation Tree panel, and as an equipment icon in the Map View panel (see Fig. A−14).

equipment level
in Navigation equipment icon in
Tree panel Map View panel

Fig. A−14 MCS Main window after creating a Navaid station in the root structure (example)

A−6 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
A.1.2.3 Perform Login and Select Station

− Open the 1st Equipment Level window of the Navaids station by left mouse−click on the equip-
ment level in the Navigation Tree panel or by double left mouse−click on the equipment icon in
the Map View panel of the MCS Main window (see Fig. A−8 resp. A−14).

− The 1st Equipment Level window with login level ’Monitor’ appears (see Fig. A−15a). Login as
’maintenance’ user via pull−down menu ’Administration’, submenu ’Login’ in the 1st Equipment
Level window. The default password is ’MCS. The login level ’Maintenance’ is shown in the status
bar of the window (see Fig. A−15b). The Maintenance user has now access to all maintenance

a) login level ’Monitor’ b) login level ’Maintenance’

Status bar
login level

Fig. A−15 MCS 1st Equipment Level window of the Navaids station (examples a and b)

Ed. 05.06 A−7

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance


A.2.1 ADRACS user program

− Open the menu ’Commands’ in the ADRACS ’Detailed Status’ window (see Fig. A−16).
− Click on command ’Switch both TX ON’ (resp. ’Switch both TX OFF’).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

Switch TX1 ON MON History avail. LOCAL MODE

Switch TX2 ON
<user information> Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Switch both TX ON
BYPASS TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance Alert
Switch TX1 OFF
Switch TX2 OFF
Switch both TX OFF WARNING

Set executiveWarning
BIT Warning
Set standby BYPASS ON BIT Warning
MON − 1 MON − 2
Set executive BYPASS OFF
Set standby BYPASS OFF
Reset BIT
Power ON Power ON
More Commands...
TX−1 TX−2

Fig. A−16 ADRACS Detailed Status window with pulldown menu ’Commands’ (example)

A.2.2 MCS user program

− Open the pull−down menu with the commands for the subsystem ’Transmitter 1’ (or ’Transmitter
2’) via right mouse−click on the subsystem label ’Transmitter 1’ (resp. ’Transmitter 2’) in the MCS
1st Equipment Level window (see Fig. A−17).

right mouse−click

Fig. A−17 MCS 1st Equipment Level window with pull−down menu of transmitter commands

A−8 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
− Open the commands submenu ’Power’ by moving the cursor onto the submenu item ’Power’ (see
Fig. A−18).

move cursor

Fig. A−18 Open transmitter commands submenu ’Power’ (example)

− Select the command ’Both On’ (resp. ’Both Off’) by moving the cursor onto the corresponding
menu item. Send the selected command to the equipment by left mouse−click on the selected
item ’Both On’ (resp. ’Both Off’, see Fig. A−19).

left mouse−click

Fig. A−19 Send command ’Power, Both off’ to the equipment, state indication is actualized

Ed. 05.06 A−9

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance


A.3.1 ADRACS user program

− Open the menu ’Commands’ in the ADRACS ’Detailed Status’ window (see Fig. A−20).
− Click on command ’Switch TX1 (2) ON’ resp. ’Switch TX1 (2) OFF’.

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

Switch TX1 ON MON History avail. LOCAL MODE

Switch TX2 ON
<user information> Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Switch both TX ON
BYPASS TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance Alert
Switch TX1 OFF
Switch TX2 OFF
Switch both TX OFF WARNING

Set executiveWarning
BIT Warning
Set standby BYPASS ON BIT Warning
MON − 1 MON − 2
Set executive BYPASS OFF
Set standby BYPASS OFF
Reset BIT
Power ON Power ON
More Commands...
TX−1 TX−2

Fig. A−20 ADRACS Detailed Status window with pulldown menu ’Commands’ (example)

A.3.2 MCS user program

− Open the pull−down menu with the commands for the subsystem ’Transmitter 1’ (resp. ’Transmit-
ter 2’) via right mouse−click on the subsystem label ’Transmitter 1’ (resp. ’Transmitter 2’) in the
MCS 1st Equipment Level window (see Fig. A−21).

right mouse−click

Fig. A−21 MCS 1st Equipment Level window with pull−down menu of transmitter commands

A−10 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
− Open the commands submenu ’Power’ by moving the cursor onto the submenu item ’Power’ (see
Fig. A−22).

move cursor

Fig. A−22 Open transmitter commands submenu ’Power’ (example)

− Select the command ’On’ (resp. ’Off’) by moving the cursor onto the corresponding menu item.
Send the selected command to the equipment by left mouse−click on the selected item ’On’ (resp.
’Off’), see Fig. A−23.

Fig. A−23 Send command ’Power, Off’ to the station (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−11

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance


NOTE: This procedure is only necessary if transmitter 1 (2) is not yet set to the aerial transmitter.

A.4.1 ADRACS user program

− Open the menu ’Commands’ in the ADRACS ’Detailed Status’ window, select function ’Change
aerial’ (see Fig. A−24).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

Switch TX1 ON MON History avail. LOCAL MODE
Switch TX2 ON
<user information> Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Switch both TX ON
BYPASS TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance Alert
Switch TX1 OFF
Switch TX2 OFF

Set executiveWarning
BIT Warning
Set standby BYPASS ON BIT Warning
MON − 1 MON − 2
Set executive BYPASS OFF
Set standby BYPASS OFF
Power ON Power ON
More Commands...
TX−1 TX−2

Fig. A−24 ADRACS Detailed Status window; menu ’Commands’ (example)

A.4.2 MCS user program

− Open the pull−down menu with the commands for the subsystem ’Transmitter 1’ (resp. ’Transmit-
ter 2’) via right mouse−click on the subsystem label ’Transmitter 1’ (resp. ’Transmitter 2’) in the
MCS 1st Equipment Level window.
− Send the selected command ’Change Aerial Transmitter’ to the equipment by left mouse−click
on the selected item (see Fig. A−25).

right mouse−click

Fig. A−25 MCS 1st Equipment Level window with transmitter command ’Change Aerial’

A−12 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
A.5.1 ADRACS user program
− Open the menu ’Commands’ in the ADRACS ’Detailed Status’ window (see Fig. A−26). Click on
command ’Set all BYPASS ON’ (’Set all BYPASS OFF’).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

Switch TX1 ON MON History avail. LOCAL MODE

Switch TX2 ON
<user information> Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Switch both TX ON
BYPASS TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance Alert
Switch TX1 OFF
Switch TX2 OFF
Switch both TX OFF WARNING

BIT Warning
Set standby BYPASS ON BIT Warning
MON − 1 MON − 2
Set executive BYPASS OFF
Set standby BYPASS OFF
Reset BIT
Power ON Power ON
More Commands...
TX−1 TX−2

Fig. A−26 ADRACS Detailed Status window; menu ’Commands’ (example)

A.5.2 MCS user program

− Open the pull−down menu with the commands for the subsystem ’Monitor 1’ (or Monitor 2’) via
right mouse−click on the subsystem label ’Monitor 1’ (or ’Monitor 2’) in the MCS 1st Equipment
Level window.

− Open the submenu ’Bypass’, open submenu ’All Bypass’ (see Fig. A−27) and select command
’On’ (’Off’). Send command to the equipment by left mouse−click on the selected item.

right mouse−click

Fig. A−27 MCS 1st Equipment Level window with monitor bypass commands (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−13

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance


A.6.1 ADRACS user program

− Select menu ’Data’, submenu ’MON−TX−LRCI Data’ in the ADRACS ’Detailed Status’ window,
or click on corresponding functional key at the bottom of the window ( see Fig. A−28).
The ’General Data window appears.

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

Station Status only Ctrl+S MON History avail. LOCAL MODE

Detailed Status Ctrl+D Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Monitor Alarms Ctrl+A
MON−TX−LRCI Data Ctrl+M TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance alert
Print Data Ctrl+P
Record Data Ctrl+R
Up−/Download Data Ctrl+U
Fault Location Ctrl+F
Additional Windows Ctrl+W


BIT Warning BIT Warning

MON − 1 MON − 2


Fig. A−28 ADRACS Detailed Status window; menu ’Data’ (example)

− Select menu ’Window’, function ’Adjust Windows’ in the General Data window or click on corre-
sponding functional key at the bottom of the window (see Fig. A−29).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : General Data − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Help
Adjust History avail.
Windows... F2 LOCAL MODE
<user information> Print Window Contents Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Zoom Window Details...
BYPASS TX−1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance alert
Tile Windows
Cascade Windows
Customize Data Set... F3

Adjust Windows

Fig. A−29 ADRACS General Data window; menu ’Window’ (example)

A−14 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
− The ’ADJUST WINDOWS’ dialog appears (see Fig. A−30).


Arrangement class: STANDARD LIST
Arrangements: Load

Save Delete Export Import

System Status WINDOW−1 Destroy
Station Data WINDOW−2
Station Configuration
Environmental Setup
LRCI Miscellaneous Set
MIXED DATA Absolute time Zoom Tool
Subsystem programming results
Step Tool

Set Font Close

Fig. A−30 ADRACS dialog ’ADJUST WINDOWS’ (example)

− Select subsystem ’LRCI’, data set ’LRCI Station Configuration’. Select a presentation window
(WINDOW−1 to 4). Confirm with button ’Set’.

− The ’LRCI Station Configuration’ dialog appears (see Fig. A−31). Verify and set the required pa-

− After parameter setting, select "Click here to accept" to confirm the settings.

RC 1 LRCI Station Configuration − X

Timestamp 26.02.2002 7:57:36
Station type Localizer
Frequency carrier Dual (2F)
Equipment configuration Dual equipment
Standby configuration Hot
Antenna type 13 el. dipole
Field Monitoring No NF, No Farfield
Ch.4 (e.g. Near Field) is present Not available
Nearfield is executive Not available
Ch.5 (e.g. Far Field) is enabled Not available
Farfield is executive Not available
Far Field monitor 2 Not available
Cable fault detection No
RF channel number 21
RF channel frequency 110.10 / 334.40MHz

Action on RCSU Comm. Loss Maintenance Alert

Maint. generates LCP Warning Yes
RWY−Control can remove OP OFF No
Accept actual settings Click here to accept

Fig. A−31 ADRACS ’LRCI Station Configuration’ window for parameter setting (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−15

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance

A.6.2 MCS user program

− Open the pull−down menu ’Operation’ via left mouse−click on the menu item ’Operation’ in the
menu bar of the MCS 1st Equipment Level window. The submenu ’Station Configuration’ appears
(see Fig. A−32)

left mouse−click

Fig. A−32 MCS 1st Equipment Level window with submenu ’Station Configuration’ (example)

− Select the ’Operation’ submenu ’Station Configuration’ via left mouse−click on the corresponding
submenu item (see Fig. A−33). The ’<equipment> Station Configuration ’ dialog is superimpose-
d on the 1st Equipment Level window.

left mouse−click

Fig. A−33 Select MCS ’Operation’ submenu ’Station Configuration’ (example)

A−16 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
− After parameter setting, send the new configuration data to the station (LRCI) via left mouse−click
on button ’OK’. The ’<equipment> StationConfiguration’ dialog is closed, the 1st Equipment Le-
vel window is visible again (see Fig. A−34).

left mouse−click

Fig. A−34 Parameter setting in the MCS ’<equipment> Station Configuration’ dialog (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−17

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance


A.7.1 ADRACS user program

− Select menu ’Data’, submenu ’MON−TX−LRCI Data’ in the ’Detailed Status’ window, or click on
corresponding functional key at the bottom of the window ( see Fig. A−35).
The ’General Data window appears.

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

Station Status only Ctrl+S MON History avail. LOCAL MODE

Detailed Status Ctrl+D Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Monitor Alarms Ctrl+A
MON−TX−LRCI Data Ctrl+M TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance alert
Print Data Ctrl+P
Record Data Ctrl+R
Up−/Download Data Ctrl+U
Fault Location Ctrl+F
Additional Windows Ctrl+W


BIT Warning BIT Warning

MON − 1 MON − 2


Fig. A−35 ADRACS Detailed Status window; menu ’Data’ (example)

− Select menu ’Window’, function ’Adjust Windows’ in the General Data window or click on corre-
sponding functional key at the bottom of the window (see Fig. A−36).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : General Data − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Help
Adjust History avail.
Windows... F2 LOCAL MODE
<user information> Print Window Contents Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
Zoom Window Details...
BYPASS TX−1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance alert
Tile Windows
Cascade Windows
Customize Data Set... F3

Adjust Windows

Fig. A−36 ADRACS General Data window; menu ’Window’ (example)

A−18 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
− The ’ADJUST WINDOWS’ dialog appears (see Fig. A−37).


Arrangement class: STANDARD LIST
Arrangements: Load

Save Delete Export Import

System Status WINDOW−1 Destroy
Station Data WINDOW−2
Station Configuration
Environmental Setup
LRCI Miscellaneous Set
MIXED DATA Absolute time Zoom Tool
Subsystem programming results
Step Tool

Set Font Close

Fig. A−37 ADRACS dialog ’ADJUST WINDOWS’, selection of <subsystem> and <data set>

− Select the <subsystem> (e.g. ’MONITOR−1’, ’LRCI’) and the <data set> (e.g. ’Station Data’),
and select the window number. Confirm the selections with button ’Set’.
The corresponding data window appears (see Fig. A−38).

RC 1 LRCI − Station Data − X

Timestamp 26.02.2002 7:57:36
Manufacturer Thales ATM
Station Type ILS
Serial Number 0
Conversion table version 3.20
LRCI Software Version 3.24
LRCI Station Name LLZ−421
Long LRCI Site Name Test−Site
Long LRCI Station Name Test−LLZ−421

Fig. A−38 ADRACS data window with <data set> for parameter setting (example)

If more than one data window is necessary for parameter setting, start this procedure from the begin-
ning and select another window number within the ADJUST WINDOWS dialog (see Fig. A−37).

NOTE: The ’Window’ functions ’Tile Windows’ and ’Cascade Windows’ support the operator to
get a better view on the number of data windows.

Ed. 05.06 A−19

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance

A.7.2 MCS user program

− Open the MCS 2nd Equipment Level window of the <subsystem> via double left mouse−click
on the corresponding subsystem label in the MCS 1st equipment Level window (see Fig. A−39).

double left mouse−click

Fig. A−39 MCS <subsystem> 2nd Equipment Level window for parameter setting (example)

− Select the parameter list of the <data set> via left mouse−click on the corresponding file tab (see
Fig. A−40).

left mouse−click

Fig. A−40 Select the <data set> for parameter setting (example)

A−20 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
− A double left mouse−click on a parameter value with ’write access’ (written in blue characters)
opens the ’Edit Value’ dialog (see Fig. A−41) to change the value. Confirm with button ’OK’.

Fig. A−41 ’Edit Value’ dialog for modifying parameter value (example)

For a number of parameter lists some ’sub−sets’ exist, which are accessible via file tabs in the upper
line of the 2nd Equipment window (see Fig. A−42).
Within the alignment of Navaids equipment, the procedure to open the dialog of such a parameter
sub−set is given as
"Open dialog ’<subsystem>−<data set>: <sub−set>’ for parameter setting".
In the example of Fig. A−42 the used procedure would be
"Open dialog ’Monitor1−Measurements/Limits: Current Executive Data’ for parameter setting".

Fig. A−42 2nd Equipment Level window with a <sub−set> of a parameter <data set> (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−21

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance
If more than one data window is necessary for parameter setting, start this procedure from the begin-
ning. If two data windows of the same subsystem are required, the dialog window ’Duplicate Win-
dows’ appears after double left mouse−click on the subsystem label (see Fig. A−43). Confirm with
button ’Open new window’ to get a further window of the same subsystem (in our example ’Monitor1’).

Fig. A−43 Dialog ’Duplicate Window’ to open a second subsystem data set window (example)

NOTE: To get a better view on the data windows, use the common Windows function to arrange
the data windows on the screen.

If the same data sets of both monitors or both transmitters are required for parameter setting (e.g.
’Measurements/Limits’ of Monitor 1 and Monitor 2), the functions of the pull−down menu ’Compare’
in the MCS 1st Equipment Level window can be used (for details see Technical Manual MCS).

A window appears after selecting the corresponding function (’Compare Monitors’ resp. ’Compare
Transmitters’), see example in Fig. A−44, providing the parameters of both subsystems in parallel
columns. Select the required parameter (set) via left mouse click in the left column, click again and-
hold the left mouse button, then draw the cursor into the left blank area. The parameter list appears

Fig. A−44 ’Compare’ function in the 1st Equipment Level window (example)

A−22 Ed. 05.06

Operation and Maintenance Annex PC User Program Procedures
A.8.1 ADRACS user program

− Click on functional key ’ON/OFF’ at the bottom of the ’Detailed Status’ window ( see Fig. A−45).
The ’Commands’ window appears (see Fig. A−46).

RC LLZ−420 [ILS 420 − LLZ] − Controlling : Detailed Status − X

Data Commands Activities Window Checks Extras Help

MON History avail. LOCAL MODE

<user information> Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:44:02 WARNING
BYPASS TX1 AERIAL TX2 OFF Maintenance alert



BIT Warning BIT Warning

MON − 1 MON − 2

ON/OFF functional key

Fig. A−45 ADRACS functional key ’ON/OFF’ (example)

− Click on <subsystems> pull−down menu (see Fig. A−46). The <subsystems> command lists
appear. Select <list> and <command>. Confirm with button ’program <subsystem(s)>’. The
’Commands’ window is closed. The command is then sent to the equipment.

X pull−down menu X
Commands − Commands −
RC with <subsystems> RC

Monitors Transmitters LRCI command lists Monitors Transmitters LRCI

Select Waveforms
Monitor HistoryTX1 TX Miscellaneous
Select Waveforms TX2
selected <subsystem>
Clear alarm history command <list> Perform hard reset
TX Ident
Perform audio gen. calibration
TX Miscellaneous select command list
Initiate transfer/shutdown test
Reset to factory defaults
Perform Integrity TestSig. calib.
<command> of Set sel. waveform to norm. modul.
selected <list> Set sel. waveform to 90 Hz only
Set sel. waveform to 150 Hz only
Set sel. waveform to RF only

program MON 1 program MON 2 program TX 1 program TX 2

program MON 1/2 program TX 1/2

Close Close

Fig. A−46 ADRACS ’Commands’ window after opening the window (example)

Ed. 05.06 A−23

Annex PC User Program Procedures Operation and Maintenance

A.8.2 MCS user program

− Open the pull−down menu with the commands for the <subsystem 1> via right mouse−click on
the <subsystem 1> label in the MCS 1st Equipment Level window (see Fig. A−47).

right mouse−click on <susbsystem>

Fig. A−47 MCS 1st Equipment Level window with <subsystem> commands (example)

− Select submenu <list>, then select <command> (see Fig. A−47), send command to the equip-
ment by left mouse−click on the selected item.

− Repeat the same procedure for the <subsystem 2>.

A−24 Ed. 05.06

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