X English Paper Formats

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1. Unseen Text
2. The response should be in a Non-linear Structure, because you have to stick to
the Guiding Question(GQ)
3. Chronological order of the essay
i)Introduction(Authorial Choices)
ii)Thesis Statement(Within the introduction)
iii)Road map sentence(Within the introduction)
iv)Body Paras
4. The language used in the response should be formal(meaning no use of casual
communication such as a lot, talk about, don’t [“do not” can be written but not
1. Comment/Identify a network of connection
2. Broad authorial choices
iii)Writer’s assumptions about the reader
iv)purpose/form/text type/nature of text
3. Thesis statement
Content/purpose, stylistic/linguistic devices or conventions and what impact on
the readers
4. Road Map Sentence
Ex: This essay would discuss the structure, the stylistic conventions followed by
form conventions and linguistic features(or conventions) and draw implications
and reach a reasoned conclusion.
1. Analyse the beginning part of the text- topic/idea/concept is presented(tone)
2. Exploration of ideas
1. Final remarks/stance of the writer on the topic/idea
Paper-2(Comparative Essay):

Non-Linear structure-talking about two texts simultaneously

1. Introduction
-Transition: Book, Author, audience, purpose is introduced.
Thesis statement(Argument, Techniques.
Unpack the key words in the Q, and stylistic/linguistic devices or conventions and
how will it impact on readers
Ex: UT-5 paper Question(Paper-2): Hosseini's and satrapi’s choices of a
bildungsroman and graphic novel exploring the issues of identity crisis, social
conflict through colour symbolism, imagery were greatly influenced by their lives,
experiences and their contexts.
Road map sentence within the introduction.

2. Body paragraph:
Topic sentence: Address an aspect of the thesis statement
Write about all the devices with examples
Para-1: Topic sentence, 1st argument,1st book similarity and 2nd book similarity
Evaluation-Conclusion-the effect of the text on the audience
Para-2: Differences-Wisdom statement
Reiterating the thesis
Last Summing up lines(Voice)
3. Conclusion:
Identify the major patterns
Reflection as a modern reader.

How to analyse and evaluate:

1. Presentation-Character/Identity of character
2. Evidence-Evidence/Reference
IO Format:

1. Global issue
2. Literary works: Persepolis, A StreetCar named desire, Margaret atwood
3. Body of wo\rks: Breadwinner(3 screenshots), liza donnely’s cartoons
4. Connect literary works and BOW with the global issue
10 points of the IO;
1. Introduction of Global Issue
2. Analysis
3. Analysis
4. Analysis
5. Conclusion
6. BOW Starts
7. Analysis
8. K
9. L
10. Connecting the literary text and BOW.
1st document brief
2nd document ten point
3rd document Extract document
Elemental juxta position

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