Smarter Segmentation For Your Sales Force Hill-Rom
Smarter Segmentation For Your Sales Force Hill-Rom
Smarter Segmentation For Your Sales Force Hill-Rom
W hen executives focus anew on top-line growth, as so many are doing this season,
their mental checklist nearly always includes questions about the sales force.
How can its performance improve? How can it support the growth of new
offerings? Many executives make the mistake of thinking the problem comes down to incentives:
Get the carrots correctly aligned, and the sales force will redouble its efforts. Some assume, even
more simplistically, that if you want more sales, you need more salespeople. The experience of
health-care equipment manufacturer and service provider Hill-Rom illustrates, on the contrary,
that meaningful improvements in sales come from doing three things: segmenting customers
more thoughtfully, designing an organization that can serve the different segments more
efficiently, and staffing that organization at the optimal level. We’ll discuss those approaches in
greater depth, but first, some background.
Three years ago, Hill-Rom was in a position common among mature businesses: The company
was strong, but it needed to be stronger. Headquartered in Batesville, Indiana, the business had
been successful for more than 70 years. It held a strong competitive position in its core product
line of patients’ beds and specialty mattresses for acute care, long-term care, and home care
environments. The company also had strong complementary product lines of stretchers,
furniture, architectural equipment, and nurse-to-patient communication products. It had an
extensive customer base and a respected sales force that was recognized for its deep product
knowledge and strong customer relationships. Hill-Rom had solid profit margins and had
contributed significantly to the stock value of the parent company, Hillenbrand Industries. 1/12
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But when Ernest Waaser, lead author of this article, took over as chief executive in early 2001, his
initial assessment of the company uncovered some danger signs. Revenue growth had been
slowing, and the company’s traditional tactics, such as product line extensions and acquisitions,
were not enough to achieve desired levels of future growth. Competition was increasing, too.
Some of Hill-Rom’s customers were beginning to experience severe pressure to reduce costs and
were considering lower-end, lower-priced alternatives.
Hill-Rom needed to demonstrate to its customers how its premium products and services could
yield a higher return on their investments through lower labor costs, improved caregiver safety,
and better patient outcomes. The senior management team concluded that future growth
depended on more product innovation and differentiation, as well as more cross-selling and
acquisitions. To support product innovation, Hill-Rom decided to nearly double its investments
in research and development over a three-year period. At the same time, management felt
compelled to continue to grow the bottom line. To do both would require reducing costs in every
function except R&D, while also maintaining quality and customer satisfaction.
Hill-Rom focused first on the sales organization, in part because the cost of sales had risen
gradually but persistently over the past five years. Acquisitions and other initiatives had made
the sales organization more complex, with overlapping coverage in many areas. Even more
important, sales and service are the parts of the organization that interact most closely with
customers. As Hill-Rom increased investment in product innovation and adjusted the product
and service mix, it was critical that the sales force lead the charge. The primary goal was to create
a leaner sales process that would generate more internal growth each year. To that end, senior
managers set a goal of reducing the overall cost of sales by 2 percentage points within two years.
Another major objective was to develop a sales structure that would support new growth through
both internal development and mergers and acquisitions.
With help from a team of outside consultants, Hill-Rom succeeded in reaching those goals—and
more. Two years later, cost of sales is down, short-term revenue growth is up, the outlook for
long-term revenue growth looks bright, customers are buying more products and reporting
higher satisfaction, profit margins are up, and the company is working to integrate two new
acquisitions. Hill-Rom is too cautious to oversell these improvements or to predict marvelous
things for the future, but we are happy to write about the approach we took and the successes we
have had in the hope that they may be useful to other executives.
Useful Segmentation 2/12
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Hill-Rom’s executives were conscious that onetime fixes to the sales force, such as tinkering with
compensation, typically lead to incremental improvements at best and often fail to raise
productivity. Improving the company’s overall economics would require a broader restructuring.
The first order of business was building the right customer segmentation model. Some customers
were willing and able to invest in the latest technology and services, while others valued
standard, “good enough” products. Both types of customers were important, but they had
different requirements and needed to be treated differently.
The company’s existing sales approach was essentially based on the size of the health care
facility, determined by attributes like the number of staffed beds and medical care specialties. In
a sense, this was logical, since size influences the level of spending. The more beds a hospital or
nursing home has and the more services it offers, the greater the likelihood that capital funding
will be set aside on a regular basis to replace or acquire equipment. But this approach was not
particularly useful for understanding customer needs, which can be quite heterogeneous, or for
discerning more detailed patterns of purchasing behavior. Marshall Dahneke, then the company’s
vice president of marketing and one of the authors of this article, worked with a team of insiders
and Mercer consultants and discovered that, while the size of a facility was indeed important,
less obvious characteristics also affected purchasing behavior. These included financial metrics
such as the customer’s capital spending and profit margins, operating metrics such as occupancy
rate, and even a facility’s mix of insurance payers.
Based on regression analysis of existing customer data, the project team sorted Hill-Rom’s
hospital customers into five segments, drew profiles of those segments, and further hypothesized
the future dollar value of each to Hill-Rom. The team members then interviewed salespeople and
a sampling of customers from each of the proposed segments to validate the data and the
hypotheses. They followed the same process for nursing home customers, which produced three
additional segments. A total of eight segments would be unwieldy to manage, they realized, so
they divided the eight segments into two groups, key and prime customers, based on overall
similarities of needs and priorities. Two separate sales forces, reporting to the same senior sales
managers, would serve each customer group.
Key customers have far higher total capital expenditures on medical products. They buy more
high-end equipment. They replace equipment, on average, 40% sooner than prime customers.
They not only buy equipment more frequently but also are more likely to seek out in-depth, 3/12
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customized consultation. They’re looking for comprehensive solutions to their problems, and
they tend to view purchases as investments.
Prime customers, because of greater cost pressures, are generally more concerned about getting
the features and functions they need for the best possible price. They still value Hill-Rom’s
reputation, support, and industry expertise, but they’re less able to afford high-end products and
services. They tend to buy individual products rather than whole systems. Fulfillment time and
responsiveness are often more critical for prime customers, as they often wait to make purchases
until the need is urgent. (For a complete profile of these two customer types, see the exhibit “Hill-
Rom’s New Customer Segments.”)
When Hill-Rom’s customers are sorted in this way, facility size is no longer the driving factor.
There are 50-bed hospitals and 250-bed nursing homes in the same segment. Dividing customers
according to their own preferences allows Hill-Rom to better understand why different customers
do business differently with the company. It also allows the organization to monitor how much
time the sales force spends with each segment, thereby ensuring that the sales force best meets
the different needs of each segment. 4/12
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From its research on customer priorities, the project team determined that Hill-Rom’s allocation
of sales resources was skewed. A time and cost analysis revealed that the company was making a
significant effort to sell to and serve both segments in the same manner, resulting in high overall
sales costs. Salespeople typically were expected to cover all facilities in a given geography and
felt compelled to make regular calls on each account. So some sales teams were taking a highly
consultative approach when the account’s profile and purchase behavior (as revealed in the new
segmentation analysis) warranted another approach. The cost of sales for prime customers was,
the team learned, four to five times higher than it was for key customers—which, with 20/20
hindsight, wasn’t surprising. The sales force had basically been treating all customers the same
way and trying to sell prime customers a level of service and innovation that they did not value
or could not afford.
A Tailored Approach
Hill-Rom’s goal was to match the sales approach to the specific needs and preferences of each of
the two main customer segments. This would require discipline and consistency among
independent-minded salespeople. If done right, however, it could generate significant financial
rewards while increasing customer satisfaction.
One important early decision concerned whether Hill-Rom should use indirect sales and service
channels such as manufacturers’ representatives and third-party call centers. Indirect channels,
the thinking went, might enhance service and responsiveness for prime customers. However, the
cost advantage of indirect channels turned out to be smaller than anticipated. After factoring in
the commissions for manufacturers’ reps and distributors, plus the cost of managing a third-
party channel, the overall cost of sales was similar to that of Hill-Rom’s direct sales force. More
important, this change could have jeopardized the strong relationship the sales force had
developed with customers. Considering all these factors, Hill-Rom decided to use its own
resources but to deploy them more efficiently.
At this point, the project team engaged several sales managers within Hill-Rom to recommend
new sales roles, processes, and an organizational structure. In simple terms, here’s what they
decided. (Also see the exhibit “A New Way to Sell.”)
That balance meant that Hill-Rom was also able to extend its value proposition to key customers.
For instance, through the new structure, Hill-Rom identified one facility’s need to tackle one of
the more common problems in hospitals today: back injuries among nursing staff, caused
primarily by patient handling and repositioning. As a result, the company has introduced
products that change the way patient-handling tasks are performed. Hill-Rom’s TotalCare Bed
moves patients into a sitting position without their having to leave the bed—and without
caregivers having to transfer heavy patients from the bed to a chair and back. Customers often
need help using the product to maximum advantage, so Hill-Rom can now conduct a detailed
assessment that combines a facility’s injury history and costs, work processes, and task
frequencies. These assessments—which are developed by certified ergonomists—can help
customers improve their processes and use products better.
Once products are in place, Hill-Rom can also help customers track improvements through the
use of data collection and analysis tools. One hospital in West Virginia asked the company to help
address the rising costs associated with caregiver back injuries. Hill-Rom’s package of products,
program assessment, training, and results tracking produced dramatic results: During the first
year of the agreement, the hospital reduced the costs of patient-handling injuries by almost $1
million, with a greater reduction in costs in the second year. This kind of problem solving—where
Hill-Rom employees consult with a customer over a long period of time, helping to eliminate
systemic problems—would have been difficult under the old approach.
In 2002, Hill-Rom saw demand for such programs triple, largely because the redesigned sales
effort focused on communicating the company’s value to the right set of customers. Offerings
similar to the ergonomics programs help customers solve problems such as patient falls, pressure
ulcers, pulmonary complications, and even patient room design and layout challenges.
The project team also recommended new roles for the salespeople serving prime customers. A
territory manager and a territory therapy specialist would represent Hill-Rom to these customers,
backed by a field support team. (Previously, a customer would have contacted the sales 7/12
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representative, who would try to locate the appropriate service or support resource.) Here, the
goal was more efficient, faster response to requests and orders.
A small group of sales managers would be responsible for overseeing revenue for all products and
both sales forces. This would address a past problem of overlapping sales coverage within a given
customer site and would help eliminate some of the conflicts resulting from such overlap.
To calculate the appropriate number of staff, the project team looked at three sets of data:
historical sales data on specific products and services, and historical and anticipated data on the
time it took to complete those sales.
The group defined the sales cycle from the point of generating potential opportunities all the way
through product delivery and customer training. An internal team looked at both historical time-
allocation data as well as possible modifications to the sales process. In that way, the project team
could home in on cycle time under each sales scenario, whether successful or unsuccessful.
Factoring out nonselling time for such activities as travel, training, and administration, the team
could better project how many full-time equivalents (say, the number of full-time account
managers) were required to address the estimated demands. The group completed this exercise
for each role in the new organization and ran several models, ultimately choosing the one
deemed most representative. Clearly, the number of full-time employees by role would have
some variance once applied in the real world, but the sizing study served as a strong, data-driven
starting point.
To test the earlier decisions about the redesign of the sales function, the team drew a mock map
of the entire U.S. sales force and forecast by territory, including key elements such as current
revenue, potential revenue, and commissions paid. This exercise revealed the need for major
changes, which of course had to be carefully communicated to the sales staff.
•For account managers currently making almost all their income from commissions, a proposed
reduction in the number of accounts might appear to represent a loss of income. Hill-Rom had to
educate account managers on the segmentation study—notably, on the underlying assumption 8/12
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that in-depth, customized support of key customers would likely drive increased demand for
products and services. Commissions would probably not suffer.
•For territory managers covering a large number of prime accounts, the key issue to convey was
how a support staff could help strengthen customer relationships and ensure faster responses.
•Technical specialists would no longer sell products; they would devote all their time to
supporting the account managers.
•Nearly 45 sales reps and specialists, or 10% of the sales force, would lose their jobs because of
the shift to a single point of contact.
•For all employees, the new approach would require training and new methods of collaboration.
Account managers would need broader product knowledge to sell products that specialists had
been selling, for example, and closer teamwork would be required to ensure coordination at the
account level.
When the time came to make the changes, the organization moved very rapidly. The most-senior
sales management positions were filled first; those managers were brought up to speed quickly
on the overall vision and on implementation requirements. Formal announcements, however, 9/12
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came from the executive suite. Concurrently, informal communications were working through
those team members who had been involved earlier. They were critical advocates of the redesign
and helped sell changes to the broader organization.
As the team prepared to roll out the plan in early September 2001, several issues threatened to
disrupt or delay implementation. Senior managers were aware that the long-standing vice
president of sales intended to announce his departure. In addition, the terrorist attacks on
September 11 raised the question of whether the rollout should be postponed.
On September 18, the company decided to proceed, and, within six weeks, the project team,
human resources staff, and senior sales managers had the operation up and running. New sales
roles were identified, staff and territory assignments were distributed, and employees who were
to be let go were given ample time to explore job opportunities inside and outside the company.
The new vice president of sales recognized the importance of the redesign and immersed himself
in the project, ensuring its continuity as it faced the inevitable bumps that would occur during
the first few months.
Early Returns
Enough time has elapsed that it is possible to point to several measures of the sales group’s
progress: 10/12
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that the sales force has started to tailor offerings. Some of that additional cash flow has also been
invested in acquisitions, such as the recent purchase of Advanced Respiratory, a high-growth
provider of therapy products for chronic respiratory diseases.
By the end of 2003, Hill-Rom had made significant improvements to its already successful
business. In addition to the growth in revenue, operating income per employee increased 51%,
and operating income as a percentage of sales increased 4 percentage points. Did all that come
from restructuring the sales force? Of course not. Other initiatives were under way
simultaneously. But ensuring that the sales force understands its distinct customer segments,
that it serves those different segments appropriately, and that it has the optimal level and type of
staff are important starting points for any company aspiring to increase its bottom line.
A version of this article appeared in the March 2004 issue of Harvard Business Review.
Ernest Waaser is the president and chief executive of Hill-Rom, the health care unit of Hillenbrand Industries, based in
Batesville, Indiana.
Michael Weissel is a Boston-based director of Mercer Management Consulting. Waaser and Dahneke can be reached at Pekkarinen and Weissel can be reached at 11/12
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