Bornean Banteng Action Plan

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The compilation and editing process of this Bornean Banteng

Action Plan was led by the Director of Sabah Wildlife Department
and supported by the Species Action Plan Committee Members.
Published by
Sabah Wildlife Department
5th Floor, Block B, Wisma MUIS Complex
88100 Kota Kinabalu

With assistance from

Danau Girang Field Centre

And funding from

Yayasan Sime Darby

December 2018
Citation: Sabah Wildlife Department 2019. Bornean Banteng
Action Plan for Sabah 2019-2028. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,

Front cover photo:  Danau Girang Field Centre/Sabah Wildlife


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
copyright owner.

ISBN: 978-967-16787-1-8

Printed in Kota Kinabalu


The goal of this Bornean Banteng Action Plan 2018-2027 is to provide

direction and guidance on the strategies, priorities and actions for
banteng conservation at the state level for the period 2019-2028 (10
years). The objective of the Action Plan is to promote the safeguarding
of sufficient habitat with adequate carrying capacity, the increase of the
banteng population by approximately 10% by 2028 and the long-term
survival of the four banteng regional management units. This
document results from an extensive consultation process initiated
during the “Population and Habitat Viability Assessment Workshop”
(Kota Kinabalu, 27-29 November 2017) and “International Workshop
on Bornean Banteng Conservation in Sabah” (Kota Kinabalu, 30
November-1 December 2017).

Bantengs were estimated to number between 300-500 in 1982 but

were thought to have declined to <300 individuals by 1997. Following a
state-wide survey between 2011-2016 by DGFC, localized extinctions
have occurred in a number of areas where they were once common,
owing to land conversion to oil palm plantations. The present-day
population size is estimated at a minimum of 326 individuals, but a
number of locations (i.e. Kulamba Wildlife Reserve, Kalabakan FR,
Imbak Canyon Conservation Area) were not surveyed. Key banteng
populations can be broadly classified into four distinct subpopulations
or regional management units, representing the north (Paitan-Sugut),
east (Kulamba-Tabin), central (Central Forest) and west (Sipitang) of

In Sabah, Bornean banteng decline is directly attributed to hunting and

indirect snaring, habitat loss (including pastures) and fragmentation
leading to a reduction of gene flow, road development (Pan Borneo
Highway) and hybridisation with domestic cattle.

The 10-year goals of this BBAP are to identify, develop and implement
strategies and actions that will address the threats of the species in all
management units that have been identified in Sabah by providing
guidance to key players that will implement these strategies.

The main objectives of this BBAP are the following:
1. Increase enforcement by supporting and strengthening Sabah
Forestry Department‟s enforcement team „Protect‟ and the
„Forest Ranger‟ initiative, Sabah Wildlife Department‟s
“Enforcement team‟ and the „Honorary Wildlife Warden‟
initiative, and Sabah Parks‟ „Enforcement team‟ and the „Park
Ranger‟ initiative.
2. Establish SMART patrols across all Bornean banteng regional
management units and standardise the reporting system and
the data base (real time monitoring).
3. Ensure that a specific enforcement plan is included in all
Sustainable Forest Management Licence Agreements to make
sure that patrolling is carried out regularly and there is an
annual work plan and a budget to implement the activities.
4. Set up a Bornean banteng captive breeding programme in
5. Cryopreserve Bornean banteng gametes.
6. Any area with presence of bantengs must be managed
sustainably by developing and maintaining pastures within and
near the home ranges of the existing herds.
7. Establish and maintain landscape connectivity throughout the
range of the Bornean banteng, and especially within Central
Forest management unit, between Tabin and Kulamba Wildlife
Reserves and between Paitan and Sugut Forest Reserves.
8. Monitor population changes for the duration of the plan.
9. Carry out a risk assessment of the presence of domestic cattle
and potential hybrids within and around protected areas
(Kalabakan Forest Reserve, Tabin and Kulamba Wildlife
10. Improve awareness about Bornean banteng in the vicinity of
protected areas.
11. Set up an Endangered Species Conservation Unit (ESCU) to
monitor the implementation of all action plans on totally
protected (Schedule 1) terrestrial species in Sabah: banteng,
elephant, Malayan sun bear, orangutan, proboscis monkey,
Sunda clouded leopard and Sunda pangolin.


1.1 Origin and taxonomy 1
1.2 Legal status and legislation 3
1.3 Ecology and behaviour 3
1.4 Population genetics 11
1.5 Current distribution and population trends 13
1.6 Major threats 19


2.1 Sipitang 24
2.2 Paitan and Sugut 25
2.3 Central Forest 27
2.4 Tabin and Kulamba 28








1.1. Origin and taxonomy

Three subspecies of bantengs (Bos javanicus) are widely recognized

and this is based on phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA and
inferences of their evolutionary history: the Burma or Burmese banteng
(B. j. birmanicus) in mainland Southeast Asia, the Java banteng (B. j.
javanicus) in Java, and the Bornean banteng (B. j. lowi) which is
endemic to the island of Borneo (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The world-wide distribution of banteng subspecies: Burma or

Burmese banteng (B. j. birmanicus: blue circle), Java banteng (B. j.
javanicus: green circle), and the Bornean banteng (B. j. lowi; red circle)
(Gardner et al. 2016).

The banteng is likely to be a monophyletic species that dispersed

across the Sunda shelf (land bridges) connecting the Malayan and
Indo-Malayan sub-region during the last glacial period (maximum
22,00-19,000 years ago) (Yokoyama et al. 2000). Prehistoric cave
paintings in Kalimantan (Indonesia) that date >10,000 years old depict
zoomorphic figures, including one animal which is thought to be the

Bornean banteng (Chazine 2005). Bone fragments of wild cattle,
believed to be bantengs, were also found in a cave in Sarawak and
were dated to the late-Pleistocene period (Medway 1964), suggesting
that the Bornean banteng naturally occurs in Borneo. Phylogenetic
reconstruction of bantengs by Matsubayashi et al. (2014), Ishige et al.
(2015) and Gardner (2015) indicates that the Bornean banteng is most
closely related to the wild Indian bison or gaur (Bos gaurus). This
evidence amplifies the importance of conserving the Bornean banteng
separately to other banteng subspecies. The Bornean banteng is
morphologically similar to gaur, having starkly white lower legs or
stockings with a muscular compact body, however Bornean banteng
are smaller in stature than the gaur, they have white buttocks, and a
smaller less-pronounced hump between the shoulders (Gardner 2015).
Subtle pelage differences are also evident between the three banteng
subspecies: B. j. javanicus, B. j. birmanicus and B. j. lowi (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Photographs of bantengs bulls of the three subspecies with

subtle variations in pelage colour and body size: Top left: The Bornean

banteng (B. j. lowi) with very dark pelage colouration and a stout
compact body size, photographed in Deramakot Forest Reserve in the
Malaysian state of Sabah as part of this study (©Bornean Banteng
Programme/DGFC). Top right: A banteng bull in Thailand (B. j.
birmanicus) with a brown pelage and heavy-set facial features (©D.
Kohn). Bottom: A herd of Java bantengs (B. j. javanicus) photographed
on the Indonesian island of Java with the bulls evident by their dark
brown/black pelage colour. The facial structure of the Java bantengs
shows subtle differences in their elongated facial structure (©S.

1.2. Legal status and legislation

In accordance with the International Union for Conservation of Nature

and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of threatened species, the
banteng is classified as „Endangered‟ due to their collective small
population size and declining trend across their distribution (Gardner et
al. 2016). Under the Sabah Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997, the
banteng is listed in Schedule 1 as „Totally Protected‟ therefore no
hunting is permitted. The possession of a live wild banteng, or of
banteng meat or body parts carries a penalty of 50,000RM or
imprisonment for five years, or both. Despite repeated evidence of
banteng hunting (carcasses, police report, photographic evidence, and
first account accounts by government staff) as recently as November
2017, no convictions have been made to-date.

1.3. Ecology and behaviour

1.3.1. Behaviour and activity patterns

Bantengs are shy and cryptic in habit, making them difficult to detect in
the forest, and seldom seen directly. They are negatively affected by
logging activity, retreating to undisturbed forest and sometimes pushed
into higher elevations (e.g. Sipitang Forest Reserve), which are left
unlogged due to the unfavourable slope (Timmins et al. 2008). Daily
vehicle movement induces withdrawal into the forest (P. Gardner pers.
obs.), and heavy vehicles induce a nocturnal habit (Payne et al. 1985).
Since the completion of Maliau Basin Field Studies Centre, banteng
observations along the main access road have declined, and bantengs
are no longer directly observed at close range in Belian camp
(Figure 3).

Figure 3. Mature banteng bull observed at close range and
photographed using a handheld camera at Belian Camp in Maliau
Basin Conservation Area in 2005. Nowadays, bantengs are not directly
observed in Belian camp, and a lack of evidence (tracks and dung)
during a survey conducted in 2012 by DGFC suggests they now avoid
this area, probably due to increased human activity. ©Simon Amos.

Bornean bantengs do not exhibit a strong preference for any one diel
period (Gardner et al. 2018), however this may be due to the
occurrence and disparity in anthropogenic disturbances within each
forest that may either suppress natural activity patterns or confound
the daylight-activity relationship. It is worth noting that almost all
banteng habitat in Sabah has now been logged over. In degraded
secondary forest with limited regeneration (~6-17 years of regrowth),
bantengs decreased activity after sunrise and during high ambient
temperatures. Consequently, they maximized energy intake during the
morning and evening by exploiting degraded open areas that were
abundant in pioneer forage. In forest with a longer regeneration period
(~23 years), bantengs were active throughout the day, but switched
from using open degraded areas to a closed canopy when ambient
temperatures were high. Dense forest is essential for bantengs in
Sabah; it provides shade, which reduces core-body temperatures and

prevents heat-stress, and it also provides refuge from legal and illegal
anthropogenic activities (timber harvest and hunting, respectively).

1.3.2. Foraging preferences

Pioneer plants growing along unsealed roads and in open areas are a
strong draw for bantengs, and they will emerge to feed when
disturbances are minimal and, generally, when temperatures are
lower. As an example, in 2012-2013, a small herd of bantengs were
recorded on multiple occasions foraging within scrubland that was in
close proximity to the Kalabakan-Keningau highway, which was
frequently used by vehicles during the day (P. Gardner pers. obs.).
Since this time, this road has been sealed with asphalt and it is
unknown if the bantengs returned to this site subsequent to the

In general, during the early stages of forest regeneration, bantengs

graze extensively in secluded open-canopy locations created by timber
harvesting machinery, such as abandoned logging roads and old
stumping grounds. In these areas the plant diversity was found to be
lower, however the abundance of desirable fast-growing pioneer plant
species was thought to be greater (Ridge 2014). This availability is
highly attractive to the bantengs, and they spend a greater proportion
of time foraging in open canopy areas (Ridge 2014).

1.3.3. Body condition

The effects of timber harvesting (in the context of the structural
changes to plants, the opening up of the canopy, the soil compaction
and creation of road networks, and the prevailing regeneration of the
plant community) upon bantengs are evident in their body condition
(Figure 4); bantengs occupying recently harvested (RIL) forest have a
higher body condition score (greater fat), however these scores
decline as the forest regenerates (Prosser et al. 2016).

Figure 4. The post-logging conditions affect banteng body condition.
(top) A mature bull in poor condition with little body fat, and (bottom) a
different bull of similar age but in good condition with greater fat
coverage. ©DGFC/SWD

Banteng occupying conventionally logged forest had lower body
condition scores, and there was only a gradual increase in scores over
many years of regeneration (Prosser et al. 2016). Aside from
malnutrition, bantengs with injuries have been recorded across Sabah
(Figure 5), ranging from broken poles/horns, punctures, lacerations,
eye damage, possible dislocation, and a banteng with a hoof missing
that was almost certainly a consequence of being caught in a snare.

Figure 5. Injuries sustained by banteng across Sabah: (top left)

puncture wound, (top right) eye injury or loss of eye, (bottom left)
possible dislocation or break in right foreleg, (bottom right) tears in
ears. ©DGFC/SWD

1.3.4. Diet
A high diversity of plants (48 species) have been identified at banteng
foraging sites within logged forests, including grasses, shrubs, herbs
and tree seedlings, however bantengs were only recorded consuming
eight species (Figure 6) from five plant families (Gardner et al. n.d.).
Namely, Asteraceae family (Mikania cordata, Chromolaena odorata,
Cyperus difformis), Cyperaceae family (Fimbristylis littoralis, Scleria
sp.), Leguminaseae family (Dismodium triflorium), Poaceae family
(Eleusine indica), and Selaginellaceae family (Selaginel sp.). Bantengs

may also forage upon wild fruits such as guava, which can be found in
Maliau Basin Conservation Area and Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve,
and bamboo (Gardner et al. 2014), which was observed within Sipitang
Forest Reserve, Paitan Forest Reserve and Tabin Wildlife Reserve (P.
Gardner pers. obs.).

Figure 6. Banteng diet consists of various flora, such as (top left-right)

Mikania cordata, Chromolaena odorata, Cyperus difformis, (middle left-
right) Fimbristlis littoralis, Scleria spps, Disodium triflorium, (bottom
left-right) Eleusine indica, Selaginel spps (Gardner et al. n.d.) and a
juvenile male banteng foraging in Malua Forest Reserve. Plant images
©S. Ridge. Banteng ©DGFC/SWD

1.3.5. Sodium
Sodium is an additional important component of the bantengs‟ diet but
is naturally low in prevalence within tropical forests. Bantengs are
frequent visitors to natural sodium deposits in Sabah (Davies and
Payne 1982) including Deramakot Forest Reserve (Matsubayashi et al.
2007), and are known to perform geophagy, which is the ingestion of
sodium-rich soil (Phillips n.d.). Bantengs were reported to occur within
beach forest in Kulamba Wildlife Sanctuary, where they licked the
ground to take-up salt (Timmins et al. 2008). A study of diet
supplements in 2015-2016 found that bantengs exploit artificial mineral
blocks and loose salt deposits on a regularly basis in Segaliud-Lokan
Forest Reserve (Figure 7), but less frequently in Deramakot Forest
Reserve and Paitan Forest Reserve (Phillips n.d.). Bantengs were also
recorded at the site of an artificial mineral block in Trusan Sugut Forest
Reserve by Phillips (n.d.) but were not observed licking the block itself.
Bantengs are known to visit both naturally-occurring mineral deposits
and artificial loose-salt deposits in Malua Forest Reserve (P. Gardner
pers. obs.).

Figure 7. Bantengs visiting an artificial mineral block in Segaliud-Lokan
Forest Reserve in 2015 that was established as part of a study
comparing diet supplements by Phillips (n.d.). ©DGFC/SWD

1.3.6. Herd demography

From a study of six forest reserves in Sabah, banteng herd sizes were
found to range between 1-21 individuals, which differs from 5-40
banteng previously observed in Sabah by Davies and Payne (1982),
suggesting a decline in herd size over time (Journeaux et al. 2018).
Herd sizes are smaller as the proximity to the forest boundary
decreases and also when the banteng population is in decline
(Journeaux et al. 2018). Movement across forest boundaries was
identified between Malua and Kuamut Forest Reserves, which support
large populations, and indicates that substantial and continuous forest
patches are important and required for larger herds to form (Journeaux
et al. 2018). The composition of herds, when stratified according to the
gender of individuals, varied between forests (Table 1); predominate
herd compositions were: solitary male in Tabin, mixed in Malua, mixed
and solitary male in Maliau, solitary male in Sipitang and Sapulut, and
mixed in Kuamut (Journeaux et al. 2018).

Table 1: Percentage encounter rates of herds according to gender and

stratified according to forest reserve from a survey conducted in 2014-
2015 by Journeaux et al. (2018).
% Encounter rate of banteng herds

Sex/Age Tabin Malua Maliau Basin Sipitang Sapulut Kuamut

combination Wildlife Forest Conservation Forest Forest Forest
Reserve Reserve Area Buffer Reserve Reserv Reserve
Zones e

All Male 3 4 2 2 0 21
All Female 0 3 5 24 0 4
Mixed 26 48 34 16 22 30
Mixed + Calf 3 18 13 3 28 13
Female + Calf 11 2 2 3 0 1
Solitary Male 51 17 34 37 47 27
Solitary Female 6 8 10 15 3 4

1.4. Population genetics

Tissue samples for molecular analysis are difficult to collect owing to

the cryptic nature of the banteng and the difficulty in locating samples
from other sources (e.g. illegally-hunted carcasses). Instead, mtDNA
markers have been applied to faecal DNA, and sequences of 1,368bp
spanning the cyt-b gene, tRNA and the control region/D-Loop revealed
that the population in Tabin, Malua and Maliau contained at least 6
distinct haplotypes (Gardner 2015). This work was expanded and,
between the years 2012-2016, a larger number of faecal samples were
collected from other forests (Sugut, Sapulut, Segaliud-Lokan,
Deramakot, Tangkulap and Paitan, and also Felda Kalabakan oil palm
plantation) by DGFC. Combined, the preliminary analysis by Sabah
Wildlife Department‟s Wildlife Health, Forensic and Genetic Laboratory
indicates a total of 20 haplotypes (Figure 8); 17 are thought to be of
true wild descent, with some unique haplotypes partitioned in the
north, east and central regions of Sabah, suggesting geographical
barriers may have restricted gene-flow and movement in these areas.
Three haplotypes form their own distant cluster and are suspected to
be banteng-Bali cattle hybrids that are feral along the boundary of
mangrove/Felda Kalabakan oil palm plantation (Figure 9). The
Bornean subspecies of banteng is more closely related to the Indian
bison/gaur (B. gaurus) than it is to the Java (B. j. javanicus) or
mainland (B. j. birmanicus) banteng (Matsubayashi et al. 2014,
Gardner 2015). This work is currently in-progress and further effort is
being made to substantiate the clustering of haplotypes and to confirm
the phylogenetic relationships with other bovid species.

Figure 8. Haplotype network and haplotype frequencies according to
the location of their origin, created by Nur Alwanie Binti Maruji and
Milena Salgado Lynn.

Figure 9. Suspected hybrid banteng-Bali cattle occupying the fringes of
Ladang Felda Kalabakan Oil Palm Plantation. ©Hong Ye Lim

1.5. Current distribution and population trends

Bantengs were estimated to number between 300-500 in 1982 (Davies

and Payne 1982), but were thought to have declined to <300
individuals by 1997 (Boonratana 1997). Following a state-wide survey
between 2011-2016 by DGFC, localized extinctions have occurred in a
number of areas where they were once common (i.e. Lower
Kinabatangan, Sukau, Bonggaya, and the Dent Peninsular), owing to
land conversion to oil palm plantations (P. Gardner pers. obs.). The
present-day population size is estimated at 326 individuals (Table 2),
but a number of locations were not surveyed; bantengs may still
persist in those locations, therefore their population sizes remain

Table 2: Known locations of bantengs throughout Sabah and the
estimated present-day population sizes. *Confirmed by other sources
in previous years, namely researchers, government departments and
expeditions, and population sizes unknown.

Location Confirmed number
Tabin Wildlife Reserve Yes 52
Dent peninsular (Lahad Datu) No 0
Malua Forest Reserve Yes 36
Danum Valley Conservation Area Yes *
Maliau Basin Conservation Area Buffer Zones
Yes 40
I & II
Sipitang Forest Reserve Yes 33
Sapulut Forest Reserve Yes 16
Kuamut Forest Reserve Yes 30
Deramakot Forest Reserve Yes 22
Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve Yes 46
Tangkulap Forest Reserve Yes 17
Kalabakan Forest Reserve Yes *
Sungai Pinangah Forest Reserve Yes *
Trusan Sugut Forest Reserve Yes 2
Sugut Forest Reserve & Mamahat Forest
Yes 15

Paitan Forest Reserve (Pre-2016 & post-2016 Yes 18

Paitan boundary)

State land southeast of Paitan FR (previously Yes unknown

classified as Paitan FR prior to 2016).
Ulu-Tungud Forest Reserve (also known as
No 0
Tunkut FR)
Silabukan Forest Reserve
No 0

Kulamba Wildlife Reserve Yes *

Ulu Segama Forest Reserve Yes *

Kabili Sepilok FR No 0
Sukau and Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary No 0
Upper reaches of Kinabatangan river No unknown
Lower reaches of River Segama and River
No 0
Ulu Kalumpang Forest Reserve Yes *
Malubuk FR No unknown
Tawau Hills Park No unknown
Kinabalu Park No 0
region as
Upper reaches of River Padas Yes
Tanjung Linsang proposed reserve No unknown

In comparison to prior surveys of bantengs by Davies and Payne

(1982) and Boonratana (1997), the distribution of bantengs has
retracted and they now largely exist in protected forest reserves,
commercial forests, wildlife reserves, and a small area of unprotected
land (including natural forest, native rights areas and scrubland
adjacent to natural forests). Refer to Figure 10 for the distribution of
bantengs from 1978 to 2016. No evidence of (wild, non-hybridized)
bantengs was found in oil palm plantations or nipah palm forest.
Bantengs did occur in transition zones where the vegetation structure
changed from mangrove and freshwater swamp to lowland dipterocarp
forest (i.e. east Tabin). Using a mark-resight model with capture
histories of identified (recognized using natural marks) and unidentified
individuals, density was estimated at 4.39 (CI = 4.39-4.39) individuals
per km2 for Malua Forest Reserve, and between 0.2-0.6 (CI = 0.07-
0.56) individuals per km2 for Tabin Wildlife Reserve (Gardner et al.

Figure 10. The distribution of bantengs across the state of Sabah from
1978 to 1982 (top, left to right), re-projected from Davies and Payne
(1982), in 2010 using data from Boonratana (1997) and Hedges (n.d.),
and in 2016 using data collected during the Yayasan Sime Darby
state-wide survey of banteng conducted by DGFC. Created by P.
Gardner in ArcGIS version 10.1 by ESRI using spatial data from the
SFD and Natural Earth.

Using camera trap data, Lim et al. (in press) modelled the distribution
of bantengs across the state to estimate suitable and unsuitable
habitat for the banteng (Figure 11), and potential ecological linkages
for restoration to reconnect core suitable habitat (Figure 12).

Figure 11: Suitable banteng habitat estimated using species
distribution modelling (in MaxEnt) of camera trap data obtained
between 2011-2016 (Lim et al. in press).

A total of 11,328 km2 core suitable habitat was identified from a total
area of 72,025 km2, and over half (55%) of this comprised Production
Forest Reserves or commercial forest (Lim et al. in press). Soil
association, distance to intact and logged forests, distance to asphalt
and gravel roads, and distance to oil palm plantations were the most
influential spatial predictors of banteng distribution, and the probability
of banteng occurrence declined as the distance to oil palm plantations
increased (Lim et al. in press).

Figure 12: Estimation of ecological linkages across Sabah, with the
locations of 12 least-cost pathways connecting core suitable banteng
habitat (Lim et al. in press).

Key banteng populations can be broadly classified into four distinct

subpopulations, representing the north, east, central and west of
Sabah (Figure 13). The central subpopulation occupies the largest
forest patch in Sabah which consists of different forest management
units (Lim et al. in press).

Figure 13. Map of the four banteng subpopulations with the location of
the banteng populations (including a 5km buffer) recorded between
2011-2016 by DGFC, created by P. Gardner using ArcGIS version 10.1
by ESRI with spatial data from SFD and Google Earth.

1.6. Major threats

1.6.1. Poaching/hunting and illegal killing

Hunting using firearms is a major threat to bantengs across the state of
Sabah, having been repeatedly stated since 1982 (see Davies and
Payne 1982, Boonratana 1997). They are viewed, by some, as a
desirable target and trophy for sport hunting, and are a valuable
bushmeat commodity for personal consumption and for celebrations
(e.g. weddings). There is evidence that Bornean banteng meat is also
sold by Sabah hunters to customers in Peninsular Malaysia (SFD,
pers. comm.). Although unsubstantiated, their horns are thought to
contain healing properties. Over recent years, photographs of hunters
with banteng carcasses have emerged from near Imbak Canyon,
Sipitang, Tabin, Maliau Basin Conservation Area and Ulu-Segama
(Figure 14) but there is scarcely any reprisal. The actual number of
bantengs killed through hunting is thought to be high, and without
accurate data it is difficult to document their declining trend.

Snares are also of concern, as bantengs are caught as bycatch and
suffer horrific wounds and potentially fatal wounds as a consequence
and, unlike other mammals, it is near impossible to catch individuals to
untangle snares caught around their legs. Snare wounds have been
identified in commercial forest reserves in the north (Sugut Forest
Reserve) and central (Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve) regions of
Sabah using camera traps (Figure 14).

Figure 14. (top) Newspaper article in 2015 documenting photographs

of hunters with banteng carcasses from Ulu-Segama. (bottom) Snare
wounds on banteng caught on camera trap: (left) a snare still secured
around the hoof of a cow in Sugut Forest Reserve in 2016, and (right)
a bull with a missing hoof almost certainly due to a snare in Segaliud-
Lokan Forest Reserve in 2015. ©DGFC/SWD

1.6.2. Habitat loss and related fragmentation and degradation
Clear-felling and loss of habitat to permanent agriculture is a serious
and ongoing threat (Gardner et al. 2016). Many forests in Sabah were
upgraded to Class I Protection Forest in 2016, however they were
already highly degraded by extensive removal of timber, compaction of
soil leading to erosion and sedimentation of rivers, and loss of canopy
cover along newly opened logging roads and stumping grounds. For
forests that are Class II Commercial Forest, repeated interval logging
causes disturbance, displacement and stress, potentially influencing
breeding of bantengs (Gardner et al. 2016). Due to forest clearance to
oil palm and other human land uses, much of the lowland dipterocarp
forests in Sabah have been lost, clearing what was once likely to be
banteng habitat (Lim et al. in press). The present-day distribution of oil
palm plantations is a barrier to dispersal (Lim et al. in press); as
bantengs do not enter this land-use type, they are confined to forest
fragments where they are isolated. In order to prevent isolation of
populations, three potential ecological linkages were identified to
reconnect banteng habitat: 1) the southern tip of Trus Madi, Sungai
Pinangah, and Gunung Rara Forest Reserves, and Maliau Basin
Conservation Area, 2) the eastern part of Trus Madi, Tawai, Sungai
Talibu, and Tangkulap Forest Reserves, and 3) Deramakot and
Kuamut Forest Reserves, crossing Kinabatangan River (Lim et al. in
press). In addition, banteng herds in Kulamba and Tabin are closest to
each other and a corridor between them is necessary (Lim et al. in

1.6.3. Other emerging threats Hybridization with and disease transmission from

domestic cattle
Hybridization with domestic cattle (Bos indicus) has possibly occurred
in the past following the introduction of cows at logging camps. Whilst
no obvious hybrids have been detected within forest reserves during a
state-wide survey of banteng, without insight at the molecular level it is
difficult to detect if hybrids persist in the wild. One confirmed feral
hybrid banteng-Bali cattle population persists in the southeast of
Sabah, within Felda Kalabakan oil palm plantation in that borders
mangrove forest. Preliminary analysis on their molecular structure by
Sabah Wildlife Department‟s Wildlife Health, Forensic and Genetic
Laboratory has revealed three haplotypes which are distinct from wild
banteng and share commonalities with domestic cattle. We also have

to consider the possibility of disease transmission from livestock to wild
banteng. Road development

Sealed asphalt highways that intersect forest (e.g. Maliau/Sapulut and
Paitan/Sugut) and unsealed gravel roads that traverse forest (e.g.
Sapulut) fragment banteng habitat and reduce the probability of
banteng occurrence (Lim et al. in press). Bantengs do forage along
abandoned logging roads and in internal openings created by logging
(Prosser et al. 2016, Journeaux et al. 2018, Gardner et al. 2018) but
the presence of this infrastructure allows poachers to access remote
parts of forests by foot, motorcycle, and 4-wheel drive unnoticed (Lim
et al. in press). Lack of knowledge and awareness

Bantengs are one of the lesser-known endemic species of Borneo.
Locally, they are more widely recognized as a source of bushmeat
than for their intrinsic biological value. There is a general
preconception that the population size is still large and therefore are
not thought of as an endangered species which is in need of
conservation. Their inclusion in educational programs is, at present,
limited. Reduction of gene flow

The barriers created by monoculture plantations: oil palm (Elaeis
guineensis), rubber (Ficus elastica) and commercial timber across the
Sabah landscape, particularly in lowland areas, almost certainly inhibit
gene flow between isolated banteng populations. The removal or loss
of individuals within a declining and isolated population will also
compromise their ability to meet and breed. Together, these factors will
increase the probability of an inbreeding depression and accelerate the
loss of genetic diversity, therefore increasing the risk of extinction (Lim
et al. in press). Geothermal project, gold mining, hydroelectric dam

An EIA submitted in 2010 by Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd detailed the
proposed flooding of primary forest along Sungai Padas, within
Sipitang forest (P14, P7, P8, P20, P21) and the construction of a
hydroelectric dam to power nearby communities. There was limited
acknowledgement of the impact upon banteng within this area. The
following text is taken from the EIA for “The proposed Upper Padas
Hydroelectric project, Sabah: “Earlier reports from particularly the

WWF that there should be some Tembadaus (Banteng, Bos javanicus)
in the Ketanun area cannot be confirmed from field observations.
Workers and villagers in the area do, however, report that Tembadau
occasionally is seen. The Wildlife Department has confirmed this but is
of the opinion that it may be a few roaming individuals rather than an
actual population”. The location of this dam will, in effect, fragment
banteng habitat, creating an obstacle for banteng in Sipitang Forest
Reserve, which will prevent them from moving across the landscape
between primary forest in P8 and P21 to secondary forest in P7, P14,
P19 and P20.


2.1. Sipitang

Sipitang Forest Reserve, including Ulu Sungai Padas Forest Reserve,

is situated on the west coast of Sabah and is managed primarily as an
industrial tree plantation (Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia sps) but also
contain areas managed as natural forest. The industrial and natural
managed forest areas span 2,881.38 km2 and the licenses are held by
Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) Sdn Bhd (Avantha Group) until 2095
(Sabah Forest Industries 2011).

Figure 15. Location of the banteng population (including a 5-km buffer)

within Sipitang Forest Reserve, recorded in 2013-2014 by DGFC,
created by P. Gardner using ArcGIS version 10.1 by ESRI with spatial
data from SFD and Google Earth.

Bantengs in Sipitang Forest Reserve are thought to number
approximately 42 individuals: 12 bulls, 15 cows, six calves and a
further nine unknown individuals (Gardner and Goossens
unpublished). They were found occupying forest at 11598 m a.s.l,
which is the highest known elevation for bantengs in Sabah. In light of
this and due to the sheer size of this forest, there remains considerable
potential for further banteng surveys to explore the presence of
populations in other areas of Sipitang. The banteng population was
confirmed in the central region of Sipitang within scrubland, natural
forest and in mature ITP close to natural forest (Figure 15). On the rare
occasion, their signs (dung) were seen by SFI contractors across the
main unsealed road that divides the reserve. The bantengs here have
access and probably utilize primary forest and are probably one of the
last populations that are able to do so. Bantengs were previously
recorded close to the Sarawak border (Davies and Payne 1982)
however no sightings or signs were detected on this survey. Bantengs
may still persist in Ulu Sungai Padas Forest Reserve, which is located
in the south-western tip of Sabah, south of Sipitang, Maligan and
Gunung Lumaku, and is still an area of high biodiversity.

2.2. Paitan and Sugut

Known bantengs in the north of Sabah are divided into two distinct
areas, Sugut (Trusan Sugut Forest Reserve, Sugut Forest Reserve
and Mamahat Forest Reserve) and Paitan Forest Reserves (Figure
16). Both areas are predominantly commercial forests, managed by
Asian Forestry Company/Forest Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Eco-
Plantations Sdn Bhd, and contain ITP (rubber plantation in Paitan), oil
palm in Sugut, and natural forest that is logged over. The forest
degradation in Sugut and Mamahat is particularly severe and would
benefit greatly from restoration and replanting.

Figure 16. Location of the banteng population (including a 5-km buffer)
in the north of Sabah within Sugut and Paitan, recorded by DGFC in
2016, created by P. Gardner using ArcGIS version 10.1 by ESRI with
spatial data from SFD and Google Earth.

Bantengs in this area were surveyed using camera traps in 2016 by

DGFC and are thought to number approximately 51 individuals,
comprising 17 bulls, 14 cows, six calves and 14 unknown individuals
(Gardner and Goossens unpublished). One cow was badly injured by a
snare, which was entangled around her swollen hoof (refer back to
Figure 14). The banteng population was found inhabiting ITP (rubber
plantation) that had been left unmanaged due to the low price of
rubber which had made harvesting uneconomical. They were also
present within swamp and dry lowland forest including the highly
degraded areas within Sugut and Mamahat, and in the degraded
natural forest outside of the Paitan Forest Reserve boundary, which
was previously included in the reserve prior to 2016.

2.3. Central Forest

The Central Forest comprises a large number of Class I and Class II

FMUs managed as ITP, sustainable forest management for timber
production, biodiversity conservation, and educational
purposes/scientific research by different concession-holders. Forest
reserves include Deramakot and Tangkulap managed by the Sabah
Forestry Department, Segaliud-Lokan managed by KTS Plantation
Sdn Bhd, Malua, Ulu Segama, Kuamut, Gunung Rara Forest
Reserves, Maliau Basin and Danum Valley Conservation Areas
managed by Yayasan Sabah, and Sapulut managed by Sapulut Forest
Development Sdn Bhd, to name a few.

Figure 17. Location of the banteng population (including a 5-km buffer)

in the central forest reserves of Sabah, recorded by DGFC between
years 2011-2015, created by P. Gardner using ArcGIS version 10.1 by
ESRI with spatial data from SFD and Google Earth.

Bantengs have been caught on camera trap within Tangkulap,

Deramakot, Segaliud-Lokan and Maliau by a number of researchers,

expeditions and SFD staff over the past few years. Between 2011-
2015 bantengs were located in the following areas by DGFC: Malua,
Kuamut, Maliau, Sapulut, Tangkulap, Deramakot, and Segaliud-Lokan
(Figure 17). Bantengs are also known to occur in Danum, Ulu Segama,
Kalabakan, and possibly Sungai Pinangah but these locations were
not surveyed, thus are not included in the population size estimate.
Bantengs were also confirmed south of the Central Forest, in Ulu
Kalumpang Forest Reserve, by SFD in 2014. Banteng in this area are
thought to number approximately 197 individuals (at least 10
individuals roam between both Malua and Kuamut), comprising 99
bulls, 77 cows and 31 calves (Gardner and Goossens, unpublished).
They were located within natural secondary forest, scrubland and
riparian areas, along abandoned logging roads, and in highly degraded
open areas (old stumping grounds). No cameras were established
within primary forest. Within Malua, the density of bantengs was
estimated at 4.39 (CI= 4.39-4.39) individuals per 100km (Gardner et al.

2.4. Tabin and Kulamba

Tabin and Kulamba Wildlife Reserves are the only two known locations
in the east of Sabah that still contain bantengs. They are Class VII
reserves and thus totally protected against logging, however they were
logged (but very small parts of Kulamba) previously and are in fact
secondary forest. Both forests contain a variety of unique vegetation
including, for Kulamba: beach forest, peat swamp, mixed lowland
dipterocarp forest, freshwater swamp and mangrove, and for Tabin:
nipah palm, mangrove, freshwater swamp, lowland and upland mixed
dipterocarp. Both reserves are managed jointly by SWD and SFD.

Figure 18. Location of the banteng population (including a 5-km buffer)
in the east of Sabah, within Kulamba Wildlife Reserve, and also within
Tabin Wildlife Reserve between years 2011-2015 by DGFC, created
by P. Gardner using ArcGIS version 10.1 by ESRI with spatial data
from SFD and Google Earth.

Bantengs are a well-known occupant of these reserves and have been

observed in Kulamba during heli-surveys and by the police, and in
Tabin on camera traps by a number of researchers over the past few
years. DGFC surveyed bantengs in Tabin between the years 2011-
2012, and conducted a short recce in Kulamba in 2016, but due to time
limitations a full survey was not conducted. Bantengs were located
within the north, east, central and west of Tabin, and in the north of
Kulamba (Figure 18). No estimates are available for Kulamba from this
study, but they are thought to number around 100 individuals (A.
Hamid pers. comm. in Timmins et al. 2008). In Tabin, they are
estimated at approximately 52 individuals. More are known to persist in
swamp in the north but this area was not surveyed using camera traps.
The density of bantengs in Tabin has been estimated at 0.2 (CI= 0.07-
0.6) to 0.6 (CI=0.3-1.1) individuals per 100 km2 (Gardner et al. n.d.).



Action 1.1: Combat banteng poaching
Rationale: There is a need to increase the capacity and effectiveness
of the State‟s agencies in combatting banteng poaching.
Resources available:
1. Existing PROTECT team at SFD.
2. Network of Honorary Wildlife Wardens (under SWD).
3. Enforcement unit at Sabah Foundation focusing on DaMaI
Rainforest Complex.
4. SWD wildlife and enforcement officers.
5. Conservation units by concession holders upholding existing
protocols on forest management.
6. Network of researchers collecting data in the field.

Resources not available:

1. Increase the capacity of PROTECT team with additional rangers
and one crime analyst (intelligence unit using the SMART intelligence
2. Increase the capacity of DaMaI enforcement unit.
3. Improve efficiency of HWW network (systematic HWW training could
be given to security personnel of private sector companies whose
properties are within banteng ranges).

Measures to be taken:
1. Establish SMART patrols across all banteng ranges and standardise
the reporting system and the data base (real time monitoring). There
should be a centralised person that collects and analyses all the data
(based at SWD or SFD headquarters). Ensure proper training in
SMART data entry is given to at least one enforcement officer per site.
2. Hire and train crime analysts, investigators and intelligence
gatherers to use the SMART intelligence platform and train a certified
forensic technician at the Sabah Wildlife Health, Genetic and Forensic
3. Enforcement of gate use and increase of security at access points
by setting up camera traps and increasing the presence of armed
guards. Keys for gates which border forest reserves (i.e. Tabin) should
not be provided to oil palm estates.
4. Assess the level of hunting in Sabah by gathering all poaching
information. For example share data on poaching collected during
camera-trapping surveys. The centralised information should be

provided to the enforcement authorities to target anti-poaching
5. Carry out undercover operations in bushmeat markets.
6. Enforce a zero snaring policy in Sabah‟s protected areas, forest
reserves, forest plantations and oil palm plantations.
7. MoU between oil palm plantations adjacent to protected areas and
enforcement agencies (SFD, SWD) stipulating „no hunting‟ must be
signed and enforced.
8. Pay reward to valid informants leading to prosecution of poachers.
9. Active training programme on self-defence and firearms training to
empower officers and checkpoint personnel or reinstall confidence.
10. Ensure that at least one officer at each site is equipped with a
firearm and the firearm license is continuously updated and kept valid.
11. Ensure that a specific enforcement plan is included in all SFMLAs
to make sure that patrolling is carried out regularly and there is an
annual work plan and a budget to implement the activities.
12. Increase joint patrolling by District-level anti-poaching task force
and constantly update on poachers‟ activities via Whatsapp group.
13. Identify trade routes and modus operandi of poachers/traders and
establish strong collaboration between State Level Wildlife Trade Task
Force and Transboundary Enforcement Network (HoB).

1. One person at SFD or SWD headquarters to compile all SMART
2. Two years for PROTECT and DaMaI enforcement units to be
operational and confident in the use of SMART to document all patrols.
3. Two years to train a crime analyst and an intelligence gathering
team in the use of SMART for queries and the SMART intelligence
4. Two years for at least one officer at each site to be familiar and
confident in the use of SMART for data entry.
5. Three years to train a forensic technician at SWHGFL.

Lead agencies: SFD (PROTECT), SWD (Enforcement team), SF


Partners: WWF-Malaysia (Enforcement team), NGOs (HWW), OPP,


Success measure/indicator:
1. Decrease of poaching and trade in Sabah.

2. Increase of prosecutions of wildlife criminals in Sabah.
3. SMART database established.
4. Data base on enforcement operations established for each
department and shared between departments.
5. Appointment and training of forensic technician for laboratory.
6. Biannual training on firearms and defence.
Action 2.1: Set up a captive breeding program in Sabah
Rationale: The number of wild bantengs is less than 500, making the
species the most endangered large mammal in Sabah. A captive
breeding program to boost the number of bantengs in Sabah is
therefore of great importance.
Priority: 10 years

Lead agencies: SFD, SWD


Measures to be taken:
1. Establish a small committee of experts (in cattle, pasture, large
mammal capture) for putting together a plan and identify the different
2. Identify successful captive breeding programs in Asia and learn from
them (training, BGSMP).
3. Identify a suitable location for the establishment of a captive
breeding facility.
4. Prepare a budget and secure funding for infrastructure, required
personnel (veterinarian, husbandry, administration), etc.
5. Plan and deliver training programmes through knowledge-exchange
on techniques covering husbandry, movement, capture, breeding, etc.
6. Identify a suitable population where harvesting of individuals may
not be too detrimental or individuals that are currently very vulnerable.
7. Evaluate suitable methods of capture.
8. Implement capture procedures.

Success measure/indicator:
1. A network of international and local specialists and stakeholders is
2. Funding is secured for training, appropriate facilities and location.
3. Staff are trained in captive breeding techniques.
4. Facilities are secured and husbandry protocols are in place prior to
stock arrival.

5. Suitable capture methods are agreed and implemented.
6. Individuals are secured from wild population.
7. Molecular description and screening of individuals is conducted to
avoid inbreeding and disease.
8. Initiate breeding or IVF program.
9. Healthy offspring are produced.
Action 2.2: Cryopreservation of gametes and cell culture
Rationale: Cryopreservation is a method whereby cells are frozen,
maintaining their viability, until they are defrosted months or years
later. Cryopreservation provides a source of genetic material that can
help sustain genetic diversity long-term and can be used to produce
living animals in the future. Semen and embryos produced in vitro can
be cryopreserved.
Priority: 10 years

Lead agency: SWD

Partners: UMS, BORA, SaBC

Success measure/indicator: Banteng tissue is cryopreserved.

Action 3.1: Prevent any loss and degradation of suitable habitat
(open grassy and sedge areas and forest shade) for bantengs.
Any area with presence of bantengs must be managed
sustainably by developing and maintaining pastures within and
near the home ranges of the existing herds.
Rationale: Improving the habitat for bantengs can drastically improve
the future prospect of the species. Maintaining pastures in banteng
habitat will provide enough quality food to increase their productivity.
Maintaining forest will provide shade and protection.
Priority: 10 years

Lead agencies: SFD, SF, SFI

Success measure/indicator: An increase of pastures in banteng

Action 4.1: Identify potential connectivity within and between
banteng regional management units and establish connectivity
within and between regional management units.

Rationale: Small populations are more likely to go extinct; keeping
them connected increases likelihood of persistence, allows for rescue
of declining populations through immigration, and promotes long-term
genetic viability.
Priority: 10 years

Lead agencies: SFD, SF, SFI

Recommendation: Use the information published in Lim et al. in

press: Oil palm development threatens the endangered Bornean
banteng in Sabah, Malaysia. Oryx.

Success measure/indicator: (East) Tabin Wildlife Reserve and

Kulamba Wildlife Reserve are reconnected. (North) Paitan Forest
Reserve is reconnected with Sugut. (Central) Connectivity is
established within central forest reserves, and efforts are ongoing to
reconnect (West) Sipitang to central forest reserves.
Action 5.1: Assess the level of hunting in Sabah by gathering all
poaching information and carry out undercover operations in
bushmeat markets.
Rationale: We need to get a better understanding of hunting and the
threats to banteng by gathering poaching data.
Priority: 2 years

Lead agencies: SWD, SFD, UMS, DGFC, WWF-Malaysia, SaBC

Success measure/indicator: Poaching data are collected.

Action 5.2: Carry out a risk assessment of the presence of
domestic cattle and potential hybrids within and around protected
areas (Kalabakan Forest Reserve, Tabin and Kulamba Wildlife
Rationale: Interspecific hybridization can result in the disintegration of
genetic integrity and the loss of native genetic variation or locally
adapted gene complexes (genetic swamping). In addition, the
presence of hybrid animals in remaining populations of threatened
species may result in legal challenges to their protected status.
Consequently, interspecific hybridization has become an increasingly
important issue in species management. It is therefore important to
carry out an assessment of potential hybridization in the wild banteng

population and correctly identify individuals or populations with hybrid
Priority: 2 years

Lead agencies: UMS, SWD, DVS, UMS, SWHGFL, SaBC

Success measure/indicator: Locate all known/suspected hybrid

herds and ensure they are segregated from wild populations by
containment/fencing/capture/relocate to secure habitat absent of wild
Action 6.1: Disseminate awareness materials on banteng to
relevant stakeholders in the vicinity of the protected areas (local
communities, oil palm workers).
Rationale: The level of awareness about banteng and wildlife
conservation within the local communities and oil palm workers in the
vicinity of protected areas is very low. It is important to disseminate
information about wildlife laws within local communities and oil palm
Priority: 10 years

Lead agencies: SWD, SFD, SF, SEEN, DGFC, BSBCC, HUTAN,


Success measure/indicator:
1. Community outreach/education programmes contain up-to-date
information, images and props on bantengs and their conservation.
2. The number of community outreach programmes in areas
containing bantengs are increased.
3. New locations are targeted by the outreach programme
(communities, schools, and oil palm company management).
Action 6.2: Use banteng as a conservation icon for protected
areas such as Sipitang Forest Reserve, Maliau Basin, Kulamba
Wildlife Reserve, Paitan and Sugut Forest Reserves.
Rationale: Protected areas such as Sipitang Forest Reserve, Kulamba
Wildlife Reserve, Paitan and Sugut Forest Reserves in which the
banteng is the largest mammal present, would benefit from adopting
the banteng as a conservation icon.
Priority: 2 years

Actors responsible: SF, SFI, SFD, SWD

Success measure/Indicator: Sipitang Forest Reserve (and SFI),
Paitan and Sugut Forest Reserves adopt the banteng as a
conservation icon and promote conservation of the species in the
Action 6.3: Instigate and promote a World Banteng Day.
Rationale: Sabah could instigate a World Banteng Day to recognize
the national conservation efforts to protect this charismatic species and
its habitat.
Priority: 1 year

Actors responsible: SWD, SFD, SF, AWCSG

Success measure/Indicator: A World Banteng Day is identified and

celebrated every year in Sabah. An alternative event could be a one-
off „Year of the Banteng‟ in 2021 to coincide with the Chinese Year of
the Ox. Promotion of the species could be done with real-life
decorative models of bantengs for hashtag selfies (photos) and wildlife
information leaflets or information board, and these could travel
throughout Sabah visiting the airports, towns and cities. Additionally,
local competitions could be set up with prizes (potentially advertised
through local newspapers and outreach programmes, Kota Kinabalu
Museum, visitors through airports etc) which encourage the community
and visitors to get involved, such as (e.g.) drawing a picture of a
banteng to send it and displayed at a prominent location, writing a
story, sending in a photograph of a banteng.
Action 7.1: Set up an Endangered Species Conservation Unit
(ESCU) that will monitor the implementation of all
action/conservation plans on totally protected (Schedule 1)
terrestrial species in Sabah: elephant, banteng, proboscis
monkey, orangutan, Sunda clouded leopard, Malayan sun bear
and Sunda pangolin.
Rationale: Sabah Wildlife Department, the custodian of wildlife in
Sabah, need assistance to implement these endangered species
action plans. ESCU will provide manpower and expertise to monitor
the implementation of the action plans, meet with the different
stakeholders and prepare the annual reports and mid-term reviews for
each action plan.
Priority: 10 years

Lead agency: SWD

Partners: NGOs, DGFC, UMS

Success measure/indicator: The action plan is implemented. A short

review is carried out every year by ESCU. A mid-term review is drafted
after 5 years by ESCU.


4.1. Sipitang

The Sipitang banteng population is the only population located in the

west coast of Sabah, it is a small population (minimum of 42
individuals), completely isolated from the Central Forest population. It
is therefore critical to make every effort to boost numbers in Sipitang
and to increase enforcement as poaching is one of the main threats to
the population. See Figure 19 for a photograph of bantengs in

Action 1. Prevent poaching of banteng by increasing patrolling in the

forest reserve and its vicinity, prohibiting hunters to enter the reserve
(including in 4x4) and increasing road blocks/checkpoints inside and
outside the reserve (many poachers are coming from large cities such
as Kota Kinabalu, Keningau, etc).

Action 2. Make every effort to maintain connectivity within Sipitang

Forest Reserve and to reestablish connectivity with the Central Forest

Action 3. Map the current land use in the reserve in order to provide
accurate information on habitat quality and any illegal encroachment
and development projects. This work could be initiated by SFI, DGFC
and SFD and could begin immediately by using hunting information
collected in 2014 by DGFC. Profiles of specific vehicles and hunters
within the reserve may be created from camera trap images by DGFC
to supply evidence for enforcement and prosecution by SFI and SFD.

Action 4: Establish and monitor (using camera traps) artificial salt licks
at critical areas.

Action 5: Establish a population monitoring program to gather

information on population size dynamic, breeding evidence, sex-ratio
and threats. This constant monitoring could be established by SFD and
SFI with assistance from DGFC or UMS.

Action 6: Collect genetic samples from Sipitang Forest Reserve to

complete the phylogeographic assessment of the banteng populations

in Sabah. Locations of potential collection sites and collection
techniques to be used can be provided by DGFC.

Action 7: Make every effort to boost naturally the population size in the
reserve by preventing the loss of the existing banteng population.
Install robust and lockable manned and unmanned gates to prevent
unwanted vehicle access to compartments occupied by banteng that
were identified by DGFC. Knowledge exchange to ensure the most
appropriate gates are installed for each situation to prevent wasted
resources. If a captive breeding program is established, consider
Sipitang population as a sink population.

Action 8: Establish transboundary collaboration with Sarawak and

potentially Kalimantan to carry out joint monitoring, sharing information
and enhance protection of wildlife.

Action 9: Conduct a wildlife expedition to South Sipitang along the

Indonesia/Malaysia border to investigate the possibility of a banteng
refuge in this secluded region, and to identify if there is transboundary
movement of bantengs.

Action 10: Explore the potential for a grassroots ecotourism initiative

on bantengs within Sipitang between SFI and Long Mio and Long
Pasia, using existing tourism programme and tourists channelled from
Kota Kinabalu.

Action 11: Empowerment of multiple SFI staff by undergoing firearms

training for enforcement purposes to reinforce Action 1.

Figure 19. A herd of bantengs in Sipitang Forest Reserve.

4.2. Paitan and Sugut

The Paitan-Sugut banteng population is totally isolated from Sabah’s

other banteng populations and it is unlikely that connectivity can be re-
established. See Figure 20 for a photograph of bantengs in Paitan. It is
therefore critical to make every effort to boost numbers in Paitan-Sugut
population by:

Action 1. Prevent poaching of bantengs by increasing patrolling in the

two forest reserves and especially within Paitan (Ecoplantation
concession), Sugut (Ecoplantation concession) and in and around
Mamahat Forest Reserve. Increase road blocks on Jalan Tikus and
logging roads.

Action 2. Map out all oil palm plantation roads and old logging roads in
the area for a better monitoring of poaching activities by the
stakeholders (SFD, Forest Solutions Malaysia). Alternate or
complimentary option could include remote mapping of roads using
drones and/or satellite imagery.

Action 3. Establish a network of monitoring cameras (potentially MMS
cameras in areas with network signal) for stakeholders to collect
information on encroachment and hunting activities, and consequently
to make informed decisions on enforcement.

Action 4. Promote and increase consultations with villagers through

regular meetings with community committees to promote protection of
the reserves. Increase patrols by stakeholders in the two protected

Action 5. It is currently unknown whether animals move between

Paitan and Sugut Forest Reserves. It is therefore critical to promote
connectivity between Paitan and Sugut Forest Reserves, which is
currently broken by Kanibongan-Sapi Nangoh Road and an unsealed
road maintained for palm oil companies and villagers. Initiate talks
between stakeholders (SFD, concession holders, SWD and other
stakeholders) to discuss potential options (e.g. culvert, roadside
replanting for additional cover, small bridges, and rope bridges as
viable option for arboreal wildlife).

Action 6. Use and develop abandoned logging roads as managed

pastures. Plant species that colonise pasture grass should be
identified. Artificial salt licks should be established and monitored at
critical areas.

Action 7. Establish a population monitoring program to gather

information on population size dynamic, breeding evidence, sex-ratio,
threats. This constant monitoring could be established by SFD with
assistance from DGFC or UMS.

Action 8. Develop activities/incentives for local communities in order to

decrease poaching and reducing the need to hunt for food (tuhau
plantation, swiftlet farming, stingless bees project, etc).

Action 9: Regular patrolling, ambushing and road blocks along Nangoh

Paitan Kanibongan Road (between Kampung Paitan and simpan Jalan
Kaniongan): hunters often park their cars overnight along the roadside
whist they hunt inside Paitan Forest Reserve, and also occasionally
excavate access for vehicles into the reserve from this road.

Action 10: Regular undercover monitoring of Kanibongan weekly
market for banteng meat but also for other wildlife products.

Action 11: Initiate an ecotourism initiative for Paitan-Sugut that

encourages footfall of tourists to this area interested in nature, with the
banteng as a key attraction. Other potential attractions are bird
spotting, jungle walks, sleeping under the stars in Trusan Sugut
observation tower, river cruises, prawn fishing along the rivers, a
homestay programme, visits to the local schools. Handicrafts, food-
tasting and local cooking classes could be alternate ecotourism
avenues to increase income in this particularly poor area of Sabah.

Figure 20. Bantengs in Paitan Forest Reserve. ©DGFC/SWD

4.3. Central Forest

The Central Forest population is the largest in Sabah with a minimum

of 197 individuals. See Figure 21 for a photo of bantengs in Segaliud-
Lokan Forest Reserve. The major threats are poaching and habitat
disturbance and fragmentation.

Action 1. Prevent poaching of bantengs by increasing patrolling in
hotspot areas such as the buffer zone of Maliau Basin Conservation
Area, Kalabakan, Ulu Segama, Kuamut and Pinangah Forest
Reserves. Prevent poaching access to the Maliau Basin Conservation
Area Buffer Zones by installing barriers to limit parking opportunities
along the highway, especially in and around entry points to Sungai
Kuamut near the Maliau Basin Security Gate. Regular documentation
of car models/makes/plate numbers parked overnight in these areas
with this information used for investigations and crime analysis.

Action 2. Prevent any process that would further fragment the habitat
of the banteng populations between Sapulut Forest Reserve and
Maliau Basin Conservation Area. Make every effort to minimize the
impact of the Pan Borneo Highway on the banteng population in
Sapulut Forest Reserve by designing and establishing animal
crossings such as culverts, tunnels or bridges. Engage with JKR
engineers during the design and alignment of the Pan Borneo Highway
in sensitive banteng areas. Prevent important roadside banteng
grazing areas to be used during the road construction process.

Action 3. Make every effort to maintain connectivity within Central


Action 4. Investigate the movement of bantengs within forests

containing a mosaic of mature natural forests and ITPs, particularly
rubber, acacia and eucalyptus plantations where bantengs are known
to occur.

Action 5. Cease camping of contractors (logging and road excavators,

etc) within the forest and along forest roads, and relocate to
designated houses to prevent hunting.

Action 6. Identify critical open areas (grassland) for bantengs and

establish a zoning for grassland in protected areas.

Action 7. Establish a state-wide camera trapping survey for banteng at

salt licks and compare visitation rates between artificial and natural salt
licks. Investigate the possibility to increase the number of artificial salt
licks in critical areas for banteng.

Action 8. Design proper and feasible methods for banteng population


Action 9. Establish transboundary collaboration with East Kalimantan
to assess whether banteng cross between Sabah and Kalimantan, and
whether there is any intrusion of foreign poachers within Sabah.

Action 10. Share the action plan with all SFMLA, local communities
and estate holders in the vicinity of Central Forest area.

Action 11. Collect evidence of hybridization between domestic cattle

and banteng and ban presence of domestic cattle nearby banteng
populations. If necessary, cull any hybrid/feral cattle that can be in
contact with the wild population of banteng or isolate them from the
wild population.

Action 12: Design a series of guidelines/protocols within the

sustainable logging remit that take further steps to reduce the impact
upon banteng and other mammals within commercial forests. Evaluate
these methods by trials in a small number of reserves.

Action 13: Increase the information on bantengs available for tourists

and visitors within information buildings, nature lodges and study
centres within the central reserve by knowledge-sharing with
stakeholders. Instigate discussions with same stakeholders on ways to
increase banteng nature-tourism and awareness.

Figure 21. Bantengs in Segaliud-Lokan Forest Reserve. ©DGFC/SWD

4.4 Tabin and Kulamba Wildlife Reserves

Tabin and Kulamba Wildlife Reserves are the only locations in the
south-east of Sabah that harbour banteng. Both reserves are currently
connected but only by a thin tree line along a riparian corridor, which is
unable to provide sufficient cover for bantengs. Both reserves are
disconnected from the other populations in Sabah. See Figure 22 for a
photo of a banteng bull in Tabin. Tabin harbours a minimum of 52
individuals (although the whole reserve has not been surveyed) and
Kulamba harbours a minimum of 100 individuals.

Action 1: Develop and maintain pastures within and near the home
ranges of the existing banteng herds, so they have enough quality food
to increase their productivity and range.

Action 2. Prevent any process that would further fragment the habitat
of the banteng populations within and between Tabin and Kulamba
Wildlife Reserves such as roads and new oil palm plantations. A strict
ban on any road development must be instigated by the government.

Action 3: Re-establish connectivity between Tabin and Kulamba

Wildlife Reserves by acquiring, protecting and restoring (with pastures)
approximately 1,000 ha of blocking oil palm estates.

Action 4. Prevent any poaching of banteng in the two reserves by: 1.

Increase the number of SMART patrolling and trained/armed rangers
in the two reserves; 2. Prevent issuing licenses for hunting around the
two reserves; 3. Increase road blocks. 4. Install a check point and
small house by main west gate, and man this check point and lock the
gate at night. 5. Repair SWD house/station in Kg. Dagat and increase
officer presence and patrolling activity in this area. 6. Increase
patrolling activity and presence in east Tabin, with checks on markets
within Felda Sahabat Plantation for banteng bushmeat.

Action 5. Hybridization and transfer of disease from domestic cattle.

Survey, monitor and identify domestic cattle and hybrids in the wild
using drone and camera trapping. Removal of these animals by Sabah
Wildlife Department. Raise awareness among cattle holders. Erect
well-planned barriers to separate domestic cattle and wild banteng.

Action 6: Identify and provide livelihood programs for the local
communities surrounding the two reserves. Integrate the local
communities into the security concept by training and entrusting
Honorary Wildlife Wardens.

Action 7. Increase awareness of the species by: 1. Distribute current

outreach community outreach/education programmes with information
and resources on banteng conservation. 2. Delivery this programme to
areas including Kg. Dagat, Felda Sahabat Plantation (workers,
management and security staff), local rural schools and other
communities including newly established plantations in north Tabin. 3.
Engage with local nature lodges to provide information and resources
on bantengs to educate tourists on their presence and critical status. 4.
Evaluate the potential for SWD to deliver small but frequent banteng
walk/night spotting/talk within Tabin to tourists to increase awareness,
increase footfall to Tabin, and to attempt securing ongoing funds for
banteng conservation.

Figure 22. A banteng bull in Tabin. ©DGFC/SWD


5.1. BBAP implementation

This is a 10-year action plan (2019-2028). In order for this plan to

achieve its ultimate objective of securing the future of the Bornean
banteng in Sabah, all recommendations should be evaluated by SWD
and endorsed by the Sabah State Cabinet.

The implementation of the BBAP remains the responsibility of SWD.

However, assistance from other relevant government departments
such as SFD, SF and SP will be provided.

It is proposed that a SPECIES ACTION PLAN COMMITTEE led by

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment is created, consisting of
members from relevant NGOs, research institutions and government
departments that will assess the implementation for each species
action plan (elephant, orangutan, proboscis monkey, Sunda clouded
leopard, Bornean banteng and any future action plans (sun bear,
pangolin,…)). The relevant NGOs in Sabah are namely: HUTAN,
LEAP, WWF-Malaysia, SET, PACOS,…. The relevant research
institutions in Sabah are namely: UMS, SEAARP and DGFC. The
relevant government departments in Sabah are namely: SFD, SF, SP,

5.2. BBAP monitoring and evaluation

On a yearly basis, an overview and analysis of progress will be

produced by SWD and circulated to the relevant government
departments and stakeholders. A mid-term review will be carried out at
the end of 2023 (five years) by SWD with the assistance of the main
stakeholders. The plan will be fully reviewed and rewritten at the end of
2028 (10 years). SWD will be assisted by the ENDANGERED
SPECIES CONSERVATION UNIT that will be set up in 2019, providing
that funding is obtained.

5.3. BBAP budget

Enforcement unit RM20,000,000 for

10 years

Captive breeding RM3,840,000 for

5 years

Endangered Species Conservation Unit RM10,000,000 for

10 years

AWCSG Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group

BBAP Bornean Banteng Action Plan
BORA Borneo Rhino Alliance
BSBCC Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
CPSG Conservation Planning Specialist Group
DaMaI Danum Valley-Maliau Basin-Imbak Canyon
DGFC Danau Girang Field Centre
DID Department of Irrigation and Drainage
DVS Department of Veterinary Services
EPD Environment Protection Department
ESCU Endangered Species Conservation Unit
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
FMU Forest Management Unit
FR Forest Reserves
HWW Honorary Wildlife Warden
ITP Industrial Tree Plantation
JKR Jabatan Kerja Raya (Malaysian Public Works
KOCP Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation
LEAP Land Empowerment Animals People
MAFI Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries
OPP Oil Palm Plantations
PHVA Population and Habitat Viability Analysis
SEAARP South East Asia Rainforest Research
SEEN Sabah Environmental Education Network
SET Sabah Environmental Trust
SF Sabah Foundation
SFI Sabah Forest Industries
SFD Sabah Forestry Department
SFMLA Sustainable Forest Management Licence
SLSD Sabah Lands and Surveys Department
SP Sabah Parks
SWD Sabah Wildlife Department
SWHGFL Sabah Wildlife Health, Genetic and Forensic
UMS Universiti Malaysia Sabah
YSD Yayasan Sime Darby


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1. Professor Michael Bruford, Cardiff University

2. Dr Benoit Goossens, Cardiff University and Danau Girang Field Centre
3. Dr Penny Gardner, Danau Girang Field Centre
4. Dr Luke Evans, Carnegie Institution for Science and Danau Girang Field
5. Associate Professor Abdul Hamid Ahmad, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
6. Dr Ramesh Boonratana, Mahidol University
7. Dr Naris Bhampakhan, Kasetsart University
8. Dr Hisashi Matsubayashi, Tokyo University of Agriculture
9. Indra Sunjoto, Sabah Forestry Department
10. Peter Malim, Sabah Wildlife Department
11. Dr Nicola Abram, Living Landscape Alliance
12. Dr Marc Ancrenaz, HUTAN/KOCP
13. Dr Rahimatsah Amat, Sabah Environmental Trust
14. Dr Zainal Zainuddin, Borneo Rhino Alliance
15. Sharon Koh, WWF-Malaysia
16. Robert Risch, Rhino and Forest Fund
17. Dr Carl Traeholt, Copenhagen Zoo
18. Hariyawan A. Wahyudi, Copenhagen Zoo Baluran Programme
19. Peter Riger, Houston Zoo
20. Dr Prum Sovanna, Sreport Wildlife Sanctuary
21. Iman Sapari, Yayasan Orangutan
22. Lucy Peter Liaw, Danau Girang Field Centre
23. Nur Alwanie Binti Maruji, Danau Girang Field Centre
24. Lim Hong Ye, Danau Girang Field Centre
25. Simon Leak, Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Challenge Fund
26. Nazlin Amirudin, Yayasan Sime Darby
27. Muhammad Hafizzudin Mohd Arif, Yayasan Sime Darby
28. Audrey Adella Umbol, Danau Girang Field Centre

Figure 23. Technical Working Group members.



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