2018 UTM Strategic Deconfliction Final Report
2018 UTM Strategic Deconfliction Final Report
2018 UTM Strategic Deconfliction Final Report
Strategic Deconfliction:
System Requirements
Final Report
Joseph Rios
31 July 2018
UAS Traffic Management (UTM) Project
This file is a combination presentation and document.
Not all “slides” are optimized for on-screen presentation.
These slides DO NOT endeavor to provide generalized insight into UTM and are not intended to
do so. It is assumed the audience for these slides is familiar with UTM concepts. For good
introduction to UTM research, please see the initial NASA ConOps and the more recent FAA
ConOps on UTM.
These are system-level requirements presented at a high level. Detailed requirements will be
developed from this requirement set. Those more detailed requirements will be placed upon
specific systems within UTM, such as the USS or FIMS. Architectural decisions may also be
made based on this requirement set.
These slides are an important step in the formalization of UTM requirements including their
validation through collaborative review.
Since we are early in this process, some of the concept of operations and the requirements are
conflated, but this document should provide a clear picture of both aspects of the system
The requirements as listed on Slide 13 of this document were
presented to the NASA UTM Project collaborators. Then a survey was
developed to solicit specific responses to each requirement from the
collaborators. Those responses are the driver for the final set of
requirements listed in Slide 33.
2.7.10 Strategic conflict management is the first layer of conflict management and is
achieved through the airspace organization and management, demand and capacity
balancing and traffic synchronization components.
2.7.11 The term “strategic” is used here to mean “in advance of tactical”. This recognizes
that a continuum exists from the earliest planning of the user activity through to the
latest avoidance of the hazard. Strategic actions will normally occur prior to departure;
however, they are not limited to pre-departure, particularly in the case of longer duration
flights. Changes to the trajectory (whether at the request of the user or by the service
provider) will result in the selection of the best means of conflict management, which may
be strategic.
2.7.12 Strategic conflict management measures aim to reduce the need to apply the
second layer — separation provision — to an appropriate level as determined by the ATM
system design and operation. Important Note:
While ICAO allows for the possibility of strategic actions while airborne, this concept
simplifies to assume strategic is predeparture and everything after is tactical. This aids
the overall breakdown of services within UTM
Role of the Strategic Layer
Strategic conflict management (SCM) ICAO Conflict Management Layers
measures reduce the need to apply
separation provision and ultimately collision Strategic Conflict
avoidance. Management
Chance of
transition to next
“Strategic Deconfliction” is a proposed layer needs to be
reduced to some
mechanism to achieve this in UTM and is the target level (TBD)
Airborne Hazards
Strategic Deconfliction Service Dynamic Rerouting Service
Ground Hazards
or USS
Flight Notification Service Surveillance Service
Airborne Hazards
Strategic Deconfliction Service Dynamic Rerouting Service
Ground Hazards
or USS
Flight Notification Service Surveillance Service
UAS don’t hit each other UAS don’t hit manned traffic Actors are identifiable Common situational awareness Public safety ops have priority
● A UTM Operation should be free of 4-D
intersection with all other known UTM
Operations prior to departure and this
should be known as “Strategic Deconfliction”
within UTM.
this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]
when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in
particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be
understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
Note on “Strategic”
There were many comments (on individual requirements and in summary) that related to
the limitation of these requirements to pre-departure operations only. The distinction of
“strategic” to imply pre-departure operations is aligned with other organizations and aids
in decomposing the services within UTM with clear boundaries.
We understand the perspective that the requirements and concepts discussed in the
Strategic Deconfliction slides seemed equally applicable to en route traffic. To be more
specific, we see the applicability of these requirements to Dynamic Rerouting, which is a
Separation Provision service within UTM. This relationship will be manifest in the form of
lower level requirements for both Strategic Deconfliction and Dynamic Rerouting that
trace up to the requirements in these slides.
To better reflect this fact, these requirements are renamed to UTM-CM-xx with “CM”
implying “Conflict Management” of which SD and DR are a part.
UTM Strategic Deconfliction Concept of Operations & Requirements
Requirements as presented in the survey. Update based on the survey presented on Slide 33.
● A UTM Operation should be free of 4-D intersection with all other known UTM Operations prior to departure and this should
be known as “Strategic Deconfliction” within UTM. The Strategic Deconfliction scheme:
○ [UTM-SD.05] MUST have the 4-D non-intersection of operation plans as its primary objective.
○ [UTM-SD.10] MUST be transparent to operators.
○ [UTM-SD.15] MUST be supported by all USSs
○ [UTM-SD.20] MUST be mandated by the airspace regulator.
● Strategic Deconfliction needs a prioritization scheme for operations within UTM. The Prioritization scheme:
○ [UTM-SD.25] MUST allow for preemption of operations with lower priority by those with higher priority
○ [UTM-SD.30] MUST be deterministic.
○ [UTM-SD.35] MUST be efficiently calculable by USSs.
○ [UTM-SD.37] MUST be unilaterally calculable by USSs.
○ [UTM-SD.40] SHOULD be a function of operator, operation, airspace, and vehicle parameters.
● Strategic Deconfliction needs an allowance for negotiating deconfliction of UTM operations. The Negotiation scheme:
○ [UTM-SD.45] SHOULD minimize or eliminate direct human interaction.
○ [UTM-SD.50] MUST be facilitated via USSs.
○ [UTM-SD.55] MUST be a finite process.
● Strategic Deconfliction needs an allowance for intersecting UTM operations. Intersecting operators, via their USSs,:
○ [UTM-SD.60] MUST have preceded the decision to intersect with a negotiation process.
○ [UTM-SD.65] MUST each provide explicit acknowledgement to each other of the planned intersection of operation
volumes when intersection is mutually decided.
○ [UTM-SD.70] MUST each provide details to each other on the approach to a separation provision while in
intersection operation volumes when intersection is mutually decided.
○ [UTM-SD.75] MUST provide acknowledgement of responsibility and risk related to operation volume intersection
whenever intersection is unilaterally decided by that operator.
Note: Requirement labels likely to change during harmonization with other documentation. Labels to be only considered for consistency within this document.
Survey Results Overview
This document will be considered the final report for the survey results. The data and analysis should be
considered preliminary and is only provided to give insight to the process as early as possible. The
requirements themselves will be cataloged with other UTM System requirements and presented by NASA
to the FAA as part of our RTT process some time in the future.
We provide a single breakout of a key group: USS Implementers. Each of the six USS implementers were
represented by a single respondent. NASA did not verify that the respondent was authorized to speak
on behalf of their organization, but NASA was familiar with each respondent and felt their responses
were indicative of their organization.
NASA feels that on the issues related to the strategic time horizon as well as other aspects of the future
UTM System, that those that have built USSs have key insights. In addition, all of these USS
Implementers have had operations flown against their systems in NASA flight tests. The breakout is
provided as a pie graph superimposed on the bar graph. The green area captures the “positive”
responses with a value of 4 or greater.
Results slide example
The next slide is an example of how the results are presented on a
per-requirement basis in the slides that follow.
[ORIGINAL REQUIREMENT LABEL] As-presented requirement Text.
[UTM-CM.05] The Strategic Deconfliction scheme MUST have the 4-D non-intersection
of operations as its primary objective.
[UTM-SD.10] The Strategic Deconfliction scheme MUST be transparent to operators.
[UTM-CM.25] The Prioritization scheme MUST allow for preemption of operations with
lower priority by those with higher priority.
[UTM-SD.30] The Prioritization scheme MUST be deterministic.
[UTM-CM.60] Intersecting operators, via their USSs, MUST have preceded the decision
to intersect with a negotiation process.
[UTM-SD.65] Intersecting operators, via their USSs, MUST each provide explicit acknowledgement to
each other of the planned intersection of operation volumes when intersection is mutually decided.
[UTM-CM.65] Intersecting operators, via their USSs, MUST each provide explicit acknowledgement to
each other of the planned intersection of operation volumes when intersection is mutually decided.
[UTM-SD.70] Intersecting operators, via their USSs, MUST each provide details to each other on the
approach to a separation provision while in intersection operation volumes when intersection is
mutually decided.
[UTM-CM.70] Intersecting operators, via their USSs, MUST each provide details to each other on the
approach to a separation provision while in intersecting operation volumes when intersection is
mutually decided.
[UTM-SD.75] Intersecting operators, via their USSs, MUST provide acknowledgement of responsibility
and risk related to operation volume intersection whenever intersection is unilaterally decided by
that operator.
● A UTM Operation should be free of 4-D intersection with all other known UTM Operations prior to departure and this should be
known as “Strategic Deconfliction” within UTM. The Strategic Deconfliction scheme:
○ [UTM-CM.05] MUST have the 4-D non-intersection of operations as its primary objective.
○ [UTM-CM.10] MUST be well-documented for the understanding of operators.
○ [UTM-CM.12] MUST allow for inspection of decisions by operators upon request from operators to their supporting USS.
○ [UTM-CM.15] MUST be supported by all USSs
○ [UTM-CM.20] MUST be mandated by the airspace regulator.
● Strategic Deconfliction needs a prioritization scheme for operations within UTM. The Prioritization scheme:
○ [UTM-CM.25] MUST allow for preemption of operations with lower priority by those with higher priority.
○ [UTM-CM.30] MUST be equivalently calculable by each USS given the same operation data.
○ [UTM-CM.35] MUST be efficiently calculable by each USS given the same operation data.
○ [UTM-CM.37] MUST be independently calculable by USSs given the same operation data.
○ [UTM-CM.40] SHOULD be a function of operator, operation, airspace, and vehicle parameters.
● Strategic Deconfliction needs an allowance for negotiating deconfliction of UTM operations. The Negotiation scheme:
○ [UTM-CM.45] MUST minimize direct human interaction.
○ [UTM-CM.50] MUST be facilitated via USSs.
○ [UTM-CM.55] MUST be a finite process.
● Strategic Deconfliction needs an allowance for intersecting UTM operations. Intersecting operators, via their USSs,:
○ [UTM-CM.60] MUST have preceded the decision to intersect with a negotiation process.
○ [UTM-CM.65] MUST each provide explicit acknowledgement to each other of the planned intersection of operation
volumes when intersection is mutually decided.
○ [UTM-CM.70] MUST each provide details to each other on the approach to a separation provision while in intersecting
operation volumes when intersection is mutually decided.
Note: Requirement labels likely to change during harmonization with other documentation. Labels to be only considered for consistency within this document.
This document provides an overview of requirements developed
through a survey-based approach with stakeholders. These potential
requirements for a future operational system help define a Strategic
Deconfliction Service for UTM. From the NASA UTM Project
perspective, Strategic Deconfliction is a key layer in the conflict
management model for UTM and a core service that will be provided
by all USSs in the future UTM System.